#tog royal au
the-messenger-hawk · 6 months
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Khunwang Royal AU:
Seduction of the Sun Prince
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blackhairedjjun · 7 months
the forest of you
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pairing: choi soobin x gn reader | genre / tropes: fluff, cottagecore au, fantasy au, prince!soobin x witch!reader, mutual pining, just very soft vibes | word count: 1.9k | warnings: none, just a little (friendly) teasing
summary: prince soobin lives undercover as a commoner as part of a royal tradition, and you are the local potion-maker tasked with caring for him and magically maintaining his disguise. you take him to the forest one day to forage for ingredients, and you start to realize just how much you need him with you.
author's notes: i wrote this after binge-listening to soobin's forest cover, it was just soooo comforting and beautiful 🥰🥰 this fic isn't that overtly romantic since i mostly focused on recreating the comforting vibes and message of the original cover, but the pining is still there (i hope). the premise of this story is based on an idea i had some time ago but never turned into a fic, i do have ideas for fics in the same setting though!
(support by reblogging banner by @/cafekitsune)
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“y’know, soobin, you’ve become less scared of the forest since you got here,” you say, swinging your herb basket back and forth as you walk.
“oh really?” the prince stares at you, his mouth agape at first before morphing into his familiar dimpled smile. cute. “i suppose that’s a good thing, isn’t it?”
“it’s a very good thing. having company with me is nice.”
soobin trails behind you as you trudge down the worn dirt paths of the forest, trees on all sides towering over you. you hum as you walk, eyes on the lookout for anything of use in your potions: flowers, berries, mushrooms, seeds, leaves, even fallen bird feathers. from time to time you turn back to glance at your ward, who follows at a comfortable pace while gazing at the canopy above him.
he stops in his tracks and points at a patch of mushrooms growing on the bark of a tree. the mushrooms are at his eye level, above your head. “wait, these are the ones you use for my disguise potion, right?”
“that’s right! i missed that 一 thank goodness i’ve got a tall person helping me out.”
soobin pries the mushrooms from the bark hands it to you, a proud grin on his face. you can’t help but smile yourself in admiration, and your smile only grows when his hands brush yours while he places them in your basket. “thank you,” you whisper.
now you walk side-by-side through the forest, and you much prefer it this way. even with his princely nature hidden, you find something reassuring about his presence: soobin towers over you, but he moves slowly, deliberately matching his stride to yours, even the swinging of his arms in sync. he stays close by you, as if protecting you from anything that might leap out of the forest, and your arms nearly brush his a few times.
every now and then you stop to take something from the forest: a cluster of deep red berries, a yellow-green fern growing in swirling patterns, a flower so white it practically shines on the forest floor. soobin gazes at you intently as you do your job, and you’re so engrossed in your work that you miss the soft smile that crosses his face while he observes.
“did you really do all this by yourself before i came here?” he asks as you step through a narrow space between two gnarled trees. in the distance some birds begin to caw, but you don’t even flinch at the sound.
“pretty much. i’m used to it, i guess.”
“and you weren’t lonely or scared? that’s really cool, y/n.”
“i wasn’t always like this,” you say as you pry another mushroom from some tree bark for soobin’s disguise potion. “the first time i went on my own, i wanted to prove to my parents that i could forage by myself. y’know, be a real witch and everything. but i was shaking the whole time... and i missed my parents so much. they used to point out the different birds to me while they foraged, or they’d just look at me all excited if they found a rare ingredient. and that’s what i missed the most, just having someone to be with.”
soobin presses his lips together as he listens to you. you’ve been foraging on your own for years, and though you tell yourself that you’re used to it, your heart aches at the memory. you turn to face him and your eyes meet. 
“i get what you mean,” he says. “when i first came here for my incognito period, i remember missing everyone a lot. my parents and all the palace staff... kai, beomgyu... your cottage was so quiet in comparison. not that it’s a bad place, it’s just...”
“not home?”
soobin nods, his gaze falling to the dried leaves on the forest floor. the two of you continue walking through the forest, stopping only a few minutes later so that you can collect a few wild berries from a bush.
“it feels more like home now, though,” soobin says as he crouches down to help you. “i like the smell of the herbs from your garden and how toasty the cauldron room is. and helping you is, ah, it’s fun... you care about your potions so much and i like watching you work.”
you laugh softly to yourself, turning away as you feel a warmth spread through your cheeks. “it’s... well, i’m used to it. and having you around has helped a lot.”
“sometimes i feel more like a bother than a help. you work so fast!”
“don’t say that, you’re plenty helpful. look at you right now, i would have missed some of the berries hidden here if it weren’t for you.”
with the berries collected and placed in your basket, you stand up at the same time. you don’t realize at first how close soobin is standing to you, but your eyes meet his and you can’t bring it in yourself to look away. the prince gazes at you as if trying to speak without words, as if telling you from his presence alone that everything will be alright.
he reminds you of the forest too, you think: tall and quiet and seemingly stern, but filled with a cool comfort all his own. 
your mutual reverie is broken by the cawing of a nearby flock of birds. soobin jumps and nearly falls; you grab onto his hand and you both wobble before he finds his balance.
“it’s一it’s fine.” your hand is still holding onto his, and your cheeks feel hot. “we should keep moving.”
the two of you continue through the forest, taking care not to travel too deep but stay at the periphery. soobin stays close to you, and you thread your arm through his 一 this will slow your pace, but you don’t mind.
“by the way, i changed the measurements of the disguise potion a bit,” you say as soobin crouches down to pick some flowerbuds. “i’m not sure if you felt any difference.”
“oh really? it felt the same to me.” he shrugs and places the flowerbuds in your basket. “i always feel... disoriented when i use it.”
“i know, that’s why i was trying to change it...”
“don’t worry about it too much.” soobin glances up at a tree branch right above him, and a cool breeze blows down on both of you. “it’s just... when i’m a prince, i feel shy from all the people watching me, but when i’m disguised, it feels odd not being recognized, as if no one cares about me. does that make sense?”
you’re quiet for a few moments. you glance up at the canopy, then back at soobin; prince or not, there’s something about him that feels right at home here. 
“i see what you mean... being around others is exhausting, but being by yourself is lonely. right?”
“yeah, exactly.”
“what about being with me?” you give him a teasing grin. “do you ever get sick of me?”
he grins right back at you, even rolling his eyes for dramatic effect. “yeah, i get totally sick of you. when i become prince again i’m banishing you so that i never see you again.”
“you could never do that, i bet. who’s going to make the potions of soothing to help you fall asleep, huh?”
“i’ve been stuck with you long enough that i could make it myself!”
you elbow him gently and you both laugh. the sound rings through the forest, and it makes the place seem smaller and warmer than it is.
you’ve often wondered what will happen when soobin’s incognito period ends and he goes back to his princely role. when the royal family first approached you to help with their son’s journey 一 apparently an old tradition to help future monarchs stay in touch with the common folk 一 you didn’t think much of it. you’d get an apprentice, make a few extra potions of disguise for him, then collect a hefty royal commission after eighteen months. at first, it had been nothing more than a chance to get an extra pair of hands and supplement your income as a potion-making witch.
but as you walk through the forest, arm in arm with soobin, you realize that you like the new routine you’ve established. the young prince helps you sell potions and make bread for meals, and more than once you’ve caught him giving harsh glares at rude customers who want to use your potions for nefarious purposes. and though his accompaniment to your weekly forages were originally nothing more than an excuse to get some help, you now find it impossible to imagine going on them without him.
soobin and the forest and you: in your mind they all fit together.
you’re so lost in your thoughts that he has to move in front of you to catch your attention. “y/n?”
“oh 一 sorry!”
“you know i was just kidding, right?”
“about banishing you, i mean,” he says. “i like being around you too much.”
“ah 一 yeah! d-don’t worry, i know,” you say, and now even your ears are warm together with your cheeks. “and um, thank you.”
you blink a few times and glance around. the trees have become more gnarled and more densely packed together. you realize that the two of you are starting to approach the heart of the forest; go any deeper and things will get dangerous, not just from wild animals but also from wild magic. “uh, we should... go back...”
soobin nods and waits for you to lead the way before falling in beside you. again he offers his arm, and you thread yours around it. with his free hand he offers to carry your basket for you; it has gotten heavier from the foraging you’ve been doing. you shake your head and give him a polite smile, letting him know that you can carry it just fine, but the gesture opens up a lightness in your heart.
the walk back to the main road is quiet, but not awkwardly so. such moments of silence are not uncommon with soobin, but they have a comfort all their own; the prince smiles to himself as he walks, taking the time to admire the lush green canopy above or the carpet of flowers and ferns growing in between the tree roots. you find yourself sneaking glances at him and following his gaze to whatever plant has caught his attention 一 you’re so used to forest forages that you’ve forgotten how to stop and admire the scenery.
can you really imagine the forest without him? you feel his arm wound around yours, anchoring you, and it reminds you of the tree roots beneath your feet.
by the time you reach the edge of the forest, the sun has started to set and the sky has turned orange. rays of yellow light peek through the remains of the canopy. you put your free hand up to your face to block out the most blinding rays, and soobin tightens his grip around your arm. 
“let’s go home?” he says. 
you turn to him and smile. he looks radiant in this light.
“let’s go home.”
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anarchiii · 2 months
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Worlds apart-5 —ACOTAR x TOG AU
Part five | warnings: practically none | Azriel x Celaena Sardothien
Summary; Pain and suffering one after the other, Azriel decides that maybe he’s not meant for this world, but maybe he is meant for another…
Note: this is an AU it’s not in the books.
Masterlist / Series Masterlist
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Azriel’s POV
“Where are we going again?” He questioned, trying not to look at her too long, she sighed, “Azriel, for the fourth time, we are going to the Royal Library. Does your world not have libraries?” She said, Azriel had explained to her earlier than he was from somewhere called ‘Prythian’ not ‘Erelia’ or ‘Wendlyn’.
Celaena had taken it surprisingly well to finding out that Azriel was from a completely different universe and had just simply said; “very well, then, I’ll get you back to your world if that is what you wish,” he hadn’t had the heart to tell her that he didn’t particularly want to go back right now, or if he was even welcome there anymore. And he didn’t know if her willingness to help him was her way of saying ‘I’m going to help you go home so you can leave me the hell alone’ he hoped that wasn’t the case. He has grown quite fond of the golden haired-spitfire.
“So you are certain we will find what we are looking for?” He questioned, she turned her head to look at him, frowning at him under long, dark lashes, “I did not say anything of the sorts, this future research and discoveries is purely based on luck, don’t get your hopes up.” She said blatantly. Azriel had never met someone like her, someone so witty, beautiful and snappy but also kind and compassionate, not to mention her apparent love for the dramatics, it was so. . . Her, if that made sense.
He sucked in a breath as they walked through the huge doors to the library, mountains of books and shelves immediately coming into view, there were a couple scholars and librarians walking around but they did not take notice of them, their day filled with reading and cataloging books.
Celaena was frowning again, this time at a librarian sitting behind his desk, the man’s eyes narrowing from behind his glasses as he noticed her stare, Celaena let out a growl that seemed more Fae than Human but kept walking, Azriel didn’t dare ask what that was about. She was scary enough as it was.
They kept walking down halls lined with books upon books until the lights started fading, and dust started appearing everywhere they looked, she kept walking, though.
Azriel took the time to map out the library and all the people in it, so far, there was only one exit, not a good thing, Celaena seemed to be thinking the same thing, they seemed to do that a lot, but, as they say. Like calls to like.
Celaena’s POV
“Stop looking at me like that,” Celaena said, not bothering to turn around from where she was searching bookshelves in one of the many catacombs, thankfully, it wasn’t the same one she has visited before, she shuddered at the memory of that. . . Beast.
“How do you know I’m looking at you? You have your back turned to me!” Azriel hissed, for an apparent esteemed warrior, he was quite touchy.
No one had mentioned what had happened in the bed last night so she didn’t bring it up, it didn’t mean she didn’t think about it though, “aren’t you a ‘Spymaster’ or whatever, shouldn’t you know?” She questioned, earning a grumble in response that had her chuckling, it made him more human, which was better for her. And her nerves.
Two hours, two hours they spent down her, and found absolutely nothing, it’s not like she was expecting a book on world-walking but it would’ve been nice to find something down here, Azriel seemed to be thinking the same thing as he ripped off his hood and plopped down onto a dusty chair, she half expected it to break under his weight but no, for a male of his size. He apparently wasn’t that heavy.
Celaena went back to searching the shelves when a cover caught her eye, it was the Walking-Dead, how did it get down here? She pulled the book out and opened it, nothing, well—not nothing. But not what they were looking for.
She kept flicking through the pages, looking for something, anything, when a familiar voice broke through the air of silence, “what the fuck! Celaena?” Dorian yelled, she whipped her head around, Azriel at her side instantly, “uh, uh,” she started panicking. Oh Gods. Dorian was going to get them killed! “Uhm. . . It’s not what it looks like?” She made up a hundred excuses in her head but didn’t get to use any of them as Azriel hit Dorian in the back of the head with the hilt of her dagger, “oh fuck, Az! Oh Gods, this is how I’m going to die!” She started pacing around the room, “it’s fine, it’s fine!” He said at last, “we just need to take him back to our room, easy,” great, that’s a great plan. They would drag the unconscious Crown prince of Ardalan through his own library and through his castle into technically his room, easy!
“I’ll grab his legs! You grab his arms! And for Mala’s sake, put your hood back on!” She yelled, not caring about her volume.
Thanks to what luck they possessed, they managed to drag Dorian through the castle and into her room, they dumped the prince onto the couch in the game room and Celaena went to grab a cloth to clean up the blood, the blood, running through her bedroom she nearly ran into someone, oh Gods, not just someone. . .“Chaol!” She shrieked, she was so screwed. . .
The End.
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warm-cat-burrito · 4 months
This is legitimately just my spam blog. I have two other sideblogs, one for art/my OCs (@fennmeow) and one for therian/autism/ADHD stuff and general thoughts (@fennthetalkingdog). All I'll probably ever do here is reblog cool stuff I find, but the main reason I'm making this intro is just so I can organize all the tags I'll be using here. It'll change all the time (if I start to reblog something that requires a new tag, I'll add it here), so this will continually change.
For reference, though, I like:
Yu-Gi-Oh, Dungeon Meshi, and other anime/manga
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, Tower of God, and other webtoons/webtoon anime
Persona 5 Royal (both the game and the manga <3)
Wings of Fire
Warrior cats
(Some) K-pop songs, Vocaloid songs (Ghost and Pals <3), and music in general
Alt stuff (especially poc alt stuff)
Autism, ADHD, and therian stuff (will be limited tho since some of it will go on my sideblog)
so I'll definitely be reblogging that stuff. And I occasionally have hyperfixations, so that list is also subject to change, lol. Also I'll be putting real life stuff into either the #real life tag or the #advice tag (depending on what it is). Other stuff will be organized in one of the tags attached here (hopefully).
Also here are the links for the daily clicks for Palestine/Sudan thing because I keep forgetting and maybe you did too:
Okay so it looks like I'm gonna run out of tags soon so I'll put them under a cut (I'll save the actual tags for important and relevant ones):
(Note: If tags have another tag next to them in parentheses, that's their spoiler tag; I try my best to use only one. And related tags can be listed in bullets beneath a parent tag—in this case all posts with the specific tag will also be tagged with the parent tag. If two tags have a "/" between them, that means they're interchangable and all posts with one tag will have the other too.)
General Trigger Warnings:
#tw blood
#tw drugs
* #tw weed
#tw eyestrain
#tw sex mention (literally for anything that mentions sex)
* #spicy (spicy stuff that may imply/describe sex but don't show it)
* nsfw (full-on nsfw stuff - I shouldn't be posting that? But just in case)
#tw syscourse (most will only be reblogged privately tho)
#tw periods
#tw politics
* #international news
* #congo
* #gaza/#palestine/#free palestine
* #haiti
* #sudan
* #tigray
* #usa news
* #us presidential debate
* #us politics
General Art Tags:
#character design
#cool art (for art unrelated to a mentioned fandom)
* #anthro
* #artfight
* #fennmeow/#my art
* #monster
* #oc art
* #scenecore
#human designs
#dungeon meshi (#dungeon meshi spoilers)
* #farcille
* #labru
* #secret lab!au (also under #crossover and #scp foundation)
#jujutsu kaisen
#mob psycho 100
* #transfem mob
* #transmasc reigen
#oshi no ko (#oshi no ko spoilers)
#tower of god (in this category since I'll barely reblog ToG webtoon stuff probably)
* #tower of god anime
#welcome to demon school iruma kun/#marimashita! iruma kun
* #iruma kun mafia if story
* #yugioh gx
#omniscient reader's viewpoint (#omniscient reader spoilers)
* #fnaf movie
#legend of zelda
* #breath of the wild
* #tears of the kingdom
* #wind waker
#off game
#persona 5 royal
#slay the princess
#the stanley parable
#stormlight archive
#warrior cats
#wings of fire
Other Media:
#crossover (a tag for crossovers - I've gotta go back and retag stuff tho)
* #secret lab!au (dungeon meshi x scp foundation)
* #twin runes (undertale x deltarune)
#gravity falls
* #after canon AU
* #fiddleford
* #billford
* #bill(ford)^2
* #the book of bill
* #cats the musical
* #hadestown
#my little pony
* #equestria girls
* #my little pony friendship is magic
#scp foundation
#spiderman (almost each character has their own tag in this category)
* #into the spiderverse (#into the spiderverse spoilers)
* #across the spiderverse (#across the spiderverse spoilers)
* #meows morales/#spidercat
#total drama island
#what we do in the shadows
* #my familiars ghost
Relating to Me:
* #otherkin
* #therian
#college things
* #major stuff (stuff about my majors)
* #minor stuff (stuff about my minors)
#for future fenn
* #for irl friends
* #video game music
* #vocaloid
* #hatsune miku/#miku worldwide
* #autism
* #adhd
* #intellectual giftedness
* #overexcitability
* #stimming
* #tulpamancy
#pride (for queer stuff in general)
* #fanfiction
* #mha fanfiction/#Rowan Call and Toby (my own mha fanfiction)
General Tags:
* #drawing advice
* #job applications
#friend interactions (things like chain posts with friends)
#mental health
#pretty people
* #drag
#real life
* #comedy
* #disability
* #fundraiser
#resources (only for linked resources)
#stuff for atlas (stuff for my friend Atlas btw)
* #historic tumblr posts
* #poll
* #tumblr folks doing the usual
I apologize profusely for any untagged or badly tagged posts—I reblogged a bunch of stuff before I began my tagging system and some past stuff is still untagged or weirdly tagged.
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lexluvswriting · 6 months
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Lex Luvs Writing!
Press here for more Miffy! :
↳ MIFFY'S ADVENTURES, BIG & SMALL. [blog rules.]
↳ MIFFY AND FRIENDS. [learn about me.]
Please enjoy my blog! 🤍
↳ this will be creative content amidst shit-posting and vague over-sharing.
↳ there will be NSFW content. in those circumstances; Minors D.N.I!
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Currently writing for:
ACOTAR || TOG || MCU || ATSV || HAZBIN || JJK || HQ || many more… if you don't see yours, please ask!
[🩶] - Yes please! [] - Not at the moment. [] - on hiatus!
[🐰] - smut. [☁️] - fluff. [🌬️] - angst. [🪽] - no comfort.
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ꔫ L'autunno: Eris x reader. [🐰☁️🌬️]
ch:1 || ch:2 || ch:3 || ch:4 || ch:5 || ch:6
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✎ First Meeting: GodofStories!Loki x reader. [☁️]
request + drabble
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☆ Too Sweet: Loki x reader. [🐰☁️] press here!
♛ Princess Treatment: Loki x reader. [🐰☁️] press here!
𓆙TLC: Loki x reader. [☁️] press here!
Works in Progress:
ꔫ L'autunno [🌬️/☁️/🐰]: Ch: 6, Ch: 7.
You -a summer court orphan that loves to dance & has a burning hatred for the royal Autumn family- have piqued the oldest Vanserra son's interest, just in time to assist him in an important task benefitting the court- performing for the Autumn Equinox!
𓆙 Even Gods need a little TLC: Loki x gn!reader [☁️]: one-shot.
Loki comes home after a hard day of being an Avenger & finds himself needing that Tender Loving Care. So, what better to cheer him up than looking at cute animals on the internet w/his beloved, and providing loving reassurance?
✶ Harlequin girls: modern au!Lucien x reader [🌬️/🐰]: one-shot.
"Is it still me who makes you sweat, am I who you think about in bed?" A question Lucien asks himself, reflecting on a messy break-up with reader.
?? Needy: Rowan x in heat!reader [🐰]: one-shot.
I mean, I feel like the title gives it all away.
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© lexluvswriting -> All Rights Reserved.
do not repost or translate any of my works without permission!
do not blatantly copy my ideas or use any as inspiration without proper accreditation.
Tumblr is the only place I post any content.
💌 Please send a message if you see my work elsewhere!!
Thank you for stopping by! 🤍
blog layout credits 🩵 :
↳ @yeribbon ; @reveriesources ; @roseraris ; @anitalenia
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lillian1396 · 1 year
I just watched royal blue for the first time....
Dude, WHY do I get the feeling this is a Alternative AU for Joe×Nicky from TOG?
ANYBODY who tells me Alex is not EXACTLY like Joe can kma
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silvvergears · 1 year
So I guess I'm going to spend the next four to five business days hyperfocusing on a potential Dishonored au for TOG ft. Hunter as Emily, Eda as Corvo, and Belos as the Royal Spymaster. I've already figured out most of the casting and how the storyline will shift and change (Hunter is older than Emily was and has a much more active role) for both games, and as soon as work is done I'm going to work on some art for it
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writingsbychlo · 11 months
so now that you're an acotar fan lol, I'm the person who originally sent in the ask about Princea noah and that came because I was reading throne of glass at the time and I was in my royal au feels lmao
omg that’s so wild!!! get out, I love that so much. TOG really did go hard, I can totally see the vibes there 😌
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tower-of-trash · 5 years
Royal AU
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My bestfriend thought of this AU and we ended up talking about a lot of headcanons. I was supposed to finish a Bam x Rachel fanart today but then I suddenly lost the motivation to draw hands so I just gave up and drew this shit instead hahaha (I know there are lines and all that stuff that I didn’t erase but I’m drawing this at 1 am and I’m tired already).
Bam is a hidden prince from a fallen kingdom raised by his shady noble branch family with Rachel as his servant (but he refers her more as a big sister, she’s still a bitch tho). FUG and the Great Families in this AU rule each kingdom, with Jahad’s being the most powerful kingdom and Luslec’s as the largest kingdom. Anyways, a debutante ball has been set up for the noble children and that’s where Bam first introduces himself to the members of the Great Families through Shibisu (He is a son of a merchant with lots of connections sooo that’s why he was invited too). Shibisu introduces Bam to Khun, our blue boi experiences love at first sight, they met new people together (because Bam is a shy person at first), and they talked each other more often than their acquaintances. Yeah everything was all well, but little did Bam know that he was just being used to bring down the Great Families by taking advantage of his relationships with them. Chaos ensues.
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silly-old-guard-aus · 4 years
Red, White, and Royal Blue AU in which Nicky and Joe are both princes of their respective countries and cause international scandal after they get into a fight at a royal wedding and trip into the cake.
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acourtofcouture · 4 years
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Modern AU x Nehemia Ytger, Princess of Eyllwe, 1/?
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rosesandglass · 5 years
Hi! I felt like writing some Rowaelin angst so here it is. I hope you enjoy!
The cool evening breeze carried the scent of pine and snow. Aelin leaned against the balcony railing, looking out over the palace gardens and the sprawling city that lay beyond the gates. Behind her, she could hear the clinking of wine glasses and the dull murmur of conversation coming from inside. She took a deep breath, trying to centre herself, to dispel the tears blurring her vision and still her shaking hands. She couldn’t be discovered in this state. But this was the only moment that she had had to herself in days, and her emotions were still too raw, too painful, to be hidden away. 
She could not understand it, all these rules and protocols. She felt stifled, angry, unable to show her grief to the world despite the fact that her uncle, the King of Terrasen, had just passed away. Any hint of emotion beyond the solemn expressions and black mourning attire she and the rest of the royal family wore was strictly prohibited. 
Aelin sighed. In a few minutes, she would have to go back in there and continue making small talk with foreign dignitaries, plastering a smile onto her face and commenting on the weather when all she wanted to do was scream. She took another deep breath in through her nose, the scent of the breeze weighing on her heart for an entirely different reason. 
It was at that moment that she heard the balcony door open and close behind her. She turned, ready for a scolding from her parents or Aedion, but her defences died on her lips when she beheld who, exactly, was standing in front of the door, a small smile on his face. 
“Rowan!” she exclaimed, leaping into his outstretched arms. It was an automatic reaction to seeing him, and she relished the feeling of being so close to him after all these weeks apart. But then she remembered exactly who and where she was and quickly took a step back. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she tried to remind herself of the inevitable future. 
“What are you doing here?” she asked. 
He shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets as if to prevent himself from reaching for her. “I persuaded my aunt that my presence at your uncles’s funeral was what was required to maintain positive diplomatic relations.”
Aelin snorted. “It’s a bit late for that.” 
“Yes, well, we will all continue to pretend until the last possible moment. Isn’t that how it works?” He let out a soft, miserable laugh, shaking his head. “It’s all a big fucking mess.” His eyes met hers again, and his gaze softened. “I’m sorry to hear about your uncle. He was a good man.”
Aelin looked at the ground, folding her arms across her torso. “Thank you.” She glanced around, and then lowered her voice so there was no chance it could be heard from inside. “And that’s what I need to talk to you about. Rowan, we can’t keep doing this.”
His brow furrowed. “Doing what?”
“Being together. Sneaking around behind everyone’s backs. It has to stop now.”
Rowan took a step towards her, confusion written across his face. Confusion and wariness. “I don’t understand. What’s changed?”
Aelin looked at him incredulously. “Everything! Don’t you see?” She took a deep, shuddering breath. “Now that my uncle is dead I am the heir to the throne. I have responsibilities. Besides, what did you think would happen? That we would keep this thing between us a secret forever? Because eventually someone will find out about us.” Her voice cracked as she whispered, “I could not do that to my family.”
“Aelin, we can think of a way…” Rowan began, but Aelin cut him off.
“No,” she said, softly but firmly. “I won’t take that risk. I have a duty to my country. Which means I can’t keep cavorting around with a foreign prince. Especially when relations between our countries are as tenuous as they are.” 
Rowan’s expression hardened. “Cavorting around? Was that all this was to you?” he asked coldly. 
It was her turn to take a step towards him. “Rowan…”
But all traces of warmth had disappeared from his face, his posture. He bowed stiffly. “Forgive me then, Your Highness, for intruding on you in this manner. It will not happen again.” And with those words, he turned tail and returned to the gathering inside, leaving her alone on the balcony. 
Aelin slumped against the railing, feeling cold and vulnerable. Her chest ached. Truth be told, the past few months with Rowan had been the best in her life. Sneaking around, waking up beside him, talking for hours with someone who truly understood her. He had been her best friend as well as her lover. And now she had lost him. Forever. 
After wiping her eyes and taking a few deep breaths to collect herself, she rejoined the party. The air inside the palace was warm and suffocating, the lights too bright and the colours too bold. Her mother spotted her from across the room and hurried over, scanning her face. She looked quite the mess, apparently, because as soon as she was in reach her mother grasped Aelin’s hand and took her aside, moving them so that they were hidden from view behind a carved pillar.
“Fireheart, you look terrible,” Evalin said, wiping at Aelin’s cheeks with her gloved hands. “Why don’t you go upstairs and have a lie down, okay? I’ll make your excuses for you.”
Aelin nodded, although she couldn’t help but feel a touch of resentment. Although her mother’s words came from a place of love, Aelin also knew that a large portion of her concern was the result of her reluctance to allow anyone important to see the crown princess in this state.
Evalin smiled and took her in her arms, whispering in her ear, “I know you miss your uncle, and I know these past few days have been hard on you, but you have to be strong for just a little longer, okay?” 
“Okay,” Aelin replied, pulling away. Trying to banish the feeling that her world was slipping through her fingers, she gave her mother a small smile and then made her way towards the doors that would lead her to the West Wing staircase and the royal suites beyond. As she crossed the room, she passed Rowan, engrossed in conversation with a group of foreign diplomats. Although the tense set of his shoulders informed her that he was aware of her presence, he did not look her way. Not once. 
Her heart cracking, she exited the room, leaving the party and the love of her life behind. And he could never know how she truly felt about him. For the sake of her family and her country. 
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mariaofdoranelle · 2 years
I’m aelin_gods_killer on AO3!
Here’s a list of active Rowaelin writers
(✓ means the main story is finished)
Look at Us Now
Empty Nested [fluffy collection of oneshots] ✓
Faking Yulemas [for 12 Days of Rowaelin] ✓
Golden Tattoo [fwb, pregnancy] ✓
Wedding Break [runaway bride au]
Royal Rebels [fantasy, on hiatus]
Oneshots (from oldest to newest)
Silver Fox
Why are you at the wake?
It has a moodboard by @elentiyawhitethorn <3
An Axe to Grind
High Infidelity
Cowboy Like Me
Written for events
Aelin Week day 2: Aelin and the magic of friendship / Part 2
TOG Anniversary 2022
Rowaelin Month 2022
Golden Tattoo (short fic) + oneshots
Rowan Week 2022
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TOG fandom - How to address others in Italian (a little help for fellow writers)
Another one of these posts in quick succession because a thing I’ve noticed in many, many fanfiction is the incorrect use of titles and honorifics in Nicky’s Italian lines. Which... I get it, it’s super-uper difficult to get and also Google is the worst of all to translate the right use and nuance (my suggestion is to always prefer Reverso Context when translating entire phrases, it’s based on examples and it’s more accurate in general). So!
Let’s start with family (famiglia, with a gl, different to the Spanish word).
Papà = dad (please, please, PLEASE USE THE ACCENT. Just like Nicolo ≠ Nicolò, remember that Papa = Pope. And Nicky’s dad - or Nicky as a dad - is not a Pope). Variants! They are mostly regionals, but you can also use: papi, babbo, pa’. Father = padre, so if Nicky has to refer to an austere father figure or someone else’s father? Use padre and the honorific form (we will get to that). Mamma = mom. Variants! Mami, mammà, ma’. Mother = madre. Figlio/a = son/daughter. Sorella = sister. Older sister = sorella maggiore or sorellona (like ‘big sis’), younger sister = sorella minore or sorellina (’lil sis’). Fratello = brother. Older brother = fratello maggiore or fratellone (’big bro’), younger brother = fratello minore or fratellino (’lil bro’). Nonno/a = grandad/grandma. Also: nonnino/nonnina, it’s cute. Zio/a = uncle/aunt. Cute: zietto/zietta. Cugino/a = cousin. Younger cousins could also be called: cuginetto/cuginetta. Nipote = nephew/niece and grandson/granddaughter. Younger ones: nipotino/nipotina. Suocero/a = father-in-law/mother-in-law. Cognato/a = brother-in-law/sister-in-law. Genero = son-in-law. Nuora = daughter-in-law. ... and I’m stopping here, but if you have questions on other particular words just DM me :D
How to address loved ones.
Amico/a = friend. Someone who’s always very friendly and nice to hang up with = amicone/a. The BFF from when you were young kids = amichetto/a. Ragazzo/a = boyfriend/girlfriend. ‘Chi è? Il tuo ragazzo?’ = ‘Who’s that? Your boyfriend?’. Variants (also regionals): ragazzino/a, moroso/a, tipo/a. Fidanzato/a = fiancée. Could also be used as boy/girlfriend, but it’s mostly for couples about to get married. However, nonne all over Italy at Christmas would always ask their nephews/nieces ‘ce l’hai il/la fidanzatino/a?’ which basically is ‘have you found yourself a boy/girlfriend?’. Marito/moglie = husband/wife.
How to address royalty/nobility (to the person who asked about this specifically some time ago: took me some time, but here it is).
Sua/Vostra altezza reale/imperiale = His/Her/Your royal/imperial highness Sua/Vostra maestà reale = His/Her/Your royal majesty Re/Regina = King/Queen Imperatore/Imperatrice = Emperor/Empress Principe/Principessa = Prince/Princess Duca/Duchessa = Duke/Duchess Conte/Contessa = Count/Countess Signore/Signora = Lord/Lady (’mio Signore’ = my Lord)
The clergy (a relevant topic for Nicolò).
Prete = priest. Also: don (mostly used before the name to address the priest, like ‘Don Nicolò’)(yeah I know it reminds you of mafia names, that’s where they get it from... it’s basically a substitute of ‘signore’, frequently used in the South). You can also call the priest padre (father) ‘Padre Nicolò’. Padre superiore = father superior, frate = friar, monaco = monk, eremita = hermit, abate = abbott. To address a friar: fra and the name, like ‘Fra Giacomo’. Suora = nun. To address the nun: suor and the name, like ‘Suor Cristina’. Also: sorella, madre superiora = mother superior (’Madre Teresa’), badessa = abbess. Vescovo = bishop. ‘Sua Eccellenza’ = His Excellency. Arcivescovo = archbishop. ‘Sua Grazia’ = His Grace. Cardinale = cardinal. ‘Sua Eminenza’ = His Eminence. Papa = Pope. POPE. P-O-P-E as in the old holy guy dressed in white living in Vaticano. First rule of Italian, folks: we don’t have as many accents as the French, but when we do THEY MUST BE USED. Also: Santo Padre = Holy Father. ‘Sua Santità’ = His Holiness. I had to translate half ‘Wikihow - come rivolgersi al clero cattolico’ LOL
There should probably be a whole chapter about politics too, but you get the drift: use Reverso, check the examples and write me (or any other Italian user in the TOG fandom) a DM if you’re in doubt.
And we arrive straight to the honorific form. This is hard, I know... English doesn’t really have this form, but it’s extremely important to know it and know the differences to write/talk good Italian.
The basic rule is that when we speak to someone who’s above us in hierarchy (a client, a professor, an older colleague, ecc.) or a stranger, we use ‘lei’. Dare del lei means not referring to the person with the singular form of ‘you’ = tu, but use the female third person singular. Let’s proceed with an example: if you’re writing Nicky as a professor, he’s gonna be called ‘prof Di Genova’ by his Italian students. They wouldn’t say ‘prof, non interrogarmi’ to him, but they would use the ‘lei’ form: ‘prof, non mi interroghi’ (don’t test/question me, professor). This form is basically the most frequently translated by Google. This is why the most frequent mistake in fanfiction is Nicky asking ‘scusi?’ (sorry, in the ’lei’ form) to Joe or Andy or Booker instead of ‘scusa?’. As much as I think Nicky is a very polite guy and he definitely would use the ‘lei’ form with strangers, he knows his family (and his husband!) well enough to use the ‘you’. As a rule, always check if the translated Italian you are using is in the honorific form and, if it shouldn’t be in your fic (as in: Nicky is talking to someone he knows, like Nile or Joe or his family), change it to the ‘you’ form. NB! Nice nuance in fanfiction: Nicky using the ‘lei’ form with Copley or even Merrick (sometimes using the honorific form with asshole strangers adds a very sassy flavour) and Nicky using the ‘lei’ form with Joe if you’re writing a first meeting AU (in a polite/formal environment). It’s cute because there’s frequently a moment during a first meeting conversation where people ask each other: ‘possiamo darci del tu?’ (can we use the ‘you’ form?) and I think it’d work well with them.
You think this is it? THINK AGAIN! We also have an even more reverential form, to use with very veeery important people (nobility, extremely high-up people and the such) which is dare del voi. Voi = you (second person plural). The ‘vostra’ you saw above in the royalty part comes from this. Example: if Nicky is a prince or a king, a counselor should address him with the ‘voi’ form. ‘Vostra maestà, vogliate scusarmi: ho dimenticato di aggiornarvi su questo argomento’ (Your Majesty, please excuse me: I’ve forgotten to give you updates on this topic).
A bit complicated, I know, but I hope I’ve helped. Remember you can DM me anytime if you have questions. If you think I’ve forgotten something, please add a comment so that I can reply! :D
Here are the links to my previous ‘Italian language for fellow writers’ posts:
Terms of endearment
Swear words
Writing ‘good’
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knoepfchen · 3 years
this is one of my all time fav tog comfort fics: /works/26550265 the descriptions of the magic, and joe's characterization are so so lovely!! you may have already read it but i think it's wonderful enough for multiple rereads!!
Thank you for sending me this when I asked for TOG comfort fics last week, nonnie!
I received a bunch of recs, which (like this one^^) I'd already read, so I thought I'd pull my favourites together into one big rec post that I can add to when the need arises.
Laurel's TOG fic recs for rainy days and cold nights (Kaysanova edition)
chrysalis by @bewires (Kaysanova, E, 38k, modern AU) What can I say about the pumpkin gnocchi verse that hasn't been said already? It's the ultimate comfort fic; it has comfort food, healing family dynamics (found and biological), comfort sex (both first time and established!), and Joe and Nicky giving each other the unwavering support you only get when your love is one for the ages. Also, they have a cat. This fic takes you on an emotional rollercoaster but makes sure your seatbelt stays on the entire time.
men of their word by @sixth-light (Kaysanova, E, 18k, history-flavoured AU) I would wholeheartedly recommend EVERYTHING on sixthlight's AO3, but there are two things they do better than almost anyone in this fandom: Idiots to lovers plots and (history-flavoured) royality AUs. I can't make this post without at least mentioning the 'very dumb academics' verse and 'all winners here' for comfort reads, but 'men of their word' is a perfect mix of the two things above, with a bit of identity porn thrown in for free.
the profession of my fingers by @werebearbearbar (Kaysanova, E, 25k, canon) Most people tend to rec Melly's 'we could be an ancient tale' or 'there's a trick with a knife (i'm learning to do)' AUs, which are both excellent and deeply sexy longer reads, but my favourite of hers is this first one I read. Just Joe and Nicky loving each other through the ages, working through some emotions, and getting in and out of hairy situations (I'm sorry!). It's brilliantly researched, and exactly fills the gap canon leaves you with right after watching the film.
I did think, let's go about this slowly by @emjee (Kaysanova, M, 10k, modern AU) There are. so. many. fics. of emjee's I'd recommend, but this one is PEAK comfort fic. First of all, Joe and Nicky both work at a library, it's a delicious little slowburn, and it comes to a head on a snow day. Does it get any more comforting than that?
with rome below us by whimsicule (Kaysanova, Gen, 13k, academic AU) A fic based on this post by @tovezza, you know, the one with Nicky being a priest and Joe being a professor, they meet in Jerusalem and then things happen. This one is told from Nile's POV (she's Joe's PhD student) and does the most marvellous job of it.
The Pride Pact by @kaydeefalls (Kaysanova, M, 20k, modern AU) Joe is new in town and as he falls in with Nicky's friend group they promise each other "not to make it weird" by sleeping with one another. You can imagine how well it goes. More than that though, this fic is incredibly warm inside out, funny and sweet, and it gives you their friendship before it gives you their relationship, and you'll love it for that.
Familiar (but new) every time by Yuliares (Gen-ish, T, 13k, post-canon) Reccing this because I've never agreed with their characterisation more, feels like it could genuinely be something that happens after the film and the sequel. A great fic for all your found family needs.
you know i dreamed about you (before i saw you) by BeeLove (Kaysanova, E, 20k, witch!Joe AU) This is the fic anon recommended! It's SUCH a cute read, with witch!Joe moving into a cottage by the woods and finding a cursed rabbit. He tries to help by breaking the rabbit's spell (you may guess who the rabbit is), and it's honestly just so good and atmospheric, like a walk through the forest. There's beautiful fanart too!
Bonus: The Voice of Experience by @werebearbearbar & @morallygreywaren (Kaysanova, T, 22k, modern AU) Look, this is basically a self-rec, but it is a very comforting fic: Think "You've Go Mail", think food blog, think snarky Joe and Nicky, thinl epistolary idenity porn, think falling in love with the same person twice. It was a great experience to write and it's an easy, comforting read :)
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bewires · 2 years
28 and 1 or 2 for joe Nicky please 🙏
Proposal fic & historical or royal AU
hmmm so I have written several proposals in this fandom
and something I would be super into because this is TOG and historical is not actually an AU is historical ways of asking to share your life with someone without actually proposing yk?
like that time Joe and Nicky jumped over the embers at Beltane. or that time Nicky gave Joe's great-grandson a stupidly expensive gift to ask-without-asking for Joe's hand. You get my drift.
I also love the idea of them like. skipping that step. like waking up one day realizing they are basically, for all intents and purposes, as married as they can be and they just never talked about it.
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