harringroveera · 3 months
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That’s why she’s his best friend!
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shieldofiron · 3 months
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She knows what you are.
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californiaboytoybilly · 8 months
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she keeps him ✨ down to earth ✨
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hellcheercaine · 8 months
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Hanging out with Billy at Robin's house for the day, and Heather knows what’s up despite the mess Billy made
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thatgirlwithasquid · 6 months
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work besties :D
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bowiebond · 2 years
Robin and Steve both failing at love so badly as they get well into their thirties and deciding to just marry each other since they’ve already been living together since they were 20 and share a mortgage. Steve had original planned to just have Robin as his roommate until she found someone, and he had like seven kids coming and going but would be out to college in just two years, so a decently sized place (much smaller than his original, empty mansion) filled with Robin’s knickknacks didn’t sound half bad when he was 20 and making the plan to use his inheritance to make the down payment.
They go through the whole she-bang; mostly because Steve always wanted a big wedding and Robin had assumed she’d never have one so she simply made it a big party they could both enjoy. Everyone was invited, and people who didn’t know Robin was a lesbian said their congrats, that they always saw it coming, and they both bare through it with false grins and sneaky eye rolls.
It’s an excuse to get drunk and confess their undying platonic love for each other, even if the ceremonies kiss was awkward and quick, the pair snickering about it later like teenagers even though Robin had kissed Steve plenty of times on the cheeks and Steve on her head when he left for work.
They’re 36 and 37 when Steve asks Robin if she ever considered kids of her own. Robin goes on a long spiel about how terrifying child birth seems but like, she was raised to want one you know? That having a kid is both terrifying but weirdly comforting as an idea.
Steve agrees. They get hammered beyond belief at 37 & 38 and fumble through the most awkward sex know to mankind and they cry-laugh for weeks about each others sex habits and how bad they both are in bed because “let’s never do that again, oh my god, I definitely like girls, Steve” and Steve’s not even offended because it was purely for one purpose and while he likes girls, Robin doesn’t do it for him. Not like that. Not since he was maybe 19 and had a weird lingering crush on her that faded after she came out and he started experimenting with guys.
Steve’s 38 when he finds out he’s gonna be a dad. He cries. A lot. Robin does too, mostly because she’s cries when he does, like how his laughter infects her too.
They argue a lot over the design of the nursery, and Robin complains that she’s too old to be carrying a baby as Steve rubs her feet while they watch a movie.
Robin sleeps in his room more often during the pregnancy. Says it helps her nerves, because she overthinks a lot and it’s kind of terrifying because there’s no going back now. They’re having a kid. An actual human being they’ll have to raise together. A lesbian woman and a bisexual man who are strictly platonic with a capital P, are having a baby in their late thirties, and are married by law but not by heart, and it’s kind of crazy to think about.
“I never imagined my life like this.”
“Honestly, Rob? Neither did I.”
Robin starts attending swim classes with pregnant ladies after El insists it helped her through hers, and there’s where she meets Heather Holloway again. She’s a full time swim instructor at the pool now, unmarried and thriving, and Robin has the biggest heart eyes known to man over her.
Steve hears all about her and encourages her to test the waters with Heather.
“Steve, I’m literally carrying your baby. Don’t you think that’s weird?”
“Say it’s an open marriage if she asks. I sleep around still, why can’t you?”
It’s enough to convince her to follow her heart. Heather is around the house a lot more after that, just to check in on Robin’s pregnancy of course, she must be exhausted after all!
Steve knows Heather is fucking his wife/best friend. Robin had a dopey grin on when she told him. Heather doesn’t beat around the bush either about Steve and Robin’s relationship.
“So Robin’s a lesbian, you’re gay, and you’re basically each other’s platonic soulmates right? So you got married?”
“I’m bi, but yeah. Basically. I can’t see myself living without her, honestly. She’s my soulmate just not…romantically, you know?”
“I get it.” Heather grins when she goes on about a certain blond up in California who’s planning to come visit real soon. That Steve should meet him.
Steve is shocked to see Billy Hargrove again; Heather’s own platonic soulmate.
“I mean, we fooled around once or twice back in the day, but that’s because he has mommy issues, not because he wants to settle down with me.” She joked and Billy has a ball flirting with Harrington until he’s red in the face like a teenager again instead of an almost 40 year old man.
Robin has a girl in the Summer. They name her June, the month she was born and the month they met decades ago. It feels fitting.
Of course, June ends up with a step mom, Heather, who somehow worms her way into their house. Steve’s got the room for it, so he’s not complaining. He likes a full house, likes knowing his daughter is being cared for when he’s at work by Robin and Heather (when she’s not working).
Somehow, Billy worms his way in too. It starts with visiting to see his ‘niece’ as he’d joke with a wide grin. Then slowly, he’s joining them for dinner more nights than he doesn’t, and the guest room starts to fill with his things and Steve catches Billy bathing June because Heather and Robin were exhausted and needed the rest and…
God, he’s falling in love with the blond, deep and so much harder than back in high school. Falls in love with the smile lines around his mouth and eyes, the silvery greys that streak his dark blond hair he cut shorter a few years back. Falls in love with the way he laughs at Robin’s jokes and snarks with Heather and coos at June, calling her ‘daddy’s little princess’ as he bounces her in his arms, Steve watching and always blushing when Billy catches his eye and grins, kissing the tuffs of light brown hair upon her head.
Robin tells him to go for it.
“To think we finally met our romantic soulmates after getting married and having a kid, this has to be God’s way of pulling our legs.” She snickers as they cuddle in Steve’s bed. Because that’s just how they were, touchy and close, and Steve loves her so much. She’s his best friend and the mother of his kid and he doesn’t regret marrying her at all. They’re not in love with each other, but they love each other.
Robins in love with Heather.
And Steve is pretty sure he’s in love with Billy.
“Maybe we should get married.” Billy says one night at dinner, driving an airplane towards June’s mouth. “Robin and Steve got a bunch of benefits. I want benefits. We could do our taxes together.” Heather laughs and looks at Robin.
“You think I should marry him? I could do better, right?” Robin snorts.
“He smells like a dirty gym bag.”
“Your husband likes how I smell.” Billy wriggled his brows and Steve flushed red as the words, head in his hands.
“Not in front of Junie, please.”
“She’s like, not even a year old. It’s fine.” Billy waved it off. “Back to the tax benefits,”
“It is easier when you’re married, in my opinion.” Robin chipped in and Heather sighs, long and loud before looking at Billy.
“…Fine. I want a nice ring though.”
“Well so do I, so I say we have a deal, babe.”
Steve thought he’d be jealous, at least a bit, but he’s grinning when Billy makes a show of dipping Heather at the altar, the pair laughing after their obnoxious kiss that has Robin and Max hollering.
June is cooing and squealing when she gets to dance with Billy and Steve later that night, clinging to her father and grasping at Billy’s curls that are starting to grow out again. Steve thinks he might be doing it just for him since he said he liked them, and it makes his stomach wild with butterflies.
“We should get married next.” Billy hums and Steve chokes on his own spit.
“You’ve barely taken me on a date, and now you’re talking marriage?”
“Didn’t take Robin on a date, now did you?” Billy grins, holding him close around his waist. “Come on, Harrington. Robin and you, Heather and me. Robin and Heather, you and me…it all works. We’re far from conventional. I’ve fucked Heather more than once, I’ve heard Heather talk about jumping you to her own girlfriend, and I know you want me.” He knocks their heads together and smiles, eyes soft. “This thing we’ve got going…it works. You don’t have to hold back on what you want out of this after giving Robin the option of anything and everything.”
And maybe he had been holding back a bit. All he ever wanted was June, a kid, and Robin gave him that, and in return he got her to date Heather, he let Heather drag Billy back into their lives, he let their daughter call Robin and Heather mom and mama before he even got called dada, worked hard to provide them the lifestyle they had with Heather and Billy chipping in and he…
He wanted more now. He wanted Billy. He wanted him to move in properly, for Heather to just come out and say Steve and Robin’s home was her home too, to put a bigger bed in the master bedroom so they could all share some nights because he wanted that. He wanted a big family since he was young and in a way — he was getting it. In Robin and Heather, in Billy and June. In the kids who still visited when they could.
“Take me on a date first, okay?” Billy grins.
“That can be arranged.” He kissed June’s head between them and Steve chuckled. “The little princess has to stay home though. I want her daddy all for myself.”
Steve laughed.
“Don’t call me daddy, you’re gonna make it weird.”
“Princess can share. Yeah? June, you can share right? Stevie can be both our daddy.” June giggled and wriggled between them, reaching for Billy with a small ‘Bibi’. The blond laughed and took her from Steve’s arms. “I’m afraid she can share you but not me, Daddy.”
Steve rolled his eyes before grinning deviously with a shrug.
“Whatever. I’ll teach her how to share, Mommy.”
Billy’s cheeks burned.
“Don’t make me pop a boner with a baby in my arms, Steve. People are gonna think I’m a creep.” He grumbled and Steve snorted.
“I’m going to go dance with my wife. Have fun with June.”
“Bitch.” Billy clicked his tongue as Steve walked off to find Robin on the floor.
Steve found his soulmate at 18 in an ice cream parlour. They were platonic with a capital P, and content. She made him laugh, they shared secrets, and they had no boundaries keeping them apart. Hell, they got married. Had a baby.
Now, at 39, Steve re-met his other soulmate. The kind that made his stomach twist and flutter, that made his cheeks hot and his heart full. Made him hot under the collar with his teasing.
And maybe, Robin and him share a soulmate in Heather, and maybe Heather and Billy are linked by a red string too, and maybe they’re just a tangled mess of strings with no definite end. Knotted up in the centre of the four of them.
Steve doesn’t know what the hell he’s gonna make of all of it. Where it will lead him. But for now, he’s happy.
His soul had been split into a dozen pieces at birth, and he had pieced every part back together.
Only took him 40 years to find every fragment.
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alicetallulaafterdark · 2 months
Billy Big Bang 2024 Banner - 04.08.2024
Here's a banner I did for the @billybigbang2024 :3
I was immediately hit with the image of this old porn meme but with Billy surrounded by different other characters of Stranger Things being down to show him a good time 😏💕
Banner - Billy Big Bang 2024 - For Kallisto and Grey - 04.08.2024
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Done using watercolors, ink pens, gel pens, colored pencils, alcohol markers, graphite pencils, acrylic paint pens and Photoshop for the title
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter NSFW post
Banner as is - Billy Big Bang 2024 - 04.08.2024
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Done using watercolors, ink pens, gel pens, colored pencils, alcohol markers, graphite pencils and acrylic paint pens
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter NSFW post
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hargrove-mayfields · 1 year
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Heather and Billy snuck into graduation to see their friends Eddie and Chrissy graduate. Of course they also had a parking lot photoshoot before going inside.
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jaylikesrainbowtigers · 11 months
Harringrove fandom, Hollogrove fandom, lend me your ears.
The combined big brain of me, @intothedysphoria, @thatgirlwithasquid and @half-oz-eddie present to you the ship name that we really like for Heather x Billy x Steve. Surprisingly none of us could find a ship name for it so we made one…
May I present FlayedScoops!! (All credit for the name goes to Max. This was a great idea.)
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every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
I love the idea of Billy who doesn't feel the pressure of having to work out all the time or to look a certain way, his bad diet catching up to him, and his body getting softer (especially his boobs and tummy). Of course his partners enjoy his well deserved nesting period as much as he does... if not more 🤭
He smiles, and it's not forced anymore. Nothing is forced. Everything is his choice, and he's happy.
For Steve, Jonathan, Heather, Chrissy, and Argyle, it's like watching a star shine brighter than ever before.
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hgrve · 2 years
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harringroveera · 3 months
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Heather: Okay that I don’t want
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shieldofiron · 2 months
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Bestie Break!
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The Disabled Billy and Steve Week Prompts are Here!
Hiya- we’ve been working on these for a few weeks but the disabled Billy and Steve prompts are now officially here! We’re not quite ready to decide on a week yet but hopefully people can get a bit more of a feel for the vibe of the event. The prompts are quite flexible so you can just work off the primary prompt and ignore the more specific prompt if they don’t really gel with what you want to do but hopefully you’ll all enjoy these! We tried to make the language as accessible and disability inclusive as we possibly could so that the prompts aren’t too confusing but if you would like some clarity, you can message @intothedysphoria or @hargrove-mayfields about any questions you have.
I think that’s it! If you didn’t get a chance to vote on the initial posts about the event and the server but want to be involved, you can absolutely take part when July comes or request a place on the server by messaging our personal tumblrs!
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enchanted-day-dreams · 8 months
If Billy and Heather had survived Season 3, I guarantee you they'd have gone to at least one future Halloween party dressed as David Coverdale and Tawny Kitaen.
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I can also imagine them showing off at parties like Johhny Castle and Penny Johnson from Dirty Dancing.
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thediktatortot · 2 years
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