#homeostasis vs yggdrasil
taichi-x-koushiro · 8 months
A Summary of Repeatverse {if not Tri as a whole}
Repeat!Daisuke, holding up a Not Great Drawing: Well, basically, to stop the Virus, which Meicoomon was Infected with, from being spread further amongst the Digimon, your group 'originally', in 2005, went off to the Digital World to beat up, and get information out of, one of the key guys who first appeared, that "Alphamon"... then the fake Kaiser showed up!... then the older "Gennai"! Jou: T-Those {drawings} look nothing like them!! Mimi, EXCITED: No, I kind of see it!! Repeat!Ken, Helpfully Adding as Daisuke holds up more drawings: But Alphamon wasn't necessarily a wholly "bad" Digimon, {though Alphamon DID Get up to a Lot of Things...} and the "Kaiser" was a fake who ended up 'being' that "Gennai", who was ALSO a fake. Repeat!Daisuke: So you realized that the guy who's extremely evil was {Holding up scribbled Drawing!!} "Yggdrasil", who has a role in 'maintaining' the supposed "balance" of the Digital World, along with {Holding up Another Drawing} "Homeostasis", that 'being' who keeps trying to possess Hikari-chan! Repeat!Miyako, ADDING: "Homeostasis" also realized "Yggdrasil" was extremely evil and is trying to fight Yggdrasil for control to 'maintain' the "balance", but that makes "Homeostasis" something like our 'enemy' now too, regardless of its original "intentions" being 'good' or not! Repeat!Daisuke: THATS SO SIMPLE THEN!!! REPEAT!DAISUKE, FIRED UP: DEFEAT YGGDRASIL!!!!! A.U!Koushiro: (*facefaulting, along with Taichi by side*) {'I-It's not quite that simple, but let's go along with this for now, then.'}
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
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{DigiAdv Tri.} ~ K Y O U S E I + H I K A R I vs " H O M E O S T A S I S " ? Y G G D R A S I L
"GET OUT!!!"
"T O M O D A C H I," - Hikari "..." - Meiko, Notably B l i n k i n g in S t u n n e d S u r p r i s e
{ "I WON'T F O R G I V E Y O U !!!" }
(Cue f l a s h to Y G G D R A S I L, Above Hikari)
Gifs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi {DO NOT R E P O S T} {DO NOT R E P R O D U C E MY WORKS WITHOUT MY P E R M I S S I O N UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES} (Please ASK to Use)
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izzyizumi · 5 years
A Digimon Fan: oMG what if "Digimon Adventure:" (2020 reboot anime) takes place in a timeline where Apocalymon won ?!!???
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ahiddenpath · 5 years
Kizuna Countdown #17 and 18
Oops, I forgot yesterday!
17.)  Favorite promotional art
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THEY LOOK SO LIVELY!  Sora’s smile kills me, and so does Iori’s little :o face.
18.)  Favorite Tri Installment
Oh, gosh.  Kokuhaku, no contest.  You can see my reaction to the movie here.
I want to do a Tri rewatch, but...  Well, to be honest, I struggled to get through the first two movies the second time to prep for Nanowrimo a few months ago.  I do anticipate that my thoughts on pacing and questions raised vs questions answered will shift if I manage to watch everything within a month, instead of spread over three years like the original release.
But as memory serves...  Kokuhaku had the best pacing by far.  It featured characters taking action (Koushiro working for three straight days, someone save my disaster child) and finally sharing info that helped moved things along (Meiko), while also showcasing how difficult it can be to share pivotal information (Takeru).  Also, this was before the Yggdrasil/Gennai?/Homeostasis thing really took off (although the seeds were planted by this point), and in my opinion, the plot was just... more interesting at this point.  Instead of focusing on forces that were never shown, but just represented by mouthpiece characters, we saw...  
Lord.  We saw the Chosen panicking as the infection spread.  We saw the digimon coming to terms with what was happening and trying to say goodbye.  We saw characters that we love struggling through an easy-to-understand, heart-wrenching, immediately relevant scenario.  
And when it ended...  We saw how much our children had grown when they came together to meet their partners all over again.  Like.  This is GOLD.  This is why we want to see the Chosen growing up.  I’m still emotional.
And Koushiro and Takeru were amazing, I’m sure I don’t have to explain that.  Actually, everyone was so good in this film!  AND TENTOMON.
It is true that, um...  People tend to have thoughts about emotional payoffs that are reversed later (for example, the digimon losing their memories and Taichi’s fall).  Frankly, that is a tactic that bothers me...  But the emotional payoff for the Reboot was so damned good that I’ll let it slide.
By the way, you can view my immediate reactions to all six Tri movies and the stage play under my tag “tri reactions.”  They tend to be... a long-winded string of bad jokes, however!  XD
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adventure-hearts · 6 years
A question: Did Yggdrasil really have to be a villain in Tri.? He never appeared, was just mentioned, and was easily shut down by Homeostasis after Ordinemon's death, while Mysterious Man and Alphamon are still around. I think he was an unnecessary villain in Tri. and that Mysterious Man and Alphamon would have sufficed as villains. What do you think?
What? No way. I think this question is caused by a misunderstanding of tri.’s plot.
The entire story of tri. was caused by a conflict between Homeostasis and Ygdrasil, two “divine forces” of the Digital World, triggered by Meicoomon.
Everything Alphamon and Mystery Man did was under Ygdrasil’s orders. They aren’t individual actors in this game with no agenda of their own; they are pawns. And they certainly would not be on the same power level as goddamn Homeostasis. Alphamon vs Homeostasis or Mystery Man vs Homeostasis would not be an equal fight at all.
Ygdrasil isn’t an “unnecessary villain”, it was an absolutely, essential part of the “triangle of forces” that is the basis for tri. The story could not have happened without Ygdrasil. 
(I even think the label of “villain” is not something we can easily apply to tri., since in many respects Homeostasis was also an antagonist to the Chosen Children.)
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broken-endings · 6 years
digimon tri 6 thoughts
spoilers below
It wasn’t “bad”
but it wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be
or as good as I thought it could be with everything they threw at us and introduced.
It’s like Supernatural. Immensely good at introducing intriguing plot points, and doing absolutely NOTHING with them.
wasted potential. If it didn’t introduce so many interesting things my hopes wouldn’t have been so high, but they did, so they were.
The mere absence of acknowledgement of the zero two kids or the events of zero two was like a huge thing for me, that weighted everything while we waited to find out why that was.
Only, we don’t find out what actually happened, and Tai immediately recognized them, so why did they not even KNOW or mention their missing?? We don’t even have an explanation as to why they might not be worried, like we never witnessed the organization tell them anything that would make them not realize those kids were missing.
They went to the same school, played on the same team, lived near each other. 
So it’s just so weird and disappointing that the weirdness meant nothing. It colored my entire watching experience with exciting expectations, only for those expectations to become nothing. It was nonexistent. What I hoped would turn out to be brilliance was never on the screen and only in my head.
The kids were just here hidden in the digital world on life support. We never actually get to see the kids either, another let down.
Because this was the finale, and I had expectations of all these different plot points finally coming to a head, it would be the one i’m most disappointed in.
The zero kids had no weight in any of the story and never appeared aside from a faint silhouette. Tai’s finding them didn’t actually amount to anything. Nishijima and Himekawa, both were gotten rid of too soon. It felt WAy too rushed. She’s just in the dark ocean? And that’s the end of her? Maybe it’s supposed to be subtly poetic, like this is where Ken would’ve gone or Kari could’ve gone if they kept going down their paths that led them there if they didn’t have their friends, and they would’ve been trapped in the dark ocean for eternity.
It just didn’t feel that clear to me that that was the last we’d see of her. Maybe it’s a difference between storytelling in Japanese vs English. There’s certain unspoken expectations I have from stories based on what’s said, or isn’t said.
or maybe i’m right and it just was done poorly no matter who looks at it. I’ve watched a lot of anime in japanese and i’ve never had this big of a problem with reading into stuff, except for maybe samurai flamenco.
Didn’t they originally say it’d be 7 films? Am I imagining that? I feel like the original announcement that revealed itd be a movies series said that.
Cuz if that’s true, then that might explain my disappointment in dropped ideas. Maybe if they’d had another two hours of story to animate it would’ve touched on everything I thought it was going to, but they were cut one movie short and had to cut stuff and make it work.
if not and i really imagined it, and there was always going to be six films, then it’s just poor storytelling. or it’s like they took multiple scripts and spliced elements of them together that left all these hanging story threads.
My laundry list of complaints
They never used the zero two kids or their digimon
Never explained why no one noticed the zero two kids were missing, but still knew who they were. I thought maybe the real world had already been through a reboot and this was the second time these events were taking place.
Never explained the gennai/digimon emperor person. and that he just escapes into the digital world.
Yggdrasil is like a deus ex machina of a villain, never seen nor heard, also never explained who he is. and homeostasis can just “deal with him” without anyone’s help.
the original digidestined Nishijima and Himekawa didn’t factor into the main story, even though Himekawa was one of the main causes of the reboot.
The memories stored in Meicoomon meant that Tapirmon’s memories could theoretically be there too, and could remember Himekawa, even though she’s gone now. That idea’s never explored
Himekawa in the dark ocean not having some kind of explanation, and does it even matter she’s there if no one knows about it? I wish Nishijima knew what we got to see. It’d give it more weight.
Nishijima’s death felt cheap. If they’d made the zero two kids disappearance and everyone else not remembering them into an actual plot point, and had Nishijima reveal the truth to Tai, even then, his death would’ve been more meaningful. Also if they knew he was a digidestined or the story of him and Himekawa. They really rushed the brief explanation he gave Tai. It shouldn’t have been exposition. Show, don’t tell.
That the dark masters or the harmonious ones didn’t play a part in the plot beyond the flashback. At one point I thought the gennai emperor could be piedmon in disguise.
None of the harmonious guardians appeared once in present day, not even azulongmon.
The main digimon losing their memories didn’t really matter at all, beyond Sora and Biyomon, which only mattered in the beginning, but they too got over it. So them getting those memories back didn’t give any kind of satisfaction at all. Which is a pity because I liked the explanation as to them being what gave Meicoomon power and why Meicoomon didn’t forget. I just wish it mattered to the plot more.
That Meicoomon was the “main villain”
That Himekawa wasn’t the main villain
Because I was already disappointed in so much already, it automatically meant things like Tai’s return was cheapened
It built on its own history and lore, but didn’t actually USE that history or lore to make the plot more interesting
i’m sure there’s more but i’ve exhausted my list for now
What could’ve been:
I like the plot line I came up with in my last commentary. I thought that Homeostasis was going to be the main villain because it was corrupted by Himekawa’s obsession with finding a way to resurrect Tapirmon, because it was connected to Himekawa since she was its vessel the first time around.
So the plot would revolve around her backstory, the original digidestined, and the main villain would be a consequence of her own corruption, making the chooser of the digidestined the one needing defeating. Rather than destroy it they’d need to find a way to purify it, and only by confronting Himekawa and having her face the reality of what she’s done to others could they free homeostasis. The same way we got Ken’s epiphany and change of heart, and Oikawa’s epiphany and change of heart, I thought we’d get something along those lines. Or, maybe Himekawa wouldn’t be able to be saved, but rather, homeostasis could be purified if Nishijima gave up trying to save Himekawa and let her destroy herself. He needs to let her go.
It’d be so much better man. Rather than meicoomon being the main villain, her existence would all be because of Himekawa’s plan to resurrect her digimon by way of the reboot. To get the reboot she needed what Meicoomon was. So she was brought into existence to only be used, but is allowed to live in spite of how she was born.
but no. the villain was meicoomon the whole time.
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Kyousei: Alphamon vs. Jesmon vs.. Raguelmon vs. Chosen Children vs. Homeostasis vs. Yggdrasil!! Who is the true enemy?? Who can be trusted??
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witchelny · 7 years
Piecing Together Adventure tri.’s Plot, Pt. 2
A few days ago I rewatched Digimon Adventure tri. Pt. 1: Reunion and made the first post in this series. I’d like to take a second to correct myself on a few things I had wrong.
First off, I could not remember where the virus had come from, and @alicekaninchenbau reminded me it originated from Meicoomon, though the reason why is still unknown (though it’s likely a result of her being a shard of Apocalymon’s data). Second of all, I wrongly stated that Gennai was working for Homeostasis, and @aiko-isari informed me that he is, in fact, working for Yggdrasil. It has been quite some time since I’ve watched the earlier parts of tri. and consequently I have some gaps in my knowledge due to the fact that Adventure tri. is being released so slowly, so bear with me as I get my facts straight! That’s what this post is about, after all~
So, with that in mind, here’s the revised list of the four different sides in Digimon Adventure tri.:
The Chosen Children, including Meiko & their ally Daigo. Their motivation is to protect each other, their partner Digimon, and the world.
Homeostasis, represented by Huckmon. Jesmon is also on its side. Its motivation is to restore balance to the worlds by eliminating Meicoomon.
Yggdrasil, assisted by Gennai, as well as Alphamon. Motivation currently unknown to my knowledge, though it is likely that on some level Yggdrasil is opposed to human interference in the Digital World.
Maki, who gets her own category due to her unique and specific motivations. As far as I’m aware, her sole motive is to get Tapirmon back, though she cooperates with Gennai in order to achieve this.
Determination begins with a similarly vague voiceover narration like the speech about Demiurge and Idea at the beginning of Reunion, but this time it talks about “opposing creatures,” those that create and those that destroy. This speech overlays a scene in which Leomon faces off with an infected Ogremon, so it’s possible it’s referring to Vaccine types versus Virus types. However, in the context of the larger plot, this introduction could also refer to Meicoomon as a “destructive” type of Digimon as opposed to other types.
This is followed by a scene in which the infected Ogremon, after coming through a distortion, is fought off by Maki and Daigo’s organization.
Maki and Daigo, especially Maki in particular, have probably the most interesting role in Determination - in my opinion, of course. There were many things I noticed this time that I did not put as much weight on before. For example, Maki hints throughout the first half of the film that she already knows that the infected Digimon are hunting for Meicoomon. And despite her purposeful sacrifice of Meicoomon later, Maki also treats Meiko and Meicoomon with an incredible amount of cordiality and kindness at the bath house. Why? Meiko claims Maki was a big help to her while she was relocating to Odaiba; did Maki purposely choose Odaiba for Meiko so that she’d be close to the other Chosen? Or did Maki, on some level, relate to Meiko?
I think it’s possible that Maki sees herself in Meiko and pities her, especially since she has some extra behind the scenes knowledge through Gennai. She knows Meiko is going to lose her partner. She knows what that’s like. To me, this speaks volumes about Maki’s personality and motivations.
However, Maki has one priority above all else, and that is Tapirmon. She does not let her pity for Meiko get in the way of her orchestrating Meicoomon’s descent into infection, which I’m assuming is Maki’s way of instigating the reboot so she can revive her partner. And the loss of Tapirmon is something that has scarred Maki deeply; for example, Daigo even notes the shift in her personality during the school festival.
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It’s not long after this exchange that Maki notices “Ken’s” appearance at the festival, followed by this easily-missed scene wherein she takes an elevator to the roof in order to meet with him.
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Though Determination does not show their conversation for the sake of concealing Maki’s ulterior motives, I can pretty reasonably theorize that this is most likely when Maki and Gennai conspired to have Maki bring Meicoomon behind the school so she’d be alone when a distortion appeared, resulting in her subsequent shift to a more violent, infected form.
Determination also gives a lot of hints to Meicoomon’s tendency to become scared and hostile easily. Hindsight is interesting, ain’t it? Her behavior was a lot more clear to me after watching Coexistence. There’s a scene in the bath house in which Meicoomon becomes separated from Meiko and starts to panic, then become aggressive - but Meiko comes in to save her right on time. Meiko seems to recognize what was happening, too, as she doesn’t seem shocked or surprised. She just instructs Meicoomon to stay near her.
Later, a similar interaction happens before the fight between Togemon and Ogremon. Meiko is very reluctant to follow Mimi because she clearly doesn’t want Meicoomon to go near a battle. And later, when Meicoomon shifts and kills Leomon, she does so because she has become terrified during the battle and perceives Leomon as a threat to her safety.
This leads me back to the original voice-over referring to destructive creatures vs. creative creatures, tying this into the prophecy that Koushiro receives by email: “The two sides of the universe are like two sides of the same coin/Those who desire true power must know the darkness, and go beyond.” Koushiro believes the last part of this prophecy - “those who desire true power ... go beyond” - refers to the Digimon achieving their Ultimate evolutions. However, I think it’s a little deeper than that. The phrase “two sides of the universe” seems to harken back to the creative power vs. destructive power theme. Consequently, I think the prophecy refers partially to the Digimon partners evolving to their Ultimate level, in addition to referring to Meicoomon’s transformation. Essentially, the other partner Digimon were able to know the darkness and go beyond, but Meicoomon was not able to conquer her darkness.
During the initial scene in which Koushiro receives the email, however, a couple interesting things happen. One, the narrative - through Koushiro and Leomon - takes the time to clarify that the distortions started occurring after the Virus, suggesting to me that it’s possible Meicoomon is not causing the distortions themselves, but rather that it’s a sort of response from the Digital World to detecting a malady in its midst (I could be wrong, though). Second, Huckmon is shown spying on them for what’s probably the second or third time in Determination.
I believe that the reason Huckmon does not make a move until later is because Homeostasis requires more information. Meicoomon, the Virus, the Chosen Children, and Yggdrasil have all been involved up until this point, but Homeostasis appears to have no idea what is going on. Huckmon appears at some interesting times - watching Meiko in her own apartment, observing Leomon and Koushiro, and even appearing in the in-between space inside of a distortion during the fight between Imperialdramon, Rosemon, and Vikemon. This suggests he is gathering intel on the other “sides” involved in this ongoing conflict so that Homeostasis can make an informed decision on how to go about restoring stability.
Something that’s also bothering me is the presence of the Royal Knights. It seems to me as if the Royal Knights aren’t a “Thing” yet, for lack of a better term; their allegiences are split. We saw Omegamon and Alphamon oppose one another in Reunion, but Omegamon is not yet a Royal Knight, as he serves the human children. Alphamon is serving Yggdrasil. Jesmon, however, is aligned with Homeostasis. And in Determination, we see an infected Imperialdramon - who is a jogress of Wormmon and Veemon - fighting against his own friends and under Gennai’s (disguised as Ken) sway. So, what’s the deal with the Royal Knights? Are they still in the process of becoming the Royal Knights throughout Adventure tri.?
Also, I can’t shake the weird feeling about Gennai using the infected Digimon for his own ends. The fact that he disguised himself as Ken and used KEN’S own Digimon against the other kids makes it seem like he could be purposely exposing Digimon to the Virus to use them for his own motivations. The problem is, what ARE those motivations?
I don’t have any answers to these questions right now, personally, but I do have one last thought on my mind that has been bothering me. There is a lot of emphasis in Adventure tri. on the kids being Chosen. “We are supposed to do this because we’re Chosen” and “This is who we are and we can do this because we’ve been Chosen” are themes commonly repeated throughout Adventure tri. It becomes especially apparent in Determination as Jou struggles to reconcile his dreams to be a doctor with his destiny as a Chosen Child. However, as I mentioned in the previous post, the race known as the Agents - of which Gennai and even Homeostasis once belonged - are the ones who selected the Chosen Children and created their Digimon.
So are the Chosen kids even Chosen anymore? Is this truly their destiny, if it was manufactured for them by someone who may have had ulterior motives? How can we say that the Chosen Children are meant to be with their partners, if the whole relationship between themselves and their partners was orchestrated by a race of beings that just intended for the Chosen to be weapons against the Dark Masters?
I doubt Digimon Adventure tri. will delve into this issue, but it’s one that hasn’t quite sat right with me throughout this rewatch. But I will say, I enjoyed Determination a lot more this time than I did the first time! I’ll be rewatching & analyzing Confession soon - that’s sure to be a doozy.
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zonee-digimon · 8 years
Para los que decían, que no había nada nuevo, esta OVA los calló. Vimos cosas grandes del trama.
-el flashback inicial-"los digimon muertos en el mundo humano no reviven"-El reboot trae a la vida a todos los digimon-Hououmon (si lo escribí bien?) y Seraphimon-Yggdrasil vs Homeostasis-la oscuridad venció a Gennai y lo volvió un maldito pervertido (wtf con ese tipo?!)-Meicoomon no fue afectado por el reboot y puede destruir el mundo.- Dark masters regresaronNo sé que más falta mencionar de importante pero estuvo interesante esta OVA
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magpiejay1234 · 7 years
Random thoughts on Adventure Tri part 3,4,5 now that I watched them:
-On Original Thosen Kiddos::
1. Man, Tapirmon’s line is so efffed up. The only established line would be something like Tapirmon->Tyranomon->Megadramon->Goldramon. I guess it is possible that Megadramon was some sort of Dark evolution and its original route would be Tapirmon->Unimon->Tylinmon->Sleipmon, but that seems complicated as well.
2.Triceramon is probably Gotsumon->Monochromon->Triceramon->Spinomon.
3.Bearmon’s line was always incomplete, but now it is a hot mess. I guess it was supposed to be Bearmon->Grizzlymon->LoaderLiomon->BanchoLeomon. I wonder why Daigo wasn’t just given a regular Liollmon.
4.Hippogriffomon is weird. I guess it is supposed to be something like Labramon->Darcmon->Hippogriffomon->Griffomon. But I guess Adult/Champion and Rookie/Child stages are something different.
5.Orochimon is also weird. I guess it is supposed to be Kamemon->Tortamon->Orochimon->???
-On Mega Evolutions:
1.They lost their luster after the third movie, because of the massive power creep the franchise had. Things like Rosemon would be cool in 1999, but we have things like Jesmon and Chaosmon. The sad fact that only proper Jogress will likely be Omnimon also means the crew is pretty much f***ed.
2.Sovereign twist was something people expected since like five years ago, but the way they pulled it off was very clever, I must say. Hopefully we will see Huanglongmon soon.
-On new Species:
1-Holy shit Meicoomon-line is just a Gatomon reskin. How do they get away with this. And ignoring that, I just really dislike the line’s design. The character’s personality is pretty cool, though.
2-Orphanimon FM is retarded, but we already had corrupted Seraphimon and Cherubimon, so I guess it makes sense. Not to mention Magnadramon is canonically stronger than Orphanimon. Ordinemon is just my mother’s Giant Naked Rei.
-On Homeostasis vs. Yggdrasil:
1.Both sides are huge dicks/cunts, but I guess the conflict was inspired by the fact that Yggdrasil is supposed be ENIAC and Homeostasis is supposed to be ABC. That would explain why Yggdrasil doesn’t care about the Digimon it is supposed to represent, just like Homeostasis doesn’t really care about humanity. Hackmon’s comments also suggest that Human World was actually destroyed once, way before Daigo and his crew, which would explain why Homeostasis is like ”Oh, whatever. We can create more humans :)”.
2.I also love the symbolism between the two. Homeostasis generally appears as a big gay rainbow whereas Yggdrasil generally appears as something from Apple. Their respective Royal Knights is also amusing. Jesmon is literally Jesus the Digimon, whereas Alphamon can only achieved if Dorumon doesn’t die and come back wrong. Yggdrasil is predominantly masculine while Homeostasis is predominantly female. The former uses digital avatars while the latter uses analog avatars. It is just beautiful.
-On the Plotmon:
1-The whole world reboot thing was a bit unnecessary, especially since it only amounted to more unnecessary drama. Resurrection of Tapirmon could have just happened by a forced Fusion/Defusion of the Sovereigns into/from Huanlongmon.
2-”Zomg Meicoomon was Apocalymon’s successor” thing was literally done in Milleniummon arc. And whole “Partner is carrying a world destroying virus!” thing was done by Guilmon-line. No need to repeat both.
3-Hi Dark Ocean. I guess you will be Symbolic this time around as well and amount to nothing else.
4-Outside of this, I like how they filled the plot holes in the original Adventure. But filling 02′s holes would take centuries, which is why they are literally drowning in Dark Ocean.
5-Daigo being the former google kid despite having a Wind based final form is amusing, but I guess his supposed proper final form BanchoLeomon has plenty of fiery passion. It is also a nice foreshadowing of Yamato taking Taichi’s goggles, I guess.
6-I find amusing how the kids have to struggle with the fact they will need to let go of their Partners if it is necessary, but the franchise overall showcased that something that seems dead is never truly dead. Even DC comics do not have as cheap deaths as in Digimon.
7-I find it amusing that all 02 kids are gone now, not just the main crew. No wonder why people don’t want their kids around Digimon.
8-Even if the reason is a proper one now, the whole “Royal Knights’ Civil War” thing is so overdone. I hope we won’t suffer this plotline in the future media.
-Everything else:
1-Animation quality overall is declining, but at least Digimon now act properly now, rather than looking like stuffed animals as it was the case for the first few parts.
2-It would be amusing if 4chan turns out right and the crests of the Original five become the WonderSwan crests, Desire, Vanity, Guts and Darkness, with Maki being Miracles and Meiko being Destiny. Oh the irony that would be.
3-I to am going with the “Meicoomon will die and come back” thing because we haven’t seen its Fresh to Rookie levels. Seems like killing it off would be the best opportunity to milk it.
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eswelina · 8 years
Soushitsu commentary (I)
It feels awkward that the prologue is styled like a silent film
I knew it!!!! They were the original Chosen, Daigo was the original gogglehead
Sooo…Maki was possessed by Homeostasis. That explains why she knew what happened to Hikari
When she asked why were only 4 chosen I thought she was referring to children, then I realized she was talking about the Holy Beasts
Is she talking about the Dark Ocean? I know that the HB represent an element and a cardinal point. I want to see more of how it’s applied to what Homestasis is saying
Good, narrator is back. I think Maki and Meiko mirror each other, because “what happens to those who don’t receive that influence”. Not to mention, their digivices are different
Omg! The train lights. The nostalgia
This is new, I had never heard the japanese voices of the baby mon before
And Yamato just stares and keeps the distance. That’s so like them haha
Awww Nyaromon, that was cute. Tokomon is so willing haha
Hahaha, Koushiro being Koushiro, talking about the scientific properties of things he likes
Ok, that Koumi moment gave me second hand embarrassment. It also reminded me of that scene in which they’re discussing how they like eggs
Nyaro and Hikari playing is a shocker, considering they’re the calm type
Taichi is getting his determination back. I’m not really sure how and why, but nice
It’s a pity we don’t get baby to child evo sequences, but is true it would have wasted time
Yes, how are you going to get back? Did you even told your parents? Left a note? I hope that when they go back home they get scolded if that way we can see Hiroaki and Natsuko
Daigo was right, it was irresponsible. Didn’t they said “if we keep waiting, we’re gonna become adults”? They’re chasing their childhood. There’s still a lot of growth for them left. I’d like to see how it pavements the way to their future
Yes! Finally Palmon’s beauty gets justice
Oh, if you only knew. As adults you’re way bigger, guys
OMG! Takari moment. Uh…nevermind, it was about Yamato
Mimi and Hikari sleeping together. But why didn’t you sleep in the bus?
I had the same reaction than Yamato
Agumon que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente
Taichi has never understood Sora, but Yamato? Really? Why do you need Takeru? I know he has better disposition with people, but you have always understood her. Well, at least better than Taichi. Even though, Taichi is always there for her. What a pretty friendship
Ugh, Sora hasn’t changed, she still sulks and doesn’t talk
Oh, crap! That tail whip
Wow, this is the biggest change so far. The digimon would have never run before
I have to admit I enjoy seeing that mean Biyomon so scared that she prays for her life
WOOOOH! What if the reason they can’t evolve is because the system changed the partnerships. I mean the archives that Daigo was checking said “position of the digimon”
Gdi, not the cliché of the can. Aawwww, that was probably the most romantic thing we’ll ever have from Digimon. I’d like to know what exactly went wrong in their relationship. I hope that if Maki ever comes back to the light side, they can be happy together
And wth is Meiko doing there? She should be interrogating her father
My goddd, Gabumon is so adorable. And his blush is so intense that is visible through the fur lol
Good to see that Taichi still cares about his sister
Long time no see, Mugen Mountain. And, what’s the place where Mimi landed?
JFC, Biyomon! What they did to you? Like 95% of her rudeness was unnecessary. I get that sometimes people are overwhelming, but Sora was trying to be nice. And why did you only respond to Meiko?
I like that they got coupled with digimon other than their own, but it was not enough
Well, my theory was wrong. Hackmon wasn’t with any of the MIB
So, is basically Yggdrasil vs Homeostasis? At last we get some answers
Interesting. I don’t know too much about the RK, but from what I’ve seen in Savers and X-Evolution, even if they serve Yggdrasil they can choose what to do. If so, it’s not surprising that Hackmon went his own way
Libra? As in balance? Are you saying Meicoomon is the key to equilibrium? Evil Gennai later says he wants her to destroy the (human?) world. I hope next movie gives us clear answers about her origins and role
Is that Homeostasis? Nice representation
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izzyizumi · 3 years
Digimon Adventure {Series} (Adventure & 02 Implied) (+Tri; + Kizuna; + 2020) A.M.V. / Parody Series ~ x K.a.g.e.r.o.u P.r.o.j.e.c.t {+Anime “Route”} Mekakucity A C T O R S (Opening Scene Parody) “Kaien Panzermast”
Digimon Adventure {Franchise}/{Series} (C) Toei Animation/““Akiyoshi Hongo”” O.S.T Track (C) Jin + IA Project A.M.V. By Me {DO NOT Copy} No $$$ Is Being Made off this Fan-work! (I am Not Associated with Toei in Any Way)
Part of my Adventures A.M.Vs-verse + Ficverse series: “REPEAT?_” featuring (as a main/Lead character) Koushiro Izumi alongside original main Lead Taichi Yagami & SHIP/O.T.P: KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / Taishiro[u] (The rest of Adv Chosen + Meiko [and sans Sora in this particular one but I’ll add her in a finalized version!] appear for short moments) Short version summary: “You must never interfere with TIME”
Short version summary of THIS A.M.V. in particular:
“DO YOU LIKE the color of THE SKY?”
{“It’s a TIME-Loops series”} (So it has some relevant genre-Angst implied, {also T.C.G Lore?!?} please note if you watch!) [Along with some GhostGame-esque horror elements]
Implied Lyrics:
With the red glow of sunset, the day comes to an end The bell of the mountain temple rings Hand in hand, let’s all go home The crows alongside us, let’s go home
When the children are home, The moon is large and round By the time the little birds dream, Golden stars twinkle in the sky--
Scenes used are mainly nice looking sceneries scenes from: Tri {Kokuhaku, Kyousei}; - some shots of Bokura no Mirai!Koushiro with similar imagery Kizuna: A kind of major spoiler, but it’s a start/lead-in to the final battle. {Anything else relevant is NOT shown, but it does show what happens involving Adventure Chosen in particular.} 2020: The first scene/moment of the opening theme; - also a final moment of 2020 Ep. 65 in particular; it’s the final scene so you can skip it after the one of 2020!Taichi. - Two scenes have their original sound left in as well (for effect/impact) Ghost Game: a single scenery shot from the start of Ep 19 for effect.
{Ficverse version can be found via my links on that post!}
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{Please note any and all warnings for ficverse version! A.M.Vs-verse version is overall Safe for Work in comparison, however please be sure to read all information on A.M.Vs posts too!}
(*Note: Extended summary contains some big spoilers for the fic-verse) [However, it also explains more of world-building involved & plot setup!]
(*It’s ok to start on/only watch this current edit!)
[*You may understand the story/implied timeline of things better if you begin from my “Kagerou Daze” A.M.V, though it’s also not required! “Children Record” is also recommended as a starting point/upbeat song! ] {For lighthearted songs try Otsukimi Recital, or (maybe) Yuukei Yesterday!}
Implied Lyrics:
With the red glow of sunset, the day comes to an end The bell of the mountain temple rings Hand in hand, let’s all go home The crows alongside us, let’s go home
When the children are home, The moon is large and round By the time the little birds dream, Golden stars twinkle in the sky--
"Panzermast" is a radio broadcast system used for disaster prevention that looks like megaphones on top of a pole.
The song is well-known since, in many places, (notably Kashiwa City, Chiba Prefecture; one video also shows it play in Akihabara) it is played over loudspeakers every day at sunset / 5 PM, as it’s also used to play a song called “Yuuyake, Koyake” as a signal for children (+students) to return home before it gets dark.
Original Posters [Mine] Commentary:
(I’ve already seen one other J.P.N artist use it specifically for TaiKou; so I have to wonder if they sometimes get the same idea...!)
I already made a previous initial version here, (However, that one contains major implied spoilers for the Fic-verse ending!) This one specifically semi-parodies the opening scene of the series my overall fic-verse is parodying from; [Mekakucity @ctors] (However, again, it is NOT a direct 1:1 parody, Characters will not parody exact!)
ALSO, (Koushiro Voice) it is of my personal opinion that this fan-base should start paying more attention to not only the sceneries (including/especially Tri’s!) but also the wider series lore, specifically, also, at least partly pay attention to not only OG!Adventure + 02 lores but ALSO some of the T.C.G. lores...
[A.K.A. It’s Fun To Try To Pick Up On Foreshadowing! Sometimes!]
(Don’t ask me to elaborate on that, but I Have Theories) {“Yggdrasil” & “Homeostasis” & Not-Gennai I’m Looking @ YOU}
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adventure-hearts · 6 years
Was summoning Ordinemon to destroy earth Yggdrasil’s/Mysterious Man’s plan all along or did they get lucky with Hikari? Thinking like a villain, I just feel it’s a bit much to have your master plan rely on the uncertainty that a devastating attack (not even yours) would take out the correct other person, causing his sister to summon another angel of death that just so happens to be compatible with the first angle of death to bring out a super angel of death. That all being said still love tri!
Yeah, there’s certainly a bit of luck involved in that sequence of events that caused Ophanimon Falldown Mode to show up at the last momet and be absorbed by Raguelmon, thus forming Ordinemon.
I do think Ygdrasil/Mystery Man knew about Ordinemon and triggering it was its ultimate goal. However, it is possible that Mystery Man wasn’t exactly sure of how Ordinemon would be “unlocked”. So he just sought to cause maximum chaos and distress to Meicoomon so its dark powers would be released. Ophanimon FDM was a happy coincidence.
Or maybe he suspected that Hikari had some potential and triggering a dark evolution, which could in turn “trigger” Meicoomon’s most destructive form. He certainly seems overtly focused on Hikari in Chapter 5, especially once she turns again Homeostasis. I’ve seen some people speculate that the events of Chapter 1 (Kuwagamon vs. Greymon) was actually Ygdrasil trying to harm Taichi, though I’m not sure if we have enough evidence to say that “hurting Taichi to upset Hikari” was its plan from the start. Maybe Ygdrasil initially just wanted to take the Chosen Children out of his way, via the Reboot, and/or by putting them against Homeostasis.
I think in Chapter 4 Mystery Man’s plan was to trigger Ordinemon by harming Meiko, and once that didn’t work he tried something different. Perhaps that was when he turned his focus on Hikari and planned to trigger a Dark Evolution? Or perhaps the entire thing was just a consequence of MM’s strategy of sowing chaos and destruction?
I don’t have a defined answer for this.
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adventure-hearts · 6 years
thank you for explaining yggdrasil vs homeostasis thing! now i do have another question, we saw homeostasis in adventure before, but has there been any record of yggdrasil in adventure? I can assume maybe he was a rank above apocalymon? the thing is thoug that I don´t know if i can put him in the same box with other villains like daemon or dark masters.. you know what i mean? idk im really confused...
Nope, Ygdrasil had never been mentioned in the Adventure universe before.I think it's safe to say that Ygdrasil exists in a sort of "divine higher plane", much like Homeostasis. So it definitely ranks well above our everyday villains, even Apocalymon.
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