#js izumo ddh-183
rhk111sblog · 1 year
There is some CONFUSION about the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) Participation in the United States (US)-Japan-Australia Joint Naval Drills in the SCS, US could be trying to SHAME the AFP into joining it
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takaigo81 · 2 months
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JS Izumo (DDH-183) anchored at Yokosuka Base of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.
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aresdifesa · 5 months
Sorvolo non autorizzato di un UAS sopra la JS Izumo In Giappone è divampata la polemica a seguito della pubblicazione di un video sui social network, presto divenuto “virale”, che immortala il passaggio di diversi secondi, almeno venti, di un UAS non identificato sopra il “cacciatorpediniere porta aeromobili” JS Izumo (DDH-183) fermo lungo il molo presso la base navale di Yokosuka, a sud di Tokyo, dove ha sede anche la Settima Flotta della Marina degli Stati Uniti. Il drone in questione, presumibilmente cinese secondo gli inquirenti, ha sorvolato a marzo impunemente in lungo e largo la portaerei leggera Izumo usando anche lo zoom della camera installata per inquadrare meglio i particolari
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judgemark45 · 2 years
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HMAS Canberra (L-02) sails in formation with USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72), JS Izumo (DDH-183), USS Mobile Bay (CG-53), HMAS Warramunga (FFH-152), HMAS Supply (A-195), USS Spruance (DDG-111), USS Gridley (DDG-101), JS Takanami (DD-110), and USS Sampson (DDG-102) during a photographic exercise in the Pacific Ocean Off Hawaii, 23 June 2022
RAN Photo by LS Liam Sulley, © Commonwealth of Australia 2021
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nicholassabalos · 5 years
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A message to Beijing….
SOUTH CHINA SEA (May 5, 2019) -- United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS William P. Lawrence (DDG 110) (American battle flag flying in top photo) transits through international waters with the Indian Navy destroyer INS Kolkata (D 63) and tanker INS Shakti (A 57)....Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force helicopter-carrier JS Izumo (DDH 183) and destroyer JS Murasame (DD 101)....and Philippine Navy patrol ship BRP Andres Bonifacio (PS 17).
This multi-national transit was designed to send a blunt message to China that its aggressive and illegal seizure of multiple islands and reefs in the South China Sea will not be tolerated.
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An island and reef in the South China Sea being built into a Chinese military base....in violation of international law and court rulings
China is attempting to take control of the vital sea lanes through the South China Sea....routes that could be choked-off....seriously infringing on the national and economic security of the four allied nations represented by this force....and many others throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
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China is claiming most of the South China Sea as their own....posing a threat to neighboring nations and vital sea routes
This is the world’s way of saying to Beijing: “Back off!”
>>CLICK the top two photos for a closer look....
>>Top two photos: Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force 
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yui1107 · 5 years
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『VFH10 オーロラン』〔あるいは「VFH-12 スーパー・オーロラン」〕は、超時空騎団サザンクロスに登場する、「超音速ジェット戦闘機 」→「ジャイロダイン」〔複合ヘリコプター、バルキリーのガウォークの代替〕→「バトロイド」〔人型のロボット〕に変形する可変戦闘機です。
▼  PNG 画像(4000 x 5000 pixel , 10MB )は、以下の pixivのURLからダウンロード出来ます。
可変戦闘機「VFH-10G オーロラン」Block 45B(新型双子スロットル)構造試験 on BAE システムズ 
(空母いずも格納庫) 川崎重工業のライセンス生産  VFH-10C Block03 オーロラン illust/74258284
空母「かが」( JS DDH-184 Kaga )甲板上。川崎重工業ライセンス生産版 「VFH-12G スーパーオーロラン」 コクピット形式: Block 45B (新型双子式スロットル・レバー)   illust/74310227 
SAAB社(Block 2.5)「VFH-12 スーパーオーロラン」コックピット 川崎重工業と同じくスウェーデンのライセンス生産版 illust/74278355 1. HMD表示 Block 45 VFH-10 オーロランon ( R 08 ) HMS HMSクイーン・エリザベス illust/74195058 2. 2019年4月15日「ヘリコプターの日」 及び「超時空騎団サザンクロス 35周年記念」VFH-10G Block45B オーロラン on HMSクイーン・エリザベス illust/74218134 3. 空母クイーン・エリザベス上の VFH-10B オーロラン illust/74234460 4. Block 50 VFH-10 オーロラン in 格納庫 illust/74238432 5. CVN-78 空母ジェラルド・R・フォード甲板上の「VFH-10D オーロラン」(月夜) illust/74256113 6. CVN-78 空母ジェラルド・R・フォード甲板上の「VFH-10G オーロラン」(夕暮れ) illust/74258421 ▼ オーロラン (コックピット)  に一覧と解説を記載  
See also
VFH-10B Block 02 AGAC on HMS Queen Elizabeth
SAAB VFH-12C Block 2.5 Super Auroran AGAC cockpit
Block03 VFH-12 Super Auroran on JS DDH-183 Izumo
The cockpit block " Block 45B" (the new twin throttle lever),  Veritech Fighter VFH-12G Super Auroran (a.k.a. "Super AGAC") on  boad JS DDH-184 Kaga
VFH-10G Block 44  Auroran AGAC on CVN-78 (USS Gerald R. Ford) at Night
Block 45 on board CVN-78 in Twilight
Block 45 VFH-10 Auroran on board  ( R 08 )   HMS Queen Elizabeth
VFH-10G Block 45-b AGAC on HMS Queen Elizabeth
VFH-10H Block 50 (based 45) AGAC in Hanger
BAE systems structual test VFH-10G Block 45-B (New twin throttle)
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militerium · 2 years
Naik Kelas! Kapal Induk Jepang JS Izumo
Di era Perang Dunia ke-II, Jepang memiliki kapal induk yang cukup ditakuti, memperpanjang jarak tempuh pesawat-pesawat tempur hingga mampu menyerang Pearl Harbour yang bersejarah. Kekuatan Maritim Pasukan Beladiri Imperial Jepang merupakan kekuatan yang diperhitungkan di Asia.  Kekuatan tersebut tidak lepas dari dukungan Industri dalam negeri mereka yang mandiri dan sangat inovatif Namun untuk membangun kekuatan militer, Jepang memiliki Undang-Undang yang membatasi pengakhusisian platform militer yang bersifat ofensif. Ketika Pasukan Beladiri Maritim Jepang (JMSDF) membeli 42 unit pesawat tempur generasi ke-6 Joint Strike Fighter STOVL F-35B Lightning II dari Amerika Serikat pada tahun 2019, maka dianggap perlu untuk memiliki Kapal Induk untuk mengakomodasi operasional pesawat-pesawat tersebut.
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Kapal Induk Jepang JS Izumo Naik Kelas
Awalnya dipikirkan bahwa pesawat-pesawat tersebut akan berpangkalan di darat, dimana akan dibentuk dua skadron dengan kekuatan masing-masing 20 pesawat, satu skadron akan berpangkalan di Pangkalan Udara Nyutabaru, Miyazaki (Barat Daya Jepang) yang letaknya dekat dengan Pangkalan JMSDF Kure di Hiroshima, yang merupakan Home Port bagi kapal induk helicopter JS Kaga. Namun, bila pesawat F-35B berpangkalan di darat, dirasa kurang efektif, namun tetap dipikirkan bahwa pengoperasian pesawat tersebut dari darat dan kapal induk akan bertindak selaku staging base (pangkalan pacu). Maka dirasa perlu untuk memodifikasi kapal induk yang ada, dari pada membuat kapal induk baru yang dapat dianggap sebagai melanggar Undang-Undang.
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Kapal Induk JS Izumo semasa jadi kapal induk helikopter. Pada Desember 2018, Kabinet Jepang menyetujui untuk memodifikasi kapal induk helikopter kelas Izumo secara de facto menjadi kapal induk agar dapat mengakomodasi F-35. Modifikasi terutama diperhitungkan untuk menahan beban bobot F-35, ketahanan terhadap suhu panas serta  beban yang ditimbulkan pada saat pesawat melakukan pendaratan maupun tinggal landas secara vertical pada flight deck. Bagian flight deck juga dilakukan modifikasi pada bow section (bagian depan kapal) – yang awalnya trapezoidal dimodifikasi menjadi berbentuk segi empat. Pihak Kementrian Pertahanan Jepang mengalokasikan anggaran untuk modifikasi (tingat refurbishment) kapal Izumo pada akhir tahun 2019, untuk dapat mengakomodasi pesawat F-35B.
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Kapal Induk JS Izumo setelah dimodifikasi dapat menampung F-35B JS IZUMO (DDH-183) sudah menjadi Kapal Induk untuk pesawat tempur, modifikasi dilakukan sejak tahun 2020, yang awalnya merupakan Multi-Purpose Destroyer atau 22DDH, dan sebagai kapal induk untuk pesawat helikopter. Kini, setelah dimodifikasi, Kapal Induk Jepang JS Izumo tersebut dapat didarati oleh pesawat tempur mutakhir F-35B Lightning II. JMSDF memiliki dua unit kapal Induk kelas Izumo.  JS Izumo sendiri diluncurkan pada tahun 2013, dan masuk kedalam jajaran JMSDF pada tahun 2015 sebagai kapal induk helicopter, dan dimodifikasi pada tahun 2020 menjadi kapal induk pesawat tempur.  Merupakan kapal perang Jepang yang terbesar saat ini. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYPG1Q0XrPE Kapal Induk Jepang JS Izumo dibuat di galangan Japan Marine United Corporation (JMU) yang berpusat di Yokohama, Kanagawa. JMU merupakan galangal kapal terbesar kedua di Jepang setelah Imabari Shipbuilding. JMU merupakan bagian dari IHI Corporation, JFE Holding.  Mereka sudah berpengalaman dalam membuat kapal-kapal berukuran besar, termasuk kapal tanker dan kapal kontener. Saat dibuat, pada awalnya JS Izumo memiliki peran utama untuk peperangan anti-kapal selam, namun di masa damai kapal ini juga dapat dioperasikan sebagai kapal untuk misi perdamaian maupun untuk membantu korban bencana alam.
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Japan Aircraft Carrier, JS Izumo Kapal Induk Jepang JS Izumo Adalah Kapal Induk Modern Kini JMSDF memiliki dua kapal induk sejenis; JS Izumo DDH-183 yang berpangkalan di Yokosuka - Kanagawa, dan JS Kaga DDH-184 yang berpangkalan di Kure, Hiroshima. Kapal Induk JS Izumo merupakan kapal induk JMSDF yang modern dan mampu menampung 28 unit pesawat tempur.  Namun sebelum dimodifikasi, kemampuan tersebut hanya di manfaatkan untuk menempatkan tujuh unit pesawat helicopter ASW dan dua unit helicopter SAR. Dengan penambahan kekuatan JMSDF berupa pesawat tempur F-35B Lightning II, maka Kapal Induk JS Izumo dan JS Kaga dijadikan kapal induk pesawat bersayap tetap. Modifikasi dilakukan dan JS Izumo telah mendapatkan Joint Precision Approach and Landing System (JAPLS), sehingga kapal layak untuk modifikasi sebagai kapal induk yang dapat mengakomodasi pesawat bersayap tetap, termasuk F-35B.
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Kapal Induk JS Izumo dan Kapal Induk JS Kaga Untuk mengakomodasi Pesawat Tempur F-35, dibuktikan pada saat percobaan atau uji-coba dengan pendaratan pesawat tempur F-35B milik USMC di landas pacu Izumo pada 3 Oktober 2021. Pengujian JS Izumo dilakukan antara tanggal 3 hingga 7 Oktober 2021, dimana pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi take-off dan landing F-35B.  Persiapan uji dilakukan di Pangkalan Militer Amerika Serikat MCAS Iwakuni pada 30 September 2021. Modifikasi JS Izumo dilakukan dalam dua tahap.  Tahap Pertama yang meliputi kenyempurnaan kemampuan flight deck guna mengakomodasi F-35B, telah selesai pada bulan Juni 2021, dan telah diuji kemampuannya.  Konversi kedua akan dilakukan pada Tahun Fiskal 2025. Sementara JS Kaga (DDH-184) memulai tahap pertama modifikasi pada tahun ini 2022. Adapun modifikasi tahap kedua atau tahap akhir akan meliputi perubahan bentuk bagian depan kapal (bow section), termasuk konfigurasi interior sehingga kapal sepenuhnya dapat menjadi pangkalan F-35B di laut. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFDaO8E-IzY Data Singkat Kapal Induk JS Izumo Mesin/Propulsi: Sistem COGAG – Kombinasi Gas Turbin dengan Gas Turbin, berupa 4 unit mesin gas Turbin GE/IHI LM2500IEC, dua shaft. Kecepatan maksimum yang dapat dicapai 30 knot. Untuk perlindungan diri, kapal dipersenjatai dengan tiga unit CIWS Phalanx kaliber 20mm, dan dua unit CIWS SeaRAM. NOLQ-3D-1 EW suite Mark 36 SRBOC. Counter-Measures: Anti-Torpedo mobile decoy (MOD); Floating acoustic jammer (FAJ). Perangkat sensor berupa system combat direction OYQ-12, fire control system FCS-3, dan bow sonar OQQ-23. Perangkat radar: AESA OPS-50, radar pantau permukaan OPS-28. Panjang kapal (LoA): 248,41 meter, Lebar/Beam: 38,10 meter, Tinggi/Draught: 7,62 meter.  Bobot kapal: 20.000 ton.  Awak kapal 970 personel pelaut dan penerbang. Read the full article
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japantourguide · 3 years
211121-N-EF657-1207 by U.S. Pacific Fleet Via Flickr: PHILIPPINE SEA (Nov. 20, 2021) Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) Capt. Takahashi Hiromasa and U.S. Navy Capt. Anthony Butera, information warfare commander, Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 1, converse aboard JMSDF Izumo-class multi-purpose Destroyer JS Izumo (DDH 183) during a pre-sail conference for Annual Exercise (ANNUALEX) 2021. ANNUALEX is a multilateral exercise conducted by naval elements of the Royal Australian, Royal Canadian, German Navy, JMSDF and U.S. navies to demonstrate naval interoperability and a joint commitment to a free, open and inclusive Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Timothy Wilson)
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Aboard JS Izumo DDH-183 Helicopter Destroyer of the JMSDF
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rmolid · 4 years
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vbeserk · 7 years
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Photo Series 20 - Air Force, Navy and Army, a mix of photos from across the world.
On the tenth photo series of the blog, i picked a variety of pics from multiple aircraft, now ten editions ahead, i decided to do things different, i picked photos from the 3 main military branches of the world, air force, navy and army.
Some may ask why i haven’t included other branches, the answer is simple, most countries in the world have these ones, so i’m not including branches like the Marine Corps.
I tried to pick photos that are unique but can also represent other countries and not just the ones being shown in them.
So what do we have in this photo series?
Air Force
1st photo - United States Air Force (USAF)
F-15 Eagle elephant walk at Kadena Air Base, Japan
2nd photo - Russian Air Force (RuAF) 
Sukhoi Su-35S
1st photo - French Navy (Marine Nationale) 
Nuclear powered Aircraft Carrier 
Charle de Gaulle - R91
2nd photo - Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) 
Helicopter destroyer
JS Izumo (DDH-183)
Army (Why helis? Because they are the main support of ground forces and the majority of the time they are the fastest and the best transport method although some countries keep helis in their Air Force branch.)
1st photo - Brazillian Air Force
UH-60 Blackhawk
2nd photo - AH-64E Apache Guardian flying alongside a Mi-35, unknown countries.
And this is it for this edition, if you have any contributions, suggestions, want to send your own pics or if you just want to talk, don’t be shy, i’m here everyday!
Have an awesome day, fellas!!!
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ryuichihorikawa · 5 years
The escort ship JS Izumo calls at Yokohama
Izumo (DDH-183) is a helicopter carrier (officially classified by Japan as a helicopter destroyer) and the lead ship in the Izumo class of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). She is the second warship to be named for Izumo Province, with the previous ship being the armored cruiser Izumo (1898).
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#USSRonaldReagan and #JMSDF's JS Izumo (DDH 183) took the opportunity to conduct drills together this week as both were operating in the South China Sea. #NavyPartnerships @US7thFleet https://t.co/Hce1j7JIn2
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judgemark45 · 2 years
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PACIFIC OCEAN (July 28, 2022) The Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2022 fleet sails in formation from Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force helicopter destroyer JS Izumo (DDH 183) viewpoint. . (Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Kikuchi Takanori)
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nicholassabalos · 7 years
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A force to reckon with....
BAY OF BENGAL (July 17, 2017) Ships from the Indian Navy, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) and the United States Navy sail in formation in the Bay of Bengal as part of a joint naval exercise.
The photo above captures the formation just seconds after executing an order from the exercise commander for the ships to breakaway from the group, per previous plans....and proceed on their assigned duties.
The three navies conducted maneuvering, defensive and offensive drills....exchanged a significant number of officers and crew between ships of different navies for a few days....and, ultimately, enhanced our ability to work as allies....both on the high seas and on our nations’ shores.
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This the latest in a continuing series of exercises between the Indian Navy, JMSDF and U.S. Navy....that has grown in scope and complexity over the years to address the variety of shared threats to maritime security in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.
I read that: gently encircle China -- in the midst of flexing its territorial and maritime muscle in the region -- to preserve freedom of the seas in this vital quarter of the world....with its multiple choke points along some of the busiest commercial sea routes in use today.
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(Front row, left to right) Leading warships from each nation: United States -- supercarrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68)....India --  aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya ....Japan -- helicopter carrier JS Izumo (DDH 183).
>>CLICK the top photo for a much larger image.
>>Photos: Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Cole Schroeder, USN
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whittlebaggett8 · 5 years
Destroyer Visit Puts Japan-Vietnam Military Ties into Focus
The current voyage was just the most recent manifestation of increasing safety ties involving the two nations.
Previous 7 days, two Japanese vessels compensated a scheduled take a look at to Vietnam. When the conversation was just 1 of a series of routines in the bilateral connection, it however spotlighted some of the ongoing exercise in the defense relationship in 2019.
As I have observed formerly in these internet pages, when Japan and Vietnam have extensive maintained a protection component in their broader bilateral romance, the two countries have been boosting their safety ties as part of their so-named considerable strategic partnership about the previous couple many years. Gains have incorporated not just headline products these as periodic maritime stability support, but substantial moves like new naval drills, Japanese port calls, an settlement on coast guard cooperation, and conversations on a lot more protection machines and defense industrial collaboration.
That has continued on into 2019 as well. Certainly, just last month, Japan’s Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya compensated a stop by to Vietnam – his first overseas trip because Japan’s formal transition to the Reiwa Period – the place both sides discussed a variety of spots to more protection collaboration and also inked a memorandum of comprehension to bolster defense field cooperation.
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This 7 days, the protection factor of the Japan-Vietnam defense romance was in the headlines again with the visit of two Japanese vessels to Vietnam. The helicopter provider JS Izumo (DDH-183) and destroyer JS Murasame (DD-101) of the Japan Maritime Self-Protection Drive (JMSDF) have been in Vietnam for a naval engagement which lasted from June 14 to June 18.
For every the official account by Vietnam’s protection ministry, the two vessels commenced their interaction by anchoring at Cam Ranh Worldwide Port in Khanh Hoa province on June 14. The two vessels, which experienced over 700 crew-members, were commanded by Rear Admiral Hiroshi Egawa, Commander of the JMSDF Escort Flotilla 1.
The 4-day visit consisted of many other interactions as perfectly. Amid other items, the Japanese troops paid courtesy phone calls on leaders of the Khanh Hoa provincial People’s Committee, Naval Area 4 Command, and the Vietnam Naval Academy, took part in a variety of exchange actions with models below the Naval Area 4 Command and also took the prospect to pay a visit to some tourism and cultural internet sites in the province as effectively.
Unsurprisingly, no further specifics have been publicly disclosed about other factors of the take a look at beyond these general contours. But Vietnam’s defense ministry stated that the pay a visit to ought to be witnessed much more broadly as contributing to expanding bilateral defense cooperation involving the two sides as very well as setting up rely on, and mutual understanding amongst the two navies and militaries as very well.
The post Destroyer Visit Puts Japan-Vietnam Military Ties into Focus appeared first on Defence Online.
from WordPress https://defenceonline.com/2019/06/18/destroyer-visit-puts-japan-vietnam-military-ties-into-focus/
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