#honestly love this ship for this au because Prince/Advisor is just >>>>
the-messenger-hawk · 6 months
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Khunwang Royal AU:
Seduction of the Sun Prince
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familyofpaladins · 5 months
You ever just get stuck by the silliest au idea and then suddenly its consumed your mind?
Anyway TMNT Princess Bride au
Most characters taken from the 2003 series, but personality of turtles might be closer to Rise series
(I wrote this in the notes of my phone so forgive typos and weird thought process lol)
Casey is buttercup. April is westly (Originally, and what inspired this whole thing. Was that karai was buttercup and Chapman was westley lol)
The turtle bros work for stockman (bishop?) Because he says he has he will help them find their father's killer. A man who has 3 scars along his chin.
Casey just a simple farmer (oh my god. The farm house) with April there to help feed chickens and milk cows and such and such (Would she only say as you wish?? Would she be that submissive? Idk. Maybe she would as long as he promised not to call her babe lol) (LMAO HER PHRASE IS DONT CALL ME BABE INSTEAD OF AS YOU WISH LOLOLOL)
Eventually she goes off to maybe get soem schooling or soemthing. But her ship gets [sunk/destroyed] by the Dread Pirate Krang. April doesn't return and after years Casey believes she died.
Then the local royalty happens to pass by and the princess (karai)(who is told needs to find a husband so she can finally become queen) decides to make Casey her groom.
Casey still in a depressive gloom doesnt do much to reject her.
One day when Casey is out on a run (one of his few joys) he gets kidnapped by 4 demihuman turtles . :D
But then. A stranger begins to follow them. A (wo)man in black
I've mostly been going from 03 inspiration of character. But the turtles might be a little more Rise based.
Leo is inigo foil. The master swordsman. And the banter. "You seem a decent fellow, I hate to kill you" "you seem a decent fellow. I hate to die" I am not left handed. He Asks april "ever seen a man with 3 scars along his chin?" "Do you ask everyone that question?
Raph is Fezzik . Big. The muscle. (Kind) Mikey doesnt have a direct foil. May have his own individual fight with april or possibly works with raph. The muscle and taunting words and stuff idk
Stockman is arrogant and thinks hes the smartest around. Accepts April's challenge.
Don is there to keep a hold on Casey. (He plays the game a long in his mind that it doenst actually take any posion). Once stockman is dead, Don just asks for th truth about what happen to the rest of his brothers, April tells him they are just knocked out and will be fine. He says he doenst really care about keeping casey as they were just doing it to work with stockman and well he's dead so no point. Bye crazy smart lady and sad prince to be. And he leaves to meet up with his brothers.
Cue april trying to lead casey away and him being like. Oh you're the pirate that killed the love of my life! Blah blah blah so you can shove it babe!
*falling down hill* doooon't caaaaaall me baaaaaaabe! Oh my sweet april ehat have I done!? *throws self down cliff*
They go through the forest (lmao splinter as rous) (not actually but the image is funny)
And Karai and her advisor Oroku Saki meet them and casey begs her to let april go instead of killing her.
April notes that the advisor has 3 scars a long his chin. That's right. Shredder is what's his face and killed splinter. (Sorry splints. You had to die in this au)
April is taken to Bishop who experiments on his death machine. Just doing his job and having fun with his toys.
shredder shows up when he learns about the demihumans and asks too many questions about the demi humans shes ever encountered. (Theres a small but decent population in the kingdom) but especially that turtles she encountered last. April doesn't care (she does but more concerned about casey) and asks instead about casey and telling him shes never going to stop.
Karai may or may not visit April… idk. But honestly she doesnt really care about marrying casey but she needs to in order to get the crown.
Anyway its shredder who throws a hissy fit and cranks up the machine "killing" april
Meanwhile the turtles have regrouped but leo is super depressed because he failed and now theh have no lead on their father's killer. Brothers eventually pull him out of it.
They hear aprils cry?? They want "the woman in black" to help them??
Idk they go look for her
("Father guide my sword" is SUCH a thing Leo would do and the humor of it hitting the tree then opening the door is peak tmnt.)
Oh no shes dead
Enter miracle max. I mean the ancient one."she is only MOSTLY dead"
Tang shen: "I'm not a witch! I'm your daughter!" (Maybe. This might change)
They all have to push raph on the cart to break into the castle. Hun is the door keeper lol
Leo goes after shredder. Raph is hauling April around. Ikd what mikey and don are doing exactly. Maybe they split off to look for karai and/or casey
Raph: sighs and puts april down carefully and goes knocks down the door for leo. Comes back to everyone gone. "Now whered everybody go??"
April somehow gets to Casey's room. Casey is thrilled.
Karai shows up… idk. Ask why she really is doing this. Is it what she really wants? Or is it just what shredder has convinced her she needs to do (marry become queen go to war and take over other kingdoms)
Karai seems to consider it (maybe) but still cant have her groom just be carted off. April says okay let's fight then. I've taken on demihimans and been dead and came back, you really want to fight?
Karai considers and concedes. They tie her up so it doesnt look like she just wlt them go.
Karai let's them all leave and ends up marrying one of the chamber men[squire/stable boy/man servant] (is that a real term???) Chapman.
Leo don and mikey all catch up and somehow raph went and found them all horses to ride out on. Happily ever after
Cody is the grandson. Hamato yoshi/splinter is the grandfather
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andromeda612 · 4 years
Renga Fantasy AU
I've seen lost of fantasy Au's with Langa being the prince and Reki either the cute gardener, the adorable captain of the army, or any other common role that will be the prince's love interest... but what about Prince Reki?
I can see it like this:
Joe is the head of the cook and Reki's paternal figure number #1.
Cherry is the first advisor of the royal family and Reki's paternal figure #2.
Shadow is a guard and probably Reki's main bodyguard, he acts like he is annoyed by Reki's too energic and loud personality but in reality he is a big softie and has a weakness for the young and gentle prince, he is Reki's older sibling figure.
Miya is the son of a noble family, probably training for either being court sorcerer or knight, he is Reki's closest friend despite being younger, he sees Reki as his old brother and is very protective of him because in his opinion (and in everybody else's opinion for that matter) the redhead is too nice for his own good and someone needs to take care of him for god's sake! Of course he will deny it for ever and still be the tsundere he is.
Langa can be the son of a merchant and a doctor from another kingdom, after his dad dies his mother decides to go back to her home in the Kyan's kingdom (Okinawa), because of her reputation as a good doctor she gets a job in the palace as court physician. Langa stays with her at the palace and he could be either training for knight, physician or maybe sorcerer too but he hasn't decided yet, or even training for advisor under Cherry's wing. For the time being he just study with Reki.
Now in this au's Prince Langa main trouble is he feeling lonely or incomplete, Reki being the sun he is complement him and his trouble is of course his self confidence, I want to keep it that way even if Reki is the prince now.
So Langa feel not sad anymore but definitely off since his dad died, he used to love traveling with him, try new things, he loved the most all the things he could learn from the items he got to sell, he wanted to be a merchant like him but now he is not sure anymore, that's why that for now he is just studying along with the prince as he decides what he want to do with his life, he is not unhappy but he can't help but feel there is something missing, that's it until he meets the ray of sunshine that is Prince Reki, the royal is gentle and unlike other royal member he has met (due both if his parents jobs) he doesn't treat the rest with superiority, he traits everyone the same, with kindness, a warm and genuine smile, he actually doesn't act like how he was taught princes are supposed to act, he is loud and very energetic, he is polite and all, but he doesn't emanate an aura of someone to be afraid off or someone you feel intimidate with, he makes you feel like you are with a friend, he will talk and talk enthusiastically to no end... unless you show him you were bored, which was not rare to happen, with the prince being too kind and easygoing is was easy for others to forget he was the prince. But Langa could hear him for hours and never get bored, Reki showed him the palace and different places of the kingdom, he show him his drawings, all his crafts, the prince was incredible with smithy, he designed most of the best warriors' armors, as well as some of the innovative artifacts that helped so much in the kingdom, he showed him his passion for his realm and his passion for his hobbies, he was amazing... it's such a shame the prince is not capable to see it himself.
Reki for his part, he is the genius, creative sunshine we know. He is energetic and almost all the people loves him. Almost, because there is still the royal and nobles assholes that think he won't be a proper ruler because of his personality. As well as the people that get fed up with his energy. Those all are the people less liked in the kingdom. Though is really a trouble that the royal ones hold such power, because they really chose violence when it comes to Reki's self confidence. Especially because the most deep root for his insecurities comes from no other than his passed away father.
The king was... not a good man, the kingdom was not in ruins but the people were not happy, his family was not either, he would lash out to his wife and daughters, telling them they were good just to show of, to serve him, he was abusive with this staff on the palace and to his people, but who got the worst treatment was the young prince, since a child Reki was unquiet, loud, energic, totally the opposite to a centered, reserved and serious prince, he was also too kind with everyone no matter how much he told him he was above all the people, but Reki refused to be rude or mean to anyone, the only people that he lashed out to were the rude and cruel royals that abused of their power and were mean to people with no status or power. The king ruled with an iron fist and with stronger severity he tried to rise his heir, but Reki's golden heart was always stronger, however it didn't protected him from the abuse, the hard punishments and the constant reminders of how a failure he was, how he was worthless, how he was a mistake, how easy it would be for him to replace him if not were for the fact he needed a boy of royal blood to be his heir and he had no one, how annoying he was, that there was something wrong with him. And all the people that thought the same as his father had no seconds thoughts to remind him of the same in every. Single. Opportunity.
It was such a relief when the king died from a mysterious illness, and if anyone ever thought about it as a coup from the queen and the royal staff? Well nobody blamed them, but that was just a rumor and they were fine without him anyways.
Indeed, after the king's death the Kingdome went through a prosperity that haven't been seen in years. Despite what the king and his lackyes believed the Queen was actually a very well skilled ruler, she fixed the mess her former husband made and bring a new era to her people, she made new allies, she cleaned the corrupted government and brought new opportunities to the kingdom of Okinawa, the people were happy again. And her son, his ideas for artifacts to make certain tasks easier, his enthusiasm about cultural development, not mention that despite what his father said Reki was really smart, a total pride for his tutors even if his chaotic nature gave them green hairs, also his ideas to improve the army of the Kingdome, his ideas helped a lot to their realm's development. Many people called him the inventor prince.
However there were some royal asses that were not happy with him, there were invertors for that, there were artists, musicians, artisans for the cultural things, a prince shouldn't be look being so friendly and informal to commoners, shouldn't be so loud and idiot.
Not to mention the people that just... were fed up with his chit chat, and okay, they get it, Reki's personality could be overwhelming and even obnoxious to some people, but they needed to be so rude about it? The fact that must of this people were royal visitors didn´t help at all, Reki just felt he was embarrassing his mother and the Kingdome, no matter how many time she and the royal advisor Kaoru told him otherwise, or the fact that those people were usually not good allies at all.
Years of abuse and constantly hearing how a waste you were are hard to heal.
But, the love and support of the people that truly loved him helped Reki a lot, it was a long path but he was getting there. Though, the person that were really close to him, and you know who these persons are, know that sometimes the thoughts gets too loud on Reki's head, but they are there for him, and are happy to see that everyday the sunshine prince is doing better and better.
Well, and then of course the boys met and all of that, they help each other to find what was missing, to discover how much loved and worth they are.
The Queen and the court physician ship them, because this is my fucking au and I say love is love, you are who you are, no labels :)
Kaoru, Kojiro, Miya and Hiromi are definitely fondly exasperate with their mutual pining and just want them to just kiss already and spare their poor souls out of their misery.
About Ad*m... I don't know yet honestly.
In one hand I'm so tempted to make him not existing in this au. On the other hand he could be a major villain, maybe a lord wanting to make coup to the kingdome with Tadashi being a spy loyal to Queen Kyan. And I really want Langa to beat the shit out if him for messing up with his sun, but well, idk.
Any thoughts about this? Feel free to ask! 👀
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alkaysani-archived · 4 years
The Old Guard Fanfic Master List
*updated* 15 Oct 2020
AS OUR LOVE SHAPES OUR UNIVERSE  (Nicky x Joe - Princess Diaries AU)
to love is to sacrifice, to sacrifice is to love 
“Prince Yusuf Al-Kaysani,” Charlotte says, and she’s sighing dreamily again and Yusuf definitely has that effect on people. “That young man gets my vote,” Joseph says from behind him. “He goes by Joe sometimes, so he’s definitely of good stock,” he says, and Nicky snorts. “A brilliant one, amazing artist, charismatic. He’s dedicated himself as the right-hand and advisor to his queen mother, and has fully supported his younger sister taking the throne instead of him. He’s friends with Nicolo,” he says, and Nicky blinks, shrugging a little, and his heart starts to go wild in his chest in a way he doesn’t want to understand. “We spent two years of secondary together,” he whispers, glancing at Mia. “Uh…just before they passed, he had to move back home, and I…” he trails off, sighing. --- or the Princess Diaries II AU where Prince Nicolo will do anything for Genovia. And if that means introducing his cousin Princess Mia to Prince Yusuf Al-Kaysani to be her future king, then his heart just has to deal with it. He just wished that it didn’t hurt so much.
i will hold your heart together in mine 
“You love me now, right?” “Forever more, my darling,” Joe chokes out, and it takes on a whole new meaning that makes his own ache. “Then my heart will heal,” Nicolo says, and his voice is firm, and fierce, under the exhaustion. “The symptoms will fade, in time. They will,” he adds, his voice muffled against his shoulder. He pulls away and looks up at Joe with wide, glassy eyes. “The universe won’t be so cruel to me to take me away now, when I am finally happy, right?” he says, and Joe burst into tears then, shaking his head, grabbing Nicolo’s face and kissing him, deeply. No. No. He won’t think of it. He won’t think of losing Nicolo. Not again. Not like this. *** or where Prince Yusuf learns the physical extents of Nicolo’s heartbreak, months after they were meant to be fine. But regardless of how much it ails him, his beloved Nicolo continues to have faith that he will be alright. So he must brave through his fears and his worries, as they grow, and build a life and a family, together. Even if it breaks their hearts again. And again. And again.
black cats and lopsided hearts (Joe x Nicky) - 30 Oct 2020
“Permission to keep killing your fiancé with cuteness due to Halloween costumes, please?” Mia asks, and she’s giving Nicolo those eyes again, and this time, Nicolo bites his lip, glancing at Joe. “It might be fun, beloved. It’ll only be for a night,” he reasons, and Nicolo sighs then, nodding his head. “For you, heart.” *** or The Old Guard Princess Diaries AU – Halloween Special where Mia convinces Nicolo and Yusuf to let her dress up one and a half-year old twins Elio and Ayla for this very American holiday.
not that i need reminding 
“You look in love.” Joe blinks, looking up at the voice. There’s a woman, a little younger than Nile, or maybe just her age, sitting beside him on the bench now. She’s smiling at him, and he gives her what he hopes is an equal one, before nodding softly, gently tapping his pencil on his sketchbook. He knows the answer, of course he does. Yes. He is in love. Truly, madly, deeply, or however they say it. He knows all of this already. But he’s willing to play. “And how does that look?” --- or joe gets a vibe check from the universe.
to know those among us 
“Mommy, angel! Angel, mommy!” Nicky blinks, putting down the produce he had in his hand. He zeros in on the voice and a little boy staring up at him, jaw dropped and staring, his eyes wide and curious. Then he looks up to find a woman, blushing red, looking absolutely mortified. Even with her darker tone, the flush is clear, making her glow. She looks ready to run, so Nicky just gives her a smile, and then crouches in front of the child, before looking around, humming curiously. “Where, little one?” he asks, putting his hands over his eyes as he continues his search. “Where is the angel?” he asks, and the little boy giggles. It’s a beautiful sound amongst the low bustle of the early farmer’s market. --- or nicky gets mistaken for an angel by a child, so he tells them about real ones
in parts, i fall, i love
Joe needs to finish this portfolio if he wants something to propose to the showcase. And he does. He really does. But someone just sat at his table because the coffee shop is so busy, and their profile is gorgeous, and yep, he’s definitely trashed the outline again because this man is definitely going to be a part of it. “Is there something on my face?” he hears, and Joe pauses. Shit. Joe breathes out so heavily that his glasses fog up, and he looks up to find the man giving him a hint of a smile, tilting his head slightly to the side. “You’re staring,” the man states and honestly, yeah, Joe is. “I’m not.” Idiot. --- or joe is an artist, and he falls in love. and nicky is along for the ride.
with your hands, your whispers 
Come on love, that’s it.” “I can’t, Yusuf, please.” He’s gasping, breathless. His Yusuf always leaves him so breathless. It’s too much. And of course, Yusuf knows that it’s too much. He knows exactly what Nicky needs, and what makes him overflow, and it seems like his adoring heart wants him to spill over, again and again in every sense of the word. *** or a take on what nicolo and yusuf were doing before booker and andy got to the hotel in marrakesh
let’s right, these wrongs, together (see accompanying edit here)
If he concentrates hard enough, he can still smell Yusuf on the scarf, and it brings immediate tears to his eyes. Because it’s only been nearly a year, and he’s yearned for the man for longer, way before they got together. And even with all the odds, with all the numbers combined, Nicky doesn’t believe that there’ll be enough time that can pass to heal the pain that’s clawing on his chest at that moment. That has been since Yusuf said it was over.   Nile’s legs move from his lap, and suddenly there are arms around him, pulling him close and Nicky closes his eyes, pressing his face on Nile’s neck. “You’re allowed to hurt as long as you have to, Nicky,” Nile says to him, and it’s so, so kind. “You can tell me as much or as little as you can. I didn’t mean to push.” Nicky sniffles. “I still love him,” he croaks out, like it needed to be heard, like his desperation is a call out for his heart. His heart that let him go, that told him that it’s over. *** or the one where Nicky is housemates with Nile after Yusuf breaks up with him. And when he finally opens up about it, Nicky realizes that his current predicament was brought on by misunderstandings and good intentions with ill results. But it’s too late. It’s been nearly a year; it doesn’t matter now. Right? Not if your housemate is Nile Freeman.
hand-shaped bruise (see accompanying edit here)
Prince Nicolò spends most of his days alone. He lives with no one, after all, ever since his parents died. Ever since he was killed by Sr. Merrick and Lady Kozak, his screams ringing out throughout the night until his final breath, only to show up the next day at the farmer’s market. *** or my halloween take on our beloved characters.
when time dictates love 
"So not ugly,” Sebastien says, and Aidan looks at Mr. Copley, who just shrugs, smiling. “He is insufferable. Does he know this?” he says, and the man just smiles, both of them ignoring how Sebastien says ‘hey!’. “He does,” Mr. Copley whispers, and he says, and Sebastien’s fingers intertwine with his atop his knee, and Aidan looks away. “But you like him anyway,” he says instead. Mr. Copley chuckles, and he leans to press a kiss on Sebastien’s forehead, who’s no longer laughing. “Yes, but I like him anyway.” --- or a home-care worker witnesses Booker and Copley’s last year together, as time catches up on them
there is no timeline when it comes to this (Booker x Copley; Joe x Nicky - also featuring Joe & Booker bffs and Nicky really giving a damn about Booker)
“I’m happy for you, Yusuf,” Booker says, because he means it despite the ache, and Joe smiles, nodding, and he’s smiling in a way that makes his heart hurt even more. “We love you, Booker,” Joe says because he’s just that person, before driving off as Booker makes his way up to his apartment, steps feeling like lead. He makes the point to check the mail, and he’s not even sure why. He’s never checked mail before, Joe usually did. Booker pauses then, looking at the different ads he pulled out of the box after twisting the key. So many changes already. When he finally gets to his unit, he finds someone standing at the door. They turn when he pauses, and greets him with a smile. “Hello Booker,” James Copley says, giving him a two-finger salute. “You haven’t aged a day.” *** or where Booker’s best friend Yusuf moves out to be with his Nicolo, and he makes the choice to live alone for the first time in years. Booker tells himself he’ll be fine, tells everyone that he’ll be fine, even though the weight in his chest tells him otherwise. but he really has no choice. this is his life now. then James Copley comes home.
little things, for the heart (Nile and Joe)
“Are you…baking bread?” Joe looks up at her then, and Nile snorts, walking over to the counter and reaching up to tug on the man’s stray curls, dark tight ringlets dusted with white flour. “Maybe,” Joe says, in a sing-song tone. *** or Nile takes a lesson she learned from her mother and applies it to her new life.
THE NILE FREEMAN COLLECTION (Written for Nile Freeman Week 2020)
nile + love or where Nile meets another queen 
nile + sadness or where Nile keeps it real with Booker
nile + alone time or where Nile gets of ice cream and thinks of dying
nile + comfort or where Nile makes Joe feel better, the best way she knows how
do not let me awake alone (Nicky x Joe)
After Booker’s betrayal, Joe is angry and Nicky suffers through the fallout. And for the the first time in a long time, Nicky understands what it's like to be alone in his grief.And something inside him breaks.
my love for him kills any anger (Nicky x Joe; Joe & Andy)
A month later, Andy finds out that Nicky is talking to Booker.But it doesn’t mean that Joe forgives him. Far from it. They've been through so much for him to just let it go.
a blessing from above (Nile & Nicky; Nile & Joe; Nicky x Joe) 
Nile gets used to a few things, three months into her new life. But the one thing that wracks her brain the most is how they deal with loss and suffering.Thankfully, she has a lifetime to figure it out. Because they’re family, and she wants to help them. At least, start them on the right path. They are grown people, after all. Because her Mama raised her right.
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kikis-writing-world · 4 years
Hey 👋👋 congrats on your milestone 🎉🎉
I was wondering if I could maybe get a ship with a pedro character?
I can be a quite shy person when I first meet someone but once I feel comfortable with them I can be my true chaotic self with out the fear of scaring them away 😂 I'm the oldest of 3 so I'm usually everyone's go to person and I work in the care sector so I think I would love someone to take care of me, even if it just for a couple hours. I'll deny it to the hilt but I'm a secret romantic and I would swoon at the though of someone writing me a love letter 😍😍😍 I love to read especially thrillers/ horrors and going to see new places. I love quoting and singing along to movies.
I think that's everything 😂😂
Thanks 😊💛
Thanks hun! I was secretly wondering if you were going to send one in when I saw you liking many of the other ones. I’m glad you did! You’re such an avid liker/reblogger of the work you read on here, you deserve a little something. I hope you like what I come up with for you!
I ship you with Marcus Moreno! Both of you work so hard to help other people, so you both understand intimately just what a toll that takes on you. The two of you would take turns caring for each other when you need it. One night he’s going to draw you a bubble bath, pour you some wine, light some candles, and sit next to the tub switching between massaging you, helping to wash you, and just keeping you company, chatting softly about your day. Another night, you’re cooking him his favorite meal, sending Missy to a sleep over at Abuela’s, and giving him a full massage and then some. He’d love sitting next to you in bed each night, both of you reading a bit before going to sleep. And family movie nights? I’m sure there’s always at least one of the 3 of you that are quoting the movie unless it’s a new release.
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Okay so I think this might almost be the plot of a Halmark movie I half-watched this Christmas, but I want to put you in a secret Royalty AU. You work in a hospital and there’s an older woman there who was admitted after a bit of a health scare. She’s going to be okay, but they need to keep her for a bit to run some tests and observe her before releasing her.
While she’s there, her son - who admittedly is gorgeous with a killer smile - visits often. He’s very nice to hospital staff, and not in that “I’m being fake nice so we get perks” kind of nice, he just genuinely seems like a decent person. You strike up a conversation a few times with him while you’re able. When you’re with his mother when he’s not around, she’s always boasting about him and talking about what a good man he is. And can you believe he’s single?! She’s not so subtly talking him up to you.
One night when you’re short staffed and he notices everyone is working their asses off, he brings in some food for everyone. Literally, everyone working. You’re flabbergasted and kinda call him out like “what’s the catch?” But honestly he was just trying to do a good deed. His mother is so important to him, and he knows how much you’re all taking care of her, and the other patients.
About a week of this and his mother is ready to be released. You’re happy for her health, but you’re admittedly a little sad you won’t be seeing him around anymore. He’d started to be a bright spot in your dreary days, something to look forward to. You wish her all the best and have a lingering goodbye with him.
You think about him quite a lot in the next few weeks, but try to push it from your mind, try to focus on work. You’re told by the admin that some rich people are coming through to tour the building and possibly donate a large amount of money. You’re kinda annoyed because this is a hospital, not a tourist stop, but you’d be glad if they donate. Little do you expect to see Marcus and his mother walk in.
Turns out she’s the queen of some foreign country that had been on a diplomatic visit when she had her health scare. They’d kept her identity hush-hush on purpose to not worry anyone. Marcus is a freaking prince. They both personally thank you for your wonderful care and your company while she was in the hospital. You try to reply but you’re totally tongue-tied. As Anita and some of her people walk away, Marcus pulls you aside.
He asks if he can have your number. He admits he wanted to ask before they left the hospital, before you knew who he was, but he was talked out of it by advisors. He’d been thinking about you since, and he told himself if he saw you on this visit, he’d ask. He promises that it has nothing to do with the donation, and they’ll still be donating if you refuse. He also explains that it’s no picnic dating a prince, but from what he’s seen about how you handle the stresses of your job, he thinks you’d be up to the task. He’s giving you these big brown puppy dog eyes and how can you refuse.
Post with the rules and possible tropes here. Join in the fun!
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Guess who watched Frozen2 yesterday and is back on her AU Juice
ok get this, using thomas’s rewrite for Frozen 1 but also 
you know that theory where Hans is like,,,, a chill dude, and the rock trolls are the evil ones and mind-controlled him into fuckin shit up so Christof would become king? also that
Spoilers for Frozen 2 so,,,, be wary
Virgil is Elsa 
Paranoid shut-in, afraid of scary ice powers, convinced himself he’s perfectly comfortable with being alone forever. Distrusts Dee immediately because he can sense the presence of magic in him, but he doesn’t know that’s what it is at first
Patton is Ana 
Emotionally volatile, quick to trust/immediately assumes the best in people, bit of a hopeless romantic
Roman is Christof 
Agrees to help Patton because “ur a prince, I cant let you do this alone it’s not noble of me to leave u hanging like that”
Remus is Roman’s funky twin brother who would rather just continue being a rock troll honestly
Kinda functions as Sven/Olaf/comic relief buddy character but they also DO have an Olaf and a reindeer steed to pull the wagon. He's hanging out with Patton and Roman during most of the movie
Deceit is Hans
Actually a prince from another country who’s like an ok dude and does grow fond of Patton immediately after meeting him, not evil until later
Logan is the head guard/politician guy with the big nose that was their advisor/guardian after their parents died, you know the guy
He's gonna be much more important in the story. He mostly tails Dee and slowly figures out that there’s something weird about him towards the end, and tries to protect Virgil and Patton from him. He cares about them so much, but he’s bad with emotions, so he’s not great at helping Patton with his loneliness or helping Virgil with his anxiety. Even when the rest of the kingdom starts to turn against them, he never doubts that Virgil is good
Character Thomas is Olaf because that’s cute as hell
He’s an embodiment of Virgil’s love for and protectiveness over Patton, but the longer he exists, the more he starts to develop his own personality and traits based on who he spends time with? So eventually Logan, Roman, Remus, Deceit, and Patton all become a part of him too, and he’s their little amalgamation snow son
(plot stuff under the cut. be warned, i put waaaay too much goddamn thought into this)
Ok so most of the first movie happens as normal. Thomas is just a lovable little anxious snow boy who walks around and dotes over and protects Patton, Reindeer is just a regular animal, Virgil runs away after a freakout, Patton goes to find him, etc etc etc
But when Hans is on the road in the first movie (when him and some soldiers have just captured Virgil from his ice castle and are marching back to the kingdom) their caravan is jumped by the rock trolls. Virgil doesn’t know whats going on cause he’s trapped in a carriage with no windows, but the rock trolls lure Dee away and then do the evil magic thing, they puppet him from then on to imprison Virgil and refuse to kiss Patton.
Roman and Remus drop Patton off and return to the woods, right? Roman’s being all reluctant about it, and Remus is like “im sure he still wants to be ur friend bro, it doesnt matter that he’s a prince and we’re common, you KNOW he doesnt care about all that” but Roman is not convinced, says he’ll ‘think about it’. They return to the rock trolls, and Remus sees the shaman in the process of puppeting Dee, in the “if only there was someone who loved you” scene where Patton is clearly dying. Remus runs to tell Roman what’s really happening, and they get caught. Roman stays behind to fight off the other rock trolls, buying Roman time to race towards the castle and save the brothers
The “if only there was someone who loved you” scene is different, tho. First of all, Dee doesn’t say that. He (and the shaman) are too smart to give up the bit until they are SURE they’ve won. Dee refuses to kiss Patton, but in like a soft way. (Got this scene from my friend Nat on discord, one of the reasons i made this au at all, its fucking KILLER) It’s more like a 
“i mean yes im fond of you but I don’t love you??? We just met” “but you proposed!” “We’re princes, looking for love in marriage is an idea I abandoned a long time ago. I figured I could at least make you happy, and an alliance between our kingdoms would be favorable.” “Oh...” “I could see myself falling in love with you, Patton, i mean that. But right now... If I could break the curse, I would. I’m deeply sorry.... Is there anything I can do to keep you warm?“ “No, there’s nothing...” “How dare your bother turn his magic against you? First he freezes the kingdom, then that golem, then he curses his own brother? (he does a whole schpeil where he convinces an emotionally broken and shellshocked Patton that Virgil is actually like evil and bad) ...Sit here, I will get you some blankets.” (Again, quote @glorifiedpigeon! She wrote a whole scene like this with Dee as Hans and Roman as Elsa, its bonkers as hell!! So good!)
While he’s gone “getting blankets” (Dee’s really just gonna leave him to freeze) Thomas sneaks in, and starts up a fire. Patton tells him not to do that cause he’ll melt, and he’s like “some people are worth melting for.” Thomas can tell Patton he’s upset and they talk about Virgil and how Patton doesn’t know what to think anymore. Thomas melts while keeping the fire warm for Patton, his sacrifice breaks the cold-poison-curse-thing and Patton is saved. The conversation Patton has with Thomas while he’s dying is weirdly familiar, and Patton realizes that it’s a 1 to 1 of a conversation him and Virgil had when they found out there parents died, when Virgil promised to “protect you no matter what, i love you.” Patton realizes Thomas was just a representation of Virgil’s brotherly love for him, which is cute as fuck, and then he goes to save his brother.
Virgil is visited by Logan, who busts him out of his cell, telling him he never doubted him for a second, but he’s wary of Dee. They run away together, panning to go out and find Patton and finally talk everything out. Dee reaches them, and calls Logan a traitor to the crown for helping Virgil escape, insisting that the fact that they are running away proves Virgil’s guilt. Logan tells Virgil to stay calm and keep a hold on his powers, and goes to confront Dee alone. Dee twists Logan’s words and just makes them sound more suspicious, eventually whacking Logan with the handle of his sword and knocking him out. Virgil is enraged, and attacks Dee. He almost kills him, but then Roman arrives, and stops Virgil from landing a killing blow. He’s about to explain what’s happening, and that Dee can still be saved and it’s not his fault, but Dee (with the rock troll magic being channeled through him) Silences Roman with a spell, so he cant speak. 
At the moment, Virgil is scared, distressed, and kinda cornered since he refuses to leave Logan’s unconscious body, and Virgil has no reason to trust Roman. All Roman knows about Virgil is that he’s wicked powerful and volatile, and he knows he can’t let Hans kill Virgil. This leads to the three of them all fighting each other 1v1v1, Hans trying to kill Roman and Virgil, Virgil trying to fend off Hans and Roman, and Roman trying to keep ether of the other two from killing each other while protecting himself.
Patton finally reaches them, and sees Roman knocked out and trapped in ice, incapacitated by Virgil, and Virgil is doin some ice magic at Dee, about to kill him, or at least wound him, to escape. Patton protects Dee, and is like “Yo no wait Virgil, you both have the wrong idea! He’s just scared of you, he’s not bad!” And Roman really wants to say “He IS bad but not in the way you think!”, but he’s still silenced. Virgil’s like “uh yeah he IS bad, look at what he did to Logan!” 
Finally, Remus catches up. He runs in from behind Dee and Patton, so they don’t see him approach until he yells to them about the trolls and whats actually going on. While they’re all distracted, Dee attacks Patton, holding him at knife-point and using him as a hostage to get Virgil to stop with the magics.
How is this fight resolved? Fuck if I know, I kinda wrote myself into a corner lmao. They are somehow able to incapacitate/trick dee, and Virgil uses his magic to override the trolls and free him from the mind-control.
And, at the end, there’s this cute little scene, after Patton is explaining everything that happened to Virgil and vice versa, where Patton’s like:
“Wait, wait! Can you resurrect Thomas??” and Virgil’s all snarky about it like “I dont know, wouldn’t that lessen the impact of his sacrifice? He’s like, a part of me, right? I think he’d like to go out all melancholy and poetic like that” “Virgil oh my goodness if you dont bring back my little snowman buddy I will cry here and now” “Okay, okay, jeez”
pretty much the only thing that changes is this: you know the voice thing that Elsa just starts hearing out of nowhere as a sign to fix past wrongs and whatnot? Virgil only starts hearing them now BECAUSE the rock trolls were blocking the signal from reaching him. And, Dee comes with them on this adventure and kinda redeems himself over the course of the movie by being a cool dude. And, the grampa who did the betraying was ALSO controlled by the rock trolls way back when; the rock trolls have been trying to destabilize the magic for years so that they could siphon more of it away from the spirits for their own personal use, and they got greedy once they had humans (re and ro) to work with, wanting political power as well. (Dee has been staying with them in their kingdom, as the ambassador from his country or whatever)
And for all you Shippers out there
the ships for this could be literally anything, dude. like literally any combination works, go fucking hogwild. Doesn’t even have to have a romantic ship or anything, it could just be everyone being platonic lovely babies.
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intyalote · 4 years
Nirvana in Fire Fic Recs
While I don’t think I could ever make a finite list of my favorite fics, these are the ones that I recommend the most. I’ve included a variety of ships/gen, limited myself to ten fics with no repeating authors, and tried to include fics of different styles, though naturally the list still reflects my own preferences a bit.
In order of increasing word count, because why not:
silk scroll, twelve inches by 孢子梨 (4k, mcs/jingyan), translated by presume/justjoy - Or, the new emperor receives an old friend, and one last letter.
This is honestly one of the best fics I’ve ever read. Both the original and the translation are beautifully written and very atmospheric. The poem interspersed throughout is so emotionally powerful and fitting for Jingyan and Xiao Shu. Perfectly crafted in every way, a masterclass in short-form writing.
Ripples by jusrecht (5k, mcs/lin shu) - Mei Changsu was a pale, delicate-looking scholar with a gentle smile and a smooth, mellow voice, the kind that stirred the worst of Lin Shu’s scorn. (time travel AU)
A wonderful character study of Mei Changsu - selfcest serves to illustrate how he is both the same and different from Lin Shu, and in what ways he has improved (or not). The relationship between these two is wonderful - Changsu’s initial scorn turning to literal yearning for his past, and Lin Shu being enamored by the person his prodigal intelligence cannot outmatch (of course not, it’s himself but more developed).
apples in the trees by lastwingedthing (6k, gong yu/nihuang) - After Mei Changsu's death, Gong Yu stays in the south with General Mu.
Women supporting each other! The scene in the drama where Nihuang is briefly jealous of Gong Yu is one of my least favorite, and I’m very glad we now have this fic to patch over it - MCS is not omniscient, especially when it comes to love.
winter (if you must leave) by winchilsea (6k, mcs/lin chen) - Lin Chen and Mei Changsu talk about love without ever using the word. A series of scenes at Meiling.
So very sad. Includes description of just how much Lin Chen gave up to help Changsu for all those years, the pointlessness of war, love and lack of it. Perfectly encapsulates the awful destructiveness of Lin Chen and MCS’s relationship.
Amidst the Rain by Eswet (10k, pre-mcs/prince yu), translated by HanguangMoon - The advisor, to whom, it could be said, a bleeding heart was handed with a plea for help, could give no assistance.
The prelude to an incredible redemption arc for Jinghuan. Goes with great detail into how much Prince Yu is affected by his Hua heritage being revealed, but instead of rebelling he goes to Sir Su one last time for advice. I’ve always had a soft spot for Prince Yu - he’s such a fascinating villain, power-hungry yet also deeply loyal to those he cares for, and this fic explores both the good and bad sides of him. For those who read Russian I highly recommend the second part of this series as well.
Still Here (With All I Hold Dear) by marvelist/Ardent (11k, past mcs/jingyan) - Jingyan misses Xiao Shu in all the ways that matter but he cannot fall apart. Surprisingly enough, Lin Chen can relate to that.
Jingyan and Lin Chen becoming friends and healing together post-canon is everything I live for. They’re so different from each other - the duty-bound emperor and the carefree young master who roams the jianghu - but they also have so much in common! This one truly shines in characterization (Lin Chen needing Jingyan to prove himself, then immediately conning him into relaxing; Tingsheng being a perfect son; Gao-gonggong subtly caring for Jingyan; and of course Fei Liu, his snacks, and his love for Su-gege).
A Measure of Forgiveness by aboxthecolourofheartache (23k, gen) - Two post-canon fics loosely linked, focused on grief and mourning and catharsis. Largely a character study for Lin Chen, because the author is hopeless.
Catharsis for Lin Chen and Fei Liu. Featuring crying at Consort Jing, Lin Chen reluctantly liking Jingyan, Fei Liu and flower analogies, and general grief and mourning all around. The first fic also has some wonderful moments that confront Changsu’s sacrificial mindset.
The Bodhisattva of Jinling by kimboo_york (33k, mcs/lin chen) - "This is not what he expected out of the wheel of reincarnation, and he’s very miffed at all the very many spiritual texts he has read that suggested something better. Or, at least, different."...or, the one where Mei Changsu ends up in his very own Groundhog's Day Year.
MCS gets broken and then remade. Builds up to the big reveal so, so well. The development of his relationship with Lin Chen is also amazing - it absolutely would take him multiple lifetimes to let go of his focus on the Chiyan case and allow himself to fall in love. For all his brains, MCS is very blind during canon, but this gives him an opportunity to look further.
Borne on the Winds of Heaven by Ione (65k, gen) - The dying King of Southern Chu has one wish, to meet the son he has never seen. He and Princess Nian want Xiao Jingrui to turn his back on dangerous Da Liang, and make his home there. Sore in spirit, Jingrui isn't thinking about the future. All he lives for are his letters from Yan Yujin. Until shocking news arrives, and everything changes . . .
Fix-it with a focus on the younger generation. Jingrui is wonderful as always, and provides some nice commentary to end-of-canon events from someone who isn’t completely enamored of MCS and sees past his masks. The ending is also wonderful and has one of my favorite lines in Jingyan’s narration, and it challenges the military mindset that most of our canon characters have (I mean really, out of the five countries could none of them have been stopped by any method other than KILL THEM ALL TO ASSERT DOMINANCE??).
the mist that cloaks the river, the clouds that hide the stars by Sovin (177k, gen) - Yan Yujin has mostly evaded the worst consequences of the Chiyan case, despite her standing betrothal to Lin Shu. So warned, she precariously balances freedom and evading attention, and stays quite far away from politics for a number of reasons. Politics don't seem quite so keen to stay away from her.
If I had to pick one “must-read” from this list, it would be this one. It’s 177k, literally the longest English NIF fic on ao3, but I’m still not sure how the author managed to fit so much in there. Reading along as Yujin comes into her own while getting to see her refreshing take on events felt like a privilege, and I am so very glad this fic exists. And I haven’t even mentioned its wonderful take on a sort-of-fix-it, Yujin’s mature and deep friendship with Mei Changsu, or how Yujin’s gender changes the relationships she has with her father, her mentors, and Prince Yu in fascinating ways. There are too many fantastic elements to go into here, just read it!
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girl-with-cat-eyes · 5 years
Where I Belong (1/?)
Summary: Thomas loved his family with all of his heart, but his never truly felt like they understood him. He never felt like he belonged when he was around them. With his infatuation with humanity, and now his crush on a human he was just always different. Virgil always felt like he had a role thrust upon him that he could never fill, that he could never be the ruler his people needed. His only solace in life was meeting with his secret friend. AKA: I wrote a little mermaid AU because I think this’ll be awesome. 
Ships: ThVi, Logicality, past Roman/Emile
Prologue Part 1 Part 2
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19783453 
A/N: So we have a new chapter!! I know I just posted the first one but I am going to MIA this week, so I wanted to get it out beforehand. This time we have Virgil POV, also Remy appears in this chapter!! I had some trouble writing this chapter because of Remy honestly, getting that blend of sassy and serious is hard and you have my respect if you can do it. 
~10 years later~
    Virgil looked to the sky and sighed. The stars almost seemed to shine duller in response. His parents had only been dead for a year now, and the council was already pushing him to start courting some lord or lady. They claimed that it would be beneficial once he took the throne upon his 18th birthday, never mind the fact that he didn’t need a partner in order to be the king his people deserved. If he went down as a bad king, that had nothing to do with the fact that he hadn’t had any success trying to court some foreign prince or princess, right?
Or maybe that was just more proof that Virgil would never be a good king. Maybe he was destined to go in history as a terrible king, and this was just more evidence that this was true. After all, the council said that a marriage would be beneficial to him. Their advice had contributed to the success of his parents’ reign. His father had always turned to the council before making any big decisions. 
He had tried to stay hopeful when they suggested that he start looking for potential suitors. He was hopeful every time he was forced to meet another royal. He tried to stay optimistic with every failed conversation, the entire time hoping- praying- that it would work out. He tried not to cry when, without fail, it wouldn’t work out. When he couldn’t connect with them and the person in question left, and Virgil had to wonder if it was his fault; if the continuous failures were the result of something that was fundamen-
“Honey, why on Earth are you hiding away, on your balcony no less?”
Virgil looked up and saw his best friend and advisor standing on the doorway. Of course Remy would look for him after the disaster that was the latest meeting. Virgil was sure that his distress had been practically visible afterwards. He sighed, “Hey Rem.”
    Remy merely raised an eyebrow at him. “So are you going to tell me why you are outside moping, even though there is literally being thrown in your honor right now.”, he asked as he sat down next to the prince. 
    “You mean a party where I am expected to flirt with royalty and nobility from all of the neighboring kingdoms? I’m sorry if I’m failing at the one thing that everyone wants from me.”
    “So that’s what this is about, hmm? What they said is really bugging, huh girl?”
    Virgil simply nodded. He could still hear Lord Arlington’s condescending tone, ‘I simply believe that you’ll have a better reign as king with a partner by your side. And it would be better if you were to find one before your coronation.’,. His words had just been proof of VIrgil’s failures. That he wasn’t doing what he needed to do in order to be what his kingdom deserved. 
    “Well, in my oh so humble opinion, Lord Arlington is an ass. You being a good king has nothing to do. There have been plenty of good rulers who weren’t married upon their coronations. Hell, your own father was king for 5 years before he met your mother.” 
    “But what if they’re right? What if this is just proof that I will never make a good king. I don’t want to fail them. I-,” Virgil broke off with a sob, “I promised dad at the funeral that I would be a good ruler, and I don’t want to let him down.”. 
    Remy sighed softly and wrapped his arm around Virgil’s shoulders, “For starters, the council may have some good advice, but they need to pull their heads out of their asses when it comes to this. I’m positive that you will find someone for you, and even if you never find love that doesn’t make you a failure. Secondly, you are going to be an amazing king. I can already see it in you. You want to do good by your people so badly already and you won’t even be king for another four years. I promise you that you, Prince Virgil Ashburn, will be the king that Lasteras deserves.”. 
    Virgil sniffled before looking at Remy with a soft smile, “Thank you, Remy. At least I know that you’re on my team.”, he leaned into Remy’s embrace and closed his eyes, “So, what now?”. 
“Now I am going to go back inside because it is muggy as hell out here and there is a rocking dude inside who I’ve been eyeing all night. And I will tell the others that you have a slight headache and wished to sleep but didn’t want to disrupt your guests.” Remy said as he stood up. 
Virgil smiled gratefully as his advisor before standing up as well, “Thanks man, it means a lot to me. I’m going to take a walk if you need me.” 
Remy gave his shoulder a final squeeze before heading towards the door, “Hey, I wouldn’t be your advisor if I didn’t know you like the back of my hand. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some nobility to flirt with.”. 
With that Remy went back inside. Virgil sighed softly before turning away from the door. He stared towards the sea before him as he mulled over his best friend’s words. Remy was right; it didn’t matter if he couldn’t find a spouse before his coronation. He could be a great king on his own. 
He gazed softly upon the water. His mother used to tell him stories about the sea and a kingdom of mer-people who resided close to their own kingdom. She would take him to a secluded lagoon and tell them these stories as they sailed in a rowboat. Tonight he thought of those moments, of his parents smiling as they spoke of nothing and everything, as the trio relaxed as if the world didn’t exist beyond that lagoon. 
Virgil smiled at these memories, “ I promise you guys that I’ll be a good king. I’ll you proud. I.. I love you, mom and dad.”, he whispered softly to the night sky. He would go out there tonight; the lagoon was close enough to the castle that he could sneak away for a couple of hours. He would go out there and just sit and enjoy the night, the way he did before his parents died. With that thought, Virgil headed towards the castle ground with a specific destination in mind.
A/N: There we have it. I’m very happy with how this chapter turned out, and I’m especially happy with the way I wrote Virgil. I will try to have the next chapter out by the weekend and it will be Thomas centered chapter, so stay tuned!! Let me know what you think!! 
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captainmazzic · 6 years
I decided that I could use 10-15% of my tax return on something frivolous and indulgent, so I went down to my local comic book shop and purchased a few Star Wars anthologies. I got Captain Phasma’s comic (quite good), both volumes of Vader’s newest series (excellent), and the Infinities collection.
I was not expecting the Infinities collection to be my absolute favourite out of all of those, but here we are. SPOILERS below the cut, because this comic series is FANTASTIC and I want to highlight my favourite points about it.
Okay so first of all, the Infinities collection is essentially a series of AU stories set in the Original Trilogy timeline. There are four story arcs total, one each dealing with an alternate timeline for each movie, and a fourth one that is simply a comic book adaptation of the original rough draft. Each one is better than the last, but I’mma breeze over the first three just so you can get a taste of this smorgasbord of awesome before I hyperfocus on my favourite one.
So the first story deals with the “what if” storyline of if Luke had missed his shot on the first Death Star. Essentially, it detonates too early on its way down, the rebel fleet is routed, Han and Chewie hightail it out there to save their own skins, Leia gets captured, and Luke goes straight to Dagobah. In this one, we get such treats as Imperial!Leia, Blaster-wielding Imperial!C-3PO, a restored Imperial Senate, Yoda actually getting off his ass and leaving Dagobah to confront... Tarkin?, an Imperial Guard fight scene, and the whole-ass fucking Death Star ramming into goddamned-fucking-Coruscant. It’s a glorious hot mess and once I breezed by Yoda’s typical pontificating, I loved every single panel.
The second story answers what would have happened if Luke had died in the snow on Hoth. Despite the pretty sobering premise, there’s an ongoing humor point of Han thinking HE’S the next chosen one and has to train to be a Jedi, but it’s clearly Leia. Insert hilarious misunderstandings here. Boba Fett shows up unmasked in this one, and because of a single scene I’m not hopelessly shipping him with Lando. In this story, we have things like Jedi!Leia, lots of beautiful shots of Dagobah landscapes, Cloud City falling, Vader interacting directly with Jabba, Vader interacting directly with C-3PO, a trippy inside-Vader’s-head sequence, and the epic conclusion happening in Dagobah’s swamps. Leia is a constant treasure throughout this one, and it makes me sorely disappointed that we never got lightsaber-wielding Leia in the actual movies.
The third story asks what would have happened if Han Solo’s rescue from Jabba the Hutt had failed, and is by far the best of the “what if” stories. In this one, Jabba has an early demise in a massive explosion that takes his entire palace out with him. But Fett still has Solo, so our friends set off on a long chase to hunt him down. In the meantime, Yoda is whining about how magical-Force-fate isn’t doing it right, and Luke should have come back by now to complete his training. He dies mid-whine, the Emperor feels his death, and sends Vader to Dagobah. Luke also feels his death, and also ends up going to Dagobah. The rest of our heroes find Fett, Leia steals Slave I along with Solo-the-still-carbonitecicle, but by the time they thaw him out he’s permanently blind. Meanwhile Luke’s been captured by Vader, we have a ton of father-son angst and attempts at bonding, and Leia tries to go and rescue him. SHE gets captured as well, and they’re both taken before the Emperor on Death Star 2.0. There’s a scuffle, but Vader can’t bring himself to kill his kids. He loses an arm (again) and as the rebel fleet attacks all around, the Emperor disappears into the shadows and Leia insists on taking wounded Vader with them. Luke happily agrees, and they flee the scene. The next time we see our intrepid heroes, they are joined by Vader, still very Vader, but dressed in a white version of his suit. Together they plan on discovering the location of the Emperor and finishing their fight. It’s... honestly glorious. Vader has no major moment-of-regret or tear-filled turn-around, he simply thanks Leia for saving him. He just wants to be with his kids, and if that means he’s helping the rebellion then WELP looks like he’s a rebel now. It’s delightful.
But even as awesome as that story was, my favourite is still “The Star Wars”. It’s adapted directly from the very first rough-draft screenplay by Lucas, and even though it is certainly familiar, it’s definitely NOT the same story. Lightsabers are everywhere, and generic characters have white-blue ones while Important People like the main characters all have red ones. The Galactic Empire is literally just an empire that supplanted a PREVIOUS Empire. The Jedi-Bendu and the Knights of Sith are also very literally just rival warrior clans that have nothing to do with quasi-religious drivel and while they have mysterious powers the only reference we have to the Force is when they stay “May the force of others be with you all”. I just... I LOVE this aspect of this story. It makes it so much more enjoyable.
Luke Skywalker is a grizzled old Jedi who used to be a top general and then war advisor, with little in the way of posh diplomacy, and who is not shy about saying things like “War is by business”. He’s buddies with one Kane Starkiller, whose son Annikin is a teenage-ish Jedi warrior-in-training that Skywalker takes on as his Padawan. Leia is the spoiled and scrappy princess that he ends up having to protect, and while she’s kind of a disappointment in the story many of the other characters are definitely not. C-3PO and R2-D2 are in this one as well, but AJKFLSFHDS HOLY SHIT R2 TALKS, that threw me for a fucking LOOP I’ll tell you. Han Solo is a massive green alien who reminds me a little of a scaly version of Khem Val except Solo is old buddies with Skywalker. Solo gets a red lightsaber too. He big. He hot. Sarc like. 
Anyway. Darth Vader’s in this one, but he has no face-covering helmet and is instead a rather engaging man with one red eye. He’s not a Sith, though. That role goes to one Prince Valorum, who is an unfairly pretty man in black with a breath mask (most of the time).
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(apologies for picture quality, I took these with my phone). It didn’t take me long to ship Vader with Valorum, but honestly Val’s got better things to do in this story. Namely, saving Annikin’s ass and breaking him out of interrogation. They even have that little “we’re not so different” moment, but it’s literally just... rather lighthearted banter while they plow their way through stormtroopers and find the princess. They rescue Leia (again) together, and end up... in a garbage masher.
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(I clearly have a thing for Valorum he is my favourite in this, okay.) Their banter is adorable, they think they’re about to die, but a clan of massive Wookiees that look like hairy versions of Garrazeb Orrelios show up, the day is saved, big explosions happen, and our suave Sith Prince Valorum is standing right along with our more well-known heroes celebrating Annikin’s new status as Lord Protector.
It’s... it’s so charming. The whole story. It’s deep enough that you can get into the gritty wartime tragedies happening all around, there’s family bonding and humor and decent people confronting shitty-ass people, but it doesn’t get in over its own head and the characters are just... people. On different sides. Doing their best and doing their thing. Sometimes they’re swapping sides when it makes more sense, and there’s zero angst about it. It’s... refreshing, honestly. The romance subplot between Annikin and Leia is really contrived and kind of painful to watch, but it takes up so little of the story it can easily be ignored. It’s beautifully and expressively drawn, moves fast, and is pretty solidly put together. I really like it. I think I’m gonna go read it all again. XD
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aquawolfgirl · 6 years
Reylo: 33, 49
33. “I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”49. “I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.”
Ho boy … all right, let’s see what we get outta this one, hm? Try to go for something other than a modern AU, because that’s always my default. This is less of a historical AU, more fantastic, I guess. 
Changed the first one a little because it came off as a bit obnoxious to me, but hey - the new one is the same kind of line, I guess?
She is infuriating.
Her people love her, and he can see why. She has no royal blood, the king having scooped her up from the markets when she was younger in an attempt to make himself more favorable to the people. Plutt was a horrid ruler, and while adopting the small street urchin out of the ‘goodness of his heart’ gained him a bit of favor, it wasn’t for long. 
His appetite did him in about two years ago, now, and since then Queen Rey of Jakku has been working to repair what he destroyed, and distribute what he took away. 
He has watched her visit orphanages, delivering treats and sweets by hand, inquiring as to whether there is enough food, enough water, enough blankets. He’s stood by the doorway with the caretakers as she sat down, her skirts pooled around her, and read the children stories. She’s honestly not much older than a child herself, becoming Queen at 14, but she holds herself with the grace and dignity of someone ten years her senior. 
Or at least she does when she’s in public.
“I’m not going to stop poking you until you go riding with me.”
She’s already in her riding outfit, her arms crossed over her chest as she stares down at him. She can’t go without her personal guard, it would be improper, and dangerous. But he’s in the middle of a chapter, and he really, really doesn’t want to remove himself from his prime seat overlooking the palace gardens.
“Let me finish this chapter, Your Highness.”
“It’s going to rain, soon. I would like to go now,” Rey says firmly, her dark brows furrowing, now. 
He can’t say no to her. She is above him, his Queen, and he is her guard. And so he sighs, and slips the red ribbon between the pages of his book, before he tells her to give him a moment to get his riding boots on. 
She is 15, dancing in a dress the soft yellow of fresh butter, with golden chains woven into her hair and a smile brighter than sunshine. Suitors are already calling, sending messages and gifts, and he watches from afar as she spins and twirls between three of them. 
She told him in confidence that she does not wish for love. She told him she would be happy if she wed her best friend. When gently pressed as to who her best friend was, she gave him the oddest little look, amber eyes narrowing for just a moment before she said softly, sadly, “No one you know.”
He is her guard, standing and watching her. And yet he doesn’t see the man in the window, an arrow notched, until just before the assassin lets go. 
They hit the floor together, the arrow clattering against the marble floor of the ballroom as she pants beneath him, eyes wide and the soft fabric of her gown surrounding the both of them. 
In the ballroom, she brushes it off, commanding the guards to find the man before telling the musicians to resume so that she can dance once more. 
In her bedroom, he sits with her and watches the window so that she can feel safe once again. When she bolts up in the early hours of the morning, nightshift soaked with sweat and tears down her face, he holds her hand and reassures her that it will not happen again. 
She is 16. 
Her advisors are pressuring her to find someone to wed. She seeks him out in the library, where he usually is, learning and absorbing all he can. She’s radiant in emerald, though her hair is in a different way than it was when he last saw her. It’s pulled up into three buns, messier than what is proper, and he knows immediately she did them herself. She’s not the most ladylike of queens, and never has been. 
“What am I to tell them?” she asks, sitting across from him in the small window seat. He has to move his legs so that she can sit with her heavy skirts, and he watches as she looks out the window. 
She’s told him before that she wishes she didn’t have to stay, that she wishes she could come and go as she wishes. That she could see the world, that she could explore. 
“Tell them you wish to visit your suitors’ kingdoms,” Ben offers, closing his book out of respect for her. “It is an excuse to see the world, and gives you time.”
She looks at him like he just gave her the world, before she smiles and darts off. 
He never considered that she would leave without him. He never considered that she would appoint him an advisor, would put his mother as acting queen while she was gone. He and his mother watch her ship sail off into the sunrise, and though he says he is excited for her, his mother knows otherwise.
I’ve never seen so much green in my life.
Their gardens are tended to often, so that the plants do not perish in the heat of the desert climate. But the green of the bushes and little trees pales in comparison to the plants of the North, she explains in her letter. 
He wishes he could see it with her.
She is 19. She comes off the ship sun-tanned, with more freckles sprinkled across her cheeks than he’s ever seen on her skin. She’s also dressed in the sailor’s garb, shirt yellowed with sweat and pants stiff with salt water. 
Her smile is brighter than he’s ever seen it as she rushes off the ship and into his arms. 
“Have you made a decision?”
The sun shines through the archways, the columns in between casting dark shadows across the walkway. She’s adopted the styles of the West kingdoms, with looser dresses, gauzy fabrics, deep cocoa browns and caramel tans and delicate creams. She looks more radiant than he’s ever seen her. He notices that her freckles extend to her breasts, as well, the neckline lower than he’s ever seen, but still modest enough to suit the prudish advisors. 
“I have,” his queen says. “I made a decision a long time ago.”
“A long time ago?” he asks, raising a brow as he looks down at her. Her gaze is lowered to the tiled walkway, brightly colored glass arranged in mosaics of the kingdom’s history. He tries to think of the first suitor she met. It wasn’t a long time ago, no … perhaps not a prince, but someone the advisors deemed worthy for his accomplishments? “Dameron, then?”
Her head snaps up and she looks at him like he just suggested she marry a gecko. “What? No!” Her face softens. “You’re an idiot, you know that?”
“I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot,” he responds immediately, before he frowns, confused. Why did she just … ? “Pray tell, why am I an idiot?”
The callouses from helping with the sails have not yet been polished away, and he feels them along with the warmth of her skin as her hand slips to the back of his neck. “Because I’ve liked you since I was young, and loved you for almost as long.”
“Ah.” He has no idea how to process that information. Apparently his body does, though, because he feels his cheeks and the tips of his ears flush. 
He will not be king, no. He doesn’t want to be king. But he will very gladly be her consort, and watch her as she rules with warm smiles and an even warmer heart. 
Her people love her, and he can see why. He loves her, too.
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bjrdonghyuck · 6 years
Ha Sungwoon!Prince Au
Requested? Yes! By the lovely @kw03
Summary: You were just a simple girl, trying to make a living in your clothes store.
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You owned your own little fashion boutique (or whatever tf it's called don't @ me)
a new college graduate, you opted to open your own store! and after making some money off of selling your clothes online, you were able to buy yourself a tiny little shop. tbh the place was so small you couldn't even fit a large couch in there.
but you made it work! one of each design was set out in racks, you had different sized neatly folded in your back storage room.
since you designed everything and put your all into everything, you had enough space for everything :')
bUt about a month after opening business was blooming! tall handsome men would come in for suits, pretty looking unnies would come in for dresses, and adorable little kids would browse through your cuter clothes placed on lower racks for them!
you even had some people from the palace come in to get some suits
so wOaH you were good.
sungwoon, being the prince he was, only really cared about his face and using the right cOSMetiCS on it and unfortunately, you didn't run a cosmetics store
although, that would be a great au, someone please do this-
basically his advisor was all like, "wOAh this girl makes super great suits in the village! we should get you some!" to which sungwoon replied,
"does she sell that facial cleanser i really liked before the other shop closed and i couldn't get anymore?"
*exasperated sighs*
Luck was on your side, because eventually his father, the king, forced him to go get a tailored suit after he went there himself
yes, he walked in to your shop like, "yo yo sup fam your king is here to get some suits"
so you were pretty prepared when the Prince walked in a week later
sungwoon was lowkey like, "shit, she's cute-"
he didn't make any smooth moves though, he knew he couldn't go out with you, you were a commoner
little did he know, the king had already approved of you
he was completely whipped by the time he walked out of your shop
When you walked in you were so cute, helping some small children try on their adorable outfits
And then when you were taking his measurements and you looked so concentrated with your tounge stickin out the corner of your mouth a little
wHen yOu hAD tO tiP tOE tO rEACh hiM
whipped i say, whipped
so nOw he was making excuses to see you aLL the time
like, "wHoOps look at the hole in this shirt I haven't worn in years, gOTTa bLAsT!!!1"
you, of course, found him handsome, cute, and pretty funny
especially since one time he came in with a neon pink tu tu
being whipped yourself, you didn't mind his visits. you knew you couldn't be with him tho :')
after months of him just pestering you at your shop (yes, that's how long it took this bOi) he finally asked you on a coffee date!
then a movie, dinner, park, amusement park, trick-or-treating, and mUCh mUCh mOre
when he confessed he was a blushy mess
he had you both sat down on a bench, holding your hand and rubbing his thumb on your palm, staring at it
"i was wondering if maybe you'd be my... um... g-girlfriend?" sungwoon awkwardly squeaked
You were worried, and asked him if it was okay seen as you were just a commoner :')
Manning up, he looked you straight in the eyes
"whatever happens, i won't let them take you from me."
So you guys dated in secret, which basically meant any skin ship was done in your house and PDA was a no-no
You guys had to seem like friends in public
Eventually, Sungwoon got fed up with the fact that he couldn't even hold your hand
so he marched straight up to his father and boldly stated "i'm dating y/n."
"I know."
"and there's nothing you can do abo-
wait whAt?"
basically the king new what was going on after you two were hanging out more and more often, and he supported it 100%!
honestly, he was kind of fed up with royals marrying royals like, "come on, if my boi wants to marry a commoner he can, love is love."
So yeah, you and Sungwoon got to be public, and official!
The whole kingdom lOVEd it
It was basically something they all wanted, because now a commoner could love, date, and marry a royal! It gave then hope
Sungwoon was PDA master after that
If he had a free hand, it was most definitely holding yours
Got an imaginary bit of food on your face? HEs oN iT
Oh, you look a little cold there, have my clothes
so sO SO many kisses
Honestly, he doesn't even care where you guys are he'll just cover your face in them
holy fart nuggets-
Your shop got upgraded to a slightly bigger size (not too big because you didn't want to take too much)
Sungwoon learned how to sew just for you :')
You guys eventually got married and everyone knew the kingdom was in good hands
Kkkkkkkkk that's it. It's kind of short, but bLEh. Request are open, rules and guide are linked in my bio as well as my master list. Have a nice day/night!
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ohdizzy · 8 years
Holy Poseidon (I’m Hooked on You)
Title: Holy Poseidon (I’m Hooked on You) Pairing: Taehyung/Jeongguk Rating: Mature  Genre: The Little Mermaid AU, Romance, Fluff, Comedy, Wordcount: 7,000 Chapter: 1/7 
Prince Jeon Jeongguk of Busan (better known as South Korea’s Sexiest Prince, crowned not once, but three times by GQ Korea) is in love. Stupidly, undeniably, irrevocably in love.
The object of his affection is, however, questionable.
A tale (tail?) of shitty haikus, even shittier fish puns, accidental hair dyeing, cursing entire bloodlines, and Jeongguk passing out so often it can’t be good for his health.
Read at: ao3 or under the cut! 
There are three lessons to be learnt, Jeon Jeongguk thinks.
First, never underestimate the power of bad vibes. Of course, when the aforementioned bad vibes are coming from a certain Kim Namjoon it would probably be in everyone’s best interest to take his advice. He is, after all, the noble advisor of Crown Prince Jeon Jeongguk. Jeongguk’s pretty sure he didn’t get to his position by bullshitting his way up the ranks.
Then again, when said advisor uses words like bad vibes and negative juju, man, Jeongguk wonders just how much of his advice is legitimate and how much of it is bullshit. What had been going through his father’s thick skull when he had looked at Kim Namjoon and decided it was a good idea to appoint him as the advisor and life coach of the beloved Prince of Busan, Jeongguk isn’t too sure. But he should probably look into that.
The second lesson, Jeongguk surmises, is that life is fleeting and thus, precious. He’s not quite sure where the second point derives from, but after spending nearly all of his time with Namjoon he was bound to pick up on his philosophical bullshit sooner or later.
Bullshit? Absolutely. But unfortunately, also true. Life is, in fact, fleeting and precious and Jeongguk had clearly been unaware of this fact. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth and doted on by millions of people, Jeongguk has always been on top of the food chain, unaware that his life is an insignificant speck in the grand scheme of things.
And the final—and arguably most important—lesson is that death fucking sucks. Namjoon had once told him that during one’s final moments, they will be overcome with an overwhelming sense of tranquillity and utter peace. Almost like their body is doing them one last favour before they leave the world of the living and transcend into the beyond.
Now, Jeongguk’s unsure of what kind of utter bullshit Namjoon had been feeding him the past several years (and why he’d chosen to believe him), but he is slowly coming to the realisation that it’s probably for the best if he lets Namjoon go. If he survives, that is. Which, by the looks of things, the likelihood of his chances at survival is getting slimmer and slimmer by the moment, which sucks because Jeongguk has really wanted to be the one to send Namjoon packing.
He should’ve turned the ship back the minute the waves started getting choppier. Should have listened to Namjoon’s complaints that started as moans of bad vibes, your highness that slowly began to decline into retching and vomiting (seriously, who decided it was a good idea to appoint Namjoon, someone who got seasick easily, as Jeongguk’s—the prince of Busan, a fucking fishing port—advisor?) at some point of their voyage and turned back. Should’ve have steered the ship back towards the shores of Busan—to safety—when he watched his crew dart around on deck, trying to desperately hold the ship together against the rocking waves.
There’s a lot of things he should have done, but he supposes all that is too late now, especially when he’s been thrown spectacularly overboard and is currently trying his hardest not to drown. Which, all in all, doesn’t sound like too much of an impossible feat for a prince like Jeongguk, per se. But when he is battling waves the size of houses with no ship in sight, prospects aren’t looking too hot.
Another wave crashes on top of him, dragging him underwater for a heart stopping moment before he manages to resurface. Honestly speaking though, Jeongguk is a little glad no one is there to witness him screaming loudly at the top of his lungs every time his head pops up above the water before he’s dragged back down by the force of the waves. It’s honestly very unattractive. Maybe it’s because of his third consecutive year winning Sexiest Prince in South Korea that even when he’s fighting for his life he finds himself unwilling to look anything but sexy and alluring whilst doing so.
But there seems to be more pressing matters than looking appealing when drowning—the issue being a very real, very huge building-sized wave slowly forming right before his very eyes. A very real, very huge building-sized wave that is going to collapse on Jeongguk and very possibly crush him into a human pancake.
Ever so eloquent, Jeongguk has time to whisper a princely, “oh fuck”, before the wave crashes down onto him. The wave crashes down onto him so hard, Jeongguk finds himself being legitimately surprised at the fact that he is still very much alive and conscious and not flattened like a tin can.
His body is jerked back and forth by the unrelenting, violent waves, and his chest feels like it’s about to explode from the lack of oxygen and too much seawater. There’s a real sense of panic that flutters in his chest because he’s suddenly coming to the realisation that he is absolutely going to die a horrible and painful death, so very much alone.
Something hits his head, hard. A log, perhaps, or something from Jeongguk’s ship that was thrown off ungraciously much like he was—he’s not really sure what it is, but he can’t find it in himself to care, not when he’s slowly sinking towards the bottom of the ocean, the remaining oxygen in his lungs whooshing out of him.
Barely conscious, Jeongguk, however, still vaguely makes out through his half-opened eyes something golden moving towards him, twisting and shimmering in the inky-black ocean and for a moment, for the half second Jeongguk manages to stay conscious it feels a little like hope glimmering in a distance. The sounds of the thunder and waves roaring have faded above waters, and there’s a pleasant muted pressure pressing down on his ears.
Perhaps, he thinks to himself, death isn’t so bad after all.
     Okay, so maybe not death.
Jeongguk finds himself well and truly alive as he coughs up seawater, body shaking as the water gushes from his mouth, burning his lungs and throat and nose. There are strong, gentle hands supporting his head up as he coughs violently. When he manages to pry his eyes open, blinking against the stinging seawater that drips into his eyes, he can just make out a shadowed figure hunched over him, blocking the sunlight.
“Come on,” a gentle, melodic voice urges him. “Cough it up.”
Jeongguk groans, letting his head rest against the stranger’s hands. The stranger laughs and maybe Jeongguk might be a little lightheaded from ingesting copious amounts of seawater, from almost drowning a horrible death god damn it, but he swears it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard. It’s stupidly deep and rich like honey in a way that makes Jeongguk think unprincely things, yet also has a soft and strangely musical quality to it, almost as if the owner of the voice is singing with every word they speak.
“You’re alright. You’re going to be okay.”
Jeongguk blinks several times and when his eyes adjust to the sunlight and the stinging seawater, he catches sight of his saviour and—oh.
Maybe it’s the sunlight that haloes around the boy’s head catching in his golden hair and making it look like spun gold. Or maybe it’s the way his long eyelashes seem to brush against his soft-looking skin every time he blinks. Jeongguk is convinced there’s something funky in the seawater, but there is something decidedly angelic about this boy.
“I—you saved my life.” Well, that much is obvious to anyone. Jeongguk’s just glad his father isn’t here to see him making stupid statements.
The boy smiles, rosy lips stretching into a pretty grin. “I just pulled you to safety. You survived just fine on your own. Well, right up until the point where you passed out, anyways.”
Jeongguk doesn’t pay attention to the strange implication behind the boy’s words, struggling to sit up after his skin and bones have been worn out by fighting against the strong waves.
“Just stay lying down for a while. You really took a beating out there,” he says, pushing him back down gently.
“How can I ever repay you?”
“I appreciate the gesture, but there’s no need,” the boy waves his hand dismissively. “A thank you is enough for me.”
“A thank you?” Jeongguk frowns. He begins to struggle against the boy’s iron grip, attempting once again to sit up. “You saved my life. Please, come back with me to the castle. My father will repay you handsomely. Anything you want.”
The boy’s eyes bug out, as if that is the last thing on earth he wants. “No, it’s really okay. You should stay lying down, please, just lie down. I’m not even supposed to be here.”
“Not supposed to be here? I don’t understand, I—”
With everything that happens, there is a lesson to be learnt. Never underestimate the power of bad vibes, life is precious, death sucks and—
Lesson number four:
Listen to others.
Jeongguk never realised the boy was topless, but his eyes catch sight of the tanned expanse of his neck, gaze travelling along the smooth, lean torso, down past the cute belly-button, and sees scales. Beautiful, multi-coloured, shiny scales.
“Oh. Oh.”
Perhaps Jeongguk isn’t as mentally strong as he likes to believe. Because he takes one look at the boy’s figure and decides once and for all that he ingested something strange and 100% illegal before his mind realises it can’t comprehend the actuality of the current scenario and he promptly passes out again.
    The second time Jeongguk comes to, he jerks back to consciousness with a gasp, eyes darting around wildly, and—alone. So very alone.
Well, almost alone.
There’s a ruckus coming from his left and he manages to turn his head ever so slightly to see Namjoon tripping over rocks, using his hands and feet as he tries to find grip on the slippery edge. It’s a sight for sore eyes. Maybe Jeongguk will postpone Namjoon’s… departure.
“Jeong—I mean, Your majesty!” Namjoon gasps out as Jeongguk blinks at him. “We thought you fucking—pardon my manners—died!”
Namjoon somehow manages to cross the slippery terrain and kneels down next to him, his knees making a muted thud as they hit the sand, hands hovering over Jeongguk like he’s on the verge of physically searching his body for bruises and cuts.
“Mermaid,” Jeongguk croaks out to Namjoon. He stops his fussing to look at Jeongguk with a strange expression.
“Your majesty?”
“Where’s—where’s the mermaid?” Saying the words aloud makes it feel like it had been some ridiculous dream that had happened in Jeongguk’s half lucid state. But Jeongguk’s sure of it. It—he had been there right next to Jeongguk, looking every bit like Jeongguk’s dirtiest, most unprincely fantasies.
“Mermaid?” Namjoon eyebrows pinch together in worry. “Oh god, you must’ve hit your head on something. We must have you checked immediately. Can you walk? Would you like for me to carry you? Shall I fetch someone?”
“No, I can walk.” Jeongguk winces as Namjoon hauls him to his feet despite his refusal, wrapping an arm around his waist securely, and helping him limp back to the direction he had come from.
“Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“But… the mermaid…”
“Are you sure you didn’t somehow ingest the weed I know you keep stashed in your breast pocket when you were drowning, Your Majesty? I think you—”
“Shut up, Namjoon.”
“Shutting up.”
  When Taehyung was sixteen, he had swum up to The Surface in a fit of rebellion.
There had been a large ship and on board many people danced and sung, clearly celebrating something. They shot huge, colourful stars into the sky and Taehyung had watched in awe as they exploded with a loud bang into a myriad of colours and shapes.
There had been a boy on board, perhaps Taehyung’s age.
He was sitting on a throne of sorts, clapping along to those who danced with a jovial expression. He had been the most beautiful creature Taehyung had ever seen and he couldn’t bring himself to tear his eyes away from boy with stars in his eyes as a young man pulled him from his seat and encouraged him to dance. Oh, how he had danced! Taehyung was mesmerized by the way the boy twisted and turned fluidly, his hands weaving an intricate pattern as he danced merrily alongside the other people.
It could have been seconds, minutes, hours that Taehyung stayed above the surface, watching the men and women dance with an aching longing, and staring the boy who seemed a million worlds away.
When he returned back to the palace, his father had flown into a fit of rage. He destroyed all the trinkets from The Surface Taehyung had carefully and lovingly collected over the years and punished Taehyung by stationing guards at every entrance and denying him of his freedom.
Of course, that never deterred Taehyung. Not even in the slightest.
It did, however, scare the holy Poseidon out of Hoseok. Which was probably the greatest inconvenience of all great inconveniences for Taehyung.
“Oh holy Poseidon,” Hoseok moans, his hands fluttering uselessly around Taehyung’s hair. “What were you thinking, going up to The Surface?”
“Hoseok, it’s alright. Nothing happened, I swear.” Taehyung adjusts a pearl that’s sitting wonky on his tail, pouting a little.
“Alright? I was worried sick. I thought your father was going to find out. Imagine what he would’ve said—worse, done—if he knew you had gone to The Surface!”
“Hoseok, are you sure you weren’t given the gift of worrying?” Taehyung teases, trying calm Hoseok. Speaking only from experience, Taehyung is sure that Hoseok is already halfway to the Point of No Return (or, the point where he’ll turn red with rage and worry and burst out crying—or even worse, tell his father).
“Oh, shut up you bloody siren.” Hoseok rolls his eyes. But the strange tension is gone and Hoseok is smiling. “Not everyone can be gifted like you. You know, I’m still mad at you for hypnotising me with your voice. I’m going to tell your father that you’re abusing your powers.”
“I didn’t hypnotise you! I just… sang.” The excuse sounds lame, even to Taehyung’s ears.
Hoseok scoffs, clearly unimpressed. “Oh, a merman given the gift of music, merely singing to his easily susceptible advisor and convincing him to let him go up to The Surface? Of course you’re not abusing your powers.”
“I did not.”
“Yes you did! I—you’re doing it now! Stop trying to lure me in with your singing, you siren.”
“Stop calling me a siren, you know I hate it!”
“Well, you and your mother are where the legend derived from.”
Hoseok pouts and Taehyung knows he’s won. “I’ll stop calling you a siren if you stop abusing your powers. God, I hate your voice.”
“Oh, hush,” Taehyung says, but he’s grinning smugly. “I know you love my voice. It helps you sleep.”  
“No, I do not love your voice, I just—holy carp you’re bleeding, oh god. Oh my god. Poseidon help me.”
“Hoseok,” Taehyung sighs. He sticks his arm out to Hoseok. It’s a cut from where he scratched himself from the floating debris when he had found that boy drowning in the ocean. “It’s just a little scratch.”
“Scratch—are you serious? Half your arm is cut open.” Hoseok retches as he eyes the small gash before he reaches into his pouch and pulls out seaweed, wrapping it around Taehyung’s arm. “That should stop the bleeding for now. We have to go back so someone can treat you properly. It’s my responsibility as your advisor to take care of you, Taehyung. Come on.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes at Hoseok’s theatrics but allows himself to be escorted back into the palace. Hoseok is quiet for a minute and Taehyung allows himself to wildly hope that Hoseok is done with his ranting. But he should know better. Hoseok takes a deep breath and Taehyung lets go of all hope.
“When are you going to stop swimming up to The Surface?” Hoseok scolds, lowering his voice as they swim towards the infirmary. “The Ancient Laws state that you shall not be seen by humans! And then you go and break the law by not only being seen by a human, but saving it and talking to it? Oh Poseidon, your father is going to have my head.”
“He—not it—was drowning, Hoseok. Was I meant to just watch him drown?”
“It’s nature taking its course! We can’t save every human that drowns in the ocean, Tae.”
“Of course not, but I can’t just let someone drown before my eyes. That’s barbaric.”
“You know what’s barbaric? Man stringing our kind up in the sun, letting them dry out. Draining our blood and selling our parts. We have always been a hunted race and the ancient laws are there for a reason. They’re there to protect us, Taehyung.”
Taehyung shakes his head stubbornly. “People aren’t like that anymore, Hoseok. Besides, it’s been so long since we’ve been seen by man. We’re nothing but a folk tale now.”
“And we’re meant to keep it that way! If every merman had the same mindset as you, we’d be discovered and hunted to extinction before the week was over.”
“We would not. I’m telling you, people are different now. And besides, literally everyone goes up to The Surface. I know that you’ve been to The Surface several times too, Hoseok. Don’t even try to lie.”
When Hoseok splutters incoherently, Taehyung smiles smugly. “Nothing to say?”
“I do not go to The Surface!”
“Yes you do,” Taehyung sings. “I saw you collecting shells for your tail by some rock pools just last week.”
“First of all, that was a one-time thing and—where are you going? The infirmary is this way!”
“I’m not going to the infirmary for a scratch, Hoseok.”
“Where are you going?!” Hoseok sounds like he’s about to cry. Taehyung halts, looking over his shoulder to where Hoseok is. He looks so defeated Taehyung almost feels bad. Keyword being almost.
“I’m heading out for a bit. I’ll be back before sundown.”
“Out? Out where?! What do I tell your father?!”
“Tell him I’ve gone to visit someone. I’ll bring you back some shells for your tail.”
“Oh, Poseidon.”  
    For all its worth, Taehyung is going to visit someone.
He picks up a few pretty shells that catch his eye and tuck them away into his small pouch for Hoseok. He swims quickly and carefully, making sure that no-one sees him, ducking behind coral and buildings as he swims towards the edge of the city.
Soon enough, he’s reached the outskirts of the Atlantica and sets off towards the Garden of Polyps, a place where no merman dares to go.
But Taehyung is no ordinary merman.
As he continues on, there are less sea-flowers and colourful coral and pulsing anemone. There’s barely a trace of life, only the occasional fish or crab—the ones that don’t belong to society, to Atlantica. All Taehyung can see is bare, colourless sand stretching on forever.
No one goes towards the Garden of Polyps, for it’s said that the sea-witch resides just behind it, in the skeleton of a gigantic creature, long since dead.
The Polyps are disgusting—half creature, half plant designed to scare off mermen. Mottled brown and green in colour, and stretching up towards Taehyung as they scream and moan in agony, they are said to be the souls of the merpeople who have failed to fulfil their payments to the sea-witch. Taehyung recoils, clutching onto his pouch tightly and twisting out of reach when the Polyps attempt to grab onto Taehyung and pull him down with their tentacles.
He lets out a breath of relief he didn’t realise he was holding in when he makes it through and he turns towards the witch’s lair, swimming towards the giant maw without hesitation.
“Hellooooo,” he calls out as he swims through the dark corridor, swatting the leafy plants hanging about everywhere. “Anyone home?”
Silence. Taehyung frowns. It’s not like the sea-witch would be roaming about in Atlantica. He was exiled, for crying out loud.
He swims out into the main hall, looking around the darkened room. The large cauldron in the middle is abandoned, some sort of strange, orange-brown concoction bubbling away inside, and the giant clam in which the sea-witch usually resides in is empty.
“Yoongbeaaaaaan!” He hollers loudly, cupping his hands around his mouth.
A pause and then from the darkness—“Could you at least pretend to be scared of me?”
Yoongi swims out like a true villain from the shadows, holding a vial of something bright purple in his hands. His menacing, mangled, black tail swishes back and forth, and the sharp fishermen hooks embedded into his disfigured, scarred tail glint in the dull light. He raises an eyebrow at Taehyung who grins goofily at him.
Many are fearful of the sea-witch that lives in the skeleton just beyond the Garden of Polyps. Many have heard stories and rumours of the sea-witch’s scarred, mutilated tail, blackened as a result of the black magic he and his ancestors dabbled in—a stark contrast to everyone else’s multi-coloured, beautiful tails. Many say that the sea-witch can grant you any wish, as a result of being given the gift of magic, but that it comes at a terrible cost.
Many mermen say a lot of things, but to Taehyung, Yoongi is just Yoongi. Not a malicious, wicked sea-witch. Just Yoongi. A little gruff and a little mean, but mostly just misunderstood and lonely. It hurts a little when Taehyung overhears the things mermen say about Yoongi.
“Nope,” Taehyung replies, popping the p with his lips. He floats backwards leisurely, lying down on the giant clam.
Yoongi snorts, swimming over to his cauldron and pouring the purple liquid in. “Trust you, the prince of Atlantica to befriend a fucking sea-witch. Merpeople are terrified of me.”
“You’re so cute, how can I ever be scared of you? Gosh, that’s ridiculous. The merpeople of Atlantica are severely misinformed.”
Yoongi shakes his head in disbelief, but Taehyung can see the little smile playing on his lips. Yoongi twirls his finger and the contents of the cauldron begin to swirl, mixed by an unseen force.
“What’re you brewing?”
“Something to boost one’s intelligence. A merman came in seeking wisdom.”
“Did you scare him with your whole I’m an evil sea-witch, fear me spiel? Let me guess; was it the red smoke this time, or did you do that thing where you emerge from the dark with your creepy pets circling you?”
“I’ve only ever used the red smoke twice, thank you very much,” Yoongi frowns, pouring some of the now-brown liquid into an empty vial. “And Holly and Minnie aren’t creepy. Leave my babies alone.”
“Moray eels are creepy and you know it.”
“They’re cute.”
“This is why everyone thinks you’re evil. You think moray eels are cute.” Taehyung shudders remembering the time Yoongi’s eels had come in and swam around Taehyung, flicking their tails into his face and snickering when he’d jumped.
“I am evil. I’m a sea-witch, the sea-witch.”
“You’re not evil and you—we—both know it. If it weren’t for your stupid ancestors, you wouldn’t even be here. You’d be in Atlantica, hanging out with me and Hoseok.”
Yoongi mutters a few words in an ancient language forgotten by all but those who have magic running in their veins, and the remaining liquid in the cauldron disappears. He sets the vial down. “Yeah, well. That’s never going to happen and you know that. Last time I tried convincing the merpeople of Atlantica I wasn’t evil, well… You know what happened.”
Yoongi’s tail flicks forward and the hooks and broken bits of glass embedded in his mutilated tail glint in the dim light, a dark reminder of what happens when ignorance is tainted by fear. Taehyung knows far too well just what had happened to Yoongi.
“Speaking of evil,” Taehyung steers the conversation into safer waters when he sees Yoongi’s lip curling down into a frown. He doesn’t like it when his hyung is sad. “When are you going to get rid of those Polyps? They’re disgusting.”
Yoongi chuckles and Taehyung breathes a silent breath of relief. “They deter mermen from coming and bothering me. Though that didn’t stop you one little bit.”
“Doesn’t seem to stop a lot of people, by the looks of it,” Taehyung says, looking pointedly at the vial. “What did you charge for that?”
“Three pearls and six of his scales.”
“Three pearls? Six scales?! You’re scamming my people! You know it’s hard even for me to come by pearls, right? And why would you make him yank six of his scales out?! Why are your services so darn expensive and painful?”
“Seokjin’s potions are useless and he’s garbage at magic, so people come to me. If they’re desperate enough to come to me, then they’ll be desperate enough to pay whatever I tell them the price is.”
Taehyung sighs as Yoongi comes to rest next to him. “I would love to be given the gift of magic.”
“Then you would’ve been exiled, like me,” Yoongi rolls his eyes, stretching out on the giant clam. “Besides, being given the gift of music is just as rare. You should consider yourself lucky.”
“I know, I know. What colour would your tail be if it wasn’t cursed?”
“My grandmother told me that those given the gift of magic had golden tails,” Yoongi says quietly, a small smile playing on his lips. “Can you imagine me with a gold tail?”
“That would be so weird. I bet all the merpeople would fall in love with you.”
“Ha! If only.”
They fall into a comfortable silence before Taehyung perks up again. “I forgot why I came here. I have something to tell you.”
“What is it?”
“I saved a human from drowning.”
Yoongi’s face looks thunderous—even he, the supposed wicked sea-witch, doesn’t fuck with The Ancient Laws. Taehyung hurries to explain himself.
“I couldn’t leave him, Yoongi! How could I have left him alone? Besides, he looked so much like…” Taehyung trails off.
“Like?” Yoongi prompts.
Taehyung blinks, shaking his head. “Nothing. I saved him from drowning and when he woke up, he told me to go back with him to his castle. I think he was a prince, Yoongi. I saved a prince!”
“A prince?” Yoongi blinks once before bursting out into laughter. “Of course it was a prince.”
“It’s true—” Taehyung begins to hotly argue back but Yoongi silences him with a single finger, his eyes wide.
“Hold up. I feel a haiku coming on.”
Oh Poseidon. Anything but a haiku. “Yoongi, no please,” Taehyung begs, but Yoongi’s not paying any attention to him. He clears his throat dramatically. Taehyung wants to rip his ears off already.
‘Tae rescued a prince Lingering touches and looks, but it was a dream’
Yoongi looks at Taehyung expectantly who groans. He can feel his tail cramping up from the sheer cringe.
“Holy Poseidon,” Taehyung chokes, his fingers curling up into cringe claws. “That was awful. I feel like I’ve aged about thirty years.”
Yoongi looks far too pleased with himself. “Are you kidding? That’s the best one I’ve come up with all day.”
“Are you for real? I thought my ears were going to bleed.”
“Hey!” Yoongi protests, glowering. “I’ll set Holly and Minnie on your sorry ass if you don’t shut up.”
Taehyung shuts up immediately. Yoongi smirks. “That’s what I thought. Anyways, what do you want from me?”
“What makes you think I want anything from you?” Taehyung sulks, flicking at a tiny fish that darts by his face.
Yoongi pretends to think, tracing his finger around a hook embedded near his belly button. “Let’s see. You came in saying that you had something to tell me, and then you blabbed on about some maybe-prince you had saved—which, by the way, is against The Ancient Laws—and got all googly-eyed talking about him. You definitely want something from me and I’m willing to bet a pearl that it’s going to be about your supposed prince.”
Damn. Right in one. Taehyung supposes that there Yoongi isn’t given the gift of magic for no reason, then.
Taehyung pouts. “Okay, fine. You’re right.”
“Nothing new, but go on,” Yoongi motions, a smirk playing on his lips. “What is it you want, oh so mighty Prince Taehyung?”
“I wanted you to show me the prince. I’m willing to bet a pearl he really is a prince.”
Yoongi makes a face. “Seriously? You want to spy on your loverboy? Why are you so creepy?”
“It’s not creepy!” Taehyung objects indignantly. “I… I just wanna see if he’s alright, that’s all.”
“Yeah, sure. Okay. We can pretend that that’s why you want to see him.”
“Don’t make me sing!”
“Ooh, threatening me now? If your father could see you now,” Yoongi grins as Taehyung smacks his arm. “Okay, fine. I’ll show you him. I should charge you three of your pretty scales, they’d do wonders for my potions. I am the sea-witch, after all.”
“Payment? I’m your friend!” Taehyung whines.
“Four of your pretty scales, then.”
“Okay, fine. Just this once. Then after I’m really going to start charging you.”
That’s a lie. Yoongi’s been brewing potions and casting spells for Taehyung free of charge for as long as Taehyung can remember.
But Taehyung likes to humour his cute Yoongi. It’s like a thing they have.
“Sure, Yoongi. Whatever you say.”
  Jeongguk had always believed he had been someone who was well acquainted with the ocean. They were almost friends, if anything. Growing up as the prince of South Korea’s best and busiest fishing port Jeongguk had spent the greater portion of his life either on a ship or in the water.
But as Jeongguk sits on his balcony overlooking the ocean, watching the waves crash against each other, he can’t help but wonder just how well acquainted he really is with the ocean. Can he even call himself the self proclaimed, self confessed Prince of the Ocean?
Jeongguk wonders if this is what Julius Caesar felt like while he was brutally murdered by his so-called friend Brutus. He wonders if this is the betrayal Caesar felt.
That’s the least of his problems, though. There’s that one problem that’s been eating away at Jeongguk’s goddamn mind for the past week. The wretched M problem.
The mermaid. God, Jeongguk shudders even thinking about thinking about it. He had seen a mythical creature, half man, half fish before his very eyes, hypnotising him with its goddamn beautiful golden hair and its voice that had washed over him and made him want to give him every possession he had.
Maybe Namjoon was right. Maybe he had somehow ingested that weed and maybe it had gotten into his bloodstream and he had been as high as a kite. That makes more sense. Otherwise Jeongguk is going to be left with so many more questions that can’t be answered by neither Namjoon nor the library nor—god forbid—his fucking father.
Questions that have been keeping Jeongguk up all night these couple of days. Questions like—does that mean killing fish is essentially like killing that mermaids’ cousins? Are there more of them? And where do they live? Why was its tail rainbow coloured, when all those paintings depict them usually as blue or green? Are all their tails rainbow? Was it going to attack and eat Jeongguk? Was he lucky to escape with his life?
Jeongguk is so deep in thought he doesn’t notice Namjoon until he’s practically breathing down his throat.
“Your Majesty—” Jeongguk yelps loudly, startling so hard he jerks backwards, hitting his head onto something hard and pointy.
Namjoon staggers back a few steps, lips trembling with the effort of stopping himself from swearing in front of the prince, clutching onto his chin.
Jeongguk rubs his head. “Have you ever heard of knocking before entering?!”
“My deepest apologies, Your Majesty,” Namjoon gasps, rubbing his chin ruefully. “I thought I had made my presence quite clear. I was talking about the weather for like, two minutes. I had assumed you knew I was there. But that was my bad.”
“Your bad indeed,” Jeongguk sniffs. “What is it?”
“The king asked for you.” Namjoon looks around furtively before dropping his voice and beckoning for Jeongguk to come closer. “Bad vibes, Your Majesty,” he whispers, his high and mighty demeanour dropping faster than a hot potato upon the realisation that they are alone. “Your father was lookin’ real antsy. Kept pacing around and doing that thing where he—” Namjoon mimes sighing deeply, before closing his eyes dramatically and pinching the bridge of his nose.
Jeongguk winces. That means his father is worried about something which automatically means Jeongguk has to be worried about it, too. He wonders just how bad it is.
“Did he…” Jeongguk trails off, looking at Namjoon meaningfully.
“Ask for a glass of red wine? Your Majesty, he asked for an entire bottle.”
Oh god. Really, really bad, then.
Jeongguk stands. He stares out towards the ocean one last time, watching the waves crash together in resignation. Mermaids and mythology and boys with golden hair and rainbow scales will have to wait for another day.
    It’s chaos.
Jeongguk stands at the entrance of the planning room, watching with trepidation as his father’s advisors clamour and talk over each other loudly in an attempt to be heard, while his father sits at the head of the table, a solemn expression on his face, his finger tracing across the rim of the wine glass.
Namjoon clears his throat hesitantly. “Announcing the arrival of Prince Jeongguk…”
Namjoon trails off as the advisors’ shout at each other loudly and he turns to Jeongguk with a panicked expression on his face. Jeongguk rolls his eyes and walks towards his chair at the opposite end of the table. The planning room goes silent immediately, all advisors jumping to their feet and bowing deeply to Jeongguk, who waves them back down before sitting down.
“Father?” Jeongguk asks. “What’s happening?”
Maybe that was a little too casual, if the way the advisor with the ugly, stiff-looking military jacket scoffs says anything. Jeongguk glares at him, and he shrinks back immediately into his seat. Slimy little worm. Jeongguk always hated him.
“Jeongguk,” His father sighs. “As the Crown Prince you should know better. It is your duty to be aware of affairs even before they occur.”
Jeongguk thinks that’s a little unfair, considering he was literally on the verge of death a mere week ago.
“Your Majesty,” A little balding man pipes up. “There have been reports of unrest in the neighbouring provinces.”
“Unrest?” Jeongguk frowns.
“Yes, Your Majesty. We have received reports that peasants in the neighbouring provinces are revolting against their monarchs, due to the belief that they are being undervalued and overworked.”
“Oh.” Jeongguk’s not too sure what to say. Cool sounds a little too careless and a shocked gasp seems a little theatrical. He sneaks a glance towards Namjoon who’s motioning for him to say something more. “That’s… not good.”
Namjoon facepalms.
“Indeed it isn’t,” His father says. “Do you know what revolts in neighbouring provinces means, Jeongguk?”
He actually does. Namjoon had a rather passionate rant about this the other day. Maybe it was a good idea that he didn’t kick Namjoon to the curb.
“It means that we too are in danger of revolts. Our people might become influenced by those who rebel and rise up against us,” Jeongguk says immediately. Namjoon breathes a visible breath of relief.
Yes, Jeongguk knows what that means. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that he agrees.
“We have to take immediate action,” The military worm jumps in. Jeongguk frowns. Rude. He hadn’t finished talking. “Your Highness, we—”
“I think not, Jungjae,” Jeongguk interrupts delicately, raising a finger. Jeongguk just made that name up. He has no idea what the military worm’s name is, but he feels like Jungjae is a slimy enough name to match such a slimy character.  Jungjae the military worm mashes his lips together into an ugly name and Jeongguk cackles meanly on the inside.
“Jeongguk?” His father frowns.
“Father,” Jeongguk leans forward. “There is unrest in the neighbouring provinces because their people are unhappy. Perhaps their king does not care for his people the same way we do. We listen to our people. There is no reason for them to be unhappy.”
Jeongguk feels a little smug—his little spiel was pretty darn good, if he was to be so bold. He glances over to where Namjoon stands, attempting to send a subtle thumbs up, but Namjoon’s expression makes Jeongguk’s thumbs up wither and die. Namjoon’s mouth is open, his brows pinched together, and if Jeongguk was to make a wild guess, it’s kind of a holy-fuck-you’ve-fucked-up kind of expression.
“Your Majesty is clearly living in a daydream,” Jungjae the military worm says. There’s a victorious little grin on the smug bastard’s face Jeongguk wants to slap off. “To say that there is no reason for our people to unhappy is idealistic and unrealistic.”
“Sanhyuk is correct, Jeongguk,” his father interjects. So Sanhyuk is the worm’s name. What a waste of a perfectly good name, Jeongguk thinks sourly to himself. “You are foolish to think that our people have no reason to revolt, and you are wrong to assume their king does not care for his people. Do not let your guard down, especially at a time when we are so vulnerable.”
“Yes, father.”
“We must remain ready for any sort of attack, yet we must be good to our people. As the Crown Prince, you must do your duty. Tend to your people, listen to them. But do not let your guard down. Think of it as a test. In time, you will become king and it will be your responsibility to handle these occurrences with grace and diligence.”
Jeongguk can feel his shoulders weighing down with his father’s words and Sanhyuk the worm’s stupid grin and the judgment radiating from all the advisor’s are suddenly the least of Jeongguk’s problems.
He looks up slowly to meet his father’s eyes. Serious and unwavering, Jeongguk’s father is everything a king is meant to be and more. And soon, so will Jeongguk.
“Do not disappoint me, Jeon Jeongguk.”
“Yes, father.”  
     Jeongguk’s not sure how he’s done it.
Maybe it was pure luck. Maybe some higher power felt sorry for him because of the crushing pressure and expectation. Or maybe he had just underestimated his own physical prowess.
Because somehow he has managed to shake off Namjoon, who has taken to him like a particularly annoying fly Jeongguk just can’t get rid of now matter how hard he tries.
After the disaster of a meeting a few days ago, Namjoon had followed Jeongguk around, cursing Sanhyuk the worm on Jeongguk’s behalf. When he wasn’t cursing, he was planning witty comebacks Jeongguk could be sure to utilise next time he got into an argument. When he wasn’t planning he was worrying with Jeongguk, trying to come up with plans and battle strategies in the case of an emergency battle.
Jeongguk, at first, had been grateful for Namjoon’s annoying persistence. It had taken his mind off the tremendous burden he had felt. But then when he wouldn’t leave Jeongguk alone, even when Jeongguk was in the midst of pushing out a big one, Jeongguk had taken to running away from Namjoon whenever the opportunity arose. Which wasn’t as often as he had hoped, seeing as Namjoon had an annoying habit of finding all of Jeongguk’s nooks and crannies and hidey-holes.
But somehow Jeongguk has managed to successfully shake off Namjoon—it had involved strenuous planning and the spur of moment luck that had occurred—and is now near the rock pools at the beach far, far away from the castle (and hopefully, Namjoon).
Jeongguk figures that the further away he gets from the castle, the longer it’ll take for Namjoon to find him, which means he’ll get more of his precious Me Time. He makes his way towards the rock pools, climbing over rocks with ease.
He reaches the part near a cliff, where it curves inwards a little creating a small cave of sorts, right next to a deep pool of clear water. Jeongguk settles down with a little sigh, rubbing his eyes tiredly and resting his head in his arms.
To say that Jeongguk is worried about the unrest and the meeting would be an understatement. As his father so lovingly pointed out (in front of everyone, thus succeeding in making Jeongguk look like a royal idiot), he had to be ready for any sort of attack.
Jeongguk is good at fighting. He’s good with a bow and arrow and fucking fantastic with a sword, so he’s definitely physically ready for any attack. But emotionally ready? Mentally ready? He’s not too sure about that. Jeongguk is in the midst of wondering if it’s too late to run away and join some gang of bandits or something when he he’s jerked out of his reverie.
A voice shatters his thoughts and he startles violently. His immediate reaction is disappointment at the fact that Namjoon has found his hidey-hole so goddamn quickly and he turns in the direction of the voice, ready to complain loudly and struggle the entire way back home and—oh. Oh.
There is someone who is most definitely not Namjoon peeking out from behind the large rock in the middle of the pool of water. That is most definitely not Namjoon on the account of two things.
One, Namjoon doesn’t like water and there’s little chance you’d find him near the water, very much less in it. Two, Namjoon doesn’t have golden coloured hair and large doe eyes and—holy fuck.
Holy fucking fuck.
A tail. A big, huge, rainbow-coloured, shiny fucking tail.
Which fucking means—
“Mermaid,” Jeongguk whispers, mostly to himself. “I knew I wasn’t going crazy.”
And for the second time in a week, Jeon Jeongguk passes out.
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kitsune-ryu-neko · 8 years
VLD Season 2
Spoilers OH BOY
Episode 1 Pidge is adorable as always Coran through the years ~ omg he looks hilarious and awesome every time Poor Allura Shiro and Keith…. I know they have a backstory but like…when are we gonna get it??? Keith piloted the Black Lion!!! Awesome Poor Shiro is injured, I hope he gets that healed. Pidge is a frigging genius!!!
Episode 2 Mermaids!!! We all thought Lance was the pun master when in actuality it was always Hunk!!! XD Lance is more serious than the jokester persona we give him… Hunk and Lance episode o3o Hey we get merpeople, an underwater world, and a sea monster XP
 Episode 3 THAT TITLE THO?!??! OH SHIT IT WAS THE DOCTOR THAT HELPED HIM ESCAPE??? Yes, I would like to know too. Where are Sam and Matt Holt? AWWW MAN THAT SACRIFICE!!! DX Ok…guys…this doesn’t surprise anyone. We all knew that Blade thing was coming. Keith is somehow connected to the Galra. (I’m not basing it on the original because writers might have changed some things).
 Episode 4 What kind of title…Greening the Cube? (Is this gonna be about Pidge and the green lion?) Pidge, saving lives on step at a time. THAT DECONTAMINATION!!! EVERY SHOT THERE IS SOMEONE BEING A FLIPPING DORK. Lance in water, Shiro and the hairdryer <_< This episode seems to be all about tech….and now they are going to a world of engineers….SAM AND MATT HOLT ARE YOU THERE?!?!? Pidge learn to love nature! XD This is totally a Pidge episode *O* Pidge is so cute when she gets excited about tech XD Kira kira ~~~ Keith……Keith…..your concerns about being connected to the Galra are showing…
 Episode 5 Poor Pidge…XD Coran…..you should just stay in one room for now holy frig…But I think they will find some way to make that useful to them… I have so many theories on how the Galra keep finding them…Shiro’s arm, the black lion, possibly Keith.... Keith and Lance are heading to a pool…..Honestly that never came to my mind because I figured there wouldn’t be one on the ship…. I WILL BET YOU ANYTHING THAT SOMEONE IS GONNA DRAW LANCE AND KEITH AS PACHA AND KUZCO FROM THE EMPEROR’S NEW GROOVE!!! Ok…I don’t even ship Shallura but that hand touch?!?! Coran for Yuri On Ice AU?!?! Ok Allura being the thing that is tracked is not what I was expecting… Bet you guys those cookies that Hunk made are gonna be the solution… I TOLD YOU THAT CORANS CONDITION WAS GONNA BE USEFUL!!! XD What do you mean TIME is on your side, Zarkon???
 Episode 6 Idk…I don’t think its Allura… Zarkon’s forces only showed up on Aris after everyone was there…just sayin… Everyone is saying pretty plausible ways on how he could be tracking them… Keith and Allura both think they are to blame….. Coran asking the important questions XD Shiro for the love of god put on your frigging helmet mask thing wtf that thing doesn’t evne look like it has an atmosphere!!! Is this bitch really being CHOOSY over who the fuck is saving their asses? Poor Keith has all these hidden worries….I feel bad for him…. Aw man….Keith probably thinks he is Galra and Allura doesn’t trust any of them and that probably really hurts….He thinks his friends wont give him the benefit of a doubt and instead turn on him… v.v Coran looks awesome. Alfor was a Red Paladin??? *COUGHCOUGHITLOOKSLIKEKEITHSKNIFECOUGHCOUGH*
Episode 7 Space Mall…this is gonna be where Lance got the cow XD Alfor in the background of the picture… I bet Allura is gonna disguise herself and sneak out OMFG THOSE DISGUISES!!! I feel like they are cosplaying…. Oh well nevermind about the sneaking out thing... The mice are putting on a cute show. That’s adorable! Oh those wings !!! Ohh…ohh…OH….Astral plane here we come!!! That fight was intense but the black lion chose SHIRO!!! OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO ALLURA’S HAIR?!?! Lance got the cow XD
 Episode 8 “That’s not better.” XD Ok…so IF something were to happen to Shiro then Keith would pilot the balck lion. And IF Keith is Galra then that makes anyone connected to the black lion somehow connected to the Galra…. This soldier Keith is fighting looks female…It doesn’t mean anything really its just something I thought about since all the galra we see so far are male. The more fighters I see the more I think this…some are male and some are female…I think.. AWWWWWWW Keith looks so torn up ;-; He’s…at the shack now…flashback!?!?!? His dad….Galra….mother gave him the blade…. I can already hear the fandom screaming. Keith is Galra…even if only half… Things are about to go down!
 Episode 9 Allura….I know you either think or know Keith is Galra but quitting giving him snide looks…. He is still on your side <_< oohhh so everyone knows ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT THEY FOUND THAT PERSON IN A GODDAMN STOMACH??? Thace seems to be in a lot of trouble… And everyone saying stuff about Keith being galra is kinda insensitive..i mean he probably feels bad enough already...
 Episode 10 Is this gonna be the episode where they find Sam and Matt Holt because….Shiro and Pidge both know them and they both went…soo…. PLEASE??!?! Maybe its sam and Matt Holt????? PLEASE?!?!?! If they are there….lance or shiro will find them… LANCE NOOOO YOU ARE FINE OMFG DON’T DO THIS TO YOURSELF!!! DX Shiro just knock this guy out and then he wont talk. OMG MATT ESCAPED!!
Episode 11 Shay is adorable That thing is back…wow… “Quit back-lion driving!” ALLURA ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?! DON’T BE A BITCH OMG WTF ALLURA!!! -__- Thace is screwed…. Btw…I get the feeling even if they do defeat Zarkon…there will be a bigger threat?
 Episode 12 REALLY ALLURA?! Pidge is like…is this a thing? Thank god she made up with keith… The backgrounds/galaxy is beautiful! Looks like we aren’t getting sam and matt holt ;-; So many are sacrificing themselves v.v Now they all gotta fight zarkon…
 Episode 13 Final episode omg.. Zarkon hasn’t been listening to anyone. Not even his advisors…haggar…no one…He is gonna be his own demise… Oh frig…Allura… Ohhh so Allura is gonna go face Haggar…. Now would be the time to mention…a lot of people theorize Haggar might be Altean…. Allura being a badass! OMG THE FANDOM WAS RIGHT! SHE IS ALTEAN!!! They didn’t make sure that zarkon was dead…. Shit….Shiro is missing so Keith will have to pilot the black lion and possibly Allura for red…. Ohhhh Lotor…the guy you guys were talking about… But….but that’s the end? ;-; OH COME THE FRIG ON!!!
 Ok so THINGS I WANNA KNOW ABOUT: - Where are the Holts? - When will they return to Earth? - If I was the enemy and knew where their home planet was I would threaten it until they gave up the lions…. - Was the Galra soldier in the stomach of that beast a female? - If so maybe….Keith’s mother? - How the hell did Keith even get to Earth? - How do Shiro and Keith know each other? - Will any of them ever see or speak of their families ever again? - I can’t fucking believe they didn’t stay to kill Zarkon…. Like if you are gonna fight your enemy then make sure they are dead. - Where the fuck is Shiro? - I never saw the original so who the fuck is Prince Lotor? - How did Keith get that knife? - When are we gonna know more about the Garrison? - Why is Haggar Altean and why did Haggar betray her people? - So far Keith being Galra and Prince Lotor are confirmed from the original series...and Shiro is missing... SO IS SHIRO GONNA DIE THEN?!  - What other things from the original should we all need to know now? DX
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