#Princess bride au
bloodysparklez · 5 months
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wake up babe, hua cheng saying "as you wish" in the new tgcf dub episode just dropped
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hijacksecrets · 7 months
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Finally tried out @midoristeashop’s brushes!!! I’m still figuring them out but so far I really like them! >:0
I used my Princess Bride AU to practice the brushes with :>
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zeldaseyebrows · 3 months
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"Since the invention of the kiss, there have been 5 kisses that have been rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind." -The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride AU ft. the Dread Pirate Tetra and Link as Buttercup the Farm Boy. Cia from HW is Prince Humperdinck of course
(I've had this AU in my head for YEARS, drew one part forever ago, and finally finished these)
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lavanderowl · 2 months
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Trolls x Princess Bride because why not
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nicki0kaye · 1 month
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Buttercup!Kallus and then some more canon-compliant long haired variants bc mmmm love that long hair
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zenlosingit · 1 month
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Posted this on twitter, but I think some of y’all might enjoy some xiancheng princess bride au
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fanaticsnail · 2 months
Dressrosa: A Summary
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"Hello. My name is Trafalgar D Water-Law. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
I need this as a comic. I could write it in a fic, but seeing it illustrated would be beautiful 🥹
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Law: "Offer me Berry."
Doffy: "All I have and more."
Law: "Offer me land."
Doffy: "Take my kingdom of Dressrosa."
Law: "Offer me anything I ask for."
Doffy: "Anything. Please."
Law: "...I want Corazon back, you son of a bitch."
(spoilers below for context)
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Just a snippet of conversations with @gingernut1314 @feral-artistry @indydonuts @i-am-vita @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity
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kalee60 · 1 month
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The prince's bride
As SHIELD and Hydra teeter on the edge of a faction war, a brainwashed Soldier, the Winter Prince is an unwitting pawn in a larger game and is forced into a betrothal to one Alexander Pierce. Kidnapped by mercenaries, then rescued by a pirate who is extremely familiar, the Winter Prince starts to regain his memories.
In the course of his adventure’s, he’ll meet Brock - a master tactician who will do anything to get ahead in life; Hulk - a gentle giant; Natasha - the Russian who thirsts for revenge; and Gravik - the skrull mastermind behind it all. Foiling all their plans and jumping into their stories is Steve Rogers, the Soldier's one true love and a very good friend of a very dangerous pirate.
Or the Princess Bride AU that literally no one wanted except me… (and maybe one other person…)
Soooo... I'm back with another adventure - and why the hell not, let's try a princess bride AU. Am I crazy? Probably. Will this work? Who knows. Have I had fun twisting this fic together? Absofuckinglutely.
This is my ultimate love letter to one of my favourite childhood (who am I kidding) adulthood movies - and if it sounds like your kind of adventure... click on in and enjoy a swashbucklingish story full of familiar quotes and two idiots finding their true love.
Part one - click here
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spaceofentropy · 2 months
Thank you, @ihni , for the baton! Without further ado, here's my contribution to the Harringrove Relay Race!
It's a little fic (that I'll post on ao3 later, when I'm awake and cosplaying as a functioning human) and that is very cleverly (not really) titled...
A Pirate's Life For Me
Billy's always known he wasn't lucky in life and this, right here, is the culmination of it all.
Not even two months at sea, working his ass off for a meager pay in the hopes of earning enough to exstinguish the debts his father and Chrissy's father put on their shoulders before dying, and his ship gets captured by pirates.
Worse: captured by the Dread Pirate Roberts, who has a reputation as a great swordman and a ruthless bastard who doesn't leave survivors.
Billy did his best in the fight, but he's just a farm boy turned deck swabber, his swordmanship goes very little further than "the handle goes into your hand, the pointy part goes inside the enemy". So now he's kneeling, hands raised, on the deck of the Panthaira, along with the rest of the surviving crew and passengers.
Well, with all the survivors except Captain Loman, who's huddled against the main mast. The Dread Pirate Roberts is crouched in front of the captain and talking to him in a low voice while the captain clearly draws his last breaths, shirt painted a vivid red with the blood gushing from the puncture wounds in his chest. Loman was a petty tyrant, so Billy is not exactly bawling his eyes out at the prospect of the captain being gone soon. It's just the principle of the thing that counts. The Panthaira has been captured, and, to put it mildly, Billy is fucked.
There are too many pirates keeping them under threat of more stabbing, and also no damn place to go even if he were able to escape the ship. They're in the middle of the ocean, nothing but water in every direction for hundred if not thousands of miles.
So Billy stays where he is.
And looks either at the back of the Dread Pirate Roberts or at the slow rising and falling of Loman's chest.
He waits and hates how his arms are getting heavier and heavier by the second. Soon, he'll be dead and, back home, Chrissy will have to mourn her best friend too, not just her parents.
Captain Loman's chest at last goes still and Roberts extends a careful, gloved hand to close the man's unseeing eyes, before turning towards his prisoners in one swift, elegant movement.
Robert's dressed all in black and wearing a mask, just like the stories say. He has long brown hair tied in a low pony tail, and dark eyes that sweep the crew and passengers of the Panthaira like he can weigh the wort of each of them with just one look.
Billy lets his hands fall down, tired of this charade. If he's gonna die anyway, what good comes from obeying? Might as well die with some feeling left in his arms.
Someone shouts at Billy to raise his hands again and he just ignores him. Roberts is walking their way, his steps slow and his attention pointedly fixed on cleaning blood off the blade of his sword.
Somewhere behind Billy, a woman starts weeping. One of the crew members pleads for his life. Another offers all the money he's got to be spared.
Bunch of cowards.
Roberts stops in front of Billy, ignores everyone else.
"You're not pleading," he says in such a voice and cold tone that the people around them fall silent, too scared of what's happening.
"I don't plead."
"Aren't you scared, boy?"
"To death."
Roberts grins. It makes the moles on his cheek dance.
"Should I bestow on you the sweet mercy of death, then, or not?"
Billy licks his lips and grins back.
"You should let me live, sir."
"And why should I make an exception?"
That's the true problem. Both Billy and Roberts know it, judging by the predatory look in his eyes.
Why, indeed.
"True love?" Billy tries.
Roberts laughs.
"She must be an exceptional lay, to make you believe someone will let you live only so that you'll be able to bed her again!"
"Wouldn't know, I've never wanted to fuck my best friend. Is there truest, purest love than the one that's never been tainted by lust or carnal needs?"
The Dread Pirate Roberts laughs even more and then shakes his head.
"Unbelievable," he says in a stage whisper. "What's your name, boy?"
"Well, Billy, I find myself in sudden need of a personal attendant." Roberts pauses for a beat, cocks his head to the side. Predatory is now an understatement for the look in those dark eyes. "Do a good job and one day you'll be able to return home to your best friend. Do a bad job, and your friend will never see you again. Are you interested in the position?"
Billy grits his teeth and never lets his gaze waver from Roberts.
The decision is so simple he doesn't even need to think about it. He nods and Roberts smiles.
Billy doesn't know what's in his future, but he'll do all he can to survive whatever Roberts throws his way and then return home. His best friend is waiting for him.
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And with this, my installment of the race is done and it's time to head over to @liverditty in an hour for his contribution! I can't wait to see what he created for this beautiful event! In the mean time, thank you for reading, fair tumblr users, and thanks for organizing this, @harringrove-relay-race ! ❤️
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friendrat · 3 months
My husband has proposed an alternate universe of The Princess Bride, where Humperdink hires the Dread Pirate Roberts to kidnap and kill Buttercup, and I just can't. This is honestly the perfect outcome for them. 😂 Like... Wesley gets the girl, the entire kingdom thinks she's dead, and Humperdink doesn't even try to keep them apart.
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spicy-dumbass · 5 months
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A silly little princess bride au shadowmoon. Protection for the Fire bingo card - @mcyt-femslash
I really wanted to have our cringefail girlie to be Westley but I couldn't decide on who could be buttercup, so I settled for Pearl!! I do love their dynamic and having Lizzie be the one to save a more competent life series player amuses me so much
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princessyuwa · 4 months
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Nesta × Cassian Princess Bride AU
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starrcrossrose · 1 year
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Prince(ss) Bride AU, anyone???
My good friend @/star_sparkler on Twitter planted this idea in my head so now, here we are. I might draw more of this for fun 👀💙🤍 anyway, I’m a sucker for LeoSagi anything, hope you guys enjoy 😂
Here are some close ups, too!
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familyofpaladins · 2 months
You ever just get stuck by the silliest au idea and then suddenly its consumed your mind?
Anyway TMNT Princess Bride au
Most characters taken from the 2003 series, but personality of turtles might be closer to Rise series
(I wrote this in the notes of my phone so forgive typos and weird thought process lol)
Casey is buttercup. April is westly (Originally, and what inspired this whole thing. Was that karai was buttercup and Chapman was westley lol)
The turtle bros work for stockman (bishop?) Because he says he has he will help them find their father's killer. A man who has 3 scars along his chin.
Casey just a simple farmer (oh my god. The farm house) with April there to help feed chickens and milk cows and such and such (Would she only say as you wish?? Would she be that submissive? Idk. Maybe she would as long as he promised not to call her babe lol) (LMAO HER PHRASE IS DONT CALL ME BABE INSTEAD OF AS YOU WISH LOLOLOL)
Eventually she goes off to maybe get soem schooling or soemthing. But her ship gets [sunk/destroyed] by the Dread Pirate Krang. April doesn't return and after years Casey believes she died.
Then the local royalty happens to pass by and the princess (karai)(who is told needs to find a husband so she can finally become queen) decides to make Casey her groom.
Casey still in a depressive gloom doesnt do much to reject her.
One day when Casey is out on a run (one of his few joys) he gets kidnapped by 4 demihuman turtles . :D
But then. A stranger begins to follow them. A (wo)man in black
I've mostly been going from 03 inspiration of character. But the turtles might be a little more Rise based.
Leo is inigo foil. The master swordsman. And the banter. "You seem a decent fellow, I hate to kill you" "you seem a decent fellow. I hate to die" I am not left handed. He Asks april "ever seen a man with 3 scars along his chin?" "Do you ask everyone that question?
Raph is Fezzik . Big. The muscle. (Kind) Mikey doesnt have a direct foil. May have his own individual fight with april or possibly works with raph. The muscle and taunting words and stuff idk
Stockman is arrogant and thinks hes the smartest around. Accepts April's challenge.
Don is there to keep a hold on Casey. (He plays the game a long in his mind that it doenst actually take any posion). Once stockman is dead, Don just asks for th truth about what happen to the rest of his brothers, April tells him they are just knocked out and will be fine. He says he doenst really care about keeping casey as they were just doing it to work with stockman and well he's dead so no point. Bye crazy smart lady and sad prince to be. And he leaves to meet up with his brothers.
Cue april trying to lead casey away and him being like. Oh you're the pirate that killed the love of my life! Blah blah blah so you can shove it babe!
*falling down hill* doooon't caaaaaall me baaaaaaabe! Oh my sweet april ehat have I done!? *throws self down cliff*
They go through the forest (lmao splinter as rous) (not actually but the image is funny)
And Karai and her advisor Oroku Saki meet them and casey begs her to let april go instead of killing her.
April notes that the advisor has 3 scars a long his chin. That's right. Shredder is what's his face and killed splinter. (Sorry splints. You had to die in this au)
April is taken to Bishop who experiments on his death machine. Just doing his job and having fun with his toys.
shredder shows up when he learns about the demihumans and asks too many questions about the demi humans shes ever encountered. (Theres a small but decent population in the kingdom) but especially that turtles she encountered last. April doesn't care (she does but more concerned about casey) and asks instead about casey and telling him shes never going to stop.
Karai may or may not visit April… idk. But honestly she doesnt really care about marrying casey but she needs to in order to get the crown.
Anyway its shredder who throws a hissy fit and cranks up the machine "killing" april
Meanwhile the turtles have regrouped but leo is super depressed because he failed and now theh have no lead on their father's killer. Brothers eventually pull him out of it.
They hear aprils cry?? They want "the woman in black" to help them??
Idk they go look for her
("Father guide my sword" is SUCH a thing Leo would do and the humor of it hitting the tree then opening the door is peak tmnt.)
Oh no shes dead
Enter miracle max. I mean the ancient one."she is only MOSTLY dead"
Tang shen: "I'm not a witch! I'm your daughter!" (Maybe. This might change)
They all have to push raph on the cart to break into the castle. Hun is the door keeper lol
Leo goes after shredder. Raph is hauling April around. Ikd what mikey and don are doing exactly. Maybe they split off to look for karai and/or casey
Raph: sighs and puts april down carefully and goes knocks down the door for leo. Comes back to everyone gone. "Now whered everybody go??"
April somehow gets to Casey's room. Casey is thrilled.
Karai shows up… idk. Ask why she really is doing this. Is it what she really wants? Or is it just what shredder has convinced her she needs to do (marry become queen go to war and take over other kingdoms)
Karai seems to consider it (maybe) but still cant have her groom just be carted off. April says okay let's fight then. I've taken on demihimans and been dead and came back, you really want to fight?
Karai considers and concedes. They tie her up so it doesnt look like she just wlt them go.
Karai let's them all leave and ends up marrying one of the chamber men[squire/stable boy/man servant] (is that a real term???) Chapman.
Leo don and mikey all catch up and somehow raph went and found them all horses to ride out on. Happily ever after
Cody is the grandson. Hamato yoshi/splinter is the grandfather
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gladumfdoodles · 4 months
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[Day 32]
A quick low opacity drawing for chapter two of the princess bride au :] Go read now!
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bloopblopbeepbop · 1 month
So my class today started watching the princess bride and that got me thinking, tangled the series/Varian and the seven kingdoms princess bride au.
Qurin as the grandfather
Yong as the grandson
Nuru as the mother ( but there gonna be siblings in this)
Rapunzel as Buttercup
Eugene as the Westley
Hugo as Inigo Montoya
Cyrus as Fezzik (the giant character)
Donella as Vizzini (gender bent of course)
Nigel as Count Rugen ( the guy who kill Inigo father/ both terrible people) (# I hate Nigel)
Andrew as Prince Humperdinck ( there both terrible people it only makes sense)
Lance and angry/red (can't remember there real names) the miracle people
If you see my vision then yeah. If someone says why can't Varian be Inigo let me say this I don't see Varian as him but I do Hugo and I want Hugo to say " My name is Hugo Rottewage, you killed my father prepare to die." Also I think k Hugo would actually kill someone so yeah.
If you say that oh your gonna kill Donella let me say this she could just be unconscious instead.
Also I made Nigel the person who dies because Nigel is a b if you don't know who he is he's the really annoying edviser to the throne.
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