#honestly stizzy works for the same reason
neurosiscocktail · 11 months
Everyone is always like “Ed and Izzy didn’t work out because they’re both bottoms” this and “Ed and Izzy didn’t work out because they’re both bottoms” that.
But let’s be honest here
Ed and Izzy didn’t work out because they both have a daddy kink and neither of them are daddy.
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theorderofthetriad · 2 years
Why I love Stizzy (or Gentlehands, if you're fancy)
Few days ago someone asked Stizzy Steddyhands and Edizzy shippers why they shipped these pairings, and I wrote the following. OP of that post never responded to the many people who wrote out thoughtful replies, and I just now saw some hateful vitrol someone was sent for shipping stizzy, so let me share with you all what i wrote on why I love stizzy:
I have to start by pointing out people will start shipping things for different reasons. Shipping is always going to be a different strokes situation, we all interpret things differently and want different things from fiction. i can explain my own tastes, but there's no guarantee i can get you to... well, get it. Like I can wax poetic about how much i love garlic, but if i'm talking to someone who hates the taste of garlic what i say isn't going to change how garlic tastes, y'know? We're tasting the same garlic with different tongues.
So for me the foundation on which most of my ships are built is humor. If i find their dynamic (or the idea of their dynamic in the case of two separate ships of characters who have never interacted in their canons) funny, i'm more likely to start shipping it, and then i'll potentially get very obsessive and read far too into it (see: icon.) Now for me, stizzy (or gentlehands if you're fancy) still exists mostly in a place of humor, which makes sense with canon because this is a comedy show. I've gotten intense about it in the sense that I've read into the way the show has depicted their interactions and i think they're sexually charged.
if you're looking at it from a certain angle, it's pretty easy to read Izzy and Stede as two guys who are horny for each other and mad about it. I made a whole post about Izzy having a reluctant crush on Stede, and then another whole post about Stede being horny on sight for Izzy, and then I made a whole* ass porn fic that was just a not-so-cleverly disguised meta on the previously mentioned Izzy-has-a-crush-on-Stede reading.
*ok technically 1/3rd ass porn fic because i've only posted the first of three chapters, and, look, i swear i've been meaning to update, but then i got really distracted by... *glances at icon* sorry DX (UPDATE: I am going to post chapter 2 on January 31st or so fucking help me.)
To summarize/build on the links: there was a lot of sexual tension in Izzy and Stede's first encounter. If we're working with the stabbing=sex metaphor we can read it as Stede sticking his dick in Izzy's face and making him submit. Stede has been established to be obsessed with pirates, and Izzy is the first cool pirate in charge of things we see Stede encounter, and Stede is so fucking hype about how it went that it helps him get over killing the first badminton twin (at least until it gets brought up again.)
And from then on the way Stede acts towards Izzy is far more aggressive than he treats any other character, even though the aggression right out of the gate at Jackie's bar is frankly undeserved. I think the aggression is Stede's misplaced arousal that he is not yet able to recognize (honestly if stizzy became canon it could be a matter of Ed undid Stede's obliviousness to his romantic love for men, and Izzy undoes Stede's obliviousness to his sexual desire for men.) Stede's an improv guy and he's unintentionally doing a "yes, and" flirtation with Izzy and matching Izzy's "badass pirate" energy because he finds it sexy.
Meanwhile Izzy can be read as pretty submissive, and in that first encounter Stede sticks a knife in his face and makes him submit to his demands. Like at the end of their first interaction Izzy doesn't even look mad (considering the anger we've seen from Izzy in the following episodes) he almost looks a little amused. Then Izzy tells Stede "this isn't over" and Stede responds "good because i kind of enjoyed it." like they're planning a second date or some shit! We don't see Izzy get truly annoyed at Stede until Ed shows interest in him. I think Izzy thought of Stede as a hot one off adversary he was gonna [REDACTED] while thinking about that night and then he wakes up the next morning with post-nut clarity and new orders to go find Stede and bring him to Blackbeard. Then suddenly Izzy is pretty pissy about Stede Bonnet.
As for how i envision them in the show's future... i mean this is fanon content and again, see: icon, i very much do not ship things solely on their strong basis in canon. i start shipping things based on funny vibes and then work backwards from there. like, for 18 years now i've shipped two characters whose closest interaction was that they stood next to each other for the duration of a single chapter. I don't need to think a ship would work in canon for that ship to work for me.
Also how close a ship will get to being canon is just not the metric anyone should use to measure how much they enjoy a ship. cautionary tale: as a tween i experienced way too much of the ATLA shipping wars and the way people would harass others over which ship was gonna be canon. my major takeaway from that was that that was a miserable way to ship, and that the "victory" of your ship being canon and theirs not being canon is not rewarding when the only reason you shipped that ship was because you thought it was going to be canon endgame. You will be much happier if you ship something because you like the dynamics of the ship and the experience of shipping it rather than if you like a ship because it is or you think it is going to be the endgame ship.
all that being said, i do actually think stizzy could totally happen in canon, because like i said: stizzy is funny and this is a comedy show. they already have the foundation that can easily be read as horny-for-the-other-and-hates-him-about-it. at one point i literally joked that i wanted them to become canon by getting into a fistfight that turns into a make-out that turns back into a fistfight and then they never speak of it. honestly it'd be fucking hilarious. But also considering Izzy got straight up maimed at the end of the last season, a more serious/genuine romance does not seem impossible, just highly unlikely.
For fun things that make me enjoy this ship: here is an audio post of the moment where Stede whispers "because i kind of enjoyed it" at Izzy after their initial meeting. Here's Stede seeing Izzy for the first time. I've described Izzy as being a "Helga Pataki type" about Stede and made a whole meme image series about it. There's Con O'Neil saying that Izzy thought Stede looked really good at the end of his sword (bonus! i asked that question at eccc! <-braggart.) Also you can read the curtain scene as Izzy being Stede's muse. There's something to be said about the framing of this shot. This gifset of Izzy looking at Stede (2nd gif and the last 2 gifs especially, wow.) Here's a compilation of Stede being a bitchy motherfucker to Izzy (bonus! in the tags you can see the gears in my head turning on the train of thought that led me to the "stede is horny for izzy" hypothesis) Here's just a funny post. And another funny post. And another funny post. Here's this post that isn't ofmd related at all but when it came across my dash all of the recent tags on it were like "stizzy" or "the stede and izzy duel" and they're absolutely correct. I'll half-jokingly call this their flirting compilation.
Additionally, while I'm not huge enough on ed/izzy and steddyhands to write about it like i did for stizzy, i do think there's something to be said (that i did already say) about how Ed seemed pretty obsessed with Stede before ever even meeting him simply based on Izzy's description of him, and how he "bested [Izzy] at swordplay" and like... guys is it normal to fall in love with someone you've never met because they made your first mate submit in a fight?? is that a normal, nonsexual, way to think about your first mate?
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woebound · 7 years
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so since i’ve been busy out of character lately, with the most horrific of situations, i haven’t really been paying the utmost amount of attention to anything on here, let alone my followers, and to check it today and see that i’m not far off 650 followers ? i almost screamed, and then proceeded to cry for about fifteen minutes. i honestly can’t thank you all enough, especially for sticking around when i disappear for weeks on end when life just becomes too hard for me to deal with --- i know this blog is anything BUT consistent and half the time i wonder why people continue to follow me because of my lack of activity on times, or maybe my own insecurities about my writing are a huge part of the blame for my questioning of it, but i am beyond grateful that people have followed me. this blog is like my baby, it’s an escape for me to just get away from life for just that short amount of time while my head feels like it’s going to explode. it’s that place where i can bring my ideas to life ? the plots that probably wouldn’t have ever been canon or the ones we were all going to explode. it’s everything to me, and i’m glad people have liked me and my writing enough to stick with me. THANK YOU SO MUCH, from the bottom of my heart <3333 so without further ado, this is just a post where i gush about the ones who have captured my heart by being close friends with me and also about the ones i’ve watched from afar and admired for their talent ??? and also fan girled over !!! thank you guys again, i love you all so much. 
FIRST OFF --- here are the babes who i’m close to, who i spend time talking to in real life, who i’m extremely good friends with or who mean a lot to me ( in no particular order unless stated ) --- 
@myricd/ @stilesism / @crownbeanie --- BECKS my loveeeeeee, my bestfriend, mY OTHER HALF AND ACTUAL EVERYTHING, is it even a surprise that you’re right at the top of the list ??? did you expect anything less because if you did umm ???? nope. most of the shit i’m about to say to you you’ve probably heard me say a million times because i’m nothing if not repetitive??? but screw it. you are honestly ONE in a million, it kills me when you don’t realize just how much of a star you are, or just how talented you are ??? because you deserve to know it. REAL talk okay, without you i wouldn’t still be here. you have talked me down from so many horrific ordeals in real life, you have been there to speak words of wisdom when you yourself are having a horrible time, you’ve put aside everything for me, and i’m just beyond grateful. in fact, just last night you helped me out of a horrible moment where i was falling apart. you’re my best friend, and i’ve never been as lucky as i am now to meet a friend who truly has my best interests at heart, a friend who ( i hope ) won’t desert me, or turn on me like past friends have. i have the utmost respect for you. it’s truly lucky too because what are the odds that we met in real life and then found out that we both have the same hobbies of roleplaying ? it’s like fate. as much as we don’t get to write often, when we do it’s fucking brilliant, and i don’t think there’s anyone i enjoy writing with more??? look at all our ships !!!, all of our babies and their incredibly complicated but intense relationships, and how we cry over them all the time. LET’S JUST TALK ABOUT HOW WE HAVE A MASSIVE LIST OF LOVES !!! ceffy being one, or stidney !! each of them having a massive range of ideas or head canons, i love how you capture each character with such ??? clarity, such talent. you are beyond brilliant, i have told you countless times i love your writing. i miss seeing you almost every day like we did in coll, and shouting over the endless possibilities of plots, it’s actually quite sad how much i value our friendship. until you i kinda lost hope in having best friends, because lets just be fair here, i’ve had a list of shitty friends who have completely fucked me over and made me feel like i was the reason, and then you came into my life and became the best god damn friend i’ve ever had and i honestly can’t ever begin to thank you enough. you actually made me feel valued, and like i was doing something right and i don’t have to worry that i’m going to lose you because i’m the worst ( i mean it doesn’t mean that i don’t worry because i do , that’s just me though . ) i’m blessed to have you by my side, you’re my other half practically, and i honestly can’t thank you enough for embracing me as a best friend, and a writing partner, it’s the best of both worlds. you have been there with me through so much in our friendship already, i don’t ever wanna imagine a day without you by my side which is why i treasure you so so much. we’ve been friends almost three years, and you are one of the best human beings i’ve met in my entire life. we’ve pulled each other through so much with both hands, and it’s great having a friend who understands me, who can communicate with me, by JUST a look, or who can listen when things are terrible. --- i love you becks, you keep being you because you’re fucking amazing !!!! thank you for being a god damn inspiration to me <3333 
@caelestiigne --- BRIANNA MY SWEET BABE !!! THE LOML ??? i honestly have no words to ever express my love for you ?? it honestly wouldn’t even come close. you’re just pure as fuck and the sweetest person i’ve ever met. i can’t begin to thank you for purely embracing me, my overbearing attitude on times, and my portrayal of characters, you are honestly one of my best friends in the roleplay community. you are so encouraging about ships, and you’re also one of my mains for skins, and also my exclusive for jace / izzy. i love how when we first spoke about jace and izzy we said we weren’t shippers of them that much ? and NOW look @ us, loving life and crying over their relationship ? i don’t regret a fucking thing i swear because they are adorable. i honestly love writing with you so much, it’s threads with you that i look forward to , i end up losing my mind when i see you’ve replied or that you’ve tagged me in a starter because i just know the thread is gonna end with me crying like a baby. what i love most about us is that you pretty much get me out of character too, you’re so understanding if i’m flaking a little when real life gets too much. or even if i’m just not feeling it ? even going as far as to be there for me and to speak to me, when i feel like tearing my hair out because i’m struggling to cope. i can’t thank you enough for your kind nature, your endless amount of ideas, the overflowing amount of feels and just for being you. i am blessed to have found such an amazing friend within the community like you, and i am astounded by how talented you are every time. you’re the freddie to my effy, the effy to my cook, the jace to my izzy and so many more muses ! i honestly almost cried because i found out you’d seen skins because of the endless possibilities, and i think it’s honestly damn hard for us to do a thread and not ship our muses ? because we just have chemistry as writers and i think it’s because i just fully respect you as an individual, but also because you mean a hell of a lot to me. i find it hard to trust people anyway, but you became a friend when i needed it the most, and i’m so thankful to you, you’re just ??? there aren’t words. you’re amazing ! i think because we have such a good friendship, writing with you isn’t a chore? it’s so enjoyable --- so much so that i’ve made a zillion ideas up in my head, or i’ve made us a pinterest board, or i’ve thrown my characters at you. you capture all your characters so perfectly, building on each of their weaknesses and all the aspects of their personalities. there are no words for me to even come close to expressing how talented you are, i wish you’d see how brilliant a writer you are ! you are beyond eloquent with your words, it’s another reason i can add to the zillion i have for why i love to write with you. we also never lose contact with each other which i’m grateful for, because we are constantly talking on discord, or writing there even if we haven’t replied over tumblr.  but above all, you’re one of the best friends i’ve had in this community, you’re a sweet angel who deserves the world and i love you to absolute pieces. thank you for being there when i’m falling apart and for understanding if i take forever. you are so appreciated by me, and i’m so glad we found each other and have this amazing friendship. THANK YOU BBY !!! <3  @voidworn --- CHELS MY BABE !!! is there even a way of me expressing how i feel about you and our friendship ? i honestly love you to pieces. first off, i spent like so long being frightened to even approach you as i died over you on my dash and your talent. i love how you capture stiles, i always have done and besides that you’re the sweetest person i think i’ve met. you make it so easy to just approach you and be over excited about ships, or yell at you about ideas of crossovers or the multiple possibilities of canon ships ? like lets just cry over stizzy, that ship is a damn masterpiece --- i just love how you capture each and every aspect of stiles’ personality, the vulnerabilities, the things that hurt him the most from his past. i just think you should know how brilliantly you capture him, you have been one of those blogs i’ve fan girled over --- you capture him that well that i constantly hear his voice in your writing and that’s something i don’t have with an overly large amount of people. i value you as a person because of your kindness, and how willing you are to help people, you send me psds because i couldn’t afford to buy them and that in itself is something i appreciate so much, you have such a kind heart --- thank you for continuously being there for me, it’s honestly so sweet of you. our ships kill me of all the time, stizzy as i’ve already mentioned and now stook ? if that works, brooke/stiles are beyond perfect and already have me crying every time i reply to you or look at my pinboard ? they even have their own playlist i’ve made. i wanna thank you for being so happy to embrace me, and my own interpretations of characters, for being so accepting of me and how i bug you ! also ??? for wanting to writing with me, it always makes me feel overwhelmed in a good way when i find someone whom i admire a heck of a lot wanting to write with me, so thank you because it means a lot. i wanna thank you for blessing me with your talent ! for allowing me to create two amazing ships with you, because not only do i love them beyond words, but i love writing with you, and the amount of chemistry we have as writers is great. i’ve also made a friend for life in you and i’m beyond blessed to say that ? i constantly look forward to your replies, and when you do reply i literally scream !!! everyone should follow you because you’re brilliant, a true sweetheart and an astoundingly amazing friend. thank you for sticking by me, throwing feels my way and being a darling ! you’re amazing. i love you lots <3  @coyoteache / @guiltache --- TAYLOR MY LOOOOVE !!! ONE OF THE BEST FRIENDS I’VE EVER FUCKING HAD !! you know what ? i’m beyond shocked at how it’s been almost three years since we met, since i wept over you on my dash and had the guts to message you and cry over your perfection ! i want to first off thank you for actually NOT getting sick of me and sticking by me this long, especially when i’m annoying as fuck. you’ve been there when i’ve had some of the hardest moments of my life ? i can’t begin to thank you enough for being there because i’ve messaged you when i’m sobbing over things i can’t change and you’ve been there, like the angel you are, presented me with advice when you, yourself are having a hard time and there is nothing more selfless than that. if there was one word i could describe you, it is definitely selfless because you constantly do things for other people even when you are struggling and that in itself makes you an amazing friend. i’ve constantly gushed over how blessed i am to call you a friend, especially after all this time, if i ever had to go into detail about our threads, i’d be here FOREVER because we’ve had so many threads ??? that i could never talk about all of them. there are a few that kill me off though, such as STANNA ! stanna are my babies. the multiple layers you bring to stiles, even things that aren’t mentioned in teen wolf, you have such an astoundingly intelligent mind that you think of things i’ve never even thought of that i am always shocked ! i am always happy to write with you, you know that, and i cherish every thread we do, no matter what the context, or the ship because you are truly talented. you bring such depth to every character you play, whether it be a teen wolf babe of yours or someone else from your multi ! i love our chats out of character too, you always make time to check in with me, and you also tell me about your ooc life and i’m so happy that you’re happy too because you deserve no less !!! i am so happy that we’re still friends after all this time, i can’t believe it’s been three years  !!! but i’m so beyond grateful for those years. i love each muse post you’ve sent over that time, how you’ve showered me with feels, how you’ve helped build my trust in people when it comes to friendships especially since i’ve had it hard making friends in the past, you’ve been a damn fucking good friend and i can’t thank you enough. i love you endlessly ! you’re a true star, and i wish you of all people could see how truly talented you are !!! you are so eloquent in your writing, the way you capture a character with your words will always astound me. KEEP being you because you’re fucking magnificent. and i love you to pieces <3  @donutshirt --- SEB MA BOI MY NERD --- okay so this isn’t your permanent blog home because you’re currently taking a little break from fully writing indie but there was NO way in hell i was writing a follow forever and not including you because i honestly love you to pieces and you mean too much to me. in all honesty, you’re damn important to me ??? let me first express my love for you by screaming about how fucking brilliant a friend you truly are !!! if it wasn’t for you, i’d never have applied for uni this year, you kept me calm, you helped me write my personal statement, i honestly owe so much to you and i don’t take this shit lightly. you are so good to me ? i can’t thank you enough. you have helped me through so much shit, you don’t even realize, you’ve been one of the best friends i’ve ever had in a matter of almost a year ? you’ve trusted me with some pretty personal shit and that means the world to me that you’d be so open with me, and i can’t thank you enough. our friendship is so special to me, because i hardly spend a day without talking to you unless things are hectic or very bad. i’ve cried to you over skype before now because things are so rubbish, and you’ve kept your composure and just been a class A friend and for that i will never be able to find enough words to thank you. through the shit going on right now, my grampa being ill, you’ve been there, no matter what even if you have other stuff to deal with. THANK YOU !!! from the bottom of my heart. LET ME CRY OVER OUR SHIPS NOW, and your talent !!! first off, you’re the scott to my allison, my other half of scallison !!! and also the spencer to my aria !!! sparia and scallison are our babies, we love them so much , and i love being able to develop them with you, because you are never short on ideas, you constantly astound me with your love for them too. you bring such depth to both of your characters, but also depth to their relationship with head canons, and little quirks each relationship has, like the nitty gritty ideas we’ve had, where spencer and aria clash over how spencer uses her for the anti anxiety meds. i can’t even describe the chemistry we have as writers or how talented and eloquent you write, and i can’t ever thank you for how amazing you truly are to me ! for how you check in on me when things are falling apart, how you’ve talked to me when you have stuff going on yourself !!! i love you to absolute pieces ! i am so glad i met you because not only am i inspired by your strength, but i just couldn’t even imagine my life without you ! i don’t EVER want to !!!! thank you for being an absolute babe, a cheerful light, and a true friend, because they are hard to find, but once again i have been blessed to meet one through writing !!! I LOVE YOU MA BOI !!! never change, because you’re a fucking masterpiece and inspiration to me, and i will never be able to thank you for how much you’ve helped me !!! <33333 @snakeworn​ ---- MIA MY LOVE !!!!! THANK GOD THIS ISN’T IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER !!! because let me be frank here, you would be much higher, but i started writing this before i found out you were still around on tumblr because i didn’t know if you were still writing ! LET me just cry over how much of a phenomenal friend you seriously are, you deserve all the awards because not only are you consistently there when i need you which i am eternally grateful for, but you manage to be this ??? radiant light who is able to put aside her own issues, or troubles to give this outstanding advice, and i love you for that firstly, because it’s so selfless of you !!! I WISH i could scream on about how amazing you truly are, you deserve all the love, because you don’t realize how great you are and it breaks my heart !!! as we speak, you are typing up calming words to ease my mind of the recent heartbreak that is about to rock my family, and i can’t thank you enough. i am blessed to have found a friend like you !!! in fact, you’re not only a best friend of mine, you’re like a sister i’ve never had !!! a sister i’ll always want !!! i can’t wait until you come to the UK so we can meet and scream over all the shows we adore, and so i can personally thank you for being a diamond and give you a god damn massive hug. LET ME SHOWER YOU WITH SOME COMPLIMENTS. not only are you a fucking amazing human being but you have the most astounding way with words, especially when it comes to writing and being a friend. you’re able to bring so many characters to life, in such a unique way, but you give your characters so much love and i admire it so much because i’d kill for that talent. i hear the voices of cheryl when you play her, and toni especially !!! what i love is your characters become your kids, and you are able to delve into them with such depth and that in itself makes a writer truly brilliant !!! we’ve had so many brotp’s and ships, let me just cry over our layden because aw, they were so so so sweet !!! i can’t even begin to express how much i loved them, i loved how you were patient with me when i was finding my feet as liam, even when i felt like he was rubbish ! you gave me constant reassurance, ( another amazing thing about you !!! reason 1085837397839 why you’re the best friend ever !!! ) you threw headcanons my way, or we talked in detail about them and that’s something i love !! i love how we can just talk about characters, or shows so freely --- THE BEST kind of conversations because there’s no stress whatsoever, or me talking about my turbulent life. i also can’t express how much i loved sydette !!! our babies, the best sisters ever. they were so adorable !!! we had such freedom with them, but they brought tears to my eyes on so many occasions ! the good old days of OUROBOROS !!! i can’t thank you enough for convincing me to make this account, or for being an absolute sweetheart of a friend !! i wouldn’t be enjoying my writing so much if you didn’t play a hand in shaping me as a person, shaping how i write, or just being there to catch me when life knocks me down. i will continue to be a friend whom you can lean on, while you continue to keep me up from where you’re standing. i love you bb !!! thank you for being you. <3333  @lionkinged​ / @notapackanimal​ --- JELLIIIII MY SWEET ANGEL !!! okay, so first off, is there a sweeter person than you ???? nope. definitely NOT. you’re such an angel when it comes to understanding why i disappear for weeks on end, i’ve been a shitty friend to you honestly, but i love that you’re so nice about it, because you know how much i’m going through and i will never be able to even come close to thanking you for that, but THANK YOU. it’s not even close to how much i wanna shower you with love, but let me express my love through this mention. i am first off, so happy i met you because i was blessed to become friends with a girl with such a kind heart, but also with such a selfless nature. you take your time to message me every so often, to see how i’m doing and that in itself means so much especially when i disappear, life itself gets hard, but having friends who are fucking treasures like you are makes it a little more bearable. i wish you knew how loved you actually are because honestly you are !!! BEYOND TREASURED !!! it’s heartbreaking seeing you upset, because you mean a lot to me, honestly the absolute world, or when you think bad of yourself !!! I WANNA slap you silly because you should see yourself through my mind, you’re such a babe !!! BEYOND TALENTED and honestly ??? just amazing. your writing astounds me, i know we haven’t written in a long time because i’m the W O R S T ?? but i love how you capture theo and marek. while i have had more experience with your theo, i have to commend you for creating your own character and bringing him to life, with his own little quirks and your own interesting ideas, it takes some doing but you’re brave enough to put your amazing characters out there !!! i think marek is amazing and i can’t wait to write with him when i get back on my feet properly with the community !!! LET ME JUST CRY OVER YOUR THEO ??? honestly i can’t even come close to expressing my love for him. I LOVE how you capture both the vulnerability of him, and then the darker sides of him, his ticks, or his anger toward the pack on times ??? i think that is amazing. i love our threads, maleo have killed me off more times than i can count because they are heartbreaking and great at the same time --- the fEELS tho ?? they have messed me up i swear, i don’t write maleo with anyone really but you ? because i enjoy it with you. i love how you think of things to do with them, or how they act around each other, it’s brilliant. I WISH EVERYONE could see how amazing you are, how talented you are because i honestly hear theo’s voice in your threads it’s crazy !!! our maleo is special and i love them, the au’s have brilliant potential and dynamics that i love it --- especially when we did the h2O verse ?? how amazing !!! you thought that up and it was crazy good. i don’t remember how we even started talking, but i’m beyond glad that we did !!! you’ve made my life a million times better just by being there, i am grateful for you and being your friend and how you still wanna be mine makes my heart melt. i PROMISE to be a better friend. i will probably ALWAYS be awol, but having someone who understands, who is patient, and still amazing to me means everything. THANK you for BEING you !!!! we will write more, promise. i love you jelli, so so so much. <3  @hopelesswxnderers​ --- VICKSIIII BABEEEEE !!! MY GAL !!!! how has it been seven fucking years since we became friends ???? since we met through a skins roleplay we have remained a constant in each other’s life, don’t get me wrong i am terrible at continuing threads ? but life !!!!! life fucks me up a lot, but what i love is that you still want to write with me, and that means everything to me because i truly treasure writing with you. first off, we have had so many amazing threads over these years, we’ve actually had too many to count. but let me just name a few that i’ve personally loved so much !!! the first being liv / nick from skins and their dynamic and how our lil group with ashley and jennie was amazing !!! it was beyond dramatic, but i loved how we had this close knit group, i actually remember getting excited to get on and do some writing with you guys. then i joined your mmfd rp after watching it because you screamed about how it was brilliant and let me just commend you on how fucking astoundingly amazing you are at writing finn, you’ve not only captured his essence from the show, but you have built him as if ??? you created him. i can’t even remember a time where you haven’t played him. i love him best out of all of the characters you play especially when we have ships, alexinn was brilliant and even though i BUG the hell out of you about them !!! i have to say though !!! RECENTLY i loved fini and chlook ??? because they are beyond brilliant, the dynamics and how they care for each other always warms my heart. i know i don’t stick around to ever finish a thread with you but just know that writing with you means everything to me, because you are damn talented. i love you to pieces honestly. we’ve grown up together over the years, and i can’t wait for many many more threads, or when we finally get to meet because it will be amazing to finally cry over every single thread we’ve done, or the shows we love. i wanna thank you for putting up with me, because that in itself deserves a fucking award, i love our friendship. you’re like an older sister to me, you’ve been there for so long, i don’t ever want to be without you, E V E R. i don’t remember NOT writing with you, so therefore, i don’t want to ever NOT write with you. we’ll still be writing in years to come, i’m so very sure of it. you’re such a sweet person, with a heart of gold, and there are NO words to express my love for you babe. i am always here for you if you wanna write, because we are able to just throw ideas at each other and be like DO THIS W/ ME ??? and i love that we’re that comfortable in our friendship to do that. our friendship is the longest of mine on this list, and that is truly a testament --- because you’re a damn diamond. i can’t ever thank you for being the best friend ever, but i love you beyond words, thank you for being there, for remaining a friend, and a brilliant writing partner. <3333  @heartsofvalor​​ ---- BRODIE BABE !!! okay lets just start off by saying, i don’t remember how we even became friends, but i’m so grateful to have met you ?? i just remember following you and fangirling not only over your portrayal, but how incredibly sweet you are in real life. let me start this by thanking you for listening to me rant and rave over things that have hurt me, over life being a twat, or anything else i have cried over ? you’ve surpassed being a great friend because you listen, you take time to speak to me, to embrace me as a writer, and i’m so glad i met you. you also take time to make sure to cheer me up with ideas, words, pinterest boards, or just headcanons??? you’re such a sweetheart honestly and more people should recognize that because you’re one of the greatest friends i’ve ever had. can we just cry together over the perfection that is fiona / sam ??? like i can’t even begin to scream ENOUGH about how much i love their dynamic, about how incredibly compatible they are, about how much i enjoy exploring the relationship. i never even thought of them as a pairing before but honestly they are such an incredible match ??? i think they’re my favorite AU i’ve written ever by far because it just makes me damn excited to reply to ?? i mean i know i forget to reply because life constantly fucks me over, but i just love how sam protects fiona so fiercely, and how it’s like a forbidden fruit relationship because he’s having something he shouldn’t since he’s lips friend. i can’t wait to delve further into their relationship ? thank you for gracing me with your talent, i love how you bring EACH character to life in an incredible and unique way, especially sam. SAM is my son. i love when we cry over head canons, or send each other ideas, or anything to do with our ship !!! i am beyond blessed to have met you and be able to create such a monumentally amazing ship with you. i am grateful for our friendship, for you being there to offer advice when needed, or for you being there and making me feel appreciated, because that truly makes my day ?? and it’s so needed sometimes, i have had a hard time lately, and just by having conversations with you, it does take my mind off things so thank you. you’re truly a diamond, and i appreciate you so much. MORE people need to see just how incredibly talented you are because you honestly bring such a light to your characters. I LOVE how you have thought up to much background to sam, and how he’s involved with fiona, or the southside in our au because it shows how much you love your characters, but it also shows how brilliant of a writer you seriously are. here’s to many many many more threads together, and much more years of friendship, thank you for being there. i love you so so so much !!! and i appreciate you morre than words could ever express. you’re a fucking diamond, NEVER change, because you’re too precious. <3333 @perfectevil​ ---- KAZ ??? ONE OF THE MOST TALENTED HUMAN BEINGS I’VE EVER MET !!!! okay, first off, yeah we’ve not written in so long !!! but that’s because i’m the worst, i disappear and forget to reply but let me just express my love for you and for our threads that we have done whether it be indie, or ouroboros !!! so this year, it’s almost three years since we were in ouroboros together, and i was blessed to meet you !! you were so welcoming to me, when i played allison and then later, my daughter sydney !!! what i love the most about you is that you don’t realize just how incredible you are at writing theo. it’s like you’re ACTUALLY him !!! you bring such a depth to him, such life and you capture him in a way that is really commemorating to how he was written in teen wolf but you also develop the little that the show gave us, and make him your own --- the darkness in him that you touch upon a lot is something i love so much, or his motives for things, i just love how much you understand him or how you thoroughly look into him. IN FACT it’s like he’s YOUR character, and not created by jeff davis, that’s how truly amazing you are at him, and i’m proud to have said i have written with you ? i am in awe at your depth, your talent, and of you as a person. you are so sweet too ?? i love talking to you, i love knowing i can message you out of the blue and be like ??? OMG THIS IS SYDNEO. talking of sydneo, OUR BABIES, i miss them but i am still grateful for the heart we threw into their friendship, to the endless list of headcanons --- such as how theo protected syd from bullies when they were young, or especially when he came back to check on her in coyote form when he became a chimera !!! those things both warm but break my heart ?? we’ve explored so many dynamics of them ? them as kids, friends, teens, lovers, and even enemies !!!  i can’t thank you enough for your kindness,acceptance of my writing, because it means everything to me. we’ve had other gems when it comes to threads, such as mona/theo, or kat/theo, they were so much fun to do, to see our characters in different settings, and their reactions to other characters ? it’s honestly a pleasure to write with you. you’re a sweetheart, and one of the most talented writers in the community !!! i can’t wait to write with you again because i constantly miss writing with you but also miss the feels, the chemistry the characters have, or just the excitement i have to get stuck into nitty gritty threads with someone as talented as you are. i LOOK forward to writing with you again soon !!! hopefully, hmu after you read this and we can cry over possible ideas? but lets just say you’re a fucking credit, like i said theo is so eloquently written by you, so loved, and he’s truly like he’s your character, when i think of him, i think of you. you are so close to canon, but you also have delved from it, and made it your own, but also made sure to keep him in character !!! even when he’s breaking !!! you’re so special to me, thank you for embracing me as a person, embracing my characters and my portrayal, and for allowing me to send you ideas, shipping things or even to check in. you surpassed being a great writer ages ago. i LOVE love love you loads !!! thank you for blessing me with your talent. <333  @battleincarnate​ / @63l3​ --- MADELEINE ??? MY BABE. i remember how much i’ve fangirled over your blog since i started this tumblr, i don’t remember a time where i didn’t follow you ??? we’ve had a few threads over the time i’ve known you and they all meant a lot but the one that truly meant the world was bensler ?? BENSLER were my babies, and while we didn’t complete a thread, it did mean a lot to write them with you for that short time, because no one else in the community writes them !!! while i was devastated not to write them with you, i’m glad i got to at least once because the thread idea was so great !!! but i love how you bring elliot to life in such an incredible way, you are able to capture his anger over things, or his attitude toward olivia, or to his job, or even his kids. you put so much thought into it that it’s fucking admirable ??? you deserve so much recognition for how incredible you are ? i love how you delve into elliot’s dynamic with olivia, and how we’ve cried and screamed over discord countless times over the svu eps we love, or the moments between them we love, or how we’ve talked in depth about how much we love them and their backgrounds !!! i love that you take the time to think everything out, or give elliot the love that he truly deserves ! i’m glad i get to see you portray him and bring him to life in a way with such love that he didn’t get enough of when he was on svu, you love him so much and i love that !! i also love your creativity with ideas, you’re just beyond fucking talented and you are the best portrayal of elliot !!! i admire you as an individual, and a writer so much. you’re so talented, and i’m so glad you’re bringing such an underrated character to life because it’s honestly needed !!! i love bensler so much so it’s nice to see them on the dash, or to have played them because i personally love them heaps. thank you for blessing me briefly with your portrayal of elliot, and allowing me to pick up olivia in hopes of exploring them with you, it meant the world. i also love how brilliantly you bring alison dilaurentis to life, you capture both the soft side of her, but also the badass af side of her and it’s almost like every character you write ???? is ACTUALLY them. i can’t wait to hopefully delve into more ideas with you for future threads, for ideas of ships or aus !! i love writing with you because you’re so down to earth and incredibly sweet and i’m glad to have a friend like that. MORE people should follow you to see how amazing you truly are because it’s needed ??? you deserve all the love. thank you for being there, for allowing me to write w/ you and for being a sweet babe. i’m grateful for our friendship and that you’ve graced me with your incredible writing !!! i love you a lot ! never change because you’re amazing <3333 
THOSE I ADMIRE FROM AFAR, WHOM I HAVE POSSIBLY HAD FEW THREADS WITH OR WHOM I CRY OVER BECAUSE OF THEIR TALENT. I MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN PEOPLE BC I’M THE WORST BUT ILY ALL !! i just have a scattered brain ! if you’re mentioned, come @ me bc i’m happy to write w/ all of you ok !!! <3 ---- @gibins​ ; @runegiven​ ; @starhaze​ ; @brutaely ; @mkvch ; @disregardsorders​ ; @helmot​ ; @millicnreasons​ ; @awesomegaydar ; @learnedskill ; @frdie​ ; @joneshead ; @petrovanity ; @petroeva ; @lodgeds ; @blsms ; @bittenrage ; @valicnt ; @mieczlw ; @deathrepeated ; @deathwritten ; @griefdefined ; @griefbuilt​ ; @umbraevenatores​ ; @russethued​ ; @stuartwcmbly​ ; @ldges​ ; @gngrdrews​ ; @bittenrage​ ; @drowngrief​ ; @drownrot​ ; @snitchsought​ ; @olympiclion​ ; @olympiclamb​ ; @gllaghrs​ ; @softlykept​ ; @aspiredlights​ ; @asphalted​ ; @chosenforthis​ ; @knifefate​ ; @softlykept​ ; @thorndroses​ ; @alwaysbleed​ ; @steeledwill​ ; @cruelety​ ; @wearsheadbands​ ; @bcckmarked​ ; @warsraging​ ; @govtdna​ ; @mysrybled​ ; @serpentfamily​ ; @serpenthand​ ; @vixenwidowed​ ; @corruptedgood​ ; @corruptbadge​ ; @corruptlines​ ; @kolhearted​ ; @ponytaled​ ; @wantsbest​ ; @callmefp​ ; @cryoconquer​ ; @lockwoodspecial​ ; @lovesjello​ ; @anchorled​ ; @mcplastics​ ; @soulhcart​ ; @souldragger​ ; @hellbitched​ ; @tobeblamed​ ; @andrewsnco​ ; @seesgood​ ; @benevolf​ ; @roseguided​ ; @breedsmisery​ ; @objectivelyhot​ ; @tragedyveined​ ; @kingkeeper​ ; @brightspells​ ; @traitorize​ ; @magicrot​ ; @ptrvas​ ; @troubledharts​ ; @southsideleader​ ; @southraised​ ; @fatalles​ ; @roseguided​ @roseswrit​ ; @orgnlptrva​ ; @assassinsgirl​ ; @knowntragedy​ ; @stormedchaos​ ‘ @divinedeaths​ ; @divineardour​ !! 
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