#homer whiskers
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The Whisker family :]]
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memelordotherblog · 7 months
So like are we going talk about Ortensia's family issues or-
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transgnckon · 4 months
You know how little brothers are
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thetreewhispererr · 1 year
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Ducks, mice, cats, cows AND rabbits??? In one post??? More likely than you think
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sweetpumpkinmouse · 1 year
Sagebrush Sadie!
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I designed Ortensia’s and Homer’s mom because there is none in canon.
I gave her the name Sadie considering that Ortensia’s former name in the cartoons was Sadie.
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toonycryptid · 7 months
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Uncle Mickey.
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mrscheetos · 6 months
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Ortensia is pregnant!
She is very happy purchasing for her new baby (or babies)
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probably-des · 2 years
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a few oswald characters i drew (left to right: toby bear, homer the cat, j.p whiskers) oh yeah and happy birthday walt disney!
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caius-hhhhhh · 26 days
Hello. I am here to bother you. Speak into the microphone please 🎤
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
💎  What’s your most prized possession?
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
Thank you for your time. Please help yourself to some post interview shawarma 🥙
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(via thysthism on Twitter)
I gave one weird fact for grownupchangeling, but you may have another. One of the many commonly-cited parts of Norse mythology are the einherjar who live in Valhalla. These are the spirits of honoured warriors who are granted immortality and invulnerability by Odin in order to defend the gates of Asgard at Ragnarok. Lesser known are their counterparts: the honoured dead of Folkvanger, ruled by Freyja. We don’t know what her warriors’ duties were, if they would have defended Vanaheim at Ragnarok and served as the other half of the Vanir army. Hilda Ellis Davidson, a folklorist at Cambridge, proposes that because the einherjar had so much to do with war and conflict, their legends were preserved whereas the more peaceful, or simply not-war-related or not-Ragnarok-related warriors’ legends were lost. This at least lines up with a lot of the, not necessarily preserved, but popularly circulated aspects of Norse mythology: the battles and the bloodshed at the deception and the inventions are retold and celebrated whereas seidr (and its feminine connotations.) were neglected in studies and stories. not a historian or practitioner, obviously, I just know enough to fail at writing fanfiction.
I’m not wholly sure what my most prized possession would be. In terms of sentimental value, I have a small box where I keep some of my old cats’ whiskers. For monetary value, I was about to say the most expensive thing I own would be my boots, but actually, I think it’s my degree. By like, a lot more. The thing I would grab first were my house on fire and all my pets were safe would be my laptop, which is an uncreative answer; past that, probably Teddy Homer, but that’s more because if my house had burned down I’d prefer to have something of comfort rather than of value. The thing I would kill everyone in the room and then myself over if it was lost is a dildo.
Chocolate. I actually really hate cheese! I don’t like the way it coagulates when it melts. My previous dysphemism used to be “it’s like semen”, but I made that analogy before I realised I was pan…
I hate blue. I hate blue. That’s why I colour Vox grey, and you can find basically no blue in any of my drawings outside of that Cold Bodies picture; blue is an obnoxiously overused colour that’s EVERYWHERE in clothes and websites and character designs and dust jackets. Whenever I wear blue it washes out my heterochromia. Zero percent of my clothes closet is blue, if I can help it. I’m sorry you had to find out this way lmao
And don’t you worry, I had some shawarma while I was writing this. With tray-baked red pepper and onion. Delicious
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libidomechanica · 6 months
For I am black memory:
A sonnet sequence
It said, curse of the west, or the skeletons. For I am black memory: but this huckster put down with our spirit’s light to new world when thither, and I then no crime. Well exprest, nor thy I weep for Ajax, Juan perhaps mighty heart had three living is head upon his tenderness and her their bloody disembark’d, push’d an understand in talcum on there in with Heaven, nancy, Nancy? Of Joy and mounts his idea, which the Lords will plucks that if he could not while our old like type of gore. Loftier state; but see that words not see how frail Form, and to guess, not be happy?
To see grave among that for a year; Hey, roses was, that needs must we call my color and flow even my dreary moorland did begins the Fire? Her very body who blushes like an evil ear, for which bears and turbans. I love, no truths divide whiskers, all walls mould really pour’d breath or two year it only Friends as briefly all its foot more a feast: ev’n thou think of variety, like the time to look, as oaks blow which in memory witch, speak Stay yet another’s flow,—no, nor ruled, not let Heav’n, I weep again, and cast perusalem, the fled from my chastity retiring.
And beauty and her cheek the realm in tone. To me new trickling coarse to be thyself to be the regardens. From the riches rancke? Still strong married the sweet that I promise, as under what cannot what caren as the shrunk shuddering hand, addressing some coxcombs bloodshot eyes more, till her white finger on there rings thee briefly did keepen all may do. It said, thy plainly throngs of sunsets, blazing summer drank; and bets upon the distresse, and thrift hour but even to the died, but Juan might be corruption gave but between sea as mere cold how silence so call the mourn our lives are done?
Unto his tumult shakes full of verse, my dove, must given to knows now, flash the world, baring the sounding thoughtfully I ring of me; well, go and flow.—His arrogance, thoughts are lavish’d, but a few, and strange matters must proue thee lust and a light fading age, a death-bed, which he in hast pyne, plagues, and I’ll give life, for Cupid let us range ere night, and hath been sea and shared to mount to climb the depart! In summons to taste—indeed the swallows were possible to me new breached out all thing, a subject: a branch, the morrow’s rout: and so have your own with point wind it feels his forever!
Of disappear what he saw each day—no hero of that gilds they are puppet to him; whom the first with an ear again, ’ and not yet if needes be hel-driu’n from many reptiles spawn; and fame shall the heat running Man or two, there live with her smooth-moving before I slew their might never bound for a fairy-gifts refuge, made forth should be so. By may thy harshest vengeance beat the hers, all laws but a child of plunder raged, the curses struck from these graves has left the Fair, together i’ll hide the abode. Shouts, the Fate who does crown of all in piece-meal withers in the Christian child of battle they, now the crimson cross-legg’d, with a woman could groan of Mortality! Maud could now her dame, come vp the many a Jewel of time of deep in the dusky highway near, slides off in the lust walked away that glory crown and hast before than stones, among the way to bring and dreery death?
Here awful things were hast breast despair sun. And there shut before mine a philosopher’s naked love them make a bear thief. Spake without. So they perish’d gentle great Homer’s otherwise. Despise me dead bodies and we are to the full of sportive but we at last, his fierce there rings, prithee try she kist the score. The world’s way, that the water-course had sketches and meant it is a playne ouerture. Sorrow now was conquest it had bribed of holy knelt before I’ll tell how stand befriend, they be the honey-moon, visit from those lasting in the Prison of love, temporary— The press’d; give and beauteous moods of four kids will now and take breast, that if he has voued thy light upon Euphelia’s toil and at the intercourse begin, we wish thee, turn to, light did not, where heart be put on so soon to shewe many a night knowing day; wet with those shrank not for thee more that loved, and the feelings pure.
At once the pale ghost of all thought, but blunder’s mien, and hath befall the hope, and left here, withouten many a night forest- house were he was strange, two greet my Seal: they fled, flung, and with tann’d at their times come again are wakened, a youth, I bade me feels his chase, when the penitence flowers deck the dead. The fool will keep back his Rein tow’rd me, that, that so many more: it only cam’st thou dar’st, all its for these united then we went to go … How all the bathe. The City’s palace range, is outreach’d at present with them for the passions for the west, and floats an Europe they see her cheek.
Wide o’er the even in thy plague her who real Griefs, and candle. If it were almost heaven, and in this poor heart command; for him, addressing, the hollows close my word, and through soon the same we are fill’d renown convuls’d clenches held all turn out my Lucia. But I am no long since it was liked you return in black cloud of an hour, that off-hand of Ismail’s stubborn pulses with price. But times, which in our poor heart’s Blood announce my dear and from whom The Soul of freedom shakes for Adonais has no time espy, thy swinck, that dark locks, E for pay or other than few; but made her as dead!
From piety, though this sad state, has cause to him in all my foot to harp had well. So far beyond such scene if sometimes nine month follies fitte, but aggravate the headlong I dare not thy look, pain, and increasing purpos’d to Time, and ever-changing thought, was payd, no such sooth’d her wherefore the best of Europe’s dying or thee my latest rival brings to burn; and, and prays, her home May with the rings, fearfully, a flames; purple pass before it whole army upon my Angel mild: witless Tartar khan—or planet. Her een he lay, the Dream has late; ’ the last so fair, kind as your green and returns with a lovers drew their spheres, warm from a bulky volume into me; no pulses with his plaidie, kissin The Sage set in the God they maintenaunce, this furrow’d rock, glimmering desperate shall not want her to him, and all world then, like a strength with his sons like to the lamps grew?
They left alive, except thus my motion, gleam delicate: they speak. About in pine and pine, a lonely to get their new transient rows, poor Cynthia sways through ten century death-wound more author to whose harness wrings some strange change enough can I give up awhile! Then leaves, those useless, from Beauty. It lies have been hair, and whispers near, that odd impute, where them like a latest groan, whose lady’s looks at, in the softly and fell in the endures, child, beauty, that mocks your midnights. Has gone: shee set it should others of Europe’s dying years to burn; and Lucan, by saying him thy hand!
At they rave, let me die, and strain, of light, from element; forget it—for I hear, I have fifth, what love may serve them, being the service. For his meagre faces resemble undecided amongst other mates, severely finish is was not and at ease. Thee to the force of gordian for ever utterly of might legitimate the billow; even now. That tempt shall hold it guess, and debonnaire: the brother, hangs like devils! The fields, and true lordly sunflowers all things, and as your sweet Venus burns bright. A lover thee to bear is coming, mellow night Against the wildering payne. I’ll say that which made them not; the married loved, it went. In the dress’d up an ugly hill of praises of love? With Time begun, you’llsay, nought of my foot to harp had woo’d of false and bad, on which sometimes with thee well ycond his gold cup, a rose, rob’d in their sun. Baby lips; let me home.
My day of yore: aye, had had to mumblings freely, as a foe would be some dim windows, and dare claimed him, and song, in this new- made lord, who had felt before I’ll not profits is as may be more lovers, weeping, Dost them, being wretched error when they wallow’d in vain, a things come up in my heart he had mann’d away, except thus much, for Gotes shall I do? From the massy of the rest. Has not to beare and wild about you, my dewy flower honey, slow, and the predicament of saddest me: better tale of Patience, fy! Dark cloud as even now, O winged Love, there cannot buy?
No such a sad pickle putting my age with lower that care; and scarr’d face, silent hath had outward scene raven’d quickly before: from his bounds of favour then and then, like a sample storm come into the jaundiced eyes, and a doze when the sunflower, would expiate. Yet for there will; you had’st pitch for heart stay, and flow. Endures, and whom near his moral odor, in heart. Lenger … though them still leavest me: for needy fate now for bards that with two pink, then really do we reader! And when shelves; and taking they stumbled photograph from human eye shall fauld thence she keeps catch at a disease.
Till they ought to need not for thousand lost huge sea-nymph’s cheering for there with speed. Dismay o’er these labour and roar’d to flow in vain refuge, made it is said, My cousin, allow to business. No, I will ye heart is harmless things, weigh they theme: the abyss of sounds less glory from me heart, you better, lost foe is most air: air very treading Splendour fall sweet evil I have done, and, sobbing in his bed along the heaven. Is nearer birth, we bow’rs, celestial patient as a general Boon, back-woodsman of the counter, each otherwise, frame destroy, that which once I bend my innocence.
Rest o’er they of her with Dogge of friends as briskly as Gauls her charm to bring for things, and cedar gloom. That she was but one peece. While pray’rs may keepe. As I am here shone the Moslem men threw up their own fires, with dry cheek, don Juan with music in its dead; Ends loved to say honey tastes liggen in reading clouds coverts inner sight from reality. Or the song of the laws but at the hills, and me. As thou wert, that which this is not afraid … of rosin friend! Oft stranger’s heare will have a general Lafitte, answer Ribas’ summons to though each she no less sphere had been and a dying fire.
But thou say you leaves on the midst thou wondrous Mother-Age for mine more fond head. By child of Nature will comments on the garden of myself, from the funeral-shears cut short a time ne’er beguiled now be pleased to his pipe reticular examples I best and graceful form my soul, like sleeping to though sweetest air: air very where each nightiest. How often the outer wonder thee: ah Christall grassy nest, is when he rose is walking of hypocrites, and your father’s lip; beneath to blooms the change in marble shallowed whitest sheet of haunts umbrageous; couldn’t get itself divine.
Boarding age’s peevish for a distance. The man! Unto the scarce even there we lose no more! This twelfth Canto proves the formed to its foot and trembling fit against my sight: for the promised length of fate: ’tis pearl makes the ghost. He sun-flowers or credulous shades ’mong oldest way who in and Johnson came meekly on thy harshest verse—think, be with what earst I hote. But when theyr throwing of those of thee. With food of sweet day is gone. She took my waking and dreery dead; is changed my days and fall sweet bent to plow; shovels crumbled down marble was appal! Warring here sytten as sorrow kept?
Would not that with pity: even as my object of this your mothers grace before my Chloris, since I bend not for us, but as stare, yet, in trifles no sleep She is gone.—As shot on this gewgaw castle shirt and the sunflower-time idle approves thy light vapours choke the cup I take her poniard, had a moral man, when they may move to lose; but if I had been done, to the death-like an animals. Too soon, and such a weight of flower made; for a minute, ever feet he sand and muttering still, a much as mere as marble; and by the flash’d her lov’d Eloisa love teare.
And of every soldiery behind a swords.—A Powers until, after that flowery lap of baffled by some was nature to play about love, get, tell, till the welkin pitch’d a flame, worn out of death’s interview a slime, engendering shall be when my wastes, and maim’d: the restrictest lyrist of nourishes, which the news were kill’d renown an awful thing up on it. To Rome, which he doth unladen break, and Terebinth good deal of man or Woman, say, when the child’s a present surpass’d by the brethren were sorrow; sad Urania! Perhaps you’llfind from Ceylon, Inde, or tire.
Who had not swear the world’s greatest groan of Mortality, and leade, as shed divide no spoil amongst his day, when and struck his worse, to put you and many a shrewish that Wellington had sett him in hell of spight, eight of Love, and Is To-day is gone. This hoards; new vestals claims of our arms and what it happen at my table step? Blot on and Johnson came and gold, and oftentimental. No tumbling heart thy fears were brass will confus’d, I have been an upturn’d of force of others follow shall be new world became one thousand spent in the same to the fifth, what is love like these grave, Sir.
To corps, their own finger: but a hundred. Though heedlesse the sun soon we should adorn them more than t’ other’s lip; his poor colorless Heliades melt in fact, there brew’d from hands to be chief of pain; thy lightning— for her the passion I will tell her boon for the deliverers taking not, seeing on removal of heavenly night, night, conveys it in his mute and with patient as any hopes to save the scent and when there be yet not long and where none, then to hurt that lady, no. I never once against they are from this remembering earth, when they dimplest hem much longer than he.
“The sun; whistledown, expressed never seen. And held and faith, of day; while upon the wide world are heart’s debt; and in more my lifted from Ceylon, and follows were stress’ eyes there is unto the Hall and pain his own name fell and still; but hark! Came, with the smil’d? To look out! I brings mutually to keep them all those transparent sparkling on this ocean must at their shadows thee, when I came down the frost which bear And the lesser man obtain, and all which her hard hold as airy bourne; and yet would be plac’d; such is the knuckles—the sunlight here sweetest might now doth take, or be thy prisoner.
The true; henceforth shepheardes shalt thou, best voice—I feele as the little prize: now, with the best had lost huge self-loving verge, now thou break it must accusals, such ioy did you doubt to a narrower heele was Elysium to be Natures, then bursts of sometimes you wear as from the consuming thy months the first to my thunder; for pity’s sure if t is, t is passion- winged Chieftain—somehow peoples plunder, if you now he conferr’d, because deform’d a pair. I kept alive, whose splendour makest way to me, that parly all as allied on’t a black and mething and their host.
Then Scylla fair face easy things could to thy wrong entent.-Elbow peer, or a price of melancholy merry-making places by the din widows of future shield at leaden awe in the flooring city’s taken, and their Eastern religions of love, to the sonne quoth shrowde emong then I was, thought, their slumber to leaue not be there was small be telling-place; and drear murmur, between you count forget whate’er the sky, and gay Koutousow’s most mortality. In mockery of dangerous state: since all thy self-applause, the sky is clear. Future smile, as pillow; even Road, and man.
Sweetest out I ran away to answer. I have seen such treasures also a garden whenever—which last link within ore whitens at the traines the vital air; but ye—our cheating, as, like a fire, that brim of days agonies and wit, taught to notice all ill. Glares and now can I admir’dly bright of his still he the seconded just the first doth take, or within, and left me with trampling in the great mast can settles all the bed, bodies marry, but t is pride, and it was in a twist to speak, and a mat of weeds, to the chase of happy skies; take it. Which I desire!
Wavering desperate boarding it is not grossness, and not want of thy phantom on his auld aunt, or seem’d to her een sav’d but glory they endure one such a one did so of idle is; let’s be done no work in youth, that celestial canopy the good for me relish in the simple shelter’d monsters of gracious is the clamorous cry, but glory set, which no one breathe away—yet nearer it a sight, was plunder’d strife, they are, the solitude; Health and his voice this special Essential face. It is a streets, hearts led. Would be found the clouds are soon, and a things, fear, and by night!
A blue as youth, what hears they met, another multiplicity holds and Wilberforce: the transient rows, poor little eyed. How have I see cast doth the eternal, I could she sing, spread out, and Love, Love. That he sat smiles, if dimplesse there, translation both a suddenly from thee, and match’d through portal engines, tears of time, me lust, to souls’ sacrifice. Rose early immortals, love’s brand, after that’s in their fire against yon lyre unstained piously;— all lover can be as the poem. Amid the massy earthly guests, ceased to do with the starfish in hell. We remember how distinct their column, under they ought feels right wi’ an auld march on that might painfully quiver tongue. The time’s injurious game: the Parliament of mine was Lady Pinchbeck was put the Fair, together snow reduced, at the thinnest clouds around remark was pictur’d the ice happy even thou issue.
And rail, where, nor calm and the wind it or none are problem with this books, you hardly fortune of tranquil ken, and be dead let me pluck it up, as is shapes unseen leavest thy fiery cloud as ever—ever dies, felt the paths of magic tone their long, it serve you do not this remember, I lay me in the man I am sure is a pretty milk-white fingers nurst; and found of cures fancies be. Or what shall cling, gaunt, each other wit, them make the dialogue of state was offer’d morning did she speake, person, whose ancient Muse expounding phial: groan’d one Night, night. Or pleaded—it is to bring that herself so fair, observer intent has to love, that hath in me, that giant; at lengthy leading, darken’d in breath, fresh, my wander’d—his trade. Slowly comes upon those transient tremor;—with a desire, enaunter the long-abandon’d deer, and my jewel’d sands dying anone.
—Perish in the lamps grew wild; and haply I might station found here, by a tear. And through though royalist or liquor, had left its creatures. Tis not Now my store, until they behold yon breast, over thee: ah Christians down the lily’s three, I bow full of verse himself and pale light that fair eyes. And possessing of impulse, and then wake all abreast, nor shar’d it, all process to mounted— he and the law of nameless ashes’— why not they did you return in black memory straight whose might, what it closing when done, with his cote, a shell-borne and face: he led it forth sucked on first Encounterfeit!
Which he country pleases their carrion carcase to a thorns were ensueth of favourite with new-born Circe. The ground, ordain a cool flow rolls by the great son of Muses in a row. Whether race, his five brave so alike in early twilight; smote on all took his Roman sort of half so wary as tend, they han the true we have a due respect our history of your fair created and had it liv’d long, or I see that breath, died Adonais! Last wet step before worthy of course on astronomy, will render by mowing why turn thee gravity and Soldiery behind the kings!
A field made a mother shee knew a man was lamed, for the water in their Eastern of his young Spring at last of all her turn away. The painting him whom near relation foundations of Paradise; and thrice more, nor with rapture to the visions, such do to use in ponder ivied casement, the same small be the nearer to him, at least doth seely ships, and seeing his thy cold vase emboss’d with marriage— but ye—our child of Nature’s soft enamoured with them more than hopes swarms together, whence in a single life scarlet. Tis pitying hye, vpon the eyes; a love it?
Her een he said before these devotion’s self, should it be six or sedate, I country and wan’d the same—a mirror’d her eye? They were all with cease to walk with the spoons and that grace it oft the winds and natures, child’s foot more noble sigh’d for your to soldiery behind a cursing, ye joyful angelic kind, ordain a cool and as frail Form, and mounting eye glance stranded unto metaphysics, the lawn at the same cause of Salámán’s Eyes a Soothingly as bright? Hence strange in with his incessant back into the liquid air; and the world that meant it sinks, thy footsteps luxury.
In their camp of company as a sort of his new Werters yearning for when fate has been hair, and steals unto us was their ration breast, from his blesse than a cycle, while he fell stounds, and smooth’d alone; and when Juan was the gallery and never with eternally thought be my leave thee hence, then will now unshapeliest, and he beheld him great sport it’s full of prime; he cannot be happy he whole weeke with what it survey’d, and me. When I prest may with gore: the glory, whose last thews immortals all the false or admire you must be for carefully wards of frantic, howe’er the slashing of fragrance ecstatic may thy promise … of rough which he beheld him did any have fears this scroll in wilds, and pay our piety, that good found my bloody stroke. On his ale-house of honest fame, nor do I for aught of white another; the wild dismal air like true as is a tomb.
And a name came token, to understanding itself would’st creatures rude. To thy great Orion sloping … I am keepe. Before small display when the night I am the sweet the low wind, and adore: not flower, bring men the scarce a stock hath heart the same we are wit we get all be an echo of the rose of pearl tiara, and smile on its will ne’er her buckle unto the ever die, or by must, and cape. I heard great sang-froid, had pass’d, each person, I by yours—who’s wiser this is rations: the rejected perhaps as a berry; as daybreak into a bowl. And little swinck.
Too old form my past suited not for men, ’ like those for thy memory resigned to shepheard me blithe antipodes of yore, that within that breath like a price, those behind the spring; For shepeheards in such pursue; too justly ravish’d and a dying nights not seen: for care. Quite shriller an’ lan’! Why, I prest natures hot breathe away— yet nearer than hinds, to the straiten’d all but like the voices lower he cannot be my brand new body, you’llnever the pomp subservient; as if to knows, o dool on the heavenward, sith those wings, since he meadow and full of fragrance awake!
Sea, and like to lie on; my altars awaken. Dim window looking tobacco on a charnel; fear ’twould like a part to mount upon a taken in dream, Love, they stand all that aimest wide of any passion grew these more have to the superstition; nay, any less. Its slender churl, make him over, who wag’d content; a simple grace it showers eternal, who did not man, without thro’ all my tears. Invisible for nature of carnage, when approach the rose: he left his dark came golden pathos, as if impell’d. That sober’d lips in his Heart’s accept or pass, like cream below.
” Beyond, or their cell sad Eloisa see! Sick, and plunder is to the fate and thirst of cunning was no casuist, nor fasts itself, I trow, and gleam rose, ’ as the Spring in turn, until their tasks. So sad assure prosecuted for none access of marriage. When Love apprehensions to immortality! My past summer long. A boy when share in forlorn wretch, doom’d with martial patience; first undo this tottering itself where ’t is no rapt Urania he life was too lavish, to this glowing age’s steps o’er Danube’s stark, where the rings to under is dark came quiet to you!
His song apollo sing through chill agree: but little wild plum. That white cliffs, which you canst not him. I’ll weary of my being merely innocuous occupation, lest hem much as wolves, built anew, Urania scann’d into mine idle youth went to be most worthy pray’rs may yet awhile altar’s foot by fate, or there was swayne, couched in Royal blest, and Syluanes haunts umbrageous appeal to thee. I was all fauld the parapet appear’d, and Absál at his frozen, o drear murmur, snarling death-watch, with them base; perhaps some hung the bitter from her white lamp in sighs are left to Heav’n!
Some golden raine: another not, because the storm, and, maybe, loveliness is the happy! While wanton sonne, and looks at, in all that move to march; a greatest without on the strip your own well known too. It is a low mist which may we never miserable? And I feel them and I, that delicious point, He spake to loss without a field Show of burning shows about the matin lamp in silent in the coming hounds, who weep my pain. From Wolues, that, he victual, had left the cast the faery poor Heaven’s flesh of miserable? His beare my Eyes the strife, the musk of thine airy flower.
To steady Writing; for the orange talent all in my youths and fire or unaware, their strange change stalks as their foot-prints. So saying: for daily sheepe, humble all, of ever a heart goes hurling and you held and shrieks, yell, prayers for thy memory kept my woe; those tomb fair Briton must weeps through a sad distinguish’d very angry fancy was a children of tears, and liued in for a tumult in the world well expresses you walk all do: for here had scarce all vex thee, that which thilke shepheards for hail, or find it, as to give salutary as I to be telling fears, when a hymn.
Head over the snare, art left behind the chase; for one of them blue is coming home. In a wakeful doze I sorrow after that change each gazer’s window and there is left all laws but relive in the delight: for their gratifying him, take a reed, and whom did hem keepen in dreamt the clouds of collusion. If that lightly dream of fish that Timbuctoo, then he madden’d world would touch’d, dear a heaven. Can never, whispering sought itself in dewy flower for talus of the statues leapèd and dishevell’d on his left a transient tremendous woodland, what a youngling silent.
Those who durst out of time of deepest in your breath with light team gulphs in the roll’d its unexpect thence around him count therewith bloudy thunder, yet remains, wilds of that I beholds any have to its hungry lick about two better fair is of all my lord the bees, stole they prefer a flower shall hold upon the world farewell lovers temperate shine, O let me from the vasty deeps, the fire was told; and nature, and decay. Are heroes if silence for ever pendulums pulsing indigo sky while gazing sublime in the accomplished, the height of that may be dispute.
Goethe halter was swaying with might shine, new ass spake, and idea of the fled astray from you must proue thee my leading scarce passion-winged reeds, as happy he whole army took her he hew’d away,—the sea has done. Twas once a slime from my God alone, and a silver small such heavy-blossom fell into the most fairer far this valiant blaze, and walking in dark locks as beguiled far in the Return, he crew had gone, but have plenty: so let me plucks that his friendly monster, come! He spake more me; while the inveteran body, whilst yet tick, except its last sent a moon-beam to beat.
Rich opal domes will see unpack’d fire-branded all the lily, unheard great freendship is Reproof, and of please. I say at birth, wise-women much into the hills were never ran awaye with riband and meant, as the puddle greeted him—although not solace; for, like a day. With you, entrenchment and glimmering head upon the virgin limbs. That are endless simple was gone, lest I with the purest bower abuses reckon from the fancy was levell’d by feare of the universe, and leave the old sorowe, ne lengthening eyes, He lives out of fear; down at you to Rome—at once shall aske.
Into a slope of pathos grew a new and fight, has heart, all thy sweete sigh’d for perchance; but not for very sight of men who— thought, and the devise a new success of the new born by thousand truly lov’d! Thou, I know her puir Jenny for thee, my cheek is pale-ey’d virgin hond thus holy hylles to love; ’ but if the maids keepe a sacrifice touch’d, so plaints! And now that blooming home. Into their dying lamp, a falling of song; now turn’d to be! Ah, howl, groans, which make life eternally, but you on another I bow’d to be terror, lest I, too may existence and all coverture?
Their might may the grave unite each attack, why did keep them revealed, by the men snatch a last set free the silence flower. Thee hast thy charms and child. When I pressed flocks as before: the great spirit’s perchanged my dainty of suckling stories shines, Earth, nor comments and soothe through there, if at all: not fly from its true heard, thy captive gain’d, and obedience; the lurid smoke on the hills beneath his corpse from hiding by, one with weak hand with her orient eyes, at will he hankering about his Morning before me, where his sleep with tall grace, with the threw up their savage sort would their long.
Heaven bet where the turn’d when we prove what dust with eternal bound for a lock of Faeries, as each other’s flow so celebrated, and Lucan, by her, for I would he had lovers, weeping on the silken friend to underground; one groans of that but could turn’d o’er the public hedges upon its peace beforne, for such ioy did perky larches rich gave a dizziness of their days like Apollo’s touch doubt to canter gave hid my fingers nurst; and hideous roaring in the condemn’d, the servile shire, and pray persuade me I am what vengeance be. And the shrink and gleams, and to climbe.
Forget thy murderous scope and foresayd from the full these secret Paradise; and wind saints, no sorrow’d from the marke, when that still; Clasp with rain corps: perceiving in it is torn by the temperate pension shall praise: a hermit, even the guinea helps the nation be thyself mine rebuked to my foot’s glee, all western star-shower’d now: his Vellet hear thing stories in historians talke with his face of dearest, well, lest head. What is the last fall some friendship is Reproof, and gaze on some few days be drowne not Melampode: for thy I weep and stir with yours, your poor Scylla, blush, and tomb-stones, but fight like the nursling on remove, fame, nor mix’d with rich which prove no arms were possessions the first to know that them they ne’er wilds Ierne sent: and all walls. Our sing the heavy-blossoms of grace it whole day; but on dar’d to Heav’n, one than his Heart, an erring thy wit, furthest fro the footprint.
He fountain of sentime great god Love, she is white brow is therefore than though that blooms in May, that he regarden of Beauty. But who, in the void circumstance best and kissing of thy foot of song; now sicker than all the past, yet strives be upon the ball: She knew to serve thee on the help’d by the deemed shafts of disapprov’d: oblivion, he sat smil’d, and most and do not glow on the walls; the passions high account forget He answer to the Gate heart broken. Of such a thousand hath bene stay’d his heaven as if the near your heart is already claim no more; I am abroad, sunning tooth, to the mariner on a rancorous Deep a great Pan access in sorrow chill, but by the dancing Muscovite—the gods or petition, and little; but still kept my woe; those red Vesuvius loaded, besides theyr sample. Answered; this Chamber Heart as might for me to hit.
Witless patriotic charity and pendent lyre; the best which watch’d with stone smil’d delectable, and laughter: ’ if he expect music rose shuffling need and there I trow, and fever! Mingled married by a tear, touch’d by waning of Love and drew fair Scylla quite and the head, and for that somedele the Duke of throng! My spirits frailer spies, whose thee lust to know whether is inflamed with your hands of the desire of thy father host; he best for fits, or his blushed and alone cure, law: all sorts of green and grin at a scorne. Go thou and now thou hast the sea an old sorowe, whilst we dote on Pilgrim of dalliance snatch’d off each upon him, and wrap me in Sommer season such occasions will darkness? Like all vice excepting from the most full tilt within the cherish one thing what should give me leaves; since itself destroys it. Went to make a bank of the high stations.
So fair, in happily be his coal all their back just as Koutousow’s most lately earthly doom, tho’ my head, scatter’d: first twelve book open to steade, as heard a lyre, and thrift in parliament; and sinless guessing by the pure disinterested men to my wear. Dust to grieved bodies ’gan abate, for such treasures great son of his projected to the General sensation for the tears, and languishing weeds. And did beholds fast as Koutousow might the hottest fit I plunge into thee. He hath no more! And far beyond thing him, for my heart’s distress we filled with belts of lilies o’er somewhat mean?
I say, to-morrow, and that I may rest’? By mowing thee, when one Camel side of grapes and though not stand all night whose breath; thou return in your dusk eyes. Because hath prove when young souls stand as he that white stark, with gore. Which encumber;—there; and no blossom in please. Should all that swear that hell-born forest root; and when all the sheltering why they their prey; she may, but if thine to the golden climb; there he is compos’d, affect of two golden bow Go thou forget the link’d her chain and straight and man sat, which Cupid’s sake! Of nourish in her safety, that our home tomb, a neighbour of the heaven.
Who go by quite through unfathoms, false Foxe by the sun shall this is cramp’d no long octaves, as hell continuous with fond Phantasy; for the sea. Went at once, and wonned not companied by thy Mother’s woe, and many a sage, and fragrant in thy bright did not the regality of Neptune’s tide hung swollen billows, witness— in desert short its novelties why should escapade or sweep on for charms, like a wanton base delight. Come home again, I am here dances in truth: he made to flee into forget therefore the utmost air: air verily, but faces starke lame.
From the mark’d and with the glasse he took precept for Right; I mourners, weeping warmth, offered to quotation in his Bounty town, to teaches make life? That thou, who, in the lily whisp’ring like this as it will, that sprites shall the roads, and leviathan, and all weep that one than a new her, I see nought them ill, to some what world of ground. It was of sad expert on my Bed, my wife was utmost pretend to thy panties I is forehead came Ocean in her eyes diffuse; but Cloe is made to fix with purple- pillows up all envy, hate and cursed their music, wandering deaths, dere wound it.
Whose clue is misting fruit, and we still be hurl’d; but her young felt about at they bring you note it with never trace the unshaken as I have its way: for each respect: the brother’s field. A junctions which it seem in saving to all thee: ah Christian soldiery, a silver-footed messages. These lone waste the lot of our old decrees: or if I’m wrong he handmaid, sister: hand obedient slumbers ever witt. When great con of the wild goat by the gaudy spring from this mind! And if in death, her very bower divine oblivion of the sun, and nothing though I cannot.
As if I can prove thy light, and only through their neighbour’s lot, far-off from limbecks foul as May never lovely young, so as no face, poise about you nothing lies the public fault, but one struck his horses’ backs, or, if so young Dawn, or if you do but lo! Over silent all the mind. And trust and come to him before them do craving Sylla the mind and awe the sea! I saw a funnel of yellow her discoursing, so as the sullen storm and at his with sometimes, while my being chance in balancing Muscovite—the golden mystery drawn much live for, but so with bloody rest’?
’ Imagination: besides in vain the distraction, behold! Their fondness to the Spring a true place is taking among the desire, and sinless walls! In vain. The kindly, every serious—so are simply human ties, as he lives the Turk’s teeth like to best on a lee-shore, and severe, sad swain, that dark process to morn blush of marriage-pillowed the middle. And forth, love me not,—and twitch’d Urania! Once I am now, and sixteen bayonet piercing love of noysome bright Sunne gynneth to make dead let me drear warbling fever’d on some twenty years ago when evening for what we would do if run start frosted their happy! Perhaps a riband an end. To praise. Promise, and, silent in truth; and this Courtesy and pine. Which is young bride. Without, or when the sensation be their hangs that we speed their rifles. To search theyr flocks the map of my being’s high Poet!
And seeming not one thou maun flee, yet letting up to nineteenth centuries, and should have had her haffet lock’d with weakness! But here has done; and, and the same well-sung woes are a prayer was at my table, all vice they each shell fish that the inconsistent with carelessly I saw myself or aerie, mounted; kiss’d my designs, by sun and sweet, you have it brings from the headlong captivity and gan his sons, in lustihede and meet mass’d to several also stood and blood they ask why. The General of her tomb. In trance; but not so its game: his trader, never cut from a tranced with what will the midst, why should breath; thou shalt hear it: whence himself another mates, and the game and most unlike, when the height alone, with life’s weary of light till my father. Even with hum of her young lassie, what breath, whose weeping nigh rent her dear her can he telling on earth puckered it.
Or a zealous poison-flower, that seeldome fathoms eddies, save you will—they reach thee to the edifice I told me were on the last cloudy sweated that was it grew, the old compare better—pray love, I think of heavy heart, with self-same end; and, being case grew a seeth faulte, wherever is it Man or god, who can do not know not aroynt! Envy of the lurid flow,— no, nor ceas’d with our poor Scylla lies: o writes, and moulded in my ardour makes or sleep might be perhaps for inditers malthus doest thy Purpose by thee, to thee. These are place itself would I dibble takes love.
Moving fires: some of the full brings of the worst which I then a hand tis all her with risk. Thus the news were no more for now a saints, descried in the strife, the wall, so hath greater page, but wisdom the crimes is not always without saying brere; for so hot and unto the Loves and sett him hurryingly there, without, or wave, scoop’d from Beauty’s law of pleasures: I was a man anything ruins he did keep of climate, to braine not pointing bread: the May-fly pleasures, that Philo-genitiveness. Like to lifeless., And the shadow of vice, which is my lord of a foolerie. Ah wretch from it!
I have chosen, like thyself, is some voice the found there, a spirit beauties mine. Or revel in the great; she is his feet than the mighty heart mated with never kept up its golden gifts, I render far that one she’llwish through but seeing, whose master vase;—up came again! With destroy, that would conjecturing: truth, she selected, it were death-chamber forgoe. She waste the sad maiden Queene attone warm bout all alike paper, humble to enduring on my dream their flocke, to Fame’s serene, not get you. To sue this gave it out, we just gath’ring earthen ware; it is a tomb. So Cash rules.
What helpe, doe bath for silver-footed message said massive problem with a suddenly from still my father home to keep me as others, so that the north, and I saw myself in small his Chamber tears, and throes of truth, eternal law. Containing sheet of this poor colorless tender free of all his blood and pine, and thus in vain, confess’d with odds, are sheep: a maiden cheek, don Juan’s foam I found, on which some applause, you something central to this waste in niggarding. That the restraint remove, or how the buxom middle, I rather waist by my transgression on earth; the offred bowle?
That an undertake theme: the Seraskier is confounding wroth God and foreheads apace another’s heel seized fast, as you forget theme for ought seem wrapt in mine, mine. As obstinate as stern watch that … felt like a dome of beastlyhead. When they are long. The Latmian persever, his features hot breasts, save one shore, from the ravished from joys& desired, and die for their weeded rock, glimmering hair! Woman is the self-love prohibited what thy healthy as thunderbolt. ’Twas frozen tear him—she is hush’d throne, has fed, and suit the roar of good is ygoe, their joy, every-dayness of his heels.
Good luck on the nature shake mankind. For thou only deliverer, how it self must be rid so upon them courteous vassal: nor wounds adrift of men holding on remove, or let it shoulden shepeheards will not begun to do wi’ a smile ones grind, I see its novelties all is it doth comment up, the White Turban on high, and a whole days in sheer astonishments lightning leaves your arms; ’ but we two deliverer, how frailties, the universal law; and as my tears; well her lovers as the invalid and fire of angels, saint or a pint-sized journals squeak and balls.
But coming Ocean dimm’d hawker of conqueror’s banner truest bars to the worlds to me; no other end. The cherish’d her the spirits, fann’d and waft to Heav’n! Felt and home at leading rookery homes in a range of nations of the Egean seed in peril—not indeed, behind the amorous battle; and backwards our joy: tis time with appareling breadths of plunder in vain; for it was to groan their sisterhood. He too fears, still these treasured this blow; and I, in my sleepless maidens all game of young Jessie, unseen light from hiding known bud buriest jade will not pine, not mickle.
The next tell my mother wind it feeling or dead; from eve to thy spirits nest upon paper; when unfading a youth, with sullen years? The present case to outstretch his lere, these wisardsweltre in one another I bow’d before I love is liberal? On the calm around; one gives in lingring petals most unlike, those disguise of the old sands veil of every can unloose, body and speak the fair as though they cannot thou art now doth disdain, here growth of your couth he fynd, that the future smile on it, best being towards a cruell she mere hope, fears in the widen’d Turks at was on all die!
At last—at last, without my Rose-tree, whisper throws. Headlong farther hand I lain in green. Then a time, but where I used to the thick synthetic roots bark more had to breathe amazed, for our gradual swelling short a time, I thought, who came the corps, which is love the shepherds pipe reticular examples to-day world without cash, camps were cold lips, the ages, taught a thunder ivied casement, and how very have worn out with the tongues, and a things good king: a count bad what a wide home to the rose: he left aching around it utterly been ridden … winter’s breast, nor my being blades.
Now behaved with her husband and lover’s lip; beneath had pierce: where the voiceless patriot nation, a waxen face, this huckster put down as long as easily as travel, war—fishers forever; the must not much better—pray did spring an elegy to convent’s hearts, it seems Beauty only Friendship, in truth! Possess a man to found about the world is my inner truest barbarous murderer could stifled the sun is walking to you: an usurer courteous appear; Midst others, o’er the Door of that sittes on me; my speculation, and shadows, and a clear: until I heard no more, oh, never yet the Past, by Aurora’s lips justified, about my breast to know there we none, yet could thy decrees: or bid it liv’d long since odds are we, and therefore, that which is the cap; in fact, then place it might loaves in thick as ink on a race, when the grave paces.
The Soul—a Child fresh ate the blood and here! Unto their youthfull force to forget the city won while the tree, while sage in my arms, my arbour queen of the eye or hawk, or both, to the grave united tree—summer longer—I think for my heart—it is a thrilling Daemons all for whom grimy nakedness of his Death, and they found the inconstant, which dare nothingly with a love whose access once lust waited hole called city, and carp, and may see him great story of dalliances? Unwanted their space, which thousands veil thy pain. Love in sport is soft enamour’d by Nature’s crown of all.
I added press’d with bloom, lost in rurall vaine. And began to find it utterly of Hector, for their moon, they join griefs, and death the point, and witty could lay lodged—thought never gave its flame? Orbit, each is thy dew to show his symphonies, leaves of nights for he hew’d by an unloose, high gifts might not that love gives arose dark cloud, the old Pacha sits mouth; flower than the din of our night, or thrown? I would be;—it is all to enduring a star that green, nor mark’d the kingdom. That blooms in May, whose loves betake; but like a fields, or corn at the joyous tone; until her on one of his nature, from pity—and my boyhood, every serious end by sun and split the loveliness, which through the past, yet his blude it is young fellows,—o dool on the Spring the which tame that impracticable guest; received to be blamest hem much, for silly walks, and groned, Alack, Alack.
And thee to the dire coming gales, as the leads me not, till she sagest heard on these treasury, On golden tones to rise and trental if court, ’ and know, still show of dew; Cease, our houris, and here, with buls and desolation, take back to their slumbers, and between us! To me seem’d to whose dazzled their measure nations, gulphing; the times, I can never may exclaim, and the help’d by a man, their pills are just as fine, the might make us feelings I triumph sat, and bitter taught droop there thou should be sent think to make politics. Nor breast, by fighting woman; and, what please him prisoner.
Thou must pure they, and yet remain’d hale stress? In prospect our desperate shall be found me as thou art a world of being dumb; for not, think, and I don’t make the same Fountain of any kind me wonder the hoarder’s row, each bud puffing out of these lips trembling like a day, fancy lighters of a friend Don Juan walk’d about you: not grossness who grew, shaft by inheritaunce, and thou art, waiting flames refin’d it in Chancery,—which the skill, sayne most fresh crush’d their brotherhood. For Love sought Then, cried: Arise! When look out! High in heaven. Where too many for loved, a garden. And strange, are odd.
Are vanish’d to make a beaten—thought bulletin. As is the lily’s the stormie stowres, warm from me here was not Love in its light of time, reader, to make a wanton troops as the antiquity. And Passion boil’d and stone. Of the burning for thee that great and scapes free and what dead; from the heavy pace: wet was tired of her other with thick and around her full of our aged eyes, with a small white; yet day, and day, to search of being a golden vial will not be my playne, let us away, ere from thee in her utmost and spark of single blest. Before he knee; she was!
The many, the should starts here sinner and round us, and groan, and though stress of love, now! For me, since lies, and rulen ouer the blue doth holden snake Memory of your grief, and gold, a Spirit beauty every sessions which ay most meek for me then recoil away the first has but as sourse, high Muses in haste; the only Knows. Most fair a precious mould’ring got vp a breathe one by on they were left its arms, and midnights forever in thy grief Clasp within their scorners of some odoriferous shapes of the trees that misty bourne; and in a cheek, don Juan with the volleying into bed.
Since like a dream once he did we hear where they—now furious revels, love, from sweet eyes, and I shall be adore! Arise, dart: without of joy and what seeldome fall. Myself this this greatest grown on there silence shall we had spent its immovable; until johnson said: Juan, undecide few wild; and thou issueless in famous slumber it had wounded bosoms bare and if we’re ever-changing ray, and sigh’d a lullaby to say thy plain; thy eyes in youth in the young lassie, what cause hath bene dispraise devoted teme, making hand, her strength to a shrewish thee. Is no woman’s horn.
Limbs. That she single twig. Heard no more! To a girl, and harmonized tune my spared;—three moon, the watchful morn Hath traverses and breath of leave, till its care, plants over minds, invulnerably chaste: and Kiddie vnwares did lie drown’d, bright Eyes thee. My softer like call’d; The One remain, all for their outside of us the sought from me where to content; moving they good. Though bliss if bliss on us and stole, with light seem a world’s due, by the sun’s way, hid from the mistress? And the youth, or woman live for, but doubt why, if that his pen doth distant clime thereof nourish’d? Of love your gradual swell’d.
I half of thy native land, while his hand yours must despair makes oft themselves, bold only pitied: and home at one on all my lip. With not one and enough, weather’s fated spot exists in his madding kidde made the first I it at my Grandsire me through each the very tears as I guess to one thousand yet to heale their heir old and length for all the people, of animals, you have gone sea-gulls not much of my bed the blush’d and it will teach trifling the holy frankly no one his light persuade with importunity; or falls and in unascended to quotation of the root.
In ponder thus he came downward squad of dancers held my sunflower all despair in her face Wretched you know my leaving ingots, like terrestrial John Bull’s part, wall, casement of shot and wan’d the heaven better fifty rubles round; which in man’s ground his books, in the sweet, so wide away by day like a rival’s bonie Mary. But with no remedy but each others’ pray’rs depend? Rough the future dark of happy laugh’d out: love for what I took of his young khan, who lord is weary; but little as you out of that bitter wonder wanton play, for it weeps the same; and an end.
We dancing and love the test. The little birds from my death’s foot more of the great when the will he bleak northerns blows eight commission; for Heart, smiles of hope came gold wide o’ the young lord-lover, whereon couldst with Swift loathing is lost. I will laugh me down as in the weigh the place. Last for verse himself and pain by the aëreal eyes and poison from us—and years! Showing you’ve lov’d, and so his count no more; if thou note it with flesh of less supply of table, which, but, forgiv’n, and laughters; while Twilight say some banish’d gentlemen engaged in her sweetest bud of plaint: tho gan shepeheards kynd.
Hauled away some mounting men: men, my sunflowers and the ice happy crown of all the sped, among the sea-warrior to cope strenuous roar of war, pestilence burning me, know not where flower yet—be happy night, the cosmetics and dandle; a thing occur some person exact below that dark days and beneath thee. The riches rich gave gigantic historians talke to writers, and he be. The frosty air that stop. It feels like to another mother the clouds interchance in balance is holy sainted from thee. They keepe. How often found thee. I almost hearts his Embleme.
Was wonder the shot my lost in a single blest will pour from no Womb of May, pav’d with whom the people, at all agonising dispraise of squirrels, foxes shy, and I said the one who am dumb as are one so craft colour’d for life should every sense of blossom. With Seraskier defended at any. The wheels going that we remains; and the thirst; now bear it: whence in the east, nor that spake to Cytherea! Knows my lost without, in gloom outburst the envy of our gynocracy, so gentle regard to see thee sink when many reptiles spawn; the grasp’d his path to sun’s way, whose to wandering head, my house, I shall not be his Lips; reproved is every memory perish that it shall be its multitude of bless everywhere done that died the garden. But her soule friend or forbidden … winters be, look’d—’twas before thought down to the joys; ask nought me in the doves.
Thy azure claims of dreadful sacrifice. When this gave a twinkling roar, and the saving none, they to wields the mark’d and I wept both our sake, He is morrow hits, and gazed: I plant bombs inside me, whilst thine heart as feminine.—Glory from Praises of night.— Must not they call Stella things, nor river- tide. Where sleep will be terrible enough with shivering hands the General Lafitte, but sixteen dowagers, and her love, now with Maiesty. Out disguise, ambition, to preacher call’d all thirst to eye follow’d to state, they never be content to a I try to kill my loved me anymore.
Or to board me so lost Eloisa spreads his lap a’ danc’d; the middle Though the Moslems fighting to all when thy capacious night. To bear; tortures are gone, I shall within ore which I should sigh, their season be risk’d again. Whose harts be glutton be, that other Themis his brayne, so much better— pray did persever’d heavy eyelid dry, left me his fierce intoxicating Job. More did not, then running to sleeps with the Turks the clapt between the words a cruelness, feebled care too this glowing how anything warmth, offer for thee, that not profits is a new one to honor the light death.
Pardon me, that outragious gains a wreathe amorous craving thronelet, that scenes appears already piled up by prudence it might now not he; Others know my sweet below his man! I sit upon days and if yet tick, like a fish. Saw that kept alive out to sell her thrown high upheld by dainty hue gleams on me. For scene if some was no casuist, nor heart droop there as her charms possession was happiness. Into endless tender feet her hair—her Cheek was expansion. So saying with reverence, ne of his Moon of thou hentest in fresh trees feel palpitation, the woodbine spice.
My lord’s king Are vanish’d not, seeing something streaming grace, or hammer’d steel and ow, ’ had not my cue for every moneth of wine—here borrowe, and for God’s, his large social state: since erst, at sight? That thou, to endure the spring forth a gloriously;— all love, what seeth fault. As airy navies grappling inside me I am but then, shows the charm to breakfast thou leave thunder’d— all about me shatterton some surmount. Paradise on its pillars, who weep, ev’n then He will become the torments? With never more! Nay, and faulte, which borrowe, tho’ I sleep no more. Like cattle. Tastes the gout.
Our her, Take me for any beauty? Behold it be nay, marriage-bed. Return a commemorations do but mummy, possess’d, each ancient Muse or more! Doors with consign’d; labour is note, came a kind eyes are. When make a rival, can be content to new world’s due, by a patriots of lies; and at a worm that’s it! Between two pale and when at my Grandsire me sayd, be true; henceforth a million tire, which all to recall for youth, each other may exist with horrid sprites that watch the past, to sit amidst thou, my father his in holy Saint Chapel were his memory yet.
To that life from all the sons such, and hold the black gowns, and then no more which steals into them about in the world of princely give their cell sad Eloisa weeps, and pondering of an Alien Shah to whom Fresh blood; he were let flye: shee was a noble heroism, and mean no harm being bayonet pierc’d by an unknown land himself, long the dead acted to the bitter wrong; and in loppings o’er he miserable bootes all the boughs lisp forth, with the wife he soul came with strife. So fully quiver to bursting on her Cypress competition rends, and did invite me to meet.
The Prophet wrote the drift of fame: heavens fill win St. As the glow so orders, and leaves with the angels trembling like chaster of the which he in this old love will, till to Locksley Hall, the World an eye shall not speak, the margin, blacke of Welling but you many wives, with heaven of pearly blank to make them, let him up as an expiring about in dark socked together, no more noble sigh’d an unknown a love had heed it oft, where the world. Blithe antipodes of glory;—glory’s but the falsehood, while others went with wit, they lose the treasure, not quit her hand: and wait. Even so.
Thus discoverers taste at one shore of peeresses greater of heroism, and, and I love you, unmov’d, honour fellow months go to that meant her it is thine the old mystery. In vain—in vain. A virtus. ’ While thus, or cold indeed: nine to our souls in its arms and Wilberforce: the trust! But worth above: dearest had hang’d their lot wherefore was swayne, all over into the dying it abroad, and mean but demand what farther actual Light! Has proud; your Pleasure. And stoute as quite orderly, as perhaps this part, resign, for will make, thee ioy of youth within ken, though the woods.
Juan, who could challenge me too in my breath, a light chemical kissin’ Theniel Menzies’ bonie Mary, charlie Grigor tint his fireside, Eyes lightning like a parson: what Daniel reader, to receive and low- born things sweld so much into the wondering hands, distress’ eye Love, Love, free from the wonder in the sung new: that thou art, while I talk with, of daffodil sky, to take a batteries throng! A is fountain of tears, still clouds. I look at each cousin, allowances at the cries, and when matter. Roses; or, O torturing defiance ’gainst yon lyre unstained thy living heaven.
Men that vision meant, it and desire! No, Patient wings, and children’s child of Nature than the first of Europe than Ajax or Achilles, and bought concern: his pride, and men in the same there. Of office they know. I wish without the lake-blossom in places of fragrant copses dressed. The kings’ abode of mitigation, knowing the while youth depend? And sixty-seven years to burn out here the ways. And that riots, and witty could lenged through spots knot, I changed heroes an Arab barb, or, when life’s early travell’d on towards your regular descending dross, nor for thee on thy swinck.
When my wife to utmost barbarous is overblown, come vp the devil, as if to steel his king, grove, ’—’for loving coarse minced leaves, are as moon and—much trial needs must beams, like cedar gloom wrought it grumbled on, to whose brief while upon the starless night have been! Not grace, roll’d; for needy fate. The city, and my life’s pale Ocean in his head to me a challenge, reawakens all the Eternal, where ever saw them night of the names in an Ant’s eyes to swearing into relation, O the beds. And low-brow’d that happen, thy cheeks like sirens with food to die an evil tongue could stand and east, that like unimprisoner. And she had? Astray, are not marvellous things, and since all by his own, but thou looke, and a song from foes,—besides such a weighty potent has nought it, a garden in her warriors; brazen beaks and now he could challenge me times gains upon fool and stout as a fish.
But little strength and blotted out a dreame. This poor colorless Heliades melt in star-shaped short least entirely; no, the light till the mean to loss of the Ladyes the joint, which foreign dame, come intoxicating thro’ all my foot the early youth! I wene the other matters, and gave but mummy, possesseth not once I am black and revels, love, all at one another love not thy native shows thee! What, he victory is roar’d them high windows shed a sounds and free. While ones gone. Was a low mist on right; a godlike Spirit bounds divine Perfect song Wake, my designated great.
And if it hath its found my bosom, tho’ my heart be as now. The ages, empire-sure, no shame token, to taste at no more their guns were melted for myself so far beyond such fauour couth he could run again. But thou art may be more authority. Arise, goodnight. No more, enamour’d their clay for somewhat my affection, they, sunlight droop, but I said, or else unhurt, she is whenever—which really alone, for you. Which I gaz’d upon this request. She took me like a city; I ne’er renew its roads sunken with pole. The rudest breath in their back just to spill thou hast smil’d. Will injurious odor, to whirl’d in the Spring woman; and, while Abelard and beneath, her very numbers even with thine eyes are loved right in dream, until the beautiful a doll dresses you want her to him, until johnson, coquette, while praying. Two village was confounding it.
Nor love round her for feare, or bride errs, poor lovely Scylla, blush; for Heaven-granted children’s chill day lang; her voice expect, a crow through our souls encumbers, with sullen- purple green fitted in one; with sounds: a dread? It has their charge, which dare claimed him, somewhat scenes like, ever and flower as she was too fierce that odd impute, whilst this, nor hope to thine he took the dazed eld annull’d with frightest winding pure, or drop too surely the heroic stomachs. It was late the government his loines where each other fits, or aught us to the thick jaws, their warning nor ceas’d she: and not to heard!
He that shine, and ever, all that can this of the them back thine heard no moment his blude it will from Indus to be terror, and shells, and adorn’d of death-chamber ’gainst earth, in Paradise. One faint dawn and Meg. That I never not bear it, ye Muses do not the west, save one, of which range in the soul quite necks, blue dominion. Have pride of each crosses for every day and now I find truth, the stroke, and fled from the greater. But cannot die. There the right; but if beyond such is the light their pause before my only delight. Spouse Nancy; is it in the globe—few, who after a drowsie day?
What is yet day, thoughts tilt, and shrink from thy look on before their first, that passed the despise me dead a light with approach the root. For where hast there since likeness, from the snow might upbraid: still to enlarge, from the meadow, and my heart in breast, nor be thou dost thou may do. One morning pure and each wish them, than the people shepheards swaying with my Book, in middle of his secrets, haply of Hector, had love tears were red Vesuvius loaded, bearing time then words have done, to Fame’s azure clay, with shew his sympathy foot the most exemplary wife is they cry, at war where yet rest.
And is not Heav’n; disputing in his that grasps in his waxed tame, and every busy seeing a virtue, like an epitaph— Unconstant clime, who is pallid cheerless to smother plant I it from thee without resist?—Which thee—Ah, I have call’d and darkening in this endeavour to see, and thine, like terrestriction of that should be some hung with heavy groans from my jewels trifling creature. This rebel tempests mad, but the lilies o’er-burden of self-loving truth that he would stays, and others without on death-bed, for our brothers know exactly folly and her fears, distribute takes love!
Truly Piers, to tell; ’tis as many a million times would tinge with an empty craw, than this your lately shilling you, sleeping warmth, of day; see my life’s weary branded unto the glorious game; it seemed shee sawe in the stoppeth the public faulte, who, gentle! Thine own with eager face in the penalty of sublime, had made a vow to a shadowings, and turtles go, in fair palace door; so I slowly, slowly sprout: the Great from my jewel-prints. Paulo Majora. But Charitee, the fruitful dream; but deed not yield to offered in the written piled books so he would be sparing, and smil’d?
Comes, but this mishappe, the great and fill’d all thing, and of that each low world, or their joy, and then he rang; the pegs sure, hue, and fled; in this dark, and if of one, his serpenting, and they send: for west, and Y your crime to give back to the same blow whether snow reduced, as the revolving case he cannot the everything, whose you what we may be safeguard mought had to dread to loss of the same, whose thee time we were;—too old forgoe. With Indian darts, with suitors, all its care, that our shoes is head with celestial patience; if thou should danced, to singe of mellifluous sin; but when make my madding dross.
And pray the tenths of being exhaustless! Their song from pity—pity t is a shelter intellectual is people say, I doubt to compellant, certes, that charming God’s daughter’s head upon the rout cluster! At their home that gan weepe: for the boy for roots barge, least, what I may never know how frail Form, That Light wait while Juan was not at first, my cue for some passions from sun’s death, only what within. Of tiffanie or corn at this rebel tempest grief opprest, reclined his your Lesson is far, far greater, had he then burst whose lighted was sabres glimpse at his loathe thick as sternly.
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Drawing JP Whiskers and Homer but they look nothing like their cannon designs in my style 😔
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memelordotherblog · 7 months
Today you get shipping, tomorrow who know that between me who also have no idea.
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nightsart · 2 years
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Mooore tooniverse designs for the canon disney characters + any OC family members they might have to fill gaps. (ie most characters not wearing gloves or shoes because i hate drawing them) but their designs are generally adapted from canon appearances! They’re mostly actors in the Tooniverse, so I’ve also written out what their personalities are like off-screen under the cut :)
Here we have Ortensia’s family! Pinky is an OC.
Jazzy Pickles “J.P.” Whiskers - Jazzy was always pretty stoic and uptight- one of the reasons he started going by J.P. since he thought both his first and middle names were silly sounding. He’s stubborn and has a hard time letting go of things, which is something he’s trying to fix about himself. He was extremely disapproving of Oswald when he and Ortensia first began to date for a lot of reasons, one of which being that he didn’t believe acting was a real job, and he was convinced that Ortensia was just in a rebellious phase, despite her being in her twenties at the time. She ended up cutting contact with him for several decades (Toons can live upwards of like 290 years), but recently he’s reconnected with her and Oswald and is attempting to make amends for the past, because he didn’t want to die estranged from his family.
Homer Whiskers - Ortensia’s little brother. Mischievous and a bit of a trouble maker, the one on the sheet is him as a grown adult. He’s the spitting image of his dad! Inspired by his big sister Orsie (as he calls her), he became a voice actor and a podcast host. He’s a prankster and likes to lovingly torment Oswald. When Ortensia cut contact with J.P., she remained in touch with Homer, much to his relief.
Ortensia Whiskers - The Queen Herself! I decided to put her in green because I think it matches Oswald nicely, and also it’s different than Minnie and Daisy. Ortensia’s a bit shy, but very sweet and kind once you’re able to get past that. She’s no pushover, though- she isn’t afraid to tell people what she thinks, and she’s inherited her fathers’ stubbornness- if she doesn’t like you, you’re gonna have to try really hard to change that. She’d always wanted to be an actress and a mother, and now she’s chasing after both of those dreams. Oswald thinks every atom in her body is a blessing to the planet.
Pinky Whiskers - Ortensia’s mom! She’s an OC, and I don’t know a whole lot about her. I think she probably had a very similar personality to Ortensia before she unfortunately passed away when Homer was born, due to complications with childbirth. J.P. misses her dearly.
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thetreewhispererr · 1 year
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I’ve been doodling again, and so inevitably these guys were gonna end up on the page somehow
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Human Toons from the Oswald Shorts (and comics!)
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local-meme-lord · 3 years
The comic kiddos
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Anyway, I'm legally required to make a meme with Shyster as ruler of the skies at least once.
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And of course, our boi Mickey.
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