#dear evan hansen x male!reader
yvette-tal · 1 year
“I feel kinda…empty.”
Connor opens his eyes again, turning on his side to look at you in the darkness of his room, barely able to make out your figure among his covers but she can clearly see your eyes so that’s what he looks at.
“yeah? what’s that like?” He mumbled as he scoots closer to hear you, assuming you don’t want to raise your voice much more than the whisper you started with.
“well..it just feels like nothing I do matters..”
Connor nods quietly, not wanting to interrupt since it’s the first time you’re telling him what you’ve been so ‘gloomy’ about the past few weeks, but he relates to you so far.
“Like..no matter what I do different or what I could do different—the people I talk to, wherever I happen to go that day, whatever I do in my free time before work, what I do after work…I feel empty. Like absolutely nothing would change is I were to just…”
You trail off and look away with a frustrated sigh, blocking Connor’s view of your eyes. “I’m a boring person.” You mumble into his pillow, flinching slightly when Connor lays his head on your shoulder.
“I don’t think you are.” He mumbled “all of my best memories involve you…I’d be upset if you just disappeared.” He added, leaning against you more and smiling slightly when he catches a glimpse of you rolling your eyes. “What? You don’t believe me?”
“No, Connor. I don’t.” You mutter and smack his hand away when he reaches up to squish your face in his hand “What could I have possibly done to make such a great change in your life?” You ask sarcastically, rolling your eyes again as Connor lays his head on the same pillow as you, this time laying on his back and looking up at the ceiling.
“Well, I probably would have killed myself by now if we never became friends.” He says quietly, looking over at you when you elbow him “I’m serious…”
“Yeah whatever…”
“I wouldn’t be having a sleepover with anyone right now if we hadn’t met, I wouldn’t have anyone to talk to, or share a sketchbook with…” Connor continued, only going quiet at the small sound of annoyance you let out.
“You could do that with anyone though..” I mumble and look the other way.
“but that point is that I did it with you. you’re what matters, idiot.” Connor mumbles as he pulls you close, an arm tight around your neck as he nuzzled your faces together, laughing quietly as you squirm in his hold to try to push him away.
“stupid, get off of me!” You whisper shout
“fuck you!” Connor whisper shouts back as he tightens his hold.
(can you tell I adore Connor Murphy lmao)
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tatteredtoby · 2 months
you x Simon Highschool Theater au.
The director banned dating in the cast, because it could cause tension and the show would go to shit.
But just look at those eyes. Those beautiful Root Brew (321107) colored eyes that turn pitch black when he looks at you.
The blond hair the color of Saturns Rings.
He’s built like a fucking quarterback, yet he’s in theater. You’d think he’d be bullied for it, but he’s 6’4 and beefy. Everyone’s scared of that fucker.
But as soon as he’s in the auditorium, or backstage, or on stage with his cast members, he just melts into this giddy guy with so much damn husband potential.
That only continues when you are cast as Evan and he’s cast as Connor, where the choreographer most likely sees the chemistry, makes you both hold hands in the show, and him kiss your cheek during “Sincerely, Me.”
———————————————————————————This is based off my own experience omggggggmgmgmgm I’m projecting this is gonna be so fun to write
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whoseholtz · 4 months
if i could tell her | will smith
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pairing : will smith x fem!reader
warnings : the BRIEFEST mention of being drunk underage, cursing, situationships (ick), reader is a theater kid, use of y/n, dear evan hansen, kissing, but just sickening fluffiness mainly <3
summary : will finally plucks up the courage to tell y/n he wants their relationship be more than just casual, and when he tries confessing he unintentionally quotes dear evan hansen
word count : 2.5k
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Y/N and Will had been casually ‘going out’ for around a month now, but due to their conflicting schedules, they rarely got time alone together. Whenever either party had ever felt like they had the right moment to attempt at confessing, something always seemed to come up, or in many cases, ruin the moment.
The previous Monday, Will was quite literally seconds away from finally, officially, asking Y/N out. But do you know what happened? Gabe interrupted; the moment was perfect, and his teammate had ruined it.
Will attempted not to seem phased by it and tried to move on, but he still felt a hint of bitterness in his stomach when he thought back to that day.
However, the failed attempts aside, Will was determined that today was the day; in a few hours, Y/N would be his girlfriend and he would be her boyfriend. At least that was the hope.
Everything was planned out; that very night was Y/N’s first performance in front of a sold-out audience as Evan Hansen in BC’s production of DEH. He was so proud of her to be able to land the main role in the musical, nevermind that it was a usually male-dominated part to have.
Will has spent hours with her rehearsing, reading lines back and forth to help her learn them perfectly and not mess up. The girl had already known the entire musical by heart, but conditioning yourself to then only play one role was actually quite difficult, something she found out rather quickly.
While the boy wouldn't admit it, he actually enjoyed the soundtrack and found himself listening to the songs in his day-to-day life, even on the way to training.
On one particular occasion, he’d been walking to the rink on his own before Gabe and Ryan had joined him, and due to the noise canceling on his headphones, he hadn't realized until Ryan had nudged him in the side lightly, he'd jumped and paused his music.
This led to him being asked what he was listening to, and without really thinking, he’d replied, “Oh, just Dear Evan Hansen, you know.” Needless to say, he’d been teased for being a theater kid multiple times since then.
This musical had somewhat become a shared passion between Will and Y/N, and even though the hockey player wasn't directly involved in the production, he still felt as though he had become a part of the family that was the cast and crew. Most of his time was taken up by hockey, but that didn't stop him from popping in and helping wherever he could.
Ironically, the group had always referred to Will as “Y/N’s boyfriend," and every time either of them tried to remind anybody that they weren't official yet, eyes would be rolled and unconvinced looks would be pointedly given. So, maybe it was about time they could make the nickname accurate.
Special. That’s what he wanted this to be: special. It was all planned out to be just that, and with the night that it was going to be, Will thought it was no better timing than the present.
Smiling to himself, he thought about the fact that, if all went to plan, he could be cheering from the audience for his girlfriend, not just whatever he was supposed to call her right now.
Presently, Will stood at the entry to the block of dorms Y/N stayed in. He had asked his teammates to help pick an outfit for him and hoped it would impress the girl he was hoping to sweep off her feet.
He wore his favorite suit, a maroon-red color similar to the colors of Boston College itself, with a matching tie and white shirt. Perhaps it was cliche; the more he thought about it, the worse those concerns made him worry, but he brushed the thoughts out of his mind, watching the doorway with anticipation.
In his hands, he held a sweet bouquet of flowers—pink tulips, to be exact. No, he couldn't confirm they were her favorite flower, but he always associated her with the flowers. The first time he looked on her Instagram, the emoji in her bio stood out to him immediately.
He had accidentally admitted this fact to the old lady who owned the local florist, but instead of laughing at him, the lady smiled with a twinkle in her eye, muttering something affectionately along the lines of “young love.”
A creak from the door in front of him swiftly took him back to his current situation, and he looked up, his voice catching in his throat for a moment. In front of him was a flustered Y/N, and Will truly felt like the luckiest person in the world.
“Hi!” the girl squeaked out enthusiastically. "Sorry, I took a little longer than you probably expected; I couldn't find my key,” she explained, looking slightly guilty.
“It’s no problem; genuinely, I would’ve waited hours if you needed me to.” Will spoke sweetly. Y/N took it as a dramatic use of hyperbole, but in the boy’s mind, he was speaking nothing but the truth. “These are for you,” he added, handing the bouquet of tulips to the girl. “I didn't know which flowers you liked, but, uh, these reminded me of you.”
“They're gorgeous! And... pink tulips are actually my favorite; you must be psychic.” or maybe he just looked at her Instagram too many times—the same difference, really. Y/N was sure that her heart rate was about 1000 beats per minute, but she calmed herself down with some deep breaths.
“Could I?” She gestured her head between the flowers and the hallway she had just appeared from, asking if she could go and put the flowers back in her dorm, and Will nodded, silently sighing in relief at a moment to get himself together.
After a few minutes, Y/N got back, and Will offered his arm for her to take. She did as prompted, and he led her onward. The first part of his plan was in motion; phew, now all he had to do was not mess up the date or the whole part where he was going to ask Y/N to be his girlfriend.
Unfortunately, part of the plan had Will relying on his friends. Yes, he trusted them, but he still anxiously awaited what he was going to be presented with when they arrived at the park.
He had spent all morning preparing a picnic basket of foods for their date; he’d even taken a trip to a store to buy a wicker basket and a red check blanket to fully complete the aesthetic.
Yet, he was (thankfully) pleasantly surprised when, as he brought the girl through the park, his picnic was perfectly set out for their date. He’d need to remember to thank the boys later. Will looked at Y/N, nervous for her reaction, to see what could only be described as pure joy painted across her expression.
“Will! This is so cute,” she let out a squeal of awe. “You didn't have to; oh my gosh, this is so cute.” She promptly wrapped her arms around the boy, kissing him on the cheek in excitement. His cheeks lit up at this, because while she’d kissed him on the cheek before, it never stopped feeling like the first.
They sat together in the afternoon sun, engaged in conversations about many topics ranging from hockey to Taylor Swift, but somehow, the topic of Dear Evan Hansen had not come up yet, which Will sort of wanted it to, so he could approach what he’d been waiting to say for a long while now.
“And then the show's tonight, and like Ms. Laynor said, we could have a few hours to ourselves before we had to get ready for the opening, right? But she never specified what time we needed to be at the theater, so I just thought four hours before was good, you know. Arrive at 4 p.m. in time for the show at 8, perfect!” Y/N ranted on slightly, but Will listened intently, nodding in agreement with her decision.
“Yeah, I think four hours is good, and if she needs you before then she can always message you.” Will reassured the girl, his eyes twinkling affectionately at the passion she held for the theater. Just seeing the smile that graced her face made the boy know this was it—this was the time he was going to do it. He wasn't sure why he knew, but the moment felt right. He took a deep breath before speaking.
“There's really nothing like your smile; have I ever told you that? It's sort of subtle, but real, and it's perfect." Will started; he had a habit of talking with his hands, and as he spoke, it was highlighted. “And I don't think you know how amazing seeing your smile can make someone feel—can make me feel!”
Y/N watched him talk, stunned and speechless as Will confessed what he had never had the guts to speak out loud before. “And I know that when you're bored in class, you start doodling in the margin of your books, and I noticed that you annotate your books with a pen when you see something you like.”
Admitting this took bravery, but honestly speaking, the boy still hadn't come to terms with the fact that this was actually real.
“But I’ve kept it all inside; I haven't said it to you. I’ve wanted to, seriously, but I couldn't seem to talk to you about it; I couldn't find a way, and I didn't know if we were on the same page because sometimes it feels like we're a million worlds apart, so it was like, where am I meant to start? And how do I say it?"
He took a long breath before he said the most important part, “I love you.”
That was it; he’d done it; he’d said it. There was no taking it back now. He felt close to exploding as he looked directly into her eyes for the first time since he’d started talking. Y/N looked close to crying. Will could only hope that was positive, but the demons in his head only told him of the rejection that was coming.
“Will. I don't know what to say. He braced himself for the harsh reality check he feared was building. “That's the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. Wow. I love you too, seriously.”
He deflated, “I get it,” before his mind fully comprehended what he’d just heard. “Wait, what?” His previously crestfallen body language perked up instantly. Did she seriously say what he thought she had? Surely he had to be dreaming, and resisting the urge to pinch himself to check was becoming increasingly difficult.
“I love you too,” she smiled. “And I think if I hadn't already been, the fact you just quoted Dear Evan Hansen to tell me how you felt would've made me fall in love on the spot.” She said it meaningfully; his words had been quotes from a song, yet somehow, everything he said felt raw and honest, like he had written the song about her.
With the realization of what he’d done, Will groaned inwardly, “Fuck, there's no way I plagiarized my confession of love from Dear Evan Hansen. I’m so embarrassing.” He knew the words had been too smooth to be completely his own, but of all the things he had to quote from, It was the musical his girlfriend was going to perform in a few hours.
“What? No, you aren't! You genuinely don't know how much it means. You spent so much time helping me rehearse for the performance when you didn't have to, when we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, but you did anyway. And you memorized the lyrics, and now you're quoting the songs when you tell me you love me.”
Y/N looked at him with an expression of pure adoration and said, “You're not embarrassing at all; you're just possibly the sweetest person I’ve ever met.”
“I never meant it in a bad way that it was quotes from there. I mean, you changed it so it would fit me; that's just about the most thoughtful thing in the history of things. It was personal, to me and to us; that's what matters.” and she was extremely serious when she said that.
The idea that someone she'd fallen in love with cared at all about her passions meant everything, and then for the love to be requited felt like a million years of joy all at once. The boy felt the same, along with a major sense of relief and, well, a hint of lingering embarrassment.
“I’m glad, wow. I’ve been waiting so long to finally tell you this. I can't even believe it's just happened and that you actually like me back, and all the rejection scenarios I imagined were stupid.” He was cut off by the pressing of a kiss on his lips.
“Shut up,” she mumbled affectionately against his lips, smiling slightly into the kiss. Any of their previous fluttering, drunk kisses were forgotten at this moment; the passion after months of mutual pining solidified this as the first kiss, not just for them as a couple but for them as people too.
They continued for a few seconds before both of them lay down on the blanket, somewhat starstruck, letting the situation completely settle in their minds. It was a comfortable silence as they replayed the moment in their heads like a film reel.
It had gotten to 4 p.m. and Y/N had left for the theater. Will spent the time he had between then and the show in a few hours processing everything that had gone down. It honestly shocked him that he’d ever followed through with the plan to begin with.
Fast forward to the performance. Will sat in one of the closest rows to the stage, excited to watch Y/N perform a project she’d been working on for so long. Personally, he was extremely impressed; the entire cast had worked their asses off, and it was definitely worth it.
While Will had listened to the soundtrack, he’d never seen the full musical performed, and seeing it there was something special, especially knowing how much it meant to the people on stage. As the production came to an end and the cast performed their curtain call, the audience gave them a standing ovation.
Y/N, as the title character, got her own turn to bow and take in the true feeling of the audience clapping for you and cheering for you. The feeling was indescribable, but at that time she felt on top of the world, lost in the moment, at a peak in her life.
She was grinning ear to ear as she met the eyes of Will in the crowd, and this somehow prompted the hockey player to shout, “That’s my girlfriend!” at the top of his lungs.
Needless to say, he was extremely embarrassed that he'd said that out loud, but it got his point across in a pretty public way, no doubt about that. Y/N laughed slightly before the rest of the cast joined back into a line with her, taking their final bows as the curtain closed, the show ending.
a/n :: thank you for reading!! the formatting ended up a bit weird and i had to reupload this bc tumblr decided to bully me and not submit this to tags... but hopefully it works now and i hope you enjoyed :3
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loserassacenekid · 8 months
rules for my writing >_<
HII okay i wanna start this off by saying my grammar is shit and I chose not to fix it cs I’m lazy:3 mainly the first people to read my fics are my friends(≧∀≦)
I mainly only do transmasc reader BECAUSE there’s not enough on here:(((also mainly only male characters..)
:♡.•♬✧⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾*+:•*∴♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡ fandoms i write for
the walking dead:
Daryl Dixon
Carl aged(aged up)
rick grimes
Shane Walsh (..maybe..)
Glenn rhee!!
Negan smith(..maybe)
Heathers! jason Dean!
dear Evan Hansen
Connor Murphy!
evan Hansen!
(No I will not do Connor x evan unless I feel like it.)
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ The girl next door
klitz + eli
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
Mike faist<3
Norman reedus
Andrew Lincoln
chandler riggs(aged up ofc.)
Jeffery dean Morgan
(+ more!!)
character x transmasc reader, character x me reader , character x oc!!
angst (not good at it)✿
fluff! ☾
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Female reader x character,any female character x female reader(no I’m not against lesbians I love you guys just not good at writing it:(()
dead dove! Do not eat!
sibling x sibling reader(not even step sibling)
older character x MINOR READER( reader will always be 27-28 if it’s an older character.)
I CANT think of much now but if I remember I will add in that’s all byyeee!!
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musicalmystery · 1 year
Fandoms I write or draw for:
Super Mario Bros Movie
Alice in Wonderland (2010)
Be More Chill
Dear Evan Hansen
Cats (both stage and movie)
Heathers musical
Mean Girls both (both movie and musical)
Wizard of Oz
Where the crawdads sing
What I will write or draw:
character x character
character x reader
male x female
gender neutral reader
gender bent characters
What I won’t write or draw:
male x male
female x female
non binary
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undercoveravenger · 3 years
Dear Evan Hansen Masterlist
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All of my oneshots and longer fics listed alphabetically by character; just click the link to go to the fic!
Connor Murphy
The Cabin in the Mountains (COMPLETED FIC): Contrary to popular belief, Connor Murphy did not hate everything. He liked to think of himself as an average person with likes and dislikes; he loved his sister and he liked his parents. Connor only really hated a few things: the other kids who went to his university, waking up early, and (M/N) (L/N).
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Stoned ~ Connor Murphy x Reader
Requested by Anonymous: I remember reading the beauty and the beast au on here, and I loved it. Could you do a Connor x Reader based on Tangled?
Here it is! Finally! I really hope you like it! Also, the title is a play on words, I guess. Because Rapunzel’s hair can get Tangled, so I thought Connor can get Stoned, you know? Anyways;
WC: 3,036
Warning: Swearing, Weed, Shitty writing, Jokes only I find funny
I tried to make it gender neutral! If you find a male or female pronoun for Y/N, please let me know and I’ll change it ASAP!
This is the story of how I died.
Connor, you didn’t die. Not even close.
But the ending is so bizarre it kinda felt like I died and went to a whole other shitty dimension.
Yeah, this definitely ends weird, but you didn’t die. Just tell the story, okay?
Okay, okay!
“Alone at last,” Connor whispered to himself as he shut the door to one of the music hall’s sound rooms. He was about to take the weed out of his pocket when a sharp scream pierced his ears. “What the fuck?!” Connor turned around to see you sitting at the piano for just a second before you threw your physics textbook at his head, proceeding to knock him out and fall against the floor.
It took you a few moments to figure out what you had just done to the poor man. But when you did, you quickly got up and locked the door. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, he’s gonna kill me,” you whispered as you picked up your book. You ran a hand through your hair, trying to figure out what to do.
Connor stirred a bit. You gasped and hit him with your book again. “Y/N! You idiot! You hit him again,” you yelled at yourself and put the book in your bag. You grab Connor and pulled him into a chair. Carefully, you check his pockets to see if he had a water bottle, hoping to splash a bit on his face to wake him up. Instead, your fingers brushed against a plastic bag. You take the bag out of his pocket and widened your eyes at the sight of weed.
Knock, knock
“Y/N? Can you unlock the door? I need to talk with you,” Ms. DeVerre, your choir teacher, said.
You gulped. You tossed the bag of weed into the top of the piano. You pushed Connor and his chair behind the piano and put his hood over his head. You straightened out your hair and opened the door. “Hi, Ms. DeVerre.”
The teacher smiled and walked inside the room. “Hello, Y/N. How’s your vocal practice going?”
“Good, I think. I’ve been practicing really hard,” you smiled. “So, I was wondering, maybe I could skip the rest of practice? I think having two periods of practice along with my lunch is more than enough.”
Ms. DeVerre shook her head. “No. You know what your mother wants. Continue practicing. I’m running out to get some lunch. We’re having Panera! Do you just want your usual?”
You sighed and nodded. “Yeah.”
“Good! I’ll see you later.” And with that, Ms. DeVerre left the room, closing the door behind her.
You quickly locked it before dragging Connor back out. Taking the hood off his head, you continued your search for a water bottle. Luckily, you found one in his bag. You poured a bit into the palm of your hand and splashed it on his face. The boy immediately woke up.
“What? Where am I?” Connor questioned, looking around frantically till he saw you. His eye’s narrowed. “You,” he hissed and stood up, towering over you. “You threw a fucking book at me!”
You nodded. “It was just a reaction! I got scared! I didn’t mean to knock you out!”
“But you fucking did! All I wanted was a space alone and instead I got a book chucked at me!” Connor yelled. Thankfully, the sound room was built so that people outside couldn’t hear what was happening inside. Connor reached into his pocket and widened his eyes when he didn’t feel the plastic bag. “Where is it?”
“Where’s what?” you asked, trying not to look at the piano.
“Where’s my weed?” Connor growled.
“I…I hid it!” You smirked and crossed your arms over your chest, a plan forming in your mind. “I hid somewhere you’ll never find it! Unless, you want to help me with something. Then I can tell you where it is…?”
Connor frowned. “Connor. Connor Murphy. And what might this ‘something’ be?”
You smiled. ���Get me out of here. It’s my dream to be out of here! I don’t care where as long as it’s not this sound room. I’ve been in here for so long!”
The long-haired boy laughed. “Yeah, no. I’m not about to break someone out of a sound room which they can just easily walk out of.”
“You don’t understand, it’s a prison. I can’t just leave!”
“Why not?”
“I…well…I can’t tell you. But if you get me out of here, take me anywhere that’s not here, I’ll give you your weed back. Deal?” You held out your hand.
Connor raised an eyebrow at your hand. “So…I just take you away from here and I’ll get my weed? Really?”
“I promise!”
Connor rolled his eyes.
You frowned. “And when I promise something, I never break that promise. Ever.”
The boy sighed and shook your hand lazily. “Fine. It’s a fucking deal.”
Connor started walking down the hallway. “Are you fucking coming or not?”
You gulped and looked down both sides of the hall. “Are you sure she wont see me?” You quickly felt the front pocket of your backpack to see if the bag of weed was still in there.
“Listen, Whitney Houston, I’m the master of stealth. She’s not gonna see you as long as you’re with me,” Connor said and leaned against the wall.
You frowned. “I’m not Whitney Houston. I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Yeah, whatever. I don’t really give a shit who you are. I just want my weed back.”
Slowly, you stepped out the door, clutching your backpack strap. You took a few shaking steps out into the hallway before you burst out grinning. “Oh my gosh! This is amazing! But, Ms. DeVerre and Mom would be so mad.”
Connor raised an eyebrow as you started ranting to yourself and run around the school.
“But, I mean, they’re not gonna know so it’s not gonna matter, right? Oh no, I’m gonna be in so much trouble! But this is so fun! I’m such a horrible child, I’ll just head back. I’m never going back! I’m a despicable human being! Woo hoo! Best! Day! Ever!”
Finally, Connor found you sitting in the library behind a shelf of books. He sat next to you as you sobbed into your knees. “You know, I’m not quite sure what I just witnessed, but it’s one of the saddest fucking things I’ve ever seen.”
You sniffed and looked up at him. “W-what?”
“Now, I’m just trying to pick up on bits and pieces, but this seems like some serious stuff. Maybe you should just head back to the sound room.”
You shook your head as Connor pulled you to your feet. “B-but the deal-“
“Look, if you’re not feeling good about this we’ll just call off the deal. I’ll take you back to the room, you give me my weed, and we pretend like we’ve never met before,” Connor smirked and started dragging you back.
“N-no!” You wiggled out of his grasp. “I’m not going back! I can’t spend another day in there!”
“Oh, come on! You obviously don’t feel comfortable walking around during normal school hours! Just fucking give up!”
“I’m not gonna give up! I’m tired of being locked in there! I-“ You were cut off by the bell ringing, signaling the end of third period. You felt the ground begin to shake. “Uh, Connor? What’s going on?”
Connor frowned. “Passing time.”
You gulped and grabbed Connor’s arm, clinging to it as students flooded the hallways. “What do we do?”
“You run. We wont make it if you don’t run,” Connor said and started running through the busy students, pulling you along.
You tried to keep up, but there were just so many people it was making if difficult to hang onto him. You lost your grip on his arm and felt the students pull you towards the opposite direction. “Connor! Help me!”
The tall boy turned around and grabbed your hand, pulling you both against the hallway wall. He scowled. “This is it, then. There’s no way we can get through them if we’re pinned up like this.”
Sighing, you squeezed Connor’s hand. “I’m sorry I got you in this mess. I’m really, really sorry, Connor.”
Connor sighed. “It’s…It’s okay, Whitney Houston. But, in case something happens, you should know I’m not a school shooter. People just assume I am but I’m fucking not. Someone might as well know.”
You smiled. “Well, I…I have magic hair that glows when I sing.”
Connor’s eyes widened. “Wait what? Are you fucking serious?”
You giggled. “Nope. I just wanted to see your reaction. I actually can’t sing very well. My Mom and her best friend, Ms. DeVerre keep me locked in the sound room, thinking that if I practice enough, my voice will get better and I can make it to Broadway.”
The boy rolled his eyes. “You’re Mom sounds like an ass.”
“Kinda. But she’s still my Mom,” you shrugged and heard the bell go off again. Within a matter of seconds, the hallway cleared, leaving you and Connor alone.
“Well, guess I’m late for class again. Lucky me. You coming?” Connor asked, adjusting the strap on his bag.
You gasped. “I can go to class with you?! Really?!”
Connor rolled his eyes. “Not if you act like that you can’t.”
Nodding, you took a deep breath and calmed down. “Right. Of course. I’ll be calm, I promise.” You skipped along beside him as he trudged to class. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe this is happening! My dream is becoming reality!” You looked over at Connor. “What about you?”
Connor glared at you. “What the fuck about me?”
“What’s your dream, Connor?”
The boy let out a low laugh. “My dream is to get my fucking weed back.”
You shrugged. “A dream’s a dream, I guess.”
“Y/N, what happened to being calm?”
“Sorry, Connor! It’s just I’m normally locked in the sound room during this hour so I don’t know what people actually do,” you explained, sitting next to him in the back corner of the room, bouncing in your seat. Connor’s class had a sub so he didn’t notice you weren’t a normal student.
“People just shut up and sleep in English. So, you should do the same,” Connor muttered before folding his arms and laying his head on his forearms.
You nodded. “Alright. Okay. I can do this,” you whispered and did as Connor instructed. Before you knew it, you both had fallen asleep.
You woke up by someone lightly shaking your shoulder. “Hey, Whitney Houston. Time to wake the fuck up. School’s over,” Connor yawned. Stretching, you grabbed your bag and followed Connor out the door. He began walking back towards the music hall before you grabbed his arm. “What the hell?”
“I’m not going back there today. Unless you don’t want your weed?” You smirked as Connor rolled his eyes.
“Fine. We have two hours in the city and then I drop you off at home. Got it?” Connor said, walking outside to his beat up truck.
You nodded and skipped next to him. “Got it!” Your smile brightened as you sat in his car. Your dream was finally coming true! You were going somewhere outside of school after school!
Connor started the car and drove off to downtown. He parked his car in the back lot of a Target. “Alright. Two hours. That’s it,” he reminded you before getting out of the car.
Two hours had quickly turned into six, as you two were prancing around the town. Connor first took you to a small cafe to get a snack, but you ended up meeting a bunch of people from school. So Connor hid off to the side, watching you. If he was being honest, it was pretty cute watching your face light up as you talked with your new friends. You two left after a while and walked around. You found a small thrift store and dragged Connor inside. Both of you played a game where you had to make the ugliest outfit. Whoever lost had to wear the outfit for the next round. You two got kicked out for being to loud as you laughed your asses off.
Connor was surprised. He was never this happy to hang with someone, let alone laugh and smile with them. But something about you just brought out the good in him. He didn’t know why, but he wanted to stay with you longer. His weed was no longer a necessity. Connor had a new dream.
After a few more hours of running around town, you two grabbed some Slurpees and went back to Connors truck. You climbed into the back seat and took a sip of your drink as Connor climbed in next to you. The sun had set so you two sat staring up at the stars. You gripped your cup tightly.
“Hey,” Connor said, looking over at you. “You okay?”
“I…don’t know,” you answered. “It’s just…I’ve been stuck practicing in that sound room after school for four years,” you sighed, looking over at him, “dreaming of what it would feel like, just spending a normal afternoon as a teenager. And it was everything I dreamed of and more!”
Connor smiled. “So, what’s the problem?”
“What do I do now?”
“Well, that’s the fun part, I guess. You get to go find a new dream,” Connor said.
You smiled and looked back up at the sky, widening your eyes as a shooting star flew by. “Whoa,” you whispered.
Connor smiled, his eyes stuck on you. “Yeah, whoa.”
You gasped. “Oh! I have something for you!” You jumped out of the trunk and ran to the passenger side. Flinging the door open, you rummaged through the front pocket of your backpack for the plastic bag. You grabbed it, shut the door, and climbed back into the trunk. “Here. This is for you. A deal’s a deal, right?”
Connor shook his head and grabbed the bag, tossing it over his shoulder. “You know what? I can just get some more fucking weed later,” he said. Connor grabbed your hand and looked at you, setting down his Slurpee.
Your eyes widened and you felt your heart rate pick up. “Connor?”
The boy cupped your cheek before leaning forward, stopping just an inch away from your lips.
You smiled and leaned forward, connecting your lips. The kiss was The Three S’s; soft, sweet, and short. Before you knew it, Connor had pulled away. You whimpered softly at the loss of his touch, but leaned back a bit. You licked your lips, tasting his cherry Slurpee that lingered there.
Connor stared at you before coughing awkwardly. “Well, I, uh, guess it’s time to drive you back to your shitty home, huh?”
You nodded and grabbed your drink, hopping out of the trunk and climbing into the passenger seat.
The ride back was silent except for the sound of Connor brushing his thumb over the top of your intertwined hands.
The next day, your Mom came to school with you, making sure you were in the sound room before leaving.
“No! Ms. DeVerre please don’t make me stay in here! I don’t want to go to Broadway now! I just want to be normal,” you begged, banging on the door, though you knew no one could hear you.
You sighed and sat against the back wall, tucking your legs into your chest. “Connor, please. If you can hear me, come save me again,” you whispered.
There was a single knock on the door before your Mom’s friend walked in. “Y/N, you need to start practicing! You’re never gonna make it to Broadway if you’re not practicing twenty-four seven,” Ms. DeVerre said.
You frowned and pulled your knees closer. “I’m not singing. I’m not going to Broadway. Well, not right now, at least. I just want to be a normal teenager.” Just then, the door flew open, reveling a tired Connor Murphy. “Y/N!”
You smiled brightly. “Connor!” You tried to run to him, but Ms. DeVerre grabbed your arm. “Let go of me!”
The choir teacher frowned. “Y/N, this is not an option. You’re leaving for an audition tonight so get practicing.”
“No!” You struggled to break free of her grasp. You looked to Connor, your face asking for help. He nodded and ran off. “What the fuck, Connor?!”
“Y/N! Stop fighting me,” Ms. DeVerre yelled.
“No! I wont stop! You and Mom have kept me locked up in here for too long! So every minute for the rest of my life I will fight!” You finally ripped your arm out of her grasp. “You two can’t control me!”
“Y/N!” You turned around and saw Connor run through the door. He grabbed you and pulled you to the side as the Principal and two teachers ran into the room. Connor hugged you as you two watched Ms. DeVerre get escorted out of the room by the adults. You look up at him in confusion. “Your Mom and Ms. DeVerre keeping you here and forcing you to fucking sing is technically Child Abuse. Weird, but true. I don’t make the fucking rules. So you’re free, I guess.”
You smiled and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Connor.”
Connor kissed the top of you’re head. “Yeah, whatever. Hey, Y/N?”
Connor sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “This is gonna sound so fucking cheesy, but…you were my new dream or whatever.”
You giggled. “And you were mine, Connor.”
Well, you can imagine what happened next. Y/N enrolled in school full time and somehow managed to get most classes with me. To be honest, it can be really fucking annoying sometimes.
Okay, okay. It really never gets old. And I may have paid Kleinman to hack into Y/N’s schedule so that most classes were with me.
And we lived happily ever after!
Wow, that escalated pretty fucking quickly.
You’re not denying it.
That’s cause it’s true.
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n1ghtlux · 3 years
Stuck in between P1 [ao3]
Pairing: ghost!Connor Murphy x gn!ghost!Reader
Word count: 815
Summary: when you find yourself stuck in the afterlife you meet Connor Murphy, who's been here for longer than you have.
Warnings: some angst, reader has anxiety and other mental health issues, talking about weed and mentioning readers death briefly.
A/N: please do NOT romanticize death! You're needed and loved. If you need help, look at this post.
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To think you would be remembered as some "druggie who crashed their car" was beyond anything you could've imagined. Though it was incredibly thoughtless of you to drive back home after smoking weed with your friends.
Not that you would ever call yourself a "druggie". You knew what you were doing and the substance helped calm your anxiety and numbed you to the point of complete relaxation.
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Only this time there was no way of getting home and no way of you crashing at your ex's place either. Not when he had female company and did the:
"I think we should call it a day",
with his hand gripping a girls' thigh tightly.
You had to get home somehow, so you got into your car and drove.
Only you never made it home.
Lesson learned.
For another time.
The "afterlife" or whatever you were stuck in was confusing. There is simply too much time to spend when you're there, but not really.
Thinking was about all you could do now.
Maybe this was your own little hell. You had spent days running after people, screaming at family, friends, anyone really. Yet, despite intense emotions following up with crashed mirrors and broken plates, your presence wasn't known to anyone.
You tried blaming the tree which you crashed into for it, but ended up leaning against it and watched the world continue on without you.
"This is my tree."
Furrowing your brows you looked to your right. The habit of thinking people are talking to you getting the best of you. Except this time there was someone staring right back at you.
Not through you, no. This guy was glaring at you, hands in his sweatshirt jacket pockets and foot tapping the grass impatiently.
You were up on your feet in an instant.
"You're dead too, aren't you?!"
You hadn't talked in forever so your voice made a terrible crack at the end, causing you to crunch your nose at yourself.
"You're sitting at my tree."
His demeanor didn't change, if your people skills didn't betray you, you would even say you had made him more frustrated. Who did he think he is?- Was?
Crossing your arms you replied in a mocking tone:
"Well, I'm sorry mr. Perfect but I died here, so I'm pretty sure this is my tree too."
He scoffed at that, a soft "fuck" leaving his lips as he brushed through his shoulder length hair with his right hand.
You started picking at the skin around your nails, a habit you hadn't even gotten rid of after your death.
The guy's gaze flickered to your hands briefly, before he sighed and walked up to you.
"Connor", his voice sounded less harsh than before. Right hand extended for you to shake.
It had been weeks since you last had any human contact and now here was - you had already forgotten his name again - willing to get to know you.
But when you went to shake his hand, you found yourself grasping at nothing but cold air.
"Guess you're new huh."
It was more of a statement than a question directed at you but you didn't really register his words.
You were staring at your hand, turning it over and tracing a wound from the accident with the fingers of your left hand.
Then you curled it into a fist, nails digging into the lifeless skin and sat back down with your back against the tree.
If it was possible, you felt even more numb and dead than before.
A cold breeze made the hairs on your arms stand as Connor sat down to your right with his hands in his lap and staring up at the sky.
"You're only able to touch others if you concentrate well enough."
You were still picking at your skin when he turned to you and put his hand on your arm.
The sensation made you suck in a breath and you looked up at him, relief evident on your face. His hand felt different on your skin than you had thought it to. There was a slight tingling sensation, like he was a vibrating ball of energy. Connor didn't feel dead at all. He felt more alive than anyone you had ever met before.
The corner of his mouth tugged up lightly at the sensation and your reaction to it. At least he was able to be helpful after his death.
He removed his hand from your arm and held it infront of you again like he did before. Knowing what he wanted you to do, you carefully slipped your hand into his now.
A huge grin forming on your face when you felt a new surge of energy course through your hand as it was firmly placed in his.
"Connor." , he nodded lightly, pushing a strand of hair out of his face in the process.
{ masterlist }
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coldbrewreaper · 3 years
The Missing Medication
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Title: The Missing Medication Pairing: Connor Murphy x Male!Reader Genere: ANGST! CW/TW: homophobia, slurs (which i can reclaim), bullying, suicide attempt, blood Summary: Connor attempts suicide after the bullying that came with being outed at school.
Your relationship with Connor was almost perfect. He was respectful, romantic even. He treated you like glass that would shatter if he even looked at it too harshly. The only problem you had was that Connor wasn’t out to his family; or anyone, for that matter. So he kept everthing that happened behind the scenes a secret. Until that fateful day. Connor walked into school, the stares shouldn’t be bothering him as he had gotten used to them, but it felt... off. He lifted his head up from the floor and looked around. This time was different. Instead of the occasional glare from one or two students every few meters, it was everyone. Everyone was looking at Connor. When he was temporarily caught off guard, he ran into Chad Beckman, the fucking prick. He slammed the long haired boy against the nearest locker with a BOOM.  “You’re a faggot, Murphy. We knew all along.” Connor’s life seemed to drain from his face. “What..?” He softly asked. Chad pulled his phone from his pocket and showed him the picture that had been spread around the school. His eyes widened as his breath seemed to get stuck in his throat. The picture was a photo of him and you, kissing each other goodbye in front of your doorstep. Someone seemed to have seen you and taken a picture, and spread it around the school. Connor stared at the picture in horror. Who could have taken this? Then he realized who lived right beside you. Evan- motherfucking- Hansen.
Connor got back to himself when he felt a stinging sensation against his cheek, and his head hitting the lockers. Chad pulled his fist back. “Listen to me, fag.” He made effort to really pronounce the slur as he started, “We don’t like people like you. I don’t want a pillow princess of a man in my school, do you hear me? Same goes for L/n.” Connor ignored the small cut on his cheek that was starting to really hurt at this point. Instead he got furious. “If you touch a hair on M/n’s body I will end your life.” He threated, but Chad didn’t feel the intimidation soak through him as much as Connor had wanted him to. Chad chuckled and swung at Connor again. The tall boy closed his eyes and waited for impact that never came. Instead he hear a loud smack and a grunt, then a body fall to the floor. Connor opened his eyes to see you on the floor, his your lip busted and gushing with blood. He pushed Chad away in panic with strength he didn’t know he had. He fell on his knees next to you and inspected your wounded face.  “Why did you do that, M/n?” But you didn’t reply. You simply stood up, pulling Connor with you and running out with his hand still in yours. He followed; it’s not like he had a choice. You ran out of school as quickly as you had entered the building that day, scared of the next one.
You and Connor spent the rest of that day patching each other up, thinking about the future, and a lot of crying in each other’s arms, and ended in cuddles. You planned the future would have to go after that day, and after a little hesitation, Connor agreed. 
The days got worse after that incident.
The whispers turned to things being thrown, screams, homophobic songs on the bus, physical and mental violence.
It went on for a month, until Connor didn’t show up to school. 
Worried, you waited the whole day for him to show as you felt the paper hit the back of your head. But he didn’t.
As you walked home from your tutor, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. It was Connor. You tried to shield your phone from the rain and the coldness as you read his text.
Connie hey m/n. sorry that i was a no-show today. must’ve sucked by yourself. i’m sorry you didn’t get to see me for a last time.
Confused, you watched the “Connie is typing...” pop up and away a few times.
Connie you see, i love you. and i don’t regret anything i’ve ever had with you, i need you to hear and understand that. i just... i can’t stand it anymore, m/n.
Having a feeling where this is going, your heart started racing as you typed in: N/n Connor. Where are you?
Connie i can’t stand the abuse anymore. i had to do something.
Your heart dropped at this.
N/n What did you do?
You watched the chat bubble pop up and disappear a bunch of times before a text finally arrived.
Connie i took every single pill in my med cabinet
Tears welled in your eyes as you felt your soul leave your body.
N/n Where the fuck are you? Connor? Where are you???? Honey, please. Connie By the tree. Come say good bye, please.
You knew exactly which tree he meant. It was the oak tree, your favorite spot. Pocketing your phone, you started running, not caring if it would fall out. The 30 minute way you ran in 15, scared for your boy’s life. You crossed the street, almost being hit by a car, but you didn’t care. You didn’t have a care in the world besides Connor right now. So you ran. When you arrived at the oak tree, you crashed onto the ground next to Connor, who looked peaceful with his eyes closed. He tiredly opened his eyes and smiled at you.  “My love.” He said hoarsely, “I knew you would make it in time.” The tears that have been falling since you got that text not dropped onto Connor. “I called an ambulance. They’ll be here soon, please- just, stay awake for me.” You said, sobbing. Connor frowned. “Why?” He asked. “WHY?!” You yelled in reply, “BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, CONNOR MURPHY! I CAN’T LOSE YOU!!!” You yelled in his face, which didn’t seem to do a lot for him. Who could blame him, his brain was putty, his heart was slowing and so was his lung, he couldn’t think straight as the sirens could be heard nearby. You held Connor in your arms as he closed his eyes, trying to drift away. Then, his lung stopped. The amount of medication he took must’ve slowed his heart to a stop, because his eyes shot open and he held onto his throat, desperately trying to breathe. You looked at him in panic, layed him down on his back and connected your lips to manually give him air. It didn’t seem to really work, so you tried to comfort him as the ambulance pulled up. They quickly put Connor on a stretcher and put a type of oxygen mask on him, allowing him to breathe. You cried all the way to the hospital and in the waiting room. The sobs of dread turing into happiness when they told you they saved his life. You rushed into the room and sat by his side, watching him like a hawk. When he woke up from his slumber, he looked around until his gaze met yours.
“Good morning, handsome.” You said lovingly. Connor burst into tears on the spot. “You saved my life.” He cried. You scooted your chair closer and put your hand on his cheek, caressing it with your thumb. “I love you, Connor. I will always love you.” “I love you, M/n.”
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toutallyahoe · 3 years
drabble dump pt5
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requested by: –
pairing(s): various x male reader
warnings: cursing, character death, hints of smut
a/n: hmmmMMmmmmMMMm
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"beautiful" — tommy jarvis (friday the 13th: the game)
[Name] adoringly looked at the man sleeping beside him. One of his hands lazily playing the sleeping man's hair as he softly smiled.
"God... you're so beautiful," [Name] softly muttered. There was a gleam of amusement in his [Eye color] eyes when he saw the supposed sleeping man beside him smile.
"Well... God made me beautiful," Tommy had said as he crack one eye open to see his lover's amused face. "Unlike you, he fucked up."
[Name] laughed at Tommy's words as he leaned close to the other man and placed a soft kiss on Tommy's forehead.
"Shut up, dork."
"together" — connor murphy (dear evan hansen)
Connor rolled his eyes, plucking the cigarette off from [Name]'s lips and instead put it on his, he took a puff. "Didn't think to find you here," he had said. [Name] shrugged.
"Had to get away," [Name] grunted as Connor plopped beside him on the table he was occupying outside 7/11.
There was silence between the two. After awhile, Connor laid his head on [Name]'s shoulder.
"You think we'll survive this shit?" Connor asked as [Name] let out a dry chuckle.
"No," [Name] had said as he laid his head on Connor's. "But who cares? We're together."
"cute" — kieran duffy (red dead redemption 2)
Kieran let out a surprised gasp when [Name] hauled him up by his legs. Kieran instinctively wrapped them around [Name]'s as his back was pressed on the solid wood of the tree.
"[N]... [Name]!" Kieran squeaked as he then immediately clamped one of his hands on his mouth to prevent any noises leaving them as [Name] entered inside him.
The said man merely chuckled at his actions and placed a soft kiss on his cheek as his lips were hidden by his hand.
"Sorry," [Name] half-heartedly apologized as he squeezed Kieran's thigh. "But you're too cute, mi amor."
"secret" — javier escuella (red dead redemption 2)
"Lo que digas gilipollas," Javier had said. [Name], who was near Javier couldn't help but snort as he rolled his eyes.
"Muy divertido, mi amigo," [Name] said, patting Javier on the back as Javier turned to look at him. Surprised Javier was until he remembered that [Name] knew Spanish, making Javier grin.
"Olvidé que hablas español," Javier had honestly said as [Name] shrugged. Not minding the annoyed glance from the man who came to them and insulted Javier.
"A veces yo también," [Name] chuckled. "De todos modos, ¿quieres insultar a este hijo de puta?" [Name] asked.
Javier grinned. "¡Por supuesto!"
"smells like you" — newt scamander (fantastic beasts and where to find them)
Newt smiled when he saw the potion on his cauldron was well. Newt could smell something nice. The potion was Amortentia which he brewed from curiosity.
The smell of musk, new parchment and the forest is what Newt had picked up. And something... something Newt can't quiet put place.
Eyebrows furrowed, Newt tried to remember what that smell was. He swore the scent was familiar.
The aroma was the woody smell of a broomstick handle. A thing he remembered a close friend of his carried with.
Newt's face flushed as he realized who it was. It smells like [Name].
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viltrumitesuperboy · 4 years
Evan Hansen Sick & Snowed In Headcanons
I keep putting the “keep reading” thing right after the request idk why
Requested by: anon Could you write headcanons for Being snowed in with Evan Hansen and quite possibly with him being sick and the reader having to take take of him? 
- Evan's mom is usually busy so you hang out at his place - he's really excited that there's snow but instantly loses his excitement when he realises you're sick - he instantly grabs blankets and puts them on the sofa for the both of you - he's very careful about not getting sick because his mother would worry - Evan is a disaster, which we already know - so while you're choosing something to watch, he goes to try and cook for you - he's probably scared of fire, but he manages anyway - he'll make some soup and puts it on a timer while you both watch whatever you picked - you're completely covered in blankets and he keeps worrying about you - when he comes back with the soup, you're always amazed at his skill - after you finish the show or film, he makes you go to sleep, but you're usually tired anyway - so you nap on the sofa and he makes sure you're okay while you sleep - when you wake up, you want to go outside despite being sick - no one can stop you - Evan tries to get you to wear like two scarves and two pairs of pants and two pairs of socks and 4 layers on your torso - you go with what you're most comfortable in but wear at least two pairs of pants and socks as a compromise - you both walk around in the snow for a bit, and he's holding your hand the whole time because he doesn't want you to fall - you have to go back in less than 20 minutes later because you're honestly way too sick to be outside for long in that weather - you are instantly back in blankets when you're in his house, but again, not by choice - Evan just really wants you to get better but you keep doing things that doesn't help him - you still listen to him because you know he just wants you to be better again
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generallyclumsy · 4 years
nice to see you back! Could I get some Jared x male reader if you're up to it?
I I’m just going to drop some quick fluffy headcannons - hope that’s cool :). I hope you didn’t want something more specific than this.
I’m a little rusty so we’ll see how this goes.
You guys met doing a group project together, and you 100% expected to have to do all of the work but he surprised you and was super excited to schedule times to meet up and work
(Which was totally because he’d had the hugest crush on you forever)
You had always assumed Jared was straight because he was always bragging about girls.
After the group project, you guys started texting and DMing each other memes and song recommendations until he eventually told you he liked you (probably with some SUPER outdated meme like Pepe or something)
He’s really insecure, so it took him a while to believe that you could actually like him back, but eventually, he opened up.
You go on Tuesday Night dates and watch really bad movies together because he thinks it’s the best past time ever to laugh at bad acting
And he is huge on PDA, but not in the gross high school way, like little kisses on the cheek and knuckle, and things like that.
I’m going to leave this here but I didn’t want to leave you in my inbox for too long :). It turned out pretty gender neuteral.
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sammie-cant-write · 5 years
Connor x Male!Reader NSFW Headcanons
• He brings things up at really inappropriate times
• "How would you feel about me going down on you?"
• "CoNnOr We'Re ArOuNd PeOpLe!"
• "And?"
• The gang is used to it by now
• It's just like "Same shit as usual"
• He also teases you at inappropriate times
• Like, are you in the play? Boner right before you go on
• Giving a presentation for your class? He'll grab your ass as discreetly as possible
• Eating lunch? That's when his eyes light up and sees how discreet he can be while keeping up normal conversation
• Movie night? You can bet your ass he's gonna make you lean on him and he's gonna be palming you throughout the entire thing
• Movie night? I think you mean time to make my boyfriend really horny for two and a half hours
• Zoe is sick and tired of your guy's shit
• "Just tell him to stop."
• "I can't do that."
• "Why not?"
• "He's gonna get sad."
• You guys have also fucked in really inappropriate places
• I'm talking janitors closet, school bathrooms, once on Evan's couch (he still doesn't know)
• You've gotten caught by others before but you don't care so you constantly remind them
• This just in, local emo stoner likes getting his hair pulled
• Like is an understatement, Connor fucking LOVES it
• Like, pull his hair and you've got him wrapped around your finger
• He treats you like you're porcelain unless you specifically say you want it rough
• I wrote most of these at like 2 am so I'm gonna go before it gets any worse bye
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ladywhistleupp · 2 years
If I started writing fanfiction, how many of y’all would actually read it?
It would probably include Spencer Reid, Eddie Munson, Steve, Harington, Peter Parker/Spiderman, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Bucky Barnes, some other Marvel men, Batman (Robert Pattinson), maybe a couple Twilight male characters, Fezco, maybe Nate Jacobs (emphasis on the maybe), Connor Murphy from Dear Evan Hansen, and whoever else I randomly decide.
It’ll probably be a lot of x black!reader because I am biracial and there’s not enough representation of woc in fanfiction.
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readbyred · 3 years
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🗡️ Heroes of Olympus/Percy Jackson
💗hoo!girls x child of hades!reader
🔮 someone assuming you're dating octavian
🧿 someone assuming you're dating alabaster
🌩️ someone assuming you’re dating jason
🛡️someone assuming you’re dating reyna
🏝️ Total Drama
🏆Priya: asking for crush advice
🏆priya talking about her crush
🥤zee: asking for crush advice
💀scary girl: asking for crush advice
🍕chase: asking for crush advice
🍕chase x reader playlist (special)
🗯️ripper: asking for crush advice
🗯️ripper x calm!mute!fem!reader
🗯️ripper talking about his crush
🗯ripper x fem!gamer!asshole/crude!reader
🧪damien talking about his crush
📝millie talking about her crush
❤️‍🩹emma talking about her crush
👑bowie talking about his crush
🧟‍♀️axel asking for crush advice
📲julia x female!reader
🎨gwen x nonbinary!introvert!goth/punk!artist!reader
🌃 Starkid
👔 paul x male!reader
👔 paul x gn!musical fan!reader
👔 paul x male!craft store owner!reader
👔paul x selfharming!reader
cooking for you: CCRP employees x gn!reader
🕰️ ted x cat parent!reader
🕰️ hurt-comfort: ted x gn!reader
🍏 red string au: wilbur x reader
💫 The owl house
💗 toh girls x self harm!reader
✨ luz’s and reader’s first kiss
💥 edric x plus size!reader [jealousy]
🪞 religious trauma: gus x masc!reader
🔮 darius x gn!blight!reader
🎼 raine x tiger hybrid!reader
🐺 hunter x previously abused!reader
🐺 hunter and best friend!healing coven!reader
🐺 hunter x nb!reader
🐺 hunter x shy!fem!human!reader
🐺 protective/jealous!hunter x shy!fem!human!reader
🐺 yandere!hunter x shy!fem!human!reader
🐺 confession: hunter x nb!reader
🐺 cuddling: hunter x shy!fem!human!reader
🐺 religious trauma: hunter x masc!reader
🐺 grief comfort: hunter x reader
🐺 surprise kisses: hunter x shy!fem!human!reader
🐺 first kiss: hunter x reader
🌔 Tangled the series
🧪 varian x fem!nilou!reader
🧪 varian x fem!reader [helping in lab]
🧪 varian x male!cass’s bestie!reader
🧪 varian x witch!reader
🧪 varian x smitten!fem!reader
🧪 varian x masc!musician!reader
🧪varian date hcs
🧪 winter oneshot: varian x fem!reader
🦉 cassandra x fem!reader
🌞modern au!rapunzel x reader
💕everyone x sick!reader
🕸️ Wednesday
🤺 wednesday x gn!angry!reader
🤺 wednesday cuddles
🎀 enid cuddles
💎 bianca cuddles
☕️ tyler cuddles
🌿 Moomins
moomin characters x traveler!gn!reader
🍃 snufkin x gn!reader cuddling
🍃 snufkin x feral!reader
🍃snufkin x human!female!reader
💍 snorkmaiden x feral!reader
💍snorkmaiden x human!female!reader
🐾 sniff x feral!reader
🐾sniff x human!female!reader
☁️moomin x human!female!reader
🍄little my x human!female!reader
📘snork x human!female!reader
🌪️stinky x human!female!reader
[in progress...]
📝 Dear Evan Hansen
jared x gn!reader
coming out: jared x nonbinary!reader
makeup: jared x gn!s/o
break up: jared x gn!reader
summer camp: jared x gn!reader
🕯️ Encanto
🦋 madrigals and mirabel’s s/o
🐦‍⬛ Six of Crows
🪙 dates with kaz (sleepover special)
📻 Dead Poets Society
💗 Dead poets having strong feelings for a shy!reader
🎷charlie x shy!neurodivergent!reader
🎷being friends with charlie [moodboard]
🎷college!pining!charlie x college!pining!fem!reader
📻meeks x energetic!fem!reader
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May I please ask for sincerely three and trans male reader headcanons? You don't have to of course
evan –
-         when you come out to him, he doesn’t know muchabout the trans community, but he’s such a supportive boy!!
-         devotes somuch time to learning everything about your identity and how to make youfeel the most comfortable that he possibly can
-         switches from calling you ‘beautiful’ to‘handsome’ literally within the next hour of you coming out
-         tries his absolute hardest to use your correctname and pronouns
-         will fight anyone who purposefully doesn’t
-         he gets you a binder after hearing you say thatit was a potential option, and makes sure that you know how to use it so youdon’t hurt yourself ((if you choose to bind irl, please be safe!!))
-         sends you texts to remind you to stretch andtake a deep breath
-         ‘heyhandsome!! don’t forget to stretch: it’s been about two hours since you put yourbinder on’
-         ‘babe ilybut we’re in biography. you need to pay attention
-         feeling dysphoric?? he will cuddle you and tellyou how wonderful and handsome you are and that nothing could ever change that
connor –
-         coming out to him was easy because he knows a lot about most trans* identities becausehe has a lot of trans friends
-         lets you borrow his clothes because a.) he knowsthat you want to try a more masculine style and b.) you look really good inthem
-         he is pretty much your personal masculine styleicon
-         this is really just part of his ploy to get youto start wearing all black
-         lets you borrow his cologne and body wash too
-         when you start telling people at school, hestands next to you for “moral support”
-         which really means he’s just there to give themintimidating looks so they don’t even thinkabout disrespecting your identity
-         two gays in love
jared –
-         gets v excited for you because he’s so proud ofhis boyfriend finding out who he is!!
-         cracks jokes to make the situations a littlemore lighthearted
-         “nice! this means that when i have the other twoover and we’re drinking I’ll be cracking a cold one open with the boys!”
-         “I literally hate you.”
-         “i love you too, (your preferred name).”
-         shares a little bit about his own experiencewith gender identity (because I hc him as genderfluid lol) and completelyunderstands how you feel
-         loves you endlessly
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