#honestly kind of relatable makes my brain go brrrr
beanghostprincess · 8 months
I love it when people draw Sanji like he's had only one hour of sleep (it was a nightmare), skinny, smoking, with eyebags, messy hair, shirt untied, and like he's about to have a breakdown over his own reflection in the bathroom mirror because he can't recognize himself
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haunted-radishes · 1 year
Hey, you seem to be a Wen Ning enjoyer, can you tell me what you like best about him? I feel like he has a lot of potential that isn’t really explored enough for him to be a fave so I’d like to hear your POV on him!
Honestly, right from the beginning he has always just made me happy :D
But to delve into it, the first thing that struck me about him was how kind he is. He's a sweet guy! I started with The Untamed, only reading the novel later, so my primary impression of him is the version that sneaks down to the dungeons to take out the evil dog and give Wei Wuxian some medicine, so he's going behind his sect's back to do what's right as soon as he has the opportunity to do so. I love how he's timid and gentle, but has the backbone of steel to risk it all to do the right thing.
But he's also kind of. Odd. Sometimes it ties into his hidden nerves of steel, like when he drugs the entire cohort at Lotus Pier to help Wei Wuxian and co. Like, it was an incredible act, but he just. Fucking. Drugged them. No hesitation. Absolutely wild behavior. Especially in the novel where he had only met Wei Wuxian once before this! I do prefer the drama version where his actions make more sense, but his devotion is at least a little unhinged no matter the version. But also, even besides the obsessive devotion, his energy is just. Endearingly strange and off-putting. Like when he decides that the best way to quietly contact Wei Wuxian is to dangle upside down outside his window. Or feels absolutely no need to make himself less terrifying when he power walks towards the tied-up juniors with a sword.
And then! The unexplored depths and unexamined tragedy! You're left to wonder so much about him! How DOES he feel about the whole fierce corpse thing? About his compromised autonomy? Would he have turned against his sect even if Wei Wuxian hadn't charmed him? Does he regret any of his actions before killing Jin Zixuan? How deep do his grudges run? Is there anyone from the Wen sect outside his established circle of family and cultivators who he misses or secretly mourns? What does he think about the other great sect members, especially the leaders? Plus so many more questions we'll never truly know the answers to, because he tucks his problems away and never speaks of them! The closest glimpse we get of his inner turmoil is his verbal evisceration of Jiang Cheng with the core reveal, and that does show us some interesting things about his character! For the first time, we see him choosing to be as hurtful as possible, showing how much he clearly resents Jiang Cheng, but how much of that is personal dislike, how much is anger on Wei Wuxian's behalf, how much is blame for the deaths of his family, and how much is gall at him benefiting from dear late Wen Qing's genius and service without even knowing it? Also, what is he going to do after canon? What is left for him?
Also he's relatable, lol. That awkward uncertainty he always carries with him is very endearing in an "oh, me too buddy" kind of way. He has so much going on inside his head, but all that comes out is, "oh! Excuse me >.<" People are having massive emotional moments right in front of him, and he's just..... There.
Anyway, Wen Ning! Love that guy! Makes my brain go "brrrr"
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Okie dokie, and now I present: All the songs on my c!Tommy Spotify playlist and an explanation of why I connected it to c!Tommy
Just Take My Wallet ~ Jack Stauber - I think this is one of the only songs I have on here that, like everyone already is aware of. The main part of this song focused on is the line “what’s the kindest way to say, you took away my friend, my buddy” relating to how tommy cares so much about Tubbo, and vice versa. The first example I can think of is when techno, someone tommy trusted and was close to, executed Tubbo. It can also be used for Tubbo, and how recently tommy was killed
Sweet Hibiscus Tea ~ Penelope Scott - so remember when ppl were going crazy going stupid bout Rät? Well, listening to that got me to listen to this song and instantly when I heard it, I thought of c!Tommy. Mainly the line “I am not your protagonist, I’m not even my own” can kind of relate to how tommy never wanted to be the hero. He was placed into this hero role involuntarily.
Car Radio ~ Twenty One Pilots - this one might be a bit of projecting oops- but whenever I listened to this song, I related to it because I like to listen to music to distract or calm down. I guess I can kinda see c!Tommy in a similar way. He had to give his music discs up, and for a while lost that memory of listening to them after sweet moments, he lost that escape he could use. And because of that, in the time without the discs, he just has to face his trauma and all that’s happened to him. Most of this is projecting whoops /hj
Change Your Mind ~ Steven Universe - Hghhhgh I’ve been wanting to talk about this one specifically for a looong time. This song is a short one, but I do think it relates to c!Tommy after doomsday and maybe after the prison arc. Sort of like a post-healing arc song. Mainly directed towards Techno and Phil. “I don’t need you to respect me, I respect me” y’all, respect was a big thing between techno and tommy. That whole Axe of Peace thing? And how after the community house discourse, techno told tommy “you’re not worthy of that axe.” And then “I don’t need you to love me, I love me” this might seem a bit like Dadza, but dad or not, Phil didn’t really give much care for tommy. “But I want you to know you could know me, if you change your mind” I’m just saying, the people who’ve come to be close w c!Tommy are ppl who’ve taken the time to know him, and they don’t fight against him because of different opinions. And maybe it’s me missing Bedrock boys, but techno and tommy could become close once again, if they take the time to repair the crack between them and communicate.
Dear Mom ~ Beetlejuice - listen to this, just listen to this and tell me this doesn’t scream Tommy missing Wilbur. Sometime between the end of the Manburg war and before the prison arc, this song fits. The chance of Wilbur being revived is the only reason Dream was kept alive. It kinda gave me exile vibes with the line like “I want something to believe in or im done, take me where my soul can run”.” Also may I note “Dad” could be replaced w Dream
Sober ~ FIDLAR - ajkakja ok this one might seem a bit weird but let me explain. It kinda gave me “c!Tommy is done w everybody’s shit and bites back.” Mainly ‘biting back’ at techno. Especially with lines like “I’m trying to get better, but I can’t do that when every goddamn thing is about you!” Look, I am an c!Tommy apologist, but I say this with a neutral mind; techno (and some techno apologists) wouldn’t listen to Tommy’s response during both times techno released Withers.
Saint Bernard ~ Lincoln - this one, um I don’t know how to explain. Just, vibes of tommy, kinda talking to Dream? Idk man just listen to it. I’ll just point out the line “there’s really just one thing that we have in common: neither of us will be missed”
ART IS DEAD ~ Bo Burnham - honestly I added this one because my wifey said “this is a c!Tommy song” and I agree but I don’t know how
Not Your Seed ~ TGWDLM - Egg Infected!Tommy? Egg Infected!Tommy. Yeah, it just makes me think of Phil and/or techno finding an Infected!Tommy cuz the lines, yknow? Yeah. This isn’t original, I just know it, but y’all get to deal w it /lh
Ultimately ~ khai dreams - healing arc song. I don’t know what else to say, but I’m soft. I soft and this song was roped in because of it.
Our Word ~ 36 Questions - look, you don’t have to tell me, I know Phil isn’t canonically his dad and techno isn’t canonically family at all, but let me manifest mkay? Yeah this is just vibes of dsmp!sbi. Also explains why c!Tommy is always so defensive and never took the blame for things he did. Also, 36 Questions is underrated, listen to it now 🔫 /j
Freeze Your Brain ~ Heathers the Musical - DID I HEAR BAD HABITS TO COPE WITH TRAUMA? YES I DID. SHUT UP. /lh look, Tommy is only now getting therapy and talking about his trauma, it’s just, vibes of bad habits to cope w trauma, even if that habit is slushies. Also, this is not me promoting villain!tommy, villain!Tommy does not and will not exist
Might Quit ~ Bill Wurtz - this is another weird one, let me explain. I just think the lyrics kinda match the progression of c!Tommy’s life, listen to it idk. Also the progression of the verse(?) line “it’s the first day of school, and I think I might quit” look I can’t explain my thinking w all of these, my brain just hears them, goes brrrr, and connects it to c!Tommy. You guys accepted this, so you get what you asked for /lh
Monster ~ dodie - this is a post-prison arc Tommy song and no one can change my mind. For this one, all I can say is listen to the song man. But I while say, the line progression(?) (like the different ways of saying it in the different verses) of the “cause no one listens to the dead” is just such a match, because c!Tommy even said he still feels like he’s dead, not physically, but because everyone is still treating him so.
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viostormcaller · 4 years
Jesus Christ. That Anon was crazy. Good riddance! We don't need people like that in the community anyways. I'm sorry you had to deal with that Vio. You handled it perfectly and a lot nicer then I would have. If they couldn't handle or understand the fun of Sean's Ego hints and claim it made them "ill" they didn't need to be here in the first place. I hope they get the mental help they clearly need and deserve. ☔
I don't think it's fitting in this situation to be mean or anything. I mean... it's not like I don't understand. Because I do! I understand the frustration and the disappointment. I personally love the SHIT out of the little hints because it makes my brain go "hehe hyperfixation go brrrr" but I can't say that there wasn't a time where I didn't feel disappointed or frustrated. Because sometimes I did. But I wouldn't really voice it that much if at all, because there's no point. As an artist, I know that creativity takes a LONG ass time. Like fuck, it took me almost a year just to continue my most recent fic. Creating is HARD. And he's making a story AND he has to act this story out and every single character is PLAYED BY HIM ALONE and yes he is phenomenal at acting but he's not a professional and he doesn't do that regularly, you know?
I understand why someone would feel anxious at the hints. I honestly would get anxious, too, but a different kind. Like an excited sort of anxious. Feeling anxious because of a fear of potential disappointment, though, isn't exactly a healthy reaction to have, so for anyone feeling that way, the best thing to do is step back, block the thing making you anxious, maybe step away from technology for a little while (or at least any apps related to the thing), and do something that makes you happy and makes you feel good.
I do feel like some of the things they said were a bit out of line and probably mostly based on frustration rather than fact, but I understand that stuff like that isn't everyone's cup of tea. Like, I get it. But I also think that it's unfair to blame creators when things don't go how you want them to in a fandom of any kind. Sometimes that shit just happens and we have to deal with it. This takes work and it's not easy to do. I also really highly doubt that Seán would give hints for absolutely no reason, either. But they don't need to lead up to anything big every single time, and that's okay.
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