#hnnnngh I am not looking forward to it
idledoll · 2 years
Both of the hamsters' nails have been looking extremely long lately, so I've been steeling myself to cut them (I'd like to at least give it a go before having to take them to the vets).
I just pulled Egg out of her cage after getting everything ready, scruffed her and flipped her over...only to find her nails are the perfect length. Suddenly. Somehow.
I guess she got tired of them being long and decided to bite them a bit shorter? Who knows, who cares, I'm just glad I don't have to trim them because wow was I dreading it.
Now I just have to wait for Bathrick to wake up and then it's his turn. His nails are way worse -- I have no idea why he doesn't wear his down like hamsters are supposed to -- so I doubt I'll be granted clemency twice. Wish me luck.
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persimmontea · 3 years
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You can’t afford to lose, right Neku?
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polyghostfacehours · 2 years
besides horror what else do you enjoy?
Gaming, specifically JRPGs! Im a big lover of high fantasy as a genre as well, its right beside horror as my fave genre! Im beyond hyped for Final Fantasy 16 bc of it and I am lowkey a FF14 addict lmaooo. I also love indie titles and Im looking super forward to Eiyuden Chronicle! And ofc Otome/dating sims lmaooo.
I adore anime, grew up on that shit. Had Ranma 1/2 and the Sailor Moon movies on VHS 😭. Current anime hyperfixation is AOT, and Ive been going wild over timeskip Eren cause HNNNNGH did you guys SEE the NSFW figure they made of him??? Nut.
Obviously I love writing lol.
I love programming, specifically in Python and R, and its what I got to school for an play a big part in my career path. I currently am interning at a Big Data Analytics Lab at my Uni, and while its very challenging, its beyond fun!
I've been learning some basic pixel art lately! Made an orange, a rice ball, and topping of a cake so far and I can visually see the improvements! Super fun and would recc using the dotpict app if youre interested.
Tech in general is a huge passion of mine. I'd like to one day learn some VR development.
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atherix0 · 2 years
SAD MUMBO ENJOYER, AS IT TURNS OUT, HNNNNGH. Sad scar enjoyer too for the record. The fact that there is a bird sleeping in SCARS BEDROPM while this CONVERSATION IS HAPPENING AHHHHHHH
So maybe this is gonna sound weird, but I'm physically disabled irl, and seeing any sort of nod to the fact that Scar is disabled in fanwork makes me so happy - that might not be what your going for but it does make me happy even if the subject matter is sad
GOD the two of them are on the PRECIPICE of finding out theyre in love. Like. Grian already knows Scar is, duh. Cant wait for the moment he realizes mumbo is too. THEYRE SITTING ON THE EDGE AND IM ABOUT TO BREAK, YOUR HONOR.
I really love the awful loop that Scar's gotten himself into. I know you said this is going to have a happy ending, and i have a few,,,,ideas 👀👀,,,,regarding how. But man oh man if i didnt know you wanted this to end happy i would be SHITTING! BRICKS! Hell i still am because like. How we resolving this one chief.
And god those quiet feelings and anna and his son that mumbo is having? Snapping me like a twig. Like a grian. Hehe. Cant wait for that to resolve and for him to come into his own as a Vampire Lord, protective over a family.
Mmm mmm mmm
<3 YEA Grian's sound asleep and completely oblivious and these two are just <3
I'm actually disabled too, though mine's a visual disability (not enough to not be able to work but ya know how it is), so the fact that CC!Scar is disabled is super important to me and even if Midnight!Scar doesn't have the same disability, it was important to me to call back to that. His magic is the more noticeable one ofc but there is also a physical disability that I've hinted at in Visit and Ambush, though I'm not sure how in-depth I'll get with it b/c I really really don't want to represent anything incorrectly <3
Hahaha <3 Grian and Mumbo are both very jealous and possessive people and they are together and KNOW the other is just as jealous and possessive as they are, which creates one problem; how tf are they supposed to bring up the fact that they ALSO want SOMEONE ELSE when they know their partner is the "Mine <3" type AND THEY DON'T KNOW THE OTHER WANTS THE EXACT SAME PERSON so it's like the two of them just don't. Realize it, or bring it up. And Scar is so incredibly oblivious when it comes to anyone's interest in him poor thing </3 So- I am looking forward to the moment Grian gets confirmation that Mumbo has fallen too <3
Yep, all of Scar's problems compounding in a vicious cycle </3 And he's only made it worse with his decisions in his young adulthood </3 And sadly it can't be reversed like a full Elf might have been able to do, so... vicious cycle that can only get worse <3 Ahahaha have you picked up what I put down in Midnight Mistakes.......... hehe, although I am 1000% giving it a happy ending, there are actually a few different avenues that'll be presented by the end and I haven't decided yet if I'll establish one as canon or leave it open for the readers to decide, but I definitely know which one is the one I'm gonna be... heavily hinting at-
Mumbo is a very soft heart <3 That was his family and he didn't get to see it through to the end and my HEART, it's important to me that Mumbo gets the chance to look back on his past and finally find closure, and realize it's alright to not only mourn and regret, but it's also alright to move on </3 Mumbo is gonna be such a great Lord he's already getting protective <3 This is his family now, he's gonna protect them and save them <3
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yandere-sins · 4 years
I absolutely love the way you depict yandere!Sylvain! His ruthlessness when you set him off and his saccharine side when you show him an inkling of affection, coupled with his almost desperate desire to be loved... hnnnngh, so good. 💕
I do take pity on him with how you make the reader hurt him with cutting words though (thinking about the “I could fucking kill you right now” and the “you’re so cute when you’re struggling” prompts in particular), and was wondering if I could perhaps make a request where reader eventually develops Stockholm Syndrome so he can finally have his happy fantasy even if the reader is a bit broken?
Aww I haven’t been that mean, have I? Tehe (・ωー)~☆ Fine then, let’s cut the boy some slack! Thank you so much for requesting him, I took the liberty to change it more to broken rather than Stockholm as you know I am not into too much compliance, hope that’s okay! ^-^
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The plate set down in front of him was filled like always. You weren’t the greatest cook alive, but Sylvain appreciated every meal you prepared for him - especially with only the few ingredients he managed to bring to you. Being able to sit at the same table as you, eating and chatting about his day, was his absolute highlight after all the hours he spent away from you. It was the only time he could truly felt at peace.
You two munched away on the oozy soup you had prepared, spoon in one hand each and the others on top of the table. He eyed yours secretly, watching your fingers move and how the scars on your skin tightened when you did. Those were all his. It would have been much better if he could have littered your skin with hickies instead of scars, but those had to suffice now.
Sylvain remembered how every one of them happened, and he counted them at night when you laid in his arms, feeling them up with his hands. Even if his memories about his rage were fuzzy, since he always recounted every blemish on your skin, he knew when and how they appeared. A macabre way of worshipping this part of you, but it meant so much to him.
Lately, however, new scares had become rare. Both of you were relieved about it, especially Sylvain. To him, it meant that the struggles finally had ceased, and you accepted his love. His love, and more so, him. Nothing could have made him happier than that. Reaching forward slowly while he proceeded to eat, his fingers poked at yours, your hand flinching away in reflex. It upset him, but he too had bettered himself, and as such, he did his best to understand you.
But at least you didn’t yank away from his touch. Just a month ago, you’d probably have jumped up and attacked him verbally, but now you merely flinched before relaxing your hand again. Part of you probably remembered the many ways he touched you. Rough and unpredictable, to the point you were crying with his calloused fingers wiping away the tears. Those memories were what scared you in the moment of the touch, but you knew better than to resist it.
Playing with your pointer first, he caressed it tenderly, drawing around the outlines of it. You may have cringed a few times more whenever his roughed up fingertips got stuck on a scar or dry skin, but he was easing you into the touch. Slow and gentle, it was one way of showing his concern for you. It wasn’t long until he pushed his fingers into the gaps between yours, lifting your hand carefully as he felt you tense in discomfort before linking your fingers with each other.
Just like that, Sylvain had achieved everything he ever wanted.
A domestic meal with you while holding hands across the table, just like a couple of newlyweds. Even if it was quiet since you stopped speaking altogether days ago, you both were still here. Scars on your body, scars in your hearts, but you were together at least. Maybe it wasn’t the love out of books, and perhaps you two would never be able to converse what you truly felt. But the flame of love had won over the one of hate, and Sylvain was the one going out of this battle successfully.
“It was delicious,” he thanked you for the meal, his hand still holding yours tightly. Nodding, you stood up to clean the table, but he never loosened up his grip on you until you were right next to him. Instead of letting you do as you wanted, he put his arm around your legs and pulled you close, looking up at you with adoration in his eyes. “Can I get a kiss?” he asked innocently, smiling at you sweetly.
Though you hesitated, you eventually leaned down, kissing his forehead and making him chuckle. “That was sweet,” he sighed, and you felt his hand approvingly pat your thigh. “Now, can I get a smile?”
Looking at you expectantly, Sylvain was waiting for his smile. Some part of him wanted this prove of you still being capable of emotions like these, and another part wanted to test you. But you complied. What else were you supposed to do?
But as he watched your expression turn into a forced grimace, a smile so horrible on your body which was a mere empty shell, he finally began to realize that his reality was far less perfect than he wanted it to be.
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joycrispy · 4 years
On the one hand I’m not looking forward to Talks tonight because Talks is rarely all that interesting when it comes to Caduceus (it’s a combination of the questions chosen and the way Taliesin prefers to keep key RP details close to the chest until they come out in game...if anyone had asked, “if Fjord died in front of Caduceus would Caduceus go on a violent rampage?” before it actually happened I doubt he would have said ‘yes,’ for example).
But on the other hand, hnnnngh c o n t e n t and also yes, I am curious about the Molly situation.
Also I want Marisha’s thoughts on recent Beau stuff, so. I guess I’m watching. I will just prepare to be annoyed.
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lenle-g · 5 years
I wish you would write a fic where John hates gravity!
Ask Meme: I wish you would write a fic where…
For having not really written anything publishable in a couple of years I’m really enjoying these XD I just hope you didn’texpect just hilarity because whUPS
John’s on Earth andisn’t that bizarre. A meteor strike while John was busy coordinating arescue had absolutely shattered through the solar array and cracked her hull.Thunderbird Five is out of commission until he and Brains can get up there toget it fixed. But with the New Zero-X in progress taking up most of the engineer’stime, getting Thunderbird Five back in working order isn’t looking likely anytime soon. One emergency call out to Thunderbird Three and a sketchy four and ahalf hours sleep in his blacked out room, John wanders into the living roomlooking like a ghost and groaning just as convincingly. He’d been properlyshaken around by the meteor strike in his bubble of borosilicate and reinforced219-T6 aluminum alloy and there are dark bruises littering pale porcelain skinand seri strips holding together a gash across his forehead.
“We’ve got asituation.” The effect of John’s serious declaration is promptly ruined as hetrips over his own feet, saved only from face planting the carpet by the flailinghand that grabs the stair rail.
Hnnnngh. Postspaceflight vertigo. Tremendous. Thanks for that Gravity.
He’s swathed in along, ragged NASA t-shirt dug up from who-knows-where instead of hisInternational Rescue blues and he’s got one hand pressed over an eye like thelight is hurting it, a sure sign there’s a pounding headache going on in thatspace worn skull of his.
“Where’s Virgil?”John’s voice sounds like it’s done a round with Grandma’s blender on the chunkysetting and he doesn’t seem pleased to see Scott’s the one lounging at thebreakfast bar. “Thunderbird Two is needed in Santa Monica.”
“Geez John, can’t youlay off the job for one morning.” Big brother rolls his eyes at the pictureJohn makes, all space-wobbly and sickly. “I’m sure one of us could bemonitoring…”
“Well you’re not.”It’s very unlike John to snap at him and that raises a pair of surprised browneyebrows. “So here I am. Now can you please find Virgil so I can updatehim and go back to bed.” He says, as if there’s actually any chance hewould leave the rescue entirely to his brothers and not stay to obsessivelymonitor everything. Scott rolls his eyes and flips up the holocomm.
“Scott to Virgil, youawake?” There’s a mumble of a reply that sounds like Virgil has his facesmushed into a pillow. “John says we have a situ…”
John misses the restof it and the reply from Virgil as the world chooses that moment to blur totallyout of focus. All he can hear is the pounding of his own heart, all loud andthudding and awful, in his ears. His mouth tastes like something crawled inthere and died and the fluid in his ears that dictates balance evidently hasn’tgotten used to gravity yet because the vertigo is back in full force and thespaceman sways dangerously on his feet.
“Whoa! John?” Hisbrother has gone pale enough that he looks practically holographic and Scottreaches out to touch him, to check he’s real as much as to steady him, as ifScott is expecting his hand could pass right through.
Instead, he pokesJohn rather sharply in the chest.
John cracks one eyeopen to glare at him.
“Did you wantsomething?” The spaceman grits out, wavering on his feet. Why does everythingsound so muffled? Who turned down the volume on the Comm? “What’s…?”
“Virgil’s on his way…I…” Scott pauses, leaning back to get a really good look at his sibling. “Hey,what’s wrong with you?”
John just blinks athim, like he’s not really seeing him.  All the blood has drained from hisface and his pupils have dilated to almost cover the whole of his iris. Hedoesn’t seem to notice the hand Scott waves in front of his eyes, but insteadhe sways worryingly, like he’s dizzy.
“Low blood pressure.”He mumbles, feet stumbling. “It’ll go, just give it a sec.”
“John, shit,”Scott only just catches his brother by the upper arm as he pitches forwardtoward the stairs. “John, christsake, sitdown before you fall down.”
Scott pulls John’s arm over hisshoulders and carefully leads him down into the circle of seating at the centreof the room. Virgil streaks past, heading for the lift to Thunderbird Two, diverted only for a concerned glance and an “Updateme in the air!” as he goes.
Scott settles the astronaut cautiously on oneof the sofas, wary that he might tip over. He peelshis fingers from John’s upper arm, ready to check his pulse, and freezes.
There are five dark,distinct finger marks, a handprint,blotched in darkening red on his skin.
“What the hell…?”Scott holds his brother at arm’s length like it’s made of glass. The marks he’sleft are rapidly purpling at the edges and are a deep, ominous black in thecentre - not black like the colour, but black like the space between stars, inky and awful and dark. It’smade all the worse looking by just how white John’s skin is in comparison.
“I’ve been in spacetoo long.” John, whose watching him blearily, just shakes his head, “Skinsthinner, blood’s closer to the surface, it happens.”
Scott suddenly gaspsin air, not having realised he was holding his breath.
“Why the… geez John! Wh-What kind of brother am Ithat I’ve been letting you do this to yourself?” It’s not really a question hewants an answer to.
Instead of thinking about it Scott very carefully wrapsboth arms around his brother and pulls him in towards him for a hug, feeling something inhis chest twist sharply as John stiffens uncomfortably in his arms. His brother’smuscles feel stringy and tight under the layer of his skin.
Actually, now John ishere tucked against him, resistant or otherwise, it’s painfully obvious howmuch skinnier his brother has gotten.
“Have you not beeneating up there?” Scott complains into his shoulder, “What the hell John?”
There’s a quiet momentbefore John shakes his head and the movement makes him groan, dizzied. Scott’shands flit over the sharp knobs of his brother’s spine, too cautious to applytoo much pressure.
“There’s been a lotof rescues lately.” John carefully tries to extract himself from his brother’s arms.“Having the artificial gravity of the centrifuge is supposed to help preventloss of body mass and muscle atrophy but I’ve spent too long in 0G the pastcouple of weeks and I guess it’s starting to show.” John raises one hand infront of his face to study his long, thin fingers and is surprised to see themshaking. “I’ve not been able to sleep right either because of it and I’m sure that doesn’thelp.”
“Hell John…”
How had Scott missedthis? He was supposed to be looking out for his little brothers. Their Dadwould have noticed. Jeff Tracy almost wrote the book on prolonged spaceflightand while he taught John everything he knew, and John passed as much of that ashe could onto Alan, the rest of them had rather missed out in the effects ofliving up in orbit category.
“Can I get youanything? Can I…” Scott feels so out of his depth and helpless. It’s like thetide has suddenly come in and caught him unawares, leaving him floundering andafraid. “Is there anything I can do? Hell, some sugar? Something to put some weight on you? Gordon bought donutshome yesterday? Pink sprinkle ones?”
John shoots him asmile for that.
“I’ll be ok Scotty.Just gotta give it time. Gravity… Gravity isn’t kind.” He rubs a tiredhand over his face, “I’ll pass on the donut. Might make me sick. I’ve gotglucose and salt tablets and a handful of other supplements to bring my levelsback up. It’ll all even itself out soon.”
Scott lets all his breath out at once and collapses onto the sofa next to him,all sprawled and loose.
“Geez John. That’s messed up.” He looks to the sideand he crinkles his nose as he notices he’s looking up at his brother. Scott scrambles to sit up straight and he’s still looking up. “Hey! When did you get taller than me?” Scott huffs.
“About ten yearsago,” John’s brow wrinkles in tired confusion, “You complained incessantlyabout it. And it’s only by a couple of centimetres… unless I’m in 0G,” Heconsiders, “The spine gets pulled out straight in 0G.”
“Yeah well you’reaway so often I forgot.” Scott’s hand flip flops dismissively, trying not towince at the visual that John’s spinegetting pulled out straight provokes. “Hard to compare when you’re just a hologramall the time.”
“There’s too much Gravity down here.” John formshis usual complaint, his elbow braced against his knee as he reaches for thecentral Comm unit ready to update Virgil. “It’s better up there.”
“Well seems to me that ‘up there’ is slowly killing you John.”
“Uhhhh…” Unbeknownst of the both of them Virgil’s hologram has blinked into place above them and he’s looking prettyshocked at Scott’s outburst. “Excuse me?”
“Don’t mind him.” John slips straight into businessmode, wrapping the familiar layer of professionalism around himself like it’s acomfort blanket. “Did you get the coordinates I sent to Thunderbird Two?” The Space Monitor isn't entirely certain that it wasThunderbird Two he sent them to, with the way his head is pounding, who knows,the ISS or something could have easily gotten them instead. “You’re heading for Santa Monica. Reports describe a mudslide on the outskirtsthat has seven people trapped. Local authorities have asked for us to help withextraction.”
“Sure thing John.” Virgil says, but he’sfrowning at him, “I got the coordinates, am on my way. I, are… are you ok? Idon’t think I’ve seen you lean on Scott since we were kids you know.”
“I didn’t have much choice in it.” Johnshrugs and is surprised as, instead of calming down, Virgil’s eyes widen inhorror.
“What?” John winces at his brother’sshout. He’s got enough of a headache without people yelling at him.
“What happened to your arm?” Virgil’svoice is tight with tension. His fingers are locked on the yoke of ThunderbirdTwo, as if he’s considering turning around right then and there. He’s staringat where John’s t-shirt sleeve has ridden up to reveal the distinct hand-shapedbruising that Scott had just accidentally put on his skin.
Scott makes a short, squeaky soundbehind him; not entirely dissimilar to a mouse being trodden on.
“It’s fine Virg.” John tugs his sleeve jerkily back down to cover it,suddenly hyperaware that it probably looks like someone’s been beating him up. “Ijust, haha, I went a round with Eos, ok?”
“John.”Virgil’s tone is a warning that that’s really not funny.
“Ok, ok, Scott stopped me from fallingdown the stairs.” His ears go pink as he admits it and it’s the most colourScott’s seen on him since he stumbled onto the planet. “It’s fine Virg. Chillout.”
“I didn’t mean to leave a bruise. I didn’t evengrab him that hard.” Scott ventures from where he’s smushed himself into thesofa - as if it would hide him from Virgil’s wrath.
“We’re having a talk about your platelet count whenI get home.” Virgil narrows his eyes at John, who, to his credit, at least hasthe decency to look sheepish about it. “If you’re feeling ill from re-entry…more ill than usual,” He correctshimself, “You need to let us know.” There’s a sigh and then Virgil’s voice goesa lot softer. “You shouldn’t be working right now John. You shouldn’t beworking like this at all. If you’regoing to live up in space for such long stints you need to…”
“Take the proper precautions. I know, I know.” Johnrubs a tired hand over his throbbing eyes. Now is not the time for a lecture. “NASAtrained, remember?”
“Oh I remember.” Virgil isn’t letting this one go. “Sometimesyou need to remember it too. Scott, I’malmost at Santa Monica, I’ll keep you updated on the rescue but I want to youget John back to bed. Pulse and breathing need monitoring and I’ll do a fullblood test when I get back. Make sure the blackout blinds are down.” He knowsthe signs that John’s got a space-induced headache from a mile off. “If hethrows up check for blood and let me know.”
“FAB.” Scott very gently takes up one of John’sarms, sweeping it neatly around his shoulder. The lack of resistance on John’spart is very telling of just how exhausted his brother is. “I’ve got this.” Bigbrother duty is one of his favourite things in the world but Scott does wish itcould be easier sometimes. “Thanks Virg.”
The hologram flicks off solemnly and Scott turnshis attention to the problem of how he’s going to get a hundred and eighty pounds ofslippery spacenoodle back up to his bedroom. He’d let his brother sleep here onthe sofa if he could, but with a rescue going on and the Tinies due to wake anyminute now Scott knows there’s no chance of him getting any real rest here.
“Come on Johnny,” Scott hopes he’s not leavingbruises on John’s ribs as he curls his fingers around his brother’s back andsecures them against the sharp ridges of his chest. “Back to bed now, we’ve gotthis under control. Eos is probably keeping an eye anyway, you know how she is.”
“She alerted me in the first place.” John mumblesfrom where his chin is slumped down onto his chest like a ragdoll. “Eos is…the best.”
“Yeah, yeah. We all love your murderous code baby.” Scottchuckles, focusing on the placement of John’s feet and carefully guiding himover the top step. “You two make a great team.”
“’Course we do.” John mumbles, ankles like spaghetti,“I wrote her.”
“Mmm…” Scott kicks his brother’s door open withone foot, and slides them into the darkened space, “And doesn’t that say somethingabout how many friends you have?” He comments, a little snarky, “Well it’s timefor super genius coders to go to sleep.” John gets firmly deposited atop his mattressand there’s a brief wrestle with the covers to get them to actually cover the entire length of his ganglyspace brother. “Geez John your ankles go on for miles.” Scott complains, entirelyto himself he notices as, when he looks up, he realises John has alreadydropped off to sleep.
Or passed out. It’s kind of hard to tell.
“Ridiculous.” Scott huff’s softly, checking John’spillow is propping his head up well enough that his breathing isn’t impaired andfishing the VSM wires from the draw of the astronaut’s bedside table to hook himup to the monitor. Heart rate and breathing are stable, if a little low, but John’sblood pressure is a blinking red sign that makes Scott roll his eyes. “How didyou even get out of bed to start with?” He gripes.
Quiet settles between the brothers, Scottcautiously perched on the side of the younger man’s bed. The only light in theroom comes from the faint greenish glow of the series of sticky stars that havebeen stuck to John’s ceiling since they moved here. No comparison to the realthing, of course, but John and Alan had spent a whole day making sure they wereall in the right places – each constellation mapped out with a ruler and a protractorand ridiculous precision.
“Oh Johnny.” There’s a sigh from big brother and warmfingers find themselves threading their way through the soft, cool curl of John’sbangs, cautious of the gash across his forehead. “What are we going to do with you huh? You love space so damn much that there’s no way I can stopyou from doing this to yourself but… but you’re going to get seriously hurtsooner or later and… and I don’t know what I can do to prevent that.” There’sthe soft arch of a spine and Scott is curled protectively over his brother inthe dark. His fingers bunch in the fabric of John’s pillow.
A spot of moisture hits John’s cheek.
It slides down and soaks into the fabric beneathhis head.
“Damnit John.” Scott whispers, voice choked andfingers trembling. “Damn it all.”
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shynypeacekitten · 3 years
Watching Kung Fu Panda 3 ? for the first time since I realised I am a raging homosexual and every time Tigress does anything I can feel a burst of adrenaline rush up and down my body kqgduwkdbdhnnng strong graceful lady.
When she talks to po about facing Kai that is one of my favourite parts and there's this one move where she grabs his arm and walks forwards smoothly and hnnnngh she also looks after the child panda while fighting and qodgqodnwfw
But on the other side of the spectrum, when I see Crane guy do anything I'm like awww that's really funny no pls dont go into that abandoned wreck you are right it is dangerous ;-;
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hizashiii · 6 years
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--- (  slowly, but surely getting through my drafts, hnnnngh I am so happy, looking forward to shower people in love. And all these wonderful starters I have from people.  )
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captmickey · 6 years
Monkey Island Tag
Got tagged by one @you-fight-like-a-cow
Favourite Monkey Island game: Hnnnnngh, it’s a total tie between Curse and Tales.
When did you start playing Monkey Island: Technically 1998, but I didn’t register that until after I played Escape in 2000.
How did you find out about it: So let me explain the previous answer! Back in 1998, I was at a family friend’s house and got bored. I followed my brother (like any younger sibling would) and saw him playing a computer game... it was Curse. More specfically, the ship fighting bit. Little eight year old me got bored and left before I even saw what Guybrush looked like. Fast forward to 2000 when Escape was released, my cousin came over to show off his brand-spanking-new Playstation 2 with Escape from Monkey Island and the three of us (me, my brother, and my cousin) all sat around in our living room playing it... and the little doofus that I am again did NOT register Guybrush as Guybrush, but rather “Hurr hurr what if Link was a pirate?” because I was in the midst of Majora’s Mask. I got intrigued and looked him up on the interwebs and rest as they say was that.
Favourite soundtrack piece: Excluding the main theme song? The sailing song. 
Favourite location: Plunder Island.
Favourite Guybrush ship (actual ship): The Screaming Narwhal!!
Favourite minor character: Hnnnnnngh, another total tie between another character... but if I have to pick one, Reginald Van Winslow.
Own any Monkey Island merch: Yep!! Gifted to me actually... two t-shirts and a sticker. I cherish it as the only merch I have. So far... I’m looking at getting a poster.
Favourite puzzle: The three-way sword fight with Guybrush, Morgan, and the other pirate. 
Top 3 puzzles that you couldn’t solve without a walkthrough: We’re doing this? We’re doing this: At number 3, getting the lock combination from the old man... no idea why it was difficult for me but it was. At number 2, the log puzzle in Escape because I didn’t know where the logs were suppose to go. AT NUMBER 1, IN ALL OF IT’S GLORY, MONKEY KOMBAT. EEP OOK FUCKIT.
Favourite ridiculous moment: Guybrush practically ridiculing LeChuck. TO HIS FACE. By having him do ridiculous things. 
Favourite quote: Hnnnngh.... too many to quote. But picking one, “Mr. Threepwood-- -RASPBERRY AT HIMSELF-” 
What’s the longest you’ve played the game non-stop: Um... 7-8 hours? But that’s me personally playing it. Otherwise, 24 hours. In my defense, there was this thing way back when Tales was first being released where every time a new chapter was about to be dropped, there would be a mad marathon to go through ALL of the Monkey Island games before the new chapter came out and a me and a few others would hop on to whoever was livestreaming and rooting for them. I won “Best Supporter” because I was the last remaining cheerleader because one of the streamers was stuck on Escape and I felt bad for the person.
I tag whoever is in the Monkey Island fandom and wants to do this!
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sh-lan · 7 years
OMFG LAST QUARTER EVER + some spring break stuff???
Took a weekend off of life Retail therapy at its finest today Even though new jeans were overdue
It’s crazy how it still came I guess it’s a force of nature But omg it’s gonna be here on the concert T^T
This nerd would have mitsuha’s theme on his playlist smh #nochu
April 2nd, 2017 BTS Wings Tour I still can’t believe it happened I’ve been awake since 8am lol and it’s like 1:54am and i’m still trying to process and remember everything that happened today It felt like a dream! I can’t believe I saw them in real life. ohmygod Hands down, easily one of the best day of this week - if not this entire year so far holy shit will continue this tomorrow as i reminisce ok but one thing i noticed is that jungkook’s thighs are actually so real like wtf? shookt EDIT: lol i never finished this but oh well
oop i just bought more rings goodbye money
my charger broke gg time to get another one
I have a newfound appreciation for the color pink or more like my appreciation for pink is coming back
When you get anxious because bts hasnt posted on twitter for 3 days but then you also know they’re resting and that they deserve this break
SPRING QUARTER LEGGO tu/th schedule let’s hope this all works well keke
week 1 recap tuesday - sees everybody in freaking AB LOL sees harry after walking out of my tdpw sees alana and dylan outside my global health class which alana is also taking, and becca and tanya lOL goes to cogs 122 to find chen screaming my name - also vania and stella <3 last class is normal - with nobody in management BUT LOL LEIGHTON ADDED THE CLASS ON THURSDAY HAHA there’s also this girl in my tdpw class who looks like lindsay lohan and her name is also lindsey but with an e cause i saw it on the email lol not a stalker
Decided to gel nails it out friday of week 1 whut whut
First attempt at 양념치킨~
been using the soundtrack of your name this past week to get over pcd it’s been a week and i still haven’t recovered T^T
went to kbbq with harry! lol week 1 sunday started at manna….having an adventure in between at manna keke “started here and ending it here?” LOL
currently craving anything strawberry
don’t understand why i need to have my email as a send&receive in order to sms to work on my laptop bb why are you being stubborn when you’ve been working fine all this time
under yuri’s recommendation, i microwaved my coffee because it was lukewarm and she called me extra LOL
i’m getting nervous about a presentation when i shouldn’t be because ?? my AB service leader self is like completely gone i wanna crawl into a hole
i just finished season 2 and 3 of htgawm in less than a week… how they gonna do season 4 i wonder
Week 2 thursday I was actually really looking forward to class today Also my rings came! Though were they worth the $50….not so sure Were they cute? Yes But not as cute as the other one T^T So i mustnt give in to temptations nowww
I found out what matcha powder mom uses to make their matcha latte Cappuccine frappe mix But it’s sadly not on amazon ):
This new tumblr function is really inconvenient cause i cant tell how many thing i have on queue brcause i have to keep switching blogs -_-
Han came to visit! Friday Papa johns Saturday Snooze brunch Infinitea Abeh hangout In n out Sunday Aquarium! Koon thai Ramen yamadaya Boba bar and then i drove him to irvine where we got coco curry! and then i drove back and he bought me milk tea with pudding
Had an epiphany It’s not anenome It’s anemone
Omg but like why dont people call spoiler alerts “spoilerts”
Started 13 reasons why with Han Finished it, tuesday week 3 Hmmm How to feel
finished strong woman park hyung sik is so…adorable? IT’S SO WEIRD. HIS AEGYO LEVEL IS INSANE
When you realize that 둘! 셋! is probably the title of the fan song because that’s what BTS always say when they introduce themselves And that BTS + ARMY forever ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I’m not crying r u crying ;___;
Omg when you wake up for reorientation and jungkook does lives <3
highkey need to crawl into a hole tbh
You know what i want to do? Go to an olive garden Even though i know it’ll taste bad lol
Not really sure what i want… But i dont want my 4 years to be a waste ):
i….skipped out on an interview today was it the right choice i may never know
Lol i hella bombed my quiz GOODBYE GONNA P/NP HAHA
Week 4 weekend Fuck me in the ass i twisted my ankle and i am in irvine had to pop an advil and cruise control all the way back thank god there weren’t many cars lol 0/10 do not recommend
Slept on the couch the past two days to elevate my ankle Glad to be back in bed But i think i might be a little…sick? Fuck Need to grocery shop
Dammit i got called for jury duty
Ok but i twisted my ankle and two recruiters emailed me back the next day so was it really a loss
Week 5 i’m sick…
just watched 5 centimeters per second a little sadder than i was an hour ago
fuck i forgot that my jeans are new and i washed it and my pink shirt is ruined fml triggered
thursday after rolling over ma ankle i can finally see that it is a lil swollen and there is bruising LOL also saw an owl at school today and a bunny while leaving to go to meeting
week 5 tuesday saw two bunnies on my way out to school
I just saw two hummingbirds! 😍
I cant believe yuri and i finished twenty SMH
ABCD today Some qualitee photos were taken Im tired now
Really debating the 4th term
third day of back pain flexibility dying wow what is happening???
…..army 4th term is $75 cries EDIT: it’s $66 because i forgot exchange rate but still cri EDIT EDIT: it’s $45 if i ship it to taiwan - seriously really highkey considering that now oh dear
bro i think i just experienced katawaredoki whut
i keep thinking that my ankle is ok but i always end up doing something that ends up hurting it like hella im
Week 6 thursday last leadership meeting one of my favorite meetings because whoa INFORMATION!? it was nice wanted to discuss and add in my two cents but i honestly just wasn’t able to wrap my head around everything loool then…we decided to go to PB LOL chen, jeong, yuri, justin and his friends (including nicole, nicole, sandy) and then more people. we also met leslie, brett, dexter, allison, kenny, peter, abby, ben…and more? at pb lolol and also we saw miguel and anthony - it was like a freshman year flashback tbh lOL went to vallartas after and then came home to shower and finally sleep at 3:30am wot is life NEXT DAY ADVENTURES - leighton and i finally pulled out the weeds and now we’re tired
salty that i wasnt invited to the birthday celebration, not that i would really make the trip per say but wtf gurl
I just had this really sad thought that i’m probably never gonna ever get to know bts like friends y i do dis to meself
Wait so like i got sick while at clew’s and it didnt happen until week 5 and so i was sick from week 5 through week 6 and at this one point i couldnt taste my food it was terribad
May 12th I bought the membership LOL Hopefully it mails it correctly back to Taiwan ☺️
im dumb i didn’t save the color i wanted for my hair
omg the song vania recommended to me a few days ago was recommended by jungkook like a year or so ago on twitter lOOOOL
Just tryna level up here :<
Struggles when places are in the east coast and phone calls are early in the fckin morning
Note to self: Ridge cut potato chips with sea salt is good for stuff with dip Ridge cut salt and pepper is good for regular eating, but gets salty at the bottom LOL EDIT: per vania’s suggestion, i salted and peppered my chips
Just woke up from a dream where someone hurt my brother/nade him fall and i was so angry? Was about to go ape shit on that person im ded lol who is rhis angry me
Rewatched and finished reply 1997 Wow what is life when yoon jae is life But also what is life when your idols are life Daily reminder to not be as obsessed as shiwon LOLOL
i can’t go to giraffage and elephante anymore im on the otherhand i get to go to virginia???
lol but like i haven’t been writing drafts because i often write in my notebook now but here are some updates - my nails are constantly chipping - forgot about grad photos that clashed with the weekend han is coming - im ded because i probs won’t have a weekend to myself until week 10 - struggles to figure out graduation things - paid my $54 to walk #mostexpensivewalkever
LAST LEADERSHIP MEETING (turnover) what am i going to do with my thursday nights now? it’s been a good run
Jealous of the staff that holds and records the camera during vlives? LOL who am i
When you forget that jeon jungkook did taekwondo before Hnnnngh
i just reaffirmed? or discovered? that i don’t like fruity pebbles o_o
Trying to think of a thing to put on my grad cap Tis hard Let’s make a list: 花樣年華 Strong power thank you You never walk alone Ireumeun deborah LOL Lol omg but why is yoongi’s “cheater never win but i just graduated” quote so appropriate for grad EXTRA + ORDINARY* Lost my way/found my way* Click clack to the bang Smile with me, cry with me, fly with me (you make me begin, you made me again) Ctrl+c, ctrl+v do you know “____” (hci? annyeonghasaeyo) To lose your path, Is the way to find that path* 꽃길만 걷자* Let’s fly with our beautiful wings in 2017 EDIT: i’m too lazy, i didn’t do anything to my cap lOL
Im shookt cause namjoon doesnt say 이제 feelin the vibe. HE SAYS IF YOU FEELIN THE VIBE. I feel…betrayed
Non whitewashed bangtan gives me life
May 21st My first haircut since… Since i got it cut over the summer?????
Bought me stole and tassel today Smh that i cant grab my muir tickets?? Cause i ordered all commencwment tickets SMH
Lowkey afraid of not passing mgt LOL
Omfg i knew we were going to have a pop quiz. It really happened
nicole and evelyn commented that they liked my hair and audrey and malia agreed i gotta say i’m so glad people remember me in my tdpw class LOOL
Cant get the seventeen song outta my head Shookt by the choreography
Y'all im so fckin shookt First the chainsmokers post on twitter like “see you in the summer” Then they win the BBMAs like a boss Then you see them on halsey + steve aoki’s snapchat Next things you know steve aoki is postin shit like “BTS x AOKI COMING SOON” Im SCREAMING
Yo my lyft driver dropped some knowledge again and told me his life story lmao he was a police officer in chicago and he was forced to retired and then ?? after chasing down a rapist and getting into a fight, he was seriously injured. but his dad (a judge or someone powerful idk) forced him out of retirement by telling everyone to not give him his benefits and shit and i was like. whoa bro. slow down? “embrace the unknown”
I finally tried the coconut black tie at peet’s 10/10 a mistake
Okay but can we talk about how on point everybody looked in the comeback Esp wonwoo and dk But also vernon 👌🏼
First time in virginia/ being so close to washington dc! Whoa Also gonna pass by texas too :O Knocking some states off my list
i don’t know why i never realized this about myself before but i need to be/live by a body of water at all times or i won’t feel comfortable this is weird
i told han i joined the fanclub and he like died for like 2 seconds lOL
ok but like i bought a carton of eggs and 6 or 7 of them were double yolks and i have 2 more eggs left im starting to think i’m eating some weird hybrid chickens EDIT: those last two eggs were both double yolks. this was a wild adventure
omg i knew that the TA MOST LIKELY RYAN WOULDNT UNDERSTAND OUR IDEA JUST LIKE HOW HE ALWAYS MISINTERPRETS THEM??? like what kind of constructive feedback is that if he doesn’t understand what we’re trying to do im… sigh
Already excited about the festa But like omfg they released the schedule today And just WE DONT TALK ANYMORE PT 2?? SO FAR AWAY FEATURING JIN AND JUNGKOOK? Im IM SCREAMING also sad but the radio show is right before my finals gotta prioritize, no bts fo me ;__;
after waiting two weeks, my application to get leveled up was rejected *cries* time to try again! *^*
okay but really feeling seventeen’s song as well as suran’s song like hIGHKEY
i finally got my commencement tickets the third time that i went to the bookstore third time’s the charm right? also whytf is the parking pass for all campus commencement so huge -_-
hnngh omg that feel when you have hella shit to do TPDW1 final play due week 9 friday because we won’t have class at all on week 10 then there’s the presentation (elevator pitch) that happened today week 9 thursday but also just hauling ass on things for A5 tbh what is this what is everything wot is the meaning of life when vania and i stay up till 3:30am lol… and then there’s me. tired af but didn’t sleep til 4:30 anyways cause i’m a dumbass l e l let’s not be a potato this last week k?
burger king in pc has its own free wifi called WhopperWifi and it’s so much faster than school wifi this is revolutionary
week 9 weekend to irvine irritated on the way over irritated on the way back lol wot is life i should’ve just turned around to go back home
NO TDPW1 WEEK 10 WOOT wow that means i won’t have class until 2pm whoa
“why are you reading math formulas” - yuri i was actually reading bts profiles lOLOL she just dissed their handwritings
Just spent the past hour or so looking at kakao friends merchandise And discovering that apeach is a genetically modified peach lol
that moment when you ask for a png file but get a jpg
dyed my hurr twice today for a darker shade still not what i was going for but this will do for now
Omfg i slept through my alarm until 1pm Goodbye study time?? Also omg i like it pt 2 video SHIT SHIT SHIT THEY KNOW WE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. HAD IT SINCE BAEPSAE DAYS. BUT DIDNT RELEASE IT. Freakin bighit
My request to level up on the fancafe has once again been rejected ); EDIT: oMFG IT’S BECAUSE I DIDN’T CHANGE THE SETTING TO SOMETHING im screaming, what a first world problem THIRD TIME’S THE CHARM AMIRITE
Doesnt feel like it… But thursday was my last time going to class…pretty much like ever unless i go to more school Holy shit
Oh man I didnt think i’d have THAT much shit. But…i think i have A LOT of shit….
saw bts MBIT and i was like omfg! knew that i was INFJ but took the test again yesterday and ended up INFP….but just barely P so i think i’ll stick with INFJ lol EDIT: i took the test again today because vania and yuri were talking about it again and i am still INFP…and more P this time. SO LOST. WHO AM I
put my things up for sale i forgot that i might need my light el oh el crying on the inside cause i want to keep my desk but then i’m selling it off because i don’t think i’ll have space for it and i just CRYING ON THE INSIDE BECAUSE IT’S BEEN WITH ME FOR SO LONG T^T
i dyed my hair darker but now it’s become lighter? wait wtf wait no go back EDIT: wait no it went back to being dark? is this a thing? when i get exposed to the sun it gets lighter and when i sleep it gets darker??? smh at light for fckin with me
so i set an alarm to watch the bts home party last night for like 3:57am and i didn’t hear it but i guess i kinda did cause i woke up at 4:05am and was like ??? i decided to watch a bit of it but ended up streaming the whole thing until 5:45am looooool also watched the numbers grow from the 500,000 all the way to 2,000,000 and then 3,000,000? it was nuts
omfg all these years of rereading chapters and only now do i realize that i could save bookmarks on mangahere *slaps forehead*
Moment of silence cause i sold my desk that’s accompanied me for almost 10 years It even has battlescars (aka X marks by Jacky, 3 of them) LOL memories ;___; Oh and i guess my chair too
lol was gonna sell that yamaha guitar for $45 but it’s going for like $190 on ebay?? so ima just bring it home
finals week hangout list: tuesday: fud with kimberly, peyton, harry wednesday: more fud with stephanie and ellius thursday: KBBQ FOR LUNCH with jeong, justin, yuri, harry LOOOOL
and so...that’s the end of the quarter. my last quarter of school ever (unless i decide to go to more school...which seems unlikely as of right now) it feels weird.................................. but! onto graduation~ looking forward to being reunited with family and whatever’s gonna hit me in the face LOL
and with that goodbye undergrad, hello world ㅇㅅㅇ
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