fieriframes · 21 days
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[You're running Hodad's, and these guys have opened up a new joint. Have you ever been in love? For real? Oh, yeah, OB Noodle House Bar 1502? Legit? Oh, yeah.]
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tomkrohne · 2 years
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Lord Bad Guy and the Legion of General Uneasiness
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thedaily-beer · 1 year
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Hodad’s Hesher Hazy IPA (Picked up at Windmill Farms). A 3 of 4. A relatively run-of-the-mill hazy IPA that has what it should -- orange citrus and tropical fruit in the nose, and a body with some heft to it. Drinks with a moderate amount of juicy sweetness, and then has a relatively simple, clean and dry finish.
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rhytmrocket · 1 month
oh, you're still up? i don't do autographs.
how 'bout a backstage-pass-kickin' instead!
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 11 months
You've heard of gay son and thot daughter now get ready for
Lesbian mom and ho dad
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partheniasimblr · 6 months
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(En français sur mon blog)
Thanks to all builders, cc creators and pose makers
@divadoom @herecirmsims @JackTravelsHome @maxiematch @plazasims @pyxiidis @slay-classy @superjjkitten @valhallansim
Transcription and translation below the cut
Æluin, thinking: *This Bloody Ax… he just beat the Queen of my heart up awful! By Sûl and his dragon, I swear to know no rest until I take revenge…*
Æluin: Man mathog, i vellen nîn ? (How do you feel, my beloved?) Néfaria: Not very fine...
Æluin: Losto. Davo. (Sleep. Relax.)
Néfaria: Stay with me! Don’t leave me alone! The Orc…
Æluin: Le boe hodad. Losto. Gen tirithon. (You need to rest. Sleep. I'm gonna watch over you.)
Æluin, thinking: *Don’t die, I beg you! Don’t leave me alone with our son…*
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foodies-channel · 1 year
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🍥 Hodads in Ocean Beach
🍔YouTube || 🍟Reddit
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purpledaisiesthings · 2 years
Some really put Conrad on a pedestal to the point where he can do no wrong or be human. You can be a good, honorable person but still do something that you probably wouldn’t do under normal circumstances. My goodness. The way some act, he should have a halo hovering over his head. I think people are disguising their dislike of Conllie by acting like the show ruined Conrad’s character with him kissing Billie. This clutch Pearl outrage over a kiss is ridiculous. He acted out of emotions and immediately told Cade at the first opportunity. To me that still speaks of his stand up character. He wanted to make sure going forward he and Billie did things the right way, again showing his stand up character. Understanding they let their emotions get the best of them but wanting to do the proper thing going forward. If we can’t allow these characters to be flawed at times than they wouldn’t be relatable
Someone give this anon 100 bucks.
Conrad is a fictional HUMAN Character.
He's supposed to make mistakes and have flaws.
Granted, he kissed Billie while still with someone else. That's was bad. I agree.
If we truly do love his character, aren't we supposed to allow him to make up for it.
If after he kissed Billie, he then went along to hide it from Cade or blame the kiss on her or just acted like a complete jerk about it, then I would be first in line trashing him.
The guy owned up to it solely. I loved how when he was telling Cade, he said, "I kissed Billie." It wasn't WE kissed or SHE kissed me. He took sole responsibility in what happened. And wanted it to be handled properly going forward.
I mean, I'm sure people still love Devon. Devon freaking cheated on his FIANCE, didn't say anything until the wedding day. Then embarrassed the shit out of her on the alter.
Dammit, have we forgotten Dr. HODAD himself?
Pls, let's not pick and choose who we'll love and allow grace to. They're all with flaws.
I loved that you said a character needs to be relatable. In order for a character to be relatable, it has to be flawed. Because no one is an angel. No one is perfect.
I'm not watching a show of angels. Plssss 🙄
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dudewhoabides · 1 year
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Ocean Beach, San Diego Hodads Sticker Van Photographer Jon Pinter
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fieriframes · 1 month
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sguardimora · 2 years
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Proseguono per gli artisti rumeni in residenza al Teatro Dimora gli incontri con la hosting community di Mondaino. In questi giorni Catinca Drăgănescu, Oana Hodade e Mihai Păcurar sono stati ospitati nelle case di abitanti che vivono nei territori più periferici: alcuni provengono dall’Estero alcuni da altre zone d’Italia e hanno scelto le campagne dell’entroterra marchignolo per sviluppare vite alternative alla città o alla direzione che sta prendendo la società oggi. Gli artisti hanno così incontrato Phelan, un pittore londinese che da decenni è parte della comunità mondainese, Gaia e Alex, della riviera lei e canadese lui, che insieme al piccolo Zeno hanno lasciato Bologna per costruire qui le loro vite e infine Anastasia e Oreste, della riviera lei e del Nord Italia lui che hanno scelto la campagna moindainese per crescere le figlie e portare avanti la loro attività di artisti e artigiani. 
Tutti loro hanno aperto le porte delle loro case e accolto gli artisti offrendo loro colazioni e apertivi, biscotti casalinghi e focacce, vino autoprodotto e pane fatto a mano sullo stile delle pagnotte ricovate negli affreschi di Pompei. E soprattutto hanno condiviso le loro storie, le loro scelte e avventure gettando così nuovi semi per la raccolta drammaturgia che gli artisti stanno portando avanti in questi giorni, collezionando parole e temi, racconti di vita e utopie. 
Con noi Denisa, una ragazza rumena che da anni vive a Mondaino con la sua famiglia, che ci ha accompagnato supportandoci nelle traduzioni e condividendo la sua stessa esperienza di vita.
Molti sono i temi emersi dalle conversazioni, strettamente connessi alla ricerca che gli artisti stanno portando avanti per il loro progetto The future belongs to those who hope: l’utopia come possibilità di una vita alternativa, la quotidiana routine in campagna tra arte e natura, l’abitudinarietà cittadina tra stasi ed euforia, il cambiamento climatico e il progressivo abbandono dei piccoli paesi dell’entroterra, scardinare la centralità del centro e la delocalizzazione delle periferie, le scuole libertarie e le scuole pubbliche, Ivan Illich e La descolarizzaizone, la campagna e il sogno di una vita comunitaria, accoglienza e ospitalità per lo “straniero” che arriva da fuori, ma solo all’inizio poi la comunità si chiude su stessa, il ritorno alla natura come luogo dove immaginare la crescita dei figli, La Coscienza di Zeno e lo stoicismo comunista, guardare al passato per andare avanti, Mondaino come utopia e la necessità di parlare con le persone, la scoperta della campagna e dello spazio aperto e l’incontro con la comunità di Mondaino, reinventarsi ogni giorno imparando nuovi mestieri. 
E sulla domanda “Quale futuro si immagina per Mondaino?” i dialoghi si sono chiusi tra abbracci e ringraziamenti con la promessa di ritrovarsi in piazza a Mondaino o all’incontro pubblico che gi artisti faranno il 5 marzo prossimo.
The meetings with the hosting community of Mondaino continue for the Romanian artists in residence at L’Arboreto Teatro Dimora. In these days Catinca Drăgănescu, Oana Hodade and Mihai Păcurar have been hosted in the homes of inhabitants living in the most peripheral territories: some come from abroad some from other parts of Italy and have chosen the countryside of the hinterland to develop alternative lives to the city or to the direction society is taking today. The artists thus met Phelan, a Londoner painter who has been part of the community of Mondaino for more than 30 years; Gaia and Alex, she from the Riviera and he from Canadian, who together with little Zeno left Bologna to build their lives here; and finally Anastasia and Oreste, she from Rimini and he from Northern Italy, who chose the Moindainese countryside to raise their daughters and carry on their business as artists and artisans.
They all opened the doors of their homes and welcomed the artists by offering them breakfasts and apertifs, homemade cookies and focaccia, self-made wine and handmade bread in the style of the loaves of bread found in the frescoes of Pompeii. Most importantly, they shared their stories, choices and adventures thus sowing new seeds for the dramaturgy collection that the artists are carrying out these days, collecting words and themes, life stories and utopias.
With us was Denisa, a Romanian girl who has been living in Mondaino for years with her family, who accompanied us by supporting us in the translations and sharing her own life experience.
Many themes emerged from the conversations, closely related to the research the artists are carrying out for their project The future belongs to those who hope: utopia as the possibility of an alternative life, the daily routine in the countryside between art and nature, city habit between stasis and euphoria, climate change and the gradual abandonment of small inland towns, unhinging the centrality of the center and the delocalization of the suburbs, libertarian schools and public schools, Ivan Illich and The de-schooling, the countryside and the dream of community life, welcome and hospitality for the "stranger" who arrives from outside, but only at the beginning then the community closes in on itself, the return to nature as a place to imagine the growth of children, Zeno's conscience and communist stoicism, looking to the past to move forward, Mondaino as utopia and the need to talk to people, the discovery of the countryside and open space and the meeting with the community of Mondaino, reinventing oneself every day by learning new trades.
And on the question "What future do you envision for Mondaino?" the dialogues closed between hugs and thanks with a promise to meet again in the square in Mondaino or at the public meeting that the artists will make next March 5.
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pokephotowolfy · 17 days
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"Another name for this Pokémon is 'hodad.'"
prove them wrong every day, little buddy
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cagemasterfantasy · 5 months
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Pichu the Tiny Mouse pokemon a electric type
Ability: Static Hidden Ability: Lightning Rod
Highest Base Stat: Speed:60
Lowest Base Stat: Defense:15
Base Stat Total: 205
Favorite Spot: Upper Chest and Neck
Least Favorite: Stomach
Note: You will get paralyzed if you touch its cheeks
It is not yet skilled at controlling electricity. If you take your eyes off it, it may shock itself. Despite this Pokemon's cute appearance, those who want to live with one should prepare to be on the receiving end of its electric jolts.
It still can't use electricity well. When it's surprised or excited, it discharges electricity unintentionally. It has electric sacs in its cheeks. When they're fully charged, Pichu plays very energetically.
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Level up with high friendship to get Pikachu the Mouse pokemon a electric type
1ft 4inc
Ability: Static Hidden Ability: Lightning Rod
Egg Group: Field and Fairy
Highest Base Stat: Speed:90
Lowest Base Stat: Hp:35
Base Stat Total: 320
Favorite Spot: Under Chin
Least Favorite: Stomach
Note: You will get Paralyzed if you touch its cheeks
A plan was recently announced to gather many Pikachu and make an electric power plant. It's in its nature to store electricity. It feels stressed now and then if it's unable to fully discharge the electricity.
Its nature is to store up electricity. Forests where nests of Pikachu live are dangerous, since the trees are so often struck by lightning. While sleeping, it generates electricity in the sacs in its cheeks. If it's not getting enough sleep, it will be able to use only weak electricity.
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Use a Thunder Stone to get Alolan Raichu the Mouse pokemon a electric and psychic type
2ft 4inc
Ability: Surge Surfer
Egg Group: Field and Fairy
Highest Base Stat: Speed:110
Lowest Base Stat: Defense:50
Base Stat Total: 485
Favorite Spot: Under Chin
Least Favorite: Belly
Note: You will get paralyzed if you touch its cheeks
It only evolves to this form in the Alola region. According to researchers, its diet is one of the causes of this change. It uses psychokinesis to control electricity. It hops aboard its own tail, using psychic power to lift the tail and move about while riding it.
It focuses psychic energy into its tail and rides it like it's surfing. Another name for this Pokemon is “hodad.” When you rub its cheeks, a sweet fragrance comes wafting out. However, you'll also get a light shock!
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murdockbuckley · 6 months
im so. so unbelievably bored lou
why is there so little published on ao3 for the resident, specifically conrad
i dont care about hodad, i want my babygirl yo be whumped then comforted
maybe it's a sign that you should be the one to whump and comfort him
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sohannabarberaesque · 6 months
Meanwhile ...
Setting aside where surfers have used "Barney" to describe a showoff type of surfer (alias "kook," "gremmie" and "hodad"), could you imagine Barney Rubble's prehistoric (or is that "prehysteric"?) surfing style being the sort where "surf naked!" is the mantra, after the classic Polynesian manner?
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jellogram · 8 months
Sometimes my british coworkers will say some shit like "That airline is top hogsnot, absolute bollocks of a banderboogan" and I'm like what the fuck are you talking about and then I'll say something like "Aw yeah dude you should post up in OB for some Hodad's I'd be hella stoked" and they're like what the fUCK are YOU talking about
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