#hitman 2 rp
thescarecrowmailman · 28 days
in a marco + sage rp mood sooo!~
say 1 for a marco starter
2 for a sage starter
or just say brothers for both!
idk i think it be fun. a stressed out overworked big brother or a sorta serious hitman lil brother
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prpfs · 4 months
👻 Hi there! 23+ ;; LGB(T), looking for some lax RP partners that want to write but don't want to be burdened with anxiety of wanting TO write all the time + want to get some breaks in between.
I have a couple of tropes I want to execute with certain types of OCs of mine:
- Mercenary/Hitman OC. With vampire roots and more. Affiliation in the deep web. Morally grey and not necessarily bad/good as a person. Looking for some ideas of said OC meeting your character — Be it them being some type of target, maybe involved in the same deep web forums, etc. You name it. Open to mix and match more ideas.
- Dogboy OC. Kinda loser but with an attitude. Aloof and a little bit lazy in nature. Very susceptible to abusive people if they feed him attention. Looking for an abusive subordinate x boss dynamic. Type of abuse can vary.
- demon oc. An entity based on sin and tends to reflect said sin. Eccentric, unpredictable, energetic and extroverted. Similarly to the second OC, I'm hoping to find some type of OC x OC dynamic that turns foul and abusive. Want to specifically execute themes of possessiveness, trauma bonding, over dependency and the likes.
Other notes:
- looking specifically FOR non fandom OC RP partners
- currently available on discord only to RP these things, sorry
- I am very much open to exploring a lot of dark subjects. We can discuss more on the specifics but I've written about just about anything. From taboo NSFW ideas to cannibalism, to dissecting targets live to other stuff.
The world is your oyster as they say.
- 1-2 paragraphs and more preferred. I don't really badger for lengthy but I still need to work with something to understand the environment/description of your character.
- If you're really, really, really interested, please feel free to comment or like the post. 🙏
give a like and anon will get back to you
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garu-rufftor · 12 days
Looking for RP partner [M4M] preferably.
Hobby style, no need to be overly serious or professional, I'm quite a newbie myself. I just want to have fun with RP again.
Hellooo!! Would anyone want to be my RP partner? I'm quite a newbie so don't expect much from me please! I've only done not professional 1x1 but should there be more people (if there's anyone at all) I'd be open on trying. No age rules but if you're young I expect some level of maturity, not like I'm the most mature but yeah, and if you're an adult let you know I'm 15 soon 16 years old, don't do weird stuff.
I try to adapt writing styles to people, so no worries! I'm from Spain, so my grammar and use of English aren't always on check.
I would personally enjoy more of a MxM (not necessarily romantic) if possible and no smut/nsfw please. Also I personally tend to roleplay as a trans masc character.
I'm leaving some brainstorming here, feel free to pick. I'm open to brainstorming because creativity and along with another person is so cool. I'm fine with RP with already existing characters if it's from a fandom but using oc's would be so cool too!!
1.- Keroro. Not too known but I really enjoy this anime and I always wanted to do something around it, you'll know from where the "Garu" in my nick comes from should you have seen it, haha.
2.- Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Another old one but it really for my heart too.
3.- Vocaloid + PJSK/Colorful Stage. I'm not extremely fond of everyone for the record.
4.- Countryhumans like stuff. For this one I'd enjoy more OC's since I don't want any dramas, I'm open for the classic Countryhumans style or a more humanised less political stuff.
There's more but I'm kinda lazy, feel free to ask me for anything too! No promises but there may be a chance.
A list of dynamics that interest me should it help. I really like military stuff btw.
a) Boss/subordinate but they've been working together for so long they're very close friends.
b) Barely reacts to anything/enjoys teasing him.
c) School friends and recently people began gossiping about a lot of fake rumours about one of them.
As said these are just some ideas, feel free to contribute into ideas! I enjoy active back and forth and communication is a key too, if at some point you don't enjoy/feel comfortable anymore even if we're half through a roleplay please inform me.
That being said thank you very much should you have read it!
You can contact me through Discord since I'm not that active here -> al_35
Currently I'm going through the last week of exams before my evaluation for this course ends so I may be busier and more low in energy, for the record!
See you~ (I hope this goes well plz) 🌌🌠🌌
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findyourrp · 5 months
⚖️ — hii y’all !!
i’m a 25+ writer looking for new 21+ rp partners, your irl gender doesn’t matter to me. if we vibe, we vibe. atm i’d prefer to write shorter replies of about 1-3 paragraphs, but not a fan of constant one liners ( but we can totally have ic text threads etc. for fun super short form content alongside the main thread ). i’m normally used to writing much longer replies, but it’s currently overwhelming me a lot so i want to try a new approach to get back into writing more regularly. what i do appreciate is partners who are enthusiastic about plotting and brainstorming together, creating characters and connections, sharing pinboards and playlists, sending memes, etc. — you musn’t be into all of this ( the first two points are the important ones ), but i do feel i generally vibe better with ppl who are similar to me in this regard. open to 1x1s and small-ish mumus where we have 2-4 characters each. in case of 1x1s i prefer mxm ( trans and nb characters welcome! ) as i have the most experience writing this type of pairing and it’s simply what feels the easiest/most comfortable to write for me. in mumus, any type of ship goes as i’d want a mumu to include various genders, ages, sexualities, ethnicities, etc. also not everything must be romantic, that’s why i love mumus so we have room to explore some purely platonic dynamics too. basic plots i’d love to have rn: — found family but with misfits/criminals ( mumu! heists, impossible jobs, mercenaries, etc. ) — henchman x mob doctor or hitman x independent underground doctor ( it’s the same premise just slightly different lol ) — retired criminals trying to live a normal life ( esp. with characters over 40 or even 50... give me actual middle aged/older gays ) — smth with serial killers ( known serial killer and their new copycat? serial killer and the detective that’s trying to catch them.. plot twist, they’re friends or even lovers but the detective is clueless? ) — vampires. anything with vampires. ( old ass vampires that have had a weird on/off relationship for centuries now? vampire and werewolf loving each other in secret? ) — androids ( mumu! especially in a world where they are common but not accepted by everybody; deviation from programming; android/human and android/android relationships; etc. ) i do not wish to write with ppl who exclusively write any of the following: submisse bottoms, white cishet characters, characters under 25. like this and i’ll come to you asap 💕
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whiskeysmulti · 1 year
1. Mun is 30+ so some mature themes may happen on this blog. 
2. No godmodding/metagaming, be respectful, etc. I am not afraid to instantly block anyone who can’t show some basic respect. 
3. I am highly selective and mutually exclusive, if we are not following each other, I will not interact. So please let me know if you’re following for a sideblog so I know we are mutuals then. 
4. Please notify me of your triggers and blocked tags so I can tag appropriately. That said my own triggers are incest, rape, pedophilia, and sexual abuse in general. I will amend this list as other triggers come to light. That said, I do have muses who have SA and CSA as triggers in their info, it is only past mentions of it happening though, my own trigger with SA comes in with images and explicitly detailed writing. Interact with Ash Lynx and Shorter Wong with caution if CSA is a trigger, I write them both as survivors of it. I also black list the tag #one piece, please tag your content be it rp or art, I want nothing to do with this fandom and don't want it on my dash. While I have it in my DNI I understand some fandomless OCs and multi blogs rp in it still, I need you guys to tag your verses and content for it please.
5. I am a multi muse, please specify the muse you want to answer said ask when sending one, the only exception to this is OOC/Mun games, I will answer those as myself. Also if you’re a multi or sideblog please let me know the url/muse the ask is from when sending. I am also multiverse, multi ship, as well as duplicate friendly. Each ship is in it’s own verse, I do have mains and exclusives though. I am okay with some pre-established stuff as far as platonic goes, friends and familial bonds. All I ask is you just run it by me first to make sure it works with my headcanons, romantic ships though, I prefer chemistry.
6. You are always welcome to turn answered asks into a thread, all I ask is that if you move it to a new post, please @ me because I use thread tracker, I also track my replies by the number of drafts I have. That way by @'ing me, I can throw it into my drafts as soon as I see it and then work on the reply when I have time. I use the thread tracker to keep track of my RPs and x-kit to trim them. Thread tracker tracks the thread by the post number from my own blog. Do not move the post every reply. If from an ask, I will allow you to move it once to a clean post and then I will reblog and track from there.
7. I am not an aesthetics source or RP resource and memes blog, please reblog from the source when possible.
8. Do not reblog in character threads you are not involved in. They are not fanfics, they are for my RP partner/s only. Personals please do not interact on them. Anything tagged #ic is off limits.
9. While I do not fully diverge, my portrayals are headcanon heavy. Keep this in mind when interacting with my muses. As some things may be applicable to them that are not discussed in the canon verses.
10. I will not interact if I find your blog to be utilizing A.I. or reposting stolen/uncredited art.
11. DNI: One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood blogs. 12. My timezone is US EST/GMT-5 (New York Time), so if you can't reach me at a certain hour, I am probably asleep or having connection issues with net and data.
This list will be amended as I see fit and is subject to change the longer I write on here.  
Muse List:
Banana Fish:
Griffin Callenrese
Ash Lynx
Shorter Wong
Neliel Tu Odelshwank
Tier Harribel
Lilynette Gingerbuck
Nanao Ise
Karin Kurosaki
Yuzu Kurosaki
Shikamaru Nara
Minato Naimkaze
Hinata Hyuuga
Sakura Haruno
Itachi Uchiha
Katekyo Hitman Reborn:
Hayato Gokudera
Shoichi Irie
Mukuro Rokudo
Dino Cavallone
Cozarto Simon
Enma Cozzato
G. Giotto Uri (humanized version of the Storm Box Animal) Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington Sally Skellington Child's Play Universe: Charles Lee Ray (Chucky) Saw Universe: John Kramer (Jigsaw) Amnesia: Shin
Trigger warnings associated with each muse can be found here. Character list with info links to wiki pages on each is found here.
Hidden/request only muse list can be found here. Mains and exclusives list can be found here. Affiliates can be found here. Ship wishlist can be found here.
Please read these links before interacting!
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tacticalhimbo · 1 year
i was tagged by @detectivelokis to fill out this fun little oc meme! thank you very much 💕 i loved reading abt all your girlies!
i'll tag @ladysanjo , @vendettapandav (or if ya wanna do this on your rp blog, @vendettamuses ), and anybody else who wants to do this! my mind is blanking skdjdkd
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Yep. It's him. He has his own tag ffs. But for real, he's one of my most complex characters. I will admit he totally started off as a self-insert, but he's evolved into such a character. He's got strong convictions, he has flaws (boy, does he have them), he has this whole identity crisis and kinda redemption arc…. Man. I love Vinny.
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I wasn't sure about this one so I went with the character I think is the oldest! I mean, I made him in high school. Maybe 2016 or 2017? Anyway, he's what got me into writing (real ones will remember the Wattpad days 💀), and he's been through so many revamps over the years. He's a bastard hitman and I love him very much.
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This character is a WIP still, but she's another Destiny 2 character! I wanted to experiment with the different classes, so she's a Voidwalker Warlock. Not quite sure what her story is yet, but the concept is brewing!
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OOO this one was hard but out of all of them? Constance. My Umbrella bastard. She's very much a believer in what Umbrella was doing and man, she'd do anything to re-establish the corporation and its experiments. Have said this before and will say it again, her villainy stems from a dangerous manifestation of apathy, one where it does not matter what happens to others, so as “nothing will come of the circumstances”. The way she clings to Umbrella/Neo-Umbrella is a desperate attempt to have control over said circumstances no matter the cost. She's a bastard through and through.
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Easiest choice on this list. She's just so babygirl. She couldn't hurt a fly. She's sensitive, optimistic, always cheerful, and she just wants the best for everyone. Not to mention, she has the softest aesthetics of my characters too. Lots of bright/pastel colors and high femme fashion.
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Ah, Roman's sister that he has no idea about. She's been trained to be an effective killing machine, and a lot of her personality has been buried with the "loss" (separation) of her childhood lover, Lucas. She doesn't get close to people as a result of her career and her general background. The orphanage was god awful, Lucas saved her after she aged out, and then she lost him. So. Very much side-eyeing everyone.
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This one was hard to pick because there's a lot that could fit the bill, especially when it's broken down to different types of knowledge, but I'd probably have to say Laverne. She might not have formal education, but she's running a multi-million (if not billion) dollar financial corporation AND a whole criminal enterprise! This bitch knows what she's doing.
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I could pick Vinny again BUT I'm gonna pick Scott, my Ryder. He has no idea what's going on at any given moment, and he's expected to save Andromeda?? He can barely give a presentation in front of a small group without feeling the need to hurl, and the Initiative only taught him so much before putting him on glorified mall-cop duty. So. Dumb boy ♡
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Her vibes are just… so cool. She's definitely one of the girls I'd be afraid of at first because she seems too cool, but we'd find some obscure thing to bond over (and I can confidently say it'd be Fortnite of all things 💀) and then we'd be besties. She's chaotic. She's smart. She's badass. She's just. So cool???
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signorinavongola · 7 months
Questions for the mun
2, 3, 4, 8
Questions for the mun
2. What other fandoms are you in?
As for the English-speaking fandom, I'm currently only in the KHR rp fandom. I have fem!Tsuna's blog and fem!Squalo blog.
As for my native language fandom, I'm currently writing Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Naruto and Tokyo Ghoul characters with my regular roleplay partner.
3. Favourite colour(s)?
I love royal blue and the color blue in general, also in recent years I have tended towards earthy colors and I also like white and black.
4. Do you like to read, if so what books?
Yes, I love reading. It's a big part of my job, so it's hard to find time to read in my spare time, but if I have time, I prefer books, professional books about my native language (linguistics, grammar, stylistics, creative writing), popular science literature, especially psychology. I also adore modern poetry and, as far as fiction is concerned - literature of the 21st century by native authors, next, young adult (especially dystopian, contemporary), my guilty pleasures are romantic and erotic genres because I like to explore how chemistry is built between characters, but many times it's so bad and the sex scenes fill gro books without any function (but kudos to the exceptions!).
8. What music genres do you like? What musicians do you listen to the most?
I listen to everything that interests me. But I'm most inclined towards rock or metal bands - Citizen Soldier and Autumn Kings.
Lately, I've been leaning towards a singer called BANKS. This singer is more into alternative pop.
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demon-blood-youths · 1 year
Van Ink Za Tatsu No Harem || Part 14. Airport Battle
Hi guys! Happy Sunday! Here is part 14 for my lovely rp partner @the-silver-peahen-residence. If you haven’t seen the other parts, please do so. It’s wild just like this chapter! This drabble has some grammar errors in it but anyway please enjoy!
Part 10 - Resolution???
Part 11 - Peak of Anger
Part 12 - Head Hunt
Part 13 - On The Hunt: Assault on The Mansion Pt 1
Part 13 - On The Hunt: Assault on The Mansion Pt 2
----- Summary -----
After the assault on the manison and taking down Ray Decham. The next target on the list is Adam Ripper. The team is now on manhunt looking for him before he leaves New York. How will this turn out?!
------ Four Months Later, The Bar ------
“Holy shit...” The client widen his eyes, hearing the downfall story of Ray Decham.
“Uh-huh.” Hitman puts his cigarette out before taking a sip of his whiskey. “Those are the Six Claws. They turn that poor bastard’s mansion into nothing but a burning heap of rubble in the sea of  blue flames. All that art, gold, jewelry, and money that Decham got? All of it up are in smokes. Gone. They made sure that the man got nothing, only the clothes on his back.” “Did Ray Decham died?” The client gulped.
“Nope. He wasn’t allowed to, he is forced to live with the consequences of his actions.That poor son of a bitch got some broken ribs, parts of his skin were burned, and get this, the man is paralyzed from the waist down because of the spine being broken or fractured. The man is lucky to be alive in a wheelchair. Because of that, he said he saw God and retired after being sent to prison or some shit like that. But I can tell you that man was never the same after that. Nobody knows if he can walk again.” The hitman said. 
“And you know this because???” The client questioned.
“The people who worked for him. The guards. They got injuries too. Scars from that assault on the mansion on that day. Physically and mentally. Some of them don’t remember but the housekeeping staff do. They see the house being burned and Ray Decham getting beaten by the Six Claws. They remember his screams.” The hitman continues, pouring some whiskey for his client as the man is now spooked, “Based on what I heard, the Six Claws are young men. Around high school or college age. Nobody knows but don’t let that fool ya. They are strong on their own. Got powers that nobody can imagine. Together...they can turn a fortress into a house of cards..” Hitman commented. “They tore that man’s mansion apart when looking for him.” 
“Then what about Adam Ripper?” The client asked. “What happened to him?” 
“After being beaten bloody, Decham talked to the police. They made sure that man is able to talk. If he didn’t talk, one of the Six Claws will beat him before getting healed by Ink’s fraction. Any more time he wasted, he gets beaten, gets heal and it starts over...”
“Jesus Christ....” The client cursed. Isn’t that torture?! What the hell?! 
 “Decham finally said where Ripper is. On his way to a private airport at 6pm. One hour. He’s hiding in the city. The Six Claws were on their way there to stop Ripper from flying out of the country.” The hitman continues with his story.
--------- Present.....Office Building ------
“Holy fuck....” Rust begins. That mansion assault. That’s something that everyone is going to be remember. The chat blew up.
“So you got everything, Fosh?” Hellmare said. Fosh nods. “Yeah. Mouse called as she got the entering all the way to the beatdown from every angle. ” Fosh said, worried. “She even told that The Cursed Vixens never done that before. Not sure if Ink wants to see this.“
“I rather not. Ink doesn’t want to see them so upset. She would be wondering if they’re alright.” Ophelia said as she exhausted her in healing that Decham’s wounds. Deku requested that they need Decham to talk so they can find out where Adam Ripper is hiding. Ophelia agrees but after two tries. Akiko steps in and is about to do her usual work making Decham cry out in terror and spilled the beans. 
“Is Ink awake?” Rex asked with concern as he is with the team, coordinating the search. 
“Not yet. She is still resting.” Ophelia said. 
“So that fucker is going to be on his way to the airport??” Navarro growled. “Bastard thinks he can cut and run after what he did.” 
“I don’t think he will get far.” Hellmare said. “Shdwkyz said that those six are on the warpath in tracking Ripper down. Dazai told me the same thing.”
“Yeah, I pull up any private airports and show Dazai. Everyone check and there is no Ripper except for White Plains Private Airport...” Fosh said. 
Kali snickers on the phone as Hellmare has her on speaker. “That freaking Ripper has no idea who he pissed off. If he learns what happened to that other scumbag, he is probably on his way to get away right now.” 
“Mouse sent a drone over there, accompanying the six.” Said Fosh. “Dazai and Kunkida is driving them right now with Shdwkyz, Oblivion, Yuuka.”
“And me!”
“And Kali...” Fosh sighed.
-------- At the White Plains private jet airport -------
“Sir. Ray Decham has been apprehended.” Said a guard. Adam Ripper who is wearing glasses and has a haircut. “Told that man to get out of there. Damn fool.”
“Are we there yet?”
“Yes. We are here.” The operation was failed. Condor and his team has failed. Ray Decham has failed. No matter, he would try again to claim Van Ink The Dragon’s body some another time in near future. Unfortunately for the occult doctor, there is no next time.
They made a stop as the jet is now ready as the crew got everything they needed for departure. Of course, they heard a car smash throught the fenced gates from the distance.
“Keep them busy!” Adam Ripper hurried himself to the jet. “Get going!” The jet is leaving.
The six came out of the car and approached. The guards brandish their guns and aim at the six. However Joker is quick and fires his gun, knocking the some of guards’ guns of their hands.
Next, Atsushi rushes at them and took some of them down with his tiger fists. Bakugo and Midoriya went past, going for the jet. Bakugo is the first in line and yells at the pilot now rolling onto the tarmac as the jet is about to take flight. 
The pilot looks at Bakugo.
“HEY! YOU DAMN EXTRA, PULL OVER!” Bakugo shouted at him, startling the pilot as the pro-hero had that murderous expression on his face. “Uh...sir!”
Then he hears a click as he felt something metal pressed against the back of his head.. “Don’t...” Ripper said. “Take flight. Now.” He said sternly. 
“Y-yes sir!” The pilot cried.
Seeing this, Bakugo growls at Ripper putting a gun at someone’s head. Bastard. The pilot is an innocent person and the last thing he hates is people getting hurt. So Bakugo then sees Denji, Rin and Atsushi on foot running towards the jet. Bakugo lands onto the wing and holds on it while Midoriya is running. 
“Damnit! I’m going to cut it!” Rin said, unsheathing his sword.
“Don’t! There’s people inside. The pilot and the crew!” Midoriya said.
“But how are we going to make the flight stay grounded?!” Rin yelled. 
“Hey! Tiger guy!” It’s Denji getting Atsushi’s attention. “Yeah?!” Atsushi yelled.
“Give me a leg up! I’m going to cut up the engine!” Said Denji as he pulls the cord. 
“Right!” Atsushi nods. Whatever his idea is, Denji has some kind of plan. Atsushi gives Denji a leg up and launches him towards the plane. Towards the engine. Denji went into Chainsaw Devil and enters the engine. The engine explodes when Denji jumped into it. 
“What the-” Kunkida stared in disbelief as he and Dazai are watching from this distance. 
“Woah! It looks like a good death! Going into the engine like that!” Dazai said happily. Denji rolls across the tarmac through the engine. “HAHAHAHAHA! I GOT ONE DOWN!”Denji laughs as he swings his chainsaw arms. 
“Nice going, Denji!” Midoriya exclaimed as the plane is now going down. Bakugo propels himself near the engine and does a AP shot, hitting engine down. Inside the plane, the plane was going down and Ripper slides down across the plane and hits his back against the wall. The hell?!
The legs of the plane begin to break thanks to Rin’s quick sword slashes. Midoriya uses Float and his Black Whips to make the plane come down safely by wrapping around the wings. With his feet on the ground, he goes to pull the plane so it won’t enter the water. Rin wraps his arms around the green hero’s waist, giving him a strength boost thanks to his demonic strength followed by Atsushi and his tiger strength as well. The three pull on Midoriya’s black whips to make the plane grounded and stop. The plane skids across the tarmac and stops near the water. 
Now the plane has stopped. The drone has recorded all of that. Now it’s time to enter the plane. But first! 
“It’s over, Ripper!” Midoriya yelled so Adam Ripper can heard, “Turn yourself in!”
---- Inside the plane -----
Adam Ripper growled. He won’t be stopped like this. He needs to take some of the crew hostage. But then he hears something tear both in the cockpit and behind the plane then something come in as purple smoke fills the plane . Atsushi got the cabin attendants out of the plane and Rin got the pilot out of the cockpit leaving Adam Ripper by himself.
Shit! Now what?! Then he felt something on top of him not before feeling his limbs being rendered immobile. He sees black whips as he sees glowing green eyes from the smoke. The smoke went away and soon what revealed to be a green-haired teenager in a green costume. 
“Like I said, it’s over, Ripper.” Midoriya said firmly making Adam Ripper gritting his teeth. 
------ The bar -----
“Wait...that’s it? It sounds like Adam Ripper got arrested without a hassle.” Said the client.
“Not really. The idiot tried to resist by using his power to get away. Let’s say he didn’t get far away and he got it way worse than Decham because of his sick reputation of cutting people alive on the operating table.” Said the hitman.
“His power?” He asked.
“Apparently, he can change his hands into blades and he can turn his nose into a blade like a freaking swordfish. That’s what he is called Ripper. Just a nickname. He tried to escape the plane and tries to run on foot and the Six Claws were ready for him. I heard one throw him out of the plane and the others ganged up on him when he tried to fight back.” 
----- On the Tarmac -----
“Damn you!” Adam Ripper said he deflects the bullets from Joker’s gun as the thief fires upon him non-stop. The bullets hit his legs. Then He got punched in the face by Atsushi and he felt a slash on his back as Atsushi claws his back with his tiger claws before he does a spinning kick at his side, kicking him.
Ripper growls by swiping his blade claws Atsushi but his fingers got sliced by Denji’s chainsaws as the chainsaw devil roars before kicking him in the chest. Then felt a slash at he felt a burn on his legs. It’s Rin then he stabs his sword,  Kurikara into the ground and performs a Satan Bomb which creates explosions in the ground sending Ripper flying into the air.  
Bakugo is above him then performs Explode-A-Pult, grabbing Ripper’s arm with one hand and then in mid-air using his explosion quirk with his free arm to propel himself in a spinning motion. The spinning motion looks relentless. As Bakugo spins himself and his target with explosions. With enough momentum, he throws his opponent back into the ground. Hard. 
Adam Ripper hits the ground Then he got kicked by Joker and was sent flying before something hit him again which is Midoriya’s Air Force, sending him onto the tarmac once more. The boys’ attacks were coordinated and it seems to hit on target. The villain Adam Ripper didn’t stand a chance. It’s like Ripper turn into a punching bag. 
“Shouldn’t we do something??” Kunkida looking at Shdwkyz as they are watching the fight. Kali is there too, sitting on top of the car and watching this with glee, drinking a milkshake. Kali scoffs, “Why should we? It’s 6 against one asshole! That guy is getting what he deserved.” 
“Not going to argue there.” Yuuka added while Oblivion is eating chips much to her bewilderment. 
Dazai chuckles. “Agreed. This is the first time we seen Atsushi get up so riled up. Besides...they’re fine!” 
“Honestly...” Kunkida sighs. “I-”
“I know what you’re thinking but forget it. You feel it too, didn’t you? Those guys won’t stop till Ripper gives up or in the ground.” Shdwkyz said. As much as he wants to slash or rather murder Ripper for starting this whole damn thing and hurting his leader, Ink. This punishment is fitting for Ripper and his crimes. He had to give this to Oblivion and Navarro. This is indeed Ink’s harem. 
“Yeah...” Yuuka chuckled nervously. For the first time, Yuuka never see Midoriya and Bakugo fight like this. Their moves is reserved for the worst villains and truthfully, Adam Ripper is the worst villain ever.
“Gotta say...I never seen team attacks all at once!” Kali grins making Yuuka sigh. 
Ripper roars at them as they are surrounding. “Fucking brats! Once I kill you, you’re all going to be on my operating table!” He inserts a injection into him, regenerating his blade claws and some of his wounds. “You ruined my plans in claiming the dragon’s body!”
Dragon’s body?! Is he talking about Ink?!
“What are you planning to do to Ink?!” Atsushi demanded with a growl.
Ripper laughs, “Van Ink The Dragon is a special one! I am following her exploits in New York and Japan. Her power is exceptional and I must learn about it. Her power shows signs of evolving after watching her battles. She would serve as a purpose for my experiments! If I got the dragon’s body, I can unlock some secrets in my research and make riches from it. Maybe immortality!” Ripper said, looking insane. 
So that’s the motive. Not surprised. Dazai thought. Too bad he confess to his crime to the six people who cared deeply about Ink. He is going to get his just desserts. 
 What an idiot. Shdwkyz thought.
Baka. Yuuka thought. Adam Ripper has no idea that he just pissed the boys off. 
‘Hahahahahaha! This is great! That guy is so fucking dead.’ Kali laughed in her head.
‘Uh-huh. He’s screwed...’ Oblivion thought.
‘This is going to be a quite report.’ Kunkida sighed.
“You bastard...” Rin said as he unleashes a Satan Slash, a blue flame power wave at Ripper who jumps away. “And I won’t let you six ruin my plans!” Ripper yelled.
“DIE!” Bakugo does an AP shot at Ripper which he easily dodges. Now that bastard is getting fast because of that injection.  Right now, he is getting piled on by the six. 
Bakugo does a Stun Grenade blinding Ripper giving Joker and Atsushi the opportunity to hit him together in the fury of gunshots, kicks and punches. Joker backs Atsushi up with his gun while Atsushi is beating him down. He got shot in the legs once more to disable and his ribs are being fractured, almost broken. 
Right away, Atsushi and Joker pulls away as Rin comes in and is quickly delivering slashes at him. Adam Ripper is getting teared up there are bloody gashes on his body. Midoriya then attacks Ripper with his kicks by activating Fa Jin, hitting Ripper at the chest and his blade nose, now broken due to the kintec energy which increases with repeating movement. Adam Ripper is staggering in the ground, now stunned. And finally...Denji roars and sprints at Adam Ripper. Ripper came to his senses and brings up one of his arms to deflect his chainsaw only to have his right arm cut off as blood spills across the tarmac.
The boys widen their eyes at this in shock. Yuuka and Kunkida’s jaws dropped while Shdwkyz and Oblivion widen their eyes and Dazai and Kali went “Wow!” as they didn’t expect that Ripper screams in pain as blood spills out from his shoulder.
“Dumbass Derp-Face! Don’t go cutting his arm off! Are you trying to kill him?!” Bakugo shouted walking over to Denji. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He jabs his finger at Denji’s chest. 
Huh. It seems like Bakugo wants Ripper alive and pay for his crimes. That’s an improvement. Yuuka and Shdwkyz thought.
 “Save some for me! I WANNA GET MORE HITS AT THIS SHITHEAD!” Bakugo yelled. 
Actually, they take that back. Bakugo wants to beat this villain battered and bloody. 
“Hah?! The hell?!” Denji yelled at Bakugo, waving his chainsaw arms around. “Fucking shithead deserved it. We gotta end this asshole with his arm off or something! He keeps moving around like a damn frog!” 
“A frog?! The fuck! That’s because we’re beating the shit out of you, you dumb EXTRA!” Bakugo retorted. 
“You guys....” Atsushi sighed while Ren pushes his mask up while Midoriya is in shock and Rin made a deadpanned expression with his arms cross while Bakugo and Denji are arguing. Midoriya is out of it when hearing Ripper yelling in pain.
“AH! It fucking hurts! YOU SHIT PUNKS!” Ripper yells as he is on the ground, rolling around holding his severed arm as blood pools under him while his severed arm is feet away from him. 
“Looks like we won...” Ren said, lowering his gun. Rin growls as he sheathes his sword, “I want to hit him more too. I am willing to cut his legs off.” 
“AHHHH!” Ripper keeps yelling.
Atsushi looks down at Ripper and shakes his head. “I agree with you but it’s better for him to face his crimes and be put away for prison. That said...we need to keep him alive. ” Atsushi looks over to Midoriya sharing the sentiment. “As a hero, it wouldn’t be right for him to die. We can’t decide that, only the courts here will. Ink wouldn’t want us to murder someone. It’s wrong.”
The boys agreed making Bakugo and Denji groaned but they agree as well. 
“So...how are we going to save his sorry ass before he dies of blood loss?” Bakugo said. 
“We need to tend to the wound so no more blood will come out and we need to put pressure onto it.” Atsushi said.
“Agreed. But how should we do it?” Ren said. 
“To do that, we have to treat the wound and to seal off the blood vessels. So we have to cauterize.” Atsushi said as he thinks. making Midoriya blinked as he had an idea. 
“Rin...can you use your sword to bring out blue flames to the wound. Blue flames are powerful enough. If we do that, we can cauterize the wound and have Ripper treated!” Midoriya asked to which Rin blinks then gets what Midoriya is saying to which he nods, “Yeah sure. I can use Kurikara to bring out flames and manipulating them. We just need to hold him down.” Rin sighed while nodding. 
“Got it.” Midoriya said as he and Atsushi approached. Ripper sees this and tries to crawl away. “NO! Don’t you dare!! STEP AWAY FROM ME!!’ 
“Relax! We’re trying to save your ass! Now hold still damnit!” Rin said. The next minutes were agonizing for Adam Ripper  as Atsushi and Midoriya hold Ripper down while Rin cauterizing the wound with his sword while everyone watched. 
------- The bar, Four Months Later -----
“Hold up. They what?!” The client can’t believe what he just heard with his eyes widen to the size of saucers. Yeah...Adam Ripper got the worst of it. The hitman wasn’t kidding. Holy shit.
“Yep. They have to burn the large wound to stop the bleeding, cauterizing the wound with some blue flames or something. There is no anesthesia or anything so you can imagine how that is like. It’s so bad that he fainted. The jet crew who got rescued heard the man’s screams when he is being treated.” Said the hitman making the client get the chills while holding his right arm. Yeah...he can’t imagine the pain alright. The client had to swing of his whiskey and drinks it down. He goes to pour another glass for himself just to process this whole story.
“The guy lost a freaking arm and they want to save him by doing that?! Jesus....it’s better to let the guy died at this point. Are these pro-heroes or what?!” The client exclaimed. 
“My guess they don’t want to be in trouble with the law so better to have him live and answer for his crimes. Or rather make an example of him for us to learn. Not to mess with Van Ink The Dragon.” The hitman stated firmly. 
“So Decham is paralyzed and Ripper has only his left arm.” Said the client making the hitman nods, “I heard his right arm is used in evidence from previous cases during the trail so he got sentenced to a life without parole.” Said hitman. The client drinks his whiskey glass as he now having second thoughts now.
“What if we go after one of-”
“Forget it. That’s out of the question too. You target one of the Six Claws. Not only, you deal with the other five. You’re going to deal with Van Ink The Dragon and the dragon’s fraction yourself too. You will be screwed if you try that shit. I heard the dragon isn’t that merciful if her men got hurt. The dragon is loyal to them and vice versa. They got each other’s back. One idiot try that and he got a huge scar on his body and his leg cut off. Hell....this guy was some rich bachelor. Heard it’s a woman or something. She and her shitty family were ruined to the point where they lost a lot of money and some of the family went to jail. Father, mother, cousin and brother involved. I don’t know all the details..”
“Oh....” The client slumps his shoulders. At that point....
“Maybe you’re right. I should just take the loss and go to another place, probably start again or something.” Said the client, accepting the loss now.
“Good call.” The hitman said. 
And so the legend of the Six Claws are now known throughout the criminal underworld and nobody will dare mess with them. Nobody knows their identities or their powers. All they know if you mess with the dragon, you get the claws! Those one who tried that are never the same again.
Of course, Ink and the boys has no idea!!!
------ The hospital, present----
“And that’s that.” Shdwkyz said as he return to the hospital. He meets with Navarro. “Everyone involved in the attack got arrested.” Shdwkyz informs. “Dazai and Eraserhead are gathering evidence for the DA so those scum will go to jail.”
“Good. Also Ink is sleeping. Dr. Yasno said that she will wake up at any time.” Said Navarro.
“Good. There is one last thing to do.” Shdwkyz said.
“One last thing?” Navarro repeated.
“Yes. And you know what that is. An apology....” Shdwkyz stated making Navarro gulped a little. Yeah...he almost forgot about that. Shit. Time to get those guys together.
To be continued....
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imagine-papyrus · 1 year
Got tagged by @rose-coloured-angel in a tag game here, and I figured "why not??"
Three Ships:
That I ship?? I guess that's the question?? I'll just pick the three most recent ones in my brain.
1. Emmet/Skyla (Pokemon BW): it started out as a joke with a friend and then it stopped being a joke. Whoopsie? I assume there's an agreed upon ship name for it somewhere but I personally call it DebateShipping.
2. Pico/Bf/Gf and the component ships (yes from FNF and Pico): Because nothing's funnier than hiring a hitman to kill your daughter's boyfriend, and then watching said hitman date them both! Also shout out to Bf/Gf specifically, because there's one thought between them and it's love!!
3. And because this is the Papyrus Undertale blog, Papyrus & Undyne best friends forever goes here! I don't actively romantically ship him with anyone, so friendship it is!!
First Ship:
Is this... something people remember?? I sure don't!
But if I had to guess... I think it was Zelink (Zelda and Link)? Or maybe it was one of those crossover ships you'd get out of an rp? OC x canon? Not sure...
Last Song:
The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy by Tom Cardy!
Last Movie:
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish! It was really good and pretty!!
Currently reading:
Two books, actually! I haven't made good progress on either, but they're A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin and Ordered Universes: Approaches to the Anthropology of Religion by Morton Klass!
Currently watching:
Let's see... at the time of writing this... I haven't watched any TV shows. I've been watching some anti multilevel marketing videos on Youtube if that counts?
Currently eating:
Peach fruit cup! Slurp!!
Tags: Play if you want! Go ahead and take this from me!!
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funkin-worlds · 2 years
"Always funking on a friday night, yeah...?"
An ask and rp blog for the mod's version of the original fnf characters, and OCs!
This blog follows a storyline, and it may contain some dark elements, so be careful!
The following characters:
Keith, otherwise, known as Boyfriend. He is 19 year old. He's known for speaking in beeps boops. As his stage name states, he is the boyfriend of the Dearest's daugher, Scarlet. He is currently missing.
Scarlet Dearest, the daugher of Daddy Dearest and Mommy Dearest. She is 19 year old. She seems to disguised herself as human, although everyone knows that she's a demon like her parents. Her stage name is Girlfriend, as she is the girlfriend to Keith. She is also missing.
Pico, an ex-hitman for the Dearests. He's 20 year old, with a traumatic past. Pico doesn't have a stage name, but does have singing experience. As for his current status, also missing.
Skid is a 10 year old, who's favorite holiday is Halloween, since he's always seen wearing a full body skeleton costume. Unlike the other three, he has small singing experience. He is often seen with his friend, Pump. He lives with his mother, Lila. He is not missing.
Pump is also a 10 year old, who's favorite holiday is also Halloween. He's seen wearing a pumpkin head. According to Skid, Pump's eyes seems to turn blue-ish green whenever he senses danger is around. "It's from Eyes!" We do not know who eyes is. He is not missing.
Daddy Dearest, also known as Hades Dearest. He's a popular ex-rock star getting fame again after his singing battle with Keith got popular. Despite being harsh towards his daughter's boyfriends, he's learning to accept that his little girl wants to date. He is not missing.
Mommy Dearest, also known as Margaret Dearest, is a popular pop star. She isn't rude towards her daughter's boyfriends or her current one, just testing. Once, she made her husband and daugher sing on a song once. She isn't missing.
Lemon Demon is a lemon-headed demon who is capable of many things. He is the cause of the disappearances. He has his own dimension where his kingdom remains. He has minions to do his dirty work for...
Stephen was once human, but after his ex-girlfriend's dad threw his body and soul into a game, he grew angry and sad. He is now called Senpai. He isn't alone in that game though...
Martin knows the Dearest ever since he was little, and sees them as his true family. He has a girlfriend named Lorenza, whom accepts Martin as him. He isn't a singer, but is willing to do anything to find Keith and Scarlet. Not missing
Lorenza is a singinger, although not a popular one compared to the Dearests. Often singing for her family businesses, she gain popularity with the town people and one asked Lorenza to make her songs worldwide. She met Keith, Scarlet, Pico, Stephen, and Martin. Not missing.
Teagen knew Lemon Demon for what he truly is. She is close to Pico and Martin, to the point where they were father figures. Teagen distanced herself with the majority of her friends and tries to find Lemon Demon to confront him. She isn't missing, but often she does wonder off.
The list will update! Here's a few rules:
1. No slurs. Be kind please! I get scared off easily.
2. I chose what to answer and what not to answer.
3. Don't control my characters, I'll stop replying that way. Things like: "[character] sees [your character] bla bla" is fine.
5. Don't misgender anyone, especially Martin.
6. Remember that the official characters are what I see them as, since I'm giving names to some of em.
Thank you!!
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prpfs · 5 months
⚖️ — hii y’all !!
i’m a 25+ writer looking for new 21+ rp partners, your irl gender doesn’t matter to me. if we vibe, we vibe. atm i’d prefer to write shorter replies of about 1-3 paragraphs, but not a fan of constant one liners ( but we can totally have ic text threads etc. for fun super short form content alongside the main thread ). i’m normally used to writing much longer replies, but it’s currently overwhelming me a lot so i want to try a new approach to get back into writing more regularly. what i do appreciate is partners who are enthusiastic about plotting and brainstorming together, creating characters and connections, sharing pinboards and playlists, sending memes, etc. — you musn’t be into all of this ( the first two points are the important ones ), but i do feel i generally vibe better with ppl who are similar to me in this regard. open to 1x1s and small-ish mumus where we have 2-4 characters each. in case of 1x1s i prefer mxm ( trans and nb characters welcome! ) as i have the most experience writing this type of pairing and it’s simply what feels the easiest/most comfortable to write for me. in mumus, any type of ship goes as i’d want a mumu to include various genders, ages, sexualities, ethnicities, etc. also not everything must be romantic, that’s why i love mumus so we have room to explore some purely platonic dynamics too. basic plots i’d love to have rn: — found family but with misfits/criminals ( mumu! heists, impossible jobs, mercenaries, etc. ) — henchman x mob doctor or hitman x independent underground doctor ( it’s the same premise just slightly different lol ) — retired criminals trying to live a normal life ( esp. with characters over 40 or even 50... give me actual middle aged/older gays ) — smth with serial killers ( known serial killer and their new copycat? serial killer and the detective that’s trying to catch them.. plot twist, they’re friends or even lovers but the detective is clueless? ) — vampires. anything with vampires. ( old ass vampires that have had a weird on/off relationship for centuries now? vampire and werewolf loving each other in secret? ) — androids ( mumu! especially in a world where they are common but not accepted by everybody; deviation from programming; android/human and android/android relationships; etc. ) i do not wish to write with ppl who exclusively write any of the following: submisse bottoms, white cishet characters, characters under 25. like this and i’ll come to you asap 💕
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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multi-cannon-rp · 1 month
NAME: Crow or Kara
PRONOUNS : She / Her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : Discord that is the fastest way to get a hold of me.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Deidara, Itachi, Izuna, Mukuro, Tanjiro, Shinobu, and Rimuru. More to be added in the future.
BEST EXPERIENCE : I think it was when the Hitman fandow was more active. I had a group on IM that allowed for most of our character to interact. But when the Manga ended and the AOL IM server was shut down so was our group. That was 10+ years ago.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : I am a pretty open person, it take quite a bit to make me mad. Hell, I love angry or antagonistic anons in my ask box. Insult away Hehe. But I don't like it when people try to jumps strait into a sexual relationship with my muse. Unless 1) we have plotted it, 2) Its a ship that I am in love with, or 3) We have already written nsfw with out muses before. Other then that its a no go. My muse will react negatively to that and it could kill any chemistry that could have happened. I do not like that and that's why my rule say slow burn.
MUSE PREFERENCES: I don't have a preference. I will rp with anyone, even non rp accounts. Who doesn't want to talk with their favorite character as themselves sometimes? My muses will answer if asked, if you don't say who you are asking then Rimuru will be the one to respond.
PLOTS OR MEMES : I don't really mind any of the ones sent to me. Excluding smut related ones unless we have communicated prior. I like longer threads though. One or two liners are okay sometimes but I don't have much to work with so they tend to die out quick for me or seem forced. With longer Rp's I will write more and at least try to match your length. If for what ever reason you need me to re-write feel free to ask and I will.
I like the darker based stuff the most. Torture my muse or character death within reason. I like to rp that.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Long please. I will do short replies but be warned that I might drop or completely for get about short replies. As far as rp's go at least. Unless you want to have to remind me multipole times that I owe you a response.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : Anytime, though you might have to wait for a response my RL can get super busy sometimes. It may sometimes take a week or two, but I still try not to make someone wait that long. I feel guilty and stressed when I do.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : Yep, in more ways then one I would think. I have a hard time writing muses that I don't have anything in common with. Naruto, Obito, Hibari, Sinbad, Aladdin, Gobiru, ect. I love those characters, but I cant write them to save my life.
Tag: Whoever want to do this.
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wpdariacutnes · 1 year
Me: ahh yes creppypasta megaman comunity how love how funny so lot cofuze but okey okey im make normality RP because you never make a good creppypasta a megaman enifing better is camcom and is pop a pixel arts code da how make spooky
A first is flashman and white revange dys normally a canda make logic bit and deadtrap of flashman code like dys one a fanships and make X insanity brake up self ( is enifing megamancomunity knows creppypasta so Google dys a dys comunity be here )
Me: das redsinging dys a more normality RP ungore because 1 knows 2 is anime a camcom knows dys but not dys unlimit dys is here limits because someone love more ship war's a fevret ones
Gate: *normal boring a say sowing a self kid a son's one more fevret because more take her limits* well flashman is only me fevret one son because care hem more and is me numer 1 a enifing get a be matcher enifing a hazbent in lucy
A crash man is nader one son a enifing same be litter a team flashman so dys rezan ( like yeah? Wall series and comic is enifing showing self a next flashman like a someone say radom rezan a rockman mania because comic style be close a sonic like style someone time be so simulator so das fine move on) *canda look boring a say canda more times*
Like flashman a be kid enifing not introsting a so play game more a logic staws like cart or make craft staws normal like hero ( . . . Cut a cut logic megamancomunity like someone say so logic a enifing be brake rule gate like destory womans a her dislike because bully past life code be nerd but relly dont knows das more be shy no nerd dymon more rezan deam man *slap*)
( and and here we go you these theories and X to start)
once the X a dys cutman model itself failed because I didn't check the weight of the metal and I asked for a lot too little (the truth was something was stim that something was pouring with metal there was something) so canda rezan X not kill cutman a take self a she kill hem ( . . . Cutman a rockman is insanety enifing better X see is get brake self down after kill hem not dys rezan you cant say o is hem kid because dys bullshit bullshit a make same size dont logic is hem child o m f g whyyyyy like enifing hitman okey yeah is logic and rezan but her a cutman a woman noooo¿°°¿°¿}•《☆)
* i skip dys because not logic enifing a enifing realityship a cutman a hitman a canda X get rage a hitman because ship a self child is so so stupid one*
A dys one a crash canda dys a model X but dys work dyfrent like is to much size ( YEP true is here a series TV same animation a dumb say dys yes yes neber ) but someone say is canda nader fund a dead body X a never befund ( and here go dys one theory a canda dys a bed end a megaman a canda alia dys pricess a look hem dead body Aaaa so romance so sonic a shiti one popurar queen or someone hate dys series because wery so blondi steotyp types more funny a enifing womans say so after dys radom persen make seld RP a dys logic a canda is a your fevret crash man is corupter X a dyfrent universe yeah and someone take dys shit canda radom say rezan enifing better take dys and expleing a one stupid logic a hem and nader hem a green eyes like hey megaman2 is call you a das cofuze a X eyes like is Stell growing like dys a make fanely self eyes a dys ver2 is not have enifing say what is colors eye is. . . Dys wery das hart)
* And more a enifing dys a enifing series a duo be here and expleing her a filings a whatever happened dys plase a lap ( das true like is say so a radom woman a working her or guy das more radom okeys is dys scene ) and end here yeah because more a be realityship a dymon and yara yara so dys see dys a Wall is ur dill a enifing a ur RP
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witchesxsweetheart · 1 year
Tumblr media
Let's give this a try shall we 😅
1. What would Completely break Amber. Well that all depends really... A lot has happened to her throughout my time roleplaying her... She's been.. Tested on... Threw to the wolves.. Lead on..abused.. Heartbroken... Ping Ponged through foster homes as a child. And so much more.. But something that would Break her Completely would be Loosing the one she loves dearly....Whether that's a child or a lover... Amber would fight to keep them safe and if she lost them... She would just replay how it happened in her mind and never let it go until it eats her from the inside out and she becomes a hollow version of her old bubbly crazy self.
2.Best Thing in Ambers life... There's two things... Her Daughter.. Tira and Her lover (depending on rp) both have brought great joy into a life that Was black and white for Amber. Like an old Vintage Tv Show... But when she had her daughter The colors began to show themselves.. Then it was like an explosion of color when she met her lover( again depending on rp) those.. Are the best things in Ambers life.
3.The worst thing in her life would definitely have to be her Ex Husband... Though Her daughter came along because of him.. She could never thank him.. Not after it took years to escape the prison he had forced her to live in for years upon years. Once she was out of his grip physically it took just as long to get away from. Him Mentally.. He Haunted her every day and night.. She couldn't leave the house nor the bed some days.. In fear he would be out there.
4.This is a sad one when we speak of Amber because she remembers her parents death and her first foster home to her first day at a new private school... She didn't stay long but it still was a very vivid memory
5.Amber has had many jobs depending on the roleplay. She was a Dancer... (Yes that kind) A waitress, A maid.., A mom, A caretaker. A teacher, a hitman. A cop.. She's had many jobs but hobbies... Definitely Axe throwing... Dance.. Singing.. Etc.
6.Amber is very hesitant when it comes to talking about her past or opening up in general she hates the feeling of not only being a burden but ruining someone else's day by opening up about her own traumatic experiences.. So she bottles up her emotions... She also doesn't tell people about how her parents died... Or how she got some of her scars... Or why she digs her nails into her thighs when she's mad or nervous.. There's so many things..
7.Amber is hesitant absolutely Intercourse she refuses to have Sexual intercourse with a man after what her ex husband put her through so now she sticks to women... And even then she's still hesitant because she's scared of being used then thrown away..
8.Amber has a few friends she tends to stay to a small group.. 5 or 6 at the most for sure.
9 ^^^
10.Amber would definitely pick a fight with a Karen for yelling at a kid behind the counter of a coffee shop.. She hates when Karen's make kids cry she usually ends up hugging the poor teen behind the counter and buying them something so they could calm down a little. She understands what it's like
11.Her Lover And Daughter... She would die for them with no hesitation or thought beforehand
12.Lack of Self Control, Lack of Self Confidence, Ill Tempered, Mischievous, Overprotective, Stubborn, Can be bitter at times, Possessive.
13. Amber tries to care about what others think. She tries to let others have their own opinions and even pretends to understand them only to walk away confused as all hell and laughing under her breath
14.Amber tries to give off this image of being a tough bad bitch who nobody can hurt. She built up her walls so high she can't even see over them. But to her daughter or to her lover... She's this bubbly sweet kind woman with a big heart who isn't afraid to speak her mind to protect her friends and family.
15. Being alone. getting lost. Spiders. Needles. Tight Spaces. Pain, Men(lol). Thunder and Lightning. Failure. Insects in general. Death.Bats. Strangers.
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46, 49, 2, 10, 20? ^^
Okay first of all hiiiiii so glad the fandom is only mostly dead (tee-hee), and thank you for coming up with this fun list! Second, I'm sorry if you've been waiting for me to respond. Tumblr is dumb and didn't tell me I had an ask in my inbox (which I don't check otherwise😅)
Anywho, here's my answers (Fair warning, I write long-winded answers for pretty much every ask I get):
2 - Fav Hetalia artists and why?
Ugh there are so many and I honestly don't remember them because it's been so long since either I or they have been active. Some of the ones I used to see on my dash were hetalia ask blogs. There was one artist in particular, though I can't remember who they were exactly, that I really enjoyed. They ran a few blogs, one of which I remember was an au where America was some kind of monster, and I think another was a Hitman Jones blog? I followed quite a few of those blogs back when I was really active in the fandom.
Many have also deleted over the years, but currently @oplusplus (I just love all of their work, and how they use a couple different styles depending on the kind of work they want to make) is my favorite. I also like much of the work they reblog from other artists, though I've been a bit slow to actually get back into following other fans and artists and consuming Hetalia content😅
10 - How long have you been in the fandom? What's your lore?
I believe I joined the fandom back in 2013-14? I was about that age as well (13-14 that is) So I've been a fan for about 9-10 years now. I was in high school when I first discovered it, and my family and friends at the time could attest to how obsessed with it I became. I still have some decent (and not so decent) fanart and fics floating around the interwebs and my sketchbooks.
Also, when I first joined Tumblr, this was originally a Hetalia OC ask/rp blog... Yeah, I made a Narnia OC, I was that person. I loved her though.
20 - Favorite relationship dynamic?
Being the oldest of three, I'm a big fan of most of the sibling dynamics (I'd say all but Russia and his sisters...), but my favorite has got to be Switzerland and Lichtenstein. It's just so pure and good and brings me such joy.
Honorary mention to the absolute chaos that is the Bad Friends Trio.
(I think this is what this question is referring to, but I'm not entirely sure, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)
46 - Who gives the warmest hugs?
So many would give such good hugs but I think Canada, Finland, China, Spain, and Hungary would have the most comforting ones. The ones that make you feel safe. There is a possible correlation between raising another country and giving really good hugs (though naturally this isn't the sole reason).
There's a lot more I could say about the kinds of hugs the nations would give but I'll save that for a different post.
49 - Who's lactose intolerant and eats like they're not?
Purely based on the behavior of many of the people I know who are lactose intolerant: America. He just has the attitude of someone who'd be like "I know I'm gonna hate myself for this later but that's later right now I want ice cream."
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640509--040147 · 3 years
47, Signing Off.
Firstly, I’d like to take this time to say thank you to anyone who still follows me. It’s been a good ride and I’ve officially decided to retire 47. I’d like to thank Diana @dianaburnwood for being one of the first people to have had the privilege of roleplaying with. She’s been dedicated to Diana from the moment I met her and still continues to be, even though she doesn’t roleplay anymore. I wish everyone well and happy hunting.
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