#hogwarts aus just bring so much joy in me
impishtubist · 3 months
the hedric anon here again :) to your previous post, YEAH, we're balling. new canon has arisen!!! you are so right about harry not becoming an auror!! all he wants is a loving family; he's already lost enough chasing dark wizards, and he would not sacrifice any time he could be spending with them... he also has The Money, you know. a shit load of it... and i can imagine him just casually buying the newest broom on the market on a whim even if cedric's team's regulations forbid using a personal broom (unfair advantage all that) because harry would so obviously overcompensate for the negligence he had to survive through as a child and spoil his beloved rotten.
and YES, cedric being a bit oblivious, but still a voice of reason would do the whole golden trio much good during their 5th year (funny thing, for the longest time i thought cedric was a 7th year in GoF, so i was kinda shooketh with all the fics where he returns to hogwarts the next year). imagine him getting to know sirius (harry has talked so much about him that sirius already loves the boy) and maybe introducing a few diggory family traditions to sirius and harry, because they had no time yet to form their own. and his dad's face when he's introduced to harry's godparents??? an ex-convict and a werewolf, who somehow work wonders as parental figures. mwah.
Not me learning through this ask that Cedric was only a sixth-year when he put his name in the goblet 😂 Now I am also shook. But omg yes that would make so much sense for my OOTP AU! Harry is in fifth year and Cedric is in seventh and he's like "wtf Harry just use the damn mirror that Sirius gave you! I love you so much but you are so dumb."
And YEAH Harry going to the cave to visit Sirius, but instead of talking about important things like Karkaroff and Voldy and the tournament, he just can't stop talking about this cute sixth-year, and Sirius catches a glimpse of Cedric during one of the tasks and is like "ah, I see it now." He figures Harry could do worse than date a sweet Hufflepuff who is also a Triwizard champion.
(Also lmao the mental image of Harry taking Cedric to meet the parents, but he takes him to a cave with an escaped convict and a hippogriff.)
And yes, once Sirius gets his freedom, there are lots of formal dinners and meeting the Diggorys. And yes!!!! Harry using his money to spoil Cedric!!! Cedric has plenty of his own, but it brings Harry so much joy that he can't say no.
(I also can't help but give everyone babies, so I will say that the Potter-Diggory babies are spoiled rotten by both their dads AND the grandparents. Sirius is especially bad about it, and Cedric has to build a second shed out back for all the toys Sirius keeps buying the kids lmao.)
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fresiants · 1 year
you bringing up domestic snupin scenarios is devastating me bcs i think of them and how natural domesticity comes between them, how it's like a long-term wish being finally fulfilled, a joy that had been denied to them both, having an actual warm home with someone they love awaiting for the other, always? i was thinking of a voldemort free au where sev and remus get together at hogwarts and their relationship only deepens post graduation; sev and lily are still friends but her marriage with james was a point of restrain in their friendship, and remus inevitably drifted apart from the marauders to the point he has became that friend who feels uncomfortable during reunions (to drink/eat) bcs his friends are turning into those sort of guys who complain about their wives/partners or talk as if they hate them, and remus just doesn't understand and can't relate, bcs he's so in love with severus and has trouble even remembering feeling more comfortable or safe with these guys or anyone other than severus. lily is starting to complain more and more about james whenever she comes to visit severus (sometimes bringing harry along who remus loves to amuse or entertain in the meantime), and she always marvels at her friend's obvious happiness, at both severus and remus casually exchanging fleeting touches, remus bringing tea for them all and sev reaching for his hand unconsciously and giving it a small squeeze in silent thanks before remus retreats to leave or sit down with them, the many glances! the fond/affectionate way severus will stare at remus with as remus talks, and the smiles he tries to hide behind the rim of his tea cup, remus caressing sev's hand unconsciously or kissing his cheek as he gets up from his seat, among many details; lily will sometimes joke about severus being lucky he's not with a man that embarrasses him everytime he talks (like james does) but deep down she does wish her marriage felt this fulfilling, as warm as remus and sev looked like together. long story short all of this also serves as a trigger for her to finally take the big step and divorce james 🎉
That sounds like an amazing fanfic idea! 😱 I've always imagined Lily as a strong and independent woman. I love the idea of her discovering happiness on her own, without James. It would be fascinating to see her traveling to different countries after her divorce, staying in touch with Severus and Remus, and sharing her adventures with them through letters. And then one day, while exploring different countries, she met a woman who was also a traveler, and they fell deeply in love with each other.
James stopped talking to Remus altogether upon learning that Lily had consulted them for advice regarding their marriage. He put the blame on Remus and Severus for the failure of his relationship with Lily, completely oblivious to the fact that he was the one responsible for it. Meanwhile, Sirius sided with James and blamed Severus for the fallout of their friendships. He would still talk to Remus once in a while, but their relationship became increasingly strained with each visit, as they would get into a fight each time because Sirius would speak negatively about Severus.
And Remus wouldn't feel too upset about his broken friendships since he had new friends around the neighborhood who were fond of both him and Severus.
Thank you so much for sharing your headcanons, I love every single one of them <3
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andtheechonocturnes · 4 months
All of the oneshots, that I care about, because I can’t find shit when I need something.  Part 2
〰 〖This time I decided to rate the stories based on major and secondary preferences, starting from most to least. P.S. They are all my favorites and mean a lot to me (All parts), they all convey some distinct memories of my ''girlhood”, and continue to bring me joy now as a young adult.〗〰 I've been avoiding this for far too long.
♡ - the ones my thoughts keeps returning back to again and over
ღ -two part oneshots
two that I lost and could not find in my likes, but I recall loving reading
1.The waltz between us♡
◇ pairing: jimin | reader
◇ word count: 15.754
◇ genre: angst and fluff
2. devotion; m ♡
✓ Couple: Jimin x Reader | Angel!AU and Demon!AU
✓ Filed under: angst, smut, horror
✓ Words: 16,463
3. The Shoulder on Which You Cry (M)
Pairings: Jungkook x Reader, Namjoon x Reader, Mention of Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Romance, Drama, Hometown AU, Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 11K
4. everythingoes | kth & jjk♡
Pairing: Fuckboy!Taehyung x Reader; Jungkook x Reader
Genre: ANGST, so much fucking angst, smut, (barely there) fluff
Word Count: 24k
5. paradise 17; m ♡
✓ Couple: Taehyung x Reader | VirtualReality!AU
✓ Words: 15,217
✓ Filed under: smut
6. starboy; m ♡
✓ Couple: Jungkook x Reader | Fratboy!AU and College!AU
✓ Words: 14,285
✓ Filed under: smut 
7. fireflies; m
✓ Pair: Taehyung x Reader | Punk!AU & College!AU
✓ Filed under: fluff, angst, smut, very intense philosophical talks about love
✓ Words: 21,175
8. Lucifer | A huge fuck you, repost. JK x Reader
Pairing: JJK x Reader
Genre: Supernatural, smut.
Word count: 13.5K
9. Poison Apple
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Fem Reader ; Min Yoongi x Fem Reader
Genre: Angst, Mature, Smut
Word count: 22.35k
10. ghosts just wanna have fun; m
✓ Couple: Jungkook x Reader | Psychic!AU & MedSchool!AU
✓ Words: 20,062
✓ Filed under: fluff, crack, light smut  
11. oblivion | j.j.k ♡
⇢ pairing(s): demon!jeon jungkook x fallen angel!reader.
⇢ word count: 10.3K
⇢ genre: angst, demon!au.
12. Beastly Gods (M)
Pairings:  Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader x ???
Genre: Hybrid AU, Thriller, Drama
Word Count: 8K Rating: M
13. there for you
pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
word count: 20k
genre: hogwarts au, bad boy au | fluff/angst
14. Hellbound⇢demon!jjk [E]
⇢Explicit (18+)
⇢Pairing: Demon JJK x female y/n
⇢Genre: yandere, smut, supernatural
⇢Word count: 14.5k
15. taehyung's version ღ
☆ pairing: taehyung x fem!reader x jungkook
★ word count: 5.4k
16. jungkook's version♡ ღ
pairing: jungkook x fem!reader x taehyung
word count: 3.7k
17. his special secret | kim taehyung ღ
➢ genre/au: college art professor!tae x art student!y/n [she/her… afab] [age gap 9 years]
➢ 12.5k words
18. his special secret | kim taehyung ღ
➢ genre/au: college art professor!tae x art student!y/n [she/her… afab] [age gap 9 years]
➢ 13.5k words
19. cardio | j.jk
pairing: personal trainer!yandere!jungkook x married!rich!f!reader
rating: smut with slight angst 🍒
word count: 13,906 words aka grab the popcorn, this is long
pairing. milf!yn x son’s best friend!jk
genre. yandere, stalking. smut (little piece but it’s smut!!!)
word count. 10k
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
Sweet, sweet winter nights
Harry Potter Christmas AU 🎄⛄ HC's
Many thanks to @fangirl-ramblings 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
Hello, lovley bees 🐝🌺 Some cozy HC’s for the cold winter nights. I hope you’ll enjoy it (❁´◡`❁)
Characters: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin (X F.Reader)
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Sirius Black
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Christmas is just around the corner! You will help Molly Weasley with the preparations. There will be many guests, including Sirius. You can't wait to see him and your heart is beating like crazy with joy.
You've always had a big soft spot for Sirius, but so much time has already been stolen from the two of you, which unfortunately can't be made up. But now it's all the more important to enjoy every moment with him.
Sirius is here before everyone else and that makes you all nervous since you and Molly are still in the middle of preparations. You unfortunately had a talent for being clumsy when someone was present that made you nervous. In this case, it was Sirius. And this guy is offering to help, but you and Molly are doing very well on your own. Besides, you still have Ginny by your side, who is helping out quite diligently.
Nonetheless, you bring Sirius a delicious eggnog. He stands in the living room, looking into the crackling fire in the chimney, seemingly lost in thought. "Sirius?" Hearing your sweet voice, he turns to you and immediately notices something about you; you have some flour on your cheek and on the tip of your nose. "Is something wrong?" you ask him, but he just smirks in amusement, approaching you before he gently wipes the flour from your cheek. As he does, he looks you in the eye and you smile, your eyes shimmering like two stars. "Flour. You had some flour on your cheek and..." Then he wipes the flour off the tip of your nose too "...here" "Thank you, Sirius." And you both laugh softly.
The Christmas tree is going to be decorated and you take on this task since you always have the most fun doing it. But you do it the traditional way, without magic. As you step on one of the chairs to reach higher parts of the tree, it happens that the chair suddenly tilts and you threaten to fall.
But two strong arms immediately catch you before you fall to the ground. You look into Sirius' face, his charming smile instantly ensnaring you. "Careful sweetheart..." You gaze dreamily into each other's eyes as you wrap your arms around his neck. "Thank you," you whisper. You wish you could stop time. There was nothing more beautiful for you than to be in Sirius' arms.
At that moment, Harry and Hermione come into the room and clear their throats when they see the two of you. But you two are in your own world and don't even notice them. Hermione pulls Harry behind her with a smirk and allows you this privacy.
During dinner, you flirt with each other quietly, laughing softly, and your hands keep finding each other under the table. Sirius tangles his fingers with yours, caressing your delicate hands as he keeps whispering something in your ear that is meant just for you. 
Late in the evening, when everyone is already in their rooms, you and Sirius sit in front of the warm and crackling fire. It is cozy and warm, you enjoy your togetherness and every moment that is given to you. The smell of cinnamon, tangerines and marzipan is still present.
Sirius can’t take his eyes off you, since you’re the most beautiful woman to him.You’re warm-hearted, loving and charming. Holding you in his arms is the most beautiful gift for him. He has been waiting for it for a very long time and now that it’s happening, he could hardly believe it.
Your head resting on his shoulder as you listen to the crackling of the fire and enjoy this moment while Sirius gently strokes your hair, kissing your forehead. "Y/N... My heart belongs to you." "Just as mine is yours."
This is the most beautiful Christmas Eve ever.
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Remus Lupin
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You are teaching at Hogwarts this year. You are representing your colleague in Muggle Studies and meet Remus Lupin again after a very long time. He is also at Hogwarts this year, teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts.
You actually know each other from school days, but you didn't have much contact, as you were a Ravenclaw back then, and rather shy in nature; just like Remus. You had smiled at each other, talked now and then, but no deeper friendship had developed.
But a lot has changed, and both of you are no longer of a shy nature, which leads to the fact that you quickly get used to each other and you spend a lot of time together. You talk of old times, spend the breaks together and dine together in the great hall.
From time to time you visit him in his lessons, as you are fascinated by the subject of defense against the dark arts. Well, not only because of the lessons, but mainly because it is pleasant to be near Remus. Unfortunately, only a few students are interested in Muggle Studies, so you often have free periods, which you use in other ways.
You spend the winter vacations in this magical place, because you have no one to wait for you at home. And what could be better than spending Christmas at Hogwarts? Christmas was a magical time and Hogwarts gave it all the fairy dust it needed.
So did Remus. No one was waiting for him either, so he spent the winter at Hogwarts as well. And he's more than happy that you're not going home. This will give you a chance to get to know each other better. 
Remus enjoys his time with you. He feels very comfortable and secure around you. When he spends time with you, he could turn off his worries and focus on you.
You take many walks and no matter how cold it is outside, you enjoy your time together. 
Often you go to Hogsmeade, warm up with a glass of butterbeer, but preferably with hot chocolate. Remus had a weakness for the sweet stuff.
You're both professors, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun, right? So without further ado, you decide to form a snowball and attack Remus with it. Remus didn't see that coming, but it wasn't long before he started  throwing snow at you as well.
You laugh, throwing snow at each other until you are completely soaked and Remus suggests that you go change or else you will get sick. You feel like you're teenagers and the smiles on your faces, nothing can dim them anytime soon.
"We should definitely do that again!" Those are your words after you've both changed and are now sitting together for dinner in the Great Hall. Remus then gives you a gentle smile and reaches for your hand. "Thank you, Y/N. I haven't had such a good time in a long time!" His smile makes your heart beat faster and you feel yourself blush. No doubt Remus could see it. But that doesn't bother you. Let him see how his words flattered you.
The days pass and Christmas Eve was here. That same evening, Remus asks you out on a date. You agree, of course, and you sense that something very special was about to happen. "In an hour then, yes?" Remus was as excited as you and his eyes looked at you expectantly. Just as you were about to answer, two students ran down the hallway throwing snowballs at each other. You two ducked just in time to avoid being hit. 
Remus has automatically placed himself in front of you to protect you, and in doing so he has brought you very close to the wall, laughing and calling out to the students that they shouldn't throw snow around in the school building. He doesn't seem to realize how close you are at the moment. But you are all the more aware of it.
You hold onto his arms and when Remus returns his attention to you, you look into each other's eyes. Your fingers lightly dig into his arms and you could bet he can hear your loud heartbeat. Your faces were so close, your bodies touching.
Remus looked a little unsure, but when he saw you smile, he had to smile too and he noticed anew how adorable you are. It was a great luck that you could spend this winter together. "Y/N... I, well..." "Just kiss me, Remus," you whisper, and now it's you looking at him expectantly. And with a wide smile, Remus wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you in for a tender kiss.
- "Merry Christmas, my lovely Y/N...," he whispers against your lips as he looks deep into your eyes. "Merry Christmas, my love."
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sodamnradd · 2 years
Hello dear author! Thank you for sharing your amazing fics to the fandom, and bringing so much joy to readers like me! In the spirit of WIP Wednesday, if you were looking for an excuse to gush about a wip you've been working on/ fic concept ideas you'd like to write about one day/ or just some cool dramione headcanons that you have, this is your time to shine! And I hope you have a wonderful day! 💜💜💜
Hello anon, thank you for the thoughtful ask!
My Dramione WIPs at the moment:
Ecdysis - No Voldemort-AU, Slytherin Hermione, slow burn Dramione, Hogwarts years 1-7 and beyond, morally grey Hermione, Hermione 1st POV
This is currently my heart and soul. I've uploaded the first 5 chapters on AO3. Hands down the story I've worked the hardest on and have planned the most thoroughly. Please join me in this madness if you haven't already. This is a multi-chap and will land at ~100-200K words.
Bad Kids - No Voldemort-AU, Hermione and Draco as co-heads sharing a dorm, virgin Hermione, Draco's 1st POV, Draco's a bad influence on Hermione 😏
This is a shot story for a "bloody at your doorstep" theme collection with the Wheel of Doom squad. This is the one I'm most excited for and it will land at ~18K words.
The Body Count - Mind the content warnings, sex positive Hermione, bad one night stands, pining Draco, protective Draco, Hermione 3rd POV, starts out humorous gets dark and then becomes soft...
Honourable mention because this is a re-upload. 3 out of 6 chapters have already been posted. I'm making minor edits as I repost. This will land at ~30K words
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mysterystarz · 2 years
Always sending you love
Hope you’re doing okay and have some rest from the summer break.
(Ofc I’m always coming back to read your Hogwarts au once in a while just because no one writes it like you)
Anyways have a good day love <3
hi love <3 you’re so sweet
you flatter me wayyy too much but i’m so glad you enjoy those works!! I COULD RAMBLE ABOUT THEM FOR HOURS (and got someone i need to ramble about that to omg) and i’m glad they bring you joy because they were fun to write EHHESB
you have an amazing day too alright <333
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mrssnivellussnape · 3 years
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Wattpad (book incoming 📝)
(🥰 = fluff, 🌶 = smut, 💔 = angst, ⚠️ = very serious trigger warnings/topics)
(Forgive my horrible story summaries, I promise the stories are better than they sound :,))
LMK! :)
Getting Trapped in a Room with Severus and Gilderoy
Writing on Severus’ Face with Your Children (🥰)
Getting a Valentine’s Day card from a certain, young! Severus Snape (🥰)
SFW Alphabet for Sev (🥰)
NSFW Alphabet for Sev (🌶)
Drink Me Under (🌶)
Table Manners
Drunken Bliss
Get A Laugh Out of You
Property Of
Severus Snape Dressing Up with His Daughter
Ornaments and Surprises (🥰)
Reader plans a fun way to surprise Severus while also cheering her students up.
Picnics and Pranks (🥰)
Reader and Severus don’t have a babysitter for their daughter, forcing them to bring her to Hogwarts. When your daughter decides to sneak away, making Severus think he’d lost her, you see her in the halls. You decide to get back at him for not following the one request you had. But he gets you back just the same.
Three’s A Crowd (🌶)
After repeatedly begging Severus to invite Lucius to your bedroom, he finally allows it. Being the man he is, he can’t help but make it about him and just how well he knows your body.
The Switcheroo (🥰)
Your twin boys get tired of their father continuously mixing them up, so they decide to prank him. Of course, there’s always a twist.
Maybe in Another Lifetime (💔)
You and Severus no longer feel connected to one another and you finally decide that your love has regrettably run out. In this life at least.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Severus (🌶)
Having felt more than flirty at dinner, you decide to give Severus his final gift of the night. When he doesn’t abide by your wish, you take it upon yourself to tease him by putting on a certain show...
No Need to be Jealous (💔 + 🌶)
Severus’ gets jealous when he sees Lucius all over you, and runs out to the gardens. You catch up with him and prove to him just how much he means to you.
Betrothed (💔)
You and Severus are set in an arranged marriage despite your protests (royalty au).
A Quick Dip (🥰)
Reader gives Severus a chance at relaxation and goes swimming in a secret area they discovered.
Take Care of Me (🥰)
Severus takes care of a sick reader.
Thanks for Your Help, Professor (🥰)
Professor Snape catches you teaching yourself DADA spells after curfew and he helps you learn a spell you are struggling with, more than proud of you when you get it right.
Helping Him Forget (💔+🌶)
You leave a note for Severus telling him to meet you at the Shrieking Shack, and despite his hesitance, he goes, more than happy when he see what you’re wearing for him.
Let’s Make A Baby (🌶)
You and Severus decide it’s time to have a child, and both are more than willing to start the process of baby-making.
A Lesson in Jealousy (🌶)
Lucius subtly flirts with you when you offer your help to him, Severus gets upset and reminds you who you belong to
Neon Lights and Ferris Wheel Nights (🥰)
You take Severus away from the school to enjoy a new experience with him. Despite not being familiar with any of it, he proved to have one of his best times out and the fun you had would forever stay with him.
In the Hot Seat (🌶)
Thanks to a certain trip in the muggle world that involves hot springs, exchanged hotel rooms, and a decent amount of Firewhisky; you and Severus get warmer than you’d planned.
You Matter (⚠️)
Fearing the worst about your best friend, Severus, you worry to know what’s wrong with him. Life gets darker when you catch him lying on the restroom floor, bleeding, and seemingly not breathing.
Addicted (🌶)
Severus can’t figure out why he’s so attracted to you and your scent, and can’t fathom why no one else is able to smell it.
Bundle of Joy (🥰)
Starry Night (🥰)
Severus surprises you with a not-so-much-a-date date, that includes the night sky, twinkling stars, and unexpected confessions.
When I Knew I Loved You (🥰)
A shy reader and an angry Severus can’t seem to stop bumping into each other
Good Morning (🌶)
Reader wake Severus up in one of the best ways.
Do You Still Love Me? (🌶)
When Severus starts to no longer have sex with you, you decide to find out exactly why, and the reason isn’t exactly what you expected.
Scared, Severus?
You and Severus brew a batch of Amortentia that results in hidden feelings and hope for possible beginnings.
December’s Kiss (🥰)
When two red-headed twins decide to try out a new spell, something new comes to fruition.
All Hers (🌶)
You and Narcissa get more than comfy together
Lucius’ Infatuation (🥰)
{all character headcannons}
{Random Posts}
2020 HP Valentine’s Day cards
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sungie · 3 years
fake dating 101: for experts
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jeon jungkook x gn!reader
category: idiots to lovers, hogwarts au, pining, fluff
summary: jungkook likes to do things without asking. and with the yule ball quickly approaching, it seems that this is, unfortunately, one of those times.  
word count: 14k
a/n: this stupid shit piece has been sitting in my drafts and i decided to publish it in case it can bring anyone some joy
- - 
It’s not unusual for Jungkook to seek you out, considering the two of you have been close friends for years.  And not just close friends; you and Jungkook have been attached at the hip for years, partners-in-crime for literally everything.  
What’s unusual, though, is walking out of Charms to hear Jungkook calling your name as he boosts himself up to the ledge of the wall, eyes desperate and scanning determinedly through the crowded hall.  The Jeon Jungkook, who should very well be half-way across the castle and down two flights of stairs sitting in Potions and just beginning to walk out the dungeons.  
And while this is the same Jungkook who’s your crazy best friend and not afraid to do anything, you’re also very well aware that Jungkook is, at the end of the day, an introvert, and wouldn’t do anything like this unless it was absolutely necessary.  So really, there’s only one reason he’s making such a scene.  
And that’s because he’s fucked up. 
“(Y/N)!” He calls out your name again, and it’s so unabashed and so shameless that you stop walking out the classroom, momentarily disrupting the motion of the crowd.  
This is hilarious.  
You regret not bringing your muggle disposable camera with you from your dorm, because if anything, this is what you’d bought the stupid thing for.  Recording moments like these, where Jungkook is being a complete idiot.
As soon as you start to consider using a quick summoning spell, accio, Jungkook’s eyes snap directly at your paused fluctuation in the crowd.  It’s a pity, considering the camera would probably get here in two minutes, tops.  But even more concerning, is that as you continue to stare at Jungkook, you start noticing that something is very wrong.  Because instead of the normal smile you’re used to seeing tug at his lips, you watch in muted horror as his mouth sets determinedly into a flat line.  With a nod, he hops down from the wall and starts pushing through the crowd to get to you.   
Oh no. 
He’s officially lost his mind.  You’ve seen Jungkook look like this three times before, and each time it’s ended badly.  Maybe not so bad for Jungkook, but always bad for you.  Very bad.
In a split-second decision that’s both quick and easy, you turn the other way in the corridor, even though you’re fighting against a crowd of hungry students all on their way to the Great Hall.  
Unfortunately, there’s no stopping Jungkook once he’s got his mind set to something.  He’s too quick, and you grumble as you’re tugged backwards, his hand clutching your sleeve.  With a turn to make sure you’re following, he darts sideways through the crowd, pushing past tired students to escape the busy corridor.  
“Excuse me, excuse me,” he says, and you scoff.  
Luckily Jungkook’s been blessed with soft, gentle mannerisms and a pleasant voice that makes everyone believe he actually means what he says.  And so whenever he does things like this, like cutting rudely through a crowd, people smile and nod understandably.  It nearly amuses you to watch their faces contort from genuine pleasure to unsubtle irritation as you end the trance and clumsily knock against their elbows or stumble across their shoes.  
Or maybe it’s not even irritation.  Maybe it’s jealousy, because you are pushing through the crowd while nearly holding hands with Jeon Jungkook, who’s undeniably good looking and very much admired by half the student population.  Either way, you don’t care.  You doubt Jungkook cares much either.
One time in third year when you lost your trunk on the way to Platform 9¾, Jungkook proceeded to take pictures of the scenery with the most ‘i don’t care’ expression in the world, even going to the extent to capture in polaroid your frustrated scream.  Jungkook does not give a living shit about you.
But then again, he’s also incredibly kind.  And just as this recollection comes, another memory sweeps through your mind.  Of a time during fourth year, when he spent days in the Hospital Wing.  He spent hours talking and going over all the notes you’d missed due to a nasty burn in Potions, all for you.  To be fair, it’d been his fault the entire cauldron spilled all over your hands, but he’d spent that night in the uncomfortable fold-out chair next to your cot, and all the next nights, missing two of his exams as he made sure you’d be okay.  He said it was to keep you out of unnecessary trouble, but you knew better. 
Musty air hits your face as soon as you breach the corridor, and Jungkook pauses to gauge your reaction.  “This is fun, right?”
You stare at him incredulously.
And then, as if remembering common decency, “You okay?” 
“What do you think?” You unsuccessfully attempt to shake off his grip. “It’s six in the morning.  I’m tired, and you are not helping.”
“Ah.  You’re fine.” Jungkook quirks his lips to the side in a smile (although you notice he’s strangely distressed), and with one last look, he starts running again.  He pulls you past halls of moving oil portraits, the one by Rembrandt glowing in macabre and dark shades, another one of an old wizard pouring a bubbly orange elixir into a glass, a final one of Rowena Ravenclaw’s gaze peering into the ancient stone and nearly empty corridors and heavy shadows.  
Jungkook's been uncharacteristically out of breath ever since he first grabbed your sleeve a few minutes ago, but as soon as he notices the turrets of the castle getting chillier, he visibly relaxes.  His grip loosens, and you furiously tug him backwards. 
“Stop running!”  Because this is stupid and so many levels of unnecessary.  “I hope you realize you’ve missed the Great Hall by like, four staircases.”  
It’s so unfair.  You’ve just spent hours studying for a Charms exam, and now he’s making you run up flights and flights of stairs?  You haven’t even eaten breakfast yet.  Who does Jeon Jungkook think he is?  Merlin?  Because you’ll be fucked if he makes you run more.
“Come on, (Y/N), I promise I’ll make it up to you!”  Jungkook spares you a wide-eyed glance, quickly exclaiming something else that you can’t hear from both your footsteps clattering against the stairs.  He seems to run even faster with you in-tow, and by now, you’re very much convinced that Jungkook has some sort of secret, special power to never get tired.  
After what seems like forever, Jungkook skids to a stop in front of an empty wall with three stone bricks sticking out from the mold of the castle.  As you stare harder, an engraved door within the wall starts to identify itself, blue-gold plaster and bronze embellishment beginning to gleam in the dusty light from the drafts in the turrets.  The infamous eagle knocker twinkles in the early morning light, almost as if it’s chuckling at the two of you, and for good reason.  You and Jungkook are in complete utter disarray.  
As soon as the eagle knocker says something with a dulcet voice that hums in the air, Jungkook furrows his brows and tilts his head as he ponders something back and forth. You don’t bother listening, there’s no way you’d solve it.  And even if you could … you wouldn’t.  You’re too tired, and too mad at Jungkook.
But despite being in different houses, and despite your annoyance at him right now, you’ve both clearly agreed that Ravenclaw riddles are proper nuisances.  One time, you and Jungkook were trapped outside his Common Room because he couldn’t figure out where vanished objects go, making the both of you too tired and frustrated to continue with your movie night.  In fact, you’d just decided to let Jungkook crash on a sofa in your common room, while making sure to clamp your hands over his ears as you whispered your password.  To this day, you still don’t understand why Ravenclaw still uses riddles instead of being normal.
This always makes Jungkook laugh.  “It’s because we’re not normal,” he’ll say with stars in his eyes.  “We’re unique.” 
“Ravenclaw’s not like other girls,” you’ll mock, lying on the floor with your legs sprawled against the couch.
And now, back to present, Jungkook guesses with a hopeful “neither?”, and you hold your breath.
The eagle knocker laughs, a deep throaty sound and the door slowly swings open.  The two of you both give a collective sigh of relief, while Jungkook goes to the extent of doing a little happy dance, bouncing up and down on his heels.  “Hurry, hurry,” he says, reaching for your sleeve and tugging you after him. 
 Even now, you can’t help but crack a smile. 
As you duck beneath cerulean curtains and turn past windy corners, the grandiose of the Common Room never stops losing its appeal.  It couldn’t, no matter how many times you’ve come up here.  Students enchanted hazy clouds to float across a never-ending ceiling, one that nearly rivals the infamous one above the Great Hall.  You wouldn’t be surprised if the very people who made the enchanted ceiling were from Ravenclaw themselves.  
Out of every Common Room you’ve seen, Ravenclaw’s is your favorite.  Everything always smells like lavender and ice, and you love peering out the arched windows to watch the occasional owl flutter past or the silhouettes of Quidditch players circling around the Pitch.  There are even little staircases that wind up to the tips of the turrets, where Jungkook once brought you to sit on the roof and watch the stars twinkle and glimmer in the night. 
But this time, Jungkook doesn’t stop to admire anything.  He urgently pulls you toward the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw, ducking behind a velvet curtain where you’re both met with shelves and shelves of intricate books.  You’re not really surprised that Ravenclaw would have their own hidden library.
“You’ve never shown me this before.”  
At your words, Jungkook plops down on the blue pillows scattered on the floor and peers up at you with wide eyes.  “Please, please, help me.  I need your help so bad.”
 “Is this where you spend all your time?”  You peer at the titles, and then with little accomplishment from Jungkook’s gaze burning into you, you sit down across from him and rub your wrist.  “And also, what the hell?”
Jungkook shrugs, but he’s clearly on edge.  After knowing him for years, it’s easy to recognize his distraught demeanor, especially when his eyes dart around rapidly as he muses, rather cryptidly, “Namjoon can probably get through the riddle, but he won’t find us here.  So we’re safe for now, I think.”
You blink.  There are so many things wrong with what he’s just said, and you don’t know where to start.  “Listen, I don’t know what’s going on.  But from what I know about Namjoon, I doubt he’d want to get in.”
“He doesn’t just want to get in,” Jungkook intervenes with a groan, letting his face fall into his hands, “and it’s not just Namjoon.  They’re all trying to find you.  That’s why we had to come here, because they’re all too stupid to get in.  You have to promise not to be mad.”
You stifle a laugh, while still attempting to remain somewhat serious.  “I hate to break it to you, but your friends have no idea who I am.” 
Jungkook turns to pull out a book from behind him, not looking at the cover and flipping through the pages in a flustered manner. 
“You’re reading that backwards.” 
Jungkook flushes crimson.  “Well,” he shifts and fiddles with his hands, absent-mindedly closing the book.  “About that.” 
You hoped it wouldn’t come down to this, but apparently Jungkook never learns.  A very familiar feeling starts to settle in your gut, and you’ve got a terrible premonition that what happened around seven months ago is about to happen again.  Honestly, you’d been expecting another repeat like this to happen, but most definitely not this soon. 
So the accusatory finger you point at Jungkook is extremely justified knowing your history.  “No way.  No.”
“Ah,” Jungkook murmurs.  Judging from his expression, that’s all you need to see to know that your deepest suspicions are, in fact, correct.  “I might have told them that I was taking you to the Yule Ball.”
You don’t even pause to look up.  “Liar.”
Jungkook pouts.  “You promised not to be mad.”
“I didn’t promise anything,” you correct.  “And you haven’t even told me what you did.”
The sheepish smile that pulls at Jungkook’s lips makes you want to disappear, and you shake your head back and forth in disbelief.
Jungkook’s silent for a moment.
You watch from the corner of your eyes as he tests his words on the tip of his tongue, trying to debunk what the best method of explaining this to you is, and the proceeding damage control.
You snort. 
This is, in fact, the defining blow.  Jungkook’s guilty gaze locks onto you, and he cracks, blurting out what exactly, he decided to do.  “I also told them we were dating.”
Jungkook eagerly takes your silence as an opportunity to save himself.  “(Y/N), you’ve got to believe that I didn’t mean to.  It just slipped out, I promise!”
“It just … slipped out?” You smile, and Jungkook goes pale. 
“You lied and said we were dating again?”  You’re mixed with wanting to shake Jungkook and also yell at him.  All at once.  
“I didn’t mean to!  I know it sounds bad, but it just happened.”
You’ve never been more mad to be right.  With a groan, you fall roughly onto your back.  “You’re so dead.  Do you know I hate you?  I hate you.”  You stuff your hands across your face, and muffle a frustrated yell.  “Explain.”
“They were making fun of me because I hadn’t asked anyone,” Jungkook pouts, as if this is an entirely reasonable thing to do.  
“So?” Jungkook repeats, dumbfounded.  “What do you mean, ‘so’?  Do you even understand what peer pressure is?”
Who does Jungkook think you are?  An idiot?
“I’m not stupid, and we both know you’re not one to succumb to peer pressure.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen, and his mouth parts.  “Well, I did.”
That is the biggest lie you’ve heard in your entire life.  Jungkook’s never, not once, ever done something in his life just because someone else was.  Because Jungkook’s all about that “do what you want” lifestyle, always the first one to “not give a shit”, even going to the extent of getting called out by teachers and other students for just “not caring”, and despite all this, everyone loves him anyway.  So there is zero way, zilch, that Jungkook did something just because he felt pressured. 
“That’s bullshit --”
“Well anyway,” Jungkook continues quickly, not letting you interject anything else.  And maybe that’s just as well, because he’s getting flustered, and all too soon you’d be there to count the seconds to when this whole story would fall apart, “I said I was going with someone, but they didn’t believe me.  Then I told them you were going with me, because you’re my best friend.  I thought I would just give you a heads up later and then make up an excuse to why you couldn't come.”
I mean, it makes a little sense.  Even if it is a bit of lying, it’s nothing you both haven’t done before.  Hell, you once made Jungkook use the boyfriend card in order to get him to sneak you the chocolate frog that was explicitly banned from your get-well treatment.  So maybe you got an extra few days of Hospital Wing stay, conveniently missing your DADA and Potions exam you didn’t know shit about.
But even if it makes sense, it doesn’t explain why Jungkook has told everyone you’re dating.  Again. 
“Well, they said that didn’t count, since we’re just friends.  So, I might have accidentally lied again and let it slip that you were also dating me --”
“I can’t believe you.”  You grab a pillow and whack Jungkook in the chest.  Maybe it’s a little more aggressive than you intend because he yelps, but who gives a fuck.    
“What?” he whines, “Is it so bad to pretend to date me?”
“Of course not.”  
Relief floods across his face at your response, but you’re quick to continue.  
“The problem is that you’ve done things like this before.  Without asking!”
“Name one time.”
Oh, he does not want to start this. 
“Like the time you made me pretend to be your date at dinner with your aunt?  And then, even better, she pressured us into acting all lovey-dovey like a real couple?” 
Jungkook seems to realize what’s happening, and he panics.  “Name two times.  That was once --”
“And the other time you made me ditch Yoongi to sit with you at the Three Broomsticks for hours because apparently your ex was there?  And then she wasn’t?”
“Yoongi was fine,” Jungkook emphasizes, crossing his arms as a sullen expression crosses his face.  “And what was I supposed to do?  It’s not like he’s your boyfriend.”
“You’re not either,” you remind him.  “And I’ll name three times.  What about when you had me randomly kiss your cheek at the Quidditch Match because you wanted to make some person jealous?”
Jungkook has the audacity to look confused.  “What person?”
“You forgot them already?” 
Jungkook stares at you with furrowed eyebrows, looking utterly confused.  The pout that creases across his brows and the jut of his lower lip is almost attractive, but then realization dawns on his face, his lips part, and he’s back to being annoying.  “Wait, no!  That’s not why I wanted you to kiss me.”
You sigh, counting your fingers.  “Then I suppose the reason is because you’re secretly in love with me, right?”  
Jungkook flushes.  
Good.  He should be embarrassed for making you fake date him again.  The audacity.
“Point is, you’ve done this too many times.”
Jungkook sighs, his hair falling into his face.  He mimics your dramatic fall backward and beside you to stare at the ceiling, his head resting next to yours.  After a while he turns to face you, his gaze incomprehensible.  “I know.  I promise I’ll make it up to you, (Y/N).”  He takes in another breath, biting his lip.  “And … you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.  I can tell them I lied.  Easy.”
Wait, what?
“You’re serious?” 
Jungkook nods, and when he turns to look at you again his eyes are undoubtedly sincere. 
This is new.  Jungkook’s never offered to do something like this before.  Usually it’s always him begging and pleading, or trying to persuade you into helping him out.  So for a moment, you’re seriously considering letting Jungkook take the fall.  But unfortunately for you, it physically hurts to imagine seeing Jungkook sad, or disappointed, or embarrassed.  And like all good things, despite everything telling you to stop before you mess things up, you firmly shake your head.  “No, don’t.  I’ll do it for you.” 
Jungkook’s head jolts up.  “Really?” 
“You’re not mad?”
You gaze at Jungkook warily. “ I don’t know.”  You let out a long breath, watching some hazy clouds float into the library.  “I guess I’d do anything for you.  Even if you are being a shitty friend.”
Jungkook looks down and tries to hide a smile.  When he meets your gaze again, the smile spreads across his face and looks like it could light up the world.  Then, when he realizes the gravity of your words, he can’t contain his relief, and his eyes crinkle up in a way that makes you want to actually melt.  
“There are terms and conditions, Kook.  You owe me five chocolate frogs, movie nights whenever I want, and cuddles.  And two cauldron cakes.  And --”
“So greedy,” Jungkook teases, poking you in the side.
You scowl. 
“Come on, (Y/N)!”  Jungkook leaps up quickly, reaching for your hand, “I’ve got to introduce you to everyone.”
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” 
“Have you learned nothing from our history of fake dating?  So when your friends ask you how we started dating, what are you going to say?” 
Jungkook shrugs, fiddling with the hem of his robes.  “Easy.  I’ll tell them I fell in love with you.”
Hearing Jungkook say that does something to you.  You stare at him for a moment, and you’re sure something strange is happening to your face.  You recover quickly, then let your jaw drop in exasperation.  “You can’t just --”
“I can.  I fell in love with you,” Jungkook continues stubbornly, “but we were best friends first.  So when the Yule Ball came around, I decided to ask you.  And despite my wildest dreams, you said yes.”
This is the tricky part about fake dating Jungkook.  You never know how much of it is made up, and how much of it is actual truth.
“But what about --”
Jungkook scrunches up his nose.  “Come on, (Y/N), we’ve done this before.  I know what I’m doing.  I know you.”
“Oh, really.” 
“Yeah.”  Jungkook puffs out his chest.
“Okay, genius.  Go off, I guess.” 
Jungkook grins, then ducks under the curtain.  His head pops back, and he glances at you expectantly, raising a mischievous eyebrow.  “You coming?”
You sigh, ducking under the curtain to follow him out the Common Room. 
“You have to admit, though,” Jungkook says, as the two of you walk down the stairs, “we already are almost a real couple.  We don’t even have to act.”
“Yeah,” you laugh, breezily. “Maybe.  But more like an old, married couple, because all we do is fight.”
In your distraction, you miss the way Jungkook turns to look at you, his eyes entirely amused and full of something else, something new that you wouldn’t be able to place just yet.  But if you’d noticed, maybe you’d have realized that this whole ‘fake-dating’ thing wouldn’t be quite so far-fetched after all. 
-  - 
Apparently, Jungkook and all his friends each have this strange little orb that they touch whenever they need to have an immediate meeting.
“It’s like a beacon,” Jungkook explains, as he swings your hand back and forth.  “It’ll burn in their pocket and glow a certain color.  So because we’re gonna meet for breakfast, I turned it gold.  I mean, they’ll probably get there already since we’re in Ravenclaw turrets, but you know.”
You laugh.  “Why don’t we have one of those?”
“Because we’re always together anyway.  And besides, you know where to find me.” 
You raise an eyebrow.  “Do I?” 
Jungkook rolls his eyes.  “I’m literally only three places ever.” 
With a laugh, the two of you make your way down winding staircases and multiple hallways, and soon enough you get to the entrance of the Great Hall, where you decide to mention to Jungkook a very important detail.
Because, well, Jungkook’s friends are always around, but you’ve never actually talked to them.  Except for Min Yoongi, who you’ve decided to partner up with in Potions every year since first.  Now that you think about it, it is strange you’re not closer with Jungkook’s entire group considering you’ve been friends with him for years.
So with a muffled groan from Jungkook, the two of you find yourselves peering behind castle pillars just outside the Great Hall, working on doing some last minute reviewing of information.  
Jungkook nudges you in the side, pointing at two tall boys hitting each other at the center table.  They’re both clad in Gryffindor robes, and you stifle a laugh. 
Jungkook cracks a smile as he sees you laughing.  “You see those boys over there?  The one with messy black hair is Jin.  He’s the eldest, and he likes to think he’s funny.”
You snicker. 
“The cool one frantically taking notes because he forgot about it the other night is Namjoon.”
“I’m almost scared to hear how you describe me to your friends.“  You stand up on your tiptoes, trying to get the best view of his friends without giving the two of you away.  “Namjoon’s the one who ate a slice of orange just now, right?”
Jungkook doesn’t respond.
“Kook?”  You turn to look at him, meeting his gaze.  “Hello?”
Jungkook nods quickly, his cheeks flushed.  “Yeah, sorry.  Um, there’s Hoseok, he just stood up.  He’s complaining right now, but don’t worry, he’s usually really enthusiastic to people--”
Your gaze flickers to the boy slumped on the seat next to Hoseok, grumpily rolling his eyes as he says something that makes the rest of the table burst into laughter. 
“I already know Yoongi.”  
Jungkook lets out a little grumble, stepping closer to you and letting his head fall forward to rest on your shoulder.  “You’ve only told me this, like, a thousand times before.”  
You let out a little laugh, poking Jungkook in the cheek.  “So rude.”
“What’s so interesting about Yoongi-hyung anyway?” Jungkook pouts. 
“Are you worried Yoongi’s going to steal your title of best friend?”  You manage, turning your head to smile sweetly.  “Don’t worry, Kookoo, you’re always going to be my favorite.”  
Jungkook’s chest heaves as he laughs, and you can already picture his amused expression.  But what he says next is what makes your head spin.  “I’m not worried about Yoongi being your best friend.”
“Um, okay?  That’s literally what we are, so I don’t know why you’re so ...”
Jungkook blinks, then opens his mouth as if he wants to say something.
 Oh my god.  You beat him to it.  “You can’t be serious.  I’m not in love with Yoongi.” 
Jungkook turns red.  “What?”
You snort.  “Me and Yoongi don’t even like each other.  Not like that.  So you don’t have to worry.  I won’t steal your friend from you.”
“That’s … not what I meant,” Jungkook sighs, his breath warm against your neck.  
“Then what?” 
Jungkook looks at you for a moment, hopeful and alarmed all at once, and then his shoulders fall and he shrugs.  “It doesn’t matter,” he mumbles, quickly changing the subject to point to another of his friends who’s fallen asleep.  “That’s Kim Taehyung.  He’s in Hufflepuff like Hobi.  Did I get everyone?” 
You shrug.  “Dunno.”
Jungkook tilts his head, then mimics your actions.  “Whatever.  Are you sure you’re okay?” 
You blink at the unexpected question.  “Yeah.  Are you?” “No.”  Jungkook’s gaze turns serious.  “Are you sure you want to do this?”
Jungkook’s saying something, but he’s really asking about something deeper.  And like an idiot, you furrow your brow to try and figure out what, exactly, he’s talking about.  “I think so?”
Jungkook’s face falls.  In this moment you realize two things: one, you did not successfully read between the lines; and two, Jungkook can never look at you like that again unless he really wants you to suffer.  You’ve always had a soft-spot for him and he knows it.  But he’s quick to brighten, with an amused quirk of his lip, and he pokes you in the side.  “So what I’m hearing is that I owe you movie nights, chocolate frogs, and cauldron cakes?” 
You laugh, lightly shoving him in the side where you know he squirms.
“Careful, (Y/N),” Jungkook teases, “if you keep on acting like that I might just forget to give you everything.”
“Careful Jungkook,” you mimic, “if you keep on acting like this I might just forget to date you.”
Jungkook laughs again, eyes shutting from trying to stop the smile from further spreading up his face.  He’s so close that you can feel his breath coming out short next to your ear, and you can’t help but smile.
But at this point, you’re also really surprised at the close proximity between the two of you.  It’s not that it’s unusual per se, it’s just that Jungkook will normally surprise you with affection and then flounce away just as quickly.  It’s a random occurrence, one as unpredictable as the wind.  But he hasn’t moved yet, surprisingly, and it doesn’t look like he plans to.  At least, not for a while.  And even more surprising, is that you’re not complaining.  You’d even go to the extent of saying that standing like this with Jungkook is even nice.  
“You know,” you say, desperate to goad Jungkook even more, “you’re already flaking on your fake boyfriend duties.”
Jungkook raises an eyebrow.  The instant the words left your mouth, it’s like you’ve uttered a challenge into the air, and Jungkook’s looking at you like you’re the only thing that exists.  It’s obviously not meant to be one, but apparently Jungkook is all but willing to prove to you that he’s the best fake boyfriend you could ever have.
“You forgot cuddles,” you explain, an evil look on your face. 
Jungkook smirks and gleefully wraps his arms around your waist.  “I’m cuddling you right now.  I’m the best boyfriend, aren’t I?”
The gesture is so impulsive that you forget to breathe for a moment, and heat rushes to your face.  Jungkook starts to absent-mindedly trace a circular spiral against the side of your hip, and you prod him in the arm, laughing.  “Fake boyfriend.  And I meant after, dummy.  Not now.”
Jungkook makes a wounded sort of sound, then dramatically lets his arms fall back to his sides.  “Okay,” he teases, “I guess I should stop, then.”
“Wait no,” You say immediately, whirling around to face him.  Then, after seeing his reaction, you clamp your mouth shut.  “I mean --”
Jungkook smirks.  But despite the look on his face that clearly says, I’ve won, he’s glowing.  And Jungkook’s always been attractive, but right now, he looks so happy and so lost in the moment that you make a note to remember this memory and tuck it away in a small corner of your mind.  
You’ve always noticed that Jungkook’s eyes crinkle a little when he laughs, and he throws his head back for a second because apparently, seeing you flustered is oh, so amusing.  He runs a gentle finger up your arm so he can poke your shoulder.  “You look so betrayed.” 
You glare at him, feigning annoyance.  “Rude.”
With a cheeky part of his lips, Jungkook steps forward to wrap his arms around your waist again.  Except this time, he easily lifts you from the ground while staring up at you with amused doe-eyes.  “Still rude?”
How dare he.  Just because he’s taller than you, and just because he’s been working out, does not mean he can just pick you up whenever he wants.
“The meanest, rudest shit-faced --”
A happy laugh interrupts you.  “Woah, Jungkook!  Is this (Y/N)?”
You and Jungkook both turn towards the sound.
It’s Jimin.  He’s sporting a knowing grin, obviously pleased at what he’s witnessing.  “No one believed you were actually telling the truth,” he tells Jungkook, incredulously.  “I think I’ve just lost five galleons.”
Jungkook reluctantly sets you back down and gently slips his hand in yours.  He nods, enthusiastically, “This is (Y/N).”  And then, with a sour face, “I wish you’d lost ten.”
Jimin cheerfully introduces himself, and then to Jungkook, “do the others know?”
Jungkook’s gaze flickers to you, questioning if you’re okay with this.  But it’s really just counterproductive because at this point, there’s literally nothing he can do to stop it.  Something in your gaze must signify your slight irritation, and Jungkook snaps out of his daze and shakes his head.  “No, not yet.  But --”
With this answer, Jimin wastes no time in waving his arms and shouting something to their friends, the same group of boys you’d been observing earlier.  And they all, minus a sleeping Taehyung, quickly look over to the three of you with faces a mixture of confused, amused, or mildly irritated.  “Now they know,” Jimin says cheekily, as he runs across the room no doubt to explain everything, most likely about you being real.  
Jungkook squeezes your hand.  “You ready?”
You shrug.  While it is nice that Jungkook’s concerned for your well-being, you’re all too aware of the fact that this is his fault to begin with.  And honestly, no, you’re not ready.  Because you don’t want to do this.  You don’t want to sit through an awkward conversation with six boys you barely know.  
But Jungkook’s too absorbed in himself to remember to listen to your reaction.  “This is easy.  Easy, right?”  It’s more to himself than it is to you, and he takes a deep breath, bouncing a couple times on his heels. 
The first time Jungkook asked you to fake date him was for a favor with his extended family.  And then it was to win a bet with his Quidditch Team.  And then it was to convince this creepy person to leave him alone.  But it’s never been this long.  Or to this extent.
You settle with squeezing his hand again, shooting a sympathetic smile in his direction.  “Make the best of it, yeah?”
Jungkook nods, ashen.  “Yeah.”  But as soon as he meets your gaze and realizes the encouragement you’re sending him, he manages a smile.  “Yeah,” he says again, and this time it sounds somewhat hopeful. 
Thirty minutes later, and you’re pouring orange juice into your goblet and tearing into the treacle tart that the house elves deemed worthy enough to send up for breakfast.  Jungkook’s got a smudge of sugar on his chin, and you lean over to rub it off with the pad of your thumb, sending him a wink. 
Jungkook smiles and stifles a roll of his eyes because he knows all too well what you mean.  Best fake significant other ever, right?  He nods almost reluctantly, and you tap his shoe once with yours.  It’s part of the entire point system you’ve both developed because this reality of fake dating has become something so normal. 
(Y/N) (Y/L/N) fourteen points.  Jeon Jungkook sixteen points.
But other than that, it doesn’t cease to surprise you how welcoming Jungkook’s friends are. They’re actually really nice, and judging by the easy way they talk to each other and include you in the conversation, they actually seem genuinely happy to see that you’re dating Jungkook.  A few hours before, you’d definitely prepared for this whole encounter to be awkward as fuck.  But the boys seem comfortable around you, and what’s even more surprising: they seem to know little things about you and suspiciously haven’t messed up your name once.
You’ve been on the receiving end of meeting a friend’s new significant other, and you wouldn’t be lying if half of you struggled to remember their name and what exactly, they liked or disliked. 
But Yoongi’s familiarity feels like a safe haven.  And for that you’re so relieved.  Between bites of food and exchanging quips with the rest of the boys, you’re thanking your first year self for deciding to brave Yoongi, the quiet Slytherin boy sitting in the corner.  Because right now, being friends with both Yoongi and Jungkook definitely has its perks.  Maybe seeing you so comfortable around one of their maknaes and one of their hyungs makes you seem okay to the rest.  
But even so, you’re quick to glance at Yoongi in alarm as soon as the conversation takes its expected turn, which is, in fact, initiated as soon as Jin leans forward, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.  “So what I’m hearing is that you agreed to date our Jungkook?  Willingly?”
You stifle your alarm down and turn back to Jin, letting a mischievous look fill your eyes.  Meanwhile, Jungkook groans and lets out a sound of indignation in the back of his throat.  “Is it really that surprising that (Y/N) would date me?” 
You snort, matching Jin’s grin.  “No, I get it.  It surprised me, too.”
Jungkook kicks your leg and tries to push down the smile tugging at his lips.  Meanwhile the rest of the boys burst into laughter, while Yoongi shakes his head, his face falling into his hands.  
Apparently this is the right thing to say, because the warmth and acceptance that proudly rests atop Jin’s expression becomes clearly evident.  In his amusement, his hand falls into his syruped pancakes, something which goes oddly unnoticed as he turns proudly to Namjoon.  “She’s funny!”  And then, back to you, “Yah!  We’re glad our Jungkook found someone.  He’s a real romantic, you know?” 
Taehyung seems to wake up and blinks owlishly, bewilderedly lifting his head to join in the conversation.  “You might want to reconsider, (Y/N),” his voice slowly rises from the farther end of the group.  “He watches Titanic all the time.  It’s annoying.”
“It’s poetic cinema,” Jungkook corrects, seriously.  “It’s --” 
“What real love should be like.”  You mimic, reaching out to pinch his cheek.  “Don’t remind me.  He makes me watch it all the time.”
Jungkook turns to you, wide-eyed.  “You cried.”
You flush.  “Not because the movie!” 
“Oh, please.  What else would you be crying about?” 
Out the corner of your eye you watch as Yoongi regards this exchange with a raised eyebrow and smug smile.  “Top ten biggest anime betrayals.”
Jungkook breaks mid-rant to laugh at Yoongi’s quip, his face scrunching up adorably.  Then he straightens up and begins to argue about the iconic Rose and Jack scene, taking it upon himself to defend Titanic to anyone who disagrees. 
“It was big enough for both,” Hoseok frowns, already finished with his hot chocolate and starting on his second mug, sprinkling marshmallows into his drink..
You lean back, amused.  You’ve heard this rant many, many times. 
“They could not both fit on the raft,” Jungkook shoots back indignantly, “Rose would’ve drowned, and Jack wanted to sacrifice himself.”
“Dying is romantic?” 
“For her, yes?  It’s heartbreaking.”  
You can’t help but snicker.  Jungkook looks like Hoseok has suddenly started speaking an alien language.
“Would you die for me, Jungkook?” Jimin teases, slinging an arm around Jungkook and flashing him a coy smile.  
Jungkook laughs, a quick change from his previous mood.  “No.”
Yoongi smirks. “Would you die for (Y/N)?” 
Without missing a beat, Jungkook replies, “yes.”
You shrug, too busy chewing treacle tart.  
Hoseok turns to raise an eyebrow at Yoongi.  “They’re dating, what type of question is that?”
“But are they?” Jin teases, and Jungkook throws a grape at his head.  It’s at this exact moment that Jin notices the syrup all over his palm, and his mouth drops open.  He lets out a loud yelp, and the table erupts in laughter.  
“How did you not notice that?” Jimin says, in between laughs. 
Jin ignores Jimin and turns to narrow his eyes at the two of you.  “Jungkook, so aggressive!”
Meanwhile, the boy next to Jin, Namjoon you think, shakes his head, thoroughly amused.  “What did you expect?”
“Yah, it’s not the first time he’s done something like this! And I was just kidding.”
Not the first time he’s done something like this?  Does Jin know about this?
You sneak a look at Jungkook, who shrugs at you.  “It’s fine,” he murmurs to you.  “Something else.”
In the midst of chaos and being ignored, Jimin prods at Jungkook’s arm, curious.  “How did you two meet?”
For a moment panic flares across your expression.  You didn’t bother coming up with a back story because according to Jungkook, his friends wouldn’t give a shit about sentimental stuff.  According to Jungkook, as long as you were living proof, you were both fine.  No need to come up with backstories. 
No backstories, your ass. 
But Jungkook’s quick to answer.  You watch as a soft sort of smile tugs at his lips, and you can’t help but notice that when he starts talking, the light of the candles above the table reflect gently against his eyes, and the twinkle in his gaze almost resembles little stars.  “We met on the Hogwarts Express, second year,” he explains.  “And we’ve been best friends ever since.”
Oh my fucking god. 
You step on Jungkook’s foot, hard.  Jeon Jungkook has just made the biggest mistake in the history of fake dating ever, and you’re never listening to him again. 
With a hiss and a glimpse at your furious expression, Jungkook seems to realize what he’s done.  And as soon as the words leave his mouth, he makes a surprised sort of sound, his mouth forming a little ‘o’.  “Best friends until now!”
This is a lame save.  Jungkook should lose all his points. 
Jin snickers, pointing a syrupy finger at Jungkook.  “Oh, oh, did you hear that?”
“Jungkook slipped!”  Namjoon laughs, grinning widely.  
You let a little breath of relief escape your lips.  Because you can tell these friends of his are just teasing.  As you smile along with the rest of the boys, you turn to Jungkook, and then freeze.  
Jungkook’s pulling a face you know all too well.  And you’re sure these friends know it as well.  It’s his lying face, one that’s oh, so innocent, but you’re already starting to see the corners of his lips tugging up, and you panic.  If he starts smiling like that and dear god, laughing, you’re both screwed.  And you won’t get your share of chocolate frogs and galleons. 
“I’ve liked him ever since,” you jump in, not really processing what you’re saying.  “He came into my compartment when I was upset about my bruised knees, but he gave me his apple fritter and talked to me for the rest of the trip.  And then we were in a bunch of classes together, which was nice.  So it’s only natural that I fell in love with him.”
The boys grin at your confession and immediately turn to Jungkook, already loud and ready to tease the hell out of him.  Which you really don’t feel sorry for doing, since Jungkook’s managed to screw everything up so far.  Except Taehyung beats them all to it, disoriented and confused.  You’re surprised when he speaks to you, and not Jungkook.
“Apple fritter?  Do they sell those at the trolley?”
“They don’t,” you say, thinking about it for a moment.  “He gave it to me.  He must’ve made it.”
Jungkook doesn’t answer right away, his brows knit together and spacing out.  You’re about to tap him on the shoulder until Jin scowls. 
“Wait,” he says, suspiciously, “you said apple fritter?  When Jungkook was in, let's say, second year?” 
You nod, thinking about it.  “Yeah.  It was a really cute apple fritter, too.  It had powdered sugar and was shaped like a rabbit.”  You snicker, turning to Jungkook.  “And this is even more hilarious because it’s your own fault that I think you look like one.”
Jin’s ears turn red.  “Jungkook!  Explain yourself!”
“Jin-hyung, it’s not the end of the world,” Jungkook says sheepishly, not meeting your gaze and running a hand through his hair. 
“Not the end of the world?” Jin continues, affronted.  “You didn’t even try it!”
“You always told me to think of other people!” Jungkook blurts out, eyes wide.  
“That’s … not the point,” Jin says, fighting to keep the proud smile from tugging at the corner of his mouth.  He turns to you instead, searching for help.  “Jungkook told me the apple fritter I made for him was good.  He even convinced me to bake it for Youngseo, but it turns out he didn’t even try it!”
“Maybe that’s why she broke up with you,” Namjoon teases gently, and Jin whacks him in the back of the head.  
“To be fair,” you tilt your head to the side, “it was really good.  I ate it all in like, a minute.”
Jin’s smile grows and he shrugs.  “I guess it’s fine, then.”  He narrows his eyes at Jungkook.  “You, however…”
“That’s so romantic.” Jimin’s still paying attention, with his head propped up on the table.  “Jungkook never told us about that.”
Hoseok frowns.  “He didn’t?  I’m sure he did.”
Jungkook’s still unresponsive.
And when you turn to him, confused to why he’s gone radio-silent, you realize he’s too busy staring at you curiously, his eyes wide and doe-like as he tries to wrap his head around this new piece of information.  
You frown at him and nudge him with your elbow. 
“You mean it?” He murmurs, lips parted.
It’s half true.  He did give you that apple fritter on the first day you both became friends, and you do love Jungkook, in your own special way.  You suffice with raising an incredulous eyebrow at him.  
“Jungkook?” Namjoon says, with a big, goofy smile.
“Oh, oh!  Jungkook!” 
“He’s too in love,” Taehyung says, entirely unabashed and grinning a boxy sort of smile now that he’s woken up.  “I don’t know why we were so surprised about this.”  His smile falters, and he frowns slightly.  “Shouldn’t we leave them alone?”
“No,” Yoongi says matter-of-factly, as he continues to cut his toast in triangles, “they’re both liars, and they’re up to something.”
Your mouth drops open.  Min Yoongi is a dead man.  Next time in Potions there’s no way that you are ever letting him slack off on you again.  
Hoseok elbows Yoongi in the side, giving him a dirty look for you.  “Shh!”  Then Hoseok turns to you with a bright smile.  “I’m Hoseok,” he says, giving you a wave, “Jungkook talks about you all the time.”
Jungkook shakes his head, startled, and his cheeks turn pink.  “Wait, hyung, don’t --”
Hoseok grins, not taking the hint.  Or refusing to.  Either way works for you.  “He talks about you so much that it feels like we all know you already.”  Hoseok clears his throat, his grin growing even larger.  “We already know your favorite movie,” his voice turns smug, and he starts counting down on his fingers, “and favorite food, funny things you said, and all the times you spend with Jungkook because he won’t shut up about it.  It’s kind of annoying, actually.”
You can’t help the surprise that flashes across your face.  “He talks about me?”
“Yeah,” Hoseok says.  “What’s surprising to me is that he took this long to ask you out.  I mean, if you’ve liked him since second year … ”  He turns to the rest of the boys, as if to have them back him up.  “Well, it’s a relief, isn’t it?”
The rest of their friends nod, joining in with a chorus of “yeahs” and “good riddance” and “our maknae is growing up”.
What is going on? 
You turn to Jungkook, confused.  Your mouth opens in indignation, but you falter.  Jungkook’s too busy not meeting your gaze, clearly embarrassed and quite frankly, terrified.  You lightly nudge him with your foot, concerned.  “Kook?” 
“Please don’t read into it,” he offers quietly, not fully engrossed in the conversation.  You watch as he rocks back and forth, his arm slipping from the table as he focuses on fussing with his hands. 
As you watch Jungkook, your heart hurts.  You’ve seen him like this multiple times, but never did you think you’d be the cause of it.  There’s no question about how incredibly vulnerable Jungkook looks in this moment, and something clenches your heart as you watch the way heat rises to his face from shame.  In fact, you hate it.  You’re already reaching over without thinking, your hand gently slipping into his and tracing little circles into his palm. 
Jungkook’s eyes widen.  When he finally meets your gaze, his lips part.  His bottom lip wobbles as he tries to figure out what to say, an apology most likely, but you shake your head.  
“Okay,” you whisper.  “I won’t.”
Jungkook lets that soft, hesitant smile you’re so in love with tug at the corners of his lips. 
And when you squeeze his hand, he squeezes back.
- - 
After breakfast, Jungkook walks with you to your next class, scuffing his feet against the ground.  The walk is full of scattered conversation and relief from being out of the Great Hall, but there are also moments of sporadic silence because there’s so much to process. 
There’s no way Jungkook’s getting out of this one, where he talks about you all the time.  In fact, you’ve got half a mind to ask him about it, but then you remember the embarrassed way he reacted, and you set towards thinking about it properly.
I mean, you’ve talked to your friends about Jungkook all the time.  You’ve also told your friends a lot about Yoongi, and that doesn’t mean you like him.  More likely than not, Jungkook’s probably talked about you because you’re such close friends.  In fact, you’ve both had your fair share of funny moments, and inside jokes, so it’s only natural. 
But as you two keep walking, getting closer and closer to your destination, your mind is somewhere else.  Anywhere but here, and the dry conversation you’re engaging with Jungkook, about the weather, of all things. 
I’ve liked him ever since. It’s only natural that I fell in love with him.
It was just a spur of the moment thought, wasn’t it?  Something you just blurted out in order to fill the silence and to fit the lie, right?  At least, that’s what you’d intended it to be. 
And this time, when Jungkook meets your gaze again and smiles, albeit a little shyly at you, the corners of his eyes crease and you feel warmth, warmth everywhere.
When you both reach the entrance to the Transfiguration Classroom, Jungkook lingers by the door, running a hand through his hair.  “You’re a good actor.  I almost messed everything up today.”
You’d be an idiot to miss the frustration in his voice, and you’re quick to reassure him.  You’re fairly sure he’s beating himself up over it, when he very well shouldn’t, and you reach out to squeeze his shoulder.  
“It wasn’t that bad.”
Jungkook raises an unimpressed eyebrow, and it’s clear he doesn’t believe you. 
“No, honestly!  I didn’t even have to act.”
Jungkook studies you for a moment.  “You didn’t?” 
Your mind goes miles per second trying to think of an excuse, and you can tell Jungkook’s watching curiously, which only makes more heat rush to your face.  “Well, you already told them so much about us, that I think they were just trying to mess with us.  I think they believed us.”
“Oh,” Jungkook says, and it almost sounds a little disappointed.  “Yeah, sorry about that.”
“Don’t be.  I’ll see you after class.”  You turn to step through the arched door, but Jungkook grabs your hand.  
“Wait.”  He quickly lets his hand drop back to his side, but you’re waiting, a question in your eyes.  “Did you mean it?”
You know exactly what Jungkook is talking about.  But playing dumb has always worked to your advantage, especially in these very frequent fake-dating situations, and you feign confusion.  “What?” 
Jungkook’s struggling to meet your eyes, and he stumbles over his words. “When you said ... when you said you liked me ever since.  Did you mean it?”  He’s standing so stiff and when he looks up at you eagerly afterward, his eyes are wider than you’ve seen them.  
But why does he have to bring this up now?  You knew getting into this would just lead to bad news, and you’re a few steps away from ruining your friendship if Jungkook keeps prying.  You can’t deal with this right now.  With an awkward cough, you start walking backwards into the classroom.  “Bye, Jungkook, let’s talk tomorrow.”
“No, wait.”  He tries to reach for you again, but you’re too quick and slip between the doors of the Transfiguration classroom.  You don’t think you’ve ever gotten to your seat this quickly before, but dire situations call for extreme needs.  Relief floods over you as soon as you snag the chair by the window because you think you’re safe, but this is Jeon “rules don’t apply to me” Jungkook, and you should’ve known better.  
The chair next to you slides backward and you’re startled as Jungkook clears his throat beside you, upset.  “Let’s talk now.”
“Oh my god,” you whisper frantically, “you’re not allowed in here.”
“You didn’t answer me,” he pleads, as if that’s justification enough.
It takes all your willpower to attempt to ignore him.  “I told you I’ll talk tomorrow.”
Jungkook sighs, fiddling with his hands.  For a while it seems like he’ll leave, but then he turns to you, a bold intensity in his eyes that you haven’t seen before.  “No, you won’t.  You’ll just push it aside, and we’re going to keep doing this over and over again.”
“Yeah,” you say gently, “because you keep dragging me into things like this.  You know, I might seem good at this, but fake dating really isn’t my forte.”
“No, (Y/N).  That’s not ... ” Jungkook whispers painfully.  Then he blinks.  “What about real dating?”
You flip through your textbooks, huffing.  “We’ve already been over this, Jungkook.  No one likes me like that.”
“That’s not true.” 
You turn to raise an unimpressed eyebrow.  But Jungkook’s so serious, his eyes wide and his voice sharper than you’ve heard before.  He sounds brutally honest, almost like he’s trying to convince you to see something, but you shake your head.  
“What do you want?” 
Jungkook sighs, running a hand through his hair and nervously biting his lip. “Can you just tell me?” 
Why does Jungkook want to know so badly if you have a crush on him?  You’re terrified that you’re minutes away from ruining your friendship with him forever.  He wants this “yes” or “no” answer, but there’s so many layers to this, and it’s too much for a passing period with two minutes left before class.  You can’t give it to him. 
“I’m scared, Koo.”
Jungkook’s eyes soften.  Right now he’s looking at you like you’re the only thing that matters in the world.  He takes your hand gently, and the tender way he’s treating you makes your heart ache.  Your hand fits so nice in his.
“You don’t have to be.”
The student who sits next to you timidly taps Jungkook on the shoulder, but he doesn’t turn around.  It’s like he hasn’t even registered this, and he’s only focused on you.  “Please?”  The way he says it is so pained, so ragged, and it breaks your heart.
The student moves away instantly, already sensing that this is not a conversation they want to be part of.  And honestly, you don’t want it either. 
You struggle to make words as Jungkook runs his thumb in circles across the back of your palm. “You’re in someone’s seat.”
“I don’t care.”
It’s so absurd, and you want to throw your hands up in frustration or laugh.  Anything to get you out of this.  If this is his way of finding some leverage over you so he won’t have to give you chocolate frogs or cuddles, he could’ve just said so. 
“Why do you want to know so badly?”
Jungkook bites his lip, running his thumb across your palm.  He’s tracing some design, using you as a way to replace the fiddling of his own hands whenever he’s nervous.  There’s something he looks like he wants to say, but by the way he’s sitting you can tell he’s all too aware of the amount of people who are around the two of you, listening. 
You speak for him.  “I can’t talk right now.”
“Why are you so intent on pushing me away?” 
You frown.  “What?” 
“(Y/N), please --.”
“Don’t, Jungkook.”
Jungkook drops your hand like you’ve burned him.  The look he sends you is full of disappointment, but underneath it all, there’s this startling vulnerability from being rejected, and you immediately want to cradle his face and reassure him that you didn’t mean it.  Not like that.  
“Jungkook,” you whisper. 
He just shrugs quickly, and quietly pushes back the chair he was sitting in.  With a murmur of a genuine apology to the person who’s been inconspicuously loitering at a desk a few spots away, he leaves the classroom just as quickly as he entered. 
You let your face fall into your hands.  (Y/N) (Y/L/N), human disaster.
- - 
Like Jungkook says, you don’t bring it up the next time you see him.  He doesn’t either; although you can see how it bubbles at the tip of his tongue, and from the pained gaze he directs at you when he thinks you aren’t paying attention. 
He makes sure you see his pouty face, however.  This pout succeeds in making you feel incredibly guilty, and you have half-a-mind to bring up yesterday’s conversation because Jungkook is just so good at making you do whatever he wants. 
On the other hand, he’s been swinging your arm and trying to get you to play Truth or Dare for the past hour.  And each time, you have not missed the chance to tell him that he is utterly shameless.  This earns you a sigh and a half-smile, with a murmured, “worth a try.”
When you slip in the seat a few days later next to Jungkook at the Great Hall, you’re absent-mindedly flipping through a magazine from Madame Maximes, hyper-analyzing the movement of blue chiffon robes in the moving picture.  “Now’s the hard part.  What to get,” you muse, not really intending to hear an answer. 
But Jungkook does, in fact, answer, and you’re very glad you’re sitting because what he says makes you go weak in the knees.  “I don’t really care what you wear because you always look beautiful.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, hoping your cheeks aren’t flaming.  “Did you pick up some flirting tips from Jin?”
Jungkook blinks, affronted.  Apparently, he thinks “flirting tips from Jin” mean something insincere, and he tries to make you understand.  “No, no, no!  I was telling the truth!  You always look nice,” he says, his voice falling quieter.  “I mean it.”
“Of course, I look nice,” you tease automatically, but then frown.  You turn to Jungkook, confused. “You mean it?” 
Jungkook turns to you, and despite the cheerful smile on his face, you think he looks a little sad.  “Yeah.  I always mean what I say to you.”
Jungkook’s words hurt your heart, and you reach out to him.  “Jungkook … ”
He sighs, then turns to you intensely.  “Do you like me?” 
You can’t breathe.
Jungkook waits patiently.  But his eyes are wide and his foot bounces up and down underneath the table in nervousness. 
“Um.” You’re too busy looking around for an escape route, and relief floods across your face when you see an exhausted Yoongi trudging toward the Slytherin table wearing the beanie and hoodie combination he only wears when he’s studying and grumpy. 
“Yes,” you tell Jungkook, “you’re my best friend.”  You stand up, “I’ve gotta go work with Yoongi on our Potions project.”
“You’re kidding, right? Wait, you can’t just leave!”
You shoot him an apologetic glance. 
“If you leave, I’m not talking to you again,” Jungkook pouts. 
That’s completely fine. 
As you sink into the bench across Yoongi, he doesn’t acknowledge your presence, merely pulls his hoodie-strings tighter as he lets his head fall atop his textbook. 
After a while he mumbles against the book, “Why’re you here?” 
“Because I missed my friend?” You reach for an orange in the middle of the table, beginning to peel it. 
“Ah,” Yoongi says, not convinced, “and I suppose that’s why Jungkook looks like he wants to kill me?”
You whirl around, and Jungkook is, in fact, staring at the two of you.  There’s a betrayed pout on his face, and when he sees you looking his eyes widen and he drops his gaze to look very intently at his piece of buttered toast. 
He can’t stop looking, though, and when he meets your gaze again his eyebrows knit together.  He’s staring at you like you’ve done something terribly wrong, and he can’t believe you.
You sigh, turning back to face Yoongi and instead notice only one slice of orange on your plate.  The rest of your freshly peeled and sliced orange is currently in Yoongi’s mouth as he chews unabashedly.
You smile, venomously.  “If Jungkook doesn’t kill you, I will.”  
“Survival of the fittest,” Yoongi mumbles in between a mouthful of your orange.  “Go sit with your boyfriend and plot murder.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you snap. 
Yoongi raises a smug eyebrow, still chewing.  “Oh, shit.” 
“I mean,” you mumble, “I’m just kidding.” 
“Don’t waste your breath.  I know.”
“Okay, well don’t say anything.  He’s so frustrating,” you whine, giving Yoongi a weak smile at the new peeled orange he nonchalantly places on your plate.  “He keeps asking me to fake-date him.  Why’d I say yes?”
Yoongi chuckles.  “Probably not your best moment.”
“A few minutes ago, he asked me if I liked him.  Does he want to ruin our friendship?”
Yoongi’s head snaps up, interested.  “Did you tell him you did?”  
“What? Why would I tell him I like him when I don’t? Are you insane?”
“Now,” Yoongi sighs, “this is why Jungkook’s in Ravenclaw, and you’re not.”
You scowl.  “I’m plenty smart.”
“Maybe so,” Yoongi says, in-between spoonfuls of cheeri-owls, and you’re confused to how he’s filled up a bowl without you noticing, “but romantically?  Hard pass.”
- - 
In the meantime, you’ve been spending lots of time with Jungkook’s friends.  It’s surprising, considering that none of Jungkook’s exes ever hung out with that group, but somehow his friends have all fully accepted you and taken you under their wing without you having to lift a finger.
Hoseok walks with you from Herbology and sometimes he’ll sneak you pastries from the Kitchens, since the Hufflepuff Common Room is next door.  You pay him back with funny stories about Jungkook, and his laughter makes everything worth it.
“I don’t understand why we never talked before,” Hoseok will say, while swinging his arms in the air.  “Why didn’t we ever talk?”
You’ll shrug, smiling.  “No clue.”
“Don’t break up with Jungkook,” Hoseok pleads to you with wide eyes, “because I like hanging out with you.”
Taehyung’s in your divination class, and you’re surprised about why you never noticed him sooner.  He’s quick to decipher the tea leaves at the bottom of your cup, and most of what it says seems like utter nonsense, like when Taehyung gleefully reads that you’ve got years of love in your imminent future.
“You and Jungkook will be happy for years,” Taehyung will say.  “He’s so in love with you.”
“No,” you laugh.
“Oh.  I mean, we’ll be happy forever,” you stammer, and Taehyung buys into your lie like honey. 
“I hope so.  He’s never been more serious about someone before.”  Taehyung shoots you a boxy grin.  “You know, he dated a bunch of people, but it was always to forget about you.  That’s why they never worked out.  Don’t tell him I told you, he made me swear.”
Yoongi teases you about Jungkook and your “relationship” because he says he’s too intuitive to fall for your tricks.  What he does do, however, is repeatedly tell you over and over that Jungkook is head-over-heels in love with you, and you have to smack him in the shoulder to get him to stop. 
Namjoon and Jin are in your astronomy class, and Namjoon’s quick to learn and hides the fact that you and Jin fall asleep in the corner and pay absolutely no attention.  He’ll go over notes later and amusedly explains the alignment of the constellations and what the two of you’ve missed.  On the days that Jin does stay awake, he packs a bunch of food from the kitchens and lets the two of you share with him.  It’s like a big potluck, with Jin’s food, Namjoon’s notes, and your blankets.
Jimin and you end up passing notes in History of Magic, because it’s so boring.  Professor Binns could care less, and really, what’s the worst that could happen if you do get caught?  He’s dead. 
Jungkook can’t stay away for too long, and after apologizing, things seem normal.  Things seem nice, and you wish that this were all real. 
“Are you ready for tomorrow?” Jungkook says, smiling at you.
You nod.  
But are you?  For one, you’re excited to go to a dance with Jungkook, but at the same time this marks the end of your act, the end of getting to hold Jungkook’s hand or rest your head against his shoulder, or feel his arms wrap around your waist.
Who knows how long it’ll be before he pulls another one of these stunts?  And what you’re most afraid of is that maybe he won’t.  Maybe this will be the last opportunity you’ll ever have to be close to Jungkook in a way that’s not just friends. 
- - 
“Wow,” is what you had expected to hear from Jungkook when you met him at the bottom of the steps of the Great Hall.  Maybe even a, “you look great”, if you were lucky.  You didn’t expect to hear absolutely nothing. 
Jungkook stares at you, his eyes wide and lips parted.  He’s speechless, and it seems like he’s completely spaced out. 
“Jungkook?” You prod his arm gently, “You alright?” 
Jungkook tilts his head a little to the side, still gazing at you with starry eyes.  “I’m dreaming, right?”  
You laugh.  “I hope not.  Because that would mean I’m also dreaming.”
“Ah,” Jungkook says, regaining a little of his normal sense of self, “but maybe that wouldn’t be so bad?  If I knew you were also dreaming of me?”  There’s a playful lilt to his voice, and his eyes seem to sparkle just a bit.  He holds his arm out, then looks at you with a smile.  “Ready?”
“We’re gonna crush this fake-dating thing.”  You slip your hand through his arm, leaning forward to whisper into his ear.  
“Fake?”  Jungkook’s smile falters, and you swear you see his cheeks flush.  But then he lets out a laugh, and you’re not so sure.  “Oh, definitely.”  He sets his jaw determinedly.  “By the end of it, maybe we’ll even be a real couple.”
A real couple?  Is this the same Jungkook?  The same Jungkook who you accidentally friendzoned twice?
You furrow your eyebrows.  “What?  Jungkook --”
He cuts you off with a disarming smile, and you can tell it’s for show, but then he shyly leans forward to press his lips to your temple.  “People are watching, (Y/N).  You might not like it, but right now I’m the best boyfriend you’ve ever had.”  
You can’t help but intake a breath, your eyes widening. “I never said I didn’t like spending time with you,” you grumble.  But even this doesn’t come out right, because even though you’ve pretended to date Jungkook before, once he touches you, you melt in his hands.  
Unfortunately for you, this doesn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook, and a faint smirk tugs at his lips.  “(Y/N)”, he teases, “if that’s how you react when I kiss you on the forehead, you’re not going to last very long in this relationship.”
This is so not the time. 
You roll your eyes, playfully nudging him with your shoulders.  “You’re one to talk.  You want me so bad that once we got around to doing it, you wouldn’t last a minute.” 
Jungkook just laughs, shaking his head.  He looks beautiful tonight, the tips of his hair turquoise if you stare at it hard enough, and the dress robes he wears fit just right, the lapels accenting his outfit and shimmering just a little in the light.
“I would last more than a minute,” Jungkook mumbles, cheeks flushing.
You raise a teasing eyebrow at him.  “Would you?” 
Jungkook’s gone red.  
“I like your hair,” you say, truthfully.  “It looks pretty.”
“Yeah,” you smile.  “It suits you.”
“Oh,” Jungkook says softly, and this time it looks like it’s hard for him to speak.  “I’m glad you like it.”
As the two of you enter the Great Hall, a breath escapes your lips as you look around at the chandeliers dusted with ice, silver and blue accenting every part of the castle.  Soft music lulls sweetly in the air, and Jungkook watches you, an awestruck look washing over his face.
“It’s beautiful,” you say, still marveling at the transformation of the room.
“Yeah,” Jungkook whispers, “beautiful.”
You turn to look at him, now, and the dress robes he’s wearing really do fit in all the right places.  There’s a bit of shimmering fabric that stretches from his sleeves to the floor in a flourish, but the rest seems to resemble dark dragon-scales and you impulsively run your fingers across his arm, curious about the texture. 
“It’s pretty,” you say again, like a broken record.
Jungkook’s blushing, now.  His arm trembles slightly, and he gazes at you with a curious, gauging expression.  
You immediately draw your hand back.  “Sorry!  It just looked nice.”
“You don’t have to stop,” Jungkook says shyly.  “It was nice.  I don’t mind.”
“If you say so.”  You reach for his arm again to examine the intricacy of his sleeves.  If you turn his arm left and right in the light, sometimes the scales flicker, and it nearly looks like flame.
“Did you get Joon to charm this?” 
“No, I did.”
You stop admiring his serpent rings to gape at him. “What?”
“I don’t have the best grades, but I’ve been practicing doing fun spells instead.” He grins proudly, rubbing the back of his neck with his other hand.  “I can do all sorts of cool spells.”
“The only reason you don’t have good grades is because you only do things you like,” you tease. 
“Yeah,” Jungkook smiles brightly, nudging you, “just like how I only spend time with people I like.”
“I knew it was a good idea to be best friends with a Ravenclaw.” You look at him with wide eyes.  “Can you charm my sleeve to shimmer?  Like stars?” 
Jungkook throws his head back and sighs dramatically.  Then he laughs under his breath, shaking his head to smile at you fondly.  “I could.  But I wouldn’t need to, because I think you shine brighter than any star.”
“You think?” 
“I know.”
“Nice,” you say, smiling, looking down.  “Smooth.”
“No,” Jungkook slightly tilts his head.  “Honest.”
Your head snaps up.  It looks like he’s about to say something else, but then Hoseok and Jin come bounding over towards the two of you, smiling brightly.
Hoseok offers Jungkook a glass of what looks like cherry syrup and soda, with ice and an umbrella, and when Jungkook takes a sip, his eyes widen.  You stifle a smile, because you’ve always found it adorable whenever that expression crosses his face.  But this time instead of bliss, he wrinkles his nose, and offers it to you.  “Too sweet.” 
“And you’re giving it to me?”  You shake your head in amusement, turning to Hoseok.  “Is there Gillywater up there by any chance?”
“We’re breaking up,” Jungkook says, mortified. 
Hoseok laughs.  “Nope, although there is a nice selection of festive eggnog.  And mistletoe.”
You and Jungkook turn to each other with amusement.  There’s a story about eggnog that the two of you are all too eager to forget. 
Jin waves to you, then claps Jungkook on the back. “Normally I would stay to tease you, but I’ve got a date almost as beautiful as me, and I plan to shower them with all my love.”  He drags Hoseok by the elbow, “Let’s leave the lovebirds alone, Hobi.”
“Remember what I said about the mistletoe,” Hoseok calls as Jin drags him away.
You turn to Jungkook, all ready to crack a joke about how the two of you both got sick for days after drinking too much eggnog, but you’re confused at the way he bites his lip and stares at his feet, seemingly lost in thought.  He looks almost … sad. 
“Are you okay?”
Jungkook nods slowly, then turns back to you, smiling gently.  “Are you?” 
You nod, all too familiar with his automatic response. “I am, but that’s not --”
Jungkook shrugs, and a heavy silence settles between the two of you.  It’s clear he doesn’t want to talk about it, and after being friends with Jungkook for years, you know that there’s no way to get him to talk about something if he doesn’t want to.  You’re not one to push him, either, not if he’s not ready.
“Are you sad you don’t have a real date?” 
Jungkook’s eyes widen.  “What?” 
“You know, what Jin said.”
Jungkook sighs.  “It’s complicated.”  He takes another look at you, almost as if he’s trying to decipher something written across your face.  “I’m sad that the person I like won’t tell me they like me back.”
“That person’s dumb,” you say.  
Jungkook laughs, quietly.  “I wouldn’t say that.  Just stubborn.”
You nudge him, offering a sympathetic smile.  “Do you want to dance?  Take your mind off it?” 
Jungkook’s face lights up, and he nods enthusiastically, welcoming the change in subject.  “Yeah.”
He grabs your hand and tugs you toward the dance floor, where The Weird Sisters is blasting.
You and Jungkook lose yourselves in the music, letting loose to the rhythm.  You’re bobbing your head, letting your arms sway around, and then you watch as Jungkook does some cool dance move that you try to replicate, and fail, miserably. 
Jungkook laughs at you, his eyes terribly fond, and he reaches for your arms, attempting to help you recreate what he’s just performed. 
“No, no,” he manages in between laughs, “you’ve got to move your hips forward a bit and then roll your shoulders back.” 
“There’s no hope for me.”  You grin at him.  “What’s the best you can do, huh?”
Jungkook’s eyes gleam as soon as you say that, and soon he’s dancing to the music, hair glowing turquoise at the tips, and you can’t tear your gaze away from him. 
He’s almost one with the music, and it’s a terrible song, but somehow Jungkook manages to create choreography to it that’s thrilling and beautiful and -- you frown.  He’s close to the ground, leaning backward and you just know that requires immense strength and ugh.  Now, he’s just showing off. 
You shake your head and smirk, watching amusedly as Jungkook bounces back up, raising an eyebrow at you.  “How’s that?” 
“It’s okay, I guess.”
Jungkook’s eyes spark.  “Okay?”  He steps closer, teasing, easily merging into dance moves that are a bit more risque, and your jaw drops.  You’re floored for a moment, until you remember to respond, all too aware of Jungkook’s smug grin. 
“I take it that was just okay, too?” 
“Fine.” You sigh. “You could kill anyone with your dancing.”
“Even you?” 
You laugh.  “You want me dead that bad?”
“Not dead,” Jungkook says, “just impressed.  Flustered would be nice.”
“Come on,” you reach for Jungkook’s hand, “let’s grab something to eat.  I’m starving.”
Jungkook smiles fondly at you, and follows you.  There’s trouble getting through the crowd, but just as you’re about to leave the dance floor, Jungkook stops.
“What, did you want to dance more?” 
The gaze on Jungkook’s face stops you.  You’re not expecting to see softness on his face, and you definitely don’t expect his grip on your hand to lessen so that his fingers gently trace against yours.  “Wait (Y/N),” he murmurs, curiously. 
When you take the moment to stop and think about what Jungkook’s talking about, you hear it.  The music’s changed, somehow.  Guitar riffs have turned into sweet strings, lulling through the air melodically.  
It’s so cliche, and it’s so well-timed, and you feel your breath get caught in your throat.  As you stand there, halfway out of the crowd and halfway amid the dancing couples, it’s like there’s a divide between the known and unknown, friends and not-friends, a gentle cord tugging between you and Jungkook and freezing time until you decide, decide, decide.  You’ve never done well at trusting your intuition, but right now you allow yourself to step forward, to come closer, to let go.  In your stupor you allow Jungkook to gently pull you back to the dance floor, where he rests your hand on his shoulder.  “Have you waltzed before?” 
“I didn’t practice,” you mumble weakly.  “I didn’t think I’d need to.” 
“Follow my lead, then.” Jungkook lightly rests his hand on the small of your back, and when he takes your other hand in his, you focus your gaze on his feet, trying not to step on him.
“Forward, left, back,” Jungkook murmurs patiently, gazing intently at you.  “Yes!  Just like that.  Now right, forward, left …” 
When you look up, you freeze.  There’s emotion reflected in Jungkook’s eyes, and you’re so close you can see the smile building at the corners of his lips.  He’s so beautiful, oh my god.  The proximity makes you nervous, and you hope Jungkook understands that it’s not that you don’t like dancing with him, but that he’s doing something to you that makes you want to jeopardize everything.  And that’s very bad.  
“It’s okay,” Jungkook reassures after a while, almost like he can read your mind.  “We can just sway for now, if you want.”
You nod, trying to muster a smile.  “Kook, you should’ve brought someone who can dance.  You shouldn’t have roped yourself into taking me.”
“I wouldn’t have gone.”
This surprises you.  “What?”
Jungkook shrugs, almost embarrassed.  “I wouldn’t have come without you.”
“Why?”  You furrow your brows.  “Everyone loves you.”
Jungkook doesn’t seem to like where this conversation is going, because he fidgets, biting his lip.  “Not everyone.”
“Well, I think you’re amazing.”
“You do?” 
“Real-- oomph!”  Someone bumps into you and you stumble forward, your feet tangling together.  You wince, half expecting to fall or knock Jungkook over, but he steadies you, his hands warm against your shoulders.
You’re so much closer, now.  You’re pressed right against his chest with his arms around you, and your lips are a breath apart.
Jungkook lets out a little sound of surprise, but he makes no motion to move.  His eyes flicker across your face, almost like he’s trying to take everything in.
You’re struggling to think because he’s so beautiful right now.  You’re glad his arms are supporting you because you can feel his warmth, and you want to stay right here, forever. 
“(Y/N),” Jungkook whispers, emotions battling across his face.  He’s gazing at you with his familiar doe-eyes, but this time they’re full of unimaginable yearning.  It softens his features, and you watch as he tries to select one feeling, but can’t figure out which one to choose.  You watch as his familiar mask tries to blend everything over with a grin, but instead what wins out is a hesitant smile, one that’s careful and fond and vulnerable.  
“Are you going to run away from me again?” 
You’re too stunned to reply. 
“Please don’t,” Jungkook whispers, his voice catching in his throat.  “I don’t think I can handle it if you push me away again.”
It’s like you’ve lost the ability to speak.  You’re confused right now, emotions phasing across your face as quickly as they come.
The gap between the two of you is almost non-existent, and Jungkook’s forehead gently rests against yours.  He tilts his head a little, leaning in slowly, his lips barely brushing against the corner of your mouth.  “Tell me to stop.”
A shiver runs down your spine, and your eyes go wide. 
Jungkook’s eyes flutter open to gauge your reaction, an unspoken question passing between the two of you.  He leans forward slightly, his lips like a soft brush of air against yours. 
Is this okay?
Someone familiar screeches.  You pull back immediately, like you’ve been stung.  Your gaze snaps to the left where Jimin and Taehyung are grinning at the two of you, holding giant thumbs up.
Oh.  Of course. 
Jungkook notices your evident shut down, and he frowns, immediately concerned.  “(Y/N)?” 
You won’t look at him, your arms wrapping around yourself as you keep your gaze peeled to the corner where his friends are grinning widely.  The whole point of fake-dating was to convince people, but as of right now, you’d never realized how far Jungkook would actually go to convince his friends.  You should’ve never agreed to this. 
When Jungkook sees where you’re looking, horror crosses his face.  “Wait, that’s not why --”
“You can’t just kiss people.” You blink furiously, pulling away from him.  “Look, Jungkook, I’m tired of fake-dating you. I know you don’t care, but you can’t -- you can’t play with my feelings like that.”
Jungkook stares at you like he’s caught in a daze.  “Your feelings?” 
“Yes, Jungkook.  My feelings.  Every single time you ask me to do this, I always say yes, because god, I … I love you so fucking much.”  
Jungkook’s mouth drops open, his eyes wide. 
Your eyes go almost as wide after hearing what you’ve just admitted.  “Huh,” you laugh.  “Ironic.” Something starts to gnaw at your throat, and you’re taking steps away from Jungkook, suddenly bolting from the ball.
Everything’s so exhausting.  You’re tired of this whole thing, upset that you’ve officially ended your “fake-dating” even though it kills you. You’re terrified that you’ve scared Jungkook away, horrified that you’ll have to do even more pretending to hide your feelings, angry that you’ll never be more than friends, humiliated that Jungkook thinks kissing you in public will seal this whole fake-dating thing just for him to forget about it the next morning. 
Except that’s not true. 
Jungkook catches up to you outside the Great Hall, blocking your path.  “Stop.”
“Leave me alone.”
“Do you really not understand?” 
“Just forget it.  I didn’t want to screw everything up.”
That’s it.  You open your mouth to snap at him, but Jungkook’s too fast. 
“Do you know why I kept asking you to do these things for me?” 
You blink, confused.  What?
“I could’ve asked anyone to do it.  I asked you,” Jungkook prompts, begging you to understand.  Do you see, now?  His gaze pleads.
“That’s because we’re best friends.” 
“No,” Jungkook says slowly, like he’s explaining this to a four-year-old.  “I asked you because you’re someone I would want to date.  If it were real.  And I thought that maybe if I kept asking you, then maybe we would just somehow start dating for real without me having to do anything.”
All the anger fades out of you.  “What?”
“(Y/N),” Jungkook says, gently, “When I asked you to kiss me on the cheek that day at the Quidditch Match it wasn’t to make anyone jealous.  It was because I always do better around you.  I want to do better for you.”
You’re too stunned to speak.
Jungkook mistakes it for not comprehending, and he sighs, softly laughing.  “I love you, (Y/N).  I asked you to fake date me because I love you.  All my friends know about you because you’re the most interesting person I know.  I’m always thinking about you.  When I kissed you, a few minutes ago, it was because I wanted to.”  He lets out a breath, his eyes dazed. 
You stare at Jungkook in disbelief. 
“And I really, really want to be your boyfriend.  For real.”
“I’m so lost.  You’re serious?”
Jungkook sighs, amusedly rolling his eyes.  “So serious.  You’re unbelievable.  I thought you were doing it for show, but did you actually think I just liked you as a friend?” 
“Want to cash in one of our monthly food and movie nights?  I’ve got instant noodles from home.” 
Jungkook laughs, then smiles at you with the fondest expression you’ve ever seen.  “Okay.”  He steps closer to you, his arms wrapping around your waist.  “But first I want to do this.”
“Can it wait, because I really want to watch --”
Jungkook surges forward and kisses you, his arms tightening around you almost as if he’s afraid you’ll run away.  You suck in a breath, blood rushing to your face.  And when your lips part and you finally kiss him back, he lets out a sound from the back of his throat as your fingers run through his hair.  His lips curve into a smile against yours, and suddenly he’s pulling away and laughing, his smile bunching up his face.  “You actually like me,” he whispers to himself, his gaze bright and joyful.  “I can’t believe this is real.” 
“I guess I’ve liked you ever since second year.  I’ve told you this.” 
Jungkook straightens, stepping closer to brush a wisp of hair behind your ear.  “And I love you.  I’ve also told you this, a few weeks ago, actually.”
You scowl at him, pretending to be angry even though you can’t help the grin stretching at your face.  “How was I supposed to know?” 
“Ah, understandable.  I’ve only been flirting with you for the past few years,” Jungkook laughs, leaning in close like he might kiss you again.  His lips brush against yours, and then he’s turning you and pushing you away as he starts running.  “Last one to grab their things and meet at the Room of Requirement loses a galleon!”  
You watch him, dazed, then sprint after him.  “Hope you like losing!”
“I’m the one with a head-start!” 
You laugh.  “And I’m the one with an actual password to my Common Room.”
Jungkook groans.  “Ah, fuck.”
“Looks like the loser has to give the winner a kiss.”
Jungkook stops running, a teasing lilt to his eyes as he whirls around to face you.  “Okay, you win.”
“You’re shameless.”
“Maybe so.  But you love me.”
You laugh, smiling at him with the most wonderstruck expression you’ve ever had, the words tumbling curiously from your lips.  “I love you.”
Jungkook’s gaze turns tender, and he loses himself for a moment. 
“But,” you tease, pushing away from him, “not enough to watch Titanic tonight, so gotta blast.” 
Jungkook laughs, running after you.  “I hate you.” 
You stick your tongue out at him, smiling.  You’ve never been happier to add ‘liar’ to the list of everything lovable about Jeon Jungkook.
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dramioneasks · 3 years
HP FESTS: DramioneFanfictionWriters (Part 4)
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Famous Shakespeare Lines, February 2021:
Short Life For A Daffodil by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - Hermione and Draco have a wild daughter who likes to pull up daffodils and frustrate her parents, but the duo wouldn't be without their children.
Friends Dont by Lostinthenightrain - T, one-shot - "You don’t choose who you fall for!” “No, because I sure as hell wouldn’t be standing here now would I?” Hermione mourns the loss of a relationship.
The Malfoy Mistress by ThebeMoon - M, one-shot - Unable to bear the sight of Bellatrix carving into Hermione Granger at Malfoy Manor, Draco Malfoy whisks his hated former schoolmate to safety. He should have known better.
Rules of Engagement by Art3misiA - T, one-shot - Lucius just had to be difficult about the idea of Draco and Hermione getting married. Will Draco and Hermione allow him to throw his weight around, or will they bring him to heel?
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Popular 90's TV Shows, March 2021:
The Death of Theo Nott by Lostinthenightrain - T, one-shot - “Hermione.” Her head whipped up to see the broken expression in Draco’s eyes. “He wouldn’t kill himself.”
The Night of the Rats by rennaissance_woman - not rated, one-shot - What happens when a prank war goes too far?
Perfect Harmony by Talonwillow (TalonWillow) - T, one-shot -Professor Slughorn's star Potions pupil Hermione was tired of being the ugly duckling, so she created a potion that would transform her into a beautiful swan. Everyone seemed to like the shiny new version of her... Well, except for herself and maybe one other. Would Draco Malfoy convince her that what everyone else was seeing was what he saw every day, and would Hermione finally be able to live in Perfect Harmony?
Dramione Go Star Trekking by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - Riker has made a pass at Hermione and she doesn't quite know how to deal with it.
Bloody Colonials by Maira - T, one-shot - Hermione Granger has had a long week, and the last thing she wants to do is leave the comfort of her home. But when her best friend asks for her help in dealing with a possible cursed object, what can she do but help? Brownies, Potion-making robe etiquette, and a cursed Nigerian mask all add up to a typical night at Hogwarts. Written for the DFW's Deal or No Deal challenge.
The Latest Teenage Drama by Art3misiA - T, one-shot - Teenagers. Gotta love em. Teenage dramas? Not so much. Draco and Hermione navigate the perils of unwanted teenage behaviour - 90s family sitcom style.
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Around the World, April 2021:
The Assignment by Art3misiA - G, one-shot - Hermione and Draco, Aurors, have been sent to Cape Town on a top secret assignment - to track down a former Death Eater.
Finding Them by KrysKrossZee - T, WIP - After not finding her parents in Austrailia, Hermione enlists Draco's help and the two make their way to Vancouver when they have a new lead.
DFW's Deal or No Deal: The Language of Flowers, May 2021:
Spilled Ink by Maira - M, one-shot - It's nearly Christmas, and things aren't great. Draco Malfoy is still on house arrest due to the Wizengamot being a bag of dicks. Hermione Granger is out of the country on a job, which means he won't see her for a few weeks. And to top it all off, Hermione has sent Draco a plant. A green, spiky plant, for no reason that he can fathom. Oh, and a spelled journal that he's now supposed to write in. Because nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan. Written for the DFW Deal or No Deal Challenge!
Forever by Art3misiA - M, one-shot - Though they may be gone, our memories of them remain forever.
The Little Things by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - When Hermione buys Draco a cup of coffee and leaves it on his desk, it throws Draco through a loop and he wonders what he should get her in exchange.
The Climbing Vine by rennaissance_woman - not rated, one-shot - After receiving some startling news, Draco runs out of the house. He receives some advice from a surprising source.
Changing of the Seasons by Lostinthenightrain - M, one-shot - Hermione & Draco find a local park and two unlikely faces to greet them.
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Draco's Birthday Soundtrack, June 2021:
Straight to the Heart by AdAsttra - T, one-shot - Draco's ready to tell Hermione how he feels, but Cupid has other ideas.
Stick Around by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - Hermione doesn't know why Draco is the only one who makes her feel safe, but she is glad that she is able to get some reprieve from her brain.
Wild and Wired by Maira - M, one-shot - Need your lovin' here beside me, Need it close enough to guide me, I've been hopin' you would find me, You're the biggest part of me. - Hermione was expecting a fun night out with her boyfriend and her friends. She was not expecting ice cubes, sick ponies, and a serenade beautiful enough to melt her heart. Written for the DFW's Deal or No Deal challenge.
Let's Get Serious (Please, for the Love of Merlin!) by Art3misiA - G, one-shot - Draco wants to get serious, but Hermione isn't so sure. Will their opposing views make or break them?
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Magical Monsters, July 2021:
There's A Zouwu In My Basement by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - When a creature has broken into the Malfoy Manor dungeon, Draco has to call for help.
Miseria by crochetaway - T, one-shot - Hermione tames a Dementor.
Aegis by Maira - M, one-shot - Their world is in ruins, and their only protection against creatures wanting to kill them is about to fall. They make a plan to trek across the country to Hogwarts, where others have gathered to make a new home within the castle. There, they will be safe. One problem - before they go, there's a queen to kill. Written for the DFW's Deal or No Deal Challenge.
Fear & Desire by myladymay - T, one-shot - Draco Malfoy wants to change his life. He returns to Hogwarts for Eighth Year and finds himself confronted with both his biggest fear and greatest desire, all wrapped up in a Gryffindor tie.
Innocent Monsters by itscometothis - T, 12 chapters - Draco Malfoy thought he had reasonable expectations for his mandatory Eighth Year at Hogwarts, where he would be confined to the grounds as part of his probation. Isolation, hatred, and passing his NEWTs were really all he had in mind. What he wasn't anticipating: 1) Having a small firstie latch onto him like a bloody koala 2) Said firstie adopting an erkling as if they didn’t feed on children. To protect his little nuisance, he’ll have to seek help from uncomfortable places, including the Swottiest Witch of Her Age. Joy of all joys.
Transformed by Art3misiA - T, one-shot - Draco and Charlie have a dragon to catch, and time is running out. Meanwhile, Hermione is missing, adding to Draco's woes.
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Legendary Duos, August 2021:
Three's a crowd, four's trouble by AnnaRitaLi - M, WIP - p>My sister is right. My life did change that evening. I just don't think Rosalind meant for me to steal her boyfriend, or I don't think I stole him, Draco, not precisely. You cannot steal something that doesn't want to be whisked away. That's my experience, at least, and I've stolen quite a few things over the years. So I can say this with confidence. You can't lose something you never had. But you’ll have to read it in the book, dear. While the Crown doesn’t wish for me to speak out in public, I have been silent for too long. You see, There were three of us in this marriage. And people, the press, have assumed many things over the years about Draco and me. So this book, as you’ll see, it’s my attempt to set the record straight. Yes, there were three of us in this marriage, but there were also much more going on than that. -- This is the story the Crown never wanted to get out. In other words, I bring you the x-rated version of the book ‘Diana - her true story - in her own words’.’ It’s the Dramione as Charles & Diana AU you didn't know you needed.
The Marquess and the Kitchen Girl by Art3misiA - E, 8 chapters - Draco Malfoy is the son of the most powerful Duke in Wiltshire. One day, he will be the ruler of a large duchy. Hermione Granger lives happily with her parents - that is, until tragedy strikes. Two children will become friends, and gradually discover a forbidden love that seems as if it might one day defy the odds. Alas, this is a tale of doomed lovers.
In Her Arms by KrysKrossZee - M, one-shot - Draco's worked his way up through Voldemort's ranks but it would seem that all of his work has been for nothing when Dolohov captures a new prisoner.
The Happiness I Seek by Maira - M, one-shot - To those without a soulmate, the world is devoid of colour. They say that if you are lucky enough to meet your soulmate, everything changes. The world is brighter, food is richer, and you find a love you never knew you needed. Draco Malfoy has never been lucky. Written for the DFW's Deal or No Deal challenge.
darling! by itscometothis - M, one-shot - When Draco and Hermione are invited to help demonstrate a path forward for Wizarding Britain and its reconciliation, neither really feel like they can refuse - Hermione for moral reasons and Draco for practical ones (read: Azkaban sounds bad). But they have very different ideas on how to play up this fake relationship. Written for DFW's Deal or No Deal: Legendary Duos - Kermit and Ms. Piggy. It's as ridiculous as you expect.
A Thousand Ships by floorcoaster - M, WIP - Draco Malfoy knows what he wants, and he's not afraid to reach out and take it.
Quiet My Demons by Lostinthenightrain - M, one-shot - “Unhappy, darling?” He murmured, his cigar placed on its resting dish, dashed out - a little puff of smoke rising into the air between them before disappearing. “Yes, completely.”
I Love Draco by crochetaway - G, one-shot - A few slice of life scenes with Hermione, Draco, and Scorpius ala I Love Lucy style!
DFW's Deal or No Deal: The Final Word, September 2021:
Crime & Punishment by itscometothis - T, 12 chapters - TRIAL TRANSCRIPT OF DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY IS FORMALLY CHARGED WITH THE FOLLOWING: CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT MURDER AIDING AND ABETTING A MURDER USE OF UNFORGIVABLE CURSES: IMPERIUS (2 COUNTS) USE OF UNFORGIVABLE CURSES: CRUCIATUS (47 COUNTS) PARTICIPATING IN A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION -- I don’t regret hoping. I thought I might, at the beginning, do you remember? But I don’t. I regret nothing about you, my love. Eternally yours, Draco -- A story of hope, punishment, and the nature of justice told in trial transcripts, visits in an interrogation room, and letters.
Boats Against the Current by AlannaTCooper - T, one-shot - Draco Malfoy is trying to escape his past by running as far away as he can. But the past - and his nightmares - keep pulling him backwards.
By His Side by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - Hermione is lonely but there's at least one person who can break through her loneliness.
Trying To Live by IzzieStellar - T, one-shot - After her husband dies, Hermione can’t seem to remember how to live and her friends vow to help her.
In the Dead of Night by AdAsttra - G, one-shot - Hermione and Draco are some of the last people to leave Hogwarts under the veil of a cold, dark night.
This fest is ongoing.
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shysneeze · 3 years
Colour Me Surprised | George Weasley x F!Reader
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Description : the reader and George are perfect for one another, which complicates things when fates is telling them otherwise
 soulmate au in which you only see colour when you meet your soulmate - from this request
Warnings: kinda angsty, arguments (if I’ve missed anything please tell me so I can add it) 
general taglist: @accioweaslcy 
george taglist: @amourtentiaa ,  @omghufflepuff , @daisyyy2516 , @i-padfootblack-things , @imtooanonymousforyou 
(this is the form for anyone wanting to join :))
“Leave me alone, George!”
The intensity of (Y/N)’s voice sends several younger pupils scattering from the common room before the door has even swung shut behind her and a second voice joins her, just as full of the same sharp anger.
Stumbling in behind her, George reaches for her, fingers curling around her wrist before she can storm up to her dorm. (Y/N) pulls from his grasp with a huffed breath, though his touch has left that warm buzz on her skin as it’s prone to do.
“Please,” He pants, “Let me talk-“
“No, George,” She seethes, “What are you going to say that can justify setting off a portable swamp underneath my date's chair!?”
He grimaces.
“It was only a small one?” 
Even as the remaining pupils scatter from the common room, no one can blame them. It’s cruel in a way really, that the world should throw together two people so perfect for one another, and allow fate to tell them otherwise.
Although, perhaps the whole theory of soulmates is cruel by itself.
It’s fine when you’re a child, when seeing the world in shades of black and white is normal. When you’re so young, colour is just one of the unsolved mysteries brought by youth, like where the moon goes in the morning or why the clouds seem to be in such a hurry to pass us by.
It’s growing older that brings that itch, that thirst for colour, the desire to know the different shades of the sky and the pigments of petals so warmly spoken of in stories.
Colour comes with soulmates, it’s the rule of life… but life has never been rumoured to be fair.
While a large portion of wizards and witches meet their soulmates when they start Hogwarts, and upon doing so are thrown into a world colour, no longer strangers to the warm oranges of sunshine and the cool greens of the leaves on the trees, many aren’t quite so lucky. 
It can take years, lifetimes for the truly unlucky, to meet, the person the universe has tied your soul to, the perfect match, the missing piece of an incomplete heart. It’s what anyone might look at George Weasley and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and see… a perfect pair. 
In fact it was Fred who first believed so. So excited to introduce them back in third year, so convinced by ‘twin’s instinct’ of their destiny for one another that he practically dragged George to her, only to be sorely disappointed when their faces never brightened with the joy of seeing colour for the first time. 
It’s left them with only friendship, one strained by the desire for more. Years of getting to know each other, of the quirks and habits so perfect for one another’s, has only added to the frustration of being destined for other people.
“It was an accident!”
He falters under her warning gaze.
“Well, kind of- I was planning to prank him anyway.” He admits, “ I’m very sorry it interfered with your date.”
She wishes he were lying, it might make it easier to be this angry at him for it. Though from years of friendship, of wishing for more, she’s able to pick out every edge to his voice and there's no lift in his tone where there would be with a lie.
“I mean I did help you dodge a bullet.”
Like that, the anger is again justified.
“Oh come on, everyone knows about Liam, (Y/N),” He argues, “He’s a player and you deserve better.”
“That’s my decision to make!”
He falters, nodding reluctantly.
“I know and I’m sorry but-“ He sighs, “He’s not your soulmate.”
Neither are you
It sits there on her tongue like fire, held back as not to burn him, and most likely, herself, with its truth.
“I know that,” (Y/N) spits weakly, her resolve to be angry crumbling with the newly returned pain in her chest, longing she assumes. “That doesn’t mean I can’t date. Who knows when I’ll meet my soulmate? Is it so bad to want to be loved in the meantime?”
You are.
It’s written all over his face and her heart twists with it. Every fibre of her being wants to love him, in fact she’s already sure she does, but to be with him now will only hurt more when, inevitably, he leaves for somebody else, the person who brings colours to his eyes.
“Don’t say it.”
It comes out pleading, her eyes scrunched and lips beginning to wobble in the anticipation of tears. Eyes shut though, she can still hear the way his breath hitches.
“Clearly you already know.”
One last spark of anger ignites in her chest, though as the words tumble out she’s not sure it’s at him as much as it is at fate, whatever cruel, twisted thing put him in her life, taunting her with something that can never be hers.
“I know!” She seethes, eyes opening only to frown, “Everything tells me it’s you. Every bit of me wants it to be you and yet every time i look at you all I see is grey and it hurts!”
When she meets his gaze, her tight knit frown is mimicked with the same frustration as her own.
But his eyes.
His eyes aren’t the same as she’s always seen them, bursting with a colour she doesn’t know, but warm, like the feeling of the sun on her skin on a late summer afternoon and they’re glittered by speckles of something else that she craves the name of.
His hair is bright and vibrant and just a shade darker than the millions of freckles that dot his cheeks, that hide in his dimples and the crease between his brow that is slowly easing in surprise.
“You’re beautiful...”
Something warm floods his pale cheeks and he hears her breath hitch at the sight. She’s not sure how she’s lived  her whole life deprived of something as wonderful as this.
“We’re soulmates.”
“Colour me surprised.”
A second passes for him to grow sheepish under her disapproving gaze.
“Too soon?”
“I knew it,” He says quietly, as if saying then any louder will take away their truth and fling them back into the dull world they were in only moments ago. “I just knew it,”
Yet she can’t find the same joy he has, held back only by the question of why, why now of all times? This isn’t their first meeting, this isn’t how it works.
“I can practically hear your brain working on overdrive.”
“I don’t understand,” She begins to frown again, “I’ve known you for so long- soulmates are supposed to see colour the first time they meet and we- we met years ago.”
“I know.”
“I guess you hear of g-glitches sometimes...” (Y/N) begins to ramble, finger pulling nervously at her sleeves, “It’s rare but-“
“It doesn’t matter,” George blurts softly, warm hand pulling her own from her sleeves and clasping it reassuringly, “We’re soulmates, (Y/N).”
“We are,”
The strange knot that has been tying itself in her chest with worry begins to come loose, eyes finding his again, those little specks of colour swimming in warmth. Then, his hair, his beautiful bright hair.
“Are you going to stop staring at my hair long enough to let me kiss you?”
“I don’t know, George,” Her lips twitched into a teasing smile, “It’s so bright-“
The rest of her sentence lodges itself in her throat with his face suddenly inches from her own. His breath tingles her lips and she feels herself gulping.
“I’m sure I can admire it more later...”
His lips meet hers with that same buzz left by his touch and she finds herself wondering momentarily if it’s a soulmate thing, though kissing him soon replaces all other thoughts.
It’s perfect, and somehow having missed out on this is worse than ever having missed out on colours. In fact, she’s sure she’d sooner give up colour all over again for the promise of getting to kiss him.
As he pulls back though with his cheeks awash with that bright blush, warm where her fingers have lifted to cup his cheeks subconsciously as they kissed, she’s glad she doesn’t have to.
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drabsyo · 3 years
Can you recommend any good andromione fics? I see (and love) plenty of bellamione and cissamione but I wanna share the love with our favorite middle sister too 😘
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Andromione fic recs! I wholeheartedly agree! ✨🤎💜💘
🔸slowly by lostinspxce
(Okay this one had me sobbing. Beautiful and definitely worth the read. I promise. It captures them so perfectly.)
Summary: Hermione falls in love with Andromeda and tries to find the right time to tell her.
🔸The Consort by waxwing_Saint
(One of my favorites! If you don't play Mass Effect, this is an alternate au where Andromeda is the human consort. In the Mass Effect universe, The Consort is an individual whose influence spans galaxies and whose attention is probably one of the most sought after commodities on the Citadel... Look out for this one because we may or may not have something similar in the works. No promises but... there you go. I owe it to the Bellamione Discord and the Golden Squeeio, yes thank you very much for plaguing my life with this AU. It's been horrible. I love every minute of it.)
Summary: Commander Granger would rather play babysitter to her troublemaking crew than have to bail Ginny out of a C-Sec holding cell (again). | The Consort is interested to find out what kind of woman the council would deem fit to be humanity's first Spectre.
🔸A Textbook Named Desire by TheWorldsaBeastofBurden | Part 1 of the Andromione-Galaxy Prompts 2021 Series
(Everything about this I just love! Post-war. Andromeda decided to get another degree; she and Hermione share a couple of classes together.)
Summary: Hermione Granger is grappling with her life after the War, and what her future will be post-Hogwarts. Just when she thinks she starting to get it all figured out, her only desire to find the final thing on her shopping list before her start at uni: Andromeda Tonks happens. | For the Andromione-Galaxy event on the Bellamione Coven Discord. This is "E3: Desire/S4: Reaching for the same book".
🔸It's Better to Remember (You Never Truly Forget) by TheWorldsaBeastofBurden | Part 2 of the Andromione-Galaxy Prompts 2021 Series
(I am such a sucker for this, I don't even know where to start! Taking muggle classes together!)
Summary: Prompt Two! | Hermione is starting her school year at Westminister Law, and reconnects with an old friend turned classmate, Andromeda Tonks. She's not certain just what turned the Healer on to studying law, but she is certain it will make her school year a great deal more interesting. Especially when Andromeda very suddenly stops showing up to class. | E2: Gratitude and S3: Taking a muggle class together.
🔸When I See You (Looking at Me) it Makes My Heart Sing (Honestly) by TheWorldsaBeastofBurden | Part 3 of the Andromione-Galaxy Prompts 2021 Series
(Last part. Andromeda and Hermione exchanging drinks at a bar and just gravitating towards each other, even though they probably see each other everyday in university, just tugs at my heartstrings.)
Summary: Hermione isn't too keen on getting drunk with her classmates...but when one Andromeda Tonks readily agrees to the invitation to go out as a class later and grab a few drinks, she's ready to change her tune...resulting in what eventually comes to be their first date. | Prompt "Exchanging looks at a bar" with a roll that got us the emotion "Joy"
🔸anywhere with you by lostinspxce
(Same age au. Short, but also one of my favorites. Useless gays! I do have a soft spot for aus like these. Also Narcissa is the best here, I LIVE.)
Summary: Hermione and Andromeda are graduating from Hogwarts and some things can’t be left unsaid. | Prompt 3: Person A finds a four leaf clover, person B is skeptical.
🔸Morning light brings hope by emrldapplejuice
(So soft for this one. Made me tear up at the end. It's such a beautiful ending.)
Summary: Shortly after the war Andromeda comes to terms with the fact that she’s carrying Ted’s child. With him gone, her daughter and son-in-law gone, she’s raising Teddy on her own. Luckily, her long time friend and a certain bushy-haired brunette are there to help her.
🔸you're my favourite everything by TinyGayTurtle
(Something that will definitely put a smile on your face. Pure fluff!)
Summary: Andromeda grew up without favourites. Now it seems she has one particular favourite.
🔸I'll take your case and take this dance by Creativityx
(Weddings! Chaotic best friends!)
Summary: Hermione is stuck in her work at the Ministry. Working in the magical creatures division to focus on advancing their rights wasn't as easy as it seems. But, with her best friend Luna at her side and a case just calling her name, she finds herself inevitably entwined in Andromeda's life. | Best not to forget about Harry and Ginny's wedding coming up along the way. | Scenario: At a wedding | Emotion: Joy
🔸I'm not as think as you drunk I am by Yanana
(Drunk Bella.... Drunk Narcissa... Drunk Andromeda... Exasperated Hermione. Hilarious. Adorable.)
Summary: The Black sisters have a date and they all end up drunk. Hermione needs to help her wobbly girlfriend a bit.
🔸The Secret Is Love by Bet_on_black
(Wrapping this up with my favorite Andromione one-shot! I absolutely adore Andromeda here, she's so playful, so charming--Narcissa is also the best here. It's probably one of the things I love most about the Black sisters, their playfulness, that mischievousness that comes naturally to them (in fic at least). It's so endearing. Trust me, this one is definitely worth reading. And make sure to google blue waffles only after you've finished reading the story.)
Summary: It all started with an invitation to a birthday party and some waffles. Then it escalated into something more.
Sorry this took so long! I admit, I haven't had much time to read any more fics lately but these are the ones I've read so far and just absolutely love. I'm sure there are MANY more out there I've missed! 👀👀🤎
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rhaenyratargayen · 4 years
home for the summer // f.w.
summary: song fic based off of home for the summer by sara kays (no war!au)
word count: 5.2k
warnings: mentions of alcohol (just wine), also just heartbreaking angst.... im sorry 
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We started getting close
Freshman year, when all our friends were smoking cigarettes
And we couldn't stand that secondhand smoke
So we'd leave and drive around until you had to drop me off at home
“Let’s get out of here, yeah?” Fred whispered to the girl beside him.
Y/N looked to him as if he had read her mind. She perked up, nodding desperately at Fred who slyly slipped his hand in hers and pulled her away from the group drinking fire whiskey in the common room.
It was a breath of fresh air stepping out of the portrait hole, the dim lighting of the candles illuminating Hogwarts in the most comfortable way. Fred tugged her hand, shifting her attention from the new atmosphere to his tall figure practically bouncing down the staircase.
“Was getting quite stuffy in there, don’t you agree?”
Y/N’s heart fluttered as he scrunched his nose. A hint of excitement Fred was trying to contain leaked through the tug at the corner of his lips. Whether he tried to hide it or not though, Y/N saw it anyway, she knew him quite well.
“Completely.” Y/N breathed, grinning as she agreed.
Fred was quite outgoing, he never missed the chance to be the center of attention, finding any opportunity he could to show off his charming flirting skills or his new products for the shop he planned to own with George. So, it was quite a surprise when he whisked Y/N from the loud group, but she chose not to question it, considering it meant alone time with him.
She followed his lead quietly, figuring whatever secret spot Fred had in mind had to be better than anything she could come up with. He’d snuck around the castle more times than he could count, and as much as he found himself in detention, she trusted him enough to get them to a quiet spot without getting caught.
Finally, at last, Y/N followed Fred’s lead up the steps of the astronomy tower. He smiled proudly to himself when he turned to see her smiling in awe. Of course, they had classes up there weekly, but she had yet to experience the tower in all of it’s glory – and at night and with Fred Weasley.
“Oh, Freddie.”
She walked towards the edge, gripping the railing and admiring the view of the bright moon before her, peering out as far as she could at such a height. Fred’s chest warmed at her smile, priding himself on being the cause of it.
She took her time taking in every detail, perking up when she recognized one of the constellations she had learned about in class. While she awed over the stars, he awed over her. It was ridiculously adorable how much she loved it. He’d snuck up to the astronomy tower multiple times and he mentally kicked himself for not taking her up there sooner.
As she deemed her viewing acceptable for the time being, Y/N remembered her reality and felt her ears warm up. The entire time she was standing there, Fred was behind her. She suddenly felt out of place, as well as a bit guilty for not speaking to him for the past few minutes. However, as she turned around she was immediately met with the cutest smile on his face and she couldn’t even remember what it was she was worried about.
He stood before her with his hands tucked into his pockets, shifting his gaze to his shoes when she turned to face him.
“Fred?” Y/N questioned.
She leant back against the railing, crossing her arms over her chest and tilting her head slightly.
Fred’s gaze skipped from his shoes to hers, slowly raking up her body until they landed back on her own eyes. She was backlit by the moon, but he was still able to recognize all of her features, whether it was due to just enough lighting or because he had stared at her enough in his lifetime to know them by memory, he didn’t know.
“Y/N?” Fred grinned, copying her tone.
“Why’d you want to leave the party?”
He felt a little taken back, not in a bad away, he just didn’t expect her to question him for wanting some alone time with her. She was his best friend after all, ridiculously funny and exciting to be around while simultaneously being a safe space for him to return to for some peace and quiet.
Y/N continued before he could answer.
“I mean you love parties, and they had fire whiskey, which I know you love.”
The fact rolled off her tongue without a second thought, but it didn’t stop Fred’s heart from skipping a beat at the mention of it. It didn’t take a genius to know Fred Weasley was a show off who loved to party, but the fact that she knew made it somehow more special.
“Yeah, but, I like spending time with you as well.”
Fred scratched the back of his neck, suddenly feeling the heat creep up his cheeks as the sentence rolled off his tongue. When his gaze found hers again, he chuckled at the knowing grin she gave him.
“Aw, Freddie!” She teased, wrapping her hand around the back of his neck and pulling him in for a kiss on the cheek.
Fred’s mind was clouded with witty comments he could make towards her, comments to make the beautiful glow of a blush rush to her cheeks or to bring out her harmonious giggle he heard when he teased her. But he found them getting caught in his throat as he felt her hands lightly tugging at the hairs on the back of his neck.
She didn’t pull back completely after she kissed his cheek, just far enough to look at his face and still be in his arms. Fred had snuck his arms around her waist, resting their gently and absentmindedly fiddling with the soft cotton material of the hem of her shirt. She looked so gorgeous. The sight of her eyes reflecting the great big moon was enough to have him weak at the knees and a puddle in her hands; which he was.
“What’re you looking at?” Y/N tried to joke, but it came out much softer as she realized she was more focused on how he was looking at her than the reason why.
Fred Weasley was one attractive bloke, this she knew. He was quite fit, tall figure and strong beater arms. But it was the softness in his features when he looked at her that had her swooning.
“You just,” Fred bit his lip, “You look very pretty.”
Y/N exhaled a sweet giggle, desperately trying to hide her burning cheeks. She reached up and tightened her hold around him, pulling Fred into a hug against her. He nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck and held her back tightly, pushing their chests together. Y/N rested her head on his shoulder, trying to calm the herd of butterflies swarming in her stomach.
“Thanks, Freddie.” She mumbled, she knew he heard it.
When Fred pulled back, he kept his hold tight against her and looked down into her eyes. One hand came up to swipe a stray piece of hair behind her ear and fell to rest holding her chin in between his thumb and pointer fingers.
She knew what was coming, she couldn’t stop her eyes from glancing down to his lips. Fred’s heart fluttered as he watched her, giving him the cue that she was just as into it as he was. So he didn’t keep her waiting.
Fred pressed his lips to hers, slowly at first, to test the waters. Just the initial feeling of her soft lips against his was like heaven on earth. It wasn’t until she moved against him that he realized it only got better. She tugged on his bottom lip, raking it through her teeth and sliding her fingertips through his fiery hair.
He gripped the material of her shirt in his hands at the feeling, humming pleasurably into her mouth. He was starving and she was a feast made for ten. He inhaled her scent and reveled in the way her tongue grazed his so elegantly, like everything else she did.
He could tell she was close to running out of breath, considering how quickly the pace of their kiss had picked up, once they realized everything they wanted was in each other’s hands. But she didn’t pull back, she pushed herself further into him and he melted, tugging her closer. She was pink silk and white daisies, cozy blankets and diamond rings, a plethora of the most heavenly sensations all mixed into one.
In that moment, Fred Weasley knew he was in love with her.
Swear that was yesterday
But in two weeks I'll be moving south
And you'd be moving to a town that I had never heard of
I wish we had more time, why did I ever wanna grow up?
“Freddie!” Her voice carried swiftly through the burrow, alerting Fred in the other room.
“What is it?” He quickly stumbled into the living room.
She stood before him with a letter in her hand and a smile on her face.
“I got in!” She cheered, “They accepted me!”
Fred was in shock. His body failed him, freezing in his place, standing before her in complete silence and not holding his arms out to her, kissing her forehead and congratulating her on her accomplishment. His brain was screaming at him to move, and he was so very grateful that she took the first step, too engaged in her initial shock to see his unwelcoming position.
She jumped forward, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly and pulling him to her. Fred snapped into it at her touch, immediately enclosing her waist in his arms. He felt like he had to remind himself to breathe, to make sure he didn’t drop her from his hold.
After graduating Hogwarts, Y/N applied for a position at a Magical Creatures center in Romania. Charlie had told her about the position on his last visit home. Y/N was very passionate, and everyone around her knew she would never be satisfied with a job at the ministry or as a professor in Hogwarts. It was no surprise when she jumped at the opportunity and sent in her application.
The night Charlie had informed her of the position, Fred was the one she turned to with a wide smile, cheeks hurting from the overwhelming joy she felt. It made his heart flutter that he was the one she turned to celebrate her opportunity with. Of course, he never actually planned out far enough what it would feel like when she actually left.
Leaving. She was leaving.
Fred rubbed her back comfortingly with his large hand, holding her in place against his chest with his other hand. He set her down, noticing the tears of joy that pooled in her eyes as he pulled back to look at her.
“That’s wonderful, love,” He feigned the best smile he could, “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks, Freddie.” She beamed, rising on her tip toes to kiss his cheek.
Was now too soon to ask? Fred didn’t have time to wonder before she let it out.
“They said they’ll have me as soon as possible,” She cleared her throat, “I reckon that means I’ll be going after the holidays.”
Two weeks. Fred had two weeks left with the love of his life, who wasn’t even his girlfriend.
He hated himself for that last part, constantly overthinking every moment he had with her at Hogwarts. He should have told her loved her when he took her to the astronomy tower, but his chance was lost. It would be unfair of him to blurt out such a confession weeks before she was about to leave to her dream job.
You said you’ll see me
When we’re home for the summer
We won't have to work so we're gonna
Do whatever the hell we wanna
'Cause we know that one day we'll be
Gone from each other
The ring of the bell above the door to the joke shop caught Fred’s attention. It was after hours, although often they had a few kids trying to come in just moments after they closed, begging to have a look around. He prepared himself for that, some eleven or twelve year old that ignored the closed sign.
“We’re closed–“
He stopped in his tracks. Of all the sights Fred expected to see rounding the corner in the shop, this was by far the best one he could have ever imagined.
Y/N stood before him, a cheeky smile on her face as she had successfully caught her favorite prankster off guard. Her hair was more grown out than the last time he saw her a few months ago, a pink, summer dress hugged her body. She looked ethereal. The warm summer weather had given her a bit of a glow and she’d done her makeup to highlight her cheekbones and the gloss on her lips.
“Miss me?” She quipped.
She squealed as Fred rushed towards her, wrapping her in his arms and spinning her around a few times in the empty shop. Her giggle was music to his ears, he missed that sound so much. He missed the feeling of her in his arms and the twinkle in her eye when she smiled at him.
He missed his girl.
“Of course I missed you, darling,” He beamed, “When did you get back?”
He set her back down on her feet, keeping his hands on her waist. He felt dizzy, he didn’t know if it was from spinning her around or just being in her presence again after so long. Seeing her up close allowed him to admire all the little things he fell in love with, like the curve of her nose and when she looked up at him through her lashes, when her hair fell naturally and he was able to tuck it behind her ear to see her face better.
“Just a bit ago, you’re my first stop.” She reached up to cup his cheek in her hand.
It was surreal to her, being back. It was only a six months but it was the longest she had ever been away from Fred. A flood of emotions burst through the floodgates as she was in his arms again, the sadness of missing him and the longing for his presence that she had tucked away so safely while in Romania. Her job didn’t allow her the time to sit and miss her best friend.
“You came to see me before your own mother?” Fred laughed.
Y/N scoffed, playfully, “She doesn’t know I got back early, I’ll see her tomorrow. I just couldn’t go home without seeing you first, Freddie.”
Fred tugged her close again, pressing a long kiss to her forehead as she curled into his embrace. She was home again, his girl was home.
We'd wait till after dark
2 AM, we're laying on the ground in my backyard
I told you I'd be waiting there the night that I get back
I hope you don't forget about that
Fred tugged Y/N’s hand in his, leading her through a field of wheat grass and wild flowers. A misfit blindfold was secured over her eyes, leaving Fred to be her vision. He kept glancing from their destination to the ground in front of her feet, trying to assure she wouldn’t trip and fall on a weed or a hole in the ground.
“Are we almost there?” She giggled. It came out as a whisper, as if they had someone to hide from in the vast, empty field.
“Be patient.” Fred chuckled, squeezing her hand.
Y/N sighed, “Fine.”
He led them further through the grass until they approached their destination. Fred was buzzing with anticipation, excited to see the look on Y/N’s face when he took the blindfold off. He had set up a blanket for the two of them to sit down on, along with a bottle of wine.
Finally he stepped towards her, resting his hand on her waist to let her know he was there. He reached up and gently pulled the blindfold from her face. She gasped once her eyes adjusted, smiling down in awe at the little set up. She felt her heart beat faster and turned to look at him, mimicking the same awed expression she had towards the spot made for them.
“You remembered.” She chewed on her bottom lip, eyes flitting between his brown ones and the blanket below them.
“Figured we could talk, catch up,” He shoved his hands into his pockets, “Sending owls just isn’t quite like the real thing.”
They sat down beside each other, fingertips dancing closely together as they rested back on their arms. Fred poured them a few glasses of wine to talk over. Fred told her about the success of the shop, how happy it made him to work with George and seeing the faces of little troublemakers coming in daily that reminded him of his youth. He told her about Hermione and Ron, finally getting together, and how Ginny was a professional quidditch player, things Y/N knew from the letters she sent back and forth from his siblings, but it was like hearing it for the first time when she got to hear it from Fred’s lips.
Fred marveled in the way she looked at him when he talked, like there was nothing more important than what he was saying to her in that moment, didn’t matter what it was he was saying, all that mattered was that he was saying it to her. But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t love to hear her talk even more. She told him about her time in Romania, staring at her in awe when she told him about the baby hippogriff she’d been caring for. It was clear to him that she was happy, that this was what she was meant to be doing.
So, Fred didn’t pull out the letter in his pocket. The letter confessing his love for her, the letter he daydreamed about her reading and running into his arms and kissing him senseless. He kept it sealed away, for another time he reasoned. He would wait till he knew she was ready, when she wasn’t so overwhelmed with the joy of her life countries away from him.
You said you’ll see me
When we’re home for the summer
We won't have to work so we're gonna
Do whatever the hell we wanna
'Cause we know that one day we'll be
Gone from each other
We'll have lives in two different suburbs
We'll have families with different lovers
But for now, I know I'll see you when we're
Home for the summer
His hands were sweaty, his breath caught in his throat. She was coming home, coming home to him.
Fred stood in the kitchen with Molly, setting the table and peering out the window every few minutes to check when Charlie and Y/N would be arriving. It was Christmas Eve, almost a year since Y/N had left to work in Romania. The last time he’d seen her was the night she surprised him at the shop, she had promised she’d visit once before the holidays, but he soon found out through her letters that work was getting too hectic for her to find an empty weekend to come home. It bummed Fred out, but it just made him more excited to see his girl on Christmas.
He patted his coat, mindlessly feeling for the letter sitting in his pocket. He hadn’t carried it around since she was last here and it only heightened his nerves that he was actually going through with it tonight. The paper of the envelope had faded to a dusty brown and the seal was losing its grip, but Fred still had full intentions of gifting it to her that evening and waiting for her out in the snowfall.
He peered out the window one last time, assuring he wouldn’t miss their arrival before trotting up the staircase to the bathroom. He ran his hand along his clean shaven jaw, and through his grown out hair. Not quite as long as the phase it went through his sixth year of Hogwarts, but just long enough that it fell softly to the sides, she had always liked it long, it was easier to run her fingers through.
Suddenly, Fred was taken from his memories to present day by the shout of his sister downstairs.
“Freddie!” Ginny called, “Y/N and Charlie are here.”
Fred ignored the blush creeping up his ears and rushed down the stairs, spotting the lot of the Weasley’s standing before the front door to welcome home their family. Charlie walked through the door first, whisking Ginny up in a hug and kissing her cheek before welcoming his mum in a bear hug. He said hello to his brothers, as he kicked off his boots and ventured off into the living room with Bill to show off the tiny dragon that sat on his shoulder.
“Easy, love.”
Fred froze in his spot. He didn’t recognize the voice that came before the sweet giggle of the love of his life.
In walked a tall man, dark hair and sharp features. Shiny, curly hair complimented his stippled facial hair. His skin was tanned from the Romanian weather, and it was easy to spot his strength as he carried in two bags. Y/N followed shortly after, sneaking in behind the tall man’s figure.
“Y/N!” Ginny cheered, racing past her family to engulf the girl in a hug.
“I missed you, Gin.” Y/N giggled, tumbling back a few steps at the impact of Ginny’s hug.
Y/N pulled back and spotted the confusion on the Weasley’s faces at their unknown guest. She cleared her throat and stepped forward.
“Everyone, meet Joshua.” She smiled shyly.
Fred felt like he was in an out of body experience, like he wasn’t really there. Like he was a ghost of himself watching a strange man intertwine his fingers with Y/N’s. He could see them and hear them, but he felt shackles tied to his feet, keeping him in place like he was stuck living a never ending nightmare.
He almost missed the bright eyed girl coming towards him with her arms open after greeting the rest of his family. Feeling her touch felt like crash-landing a back into his home. The muffled, white noise that filled his ears was now clear conversation between his brothers, and Ginny and Molly.
“I missed you so much, Freddie.”
He sank into her hold, fighting tears back. Her embrace filled him with warmth. He breathed in the scent of her shampoo, lingering with the perfume that he inhaled when his head sank to the crook of her neck. He didn’t want to let go, but reluctantly pulled back as she did, letting his hands linger on the small of her back. He couldn’t get any words out, so he just smiled at her.
The family all took their seats at the set table. Y/N sat in between Fred and Joshua, and across from Ginny. She was conversing between the two, entertaining all the questions Ginny had about how they met and what work was like.
Joshua worked with Y/N at the Magical Creatures care center. He was the one who trained her. He told stories of how they bonded over caring for a phoenix that soon had the entire table listening.  Joshua spoke so fondly of Y/N, highlighting the way so many of the injured creatures felt so comfortable around her which made it easy to care for them.
Fred tuned in and out of the conversation. His heart fluttered at the way he imagined her caring ever so gently for injured creatures, knowing that her eyes probably lit up as they released them again after rehabilitation. He wasn’t even there, yet he knew exactly how it would have played out. He knew her so well and found himself fighting the urge to rest his arm over the back of her chair as Joshua’s arm was already there.
It was an agonizing Christmas Eve dinner. Fred kept to himself, only half smiling over at Y/N when she nudged her elbow against his arm. Ron and Bill were indulged in a conversation with Charlie, enjoying having their brother back for holidays. Ginny, Molly and Arthur begged Joshua for more stories. George however, was too busy watching his lovesick twin brother look… actually sick. He’d flash him worried looks, only to be ignored by Fred.
“I think it’s time we retire to the living room, shall we?” Arthur announced, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his stuffed stomach.
Fred was the first out of his chair, the sound of it scraping against the wood startled everyone surrounding him, but he was off before anyone could ask any questions, George and Ron followed shortly after. Bill patted Joshua’s shoulder and invited him to share a drink with him, Percy and Charlie, while Y/N and Ginny stayed behind in the kitchen.
“Oh, Y/N he’s absolutely charming.” Ginny awed, lightly shaking Y/N’s shoulder.
Y/N laughed and rolled her eyes, joining Molly at the counter to help brew some tea. Molly snickered to herself and turned to hand Y/N a warm mug. A thick, pottery mug with her first initial on it, a couple of doodles on the side.
“I must say, dear, he does compliment you very well.”
Y/N replied to Molly with a much sweeter response than Ginny, smiling thankfully at her.
“So,” Ginny lowered her voice, “Give us the details then, how long have you been together?”
Y/N sighed, grabbing the string of the tea bag and bobbing it in her tea.
“About six months. He asked me out shortly after I last visited here,” She finished, but glanced at Ginny’s curious eyes before continuing, “He’s very sweet, not only with me but with the creatures as well. It’s clear he’s got a heart of gold but –“
“But?” Molly placed a motherly hand on Y/N’s shoulder.
“But,” Y/N sighed, “Part of me is still hesitant, you know? I just… I don’t know that he’s the one.”
“Y/N, darling, can I see you for a moment?” Joshua’s voice rang from the living room.
Y/N gave Molly and Ginny a tight-lipped smile before setting down her mug and sneaking past the table and into the living room. The boys were scattered across the room, occupying the couches and chairs.
“May I have a moment alone?” Joshua whispered to Y/N as she joined his side.
Her eyes were on Fred, well, the back of his head. He sat on the couch, resting his head in his hands. He didn’t turn around as she entered the room, he just sat in silence beside George.
Y/N sighed and smiled politely at Joshua, nodding to him as he slipped his hand in hers and pulled her out towards the back door. As they passed through the room, Y/N caught Charlie’s gaze, he sent her a wink and a cheeky smile. Her brows furrowed in confusion but she brushed off his behavior and shook her head.
Joshua led her out into the snowfall. Rather big snowflakes fell softly, resting atop Joshua’s dark locks of hair and catching in his eyelashes. He looked down at Y/N with a wide smile, expecting to see an expression that mimicked his own, but instead was met with an unsatisfied frown.
“Darling,” Joshua pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, “Smile for me.”
She obliged, putting on a sweet smile. She shut her eyes for a moment, feeling the cool air brisk at her soft cheeks, turning the tip of her nose pink. Her smile altered to a real one for a moment, a passing feeling of contentment in the backyard of the burrow. But it fell shortly after when she opened her eyes and realized the hand she was holding wasn’t Fred’s.
“Y/N, you are so special to me.” Joshua started, moving his other hand down to now hold both her hands in his, “I fell for you instantly when we met. It was so easy to fall in love with you, how sweet you are with the creatures, and how beautiful you are when they trust you. I just – I can’t imagine a life without you.”
Joshua released her hand to reach into his pocket. He took a step back and lowered himself to one knee. He pulled out a velvet box and opened it, the diamond ring immediately catching the light from the Christmas decorations and reflecting into the night.
“I know it’s only been six months but, Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?”
She felt a pit in her stomach, overwhelming emotions flooded through her body seizing her movement. Her hand covered her mouth, enabling him from reading her expression. One hand still in his, she squeezed his hand and uttered out an answer.
Inside, the family of gingers crowded around the window, looking out into the backyard where the couple stood. Ginny clasped her hands together, watching with anticipation for him to slip the ring on her finger. Molly stood with Arthur and chewed her bottom lip, nervously. Bill, Percy and Charlie held small grins, watching the girl they had grown to take in as younger sister get proposed to. Ron and George held quite opposite expressions to their older brothers.
And Fred, he felt his stomach drop.
He quickly cleared his throat and excused himself, rushing up the staircase to the bathroom. He threw the door shut behind him after he entered. Hot tears began to stream down his face and he tried his best to keep the heartbreaking sobs from escaping. His hands tore at his hair, gripping tightly as he rests his head against the cool tile wall.
He ignored the quick pace of his breathing, and the sharp weight in his throat that kept him from breathing deeply and clearly. He choked on his sobs, biting his lip to keep quiet. He fumbled with his jacket and tore the letter out from his pocket. He held it in his shaking hands and squeezed tightly as another wave of hurt washed over him. The letter creased in his fist and he released it, watching it fall to the countertop.
He heard memories of her laughter in his mind, almost taunting him. He saw the wrinkle in between her brows as she read an interesting book and the tip of her tongue sticking out of her mouth. He felt the silkiness of her soft lips on his, and the way her fingers threaded through his hair.
And at last, with no hope in sight, Fred picked up the letter and tore it in two.
part II
taglist: (ignore if you’ve already read this)
@starlightweasley @valwritesx @harrysweasleys @inglourious-imagines @cappsikle @whiz-bangs78 @levylovegood @wand3ringr0s3 @rogueweasleys @gloryekaterina @wolfstarsdaughter20 @charlieswanwhore
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kmomof4 · 3 years
CS AU- Coming to Storybrooke (1/5)
It’s FINALLY here!!!!!! I’ve only been talking about this fic for over a YEAR!!! I’m so excited to finally share it with all of you!!!
I have to acknowledge and send all the love and internet hugs to all those who helped me with this fic. I can truly say that I would have given up on it LONG AGO without them.
First to @hollyethecurious​. She was my brainstorming partner and never-ending fount of encouragement. She pulled me back from the brink of deleting this fic entirely so many times. So when I say that this fic wouldn’t be here without her, I’m not exaggerating. 
Second to @profdanglaisstuff​. The best beta in the world!!!! Her suggestions and insights make this writing business so much better! Thank you, babe!
And finally to all the ladies on the @captainswanmoviemarathon​ discord. Y’all’s encouragement and sprinting dates helped keep me motivated and got me over the finish line. 
This fic is a S1 Canon Divergence, sort of, inspired by the 1988 Eddie Murphy movie Coming to America. It is complete with five chapters and I’ll be updating every Saturday.
Fic Summary: Prince Killian of the Enchanted Forest refuses to marry the woman that his brother has chosen for him, so he travels to Storybrooke in the Land Without Magic to find his own bride.
Rating: T for some strong language
Words: Ch1 2224 of 18K Total
Tags: S1 Canon Divergence, Inspired by Coming to America, Neal is an idiot, romantic fluff
AO3 Link
Tag LIst: @hollyethecurious @winterbaby89 @snowbellewells @stahlop @resident-of-storybrooke @jennjenn615 @kingofmyheart14 @profdanglaisstuff @branlovestowrite @thisonesatellite @ultraluckycatnd @flslp87 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @let-it-raines @shireness-says @kymbersmith-90 @darkcolinodonorgasm @bethacaciakay @searchingwardrobes @ilovemesomekillianjones @teamhook @aprilqueen84 @qualitycoffeethings @superchocovian @artistic-writer @donteattheappleshook @doodlelolly0910 @seriouslyhooked @tiganasummertree @lfh1226-linda @nikkiemms @xsajx @klynn-stormz @jrob64 @wefoundloveunderthelight @zaharadessert @elizabeethan @xhookswenchx @gingerpolyglot @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 @sailtoafarawayland @justanother-unluckysoul @veryverynotgoodwrites @jonesfandomfanatic @deckerstarblanche
Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed.
Under the cut unless Tumblr ate it
“Oh, she’s beautiful,” David whispered, awestruck.
Tears filled his eyes as he looked through the door at his other True Love. The little girl sat cross legged on the bed and slowly turned a page of the book in front of her.
David stared, dumbfounded, as a firm resolve filled him.
“We can’t waste another second,” he stated, vehemently. “We can’t wait another second.” He took a step toward the door when Snow’s softly spoken wait stopped him. “What? What’s wrong?” he asked, looking at his wife.
Her eyes were glued to their daughter until they skittered away to their surroundings and the door in front of them. Anywhere but at him.
“We can’t go through there.”
David was stunned, incredulity coloring his features. “Snow, we have to.”
She continued as if she hadn’t heard him. “If we go through that door, Emma will never become the savior.”
He turned back to the open door. To his daughter. He was heartbroken. He knew exactly what Snow was thinking. If they went through that door, they condemned their subjects, their friends, their family, to live under Regina’s curse, separated from their own loved ones, forever. But that couldn’t be true. Rumplestiltskin said to keep the child safe and she would return on her 28th birthday. No mention was made about the circumstances of her return, only that she would.
“She’ll have a new destiny.” He looked at Snow again. “With us. We will teach her. We will tell her everything. And when her 28th birthday arrives, we’ll all come back and she will break the curse.”
Snow’s tear filled eyes finally turned to him. “How do you know?”
“This family finds each other. We’ve found each other,” he said, taking her hands. He tilted his head slightly toward the open door, “We’ve found Emma. We will find the rest of our family when it’s time for her to break the curse.”
He saw the moment doubt was swallowed up by hope in her eyes. With a small nod and a smile, they turned and walked through the door.
18 years later
Emma Swan sat in the back seat of the family SUV with her brother Leo as they sped through the backwoods of rural Maine toward an uncertain and possibly perilous future. It was her 28th birthday and it was the day that her parents had been preparing her for ever since they came through the closet door to claim her so long ago.
The scenery outside her window went hazy around the edges as she got lost in the memory of the first time she met her parents. She hadn’t been frightened when these two strangers entered her bedroom through her closet door. Something about them seemed familiar. She knew in her marrow that she could trust them and when the woman fell to her knees with tears in her eyes, her arms open wide, and calling her name, Emma hadn’t hesitated to run into them. She rose to her feet with Emma held tightly in her arms, sobbing into her hair and placing kisses all over her face. Emma only caught snippets of what the woman was saying, but the words I’m your mom, I love you, we’ll never leave you, we’ll always be together sent Emma’s heart soaring. It was exactly what this little lost girl had always longed to hear. The man wrapped one arm around them both and cupped the back of her head with the other. She had never felt so safe and loved in all her life.
Now all these years later, it was time to fulfill her destiny. It wasn’t long after their reunion that they settled in Portland, Maine and her parents told her a story. A story through the pages of the book that her mother had brought through the door with her. A story that was more than just a fantasy. It was true. All of it. It was their story. It was her story. The story of where she came from… and what she was meant to do. Beginning with the day she was born, her parents told her why they had to get her to safety. How Doc of the Seven Dwarves delivered her only minutes before her father placed her in the magical wardrobe and the queen’s curse swept over the land. From there, they told her the true story of how Snow White and Prince Charming met and fell in love - very different from the Disney version - her mother’s history with the Evil Queen and how her father came to be in the position to even meet his True Love. She’d become intimately familiar with all the true stories in the book as she grew up, first her, then her brother Leo, and now it was time for her to save them all. She had to admit to being rather nervous about it. It was one thing to hear the story from her parents and believe it because of how young she was and because she trusted them. But it was entirely different to be a grown woman and solely responsible for bringing back all the happy endings for real people that her parents knew and loved. She was about to see everything from the storybook come to life.
Suddenly, her mother’s excited voice from the front seat roused her from her musings.
“There it is, David!” she exclaimed. “The town line!”
“I see it, I see it,” he replied.
Moments later, they crossed the town line and a chill passed over Emma’s entire body before something exploded out of her that nearly made her dad lose control of the car.
“What the hell was that?” Emma cried as her mom and brother shouted in alarm. She reached toward Leo’s shoulder while her other hand tried to find purchase on the door handle as her dad brought the car back under control. She looked out the window and saw a white shimmering something traveling across the sky toward the town. She saw her mom, dad, and brother craning their necks to see it too.
“I think…” her mom began, “that you just broke the curse, honey.”
“That’s it?” she asked, incredulous. “Just crossing the town line? That was all it took?”
“Apparently so,” her dad answered. “But that doesn’t mean we don’t still have to be on our guard.” His grip on the steering wheel tightened and his brow furrowed. “We don’t know what we’re going to find when we get to town. Regina and the Dark One are presumably still here somewhere.”
Silence reigned as they continued to drive toward the center of town in the direction of the white blast. A few minutes later, they turned onto the main street of the small town. Filling the street in front of them, people were laughing and hugging each other in reunions that were 28 years overdue. Her dad slammed on the brakes as her mom cried out, her hands flying to her mouth.
“Ruby! Granny!” She bolted from the car and ran toward a leggy brunette and older matronly woman. Emma could see the surprised joy on their faces as they turned and ran toward her mother. Emma and Leo got out slowly as their dad ran toward his wife as she embraced the two women. They approached the reunited and happy foursome just as seven men got their mom’s attention. Wide grins broke out on Emma and Leo’s faces as realization came over them. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Emma could hear her mom’s sobs as she tried to embrace them all at once. Once she’d finished greeting her dearest and oldest friends, her mom turned toward them.
“Everyone,” she began, “these are our children.” Her mom motioned them closer. “Emma and Leo.” Her brother suddenly looked quite different from the brash and bold teenager she knew. He looked equal parts dumbfounded and like he’d like to melt into the ground. Her father didn’t miss a beat. He grabbed his son’s shoulder and started introducing him individually to the dwarves, placing his arm around him.
“Emma?” asked Granny, drawing her attention again. “The Savior?” The old woman took steps toward Emma and tenderly cupped her face with her hands before kissing her on the cheek and drawing her into a hug. Emma knew the elderly woman from the storybook, but to be held in her arms in love and acceptance was nearly as good as the hug she received from her parents when they came for her.
“Papa,” another man further up the street shouted. He ran toward an older man that was walking toward the group with the aid of a cane.
The man turned, his face infused with disbelieving joy as the cane dropped and he took a hesitant step toward the other man. “Bae?”
Emma could feel the tears forming in her eyes as the men embraced each other. She had done this. She was the savior and she had given all these people the happy endings that the Evil Queen had taken away all because she refused to place the blame for the death of her love where it truly belonged. She turned back toward the crowd again as more reunions were taking place. She saw her parents embracing a red haired man with a dalmatian. Jiminy Cricket, she remembered.
Just at that moment, a joyous cry reached their ears and they all turned toward the sound. A young woman with wild brown hair and wearing nothing more than a dirty white shift ran toward the still embracing men as she launched herself into the older man’s arms and kissed him. A rainbow blast burst from them startling everyone gathered. They separated as the blast flew through the air and yet also concentrated around the man. The young woman’s eyes grew wide as the rainbow light grew brighter and brighter around him before finally fading away to nothing. The man had tears running down his cheeks as he reached for the young woman again. Emma watched her melt into his arms and could just hear him murmur, “Belle. It’s gone. You saved me.” The kiss they shared made Emma’s cheeks flame as she turned toward her dad.
“Huh,” he said. “Rumplestiltskin has a True Love. Who would have thought that?”
The couple separated again and the man she now knew was Rumplestiltskin, the practitioner of the darkest magic in the realm, the man that she had always thought of as the puppet master, since he seemed to have a part in every single story in the book, gathered both the young woman and the younger man to him as the three made their way toward their own group.
“Dark One,” her dad greeted the man with a curt nod.
“No more,” he answered, raising his chin just a bit. “Belle’s True Love’s Kiss just destroyed the Darkness. With my son here, I was ready to let go of the Darkness and find my happiness with my family beside me.”
Then a stately woman in a nun’s habit approached them.
“Your highnesses,” she began with a bow, “the curse is indeed broken. As is the Darkness that made the Dark One.”
Her dad reached out and placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder. “Blue,” he said. “Thank you.” He turned back toward the crowd and raised his voice in an exuberant shout. “The curse is broken and the Darkness is no more!” The gathered crowd cheered along with him. Emma wiped away her tears and met the eyes of the man that had embraced the former Dark One. His eyes twinkled as he grinned broadly at her. She felt her heart rate increase and cheeks flush again as she turned her eyes back toward her parents.
It was moments later when she felt a presence at her back. She turned around and found herself captured by a pair of laughing brown eyes.
“Neal,” he said, holding his hand out for her to shake. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head as if a sudden headache had come over him. “Baelfire. Neal Cassidy was my cursed name. But you can call me whatever you want.” He smiled again.
She took his hand and smiled back. “Emma,” she replied. “It’s nice to meet you, Neal.”
She could see her mom and brother over Neal’s shoulder exchange a stern and sheepish look. She knew that Leo, at 17, would love nothing more than to tease her about the man in front of her, but thankfully, their mother caught his eye before he could. She rolled her eyes at them before directing her attention back to him.
“Uh, thanks,” he said, “for uh, breaking the curse.” She couldn’t help but smile wider at his clumsy attempts to make small talk.
“You’re welcome?” she answered, with a shrug. “I mean, I didn’t really do anything, just crossed the town line…” she trailed away.
“But, I m-mean,” he stammered, “it was more than that. You…” he shrugged helplessly, apparently at a loss for what to say next. “Listen,” he said, brightening, “Could I show you around town? Maybe buy you a cup of coffee?”
Emma grinned widely. “I’d like that.” She looped her arm through his and he led her away from the rest of the crowd.
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djarinsbeskar · 3 years
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Wow! Okay so suddenly there are a lot of you following me and I'm very much getting stage fright now as I try to get my gremlin ass to articulate how grateful I am to all of you. Those who read, those who comment, those who quietly observe and those who aren't sure what the hell I'm doing with this cacophony of mayhem I've cultivated on my blog.
Whatever the reason, I thought it might be fun to finally do one of these follower milestone celebrations! Since I'm a nightmare for requests, it might be fun to do ship requests!
To take part, all I need is for you to provide the following:
A physical description
Some personality traits (can be anything from a description to your Hogwarts house to your MBTI/astrology etc.)
Anything that brings you joy (the sea breeze, an instrument, the smell of bacon or writing for your favorite fandom!)
One or two "must haves" in a partner
Which of the following speaks most to you: unicorn, phoenix, dragon, griffin, cerberus
I'll be choosing a ship from any of the following, feel free to specify one or all:
Pedro Pascal characters
Star Wars (Skywalker Saga, Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, Bad Batch etc.)
Triple Frontier boys
Any of my Din!AU characters (the Cyclist, the Boxer etc.)
I'd also appreciate if you could advise if you would prefer to be shipped with a male or female character. Or just let me know if either is fine!
Requests closed!
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vibraniumwing · 4 years
what once was mine.
a neville longbottom x reader wherein the reader catches a disease that everyone fears to get, and when the former realizes what was happening, it was all too late.
WARNING: angst, hanahaki!au, mentions of death, major character death
A/N: okay so this is my own entry for my writing challenge !! the chaotic eggs were talking about hanahaki fics and i just couldn’t shake this idea off. i hate writing angst for this little bean but i JUST can’t let this go. 
prompt: healing incantation from tangled.
word count: 3.2k
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Neville walked through the path of what was once his safe haven, the chilling air biting into his skin as he reached the only tree that was in the middle of the vast land that was littered with flowers.
For the beautiful place that once brought him joy, also gave him despair.
You and Nevile got along quite well due to the fact that the two of you grew up next to each other and that you’ve always had this special bond over plants— whether it be magical or just the normal kind— meaning that you mostly bonded over tending to the plants at the greenhouse and helping Professor Sprout during your free time. 
He would usually teach you the magical properties of the plants you’ve studied for in Herbology while you teach him certain meanings and symbolisms for flowers that you’ve studied in your free time. 
Neville was making his way to the greenhouse when he heard a gentle voice through the window, peeking through, he saw you gently spray the pots of dittany with water as you quietly sang, 
“Flower, gleam and glow Let your power shine Make the clock reverse Bring back what once was mine”
He mesmerized by the way you carried out the song, capturing him in a trance as you continued to sing and tend to the plant, unaware of his presence,
“Heal what has been hurt Change the Fate's design Save what has been lost Bring back what once was mine”
Your voice growing more silent as you ended the song, only noticing his presence as you turn around and see him looking at you with a rather dazed expression, amazed at what you’ve performed in front of him.
“Nev! how long have you been there?” You question, nearly dropping the watering can, cheeks flushed at the realization that he heard you singing. 
He smiled at you shyly, “Just enough to hear you sing, why have you never told me that you sing so well?” he questioned, jogging to the door and entered the greenhouse, the smile still evident on his lips. 
You shied away from his gaze, “It just never came up as topic, besides my singing abilities aren’t that good.” you now answer, walking back to the table to return the canister and face him, crossing your arms as you lean on the table. “Now I’m guessing you want an answer to why I was singing to them?” Questioning him, motioning to the plants that was in front of you. 
He sheepishly nodded, genuinely curious at your habit. 
Taking a deep breath in, you started to explain, “When I was young, my mom would always sing me this song when she’s healing the small wounds I would get to distract me from the pain, telling me that this song helps to revive what once was in agony.” You answered, walking back over to gently hold the leaves of the magical plant in front of you.
“Then when I started to grow my own garden, I would sing the song to the flowers in my garden when they would show signs of wilting, as if to help them grow back. It’s silly, I know, but I just believe that it helps them in a way.” You finished explaining, looking back at him with an embarrassed expression, still in disbelief that he had finally caught you.
He looked at you incredulously, shocked that you think he would shame you for such a habit. “I don’t think that’s embarrassing, I honestly think it’s adorable.” tone filled with sincerity as he rubbed the nape of his neck, “I would love to learn that song too.”
That was your turn to look at him with disbelief, did he really want to learn the song because of you? 
A huge grin soon came over your lips as you pulled out a tattered leather journal from your bag, handing it over to him. “I might consider teaching you the song if you learn these flowers with me.” You persuaded him, his hands now opening the notebook to see the hand-drawn flowers you’ve designed on the pages, it’s names and meanings beside it.
“You’ve got yourself a deal.” 
“Hey (Y/N), what do these flowers symbolize?” He asked you one day, pointing to the page that had carnations decorating the page, the name and its meaning missing. 
You leaned over and smiled sadly at the drawing, “Those are red carnations, Nev.” You started off, leaning on your chair as you continued, “You can see that the red varies from a light red hue to a much deeper and rich one, right? Well, the light red carnations symbolizes admiration while the deeper ones mean deep love and affection.”
He eagerly listened to your explanation, nodding once as he motioned for you to finish what you were saying, you bring your hand towards the white and striped variations of the same flower, “The white ones represent pure love and good luck while the striped ones are for the regret of a love one cannot share. “ You finished, giving him an accomplished look as he was amazed. 
“Who knew a single flower and its colors have tons of meanings.” He commented, fingers gently grazing over the surface of the page as he looked at it with awe. 
“Everything has meaning if you look at enough, Nev.”
As days passed by, you’ve bonded over the simple journal filled with flowers, spending hours upon hours showing him what they could mean to a person and how you can care for it. 
as the days passed, you also felt your heart slowly sink in deeper into the emotions you swore to never tell. 
You were passing by greenhouse when you heard a familiar tune carry out from the windows, stopping by the very last one, you peek to see Neville carefully tending to his Mimbulus Mimbetonia that he bought in that same year, gently watering the plant as he sang.
“Flower, gleam and glow Let your power shine Make the clock reverse Bring back what once was mine”
Admittedly, his voice wasn’t that good but the tenderness in every word he spoke had you swooning; your heart swelled with adoration as he continued to sing, unaware of how you were silently watching him.
You’ve made yourself content with that, just admiring him from the distance; loving him silently from the side.
The two of you were in the Great Hall, immersed yet in another session of flowers and symbols, you were explaining to him the meaning of Camellias when you’ve noticed he seemed to be out of focus, staring off into the distance.
You followed his gaze to the group of students who proudly wore their house color of blue, landing on a certain blonde girl who was eating her food quietly, caught in-between two chattering girls.
Upon realization, your throat started to itch, making you wince at the feeling. “Hey Neville, are you still with me?” You asked, clearing your airway as to ease out on the uneasy feeling stirring inside of you.
He instantly snapped out of it and looked back at you with a grin, “Yeah, I’m sorry about that. You were saying?” motioning you to continue, eyes now glued to the flower you had recently drawn. 
“There are called camellias. Generally, they would symbolize love, affection and admiration to a person. However, like what I’ve explained before, the colors vary what their purpose.” You explained, hand reaching over to scratch your throat as the its irritation intensified, “For example, red would mean love and affection.” 
Neville silently nodded, not noticing how you were struggling with your words, “and these are?” he asked, pointing to the pink ones that were alone by the corner of the page.
“Those are pink camellias, those signify a longing for someone,” You finished.
“Your knowledge on these never ceases to amaze me.”
Weeks passed and the irritation just worsened, confusing you to no end about what you may have eaten to cause such a state. 
Until you were walking alongside with Neville until you coughed, feeling a rather foreign object in your mouth. You covered your mouth and looked at your friend with wide eyes before running to the lavatory, stumbling to the sink as you release whatever was in your mouth.
It was petals, and not just any petals, it was striped carnation petals.
You stared at the bunch in your hands, rather terrified of the beautiful red to white design it had. 
Seemingly enough, every time you would cough up these little monsters, it would be whenever Neville would be looking or talking to Luna. 
Your eyes looked at the amount of petals you had coughed up in just a week, filling the little jar you had hidden halfway through already. Everyday would be a new struggle for you as your breathing would get restricted more and more each time. 
You sat by the window of your dorm and watched how the glass reflected in the moonlight, gently shaking the jar as you watch the petals flutter inside the case, remembering how you 
You had some alone time after telling Neville that you would stay back at Hogwarts rather than go down at Hogsmeade, telling him that you were feeling a little under the weather for such activities. 
He offered to stay back but you said no, telling him to go have fun and enjoy the rest of the day, to which he reluctantly agreed to and left with Seamus and Dean.
You wandered into the library in hopes at you would find something that would answer what you had been currently suffering with. Eyes quickly skimming through the various books until you came across one that explained muggle ailments and illnesses. 
Scanning through the pages, your eyes had caught a picture of lungs that were slowly being filled with petals, “Hanahaki Disease...” you read out loud, your head pulsating at the realization of what you had caught, its severity causing you to tear up. 
‘This disease is stemmed from a love you cannot receive back, the petals usually appear from a certain flower and reminds them of the person they hold dearest.’ You silently read, blinking through the tears as your fingers played with the carnations that laid rest inside your pocket. 
“It’s severity may vary from petals to coughing up the full form of the flowers, the only known cure for this is aside from the reciprocation of love is the removal of the petals, however the devastating side-effect includes the loss of emotions for the said person. This is severely fatal for those who decide to leave it be, death be their mark for those who pretend not to see.” you whispered, fear creeping into your mind at the realization if you get this removed, your love for Neville will also leave
That’s when you’ve decided to leave what you have as it, choosing to endure what may come rather than to lose Neville.
Your hand clutched the container as sobs soon followed, tears freely flowing down your cheeks, “I’d rather fight and endure the pain may give me than to lose the love I have for you, Nev.”
and for the first time in what seems like forever, there were no petals that night.
You’ve decided to keep a notebook to keep track on the days you’ve survived with this living hell, writing down what happened within your day and if you have coughed up any petals; small bits and pieces of how you adore your best friend. 
You were by the Greenhouse, hugging your cardigan closer to your body as you admired the beautiful flowers of a rather wilted aconite, drawing the plant as you quietly sang to yourself, 
“Flower, gleam and glow Let your power shine Make the clock reverse Bring back what once was mine”
Bringing comfort to your rather irritated chest as someone joined along, your head whipped to where the sound came from, seeing Neville walk towards you with a rather warm smile, the same smile that you found comfort in, the same one that caused you to be in the predicament that you are right now.
“What are you drawing there?” He had asked, attempting to peek at the notebook which you closed rather quickly. 
You shook your head and hugged the notebook close to your chest, “You can’t look into this yet, Nev. Not yet.” You had said before coughing once more, a single petal escaping your lips. 
He looked at you with concern etched on his face, rubbing your back soothingly. “You’ve been coughing a lot lately, (Y/N), are you alright?” He asked, voice laced with worry as you nodded, giving him a smile as you held onto his hand.
“I’m all good, Neville, don’t worry. It’s just a cold that’s been sticking around for longer.”
You crossed out another date on the calendar you’ve made on your journal, signifying you have yet lived another day with this treacherous disease. It’s been three years since the first day you’ve coughed up petals and you still can’t believe you’ve lasted this long.
The longest record for this was for just 5 months, yet here you are now, marching on your way down to the Great Hall with your heart pounding at the realization that you were about to walk into another battle aside from your own.
As chaos soon ensued, you and Neville were on lookout by the other end of the wooden bridge, on the lookout for the pack of death eaters that were bound to invade the castle that way. You were both staring out into the rather pitch black valley, you were chewing the inside of your cheek as your hands grip on the railing, “Nev, before we both get into this, I just want you to know-”
You were about to confess what you felt for him when a loud rumble of feet interrupted, making you both alert and grip onto your wands as you looked into the distance. You grabbed his hand the moment you saw the death eaters viciously towards the entrance when three of them just obliterated into nothing making the rest halt in their tracks,
Neville gave you a knowing look, a rather victorious smile on his lips, “Yeah?! You and whose army?!”, taunting the large crowd who stopped in their tracks. Yet when a single flare landed on Scabior’s want, you immediately tugged on his sleeve, “Nev, we have to run.” as the death eaters rushed inside the gatehouse. 
You instantly took the lead, the both of you fleeing the bridge while avoiding the spells the snatcher was casting on the both of you while Neville casted a few spells to blow up the bridge. 
You were the first one to the end, watching how the bridge fell as your friend disappeared from your sight, “Neville!” You shrieked, Seamus holding you back as you coughed, your throat not handling the rather strenuous thing.
You struggled in Seamus’ grip, sobbing at the thought that your friend might have plummeted to his death when his want re-emerged from where the bridge cut off, his head soon popping out as he supported himself on the ledge, “That went well.” He groaned. 
You wiped your tears and ran towards him, helping him up as you cupped his face, eyes searching any bruises he might have. “Nev, don’t ever scare me like that again.” You sobbed, not minding the fact that every time you had to take a sharp inhale, it felt like glass was being pushed into your lungs because of the flowers growing within your chest. 
A soft chuckle escaped his lips, breath heaving in lots of air as he felt the adrenaline course through his veins, “I’m okay, (Y/N/N). I promise.” he assured, smiling at you rather happily. 
“Hey I hate to break your moment but we have to get back inside the castle now” Ginny spoke up, motioning the two of you to go and stand up. You both looked at each other and stood up, running along with her into the school as you maneuvered through the sea of students trying to flee the scene.
“What were you trying to say earlier, (Y/N)?” Neville had finally asked, glancing at you as he bumped into another student again, you shook your head, choosing not to speak up about your emotions in a time like this, “I’ll tell you once this thing is over, just promise me you’ll stay alive” You said back, giving him a smile which he mirrored, understanding what you meant.
“Ginny! Neville! (Y/N)!  Are you alright?” Harry’s voice soon rang in your ears, watching how Harry took the lass by his side and looked at the both of you with expectancy. You gave him a mere nod while the other spoke up, “Never better! I feel like I could spit fire! You haven’t seen Luna, have you?”
Harry looked at him confused, “Luna?” “I’m mad for her! ‘Think it’s about time I told her since we’d probably both be dead by dawn!” Neville exclaimed, giving you a small pat on the back as he ran up the stairs.
You suddenly felt your airway constrict more as you violently coughed, hunching over as a bunch of petals escaped your mouth, a bit of your own blood trailing down your mouth as you looked at Ginny who was talking with Harry. Despite the painful ringing in your ear and your ragged breath, you shouted at the both of them, “I’ll go this way! Be safe, the both of you!” before running off into the distance, fighting your way through the crowd.
You didn’t know where your feet would take you as you ran until you reached a deserted hallway, making you finally collapse on the floor as you spat out buds of the beautiful carnation and even the flower in its full form. 
With a shaky hand, you grasp onto in, heaving in your last breath before blacking out. 
When you woke up next, you heard a voice quietly sing albeit the hoarseness present in it, you found the sense of familiarity in every word, 
“Flower, gleam and glow Let your power shine Make the clock reverse Bring back what once was mine”
The song was cut off by a sob, causing you to stir as your vision was invaded by the bright light, looking down at what seems to be a distraught Neville. “H-Hey.” You managed to croak, wincing at the pain it caused you. 
He looked up at you with bloodshot eyes, “Why didn’t you tell me, (Y/N)? Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, crying harder as you brought your hand up to wipe his tears, silencing his sobs as you sang for one last time, 
“Heal what has been hurt Change the Fate's design Save what has been lost Bring back what once was mine”
Tears of your own spilled as you realized that you have finally reached your end, that with every inhale that you took the exhales got shorter. You weakly cupped his cheek, smiling softly. “I didn’t want you to worry so much, seeing you happy was enough for me.” You explained, eyes exploring the ruins of the Great Hall for one last time.
“Because I’d rather die knowing that I loved someone as great as you, Neville. I’m sorry.” your answer cut off by coughing up the final camellia that escaped your system, giving it to him as you softly sang before drifting off, the cries of what once was your first love floating away.
“What once… was mine.”
TAGS: @theweasleyslut​ @violetravens​ @eunoia-kth​ @starlightweasley​ @minty-malfoy​ @glimmering-darling-dolly​ @slytherinsunrise​ @loony-loopy-lupinn​ @dogweedanddeathcaps​ @pastanest​
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stressisakiller · 3 years
Next Steps (F.W)
The Other Dursley Part 2
Pairing: Muggle Dursley x Fred Weasley
A/N: This was requested by and anon who asked for a second part to muggle Dursley x Fred Weasley. I may go ahead and do a third part to this, let me know what you think in the comments!
Flashbacks are in italics. Fred lives AU
Warnings: None, Just fluff 
Word count: 2k
Part 1
You and Freddie had spent the morning together at his flat. You enjoyed some pancakes together that you had agreed to make, chocolate chip, of course, much to George’s delight when he walked out of his room that morning. You and Fred had decided not to tell anyone that you were together yet, you wanted to see how long it took them to figure out that you had actually started dating. George took a measured glance at the way you were seated, lounging in your chair with your legs across Fred’s lap. You pretended not to notice.
 “So what do the lovebirds have planned today?” He questioned. You just rolled your eyes and replied,
 “Well, I was wanting to help out at the shop for a little bit until Harry can get here to show me around a little more.” George’s eyebrow raised at that
 “Oh? Why isn’t Fred showing you around?” you giggled and rolled your eyes
 “Well he does have a popular business to help run and I would hate to get in the way of that,” you answered teasingly. You didn’t give George the chance to answer instead grabbing the dishes and heading to the sink. “Actually,” you mused, “I think I’ll head out to explore now.” You saw that trepidation on both of their faces. “I’ll be fine really, I just want to explore and discover this new place at my own pace and you need to work” You grabbed your purse and Fred stopped you right before you got to the door, he gave you some money so that you could buy whatever you wanted while you were out and with that you headed out eager to explore this magical new world.
 You found an ice cream shop and a cauldron shop, it felt kind of like a kitchen store just more specialized, you were impressed by the solid gold cauldron wondering what the purpose for it could be. You kept wandering through the increasingly busy streets, passing a robe shop and one that should all types of herbs. You were surprised to note that other than the ice cream shop there weren’t many food businesses and there weren’t any bakeries. You decided to speak with Fred about that when you got back to the shop. You were pulled out of your thoughts by someone calling out your name. You turned and saw your cousin running towards you, you laughed as he pulled you into a hug and swung you around. You were dizzy by the time he set you down, you giggled as you asked
 “What are you trying to make me fall over? What’s the occasion Cousin?” Harry grinned at you, 
“Does there have to be an occasion? I’m just excited to see you again! Plus I’m excited to show you around my world a little bit more, although it seems like you’ve been doing some exploring of your own.” You couldn’t help but look a little bashful at that.
 “I couldn’t help it, it was just such a beautiful morning and there was just so much to see!” He shook his head at your excitement,
 “I understand that completely, I felt the same way the first time I came here. Come on let's go! I have to show you my favorite spots.” You spent the rest of the morning into the afternoon running around with Harry, learning more and more about the wizarding world. As you explored you noticed that there were many shops that were empty and closed, asking Harry about it he explained what happened with the Wizarding war and how it affected Diagon alley and the people that worked there. You asked him about your idea from earlier. Would there be a way to buy one of the old shops and bring a muggle bakery in? He mulled it over for a moment before decisively saying that he couldn’t see why not and that he and Mr. Weasley would love to help you figure out the details of how and where. You headed back to Fred and George’s shop in high spirits debating whether you should talk to Fred about it yet or keep it as more of a secret until you got all of the kinks worked out. Opening the door you couldn’t help the smile that lit your face when you saw Fred in his element, talking with his customers, telling them about all the trouble he and George got into at Hogwarts, convincing them to buy more than they needed or thought that they wanted. You giggled as you watched one of the kids walk by you with a dazed look on his face after talking with Fred, you could relate, you wore a similar look after hanging out with him the first couple of times. You strolled over to him just in time to hear the end of his latest story.
 “And that’s how George and I ended up creating a swamp in the middle of the hallway.” You shook your head at that deciding that you would ask him about it later. He noticed you walking up out of the corner of his eye and turned to smile at you, pulling you to his side as he finished helping the customer. He placed a quick kiss on your head, not being able to help himself. You looked around and saw that George was just leaving the storage room so he probably didn’t see it so you could keep the charade going at least a little bit longer. You murmured that you were going to go put your bags into the apartment upstairs since they were giving a little heavy and he nodded and told you to come back down and find him once you were done. You did just that, taking a moment to check your appearance in the mirror before you headed down, appearances weren’t the most important thing but you knew that you probably looked a little windswept after being outside all morning. You came back down the stairs and started to help George at the cash register, he quickly explained the money system and told you to holler if you needed any help before he ran back into the backroom to restock a couple of the shelves that were currently empty. You were in awe of how well their business was doing and how many people appreciated them bringing joy back to the world. You became determined that you were going to find a way to help them bring that joy back in any way that you could. Mentally setting up a plan for how and where you would put your bakery. Looking around the shop you had ideas for tons more desserts and goodies, wondering if wizards would like the coffee you would make and what new flavors you could experiment with that the wizarding world had. Watching Fred you settled that you would wait to tell him until you were certain it would work. 
The next couple of weeks consisted of you, Arthur, and Harry making and executing the plans for your new shop. You found and bought the empty shop next to the Weasley’s shop, thinking that you could put a doorway between the two so that it would be easier for Fred and you to see each other during the day. It didn’t take long for George to realize that you were up to something so you had to spill the beans and tell him your plan. You were surprised by how excited he was at the prospect and how many ideas he had to make it better. Your secret-keeping came to an end when you had purchased the new place and Harry had helped you set up all of the appliances you would need, Arthur, made sure that it was all perfectly legal and you had a permit as a muggle to have a business in the wizarding world. It was two months since you and Fred had started dating and you were going to show him your shop as an anniversary date. You baked that morning making a couple of your new treat ideas including bread shaped like unicorns and chocolate trolls filled with raspberry compote. You were super nervous about telling him, worried that he would be mad about you keeping it from him, but you didn’t want to get his hopes out before knowing if it would work out. You met up with him around 7 that night, right as their shop was closing. He walked down out of his apartment as soon as you walked in the door. He wasn’t dressed up, he had taken off his suit jacket and vest earlier in the day, but he still looked good in his slacks and white button-down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. You were dressed in a cute sundress not wanting to look too formal knowing that Fred probably wouldn’t look properly formal until the day he got married. You may have blushed a little when you had that thought. He walked up to you, looking you over he couldn’t help but wonder how he got so lucky, 
“You look beautiful” he breathed out, you blushed even harder at his words
. “Well, you don’t look too bad yourself” you quipped, “are you ready to see my surprise for you?” He flashed you one of his signature grins and told you to lead the way. He couldn’t help his confusion when you lead him out of his shop and into the one next door. You held your breath as you turned the lights on, worried about what his reaction would be. You heard his quick intake when the lights illuminated the space around you. You waited another moment before turning to look at him, his eyes were taking everything in and you waited for him to ask the questions you knew were coming. After taking in the whole room he turned to face you,
 “So is this what you’ve been working on the last 2 months?” he questioned. You looked down stealing yourself to what he would say once he heard your answer. 
“Yes, Harry, your Dad and I have been working on figuring out a way for me to open a bakery in Diagon Alley. They helped me enchant the appliances so that they would work without muggle electricity. I should be able to open in a couple of months, there is still a lot to get done.” You were surprised by the smile that overtook his face at your words,
 “You mean to tell me that in a couple of months you will be working right next to me and living near me? That I will be able to just walk next door to see you and not have to worry about exploding magic to muggles?” his smile grew when you nodded “This is the best gift you could have ever gotten me!” He pulled you into a tight hug and you realized that there was no one else that you would want to be with not when the man in front of you was so excited for you to get to do your passion. You felt the tears well up in your eyes from how happy you were to have him in your life. You looked in his eyes and declared that you were done hiding your relationship from his family, that you wanted to go to the weekly Weasley dinner that night and let them know that you were together and couldn’t be happier. He grabbed your hand and apparated you to the garden outside the burrow. Giving you a quick kiss to fortify you he opened the door and walked into the Burrow with your hands intertwined. You laughed at Mrs. Weasley’s reaction and how she was so excited for you to be a part of the family, you and Fred blushed at that. You were swarmed by the rest of the Weasleys and were so overwhelmed that you almost didn’t see Harry handing over a galleon to George. Almost
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