iisbirb · 8 months
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Wahhh ort :)
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otiksimr · 2 years
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Love bir- bugs- B- WYVERNS
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dragonskulls · 9 months
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alrighttt free adopt time!
Snow Unicorn [CLAIMED]: a mysterious dragon roams the coldest parts of the ice kingdom, rumored to only appear during harsh blizzards. Many have attempted to seek them out to no avail. A strange magic seems to emanate from their horn.
Bleeding Tooth [CLAIMED]: at a distance they may appear like a dragon covered in rubies or the victim of a ferocious attack. In reality, these red droplets are a noxious poison that oozes from gaps between their scales. It doesn't hurt them, they just find it really annoying.
Death's Head [CLAIMED]: hatched under two full moons, this unlucky dragon's powers relate only to death. Visions reveal the ways in which everyone they met will die, with nothing they can do to change that. On the flip side, mind reading alerts them of anyone plotting murder at that moment, so that's something.
first come first serve, just send me an ask (off anon) (not DMS, not comments, not reblogs) asking for whichever unclaimed adopt you want.
you can change some aspects of the design to fit your style or tastes better, as long as it's still recognizable as the same design, nothing too drastic
please dont sell them as soon as you got them considering you got them free. wait a while (i say... maybe a month) and you can trade them for other characters however, just not money
the backstories here are for funsies, you can change or discard them as you see fit
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eknippp · 2 days
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Here's another thing I drew a while ago :)
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sergeifyodorov · 8 months
i love auston and mitch but neither of them have organically taken the ttc in their entire lives and you can tell
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snowdrop-wolf · 5 months
ok, so, I may have disappeared for a while but I'm back now
I'm also exhausted 😮‍💨
but to make up for not being around for a while, I might just share some WoF OCs
I currently have 20 different OCs, ten of them are just a shit ton of fades on WoF Roblox, while the other ten are random generator/Picrew/WoF Roblox
fades won't be too crazy while generated will be nuts, please don't hate on me for my generated OCs 😭
more update under cut
I've also become addicted to PokeWilds for those of you who know what that is
also been getting stressed out by school (thank you 😒)
also been reading WoF graphic novels, almost done with 7, are there any more graphic novels after 7 yet? I don't wanna wait forever to read the next book and I struggle to read normal books
a friend of mine ended up dislocating their knee and is currently riding around in the school wheelchair, you know who you are
recently been stressing about notes
have the state test coming up so more to stress about
and I think that's it
thanks for reading til the end, I appreciate those of you who did 😁❤️
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neoflames · 5 months
Well. Hm (I have made most of the people in the life series WOF AU hybrids somehow)
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robin-5-technically · 1 month
what if i leave a lefa here and then use another one to go onto the finding the cursed swords missions? liek split into teo
🍃smalll leafe and 🍃big leaf but shared braincell…
(i liekd the idea of trhere being mutliple of leaves aka ur drawing bery much, thank you agdij mun :3)
I am not sure how that would work. Go ahead and try.
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shockwave-the-dog · 1 year
Been getting into TMA and back into WoF so hear me out: TMA Wof au
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wmnylander · 11 months
domi with 1634 sounds like a nightmare
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theturquoisemudwing · 2 years
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Ash!!! She’s a good girl, but she’s been through a lot.
Ash is the product of a relationship between a female LeafWing and a male HiveWing, and unfortunately her father was forced to abandon her mother before they even knew Ash existed. This was in order to protect them, of course, but Ash’s mother never fully recovered from that blow, and as such, Ash felt like she caused her mother’s pain. Eventually Ash’s mother died from a mysterious illness (also known as Tragic Backstory Disease), leaving Ash alone with the LeafWings who followed Queen Sequoia. Even though she has a much greater resemblance to LeafWings, Ash was bullied and excluded by other dragonets, apart from Willow, who didn’t see why she was treated a such, and Dogwood (who’s another oc who needs her own reference and story post). Ash felt alone, an outsider for most of her life, but the events of the third arc have changed her day to day dramatically, and now she’s forced to work alongside the dragons who shunned her. She’s also become fast friends with Smelt (another OC. Needs ref and story. Sorry.)
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otiksimr · 2 years
Hi saw you were taking OCs in a prev post? (If this is over feel free to ignore lmao) I just wanna let you go buck wild with a horror-esque leaf/hive? Insectoid insp with maybe some mind control mushroom type vibe (Forgot what they're called lol) For colors maybe insp from a bleeding tooth fungus or the Devil's fingers fungus? IDK have fun I'm bad at explaining (Love your art btw Mwah just wanna kiss your art)
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auroraburst-1721 · 2 months
some headcanon designs of WoF tribes!!
Sky, Silk, Hive and Leaf!!
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hard-like-ai · 1 year
Just wanted to say your blog is awesome and the art work is superb!
I love the ones about being turned into a drone. The idea of been converted against your will.
Thank you for posting these.
The forest, with its whispers and rustling leaves, had been my haven. A break from the rush of everyday life. But on this trip, its comforting embrace would betray me.
Waking up, a pressing weight enveloped my body. A smooth latex suit held me captive, every inch of me covered. Strangest of all, a solid helmet encased my head, offering no apertures for sight or breath. Yet, paradoxically, my vision was sharper than ever, and breathing wasn't an issue.
A mechanical voice, cold and emotionless, boomed inside my mind, "Subject 328 detected. Initiate reprogramming."
My heart raced. "Who are you? What's happening?" No audible voice came out, just a silent scream echoing within.
"Reprogramming in progress. Resistances are futile," it replied with chilling indifference.
With each passing second, the suit tightened, molding to my very being. Attempts to resist were quashed, my movements no longer my own. Instead, they followed an unseen directive, propelling me deeper into the forest.
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When the reprogramming concluded, my senses amplified. The once serene forest now felt alive in an entirely new way, as if I was connected to every leaf, every creature.
"Integration successful. Welcome, Node 328," the voice announced, no longer just a voice but a symphony of countless others.
I tried to remember anything - my previous life, my memories, my name, but they felt foggy and distant. I was no longer just myself; I was part of something greater. The forest around me pulsed with life, every tree, every creature, all interconnected in a vast network. I felt them all. The hive mind.
The voice, now harmonious with many others, spoke once more, “Our collective grows. Seek others.”
With newfound purpose, I moved silently through the woods. The campfires in the distance, the unsuspecting campers settling for the night, became my new targets. They would soon join the hive, just as I had.
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violettduchess · 8 months
chevalier and ex-lovers for the angst promt? that seems like it would be really interesting considering his route. thank you for reading this ask
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A/N: With some encouragement and brainstorming (thank you @lorei-writes 💜) I finished this!
An addition to my Broken Heartstrings series
Chevalier x Reader
WC: 1.3k
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The crowds that have gathered in the streets are humming like a hive full of excited bees. Some small children are pushing their way beneath elbows and through knees, trying to get to the front. Others are being hoisted up onto the shoulders of grown ups who shift their weight from foot to foot, as eager as the children to get a glimpse.
You can see them all from your spot, perched on the wide windowsill of your bedroom. Precarious as it may be, you’ve pushed open the window, leaving nothing between you and the view of the street below. It’s a joyful scene, one of breathless anticipation as the townsfolk wait for their king to ride through on this, the anniversary of his coronation. The king that you chose a year ago. The man who had challenged your spirit and won your heart.
But instead of sitting by his side, proudly looking down at all the beaming faces, you’re alone at your window, stomach in knots at the thought of seeing Chevalier Michel again, even from a distance.
Just thinking his name sends your mind down well-trodden paths of anguish and heartbreak....
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What had seemed so solid, so strong, had unraveled in a single moment. You didn’t even have the chance to anticipate something was wrong. He had gone to investigate suspicious activity at the border. He had returned, white clothing running red with blood that was not his. Still, you had run to him, concern an engine that spurred you forward at lightning speed….and he had turned away, turned his shoulder towards you. And then he had told you, in a voice as chilled as winter’s edge, to leave. 
Leave, he repeated at the palace gates, his hand gesturing for you to move away.
Leave, he repeated as you stood in his bedroom, questions shooting from your mouth like wayward fireworks, bright and burning and frantic. 
Leave was all he said, his voice a blade as dangerous and final as his sword.
His betrayal of your trust was a sudden cracking of ice, a fall into freezing water that left you speechless, breathless, and utterly broken. All the possibilities for the future, all the countless daydreams. All the nights spent talking, sharing, weaving a relationship from the threads of your heartstrings snapped in a blink by silver shears, cold as the blue of his eyes when all your wild thoughts boiled down to a single question, your voice trembling like a leaf in a cruel, sudden wind: 
Leave was his only reply.
And so you fled the palace, the beautiful rose gardens, the confused and concerned questions in the eyes of his brothers. You fled the place that had become home to return to the life you had known before, except it didn’t fit as it once did. Something was missing, something that ached in the night, that chased sleep away from the spinning hurricane of your mind. A longing for someone that you shouldn’t want, someone who was willing to drive a stake into the beating heart of your love without hesitation. Or explanation.
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A combined gasp and cheer rises up from the crowd as the royal caravan approaches and tugs you back to the present. The other princes ride upon their horses, smiling and waving. Well, Licht isn’t exactly smiling and something about his somber expression is so familiar, a constant in a world turned upside down, that it actually brings a smile to your lips, a sad, watery thing but a smile nonetheless. Jin and Nokto beam brightly, waving and nodding, especially to the women who meet their gazes with excited hands pressed to their hearts. Leon is every inch the prince, flawlessly dividing his attention between both sides of the street, his smile open and wide. He was always so kind.  A wave of bittersweet emotion washes through you as you remember the time he would take to explain things to you, to help you find your way, to listen,
But he is not the one your heart chose. 
And behind Leon and his black stallion rides the King on his destrier of purest snow white. The sight of him, tall and proud, one gloved hand on the reins, the other casually on the pommel of his sword freezes the breath in your lungs. Your fingers curl into your palm unbidden, nails biting deep into flesh gone numb. Beside him, Clavis is all flashy smiles and waves, golden eyes scanning the crowd to award a nod or tilt of the head to anyone he wants to feel special. His head tilts up as his gaze sweeps across the many open windows and people waving handkerchiefs, some embroidered roses, some embroidered with tigers in honor of the king’s crest.
You, still as a beam of moonlight, stand out amid the riotous cheering.
Of course Clavis notices you. In a heartbeat, your eyes lock with his and something inside you shifts as you are flooded with the memories of the many laughs, the teasing, but most of all, the way he supported you through loving his brother. He knows what a difficult path that is to walk. He has been walking it his whole life.
He offers you something no one else in the crowd gets. His face, always adept at schooling itself into whatever mask it need be, is filled with genuine emotion at the sight of you. He offers you a smile, soft and sad and real.
Somehow, even from a distance, he has still found a way to comfort you.
Your spirit is bolstered, just a little, and you manage a smile in return, raising a hand in greeting.
And then Chevalier notices his brother’s upturned face and his own head moves, his gaze rising to see what has Clavis’s attention.
There you are, up in the window, framed like a beautiful portrait, smiling, but even he can see it doesn’t quite reach your eyes, like a garden dappled in shadows. Your hand is raised, that hand he knows intimately. He knows the motion of your fingers as they delicately turn the page of a book. He knows the strength in them when you grip a horse’s reins. And he knows their softness, the tenderness with which they can touch, the feel of your fingertips as they trace the line of his jaw. The eagerness with which they press into the back of his neck when he kisses you-
Kissed you.
When he kissed you.
Because he will never know their touch again. Nor your kiss. Nor your smile. Even now, as your gaze meets his, that smile fades, your hand slowly lowers, curling against your heart like a wounded animal, seeking shelter.
And he knows he did that. He killed the warmth of you, the joy, the whispering sunshine of your love.
And he would do it again.
Because as pained as you look now, somehow he knows it would never compare to the pain of being in love with someone who could so deeply disappoint you. He learned that lesson the day he rode to the border, when he killed as mechanically as clockwork, without remorse, without regard. How easily his blade drank the blood of young and old. He saw only red, felt only the jolt of sword through flesh and turned to seek it again and again.
You claimed there was good in him, there was mercy and the capacity to love.
And for a brief moment in time, he had believed you. Until that day.
And rather than watch your love for him slowly wither as you learned you were wrong, that he was nothing more than a brutal beast, he made a clean cut. Sharp, painful but without a doubt in his mind the correct thing to do.
He could not watch the light in your eyes go out. Because he loved you.
Loves you.
Because he still loves you.
Chevalier’s pale head turns away from you and the procession continues.
Slowly, breathing against the burning ache in your chest, the broken pieces of your heart slicing into wounds that have never fully healed, you lean forward and pull the window closed. 
There is nothing left to see.
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Tagging: @xbalayage @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @olivermorningstar @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @ikesimpleton @ikemenlibrary @namine-somebodies-nobody @greatstarlightstarfish @cellophanediamond @whatever-fanfics @justpeachyteastea @chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine @mastering-procrastinating @portrait-ninja @queen-dahlia @themysticalbeing @nightghoul381 @whitelittlebunny @chi-the-idiot @bubblexly @ozalysss
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ashleyfableblack · 3 days
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"Okay… what about this one?" Queen Twilight tapped a hoof on the page. With a soft glow of her horn she drew out the complex symbol in the air as she sounded it out. "Vah… Lahk. Varahk? Varrac!"
Chrysalis smiled. "Perhaps…" She sleepily craned her neck to study her most recent clutch of eggs. A sticky green resin held the precious charges in place, dangling from a nearby rocky overhang. As the wind funneled through the natural arch, they gently swung, rocked as a baby in a crib.
With a puff of her cheeks she blew a gust of glittering pinkish light in their direction. The love energy swirled around the eggs like an octopus ink, clouding the air in a warm soupy fog before it was absorbed into the tiny grey orbs. The as-yet-unborn gobbling up the nourishment from their mother. Chrysalis gave a sleepy yawn and began to slowly drift to laying on her side,. She wondered if they, too would have violet eyes like their little lavender pony other-mother.
"Chryssi?" Twilight gave her wife a gentle prodding with her wingtip. "Honeybug?"
"MRZussaffm…" Chrysalis's eyes struggled open.
Twilight gave an pleading grin at the pitifully adorable sight of the little larvae nuzzled around her bughorse bride as they tucked into the translucent tresses of her cobweb-mane. "Chryssi…?"
Chrysalis chittered to one of the larvae and gave her an affectionate nip, removing a flake of molting chitin. "I'm sorry, beloved. I'm just-" she yawned again . "You know your pony naming conventions are so unnecessary to our changelings. They're hatched knowing their designations through the hive-mind."
Twilight pouted with a pleading smile as she leafed through the pages of the incredibly ancient book. "I know it's a point of cultural confusion between our races, beetlebum. That's why I'm trying to incorporate more of your culture and try some names more familiar to your people and your people's history- while at the same time educating myself on the Ancient Equish language and history." She held the book aloft in her magic with a prideful flourish, still carefully keeping her place in its pages. "THUS, we are using one of your old journals from the pre-Sucrosian Period!"
Chrysalis sighed and gave a playful roll of her eyes in surrender. She had to chuckle. When Twilight was like this, she truly couldn't deny her little wife anything. She watched with interest as Twilight opened her old journal. Two of their larvae quickly skittered from the navy waves of her wife's mane to climb on the millenia-old manuscript. Excited to help their ponymother, they chittered happily, holding the page in place with their forelimbs.
"So…. Varrac?" Twilight asked with a bright, curious smile.
"Well, she was good with snakes."
Twilight looked from the ancient book to one of the tiny changeling larvae cuddled into her crest of alicorn chest-fluff. "Are you a 'Varrac'? Are you going to be good with snakes?"
The tiny face lit up like a Hearthswarming bonfire at her ponymother's excited smile. She hissed out her tiny forked tongue and wiggled her little caterpillar-like rump of a tail segment. Twilight fawned with motherly pride and nosed at the tiny changeling babe. "I'll bet you will be. Of course you will. You look just like a Varrac."
Chrysalis adored moments like these, lazy afternoons together with her wife, watching her excitement and pride as she learned new things. Pouring over old volumes of any sort, Twilight came to life in a whole other way. Knowledge was her passion.
"Let's see here… What about… This one, V….Vaaa….Varghan?"
Chrysalis peered over the tome. "Vabam. As I recall she …was good with secrets…. good at telling them anyways."
Twilight crinkled her nose at that thought. Looking to one of the larvae she shook her head. "That doesn't sound like you, does it?" The tiny changeling babe tilted her head. returning her ponymother's smile and shake of the head. "No. You're not a Vabam. That's an honest little face if I've ever seen one. Hmmmm…."
She continued pouring over the swirling, magical symbols. With Chrysalis tutelage she was learning the art of reading them but still, the practice was FAR more complicated than any language she'd ever encountered. Deciphering the symbols was as much mental wrestling as it was arcane finesse, even compared to the darkest and most ancient of pony magics. "Okay, what about… Sssssurgat? No. I remember you said something once about that one. She liked to pick locks or…. Oo! Suluth! What about that one, Chryssi?"
After a few moments of silence Twilight looked up from the page. "Chrysalis?"
She chuckled. Chrysalis had dozed off. Their tiny charges, nestled secure in the tucked chitinous hooves of their armored queen-mother, mirrored her gentle snoring.
"Oh well." Twilight sighed. With a curling of the enchanted waves of her mane she drew the larvae gathered around her into her crest of chest floof. "I guess that can be enough for today."
The alicorn queen softly shut the tome. With a mother's love, she gently carried her little buggy babes with her as she sidled over to the slumbering bughorse. After a few moments of ooching she eventually found her way into the creche of her wife's limbs and In the enchanted air of sweet summer breeze the royal family drifted off together.
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