#honestly I just wanted to draw them both in their empire finery
ridrawsart · 1 year
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Thinking about Kiriona Gaia and Harrow the First. Thinking about an AU where they met. Thinking about how tragic of a dynamic that would've been. Thinking of what it'd be like to be in love with a girl that can't even remember you and respects you because you're prince to the empire but hates being around you because every time she is she gets massive headaches and starts to bleed from her ears.
Just girly things.
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rohad93 · 5 years
A Knights Affair : Chapter 2 - Horses and secerets
The sun rose bright and early over the Drysor empire. It’s citizens up even before the light had peaked over the horizon. Most of its citizens. 
The bright sunlight was peaking between the dark curtains of Blues room, making the blonde hair beneath her fingers shine like spun gold. 
Blue threaded her fingers through it slowly, touch light as a feather, least she wake her sleeping companion, though she really should wake her. Yellow would be furious with herself when she awoke to find the sun had nearly cleared the horizon and she had overslept. 
She always was. 
If she wasn’t up and gone before the sun began to rise she would grumble and gripe under her breath the rest of the morning.
She was adamant that their chances of getting caught could only grow higher in the light of day. 
While Blue may have agreed with that sentiment she was still reluctant to let her lover go, especially when a whole night together was so hard to come by. 
The eldest princess had propped herself up on her left elbow as she ran her fingers over her facedown lovers form. 
Freckles dotted her back like a map of the night sky. She paid them less mind though as she traced the pads of her fingers over the dips and curves of every scar that marred her skin. 
Blue couldn’t help but smile at them. Once, the many marks had made her heart clench, but time with Yellow had taught her that the marks only highlighted how strong she was, she of course still didn’t like seeing the knight captain injured.
Yellow began to move when she brushed over a large scar on her shoulder, slowly, stretching out a body still bogged down by sleep. Slowly her eyes began to open, squinting against the harsh light shining into the room. She glanced around at the room before her eyes settled on Blue.
“Blue…” She gurgled before a jaw cracking yawn stopped anything else she might have said. 
“Sleep well?” Blue giggled quietly as she leaned forward to press a kiss to the crinkled skin of her forehead.   
“You should have woke me.” She mumbled, rolling over onto her back and pushing herself to sit up.
Blue wrapped her arms around the blondes waist and laid her cheek against a chest as freckled as her back. 
“I know… but I didn’t want you to go yet…” She mumbled, nuzzling her face against the soft skin and the yellow diamond pendant that was hanging from Yellow’s throat, laying in the space just above her breasts. Only a slightly different shape than the ultramarine one that hung from Blue’s own neck. 
As much as Yellow had complained when she had gifted it to her, that a knight didn’t need such finery, gift or no, she was pleased that she wore it all the same. 
“Once the sun is up the servants are already roaming the halls, it will be that much harder for me to get out unnoticed.” Yellow grunted, even as she slid her fingers through the long strands of silvery white hair. 
“I know” Blue sighed. “I just wanted more time...” She closed her eyes as Yellow pressed her lips to her head. 
"They'll be no more time if the queen finds out and has me put to death…" She mumbled to herself but Blue heard her just the same.
“Don’t say that…” Her voice hardened to an edge even as her grip tightened and Yellow knew her mistake. She pressed another kiss against Blue’s head.
“Forgive me” She breathed, pulling her closer. 
They stayed that way for a while longer before Yellow knew she needed to go if she were to leave the royal wing of the castle unseen. 
She could feel Blues eyes on her as she dressed, latching each piece of armor carefully into its rightful place. If she did this a little slower than normal who was to say. 
When she’d finished she turned back to the bed where Blue still lay, bright cerulean eyes locked onto her. She kneeled on the bed, Blue pushing herself up to meet her halfway in one last kiss that honestly went on longer than she had intended but neither would complain.  
“Later, in the library?” Blue mumbled against her lips.
“Of course” The knight promised before finally leaving without another word. 
Blue sighed to herself as she finally sat up, still warm silk sheets pooling around her. The nights were just never long enough in Yellow’s presence but dragged on forever without it.  
She took her time dressing and making sure to cover any of the marks Yellow had left the night before from their feverish lovemaking.  
The hall was devoid of servants when she finally left her room and made her way to the dining room. She wasn’t surprised to see Rosaline waiting in her usual spot or that her mother wasn’t there, the previous evenings dinner had been a rare exception. 
Blue frowned to herself. Once their mother had taken every meal with them, but over the last three years her presence had become more and more scarce and she kept herself locked in her own chambers when not holding court. When she did come to meals she often made odd comments or merely ate and stared off at nothing. 
Blue was pulled from her thoughts by her sister calling out to her. 
“Good morning, Pink.” She leaned over and pressed a kiss to the girls curly pale hair, her own nickname for the girl slipping out in the relative privacy of the dining room.  “How did you sleep?” She asked as she settled herself into the chair beside the younger princess, where she sat when their mother didn’t come to meals. 
“Fine. Will you tell me about your meeting with the captain now?” She looked up from her breakfast of bread, fruit and cheese. Blue rolled her eyes at the girls one track mind.  
“It really wasn’t anything interesting. Just how things have been going with the rebellion.” She said as a servant placed a tray of the same in front of her. Pink pursed her lips, looking like she didn’t believe it. Blue popped a strawberry into her mouth. 
“What about this morning?” She asked after a moment. Blue coughed, nearly swallowing the fruit whole. She grabbed the flagon of wine in front of her and drank, dislodging the fruit. 
W-What?” She coughed, turning to her sister with wide eyes. 
“The captain, I saw her outside your door this morning, but she was gone before I could get dressed. What were you talking about?” 
Blue bit her lip, Yellow was right, not that she intended to tell her that. Maybe if she didn’t wear such bright armor... She thought to herself as she stared down at her sister still waiting for an answer. 
“I’m sorry, Pink, but if the captain was outside my door this morning she never came in.” Technically it was true, Yellow had not come in her room this morning, only left it… 
“I saw her!” She insisted.
“I’m sure you did.” She held up a hand to calm the girl. “Even if she was there I never saw her.” That was less true… 
The girl held her stare a minute longer before turning back to her breakfast, grumbling something under her breath Blue couldn’t hear.  
“I’m sure we’ll see the captain later.” She smiled. One of them would at any rate. 
They sat and ate in companionable silence before the younger couldn’t contain herself anymore.
“Would you come riding with me today, Blue?” She piped up. 
Blue looked at the girl thoughtfully, teasing her more than anything, her schedule was delightfully empty other than her secret meeting with the captain later in the day. When she felt she had let her sibling squirm enough she smiled.
“I’d love to, starlight.” She tapped the girls nose affectionately, using their mother’s loving monicker for the girl. One that was never uttered anymore. 
The girls face split into a wide grin. 
“I’m going to change into my riding pants!” She jumped up, bounding across the dining room, barely missing a passing serving girl. Blue sighed. For someone who claimed they weren’t a child the youngest of the Diamonds certainly did not act like it.
Blue changed quickly into a dress more suited for riding and headed down to the stables, Pink was no doubt chomping at the bit herself. Patience was not one of the girls virtues. 
The day was warm and clear as she walked down the dirt path to the stables. Pink had at least chosen a good day to go out. She could hear the usual sounds of horses and stablehands moving about, but also voices. 
“What if you put javelins on the horse?” Pink’s voice drifted out of the stable as she got closer. Blue frowned, her sister never spoke to the stablehands. 
”It wouldn’t be very practical...” Came the deadpan reply in a smooth familiar voice that made Blue pick up the pace.  
She stepped around the corner and a smile bloomed on her face at the sight before her. 
Leaning on one of the stable gates was her sister, in conversation with Yellow. The knight was was without her armor, dressed in a loose cotton shirt and a brown jerkin but her sword was strapped to her side as always, at rest against the leg of her trousers.  
“Why not? You wouldn’t even have to get off the horse.” Pink argued. 
“You would be just as likely to impale your own men as much as the enemy.” Yellow said, not even looking at the youngest princess as she brushed her horse. A tall, broad, brown and tan striped stallion the captain referred to as Jasper.
“Mother said it doesn’t matter how many lives it takes, so long as the rebellion is stopped...” Pink repeated, looking up at the captain almost questioningly. Yellow went stock still, lips pursed. Blue could clearly see what Yellow thought of that as she turned to face the girl, but wouldn’t dare raise her word against the queens, perhaps to her, but not Pink.
“All life has value, Pink” She said as she walked up to them, drawing both their gazes. 
“Your, highness.” Yellow greeted with a dip of her head when cerulean and amber eyes met. Blue could see the spark in them, she was sure she was just as transparent to the knight. 
“Captain…” She greeted back, the lilt in her voice made Yellow’s lips twitch. 
Pink was oblivious to what was going on.   
“Yellow! You should come riding with us!” The princess bounced on her toes as she stared up at the taciturn knight. Before she could answer Blue spoke up as well.
“Yes, captain, we could use an escort if you don't have any other pressing matters.” She smiled, knowing from the look on Yellow’s face the knight would agree. She was momentarily thankful for Pink’s admiration for the knight captain, even if it often proved more troublesome than convenient in keeping their secret.  
“If you’d like me to accompany you I can.” Yellow nodded, arms crossed over her chest. She couldn’t fool Blue though. She could tell when the blonde was happy just by the way she held herself.   
“Yes!” Pink jumped.
“Rosaline...” Blue scolded. Pinks shoulders hunched up to her ears at her sister’s chastising tone. Seeing the girl properly quieted Blue turned her attention back to the amused knight. 
“We would appreciate your company, captain.” 
“Shall we go than?” Yellow asked, turning her eyes to the still sulking princess. Pink lit up under her gaze and bolted across the stables to the stall holding her favorite horse. A tall, lithe creature with off white fur she loving called, Pearl. A stable hand moved to help the younger princess saddle her mount as Yellow went to help Blue.
“It isn’t what I had in mind, but I certainly won’t complain.” Blue mumbled under her breath, never looking up from the task of saddling her horse, Holly; even when she could feel the knight standing just behind her.
“Going riding or that your sister is here?” Yellow asked just as quietly, making a show of checking the straps of Blue’s saddle. 
Yellow huffed a laugh, grinning sidelong at blue before turning to saddle Jasper. 
“Lets go!” Pink bounced impatiently in her saddle. 
“Were coming…” Blue assured, situating herself atop the silvery gray mare. Yellow just hummed, as they followed Pink out of the stables and into the fields that surrounded the palace. 
Pink wasted no time galloping ahead, exploring every path and shaded area beneath the trees at the forest's edge while her sister and the knight followed at a more reserved pace at each other's side and out of earshot.  
“She’s been asking about you all morning.” Blue turned to her companion. 
“She caught me heading to the stables and I haven’t been able to shake her since.” Yellow grunted, glancing around the open field for potential danger as Pink led them to wherever her heart pleased, headless of any danger.  
“She greatly admires you, darling.” 
“Flattering, but she could admire me a little less…” Yellow mumbled, sitting up higher in her saddle, secretly pleased.  
“I’m afraid It seems to be a family trait…” Blue smiled when the knights face darkened. 
“Blue, Yellow, come look here!” Pinks call saved the knight from Blue’s teasing as they crested a hill that looked down on the valley where the city lay sprawled out in front of them with the sea on one side and farmland on the other, both stretching out as far as the eye could see. 
“What is that?” Pink pointed off into the distance. Blue wasn’t sure where she was pointing to but Yellow seemed to know. 
“On the southern side.” She jerked her head and Blue could see it now, a large group of men and horses walking along the road leaving the city “It's the regiment the queen is sending to secure the southern border with the other territories, should they decide to rebel like Aarde.” Yellow said sourly. 
“I thought the territory in rebellion was called East Drysor?” Pink looked up at the knight. 
“Here, in the heart of the empire, but to the rebels it is still Aarde.” Yellow frowned, watching the procession of armed men. The southern territories had shown nothing but loyalty, even sending reinforcements to the rebellions front line. 
To send so many to protect a perfectly safe border when they were sorely needed on the front left Yellow aggravated and confused. The queen's orders often did that as of late.    
Gloved hands tightened around Jaspers reigns. 
“Are you okay, Yellow?” She turned back to Pink, looking at her with worried eyes. Yellow managed to muster a smile for the princess.
“I’m fine.” She assured. Blue frowned from behind the younger royal but didn’t say anything.
“What were you doing in the royal wing this morning?” Pink suddenly asked, making both women's look at her. 
“What?” Yellow blinked at the girl.
“I saw you in front of Bue’s door this morning.” She explained. 
“I was simply checking the security of the doors...” The lie rolled easily off Yellow’s tongue. 
“The doors?” Pinks brows furrowed between her eyes. “Why?” 
“Just to be cautious.” Yellow shrugged. Pink frowned and turned to survey the field, bored by the inane answer. The second she was looking elsewhere Yellow’s head whipped to Blue, eyes glaring in the obvious ‘I told you so look.’  Blue had the decency to look away.  
Pink hummed as she glanced around and spotted large oak tree off in the distance.
“I bet I can beat both of you to that tree.” She challenged, pointing to the spot. 
“Why don’t we see.” Blue smirked, suddenly spurring Holly into a gallop.
“Blue!” Pink screeched furiously as she followed, Yellow right behind her. Blue only laughed in answer as they flew over and across the fields, wind whipping through her hair.  
She could hear her sisters light footed mare not far behind her, but the younger horse would never catch her. She glanced over her shoulder with a grin just as Yellow galloped by, wiping the grin from her face.  
The knight captain smirked at her as the stallion pulled ahead beating both royals to the tree.    
“That wasn’t fair, Blue!” Pink wailed when she pulled her horse to a stop. 
“Not that it stopped the captain from beating me.” She turned to the grinning knight. 
“Had I been in my armor I wouldn’t have.” 
Pink just slumped in her saddle. Yellow rolled her eyes.
“You rode exceptionally well, princess.” 
Pink jerked up at that.
“Really?” She asked. Yellow gave a nod. 
“Your horse was bred to be beautiful, not quick. That you kept up with your sister and I was worth note.” 
Pink grinned the entire way as she lead them back to the castle. Blue gave the knight a knowing look, which Yellow carefully avoided, looking anywhere but either of the Princess’.  
“You had best hurry along to your afternoon lessons.” Blue reminded Pink as they entered the stables, dismounting.  
“Ugh..” Pink grumbled. 
“Go on now. Attend your lessons and tomorrow I’ll take you into the city with me.” Blue promised, smiling as Pink lit up like the sun before bolting out of the stables, up the path to the palace.
“Bye Yellow!” She called over her shoulder making the knight snort in amusement. 
A stable hand began to unsaddle both royals horses robbing Blue of her excuse to linger there with Yellow. Resigning herself she started back toward the palace. 
She passed the knight as she made her way out of the stables. 
“One hour from now..” She whispered as she passed. Yellow hummed, seemingly to herself but Blue knew better. 
The hour seemed to drag by for Blue even as she sat in the palace library surrounded by thick leather bound tomes and shelves full of scrolls. 
The library had a special place in her heart. 
It was one of her favorite places as a child to hide from her governess and some years later she would sit nestled among the shelves, thumbing her way through every novel she could get her hands on, soaking up every word she could. Another handful of years after that, at the age of eighteen, it became her favorite place to hide yet again, but this time, from ardent suitors vying for her hand. 
It was here, on the second floor, crouched among the shelves that she had run headlong into her mother’s newest appointed knight. 
A tall blonde woman she had only seen from afar at ceremonies 
The then twenty year old knight hadn’t been able to apologize enough for not looking where she had been going. 
Looking back it was rather endearing. Though she had been rather tongue tied herself in the attractive knights presence. 
No amount of etiquette lessons had prepared her for the way her heart began to pound in her chest every time they ran into each other among the books. Brief greetings turning into short chats, than into long conversations and debates about the books they were reading, sometimes they played chess for hours, enjoying each others company.
It took a few months for Blue to realize she was enamored with Yellow. 
She’d come across the knight one hot afternoon, alone on the training field. She was pulling off her armor and the thin white cotton shirt she’d been wearing beneath was soaked through with sweat. 
Blue’s face burned hotly as she hurried away from the field before the knight saw her. 
She didn’t know what to do with herself after this discovery about herself. Surely Yellow would be repulsed by the idea. She languished over it for weeks before one day they had been alone, in a back corner of the library’s second floor, standing close together leaned over a book.
Yellow was pointing to a particular passage that proved her point in a debate about the empires history that had been ongoing between them for the better part of two months when she’d turned to Blue, smiling and pleased with herself . Her amber eyes alight from the light of the nearby lantern and Blue hadn’t been able to help herself…
“This proves it!” Aurelia jabbed at the passage of text. 
“I suppose it does.” She admitted halfheartedly, she was much to distracted by the knights proximity to listen to what she was saying. They were so close their shoulders and arms were brushing. 
It was dark, their lantern the only source of light in the room. Night had fallen some time ago but Aurelia wouldn’t give up on her search for this particular book, so she stayed where she was, happy to be in the other woman's presence, even as it caused her so much inner turmoil. It was improper for her to have these feelings. For a woman first and foremost, secondly, for someone of the knights lineage and status in comparison to her own. 
 She was Azurine Diamond; heir apparent to the Drysor Empire.
Aurelia Stone was a knight; only child of a low-class merchant.  
Yet her feelings remained. Her heart and body throbbed whenever she was near.
She shook head, trying to clear away the rampant thoughts. 
“Well?” The knight asked with a grin, turning to look at her, book still held open in her hands. 
The light from the lantern was casting shadows across her sharp cheeks and jaw and lighting the amber hue of her eyes ablaze. 5 years later she still wouldn’t be able to explain what had made her surge forward, pressing her lips firmly to the knights mouth and squeezing her eyes shut. 
She was barely aware of the clatter as the book tumbled from Aurelia’s hands to the cold stone floor. The blonde was stiff as a board against her and Azurine felt cold dread creeping up her throat like bile. 
She pulled away, opening her eyes to look at the knight staring back at her, mouth ajar and eyes blown wide.
“I..I’m sorry…” She managed, taking a step back, that seemed to snap the knight out of her shock. Just as the princess turned to flee her wrist was caught in a steel grip and she was turned back around only catching a brief glimpse of those molten eyes before lips were pressing back against hers.  
She stood momentarily stunned at what was happening before she felt the knights arms wrap around her waist, spurring her to wrap her own around her neck, her fingers digging into the blonde locks as she was pulled tighter against the taller muscled form. The moan that left her throat surprised them both and they parted, panting and staring at each other with wide eyes. 
“I…” the knight started, before trailing off, unsure what to say.
“Kiss me again…?” her voice was low, like speaking any louder than a whisper would break the moment. 
Like any good knight, she did as she was asked. 
Blue smiled to herself as she thought about their first kiss, here in the library. 
“What are you smiling about?” A quiet voice made her jump, whipping around to find the object of her thoughts standing their, brow quirked in question. Blue closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around Yellow’s neck.
“Why, you of course, my darling.” She said before pressing a long kiss to Yellow’s smiling lips.
She was Azurine Diamond; heir apparent to the Drysor Empire.
Aurelia Stone was a knight; only child of a low-class merchant.  
They were Blue and Yellow; and they were in love.
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