#hmas canberra
intheshadowofwar · 1 year
The Boundless Sea
11 June 2023
We headed into Sydney at about 9am this morning with a fairly full raft of activities.
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The first of these, which we arrived to at 10, was the Hyde Park Convict Barracks. This barracks was built by order of Governor Lachlan Macquarie in 1817, and today a statue of him stands across the road from the building, gesturing towards it. I can’t help but wonder if Macquarie would appreciate the somewhat dodgy statue of himself showing off the prison he built, but maybe that’s just me. Hyde Park Barracks is a thoroughly modern museum, in that it uses audio guides instead of placards. I generally can’t stand audio guides, but I soon worked out that I could just read the subtitles on the ipod thing they gave us, so it wasn’t a dealbreaker. The museum now includes a major focus on the effects of colonisation and the convict system on the indigenous peoples of New South Wales, which I quite appreciated. The one thing I might have liked more about was a little more information on the guards; but I appreciate that this is specifically a museum about the convicts, not the soldiers.
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After the barracks, we walked through Hyde Park to the Anzac Memorial. This is Sydney and New South Wales’ primary war memorial, opened in the 1930s to commemorate the First World War. It’s not quite as grand as Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance - few things are - but it is still a magnificent structure and well worth a visit. The statue of the prostrate man in the Hall of Silence - positioned under the Hall of Memory, and visible through a hole in the floor which they call the Well of Contemplation - is particularly striking. Most war-related sculptures, at least in the post-WWI period, tend to be horizontal. Here, the prostrated man is vertical - the language of mourning.
Behind the Hall of Memory and down the stairs is the Hall of Service. The walls here are lined with soil samples from every town in New South Wales that has sent soldiers to war. There’s a circle on the floor, under a skylight, with more soil - these from the battlefields on which soldiers from New South Wales have fought. This goes as far back as the New Zealand Wars of the 1860s, but frontier conflict isn’t represented.
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After visiting the Anzac Memorial, we proceeded by train to Circular Quay, and after stopping for a quick drink, caught the Manly Ferry out to Manly. This took us past the Martello tower at Fort Denison, upon which a young Charles Lightoller raised the Boer flag as a prank in the early 1900s, and the naval base at Garden Island. Both Canberra-class helicopter carriers were in port - these are the largest warships Australia has operated since the decommissioning of the carrier HMAS Melbourne. On the port side of the ferry, as one approaches the heads, the foremast of the cruiser HMAS Sydney (the first one) can be seen on the shore. To starboard, one can gaze out through the heads to the Pacific - from here, the sea is almost unbroken until you reach South America.
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It is somewhere northeast of here that HMAS Australia lies on the seabed, decommissioned and scuttled under the terms of the Washington Naval Treaty. Australia was a battlecruiser - the same class as the unfortunate Indefatigable. She missed Jutland due to damage from a collision with the third member of the class, HMS New Zealand, and thus never saw a major combat action. Her existence, however, deterred German raiders from sailing too close to Australia during the war (although I’d argue that it was actually the entry of the Japanese into the war that really coerced the Germans into fleeing the Pacific altogether.)
We lunched in Manly, and I took a look at the war memorial there - possibly Australia’s oldest, erected before the war had even ended in 1916. I had a look at the beach, too, but it was absolutely packed. We caught the ferry back at around 3pm, and then returned to Hurstville by train.
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The real journey begins tomorrow - we leave early for Sydney airport, and then we have the long, long flight via Bangkok to Heathrow. This will be a long undertaking, but I’m not certain there will be much to write about - but I shall make a valiant effort regardless.
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rhk111sblog · 1 year
There is some CONFUSION about the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) Participation in the United States (US)-Japan-Australia Joint Naval Drills in the SCS, US could be trying to SHAME the AFP into joining it
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The lovely and ill-fated HMAS Canberra shown in the 1930's. She was a Kent/County-class heavy cruiser that met her fate when she was turned into a flaming wreck in the early morning of 9 Aug, 1942, during the Battle of Savo Island.
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kingjain · 6 months
Royal Australian Navy Hmas Adelaide (l01) Australia Day Cheap Hawaiian Shirt
The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) is the maritime branch of the Australian Defence Force, responsible for providing naval capabilities to protect Australia's interests and support international security. One of the notable vessels in the RAN fleet is the HMAS Adelaide (L01), an amphibious assault ship that plays a crucial role in supporting military operations and humanitarian missions. HMAS Adelaide (L01) is the second ship of the Canberra-class, which comprises two ships named after the capital cities of Australia. The ship was constructed by BAE Systems Australia in collaboration with Navantia, as part of a partnership known as the Air Warfare Destroyer Alliance. The vessel was commissioned in December 2015, and since then, it has been an integral part of the RAN's capabilities. This state-of-the-art ship is designed to provide the Australian Defence Force with enhanced amphibious and sealift capabilities. With a length of 230 meters and a displacement of 27,500 tonnes, HMAS Adelaide is capable of carrying up to 1,046 personnel, including a crew of approximately 400. The ship is equipped with an extensive range of systems, including helicopter hangars and a well deck capable of launching and recovering landing craft. HMAS Adelaide is not only an impressive military asset but also a symbol of Australian maritime power. It represents the country's commitment to security and its ability to respond to a wide range of operational challenges. The ship's flexibility allows it to support humanitarian relief efforts, disaster response, and peacekeeping operations, both in Australia and abroad. Australia Day holds a special place in the hearts of Australians, as it commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet on 26th January 1788 and the establishment of the first European settlement in Australia. It is a day of celebration and reflection, where people come together to honor their country's history, diverse culture, and achievements. To mark this special occasion, many Australians choose to wear clothing that reflects their national pride. One popular choice is the Australia Day Cheap Hawaiian Shirt, available for both men and women. This vibrant and colorful shirt features iconic Australian symbols, such as kangaroos, koalas, and the Southern Cross, giving wearers a distinct Australian look. The Australia Day Cheap Hawaiian Shirt is not only a fun and trendy clothing item but also a great gift for everyone. Its unique design and affordable price make it accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you're attending a Australia Day barbecue, watching the fireworks, or participating in a community event, this shirt is sure to make a statement and spark conversation. In conclusion, the Royal Australian Navy's HMAS Adelaide (L01) is a formidable asset that enhances Australia's maritime capabilities. It represents the country's commitment to security and its ability to respond to various operational demands. As Australia Day approaches, the Australia Day Cheap Hawaiian Shirt offers Australians a fun and affordable way to celebrate their national pride. Whether worn by men or women, this shirt is a gift that can be enjoyed by everyone, adding a touch of Australiana to the festivities.
Get it here : Royal Australian Navy Hmas Adelaide (l01) Australia Day Cheap Hawaiian Shirt
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
Related : https://kingjain.tumblr.com/post/720100015700361216/skull-tattoo-and-sun-glasses-crocs-shoes-clog
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freequizbank · 10 months
Navy clash casts shadow over meeting with Chinese envoy _ FreeQuizBank.com - Free Exam Practice Questions for LANTITE Numeracy, Mathematical Reasoning - OC, Selective and Scholarship Tests @acereduau #NSWeducation #AusEdu @AusGovEducation @ServiceNSW
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vprogresseducation · 10 months
Navy clash casts shadow over meeting with Chinese envoy _ FreeQuizBank.com - Free Exam Practice Questions for LANTITE Numeracy, Mathematical Reasoning - OC, Selective and Scholarship Tests @acereduau #NSWeducation #AusEdu @AusGovEducation @ServiceNSW
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nebris · 11 months
HMAS Canberra (D33) - Guide 359
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my-yasiuae · 1 year
(أ ف ب) شاركت أكبر سفينة حربية أسترالية في تدريبات مشتركة مع الفلبين والولايات المتحدة في بحر الصين الجنوبي المتنازع عليه، الاثنين، بينما تسعى هذه الدول إلى تعزيز علاقاتها الدفاعية في مواجهة الوجود العسكري الصيني المتزايد. وتنشر الصين مئات من السفن التابعة لخفر السواحل والبحرية لتنفيذ دوريات وعسكرة شعاب مرجانية في المياه المتنازع عليها، إذ تطالب بالسيادة على غالبية مساحة بحر الصين الجنوبي. وتشارك البارجة الأسترالية «ايتش ام أيه اس كانبيرا» HMAS Canberra إلى جانب سفن عدة في مناورات «ألون» في الفلبين. ويشارك أكثر من ألفي جندي أسترالي وفلبيني في التدريبات الجوية والبحرية والبرية من 14 إلى 31 أغسطس/أب. كما يشارك نحو 150 عنصراً من مشاة البحرية الأمريكية. وفي إطار التدريبات، تمت محاكاة هجوم جوي، الاثنين، في جنوب جزيرة بالاوان الفلبينية، على بعد نحو 200 كيلومتر من جزر سبراتلي، التي تشكل مصدر توتر منذ فترة طويلة بين مانيلا وبكين. وقال سفير أستراليا في مانيلا هاي كيونغ يو، في مطار تارومبيتاو بوينت، «على غرار الفلبين، تريد أستراليا أن تكون المنطقة هادئة، ومستقرة، ومزدهرة، وتحترم السيادة، ويقودها نظام قائم على قواعد». ويزور وزير الدفاع الأسترالي ريتشارد مارلز الفلبين هذا الأسبوع، لحضور التدريبات والاجتماع بنظيره الفلبيني جيلبرتو تيودورو، وفق ما أفاد مكتبه الاثنين. كذلك ستجري الولايات المتحدة واليابان وأستراليا مناورات بحرية مشتركة قبالة سواحل الفلبين هذا الأسبوع. وتأتي التدريبات بعد قيام سفن لخفر السواحل الصينيين بإعاقة مهمة فلبينية، لإمداد طواقم عسكرية تابعة لمانيلا في جزيرة «سيكند توماس شول» المرجانية في سبراتلي، عبر استخدام خراطيم مياه في 5 أغسطس/آب، ما أثار نزاعاً دبلوماسياً وغضباً دولياً. وتمكن قارب واحد فقط من قاربين مستأجرين كانا يحملان إمدادات من إفراغ حمولته في الموقع. وقال الجيش الفلبيني إنه سيرسل مزيداً من الإمدادات إلى هذا الموقع البعيد، حيث يتمركز عدد قليل من مشاة البحرية الفلبينية على متن سفينة بحرية صدئة. وفي 1999، أرسلت الفلبين عمدا السفينة العسكرية «بي آر بي سييرا مادري» إلى الجزيرة المرجانية، بهدف جعلها موقعاً متقدماً وتأكيد مطالبها بالسيادة عليها في مواجهة الصين. ومنذ ذلك الحين تشكل السفينة مصدر توتر بين بكين ومانيلا. ويعول مشاة البحرية الفلبينية الموجودين على متنها، على إمدادات متواصلة. المصدر: صحيفة الخليج
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pdj-france · 1 year
Dernière mise à jour : 20 août 2023, 13 h 45 ISTLes garde-côtes chinois auraient utilisé un canon à eau contre les navires des garde-côtes philippins dans la mer de Chine méridionale le 5 août 2023, sur cette photo publiée le 6 août 2023. (Reuters)Les États-Unis, le Japon et l'Australie prévoient un exercice naval conjoint en mer de Chine méridionale au milieu de l'agression chinoise, soulignant l'engagement envers l'État de droit dans la régionLes États-Unis, le Japon et l'Australie prévoient cette semaine un exercice naval conjoint dans la mer de Chine méridionale au large de l'ouest des Philippines pour souligner leur engagement envers l'État de droit dans la région après une récente agression chinoise dans les eaux contestées, la sécurité philippine ont annoncé dimanche des responsables.Le 5 août, des navires des garde-côtes chinois ont utilisé des canons à eau contre des navires philippins dans la voie navigable contestée où les différends ont longtemps été considérés comme un point d'éclair potentiel et sont devenus une ligne de faille dans la rivalité entre les États-Unis et la Chine dans la région.L'exercice comprendra trois porte-avions et porte-hélicoptères naviguant ensemble dans une démonstration de force et entreprenant des exercices conjoints. Leurs commandants doivent rencontrer leurs homologues philippins à Manille suite aux exercices en mer, ont affirmé deux responsables de la sécurité philippine à l'Associated Press.Tous deux ont parlé sous le couvert de l'anonymat car ils ne sont pas autorisés à discuter publiquement des détails des exercices prévus.Les États-Unis prévoient de déployer un porte-avions, l'USS America, tandis que le Japon enverrait l'un de ses plus gros navires de guerre, le porte-hélicoptères JS Izumo. La Royal Australian Navy enverrait son HMAS Canberra, qui transporte aussi des hélicoptères, a indiqué l'un des deux responsables, ajoutant que l'exercice conjoint était prévu il y a quelques mois.Les Philippines ne participeront pas aux exercices de cette semaine grâce à limitations logistiques militaires, mais sont prêtes à y participer dans le futur, a annoncé le responsable.Les États-Unis, le Japon et l'Australie faisaient partie de plusieurs pays qui ont tout de suite exprimé leur soutien aux Philippines et leur inquiétude face à l'action chinoise à la suite de l'impasse tendue du début du mois.Des responsables philippins ont affirmé que six navires des garde-côtes chinois et deux navires de la milice ont bloqué deux bateaux civils affrétés par la marine philippine qui ravitaillent les forces philippines stationnées au Second Thomas Shoal. Un bateau de ravitaillement a été touché par un puissant canon à eau par les garde-côtes chinois tandis que l'autre a réussi à livrer de la nourriture, de l'eau, du carburant et d'autres fournitures aux forces philippines qui gardaient le haut-fond, a annoncé l'armée philippine.Les garde-côtes chinois ont reconnu que leurs navires avaient utilisé des canons à eau contre les navires philippins, qui, d'après eux, se sont égarés sans autorisation dans le haut-fond, que Pékin appelle Ren'ai Jiao.« Afin d'éviter les blocages directs et les collisions quand les avertissements répétés étaient inefficaces, des canons à eau ont été utilisés comme avertissement. L'opération sur place a été professionnelle et sobre, ce qui est irréprochable », a annoncé la garde côtière chinoise. "La Chine continuera de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour sauvegarder fermement sa souveraineté territoriale."L'armée philippine a annoncé samedi qu'elle tenterait à nouveau de livrer des fournitures de base à ses forces dans le Second Thomas Shoal, mais n'a pas fourni plus de détails.La mission "sur le haut-fond est une démonstration claire de notre détermination à nous opposer aux menaces et à la coercition et de notre engagement à faire respecter l'État de droit", ont affirmé les Forces armées des Philippines dans une déclaration.À la suite de l'incident, Washington a renouvelé
un avertissement d'après lequel il est obligé de défendre son allié de longue date si des navires et des forces publiques philippines sont victimes d'attaques armées, y compris en mer de Chine méridionale.(Cette histoire n'a pas été éditée par le personnel de News18 et est publiée à partir d'un flux d'agence de presse syndiqué - Associated Press) RohitRohit est un journaliste de News18.com avec une passion pour les affaires mondiales et un amour pour le football. Suivez-le sur Twitter à @heis_rohit...Read More
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brexiiton · 1 year
US navy secretary says Australian multination military exercise demonstrates unity to China
By Associated Press 7:41am Jul 22, 2023
The major multination military training exercise launched in Australia sends a message to China that American's allies are cooperating to defend their security and democratic values, US Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro said.
Talisman Sabre began in 2005 as a bjennial joint exercise between the United States and Australia but has expanded this year to 13 nations and more than 30,000 military personnel.
Del Toro and deputy prime minister Richard Marles welcomed ever-closer closer bilateral military ties as they launched the exercise at a Sydney naval base.
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US Secretary of the Navy, Carlos Del Toro, Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles and Minister for Defence Industry, Pat Conway, at the launch of the bilateral military exercise, Talisman Sabre. (Janie Barrett).
Del Toro said land, sea and air military platforms are becoming increasingly complicated and allies need to exercise together to be able to operate as a single task force.
"The most important message that China can take from this exercise and anything that our allies and partners do together is that we are extremely tied by the core values that exist among our many nations together," Del Toro told reporters.
"We are prepared to actually operate together in defence of our national security interests and in defence of the core values that we all share," he added.
Marles said more than 800 military vehicles will cross a single-mobile wharf to be deployed at the Queensland state coastal town of Bowen during the two-week exercise.
"It's going to be the most significant logistics exercise that we will see between Australia and the United States in Australia since the Second World War," Marles said.
"All of this is actually building muscle memory between our two countries defense forces, is building comfort and familiarity and obviously not just between Australia and the United States but the other 11 countries that will be participating," Marles added.
Del Toro and Marles were upbeat about progress on the so-called AUKUS deal under which the United States and Britain will provide Australia with a fleet of submarines powered by US nuclear technology.
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Del Toro said land, sea and air military platforms are becoming increasingly complicated. (Janie Barrett)
The closer military relationship will be underscored on Saturday when USS Canberra is commissioned in Sydney.
The Independence-variant littoral combat ship, built by Australian manufacturer Austal, will become the first US warship to be commissioned in a foreign-port.
The original USS Canberra was a cruiser launched in 1943 named after the Australian cruiser HMAS Canberra that was torpedoed by the Japanese in 1942 with a loss of 193 lives while supporting US Marines landings on the Solomon Islands.
The Australian warship was named for the Australian capital.
The Solomons are again a security concern for the United States and its allies over recent security agreements the South Pacific nation has signed with Beijing.
Chinese spy ships have been shadowing Talisman Sabre exercises since 2017.
Australian Army Lieutenant General Greg Bilton said a Chinese spy ship had been contacted in the Coral Sea off Australia's northeast coast on Thursday and was expected to move into the exercise area.
"They've done this for a number of years. We're well prepared for it," Bilton said.
Fiji, France, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Britain, Canada and Germany are taking part in this year's exercise that ends on August 4.
The Philippines, Singapore and Thailand are attending the exercise as observers.
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intheshadowofwar · 1 year
27 May 2023
The journey of a thousand miles, it seems, begins with a half-dozen trains.
We left Canberra just before 7am, travelling by the Xplorer train service as far as Campbelltown. Normally this service would take us all the way into Sydney, but the spectre of trackwork loomed over us and we had to change to the suburban network. We caught a train from Campbelltown to Wolli Creek, changed there, and carried on to Hurstville, which was to be our base of operations for the weekend. We left our stuff there and returned to the station, catching a fourth train to Town Hall.
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I am something of a regular at Peter Nathan Toy Soldiers, by which I mean I go there maybe twice a year. I am sure this counts as being a regular. One might perhaps find it paradoxical that I wax philosophical about the horrors of war while collecting my little pewter troopers. My response is to paraphrase the great author H. G. Wells, who, when the paradox of his being a pacifist and an avid miniature wargamer was brought up, responded that ‘tin soldiers do not leave tin widows and tin orphans.’ And I like to think I have a bit of taste as to what I collect - I don’t collect wounded soldiers (as much as I tease Mum about getting that bayoneted Jacobite - she likes Outlander, you see), and the SS are completely verboten, thank you very much. But I am also keenly aware that this hobby attracts what we might charitably call oddballs. I overheard the owner in a discussion about how the most popular topics for toy soldier collection are Romans and the Nazis. Make of that what you will.
Perhaps I’m being too judgemental. I’m sure there are people who think my collection of British redcoats is problematic. Not everyone with an interest in the Nazi military is a neo-Nazi - but these days, I find it helps to maintain a healthy scepticism.
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After this, I headed down to Darling Harbour and walked around the precinct of the National Maritime Museum. There’s little WWI-related there, of course - I’m not certain a single WWI Australian ship survives - but it’s still always well worth a look. One thing that annoys me is the new ‘action stations’ building - I’m sure it’s an excellent educational aid, but it blocks what used to be a good photographic angle of HMAS Vampire’s port side. I had hoped to see the replica of Janzoon’s Dufkyen, but it seems it was at sea when I was there. The submarine Onslow and the patrol boat Advance seemed in good order, and the Endeavour replica was a delight to look over as always. Of particular note was the Krait, a captured Japanese fishing boat used by Australian and British commandos in a sabotage operation in Singapore harbour - it tends to be obscured by something when I go to the museum, so it was nice to see it unobstructed today.
After that, I walked back to the Queen Victoria Building via JB-HI-FI, where I picked up a bluetooth mouse that doesn’t work. I suppose that’s twenty dollars I’ll never see again. We caught the train back to Hurstville, picked up some groceries and some KFC, and returned to the hotel, where I write this now. Tomorrow, we’ll be heading in to Hyde Park Barracks and the Anzac Memorial, and taking a trip on the ferry to Manly. I’m sure I’ll have a little more to say about all that.
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Good shot of USS Canberra (CA-70), named after HMAS Canberra which had been scuttled after taking severe damage during the Battle of Savo Island. USS Canberra was at the time the only US ship to be named after a foreign warship or capital city.
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divegearaustralia · 1 year
Discover the Best Dive Shops in Melbourne for Scuba Diving Enthusiasts
Melbourne is an amazing city, known for its vibrant culture, incredible food, and stunning coastline. With an abundance of marine life and shipwrecks waiting to be explored, scuba diving in Melbourne is a must-try for any adventure seeker. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced diver, the city is home to some of the best dive shops in Australia, offering a range of equipment, training, and certification options.
Dive Gear Australia is a leading online retailer of scuba diving equipment in Melbourne, offering a wide range of high-quality gear for divers of all levels. The store stocks a wide range of scuba diving gear from some of the biggest brands in the industry, including Scubapro, Cressi, Mares, and more. From wetsuits and fins to masks and regulators, Dive Gear Australia has everything you need to make your underwater adventure a success.
If you're new to scuba diving, Melbourne has plenty of dive shops that offer courses and training programs to help you get started. The team at Dive Gear Australia is happy to assist with selecting the right course and certification program for you, whether you're looking for an introductory dive or an advanced course.
One of the best dive shops in Melbourne is Dive Victoria, located in Portsea. The shop offers a range of courses, from Open Water Diver to Rescue Diver, and also runs guided dives to some of the best dive sites in Melbourne, including the famous Portsea Hole and the HMAS Canberra wreck. Dive Victoria also offers a range of equipment rental options, making it easy to gear up and hit the water.
Another great dive shop in Melbourne is Scuba Life, located in Essendon. The shop offers a range of courses for all levels of divers, as well as equipment sales and rentals. Scuba Life is also home to a dedicated dive pool, allowing divers to practice their skills in a controlled environment before heading out to sea.
No matter what your level of experience, Melbourne is a fantastic destination for scuba diving enthusiasts. With an abundance of dive shops, equipment options, and training programs, there's no better time to discover the underwater wonders of Melbourne. Whether you're a local or a visitor, be sure to visit one of the city's many dive shops and make the most of your underwater adventure.
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andrewtheprophet · 1 year
Autralian Horn Needs to Nuke Up: Daniel 7
Australian Assessment of Its Defense Suggests Overhaul Needed, Amid China Concern A Marine helicopter conducts flight operations with Royal Australian Navy Canberra-class landing helicopter dock HMAS Canberra, during Exercise Rim of the Pacific 2022. Petty Officer 3rd Class Isaak Martinez—Australian Defense Force/AP BY ROD MCGUIRK / AP UPDATED: APRIL 24, 2023 7:00 AM EDT | ORIGINALLY…
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charlesandmartine · 2 years
Monday 6th February 2023
I may not be allowed to report this and I could be jailed for espionage if anyone passes this intel on, but there was high drama this morning as we watched from our window L02 (HMAS Canberra, helicopter through deck carrier), a frigate and a destroyer quietly slip out to the open seas. Now I have never seen L02 out of its little berth in Sydney harbour! All the years we have passed through there, it's always been at home. Now, there she is, trotting off to pastures new with 2 of her mates leaving the remainder of the Australian navy (2 ships, L01 and another) in dock. So is there something going on that we should be aware of?
We took the 173x to the City. Our mission was to buy tickets for DG at the SOH. For those in the know this is Don Giovanni at the Sydney Opera House. We have a gap in the diary for Thursday night and felt an urge for a bit of culture. Tickets were fast running out but we managed a couple for the Joan Sutherland theatre, circle, row E. I checked with the very patient lady behind the plate glass that she would assure us that we would not be conveniently hidden behind a pillar or that there wouldn't be a woman, Aussie or otherwise, immediately in front of us with a huge great hat on. She said hats are not allowed! So having parted with thousands of pounds, we had our tickets. We sensibly decided to opt out of the delicious canape and Pimm that we were treated to last time, thus saving 56 bucks.
Big disruption on SOH main steps! There's no access because they are closed for a Disney film set. No-one actually knows anything, but the rumour is that Ryan Gosling is filming there and it appeared to involve a crashed aeroplane on the steps. Security was tight and we were not allowed too close. I did enquire if any extras were needed but my offer was brusquely declined.
Another visit to the Art Gallery of New South Wales was quite amusing. Of course a flat white was involved first. It's important to be in the right frame of mind before turning ones attention to works of modern art. A few stiff brandies might help as well. So there on the wall is displayed what looks like the entire output of year two from an unknown primary school. I did say to the attendant that I hoped they didn't pay too much for it. A look of understanding was returned although not an official view.
Well it was a useful kind of day. We didn't manage to find the office of Malaysia Airlines because it has now closed and personnel are working from home. Neither could we find the Avis office, presumably for the same reason. However, we shall be back in the City tomorrow for an exciting excursion which we will document tomorrow if it really is exciting and take another pop at Avis.
173x bus home via our previous digs to pick up a rogue suitcase.
Curried rubbery chicken washed down by Aussie sauv. (Not as good as NZ)
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the-nomadicone · 2 years
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AH-1Z Viper // United States Marine Corps
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