#homestuck did it first
c0rv1dco · 3 months
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Day 184 of drawing ponk until he’s added to the qsmp!
@routeriver @goooser @snails-are-made-of-jelly @kuprisunshka @bdaycheesecake @evren-sadwrn
You let your anxiety get the best of you, but you aren’t reckless. You jog over to the door of the B cabin and knock with urgency. Tubbo answered the door fairly quickly, and you could see Jack and Sapnap behind him.
“Um, Dinner’s ready and I was coming to get you guys but I think something happened next door and I don’t want to go alone. I don’t know if an animal got in somehow or what.” You’re unsure of your words, you don’t want to assume the worst and scare everyone and you didn’t really think this through. It doesn’t seem to matter though.
“Yeah- no worries mate. Lead the way.” Tubbo smiled at you, clearly hearing the tension in your voice and wanting to help. He grabs a coat from beside the door and steps out, looking to see if the other boys were following.
“Food’s ready, we’ll meet you fellas at Sam’s.” Jack announced, casting his voice up the stairs by the front door, and knocking on the wall to get whoever’s attention. “Ready?” Jack asked, looking back towards the small group, but Sapnap was already walking out the front door, and Jack followed, pulling the door closed with him.
“Dude I left my coat inside.” Sapnap said, pulling on the locked door handle. Tubbo glanced back, but didn’t pay him any mind. He nudged you on gently.
You lead Tubbo to the front of the next door cabin. He begins to fumble with his keys and unlock the door, as you peer through the windows, trying to see between blinds and darkness. Sapnap passes you a large plastic flashlight. You didn’t see him grab it but it must’ve been by the door. You flick it on and it flickers to life, but unfortunately the blinds offer little light to go through. Tubbo finds the right key and unlocks the door. You walk ahead of the others, walking through the foyer and sweeping the light. You headed to where you best guessed the cracked window was, going from vague location and the sound of the wind. You walk through a hallway into what looks to be a living-room. The smell of blood fills your nose once more, and your light finds an inky pool of fluid coming from a lump in front of the couch. You freeze for a moment, letting shock consume you as you identify hair and clothes. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears, much too loud to process the reactions of your friends. The nurse in you takes over, you set the flashlight down and crouch by the body, putting your fingers on the thick bloodied neck, feeling for a pulse. Be it frantic shock or the chill of the body in front of you, you decide you don’t feel a pulse. You push him flat onto his back, holding back puke when you identify Dream’s face. You’ve known him how long now? You put your ear against his mouth. No breathing. Okay, what next? What would he do for you? He’s already done so much, helping with your tuition, referring you to your internship… You interlock your fingers, one hand on top of the other, and place them on the bottom edge of his sternum, and begin pushing. Where will you all hang out without him? How will your friends cover the rent of the nice appartement? You slow your pace, aware that you’re getting distracted, speeding up in desperation. One, two, three, four… Was that too many chest compressions? You weren’t counting. You tip his chin up and pinch his nose, pressing your mouth to his and breathing air into his lungs several times, before returning to chest compressions. Come on Dream. Come on! Are you not pushing hard enough? You push harder, putting more force into your compressions until your shoulders ache.
“Ponk..” Jack interrupted. You hardly heard him, eyes glazed, only focused on your job, the job nobody else here is qualified to do if you get too tired. A job you should’ve been here to do sooner. If only you didn’t take a nap—
“Ponk.” Jack said more sternly, putting a hand on your shoulder and gently pulling you off of Dream. “He’s blue mate. He’s gone, you’re wasting your time.” You sit back on your knees, and let his words sink in, looking over at your friend on the ground. Other than the ribs you broke, you could see several stab wounds in his gut, and his throat slit, both resulting in a puddle that you now sit in, choking back tears. Jack squats down and wraps his arms around you. You aren’t sure if he’s shivering because of the cold or the situation you find yourselves in, but it hardly mattered. He was warm, and you let yourself cry. You silence the thoughts of self-blame for a moment. And almost forget you’re sitting in a puddle of one of your close friends’ blood. Almost. You wipe your tears with bloody hands after a few moments and sit, staring at Dream for a moment. Tubbo shifts his feet and the floor creaks. Sapnap’s crouched beside you, when did he get there? You didn’t notice.
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lizardinkart · 1 year
Making a new D&D one shot character when…
Me: So I’m making a barbarian and the gimmick is that they smoke a ton of weed to not be angry and go into a rage. Funny, huh? :D
My Partner (has read Homestuck): You do know that’s just a Homestuck character right?
Me (hasn’t read Homestuck): As long as it’s not the clown one, I’m fine with that.
*long silence*
Partner: …It’s the clown one.
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spunkydash · 2 months
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some arasol stuff !!!!
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faygos · 4 months
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wire and glass and stainless steel
now i can imagine how i'd feel
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dorizard-art · 2 years
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This one physically hurt to draw but we can’t have 2012 posting with fandomstuck
[Image ID: Image 1 shows the personifications of the Homestuck, Super-who-lock and Warrior Cats fandoms in the Homestuck art style. They are seated in a room with a ball pit in the background, and a sign that reads “2012 cringe fandom support group”. Dialogue follows. Homestuck: Where’s Onecler? Super-who-lock: Probably still upset about the sexy-man poll. Warrior Cats: tch, those twittypets don’t know anything! End dialogue. Image 2 shows a personification of tumblr kicking open the door, drawn like the Phineas and Ferb meme and yelling: “GUYS HOLY FUCK”. Image 3 shows tumblr pointing dramatically towards the camera, dialogue follows: The twitter users are coming so we have to make this place as inhospitable as possible. So grab your Tardises and your quadrants and your plinko horses, we’re firing shots to keep the rent down. Image 4 shows a close-up of the Warrior Cats fandom looking in awe. Dialogue follows: Warrior Cats: Oh can we call ourselves tumblr-clan? Tumblr: That’s... the best idea I’ve heard all goddamn day. Maximum cringe, tumblrinas! end ID]
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rodentopiaa · 6 months
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Are you down for a round of chess? Coming back from such a long break with a Homestuck fanart. Nature is healing, I AM HEALING, buahaha
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hartteart · 7 months
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so i guess it’s a comic about some kids who are stuck inside a house? weird
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tgcg · 6 months
w + your art is consistently well thought out + your characterization is impeccable + I look forward to you posting & am excited when I see there is something new + thank you for sharing the things you post I hope you have a wonderful night
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hey thanks so much anon that means a lot. you guys make my days so much easier
one for you i hope u like
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cheetour · 7 months
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Just in case something happens to tumblr, I finished my promstuck archive project. You can now read and download Promstuck on google docs!
@promstuck was a popular Homestuck fanventure/fancomic created over 2011-2012 and was originally posted on tumblr.
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tempestousstocking · 6 days
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tyranitarkisser · 6 months
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slavhew · 27 days
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knights in pajama armor
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feymarche · 2 months
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300 beautiful goth women and tommy coolatta
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hanjoj · 2 months
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Would you have him as a PT? 👀
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theswordwizard · 1 year
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serfuzzypushover · 9 months
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otherkin meeting ❤️
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