#holy mami (anime ver.)
muffinrecord · 1 year
Magical Girl Story: Holy Mami (Anime ver.)
Translation Credits: tiramise
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magiamemoriareview · 1 year
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Predestined Salvation
Obtainability: Limited to the “TV Anime 1st Anniversary Memoria Pack” Gem Bag (purchasable with paid or unpaid gems).
MLB Effect: Attack Up [30%] & Defense Up [37.5%] (Self / 3 Turns)
Effect Definitions:
Attack Up increases the equipped character’s base stats, meaning that its effects are calculated before buffs/debuffs are considered. The effect caps at 100%.
Defense Up increases the target’s base defense stats. Defense Up is generally worse than Damage Cut.
TLDR: “Predestined Salvation” is a solid memoria that can be used in most situations as it gives two generic (but useful) effects that will offer both offensive and defensive potential. It’s effects are comparable to several unlimited memoria in the game. However, “Predestined Salvation” suffers from the fact it comes from a costly Bag using Magia Stones (paid and unpaid), and that there are numerous comparable memoria in the game that can do similarly to what it does, and for a cheaper price.
You can skip this purchase unless you’re very new to the game and need all the help with memoria acquisition that you can get.
This memoria can be used on Support.
Review: “Predestined Salvation” is a decent memoria. It’s nothing too extravagant, but it should be helpful for new players or unlucky Free-to-Play players alike thanks to its Max-Awakened, Max Leveled status coupled with its solid effects and effect percentages.
Attack Up and Defense Up are very generic when it comes to effects, but that’s not a bad thing. It means the memoria can be useful in almost any scenario where you just need more firepower and aren’t concerned about hitting caps. You can simply throw this memoria on along other generic memoria and attack without concern.
The memoria isn’t a standout when compared to other comparable memoria in the game, but it also isn’t too lackluster:
(4*) “Even if I Take a Wrong Path” Attack Up [35%] & Anti-Counter [80%] (Self / 3 Turns)
(Limited Welfare 4*) “Predestined Salvation” Attack Up [30%] & Defense Up [37.5%] (Self / 3 Turns)
(Limited Gacha 4*) “The Wind Rising Before The Resolve” Attack Up [30%] & Critical Hit [30%] & Defense Up [37.5%] (Self / 3 Turns)
(4*) “This Cutie's Bae” Attack Up [30%] & Damage Cut [30%] (Self / 3 Turns)
(4*) “Formally Deciding” Attack Up [30%] & Status Ailment Resistance Up [50%] (Self / 3 Turns)
(4*) “Survival Date on a Deserted Island” Attack Up [30%] & Defense Up [37.5%] & Anti-Debuff [2 Debuffs] (Self / 3 Turns)
(4*) “I Won't Stray From This Path” Attack Up [30%] & Defense Up [37.5%] (Self / 3 Turns)
All of these memoria last for three turns and offer 30% Attack Up when Max Awakened (except for “Even if I Take a Wrong Path”). This places “Predestined Salvation” solidly as competitive amongst its peers when it comes to generic Attack Up Actives (for three turns).
However, that’s not to say that the memoria is perfect. It has very poor passive DEF stats at 1500. There are three-star memoria in the game that can offer more DEF than that-- it’s not a major detractor for the memoria, however it does mean that if you have the option to use any of the above memoria, “Predestined Salvation” comes out on the bottom.
The real benefit of “Predestined Salvation” is that it comes Max-Awakened and Max Leveled. Naturally this means that Whales or very established (or lucky!) players won’t have much need for it-- but players without good memoria to use, such as new players or some unluckier Free-to-Play players, might find it helpful in building their arsenal.
The real issue comes down to that price.
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Now granted, it’s not like the memoria in its entirety costs 400 gems. The bag includes a tenpull ticket, so subtract 250 gems and you get 150 gems for the memoria and all the other goodies included-- however, is the memoria and a handful of mats worth 150 gems?
That depends on your priorities.
There are a number of memoria that are much cheaper to acquire in the Support Point shop for 2000 SP per Four-Star and 500 SP for Three-Star. It’s almost impossible to overstate just how much better a deal these memoria are to grab. However, not all of these Support Point shop memoria are good, even by Welfare standards. A few do stand out as exceptional, such as:
(Limited Welfare 4*) “Kyubey Knight Breaking Through” Attack Up [25%] & Charged Attack Damage Up [15%]
(Limited Welfare 4*) “Magical Halloween Theater” Curse [100%] & Defense Down [45%] (One / 1 Turn)
These two memoria are extremely good, even for Whale Standards. If you’re looking for ways to beef up your memoria collection, the Support Point shop is a good place to start.
There is one VERY notable memoria to note from the Support Point shop as well: “One More Story” (link goes to fandom wiki).
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Attack Up [30%] & Defense Up [37.5%] (Self / 1 Turn)
Now what’s noteworthy about this memoria is that it only lasts for one turn, as opposed to “Predestined Salvation”, so it’s not a perfect replacement. However, it’s still worth pointing out, and it’s cooldown is rather short for what it is as well.
Personally my answer is no: this memoria (and its subsequent bag) is not worth purchasing. Perhaps only if you’re very very new and REALLY struggling to have decent options on hand, but most readers of this blog probably aren’t in that camp.
Over all, nice memoria art, bad bag purchase.
Obviously if you purchase this, this would not be Enhancement Fodder. This memoria can go on supports.
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dreamerwitches · 1 year
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It's the----- updated Madoka iceberg yaaay!
I'll only be discussing the additions on this one (in green) so please check out the old one for the original descriptions
Content warning fooooor: fetishes, child abuse, artists being perverted about children, suicide, death and organ trafficking. This is gonna be fun, huh
Let's goooo!
Mami forever alone: A bit of a joke/observation in the fandom. The popular pairings are Madoka and Homura, and Sayaka and Kyoko, often leading to Mami being alone which sadly suits her character... This is jokingly noticed in fanart and manga with Mami often being left out. Sadly it's also led to some darker pairings for her such as Kyubey, Nagisa and even the witch kissed woman from episode 2.
Witches speak: Although witches are often silent or cry out like monsters. Two are known to have spoken. Elly speaks in reverse in episode 4 saying 'I really had fun today, I want to do it again. Next time, I'll bring a bentou'. Izabel also speaks in episode 10 to lure Homura into her labyrinth. However it is completely unconfirmed that the witches are actually speaking and it may even be their familiars. Mildly related, Oktavia's scream from episode 9 is actually a distorted scream from Sayaka.
Walpurgisnacht festival: Walpurgisnacht's name comes from the real world European festival of the same name, or Walpurgis night, that lands on the 30th of April or the 1st of May. Some people theorise that Walpurgisnacht actually arrives in Mitakihara on one of these days.
Walpurgisnacht rising: The sequel film to Rebellion announced on April 25th, 2021... very little was first shown and not a sausage has been revealed since... v-v
Madoka Magica Cafe: A temporary cafe set up around the release of the original anime in 2011. It offered special drinks and desserts as well as Madoka merch. It was extremely popular with waits of over 2 hours on opening day. A few more were held in Japan and Taipei.
Magia Record Anime ver. Units: Very controversial variant units from the Magia Record game. These units were criticised as lazy copies of existing characters. With either very minor differences to talk sprites or none at all, ugly battle sprites and lazy transformation animations ripped straight from the anime. These units were not received well with one of the only good aspects being the beautiful card art.
Juubey: The Kyubey for the Pleides Saints in Kazumi Magica. Spoilers for the manga. He was an altered Kyubey that served the girls and purified their Soul Gems without need for Grief Seeds. After learning the truth about witches, the girls killed Kyubey and turned them into a Dependent-Version Incubator with the nickname Juubey and blocked out Kyubey's influence on the city. Yeah, it's complicated XD
Covid delivery girls: The dual unit Tsuruno Felicia Delivery Girls features face masks in their transformation and Magia sprite because the Covid pandemic was occuring when the unit was released.
Ebony: Ebony was the third Puella Historia unit released in Magia Record being a girl from ancient Egypt. She is heavily criticised in the western fandom for not only having a terribly revealing and historically inaccurate outfit but for also being white. However, like Cleopatra, she could be Greek therefore her skin tone would be correct. This however does not excuse her poor design overall On a similar note, how Cleopatra appears in Magia Record is incorrect as she is tanned in-game but has been confirmed by historians to have been white.
Cancelled figures: What is says on the tin! Merchandise that was cancelled including a scale figure of Nagisa and figures of Yachiyo and Tsuruno in their casual clothes and uniform respectively (possibly prize figures). Some that are in a terrible limbo include the 1/8 scale Holy Mami figure, Figuarts mini of Mami, Sayaka and Kyoko and a 1/7 scale figure of Madoka in the style of Aoki Ume's art.
Rebellion was just fanservice: My, my, a controversial one! Some people speculate that the sequel movie, Rebellion, was merely made for fanservice and money. This can be argued with the finite feeling to the anime's ending as well as the many tropes seen in the movie. It shows all the girls fighting happily together (a thing wanted by many fans), ties up loose ends with Sayaka and Kyoko and adds a fan favourite witch, Charlotte, into the main cast. I like to think this isn't the case but you can decide this yourself.
Masara Kokoro Bride ver. A recent variant for Masara and Kokoro where Masara is in a wedding dress and Kokoro is in a tuxedo. Their description is that they're modelling for wedding photos but the gay theming is too overpowering for it to be simply platonic. The less than subtle hints at romance between two girls is a change for the series that loves to be ambiguous. The unit was very well received.
Kyubey and Charlotte scooters: A unique piece of merchandise are scooters by Brain Police that feature decals of Kyubey and Charlotte. You can get yourself one for the low low price of 134,400 yen (£750). These are certainly unique, but quite a funny piece of merch
Lesbian Rika: Rika from Magia Record is the only magical girl canonically who has been in love with another girl (don't get the pitchforks, SPECIFICALLY confirmed). Her wish was for her childhood friend to fall in love with her instead of the boy she liked which does work yet Rika realises it doesn't feel right and breaks up with her.
Trans Ria: Ria is a magical girl from Magia Record, her wish was 'Turn me into a naturally beautiful girl'. This has led fans to believe that her wish was for her to transition from male to female. This can also be seen with her doppel Heide Jekyll that transforms from a dumpy blob in a rectangle to a feminine figure with a circle. Her witch's name also comes from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde which is not only a male character but they were also known for transforming into an alter ego or a different person.
Devil Homura in Magia Record: A total tease. Fans have been wanting Devil Homura as a unit in Magia Record since its very beginning however she still hasn't come. To add salt to the wound, the Magia Report version of her, Devil Homura-chan was added on April Fools 2022. It's speculated she may be released on Magia Day but she's still not here...
Alina Eve's name: Alina Eve is a witch fusion of Alina, her doppel and Shitori Egumo who debuted in episode 25 of the Magia Record anime. In the anime, her name appeared in Runes as 'Neo Dorothy Motherfucker'. This links to her use of curses and her doppel's name, Old Dorothy. However, when her profile was revealed on the official twitter she was named Alina Eve and in-game she is called Neo Dorothy. The reason for the change and discrepancy is unknown but it may be because they didn't want to use swear words in media outside the anime.
Swimsuit Madoka's transformation: An infamous one. When Madoka got her swimsuit unit her transformation was the first (and only so far) to use the live2D models instead of traditional animation. This was not well received and was a disappointment for one of the main character's units. The reason may have been time constraints but fans were not pleased.
Mami is Walpurgisnacht: Forgive me, it's a little clickbait-y..! The reason is..! Mami's voice actress, Kaori Mizuhashi also voiced Walpurgisnacht in the anime. She also voiced Tatsuya, Madoka's little brother.
Fetishes: Oh dear... we're getting here... Two magical girls have clear fetishes. Yukika gets pleasure from dangerous situations while Miyuri has a foot fetish that is probably played off for laughs... It is NOT okay to give child characters fetishes, okay? Fetishes are a sexual thing. Next.
Dub bloopers: Bloopers for the English dub of the anime were released at Otakon 2012 (can be found on Youtube). It certainly feels like 2010s humour but it's still a little funny. Also great if you wanna hear some of the girls swear.
Iroha x Yachiyo: Ugh. It is very clear from Magia Record media that Iroha and Yachiyo are played off very similarly to Madoka and Homura. While the pairing of Madoka and Homura is perfectly fine as they're both children, Iroha and Yachiyo are not. Yachiyo is an adult and Iroha is a child. The anime, merchandise, and the unit of them together rub salt into this wound as dual units are mostly seen as ship units by fans. It's disgusting and not okay.
Yuma's abuse: Yuma is an abuse victim in Oriko Magica. (cw description of child abuse) Her father is absent (either neglectful or has left) and her mother, Mako, would beat and burn her with cigarettes as well as kick her out of the house for long periods of time. Her parents are killed in the original manga and she is taken in by Kyoko because of her similarity to her late sister Momo. In Extra Story she never contracts and is living happily with her grandparents.
Deep Waters:
Gan: Ugh again. Gan is the artist behind Suzune Magica (probably the least liked spin off lol) who is infamous for their clear lack of restraint in making children sexualised. Arisa has an outfit with circles right where her nipples are, Chisato has an outfit with a strip of fabric for a skirt and she is canonically uncomfortable with it and they love giving older characters enormous (and unrealistic) breasts. The art they draw of their UNDERAGE characters is always sexual and borderline pornographic and. Not. Okay. (even told by Magireco staff to tone down their puella historia character, haha fuck you)
Takashi Tensugi The illustrator for Kazumi Magica. Their disgusting taste is evident in the character design for the protagonists as well as sexual and revealing shots in the manga but I've also heard that they've drawn hentai before. No I'm not going to fucking look for that thank you. But... another bad egg in the spin off manga series... Not okay
Masugitsune ANOTHER BAD EGG! One of the illustrators for Tart Magica and also the illustrator for Yukika (you can tell where this is going). Sexualises minors, just like every madoka spin-off artist seems to... Has drawn Yukika in revealing swimsuits and bunny costumes as well as the rest of the Tart cast. Remember, they're all children----! NOT OKAY!
Riz's former companions names Omg thank god we're past the nonce section... Riz had unnamed magical girl companions in Tart Magica that have been slowly named by their artist. Their names are... pretty shit honestly as they're just named after their weapons. They are Machete, Frusta and Falce with one being still unnamed.
Kuroe was a marketing stunt: Not confirmed of course but... Kuroe was introduced at the very beginning of the Magia Record anime with her being the only new character. She disappeared for the rest of the series until the very end with a very lacklustre and ineffective ending. One could imagine that her inclusion and focus was to grip watchers into continuing with an otherwise pretty underwhelming series. But... take it how you wish...
Livia's backstory: Hey, this isn't new! I hear you say! Well, it's not new, but it's changed! The original iceberg said that her backstory may have been linked to a miscarriage but NOPE its worse! She was actually almost a victim of organ trafficking when she was a child. And later in life, she watched one of her friends die on her wedding day as she was run over by a tractor that she caused to malfunction...
Himena and Hiko: Himena's wish was for her boyfriend to be with her within her. After... her boyfriend committed suicide yaaayyy! (sarcasm) The end of this iceberg isn't very nice, is it? Her boyfriend didn't want to come back and now he's stuck with her forever.
Well... that's it! Sorry it became a bit of a bummer at the end...
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Have a plushy Charlotte for making it to the end! Yay!
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crystalkokoro · 2 months
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Holy Mami Sprite Comparison (Original & Anime ver)
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thepmmmwitchproject · 9 months
Predictions for Magia Record 2024
A new year is coming up, and f4samurai is showing us some promising things for Magia Record. Here is my prediction on the schedule for the year. January
First half, Kyoko (Haregi ver.): they always do a new years unit, considering they wouldn't do two Mami units in one month, I think Kyoko is the second best contender. Possible alternatives would be Felicia or Sana. Second half, Mami (Scene Zero ver.): The next scene zero update is in January, so its pretty much confirmed we'll get her this month.
First half, new Valentine's unit: Perhaps a Leila/Seika unit (with their doppel uncaps) maybe a new welfare unit too. Also, some more Doppel Syndrome doppels from the anime as battles? Second half, first possible ending to Scene Zero: At this point, the entire holy quintet will be featured in Scene Zero, so I personally am wishing for Mabayu's uncap with a doppel, and the proper reveal of Different Story's Minotaur Witch's lore. If not, then maybe a Scene Zero version of Nagisa utilizing her new recolor.
First half, second possible ending to Scene Zero Second half, Yu and Shi: It's confirmed to be happening in March, my guess is late March, after Scene Zero, its closer to summer (the introduction point of the original event)
April Fool's: A new Magia Report unit, I personally want to see Degarashi Mana, Iroha-chan's VTuber persona. It'd be really fun if Degarashi had a different witch form from Iroha. Also confirmed at some point this year, we're getting a bunch of magireco girl's true witch forms. It'd be fun if they also do the opposite, and reveal the human forms of the established witches, such as Zenobia, Teresa, and Lucy.
Also, maybe the start of Arc 3 at some point? Possibly? Who knows.
Personal Predictions:
These are characters and witches I would love to see debut in Magia Record in the upcoming year in the other two thirds of the year: Human forms of any pre-established witch
The 5 girls Madoka saved in episode 12 (The tibetan girl, savannah girl, viking girl, volcano girl, and bear girl)
Cleopatra & Himiko
Portable witches (Itzli and Quitterie)
Mobage content, any member of the Mobage quartet (Elise, Claire, Hiyori, and Komachi), or the witches.
The other Different Story Witches, the earwig witch, the postman witch, the moth witch, and the bee witch.
The two unnamed sisters who also appeared in Different Story who became the pin and pincushion witches.
Literally any Oriko Magica character
The remaining members of the Pleiades Saints (Saki, Niko, Satomi, and Mirai)
Villains from Kazumi Magica, such as Souju, both versions of Yuuri, and Kanna
The original Michiru Kazusa
Kagari and Ichika Kasumi from Suzune Magica(Maybe Kanami too)
Fleche and Lame from Tart Magica (Also maybe Fauchard too)
Riz's former partners (Machete, Frusta, and the Falce sisters)
Some of the witches from Tart Magica, maybe some of the background witches from the war against Isabeau?
Minor magi from the game (Aneka, Yumi Yuuki, Suwe Mikoshiba, Hatsu Tokime, Manatsu, and Ruri Mizuna)
The doppel used by Ikumi as a White Feather.
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Tomoe Mami, as seen in Magia Record! (Card art, Tomoe Mami, Swimsuit Mami, Holy Mami, Holy Mami anime ver)
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homuraakumaakemi · 3 years
Honestly, the anime Holy Mami announcement, I’m okay with. Oh, not because I’ll roll for her or because I don’t see it as kind of cheap. It IS. But she sets a precedent. Anime is fair game for the gacha. And while I’m not sure she’ll get the Infinity Bracelet or interact with Homura like I’d love for her to…
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raposarealm · 3 years
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Here are the quest victory quotes for Holy Mami (Anime ver.)! Credit to @muffinrecord for the screenshots.
Top: Look, everyone was truly able to be happy.
Middle: Let us not face sadness. 
Bottom: No matter what, I'll see to it that I save everyone.
As always, friendly disclaimer that my Japanese isn’t the best, as I’m still learning. If you spot a mistake, please let me know, and I’ll fix it!
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peppermint-joys · 3 years
Headcanons for Dad Bruno Au… Pt. 3
Warnings: Encanto Spoilers?
a/n: Thinking the next chapter will be shorter. It’s finals week for me. I’d love to here some of your thoughts on the au thus far.
Calling the posts “chapters” because I want to.
prompt: My Single Dad Bruno au a continuation.
Adelita Chapters: (1) (2) 3 (4) (5) (6)
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Starting out with Adelita’s mami’s birthday:
Adelita’s abuela continued to celebrate her daughter’s birthday despite her passing. It was a small celebration.
The two would picnic beside the river, Adelita’s mother’s favorite place. Bake pan tres leches for dessert and dinner they’d have only her mother’s favorite foods.
It was late, she was supposed to be asleep, instead tiptoeing through the kitchen to retrieve the slice of cake she’d saved for Bruno.
“Mi querida hija. Feliz cincuentenario, mi amor. Oh, desearía que estuvieras aquí para ver a la maravillosa persona en la que se está convirtiendo tu hija.Estarías muy orgulloso.” - Abuela.
She couldn’t help but overhear her abuela’s prayer.
“Cariño. Es una chica tan brillante, pero solitaria.Me preocupo. No soy tan joven como antes...” - Abuela.
She just chills at the window while Bruno chats away and enjoys the pan tres leches, her mind elsewhere.
Bruno’s noticed she combs and holds on to her ponytail when something is bothering her.
“Hey, peque are you okay?” - Bruno
“Hmm?” Her grip tightened around her ponytail. “Yeah… no. Today was mami’s birthday.” - Adelita
She tells Bruno her family history, everything she remembers Abuela telling her, managing to avoid the topic of her father.
“It’s just me and Abuela now. And you… Bruni, what was your family like?” - Adelita.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me. Goodnight Bruni.” - Adelita.
She didn’t sleep. Her thoughts had been consumed by the words of her abuela.
Instead, she made a plan; there were drawings.
Adelita is in a rush the next morning, speeding through breakfast.
Her lizard got upset because they didn’t get a chance to catch any crickets.
But before she’s out the door, her abuela needs one more good hug and a peck on the cheek.
Instead of taking her usual path into the village, she cut through the jungle.
One second she was looking up at the swath of green foliage overhead, the next she was back on the dirt path.
“Are you mad? You don’t just go walking in the jungle by yourself!?” - Bruno.
“Bruni! I found you! You know everything, right? Teach me to make friends! Please.” - Adelita.
Bruno tries to convince her he is not the person she wants for the task. But-
“Please. Pretty please. It’s really super important. So important I said please three times.” - Adelita.
She did say please and holy moly those eyes that pout.
How hard can it be? Making friends?
Adelita squeals like crazy. He’d forgotten how loud kids can be.
“Thank you, thank you!“ she beamed, hugging tightly around the waist. - Adelita.
Bruno is still getting used to her hugs.
Learning how to make friends, Adelita gets to spend more time with Bruno during the day.
They gather in a small oasis clearing in the jungle. Bruno doesn’t mind her being there as long as she doesn’t leave his sight.
Over the length of a week or so - Queue the cliche Disney montage.
Adelita sitting on a stump taking notes surrounded by jungle animals… Bruno trying to braid her hair as she chatters away… Adelita teaches Bruno a special handshake… the two enjoy lunch together in the shade of a ceiba tree.
Finally the day arrives when they're both sure she’s ready.
Bruno notices her gripping her hair, lingering by the foliage, watching the other children play.
“I’ve seen you, you know, watching them. You want to play with them, don’t you? So why don’t you?” - Bruno.
“What if—what if they don’t like me? What if I’m not… good enough?” - Adelita.
“Lita. There’s no need to worry. You are, without a doubt, the most awesome kid I’ve ever crossed paths with. You're one of a kind, kid. And if they don’t see that, they're going to miss out on having the coolest kid as their friend.” - Bruno.
For the first time in a long time, he’s the one to initiate a hug.
The little peanut just stood in the middle of the action. Everything she’d learned abandoned her. She garnered some confused looks and there were whispers, but most just mind their business.
“Is that an anole?”
One child in particular notices the lizard hanging on her shoulder.
“Mmhm. Their name’s Pegajoso. You can hold them, they won’t mind.” - Adelita.
Her lizard friend takes a real shine to the boy.
“Soy Adelita Guerreo.” - Adelita.
“Antonio, Antonio Madrigal.” - Antonio.
The little boy, Antonio, invited her to play rana.
Her Abuela would be so relieved, so proud.
Bruno is proud. Proud papi.
“So do you like lizards?” - Adelita.
“I like all animals, but my favorites are jaguars. Rawr!” - Antonio.
“Wow!” - Adelita.
A friend. A perfect match.
Spanish translation
*My dear daughter. Happy fiftieth birthday, my love. Oh, I wish you were here to see the wonderful person your daughter is becoming. You would be very proud.
*My darling. She is such a bright girl, but lonely. I worry. I am not as young as once was…
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muffinrecord · 11 months
Hi Muffin! Do you have any team suggestions for the upcoming ranked mirrors?
It's kind of hard to give suggestions when I don't know what you have. I think it's very safe to say that even with the dark damage nerf, you're going to see an endless sea of akuma homuras out there.
I think the average upper-tier defense team is going to look something horrible like:
Devil Homura
Magia-on-turn-1-damage dealer
Darkness Mitama
Tank (?) (depending on how many debuffers they have, they may not need a dedicated tank)
random-- could be Mitsuru Inami, Akuma Homura-chan, or MadoIro (debuff protection)
Last time the offense team that I saw whales fielding was stuff like three-man teams of Anime Yachiyo, Dark Kanagi, and Kimochi Rabi. They may swap out Dark Kanagi with a different blaster but I'm otherwise unsure.
Another troublesome thing would be that previous Devil Homura counter may not work as well here-- Touka & Nemu (Holy Night ver.) have an se active that takes away both granted effects and buffs, making Devil Homura's instant doppel schemes a failure. However the next ranked is auto, so you won't be able to choose where your tounemu targets (assuming that one even has them).
If you don't have a good all-blast team (and by that I mean three characters with four blast discs each) then I'd try for a magia one. A ton of recently released units came with fast mana up, aka they earn mp by round 2. These include:
Devil Homura
Doppel Kyoko
Anime Mami
Fairytale Yachiyo
Yuna & Juri (Vampire ver.)
Swimsuit Kuroe
If you have any of these guys at two slots, I'd choose them and then load them up with as much mp gain up passive memoria as you can. Unfortunately they're all limited and I can't think of anyone who is unlimited (or even an easily accessible welfare/2*/3*) so if you don't have one of these, you're a bit out of luck.
Some units like Amaryllis will earn MP very very quickly depending on how many hits they take/if they use a single accele disc, what kind of memoria you're using, and you can try building a team around them if you want to.
if you have Devil Homura, I think it's still worth trying to get her to work/using her. When max slotted she'll give the entire team 6mp per round, which can push a ton of characters (like the above mentioned in the bullet format) to 100mp regardless of whether or not they've used an accele disc, provided you have the right memoria on them.
Heruka also is stupidly good here for magia teams if you have her. Her active gives the entire team mp gain up (10%) for three turns-- I've found that this is also enough to push properly equipped fast mp units into magia range.
Basically my advice boils down to the horrible advice of: be a whale. I'm sorry!!!
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It's been a while since the last Kimochi event, huh? Well, puella thinks it has.
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This Kimochi, I made it to rank 34. I feel like i should've done better with Mami being a forest unit and forest being strong against aqua-type enemies but... It is what it is I suppose!
I used a team (as you can see) of Tomoe Mami (scene0 ver.) (4slot), Holy Mami (anime ver.) (4slot), Amaryllis (1slot) & Madoka • Iroha (1slot), my intention was that they would just keep loop-loop-looping their magias, but I'd only gotten amaryllis nearing the end of the Puella Historia banner(s), so I haven't gotten her to episode & magia level 5 and she therefore does not have a doppel at the present moment... All in all though, I think I did okay (Screenshot from day two).
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With Kimochi now having ended, scene0 is also ending!
I'm a little sad to see Mabayu go... She's a sopping wet cat but she's MY sopping wet cat!!
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I will be shipping MabaMami forevermore though... Mabayu got an uncap today, and as far as I've heard she isn't the best unit in the world but she's usable!
The Recompense costumes for the quintet are also available now in the support point shop, along with a couple more for Mabayu and Homura.
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Here's Mami 3(´∀`*)3ε` )
That's all I have to report on as of yet! Once Scene0 is translated and imported to the game, are you, puellafans, interested in a review? An analysis, perhaps?
Thanks for reading! Until next time, puellafans.
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magiamemoriareview · 2 years
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The Grin of a Saint...
Single Effect: Attack Up [20%] & Ignore Damage Cut [50%]
MLB Effect: Attack Up [25%] & Ignore Damage Cut [60%]
Effect Definitions:
Attack Up increases the equipped character’s base stats, meaning that its effect is calculated before buffs/debuffs are considered. The effect caps at 100%.
Ignore Damage Cut will allow an equipped character to ignore Damage Cut. Ignore Damage Cut provides no extra damage if the opponent doesn’t have the Damage Cut buff.
TLDR: “The Grin of a Saint” is a good memoria. It has excellent passive stats and a great Attack Up percentage, meaning it has great offensive potential. The Ignore Damage Cut makes a good memoria even better-- you may not encounter it much in PVE, but the effect is also rare to find and few memoria offer it. Additionally, “The Grin of a Saint” is extremely helpful in Mirrors. This memoria is exclusive to the Holy Mami (Anime ver.) gacha banner.
Review: “The Grin of a Saint” is an excellent offensive memoria, especially for Mirrors. The Attack Up it offers is very good at 25%, making it equal to other limited memoria such as:
(Limited 4*) “A Fake Smile Reflected in the Mirror” Attack Up [25%] & Evade [25%]
(Limited 4*) “The Young and Pretty Queen” Attack Up [25%] & Poison on Attack [25%] (3 Turns)
(Limited 4*) “Great Success in the Longed for Land” Attack Up [25%] & Bind on Attack [20%] (1 Turn)
(Limited 4*) “Still Far From a Starry Night...” Attack Up [25%] & Accele MP Gain Up [15%]
(Limited 4*) “Miracle Heroines” Attack Up [25%] & Magia Damage Up [12.5%]
(Limited 4*) “Dive into Summer (Tsukuyo/Tsukasa)” Attack Up [25%]
When Max-Awakened, “The Grin of a Saint” also has 2235 passive ATK which puts it near the top of ATK stats when compared to other memoria in the game. Already this memoria is an excellent choice to use for offensive power based on these two factors alone, and we haven’t even gotten to its secondary effect.
Then we get to Ignore Damage Cut. You're probably not going to need Ignore Damage Cut often in PVE. This is due to how the effect works: Ignore Damage Cut provides no extra damage if the opponent doesn’t have the Damage Cut buff, so the only times it will make a difference is when you face Damage Cut in battle.
The problem is that you don’t encounter Damage Cut often in PVE. It might pop up in EX-Challenges or the One Hundred Evils but you won’t be seeing it in high-tier content such as Kimochi battles. 
However if Damage Cut is a problem, “The Grin of a Saint” becomes extremely helpful. There are limited ways of dealing with an enemy buffed by Damage Cut, as Ignore Damage Cut is rare to find on memoria. The only other passive option besides “The Grin of a Saint” would be the following memoria:
(4*) “A Meddlesome Timing” Ignore Damage Cut [60%] & Charged Attack Damage Up [15%]
Fortunately “A Meddlesome Timing” is an unlimited memoria. Unfortunately, it sucks. The two effects might work well for lore purposes but it’s a terrible combination and has no synergy. You’re gaining the chance to ignore the enemy’s Damage Cut while sacrificing offensive potential. The only other memoria option is a single Active Memoria:
(Limited 4*) “When I See Your Eyes” Ignore Damage Cut [70%] & Damage Up [35%] (Self / 1 turn)
However this is limited, and the 70% is a little concerning considering that it only lasts for one turn and has a long cooldown.
Additionally, you won’t find many characters in the game that give Ignore Damage Cut as a connect, Magia, or Doppel. The only unlimited character that can give Ignore Damage Cut on a connect is Ui Tamaki, who might be hard to find in Supports since she’s subpar as a unit.
So with all of that in mind, “The Grin of a Saint” becomes very useful in PVE based on how few other sources in the game can do what it can do. Of course, you don’t need to have it-- you can always wait out the Damage Cut buff or try to power through it anyways, but it’s nice to have on hand for those situations where you really need that extra push of damage-- even if those situations are rare.
Then we leave the realm of PVE, and enter the realm of Mirrors.
Damage Cut is commonly used in Mirrors. In Mirrors, Damage Cut has a benefit over Defense Up due to how the AI chooses targets: you can trick the AI into thinking it killed a unit by equipping Damage Cut, as the AI won’t take the buff into account when tallying up damage done. Therefor, if the enemy predicts it will kill a target with its second attack but neglects to factor in Damage Cut, it will move onto a different target on its third turn even if the original target is still alive. Therefor, equipping Damage Cut on your team can protect them from opponents (not so much players).
Damage Cut can also be found on several high-value targets in Mirrors. Characters like Ashley Taylor have 15% passive Damage Cut for five turns from the start of the fight, and tanks like Sudachi apply 40% Damage Cut along with a Provoke via their Spirit Enhancement Active. This can make it difficult to chew through their defenses.
But now? Equip “The Grin of a Saint” and you’ll have a 60% chance of ignoring any pesky Damage Cut buffs that stand in your path. You won’t be proccing it every attack, but it should go off at least once per turn without needing to use a connect, magia, doppel, or active-- it all happens passively, which is incredibly important for Mirrors, where your Active actions are limited outside of Spirit Enhancement and Skill Quicken.
However, this comes with the caveat that the usefulness of this memoria is debatable considering Ranked Mirrors. Strategies for Ranking involve extending fights out to try to get off Doppels, Magia, and connects-- and these fights are more concerned with keeping your units topped up over killing the enemy as quickly as possible. But “The Grin of a Saint” still might be helpful for specific strategies, such as using Charge teams for easy wins. Additionally, you can’t keep a fight going forever-- you do want to kill the enemy eventually, and a memoria like this is helpful in doing that.
Overall, “The Grin of a Saint” is an incredibly good, Whale-tier memoria. You can discount the Ignore Damage Cut portion entirely and it’ll still be a very good memoria to equip thanks to its high Attack Up and ATK stats alone. But when factoring in Ignore Damage Cut and the limited sources to find it, “The Grin of a Saint” becomes top notch. 
This is absolutely a memoria worth using on Supports.
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magireco-collection · 3 years
F4 event summary + vent
Today JP server had a livestream event about Magireco game.
Kagome's VA played the game BGM on a piano. I was so surprised!
They talked about what doppels are, how they form and what they were based on. They also showed a few design examples such as Meru's doppel.
Then there was a special event featuring Kagome and Ui. It was about them having a lucky day. They ended up meeting outside Kamihama city. Kagome was planning to visit Snaa for watching anime together while Ui was going home. They ran away from Kyubey and talked about when he chooses to appear in front of girls (car accident, learning about a sick person, etc). Kagome didn't want to meet Kyubey so she thought Ui was her lucky person of the day(?) and they also mentioned Meru. Then they came to Mikadzuki house together.
Ume-sensei joined as a surprise guest and they talked about character designs. She designed a character that will arrive once arc 2 hits climax. But the details were kept as a secret.
Kagome's meguca design and Mikoto Sena's witch form was shown.
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Arc 2 was based on 18 megucas. They designed weapons and then the girls themselves. Kagome was one of the earliest designs, her weapon is a mandrake and she plays a key role in the story.
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Then some game data was shown. Top 10 home screen megucas, top 10 full slotted 4* girls, etc.
Then update corner began and ugh... I need to vent a bit here.
Because one of the upcoming units is Holy Mami anime ver. They have so many characters and they chose to put a character alt that already exists. The only difference will be her backstory.
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But we are also getting this amazing duo! (Mikage + Nayuta Christmas ver.) I will definetely try to get them!
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We are also getting:
Oriko event (soon, but not specified when. They are preparing for it)
Special Mirrors tournament with a new rule and special prize.
A shop to receive event welfare megucas and their items. I can finally full-slot my Seika!
A new type of event where we will get SE stones by patrolling?
Folklore of 0 in January 2022 and Arc 2 chapter 9 in March 2022.
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magireconews · 3 years
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Here is the card art for Holy Mami (anime ver)
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azusamifuyu · 3 years
Okay I have a bit of a MagiReco conspiracy theory here, so bear with me and stop me if it sounds like I’m putting on the tinfoil hat.
So, in the last episode of Season 2, Kuroe is erased by someone/something asking her “What right do you have to be a part of the story?”
If you recall the Scene 0 announcement trailer from last year, it had very prominent imagery of film reel being cut, and then stitched back together by Mabayu, who was literally altering the story. What happened to Kuroe really reminds me of that.
This makes me think that anime is going to tie in with Scene 0, and not the movie as I originally feared. Additionally, the third season was slated for a December release, but was pushed back to April. Now, try and recall what units we got in game in December. Nayuta and Mikage, and that’s right…
Holy Mami (Anime ver.)
This version of Holy Mami got a lot of flack for having lots of reused assets, her henshin and Magia are just clips from the anime. Additionally, she didn’t come with an ingame story event, the whole thing just seems very put together at the last moment.
Now, what I’m thinking is that Scene 0 was originally going to be released in December to coincide with the 3rd Season, but had to be delayed along with the anime. In it’s place, they created Holy Mami (Anime ver.) as a sort of filler unit to occupy the space Scene 0 would have taken otherwise.
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