#hit me up if any of you get cancelled and need a sarcastic fanfiction in your defence. I take requests
radiomagdalene · 9 months
In honour of the untimely death of our beloved @andhyssops, I aim to posthumously absolve the proposed charges with a fanfiction. This is evidence - nay, this is the UNWAVERING TRUTH - that ‘This is Not a Love Letter’ is, in fact, not a love letter. No sinful feelings were involved in the making of this fanfiction.
I must first warn you that the following contains REFERENCES to EMOTIONS that one may have when happy, sad, alive, dead, excited, bored, or in LOVE. It also contains a BED, which is an object that has been used at least once in history for INAPPROPRIATE ACTIVITIES.
If you have ever encountered any such sinful things (to elaborate: good feelings; bad feelings; neutral feelings; beds; coats; ties; nightstands; onomatopoeia relating to explosions; beds), I ask that you NEVER look at me as I think you are STRANGE. You have DEPRAVED IDEAS and I don’t appreciate them very much.
“You weren’t sweet-talking me,” Quackity says, pulling his tie loose, tugging it over his head, tossing it haphazardly across the room. He moves with a subtle sort of grace, Wilbur notices, that he must have taught himself. Wilbur can’t imagine when he would’ve made time for such a thing - dead on his feet in Manburg? Working in whatever frail nation Tubbo ran? In the strange months in between, the ones Wilbur still doesn’t understand?
Maybe it was here, in his frozen desert wasteland. Maybe Quackity decided, this is what will get me through, and forced his fighting hands elegant and still.
“No.” Wilbur sits on Quackity’s bed, feels it dip beneath him - he’s so tired, so worn, and still the air is electric. He pictures sparks coming off Quackity, white-hot and ionising; even in his imagination, he can’t see himself leaning away. “Not in the slightest.”
“Mm. You’re not… doing this for fun. Trying to get an advantage.” Quackity leans in close, presses his hand to Wilbur’s. “You’re not playing games with me, are you, Wilbur?”
“I can’t,” Wilbur murmurs. “I don’t think can anymore.”
“Huh.” Quackity’s hand travels up his arm like summer - like dusk, like roads still sun-warmed in the dead of night. “I don’t believe you.”
Wilbur’s breath hitches. “You - you don’t - what?”
He talks all slow and clear, like Wilbur’s a child. “I said,” and his hand comes to rest at Wilbur’s neck, thumb over his pulse point, “I don’t believe you.” Defence rises bright and prickly in Wilbur’s chest, as if his lungs are preparing for the shouting-match to come, but Quackity continues, “There’s no evidence.”
“I’m here, aren’t I?” It’s… so stupid. Too desperate. Whiny, almost. He looks away, reels himself in enough to keep his voice steady as he says, “I’ve been with you all night. I meant it, you know, everything I -”
“Sure.” Quackity pats his arm twice, then stands up so abruptly that Wilbur startles.
“Where are you going?”
“Just have to get something.” Quackity walks around the bed to the nightstand, depositing a piece of paper - Wilbur’s letter - in exchange for a little box. “Cards,” he explains.
Wilbur smiles hesitantly as Quackity returns to sit next to him. “You’re really playing up the powerful casino owner bit, here.”
“Oh, Wilbur.” Quackity grins, sharp as a knife’s edge, and empties the box of cards on the blanket. They scatter beneath him, each with a strangely cartoonish drawing of a person. “I’m not playing.”
“Old Maid?” Wilbur whispers, bewildered.
“Old Maid,” Quackity echoes, collecting the cards and dealing them one by one.
No sex ever occurs, ever.
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itsybitsyatiny · 4 years
The other side of the man/ Song Mingi x reader
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I don’t own this pic, credits to the originals source
Mingi x female!reader
summary: Mingi feels the need to show you that every man has two sides
warnings: nothing really, some curse words maybe and a little smut at the end...oh and my bad english since it’s not my first language lol
a/n: This is my first attempt at writing Ateez Fanfiction so please be gentle with me haha. I’m open for any requestes. I hope you enjoy!
 Completely drenched by the rain, y/n stood in the elevator and was on her way to the sixth floor. The rain dripped from her clothes and caused a tiny puddle on the floor of the elevator. She stared blankly in front of her and just thought about finally coming home, being able to shower and lying down in bed. The work had been awfull and she had often been about to hit a customer in the face. Her job was the reason she hated a lot of people, it wasn't easy as a waitress. Her phone vibrated and as she lowered her eyes she discovered a new message from her sister. She rolled her eyes immediately, knowing what was going on. Almost a week ago, her sister got engaged to her boyfriend and now she would throw a huge party to show everyone how great she was and rub it into everybody’s face. Y/n opened the message and found a cheesy party invitation, just thinking about it made her feel sick. The relationship with her sister was not good at all. Since she was a child, her sister had to be in the spotlight and constantly draw attention. Y/n had always hated going to parties just to make her sister feel superior. She decided not to reply to the message yet and put her phone back in her pocket. The elevator doors opened and she stepped into the hall. She sighed in relief when she opened the door to her apartment and was able to get out of her uncomfortable shoes. It was pleasantly warm in the hallway, the heating seemed to be working again. She stroked the wet strands of hair from her face and dropped her jacket and bag before coming into the living room and stopping in the door frame. Three men sat next to each other on the couch, focused on their video game. The small table in front of the couch was full of snacks, pizza boxes, and a few bottles of beer. She looked at her boyfriend Mingi with whom she had been living in this apartment for 2 years. He didn't seem to notice her presence before she cleared her throat and folded her arms over her chest. When he turned his head his face brightened and he started to smile. "Hey!" Y/n didn't answer, instead gave his friends a quick hello with a tired smile and went into the bedroom. She wasn't in the mood for small talk, she was soaked, pissed off, tired and didn't want to show his friends how bad her day was. She was just getting some clothes out of the closet so that she could change immediately after the shower when Mingi also came into the room. "You ok?” He asked her concerned and came closer. "Don't expect me to clear the dirt in the living room." She growled annoyed and looked at him angrily. He smiled slightly and cocked his head "Bad day?" She looked at him warningly and sighed wearily. "My day was absolutely shitty, everything hurts." She murmured and grimaced. He clicked his tongue and pulled her into a tight hug. "And you're wet." he said, amused, and stroked her wet hair. "Yeah no shit." She said annoyed and pushed him away from her. He laughed and pulled her back to him "My poor baby. Come take a shower, I'll clean up and kick the boys out." He suggested and kissed her cheek briefly. "No, it's okay. They don’t have to leave on my account," she said, shaking her head. But Mingi was already back in the living room. She shrugged and went to the bathroom. The shower had done well, she felt much better and was happy to finally wear sweatpants and a comfortable T-shirt. She dried her hair with a towel when she came into the living room and looked around with big eyes. He hadn't promised too much, the table was tidy and the couch was empty. He was sitting on the couch looking at his cell phone. "Wow." She was impressed and sat next to him on the couch. "Surprised?" He asked her smiling and poked her in the side. "A little, after all, you're the biggest mess I know." He smiled and pulled her against him with his arm. "Look at this." He handed her his cell phone where a video was open. It showed his good friend San how he had a dance battle with a toy robot in a shop. She could hear Mingi's laugh in the background and sometimes saw the camera shake. She smiled as she leaned her head against his shoulder. Suddenly she noticed an unpleasant smell and wrinkled her nose. When she raised her head again, she saw a stain on his shirt and raised an eyebrow "This needs to be washed." He frowned and smelled "Really?" She made a disgusted face and shook her head. "You're disgusting." She said and slapped him on the shoulder. "You're disgusting." He mimicked her words in a high voice and pouted before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her back towards him. "Mingi, stop!" She squealed but his grip was too strong. He pushed her into the couch and started tickling her, it didn't take long for her to start laughing. "Better?" He asked after a while and stopped tickling her. He laid between her legs and looked down at her. She took a deep breath and smiled, "You almost choked me but yes, I'm better." She said cheekily and pinched his arm. "Ouch!" Grinning, he shook his head and leaned down to put his lips to her neck. He pressed a gentle kiss on her skin before taking a deep breath and blowing against her neck. It sounded like a fart and y/n cried out in alarm. Mingi laughed out loud and raised his head again. She already blushed with laughter and then shook her head "You are the biggest child I know." "I thought I was the biggest mess?" "You are a messy child." She sighed and rubbed his red hair. She loved this hair color, it suited him. Her stomach growled and Mingi looked at her questioningly. "Is there someone hungry?" "Very much. Have you left some pizza?" "Sure, I'll get you something." He jumped up and ran into the kitchen. She straightened up and stroked her hair before tossing him a loving smile. Her cell phone rang, she knew who was calling her. She groaned loudly and felt for her phone. "Hey." She said dryly. "You didn't respond to my invitation." Her sister said and y/n rolled her eyes. "I was working all day." "So you can answer me now? Are you coming?" She sighed and chewed on her lip. "Sure, Mingi and I are looking forward to it." She said sarcastically. "You bring Mingi with you?" "Yes of course." "Oh." "Got a problem?" "Don’t you think he’d feel uncomfortable? Jim's friends are all a little fancier and very formal. Does he even own a suit?” y/n could feel her tense up and her jaw tightened. "Does that mean Mingi isn't as classy as your friends?" "No, that’s not what I mean. He's just ... well you know what I mean. Of course he is invited too but I don't want you two to feel weird." She shook her head in disbelief and knew exactly what her sister's problem was. Mingi was a clown, he had a lot of humor and was not a stuck up snob like her friends. Her sister was just afraid that he would embarrass her. “Whatever, see you at the party.” She ended the call and threw her cell phone back on the sofa. "Bitch." She cursed furiously and leaned against the couch. "Huh, kinky. But I like it.” Mingi said impressed as he set down a plate of pizza in front of her and handed her a bottle of beer. She smiled briefly and shook her head "No not you. My sister’s a bitch. She invited us to her engagement party." "How dare she?" He asked, shocked, and sat next to y/n. "You know her, her and her friends are all snobby. I'm already looking for an excuse so we can cancel." "I never say no to a party, let's go." He said and shrugged. Y/n laughed and shook her head "Trust me, you don’t want this." She assured him and drank from her beer. "Why not? I know your sister." "Yes, but you don't know all of her friends. It gets really boring, everyone has to come in a suit, behave politely and blah blah blah." She said annoyed and grimaced. Mingi chuckled "That shouldn't be a problem for me, I'm the perfect gentleman." He said proudly before he accidentally knocked his beer over. "Fuck" he cursed and ran to the kitchen to get a towel. “Yeah, the perfect Gentleman.” Y/n mumbled under her breath and took a bite from her pizza. After clearing the puddle, he cleared his throat and looked at her with a nervous smile. "You trust me, do you? "What do you mean?" "Do you think I will embarrass you at the party?" "No, of course not, but my sister believes that. You know how she is." Y/n rolled her eyes. He nodded but his smile disappeared. "But you know I can be a gentleman too, right?" "You have enough qualities. You are funny, caring and you always make me laugh, that's all that matters to me." She assured him and kissed him on the lips. He smiled weakly but her words had unsettled him. Did everyone really think he was just a silly clown? "You got more video of San embarrassing himself in public?" She asked with a grin and leaned against his shoulder. Mingi smiled tightly and swallowed hard before nodding and handing her his phone.
 The day of the party came faster than y/n liked. She had to go through a few hard days at work before the big evening came. She had bought a nice dress so as not to get a stupid comment. She had told Mingi to just put on a white shirt and jeans. She didn't care what her sister thought of him. She preferred someone like Mingi over a stupid wannabe James Bond like her sister’s fiancé. As she changed in the bedroom, she looked worriedly at the clock and wondered where Mingi was. They would have to leave in 15 Minutes and he still wasn't home. She decided to call him and waited impatiently. However, he did not answer his phone. Instead, a short message came from him that irritated her. "Meet you there, xxx.“ She frowned and wondered what could be the reason that they couldn't drive together. She would ask him at the party. She looked at herself in the mirror and felt uncomfortable. This dress, the high heels and the make up. She felt strange as if she weren't herself. She had hoped that they would still be able to avoid the party. She dreamed of staying on the couch, eating burgers, and watching a funny movie. She sighed and couldn't wait for the evening to be over. She reached for her keys and purse before leaving the apartment. She took a cab since Mingi got the car. When she arrived at her sister's house and saw the many people, she thought about just leaving. Instead, she took a deep breath and decided to get through this evening in order not to grant her sister this triumph. When she came into the house, she saw a security man. Of course, her sister had to hire security to take care of the invitations and to take her jackets and coats from the guests. Y/n gave him a polite smile before picking up the phone and looking for a new message from Mingi. "Where are you?" She wrote him a message and looked around nervously. She knew a few people but was aware what they all thought of her. For her sister's friends, she had always been the little girl. She made her way through the hall and came into the kitchen where she discovered her sister. "Hey, I'm so glad you're here." Y/n just smiled wryly and nodded silently. "I'm still waiting for Mingi, he's a little late." "Oh, Mingi’s here. He’s in the garden with Jim.” “He is what?” "I don't know what you said to him, but it worked. You never said that he’s fluent in spanish." Y/n looked at her sister in confusion. Who was she talking about? "Mingi is already here?" She asked, puzzled, and frowned. "Sure, in the garden. I have to go to a couple of friends who want to see my ring." Her sister reached out and presented her engagement ring to y/n. However, y/n was distracted. She gave her a short compliment and then went into the large garden where more people were waiting for her. There was a buffet, some music and a bartender was at the house bar to mix cocktails. She paid little attention to what was happening. Instead, she looked around for her boyfriend and prepared to attack him with a thousand questions. "Y/n!" When she turned her head, she saw her parents standing at a table. "You look great." Her mother said when she came to them and greeted them. "Thank you, mom." Y/n said with a smile and continued to look around. "Have you-" "May I?" When y/n turned around, her jaw dropped. Mingi had come to them and was carrying two glasses in his hands. He handed one of them to her father and then kissed y/n on the cheek. She looked at him with wide eyes. His red hair was darker than usual. He was wearing a black suit with a black tie and white shirt. A polite smile was on his face and he smelled pleasantly of perfume. She eyed him in wonder and wondered who this man was? He looked incredibly good but she had never seen him like this before. She only knew him in ripped jeans, hoodies or T-shirts. "Mingi told us you had trouble at work. You really should quit." Her mother cocked her head and looked at her. Y/n swallowed hard and looked at Mingi in surprise, "Yes, I really should." She said, perplexed, as he put his hand on her hip. "Mingi just played us something on the piano. You never said he was this good." Y/n's father looked impressed at Mingi and she could hardly believe it. Her family hadn't liked him since she was with Mingi. She wondered what had happened and since when had he been playing the piano again? She knew he had a few lessons as a child, but he had told her that he didn't enjoy playing. “Oh did he? Amazing.” She pressed out before she grabbed his hand. “Would you excuse us for a second?” She pulled him into a quiet corner and stared at him in surprise. “Care to explain?” “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about” He stood up and raised an eyebrow, clasping his hands and giving a polite smile to other guests. "Where did you get this suit from?" "I had it in my closet." "Mingi, I know your closet. You don't have a suit." "I thought it would be appropriate to get a suit." She frowned and smiled slightly. "You're not doing this to prove anything to my sister, are you?" He chuckled and shook his head gently "I assure you, I just want to be a good guest and adapt to the celebrations."  “And adapt to the celebrations.” Y/n mimicked his voice and chuckled. But he was having none of it, he looked at her with a raised brow. “Oh come on, you gotta admit that was funny. You sound like downton abbey.” She giggled and gently pushed his shoulder. “It is not possible to sound like an entire tv series.” He corrected her dryly und cleared his throat. Her smile disappeared and she crossed her arms over her chest "You just made it possible." He smiled just before he leaned over to look her in the eye. "If I were you I would watch my tone, you don't want to be embarrassing, do you?" He told her in a raspy voice. She gulped before he turned around to get back to her parents. She eyed him and had to admit that this suit really looked stunning on him. It fit his body perfectly and made him look even taller than he already was. She felt a tingling sensation and the heat shoot into her face. She knew that this man wasn't really Mingi. He played a role and wanted to be the perfect gentleman. She grinned diabolically and decided that two could play this game. She wanted to leave this stupid party and let him have his way with her, but instead she decided to have some fun. When she came back to her parents and Mingi she smiled broadly and took a glass of champagne from a table. “You okay?" Her mother looked at her questioningly. Y/n nodded quickly and emptied the glass in one go. She coughed briefly and smiled sheepishly "I just got a little hot, must be the dress. It's so damn tight, I can hardly breathe and I feel like my breasts are jumping out." Her father cleared his throat and looked away from his daughter. She looked at Mingi who just chuckled and raised an eyebrow. She knew that she had to pull out more to get him upset. They talked about work, the apartment and what Mings plans. Y/n watched him closely as he spoke, he was so serious and professional. She was impressed and a little turned on by him. He knew exactly what he was talking about and she had never seen him that confident like he was at that evening. He was talking about his car when y/n came a little closer to him and pretended to listen to him. Instead, she carefully ran her hand over his thigh and gently applied pressure. Mingi twitched briefly and she was grateful that the table covered her hand so no one could see what she was doing. She kept her hand on his thigh and waited patiently for her father to engage Mingi in a conversation. Then she moved her fingers and approached his crotch whereupon Mingi started to cough and moved his hip to remove her hand. She chuckled and took a sip from the next Glas of Champagne. Over time she got bored and was frustrated with how serious Mingi took his role. She missed his jokes and obscene gestures that always made her laugh. She talked to her sister and fiancé but the later it got the more tired she became and she just wanted to go home. After a while she had taken a seat in a chair and got herself a whole tablet with glasses. Mingi was with the other guests and she could see how popular he was. They all hung on his lips and couldn't get enough of him. She was drinking from her fourth glass when he came up to her and gave her his polite smile. She raised her head and rolled her eyes "Save your smile, you won. My feet hurt and my stomach hurts from this champagne." She expected a clever comment but instead he reached her his hand and winked at her. "Shall we go home?" He offered. She looked at him suspiciously but then grabbed his hand so he could pull her up. They said goodbye to all the guests; her sister didn’t even notice them leaving.
 "Thank god, I just want to get out of this dress and go to bed. This party was terrible, I’ll probably be sick tomorrow from this cheap alcohol." Y/n moaned when they arrived at their apartment and she took off her shoes. "I found the champagne quite pleasant, it had a sweet note on the finish that went well with the strawberries." Mingi took off his jacket and stroked his hair. "Okay, now you want to annoy me." She rolled her eyes and looked at him. "Pardon?” "We're home. You can stop talking like that now, it's getting creepy." “I’m just expressing my thoughts, that is all.” He explained to her and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt. She looked at him and bit her lip “Are you doing okay? Do you need some water?” He asked her before she flashed him a smile and shook her head. “Nope, I’m fine. I’m just glad we’re at home now since I was this close blowing you in front of all those people.” He chuckled and went into the kitchen to get himself some water “I noticed. That's not how you behave in public“ “Yeah.” She also went into the kitchen und leaned against the counter. “Did you have fun?” He took a sip of his glass and shrugged “I found it quite nice, I met very interesting people.” “Oh yes, very interesting. Talking about Insurance, Money and expensive cars.” She said ironically and rolled her eyes. “Hey, never judge a book by its cover.” “This doesn’t even make sense.” She laughed and took a step closer to him. “Mingi.” She flashed him a pleading look. “Yes?” He cocked an eyebrow while she grabbed his hands. “Please come back to me. I want my clown back, my mess and the goofy child that makes me laugh.” He smiled in amusement und bit his lip. “And the suit?” She ran her fingers over his shirt and cocked her head. "You are welcome to keep it." He chuckled again and then shrugged. "I don't know, I don't want people to think I'm just an idiot and can't be a gentleman." She lowered her hands and looked at him with wide eyes. "So that's what it's about? You did it for me?" The only answer she got was a smile from him. “Okay wow, are you kidding me? I never said I wanted a gentleman or anything like that.” “But you doubted that I could be one.” “No I didn’t!” He cocked an eyebrow again and she sighed. “Okay maybe I did. I’m sorry….can you forgive me?” She asked him with a small smile on her lips. He hesitated for a second, took another sip of his water and shrugged “I’ll think about it.” Y/n gasped loudly when he went to the bedroom. She instantly followed him and slapped his shoulder “You’re a jerk.” “You’re a jerk.” He mimicked her with a high pitched voice and grabbed her wrists. He didn’t answer her, instead he smashed his lips on hers. She freed herself from his grip and wrapped her arms around him so that she could pull him closer. His hands landed on the buttons of his shirt to open it but she stopped him and shook her head “Don’t you dare take that off." "At some point I have to take this thing off, otherwise my girlfriend will complain again that I smell." “I’ll risk it. How about you help me out of this one." She turned her back to him so that he could open the zipper. However, he pulled her flush against him and put his lips to the back of her neck where he kissed the skin carefully. She could feel him take a deep breath and blow on her skin, making a fart sound again. She started laughing loudly, took off her dress and turned back to him. She gave him a push so that he landed on the bed with his back. She sat on top of him and pressed his hands over his head into the mattress. She kissed him passionately, her tongue slid into his mouth before she gently bit his lip. He groaned softly as she moved her hips and could feel him slowly but surely getting hard. She loosened the tie around his neck and opened the first two buttons on his shirt so that she could see his collarbone. She grinned and kissed the skin as she slid his hands along his body. Her hands reached his pants where she hastily opened the belt and pulled the zipper down. He grinned and bit his lip „Bit eager, aren’t we?” “Shut up, I didn’t get the chance to blow you at the party so let me have it now.” He laughed briefly but his laugh stopped as soon as he felt her warm lips around his cock. He decided to thank Yunho for getting him the suit.
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pixelsandpins · 7 years
I did more Dream Daddy fanfiction because I have to write ALL THE DADS, now. 
A Year Later: Craig
Mature Teen?, Mostly Fluff
Words: 4468
I close my eyes and step on the scale. I open them and look down.
"Hot damn!"
"What's up, pops?" Amanda asks from her room. She's only been back from school a few days, and it already feels like old times.
"Somehow, through some small miracle, I'm back to my college weight."
"Ugh, can we not talk about college weight? I have one working pair of pants."
"I told you what that cafeteria food would do to you, panda. A couple visits to the gym with us will probably get rid of that freshman fifteen." I step down off the scale and try to catch Amanda's eye in the bathroom mirror through the slightly open door. She's too busy FaceSpacing or Twitjournaling or some other portmanteau of two social media sites that make me sound like the old man I am.
"I'm perfectly happy with my nacho and pop-tart diet for the time-being, but don't let me stop you, my dude." She throws a peace sign up at me as I pass by her door, and I stick my tongue out at her. She'll learn soon enough. Youth is wasted on the young.
Craig greets me warmly when I find him near the ellipticals. River's gotten too big for the chest carrier, so she's started going to daycare. That means there's nothing between us when his arms come around me in a lingering hug. There's a lightning quick squeeze on the tush thrown in for good measure. The first month or so, I had thought it was just the change from  platonic to romantic that had made Craig's shows of affection so weird and squirrely. Turns out with him it's all about the space. Right place, right time, he can't keep his hands to himself. The gym is the one in-between place. Fortunate considering how little time we get just the two of us during the week.
"Good morning, babe," he says quietly into my ear before pulling away. "Leg day, bro. You ready?"
"I love leg day!"
I actually hate leg day, but my god my butt looks amazing afterward.
Craig takes the nearest machine, and cranks the resistance up a couple of notches. I take the one next to him, and don't touch the knob. After a year, I'm still not at Craig level cardio capabilities.
"So I was reminded of something the other day that I had kinda forgotten, and now I feel a little guilty about it," he says after a moment or two.
"What's that?" I pant in response.
"Do you remember Christina Schroeder?"
I search through my internal rolodex. It's not ringing a bell, and I say as much. "She was friends with Ashley? Really short? Poly-sci major? Insanely good at flip cup?"
"OH!" I remember. "Tipsy Tina?"
"Yeah, that's the one."
"Our nicknames weren't very inspired back in the day, were they?"
"I think we managed to do pretty well considering our theme."
He smiles that half smile that turns my insides to pudding.
"Anyway," he continues, "I don't know if you ever knew this, but she had a humongous crush on you. Like she was majorly in love with you."
"O-oh?" I don't remember her well enough to feel one way or the other about this information.
"Well, Ashley told me I should try to hook you up, so she said we should all go on a double date. But, you know, I didn't want you to feel on the spot, so I had the idea that I would just invite you to go to something with us, but not tell you Tina was gonna be there, too."
"Okay?" I know my brow is crinkling trying to figure out where this is going.
"Yeah. Um. Do you remember that movie thing we were going to go to, but we ended up not because I got food poisoning from something at the make-your-own-pizza place?"
"Oh my god yes. You were throwing up for, like, 2 days. Shit, was that supposed to be the double date?"
"Yeah. Yeah it was. And I remembered, and I felt bad about it, and...I don't know."
"Dude, you shouldn't feel bad about cancelling a double date because you were sick."
"There's more." He starts to slow a little bit on the machine, looking down at the timer with an unsure frown. "I told the girls that you were the one who was sick, and I was taking care of you, and that's why we couldn't go. But that they should go ahead and go without us."
"I don't know. It just felt...weird...at the time, and it was fun making you take care of me."
"Considering it's been twenty years, I'm inclined to forgive you...just this once."
He smiles again and punches me in the arm. Then he looks around to make sure no one's looking directly at us, and leans across the machine to peck me on the cheek.
"This is why I love you, bro. You understand me."
It's not the first time he's said it. Not by a long shot. He's always said it. Even when we were just friends back in college. It's not that I don't think he means it, but it's hard to know how he means it, still.
The pizza place is a madhouse. There's at least three birthday parties going on, and the entirety of Briar and Hazel's softball team high off their championship win is making things even rowdier.
"Makes you wish we didn't promise them pizza after every win, doesn't it?" I lean in and say to him in a low voice as we survey the crowd, trying to keep an eye on each of the twins. He throws his arm around my shoulder. In front of the team is not one of the PDA-approved places, but an arm around the shoulder doesn't count.
"Ah come on, bro. It's your first winning season as assistant coach. Get excited."
I give a little sarcastic "whooo," and he grins at me widely. When the title of "assistant coach" had become available, he'd really only offered it to me because I had the extra time now that Amanda was off and semi-on her own. I'd only accepted it because it was the only way I could find to spend time with him. I really didn't know the first thing about coaching softball, but no one questioned it. Thus the elaborate ruse had been allowed to perpetuate long enough for me to actually learn the ropes and start to pull my weight.
"Hey boys." Oh god. It was one of the new moms this year, Elizabeth. She and her daughter had just relocated from the midwest, fresh off a nasty divorce.
"Some of the girls and I were talking," she starts.
You mean you were talking and everyone was just nodding in agreement hoping you'd go away.
"And it might not be a bad idea to start talking about fundraising for next season early. What if we have a little meeting?"
Alone, in your house, probably.
This is one thing that hasn't changed, and I can't stand it. Us being together is not a secret. Not in the least. They even poke fun at us and called us "the lovebirds." And yet it's like they don't think it counts because I'm a man. That I'm not going to feel equally perturbed by someone hanging all over my significant other and flirting with him right in front of my face. They wouldn't do this to a guy if his wife was standing right there.
But then again some of these ladies might.
Craig, at least, knows how to shake 'em off.
"I like the initiative Elizabeth, but let's let everyone celebrate the win before hitting it hard again." He half-smiles at her, one of the fake ones.
"Oh, well, I took loads of pictures today. Next weekend would be the perfect time to go through them."
"I'm pretty much booked up all next weekend."
"Mr. Assistant Coach isn't, though. What do you say?" and her arm comes around mine, and I panic. This is new. Craig's perfect eyebrows knit together in thinly veiled surprise.
"I-uh-" I sputter. Then Craig's hand comes around mine.
"He'll be with me that weekend. The girls are with their mom, so we're having some time together. Alone." Daggers come shooting from Craig's eyes, and Elizabeth is completely unable to comprehend what's just been said to her. She stands there, wide-eyed, not moving. "And we're gonna be having, just, tons of sex the entire time. So you know. No time to look through pictures." Elizabeth goes white as a sheet, and walks off without another word. I'm fairly certain I have a similar expression when I look up at Craig.
"What the shit was that, Craig?"
His face's lost a little color, too, though, and his hand comes up to cover his mouth.
"I don't know. I just...I don't like her. And I wanted her to go away as fast as possible." He's still holding my hand, squeezing tighter now. Elizabeth has fallen back to a gaggle of moms, and now they're darting glances at us. They're trying to hide it and not doing a very good job. He finally lets go.
"God they're gonna talk about that for a week," Craig sighs. "But whatever, bro, right?"
"Right," I respond unsure.
I wake up Monday morning with a start. Something's off. I check my phone. I should have been at the gym an hour ago. There's about a fifty percent chance on any given day that I'll sleep through my alarm. I've come to terms with that and so has Craig. That's why he always texts me before he's about to leave the house. He knows I won't actually go unless he does. What's going on?
I send a quick text.
"Where are you? Are we not going to the gym, today?" I type. It's a solid five minutes before he responds, practically an eternity.
"Sorry, bro. I'm feeling a little sick, so I decided not to go. :("
The frowny face is a nice touch. Oh well.
"Want me to bring you something? Need help with the girls?" I text back immediately. I only have to wait half a second this time.
"No. It's cool. Twins are at camp and I managed to get River to day care. So I'm just gonna sleep."
There he goes trying to do everything himself. I've told him again and again that I'm here. That I can help. He's slowly getting it, but he's more stubborn than he realizes. In any case, I decide that, despite his protests, I will be taking care of him. If only a little.
"Amanda, I'm going to the store for a few things, then over to Craig's. Do you need anything?" I tap on her door and only get a groan in response.
Guess not.
It's only a five minute drive to the small grocery store down the road. It's across the street from the gym and a new hyper-organic, gluten free, paleo, vegan-ultra-plus juice bar that's making everyone nervous. It only takes another fifteen minutes or so to pick up the whole "sick boyfriend" bundle then I briefly entertain the thought of getting him a mango smoothie. It's his favorite.
I only just pull into the parking lot, though, before slamming on my brakes so hard I almost ram into the car ahead of me.
Craig is coming out of the gym looking as fine as ever. Which, for Craig, is extremely fine. Behind him is a gaggle of the softball moms.
What in the hell is this shit?!
I want to yell out the car window at him, but I don't. I can't. I'm too utterly perplexed. I take a few breaths to keep myself from getting mad. There's an explanation. Craig has given me no reason not to trust him in all the time I've known him.
I'm back in my living room without being totally sure how I got there. Amanda's sitting on the couch staring at me.
"What's up, Pops?I thought you were going to see your booooyyyfriiiieeend." She flashes a quick smile as she draws out the last word, but it fades quickly. "Seriously. What's going on? You look like you've seen a ghost."
I flop down on the couch and sink back into it.
"What do you do if you find out your boyfriend lied to you?"
"Um. Okay? How big a lie we talkin'? Because it's just self-preservation to not tell you if a pair of jeans make you fat."
"He said he was sick, and he's not. I just saw him coming out of the gym with some of the softball moms."
"Oh. Well. Um. Hm." She makes a few more noncommittal sounds. "Sounds like you should have one of those 'communications' you're always telling me is so important to a proper, mature relationship."
"Yeah...yeah, you're right."
"Of course I am." She pats me on the head.
I don't call or text him right away like I would have recommended to my own daughter. Instead I convince myself that this is a conversation better to have in person.
Tuesday we're supposed to go for a run, but there's something he has to deal with at River's daycare. It ends up being an unexpected no-go.
Wednesday is a gym day. It starts with a text in the morning that his car's acting weird, so he's taking it into the shop. No need to worry about it, though. He has it covered. I understand car issues, but the insistence that he doesn't need my help bothers me immensely. I don't know how to react to it.
"Oh, and tomorrow is daddy/daughter day at camp, so I'll be doing that." He texts next.
That's classic Craig and I can't fault him for it. I love that about him, actually. I feel myself relaxing a little.
"And let's do 9:00 instead this Friday."
That's too far. I've been waking up at 6:00 (sorta) to get to the gym by 7:00 regularly for months. We've never EVER shifted times. His daily schedule is too tight. No. Something's wrong. I give him an out.
"Everything okay, bro? Anything I can help with?" I stare at the screen, waiting, watching. A whole year passes, it feels like.
"No. It's cool."
Then just ":)" about ten seconds later.
Craaaiiiig. I am gonna wring your neck. Your hot, muscular neck.
I feel like the ultimate stalker watching from my window for Craig's car Friday morning. He's off in his gym clothes (which, admittedly, are often his regular clothes, too) about 6:45.
What the hell is he up to?
I give myself a buffer of three minutes, then head out to my own car. Four or five times while driving I tell myself I should just go back home. That I'm being literally the worst. Each time, though, I remind myself that it's Craig's fault I'm like this, right now.
Oh my god. I've become the crazy they say not to stick your dick in. When did this happen? Craig doesn't deserve this.
Still, I pull into the parking lot where the gym is. I see Craig's car and park next to it to make a point to myself. I don't find him right away in any of our usual areas, so I wander toward the back of the gym where they hold classes in large, tiled rooms. There's a small group of people huddled around one of the large windows that peek into the classrooms, and I have a sneaking suspicion they'll lead me to Craig.
I'm not wrong.
This, however, is not what I expected to find.
So he's not shirtless. That would cause a riot. He might as well be, though. Instead of his sweats, he's in a tank top loose and thin enough that you can pretty much just see everything, anyway. And those are short shorts. Real, honest-to-God booty shorts. The kind that have "Juicy" written across the butt of them. These, specifically, don't. They're just black. It would be an appropriate label, though.
Once I've taken in the whole...ensemble...I'm able to break my attention away long enough to appreciate the context of the outfit.
"Is this a pole dancing class?" I say quietly to no one in particular.
"Yeah!" a woman responds next to me. "They used to be only at night, but she just started a new morning class. You should try it. I bet you'd be really good." I glance at her, and she's wiggling her eyebrows at me just a little. I give a little breathy, half-hearted laugh, then focus my attention back on the class.
I can't hear it, but I feel the music start through the vibration of the glass. A handful of women take places at the poles lined up in staggered rows. I'm slightly horrified to note that some of them are softball moms. They're clothes aren't as revealing as Craig's by a long shot (yoga pants and baggy t-shirts), but it takes me a moment to shift my frame of reference.
They start with stretches. The usual. Nothing particularly interesting. The group around the window starts to scatter.
Then they actually take to the poles.
Oh. Oh my god.
I don't know pole dancing beyond the one time that I was dragged to a strip club against my will (by Craig come to think of it), but even I can figure out that he's just terrible at this. When the girls spin, even if they're just sort of falling around the pole, it at least looks graceful. Craig is clunky and awkward, and when he throws his weight against the pole he just sort of flops like a fish in midair. As the class progresses, it becomes clear that he has the proper upper and core body strength, but lacks the coordination to actually pull off any of the minor feats of acrobatics.
I'm riveted for the entirety of the hour long class, long after the rest of the onlookers have left. Despite his inexpert flailing, a single thought keeps going through my head: how much I'd love to be that pole.
I knock on his door that evening. I don't tell him I'm coming. I don't give him a chance to give me an excuse. He doesn't seemed confused that I didn't show up to our later gym date. I was out of there before he could catch me at the end of class, so as far as I know, he still doesn't know that I know.
The girls are with their mother this weekend, though, and this is getting figured out before I lose my mind.
Craig shows a flash of surprise when he opens the door, and I step in before he can say anything. I don't get to come over often, so his house still feels strange to me. That doesn't stop me from crossing my arms in his living room and staring him down like I own the place. I don't know where any of this bravado is coming from, but I need to ride the high until Craig answers.
"I'm sorry, bro. I guess I've been blowing you off a little this week," he says, folding his arms together and looking down at his toes. I deflate pretty much instantly.
"It just seems like you've been really busy, and you don't want to take my help," I prod just a little. Then I prod him quite literally in the calf with my toe. "Were you gonna tell me about the pole dancing class?" I decide to end this. To deal the killing blow. Craig goes white as a sheet.
"Uh-h-how did you-?"
"I came during our normal gym time this morning." No need to mention the part about following him. That's a secret I'll just go ahead and tuck away forever.
He rubs his hand across his mouth, thinking.
"I'm so bad at it, bro."
"I saw. In the outfit and everything."
"It's too much, isn't it?"
"I mean...I'm not gonna complain if you were to slip into it right now."
Craig raises an eyebrow at me.
"I can do that, you know." He steps toward me deliberately, bringing his hands down to my hips. I puff out my cheeks at him a little. I very much would like to go ahead and follow through with the look that's in his eyes, but I need to stay focused. Communication. Adulting.
"Why didn't you just tell me? I've been going crazy all week thinking that I did something or that something was wrong or...I don't know. I probably went through a thousand different possibilities."
He brings his hands from my hips to my shoulders. Then from shoulders to cupping my cheeks with his hands.
"Babe. I'm so, so sorry. Things just got really weird all of a sudden, and I got a little blindsided, I guess." He lets out a quick breath of air then looks down and away, collecting his thoughts. "You know Colleen? Becca's mom?"
"Yeah. Of course. I love Colleen. She's the best."
"Right? Well, her sister runs that class, and normally it's only at night but she's trying to do morning classes, too. So she offered free lessons to all the moms or something? I don't know. Anyway. Monday. I legitimately just forgot to send you your wakeup text. I'd been talking to Ashley about arranging the girls' pick-up this weekend, and it really just slipped my mind. When I got to the gym, though, I saw all these moms we know and they told me about this class they're taking and they sort of...bullied me into taking the class with them."
"They...bullied you?" I ask, trying not to smile as I imagine this manliest of men being pressured into anything by these suburban moms. He moves his hands from my jaw to rest them on the top of his head. He shifts on his feet and looks down at the ground again.
"'Oh come on, Coach, I bet you're really good at it. Mr. Assistant Coach should join us, too.' And I thought… I'll just do it once. Then it'll be so weird that they'll never bring it up again."
"I liked it?" He bites his bottom lip. "But to be totally clear on something. There was an actual problem at River's daycare and it really was daddy/daughter day at camp. So I only technically lied twice. That sounds awful when I say that outloud."
"No...it's fine." I punch him in the chest, then wiggle my fingers when it hurts. "You could have said something, though. Anything. Hell. I might have even considered joining you. It might-"
He says it so loudly and forcefully that I catch my breath in my throat.
"Sorry. Um. If you want to take a pole dancing class, I'm not gonna stop you. Like...you know I'm not gonna get in the way of your physical fitness goals, bro. But...um...can you not with the moms from softball? I'm gonna stop after the free classes this week." He rubs the back of his neck, nervously.
"I was joking, but now I'm a little worried again."
He sighs and pops his lips a few times.
"No offense intended but-"
"You're about to almost offend me, anyway?"
"I-hrrmm." He purses his lips at me. "I was hotter than you back in college. I didn't quite realize it, at the time, but I—and this is gonna sound terrible—kinda liked it? That I got all the attention when we were out together. Because you were smarter and funnier and nicer. So I had this one thing, but because people were always looking at me, they weren't looking at you and seeing how amazing you were and I got you all to myself. It's really stupid, now, obviously, but at the time it was important."
I don't know what to say. This is the deepest Craig's ever gotten with me. I feel like I'm seeing a new part of him.
"But, now you're hot, bro. Like...objectively. And the moms talk about you all the time. 'The new assistant coach really fills out that shirt.' 'Too bad he's taken.' 'Man knows how to use a bat.' It's been driving me nuts all season,"
This was news to me. I had maybe caught a few catcher/pitcher jokes at my expense, but I still only ever heard swooning over Craig.
"And I don't know why it bugs me," he continues. "And I just don't want you around them if I can help it. I never said any of this because it makes me sound like a creep."
"Craig...are you jealous?" I ask, very unsure of all of this nonsense and remembering how much of a creeper I am, too. He looks at me like he's confused by the very word itself.
"Oh my god, I might be."
"You might be?"
"I don't know, bro! I...shit." He's laughing, pressing his palm to his forehead. "Is that what it is?"
"You're a mess, dude." I'm smiling, too. We're both a disaster, really. A couple of idiots still stuck in that weird spot between friends and boyfriends.
While I'm still taking deep breathes and settling into the absurdity of it all, Craig steps up to me again, chest to chest. One arms wraps around my waist and the other finds a place behind my neck. Then he kisses me hard and deep, really getting into those back teeth. I suddenly remember I haven't seen him in a week, and now that we're squared away I really need to see him. As much as him as possible. He pulls away for a moment.
"I love you," he says.
'I love you, too, dude." It's an easy thing to say. It always has been.
"No." He looks me straight in the face, locking eyes with me. "I love you. I really do. I think I might always have at least a little, and now you're just...my world….after the girls."
"Obviously. Kids always get the top spot." My face hurts from being angry and smiling and getting kissed out of my mind, unexpectedly. But Craig is looking at me with that look, and I realize he's expecting an answer. "I love you, too. Really."
He pulls me in again, his mouth next to my ear.
"I was gonna ask if you wanted to see some of my new moves in person, but...you know."
"Yeah, your old moves will do just fine."
And yeah. They certainly do.
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top-dm-lover16-blog · 7 years
Run and Go- Josh Dun Fanfiction Chapter One
A/N this won’t be a very long book. it will be sorta fast pace (meaning we won’t be doing much filling in the chapters.). Probably 10 chapters at the most
The beginning of tour, it was just like the beginning of summer camp well, except for the fact that I hated summer camp.
         This is my sixth year of touring. This season of touring I will be touring with the band Twenty-One pilots during their emotional roadshow 16. Well that’s at least what the shirt I was wearing says.
      This wasn’t my ideal job, I loved it don’t get me wrong, but what I really wanted to do I was too scared to do
           I chose this job because I was able to work for half the year and the rest of the year I usually got off to spend with family.
           I’m a tour manager assistant, basically when he has to leave to go check up on another band I take over.
           There are only a couple of songs from twenty one pilots that I’ve heard, but considering I’ll be on tour with them I’ll probably be hearing a lot of songs from them.
           “Guess what I just found out” Mark, from real bear media, asks me as I make my way to the main bus that I will be staying in with the band.
           “I won the lottery.” I say sarcastically, taking out my keys to unlock the bus, both of us walking into the empty bus.
           “No, but if you did you have to give me half of it.” He says, receiving a ‘of course’ from me.
           “Anyway I found out your good friend Mute Math will be on this tour.”
           “That’s great!” I say, glad to be getting some good news today. Also surprised that Paul hadn’t told me that when I talked to him over the phone earlier this week.
I have known the band Mute Math since they began. the lead vocalist allowed me to come to his house and play my instruments when I was a kid, since my parents didn’t like me playing music
           “How come I’m only finding out about this now?” I ask, sitting down on the couch.
           “Happened last minute. The band we had lined up cancelled a few days ago.”
           “When is the band showing up?” I ask mark, opening up the mini fridge to get a water. It was really hot here in Ohio Columbus.
           “they are actually already here. They’re outside talking with some crew they know.” Mark says, stealing the water bottle from me and drinking all of it.
                       “I’m going to go outside and meet them, start unpacking in here please.” I say, sliding back on my radio to hear if any of the crew needs help.
           At first glimpse I only see their back, two boys, one with pink hair and the other with brown hair. Than there was a blond haired woman holding onto the hand of the brown haired one. They both were talking to mike the manager.
          “You must be the band.” I say, standing next to mike. “I’m Emily, his assistant manager.”
           “I’m Tyler, this is my wife Jenna.” The brown haired man, now named Tyler, says shaking my head.
           “Hi, it’s nice that there will be another girl on this tour.” Jenna says. I nod in agreement I’m usually the only girl on the bus.
           “I’m Josh.” Josh, the pink haired man says. His voice was amazing, unique. Before I became any more obsessed with his voice, I decide to get back to work.
           “Well, I’m going to go to the other busses and make sure they are all ready to hit the road tonight. It was nice meeting you.” I say, turning around and walking to the row of 12 tour busses.
           “Well, everyone is ready to hit the road in an hour. Although bus 4 wants more Cheetos, I told them they have their own wallet.” I say, walking back into the main bus after three hours.
           “Anything else that needs to be- Hey Paul!” I say, exited to see paul after three months of not talking in person.
                       “Hey Emily, how’s life?” Paul says with a smile, walking towards me to give me a hug.
           “Good, I was planning on flying out to see you guys, but work took over.” I say laughing as he picks me up in our hug.
                       “Where is every one else?” I ask him, referring to his other band mates.
           “They will be meeting us in Seattle, I decided to come on a little earlier.” He says sitting back down next to mark.
           “Nice.” I say, stealing the water bottle that mark was about to drink. Payback.
           Sitting down on top of the small counter, I pull out my phone to check to see if I got any messages, of course I didn’t.
           “What do you do when you don’t tour Emily, also how long have you been touring? I don’t remember ever seeing you before.” Tyler says the three of them sitting on the opposite bench.
           “Five years. I only tour from August to January, that’s probably why you don’t see me.” I say, setting down my phone. “I don’t do much when not touring. Just visit family.”
           “What state do you live in?” Josh asks me, affecting me with his voice again.
           “Currently I have a small place in LA, but I’m from New Orleans. That’s how I know Paul.” I say, giving him half of the truth.
Before Josh and I could start talking again, mike walks in telling us that we are going to start driving.
                       I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with Josh all of a sudden. I barely even know him, and lord knows that I don’t have time for a relationship or to get close to anyone for the matter.
           After all, whenever I get close to someone I end up running.
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Living Room - Jake Miller x Reader
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Requested: No Warnings: None A/N: Hi ;) This is my first fanfiction ever, so please be nice. Also english is not my first language, so it would be nice if you could excuse any mistakes too. I hope you enjoy reading it and please let me know what you think. Maybe I’ll write a part 2.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket for the seventh time that evening. You were so nervous since your childhood friend and first love Jake Miller released his new song ‘Living Room’ along with a video in which he explains the reason of this song and his search for a particular girl: You. That was now two days ago. Of course you were surprised, but you were mostly happy. After all you thought he had long forgotten about you. You grew up as best friends since you could talk basically and your friendship only grew until it changed when you were 12. He was your first crush and soon became your first boyfriend. But when you turned 15, your family moved to Germany, because your grandma there was sick and needed help. You tried to stay in touch as best as you could, but eventually the calls started to slowly become lesser and lesser. Mainly because of two reasons. One reason was of course the different time zones. The other reason was, that you were both busy with school and working on your careers. You always dreamed to be an actress and he wanted to be a singer. So you decided to call it an end one year after you moved to Germany. You both couldn’t manage the distance between each other. And now he was trying to find you. He posted a number under his video and asked you or anyone who knew you to call. You wanted to call right after you saw his video, but you were afraid that you wouldn’t know what to say, and your heart was beating faster than a shooting star when you thought about calling him. 'Shit, after all this damn years, I still love him and act like a little school girl.’ You thought to yourself. 'Pull it together y/n, you’re 24 years old.’ You took a deep breath and dialed the number. After a few seconds there was a tired sounding male voice.
“Jake? Is that really you? Uhm… it’s me y/n…”
The man on the phone (Jake, you supposed, sighed deeply). “Mmm… ok. I hope you understand, that I have to ask you a few questions to be sure. I feel like I already spoke with a million girls who pretended to be y/n.”
“Yeah, sure, I understand. Ask away.” You hoped you wouldn’t screw up. You were so nervous that you couldn’t even remember your own name.
“Okay, can you tell me something only y/n would know about me?”
That was almost to easy. You thought about the question for a moment, before you said: “We had our first kiss together when we were like seven. Then with 12 we had our first 'real’ kiss. And when we were 14 we had our first time with each other… Oh and your special nickname for me was muffin, because you thought I was just as cute as one.”
“Holy shit… uhm sorry for swearing, fuck, I can’t believe I’ve actually found you. I almost gave up.”
'He has such  a beautiful voice.’ You thought. You instantly felt his calm voice and his happiness giving you more confidence, as you admitted:
“I meant to call earlier, but I was nervous as hell.”
He chuckled slightly. “Wow, I’m so happy to hear your voice again, after all these years. I missed you like crazy. God my heart is beating so fast right now. I think I might have a heart attack.”
“I hope not.. I missed you too, but I can’t actually say that I can hear your voice. It sounds strange but familiar at the same time.”
“Yeah I guess puberty hit me there.” He said in a playful tone.
You giggled. He always managed to make you laugh. Even now, when you were just speaking since only a few minutes, after almost 8 years.
“Well, tell me about you, are you still dancing?” He asked curiously.
“No, i stopped 6 years ago.”
“What, why? You were so good.”
Your heart practically melted at his compliment. It was so long since you heard something like that, that was actually meant. “Thanks. It was just a bit to much with school and stuff you know? But I started to teach myself the piano instead.”
“Thats cool. We could do a duet, I mean I play guitar and sing and you play the piano and sing too. Well at least if you didn’t forgot how to sing.” He laughed.
Your best friend and roommate y/bf came in your room and opened her/his mouth to ask you something. You pointed at your phone and waved her/him off.
“y/n? Sorry if it was to early for this kind of jokes. I didn’t meant to be rude. I know that you can probably sing better than me. It just… talking to you after this long time just comes so naturally, like we were never seperated.”
“No, no it’s alright.” You hurried to say. “My friend just came in to ask me something. I told her/him I was busy. I totally understand what you mean, I feel the same way actually.”
He let out his breath. “I’m so relieved to hear this. Honestly, I’m really glad that I finally found you.”
“Well you could have found me easier though. I mean I’m not unknown here in Germany.” You said a bit amused.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m an actress. Nothing big though, but enough that I can live quit good from it.”
“Oh my goodness, so you made it. I’ve always known you would make it some day.” You felt proud welling up at his trust in your talent.
“Yeah, well you made it too, like I was always saying.”
“I guess so. ”
“I mean, I was always your biggest fan. Right from the beginning, when you started playing the guitar with 7.”
“God no, that was horrible. Do you remember my first song? The neighbour came to knock at our door to tell my mum she should take the guitar away from her son.”
You laghed as you remembered the little boys beautiful brown eyes welling up with tears as he threw himself in your tiny arms. “Of course I remember this. You looked like a sad puppy, when you heard that. I had to tell you at least hundred times that your song was incredible and that your stupid neighbour had the baddest music taste ever, until you stopped crying.”
“That was so embarrassing.” You could practicaly see his facepalm.
“No I think it was cute. And your neighbour was really the cruelest person I’ve met my entire life. He hated kids.”
“C'mon you only liked that song, because it was about you.” He said mockingly.
“Of course… Every woman would love a song about her, no matter if it’s good or bad.”
“Uhm.. Did… did you hear the last song I uploaded?” He asked hesitantly.
“Yeah, I did.”
There was a small pause, before he added almost shyly now: “W-what do you… uhm think?”
“I think it is the most beautiful song ever. Really. I actually cried  for one hour straight, when I realized that it’s about us.”
“I cried three times. The first time when I wrote it, because I had to think about you and how easy things were back than. The second time, when I finished it. And the third time, when it was recorded. I couldn’t imagine, that I would manage to find you with this song.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“But you did.” You simply stated the obvious.
“Yes, I did. And I’m so fucking happy about that. I never stopped thinking about you, y/n.”
“I remembered you two. I mean after all you are still my first love. And I never actually found someone as good as you.” You sighed sadly, until you admitted: “Since we broke up I had two other relationships, but they didn’t last very long, because I always compared them to you and, yeah I mean, as if anyone could ever win this competition.”
He chuckeld sheepishly. “I understand how you feel. I had one girlfriend and it lasted for a year or so, but apart from that, I just had a few dates and some sexy time but I never wanted more, because compared to you, they were all nothing.”
“Some sexy time, eh?” You said, teasing him a bit.
“Oh sure, that is the only thing you got from my confession?” He asked, playing upset.
“Haha, no it’s not… I guess distance doesn’t matter after all.”
“Yeah, I think so… I wish we could turn back the time. I mean, how the hell did we grow up so fast? Or if I can’t turn back the time, I at least want to see your face and just hold you in my arms forever.” He sounded longingly.
You said nothing. You were trying to hold back tears of joy.
“Hey, you still there, muffin?” Now he sounded concerned.
You let out a quiet sob, hearing his old nickname for you again. “…Y-yeah sorry, I … I just –”
He interrupted you. “Are you crying? Shit, I made you cry. I didn’t mean to, god honestly I can’t even make a phonecall without making a fool out of myself. I’m so sorry, really, I…”
Now it was your turn to stop his worried ramblings. “Hey, no it’s okay. Really. These are happy tears. I just really missed you and I never thought I would hear from you again, and to hear that you felt the same way all this time… that just makes me so fucking happy.”
“Aww. You still say the cutest things, muffin. I really wish I could wipe your tears away now.”
“Always the gentleman.” You let out a laugh.
“Yeah, my mom teached me how to treat girls right. You know what?”
“I’m sure you tell me right away. Because you never could hold an idea back. I doubt that this has changed over the past years.”
“You’re definetly right. I wanted to say that my europe tour starts in two month. I mean I could fly maybe two weeks earlier and we could spend some time together. You know, like back in the old days.” He said expectantly.
“Like back in the old days? That sounds like we’re 90 and just about to die.”
“Wow, your still your sarcastic, sassy self.” He chuckled lovingly. “C'mon, muffin, you know what I mean.”
“I would love to spend time with you again. I really missed our late night conversations… I missed you and me together.”
“Okay, screw it. I have a last interview in four days, but I’m just gonna cancel it and take the next flight I can get on… if that’s okay with you?”
You were jumping happily up and down on the inside, but you tried to keep it cool. “You don’t have to cancel your interview just for me, Jake. I know that you don’t have much time in your job. I know this problem from my own.”
“I know that I don’t have to do it, but I want to, y/n. I waited long enough to hear your voice. I feel like three more days until I see you would kill me. If it’s okay with you, then I’m on the plane tomorrow evening.”
“That is more than fine by me. I can’t wait to speak to you in person.” You said, happy that he wanted to see you just as bad as you wanted to see him.
You talked for hours, until it was long after midnight in Germany. It felt like you never broke the contact and your heart was almost jumping out of your chest, so much love for Jake came up in you. You fell asleep with your phone still in your hand and the last thing you heard before drifting away was Jakes beautiful voice, whispering a soft:
“Good night and sweet dreams y/n, my little muffin.”
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bananashemmo · 7 years
Mr. & Mrs. Hood (Part 15 - Final Part)
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A/N: I know it took a while to write this fanfiction in total with the many months I spent with the updates but I always promised I would never cancel it, and I didn’t! It’s been amazing bringing back Wicked Games and I am so insanely satisfied with the result of Mr. & Mrs. Hood. Thanks for the likes, comments, reblogs, votes and recommendations. I love and appreciate you all very much! 
Pairing: Y/N/Gangmember!Calum
Masterlist: Right here
Summary: The fairytale of trying to create a normal life between Y/N and Calum with marriage and pregnancy didn’t seem to stop them from going back into old habits of guns, drugs, and hunting down their old gang’s rival, Lance.
Mr. & Mrs. Hood on Wattpad
”Y/N if you continue to crush my hand like this it’s gonna end up breaking!” Luke commented in pain, watching his hand as it slowly became red after being held by you for fifteen minutes straight, his fingertips starting to become numb.
“Well if the pain continues like this your hand will be the last thing you will worry about!” You were quick to reply, face even redder than Luke’s hand and your breath completely uneven, “God this is even worse than getting shot in the shoulder and don’t get me started on how many times I’ve been through that.”
Silence fell upon the hospital room by the midwife looking down at you with questionable eyes, Luke’s jaw falling slightly by the bummer you had just spoiled. It wasn’t supposed to be said but with the pain you couldn’t hold any of it in, everything seemed to be loaded out at once.
“I think it must be the medication she’s been taking against the pain, I don’t really know…” He shrugged trying to save it, he could tell that the woman wasn’t convinced the slightest but at least he tried.
“Yeah okay well I’m gonna go find another nurse to give Y/N one last check, the pain seems to get worse and if my predictions are correct she’s almost ready to give birth.”
You faintly heard what she said and grabbed onto the laughing gas mask just to soothe out the pain. It was horrible, it couldn’t be compared to getting shut in the shoulder, in the knee or even right in your chest after a battle of endless fights.
There was no doubt Luke’s hand would be injured after this but it was your last bit of hope. He wasn’t really good at helping but just the fact that he was there seemed to be enough. He was handling your aggression very well, sometimes yelling back and it was quite the amusement for the hospital staff.
“I think if I have to go through one more contraction I’ll end up shitting her out. Can’t you take a look and check if her head is popping out already?” You moaned almost against your pillow, the drop in your hand wasn’t helping the slightest on the pain.
Luke’s eyes widened in surprise by your words confused whether or not to actually do it, still holding your hand but looking down towards the end of the bed unsure. You had been saying nonsense things since arriving at the hospital he assumed it was a mix of stress from the earlier events.
“But what if-,”
“I was just kidding.” You squeezed one eye open to look at him, so exhausted you couldn’t laugh but if you had the ability you would have done it. Just by seeing his reaction saved your pain away just for that one short second and he tensed less in his shoulders by your words.
“Good because I think Calum would be more preferable for that part.” He took a seat back at the chair and looked to see the frown on your face. It had been a while, almost an hour now but mixed up with the pain it felt like much more.
You sighed softly and fiddled with the sheets between your fingers. You hadn’t gotten a spinal yet in fear of something horrible happening and without Calum by your side you were left empty. Sure Luke did a very great job but it couldn’t compare to the fact that your husband was currently fighting for your survival.
“You’re thinking about them, aren’t you?” Luke softly said and forward on his chair to get a better look when you nodded your head slowly in agreement.
“You just have to remember one thing, now that Lance is out of the picture they are all weak. They don’t have anyone to turn into, they don’t have someone to follow their leads they basically fight for nothing and nobody. If they’re really stupid they will fight for him even in their deaths but with our power I doubt they have the courage to do so. We’ve won Y/N. We just need to get our prize before it actually feels like freedom.”
You listened closely to every single word he had to say. It wasn’t often that Luke had a smart side, he was usually questioned as the dumb one in the group but he had moments like these that were a blessing. He knew you so well it was the words that satisfied your ears. You had won.
“You sure they are alright?” You almost whispered, leaning forward because you could feel another contraction coming up.
“I promise you they will.” He smiled, offering his hand once again and ignoring the fact that you would literally be crushing it. You also tried your best not to break all bones but it was harsh because by every contraction it was getting worse.
“Would it be sounding weird if I said I’m not fully mentally prepared to this?” You said through breaths, squeezing your eyes shut and tried to block out the horrible pain, “Because I don’t think I’m prepared for this at all.”
“It’s totally understandable.” Luke responded with a warm smile, it was harsh seeing you go through the pain but it was something you couldn’t avoid. Once all of this would be over the pain would be gone completely, he had seen it during some all nighters watching Teen Mom. It was almost as if he was more prepared for this than you were and you were the one sooner than later becoming a mother.
It was a huge sigh of relief that came from your lips when it was finally over. You had no idea how many centimeters you were but it didn’t matter because you were so close to push it out already, you could survive with a few stitches afterwards.
Luke stood up from his chair to go take a look out of the window. It was night, you had assumed it was close to be morning because the sun was slowly creeping up from the horizon. It was warm, almost hitting you in the face but you still couldn’t focus on the beautiful orange colors because it took less than minutes before another contraction hit you.
“Oh my, that looks painful.” The nurse commented the second she showed up from the door. You were ready to comment something sarcastically but Luke stopped you by giving you a short glance. Your temper was really tested by all of this.
“You should try it out.” You mumbled below your breath when she walked towards the end of the bed to take a look, she was most probably the one the midwife had called out for help. If she would tell you that you were only two centimeters you wouldn’t hesitate to force Luke to grab a gun and blow her head off.
“Trust me I have.” She spoke and still kept the smile on her face, “Mother of five.”
“I think I suddenly gained all my respect for you.” You almost bit down on your arm and breathed heavily, hearing her faintly chuckle and do the rest of her checkup. You could feel Luke laugh beside you as well but you didn’t say any further, trying to stabilize your breathing.
“Well looks like you’re already ten centimeters. We’re gonna have to call in your midwife again and sooner than later you will have a baby Y/N.”
“What?” You removed your hand away from your face and looked at her with wide eyes, “I can-, I can’t give birth yet my husband isn’t here!”
“I’m sorry but the baby can’t wait.” She apologized half-jokingly, she could tell that it was pretty much affecting you but that was the way of natural birth.
“Why the fuck did she have to get my stubborn attitude already oh my god.” You fell back onto the pillow completely defeated, a sad expression coming to her face.
“I don’t want to give birth before husband is here… I can’t do this without Calum.”
You looked over at Luke with almost water in your eyes, you hadn’t mentally prepared yourself for this and without Calum it was ten times worse. You couldn’t do this, you had been waiting nine months with Calum by your side and to be by the end of it without him was not how it was supposed to be.
“I’ll try to call him okay.” Luke said and stood up from his chair with his phone in his hand, looking over at the nurse just for a small confirmation. She nodded her head in agreement most probably not wanting to start a huge argument with you.
You couldn’t really focus, it was so insanely harsh that all you could do was close your eyes and try not to push. You literally forced your legs together to make sure nothing would happen but truth was, you could feel it coming and it wouldn’t be long before you would lose your strength to hold everything in.
“They don’t pick up. Neither could I imagine that because what they’re going through is highly difficult to just stop all of the sudden and pick up a phone call.” Luke said the last part more quietly towards you just to not add suspicion to the nurse and you almost wanted to groan out loud.
“Well whether your husband is here or not the baby can’t wait Y/N, I’m gonna have you to spread your legs and push as much as you can okay.” She rolled her chair towards the end of the bed and made your eyes go huge, looking over at Luke in hope of him just doing anything.
“But I can’t-,”
The sudden sound of the door blasting open and so many walking in at once made your eyes go huge and stopping yourself in the middle of the sentence, watching as Calum was the first one in the mob and hurried towards the other side of your hospital bed.
“I’m here I’m fucking here!” He breathed and almost knocked down the chair in process of taking a seat, his hand wrapping around yours.
“What is going on?” The nurse asked almost in panic by the many people inside of the small area, not to mention that they were still covered up in blood. Calum’s lip seemed a bit broken as blood was leaking from it while Alex had gotten a black eye. The others seemed to had gotten through it easily but they still had stains of blood.
“We just arrived from a Halloween carnival that’s why we’re late!” Jack was the one to speak up on everyone’s behalf, Mitchell looking at him oddly by the sudden announcement.
“Really?” Stefan mumbled below his breath and almost wanted to roll his eyes but it seemed to be enough for the nurse. She was most probably already stressed out because of the heartbeat of the baby and now it looked like the entire cast of Reservoir Dogs had showed up in the rather small hospital room.
“Okay I don’t care who you are and how you are related to the baby but I can only allow the father and the mother to be inside. The rest of you can stay in the waiting room but for the sake of the rest of the hospital I’d prefer if you changed your costumes into something else.”
The nurse was speaking fast to let it all out at once and pointed towards the door to show her seriousness. They all hurried outside with good luck wishes coming from their mouths, Luke being the last one to leave and also gave you a thumbs up in the process.
“Okay I don’t know what that was all about.” She commented the second silence fell upon the room besides your constant breathings, “But we have to focus on this now. On the next contraction I’m gonna have you to push as much as you can.”
You nodded your head in agreement and looked over at Calum with what could possibly be the biggest smile on your face. Sure he had been beaten up a little bit and the blood was stained on his shirt but he was here and that was what mattered the most.
What you had feared the most came to reality. But it wasn’t as bad as you had thought it would be. The contraction was the worst, pushing it all out felt like the most satisfying feeling ever. Sure, you had to use all the strength possible to push but it was the best blessing ever when it was suddenly over.
“The head is out Y/N you’re doing amazing.” The nurse commented and helped you along with pulling it out, “When the next contraction you’ll become parents.”
You looked up at Calum completely out of breath, hair tousled to the front part of your face and your forehead so sweaty it was unbelievable. But he thought you were the most beautiful human he had ever seen and he nodded his head encouraging for you to push once you were ready.
It was probably the most beautiful moment of your life. It felt as if it took ages once you started pushing again but once your baby was out, the pain was gone. Everything was completely gone and you were overwhelmed by the feeling of love.
“Congratulations it’s a girl.” The nurse smiled in welcome and placed her on top of your chest, Calum looking down at her ever so carefully with the most adoring smile on his face.
“Do we have a name?” She questioned and dried her off with towels, a small whine coming from your baby in reaction and you looked up at Calum in pure surprise. For nine months you had been caring her yet she had never felt as real as she did right now.
“Not yet.” You explained while rubbing your thumb over her head after they had removed the blood, finding a warm towel to wrap around her and let Calum proudly cut the umbilical cord. It was such a magical moment if you thought about it, you probably wouldn’t think it was real. But it was the most human feeling you had ever experienced in a while.
“I was actually thinking of something.” Calum suddenly said, grabbing your attention from your little baby girl and you looked up at him with half wide eyes.
“I know it might be cliché and that it’s not something we have been taking about but… I just thought it would be appropriate because she has always been the last bit of hope we’ve been carrying onto.”
By the pressure of Hope, he smiled softly down at you expecting what he was hinting at and you looked down at her just to see if it matched. He was right, utterly completely typically Calum right and to be honest you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Hope Mali-Joy Hood?” You asked just to give it a bit warmer and also adding his sister and mom in a combination to the name. The reaction was pure, he was almost blushing by your suggestion and nodded his head in agreement.
“Sounds like the most amazing name our daughter could ever get.” He gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead and stood up from his chair to write it on the blackboard right next to the pink pacifier that was hanging in honor of her.
You couldn’t stop smiling you almost felt as if your cheeks were starting to hurt. It was like you had become this whole new person and maybe that was what you really needed in life. A new beginning, something to look after every single day and reminding you why it was worth waking up in the first place.
“Is it over?” You questioned, he already knew what you were hinting at.
“It’s over. Some died some survived. Some decided to run while others decided to pair up with us and work in the future. We don’t know what’s ahead of us but one thing’s for sure. We have each other.” He took a seat down on the bed next to you and swung an arm around your shoulder.
You could stay in this position forever. Just rocking back slowly and forward looking down at Hope with such happiness in your eyes. She looked like Calum there was no doubt but if you looked closely there was a few features coming from you.
“I will give you some time alone. Once again, congratulations on your baby.” The nurse said and started to back away, confusion written on her face once again when she met all the boys walking in through the door with various baby toys in their hands.
“We decided to attack the gift shop while we were waiting.” Michael explained and placed a toy right next to you on the nightstand and took a look down at your baby girl.
“Oh my god Y/N she has your nose.”
You couldn’t control the laughter by his comment and watched him take a seat by the end of your feet to allow the others to look. Stefan and Mitchell were the last one to walk closer with a bouquet of flowers in both their hands, they looked so insanely proud. You had never expected this moment would come.
“We’re proud of you little sister.” Stefan smiled and gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek.
“You sure as hell are the most badass one in the family.” Mitchell agreed and caressed Hope’s cheek, it was almost as if everything that had happened the past month was unreal.
Never had you expected in your life that any of your relatives would have to meet your baby. You had settled down with Calum’s being the one to the rescue as he had gotten plenty, you were fine by that. But truth was to have the best uncles she could ever find made your stomach flutter with butterflies because it meant you wouldn’t be so alone after all.
“We actually have a question for you.” Ashton announced, leaning his arms on top of the rack of the bed.
“What’s up?” You questioned and for once looked away from your baby, smiling gently.
Ashton looked around at the guys almost as if he was becoming nervous and you shifted carefully in your seat. She had been pretty quiet throughout the whole time only a little bit fuzzy when getting clothes on but that was okay. You were just getting used to this.
“After all of this the boys and I-, All the boys.” He nodded his head around to everyone in the room, “We’ve decided that we’re all gonna team up. We’ve had our complications and conflicts but in the end we know that we’re stronger together. We don’t have to fear Lance anymore, he is finally away for good.”
You nodded you head carefully listening to every word he had to say. You couldn’t point out what the question was but you could tell it was something special by the way they were smiling at you.
“And with a team comes a leader,” Mitchell chirped in and wrapped an arm around Ashton, you could tell what was going to happen now.
“We want you to be our leader Y/N.”
It was a huge smile that came to your face, bigger than it already could be. The feeling going through your body was indescribable, it was as if your heart had been half throughout your entire life and suddenly it felt back into pieces. You had everyone around you that you loved so much and more to come. You couldn’t picture a perfect moment like this until actually living it.
You were shaking your head in disagreement but still giggled feeling how you were ready to tear up. As expected they scrunched up their noses and furrowed their eyebrows confused to you declining because they had expected you to say yes.
“I know that you all expected a yes but that’s not what’s best for us now. I know that I know you all mutually and that I would do my job great but I think someone deserves it much more than I do.” You explained and looked over at Luke with a wide smile, the sudden attention making his cheeks turn red.
“I think Luke should be our leader.”
It was a huge scoff that came from Michael partly joking and partly in disagreement but when he saw the seriousness in your eyes he looked at it differently. You wouldn’t just say this for fun without actually meaning it with good argumentations behind it.
“Only if he wants of course.” You added and shrugged your shoulder, looking over at the blond haired boy who looked around pretty confused but that was when he flashed a smile as well, nodding his head in agreement.
“I’d really love that.” He was shy, he was clumsy and sometimes he fooled around ruining plans but in the end, he was only of the only sources of happiness in the gang. He was always there, he would break a foot or two and that was a part of being the amazingly Luke Hemmings. Now, former leader of the 5SOS gang.
“To Luke then.” Ashton said excitedly and gave out bottles of water that seemed to be the only thing served around the hospital, raising his bottle in the air with everyone else repeating his sentence.
“And as former leader I’d like to say from now on, I won’t be sharing bedrooms with Michael Clifford anymore.” Luke grinned and stood up from his chair to swing an arm around his blond haired best friend.
“I think you will definitely regret that.” Michael laughed and messily ran his hand through Luke’s curls, grinning lightly by the reaction and eyes fell upon you again.
“Well gang mama here will definitely go on a well maternity.” You mumbled, looking down at Hope and fell Calum’s lips press against your forehead.
“I think Mr. Hood will join you on that. I don’t think I’ll need to shoot someone’s head off for the next many months.” He smiled, feeling how everyone around you were standing with the exact same happy expressions, the feeling of closure was finally here.
“I can’t believe it.” You almost whispered, feeling how a tear was pressing out from your eye and you were quick to remove it from your cheek.
“Mrs. Hood, are you crying?” Michael laughed.
“No, I’ve just got something in my eye.” You mumbled trying to distract them from what was actually going on, you had never cried in front of them but when you thought about it. They had to see that at some point and today you couldn’t hold any of it in.
“I just can’t believe it.” You repeated feeling a few more tears come and Calum removed them gently with his thumb. The others almost had to hold in tears again because they were thinking the exact same thing as you.
“I can’t believe that we finally won.”
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