#repeat alphamon
taichi-x-koushiro · 8 months
A Summary of Repeatverse {if not Tri as a whole}
Repeat!Daisuke, holding up a Not Great Drawing: Well, basically, to stop the Virus, which Meicoomon was Infected with, from being spread further amongst the Digimon, your group 'originally', in 2005, went off to the Digital World to beat up, and get information out of, one of the key guys who first appeared, that "Alphamon"... then the fake Kaiser showed up!... then the older "Gennai"! Jou: T-Those {drawings} look nothing like them!! Mimi, EXCITED: No, I kind of see it!! Repeat!Ken, Helpfully Adding as Daisuke holds up more drawings: But Alphamon wasn't necessarily a wholly "bad" Digimon, {though Alphamon DID Get up to a Lot of Things...} and the "Kaiser" was a fake who ended up 'being' that "Gennai", who was ALSO a fake. Repeat!Daisuke: So you realized that the guy who's extremely evil was {Holding up scribbled Drawing!!} "Yggdrasil", who has a role in 'maintaining' the supposed "balance" of the Digital World, along with {Holding up Another Drawing} "Homeostasis", that 'being' who keeps trying to possess Hikari-chan! Repeat!Miyako, ADDING: "Homeostasis" also realized "Yggdrasil" was extremely evil and is trying to fight Yggdrasil for control to 'maintain' the "balance", but that makes "Homeostasis" something like our 'enemy' now too, regardless of its original "intentions" being 'good' or not! Repeat!Daisuke: THATS SO SIMPLE THEN!!! REPEAT!DAISUKE, FIRED UP: DEFEAT YGGDRASIL!!!!! A.U!Koushiro: (*facefaulting, along with Taichi by side*) {'I-It's not quite that simple, but let's go along with this for now, then.'}
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Chosen of Faith: The Fan Fic : Takeru {Mini-Arc} : D E S P A I R {Preview/Foreshadowing}, originally written: pre-2011
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure 02 ~ + ORIGINAL C h a r a c t e r s + "Chosen of Faith" a precursor to "REPEAT?_verse" (Previously known as “Child of Faith”)
{In which Takeru hasn't been "sleeping {““Well””}" since BEFORE 2010 STILL, APPARENTLY---} -The oldest "final scene" Drafted/Posted (of the Timeframe)
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Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
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(Note: Commenting/Tagging Positively is OK!!)
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thezoe611 · 7 months
Hi, so. I have two questions about Digimon.
Number one: Was Kisakimon's sacrifice to protect Shoutmon's life inspired by Lilian Potter's sacrifice to protect Harry Potter? I wondered about this because when I saw your channel, I saw two of your videos about the films.
Number two: Doesn't Shoutmon have any relatives on his mother's side? we know practically all of Omegamon's lineage and family. But what about Kisakimon? Does she have no parents or siblings? And if so, why couldn't they take care of our little future king during his childhood?
A digimon question! (which was repeated twice, so I will answer it only in an ask^^')
*Number One: Oh, I don't deny that I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan (but I think the crown goes to my mother. She watches THE WHOLE SAGA, every week^^'). But nope, Kisakimon's sacrifice was not based on Lily Potter. Although, if you think about it, both situations are based on the same thing: the love of a mother for her child. That's a universal law in many works, don't you think?
*Number Two: Okay. I really liked this question (so the answer will be a bit long^^') The thing is, the term "family" was not very well known at that time in the Digital World. Digimon were born through the formation of data, or based on programs. Although a digitama can also be born from two digimon, (in my story), at that time that "human" perception didn't exist. Even more so, if it were the beginnings of the Digital World. Kisakimon was born like most digimon at that time. Alone. Yes, cared for by others, but they were not family. Think of it like clans? That would be the best term for it. But then, why did the term "family" slowly begin to exist among digimon? Precisely because of Alphamon. Alphamon had contact with humans. He learned many terms from Hinata and the rest of his human friends. That was why he considered Ryudamon "his brother". "Mother", "father", "siblings", "family"… Both Dorumon and Ryudamon were the first digimon to learn those terms. And Alphamon passed those terms on to "his sons". And he surely told several digimon about it. Let digimon connect over data, or even just over their own feelings. For friendship, for love… And I wouldn't be surprised if, based on that, some digimon also decided to "start families." But those were a few. Many digimon preferred to simply be in clans, or alone, honing their power. Kisakimon preferred to be with her friends, Agumon and Gabumon. To her, they were her "family," along with the dinosaur's little brothers. It's not that she had no contact with the other Guilmon, but there was simply no connection other than being of the same race and being born in the same place. That's why Kisakimon has no family on her side. Rather, because of that kind of thing, many old digimon don't have family members (like Tactimon, Lilithmon, Blastmon, The four sacred beasts, etc) Those who managed to form, well, we have met some of their descendants (such as Kokoromon, and Gaiomon). But they were very few.
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izzyizumi · 5 years
Meanwhile with Digimon's Jou Kido & ... Enemy!Alphamon ? ?? [Digimon OC Ficverse Things]
Alphamon: I am going to kill you
Alphamon: and everyone you love
Alphamon: ( SLOWLY and PAINFULLY )
Alphamon: ... I am going to kill YOU , PARTICULARLY
Alphamon: and because you are a puny, WEAK, the actual WEAKEST CHILD at that, you will NEVER defeat m--------
JOU: ( NOT ) ( ON ) ( MY ) ( WATCH ) !!!!! -----------
Alphamon: ( oh also )
Alphamon: (Toei had me CANONICALLY defeat your 02 Chosen)
JOU: ( I'M STILL GONNA ) ---------
ALPHAMON: ( ... He's still not giving in ? )
Alphamon: ( what if I just )
Alphamon: ( ... clone him ) ( and USE HIM )
J O U :
Clone!Jou, as HE realizes what is going on:
Clone!Jou: ( oh )
JOU &!!! CLONE!JOU: (// I'M STILL GONNA // !!!!!--------)
Alphamon, snapping fingers: ( bye )
JOU & CLONE!JOU: ( WE'RE ) ( STILL ) ( //// GONNA //// )
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pulaasul · 4 years
Digimon Adventure Tri: Past 01
Takaishi Takeru mentioned in a letter to Mochizuki that Daisuke and the others were healing. What Takeru neglected to mention to the bereaved Chosen Child were the circumstances on "why" they were healing in the first place.
I wanted to continue the supposed things that were left out of Tri. Tri was just half a season of Digimon when it should've have had more than 50 episodes, whereas Tri only had 26 episodes over the course of the Movie series.
I will use the Japanese terms used rather than the English ones, apart from a few exceptions.
Taichi, Sora and Yamato decided to visit the chosen children that Nishijima-sensei saved alongside Taichi.
They knew Takeru and Hikari had already visited a few times, Koushiro and Mimi had visited before the latter's flight to America.
The only chosen child the four got to see on a daily basis was Jyou, but even that was limited to visiting and checking on them.
"Really senpai there's nothing to apologize." Daisuke dismissed Taichi's apology as if nothing happened. "We lied to you about everything, it's no wonder why you didn't notice that we were missing." He sheepishly scratched the back of his head.
"S-still Daisuke-kun…" Sora trailed off, looking away.
"Don't worry Sora-san." Miyako chimed in. "No hard feelings."
"If you're sure…" Yamato trailed off.
"Takeru-san and Hikari-san already came together a few times." Iori spoke up. "Like we told them, there's nothing to forgive." He shook his head.
"We walked into that fight on our own." Miyako supplied.
"Not necessarily." Ken shook his head. "Himekawa-san was the one who gave us that tip."
"She's not here, is she?" Daisuke's looked around the room.
The Motomiya's words got the other resting children in the hospital to look around for the woman named Himekawa.
The older chosen children looked at each other before staring at their bedridden friends in both worry and pity. They remembered how antsy they got after their first adventure in the Digital World. It was almost sad to see them this antsy when their first adventure, or at least Daisuke's Miyako's and Iori's first adventures were safe, being able to return home at the end of the day.
Another thing the elder chosen children couldn't help but notice that among the four children, Daisuke was the one who was the most vigilant. They wondered what Daisuke and the others experienced when they were trapped in the Digital World.
"No, she's not here." Yamato shook his head. "She's missing for months now."
"She's most likely dead according to Nishijima-sensei." Taichi supplied.
"You know Nishijima-a-ow." Miyako yelled but was cut off from the pain on her abdomen.
"Easy Miyako." Sora was immediately on the younger girl's side. "You're still recovering from whatever injured all of you."
"Question still stands Taichi-senpai." Daisuke voiced out. "Don't trust Nishijima-san." He warned. "He's working for Himekawa-san."
The older chosen children narrowed their eyes at the warning. They knew Nishijima reported to Himekawa.
They also knew of his sacrifice to save Taichi and the kids in front of them.
"Nishijima-sensei is dead Daisuke." Taichi told the younger children somberly.
"Taichi…" Yamato trailed off.
"H-he's dead?" Iori narrowed his eyes at the revelation.
"Both Himekawa-san and Nishijima-san are dead?" Ken questioned the three chosen children in the room.
"Jury is still out for Himekawa-san." Taichi answered the question. "She went to the digital world after it was rebooted."
"H-how?" Miyako voiced out. "She…"
"They were also fellow Chosen Children." Taichi sighed. "Himekawa-san and Nishijima-sensei were the chosen children before our group was sent to the Digital World."
"A fellow chosen child…" Daisuke trailed off.
"They lost their partners didn't they?" Ken questioned.
"Only Himekawa-san lost her'." Taichi responded. "At least that's what Nishijima-sensei told me."
"How did Nishijima-san die?" Miyako asked.
"He died saving you guys." Yamato looked at Taichi.
Taichi was clenching his fists remembering Nishijima-sensei's sacrifice to save him and the children bedridden before him.
He was willing to find ways to save the both of them while saving Daisuke and the others.
In the end, Nishijima-sensei chose to sacrifice his life for the sake of the children, Taichi included.
"In any case how did you meet Nishijima-sensei in the first place?" Sora asked. "We weren't able to meet them until the infected Digimon started appearing here."
Ken and Daisuke looked at each other. They really weren't sure how they met Himekawa-san in the first place.
"We don't know." Daisuke admitted. "All I know was that Himekawa-san approached Ken and I."
"She immediately told us that the Digital World was in danger and we needed to save it." Ken supplied.
"That was when Iori and I were told of the dangers." Miyako added.
"We thought it was suspicious that she insisted on not contacting you guys, they even stressed out not telling Takeru-san and Hikari-san."
"Our task was merely to gather information." Ken continued. "We reported everything back either to Himekawa-san or Nishijima-san."
"Himekawa-san was also the one who suggested that we lie to you guys." Daisuke supplied. "We were transferred to different schools across Japan." He added. "Those papers are legit, we were exchange students into four different public schools."
"We attended for a while, before Himekawa-san got us that tip."
"If you were transfer students, how come no one was at Ichijouji-kun's residence?" Sora asked. "Someone used Ichijouji-kun's Digimon Emperor persona to fight against us."
"That Dark Gennai is really twisted." Daisuke hissed.
"Okay Taichi, Sora, Yamato visiting hours are over." Jyou announced his arrival as he went inside the room.
"It's that late already?" Sora questioned as she looked at her phone.
"But…" Taichi trailed off.
"Don't worry about us senpai." Daisuke grinned. "We'll be fine." He assured his senior. "Jyou-san's here to take care of us."
"They're in good hands Taichi." Jyou nodded.
"Tell us if something comes up alright." Yamato ordered.
"Will do." Miyako nodded.
Days has passed before the four chosen children were given clearance to be released. During those days, their respective families arrived back to Odaiba aborting their search for their children.
The tearful reunion between families really warms the heart of the people who witnessed the event.
Apparently Daisuke's parents were told that he was missing in the prefecture of the school he was transferred to. The Motomiyas decided to search for him once they haven't heard of police who were investigating his disappearance.
The same thing happened with the Hidas, Inoues and Ichijoujis. In fact the Ichijoujis were the first group to search for their missing child.
The Younger Chosen Children were having their meeting inside the middle school Daisuke, Miyako, Takeru and Hikari were attending. It was the only venue were the most of the younger chosen children frequent, with Ken still living in Tamachi and Iori still attending Elementary school.
The only reason Ken was able to attend any and all Chosen Children meetings was through the assurances of Hikari and Daisuke.
"That's everything they told us." Daisuke sighed.
"I thought it was weird how Ichijouji-kun's parents weren't at their residence especially when their son was missing again." Hikari nodded.
"I've never seen my siblings cry for me before." Miyako admitted. "It was nice, but I wished it didn't have to be in that context."
"Same here." Daisuke nodded. "I didn't think they would worry so much about me."
"Of course they would!" Takeru exclaimed. "They're your family."
Daisuke simply shrugged the exclamation while Miyako nodded.
Daisuke, Ken and Miyako were re-enrolled back into their respective middle schools. They were given placement exams to see if they were to repeat their year for the number of days they were absent or will be eligible for promotion once the current academic year concluded.
Iori was also given the same treatment at his school for the same reasons.
Daisuke and Ken were in their 2nd year of Middle School, alongside Takeru and Hikari while Miyako was in her last year of Middle School. Iori on the other hand was in his last year of Elementary School.
Part of the reason for this treatment was the cover story the government cooked up for their absences: Being kidnapped and held for several weeks before being able to escape from their kidnappers clutches.
"Sora-san and Piyomon can reach Ultimate level." Takeru broke the news. "Every one of us actually"
"We get to see Seraphimon and Magnadramon again!" Miyako grinned. "Always wondered why they didn't appear in that wish realm when we were fighting BelialVamdemon."
"That's great!" Daisuke's face lit up. "When Alphamon attacks again, we may actually have a fighting chance."
"You think he'll attack again?" Iori questioned.
"Remember Yggdrasil's plans?" Daisuke responded. "He and Dark Gennai will stop at nothing to find a way to put Yggdrasil's plans in motion." He looked at the window. "Alphamon is one of Yggdrasil's most loyal subjects."
"Alphamon's attack in the real world caused a lot of damage." Hikari offered sadly. "Is there no way to appeal to him?"
"Yggdrasil wants to destroy the human world." Ken offered. "To destroy all humans."
"Their plan to use Meicoomon failed." Takeru objected.
"Demon." Ken held unto Daisuke tightly. "Dagomon."
Hikari held unto Takeru's arms as tight as she could upon hearing the latter's name.
"Dark Gennai and Yggdrasil had many plans in place in case other plans failed." Daisuke offered somberly.
"Using Meicoomon was merely one of them." Miyako interjected.
On the same day, after the meeting between the younger chosen children concluded, Hikari found herself in her brother's bedroom.
Taichi laid on the floor as he read one of his manga books.
"Daisuke won't join us tomorrow." Hikari reported as she sat on her brother's bed.
"Why?" Taichi asked, curious, he closed the book and went on a sitting position.
Daisuke never missed a meeting between the twelve of them. The one time he voluntarily missed a meeting was when he went to Tamachi and assist Ken years ago.
"He didn't say." Hikari answered honestly.
Over the course of a few days, Hikari noticed a lot of things different from her friends. They were all very different. She could understand to some extent given their experience, she was still skittish around beaches.
She just can't place if this was a good different or a bad one.
"Do you think something's wrong nii-chan?" She questioned her older brother.
"Give them time Hikari." Taichi sat beside her sister. "They went through a lot." He held his sister. "An experience where we weren't there to support them."
"Why didn't we notice that they were missing nii-chan?" Hikari returned her brother's gesture.
"We've all been asking the same questions." Taichi admitted. "I can't imagine what Daisuke's and Miyakos older siblings were feeling when the two of them were missing." He sighed. "I don't what I'd do if you end up missing."
"Probably start fight with Yamato-san." Hikari giggled.
"Are we really that bad Hikari?"
"No." Hikari giggled once more.
"To be honest, I don't think Yamato does either." Taichi hummed.
Taichi really didn't know what he'd do if something were to happen to his younger sister. Had he known that Hikari was once again possessed by Homeostasis for the first time since their first adventure, he would've panicked until either Sora or Yamato would snap him out of it.
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ask-alphamon · 6 years
A Shadowy presence fills the surrounding aria, an other-worldly power can be felt nearby the castle, a voice can be heared in a whisper, it says "where is she.." over and over, with long pauses in between each repeat of the question. A strange Spirit of some sort has made its way into the castle it seems. A strange shadow can be scene on the wall, slightly smaller than magnamon, but bigger than a human.
The first to notice the odd presence was Mastemon, she was usually the first to notice such things, she was after all, the one who gathered intel for the royal knight’s. 
She soon began to fly around, curiously searching for the source, so she could report it to Alphamon and the other knights.
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So, I finally watched Boku No Mirai. I wasn’t able to the day it came out because I was in class all day. By the time I got home I basically sat in complete exhaustion until I passed the heck out. BUT my feelings under the cut. Note: It is currently 9am, I am sleep deprived and slightly sugar high. It might get a little off track.
I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to watch this last movie or not. I, like the rest of you, am tired. So, so tired. I was afraid that it would make me angrier than I have been. It’s been three years. I just wanted it to end, but I was afraid of it ending.
I loved it. I cried five times throughout the movie. I was able to appreciate Meiko as a character. The thing that I was worried about the most and hated the most about Tri was rectified.
Does that mean I don’t have my problems with Tri? Heck no. But I’ve been angrier at Loss. But let me go through it.
I watched 4 of the 6 movies with my friend and fellow rp partner @spiritxgun and maybe he can speak of his own thoughts and feelings on the movies. We marathoned Digimon 01 together and went straight to Tri. We initially only meant to watch the first two movies. The first because I thought it was good. The second because it centred around Mimi, and she is the whole reason we watched. Since 02 barely has Mimi in it, there was little point in slogging through what I considered a terrible series just for 2 episodes where she was actually featured as a full character and not just seen for 3 seconds.
But Boku no Mirai crept up on us and I asked him to watch with me, and since we were going to watch the ending, why not the whole thing. Cue marathon. Anyways, sorry for the long sidenote.
Going back to the Real World, the kids have a quiet moment as they basically wait for what to do next. There’s a lot of unsureness and waiting. But there was a good scene with Yamato and Gabumon that I’m glad was there.
I’m not sure why Ordinemon preferenced going after Meiko on the pier and not Hikari in the bed. Ordinemon is 50/50 both their partners. Maybe Meiccoomon just held stronger influence. That’s likely it. Now it’s a desperate race to defeat Ordinemon.
I’m actually quite happy that Homeostasis wasn’t made out to be evil. Or that Yggdrasil necessarily went crazy. She was just doing what she thought was best, and I think it was rather kind of her to take the time to warn the children they were going against what she thought was against everyone’s best interests for peace, order and balance. Others may not see it as kindness, but that’s what I took away. These were her charges and while she doesn’t have a full range of human empathy, it is required, I think, to some degree to keep balance.
It just turns out the kids didn’t want her balance if it meant rebooting everything all the time. You know what? Good on them. I was starting to get annoyed that it felt like the kids were just caught between two feuding gods and had no business doing anything. So being proactive and fighting against her wishes was wonderful.
I also loved that Hackmon actually felt the most empathy toward the children. At least that seemed to be what was hinted with his words of ‘this isn’t what I wanted, either.’ Of course I can’t quote verbatim.
Actually, thinking of Hackmon and how James was surprised at Hackmon being Jesmon, I realized that we never saw Alphamon’s other forms. Any of them. Coupled with that, the mystery of the fake Gennai since Gennai was being kept with the 02 kids. Maybe Fake!Gennai is Alphamon?
Both of us wanted Fake!Gennai to die. Both of us thought at the same time how hilarious it would be if he got caught in the crossfire while gloating and just ceased.
I’m glad actually that one of my fears was proven wrong. I was hoping that Tri wasn’t just an excuse to establish the formation of the Royal Knights. That somehow Homeostasis wasn’t going to be overthrown for Yggdrasil, that constantly malfunctioning thing and get established a round table of knights that never seem to get along and always feud with one another and fall apart at the seems, replacing the concept of a Digidestined/Chosen Child for that.
I’m happy that the world isn’t idyllic and perfect like 02′s epilogue depicted. I hated it. Even as a child I thought it was too simplistic and fanficcy. Of course it sucks that everyone but the Chosen detest digimon now, but at best I expect an uneasy acceptance of digimon with fluctuating parts hate, neutrality and like for digimon as the world comes to terms with the idea of the Digital World existing alongside theirs.
I’m also glad that the memories of the digimon were restored. I know a lot of people hate the idea of their memories coming back. But it wasn’t the idea of the memories coming back that irked me. It was the status quo of the relationships not changing. At all. None of the digimon acted any differently or formed different relationships with their partners despite the lack of memories. Gatomon/Tailmon retained her Champion form despite the reboot making it so that in the new Digital World’s history she no longer had to struggle under Myotismon. But it seemed like the reboot wasn’t a complete clean slate. The history still affected the digimon in some way, and I think that was a hint that the memories would return. That something would be restored. I just wish there was a more visible contrast to there being a change in the first place. But I would have been just as angry if the memories had been returned in the same movie it was revealed they were definitely lost.
I’m sorry but Memory Loss for Drama/The Sads just is really a pet peeve of mine. I am who I am because of who I was, and my memories are a testament to that. So such a concept as one’s memories is important to me, personally. I don’t expect anyone else to share my feelings on the matter.
Regarding Wizardmon, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I think it was great how he was shown, but considering his hat was on the poster I would have liked to see him have more screen time. But seeing him there still made me cry and whisper soundlessly to James and somehow he still heard me through my microphone. How, I have no idea because honestly I was that quiet.
Since we’re talking about characters making appearances, I’ll also talk about the 02 kids. I am one of those people who don’t really give a fuck about the 02 kids. Sorry, but they more annoy me than anything. Except for maybe Iori and MAAAAYBE Ken. Maybe. If I hadn’t known that Tri was supposed to focus on the 01 kids I’d be more upset. But since it was very clearly established it wasn’t going to be on the 02 kids, I was satisfied with the idea that the kids probably wouldn’t actually be SEEN until the 6th movie and lo and behold I was right.
The movies do actually a good job with never letting us forget that the 02 kids are missing. But it was very evident we wouldn’t see them until the end. Why the 01 kids never wondered why they were absent, I’m not sure. I figured they moved to go to different high schools. An explanation just for clarity would have been nice.
The password for unlocking Meiccoomon’s memories was good, man. James was there speculating it would be Meiko’s name. But he figured that would be too simple. When he asked what I thought, I said ‘Ta much’ and TA DA! I win~
On Mimi, I was actually super happy that Mimi was so empathetic and passionate in this movie. I loved how she picked up Koromon. I wanted her to comfort him more. There wasn’t a lot of her in terms of screen time, but I was happy with what was there. It felt very ‘her’ to me, or how I always saw her to be.
The pacing was better than the last two movies. The animation budget seemed to be better, but I think there were a few quirks of what felt like a running-low-on-budget production, but it wasn’t as bad as that frigging montage of stills in Loss. That took both of us out of the story.
The second reboot itself felt a little iffy. Maybe I’d be more pissed if I hadn’t immediately thought of the concept that they already justified such a possibility with their more philosophical discussions previously. Plus it was definitely in line with Homeostasis and what she would do. Going back to Hackmon, I’m glad someone, even if it was Meiko, finally brought up the idea of whether or not Homeostasis even cared about them as people or was heartless, and going after Hackmon. Hackmon, likewise, I’m glad told Meiko to shut up about apologizing. But in a nicer way.
There was no repeat of conversations unlike Symbiosis, which started feeling repetitive. So that was good.
Both Maki and Daigo seemed to have died. Maki I stopped caring about, though I recognize the tragedy of her character. A Chosen fallen into despair and gone astray. She was abused and cracked under pressure of being a pawn. Daigo got his heroic farewell and I wouldn’t have been happier any other way. Even though he was the favourite of the newcomers. I just wanted him to be happy, but if he can’t be alive and happy, I’m glad he’s at least still happy while dead.
Orinemon’s ass shots were distracting. There’s no getting around that. Seriously who fucking flies like that? How is that natural looking in any way shape or form? It’s not aerodynamic by any means. Sure, her wings double as hands doubling as digimon n stuff but feetwings still need aerodynamic everything to fly properly. Legs down and bent over is not that.
I’m glad at least it felt like no other character got that treatment. Lillymon once with the flying I guess. But they could have been so much worse with Angewomon and Rosemon and they weren’t.
Yamato’s quip about shooting for space irked me. I’m sorry but why the fuck? Just a casual ‘lol I guess I’ll be random and quit my music career to 1-Up/Emulate Taichi’. You did NOT earn that! GTFO with it you are still a musician to me and always will be. Shoot for the stars in your music videos you absolute loser dweeb.
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Soooo tri. is over and I hated it! I just need some place to write down my thoughts but if you wanna read, there’s all the spoilers below.
I’m really not one to automatically hate new additions to classics and I’ve liked and defended tri. countless times when I felt it was deserved buuut a finale is special.
I get they might be teasing a continuation of tri. with the DigiVice beeping AND Toei teasing SOME new Digimon project, but honestly, it feels like they wanted us to shut up about questions we have right now that weren’t answered. It would have been enough to just have the antagonist have his scene in the end, playing with the black cube and mentioning those other evil Digimon, that’s vague foreshadowing that could have been everything or nothing. Just do that to have your *MAYBE* cliffhanger, but answer all other questions please. But quite a lot bothered me in terms of plot and aesthetics-
 -          The music’s timing was SO off the entire time. They cut the songs as they pleased and it still didn’t fit the evolution or fighting animations at all, almost always ending too early
-          What. Happened to the 02 kids now. Them finding out about Yggdrasil’s plans without Takeru and Hikari (hey Toei we get you wanted to separate them but you have to face the angel kids belong to BOTH groups, it’s unlikely the new 4 would go on dangerous missions without them since Miyako and Iori would be weak af!) or the others is at least as much, if not more, unrealistic than the original 8 never worrying/asking about them
-          Why are we always only getting ass shots of Ordinemon I’m uncomfortable as hell
-          Would it have killed them to animate shadowy figures of original Adventure scenes for ALL kids when the Digimon regained their memories, instead of just for Taichi? When I got sad about the Digimon losing their memories in the third movie, I sure as heck was NOT sad about them forgetting the events of tri. 1-3,  but of the original series! Especially important for the Tentomon, Palmon and Gomamon that only got generic reactions to their memories (“we went through hard times together!”-“those precious memories”-“I’m happy when I can be with Jou!”), they could have AT LEAST said something SPECIFIC to tri. like Patamon and Piyomon did
-          What was that instrumental ver. of butterfly during Holydramon’s evolution. Not only did it sound horrendous and less dramatic than the original that we just heard prior, it’s so out of place for the sweet gentle and mysterious Hikari too. An orchestra version would have been perfect, for her character and as a more dramatic continuation from the original
-          So that’s your build-up for the 02 epilogue? One line from Yamato about his career but what’s really difference between him suddenly saying he wants to be an astronaut where there were so signs for before whatsoever compared to the epilogue? It is just as random as before. I understand we can be pretty sure about Taichi’s kid’s mom now but honestly I hate how Sora showed no signs of liking Yamato any more than Taichi, I don’t ship anything of the triangle but now it just looks like she had to settle for Yamato because Taichi was taken. All other relationships (Takari, Jou’s unnamed girlfriend, Koumi/Mimi going back to America to marry Michael which her kid looks very much like) being as vague and hinted as before is actually something I like, at least they’re not making any less sense but instead just gave more room for speculation
 What else I liked: usage of re-vamped version of Shouri ~Zen no Theme~, parallels to the first movie especially with Meicoomon’s PW being dandan and Daigo repeating his encouraging words “dream big” that was both sweet as heck, also the dialogue between Yamato and Gabumon in the beginning
Unsure: at first I quite liked how the antagonist/Yggdrasil’s puppet, barely appearing in Ketsui, then got madder and goofier with every movie, absolutely nuts in this one, but after a while he got on my nerves
Questions: What happened to Daigo and Maki (ultimately the other 3 kids that were in their group. Side not but their characters and plotline are so underappreciated and could make a bitch-ass season themselves). What about Alphamon and Hackmon. Where are they. Why did the Digimon return (02 epilogue shows them living with the kids so when do they decide to do that lol). What was Meicoomon again (Libra, which held a fragment of Apocalymon and would have been Yggdrasil’s tool for this perfect chaos world yeah but why again this Meiko’s Dad create it? Or didn’t he? I’m confused. Side note but they could have made him a more interesting character, like Yamaki from Tamers who is also your morally gray adult character but had so much reason and dynamic to him). I might have just missed things but I’m so confused.
I would be okay with a continuation of tri. MOSTLY for the side effects it had: tons of merchandise, events, interviews, music, pretty art, all of that. If new movies also give me occassional lols and awwws like the existing six did AND  answer some of my questions, then gimme. If I could name any wish for the new project though (just hoping it’s an animation) it would be season 0 with Daigo’s group and well written bridges to the events of tri. I get that other season’s continuation (including Tamers) or adaptions (including V-Tamer) are very much desired but I think they have more room for mistakes and holes like the ones tri. suffered from, while entirely new characters that are still already very logically entangled with existing overall Digimon lore are *another* life-time chance to cover holes, one chance they had with tri. and sacrificed it for an overly complicated plot with too many inconsistent side-tracks.
Rant over, I’m sorry, I’ll watch everything Digimon Toei throws at me and they know it and that’s why my frustration will fade and I’ll probably fall in love with tri. again in a few weeks, but that’s one reason I think first thoughts after just having watched the movie are important and why I write them down. Thanks for reading
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witchelny · 7 years
Piecing Together Adventure tri.’s Plot, Pt. 2
A few days ago I rewatched Digimon Adventure tri. Pt. 1: Reunion and made the first post in this series. I’d like to take a second to correct myself on a few things I had wrong.
First off, I could not remember where the virus had come from, and @alicekaninchenbau reminded me it originated from Meicoomon, though the reason why is still unknown (though it’s likely a result of her being a shard of Apocalymon’s data). Second of all, I wrongly stated that Gennai was working for Homeostasis, and @aiko-isari informed me that he is, in fact, working for Yggdrasil. It has been quite some time since I’ve watched the earlier parts of tri. and consequently I have some gaps in my knowledge due to the fact that Adventure tri. is being released so slowly, so bear with me as I get my facts straight! That’s what this post is about, after all~
So, with that in mind, here’s the revised list of the four different sides in Digimon Adventure tri.:
The Chosen Children, including Meiko & their ally Daigo. Their motivation is to protect each other, their partner Digimon, and the world.
Homeostasis, represented by Huckmon. Jesmon is also on its side. Its motivation is to restore balance to the worlds by eliminating Meicoomon.
Yggdrasil, assisted by Gennai, as well as Alphamon. Motivation currently unknown to my knowledge, though it is likely that on some level Yggdrasil is opposed to human interference in the Digital World.
Maki, who gets her own category due to her unique and specific motivations. As far as I’m aware, her sole motive is to get Tapirmon back, though she cooperates with Gennai in order to achieve this.
Determination begins with a similarly vague voiceover narration like the speech about Demiurge and Idea at the beginning of Reunion, but this time it talks about “opposing creatures,” those that create and those that destroy. This speech overlays a scene in which Leomon faces off with an infected Ogremon, so it’s possible it’s referring to Vaccine types versus Virus types. However, in the context of the larger plot, this introduction could also refer to Meicoomon as a “destructive” type of Digimon as opposed to other types.
This is followed by a scene in which the infected Ogremon, after coming through a distortion, is fought off by Maki and Daigo’s organization.
Maki and Daigo, especially Maki in particular, have probably the most interesting role in Determination - in my opinion, of course. There were many things I noticed this time that I did not put as much weight on before. For example, Maki hints throughout the first half of the film that she already knows that the infected Digimon are hunting for Meicoomon. And despite her purposeful sacrifice of Meicoomon later, Maki also treats Meiko and Meicoomon with an incredible amount of cordiality and kindness at the bath house. Why? Meiko claims Maki was a big help to her while she was relocating to Odaiba; did Maki purposely choose Odaiba for Meiko so that she’d be close to the other Chosen? Or did Maki, on some level, relate to Meiko?
I think it’s possible that Maki sees herself in Meiko and pities her, especially since she has some extra behind the scenes knowledge through Gennai. She knows Meiko is going to lose her partner. She knows what that’s like. To me, this speaks volumes about Maki’s personality and motivations.
However, Maki has one priority above all else, and that is Tapirmon. She does not let her pity for Meiko get in the way of her orchestrating Meicoomon’s descent into infection, which I’m assuming is Maki’s way of instigating the reboot so she can revive her partner. And the loss of Tapirmon is something that has scarred Maki deeply; for example, Daigo even notes the shift in her personality during the school festival.
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It’s not long after this exchange that Maki notices “Ken’s” appearance at the festival, followed by this easily-missed scene wherein she takes an elevator to the roof in order to meet with him.
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Though Determination does not show their conversation for the sake of concealing Maki’s ulterior motives, I can pretty reasonably theorize that this is most likely when Maki and Gennai conspired to have Maki bring Meicoomon behind the school so she’d be alone when a distortion appeared, resulting in her subsequent shift to a more violent, infected form.
Determination also gives a lot of hints to Meicoomon’s tendency to become scared and hostile easily. Hindsight is interesting, ain’t it? Her behavior was a lot more clear to me after watching Coexistence. There’s a scene in the bath house in which Meicoomon becomes separated from Meiko and starts to panic, then become aggressive - but Meiko comes in to save her right on time. Meiko seems to recognize what was happening, too, as she doesn’t seem shocked or surprised. She just instructs Meicoomon to stay near her.
Later, a similar interaction happens before the fight between Togemon and Ogremon. Meiko is very reluctant to follow Mimi because she clearly doesn’t want Meicoomon to go near a battle. And later, when Meicoomon shifts and kills Leomon, she does so because she has become terrified during the battle and perceives Leomon as a threat to her safety.
This leads me back to the original voice-over referring to destructive creatures vs. creative creatures, tying this into the prophecy that Koushiro receives by email: “The two sides of the universe are like two sides of the same coin/Those who desire true power must know the darkness, and go beyond.” Koushiro believes the last part of this prophecy - “those who desire true power ... go beyond” - refers to the Digimon achieving their Ultimate evolutions. However, I think it’s a little deeper than that. The phrase “two sides of the universe” seems to harken back to the creative power vs. destructive power theme. Consequently, I think the prophecy refers partially to the Digimon partners evolving to their Ultimate level, in addition to referring to Meicoomon’s transformation. Essentially, the other partner Digimon were able to know the darkness and go beyond, but Meicoomon was not able to conquer her darkness.
During the initial scene in which Koushiro receives the email, however, a couple interesting things happen. One, the narrative - through Koushiro and Leomon - takes the time to clarify that the distortions started occurring after the Virus, suggesting to me that it’s possible Meicoomon is not causing the distortions themselves, but rather that it’s a sort of response from the Digital World to detecting a malady in its midst (I could be wrong, though). Second, Huckmon is shown spying on them for what’s probably the second or third time in Determination.
I believe that the reason Huckmon does not make a move until later is because Homeostasis requires more information. Meicoomon, the Virus, the Chosen Children, and Yggdrasil have all been involved up until this point, but Homeostasis appears to have no idea what is going on. Huckmon appears at some interesting times - watching Meiko in her own apartment, observing Leomon and Koushiro, and even appearing in the in-between space inside of a distortion during the fight between Imperialdramon, Rosemon, and Vikemon. This suggests he is gathering intel on the other “sides” involved in this ongoing conflict so that Homeostasis can make an informed decision on how to go about restoring stability.
Something that’s also bothering me is the presence of the Royal Knights. It seems to me as if the Royal Knights aren’t a “Thing” yet, for lack of a better term; their allegiences are split. We saw Omegamon and Alphamon oppose one another in Reunion, but Omegamon is not yet a Royal Knight, as he serves the human children. Alphamon is serving Yggdrasil. Jesmon, however, is aligned with Homeostasis. And in Determination, we see an infected Imperialdramon - who is a jogress of Wormmon and Veemon - fighting against his own friends and under Gennai’s (disguised as Ken) sway. So, what’s the deal with the Royal Knights? Are they still in the process of becoming the Royal Knights throughout Adventure tri.?
Also, I can’t shake the weird feeling about Gennai using the infected Digimon for his own ends. The fact that he disguised himself as Ken and used KEN’S own Digimon against the other kids makes it seem like he could be purposely exposing Digimon to the Virus to use them for his own motivations. The problem is, what ARE those motivations?
I don’t have any answers to these questions right now, personally, but I do have one last thought on my mind that has been bothering me. There is a lot of emphasis in Adventure tri. on the kids being Chosen. “We are supposed to do this because we’re Chosen” and “This is who we are and we can do this because we’ve been Chosen” are themes commonly repeated throughout Adventure tri. It becomes especially apparent in Determination as Jou struggles to reconcile his dreams to be a doctor with his destiny as a Chosen Child. However, as I mentioned in the previous post, the race known as the Agents - of which Gennai and even Homeostasis once belonged - are the ones who selected the Chosen Children and created their Digimon.
So are the Chosen kids even Chosen anymore? Is this truly their destiny, if it was manufactured for them by someone who may have had ulterior motives? How can we say that the Chosen Children are meant to be with their partners, if the whole relationship between themselves and their partners was orchestrated by a race of beings that just intended for the Chosen to be weapons against the Dark Masters?
I doubt Digimon Adventure tri. will delve into this issue, but it’s one that hasn’t quite sat right with me throughout this rewatch. But I will say, I enjoyed Determination a lot more this time than I did the first time! I’ll be rewatching & analyzing Confession soon - that’s sure to be a doozy.
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keep-on-trying · 7 years
Hii actually would like to hear from you making a comparison analysis of Meiko and Wallace/Willis from hurricane touchdown since u know they habe to deal with their digimon death and destruction. Meiko experience Meicomoon evil side since young and Wallace lose his other digimon since young. It woild be great if you can do this. I am interested. And in Touchdown the original is gone while in Tri the 02 cast is gone. Correlation?
Ooh. This is actually something I’ve seen lots of people talk about, how Wallace’s and Meiko’s stories have some similarities and how Tri. sometimes feels like a longer Hurricane Touchdown with reverse roles. I guess I can try making some comparision, althou I’m actually not the biggest fan of Hurricane Touchdown movie? Maaainly because it feels out of place and doesn’t fit canon in any way, and has some contradicting elements with the basic lore :D But let’s see! (Putting a cut because this is gonna be long)
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Both Tri. and Hurricane Touchdown do definitely have one thing common: one group of the cast is put aside for plot reasons. In Hurricane Touchdown, Wallace’s Chocomon kidnapped our original 6 chosen children in hope of finding the Wallace of the childhood, while in Tri. 02 kids are shown to have been defeated, possibly by Alphamon’s hand (I still see him here as a possible red herring, but maybe I’m just overthinking on this part when he clearly seems to be on Yggdrasil’s side on Kyousei).
Now let’s move on to the characters!
Wallace and Chocomon
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I’ll admit I’m not too familiar with Wallace, but basically, his story in Hurricane Touchdown involves him trying to find his lost digimon, who he calls Chocomon. Chocomon may be looking for Wallace, but because time has passed since their last encounter, the Wallace Chocomon knows is no longer to be found. Instead he’s grown up, and well, Chocomon doesn’t recognize Wallace as his partner for this reason. Wallace keeps running after Chocomon, hoping that he’ll recognize him.  He’ll then decide to go to their last meeting place, Summer Memory. He meets up with Daisuke, Miyako and Iori on the way, and after some adventuring, they get to Summer’s Memory and then there’s this talk between Wallace and Daisuke.
I have to say, Wallace seems awfully calm about having to possibly kill Chocomon. To me at least. Maybe it’s because he’s been dealing with this issue for years. Or maybe he’s hopeful that he doesn’t need to do it. Chocomon does end up dying in the end, though it is with a happy smile on his face. So, Chocomon was redeemed before dying. (He then gets reborn as an egg which breaks every rule I can possibly think related to digimon lore so I’ll skip talking about it)
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The deal with Chocomon’s evolutions seem to be caused by feeling abandoned. When he can’t find his Wallace, he probably became that… thing. And later on when he tries taking Wallace, but Terriermon denies it, he evolves to Cherubimon’s Evil Form. From what I understand, Chocomon cried a lot, and felt happiness around Wallace. So when he’s lost in the flower field and Wallace isn’t coming for him, no wonder he’s feeling abandoned.
Meiko and Meicoomon
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Now, Meiko is someone I actually sort of studied last week for Kyousei, so I’m more familiar with her. As we know, she was chosen to keep the Libra, Meicoomon, in check, so that it wouldn’t go rampaging and disrupting the balance of the Digital World. All went well until she let Meicoomon run in a wider area in the forest. I believe that to be the first case where Meicoomon let fear take control and rampage. When Meiko found her thou, she calmed down instantly. Meiko doesn’t know this happened thou, so she’s not worried at this point yet.There’s a repeat of the event when Meiko’s dad takes Meicoomon to his lab for some tests. Meicoomon mutates (it’s what Hackmon calls it, even thou it is sort of an evolution form change) at this point due to being scared once again and causes havoc around the lab. When Meiko gets there thou, Meicoomon calms down instantly, again. This is the first time Meiko sees her having this side thou.
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Fast foward to Tri events, Meiko is shown to take good care of Meicoomon in Saikai and Ketsui, not wanting to let her be away from her side. It’s why she’s looking for her in Saikai, and why she’s telling her all is fine in the Onsen scene in Ketsui. The events at the end of Ketsui is what causes Meicoomon to go out of line, beyond Meiko’s reach. I’m guessing this is where her depression sort of starts. In Kokuhaku the hope for curing infection and getting Meicoomon in check is with the Reboot. It works for infection, but Meicoomon still remembers Meiko. She gets scared throughout Soushitsu, mutating to her vicious mode once. When she finds Meiko thou, she seems to no longer be scared (after she attacks Meiko for not coming earlier thou :D), and is determined in keeping Meiko safe. When Meiko gets strangled by Not-Gennai thou, Meicoomon gave in to the fear and is rampaging once again. Now we’re in Kyousei events, where Meiko’s depression kicks in deeper and she starts wondering if there’s any way to save Meicoomon. In the end, Meiko comes to the conclusion that the only hope for the world is for Meicoomon to die a merciful death. That’s similar to Chocomon, who has to be killed for the best of the world. However…
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I would like to mention that while Chocomon wasn’t able to recognize Wallace, Meicoomon apparently is! Right at the start of the Kyousei movie, she first attacks Meiko, which I feel like it was due to an adrenal rush that was caused by fear, but when Taichi saves Meiko, Meicoomon suddenly realises what she almost did and runs away. Later on, when she evolves to Raguelmon and is fighting against chosen digimon and Jesmon, she’s shown to protect Meiko from Jesmon. This part fucks me up hard! Especially when Meiko tells the others to kill her!
This probably isn’t the best kind of comparision of the two, and I apologize in advance, but Wallace’s story and Meiko’s story do infact have similaries when talking about a rogue partner digimon, and when needing to decide on killing them. Wallace and Meiko seem to handle the situation differently thou. It’s like Tri is expanding on the plot that Hurricane Touchdown has, only I enjoy Tri. whole lot more than I did with Hurricane touchdown. I’m not able to say why that is.
But yeh, here’s what i was able to compare between Wallace’s and Meiko’s stories. I hope you enjoyed reading it!
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fizzingwizard · 7 years
Do you get the feeling Tri would of worked better as a anime series and not 6 movies? It's been feeling rushed lately like they had a plan but now they;re trying to rush through it? Like the Gennai apearing while Hikari was yelling at Homeostasis and the whole Alphamon & Jesmon stuff going on too? I'm just confused and feel like there may not be a satisfying conclusion? and I'm not even sure whats going on with the Apoocomon & Meiccomon & Mei stuff?
 Eh, elsewhere I pointed out that though they said series originally, they never promised an episode count. OVAs are anywhere from like 3 episodes to 13. In fact, 11-13 ep series are pretty normal even when they’re not OVAs.
If they gave us 50 eps, then yeah, I would expect the story to be more robust than Tri. On the other hand, the pacing would have been different (which would make some people happy, but with some exceptions I enjoy the pace of Tri). And ultimately we can’t say how well they’d have pulled it off since it didn’t happen.
But it would far more likely have been 11-13 episodes. Assuming the episode length is typical 25 minutes, that’s only around max 5 ½ hours. Whereas with six 90 min movies, we get about 9 hours. (Plus more - Kokuhaku was longer than the others.)
The sixth movie has so much to cram in that it’s small wonder a lot of us are worried about how well they’ll be able to do it. They will do it imperfectly at best, but I’m not concerned about that because pick nearly any anime movie and it’ll have a similar flaw. In fact I’d even rather they focus on delivering a fun, watchable, moving finale than worry about answering every question, because we can always get our answers to those through interviews post-premiere or, if worse comes to worst, fanfiction :P Of course, to be truly complete and successful, Tri would end with no leftover questions and ends neatly tied up. But that’s hard even for the best creators when they have a time limit, and who knows what their budget is. In my opinion, if the choice “answer all questions even at the cost of face time with the main characters” vs “create an emotional finale that stays true to what gives Digimon its heart,” the latter is definitely what I’m hoping for.
You may also be surprised at how easily some questions are cleared up. The answers may be much simpler than we’re imagining. It’s certainly happened to me a lot where I thought some grand scheme was going done, and then it turned out that X thing was interwoven with Y all along and it’s actually very cut and dry. :P For better or worse.
For example, at the end of Adventure, the children’s ultimate battle against Apocalymon was a way for them to understand that even after gaining the skills to become stronger (metaphor for emotional and mental strength, that is), there would still be times in their lives when they’d feel like those skills had been stripped away. And also, that they can reclaim them, as long as they don’t give up, and that having a support group can make all the difference. That is exactly what I’m expecting to see revisited in Meiko’s part of the finale, so tbh, I don’t think the Apocalymon angle will be too complicated. Taichi just fell into the depths of the earth (lol) with the previous gogglehead he doesn’t even know about - a gogglehead who seems to have a lot to regret about what he didn’t/couldn’t do. And there’s been a recurring theme throughout Tri of “the past repeats itself” and “moving on to the future doesn’t mean what has until now been truly important has to change.” My guess is that everything will tie together in this theme.
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50cyg · 7 years
My Long Ass Predictions post for Kyosei (second time around :P)
I don’t know how much of this is predictions or wishful thinking :P
I’ll be retracting some of my previous predictions from my older post throughout this new one. Also, I’m painfully aware that I suck at making predictions. Out of all the predictions I made for Soshitsu, only one ended up being correct.
I look forward to being proven both correct and/ or incorrect come September 30th :D
Thus far, the issues the Chosen Children have faced in their respective movies (or throughout all the movies in the case of Taichi and Yamato), have been call backs to the issues they faced in Adventure. Usually call backs to specific episodes.
Taichi’s issues and how they are extensions of his fears and issues in Adventure are very clear (so much so that I could do shot by shot comparisons between the two, which I probably will at some point). Soshitsu had a ton of call backs to Sora’s dilemma in Adventure, and specifically homages to scenes from episode 26. Takeru’s dilemma is a call back to him loosing Patamon in episode 13 and his fears from 02. So on and so forth.
So, for Kyosei, I started by thinking of what adventure episodes are likely to be referenced in Tri. They would have to be Hikari centric episodes, which unfortunately there are not many. The most obvious ones are 37, 45, 48 and 49 from Adventure (Wizardmon’s death, the one where she gets possessed, the episode where she gets sick, and the episode where her crest gives her god like powers), and episode 13 from 02 (dark ocean).
I believe we have already gotten our call back to episode 45 through Homeostasis appearance in Kokuhaku, wherin she possessed Hikari in order to dish out information. I know a lot of people think that Homeostasis is going to possess Hikari again to attack Meicoomon but I don’t agree with this for several reasons, most importantly that the images we got of Hikari potentially possessed in Kyosei do not look like Homeostasis.
This is Hikari in the trailer:
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And this is her possessed by Homeostasis:
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I hold to my former belief that FDM will be triggered by Hikari herself and not some entity working through her. I think one of the episodes we will see strongly referenced is episode 49, wherin Hikari sees Warumonzaemon enslaving the Numamon. In this episode, Hikari sees an injustice that upsets her and she wishes for more power so she can stop it. We then see her receive this power as her whole body begins to glow, but it’s different from episode 45, she doesn’t appear to be possessed and she remembers everything that happened afterwards. Rather she is in full control of her power. I don’t want to repeat myself too much so you can read my previous long ass predictions post for more detail but I think Hikari will trigger fall down mode due to her anger with someone. I think the most recent trailer supports this as we hear her (some people think it’s Mimi but I’m working under the assumption it’s Hikari) say “Your friend (or friends) are suffering? I won’t forgive that selfish reasoning of yours”.
Now a lot of people think this will be directed at either Meiko or Taichi but I disagree. First off, I think the fact that this line from Hikari comes after Taichi’s line about caring for his friends is meant to throw us off and think Hikari’s anger is with Taichi. Also, because of the inflection on “your friend (friends) are suffering” it makes it seem like a question and not a statement. Which makes me think that Hikari is angry at someone for doing something because their friends are suffering, and Hikari disagrees with their decisions. For the record, I do think this is Hikari speaking and not someone controlling her (it can’t be Homeostasis because when she is possessed by Homeostasis her voice has a unique quality, king of an echo). Although I think it could be Meiko, I actually want to put out a theory no one else seems to have. I think this line could be directed at Daigo. Maki has pulled some shit in the last few movies and she is nowhere to be seen in the trailers but we know she is suffering as of the last movie what with her going all crazy over Bakumon not remembering her. Daigo still cares a lot for Maki and I could see him doing something stupid because she’s in pain or to protect her from harm.
So, I am retracting my previous belief that Taichi will play a role in FDM, I actually think he is going to do something reckless or dumb in response to FDM. I both want and will not be surprised if they pull an episode 20 and have him disappear into a portal of some kind, considering the fact that it looks like there is a ton of distortions going on and that I think there is going to be some moving back and forth from the digital world to the human world via portals throughout this movie. Plus, we have this picture where is looks like he is falling (could be falling or being sucked into a portal of some kind): Edit: My prediction on this has changed in light of noticing that the ground is breaking apart underneath them in the trailer. I actually think that shot is of Taichi falling into a crevice.
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(retrieved from https://michi-tamitxm.tumblr.com/post/163214476891/digimon-adventure-tri-ova-5-symbiosis-we-get-a)
I also want to reiterate that if that thing in the cloud is Zeedmilleniummon then I think Taichi might get hit by “Time Destroyer”, which consigns hostile opponents to oblivion across space and time. So far, no one who has been brushed off by this technique has returned alive from space and time. Edit: I’m still open to this happening.
Or, I could see him pulling a Yamato a la episode 44 and 45, turning against a member of the group and/ or leaving the group. It’s clear that he is very conflicted in these trailers. He questions who their enemy is, which I think is in reference to the fact that Alphamon is facing off against Jesmon and there is a clash of ideals between the two. Also, Yamato’s line “As if you could wish for our friends to be sacrificed! Taichi!” could be in reference to Taichi questioning what should be done about Meiko. In other words, his goggles are lying on the ground because he’s thrown them away.
Furthermore, I agree with what a lot of people are saying about how Taichi is probably not going to get severely injured or anything cause Hikari’s line “Onii-chan… why?” isn’t dramatic enough to foreshadow something that bad. While we are at it, I don��t think the movie will end on whatever happens to Taichi, I think it will happen before the end of the Movie. I don’t think the shot of the goggles is the final shot, or close to the final shot of the movie. It doesn’t make sense to spoil the very end of the movie in the PV.
Going back to Hikari,
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I think whatever is happening to her in this shot is going to occur after FDM has already been triggered. And I think the image we got of FDM appearing to be consumed by a dark cloud is linked to it:
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(I don’t know where this image originally came from, I got it from fairytail-tri)
Someone pointed out that the characters on Hikari’s face look like Digicode, which is an interesting observation but I don’t have any predictions concerning it. There also appears to be water reflecting on her face. I think that is to represent the Dark Ocean having influence on her, indicating that she is depressed and once again susceptible to the darkness, which is what allows her to be affected. I think it’s very possible that whatever happens to Taichi will trigger Hikari’s possession (or whatever is happening in that shot).
Let’s discuss Meicoomon and Meiko briefly. First off, I retract what I said in my previous post about how I thought the evolution on the poster was Meicoomon’s positive evolution. We know now that it isn’t and also my reasoning was incorrect. I thought the green eyes indicated a positive evolution, while red eyes indicated negative evolution, but in fact Meicoomon’s eyes only appear to glow red during evolutions, or when she has just turned evil, otherwise they are always green:
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I still think she might end up being a hero in this movie, perhaps we will see Razielmon. Though Meiko does seem to be questioning if she loves Meicoomon in the trailers, so maybe we won’t get a resolution of her arc until movie 6. Oh, obviously I retract my prediction about Meicoomon severely hurting any of the Chosen at the beginning of the movie. I knew that was wrong when we got the synopsis.
Okay so, Wizardmon. I still think he will make an appearance but I’m skeptical about my former statement regarding believing he will appear as a ghost. I don’t think Tri is beyond retcons, and it doesn’t make much sense to have Gennai specifically talk about Digimon who have died in the real world if it’s not a reference to Wizardmon… unless it’s a reference to Gatsumon and Pumpkinmon, but I doubt it. I still think that he might play a part in triggering Tailmon’s positive evolution, and also hold to my belief that we will see Holydramon as her proper Ultimate (Mega).
Finally (and thank you to @adobenchaahaato for pointing this out), I’ve now noticed that the Digimon Adventure aesthetics for the Digital World are back in this one shot from the PV:
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For reference, this is the original aesthetics:
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Vs this is what we saw in Soshitsu (Loss):
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@adobenchaahaato offered some theories in this post, but mine are different. Originally, I thought the changes to the aesthetics of the Digital World in Tri was just an animation choice but it now appears it was not. The synopsis states that the Digital World is in an abnormal state, and both Hikari and Koushiro noticed something was off at the end of Kokuhaku. So, I actually think that shot from the PV is near the very end of Kyosei, after the Digital World has been restored to its proper state.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{repeat?_-verse} dated 04-15-18
(The first full chapter I actually wrote, aside from the opening two) {Posted when rest completed here}
#repeatverse#repeat koushiro#repeat adv koushiro#repeat taichi#repeat advs taichi#verse: tri spinoff#verse: aware koushiro#verse: original koushiro#verse: aware digivillains#verse: ryo cannot interfere#verse: fallen 02 chosen#verse: timeline reset#verse: memory wiped#verse: college au#university au taichi#verse: alphamon won#advs timeline: university#(for prosperity)#(its basically a combo of all possible timeline ideas above)#(I'm negl the only reason I tried a written A.U. to begin with was)#(I WANTED TO POST THIS D*MN CHAPTEr AND!! S C E N E Where Taichi FINDS OUT)#(I must have written this in like a Night ?? ?)#(but I was planning it all week long)#(I had draft outlines because I wanted to see if I could make it a 'One Week' length like story for the in-joke of it all)#(I was not expecting what this fan base would turn into post Kyousei and B.N.M What Even Was All That ?!??!?!)#(Anyway this Koushiro was originally COFTFF Koushiro having already been through multiple original timeline resets but back then)#(it was like x3 of them or so because 1. Clones 2. The Clones Become Aware 3. Clone!Koushiro resets the failed royalty A.U. Timeline)#(This was a similar idea I had in mind for my oldest 02 story when they finished Koushiros arc in middle of it and then Taichis last)#(Koushiro in original form was going to appear to COFTFF Taichi and Chosen by the end and do The Info-Dump on What Happened To Them)#(AND THEN MY 02 SITE DIED BECAUSE GEO-CITIES DID AAAAAAA And NOW TOEI USES THIS T rOPE CANONICALLY)
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thisisthee-n-d · 7 years
Soooo, I just finished the latest tri movie. Thoughts under the read more
Well for the most part, I was really bored for most of the movie. I’ve seen this multiple times in the tag, but for a movie that was supposedly supposed to be split evenly between Hikari and Meiko...it seemed to be mostly about Meiko. And most of the movie felt forced and unnatural. 
-ahem- Anyway, the fact that we are beginning to get tie ins with the 02 kids is significant I think. I may just be reaching here, but there’s repeat scenery and the dark ocean. I think Tai may have “disappeared” to where the 02 kids are right now. And when that happens shit is gonna get real.
TL;DR: The sixth movie is going to be a fucking mess.
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jolteonjordansh · 7 years
Thoughts on Digimon Adventure tri.: “Coexistence”
Alright, I kept telling myself I was going to give a day to let my thoughts on “Symbiosis”/”Coexistence” (I'll go with Coexistence generally just to clarify) sink in, but I cannot get my mind to shift on anything else so let's just get to it. If I miss anything, I’ll make an additional thoughts post or something, but I feel like I’ve covered everything here for the most part. So, how did this go as we’re nearing the end of Digimon Adventure tri?
Oh boy, where do I even begin?
Let me lay this down straight: “Coexistence” isn't absolute garbage and is not the worst thing I've ever seen. I still think other series like Digimon Frontier are far worse than tri as a whole so far, but... “Coexistence” pretty much puts a lot of tri's flaws all in one big package.
The "padding" of this movie wasn't so unbearable that I wanted to shut the thing off, but I can certainly say that for 3/4ths of the movie, I was so bored. Not ready to die bored, but questioning "When the hell does all of the material this movie kept pressing so hard before release supposed to show up? Where's Kari's development? Where's Ophanimon Falldown Mode? Any answers to all of the plot threads you've left open? Are the Digimon going to regain their memories? The 02 cast? Anything?" There were cute moments here and there, but I felt that the payoff wasn't good enough to sit through so much of this. This isn't to say that the payoff wasn't good at all--I'll get to that towards the end. Let's get the bad stuff out of the way first. Other than the music anyway; that was as good as always.
The animation, while mostly okay, had some weird moments. I know it's happened throughout tri, but the size inconsistencies of the Digimon were especially obvious in “Coexistence”. Maybe I just never noticed it until now, but there were so many moments where I was thinking things like "Agumon isn't that small," or "Why did Patamon suddenly shrink from one frame to the next?" Also, there were a good number of stills used here for some reason. Why? I have no idea, but it looked bad. There was also this one shot of Piyomon flying that was really choppy, yet Patamon's flying animations looked as fluid as usual just a few seconds later. Are they trying to save all their budget for the last movie? Come on guys, this isn't “The Scuffle of Legends” for crying out loud. The animation was at least good where it was supposed to be, especially towards the end (the scene where the ground was falling apart were super quick and fluid? I'm not sure if it was just me, but it stuck out to me as looking really well-animated and flowing compared to the rest of the film).
There's sadly not much fighting to talk about animation-wise either. It looks good when it happens--I personally thought watching Alphamon and Jesmon duke it out was awesome. The Digimon from the DigiDestined, other than Tai and Matt who manage to bring together Omegamon, sadly don't get to do much. But hey, the animators learned to put all of the Digivolution animations together in one shot instead of making us watch ten minutes of Digivolution animations! I mean, I love watching them and all, but sometimes you have to cut to the chase, and this was one of those cases. I just found it funny that the one Ultimate Digivolution we hadn't seen, WereGarurumon, gets boxed. But I was sad to see MetalGarurumon's boxed. I mean, his pose and everything looked awesome so I would have really liked to see it in full! Hopefully, we'll get to see it in full in the next film. I mean, come on! I demand to see my metal puppy with some shiny awesome Digivolution animation! Omegamon also got a... sort of Digivolution animation, but it still looked neat! I just wish it was even flashier since, you know, this is a Mega/Ultra level Jogress Digivolution. It deserves to be insanely flashy!
I know I've been saying "towards the end" a lot in these thoughts so far, but...  that’s because, sadly, you don’t really need to watch the first three episodes except for like, some exposition about Meicoomon. You know what the rest is? Meiko wondering and whining and mulling over what to do with Meicoomon. Over. And over. And over. If you weren't tired of it the last couple of movies, you will be absolutely sick of it by the end of “Coexistence”. I cannot stress how I tried so hard to give Meiko a chance. I tried to look at things from a sympathetic viewpoint. So many times, I was ready to just give up on her character, but I came into this movie thinking, "Okay, I'm going to try one more time. This might be where Meiko gets interesting. Maybe after all of this 'development', it will actually pay off into something really great."
That didn't happen. We got the same kind of thing with Meiko as we did with the rest of tri. The self-doubt, the crying, the blush stickers, the "Why was I chosen!?" subplot which was already done so much better with Joe, the pity party, attempting to take responsibility for things only to rinse and repeat everything I just mentioned--anything you have seen of Meiko in the last four movies of tri, you will see here (except maybe blatant fanservice) but it is done for three full episodes. It was tiring, it was frustrating, and I just wanted to see the movie focus on something besides Meiko for five minutes. I mean, we get some nice bits with the DigiDestined like them reaching out to their parents as they're unable to go home--but of course, most of these are silent and the one that gets the most attention is Meiko's.
I hate to go on and on and on about Meiko as much as I am, as I understand some people like her. However, I wouldn't be going on as much about Meiko as I am if tri wasn't focusing on her so much in the first place. My biggest issue with all of this focus on Meiko is that these attempts to "develop" her and make her more likable are far too little, too late. These are things that we should have been seeing in “Determination” and “Confession” for us to understand and connect with Meiko as a character. Instead, they wasted time with her being unrealistically socially awkward and fanservice-y, and then being outright whiny and insufferable in “Confession”. And the writers expect us, more than half-way into this series, to truly invest in her and care. This might have been doable at this point if it was in small increments with balance with the rest of the DigiDestined rather than focusing so hard on her because the writers realized they were running out of time, but that's not what they did.
There were things they could have done to make her more likable and human throughout this series. There was the potential of her father being an abusive asshole father to at least explain how shy and scared and shut-in she was, except he... wasn't really that terrible. He was just a workaholic who asked Meiko to let Meicoomon be experimented on, and... that was about it. Suddenly he started caring about her in this film like he woke up one morning and said "Oh shit, I'm a bad father." It was more like a parody of the asshole dad than an actual use of the trope, with little execution applied. There's also this tick Meiko has of having a Tottori accent, which was only used a record time of once in “Determination” to show she had this quirk and for the cast to giggle about. Suddenly, after a phone call with her father and crying about Meicoomon again, Meiko starts speaking with this accent, likely forgetting her habit of speaking so formally around everyone. This is honestly a minor thing, but it did give more flavor to her character and had she grown more comfortable to use it more often around the DigiDestined cast, I would find her character to be more believable. She just shifts around from being uptight and formal to suddenly open and willing to cry her whole heart out to them. There's no gradual development. What was also weird to me is that, with all of flashbacks Meiko had, we don't really hear her using this accent she supposedly has in her childhood (at least as far as I could tell?), so yeah... we also have inconsistency issues! Yay!
I also simply cannot bring myself to like Meicoomon either. I get it, I'm supposed to sympathize for this poor Digimon who was basically born as an outcast and technically did nothing wrong. But... She barely has a personality other than "Mei! Mei! Mei!" and how am I supposed to care about a Digimon who serves as nothing more than a plot device and flipflops from being a cutesy kitty to a devastating killing machine? This was something Digital Monster X-Evolution did infinitely better with Dorumon. Now, we do at least finally get an explanation as to why Meicoomon freaks out so much without Meiko and why she's so uncontrollable in the first place. And... it's one of the dumbest asspulls this series has had.
Meicoomon was basically born from a fragment of Apocalymon's data. I've seen some people point out some things foreshadowing this, but they're super filmsy to me and nowhere near convincing enough for me to really follow as something the writers really thought through. It feels like some lazy excuse the writers came up with to try to connect Meiko and Meicoomon back to the original Adventure series in some way, when really it just makes their whole existence feel all the more hamfisted. I've tried to avoid the "blatant self-insert Mary Sue OC" label with Meiko as much as I could with how overused it's been applied to her by so many people who watch tri, but if anything made her fall under this label, it would be this. She has a Digimon formed from a fragment of the original Big Bad's data? Seriously? Let that sink in. Did that really sound like a good idea on paper to someone? If that's not enough, this is literally recycling the plot of Ryo and Monodramon from the Tamer games on the Wonderswan, where Monodramon Jogress Digivolved with the Big Bad Millenniummon and ultimately became his partner after being reborn, which led to the Ryo we know with his berserk Cyberdramon from Digimon Tamers. Hell, Battle of Adventurers did the whole "leftover fragment of Apocalymon" thing a lot better. It's just shameful how lazy this whole thing is put together when the writers have been building up the plot for, what, five movies over the course of three years? I guess this also explains how Meicoomon was the special snowflake who wasn't affected by the Reboot at all, but... whatever. I barely even care at this point. Meicoomon and Meiko are special snowflakes and that's just how the writers are going to treat them.
What makes this special treatment of Meiko all the more frustrating is when you look at the DigiDestined constantly comforting her and acting like she's been with them for years, saying things like "We're with you because we're all DigiDestined!" and were even willing to depart from their own moral compasses (referring to Tai's willingness to kill Meicoomon as Meiko wishes when he just said in the previous episode that he didn't want to kill a friend) when... they're completely ignoring the Adventure 02 cast. I get it, some people are tired about people questioning where they are, but when the writers have been waving teases at the audience like showing them being "killed off" in the beginning, Gennai taking on the Digimon Kaiser disguise, Kari and T.K. being concerned for their whereabouts a record one time and bringing back the freaking Dark Ocean (because, you know, that went so well in Adventure 02!), you have to question the cast's lack of concern. Adventure 02 has not been de-canonized, or these little things wouldn't exist. So I hate how the Adventure cast is constantly catering towards Meiko's needs when they've maybe known her for a couple of months at best, but don't even show a wink of concern for the Adventure 02 cast who they have probably known for years (I imagine they kept some contact over time) and both T.K. and Kari went through a whole series of adventures with them. It really does make it feel like the cast are written in a sort of bad self-insert fanfic whenever Meiko has any sort of presence as if the world revolves around her.
Once again, I get that a lot of my problems surround Meiko and Meicoomon, but the problem with this movie is how freaking heavily it focuses on them. A lot of this movie before the last episode is simple padding like the cast trying to get back to the real world, telling ghost stories and having other cutesy moments. I didn't hate all of these, but when we're getting so close to the end... I want this time being spent on the writers finally tying up loose ends. There's one movie left, and yet here they are continuing to add even more questions to the plot and not enough answers and then otherwise wasting time with things that do not answer these issues. I am not against filler--I was fine with most of “Determination”'s because it was the beginning of the series, things were still rolling in, and there were still increments of development happening here and there (Mimi's narcissism and Joe's questioning of his identity as a DigiDestined). But this late in the series, it's time to cut that down and focus on ending the story. Instead, “Coexistence” does a whole lot of nothing with terrible pacing issues, retreading on things we already know/are tired of hearing about, and just adding more instead of answering more. The writers have dug themselves in a big hole and bit off more than they could chew, and it is the most apparent in this movie.
So I must hate this movie then, right? Actually, no. Even though I think three of the four episodes are tough to sit through, with only cute moments to salvage them, the fourth episode was good and finally gave me what I was hoping for in this movie.
Because it's a minor thing, yes, Himekawa had some of her insanity breakdown. Not as much as I wanted, but I still ate up the nonsense she was saying and... she got a gun out of nowhere? What? When? How? I don't know, but it's hilarious. I swear, she's ready to kill someone who speaks a word to her. What's even weirder is that the guns she has changes between scenes. One moment, she as a BFG or some sort of grenade launcher, the next she had a handgun. What, did she find some Weapon Shop in a village somewhere? I have no idea where she's going or what she's going to do since she ended up in the Dark Ocean, but I hope if she shows up, she's just off the walls laughing like a maniac bonkers when we see her next. Insane Himekawa is the best Himekawa.
We also get a little bit of the OG!DigiDestined, like a shot with Nishijima's partner Bearmon. Dawwwwww!
But the best parts are when this movie finally decides to get to the focus I was personally waiting for in this movie--Kari Kamiya. While unfortunately it got nowhere near as much focus as I wanted (because apparently a certain other character really needed it more for some reason...), what we got was damn good. I love that Kari, with all of the times she's been possessed by Homeostasis, finally stood up to a fucking deity of worlds. She wasn't taking any of that shit, and she stood up for it. And I love that if tri has done anything, it's given Kari far more character than Adventure or Adventure 02 ever did. While she isn't forceful or rude, she does not take shit when people spew things she can't possibly bring herself to agree with. She has a firm ground, and she's willing to stand on it. Much like the scene where she talked some sense into Joe in "Determination", it was damn good to see.
And then there was her breakdown. Man, what a breakdown. While we all know Tai isn't really dead (if the Adventure 02 epilogue doesn't count to you, he's on the freaking poster of the next tri movie--he's not dead guys), there was no better way to break her. We've seen that Tai and Kari are close like in some bits of the Dark Masters arc in the original Digimon Adventure, so what else could they take from her but what's most important to her? And the way she just breaks is incredible to watch. Dead silence. Disbelief. Broken sentences. She is in such despair of Tai being gone that she just wants the rest of the world gone. While I wish Gatomon had been a little more involved, with the Dark Digivolution just sort of... happening, it was still a damn good lead-up. But man, is it a terrifying one.
While my personal favorite Dark Digivolution moments still go to Takato and Guilmon and Marcus and his Agumon, Gatomon to Ophanimon Falldown Mode and then Jogress Digivolving with Raguelmon to... whatever terrifying Evangelion experiment they combined into, was just horrifying, down to the body horror. It gives the whole "Coexistence" title double meaning (along with the whole coexistence of the Real and Digital Worlds), and just... seriously, look at that thing! If that's not a destroyer of worlds, I don't know what is! And it's basically a living embodiment of Kari's will and feelings after seeing her dear brother "die" before her eyes. Even after this whole thing happens, she's just a living shell just sitting there. You can really see just how broken she is after that.
While I still want to see more of Kari breaking, like how she'll deal with this whole situation and cope with her brother's "death" until he returns, it was still just good to see her develop in some way. And I will say, yeah, the cliffhanger is pretty dirty when the whole movie felt like a set-up for the last one while still doing a lot of nothing until the end. "Confession"'s cliffhanger, while absolutely painful, still felt more genuine than "Coexistence"'s just being there for the sake of set-up. And I think part of the reason it's so frustrating is because that... again, this movie didn't do a lot, so leaving it at that just when it was starting to finally get moving is aggravating.
This is still easily the weakest entry in the Digimon Adventure tri series though. And while it was frustrating at many moments, I would still call it... okay. I think it could have been even worse. The last episode did make it worth a watch, but the rest did make me want to bash my head into a wall at times. At this point, there's no way tri will be able to possibly tie all of its loose ends in a satisfying way. Hell, we may never even get an answer for things like the Digimon's memories or the Adventure 02 cast (though I certainly hope we do). But there is some good set-up here... So if we can at least get some answers, some awesome fights, and good character development and interaction, I am going to look forward to seeing Our Future, though with some optimistic skepticism. Here's hoping, to what little tri has left and how much going against it... that it pleasantly surprises us somehow.
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rdmfavcpls · 7 years
Title: Blind
Category: DIgimon
Rating: T
Pairing: Ami/Arata at the end
Summary: Ami was the outsider of the five original friends, she was only an experiment that was successful while the beta test wasn’t. When she had a half-cyber body, no one could figure out how she was so positive. She was that way because she saw something she’s only dreamed of seeing.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any rights to the Digimon Franchise
~~Story Begins~~
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Ami wanted to shut that alarm clock off, it was too loud, to close to her. Her fingers twitched and then voices, unfamiliar voices except for one, they were talking fast, too fast for her groggy mind to understand. She slowly opened her eyes and stared.
Was her eyes open?
She felt herself blink, eyelashes touching her face as she blinked.
Black. Darkness.
“Ms. Aiba, can you hear me?” a voice asked. “Blink once for yes and blink twice for no.”
Ami blinked once, tried to sit up but she felt heavy, then it came back to her. She no longer had a half-cyber body, she was back in her physical body. This is why she’s only met with darkness once she opened her eyes. She had no eyesight, lost it at the age of three, an age where she didn’t remember colors, shapes, she doesn’t even know how her own mother looks like and every time her mother comes home, she has to feel how her mother looks like now.
She’s blind.
“Do you remember what happened?”
Eaters, Royal Knights, Yuuko, Yuugo, Nokia, Arata, Kyoko, Pete, Connect Jump, Alphamon, Digimon, Suedo.
Ami blinked once again before sitting up, something was covering her mouth, she wanted it off. “I can talk,” she said hoarsely, cracker, her mouth was dry. Than all of sudden like her prayers have been answered, whatever was covering her mouth was removed. “Thank you.”
“Your welcome. You are at Central Hospital and you are last victim of EDEN Syndrome to wake up,” the familiar voice said.
Ami closed her eyes, focusing on the person’s breathing, it sounded familiar too.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
That explains the beeping, it wasn’t an alarm clock but a heart monitor.
“Is Yuugo okay?” she asked. She wanted water but she wasn’t going to let them help her drink. She’s blind but she’s not helpless.
“He’s fine, in rehab now. Most of the victims were able to leave the day they woke up,” this person who hasn’t introduced himself said.
“What do I need to do to get out of here?”
“Just some exercises, being able to keep food and liquid down. Uh...would you like-”
“I don’t need help,” Ami said. “I just need someone to tell me where the glass, plate, and silverware are located without being a smart mouth along with what I am going to be eating and where they are located on the plate.”
“Okay, we’ll get someone to bring you a glass and some food before we do the exercises,” the person said and Ami finally put the pieces together over who this person is. “I’ll go contact Mr. Kamishiro, I’m sure his son and daughter would love to -”
“It will be hard to contact Mr. Kamishiro when you are him,” Ami said interrupting the CEO again. It was a bad habit she had, she didn’t do it much, only when she felt like people were disrespecting her which was quite often. “Can you contact Mrs. Mochi please?”
“Of course, you are the patient,” Mr. Kamishiro said. “How did you know it was me?”
“Your breathing pattern matches Yuuko’s but your voice almost sounds like Yuugo’s. Can you please not tell your children about me being blind? They don’t need to know.”
Ami couldn’t stand the thought of them treating her differently than what they did. She wanted them to least remember her for who she was when she was part digital. She wanted them to remember her in a good light. She closed her eyes, fighting back the tears, she wants none of them to see her as a person whose blind, but someone who they could count on.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
A hand patted her head causing her to open her eyes. “I won’t let them know that you are awake until after you have been discharged. I’m sure you have a different set of memories than what I have over EDEN Syndrome, but I do know that I owe you so much gratitude for bringing my son back to me.” She lifted her head at him, even though she couldn’t see. “Thank you. I know it’s not much, and it will not truly repay you for saving my son, but I have an appointment made for you to see if eye surgery is possible.”
“Mr. Kamishiro, I don’t deserve to be rewarded, Yuugo is a friend of mine,” Ami said.
“I know, but please accept it, because I truly don’t think you realize how many lives you saved,” he said kindly. “Also as a token of my gratitude for helping Yuuko come out of her shell and actually enjoy her young life instead of worrying about my business.”
“But - “
“If you won’t accept it, then I guess I can call Yuuko, let her know that you are awake and I’m sure you can picture what’s going to happen next.”
“Fine, I’ll go to the appointments,” Ami said looking down. “Thank you, but I wish I could have helped everyone sooner.”
Another pat on her head before Mr. Kamishiro left, leaving Ami alone with her thoughts and -
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Hours later, Mrs. Mochi and her son Ryota, took Ami home. Ryota hugging and crying Ami the whole entire time, proclaiming on how much he missed her at school and hanging out with her.
Sakutaro Kamishiro was sitting in his office working on some documents when he received the phone call he’s been expecting from his daughter. “Hello?” he answered.
“Father! Why was we not informed Ami is awake and got released?” Yuuko asked angrily.
“She woke up today and asked for me to refrain from telling you that she was awake,” he said.
Nokia appeared on the screen now, “Why? Did she forget us?”
“No, she knew who I was without me introducing myself,” he said. “She has her reasons.”
“Which are?” Yuugo asked as Yuuko got back on the screen.
“I am not at liberty to say, however the four of you can figure it out. You are all amazing hackers, no?”
The call ended and Arata crossed his arms, this wasn’t a good day for any of them, and Ami had some serious questions to answer whenever they find her.
A week later, Ami was walking down the sidewalk with Sakura. Ami was laughing about what Sakura was telling her about the way Ryota was acting without Ami being in school. Ami didn’t notice it but Sakura was looking at her, a concerned expression on her face.
“You keep forgetting, don’t you?” Sakura asked.
“What do I keep forgetting?” Ami asked back confused.
“That we care about you because you are a friend,” Sakura said.
“Sakura!!” a voice yelled and Ami sighed.
Click click. Click click.
Nokia was running towards them from behind, when she got closer her running stopped slowly as she walked and then stopped. “No way, is that - “
“Hello Nokia,” Ami said turning around as Nokia stood behind them. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“Ami!” Nokia said shocked. Ami felt arms wrap around her neck and her chin was on Nokia’s shoulders. “You idiot! You stupid idiot of a jerkface! I don’t know whose worse of being a jerkface, you or Arata. Do you have any idea how worried we have been?”
Ami felt a little wetness on her neck, than the smell of salt was mixing with the scent of oranges and daisies, “Are you crying, Nokia?” Ami asked not hiding her surprise.
“Of course I’m crying!” Nokia exclaimed. “We’ve been worried about you, especially Arata! You should have seen him, should see him now! He’s even more distraught due to Kyoko’s reaching out to him and having her tell tell him that someone recommended her to him to be her assistant.”
“Did he accept?” Ami asked.
“Yes, he accepted it,” Nokia said pulling away from Ami. “He wasn’t too pleased about it but he accepted it. So why did you give up the job? You was excellent at it, I mean Arata is just as good as a cyber sleuth as you but - “
“Nokia,” Sakura said. “Ami is -”
“I’m blind,” Ami said for Sakura who was unsure and uncertain about saying it. “I can’t see nothing but darkness. I would make for a terrible sleuth.”
“Your blind?” Nokia asked shocked. “But, but -”
“Sakura,” Ami said. “I’m awfully thirsty and I need to talk to Nokia alone.”
“Of course, would you like anything Nokia?” Sakura asked.
“No thank,” Nokia answered.
Step. Step. Step. Step.
“The reason as to why I was able to see before was because I had a half cyber body,” Ami said grabbing Nokia’s arms. She moved her hands down to Nokia’s hands and clasped them, “Nokia, I need you to check something out for me.”
“What do you need?”
“I want you to see if you can hack into me,” Ami said. “I know I’m asking a weird favor from an acquaintance.”
“Excuse me? We are friends! We will have girls sleepovers where we gossip about all of the latest important information including your crush on Arata -” Ami felt the heat rise on her neck, “late night ping-pong matches, we WILL break through the wall because it is there together!”
“Nokia!” Ami said shocked.
“I am a friend, you are a friend,” Nokia said. “We are friends.”
“Please don’t tell the others,” Ami said. “I don’t want them to think differently of me.”
Nokia stared at Ami, she’s never heard the redhead sound so small and not confident. “If that’s what you want, but Ami, we wouldn’t think any less of you. Especially Arata, he would feel -”
“No! No one needs to know right now,” Ami said. “I’m sure they will eventually find out and just think lowly of me and of themselves.”
Nokia hugged Ami tightly, “I won’t tell anyone that I am now in contact with you,” Nokia said. She doesn’t know much about Ami’s life but she could tell that someone who she was close to left once they found out she was blind.
Three days later, Nokia was sitting at K-Cafe with Arata who was looking at her trying to figure out what she was saying.
“Can you repeat that?” Arata asked.
Nokia crossed her arms, “If Ami was here, you would understand what I was asking.” She said meaning it literally and figuratively.
“Ami wouldn’t use crazy descriptions,” Arata said with a quick glare before his expression went back to normal and he let out a sigh. “Speaking of Ami, she’s good at hiding. No one has seen or heard from her since she got out of the hospital.”
To Nokia, Arata was a lot like her older brother but ten times sweeter than her actual brother. Shocking she knows, but Arata does care about them. He may start saying random information and facts but he takes the banter easily returning it. It broke Nokia’s heart seeing him trying to hide the sadness he’s feeling because Ami wasn’t around.
Much like Ami’s clothing, Ami was the bright sunshine in their lives. Now, with her being out of touch with them, their lives were dreary weather with nasty grey clouds.
“So, this case you brought to me?” Arata asked.
“Can you hack into something that is like a digital mind to bring back one of its senses on this human-like android thing?”
“So you want me to hack into its hard drive?”
“No, there isn’t any hardware! Just a digital mind.”
“If it is an android, there is a hard drive. You cannot have a android with just a digital mind.”
“It’s not an android like robotic android but close to it,” Nokia said.
“That’s the point where I get confused,” Arata stated. “Can you be clearer on it?” Nokai shook her head, Arata watched her. “Is this case for you or for someone else?”
“I want to help one of my friends out without them, knowing I took it as a case,” Nokia explained. Ami will most definitely kill her if she finds out. “They’ll be mad at me if they found out.”
“Than I can’t do it,” Arata commented. “If you want it to be a secret and if you can’t give me any more details, than it is impossible. I mean a picture or something of what you are referring to would help but you can’t give me even that. It could be something as simple as the wire work.”
Nokia sighed. She would try to attempt on what’s she’s asking Arata but she isn’t a geek like Arata nor is she as experienced as a hacker.
“I’m sorry,” Arata said. “I wish i could help, I really do, because knowing you this android thing you are referring too means a lot to you or to a friend of yours. But until I get more information, I can’t understand.”
That is why Arata is ten times better than her brother, he cares about her and would try to help her with it even from behind the scenes while her brother just shoves her away laughing.
Arata watched as Nokia lit up, an idea came to her and it was going to be an idea that’s really stupid, “Don’t worry about it! I’ll get you as much information as possible. Just be patient with me and I promise you, you won’t regret it.”
It’s been a month since that meeting with Nokia and being a cyber sleuth kept Arata busy. He was distracted from his missing friend, Ami, and he completely had a newfound respect for her, but right now, something else was a distraction for him.
It was pain and the cold, relentless rain soaking him and staining his white cut up coat with his blood, his ankle was throbbing just as much as his shoulder was and it slightly hurt to take deep breaths. A gang from his school ganged up on him, getting their revenge on him for busting a lot of their members, a lot of them leaders.
He was gripping the iron fence, trying to breath as he walked slowly towards his apartment that was a forty-five minute run away.
All of a sudden, he was no longer getting hit with the rain. He looked up to see an umbrella was over him all of a sudden. “What the hell?” he looked over and saw Ami standing next to him, a concerned, concentrating look on her face. “Ami!!”
“I guess you’re right,” Ami said with a small smile. “I’m too soft-hearted. Here hold this,” She offered him the umbrella, he took it letting go of the fence. Ami walked around him and wrapped the arm holding the umbrella around her neck. “We aren’t too far from my mom’s place. Mom should have a lot of first aids there as well.”
“He, thanks,” Arata said. “I would laugh but my god it hurts to breath. They did a number on me.”
Ami knows they did, she can hear his labored breathing pick up in hitch at certain spots, she can hear the pain in his voice, and the way he’s dragging his feet making a skid slash sound on the wet pavement. She can smell the strong iron from his blood, it was overpowering the scent of rain.
“Don’t talk,” Ami says gently as they approached a door of a small two story house. “Save your breath.” The arm around her neck tightened before relaxing. What was that? An involuntary twitch. A defensive mechanism? Was he truly that worried about her?
“Tell me not to talk,” Arata said as Ami unlocked the door, “You haven’t been in contact for over a month and you want me not to talk? You know you have so many questions that need to be answered. You vanished by choice!”
“I have reasons,” Ami said calmly as they entered the house. She took the umbrella from him and closed it. “Come on, kitchen is this way.”
“I want to know what those reasons are for,” Arata stated as he found himself sitting on a kitchen chair, watching Ami get the first aid out. “But...uh...thanks...again...y’know...for taking care of me...again. I must look pathetic to you.”
Ami just stared at him as she brought the first kit over. “You aren’t.”
“You don’t look pathetic nor are you pathetic,” Ami said. She moved some of her loose red hair behind her ear nervously. “I’m going to get the other first aid kit from upstairs and don’t thank me yet. You are going to hate me here soon.”
“I’m about touch when I’m bandaging someone up,” Ami explained, she couldn’t see the small blush and annoyed look he was giving her. “So you will need to take your coat and shirt off. If you are wearing shorts or pants on underneath, you can leave them on. But...uh..I think you have a twisted ankle.”
“My shirt is staying on!”
Ami held back her giggle, even if she didn’t know what he looked like, she would find him cute. However, she knew most of the injuries were on his top part, the scent of blood was stronger there and if it was his legs, it wouldn’t be as strong.
“No, your shirt is coming off,” Ami stated. “You was clutching your shoulder out in the rain, plus I think you have fractured rib somewhere,” Ami explained. “Your shirt might have been stained if you outer clothes have blood on them. She walked up the stairs.
Arata took his bloodied clothes off, hissing at the pain in his shoulder, “Damn, she’s still so perspective about this,” he grumbled.
He heard a thud sound from above and he looked at the ceiling. He chuckled to himself slightly. He looked back down at the first aid kit, guess he could do it but he was a baby when it came to peroxide.
“Okay, I’m back,” Ami spoke bringing another first aid down with her. “What do you want me to work on first?” She was opening the first aid cut and getting everything out.
“Shoulder,” he grumbled. “Do you have any clothing I could possibly borrow?”
Ami shook her head, “No,  I don’t but I did call Nokia when I was upstairs and asked her to bring some of your clothing over.” She ran her hands over his shoulder. “Did she ever tell you?”
“She was in contact with you?” Arata asked anger within his voice. “Why her? Why not the rest of us?”
“Because Nokia saw me shopping with a mutual friend,” Ami explained. She used a wet wipe to wipe the dried blood away. “It’s not as deep as I thought the wound was. That’s good.”
“So, Nokia kept it a secret that -”
“-she knew - God damnit, crazy, that goddamn sting!” Arata exclaimed feeling the harsh, burning, bubbling sting of peroxide disinfecting the wound.
“I warned you,” Ami said with a shrug. “Hold the cloth here.”
“I am NOT holding the stinging alcohol of death!” Arata snapped.
Ami gave him a pointed look, “You can hold it so I can wrap your shoulder and see if your ribcage is fractured before Nokia gets here or -”
“Fine, fine,” Arata grumbled holding the dreaded thing.
“I’m sorry if it’s not great,” Ami explained grabbing the gauze and bandage and started to bandage his shoulder, “I’m a bit rusty.”
Arata watched as Ami bandaged his shoulder, smoothing out any bumps that appeared, “It is a lot better job than what I would’ve done, you are so perceive.”
“I’m just sensitive with my skin,” she responded. “I like for it to feel as natural as possible.” She finished wrapping his shoulder. “I’ll get you some painkillers in a little bit, but how does that feel?”
“Amazing,” he said moving his shoulder. “Minus the soreness of the wound.” He took a sharp intake of breath as her hands ran down his chest, “What are you doing?”
Ami felt some of the rib bones give way a little when she pressed down gently, she did this all the way down, “Well, slightly cracked rib cage,” Ami said. “Better than what I thought. You are two for two so does that mean your ankle won’t be twisted?”
“You was checking out my rib cage?” Arata asked. He hated having his shirt off, girls seemed to love his slightly muscled chest and the old scars near his stomach, but Ami was acting like nothing was there.
“Yep, now your ankle, you was dragging one earlier,” Ami said.
“You don’t have to do all of this, I can do my ankle,” Arata said.
“Do you want to?”
“Sure, but how is Nokia bringing my clothes over?”
Ami shrugged, “I didn’t ask. I just figured you two are dating since she seems to be studying more.”
“What? No!” Arata said as he looked at his swollen ankle. “She keeps wanting me to take this weird case for her.”
“Weird case?” Ami asked before there was knocking.
“Ami! Let me in!” Nokia’s voice yelled. “Please, there is something I need to tell you!”
“It’s unlocked,” Ami said.
The door could be heard opening and shutting before Nokia peaked into the kitchen once she saw Ami, she ran over to her with a bag in her hand. “I’m sorry! I promise I didn’t say anything to Yuugo and Yuuko but they know!”
“I’m surprised they just now figured it out, it is on my file from the beta test,” Ami said.
“What do they know that I don’t know?” Arata asked.
Nokia looked over and handed the bag to Arata, “Here’s your clothes. Yuuko and Yuugo were messaging us in a group chat on Digi-line.”
“My digivice is broke,” Arata stated as he put a blue shirt on. “It got broke when I was getting beaten up.”
“So you don’t know?” Nokia asked.
“What don’t I know?” Arata asked. He hated feeling in the dark.
“Ami’s blind!” Nokia said before freezing up, her hands covering her mouth in surprise. “Oh gawd, I wasn’t supposed to tell! I’m sorry,” Nokia turned around and pushed her head into Ami’s chest as she hugged her fellow red hair friend. “I’m sorry, I’m sowwy!”
Ami blinked once, twice, before speaking, “Nokia, you are literally the first one who shared that information with no hesitation in telling that to someone in front of me.” They were small, but she heard tiny sobs and the smell of salt started to mix in with the overpowering scent of disinfectant. “Nokia, are you crying again?”
“I can’t help it! I get so emotional,” Nokia explained. “Here you are living life like you can see, not asking for any help and you do it with ease! You cook with ease too, I mean I have sight and I still have hard time cooking!”
Ami sighed, “Thirteen, close to fourteen years does that to a person,” Ami said. “Can you please let me go?”
The information finally registered within Arata’s mind, “You’re blind, Ami?” he asked.
“Yeah, been blind since I was three,” Ami said. “Nokia, let me go or I’ll force you to drink a full pot of my coffee.”
“Nope! Nope!” Nokia said letting go of Ami and went around the table. “So, Arata meet Ami. She’s the one who I have been asking about in my case.”
“What?” Ami and Arata asked together. Nokia found that adorable.
“Ami has a digital mind,” Nokia said.
“You mean to tell me that the android human like thing you’ve been referring too is Ami?” Arata asked.
“I’m an android? Ami asked tilting her head before shaking it. She had more important things to worry about instead of whatever Nokia was calling her. “You are so dead, Nokia!”
“Uh-oh,” Nokia said sweat dropping. “Oh, would you look at the time. I need to get going. Toodles!”
“Wait a minute!” Arata said standing up as Nokia ran out of the kitchen. His ankle started to bring him pain as he stood on it, “Gah!”
All of the anger Ami had left when Arata let out a pained yelp. Even now, knowing that she has no chance with him, she still cares. “You never did wrap your ankle up,” Ami commented as Nokia left. “However, you know now the reason as to why I wanted to vanish from your lives.”
“It’s a stupid reason,” Arata snarled at her with a glare. “Do you honestly think that we would treat you any differently, leave you, all because you can’t see?”
“I have my reasons!” Ami said wrapping her arms around her.
“They are stupid,” Arata said staring at Ami. “Just because you can’t see doesn’t mean your personality doesn’t, it means nothing except that you are a creative thinker and a fighter. You overcome obstacles that we don’t usually think of.”
Ami smiled and shook her head. “So, I’m an android?”
“She wanted to know if I could hack into a digital mind and make this android like human thing have it’s senses, that was the weird case. She was apparently talking about you.”
Arata watched as Ami sat down on the other end of the table. “All I wanted to know if any part of me was digital. I asked Nokia to try and hack into me,” Ami said with a sigh. “I don’t know why she cares so much about helping me get my sight back.”
“Because it’s Nokia,” Arata commented. “Ami, do you want your sight back?”
“In a way, yes. I mean, I was always scared of seeing the world. I only heard of the bad and I’ve learned how to take care of myself without help and not just rely on what I’m told to do. With me being blind, I couldn’t be a cyber sleuth like you, and I can’t see everything going on. I miss seeing you glare at Nokia, the nervous habits Yuuko has. The half cyber body it was a bittersweet experience,” Ami explained looking down at the table.
“Think about it,” Arata said sensing there was another reason as to why Ami wanted her sight back but not wanting to talk about it. “However, don’t eyes lose their color when they are blind? Why are yours still so blue?”
“My eyes were originally a darker blue, at least according to my mother,” Ami said.
Scrap. Scrap.
“Stupid ankle,” she heard Arata  say in a whisper and she mentally laughed.
“You should really wrap your ankle,” Ami said.
Step, drag. Step, drag.
“What are you doing?” Ami asked listening as the self-proclaimed geek moved closer to her.
“I’m trying to figure something out,” Arata commented.
Ami felt the air around her move, than the small touch of his skin touching her face, “How did you know it was me who injured?”
“I didn’t until you spoke,” Ami said. Silence. Ami started to laugh, “I’m kidding. I’m not that crazy.”
“You could have fooled me,” Arata grumbled but Ami could hear the smile.
“Naw, I was actually passing by when I heard some people ran by laughing as they talk about how bad they had beaten you up,” Ami explained. “I’m surprised I even heard them considering how loud this rain is.”
“You know Yuugo and Yuuko are are going to demand to see you,” Arata said moving away from her.
“I know, I just hate the way people act after they find out I’m blind,” Ami explained. “I mean, Nokia has always been caring, her heart on her sleeve, but to ask you to do what she wants you to do is just as bad.”
“I’m still confused over that,” Arata stated. “Explain it to me.”
“It’s complicated, I’ll much rather tell Yuugo and Yuuko at the same time as you, if you don’t mind.”
“But yet, Nokia understands it.”
“Please,” Nokia’s voice was heard as the door opened and shut. Ami heard three different footsteps walk into the place. “Ami is going to kill me and so isn’t Arata.”
“Nokia was the one who thought of the description in the first place,” Ami said laughing. “Welcome back Nokia. Hello Yuugo and Yuuko.”
“Ami! You have a lot of explaining to do,” Yuuko said and Ami can imagine her firsts clenched together in front of her.
“I am more curious over how you knew it was us,” Yuugo said. “Nokia gave us a brief description over your condition, Arata. She left out the fact that your clothing is ruined,” Yuugo said pointing to the bloodied clothes still on the floor.
“I can always buy new ones, the digivice is going to be a bigger issue,” Arata said.
Ami giggled, “You two have different footsteps than Nokia or Arata, but they sound similar to each other and they sound similar to your father’s footsteps. Only since he wears heavier shoes, so his steps are bit more heavier.”
“So, Ami,” Yuuko said. “Why did you not tell us that you were blind?”
Ami furrowed her brow, Yuuko sounded scared, mad, worried, and concerned.
“Ami has a bad habit,” Nokia spoke. “I learned this through Sakura and her boyfriend - Ryota. It’s hard to believe it, considering how much she cares for all of her friends and everyone.”
“Nokia!” Ami said snapping at her.
“It’s true. Just so you know, I’m currently standing behind Arata. I’m using him as a shield,” Nokia said.
“Lucky me,” Arata grumbled.
“There is nothing to be ashamed about,” Yuugo said. “We all have our bad habits.”
“Ami-” Nokia said again, “keeps forgetting that her friends - us included- care and worry about her as a friend.” Ami looked down. “She just forgets that people do worry about her and it isn’t just because she’s blind, but that we genuinely care.”
“You forget that we care?” Yuuko asked angrily. “Do you have any idea -”
“Nokia gave me some details,” Ami said, “but I know from experience that sometimes upon knowing something that wasn’t previously known, people have a different image over that person. Plus, I’m not only blind but I also have a digital mind.”
“Digital mind?” Yuugo asked confused.
So, Ami explained everything from when she woke up and Alphamon was talking to her, explaining what they talked about and the options she had, how her digimon who she loved and cared for as family and how much they loved and cared for her returned allowed them to help her restore her data so she could return back to her body.
To Ami, the sound of the rain outside is deafening, no one said anything and she wonders if she should have stayed with Alphamon and with her digimon. If she stayed with her digimon, would she be erased from existence, like Suedo.
“Are you kidding me?” Arata asked breaking the silence. He scared her, she didn’t show it, but she wonders if she said her thoughts out loud.
“You mean to tell me that you wanted me to hack into Ami’s mind, to allow her to see? Are you crazy, Nokia?” Arata asked.
Ami blinked.
“Excuse me?” Nokia asked back. “It’s a great idea!”
“Yes, it is expect you never think about the consequences of what could happen,” Arata argued.
“Ami would be able to see, obviously!” Nokia said.
Ami tilted her head. “Are we missing something?” Yuugo asked.
“If you are, than I am too,” Ami answered.
Ami guesses that Yuuko and Yuugo can’t hear the hidden emotions that Arata and Nokia have within their voices. Ami isn’t even sure Arata and Nokia know about the emotions themselves.There isn’t any malice within the insults the two throw at each other. If she was anything like Nokia, Sakura, or even Lilly, she would tell her two friends to kiss already, but she’s not. She wasn’t - isn’t - brave enough to tell Arata that she has feelings for him, and even since Nokia knows about it. She wouldn’t mind the two dating as long as they were happy.
“How in the world is she going to explain to those who knows she’s blind that she can see all of a sudden?” Arata asked.
“Uhh...well, I figured since Ami’s good at thinking on her feet that -”
“You’ll just leave her to figure it out on her own?”
“Calm down,” Yuuko said. “I know it’s hard for you to talk with each other like normal human beings, but do try.”
“No, I mean, I’ve thought of some reasons that Ami could use,” Nokia said.
“How about if her eyes change colors and shape?” Arata asked. “Did that ever cross your mind since her digital mind is made up of different digimon?”
“Is that even possible?” Nokia asked.
“Yes,” Yuuko and Arata replied.
Ami just sighed and placed her arms on the table, resting her head on her arms. She didn’t know what time it was, but she was tired, and she had guests over so she couldn’t leave to go to her room and take a nap. Plus Arata still hasn’t bandaged his ankle.
She doesn’t know who is worse when it comes to using a first aid kit, Arata or her mother.
“Tired?” Yuugo whispered to her. She nodded. “When did you go to sleep?”
“Ten in the morning on 9-8,” Ami responded.
“You’ve been awake for over twenty-four hours,” Yuugo said with a sigh.
“Y’know,” Nokia said with a slight tease in her voice, “You seem more work up over her eyes than what she does?”
“I’ve calmed down,” Ami said not raising her head from her arm pillow. “Still it would have been nice if you asked if I wanted my sight back before you took it up as a case.”
“Well, I wanted it to be a surprise for you,” Nokia said.
“You don’t just surprise someone who has lived most of their young life in the dark with sight. It’s completely disorienting. Trust me on it,” Ami explained. “Besides, I have eye surgery soon, right Yuuko and Yuugo?”
“Yes,” Yuuko said. “That’s actually how we found out, was that Ms. Rei told us the good news about your surgery.”
“Besides to find out as to why you didn’t tell any of us that you are blind, we also came over to see if there was anyone who you would like to stay with after the surgery for two weeks,” Yuugo explained. “It would have been Yuuko and I but I start a new physical therapy around that time.”
“When exactly is her surgery?” Nokia questioned.
“Around December, her surgery is a week before New Year’s Eve,” Yuuko said.
“Sakura and Ryota are out,” Ami said. “Don’t want to ruin their holidays the first year they are together. I’ll be fine, I’m still going to be in darkness until the bandages come off.”
“I can’t,” Nokia said sadly. “I have to go to my grandparents house for the holidays. Do you have any idea how bored I’m going to be? They don’t have internet service there or anywhere nearby so I can’t play on my digivice or go to EDEN. They live out in the country on a farm, there isn’t any malls or shops nearby and there’s chickens!”
“Aww, too bad,” Arata commented and Ami heard the smirk in his voice. “The good news is that you’ll have fresh eggs every morning.”
“You seem so eager about it, how about you go in my place?” Nokia asked.
“I’ll pass, thank you,” Arata said back smartly. “I already have plans made as well and they don’t include a farm.”
“See, I’ll be perfectly fine,” Ami said moving her head up to rest her chin on her arms.
“No, see, I’m going to stay here with you for your surgery and all that,” Arata said. “My family likes to have these crazy parties that are more like Nokia’s kind, not mine.”
“Excuse me, what’s your idea of a party?” Nokia asked.
Ami couldn’t help but giggle as her two friends went back at it Yuuko laughed with her as Yuugo let out a sigh.
“Well, since Arata is staying here until he heals,” Yuuko said.
“What?” Ami questioned. She didn’t remember saying anything about that.
“When was this decided?” Arata asked equally confused.
“Just now, so brother and I are going to take Nokia and leave,” Yuuko stated.
“It must be hard to currently walk on that ankle,” her brother stated with amusement in his voice.
Scrap. Scrap.
Even in unison, the twins got up from the table. “What? But I don’t want to leave. It’s raining and I’m cold!”
“You’re leaving with us, No-ki-a,” Yuuko spoke.
Arata watched as the twins pulled Nokia out, “We’ll be back tomorrow, Ami,” Yuuko said.
“Okay?” Ami responded.
Nokia kept on struggling as the three left and Arata let out a sigh of relief. Nokia could be annoying a lot of the time but still naive to the world. That’s possibly why he looks at her like the younger sister he never wanted.
“You know,” Ami spoke to him. “She’ll have the cutest but biggest freakout if you kissed her.”
He turned his head and stared at her, wide-eyed. “What?”
Ami tapped her face, right under her ears. “I can hear what others can’t. The insults you two throw at each other aren’t filled with malice like everyone believes. I can also hear how you care for her underneath the fake anger, plus there’s Under Zero incident. So just kiss her, and wrap your ankle up. If I have to tell you again, I’m just going to do it.”
“Forget about my damn ankle,” Arata said. “Why in the world do you think I want to kiss that airhead?”
“I just explained it,” Ami said. “It’s not like I can do anything else, expect listen. Listening is essentially what I’m good at it.”
“Nokia is like the little sister I never wanted,” Arata explained with a chuckle. “I do have feelings for someone through, but they are completely out of my league.”
“Have you tried to tell her or do something to let her know your feelings?” Ami questioned. “Not going to lie, you don’t seem like one to care about leagues in the first place.”
Arata stared at her, “Eh, I think I’ve tried once.” He chickened out, he honesty tried it when he walked over to her earlier this day.
“What happened?”
“Why are you asking?”
“Honestly, Alphamon is currently interested in it. She leaves me alone most of the time unless something’s piqued her interest.”
“I got scared and pulled away.”
“That isn’t like you, Arata. Was she taken already?”
“No, I don’t think so. They keep their life private.”
“Like me, huh?”
“Yeah,” Arata scratched the back of his neck. “Maybe you can give me some advice over what I can do to win her over?”
Arata watched as her eyes glazed over with confusion before returning to normal. “Okay, I can try but wouldn’t the others be better suited for it?”
“Nope, Nokia is too girly, Yuuko is to elegant, and Yuugo wouldn’t even know where to begin. I think you are the more romantic type.”
“Our roles are switched,” Ami said with a chuckle. She thought about it for a minute. “Unworthy proposal and a letter pertaining the truth about a gentleman’s scheming ways.”
“Oh, dear, please tell you that you have at least read Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice? Mr. Darcy and Ms. Bennett?”
“Nope, but how exactly did you read them?”
“Audio books. Pride and Prejudice plus the zombie version are the two I listen to the most,” Ami explained. “How in the world do you NOT know them?”
“It wasn’t a school assignment,” Arata said. “But onto the point of you helping me with romantic advice.”
“Amusement park is out considering you need a new digivice,” Ami said closing her eyes and thought about it. “How about going to see a movie? I can understand how that can be romantic or maybe if there’s no good movies around, a walk to the park? Of course, when your ankle gets better.”
Scrap. Scrap. Step, drag. Step, drag.
“No words of pain?” Ami asked.
“No, I remembered,” Arata said as Ami felt pressure on the back of her chair and she turned to hopefully face him, his warm slightly labored breathing fanning her face. She could smell the mint from his toothpaste. “Perhaps you didn’t hear me right.”
“I believe I said that the girl I like is you.”
Ami felt her neck start to burn with a blush but before she could argue, his mouth was on top of hers, effectively silencing here and shutting down her mind. The pressure of his hands on her chair moved to her shoulder and the back of her neck, she could feel them tremble gently, thank goodness he was just as nervous about this as she is. The taste was minty but there was a tint of strawberries.
Strawberries was a weakness she had, Arata was another weakness so when the two were combined, she was completely gone.
Arata felt Ami gently grab his shirt and pull him closer as she started to kiss him back. Arata pulled away and rubbed his nose against hers.
“Arata?” she questioned in a small voice.
“I stand by my statement that you misheard me,” Arata spoke.
Ami giggled and she couldn’t see the smile on Arata’s face or how his eyes were filled with warmth.
Two weeks after New Year, Arata was slowly unwrapping Ami’s bandages from her eyes.
“It’s okay, Arata,” Ami said reaching up to grab her boyfriend’s (not officially boyfriend but totally boyfriend) arms. “Calm down, everything will be okay.”
“You’ve been hanging around Nokia, unsupervised,” Arata grumbled placing his forehead against hers.
“I’ve been unsupervised with hanging around you these past weeks, if anything, you should have rubbed off on me,” Ami said.
“So says the girl who made me listen to two books,” he grumbled back playfully.
“You enjoyed them, especially the zombie version.”
“How could I not?”
Ami laughed as Arata continued unwrapping her bandages. She wasn’t telling Arata that she could see him every so often. She wanted to surprise him, the least she could do after he so dutifully took care of her.
Arata didn’t even have the last bandage completely off her eyes before Ami reached up, grabbed his face and kissed him.
“I told you,” Ami said with a smile as the last bandage slowly fell to the floor in between them. “It will be okay. You should really learn to trust me.”
Arata stepped on the fallen bandage as he pulled Ami closer playfully sneering at her, “You knew and didn’t tell me?”
“I wanted to surprise you, considering all that you did for me,” Ami explained. “Every so often, I could see you as you unwrapped the bandages.”
“I see,” Arata said gently grabbing her chin, “So I don’t need to sit with you while watching two movies that are based off of your two favorite books, now do I?”
“No, you need too,” Ami said with a whine as her eyes closed allowing Arata to kiss them lightly.
Arata chuckled. “If you insist.”
Ami hugged him tightly and smiled, “You know, you didn’t have to rent or buy them for me.”
“Brought, and I know,” Arata said hugging her back. “But this way I can distract you throughout the movies.”
“Maybe Nokia is right, you are a jerkface.”
“Possibly, possibly not.”
Ami giggled and kissed Arata lightly, “However, you are my jerkface and I wouldn’t try to change a thing about you.”
~~The End~~
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