#hmmmmm spicy soup
newtafterdark · 2 years
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Is it hot in here or is it just me~? 😈🔥
It took me a bit, but I finally finished the funny little pause screen for my Twitch channel!
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tartrazeen · 1 day
So, coming from the comments promoting my favourite dish that I can't live without dal (the variation of it I cook, anyway)
Ingredients in the order of how they're added, orange ones are the ones I always add and consider essential, blue are optional. No precise measurements because I never measure it and just do how I feel like. This dish can be prepared in so many different variations you really can't get it wrong, it'll always end up delicious
Some oil or butter heated in a pot
Some cumin seeds
One diced onion. I usually have red ones but use whatever you prefer, whatever size you like
Garlic and/or ginger. Can be freshly diced/grated or can be premade paste. I add both in paste because it's convenient and easy
Chilli/Jalapeño peppers if you have any and like it spicy
A can of chickpeas (some variations of this dish don't have chickpeas in it but I always add them in mine)
Garam masala spice mix (I don't remember the exact content of what's in it)
Two-three diced tomatoes or a can of tomatoes of you're feeling lazy/don't have fresh tomatoes
Additional tomato paste/puree
Additional veggies if you want/need to use them. Pretty much anything will do, but I enjoy cauliflower the most, and if you make it more like a soup with more water in it, potatoes can be nice addition
Lentils (I use regular red ones + I add some moong dall chilka just because I can)
Water + bouillon cube (any) or just salt if not
(now just put a lid on and cook it until lentils are ready. Mix once in a while or add more water of it's getting too thick for your taste)
Greens like spinach or parsley if you have/want them
A can of coconut milk is optional but really nice addition + it can help if you accidentally made it too spicy
More greens (like parsley or coriander)
If you didn't use coconut milk, you can enjoy it with sour cream or some plain yogurt or without
I guess you can also add lemon/lime juice but tbh I've done this
If you end up cooking it, let me know which variation of it you went with and whether it was something you'd cook again
Hope you'll enjoy!
🤔 Hmmmmm
I can definitely give this a shot! We'll see how I get it to turn out out 💖
Thank you so much for sharing this with me!! And even colour-coding it?! 😍 The detail...!
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rabbithexrt · 3 months
sun, taurus, 10th house!🧚🏼
hiii beautiful 🌼
sun ⇢ name 5 things you like about yourself? - my optimism - my gentleness and sensitivity ( took a while to like that one but yea ^^) - my creativity - my big heart - my eyes are like 3 or 4 different shades / colors which is pretty neat also 😅
taurus ⇢ what's your favorite food? big fan of pretty much any fruit - especially berries and melons 💛 in terms of cooked food: curries are amazing ( if not super spicy cause I cannot handle super spicy haha ), salads and soup - I love soup 💛
10H ⇢ how do you want people to remember you? hmmmmm as someone kind, someone who makes others smile and is encouraging and supportive. but also as someone who is who she is and won't change that to fit into someone elses narrative. -> or as a magical ass weirdo ( whatever works haha )
thank you so much for these, lovely 😘 hope your day is as magical as yourself 💗
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accidental-spice · 3 years
For the OC ask game,
🌼,🌲,🌴,🍂, and ❄ for Cinya?
Ooooh, noice!!! Let's see....
🌼- What's your favorite thing about this OC?
Okay, it's a tie. Either the fact that she does NOT do social norms or small talk, but still managed to pick up a small family for herself.
Or the fact that every time she's ANYWHERE near a Jedi, she WILL punch them, whether she knows they're a Jedi or not.
🌲- What is this OC's greatest strength and weakness?
Well, Cinya's greatest strength is naturally, her gigantic knife. Okay, joking. I think it's actually her sheer stubbornness.
Ironically, that's also probably her greatest weakness. She's ride or die, Cinya is. She'll die for you, or you're irrelevant to her. If she gives up on someone? They're dead to her. But if she decides to stand by you? She stays, even if it'll kill her.
🌴- Who is this OC's favorite person?
Oh, definitely her bestie Lanter. He's like a brother to her. Cinya doesn't admit that she has, y'know. Emotions. With many people. Lanter's a rare exception.
🍂- What music does this OC like?
BLESS YOU for asking this question.
Cinya, you may be unsurprised to hear, is a lover of 60s-80s era music. Some of her favorites include Wonder, by Natalie Merchant, Africa by Toto, Fortunate Son by CCR, and anything by The Jayhawks. To name a few.
❄- What is this OCs favorite and least favorite food?
Hmmmmm...... I don't suppose hot chocolate counts as a food?
I've actually never thought about this, so, excellent question!
Okay, after a brief Wookieepedia browse session, I've found it! It's a very spicy Mandalorian stew called "Tiingilar". Spicy, and soup. Ish. Exactly what Cinya'd like!
As for least favorite, anything boring. Cinya is VERY pro-spice. VERY.
Thank you so much for the ask!!!
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tagged by: @everystarstorm​
rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better/catch up with!
favorite color: i dunno i don’t really have one? i more like color combos... blue/pink or green/pink are favs
currently reading: annihilation! Extremely Cool Vibes
last song: uuuuh whatever song the life pursuit was on when i turned it off... act of the apostle ii i think?
last movie: i think it was repo man x.x
last series: i honestly have no idea? i dont... watch... stuff...
sweet, spicy or savory: hmmmmm... spicy i think. not too much tho. i might just be saying that bc i’m hungry
craving: got hotpot the other day and i would Literally Kill to go back. hng soup
tea or coffee: coffee! i like tea but don’t have it that often bc uhh it takes too long
currently working on: whump rq :>
tagging: @eagefree @yepiamthesmileyface @nickkkdoesstuff @answrs @solitaria-fantasma and uhh i can’t think of more people. sorry if any of yall have already been tagged + anyone else who wants to is also autotagged! :>
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aprilbrowines · 4 years
Fall harvest
“Almost got it....wuah!” Howie catches Molly from the tree as he dusts her off, “What happened!?!” Sonya ran to the sound holding a basket of apples. “She had a misstep and almost fell” He said as Sonya check on molly. she was wearing a chic leather jacket over an plaid shirt, while Molly wore her usual bear hoodie with a long sleeve sweater. Howie helped Sonya with the apples and went to get the pumpkins next, the patch was full of Pumpkins big and small and ripe for the picking. They inspected the pumpkins to see which were best for carving and cooking, “How about this one?” Molly said pointing to one which was laying on it side
“Too bumpy.” Sonya said looking at a big one, “Maybe that one?” She shook her head, it would be too heavy and even though Howie was strong enough she didn’t want to burden him with engorged gourd. She shook her head still looking for the right pumpkins. 
“Hey Sonya!” Howie cried out holding up a pumpkin by its stem. It had a pale butternut-colored skin and a slightly oval shape, She walks to Howie and check the pumpkin. 
“Hmmmmm..... it looks good, now for the cooking one.” 
“What about a fairytale pumpkin?” He suggests while placing the pumpkin in the wagon, “They’re smooth, creamy, and tender with a spicy scent and a mild, sweet flavor.” Sonya smiles hugging him for the great idea.
As they gotten their pumpkins with molly getting a small white one, they paid and head into the truck to drive home.
Adding the chopped pumpkin chunks to the broth she seasons with salt and pepper bringing to a boil, uncovered, then reduce heat to a simmer. “I hope you two will like it.” Sonya smiled as she gets the bowls from the cupboard
“Would you like some, moll?” She asks
“Sure” She smiles getting the third bowl for the bear child, as she sets up the table. “Howie, you want something to goes with your soup? I have some leftover croutons.”
Howie, who was sitting on the couch shrugs “Doesn’t matter.” 
She checks the pumpkin as it was tender, removing the pot from heat she lets the soup cool and blended it in a blender. Once the cream was stir in, she served the soup to Molly, Howie and Herself.
Molly takes a spoonful and sips it, “Hey this is pretty good.” She chirps “Taste good.” Howie eat his soup as well
Sonya smiles
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theselkiesea · 3 years
If you were a soup, what kind of soup would you be?
That's a great question, hmmmmm...I think I'd be carrot and coriander with a fuck ton of pepper sprinkled in. I like it spicy yo.
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dajaregambler · 4 years
HeliosR - Help! Cooking Hero Event story - Chapter 13
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Translation of chapter 13 of the event ‘Help! Cooking Hero’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.
Oscar: I see….. It’s a menu based on South sector’s training team--- in other words, us heroes
Will: Yes. And Crimson Restaurant is a business based in Red South, the choice of heroes shouldn’t cause any discomfort either, I think.
Keith: Brewed up a nice idea there. And if we do it this way, it’ll also have some flavour of it being a collaboration with heroes.
Will: Keith-san, you belong to the West sector but, don’t you want to join in by being a part of the special drinks menu? 
Will: I did hear that you really love beer...
Keith: Oooh, ya also wanna mix me in here
Oscar: It’s true that beer fits his image. It’s a good idea to go with.
Will: As for Oscar-san’s meat dish, how about we try to make the cut thicker than we did before?
Keith: Huuuh, so you mean to bring out his massive muscles out 
Will: Yes. I think a simple meat dish without putting too much strong sauce on it could be something enjoyable 
Keith: And then, the pasta I’m in charge of gotta be arranged to fit Brad’s image….
Keith: Awright, guess I’ll stuff some sushi in it
Oscar: You know that combining these two together won’t be good at all….
Will: I believe that if we make the pasta from earlier a purple pasta, that’d it represent Brad perfectly
Oscar: Yes, the purple motif does fit Brad-sama.
Keith: If it’s that, then it wouldn’t be more difficult and it could be made with no problems
Keith: Think we wrapped up the main course pretty well. Ya came up with some good stuff, Will
Oscar: Cooking every single day is what ended up bringing you here. Your efforts have bore fruit. 
Will: …...Thank you very much. I’m happy I could be of help. 
Will: Also, what about a spicy tomato soup for Akira’s dish?
Oscar: Yes, that’s good. And then the last one is yours….
Oscar: We’ll do something basic for salad, since I believe it’d be better to come up with a dessert to fit your image. 
Will: A dessert that fits my image… Hmmmmm….
Keith: What’cha fretting over? You’ve been coming up with tons of ideas till now
Will: It’s easy to think of dishes that fit others, but it’s somewhat difficult when it comes to myself...
Oscar: When it comes to you, wouldn’t Japanese sweets fit the most?
Keith: Eeeh, ya saying Will likes Japanese sweets, huh
Will: Yes. I like any kind of sweets but, I love Japanese sweets the most 
Keith: Speaking of these, there was that one time I got some clumps of sugar from Brad...
Keith: I complained ‘cuz I don’t eat sweets, and then told me it’d be good if I drank it together with some bitter tea though
Will: Ah yes, there are sweets that you eat like that. The sweet and bitter flavors cancel each other out, and it becomes delicious...
Will: Wait. If I combine something that’s way too sweet with something bitter together then it’d be good…!
Keith: Huh?
Will: One of my shortcomings is that I have a way more sweeter sense of taste than others. My cooking would turn out sweet, and trying to control it would cause me stress. 
Will: But as Keith-san pointed out, there’s foods that combine sweetness and bitterness together, perhaps with that I could make something where I’d be making the best use of my tastebuds. 
Oscar: I think so too. By bringing in the bitter flavour, then the sweets that are too sweet would be just right. It’s a dish that’s perfect for you, Will. 
Will: Sir, the menu is good to go!
Manager: Yes yes. I’ve been listening and I think all of it is great. It’s even more fitting to the idea of a hero compared to the one you came up with in the beginning...
Manager: In all honesty, I started to panic that we had no time left… but thanks to Will not giving up and coming forth with suggestions, it made me realize that we need to put in more effort. 
Will: I should be the one thank you...
Keith: Naaaw, it’s too soon to start thanking each other. Like, we gotta start making these sample dishes now. Gotta keep that for when the job’s a huge success 
Will: Y-you have a point there….  Let’s give it all we got so everything goes smoothly on the opening day!
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luffysfakebeard · 4 years
I got tagged by @vessel-at-best to do the 8 people you’d like to know better tag!
Favourite colours: purple and teal sorta colours!
Last song I listened to: About You Now by Sugababes (I was listening to a pop throwback playlist haha)
Favourite musicians: it changes all the time haha but P!nk, Biffy Clyro, Bowling for Soup, Florence and the Machine are some I’m always happy to stick on!
The last film I watched: Frozen 2! (I rented it on Amazon Prime because the kids at work kept singing the song from it and I had to know where it was from)
The last TV show I watched: I watched some Come Dine With Me with my roommate this afternoon
Favourite original characters: hmmmmm, I like the angsty ones tbh. Todoroki (MHA), Helena (Orphan Black), Isak Valtersen (Skam), Dean Winchester (SPN), Tony Stark (MCU), Newt (TMR)
Sweet, spicy or savoury: it depends on my mood if I’m craving sweet things or savoury things haha
Sparkling water, tea, or coffee: NO, NO, NO. Pepsi Max!
Pets: my sweet old lady cat Treacle (although she lives with my mum)
I shall taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag @citrusveins, @milkofthewildpoppy, @allforquirks, @lovetododeku, @thxallmother, @keigotakamihawks, @arxaris, aaaaand @bakugobinch !
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chaerinspires · 4 years
It's a new week and a holiday week at that, which I totally forgot about... do you celebrate? If so are you ready? What do you typically do?
I dont really celebrate but love the extra time off and use it to watch old movies and eat. Soaking of what is your favorite meal? And are you the eater or the chef 😉 (admit it for a second you thought that was going to go differently)
Anywho hope you have a happy holiday and enjoy however you celebrate. ~🐧☕
hi penguin latte! holiday week indeed, i hope all is going well!
i don’t really celebrate anything so we’re a little boring haha we don’t have any family traditions per se, but i like watching christmas movies or other festive content so we’re in the same boat!
my favorite meal hmmmmm i love love noodle soups so maybe like a really brothy ramen? maybe. i also love spicy food in general so like a hot and sour noodle soup? absolutely godly,,,,,,,
usually i’m the eater!! but this season i want to try my hand at baking and see how it goes! my dad is a vegan so i will be attempting to make some vegan brownies and i will keep you updated on how that goes,,,,, hopefully it’s not a complete disaster? no one in our family bakes so we’re all in this together i guess :’) (i will admit that i didn’t until you pointed it out so TECHNICALLY it’s your fault i have to semi admit it). thank you so much for the well wishes, i send just as much love back!
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rogueonetrash · 7 years
Rogue One Food Headcanons
Jyn: -will fight you for candy -such a sweet tooth it's not even funny -she has a secret stash of candy under her bed *cassian walks in* "Hey Jyn I wa-" *Jyn is sitting in a pile of candy wrappers and sugar on her face* "This is a bad time" -Her favorite candies are the sour chewy ones cause she can take a punch and sour punch Cassian: - don't talk to him until he's had coffee. Just don't. "I'm so exhausted that I could actually sleep for once" -he's a caffeine junkie. Not even for the effect sometimes he just likes soda bubbles -he's got a birthday party diet: soda, pizza, cake. It all gives him joy. -can cook but only does it for really special occasions Chirrut: -carefully crafts each meal like its art -wears his little apron and sings what he's doing "Hmmmmm add paprika ohhhhh and feel the flavorika" -truly he's the only one with a wholesome diet. "BAZE EAT YOUR DAMN VEGETABLES" - minus the fact he has a slight obsession with really rich chocolates Baze: -likes meat, cheese, and soup. Man stuff. -it's a mystery how his heart is ok with the amount of meat this man consumes - Cassian: ok who ate the entire pizza Baze: Burp - Baze and Ron Swanson are one in the same in this department. BREAKFAST IS LIFE!!! Bodhi: -will basically eat whatever is in front of him. How he's thin? no one knows. - anything quick he likes. Ramen for breakfast lunch and dinner. Maybe a kids cuisine for dinner instead if he's feeling fancy. -just do busy to care about the flavor but will make an exception for spicy foods *pours hot sauce on kids cuisine* -nothing is too spicy for him. NOTHING K-2SO: - mmmmm oil, gas, bolts and droid stuff
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mrspotterblack05 · 8 years
I was tagged lovely @themagnusbane ♥♥
RULES: Answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions
1. COKE OR PEPSI: Coke. I only do pepsi if its the only thing they have tho
2. DISNEY OR DREAMWORKS: both have good I love and bad shit I hate :)
3. COFFEE OR TEA: coffee, even tho I dont like coffee like that....I hate tea....
4. BOOKS OR MOVIES: for the most part, books. Right now the only exception is for TMI, there I prefer the show over the books (and the movie does ot exist)
5. WINDOWS OR MAC: Windows...
6. DC OR MARVEL: I am both, but I stan DC more lol  
7. XBOX OR PLAYSTATION: neither lmao
8. DRAGON AGE OR MASS EFFECT: neither.. I dont play games like that :/
9. NIGHT OWL OR EARLY RISER: night owl. I hate being awake so early
10. CARDS OR CHESS: cards lol 
11. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA: chocolate is life
12. VANS OR CONVERSE: Converse. I'm not a big fan of vans lol
14. FLUFF OR ANGST: Both. I cant help liking the angst sometimes
15. BEACH OR FOREST: Beach. its relaxing for me haha 
16. DOGS OR CATS: BOTH goddamit lmao
17. CLEAR SKIES OR RAIN: clear lmao
18. COOKING OR EATING OUT: I do like to cook but I'm lazy so eating out more
19. SPICY OR MILD FOOD: I'm a wimp. I cant do spicy well lmao 
20. HALLOWEEN/SAMHAIN OR SOLSTICE/YULE/CHRISTMAS: halloween. its always been my fav
21. WOULD YOU RATHER FOREVER BE A LITTLE TOO COLD OR A LITTLE TOO HOT: A little too hot. the cold bothers me lmao
23. ANIMATION OR LIVE ACTION: hmmmmm prob animation more
24. PARAGON OR RENEGADE: I dont know this either lmao
25. BATH OR SHOWER: recently ive been more than showers
26. TEAM CAP OR TEAM IRONMAN: .......recently ive been indifferent to either so ima say team none lmao
27. FANTASY OR SCI-FI: Fantasy. I'm not the biggest sci-fi fan
30. HARRY POTTER OR PERCY JACKSON: .....both the hell lmao
32. STAR WARS OR STAR TREK: star wars because into it kinda recently and have never seen star trek
33. PAPERBACK BOOKS OR HARDCOVER BOOKS: Paperback only because more space lmao
34. FANTASTIC BEASTS OR CURSED CHILD: prob fantastic beasts
35. ROCK OR POP MUSIC: eh both?
37. THE LAST BOOK YOU READ/THE ONE YOU’RE CURRENTLY READING: hmmmmm I'm currently reading a series of unfortunate events lemony snicket
38: SONG THAT MAKES YOU SMILE/SONG THAT MAKES YOU CRY: hmmmmmm honestly I could be in a bad mood and no matter what “hot mess”by chromeo always gets me smiling. as for songs that make me cry? idk lmao
39. SUSHI OR WAN TAN SOUP: wan tan soup only cuz I dont like sushi
41. DRAWING OR WRITING? neither cuz I suck horribly at both lmao
42. SINGING OR DANCING: both, eve I'm crappy at both as well lmao
tagging @softshumjr @nightfallgoddess @alecsaldertree @halliwellxx @banelewis @magnusgoatee
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headinthebox · 8 years
- Tagged by @pawsomelybuggy -
Rules: Answer all the questions, Then add one of your own, And tag as many people as there are questions. 
Let’s get started! 
1) Coke or Pepsi?
-Coke!! preferably diet,,
2) Disney or Dreamworks? 
3) Coffee or Tea? 
-Coffee it is my blood.
4) Books or Movies?
5) Windows or Mac?
6) D.C. or Marvel?
-Hmmmm Marvel.
7) Xbox or Playstation? 
8) Dragon Age or Mass Effect?
-Uh Dragon Age.
9) Night Owl or Early Riser?
10) Cards or Chess?
11) Chocolate or Vanilla?
12) Vans or Converse?
-Hmmmmm, depends on the day.
13) Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, Or Adaar? 
-Cadash ;0
14) Fluff or Angst?
15) Beach or Forest?
16) Dogs or Cats?
17) Clear skies or Rain?
18) Cooking or Eating out? 
-Uh, Eating out.
19) Spicy or Mild Food? 
-Hmmmm. Spicy.
20) Halloween, Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas?
21) Would you rather forever be a little too cold, Or a little too hot?
22) If you could have a superpower, What would it be?
-Ooooooh, Hm. Probably mind control. Or anything to do with water!!
23) Animation or Live Action?
24) Paragon or Renegade?
25) Bath or Shower?
26) Team Cap or Team Iron Man?
-Iron Man!!
27) Fantasy or Sci-Fi?
-Fantasy of course.
28) Do you have 3 or 4 favorite quotes, If so, What are they?
-one) [ If you at first don’t succeed, Get rid of all the evidence of your failure -The Stoll twins] that’s the only one I have. 
29) Youtube or Netflix?
30) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?
31) When do you feel accomplished?
-When I clean everything bless.
32) Star Wars or Star Trek?
-Star Wars.
33) Paperback books or Hardcover books?
34) Fantastic beasts or Cursed Child?
-Fantastic Beasts
35) Rock or Pop music?
36) What is the most important thing in your life? On a day to day?
37) Mountains or Sea/Ocean?
38) How do you express yourself? 
-Through fandoms basically.
39) What’s the first Book/Film that really mattered to you?
-Hmmmmm. Probably Ready Player One for book, And for movie, The Road to El Dorado!!
40) What’s your element? (Air, Water, Etc.)?
-W a t e r 
41) If you could travel anywhere, Where would you go?
42) If you had any job in the world, What would it be?
43) If you were granted three wishes, What would they be?
-Uhhh, Probably to look exactly how I want to look, Have superpowers, And be rich lol. 
44) If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, What would it be?
45) What’s currently the most pressing issue on your mind? And what’s stopping you from fixing it?
-Finishing this book in time. Nothing is stopping me from doing it, I’m just lazy
46) If there was anything you could get better at, What would it be?
My question) Who is your favorite character of all time?
Tagging) @pixelpoff @miraculous-spots @galaxycitrus These are the only people that I know on tumblr so 
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emo4life · 6 years
food meant /?
stop i realize ive been like eating a lot i feel like idk why 😭😭 i guess maybe i usually eat a lot but IDK bdkdbdbd imma gain weight if i don’t stop sigh i don’t rlly wanna do that ig :/
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