#Hitman: Blood Money RP
640509--040147 · 3 years
47, Signing Off.
Firstly, I’d like to take this time to say thank you to anyone who still follows me. It’s been a good ride and I’ve officially decided to retire 47. I’d like to thank Diana @dianaburnwood for being one of the first people to have had the privilege of roleplaying with. She’s been dedicated to Diana from the moment I met her and still continues to be, even though she doesn’t roleplay anymore. I wish everyone well and happy hunting.
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diveronarpg · 4 years
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Congratulations, LIA! You’ve been accepted for the role of CAESAR. Admin Jen: I simply can’t express how happy I am that you’ll be holding on to our beloved Chiko, Lia. There’s this singular quality to the muse that you bring to him; a magnetism that is so essential to Chiko as a character yet very distinct to your portrayal of him at the same time -- and I honestly can’t get enough of it. It comes together with everything else you’ve captured in a way that only leaves us wanting more and more, and since it can really be no other way when it comes to the glorious Caesar, it makes us all the more appreciative of your lovely take on him! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Lia
Age | 21
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her
Activity Level | I would say a 6/10. I’m a fulltime student, but I’m pretty good about getting my replies… eventually. I also try to actively plot as much as possible.
Timezone | EST
How did you find the rp?  | The wonderful RP tag.
Current/Past RP Accounts | Provide any current or past roleplay accounts that you think best showcase your writing! This is OPTIONAL.
Character | Caesar / Tamura Chiko
What drew you to this character? | Julius Caesar is someone I’ve always been fascinated by, in art, literature, and as a historical figure. He was a man who put all of his faith in his own ability to be great— and many may even argue that it was this pride that led to his own assassination. But no one can deny Caesar of the immense impact he had on the world. He was successful at being immortalized, just as he believed he would. I honestly was super excited to hear we would be getting a Julius Caesar, and although I was initially too intimidated to apply, I finally decided to go for it. There is something about Chiko and how deeply he believes in himself that I was drawn to. I also love how his personality is more nuanced than I anticipated. Occasional gentleness is not something I had expected from a Julius Caesar figure, but in my eyes, that makes him that much more incredible. Chiko is a force— and he isn’t volatile or prone to depravity like many who roam the streets of Verona. He wants power but not solely for the sake of just having it. He wants influence. His interest in the mobs has more to do with his potential influence and what he has to offer to them. There is no one really quite like him in Verona— and I am very much interested in seeing how his presence will affect everyone.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
1. CHIKO FT. THE MOBS— As of now, Chiko is merely feeling out the mobs, he hasn’t yet determined whether either would be of any interest to him. He isn’t interested in joining persay, as he has already loaned his soul to one man, and does not plan on doing so again anytime soon. He wants the mobs to take interest in him, to recognize his own brilliance and how easily they could profit off his potential. But I am very much interested to see how exactly Verona will react to his arrival, and whether they will be intrigued or threaten by his rather extreme ambition.
2. CHIKO FT. INVESTMENTS— I want Chiko to began investing his money in different places, and to potentially have different alliances with all sorts of people. When you’re as brilliant as him, you don’t limit yourself to a single pursuit, and instead spread your ambitions into multiple roots. He may have lost his money once but he’s very much capable of flipping his money into various sources.
3. CHIKO FT. THE DRUMS— The fire never quite left him, he only restrains it, for the sake of himself and the world around him. I wonder what would happened if someone sent Chiko over the edge (This has only happened once before, so it would it something drastic for this to occur). But I would love to explore his inner darkness. This is something that I believe the mob would ultimately benefit from as well.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Of course.
In-Character Para Sample:
(translations are at the bottom)
1. He determined his mother had never truly loved him and how could he blame her? You have those eyes— those fryktelig*, ondskap* eyes. O-Oh my poor beautiful boy, she would slur into his feeble body, the thick scent of vodka practically radiating off of her. It is because of his parents that he cannot stand the smell of liquor. This drew nothing but alarm from him at 6 years old, but as they grew older, they hadn’t a choice but to acknowledge it. Chiko was the product of a volatile mixture— his father, Kono Noburu, was a hitman for the Yamaguchi-gumi* clan and an attack dog to the clan’s kumicho, Kenichi Shinoda, just as his own father was to Shinoda’s own father, and so on. His mother, Katrine Bjorklund, was the daughter of the Norwegian mafia boss, Svein Bjorklund, and his Swedish-born wife, Elisabeth Bjorklund. The pair of them had crossed paths when the Bjorklund’s found themselves in Japan for business, a week long fling that had not been meant to amount to anything more. A few months later, a very pregnant Katrine would arrive at Kono’s doorstep, and from that day on, the two had been forcibly linked.
2. How selfish Chiko had been for wanting a sibling— a tactless desire from which no good could come. A union more chaotic did not exist, not since the marriage of Hera and Zeus. Katrine, who had shown little interest in the union, did not spend a moment with Kono in which she was not terrified. He was everything like her father, and though Kono had done everything in his capacity to make Katrine more at ease, nothing truly came of it. She could no longer stand the sight of him and eventually, he would return these sentiments— only overcoming their differences when they made love. Though it was never love being reciprocated, but a concoction of anger, terror, and disgust— which in the  Noburu household, made for a gratifying mixture.
3. Do you know the most moronic mistake I ever made was, segare*? their father demanded as if the 11-year old Chiko were somehow capable of drawing such a conclusion. Falling for a whore. Not a woman, but a whore. I fall into her trap each and every foolish time when all she’s ever done is offer me falsehoods. Whores are always acceptable for fucking, but seeing them as something more is when you’ll run into some trouble. So I beg of you, segare, do not taint our lineage further with the blood of a whore. Learn from your father’s mistakes. I am not sure how much more our blood can withstand. He appreciated the moments in which his father spoke candidly with them, as this was the closest thing to parental bonding that they would ever get. Though he would grow to resent and denounce his father’s misogynistic tirades against his mother, the effects of such teachings had their lasting effects. His sweeping mistrust of man would make his lovers few, and his affections fickle, as well as the prioritization of his own ambitions overall. 4 . You were the most beautiful baby I laid eyes on, min blomst*, his mother crooned to him one day. To think something so beautiful could come from such desolation. It was a mockery— why would Kono and I deserve such a beautiful boy when only ruin would become of him? Just as his father’s drunken denunciations had etched themselves into his brain, his mother sullen tirades would stick with him as well. Especially as he grew older, and began to liken his father more and more. There were times where her eyes would gloss over and she would attempt to “extract the demons from inside of him,” or so she’d explained after attempting to claw his eyes out. When he woke up short of breath, with a pillow plastered against his face, is when he officially began sleeping with his door locked. It has been this way since he was 16 years old.
5. He was freshly 17 when it happened. 17 years old and forced to face the depravity that permeated through every inch of his being. Chiko had never seen a dead body before, but it was not the body that exasperated so, but circumstances of his death. It was the fact that his father looked upon them and their mother absent of any and all remorse. He had been purposeful in his decision to kill the man in their house, Kono’s own way of sending some sort of message to Katrine. It was the fact that Katrine had betrayed their father, and continued to do so time and time again. He could not have cared less about what she spent doing in her pastime, but he could not overlook her absence of loyalty. And so he damned their name. He damned the gods and the universe and all who he felt were responsible for his being born. He had not asked for this life— but he would no longer allow his parents’ corruption to devour him so. He was gone that very night, without as so much as leaving a letter.
6. “You,” Chiko says in a low growl, his eyes in the direction of his bloodied, wreaking father. For once— his father was silent— quieted by Chiko’s rage burning throughout his body. “I will never be as cruel as you. Even if it means I bottle it away and lock it without a key. You didn’t have to do it in front of her. Even she did not deserve that.” He turned slowly to his mother, disappointedly, but without sympathy. She clutched at legs almost pleadingly, but he shook her away. “I could care less about what you do in your free time— you are my mother, and I could never pass judgment for something like that. But I can never respect a person who betrays their family. That, I can never forgive.” He looked between the both of them— disgusted by how self-involved they were, to the point where they forsook their own potential and ambitions. “How pitiful the pair of you are. You ruined each other. But you will not ruin me. I will not waste my potential as you two have. They will remember me, but not by your names. I am a product of you two, but I will not be tainted by your depravity. So have at each other all you want. That is no longer my concern.” He looked at them disappointedly, before making his way to the stairs, careful not to step in the pooling blood.
***Just a drabble from the perspective of a lover***
You were permitted snapshots of his brilliance, acquired in bits and pieces, but still, he kept you at a comfortable distance. Comfortable for him, that is. For you— it was never enough. A moment with Chiko is never enough. He’s someone who allows minimal viewers into his inner workings, making him all the more enticing. But the spontaneity of it all— the sudden bursts of passion are what keep you around. Seldom people exist who so skillfully render their own passion into the framework of another. Creativity surges through your flesh, and you are reminded of what it is like to be someone’s muse with each continuous eruption of pleasure. How exhilarating it was being left at the discretion of Chiko’s brilliance. The living canvas in which he enacted his hopes and dreams, his deepest desires. You believed in each and everyone, and truthfully speaking— how could you not? With him, all horizons felt closer, the distance between you and the stars felt lesser.
****some drabbles involving their parents***
It is from your father that you learn PRIDE. Refuse to accept anything less than immortalization, he tells you time and time again. Refuse to settle for anything less than greatness. It is that very pride that guides you in your pursuits and for that you are thankful. Nevermind that it was your father who was always the source of such pride. It was your father’s own superior blood he spoke so highly of. He assured you that you would be fine, despite the blood of a traitorous whore pervading through your veins. But he neglects to teach you the horrors of pride in excess, and how dangerous the world becomes when one wallows in their own excess. It is from him you gather your FURY, a demon you’ve been taming since your youth, dreading the chaos that would potentially ensue. You’ve always hated purposeless chaos. You know what you are capable of, you know of the depravity that is nestled between your skin and bones. Your own greatness becomes less of a pursuit and more of an ultimatum for yourself. The path was always singular for you— your own immortalization or dying trying.                        
                   “I could be well moved if I were as you.                         If I could pray to move, prayers would move me.                                But I am constant as the Northern Star,                      Of whose true fixed and resting quality                              There is no fellow in the firmament.                   The skies are painted with unnumbered sparks;                      They are all fire, and every one doth shine;                              But there’s but one in all doth hold his place."        
     —Julius Caesar, right before his assassination, William Shakespeare
It is from your mother you learn TENDERNESS. You were her greatest accomplishment, her most exquisite creation. Beauty illuminated her horizons, her worldview merely a concoction of her own distorted realities. Chiko with his plush hair and lofty cheekbones had been nothing short of perfection, and for this reason alone, he earned her fickle devotions. Though their outward beauty remains intact, Chiko’s features would be bound to darken, to sharpen, the resemblance almost uncanny. They were every part their father, but they would develop their mother’s HEDONISM, the pursuit of her own realities in which Kono did not exist, as she clawed for his ruin time and time again. Katrine would often get this look about her, identical to the look she would give to their father, and Chiko knew that her devotion had met its limits. But the devastation was not shown, his shield of ALOOFNESS practically impenetrable.                    
                 “A coward dies a thousand times before his death,                              but the valiant taste of death but once.                  It seems to me most strange that men should fear,       seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.”                                      —Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare
It is from both parents you inherit AMBITION. Both Kono and Katrine clawed for domination, the struggle for power ultimately driving their son and world away. They prioritized their own ambitions over their own child— and it is for that reason Chiko will never have children. Selfish people are better off without kids. That way, their priorities can continue to be aligned with them and them alone.
Translations & Info for various words used: fryktelig= horrible; ondskap = evil; Yamaguchi-gumi = the name of a notorious yakuza clan; kumicho = the Japanese equivalent of a mafia boss; segare = my son; min blomst = my flower;
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cryoculus · 5 years
Any scenario with iwaizumi and tsukishima with their s/o please?
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So I consulted an RP Generator for this one and here’s what the RNG gods told me to write ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ side note: they dont necessarily “love” the reader character tho. they kinda just feel strongly about em.
He had to reread the encrypted text message a few more times before the gravity of the situation finally settled in his chest. 
Iwaizumi Hajime was known to be a surefire assassin that spared no one on the hit lists given to him. Not only did he get the job done, but he was also meticulous with his work. He made sure that the kills he’d secured would never be traced back to him or his clientele and that’s why he’s so popular in the market.
But this job in particular has him reeling into the depths of his conscience. It had been sent to him in the middle of the night as he was polishing his company-issued sniper rifle. The familiar chime of a notification from the almost jurassic cellphone given to him solely for the purpose of business transactions didn’t come to him as a surprise anymore. 
Usually, the jobs piled up right after he’s completed one for the night. He’s given the choice to refuse any job he didn’t see fit to execute, but this particular client was someone his boss specifically told him never to say no to.
[01:58 AM]
(Surname) (Name). Today. 3 AM.
These particular text messages were straight to the point. All his clients had to tell him were the name of the person he needed to dispose of and the date they wanted the job to be done. Iwaizumi had standard prices for his work and he expected the client to load the money into his bank account right after he confirmed the transaction, which he was having trouble deciding on right now.
He fidgeted with his thumbs as he attempted to compose a reply. But the longer he hesitated, the more his emotions began to betray his reason.
(Surname) (Name). Iwaizumi never thought he’d be seeing that name in particular written in the pixelated font of an encryption message. It wasn’t the first time he was tasked to take down someone he’s familiar with; not at all. But he never felt such a strong desire to turn a job down before. 
The career of a hitman wasn’t a pleasant one and Iwaizumi knew better than anyone that he had enemies everywhere. There had even been a time when he was left staggering in an alley, clutching a bleeding gash in his stomach where one of those yakuza folk slashed him with a sword. A damn sword. 
But just before he could succumb to the darkness that threatened to swallow him whole in a dingy crevice where no one would mourn him, you descended from the heavens and became his saving grace.
His memories of you were brief but clear. Soft hands tending to the worst of his injuries, the sharp incense in the room, the tender words that were nearly enough to nurse him back to health – how could he kill the woman that once saved him from death’s awaiting arms, knowing that he was your enemy.
[02:07 AM]
That’s the prodigious doctor under the wing of the yakuza. If that person is gone, they won’t have any means of getting back on their feet to bare their fangs at us any longer.
Iwaizumi usually replied to job requests within a minute. If it took longer, that only meant he was either hesitating or uninterested. Given that this was a client he absolutely cannot refuse, he’s sure the person who sent the message knew that he needed a little push to agree to take it.
He didn’t want to. He already knew who you were and what you did, but he still didn’t want his hands to be sullied with your blood.
“I think killing off the capo was necessary,” you sighed as you replaced the bandages around his stomach. “He was making wonky decisions all over and he just expects me to do damage control when he sends our men into those turf wars. I’d thank you, but that would be mean.”
“Mean?” Iwaizumi chuckled. You, a doctor of the yakuza, would describe thanking him for killing your leader ‘mean’? He expected you to just pummel a rusty knife into his stomach instead of actually healing him. Yet, to his surprise, you did the latter. 
Your touch was as light as a feather while you patched him up. The feeling of your fingers grazing the bare skin of his torso was stirring something inexplicable in his chest, but before he could dwell on it, you broke the silence.
“You must be wondering why I’m helping the man who assassinated the capo, aren’t you?” Your lips stretched into a smile, patting down the bandages evenly. 
“I am,” Iwaizumi agreed.
You sighed as you stared out of the window of your apartment. “Doctors are supposed to tend to anyone that needs medical attention, regardless of their affiliations. The capo has been giving me shit for that principle for a long time, saying that my talents were the yakuza’s property.” You gritted your teeth. “I didn’t like that.”
Iwaizumi sat in saturated silence, olive eyes observing you as you sat down on your bed with him. You shook your head. 
“Sorry. I was just rambling,” you apologized. “I’ll be heading out in a while. Lock up when you leave, will you, assassin-san?”
Your whimsical behavior knew no bounds, did they? Iwaizumi nodded. “Can I at least get the name of my savior?”
“(Surname) (Name). You better remember it.”
With a bated breath, Iwaizumi made up his mind, typing in a hasty reply to confirm the job. You were nothing but a stepping stone to him; an unfortunate soul that showed kindness to the wrong man. You should have killed him before he could kill you.
But even with his convictions aligned, Iwaizumi’s fingers still trembled when he pulled the trigger to put a bullet through your skull as you soundly slept in the same apartment where you plucked him from death. 
When he swooped into your apartment, something died in his chest along with your passing as he checked your pulse. Your blood coated the crisp white sheets and he swears that he can still see the sight of your peaceful corpse when he closed his eyes. 
This was the fate of an assassin with the blood of dozens in his hands and, frankly, he was used to it.
The sound of you calling his name startled Tsukishima from his bubble of thought. What had you been telling his ear off about before he spaced out again? 
You huffed, puffing your cheeks. “Kei, I am going to tell on you! You’ve been really out of it lately.”
He mumbled a half-hearted apology before letting you prattle on about the latest fashion trends that caught your interest. Tsukishima didn’t care, but he had to seem interested since he was your bodyguard. 
The only child of the Yamato family that owned an entire chain of weaponry businesses across Japan was, for lack of a better word, spoiled. Not only did your parents grant all of your wishes to compensate for their constant absence, but they had to hire someone like him to keep your safety secured. The most pressing detail was that, you were about his age already, yet you still had the mentality of a thirteen year-old. 
You were annoying, it was an inexcusable fact. Tsukishima had a low tolerance for people he deemed vexing, but the pact between his family and yours was set in stone before either of you were even born. The Tsukishimas were in debt to the Yamatos and his service was payment for the favor they made ages ago. So even if you grated at his nerves every five minutes, he’s learned to cultivate a lengthy patience for your childlike behavior. He had to.
But childish you may be, he took his job seriously. Your safety was the highest priority for him, even if it led to the demise of other people. That’s exactly what happened when one of the Yamato family’s rivals in the industry thought it would be amusing to blackmail him.
“Listen, punk,” the burly man that infiltrated the Yamato manor rasped, holding a gun against his temple, “we’ve got your pretty little family under hostage back in Miyagi. If you don’t do as we say, they’re at the end of the line.”
Tsukishima narrowed his eyes at him. “Why am I supposed to believe you?”
He chuckled before gesturing at one of his comrades, who produced a cellphone from his pocket. When he unlocked it, displayed on the screen was a live feed from a camera in a place he wasn’t familiar with. In the room, he could clearly see the blindfolded and restrained figures of his mother and older brother. 
“What do you want?” he conceded, but remained calm. All he needed to do was minimize the casualties. His eyes flicker over to you, who’s also being held at gun-point. But unlike him, you were red-eyed and sniffling, fearing for your life as if Tsukishima couldn’t do anything to save you. 
The man taking him hostage put the gun in his hands. Tsukishima frowned. What did he want him to—
“Shoot the girl.”
His blood froze in his veins. Your shriek was deafening when the man’s intentions was put on the table, thrashing about in the arms of the other criminal holding you in place. He growled a threat in your ear, which effectively shuts you up. But even in your silence, Tsukishima could see the desperation in your glistening eyes.
Please don’t kill me.
A dry chuckle resonated in his chest and the man by his side cast him a bizarre look. But before he could dish out any more threats in Tsukishima’s ear, the blond immediately aimed the gun’s muzzle against the man’s chest and pulled the trigger without another thought. 
He let out a choked up gasp, blood spurting from his mouth, before crumpling to the ground. The other two men yell in surprise and before the man hostaging you could put an end to your life, Tsukishima fired another bullet straight into his skull. You yelped but before you could fall under the weight of the man he just killed, Tsukishima ran to you to support your weight on his back.
“K-Kei,” you whimpered. “They’re going to hurt them. They’re going to hurt them because of me.”
His family. This was the first time you showed any concern about anyone else besides yourself and this bothered him more than it should. 
“Boss! Kill ‘em! Kill ‘em dead!” The man holding the cellphone that showed him what situation Akiteru and his mother were in barked into a walkie talkie. “The young Tsukishima brat is a—”  
You screamed at the sound of another gunshot being fired. The last of the culprits slumps onto the floor in a bloody puddle. You were trembling on his back now and with a sigh, he tossed the gun aside to bring you to safety.
As he brought you to your room, he laid you down on your duvet so he could make some calls about what happened in the manor. But just before he could leave, you clutched the sleeves of his suit. 
“Don’t leave me,” you sobbed. “I-I promise I’ll make mom and dad get those guys for doing this to you, but please…”
The sight of you crying was routine for him. You cried at least once a day because of menial things and Tsukishima has since developed immunity to your emotions. But the sincerity in your voice to assure retribution for the men who threatened his family surprised him. 
With a shaky breath, he nodded and lied with you on your bed. For once, you weren’t chattering about the trivial matters that you involved yourself with. You soaked up in the deafening silence with him, not daring to shatter the temporary peace.
Deep in his thoughts, Tsukishima could only think about the last time he spoke with his brother.
“When you get back, we’re going to play lots of volleyball again, okay?” He grinned like an idiot back then and Tsukishima called him as such. Akiteru called him mean and said when he came home in six months’ time, he was going to get a beating.
Did he…have anything to come back to now?
He turned his amber-eyed gaze to you, still sniffling but less puffy-eyed. 
“Thank you.” You managed a pursed smile.
You didn’t need to thank him. You never thanked him. But admittedly, the gratitude was nice to hear.
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akivitae-blog · 6 years
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♚ See what you want, and seize it! Don't ask for it; Don't WISH for it. Take it! ♚ 
⇴ A 500 year old warrior, blood sworn to his queen to fulfill her every wish. He was given a quest, there was a small mistake and he fell through the rabbit hole. Not finding himself in wonderland but on earth. Where only humans lived and he himself now stuck as a beast in the skin of a man. Trying to find the keys, to go back home. Trying to survive. A centuries old Warrior lost in the city of this new world. Working as a hitman, bodyguard, assassin. Gathering money to live in this world, gathering money to find a way back home. 
♚ His name was Rowan, and he would not be afraid!. ♚
Rp Account - Like . Reblog . Follow - I will come to your inbox to plot
Character based on Rowan Whitehorn of the throne of glass series by Sarah J maas.
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Name: Scavenger (real name Sarah Hafermann) Age: 27 Species: Human Gender: Nonbinary, but she doesn’t care enough to label herself. Goes with default she pronouns.  Orientation: Aromantic Asexual  Fandom/Original: Original
Content Warnings: Violence, organs, blood, animal death, minor cannibalism 
Biography: Scavenger grew up in a small town in the deep south. As a child, she killed and dissected animals in a shed in the woods. She was fascinated with death and how living creatures ticked. She was a bright child, but failed at all aspects of school. No one would ever accuse her of being book smart. But when she became interested in something, she could self teach herself into a level of competency that suited her needs. She also has a minor interest in mechanics and likes comparing living machines to non-living machines. 
As a pre-teen and teen, although she kept to her animal dissecting, she also used school hours to commit petty theft and other crimes. She bullied other kids for fun and got a thrill from their fear. She never made it out of middle school and ran away from home to a city up north where she immediately fell into local crime. It didn’t take her long to work her way up from the bottom. Her ruthlessness and disregard for human life landed her a position in the black market of organs. She began her career in acquiring the organs and cut her teeth on full on murder. She filed those teeth into points to appear more threatening and her reputation grew. She began referring to herself as the Scavenger until memory of her real name fell away.
Eventually she took over the entire black market - with no little amount of blood involved - and became a crime boss in her own right. She considers herself a freelance agent and doesn’t deal with petty squabbles over territory. She’s the cogs in the crime machine that keeps it turning. She makes herself valuable to the other factions of the underground by getting rid of their bodies which she sells at great profit.
She tends to trade in favors a lot and likes leaving the big ones open until she really needs something. Money she can often steal for herself, but favors are a wild card. She keeps these favors in the form of contracts (signed and dotted with blood) that fill file cabinets. If someone refuses to honor the contract, she makes use of them in another way - usually by selling their organs. She hires herself and her underlings out for use to any faction that pays her or agrees to owe her a favor. Sometimes she’s hired purely to intimidate lower level gang members or to get rid of those that try to leave or snitch. She’s a thief, a hitman, a murderer, a kidnapper, a launderer, a drug dealer, and anything else she decides to dip her toes into along the way. 
Appearance: Scavenger is a bony, skeleton of a woman. She’s flat chested and long-limbed with naturally grey eyes. Her hair she dyes to match and keeps it pulled back in either a pony tail or a braid. She tends to dress in drab colors. She’s six foot even. Her teeth are filed into points and she’s usually seen smoking. 
Personality:  Scavenger likes to think of herself as a monster. Who do people go to horror movies to see? The monsters, the killers, the nasty, the terrifying. She aspires to this. She gets a huge thrill out of scaring others and works hard on being creepy. She goes so far as to participate in minor cannibalism just to scare victims of interrogation or intimidation. However, when she’s not being intentionally creepy, she’s extremely casual. This ability to switch so suddenly from one to the other makes her underlings very nervous. If the Scavenger finds you useful or interesting enough to keep close, you live your life swimming with a shark that could turn on you any minute. 
Scavenger is also extremely vindictive. When she feels slighted, and she’s not allowed to simply kill the offender, she will find the most personal and devastating response whether or not the offender themselves are aware of it. In an instance of slight insult from a teen whose brother’s body she’s processing for a mob boss, Scavenger went so far as to tan the brother’s skin with his own brains to create a leather bracer that she wears. Just to make herself feel better about the incident. It’s known by the general population of the criminal underground that you don’t cross the Scavenger. 
Scavenger is a bit paranoid about digital paper trails. She keeps all her information stored on paper and filed away. If she ever needs to get rid of everything, she figures she can set it aflame and get rid of the physical evidence. She has other people who deal with crimes that leave a digital paper trail like credit cards and identity theft. She doesn’t touch that area of her business with a ten foot pole. She lives as off the grid as she possibly can.
Favourite Thing: Scavenger loves her work. She loves taking people apart. And she loves scaring people. A man who loves what he does, never works a day in his life.
Least Favourite Things: Disrespect.
Strengths: Scavenger is physically fairly strong. Surprisingly so for her build. She’s also ruthless which is a strength in her line of work. She has nothing and no one that can be held against her.
Weaknesses: She’ll tell you she has none. But she can be really lazy. If she can do something the easy way, and she feels like the situation doesn’t require her full efforts, she usually will.
Additional notes: Feel free to draw her if you’re interested! 
Originally she was a stitchpunk character that I never got to play in an old RP so she didn’t get as much development in that form as she’s getting being played in the crime AU RP I have her in currently. She actually translated very easily from her original form to this one, including the illegal sell and trade of organs. 
And as usual a playlist.
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musaesidereum · 7 years
❖ au masterlist; joseph
a kingdom swallowed by the sea siren / merman AU #j au: siren
Amongst all of the dangers born of the ocean, sirens are one of the most dangerous for humans in particular. Born with preternatural beauty and illusory magic that could captivate beyond mortal resistance, sirens have adapted over time to become irresistible to their favourite choice of prey now that they were in abundance and constantly crossing the ocean in search for land and glory.
Unlike the rest of his brethren, Joseph is a wanderer at heart, and longs to explore the lands beyond the ocean. If befriending what should be his natural prey is what it takes, that’s exactly what he intends to do.
a mirror never lies twin AU w/ tricksstar #j au: twins
Born twenty minutes before his identical twin Joseph to George and Elizabeth Joestar, Joshua Joestar is very proud to announce that he’s not only the elder Joestar twin, he’s also the more handsome one, the smarter one, and the more humble one to boot. Don’t believe anything that Jojo has to say about him being better--Josh is definitely the cuter one of the two of them. It’s the burden that the elder twin must bear, you see!
Constantly getting into trouble with his equally hot-headed twin since the moment they were able to walk, Josh and Jojo are inseparable and incorrigible. And really, Josh can’t imagine ever living a life without his twin.
always a catch pokemon AU #j au: pokemon
Long before Joseph became the powerful and well-respected Elite Four that he was known as at the age of thirty, he’d been a young teenager struck with wanderlust with a big dream and an even bigger heart. Satisfying his need to roam with his faithful Mime Jr at his side, Joseph soon found his fulfilment in the various battles he had with trainers all over the world.
Companion pokemon: Mr Mime, Jolteon E4 team: Steelix, Zebstrika, Magnezone, Tangrowth, Gothitelle and Metagross.
and I'll be there when the world stops turning modern cisswap AU w/ xgodlike #rp: tall dark and handsome
The Joestars have always been a wealthy family--but as they grew in number, the relationships between each branch of the family became more and more tumultuous. Eventually, it culminated in irreconcilable differences and legal warfare. The constant lawsuits and fighting among the branches eventually drained whatever money Josephine’s particular branch had left, leaving them mostly destitute (compared to their previous economic standing, at least) and struggling to retain their upper-class status.
Of course, Josephine had been extremely young when all of this happened, and grew up enjoying the attention and the indulgence of her favourite uncle, Robert Speedwagon, without any actual knowledge of what happened ten years ago. Or the people involved in what happened.
At the young age of twenty, Jojo’s finally got herself her first boyfriend--a particularly wealthy (and most importantly, tall) lawyer by the name of Dio Brando.
death should not take thee mmo AU #j au: mmo
When he finally boots up his favourite MMO after the agonising five-hour wait for the latest expansion to download and install, he really didn’t expect that he’d be sucked in-game the moment he got through the log-in screen.
With a crossbow strapped across his back and a variety of potions clipped to his belt... Well, he can’t really help but think that this really gives first-person shooters a whole new meaning. Also, Joseph really should stop pulling all-nighters. All of this has to be a lucid dream, right?
Modern AU.
descend with me into the depths demigod AU #j au: demigod
The line of Joestar has always had a close relationship with death. It’s only fitting that eventually, death becomes a part of the family, right? In which the Joestars are matrilineally descended from the primordial being that is Death.
look at me in the eye and call me a liar hotline miami AU #j au: hitman
Joseph Joestar’s family’s got a long history behind them, a long and proud history of societal innovators, of leaders and public servants. The Joestars have bright and shining history that serves delectably well as their public face, hiding the true reason for their amassed wealth and power behind the glittering veneer of public service. They had been mercenaries and cutthroats, pirates and smugglers and everything else in-between.
Considering his slick tongue and charismatic charm, Joseph could’ve become a conman, a grifter, a swindler. He would have been great at it, cheating people out of everything that they owned and leaving them bereft. However, Joseph found himself as an--errand boy instead, doing odd jobs when the night came calling. Armed with a spotless uniform and a rusted bat, he preferred this job, really: he enjoyed the visceral rush of picking up hits.
Modern AU.
the frenzy within one’s veins post-BT vampire AU w/ xgodlike: enthralled by blood #j au: vampire
Joseph never noticed that Kars kept his Stone Mask with him during the fight. As he fought for his life--and the lives of everyone else with him, Kars managed to clasp the Mask around his head and smear his own blood on it--causing it to latch on and kill him, even as they rose up through the mesophere towards space, and he gets converted into a vampire as he falls back into the ocean. He doesn’t remember what happened after that, as he was utterly unconscious as he hit the waves, all those kilometres below.
What he did know was that eventually, he woke up to find himself somehow alive and conscious, cradled within the depths of the ocean. It didn’t take him long to realise how he’d survived. He was now a creature of the night, something that he’d been actively fighting to prevent. Swimming aimlessly through the ocean eventually led him to being washed up on the shores of Venice, where he found himself confronted with Suzie Q.
In which Joseph is forced to put on the Stone Mask by Kars near the end of their fight in an attempt to destroy him using the sun’s light.
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640509--040147 · 7 years
Guys, I really need more child 47 in my life. Look at that pout! lol
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