#honestly i'm not very good at this MBTI thingy
What are the ROs MBTI if you dont mind me asking, along with other characters ☺️
that emoji is so menacing, it's like you're pointing a gun to my head fr 💀
ronan bennett: INFP // the healer. cinnamon roll. pure and simple. most of the things that keep him up at night is thinking about how he can find a way to rehome every orphaned animal in the world. he will definitely cry if he comes across an injured baby animal and while they get necessary treatments in the veterinary clinic (which he drove to at 2 in the morning), he will be sniffling outside and overthinking everything. i would go as far as to say ronan is the waymond wang of the TCS universe, honestly.
célia dupont: ENTJ // the commander. she is definitely not the kind of person you'd wanna cross. besides the fact that she has been brought up all her life to fill the role of the CEO for her family's company, she is a natural leader and tolerates no nonsense. one of the only exceptions to her criticality and cool wrath is the MC who rarely ever faces her ire. célia is scary to almost everyone who works under her, which also doesn't help as she loathes those who bow and lick someone's shoes to get up the high charts. think blair waldorf or jude duarte but a lot less bloodthirsty.
s bakkoush: ENTP // the debater. was this even a surprise? cocky. smart. charismatic. they tick all the boxes for the aforementioned personality. they love engaging in banter with almost anyone when it comes to random things that neither of them would even remember the next day. S is also very competitive, never backing down from a challenge and always aiming to win. this attitude of theirs had greatly helped them in their career but hasn't made them too popular among their competition. but honestly? they do not care about that a smidge 💀 their personality is reminiscent of nick wilde and hange zoë.
i tachibana: ISTP // the virtuoso. their personality is largely individualistic and pragmatic. this all stems from the fact that they has spent most, if not all, their life fending for themselves. it was a ‘survival of the fittest’ kind of world for them and it didn't do their reserved and short-tempered nature any favour. tachibana is also very distrusting, and once their hard-earned loyalty is lost, it is lost forever. while the MC just chips away at the walls they have built, you can tell that they've complicated feelings about it along the story. levi ackerman and katniss everdeen would pretty much come close to summing up their personality.
as for the other characters, these might be a bit skewed cause i had to scratch my brain for them a bit:
james whelan: ENFP // the campaigner.
nebetah: INTP // the logician.
phaidros: ISFJ // the defender.
[redacted]: ISFP // the adventurer.
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the-last-living-ocs · 3 years
Introducing: Accalyn
AKA: Little Bastard Man
There's a lot of info on his ref sheet:
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But in case you can't see the image for whatever reason here's the most important info:
Full name: Accalyn Eve'a Lijyn
Height: 5'4" (162cm)
Species: Levean
Nationality: Rangerri, Vynnkr region, Levea
Aet'a: <1% until age 32, 48% after age 32
Likes reading (especially non-fiction), writing, philosophical discussions, wearing elegant clothes, dramatism
Accalyn would be an INTJ (like me) if he took the mbti test thingy
He has both kinds of limiters, the earrings and the tattoos down his back, along his thighs and on his wrists. They aren't made to be taken off, but he forcefully removed the ones on the outside of his ears to give himself a purer Aet'a, using the extra power to tear a rift in the barrier between the two dimensions.
In some drawings he has two large scars on the right side of his face from an explosion. He was 39 at the time, and was able to heal the wounds enough to prevent excessive blood loss, but could not regain the use of his right eye. The placement of the scar on his chin makes it a little difficult to stretch that side of his mouth, so his expressions are all a little off-centre now.
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Accalyn is the closest OC I have to a bond villain, scar across the eye and everything. In all seriousness though, I have definitely taken inspiration from Bond villains for how he presents himself. He's very well-put together, intelligent and charismatic, could probably run a country if he wanted to. He's also entirely obsessed with his cause, abandons all hope of returning to normal life, and becomes absolutely ruthless in its pursuit. He's entirely aware of his actions and purposefully acts immorally. His end goal isn't to control or rule the world, rather it is to simply "force humanity to learn".
That is, following a threat of invasion from Earth, he takes it upon himself to stop them. He uses his Aet'a (see my post about that if you don't know what it is) in combination with extensive knowledge of the human political system to bring the human race to its knees. The war he starts lasts 17 (Earth) years, and would have continued if not for the interaction between him and another OC of mine, which gave him the perspective he needed to believe that humanity had reached the point of truly realising the error of their ways.
I hope you like him as well!
I think my personal favourite thing about him is that it would only have taken one thing to make him a hero instead, that being if he had simply waited until Earth had actually made a move against them, as opposed to acting in anticipation of an attack. There isn't really a good side in this story though. There are no heroes, and even though Accalyn is easy to label as the villain, it is only that he goes out of his way to paint himself as such, and there are plenty of humans who are just as bad, but make it very difficult to pin their actions down.
I've drawn him being very pretty more than I should, so I've made it my mission to draw him being an actual villain more often. I'll make sure to add trigger warnings for stuff.
Honestly Accalyn is my favourite OC at the moment. And I think he's my friends' favourite as well. He's a very versatile character and despite being a very not good person is a massive amount of fun to draw and write!
Feel free to send me asks about Accalyn or for him (I'm happy to answer in character, seems like fun)!
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