#hogwarts mystery celestial ball
the-al-chemist · 2 months
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Tango for Tongues
A/N: For @hphm-ship-week’s prompt “Dance”. Excuse the gross title. This is a Diego story.
Warnings: a would-be teenage lothario, awkward kisses, a plot twist…
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Spring had sprung. The nights were getting lighter, the frost had thawed, and the first flowers were starting to bloom. But the warmer weather and longer days were not the talk on anyone’s tongue at the castle. No, the students at Hogwarts had only one thing on their minds: the upcoming Celestial Ball.
With Ball Fever taking the castle by storm, Diego Caplan had seen a unique opportunity arise. It turned out that Jae Kim was not the only wizard in his year with entrepreneurial spirit, for Diego had managed to make a small fortune in the last few weeks. While Jae had been brewing beautification potion — or at least stewing something that could pass for beautification potion — Diego had been giving his female classmates private lessons on his specialist subject.
And he was something of an specialist, if he did say so himself. He had kissed more girls than any of the other boys in his year group. A Sickle a lesson was a fair price to pay for such a level of expertise. Clearly, the girls thought so. He was fully booked until next Thursday.
His next client was due to arrive at any moment: Belladonna Beauchamp. Hers was not a name that Diego recognised, and as he waited for her to arrive, Diego found himself hoping that she was decent looking — not that he wouldn’t give her a quality service if she wasn’t, of course. Thankfully, when the door opened, in walked a remarkably pretty girl with blonde hair and brown eyes, dressed in a Ravenclaw uniform. She was rather petite, and not overly familiar looking. Probably a third year.
“Hi, are you Diego?” she asked.
“I certainly am. Belladonna?”
Belladonna nodded, her hair tumbling around her shoulders as she did. Diego held his hand out towards the chair opposite him, and she took it. As she handed him a single silver coin, he took a better look at her face. Her skin was so clear it almost seemed to glow, and her lips were so full that Diego was surprised that no one would have kissed her before.
“Are you nervous?” he asked. She giggled slightly.
“Um, a little. We’ve played spin the bottle in my dormitory a few times, if you could imagine that...”
Diego could definitely imagine that. In fact, it was only the sound of someone coughing in the corridor outside that distracted him from imagining that.
“But I’ve never kissed a boy before, not properly,” continued Belladonna. “This will be my first real kiss.”
“Well, there’s nothing to be worried about,” Diego reassured her. “Kissing is very simple, as long as you don’t overthink it. It’s like dancing — just trust your instincts and follow a lead. That’s where I come in. I’ll lead, you follow. Ready?”
Belladonna nodded her head, and ever so slowly, Diego leaned in and kissed her. She returned his kiss, her lips closed. She was not bad, especially for a relative beginner, and he told her so once he had pulled away.
“How do you feel about trying again, with tongues this time?”
“Hmm…” Belladonna’s teeth grazed her bottom lip for a moment before she smiled, revealing a set of perfectly straight white teeth. “Oh, go on then.”
This time, when Diego kissed her, she did not only kiss him back, but she did so passionately. It was like a tango between them, and he wasn’t even sure that he was the one leading anymore. By the time her hands came to rest on either side of his face, he was so lost in the kiss that he almost forgot that he was supposed to be teaching her — not that she needed much instruction.
“Are you sure you’ve never… UGH!”
As he pulled away to ask his question and opened his eyes, Diego was filled with revulsion. If it weren’t for her hands holding him still, he would have recoiled from Belladonna.
Except it wasn’t Belladonna that was sitting with him anymore.
Gone were the bouncy blonde waves and chocolate-brown eyes, the peachy skin and full, tempting lips. Belladonna’s face had grown sallow, her nose crooked, her hair black and lank and greasy. This wasn’t Belladonna.
This was Professor Snape.
As Diego swore and retched, Snape doubled over laughing, cackling and snorting. He screwed up his face and it changed again, becoming heart-shaped, framed by a shock of raspberry-pink hair.
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake!” Diego half-shouted. “Tonks!”
Outside the door, a second peal of laughter sounded, and in walked Tulip Karasu. Tonks winked at her.
“Told you it would be worth lending me your spare uniform.”
Tulip smirked. “Yes, you were correct. That was fantastic.”
“But, really, Diego?” Tonks sighed. “I can’t believe you fell for it again.”
Neither could Diego. He hadn’t believed it last time, or the five times before that. He scowled at the pair of them, both now almost breathless with laughter.
“Haven’t you run out of Sickles yet?” he grumbled.
“Maybe. Maybe not.” Clearly bored of him, the girls left the room, arm-in-arm. Before the door shut behind them, Tonks turned back around and blew him a kiss. “Until next time, lover boy.”
There would not be a next time. Diego would make sure of that. He shuddered as he looked at the chair Tonks had left vacant.
Perhaps he ought to just give dancing lessons instead.
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aleapple1216 · 6 months
hi! i hope you are doing well, just wanted to tell you that i miss you and miss the times when you were drawing hogwarts mystery. i mean honestly, i fell in luv with ur characters, their lore and ur drawing style.
will u ever draw any of that again? if you don't it's ok, i understand, but i would still like to know. well that was all bye!
Heeeeey! Thank you so much for asking ♡
I'm still sketching on my spare time, which lately, it's not really common hehe
Here you have some. Have a nice day!
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danceworshipper · 2 months
@hphm-ship-week Prompt 7: Ball
Years ago I was assigned the Celestial Ball for a quest rewrite event started by @carewyncromwell and completely didn't do it. Here's a scene from what I would have written
Ship: Quinn/Jae 🧚🏼‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️
Date: April 22nd, 1989 (fifth year)
Content warning: A lot of swearing (Quinn's a sailor mouth) and a reference to underage drinking (doesn't actually occur)
Quinn toyed with a ruffle on her dress - magically altered, of course, because she was not going to wear a child's ball gown and nothing age appropriate was her size - and huffed another sigh. She should never have let her friends convince her to come tonight. The only parties Quinn went to were the ones hosted before every Quidditch match, where it was easy enough to make a quick appearance before fleeing with the excuse of needing to center herself.
Plus, at the Quidditch parties she could hide behind Skye's much louder personality. She sighed. Quinn hated that her whole team was older than here. None of them were here. Tonks was supposed to be staying with her, but had been dragged away by Tulip for some stupid prank that Tulip promised wouldn't ruin everyone's night. Quinn had her doubts about that. Her night was already ruined, because she was here and she was alone.
Shitty fucking best friend, abandoning her.
Most of the fifth years were on the dance floor. She had to admit that the planning committee had picked good music, but she didn't feel like humiliating herself by trying to dance. No, the snack table was where she'd be all night. Maybe Rowan and Ben's offer to 'not go' together was still available? Watching them play chess in the library or something had to be better than standing here sweating her ass off.
Quinn grabbed a cup of punch, telling herself that if Tonks wasn't back in ten minutes, she was gone. And she was taking the plate of chocolate pretzels with her.
"Want me to spike that?"
Punch went down the wrong pipe when Quinn jumped. Jae smacked her back as she coughed, laughing out an apology. Oh fuck, that was so embarrassing; that was not cute at all and now he probably thought she was even weirder.
Jae leaned against the wall next to her after she caught her breath. "You seem tense," he observed.
"Y-yeah," Quinn said, checking that she didn't cough any punch onto her dress.
"Not a party fan?"
"Yeah, me either," Jae said. "I'm mostly here for the snacks. I was serious, by the way. If you want something to take the edge off, I've got a little firewhiskey. Free of charge. Looks like you need it more than me."
She really did consider it, but Quinn shook her head. "Too many professors. Not worth the risk."
Jae smirked. "Ah, yeah, I forgot: Slytherins are cowards."
"Excuse me?" Quinn demanded. "Who's the one who's closed three damn Cursed Vaults? 'Cause it wasn't a fucking Gryffindor."
He nudged her arm, smug. "There ya go."
Quinn frowned. "Huh?"
"Not nervous anymore, are ya?" Jae clarified, and Quinn felt her face heat up.
"You did that on purpose," she accused.
Jae snatched a handful of Bertie's off of the snack table and carelessly tossed a handful in his mouth before saying, "Guilty."
Quinn hated that not only had she fallen for it, it had worked. She still didn't want to be here, but he'd distracted her enough that her nerves were much less erratic. It was only a matter of time before she said something stupid or did something stupid and Jae walked away to never talk to her again, though, and the night would be back to being a bunch of bullshit.
She toyed with a ruffle again, staring at her own nails against the fabric. They'd never been painted before because she was worried it would make her fingers look stumpier, but the shiny black polish actually looked nice with her skin tone just like Skye had said. Skye had been very invested in getting Quinn to the ball once it had been announced. It was one of those experiences, she'd said. Quinn had to go. Well, here she was, and this experience wasn't feeling worth it.
Jae passed her a plate full of chocolate pretzels.
"Those are your favorite, right?"
Shocked, Quinn just blinked at him.
"Tonks made sure to tell me," he said. "She was insistent I come check on you."
Bitch, she thought. Meddling fucking bitch.
"Nice dress," Jae continued. "I don't think I've ever seen you in pink before. Suits you."
Nerves were back.
Quinn gulped. "Thanks. Skye picked it out. I like your robes."
"Thanks. Tonks practically made me buy these, for some reason. She insisted they'd look good on me."
Jae really did look good. He must have gotten the robes customized; they fit him perfectly despite the fact that he shared her unfortunate height situation. Being short had never seemed to bother him, though. She wondered if he truly didn't care or if he was just good at hiding it.
Her eyes narrowed. His robes had pink accents that matched her dress.
Oh, those conniving fucking bitches. Skye and Tonks were trying to set her up - and Tulip was probably in on it too, getting Tonks away from Quinn so that she was alone when Jae came over. Fucking hell.
Jae's eyes narrowed, gears turning in his brain as he reached a similar conclusion.
"Clever," he said.
Quinn huffed. "Not what I'd call them."
He laughed, nudging her arm again. Despite the terrible betrayal, Quinn found herself starting to smile too. Jae's laugh was contagious.
"Hey, you want to dance?" he asked. "I think it'd make them lose their minds."
Bad idea. Very bad idea: she didn't know how to dance. But you know what? Fuck it. Jae probably didn't know how to dance either, and it would absolutely make Tonks freak out.
She smirked. "Yeah, sure."
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missnight0wl · 1 year
Imagine if we could take Sickleworth to the Celestial Ball as our buddy instead of these love interests 😔. I mean he already kept following MC everywhere, even to classes in year 4 so why not follow us to the Celestial Ball? This cute baby is the best character 😭
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I know, right? The fact that Sickleworth actually is at the Celestial Ball makes it only worse.
No, but seriously. It is still my biggest complaint about the Celestial Ball TLSQ that we had no option to attend the party without any date, especially when you take Rowan and Ben into consideration. Like, one of the reasons why we wanted them to go was so we could have fun together – all three of us. And now you’re forcing me to ditch them? It's weird even if you choose Rowan or Ben as your date because while I think both of those dates are really cute, the third person is kinda pushed to the side.
Personally, I’d love to spend the Celestial Ball with Rowan, Ben, and Sickleworth. I know we technically all party in the same room and whatnot, but still.
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eric-coldfire · 1 year
Here's to not being mortal enemies all the time.
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At least for tonight.
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agatha-in-hogwarts · 2 years
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boredmezzosoprano · 2 years
The Celestial Ball was beautiful✨💘 it first came about in year 4 but I only got round to playing it in year 7 hence why Bill is still a student, among other things. I can’t help but wonder what it would have looked like if Bill/Rowan had become canonical💔
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immagrosscandy · 1 year
Do you prefer HPHM or HPMA? Which is better in terms of storyline, animation, and characters in your opinion?
-Sincerely, from a dumb anon that is me 💋😷
at this point i really prefer hpma over hphm for a lot of reasons and most of them are how hphm fails in everything you just mentioned
the story gets messy super messy as the years go by, they stretch the chapters like gum making em tedious and boring
the animation is sometimes nasty like some 3d models look bad very bad, as if they just wanted to get the job done instead of making sure said job is good
the characters are... meh. i like some of them but the main story focuses on some of the ones that get worse as the story progresses: like the stupidity that is jacob's sibling, the pain in my ass that is merula snyde, jacob "i am found and never seen again for some reason", the supposed-to-be big bad of the story who's VERY important as he's RELATED to the main characters and is never mentioned until the last year of school. why.
also. another problem that annoys me. the less focus the have on the story and more on adding things that don't really matter. like the amount of sidequests and how much of them they do, and how emphasis they put in them on social media. the perfect example is the big elephant in the room, the romance. like most people only care about the romance because jc stopped caring about the story and it shows, and its seems like they have some sort of dateline to make a new romantic sidequests so that the players keep in touch with the game (at least that's how it feels for me)
as you can see hphm was good, even great. i loved the story and the characters. i liked the mystery behind the vaults and our brother, the mc wasn't stupid, i even liked merula because she was a not-annoying bad bitch that knew more of the mystery than us, there was rowan khanna, they created talbott winger thanks you lord, the story was captivating and it didn't need to be like 60 chapters long i'm looking at you year 6 even the romantic subplot was okay for me, the celestial ball and the first date are peak tlsq and tulip and ismelda was dateable i mean c'mon
but they fucked up
so bad
and i'm hoping the same doesnt happen to hpma. i've finished the main storyline and i kind of like ivy and lottie's stories, they're super cute. the artstyle is GORGEOUS it blows my tiny mind, and the animation is great. i really like it! all the things you can do in the castle such as going to class, dueling, dancing or exploring the forbidden forest are really cool and they keep me interested. its just like being at hogwarts. also the characters here are great and they all have a different story to be told (i'm seeing you daniel)
also i never got to play hogwarts legacy or any of the hp games in the ps2, so this is like my first experience of an open-world hogwarts and... it's cool!
i really dont want to glorify this game, there are some things i dont like about it, but until now i'm really enjoying it!
so i feel like hpma might be better than hphm in terms of animation and storytelling, obviously. and i like the characters in both games, but in hphm they downgrade in quality and writing... so i guess hpma wins
dont get me wrong i still love hphm, but what i hate is what they've done to it
i hope this wasn't too long. if you have anything to say about what i've said feel free to do so. my opinion is just an opinion after all
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medicangels · 8 months
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lydia alcott rossetti is my mc in hogwarts mystery! this is if you could befriend lydia, what would your interactions be like? what is she like? i've seen this concept floating around and i really wanted to do it because it seemed fun, and it was!!
lydia is my actual name but if you get who the other two names are you get a thumbs up and a hug<3
underneath the cut there'll be quizzes about your interactions (meal with friends, play gobstones, etc)
meal with a friend:
"Ever since my first day at hogwarts I've been a proud slytherin. How much do you know about slytherin?" Where is the common room located? 1. In the dungeons, under the black late 2. Next to the armoury, near the trophy room 3. In the clock tower Who is the founder of slytherin? 1. Sylvester Slytherin 2. Seraphina Slytherin 3. Salazar Slytherin Who is the slytherin ghost? 1. The grey lady 2. Peeves 3. Bloody Baron What are the slytherin house colours? 1. Green and gold 2. Green and silver 3. Green and black Which of these is not a house trait? 1. Wit 2. Cunning 3. Ambition Which skill are slytherins often gifted in? 1. Legilimency 2. Occlumency 3. Apparition Are students from other houses allowed in the common room? 1. No 2. Yes 3. Only on special occasions "Wow, you really know more than i thought you'd know, I'm impressed!"
play gobstones:
Playing gobstones with Lydia is unavailable. She hates the smell. "It's gross."
drink butterbeer:
"How well do you know me?" Who did I go on my first date with and take with me to the celestial ball? 1.) Penny Haywood 2.) Barnaby Lee 3.) Talbott Winger Who do I spend the majority of my time with outside of class? 1.) Nymphadora Tonks 2.) Talbott Winger 3.) Charlie Weasley What is my animagus form? 1.) Cat 2.) Bird 3.) Dog What am I most known for? 1.) Rule breaker 2.) Peacemaker 3.) Being nosey What is my wand made out of? 1.) Applewood wand, dragon heartstring core, rigid 2.) Maple wood, dragon heartstring core, flexible 3.) Hornbeam wand, dragon heartstring core, inflexible Was I able to become a prefect? 1.) Yes 2.) No 3.) I didn't want to be one Who is my favourite teacher at hogwarts? 1.) Professor McGonagall 2.) Professor Snape 3.) Professor Flitwick "You know me well, it's pretty weird actually but okay."
garden date:
"Fang looks frightened. Can you do something so he isn't scared?" 1.) Gaze into Fang's eyes 2.) Shout 'Look, a Fairy!' 3.) Pet Fang "I love flowers, especially the ones that look delicate and have a soft way about them..." 1.) Pick Daisies 2.) Pick Thistle 3.) Pick Dandelions "Hagrid's garden looks lovely filled with pumpkins. Wait, do you want to pick pumpkins?" 1.) Let's do it! 2.) They're not ours to pick 3.) Let's do something else "I'm having such a good time, just us two, together but if I wasn't here with you what would I be doing?" 1.) Making friends 2.) Making trouble 3.) Making time for yourself "I'm glad our date is going well! If it wasn't though would you tell me?" 1.) I'd tell the truth 2.) I'd say something nice instead 3.) I wouldn't speak at all
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(x) (x)
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helenadurazzo · 1 year
This is the version of my character I made all the way back in 2019 when I first started the game, until I later revisited the game in 2021 and revamped Helena into the character you know today. I have never shared this version of Helena online until now so I hope you enjoy what this turns out to be.
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As you can see in the picture above, Helena did not go through a large amount of changes physically. Here, her hair is naturally black and nearly perfectly straight and her skin is much paler.
Her name wasn’t even going to be Helena Durazzo, originally, Helena’s last name was going to be Hawthorn. Her beta version had no Italian roots and was for the most part, completely British.
She would mostly have been raised by her mother who was very similar to her canon mother except this version of Olivia was originally a Slytherin and had a hobby in herbology rather than a career
Her father mysteriously died not too long after she was born and rarely anyone talked about him. I believe I planned to use this to tie in my MC with R but don’t have notes about it
She had many family connections such as being linked to the Ravenclaws and being talented in Legilimency through her mother’s side of the family. She was also a pure blood witch.
In addition, she herself was always going to be a member of Ravenclaw house. However, she was never going to be part of the quidditch team and actually despised the idea of flying
She was great friends with Rowan, Penny, and Ben, and in my original canon, she even befriends Merula. In addition, Helena also dated Barnaby Lee and went with him to the Celestial Ball and first date.
Unlike canon Helena, who has a pet bird (a starling to be specific), Beta!Helena had a snowy owl named Khione who she used to keep in contact with her beloved mother while at Hogwarts
Finally, the last thing I have in my notes is that she was a bookworm and aspired to be a curse breaker to learn more and to find her brother and bring him home to her and her mother.
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the-al-chemist · 2 months
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Fall For You
A/N: Ah, first love. It doesn’t always last, but it’s sweet while it does. Penny takes a tumble in this one, for @hphm-ship-week’s prompt “Ball”.
Warnings: none.
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Penny was in a rush again.
She often was these days; with the Celestial Ball fast approaching and being the one in charge of the organising committee, she felt as if she had an awful lot on her plate. In fact, she felt as if she had a lot on several plates, and all of those plates were spinning on top of sticks. There was just so much that had to be done, from the decorating, to the catering, to the music. And that was before she even thought about herself. She still hadn’t decided what to wear, nor had she found herself a date.
Well, technically, that was only half true. She had decided who she wanted to be her date, but it wasn’t as simple as that. After all, there were plenty of others who would have jumped at the chance to go to a ball with Bill Weasley. Not to mention, Bill was her friend. They had friends in common. One of which was Rowan, who Penny wasn’t certain had fully gotten over her crush on him, and Artemis, who had that strange brother-sister sort of thing going on with him, and Charlie, who actually was his brother.
No, it was not simple. It was actually very complicated indeed.
It would have been less complicated if Penny had been sure that Bill liked her. As in, really liked her, as more than a friend. Because, yes, he always made a point of talking to her when they saw one another in the corridors or the courtyard, and yes, he had offered to help her with her Transfiguration coursework, but Bill would have done those things for any of his friends. And although recently she had thought that he had been looking at her or smiling at her more than he used to, that may have been wishful thinking on her part.
Bill was a sixth year, and clever, and cool. Penny might have been popular and quite pretty, if it wasn’t too vain of her to think so, but she had to be dreaming to think that Bill would ever see her as anything more than one of little brother’s friends. To think that he might actually ask her to be his date for the Celestial Ball, it was…
Penny’s dancing thoughts were interrupted as her foot seemed to hit something — a step or loose stone, perhaps — as she walked. She stumbled, then fell forward, landing on the hard ground, the notebooks and rolls of parchment she had been carrying scattered across the flagstone around her. She turned to look at what she had tripped over, but there was nothing there but air.
“Oh dear.” A shrill voice called out, and Penny looked up to see a group of sixth year Gryffindor girls standing nearby, all sniggering. At the front of the group was Emily Tyler, her wand raised and face smug. She sneered at Penny. “I didn’t realise you were so very clumsy, Penelope.”
As Emily and her friends laughed again, Penny felt her face grow pink and tears prick at her eyes. Embarrassed, frustrated, and determined not to let any of them see her cry, she focused on trying to gather her things back together. A moment later, she was joined by a passerby, who crouched down to help her and made her heart skip a beat.
She wasn’t sure if she was happy or not to see him right now. She had just fallen flat on her face. Goodness, he might have just caught a glimpse of her knickers! Penny blushed even more.
“Are you alright, Pen?” Bill asked her, his blue eyes filled with concern. Penny nodded, her voice suddenly gone. “Was the floor wet, or…” He turned and looked at Emily Tyler and her friends, who were now walking away. “Oh, for Godric’s sake. Do you want me to go and give her a detention?”
Penny suddenly had a vision of Bill, dressed like Prince Charming, riding a white pony up the Grand Staircase with a sword in his hand, ready to fight and defend her honour. But then, she had another vision of Emily in her dormitory, talking about her behind her back. She shook her head.
“Oh, no. There’s really no need, Bill. I’m perfectly alright.” To prove her point she smiled, desperately hoping that she hadn’t chipped any of her teeth on the flagstone. Bill did not look convinced. “Really, she’s just upset about the whole Ball committee thing. I would have been upset, too, if she had won the vote and I hadn’t.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think you would have trip-jinxed her because of it.”
“Well, no. I suppose that was a little uncalled for.”
“It was completely uncalled for,” said Bill. He stood up and held a hand out to her. She took it, and he helped her to her feet. “Are you sure—”
“I’m positive, thank you.” Penny, aware that her hand was still in his, let go and took the last of her papers back from him. “And thank you for helping me with these.”
“You’re more than welcome.”
Neither of them spoke for a few moments, but neither of them moved away from each other, either. It would have been awkward, had Penny not been too busy hoping that he might kiss her to feel any awkwardness. But, of course, he didn’t kiss her. He did, however, glance at her lips. Unless she had imagined. Had she imagined it? Was he thinking about kissing her? Might he like her back?
“It looks like a lot of work, all of this,” he said. Penny shrugged.
“Yes, I suppose it is. But I enjoy it, so I don’t mind.”
“Of course. It must be right up your street. Still, I’m really impressed.” Penny couldn’t stop herself from smiling at Bill’s words. But, he wasn’t done just yet. “You know, if you need a hand with any of it, I’m happy to help. With anything, really, you just need to ask. I mean it.”
He really did mean it, Penny could tell. He really wanted to help her. He wanted to spend time with her. Maybe, just maybe, she hadn’t been imagining things at all.
“And… Sorry. You go on.”
“Oh, no. No, I’m sorry. I didn’t realise you hadn’t finished speaking,” said Penny. “Please, carry on. What were you saying?”
“Not much. Just that I’m going to be helping out anyway. I’ve signed up to be a chaperone on the night.”
Penny felt her heart drop in her chest. If Bill was going to be a chaperone at the ball, then he wouldn’t be able to go as her date, even if he did want to.
“Anyway, what were you about to say, Pen?”
Her sudden sense of disappointment prevented her from lying.
“Well, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to the Celestial Ball with me. As my date. But if you’re a chaperone, then that’s not going to work, is it?”
“No.” Bill gave her a pained look. “Sorry.”
There was nothing more to say. Once again, Penny felt the threat of her own tears. She shrugged at Bill in lieu of talking, and walked away from him before she could cry. She couldn’t bear that embarrassment as well.
“Penny, wait.” She stopped, and allowed Bill to catch up with her. “I really am sorry. If I hadn’t volunteered to help, then…”
His voice tailed off, and his sentence went unfinished. After a second, Penny tried to finish it for him.
“Then you would have said yes?”
“Then I would have asked you myself.”
Now it was Bill’s turn to blush. Penny could barely believe her eyes or ears.
“Yeah. I, um… Well, I kind of like you, Pen. I mean, I really like you.”
“I really like you, too.”
The hall in which they were standing wasn’t overly busy, but it wasn’t completely empty either. In that moment, however, it felt as if Penny and Bill could have been the only two people in the whole castle, maybe even in the whole world.
“Maybe if everyone behaves themselves, I’ll be able to get on the dance floor for a few songs,” said Bill. “Maybe you could save a dance for me, just in case?”
“Well, I’ll certainly try,” Penny replied.
The school bell pealed. Their moment was over. It was time for their next lessons to begin. Somewhat awkwardly, they each gestured in the directions they needed to go. Opposite directions.
Penny rose up onto her tiptoes and kissed Bill on the cheek, before walking away from him with a rosy face and a smile that she wouldn’t have been able to suppress if she tried.
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mizutoyama · 2 years
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41 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
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Ok, if Bill is aware of that, it’s because Charlie told him because he secretly has a crush on MC but thinks he doesn’t have a chance because of all the attention MC gets.
I refuse to let JC burst my bubble.
47 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
Quidditch series recruitment
If you don't know already, I have finished my Brazil series. After more than one year of working on it, I can just say "Finally!" This means that I can now move on to other things, and one of those things is my Quidditch series, which takes place in Alice's 5th year, after my Celestial Ball series. (Yes, I like doing series)
Why am I telling you this? Well, Quidditch fics mean Quidditch matches and Quidditch teams. Now, I could create players from scratch, but I decided to ask the HPHM community if they would like to share their MC for the time of one Quidditch fic (or longer if your MC is in Ravenclaw like Alice).
Positions available
Ravenclaw: Chaser, seeker (@lunasilvermorny Does your offer to use Luna as a beater still stand? @kc-needs-coffee I would love to use KC as the other beater, if you don't mind, of course)
Slytherin: Chasers, seeker, keeper, 1 beater (the other one being Rath)
Gryffindor: Beater, keeper, 2 chasers (the third one is Skye Parkin)
Hufflepuff: Unfortunately, the match against Hufflepuff has already taken place by the time Alice joins the team, as hinted at in this fic. But you can still volunteer your MC for a quick appearance (@lifeofkaze you know I would love for Lizzie to make an appearance)
You can let me know in the comments or DM me.
59 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
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See the full post
66 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I am not okay. Just heard that Angela Lansbury died.
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R.I.P. my favourite sleuth.
I need to binge watch Murder, She Wrote
104 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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montaguehphm · 4 years
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“Remember how I was the one who asked Dumbledore if we could bring dates, Monty?”
“When Dumbledore first announced the ball? Yeah, I remember.”
“I asked because, even then, I was secretly hoping that you would be my date tonight.”
“And now here we are. I’m more than happy to be here with you, Barnaby.”
“And I feel like the luckiest wizard in Hogwarts to be here with you, Monty.”
In which Montague and Barnaby attend the Celestial Ball together, have a great time, and end the night being crowned as the Kings of the Stars  (like prom royalty but for the Celestial Ball? No? Okay.) and memorialize the night with a photo together at the photobooth.
The design of the photo booth was for the ball was inspired by art nouveau designs (specifically this one) and Glinda’s bubble in the Wicked musical. Also, bonus points to your house if you can figure out where I got the idea for the sceptre. Hahahahaha!
Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed my art. This idea was nagging in the back of my head for weeks and I knew I had to make this happen. This was so hard to work on but I’m glad it’s finished. Enjoy, kids!
Bonus materials under the cut!
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Here, we have Montague and Barnaby’s official prom photo from the photo booth. This copy hangs on the wall on Monty’s side of the Ravenclaw dorm.
Also, if y’all want to see Montaby’s first dance together, well, here it is below with the one song that I feel suited the moment (in all seriousness). If you can guess the song they dance to, well, that means you had an amazing childhood. 😂
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scousequacksonthiam · 5 years
Barnaby I love youuuuu.
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I swear he's adorable, where can I find me a guy like this in the real world?
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sketchy-saram · 6 years
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Been (slowly of course) working on this the past few days; ever since I started the Celestial Ball quest on Hogwarts Mystery!  I was SO excited that we got to have a ball, and even more excited there was some actual romance/more dating-sim stuff.
EXCEPT THE GUY I LIKE ISN’T AN OPTION, BOO. ;v; So I decided to draw a picture to make myself feel better, ha ha.
Celeste: I’m really glad you decided to come to the ball, Talbott.
Talbott: Only because you wouldn’t stop asking me...
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eric-coldfire · 1 year
Playing Hogwarts Mystery during the Celestial Ball event.
Makes fun of romcom anime where the MC doesn’t choose the childhood friend.
Gets the option to invite the girl whose helped me since year 1 (currently year 4) to be my date to the ball. She’s practically part of the trio and set up as “default” girl to ask.
Doesn’t choose her as my date, despite helping her decorate for the ball.
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Instead asks the tsundere tomboy who bullied me year 1 and is now my rival.
She looks gorgeous in her dress.
Thinking back at all the Harry x Draco shippers I called crazy because it doesn’t make sense for you to date a rival.
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