#deh x female!reader
Stoned ~ Connor Murphy x Reader
Requested by Anonymous: I remember reading the beauty and the beast au on here, and I loved it. Could you do a Connor x Reader based on Tangled?
Here it is! Finally! I really hope you like it! Also, the title is a play on words, I guess. Because Rapunzel’s hair can get Tangled, so I thought Connor can get Stoned, you know? Anyways;
WC: 3,036
Warning: Swearing, Weed, Shitty writing, Jokes only I find funny
I tried to make it gender neutral! If you find a male or female pronoun for Y/N, please let me know and I’ll change it ASAP!
This is the story of how I died.
Connor, you didn’t die. Not even close.
But the ending is so bizarre it kinda felt like I died and went to a whole other shitty dimension.
Yeah, this definitely ends weird, but you didn’t die. Just tell the story, okay?
Okay, okay!
“Alone at last,” Connor whispered to himself as he shut the door to one of the music hall’s sound rooms. He was about to take the weed out of his pocket when a sharp scream pierced his ears. “What the fuck?!” Connor turned around to see you sitting at the piano for just a second before you threw your physics textbook at his head, proceeding to knock him out and fall against the floor.
It took you a few moments to figure out what you had just done to the poor man. But when you did, you quickly got up and locked the door. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, he’s gonna kill me,” you whispered as you picked up your book. You ran a hand through your hair, trying to figure out what to do.
Connor stirred a bit. You gasped and hit him with your book again. “Y/N! You idiot! You hit him again,” you yelled at yourself and put the book in your bag. You grab Connor and pulled him into a chair. Carefully, you check his pockets to see if he had a water bottle, hoping to splash a bit on his face to wake him up. Instead, your fingers brushed against a plastic bag. You take the bag out of his pocket and widened your eyes at the sight of weed.
Knock, knock
“Y/N? Can you unlock the door? I need to talk with you,” Ms. DeVerre, your choir teacher, said.
You gulped. You tossed the bag of weed into the top of the piano. You pushed Connor and his chair behind the piano and put his hood over his head. You straightened out your hair and opened the door. “Hi, Ms. DeVerre.”
The teacher smiled and walked inside the room. “Hello, Y/N. How’s your vocal practice going?”
“Good, I think. I’ve been practicing really hard,” you smiled. “So, I was wondering, maybe I could skip the rest of practice? I think having two periods of practice along with my lunch is more than enough.”
Ms. DeVerre shook her head. “No. You know what your mother wants. Continue practicing. I’m running out to get some lunch. We’re having Panera! Do you just want your usual?”
You sighed and nodded. “Yeah.”
“Good! I’ll see you later.” And with that, Ms. DeVerre left the room, closing the door behind her.
You quickly locked it before dragging Connor back out. Taking the hood off his head, you continued your search for a water bottle. Luckily, you found one in his bag. You poured a bit into the palm of your hand and splashed it on his face. The boy immediately woke up.
“What? Where am I?” Connor questioned, looking around frantically till he saw you. His eye’s narrowed. “You,” he hissed and stood up, towering over you. “You threw a fucking book at me!”
You nodded. “It was just a reaction! I got scared! I didn’t mean to knock you out!”
“But you fucking did! All I wanted was a space alone and instead I got a book chucked at me!” Connor yelled. Thankfully, the sound room was built so that people outside couldn’t hear what was happening inside. Connor reached into his pocket and widened his eyes when he didn’t feel the plastic bag. “Where is it?”
“Where’s what?” you asked, trying not to look at the piano.
“Where’s my weed?” Connor growled.
“I…I hid it!” You smirked and crossed your arms over your chest, a plan forming in your mind. “I hid somewhere you’ll never find it! Unless, you want to help me with something. Then I can tell you where it is…?”
Connor frowned. “Connor. Connor Murphy. And what might this ‘something’ be?”
You smiled. “Get me out of here. It’s my dream to be out of here! I don’t care where as long as it’s not this sound room. I’ve been in here for so long!”
The long-haired boy laughed. “Yeah, no. I’m not about to break someone out of a sound room which they can just easily walk out of.”
“You don’t understand, it’s a prison. I can’t just leave!”
“Why not?”
“I…well…I can’t tell you. But if you get me out of here, take me anywhere that’s not here, I’ll give you your weed back. Deal?” You held out your hand.
Connor raised an eyebrow at your hand. “So…I just take you away from here and I’ll get my weed? Really?”
“I promise!”
Connor rolled his eyes.
You frowned. “And when I promise something, I never break that promise. Ever.”
The boy sighed and shook your hand lazily. “Fine. It’s a fucking deal.”
Connor started walking down the hallway. “Are you fucking coming or not?”
You gulped and looked down both sides of the hall. “Are you sure she wont see me?” You quickly felt the front pocket of your backpack to see if the bag of weed was still in there.
“Listen, Whitney Houston, I’m the master of stealth. She’s not gonna see you as long as you’re with me,” Connor said and leaned against the wall.
You frowned. “I’m not Whitney Houston. I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Yeah, whatever. I don’t really give a shit who you are. I just want my weed back.”
Slowly, you stepped out the door, clutching your backpack strap. You took a few shaking steps out into the hallway before you burst out grinning. “Oh my gosh! This is amazing! But, Ms. DeVerre and Mom would be so mad.”
Connor raised an eyebrow as you started ranting to yourself and run around the school.
“But, I mean, they’re not gonna know so it’s not gonna matter, right? Oh no, I’m gonna be in so much trouble! But this is so fun! I’m such a horrible child, I’ll just head back. I’m never going back! I’m a despicable human being! Woo hoo! Best! Day! Ever!”
Finally, Connor found you sitting in the library behind a shelf of books. He sat next to you as you sobbed into your knees. “You know, I’m not quite sure what I just witnessed, but it’s one of the saddest fucking things I’ve ever seen.”
You sniffed and looked up at him. “W-what?”
“Now, I’m just trying to pick up on bits and pieces, but this seems like some serious stuff. Maybe you should just head back to the sound room.”
You shook your head as Connor pulled you to your feet. “B-but the deal-“
“Look, if you’re not feeling good about this we’ll just call off the deal. I’ll take you back to the room, you give me my weed, and we pretend like we’ve never met before,” Connor smirked and started dragging you back.
“N-no!” You wiggled out of his grasp. “I’m not going back! I can’t spend another day in there!”
“Oh, come on! You obviously don’t feel comfortable walking around during normal school hours! Just fucking give up!”
“I’m not gonna give up! I’m tired of being locked in there! I-“ You were cut off by the bell ringing, signaling the end of third period. You felt the ground begin to shake. “Uh, Connor? What’s going on?”
Connor frowned. “Passing time.”
You gulped and grabbed Connor’s arm, clinging to it as students flooded the hallways. “What do we do?”
“You run. We wont make it if you don’t run,” Connor said and started running through the busy students, pulling you along.
You tried to keep up, but there were just so many people it was making if difficult to hang onto him. You lost your grip on his arm and felt the students pull you towards the opposite direction. “Connor! Help me!”
The tall boy turned around and grabbed your hand, pulling you both against the hallway wall. He scowled. “This is it, then. There’s no way we can get through them if we’re pinned up like this.”
Sighing, you squeezed Connor’s hand. “I’m sorry I got you in this mess. I’m really, really sorry, Connor.”
Connor sighed. “It’s…It’s okay, Whitney Houston. But, in case something happens, you should know I’m not a school shooter. People just assume I am but I’m fucking not. Someone might as well know.”
You smiled. “Well, I…I have magic hair that glows when I sing.”
Connor’s eyes widened. “Wait what? Are you fucking serious?”
You giggled. “Nope. I just wanted to see your reaction. I actually can’t sing very well. My Mom and her best friend, Ms. DeVerre keep me locked in the sound room, thinking that if I practice enough, my voice will get better and I can make it to Broadway.”
The boy rolled his eyes. “You’re Mom sounds like an ass.”
“Kinda. But she’s still my Mom,” you shrugged and heard the bell go off again. Within a matter of seconds, the hallway cleared, leaving you and Connor alone.
“Well, guess I’m late for class again. Lucky me. You coming?” Connor asked, adjusting the strap on his bag.
You gasped. “I can go to class with you?! Really?!”
Connor rolled his eyes. “Not if you act like that you can’t.”
Nodding, you took a deep breath and calmed down. “Right. Of course. I’ll be calm, I promise.” You skipped along beside him as he trudged to class. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe this is happening! My dream is becoming reality!” You looked over at Connor. “What about you?”
Connor glared at you. “What the fuck about me?”
“What’s your dream, Connor?”
The boy let out a low laugh. “My dream is to get my fucking weed back.”
You shrugged. “A dream’s a dream, I guess.”
“Y/N, what happened to being calm?”
“Sorry, Connor! It’s just I’m normally locked in the sound room during this hour so I don’t know what people actually do,” you explained, sitting next to him in the back corner of the room, bouncing in your seat. Connor’s class had a sub so he didn’t notice you weren’t a normal student.
“People just shut up and sleep in English. So, you should do the same,” Connor muttered before folding his arms and laying his head on his forearms.
You nodded. “Alright. Okay. I can do this,” you whispered and did as Connor instructed. Before you knew it, you both had fallen asleep.
You woke up by someone lightly shaking your shoulder. “Hey, Whitney Houston. Time to wake the fuck up. School’s over,” Connor yawned. Stretching, you grabbed your bag and followed Connor out the door. He began walking back towards the music hall before you grabbed his arm. “What the hell?”
“I’m not going back there today. Unless you don’t want your weed?” You smirked as Connor rolled his eyes.
“Fine. We have two hours in the city and then I drop you off at home. Got it?” Connor said, walking outside to his beat up truck.
You nodded and skipped next to him. “Got it!” Your smile brightened as you sat in his car. Your dream was finally coming true! You were going somewhere outside of school after school!
Connor started the car and drove off to downtown. He parked his car in the back lot of a Target. “Alright. Two hours. That’s it,” he reminded you before getting out of the car.
Two hours had quickly turned into six, as you two were prancing around the town. Connor first took you to a small cafe to get a snack, but you ended up meeting a bunch of people from school. So Connor hid off to the side, watching you. If he was being honest, it was pretty cute watching your face light up as you talked with your new friends. You two left after a while and walked around. You found a small thrift store and dragged Connor inside. Both of you played a game where you had to make the ugliest outfit. Whoever lost had to wear the outfit for the next round. You two got kicked out for being to loud as you laughed your asses off.
Connor was surprised. He was never this happy to hang with someone, let alone laugh and smile with them. But something about you just brought out the good in him. He didn’t know why, but he wanted to stay with you longer. His weed was no longer a necessity. Connor had a new dream.
After a few more hours of running around town, you two grabbed some Slurpees and went back to Connors truck. You climbed into the back seat and took a sip of your drink as Connor climbed in next to you. The sun had set so you two sat staring up at the stars. You gripped your cup tightly.
“Hey,” Connor said, looking over at you. “You okay?”
“I…don’t know,” you answered. “It’s just…I’ve been stuck practicing in that sound room after school for four years,” you sighed, looking over at him, “dreaming of what it would feel like, just spending a normal afternoon as a teenager. And it was everything I dreamed of and more!”
Connor smiled. “So, what’s the problem?”
“What do I do now?”
“Well, that’s the fun part, I guess. You get to go find a new dream,” Connor said.
You smiled and looked back up at the sky, widening your eyes as a shooting star flew by. “Whoa,” you whispered.
Connor smiled, his eyes stuck on you. “Yeah, whoa.”
You gasped. “Oh! I have something for you!” You jumped out of the trunk and ran to the passenger side. Flinging the door open, you rummaged through the front pocket of your backpack for the plastic bag. You grabbed it, shut the door, and climbed back into the trunk. “Here. This is for you. A deal’s a deal, right?”
Connor shook his head and grabbed the bag, tossing it over his shoulder. “You know what? I can just get some more fucking weed later,” he said. Connor grabbed your hand and looked at you, setting down his Slurpee.
Your eyes widened and you felt your heart rate pick up. “Connor?”
The boy cupped your cheek before leaning forward, stopping just an inch away from your lips.
You smiled and leaned forward, connecting your lips. The kiss was The Three S’s; soft, sweet, and short. Before you knew it, Connor had pulled away. You whimpered softly at the loss of his touch, but leaned back a bit. You licked your lips, tasting his cherry Slurpee that lingered there.
Connor stared at you before coughing awkwardly. “Well, I, uh, guess it’s time to drive you back to your shitty home, huh?”
You nodded and grabbed your drink, hopping out of the trunk and climbing into the passenger seat.
The ride back was silent except for the sound of Connor brushing his thumb over the top of your intertwined hands.
The next day, your Mom came to school with you, making sure you were in the sound room before leaving.
“No! Ms. DeVerre please don’t make me stay in here! I don’t want to go to Broadway now! I just want to be normal,” you begged, banging on the door, though you knew no one could hear you.
You sighed and sat against the back wall, tucking your legs into your chest. “Connor, please. If you can hear me, come save me again,” you whispered.
There was a single knock on the door before your Mom’s friend walked in. “Y/N, you need to start practicing! You’re never gonna make it to Broadway if you’re not practicing twenty-four seven,” Ms. DeVerre said.
You frowned and pulled your knees closer. “I’m not singing. I’m not going to Broadway. Well, not right now, at least. I just want to be a normal teenager.” Just then, the door flew open, reveling a tired Connor Murphy. “Y/N!”
You smiled brightly. “Connor!” You tried to run to him, but Ms. DeVerre grabbed your arm. “Let go of me!”
The choir teacher frowned. “Y/N, this is not an option. You’re leaving for an audition tonight so get practicing.”
“No!” You struggled to break free of her grasp. You looked to Connor, your face asking for help. He nodded and ran off. “What the fuck, Connor?!”
“Y/N! Stop fighting me,” Ms. DeVerre yelled.
“No! I wont stop! You and Mom have kept me locked up in here for too long! So every minute for the rest of my life I will fight!” You finally ripped your arm out of her grasp. “You two can’t control me!”
“Y/N!” You turned around and saw Connor run through the door. He grabbed you and pulled you to the side as the Principal and two teachers ran into the room. Connor hugged you as you two watched Ms. DeVerre get escorted out of the room by the adults. You look up at him in confusion. “Your Mom and Ms. DeVerre keeping you here and forcing you to fucking sing is technically Child Abuse. Weird, but true. I don’t make the fucking rules. So you’re free, I guess.”
You smiled and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Connor.”
Connor kissed the top of you’re head. “Yeah, whatever. Hey, Y/N?”
Connor sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “This is gonna sound so fucking cheesy, but…you were my new dream or whatever.”
You giggled. “And you were mine, Connor.”
Well, you can imagine what happened next. Y/N enrolled in school full time and somehow managed to get most classes with me. To be honest, it can be really fucking annoying sometimes.
Okay, okay. It really never gets old. And I may have paid Kleinman to hack into Y/N’s schedule so that most classes were with me.
And we lived happily ever after!
Wow, that escalated pretty fucking quickly.
You’re not denying it.
That’s cause it’s true.
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n1ghtlux · 3 years
Stuck in between P1 [ao3]
Pairing: ghost!Connor Murphy x gn!ghost!Reader
Word count: 815
Summary: when you find yourself stuck in the afterlife you meet Connor Murphy, who's been here for longer than you have.
Warnings: some angst, reader has anxiety and other mental health issues, talking about weed and mentioning readers death briefly.
A/N: please do NOT romanticize death! You're needed and loved. If you need help, look at this post.
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To think you would be remembered as some "druggie who crashed their car" was beyond anything you could've imagined. Though it was incredibly thoughtless of you to drive back home after smoking weed with your friends.
Not that you would ever call yourself a "druggie". You knew what you were doing and the substance helped calm your anxiety and numbed you to the point of complete relaxation.
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Only this time there was no way of getting home and no way of you crashing at your ex's place either. Not when he had female company and did the:
"I think we should call it a day",
with his hand gripping a girls' thigh tightly.
You had to get home somehow, so you got into your car and drove.
Only you never made it home.
Lesson learned.
For another time.
The "afterlife" or whatever you were stuck in was confusing. There is simply too much time to spend when you're there, but not really.
Thinking was about all you could do now.
Maybe this was your own little hell. You had spent days running after people, screaming at family, friends, anyone really. Yet, despite intense emotions following up with crashed mirrors and broken plates, your presence wasn't known to anyone.
You tried blaming the tree which you crashed into for it, but ended up leaning against it and watched the world continue on without you.
"This is my tree."
Furrowing your brows you looked to your right. The habit of thinking people are talking to you getting the best of you. Except this time there was someone staring right back at you.
Not through you, no. This guy was glaring at you, hands in his sweatshirt jacket pockets and foot tapping the grass impatiently.
You were up on your feet in an instant.
"You're dead too, aren't you?!"
You hadn't talked in forever so your voice made a terrible crack at the end, causing you to crunch your nose at yourself.
"You're sitting at my tree."
His demeanor didn't change, if your people skills didn't betray you, you would even say you had made him more frustrated. Who did he think he is?- Was?
Crossing your arms you replied in a mocking tone:
"Well, I'm sorry mr. Perfect but I died here, so I'm pretty sure this is my tree too."
He scoffed at that, a soft "fuck" leaving his lips as he brushed through his shoulder length hair with his right hand.
You started picking at the skin around your nails, a habit you hadn't even gotten rid of after your death.
The guy's gaze flickered to your hands briefly, before he sighed and walked up to you.
"Connor", his voice sounded less harsh than before. Right hand extended for you to shake.
It had been weeks since you last had any human contact and now here was - you had already forgotten his name again - willing to get to know you.
But when you went to shake his hand, you found yourself grasping at nothing but cold air.
"Guess you're new huh."
It was more of a statement than a question directed at you but you didn't really register his words.
You were staring at your hand, turning it over and tracing a wound from the accident with the fingers of your left hand.
Then you curled it into a fist, nails digging into the lifeless skin and sat back down with your back against the tree.
If it was possible, you felt even more numb and dead than before.
A cold breeze made the hairs on your arms stand as Connor sat down to your right with his hands in his lap and staring up at the sky.
"You're only able to touch others if you concentrate well enough."
You were still picking at your skin when he turned to you and put his hand on your arm.
The sensation made you suck in a breath and you looked up at him, relief evident on your face. His hand felt different on your skin than you had thought it to. There was a slight tingling sensation, like he was a vibrating ball of energy. Connor didn't feel dead at all. He felt more alive than anyone you had ever met before.
The corner of his mouth tugged up lightly at the sensation and your reaction to it. At least he was able to be helpful after his death.
He removed his hand from your arm and held it infront of you again like he did before. Knowing what he wanted you to do, you carefully slipped your hand into his now.
A huge grin forming on your face when you felt a new surge of energy course through your hand as it was firmly placed in his.
"Connor." , he nodded lightly, pushing a strand of hair out of his face in the process.
{ masterlist }
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lemon-boy-stan · 4 years
mirror room - e.h
evan and his girlfriend are dragged along by zoe, alanna and jared to an escape room course that has a theme of optical illusions. there are four rooms and three hours. each room has it's own task that will eventually lead to the occupants' escape. if you do not solve the task you will "blow up". amidst jared and the clock's pressure, supposedly neuro-typical y/n suffers from what she's normally calming her boyfriend down from.
tw: anxiety attack. pressure. mentions of distortion.
we were supposed to go on a date but it's alana's birthday tomorrow so i guess that alana gets what she wants.
evan didn't seen too disappointed about our date's cancellation.
thankfully, he didn't appear to look relieved about it either.
he just seemed... worried. but then again, evan had anxiety.
so him being worried about our date having been cancelled wasn't worrying enough for me to text his mum in secret.
we'd even made it to the fourth room without anything distantly related to anxiety occuring.
even with all of the distortion, evan seemed to be enjoying today.
i couldn't really say the same thing about myself.
i mean, i was pretty sure that i was calm.
because otherwise evan would notice immeadietly.
i just... the lights... the noises... the fear of our fictional death...
every noise possible in the room was piling over each other in loud groans over the previous sound.
evan's sleeve.
the strap of zoe's backpack.
jared, adjusting his glasses.
the ticking of the clock.
alana's breathing.
even the colours...
the pinks and blues and greens of the neon projectors popping against the black tinted mirrors...
"our life depends on you, y/n! there's a number left! come on, seriously?" this was jared. he sounded like he was underwater.
i tried to compose myself. i knew this code pattern, i'd done it before when i was little.
i couldn't let my friends down... everyone was taking things so seriously...
tick, tick, tick...
evan's sleeve.
zoe's backpack.
jared's glasses.
alana's breathing.
tick, tick, tick...
evan uncaps his bottle from a thousand miles away...
it's so fucking loud...
tick, tick, tick...
"we have like, fifteen minutes left..." jared again.
evan sighs loudly.
"fellow agents," the robotic woman added to jared's banter, "we have fifteen minutes left to solve this case! we must get out before the enterprise explodes!"
tick, tick, tick...
"see? she totally agrees with me!" howled jared, still underwater.
"shut up, jared," said evan, his voice dangerously leveled.
they were all underwater...
the numbers in front of me on the lock started to blur.
more neon blobs...
"fellow agents, there are ten minutes left!"
"why is she so energetic about us blowing up?" asked zoe.
"no idea..." said alanna.
"hansen, if we were on an island with codes we would all be dead..."
"shut up, jared..." evan sounded both underwater and pleading.
"fourtern minutes to get that door open! would you like to use your last hint?"
"yes!" shouted jared.
"no!" yelled zoe, "no, we wouldn't! come on, n/n!"
"she's trying..." said evan quietly, making me feel a whole lot worse than he intended to.
"very well..." said the lady through the hidden speakers, "there are thirteen minutes left..."
tick, tick, tick...
"eleven minutes!"
tick, tick, tick...
"oh my god, come on!"
"i said, shut up, jared..."
tick, tick, tick...
"ten minutes to go!"
"we're literally already dead!"
"jared, seriously, shut up."
tick, tick, tick...
"you can do it n/n!"
tick, tick, tick.
"nine minutes to go!" tick, tick, tick... "oh my god... this is taking so fucking long..." tick, tick, tick... "shut up, jared..." tick... "eight minutes..." tick, tick, tick... "i give up..." tick, tick, tick, tickticktickticktick... "shut up..." hurryupshutuphurryupshutuptickticktick...
my hands shook and everything finally, finally went quiet.
the waves dragged me down.
tick, tick, tick...
"look, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to..."
"jared, seriously, shut up." this was not evan but alana this time.
tick. tick. tick. tick. tick. tick. tick. tick.
"evan, evan, i - i c - i can't - i can't - " tears began to form.
"hey. hey. talk to me..." evan wasn't faraway. everyone else still was but it was okay. "what can't you do?"
i exhaled but nothing came out.
"hey, babe. listen to me. what can't you do, beautiful girl?"
"i can't... i can't..."
he held me. evan hansen, held me.
and that made me feel a little bit safe.
"b - i can't - i don't know how - it won't - they won't let me breathe... evan... i can't breathe... the air, it's not... i can't breathe, why can't i fucking breathe!"
i had no idea what to do. it was normally me who had an anxiety or panic attack.
she was normally the one comrorting me.
i took moment to think. just a second.
i went with what my gut told me (for once).
when my attacks were really bad y/n would hold me close.
she would whisper things in my hair and tell me it would be okay....
so that was what i did.
"hey," i said softly, trying my best not to freak out too, "you're okay. it's fine if you didn't solve it, you got most of it and that's all that matters. no, baby, don't listen to jared, he's talking bullshit..." i glared at him. "just... go to that place. remember?" when we were kids... the tent... the fairy lights you made me put..."
she nodded. thank god. thank fucking god.
"it's okay, baby, it's just a game..."
"yeah, we don't mind! it was still fun!" added zoe. alanna nodded.
"are you sure?" said y/n, still trembling but just a little bit.
"of course i'm sure," i replied softly. "i'll always be sure..."
calm was finally, finally restored. y/n cried into my shirt.
"i'm sorry..." she wiped the last of her tears with a sniff, "i'm sorry i couldn't do it... jared. guys... i'm really sorry..."
an explosion went off over the speakers.
"nah, it was my fault, remember? i took forever to figure out the hidden number in the css code... zoe rolled her eyes. "besides. who cares! we had fun!"
"you didn't do anything wrong..." i whispered. "i love you..." fuck, i loved her so much...
"i love you too..."
"get a room!"
so as you can probably tell deh is my new obsession (i'm reading the book and listening to the soundtrack) so requests for evan are open and i'll make a spot on my masterlist.
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write-bout-idiots · 7 years
Cuddling with Alana Headcanons
I’m writing every day the last week of the year: DAY SIX.
Day one: Christmas surprise; Jack Kelly.
Day two: La isla.
Day three: Writer!Evan Headcanons.
Day four: Writer!Evan Headcanons part 2.
Day five: Dating Jack Kelly Headcanons.
A/N: You could say this was @hey-manhattan-the-calvarys-comin​‘s suggestion, so thank you so much i loved to write this! She also edited it and she’s amazing ily nina!! 
• When you were just friends™ you always told her how you would like to have someone to cuddle with, so when you started dating she wanted to do it all the time.
• And you’re not mad because it distracted her from school.
• She texted you when she started studying and if she didn’t stop in four hours you will call and ask for a cuddle.
• She’d be at your place in no time.
• You know, Alana is tiny and demanding so she’s the little spoon that cuddles face to face.
• She left the Saturday’s for you two to hang out without any other responsibility, and even though she loves being outside, you always end up back on the couch cuddling.
• You always hold her hand.
• You like to snuggle in her neck, humming songs to make her laugh.
• Her hair always smells good and her skin is super smooth which means sometimes you can’t hold back soft bites. (It’s not like she minds or cares)
• She always plays with your hair and it entangles but she brushes it afterwards.
• She learned to enjoy the winter holidays by having constant movie nights, watching rom-coms under a blanket, and drinking warm drinks and eating sweets
• You always have a lot of food on the movie nights and it’s weird because you won’t pull off from the hug and end up eating over each other’s shoulder
• It’s very messy. (Again, not like you or her cares)
• Usually you pull up her shirt a little bit to trace stars on her hips and that makes her sleepy.
• One time you and she fell asleep like this in an empty, extracurricular room at school and Zoe came in and took a lot of pictures to make you mad.
• But you ended up even framing one of them and putting it up in your apartment when you moved together.
• Alana discovered that she loves pda, it makes her feel safe and you love to see her happy.
• So you always hug her from behind, hold hands and kiss her cheek every time she says something smart (she’s smart all the time so she’s always getting smooches in public)
• Once Zoe and Evan joined one of your cuddle sessions and now every time they see you two together the just jump in the hug.
• You don’t really mind because Alana loves the attention and affection  
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littletrashcansam · 6 years
DEH request? Where Evan has a crush on this girl. He accidentally bumps into her which make them drop their books. He picks up them and gives them to the reader. As he is in class he realizes they swapped notebooks. He sees that it is a sketch book. He does a little doodle and on the front writes his apology and starts to write compliments about her.
Thank you for the request! I hope you like what I’ve written!
Pairing: Evan Hansen x (female) reader
Words: 936
Warnings: None
Evan was walking the hallways like he always did, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. His casted arm was tightened around the notebook he carried around. Nobody had ever seen his letters to himself and he’d liked to keep it that way.
He raised his head a bit to see if he almost was at his homeroom. Just a couple of halls to cross before he arrived. He looked back down again and continued his path like always, crisscrossing around every student around him.
He was almost at the homeroom when suddenly… He bumped into someone. And not just someone, his crush. (Y/N) (L/N), the most beautiful girl he’d ever encountered.  
All their stuff was scattered over the floor and Evan blushed velvet red. “I’m so sorry.” He muttered as he got down on his knees to get her books. She kneeled down next to him while collecting some stuff too.
“It’s my fault, I wasn’t looking out.” She smiled as she made a neat pile of Evan’s books. They stood up with each others’ things in their arms. (Y/N) handed Evan his books while getting her own from his arms.
“Thanks.” She chimed as she tightened her grip around her books. Her eyes traveled over Evan’s appearance, taking in every inch of him. “Oh gosh, what happened to your arm?” She asked as she laid her hand on the cast worriedly.
Evan fumbled with the edge of his shirt. “I-I fell out o-of a tree.” He managed to stutter out. (Y/N)’s eyes lingered on the cast for some more before she took out a sharpie.
“May I?” She asked. Evan nodded, (Y/N) smiled before scribbling something down. The bell rang and they looked at each other.
“Well, gotta run!” She exclaimed as she quickly but the sharpie back in her pocket. “See you around Evan!” Evan nodded shyly as he watched the girl jog off to her own classroom.
“See her around…” He muttered before stepping into the classroom.
Evan sat down at a desk in the front row and quickly gathered his stuff on the table. He felt reached for his notebook, he had to write down what just happened to him. He opened it but noticed something off, this wasn’t his letters and stories. It was a sketchbook, full of beautiful drawings. He slowly paged through it, admiring every single one of them. This couldn’t be anyone’s but (Y/N)’s.
The teacher started teaching but Evan didn’t even listen to him. He was too busy thinking of a way to get the notebook back to (Y/N) without embarrassing himself. ‘Just slip it into her locker…’ He thought to himself.
‘But I should apologize.’ Without thinking he opened the notebook on a blank page and started scribbling his apology down.
‘Dear (Y/N), Sorry to bother you again, but I think we accidentally switched notebooks. I would very much appreciate it if you could slide it into my locker :). Once again, so sorry I bother you with this.
Sincerely, Evan Hansen.’
He scribbled down a little stick figure next to his note before smiling at it contently. As the lesson carried on Evan kept staring at the notebook. He opened it once again and got his pen.
‘Also, you are a very beautiful girl.’ He wrote.
‘And I really like your smile’
‘And your drawings are magnificent’
‘And the way your eyes sparkle when you talk is cute’
‘I admire how you can be kind to anyone.’
Before he knew it, Evan had scribbled the whole page full with compliments. Did he dare to leave this page in? He closed the notebook.
The lesson ended not long after and Evan quickly packed his back and hurried into the hallway. He quickly found (Y/N)’s locker and slid the notebook inside. It was now too late for him to rethink the page and he had to move on now. He took a deep breath and got on with his day.
The last period just ended and Evan couldn’t be happier it was over. He got his book from his locker and put them in his bag. He suddenly noticed something on his cast, he forgot he let (Y/N) sign it.
‘Get well soon, Tree Boy.-xxx- (Y/N)’
He smiled a bit as he dropped his arm to his side. The thought of her made him blush already. He closed his locker and jumped in surprise. (Y/N) was leaning against the locker next to him with her usual bright smile on her face.
“Hi, Evan…” She smiled, she seemed flustered. Evan smiled back shyly as he awkwardly scratched the back of her neck. “I… wanted to thank you for returning my notebook.” She stopped for a moment to look down at her feet. “And the sweet note you left.” Evan bit his lip as he looked down at his feet too.
She giggled a bit before holding out his own notebook to him. He looked up at her as he took it. She quickly placed a small kiss on his cheek. “Look inside.” She told him before walking off.
He watched her disappear into the crowd with a goofy grin on his face. When she was out of sight the opened his notebook. On the first blank page stood a little note in a neat, girly handwriting.
‘Wanna go out sometime? I hope so!-xxx- (Y/N)’
Underneath it was a phone number quickly scribbled down. Bet your ass Evan wanted to go out sometime.
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a-simple-gaywitch · 6 years
can i get the deh crew (boys and girls bc,,,, g i r l s,,,) x alternative!female reader? thank you! i love your writing sm!
Connor: you borrow each others clothes all the time
Evan: you actually have very similar tastes in music
Alana: like Evan, you have similar tastes in music and will sing together
Zoe: she paints your nails and does your makeup for you
Jared: makes a few emo jokes at first but actually loves everything about you and your style
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dead-amber-walking · 7 years
One heck of a dream smut (DEH Evan x female reader) Slight cursing NSFW Note: this is my very first drabble
"Hello?", you asked groggily. It was 10:30 p.m. and you just fell asleep. "Y/N? Can you please come over?" Evan asked. You could tell by his voice how anxious he was. "On my way", you responded jumping out of bed to put your shoes on and grab your shoes. You arrived at his house in short pajama shorts and a t-shirt because it was a summer night. You knocked on his door and he answered. His eyes were red and his face tear stained. He was breathing heavily and his hand shook as he held on to the doorknob. "Are you alright?", you asked genuinely worried. "Yeah", he responded, "come on in" he opened the door wider to let you in a led you to his room. You had been there several times, but this time seemed sadder. "What happened Evan? Talk to me please." you pleaded wanting to comfort your boyfriend. "Jared is mad at me. I'm sure he hates me. He was my only friend." Evan sobbed. You held him. "Hey, its okay. Why don't you talk it out with him tomorrow. In the meantime lets watch a movie." you suggested. He nodded in response. You put Lilo and Stitch into the DVD player and cuddled with each other. Evan finally drifted to sleep. Evan held your hips close to him as he slept. Evan was sound asleep while you struggled to fall asleep. After you began to drift off Evan became restless. He was shifting around and breathing heavily. You brushed it aside until you heard a small groan. You snapped awake and turned to your sleeping boyfriend. He looked so peaceful; a smile on his face as he slept. Another groan left his lips and you grew worried that he was having a nightmare. You tried to shake him awake until you heard him groan your name. "Y/n", he groaned. His hips bucked against your butt and you realized he wasn't having a nightmare. You turned around to get a better look at his face and woke him up in the process. "Y-y/n. What's happening?", Evan asked. His face was sweaty and strands of his hair stuck to his face. You smirked at him and palmed him through his pajama pants. Evan groaned. "O-oh god y/n." Evan moaned. His hips bucked into your hand as you stroked him through his shorts. "I-I should go t-take care of this." he stuttered as he tried to get up. You grab his hand. "Wait. Why don't we reenact what happened in your dream Evan?", you suggested. He nodded quickly. You pull his shorts down and stroke him through his boxers. "You just have to tell me what to do", you said seductively. "F-first y-you um you straddled me." he stammered. You took off your shorts and pushed y/h/c hair to your shoulder. You situated yourself on his lap. "Then what Evan?" you asked smiling slightly. "I planted kisses along your neck and you ran your fingers through my hair." Evan responded looking down a little ashamed. You noticed and lifted his chin up. "Its nothing to be ashamed of Ev." you said smiling. He nodded and planted kisses along your neck. He gently sucked your neck leaving an array of hickeys down your neck. You ran your fingers through his short hair and tugged slightly when he found your sweet spot. "Y-yes Ev, fuck right there!" you moaned. You could feel him smile against your neck as he sucked harder at the spot. You moaned in response and tugged his hair harder. He removed his mouth from your neck. He grabbed the bottom of your shirt. "May I?" he asked as he tugged at your shirt. You nodded and he swiftly tugged your shirt above your head. He looked at you in awe, he admired your beautiful body. You blushed and crossed your arms in front of you. "I know I don't look good, but geez." you say pulling Evan out of his trance. "S-sorry!" he stammered. He reached out to touch your boobs hesitantly. You nodded slowly and he grabbed your breast squeezing softly as if he might hurt you. He continued gazing at you. You blushed again. "I didn't know I looked that bad." you said nervously "What are talking about y/n? You're gorgeous." You blushed more, not fighting Evan on this. He went to unclasp your bra, but struggled to get it off. "Stupid contraption!" he yelled. He finally unclasped it and you laughed. "Congrats!" you say clapping. "Shall we continue?" you ask him. He nods and pulls down your underwear. "Ride my thigh." he says with newfound confidence. You comply, grinding and rocking back and forth on his thigh. He could feel the wetness drip on his thigh. "Damn, so wet for me already baby girl, and I just started." he says smirking. He puts a finger in you and then stops. He didn't know what to do, he froze. He looked to you for guidance. "Push your finger in a little farther Ev." you tell him. He pushes it as far as it will go. "Good. Now curl your fingers, like a 'come here motion' ", you say showing him what to do. He does just that and he hits your g-spot. "Oh god Ev right there! Harder Ev! Your doing great!" you moan. He smiles at the praise and pumps his finger in and out faster and harder. You could feel the heat rising in your stomach, you were close. "E-Ev I'm close!" you yell. He removes his fingers and licks them. He grabs a condom from his nightstand. He rolls it on his length. You lay on the bed and Evan lines up with your vagina. "Are you sure you want this?" he asks. You nod. "Yes Ev." He pushes inside of you. You gasp and you tug his hair. He waits a minute to let you adjust. When you're ready you tell him to move. He complies. Thrusting inside of you slowly, as if he's teasing you. "Faster Evan! Harder!" you moan. He quickly picks up his pace, hitting your g-spot every time. "Yes Ev! Fuck right there! Your doing so great Ev!" you moan loudly. Encouraged by your praise he rams into you harder. "I-Im going to!" you couldn't finish your sentence as you came around his cock. Evan felt your walls tighten around his cock. "You're so t-tight baby!" he yells as he cums. He removes the condom and throws it in the trash can by his bed. You're both panting. "Fuck that was amazing." Evan says panting. "Yeah. Was it better than your dream?" you ask grinning. "Definitely." he responds. You kiss him gently and go to the bathroom. You come out and see Evan with his boxers laying down on his bed. "You should take a shower. You're sweaty." you tell him. "Yeah. I love y/n." "I love you more Evan." you respond cuddling with him on his bed.
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“Too Good” Peter Maximoff x Pyrokinetic!Reader (Request)
Request: Hi! “Longish request” anon here! First, I just wanted to say your writing/ characterization is A+ Second, I wanted to request something with peter maximoff and reader. Like angst and fluffy stuff. I have this quote that I really like- “Women are forged of iron. My body it has bled and blazed and broken. But yet it beats on. I am iron. A little rusted perhaps, but still, I endure.” I have this head-cannon that reader is a really powerful mutant and she carries a lot of burdens from her past. And how she’s determined a lot of people’s fate. Anyways, peter and reader are dating And sometimes reader gets really depressed because of her sometimes uncontrollable powers. And peter isn’t the best at helping her during times like this. So one night she just goes off on him about what a big burden she carries and how she tries so hard to do good. But peter doesn’t understand the load on her shoulders. But peter explains that he understands and stuff. they make up, etc. Oh! And thank you for taking my request! ~ @captain-maaarvel
Warnings: Fighting, Self-Depreciation, Anxiety, Fire-Stuff, Kissing, PTSD?
Pronouns: Female (I naturally write with female pronouns, but I try to change it up every once in a while. PLEASE feel free to request a version of this, or any previously written imagine with different pronouns. IT IS NO TROUBLE AT ALL, Also, if you have a request, feel free to make specific pronouns part of it.)
A/N: Hey there! So first off, I’d like to personally apologize for taking, like, five years with this fic. I’m not entirely sure this is what you wanted but I kind of like the way it turned out so I hope you enjoy it!! Sorry it’s a bit short. This was a really cool idea! I chose to give the reader pyrokinesis because this prompt really reminded me of a personal HC I have about a reader who struggles with their past. Fire is interesting because it’s incredibly destructive and I feel like mutants with powerful relationships with fire may have mixed feelings about their role in the X-Men. I also feel like pyrokinesis would be tough to deal with while one is learning to control it. Anyway, thanks for reading! Thanks for requesting! Have a groovy day!
(P.S. Shoutout to @actual–hobbit for requesting the “If I Could Tell Her” fic last week because I really liked the song and I ended up watching the full musical [Dear Evan Hansen] and omg now I’m obsessed and it’s ruining any hope of productivity and Evan is my SON and Connor is my baby whom I will protect with my life. My little sister is going to kill me because I’ve been singing it so much If anyone wants to talk DEH I’m down to party. hmu. Sincerely, me.)
It finally happened. Her fears were finally realized. She had burnt him.
She didn’t even think. She should have thought. It was just a combat demonstration. Fake or not, fear bubbled in her stomach. She should have known better than to be nervous.
One wrong move was all it took. She grabbed his wrist, blocking an uppercut when he quickly pulled his arm away. She hadn’t even thought about the temperature of her skin.
Peter let out a choked, cry of pain, falling backwards and grabbing his wrist in his other hand. Y/N swore that she felt her heart stop. Peter gave her a panicked look as he frantically tried to hide the large, angry burn that marked his arm. Y/N covered her mouth with her hands, suddenly registering what she had done. The blood drained from her face as horror soaked through her.
She used to have nightmares about hurting him. Peter would find her writhing in her sheets, her skin at 400 degrees. But even then, he’d wake her and hold her, hushing her until she calmed down. He’d blow cool streams of air into her face as her skin returned to its normal warmth and she fell back asleep.
She wished this was a nightmare. She wished she could wake up to see Peter’s concerned face, wearing nothing but his pajamas and his starry hair pulled back with a tie.
This couldn’t be real. She had never woken up. Logan had never held training in the Danger Room and he’d never asked her to do a combat demonstration and she had to be dreaming this whole thing.
”Oh my God…“
“Y/N, no. I’m ok. It’s just-”
Her stomach twisted with panic and self-hatred as she realized what she’d done. She stepped backwards, still trying to catch her breath.
“I’m…I can’t…I’m sorry-”
Tears welled in her eyes. Peter reached out and called after her.
Horrified, she turned from the boy and ran. He stood, trying desperately to catch her. But by the time he made it to the door, she was gone.
Charles said she would learn to control it. He said that she could do good things. That’s all she ever wanted. To do good. But fire wasn’t meant for good.
Fire was destruction. Fire devoured everything it touched. She was dangerous. No matter how hard she tried, everything she cared about was burnt.
Now, she had somehow managed to hurt the only friend that she had left. The moment replayed in her head like a movie. The sound he made when she touched him.
Something in her had known it was coming. From the moment Logan asked them to fight, she could feel a knot forming in her chest. She’d never forgive herself for ignoring it.
Peter was the only one who made her feel like she could learn to control it. In return, she had scalded him.
There was a small knock on her door. She buried her face in her pillow. The mattress dipped as Peter sat next to her. His hand glided up under her shirt, rubbing over her back slowly and tracing patterns there. She forced herself to move away. She couldn’t bear to hurt him again. Her powers spiked when she was upset. God knows what they could do now.
His eyebrows knit together. She glanced at his wrist. It and been bandaged neatly and he held an ice pack loosely in his fingers. She bit her lip, trying to hold back more tears.
“Y/N look at me…”
She struggled to meet his eyes. He cupped her face in his bandaged hand and craned his neck down to look at her. He felt his heart sink upon seeing her. Her tears had left tracks down her cheeks. She looked heart-broken.
“Hey, I’m gonna be Ok. Everything’s gonna be OK.”
He felt his voice break as ran his thumb over her cheek. She shook her head, burying her face in her hands. He pulled her closer and she let out a choked sob into the crook of his neck. He bit his lip a little. Just hearing the noise made his heart fall deeper into his stomach. He hushed her gently and ran his hand through her hair as he pulled her closer. She tensed a little and moved back, she was trembling.
“Y/N-” he begged.
“Peter, let me see-” She said weakly, pulling herself back to reality.
“Y/N, you’re scaring me. Look at me. You can touch me…”
“Let me see it.”
Peter swallowed and held out his wrist. She unwrapped it tenderly and ran her fingers lightly over the deep red marks. A tear fell from her cheek and onto his palm. She let go of his hands, still shaking. She turned away from him. Peter reached out, grabbing her shoulder. She flinched, pushing him away.
“I can’t hurt you, Peter. I won’t let it happen-“
“You won’t hurt me…”
"Yes I will. I hurt everything. That’s all I ever do. Hurt people-”
“Y/N…” he pressed a kiss to her forehead, desperate to find something that would ground her. Tears stung his eyes as he spoke.
“I want to touch you, Y/N. I just want you to touch me. God, Y/N…Why won’t you let me touch you?”
His voice was weak and shaken. He sounded terrified. Y/N’s stomach flipped. She bit her lip.
"Do you love me?”
“Do you love me, Peter?”
"Christ, Y/N. Of course-”
“You shouldn’t.”  
She swallowed, pleading with herself to keep it together. She looked up at him for just long enough to register the fear in his eyes. That’s when she felt herself break. She sobbed into his chest. He pulled her into his arms, letting his hands roam over her the valleys of her shoulders and her back.
“You’d hate me, Peter. If you knew,” she whimpered, “You’d hate what I’ve done. I’ve ruined people, Pete. I can’t ruin you, too. I just can’t.”
He clung to her, drowning in the silence. She leaned back, looking him directly in the eye. She cradled his face, holding him a little too tightly
“You’re too good to ruin.”
Peter surged forward, moving his lips into hers and wrapping her in his arms. He backed her gently against the headboard, kissing the tears from her face. He mirrored her, nuzzling his nose against her neck and pressing soft kisses down her collarbone, lingering there. He was warm and he cared too much and she warned herself not to melt into him anymore than she already had. His lips stopped above her ear. His breath was hot against her neck.
“And you’re too good for me to leave.”
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deh headcanons (idc who) for a fem! reader who is a dancer?? :0
Why not the original three? So, in case you don’t know, I’m a dancer myself so I may or may not have gotten really carried away with these headcannons. But I hope you enjoy!
WC: 1,025 (holy shit)
Warning: Maybe like one swear word somewhere, Jared Kleinman
so this guy lovessssssss to watch you dance
especially when you do lyrical or contemporary
the smooth movements help calm his anxiety
like during your dance recitals and concerts, he’ll record those dances on his phone
one time he came to your competition and tried to record
but he got caught
oh no
so you had to sprint to him as soon as you got off stage so that security wouldn’t throw him out
you did have to help him through his anxiety attack afterwards because the poor boy didn’t know what was going on
you brought him to one of the empty hallways and hugged him, rocking him back and forth and wrapping your dance team jacket around him
during awards, he came on stage with you and wore your jacket
every time one of your dances got Platinum, he’d smile brightly and peck your cheek
whenever you got high gold, he give you an eskimo kiss
anything else he’d hug you tightly
and of course Evan would come with you the next day
he’d support you through all three of the long competition days
because Evan loves you
he tried to learn a bit of ballet on his own at one point so he could surprise you, but you caught him practicing in his room
you walked up to his room so you two could leave for a date and he was trying to do a tendu
you giggled and went to help him
“you’ve gotta uncurl your toes, Ev.”
he shrieks
cause you scared him
poor boy
he does as you said and his tendu looks a million times better
so instead of going to that movie, you two stay at his house and you teach him the basics of ballet
after a few weeks of practicing after school, Evan surprised you by lifting you up for a leap when you were practicing in the living room
you were like “whoa Evan when did you become so strong?”
“i wanted to be able to dance like you cause you’re so good at it so i tried to work on my arm strength so i could lift you sorry that’s probably annoying”
sweet boy
nothing you do is annoying
because you are her little dancing Evan
and she loves you
oh my ding dang gosh
this boy
your dancing
especially your hip-hop
this dude loves to see you pop and lock
during competitions, he will be screaming the loudest
the audience shushes him
it’s a lyrical number
he once tried to bribe the judges with five dollars
you didn’t chase him down that day
Jared wont come on stage with you for awards
instead he’ll take pictures from the audience as you hold your awards
Jared absolutely B E G S you to teach him how to tap dance
because we all know
The Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman wishes he was in Newsies
so you tried to teach him
but then gave up
because when you tried to teach him how to do a bell hop, his shoe flew off and smashed into your mirror
so no more tap dancing for Jared
but he did learn a few hip-hop moves from you
i never said he was good at them
i just said he learned them
overall, he’s a happy hip-hop boy who loves being his girlfriends biggest fan
oh my
oh my goodness
this guy
this guy right here
his favorite thing to do
oh my
is watch you on pointe
hands down
you think he liked smoking drugs?
think again
especially when you pull your feet up into Sous-sus
he loves watching it
of course, he cringes every time you go up on your toes because ouch that’s gotta hurt like hell
one time when you ran out of lambs wool he sped to the store to pick you up some more so you could wear your pointe shoes during class without being in pain
now at competitions
you best believe Connor does your make up
and he helps you warm up by holding your leg up in developpe and making sure your hair doesn’t get messed up
he’s a helpful boy
all the little girls on your team love playing with Connors hair before they go on stage
it helps calm them down before they go on stage so Connor is more then willing to let them braid it
during your solo he cries
you’re just so beautiful and he can’t believe how in love with you he is
even if it’s an upbeat jazz number or a rocking tap, you know he’s standing in the wings crying
oh you didn’t know?
Connor waits backstage with you
the crew of the competitions are too scared of him to tell him to leave so they just let him stay
when you run off stage, Connor gives you a minute to breath before hugging you tightly and kissing your temple
he’s just so proud of you
okay so
at awards, Connor will sit on stage with you
he’d pull you into his lap and hug your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder
every time they’d call out one of your dances, no matter what award or what you’d place, he’d press a light kiss to your neck
sweet boy
(no i don’t have a favorite. i love them all equally what r u talking about)
so Connor gets you to teach him swing
man bun time!!!!!
but no seriously this boy is a natural
he’s so in synch with you and the music its beautiful
but he doesn’t take real classes or anything
you two just dance around your living room
one night you went outside and did a bunch of lifts and flips in his front yard
Zoe recorded the whole thing
Connor deleted it off her laptop
but thankfully you got a video of it before he did
you watch it every night before bed
the end
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Connor x theatre nerd! reader whereby he reader may ramble a lot idk mannn thanks anyway ily💛
Sorry it took so long! Here are some head cannons, my friend! And, whats this? Gender neutral? I hope so, at least! I tried the best I could! Let me know if I miss something!
WC: 596
Warnings: Swearing
so the first time you met Connor you were partnered up for Biology
you had to dissect a frog
Connor was having trouble cutting the frog with the scalpel
so he just stabbed it
of course you’re like “Connor wtf?”
and he shrugged and muttered “he had it coming”
and Connor is taken aback like “Y/N wtf?”
you start going on and on about Cell Block Tango and then the entirety of Chicago
you were almost finished when the bell rang
you sighed and cleaned up the stabbed frog while Connor put away the lab papers
you put on your backpack and started walking away when Connor tapped your shoulder
“aren’t you gonna finish?”
“finish what?”
“talking about that fucking musical. you seemed so excited about it i figured i might as well let you fucking finish.”
you smiled brightly and walked with him down the hallway to the lunch room, blabbing on and on about the rest of Chicago and getting into a bit of Wicked because that somehow slipped into the conversation
then Connor said “is there any you think i might like?”
because we all know that boy has nothing better to do than watch bootlegs
you nod and quickly looked him up and down
(you actually knew what musical to recommend him since you first saw him. the looking was just because whoa did Connor Murphy just become suddenly hotter?)
Connor handed you his phone and said “put in your number and send Newsies to me”
and you’re like “ok”
fast forward to the end of the school year because I’m a lazy shark
you and Connor Murphy are bff’s and everyone knows it so they don’t even dare to mess with you
(your parents totally ship you btw)
so anyway
Connor is driving you and Zoe to school like always. today you’re blasting Motown cause everyone needs a little Motown in the morning
so Connor parks the car and Zoe quickly gets out while you guys finish the song. when its done, Connor hands you a shoe box
and again you’re like “Connor wtf?”
“fucking open it”
you open it and gasp. inside is a plane ticket and three broadway show tickets. (you can choose your favorite shows because Connor would know exactly what they are)
and you look at him and he’s holding up his own plane and show tickets
“after school gets out on Friday we’re heading to the airport so get all your shit packed. i already talked with your parents. they’re cool with just the two of us going.”
you throw your arms around him
“thank you thank you thank you! Connor you’re the best! i could just kiss you!”
“then do it”
tbh you are shook by his answer but you don’t hesitate. you slam your lips onto his chapped ones
(seriously you gotta buy this dude some chapstick or something)
and then you go to school hand in hand because TA DA you’re a couple now
then you go to New York
both of you?
alone in a hotel room?
for a week?
y’all know things get steamy
but it’s okay cause its consent and you dorks love each other
during a steamy time you took slightly longer to get your shirt off
and Connor mumbled “whatcha waiting for?”
“Y/N wtf?”
the end
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connor murphy x reader in marching band together? (i'm on the color guard)
Here you are, my friend! I don’t know much about marching band so I just used what little knowledge I have from my friends when writing this. Let me know if something isn’t accurate! I’ll be sure to change it!
WC: 483 
Warning: Swearing, A bit of OOC Connor
oh man
we all know Connor Murphy
we all know Connor Murphy hates pretty much everything
we all know Connor Murphy hates marching band
i feel like he would’ve been forced into it
like Zoe is in jazz band so his parents wanted him to do something with music
and he’s got them long ass legs
so what came to mind?
marching band
damn it Larry
i blame you for this
Connor probably plays the drums
cause he can get a lot of his stress out that way
and so marching band has after school practice right?
so he’s on the side playing drums
tap tap tap
and a flag comes flying towards him
he catches it and is just kinda like “wtf”
then you run over
“gah sorry! i didn’t hit you, did i?”
well shit
Connor’s got heart eyes for sure
so for the next week Connor stares at you during practice
he misses his cues a lot
oh well
the instructor will get over it
you notice him staring at you
but that’s it
that’s all he does
he just stares
so you make this first move and start a conversation with him
you’re just like “hey”
and Connor is shook
he doesn’t know what to do
so he kinda just plays the drums
but not like “cool” or “wow” or “amazing”
he does the punch line thing
ya know
ba dum tiss
that’s what he does
but you laugh
and Connor starts laughing after he realized what he did
then whip bam boom you two become friends
then whip bam boom part two, you two become best friends
THEN whip bam boom part three you two become a couple
Connor loves watching you during competitions
like he knows he’s supposed to be playing
be you’re just so entrancing to watch
thankfully he’s learned to play and watch you at the same time
he always
shares his water with you
like you’ll finish a routine and he’d toss his water to you
and you’re like “Connor theres barely any water in here. you sure you wont need it?”
and he’s like “nah i’ll be good”
he will not be good
he will faint
you guys march around in the blazing sun and get dehydrated
and the poor boy just kinda collapses
that’s the last time he wears black skinny jeans during practice
so you two go out on a date to the mall just to buy him some comfy sweats
but he loves you
and you don’t know this
but on the inside of the left sleeve of his uniform he keeps a little picture of you holding your flag, smiling brightly
it cheers him up when he feels worn out
you two are the adorable marching band couple
and everyone ships it
the end
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IHOP and the Enigma (Connor Murphy x Reader)
Asked by Anonymous: Can I please get a Connor x Reader where the reader is basically Belle and Connor is the Beast. Thank you
Bro tbh I have no idea what I just fucking wrote. I think I started to work with your request, but it slowly veered away from it and I’m so so so sorry about that. Even though this took me forever to write, I honestly hate how it came out and I will most likely redo it in the future.
WC: 2,751
Warnings: Swearing, Mention of attempted suicide, Shitty writing, Jared Kleinman
Again, sorry for the horrible writing. I really should not post this. I am not proud of how this turned out at all. Please don’t send me messages about how random it is and how I can’t stick to one plot line.
Because I know that already.
Also I haven’t slept in like 24 hours so give me a break.
Connor Murphy was an enigma.
By definition, an enigma is a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.
So, yeah. Connor Murphy was an enigma. And everyone at school avoided him like any other enigma in their lives. Including the area underneath the left side of the football fields bleachers. That’s where Connor went to smoke. No one dared to venture near that side, fearful of what the “School Shooter” might do if he found out.
You, of course, weren’t fearful. You were rather curious. Curious if Connor Murphy actually smoked there or if it was just a myth. Curious about what he would do if he found someone in his area. Curious as to how enigmatic this enigma really was.
Therefore, you conducted an experiment. In all honesty, you just didn’t want to sit through another boring history lecture. So instead, you decided to put your curiousness at ease.
You sat under the bleachers, pulled out your phone, and scrolled through some apps while you waited for Connor.
Thankfully, you didn’t have to wait too long.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?” Connor asked as he walked under the bleachers. He stuffed an unlit joint back into his hoodie pocket.
You look up at him. “I was just doing an experiment.”
“An experiment? That’s a poor ass excuse. What are you actually doing here? Trying to find out some creepy shit about me so I’ll freak out?” Connor accused, his temper growing by the second.
You shook your head, putting your hands up. “No! I swear it was just for an experiment! I’ll be on my way!” You spring up and start to walk away until you feel a tug on your backpack.
“Nope. No fucking way are you leaving just yet,” Connor snarled. He harshly pulled you back against one of the metal poles. Your head slammed against the metal but you weren’t worried about the pain. You were more frightened by what Connor was doing. “You’re gonna help me show people that I’m not to be fucking messed with. So as of now, you’re my slave.”
You opened your mouth in protest, but quickly shut it when Connor glared at you with eyes full of darkness. Wordlessly, you nod.
Connor smirked slightly before letting you go, pulling his joint back out of his pocket. He grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to you. “Write down your number. I’ll text you whenever I need you for something.”
Again, you nodded and obeyed. Your shaking hand made it difficult to write the numbers cleanly, but you managed. You handed the paper back to him and gripped your backpack straps.
Connor stuffed the paper in his pocket and lit his joint. “Now get your ass out of here before people see you with the School Shooter.”
So you ran back to class. What did you get yourself into?
During lunch, you got your first text.
From Connor: Y/N this better be your fucking number
You rolled your eyes and went outside to eat, as always. You sat against a tree away from everyone else and took out your lunch.
To Connor: It is. Chill.
From Connor: where the fuck are you
To Connor: Outside eating lunch. Why does it matter?
You put your phone away and start eating your sandwich. Just as you were about to take your first bite, someone sat down next to you. So much for away from everyone else. You sigh and look next to you, surprised to see the enigma himself. “What are you doing here?”
Connor shrugged. “Figured if you’re my slave, I should at least fucking try to get to know you,” he said, taking his bag off his shoulder.
You nodded and ate silently. But Connor just sat against the tree, staring off into the distance.
“Don’t you have a lunch?” you asked, slightly concerned by how calm he was.
Connor shook his head. “Nope.”
“Do you want some of mine?”
His head whipped towards you. “What?”
“Do you want some of my lunch?” you repeat, holding out your apple towards him.
“Why the fuck would you share your shitty lunch with me?”
You shrug. “Why not?” Connor stared at the apple for a few seconds before grabbing it cautiously. “It’s just an apple, Connor. It’s not gonna bite.”
Connor rolled his eyes and mumbled incoherently before taking a bite of the apple. When he was finished, he threw the core as far as he could into the grassy field ahead of them.
“Connor, what the hell? Why didn’t you just throw it out?” you question, packing up the rest of your lunch.
“It’s an apple. It’ll decompose. Just give it some time,” he said, standing up and putting his bag back on. “Plus, that’s where the shitty soccer team practices so hopefully they’ll slip on it,” Connor mumbled before walking back into the school.
Even though the bell rang, indicating lunch was over, you kept rooted in your spot.
What kind of fucking enigma was Connor Murphy?
It was a few months since that day and that enigma still called you his slave. You did multiple things for him, including doing his homework, buying him more nail polish, and once you even had to pick up some weed from his dealer for him.
From Connor: tomorrow get me some coffee
“Ugh!” you cry out, flopping onto your stomach on your bed. It was currently 11:47 at night, just when you were about to fall asleep, when Connor Murphy gave you another job as his slave.
To Connor: Fine. What kind?
From Connor: dark roast with two creams
To Connor: Really? You don’t want any of the fancy stuff? I think the Pumpkin Spice Latte is back in season.
From Connor: im not drinking that shit
To Connor: Alright. Dark Roast it is.
You turned off your phone and rolled onto your back. You closed your eyes, ready to go to sleep.
From Connor: ill give you money at school tomorrow
“That asshat!” you yelled into your pillow before replying.
To Connor: Okay.
From Connor: okay
To Connor: Don’t start with that Fault In Our Stars shit. I beg of you.
From Connor: damn i didnt mean it like that fuck
You smiled a little bit.
To Connor: You okay, Connor? It seems like you’re just trying to make conversation.
From Connor: im fucking perfect
To Connor: You don’t seem fine. Send me your address. I’m gonna pick you up. We’re going to IHOP.
You got dressed in some jeans and an old T-Shirt and headed downstairs where your mom was still watching TV. “Hey, Mom? One of my…friends isn’t feeling well so I’m gonna take him out to IHOP,” you said.
Your mom muted the TV and looked up at you. “At midnight? On a school night? I don’t think so, Y/N.”
You bit your lip. “Mom…he’s attempted suicide before.” The memory of the assembly from years ago flashed through your mind. The first time Connor tried to kill himself. You didn’t know him then (if you even knew him now) but you did learn a bit about it and what signs to watch out for.
Her eyes widened. “Oh…yes…yes that’s fine. Just keep me updated, okay?”
You nodded and kissed her cheek. “Thanks!” You grabbed your keys, pulling out your phone when Connor texted you his address.
You sat down across from the enigma at the booth. There were a handful of other people in the restaurant, but you and Connor asked to be sat away from them. So they gave you a back corner booth.
After ordering your food, you decided to start the conversation. “So…you’re getting waffles?”
Great conversation starter.
Connor nodded, pulling his hair back into a messy bun. “Yeah. Waffles are pretty fucking good.”
You shrug. “I prefer pancakes, myself.”
Connor smirked. “What’s the difference?”
“Nothing except that pancakes are the best.”
“What proof do you have?”
“I have the proof of everyone here!”
Connor let out a laugh. Whoa. “Oh yeah? How do you know if they prefer shitty pancakes over the almighty waffles?”
You smiled brightly. “I’ll just ask them!” You grabbed a napkin and pulled a pen out of your pocket (magic!). You quickly made a T-Chart on the napkin and walked around, asking everyone there if they preferred pancakes or waffles. Connor laughed as he watched you walk around all the half asleep patrons, trying to pry an answer out of them.
You walked back to the table and showed Connor your results. “So we’ve got five for pancakes, five for waffles, and two that are allergic to eggs.”
Connor smiled, whoa part two, and crossed his arms. “So you still don’t have any proof?”
You shook your head. “I guess not.” Your food then came out. The waitress set the plates down and started to walk away. “Wait!” you said. “Do you prefer pancakes or waffles?”
The waitress thought for a moment. “I’d say pancakes.”
“YES!” you yelled, pumping your fists in the air. “PANCAKES RULE!”
Connor laughed. “Now you’re gonna get our asses kicked out of here for yelling so fucking loud.”
You laughed and began to eat.
The drive back home was much more enjoyable than the drive to the restaurant. You two couldn’t stop talking. And it wasn’t just awkward conversations, either. It was laughing and debating and truly enjoying each others company.
You pulled into Connors driveway and turned off the car. “Well, I guess we’re here,” you sighed, turning to face him.
Connor nodded and looked at you. “Yeah. Guess we are.” He scratched the back of his neck. “I, uh, thanks…for that, I guess. It…it really helped? I don’t fucking know how you knew I wasn’t feeling well but somehow you fucking did so yeah.”
You don’t know how it happened. Maybe it was from all the sugar you just had. Maybe it was because it was 2:32 in the morning. Maybe it was because you were the only person who saw this side of Connor so you felt like you could do anything. But whatever the reasoning, with a sudden bolt of confidence, you did it. You reached out, grabbed the collar of Connors shirt with your hands, and slammed your lips against his.
Teeth clacked, noses bumped, eyes closed too tight. It was a horrible kiss as kisses go. But it felt so right. At least, you thought it did.
Connor gripped your shoulders and detached his lips from yours. “What the actual fuck, Y/N?”
You blushed deeply and avoided his eyes. “I’m sorry! It-it-it just felt like what I w-w-was supposed to do! I-I won’t d-do it again I pr-“ You were cut off by Connor once again. He kissed you, properly this time.
Sighing contently, you loosened your grip on his collar and reached a hand up to his hair. Carefully, you took out his ponytail holder and let his hair fall around you two. You giggled against his lips as his hair tickled your nose.
Connor smiled and let go of your shoulders. He tangled one hand in your hair and put the other one on your waist. He gently squeezed your waist, causing you to let out a small moan. Connor took this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
You two made out for a few more minutes until you both forced yourselves apart. Your backs slammed against the car seats, both of you panting.
“Whoa,” you mumbled, running your fingers over your swollen lips.
Connor ran a hand through his hair. He licked his lips and took a deep breath. “So…what now?”
You shrug. “I…I don’t know,” you mumbled. “Does this count as Stockholm Syndrome?”
Connor laughed. Like, really laughed. Like, threw his head back and squeezed his eyes shut tight laughed. “I have no fucking clue!”
You laughed along with him. Wow. That just happened. You made out with the enigma of the school.
And boy, oh boy, were you happy about it.
The next day, not even five hours later, you pulled into the Murphy’s driveway. Clutching his coffee, you walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, Connor appeared, his hair tangled in knots and bags the size of carry-ons. But seeing you, his face lit up just a bit.
“Hey,” Connor said and leaned down to peck your lips.
You smiled and returned the kiss. “Hey. Ready to go?”
Connor nodded. “Yeah. Just let me grab my shit.” He took his coffee before walking into the other room. A few moments later, he returned and grabbed the keys out of your hands. “Let’s go.”
You nodded and followed him to the car. Normally, Connor would drive to school while he’s still in a somewhat decent mood, and you would chill in the passenger seat, not daring to say a word. But today, you took a risk. You grabbed his free hand and intertwined your fingers. From the corner of your eye, you could’ve sworn you saw Connors mouth turn up in a slight smile.
When you got to school, Connor parked in the back of the lot and quickly turned off the car. He faced you and squeezed your hand. “Y/N, I don’t want you as my fucking slave. I want you as my S/O. Okay?”
You smiled brightly. “Okay.”
“Don’t start with that Fault In Our Stars shit.”
You giggled and got out of the car, grabbed his hand, and walked into school with your enigma. Of course, having spent the past few months as his slave, you knew Connor’s class was before yours. “I guess I’ll see you at lunch?”
Connor nodded. “Yeah. See you then.” He leaned down to give you a quick kiss before letting go of your hand and walking into his class. You smiled and began your trek to the other side of the school.
That is, until Jared Kleinman came along.
“So you’re dating the school shooter, huh? Tell me, how’s the freak in bed?” Jared smirked, walking beside you.
You frowned. “He’s not a freak, Jared. Fuck off.”
“See, this is what happens when he threatens you. He’s probably holding your family hostage so you’ll agree to date him, huh Y/N?” Jared nudged you.
“Shut up, Kleinman! Leave me the fuck alone!” You started a quicker pace towards your class.
Jared, of course, didn’t leave you alone. Cause why would he? “You’re not actually saying you like that stoner, are you?”
“Actually, I’m saying I fucking love him, alright? Connor’s changed, Jared. Maybe you could learn something from him,” you spat before stomping into your class. You quickly took your seat and laid your head in your arms.
Soon enough, lunch came. You ran out to the tree and smiled when you say Connor. “Hey!”
Connor turned and smiled at you. “Hey.” He wrapped an arm around you as you two sat down. He pressed a small kiss to your temple. “I guess if we’re dating we should actually go on a fucking date, right?”
You shrugged. “Yeah kinda. We can just go to IHOP again, though,” you said, handing him your apple from your lunch.
Connor nods. “Yeah, but we should do other things too.”
“To be honest,” you say, smiling at him, “if it’s with you, I’d do anything, Connor.”
The long haired boy laughed. “Oh man, this is so Stockholm Syndrome.”
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Clingy (Jared Kleinman x Reader)
Asked by Anonymous: Hi! Can you do a one shot with Jared and a reader where one of them might be considered clingy? Or like one (or both) is just so insecure about the other honestly liking them and they freak out on them.
Finally finished! I hope you like it, Anon. I’m not sure if it’s exactly what you were hoping for, though. I tried to make it for all genders.
WC: 1,282
Warnings: Swearing, Mention of smoking, Jared Kleinman
The thought didn’t cross your mind, at first. It’s just what couples do, you thought. Spend as much time as possible together, right? If Jared was bothered by it, he didn’t mention it. You two just held hands as you walked through the hallways, met at your classroom doors to walk the other to their next hour, walked to either your house or his house after school, and “study” for the rest of the night.
But Connor had thought it. Well, not just thought it. He bluntly said it. “Y/N, why are you so clingy?”
You had just passed him in the hallway, running an errand for your teacher in the middle of class. You hadn’t thought you’d see Connor sneaking off to smoke and you definitely hadn’t thought he would say such thing.
“What?” you asked, gripping the papers tighter in your arms.
“Why do you cling to Jared so fucking much? It’s suffocating to watch. I can’t imagine what it might feel like for him,” Connor shrugged and continued on his way.
You, on the other hand, stood rooted in place. Clingy? Were you clingy? Did other people think you were clingy?
Did Jared think you were clingy?
You shook your head, erasing the thought, and continued on your way. When you arrived back in your class, though, the thought haunted you once again. Did Jared think you were clingy? Did your boyfriend find you clingy?
The bell rang and students flooded through the door. You slowly got up, grabbed your bag, and walked out into the hallway to see Jared waiting for you. You managed a small smile and grabbed his hand. “Hey,” you said, pressing a small kiss to his lips.
“That’s gay,” Jared joked.
You gave a halfhearted chuckle and began the walk to lunch. You didn’t speak, the thought still jumping around in your head. You almost didn’t hear your boyfriend talk.
“You okay?” he asked, giving your hand a soft squeeze.
You nodded. “Y-Yeah, I’m good. Just…stuff we learned in class…really confusing.”
Jared raised an eyebrow, but didn’t press further. You two made your way to your table. Evan had already sat down and was munching on his sandwich. You and Jared sat across from him, Jared laying his arm around your waist as he always did.
“Hey, Evan,” you smiled, taking out your lunch.
“H-Hi, Y/N,” the boy greeted back. “Hi, Jared.”
Jared nodded. “Hey, Hansen. Where’s the pothead?”
“Fuck off, Kleinman.”
“There he is!” Jared laughed as Connor sat down. Connor threw his arm around Evan’s shoulders, causing the poor boy to turn bright red. Connor looked at you and how close you were to Jared. You looked down and scooted away from Jared, just a few inches so he couldn’t wrap as close of an arm around you. Jared looked at you, his face showing signs of concern. “Babe? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. It’s just a bit warm in here, is all,” you said and took a bite of your food before he could ask anything else.
The rest of the day went by awkwardly. You didn’t give him a goodbye kiss after lunch, your walks to class were silent, and you didn’t meet him by his classroom after school. Jared was freaking out. Were you sick? Were you hurt? He didn’t know! Luckily, he caught you as you were walking out of school.
“Y/N! Hey!” he called out and ran to your side. He grabbed your hand, causing you to stop. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but if it’s something I did please tell me. I want to make it up to you,” Jared whispered.
You shook your head and pulled your hand out of his grasp, pushing it into your sweatshirt pocket. “No, no you didn’t do anything. It’s just…one of those days, y’know?”
Jared frowned. “Yeah…sure. So, your house or mine?” he asked.
You were about to respond when you saw Connor out of the corner of your eye. He watched you two and crossed his arms, a smirk settling on his face, waiting to see how this played out. You bit your lip. “Actually, I think I’m gonna go home. By myself. Yeah.”
Jared nodded. “Alright, then. I can’t do anything to stop you, I guess.” He grabbed your shoulder and kissed your lips, softer than he would’ve liked. “I love you,” he whispered.
You cracked a smile. “I love you, too.” You gripped the strap of your bag and walked home. Alone. And boy, was it awful.
Later that night, as you were perched on the couch with a book in hand, the doorbell rang. Being the only one home, you got up to answer it. Your breath caught at the sight of Jared holding a bouquet of roses. “Hey,” you said.
He smiled and held out the flowers. “That’s gay,” he teased. “Mind if I come in?” You grabbed the flowers and stepped aside, closing the door behind him. “Can we talk?”
You nodded and walked to the kitchen, filling a vase with water for the flowers. “What do you want to talk about?”
Jared stood next to you, cautiously putting his arm around your waist. “You know what I want to talk about, Y/N. This isn’t some off day for you. Tell me what happened,” he whispered and helped you cut the stems.
You shook your head and put the cut roses in the vase. “No. It’s no big deal.”
Jared set the scissors down and grabbed both your hands, forcing you to face him. “Y/N, this is a big deal. You’re not acting like yourself. Just tell me what’s going on so we can fix it,” he said.
You sighed, knowing there was no way he would leave without you saying what was bothering you. “Connor said…Connor said I’m clingy. And I didn’t know if you felt the same so I tried to back off but it’s really hard, Jared. I’m sorry. I just love you so much and-“ you were cut off by his laughter.
“Murphy said you were clingy?” Jared laughed. “Him? Why would you believe an asshole like that? He can barely keep his hands off of Evan at school! If anyone’s clingy it’s him.”
You closed your eyes and groaned. “I messed up, didn’t I?”
Jared calmed down and smiled gently, cupping your cheek. “Nonsense. You always mess up,” Jared joked, causing you to punch him in the shoulder. He chuckled. “Alright, I deserved that. But the point is, fuck Connor. Not literally, though. You fuck me.”
“Jared!” you exclaimed, feeling your cheeks heat up.
Your boyfriend laughed. “Anyways, just…fuck Connor. Fuck him and fuck anyone who thinks that because it’s not up to them to decide what our relationship is and is not. If they think were clingy good for them. But we don’t so it doesn’t matter.” Jared walked you back to the couch and sat down, pulling you close. “What matters is you and me and that’s it. So what do you think? Do you think we’re clinging to each other?”
You shook your head. “No. I like how we are.”
Jared smiled. “Me too. So lets keep it that way.”
You smiled and leaned forward, gripping the collar of his shirt. “I love you, so much. Thank you for everything.”
Jared smiled and cupped the back of your neck. “Thank you for everything. I love you, too,” he whispered before slamming his lips against yours.
The rest of the night was filled with cuddles, kisses, and teases. You two went back to your normal ways and teased Connor about his own clinginess.
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Accusations ~ Connor Murphy x Kleinman!Reader
Requested by a reader on Wattpad. Not sure how I feel about this, honestly. And please don’t kill me if the dialogue isn’t 100% accurate. I just wrote it from memory. 
WC: 2,092
Warning: Swearing, Hospital, Jared Kleinman
As always, I try my best to make it as gender neutral as possible.
And if you’re wondering, I love hearing what you guys think of my stories. You can send me a message or an ask and just let me know what you thought about on any of my stories or headcannons!
“Is it weird to be the first person in history to break their arm from jerking off too much?”
You smacked your brothers arm. “Hey! Be nice, Jared,” you said and walked over to Evan. Your first day of 11th grade and your brother was already being a bad influence. You pointed to his cast. “Can I sign it?”
Evan nodded and pulled out his sharpie. “H-Here. J-Jared, do you want t-to sign it-t?” Evan stuttered.
Jared sighed. “No. We’re just family friends. I don’t even know why Y/N is signing it.”
You scribbled down your name and a smily face before facing Jared. “Because I’m actually his friend.”
Jared rolled his eyes and looked past you. He smirked at the sight. “Hey, Connor. Love the new hair length. Very school shooter chic.”
Turning, you see a tall man, Jared’s age, with long brown hair. His black nails were slightly chipped as you watched him grip his bag strap. His eyes almost appeared as two different colors, but you couldn’t quite tell because he wasn’t looking at you. He was glaring at your brother.
“It’s…a joke,” Jared said.
“Yeah, no, it was funny,” Connor said. “I’m laughing, can’t you tell?”
As much as this guy was hot, you couldn’t help but feel something off about him. You turn to Evan. “Go to class, Ev. I don’t want this Connor guy messing with your anxiety,” you whispered. Evan nodded and ran off to his first class.
“Am I not laughing hard enough for you?!” Connor raised his voice.
Jared tossed his hand in the air carelessly. “You’re such a freak.”
“Jared!” You glared at him. “Quit being so mean to people!”
“The fuck are you laughing at?”
You turned around to see Connor standing right in front of you. You looked up—yes, his eyes were two different colors—and gulped. “W-What?”
“Stop. Fucking. Laughing at me!” Connor yelled at you.
“N-No! I wasn’t-“
“You think I’m the freak?!”
“No! I never said-“
“I’m not the freak! You’re the fucking freak!”
“I WASN’T LAUGHING AT YOU!” That caused Connor to stop. “I’m sorry that Jared said those things to you, but I wasn’t laughing. I’ve never met you, Connor, but I sincerely hope this isn’t how you actually are, making accusations and such,” you said.
Connor frowned at you. “How do you know what I’m actually like?”
You shook your head. “I don’t. But I have a feeling that you’re just confining in what society makes you out to be.” With that, you make your way to your first class.
Why? Why must fate have its way? Why were you sitting here? Why were you sitting here in your last class of the day? Why were you sitting here next to Connor in your creative writing class?
“Well this is fucking fantastic,” Connor mumbled as he sat down beside you.
You rolled your eyes. “Likewise.”
Connor rested his chin on his hand as he listened to the teacher go over the syllabus.
“You know, you don’t strike me as a writer,” you whispered.
“That’s cause I'm not a fucking writer. They just threw me in this shitty class,” he whispered. “I never caught your fucking name.”
“I didn’t fucking throw it,” you smirked. “Y/N Kleinman.”
Connors eyes widened. “You’re related to that asshole?”
“Yeah. He’s my older brother. But he’s such a dick,” you frowned and pulled out your notebook since the teacher started writing notes.
“Tell me about it,” Connor said before taking out his as well.
You giggled quietly. When you told people that, they would say things along the lines of, “he’s your brother, he’s supposed to act like that,” “oh, you’re just overreacting,” “he’s not that bad.” But Connor agreed with you. He knew how your brother actually acted.
All too soon, class ended. You packed up your bag and made your way to the door till Connor spoke up.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said, walking over to you. “I didn’t get all the notes. Do you think you could text me a shitty photo of yours?”
You smiled. “Sure. I’ll make sure it’s the shittiest one you’ve ever seen,” you teased and grabbed his phone, typing in your information.
Connor rolled his eyes. “Gee, thanks.” He put his phone away and walked with you towards the student parking lot. “I have to go print some shit out in the computer lab, so I guess I’ll text you later?”
You shook your head. “Nah. Jared can wait. I’ll come with you!” You could’ve sworn you saw a quick smile on Connors face before you two walked to the lab. You saw Evan and waved at him. “Hi, Evan!”
Evan smiled and waved shyly. “H-Hi, Y/N.”
You skipped over to him while you waited for Connor to turn on his computer. “Did you talk to Zoe today?”
The blue boy shrugged. “I-It wasn’t really, like, really talking, I guess?” He pressed print on his document.
“But you managed to say something to her, right?” you asked, looking at his cast for a signature from her.
Evan played with the edge of his shirt. “Kinda?”
“Hey, I, uh, see you broke your arm.”
You both turn to see Connor standing next to you with a piece of paper in his hand.
“Oh, uh, y-yeah, I did,” Evan stuttered.
“How’d you break it?” Connor asked.
“I, um, I fell out of a tree.”
You were surprised! Evan wasn’t stuttering!
“Well that’s the saddest fucking thing I’ve ever heard,” Connor said. He pointed to Evan cast. “Can I sign it?”
“Oh, no it’s okay, you don’t have t-“
“Have a sharpie?” Evan quickly pulled one out of his pocket. Connor wrote his name in big block letters across Evan’s arm, but making room for yours from earlier. “There. Now we can both pretend we have friends.”
You lightly elbowed Connor. “Hey, I’m your friend, too,” you smiled.
Connor shrugged. “Yeah. I guess. Anyway, I found this on the printer. Is it yours?”
Evan looked at the paper in Connors hands. “Yes! That’s mine! But don’t read it cause it’s kinda personal and all and-“
“‘because there’s Zoe and all my hope is pinned on Zoe?’ You wrote this?” Connor asked. You noticed him start to tense up like he did when Jared made fun of him. “You wrote this…cause you knew I would find it.”
Evan shook his head. “No! Why would I-“
“So I can read some creepy shit you wrote about my sister and freak out, right!?”
“Connor, no! I promise you Evan wouldn’t do that,” you said, trying to calm him down by placing a hand on his arm. But he pushed you away, a little too harshly, actually. You fell back and lost your balance. Your back slammed against the ground and your head banged against the back of the wooden chair at one of the computer desks, yet neither of the Seniors seemed to notice.
“And then you can go and tell everyone how much of a freak I am!” Connor yelled. “Well, fuck you, Evan Hansen!” And with that, he stormed out of the lab.
“No, please, just give it back!” Evan yelled.
You got up, despite your body’s wails of pain, and chased after the long-haired boy. “Connor, wait!”
“You were in on it too, right? Your brother probably put all this shit together to mess with me, right?” Connor yelled, turning around to face you.
“No! This is what I was talking about, Connor! You need to stop making accusations!” You felt your head spin. Maybe you hit it harder than you thought. The floor stared to wave around before everything went black and your body went limp. Before you were completely out, though, you heard Connor call out your name.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
“Ugh, turn it off,” you groaned and reached around to turn off your alarm. Instead you felt a hand. You opened your eyes and followed the hand up the arm and to the persons face. Connor’s face, actually. “What the fuck?”
You looked around, taking in your surroundings. Turns out, you weren’t at home, trying to shut off your alarm. You were actually at the hospital, trying to shut off your heart monitor.
“You’re awake. Fucking finally. And just as Kleinman leaves, too,” Connor mumbled and softly rubbed his thumb over your knuckles.
“What happened?” you asked and tried to sit up. But your back screamed out in pain, causing you to scream as well.
Connor jumped up and held your back, carefully lowering you back down onto the mattress. “Don’t move, Y/N. It’ll make it worse. What do you need?”
You looked up at him and gripped his arm, squeezing it to help relieve the pain. “I need to go home. I hate hospitals.”
Both of you turn and see Jared standing in the doorway with a coffee. “You’re up!”
You nodded. “Yeah. I guess. How long was I out?”
Jared walked over to you and kissed your forehead. “About two days, I think. I wasn’t there when you passed out, though, so I can’t say,” Jared explained and set his coffee down. He glared at Connor before taking your hand off his arm and holding it with both of his.
Connor shoved his hands in his pockets and got up. “I’ll see myself out.”
“No, Connor, wait,” you said. “Can you stay? Please?”
“Uh, Y/N? I’ll be here. You wont need Connor. Especially since he’s the one that caused all of this,” Jared said.
You frowned and pulled your hand away from him. “I don’t care, Jared. I want Connor here.” You reached out one of your hands towards the long-haired boy. Connor came back and held your hand, smirking at Jared.
Jared glared at him. “Fuck you, Murphy.”
“Likewise, Kleinman.”
About two weeks later—geez, Connor pushed you pretty hard. Though he did come to visit you everyday after school till around 11 at night when he was forced out of the room so he made up for it—you were well enough to go home. Your back still ached and you had a huge goose egg on the back of your head, but you could make it with some pain meds. Of course, you didn’t tell Connor you were coming back. You wanted to surprise him.
You walked into your last hour right before the bell rang. You saw Connor sitting in his seat, writing something in his notebook. You smiled brightly and skipped over to him. “You’re not a fucking writer, huh?”
Connors head bolted up at the sound of your voice. His eyes widened. “Holy shit,” he whispered and stood up. Connor hugged you close, not really caring about whether the other classmates saw. You giggled and hugged him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. “You didn’t tell me you were coming back.”
“Yeah. Cause I wanted to surprise you, dummy. Did it work?”
“Hell yeah it did,” Connor said and let go of you, both of you sitting back down in your seats.
You smiled and took out your notebook. Thankfully, while you were in the hospital, Connor took notes for you. Therefore, your notebook was filled with his, sloppy but eligible, handwriting. You thanked him before turning to the next open page to write the notes on the board for today. But when you flipped to the page, you noticed a little rose was sketched in the corner. “Did you draw this?”
Connor nodded. “Yeah. It's pretty fucking bad.”
You shook your head. “No! No it looks lovely, Connor,” you whispered and placed your hand on his arm.
The boy turned to look at you, placing his hand over yours on his arm. “Y/N?”
“Do you…maybe…shit I don't know…do you wanna go out sometime? Like…fuck this is stupid I shouldn't have said anything and now you're gonna go tell your brother and-“
“Connor!” You kissed his cheek, smiling. “Relax. I'd love to go out with you. And before you say anything, don't you dare give a fuck about what my brother thinks, okay?”
Connor smiled. “Awesome, I mean, cool. Whatever,” he mumbled. Though he did intertwine your fingers, he tried not to show his enthusiasm to the other classmates.
You laughed and rested your head on his shoulder.
Who knew that your brother making fun of someone could turn into the start of a wonderful relationship?
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dead-amber-walking · 6 years
By popular demand I've created at Masterlist. Evan x reader: One heck of a dream(smut) https://dead-amber-walking.tumblr.com/post/170997900982/one-heck-of-a-dream-smut-deh-evan-x-female Sweet things are made of this (smut) https://dead-amber-walking.tumblr.com/post/173423712762/sweet-things-are-made-of-this-evan-hansen-x Jared x reader Love and loss part 1: https://dead-amber-walking.tumblr.com/post/173208740212/love-and-loss-pt-1-jared-x-reader-angst Love and loss part 2: https://dead-amber-walking.tumblr.com/post/173210087962/love-and-loss-pt2-an-time-skip-since-part-1 Love and loss part 3: https://dead-amber-walking.tumblr.com/post/173268628692/love-and-loss-jared-x-reader-angstpt-3-an-some Love and loss part 4: https://dead-amber-walking.tumblr.com/post/173273092592/love-and-loss-jared-x-reader-angst-pt-4 Love and loss part 5: https://dead-amber-walking.tumblr.com/post/173274583132/love-and-loss-jared-x-reader-angst-pt-5 Love and loss part 6: https://dead-amber-walking.tumblr.com/post/174779026887/love-and-loss-jared-x-reader-angst-pt-6
Connor x reader: The music in me: https://dead-amber-walking.tumblr.com/post/174907794927/the-music-in-me-and-you-connor-x-reader-fluff
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