#honestly the buried is such chill vibes
shinythingsarecool · 1 month
Hello tma fans, I am here to convince you why the buried is the best fear
Honestly, people overlook the buried way too much. The only time you cared about us was when there was that one coffin, and apart from that, nobody cares about the buried.
Which is weird, because in my opinion, it is just hands down the best fear?
Like, there's nothing wrong with it - it's all just really nice and chill, and good vibes.
"Oh, but I don't want to be crushed by multiple layers of earth" ??? the fuck do you mean 'crushed', that is an earth hug. The earth is hugging you. Because it loves you. So don't be rude.
Also may I add that the smell of damp earth or like that cave or dirt smell is really nice? I don't care if you disagree, fight me, I'm right.
Are you tired? Well, why don't you go lie down in a grave and let yourself be consumed by the earth so you may become one with it again? Huh? Why don't you do that? Oh, because you're scared? Of what? The buried?
There's nothing to be scared of, let yourself be consumed by the soil, let your bones become one with it, let the earth hug you and let your soul finally, finally be at peace.
Name one fear that's better than the buried. I'll wait. (No, I dare you, name one fear better than the buried, I will argue my point.)
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dinogoofy · 10 months
i’m on a reptile / syzoth craze and if your requests are still open, may i receive your best nsfw / sfw headcanons of our newly-designed babygurl?
thank you!!
These might not be the most perfect headcanons but here ya go!!
Syzoth (Reptile) X reader Headcanons!
Dude is a cuddle monster. Oh, you're chilling on the couch? No you're not. He's using you as a heater. He'll stretch out on top of you and leave you trapped. Lord help you if the two of you are outside in the sun! Dudes gonna fall asleep for hours
He loves your hair. It's just fairly unknown territory for him, and it's so soft and warm and honestly fluffy compared to what he's used too?? He buries his face into your hair, strokes through it, plays with it, any chance he gets! (this one is partly inspired by a Tegu I met and got to hold! She was absolutely precious. Like holding a scaley puppy. She immensely got cozy with her face in my hair and it was adorable.)
He's a little insecure about both his homan and reptile forms, but just reassure him that you love him no matter what form he takes and you'll have a happy lizard.
Will eat weird things sometimes. I don't know why. He just has that vibe. Think of those giant isopods people eat.
He's a switch. 100%. If you praise him and shower him with affection and kisses, he will absolutely melt, but if you're rather on the shy side or he's in the mood he will take over and be a little more dominant.
ADORES intimacy. He wants to be pressed against AND inside you at all times. Loves to give you lots of kisses while inside of you, and of course you indulge him. I mean, look at his face? Dude needs to be showered in kisses at all times.
Prefers to cum inside of you, again, it's mostly a warmth thing. You are just so squishy and warm and wet that he begs to come inside of you. And I mean BEGS.
Once the two of you are spent, he probably falls asleep first.
If caught in the act he might just *dissappear* on instinct. It's such a goofy scenario but he just *poofs* and your left in awkward eyecontact with whoever interrupted, probably still able to feel him inside of you as well.
..... would probably be dtf in his natural form.
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shiyosugi · 2 months
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Being in relationship with Oliver Aiku will never last long and he knew it himself. Then... why is he still with you?
Inspiration from THIS
Oh, don't worry, I have another idea for this and it'll be a bit... spicy? Let's see.
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Oliver was not really the type to think about being in a long term relationship with someone. He was up for the fun and lasted only a few months or maybe a year, or maybe several weeks only. He had many experiences.
One day, Oliver's friend set him up to go on a blind date. He went along with it and he wasn't disappointed. The person was you and he liked the vibe you be giving off to him.
You were pretty chill, almost nonchalant. You were also pretty expressive, he liked the reactions you gave off. You can be pretty dramatic, but at the same time you also can be 'meh' towards something. He liked that.
Honestly? He was enjoying his time with you. Maybe he enjoyed it too much because it had been half a year he was with you, he didn't even realised it.
Currently, Oliver was hanging out with his football teammates when one of them suddenly asked, "Are you still with that girl, [name]?" Oliver raised an eyebrow at his friend, "Yes, I am still with her." his friends were slightly surprised by that.
"That's a new record, you never stayed with anyone this long." the other said.
That got Oliver thinking for a moment as the conversation somehow changed into another topic.
He was aware that he never stayed with someone for long but his friend's words got him thinking of... why he was still with you?
"Babe?" you heard Oliver's voice calling for you, as you were about to turn around his arms were already wrapping themselves around your waist from behind, stopping you from facing him.
"Yes?" you replied with a soft voice as his head went down to your neck and gave it a kiss before letting his face buried into your neck.
There was a moment of silence as he stayed like that before he finally said something, "Remember when I said that I have never stayed with someone for a long time?"
"How long have we stayed together?"
"Around six months almost seven."
That got him thinking for a good moment, which made you felt a bit awkward since you two were standing here, in the living room with Oliver clinging onto you, in silence. Until he broke it.
"That's a new record.." he said quietly, his arms around your waist tightened their grip on you.
You took noticed of the tight hold but didn't say anything about it, "New record huh? Why are you asking this all of the sudden? Are you planning on breaking up with-"
"No." he interrupted you immediately, "I know you said that you won't make a fuss or anything like that if we broke up one day but... now we have stayed together for this long..."
He raised his head back which made you turned your upper body to look up at him, your eyes met with his.
"Are you sure you would take it well if we ever broke up?" he asked, his eyes showing how vulnerable he looked at the moment, a rare sight for you.
You didn't say anything, you just stared back at him, thinking of the possibility if you two eventually broke up and how would you feel?
He waited for your answer and was somehow a bit anxious as he saw your eyes looking away for a moment before they met back with his.
"I... might be sad about it, but I think I'll move on. I said to you before, I move on pretty fast." you smiled as if that was to reassure him which did nothing to him.
"That if I am the one who asked for it but what if you are the one who wants to break up?" he leaned down towards your face a bit, he was frowning.
"If I am the one asking for it..." you never thought of that because in your previous relationships, you were never the one to initiate it.
You were too kind and considerate sometimes that it made you looked like you never have the saying in any relationship you have been. (Totally not the author before she knew her self-worth)
Your silence was uncomfortable for him so he decided to say something, "If you're the one who wants to break up with me, I'll be sad." he said softly before pressing his lips against yours.
He kissed you for a few seconds before pulling away to say, "I might have a few women with me before but..." he kissed you again this time a bit longer before pulling away again, "... I want you to stay..."
Before you could say anything he kissed you again this time, he wasn't going to pull away.
Slowly he loosened his grip around your waist and then moved you and himself a bit so that you were facing him. His hands slowly going to your hands, grabbing them and placed them on his shoulders. You caught on with his action so you wrapped your arms around his neck while his were wrapped back around your waist, continuing the kiss. It was a passionate one, like he always did but this one might be a little too passionate.
Eventually, you two pulled away from the kiss, looking at each other with eyes showing the truth behind the faces you saw. His love for you was genuine and it showed. Maybe... just maybe... He has finally found the person he wants to be with.
"I want you to stay, I want to stay with you. You belong to me... and I'll make sure of it." was the last thing he said before pinning you against the wall and pulling you in for another kiss.
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aroaceleovaldez · 4 months
hey! hope this isn't weird but i wanted to know why you think artemis wasn't up to standards even in the original pjo series. you reblogged from me and so i had front row to your tags on the post about zeus jaja i've not seen people talk a lot about her and it got me interested as i'm a classics student!
- @zoebelladona 🌙
HELLO OH BOY okay so I have half a rant already about Artemis in terms of Rick and general aphobic tropes in the series. see: that open letter on twitter. i still need to transfer that to tumblr. fun fact: Rick replied to that post but deleted his reply at some point. probably because two replies after he replied to my post and word-of-god confirmed Reyna to be ace-coded he left social media for a bit.
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Fun times! Anyways.
The thing I dislike about Artemis as she's depicted in the series, besides her constantly appearing as a teenager and the aphobic tropes with that [see: open letter linked above] - which on some level is slightly more excusable than other examples given she's a goddess of young women, but given how he writes Athena, Hestia, and the Hunt instead leaves a bad taste in my mouth - and other similar aphobic tropes with her, is her whole weird anti-men thing (which is also, in itself, also an aphobic trope in this particular circumstance). I understand TTC was written in 2007 so that flavor of radical feminism that Artemis and the Hunt is clearly supposed to be was only just coming into major public awareness and the flaws in the ideology (and the inherent bigotry, particularly transphobia and racism that often comes with it) weren't as well recognized at the time. But in hindsight it leaves a really bad taste in my mouth for obvious reasons and is one of the things from the first series that severely aged poorly in my opinion, and I greatly dislike that in every subsequent retcon of the Hunt for other reasons Rick more or less retains that aspect.
Secondly... it doesn't make sense from a mythological standpoint? Because there are multiple examples of men being Hunters in Artemis' retinue. Even ignoring Orion, no matter how you go about shaking that stick (which for the record I really dislike how Rick retconned him in the series/wrote him in HoO), Hippolytus is a very notable example. Literally his big whole original shtick was he joined the Hunt because he didn't like romance and Aphrodite got so pissed about him not needing her (romance) that she killed him. And even when Aphrodite was trying to ruin his life he held on to his virtues and vow to Artemis (refusing advances even when his life was on the line). He is otherwise totally chill and devoted to Artemis. Some versions of his myth has Artemis have him resurrected after he dies (by Asclepius, which is why Asclepius is punished for reviving the dead). This also obviously doesn't address the major glaring logical flaw in Artemis hating all men which is... Apollo. Especially within the series he seems to be an exception for no reason, despite Artemis also very overtly having a "brothers are not an exception to the no-men rule." And from a modern queer standpoint, it obviously begs the question of stuff like gender identity within the Hunt and if you bring back the radfem stuff it gets real bad vibes real fast. Which also sucks when you particularly look at historical/mythological descriptions of Apollo and Artemis and how they very poignantly encompass defying gender roles and expectations particularly within their cultural contexts.
And every time Rick tries to retcon the Hunt, he somehow manages to make it kind of worse, particularly with the oath. I have a whole personal thing for how I think to best rectify all that nonsense in a way that isn't horrible and is related to some of Artemis' aspects in a more sensible way (buried somewhere in this monster of a post. Honestly i'd just recommend ctrl + f search "Hunters" on that post and it should be somewhere near the first ping there). In there I also go into some of my other thoughts for the general meh way the Hunt is written in the series, mostly being aphobic tropes and random death fodder.
So yeah. Basically, tl;dr: I am personally not a huge fan of how Artemis in the series is halfway to being a terf and chock-full of aphobic tropes. And I need Rick to stop retconning things into the ground.
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ferrariseventeen · 2 years
seventeen as types of drunks; hip hop unit
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Seungcheol: He’s the reminiscent type, he’s bringing up old memories and retelling stories for the 100th time but its okay because he’s over exaggerating and making things a million times funnier. He’s also confessing his love to everyone in a 10 mile radius, like if you meet him in the hallway he’s gonna be slurring out all the things he likes about you and how much he appreciates you. Becomes a clingy boy, like he’s holding onto your arm and burying his face in your shoulder when he laughs or playing with your fingers while he's zoned out. Will ask you to do a shot with him at least once. Probably will be the last one up.
Wonwoo: He can be found kind of doing his own thing, mostly observing everyone else. Likes to sit and relax, sip his drink and watch everyone get progressively more drunk. He’s doing who knows what on his phone but its glued to his hand. Joins in on a few group drinking games and genuinely enjoys himself. Videos everyone and is the token photographer for the night. May or may not get up to sing a song for karaoke, it really depends on how drunk he is. Not clingy or touchy but will hold your hand while snuggled up in a corner. Sneaks some of his favorite songs on to the playlist. Pretty steady drinker and knows when its time to call it a night unless drunk gaming is involved.
Mingyu: He’s going to be eating everything in sight, if he’s not cooking something up he’s ordering one of everything on the menu. Honestly it’s a good thing, it keeps him a good level of drunk despite him drinking a lot . His precious gyu giggle comes out a lot, he’s surprisingly extra cute when he’s drunk. A very physical drunk, he uses his whole body to tell stories and forgets how big he actually so he’s usually the culprit of the mystery of the spilled drink. He’s just very excitable. 100% a drunk texter, will text people he barely talks to or will send texts to friends making plans he will forget about the next morning.
Vernon: Is like a ghost, you swear he was just here? Ends up reappearing like half an hour later with tacos for everyone. Honestly a vibe, he’s grooving to music and is just pretty chill. Probably the one who’s picking out all the music and is making everyone listen to his favourite songs, but it’s okay they’re all really good and he’s lifting the mood with the way he’s singing along. Laughs a lot, like doubled over at jokes that aren’t even that funny. A little confused when it comes to some of the drinking games but he’s trying his hardest. Knows when it’s time to call it a night.
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weltato · 7 months
Ok, here's my PERSONAL ranking of the songs from Nerdy Prudes Must Die - meaning that it's MY OPINION, mkay? (I know the fanbase is really cool and everyone is chill about opinions and that NPMD has the most diverse song opinions, but I just wanted to make it clear)
QUICK DISCLAIMER: the top three keep flip-flopping around in order so much in my head, but they're pretty much always at the top of my list. ALSO, all these songs are amazing, I don't think any of them are bad AT ALL.
Hatchet Town [my beloved]
The Summoning [Lauren OUTDID HERSELF with the choreo man]
Highschool Is Killing Me [Jon & Lauren's voices together are ✨magnificent✨]
Literal Monster [actually so good tho, omg, Kim's vocals? WILL'S VOCALS?? HELLO??]
Bully the Bully [sometimes swaps to 6]
Bury the Bully [sometimes swaps to 5]
If I Loved You [you see how they keep getting close then turning away? d'you see?]
Dirty Girl [genuinely didn't expect to get this one stuck in my head, they sound so good together- BUT PLS DON'T BE THIS GUY HE'S A CREEP EW]
Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise) [I'M NOT CRYING, YOU ARE😭]
Go Go Nighthawks [FUCK YOU CLIVESDALE! N-I-G-H-T *caw caw* -KS! Lauren killing the choreo again!]
Dirty Dudes Must Die [that last line gave me CHILLS- it scratches my brain so nicely and is the ONLY REASON it pips 'NPMD']
Nerdy Prudes Must Die [at first, wasn't a fan because the way the 'NPMD' line was sung was odd to me, same with 'DDMD' tbh, but the rest of the song SLAPS- poor Richie, he sounds so much more confident in the soundtrack when he says he's not a loser :((]
The Best of You [It's so peppy and upbeat and gives MASSIVE Disney pop vibes like this is Victorious or smth, definitely a finale song and SUCH a good fakeout! I actually love this song sm]
Cool As I Think I am [the first time we hear that running motif- who's cutting onions in here?]
Putting these in some sort of order is 'ehhh' to me bc they're all on a sliding scale between "this is good!" to "HOLY FUCK THIS IS GOD TIER WTF IS THIS BROADWAY!?"
I saw a comment on quirrelmorts' ranking video that said "Jeff put his whole Blimussy" into this soundtrack and honestly I agree, he absolutely smashed it. Everyone did so well. The acting, the singing, the EVERYTHING was spectacular. Would have loved to have seen it in person, but that would have been a trip across the pond that I can't afford :(
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penguin--rat · 8 months
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woo!! more of them!! im rotating this au around in my mind SO much you don't even know
i'm not sure if i'm happy with the character assignments - katya definetely has changeling vibes, and, sergei sorta fits the haruspex !! but i wasn't at all sure who i was gonna assign to be the bachelor. but, yura sorta fits, plus he's the protag of pafl, and, he Is the prickly prick that will bury us all!!
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i was actually thinking sooo much about character assignments i made this lol
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i was out of it when making it .. forgive me for my inaccuracies .. if i could redo it, i would, and i Can, but, i dont want to. since ive already assigned them chars.
more about bachelor!yura: he's not a full bachelor in this au, really. he's studying to become one !! like daniil, he's interested in Immortality and all that jazz. part of thanatica, but didn't create it. somewhat of a prodigy, sorta.. he's sent out to town on gorkhon only to interview isidor, nothing more. the plague still happens though, and, even though yura's not a certified doctor, he's better suited for dealing with it than most of the town. he's much more laid back than daniil, also. a bit snarky hehe. he Knows that the plague is dangerous, and that he might die, of all his terrible circumstances. he still tries to make the vaccine. he's not nice by any means, no, but he does try to maintain a 'chill' vibe. he is not always sucessfull.. but, that's life for ya!
haruspex!sergei .. i have not thought about him much yet, to be honest. i was certain i'd make him take the bachelorelors role at one point. i also got the idea of having sergei and yura Both take the bachelor's lore! yura as sergei's understudy, following him around. honestly i do like this idea still, but, i'm gonna be fully honest - i didn't wanna make a design for understudy yura. yea i could have just like, modified sergeis a bit. but i didnt wanna ‼️
haruspex's role also underwent some thinking. at first, i thought that olya fit - she does! she fits well! but also i like sergei's unwillingless to think about his emotions for even one second and i thought that was neat. when i was thinking over bachelor!sergei, i thought that haruspex!dmitry would be neat and also funny. imagine sergei coming to this town to interrogate The Great and Immortal tatiana temnova. but she dies. and then a plague breaks out and his only 'colleagues' are these two kids that fucking hate him. cool dynamics
speaking of dynamics! thats a big part as to why i had a hard time choosing characters for the roles! if i had made olya take on haruspex's role, bachelor!yura wouldnt really work, i think, not to the extent that i'd like it to. bachelor!sergei Could have worked, but i don't think there'd be enough conflict, really.. i think they'd have a much easier time working together than with yura.
i've never doubted katyas role, though. she's perfect. she detests trickery. but if we ourselves are to suffer deception. then our hands are no longer tied. her character is about what you'd expect. she stays silly throughout it all. . i dont actually know That Much about the changeling's route. but i like her:) and i like katya. so. that's what ya get!
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staybabblingbaby · 21 days
Fan Experience with SKZ a2 d2
[Caution: These are not full fics, or even full parts of fics for some, these are part of my writing progress archive!]
Concept: Reader wins a contest to have dinner with SKZ and they become friends :D (and maybe more? 0w0)
Word Count: 1,399
Notes: I kind of went for a sillier sort of vibe for this (bc I am a silly person) but I wonder if it makes Reader seem too childish? This one is shaping up to be a one-shot, or maybe one-shot series, idk. I sort of feel like I need more lead up or environment descriptions, it just seems like it's moving pretty fast. I do have a car scene sort of outlined in my head as well as part of the dinner scene, but it'll probably be a bit before I write it lol I have once more accidentally avoided pronouns, unsure how I've done so. Might try to keep it up.
Warnings: None that I know of? It's just silly fluff idk what u want from me.
Masterlist Link :D
"I can't do this." you whine pathetically. Ha-Yun, your best friend and the sacrifice you'd dragged to this fan opportunity, wraps a comforting arm around your shoulder.
"You're doing it." she says firmly. Maybe the arm wasn't a comfort after all, maybe you were her captive now. Turnabout is fair play you suppose.
"We're already here, and the guard has already left to get someone. It's too late to back out now." She finishes reasonably. She’s made several good points, but the day you admit that is the day you marry her. Unfortunately, Ha-Yun happened to be very straight.
"You don't know that!" You insist, "We could run right back out the doors, just poof! Gone." You speak like some sort of madness had taken over you. Quite honestly, it probably had.
Ha-Yun turns to face you properly now. She knows you well enough to know that you were genuinely freaking out, no matter how silly you were about it. She gives you a sympathetic smile, and tugs you closer. Presumably to keep you from running off (and maybe to actually comfort you, just a bit).
"It'll be fine. You adore those boys, just be chill and respectful and it'll all go well." Once again, Ha-Yun appeals to your reason. Too bad you weren't feeling very reasonable at the moment.
You turn yourself to hide your face in her neck and make a sound not dissimilar to a boiling kettle.
"What if they hate me?" You desperately question, "What if they think I'm weird, or ugly, or annoying, or, or, or!" You trail off breathlessly, on the verge of hyperventilating, and feel Ha-Yun gently pat your head.
She makes soft seal noises to mock you and then says, "Well if they do its not like you'll ever know."
Another keening whine leaves you as you slide down to crouch on the floor, arms sliding down with you to wrap around Ha-Yun's knees. She stumbles a bit, but regains her balance by using your head as a cane. She lets you stay there, blessed saint that she is, and continues to speak, wretched devil that she is.
"I mean, really, they're not gonna tell you to your face, and you're not gonna see them again after today." She points out. You'd like to argue, but it's not like she's wrong.
You'd ended up couched on the floor of the JYP building, clutching your best friend's pant leg, on a random Tuesday, about to meet Stray Kids AND eat dinner with them, by pure dumb luck. Actual, literal, luck. Like, won-a-raffle sort of luck. You may as well have won the lottery for everything this opportunity means to you.
Once-in-a-lifetime was an understatement.
"Just have fun with it," Ha-Yun finishes her mini-speech, heedless of your internal (and external) freak-out.
"I think I'll die, actually." You mutter petulantly into her thigh.
She snorts at you, ruffling your hair aggressively and disregarding your half-hearted attempts to swipe at her for it.
"C'mon, what happened to the person who was bouncing off the walls excited about this?" She cajoles, shaking you around but not dislodging you.
"They're dead and buried." You deadpan. It wasn’t like you weren't excited, really! You were just going to perish from sheer anxiety, that was all. Could anyone really blame you? You were about to meet your idols. It was kind of a big deal!
Ha-Yun does nothing but pat your head twice. "Well unbury them," She commands, "the guard is coming back."
Your head snaps up to see, not only the beefy security guard who'd checked both of your I.Ds and passes with great suspicion a few minutes ago, but also the Bang Christopher Chan.
Your brain stalls for a second seeing him dressed head-to-toe in casual black, barefaced and smiling beautifully at you. And then you realize the position you're in and scramble to stand properly, far too late for either of them to have missed your bout of insanity.
You attempt to slide yourself behind Ha-Yun in your humiliation, but the cruel woman snags your elbow with one hand, and your opposite shoulder with the other, and holds you in place in front of her. You take back anything nice you've ever said about Ha-Yun, she's pure evil and out to get you.
Before you can panic too hard, Bangchan and the security guard are in front of you. Though Bangchan is all warm eyes and kind smiles, you can't help but feel small in front of him. You shrink back into Ha-Yun, but she doesn't allow you to retreat. You promise to yourself to only make foods she doesn't like for a whole month when this is over.
"Hi, good to meet you!" Bangchan greets cheerfully. You do your best to match his smile despite your fear and return his greeting, introducing yourself before motioning to Ha-Yun, who was still holding you hostage.
"And this is Ha-Yun, she's my emotional support human today." You're not sure how she's as functional as she is as she both bows respectfully and shakes Bangchan's hand, prompting you to do the same. This was one of the many reasons you'd chosen to bring her over any of your friends who were actually Stray Kids fans. Functional emotional support summed her up nicely.
As greetings wrap up, Ha-Yun turns to you with mischief to dramatically interrogate you.
"Is Emotional support all I am to you?" She demands, "I thought we were more than that! I thought we had something special!" She places a hand over her heart as you'd shot her, dipping back way too far in her dramatics because she knows your hand will catch her whether you want it to or not.
Supporting most of her weight with your fist dug into her upper back, you retort, "You thought wrong."
Bangchan's snicker reminds you of your audience and you tuck your hands behind your back with an embarrassed flush. Ha-Yun is treated to a heated glare when all she does is laugh at you, but you may as well have been air for all it affects her. Two months. No yummy home cooked meals for Ha-Yun. You swore it.
Bangchan begins to speak and your attention is immediately back on him instead of your comedy act of a best friend.
"So, the company actually picked out the place for dinner, so we don't get to choose, sorry." And he really does seem apologetic, despite this seeming like a very reasonable thing to you. "It's this barbecue place down the road, we'll be meeting the others there, if that's alright?" Again he asks like he genuinely values your opinion in this, and the prospect of being in even one (1) of this man's thoughts as an individual causes you a bit of a crisis.
Luckily this is exactly what you'd bright Ha-Yun along for, and she easily agrees for the two of you, guiding you along with the experience of having born witness to more than one blue-screen brain moment in your life.
She strikes up an easy conversation with Bangchan as he leads the three of you deeper into the building towards a different door, leaving the security guard behind. You're a bit jealous of her comfort, since you sort of feel like you're simultaneously walking on air and suffocating on that same air, but she keeps her hand on your back to keep you walking and rubs little comforting circles there. So. She's forgiven. A little bit. Back down to one month of no yummies.
Bangchan leads the three of you back, explaining that there was a company car waiting for you all outside, but that it was closer to a more private entrance for security reasons. He catches you looking around curiously as you walk, and generously explains the types of rooms and offices you walk past like some sort of tour guide. In fact, he apologizes for not being able to give you a more thorough tour and you frantically assure him that this was more than you'd ever expected in the first place.
You don't catch the pleased look he has as you crawl out of your shell a bit to ask him more questions, but Ha‐Yun shoots him a grateful look over your head. If you see the tiny nod they exchange, you just assume they're using their listening skills as you speak.
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lemonxdaisybby · 2 months
Ichigang and their Animal Crossing Islands
Currently spamming the Dondoko Island mini-game and it’s giving me ultimate Animal Crossing vibes, so here’s headcanons on the Ichigang and their Animal Crossing: NH islands. Short and sweet cos it’s kind of a dumb idea ✨
Also I’ve got my last few requests drafted and hopefully ready to post soon, so if you wanna send in some more headcanon requests please doooo, I could do with the inspo 💕
Ichi’s island would be pretty chaotic, to be honest. There’s just random items dropped all over the island, from where his pockets got too full, or he’ll even just intentionally place random pieces of furniture somewhere and thinks it looks great, but it does not.
Hasn’t quite got the hang of landscaping or terraforming, so there’s just random cliffs and rivers/ponds dotted about everywhere. The layout makes no sense.
He probably has his character dressed up in a hero costume or outfit.
Also gets very attached to his villagers, and nearly cries when one of them even suggests moving away.
Does not care about his island at all, and couldn’t give a shit about what it looks like. There’s just weeds and buried fossils everywhere, and his house is still un-decorated.
Never interacts with his villagers, but does think it’s funny when he accidentally hits them over the head with the bug net when hunting creepy crawlies.
Speaking of catching bugs, he is surprisingly into the bug hunting and fishing. He has probably caught almost all of them, and visits the museum daily to just admire his collection.
Took him ages to catch the scorpion, as it kept stinging him. He almost rage quit the game.
He literally has no idea what he is doing. He’s terrible at the game. His island is full of weeds, and his fish, bug, fossil and art collection is almost non-existent.
He likely started the game, got confused and switched it off, and forgot about it for ages. When he eventually did log back on, his house was infested with cockroaches, and he just never bothered to get rid of them.
Sometimes visits Nanba’s island, and their characters just chill in the museum together watching all the critters and fishes.
Saeko has the prettiest, most aesthetic island ever. It’s full of flowers, is so organised, and probably has a full on theme that she closely follows. She has fully upgraded her house, and all the furniture and rooms match perfectly.
She honestly gets so offended when an ‘ugly’ villager moves in, and she immediately kicks them out.
Her museum collection isn’t that full, as she sells all of her fishes, bugs, etc. Her priority is earning bells, so she can buy decorations and furniture for her island, and make it as pretty as possible.
The most stylish Animal Crossing character you have ever seen. He changes his outfit every day, and chooses his characters clothes so carefully. His entire island and home is also very aesthetic, and he’s secretly very proud of it.
Joon-Gi has likely almost completed all the fishing, fossil and bug collections, but he keeps getting ripped off by Redd with the artwork. He gets so mad when it happens and Blathers declines his donation.
He would actually be pretty good at the game, and is always so smug when people visit his Island and are blown away by how it looks.
He has purposely made both his island and his character look dumb as fuck, because he finds it funny. He also keeps all the ‘ugly’ villagers, to match the silly vibes.
Follows his villagers around and hits them over the head with the bug net until they get mad at him. He finds it hilarious.
Visits his friends islands and quotes memes or writes funny yet rude messages on their notice boards, but doesn’t tell them. He waits for them to find the messages themselves. It could be a few days to a week later, and he’d get a message from one of his friends like ‘why did you leave this on my noticeboard you weirdo’. Both Joon-Gi and Saeko have banned him from visiting their aesthetic and organised islands because of this.
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lagtrain · 1 year
what are some of ur fav vocaloid producers and/or songs that use unique tuning rather than going for a more natural human-esque voice?
ANON HI HI HI ILY!!!! im so glad u sent this ask :)))))
im putting the recs under a readmore bc it got really long loll
ok so first up is producer recs!
Syudou- syudou is the producer who directly inspired the post i made about tuning (which is im assuming why u sent this ask lol)! the way he tunes vsynths for his songs tend to be very high-pitched as well as somewhat soft and quiet, which i absolutely adore. however, his unique tuning can be pretty offputting for some people (cough cough the insane amount of hate ive seen for jackpot sad girl & usseewa voca versions cough cough). if youre looking for good, unique tuning id defo say check out his stuff if u havent! specific recs are cute na kanojo and jackpot sad girl
Guchiry- guchiry is one of my all-time favourite producers, and has some of the most unique tuning for vocaloids ive heard. guchiry also usually goes for a high-pitched sound, but it's in a very different way. honestly, the way he tunes is kind of hard for me to describe?? idk... its definitely the type of vocals that a human could never replicate (this is proven by the fact that there's almost no human covers of guchiry songs LMAO). plus the way he tunes works extremely well with the intense, fast-paced instrumentals he usually goes for. honestly you'll just have to take my word for it and check out his stuff. specific recs are vanish and orthodoxia
Ayase- ayase's miku is one of my favourites ever!!!! he, like the two producers above, opts for a tuning in a higher range. there is also a soft quality to his mikus that i think is really nice. the thing that makes his tuning really unique is the fact that he leans into the robotic-ness of vocaloid! this style of vocals works so unbelievably well with the chill, electronic style of instrumental he often uses, and makes for some incredible stuff that human vocals just cant capture. specific recs are cinema and ghost city tokyo
sasakure.uk- if you thought that ayase embraced the robotic sound that vocaloids can produce, sasakure has practically buried himself in it! i think that sasakure's work is most notable to me for the fact that (in my opinion) his instrumentals stick out more than the vocals? and not in a bad way! not at all! its just that the way he tunes his vsynths is in such a fashion that they feel like part of the instrumentals. like, instead of the music feeling like it's a vessel for the vocals, the vocals instead blend into the instrumentals in a really unique way i havent heard with many other producers? the way sasakure tunes and uses vocaloids is something so distinct, and something that can really only be done through the medium of vocal synthesizers. specific recs are amara and future eve
Hiiragi Kirai- hiiragi takes flower, a vocaloid i find already sounds pretty unique, and goes fucking crazyinsane with her!! his flower tuning is so unbelievably cool and unique, ive srsly never heard someone use her in a way like he does. he makes her voice sound intense, harsh and growly which is seriously soooo sick :D flower's harsh vocals paired with the often intense instrumentals creates a vibe that's almost impossible to replicate with human vocals (the only covers i can think of that have managed to be on par with hiiragi's originals is ado's bocca della verita & loveka). specific recs are bottom and autophagy
Maretu- 😁😁😁 do i really have to say anything here. maretu perfectly utilizes the robotic sound that miku can produce, and makes her sound incredible with the chiptune & rock instrumentals he uses!! the vibes in maretu's original songs are so fucking good and ive (afaik) yet to find a cover that's on par with his og stuff. listen, you're asking for vocaloid recs on the maretu blog, this is a given. specific recs are koukatsu and white happy
specific songs recs now yayyyy!! im just gonna list the songs and give little blurbs abt them :-)
im not sure exactly how much this counts as unique tuning, but im putting it here anyways... the way miku and meiko are tuned here are different to how ive often heard them sound before, with a bit of roughness to their voices that you can only get via a vocaloid
really cool high-pitched tuning that expertly blends miku's & kafu's vocals! the vocals also work perfectly with the spooky vibes the rest of the song has! if you like this you'd probably also like unfriendly hater, which doesnt stand out quite as much to me as being unique but is still equally as good
i fucking love this song sm... miku's vocals are so robotic (i feel like ive used that word a lot...) which works suuuuper well with the instrumental and, with my incredibly limited knowledge of kagepro, works really well for ene's character!
the sheer insanity of this song can really only work with vocals provided by a vocaloid. listen to it and try and tell me that a human's vocals could improve on this... you cant (also pls listen to the song bc its really good)
p.h is an INCREDIBLE song, and it has such wild vocals. somehow seventhlinks manages to make flower sound more unique than she usually does, and it creates such a cool vibe for the whole song!
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warrenwrites · 2 years
Eddie Munson Ler Headcanons
AHHH first time writing for Eddie so lemme know what you think and please feel free to use any of these as prompts or inspiration.
Lee Headcanons Here
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Calls you “Tickles”
When you’re not paying attention to him and instead spacing out/staring into the distance, he’d bring his hand into your eyeline and wiggle his fingers in what’s intended to be a wave. Naturally, you falter and think about it all week.
“Look at you, Tickles. You’re as red as the devil.”
“Aaaaalright, Tickles, you know better than to grab at me.”
“Hey, Tickles, ready for breakfast?”
Casually tells you to  “Hold still” while he readjusts himself as you’re in complete hysterics.
Falls head over heels for the way you laugh his name like “hahaheheddiehehe”
Sings along to his music that’s playing in the background, acting like he’s not wrecking your shit.
    -Bonus for lightly headbanging his hair into your neck.
Has a habit of moving his fingers like he’s playing the guitar while his hands rest against your stomach/sides. Plays dumb when he accidentally tickles you.
Big “C’mere” Energy. Boy will pounce like the lion he is
Flustering puts him in the mood 80% of the time. It’s tough to make him falter, but he will take it out on you if you try. If you can make him get a little bashful and shy he’ll tackle you to the bed, squeezing at your sides, hips, thighs etc. Burying his face into your neck and often adding in some “You wanna say that again, Pretty?”
When he does this rapid squeezing he’ll grab at places that aren’t all that ticklish just to psych you out.
He’ll end up keeping his hand there and using the opportunity to pin that limb down.
BIG smile of his face the whole time. 
Mad puppy dog eyes that give off “Let’s keep playing. Please, five more minutes” vibes
NECK! My GOD he is obsessed with your neck. He loves using his mouth to tickle you and it’s a whole sport trying to protect this spot from him.
Kisses your cheek at random points in your torment because he can’t resist and loves you smiley face so much. When you flinch to the side he’s back, latched onto your neck
Once you warned him that you’d (accidentally) scream in his ear. He took it as a challenge, said “that’s exactly right, you will” and sped up his tickling.
You told him once that he’s “so fidgety” when he couldn’t keep his hands still. He responded with “Yeah I gotta do something with these hands” *PokePokePoke*
Cold rings up your shirt but let’s be honest, he loves seeing you squirm.
Thinks maybe if he tickles you, you’ll get tired and cuddle with him after, Honestly, it’s a good percentage of his motive.
That and he just really wants to be close to you and be the one to make you laugh
WILL tickle you in public if you’re comfortable with it. Comes up behind you at lunch, in a campaign, while you’re waiting in a line. Never enough to make you yell or be the annoying couple with no spatial awareness. No he does it so later he can make fun of you while you’re laughing hard “Where were you hiding THIS reaction?”
Big fan of eye contact and will follow yours, snapping his head around to keep his attention directly on you.
Has never once claimed that he’s worth being afraid of. It’s assumed of him but he’s never actually said it himself. However, when it’s brought up that he’s “mean and scary” and you scoff replying with “you?” ?!?! He gives you the most blood curdling, chilling look partnered with his “Excuse me?”
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Just wants to make everyone around him comfortable and safe and it shows. No matter how reserved or shy you are about tickling he will pull out the laughter and get you to a point where you’re being tickled like you never have been before.
”Lemme know when I get to a really bad spot. Yup just like that, thank you, Beautiful.”
Absolutely lives for tickling you with his head buried into your neck but when he’s done he’ll pout because “Yeah but I didn’t get to SEE you laughing, I gotta do it again.” 
Can find any reason to DO IT AGAIN
Laughs along with you because he really benefits from being a Ler. Enjoys the close intimacy and connection that comes along with it.
Can work it into any situation. You should be afraid to give him sass. If you’re teasing him about Hellfire? “So when do the ritual sacrifices start?” “Right NOW”
Either has a scrunched up, determined face or a completely smoothed out smile as he laughs along with you.
Unbelievably theatrical, will put on a whole damn performance and end it with a little kiss on your nose and cheek to let you know he’s done.
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
Can You Stand The Rain
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Paring: Winston Duke x Reader
Word count: 1.8 K
Summary: Winston wants to do over that infamous IG post.
Warnings: 18+ As always, MINORS DNI. RPF, SMUT,  This is a whole lotta fluff with a lil bit of ANGST. Not Beta’d. All mistakes my own. Pining, flirting, ski trips, video games, size kink, breath play, Daddy kink, Dom vibes, brat behavior, breaking up, angry make up sex, p in v (wrap that up!) intentional aggravation, very public declaration of love and devotion.
A/N: This is for #DJ’sAllIWant4KChristmas and based on this ask. and this IG post.
I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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It was Christmas Eve and Winston was begging.
“Please Baby, Please, Baby, Baby Please!”
“You are so fucking corny, Winnie…”
He looked up at you with those big brown eyes and wrapped you up in a bear hug. He pulled you onto his lap and rubbed your back.
You melted against your boyfriend. You couldn’t resist his warm hugs. You buried your face in his t-shirt and gave him your answer. You were still sleepy, having just woken up from a nap. You all had spent the day on a yacht and were upstairs chilling, waiting for dinner.
You were eating Christmas candy, thoroughly ruining your appetite. Winston wouldn’t let you go hang with the fam until you recorded a Reel.
“Normally I’d say no, but I’m on my 14th candy cane, so why not?” 
He pulled you back to look into your eyes.
Winston was acting weird. He shoved you off his lap to get his phone set up in the stand, and you got your phone to see if you looked decent, and straightened your (his) hoodie and adjusted the hood over your curls.
This was about as glam as it was going to get, even though it was holiday time with the fam. In fact, it was the first holiday where you and Winston’s family were together, in a giant rental house in Tobago for Christmas.
“I’m so excited,” Winston practically squealed, interrupting your train of thought.
“Calm your tits babe.”
You eyed his grey sweats with the large bulge and licked your lips. You had plans for that later.
“Okay, okay. It’s just that I’ve always wanted to redo this reel. Want to show everyone I got myself a Bae.”
You hung over Winston's shoulders at first as he set up the reel, and you took a big whiff of him, all spice and sandalwood. His scent got you kind of wet. He took a couple of selfies of you two, faces together, big smiles, and big fat kisses.
You were never tired of his affection, even after almost two years. He was honestly the most affectionate, sweetest boyfriend you’d ever had. He looked at you and took a deep breath.
“You ready?”
His eyes were big and you could tell he was really excited.
You rolled your eyes and replied, “I said yes.”
You were still shaking your head at him. Even though you saw a flash of Daddy in his eyes. You had to be careful or you would be punished, which wasn’t a bad thing, but you didn’t have time for your real father to hear Winston making you scream ‘Daddy!’
But Winston just pecked your lips again and smiled at you.
“Keep that same energy.”
Winston ignored you and started the audio, getting his ‘sexy face’ as he called it, on
“Let’s do this.”
The recording started. He replayed his famous reel that he’d recorded over two years previous.
Who was interested first?
Winston looked at you and pointed, and you narrowed your eyes.
“Now is that exactly true, my love?” You sighed.
You were well aware that he was recording and would post this conversation. Winston raised his eyebrow at you.
“Who came with the M’Baku thirst first, my sweet?”
You put your head in your hands. You were never going to live that down.
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Two years ago January, you were added to a group chat: Ski Big Sky. It was a chat for all of your friend group, and friends of friends who had put down a deposit to ski at Big Sky in February of the next year. It was 50 plus young professionals, and it was going to be a good time, multicultural late twenty and thirty-somethings who were going to descend on Montana and ski.
When it was suggested that everyone drop a pic and Winston dropped his, you thought he was trolling.
You replied to his pic with THE M’Baku joke and got clowned.
When everyone was gathered together in the chalet, you tried to stay low profile; you didn’t want him to know it was you. Besides, he was type chill and fun to be around, from the time he helped you bring your overpacked luggage into the chalet, to the time he and some guys got together to lip sync to New Edition, to the time you two stayed in to pay videogames on the third sky day. You both agreed that skiing was fun, but you both preferred the warmth of the fireplace.
Somehow, that afternoon, you wound up on Winston’s lap while fighting over Mario Kart. You were frustrated at the clothes between you as you ground your pussy on his massive bulge and tried to get off. Winston’s large hands was around your neck, expertly controlling your breath as you chased release. You came, shuddering in his grip from just heavy petting. You were still weak as you took the party to his room when the crew started to return.
Winston literally rocked your world, inching his long, fat cock into your tight pussy that wept for him. He made you wait for your subsequent orgasms, teaching you early that he was in control, and that you liked it. He joked that you had locked him inside you with your pussy, and that he might have to blow your back out to escape.
Your mortification that he knew was trumped by the intensity of the orgasm he was giving you as his thick index finger circled your puckered entrance, sending you into nirvana and causing you to squirt. You thought you’d never seen a more beautiful, wider grin than the one on his face when that happened.
After that, there was no question that you belonged to him.
Who said I love you first?
Winston quickly pointed at you and he dodged a swat to his head.
“You’re a damn lie, and the truth ain't in you!”
By May, you and Winston had been back and forth four times to see each other and long distance was a bitch. You were insecure because of all of the Winston thirst online.
Winston was booked and busy and didn’t have time for your bullshit. After little to no communication for two weeks, you cut him off.
Unfollowed, blocked; you were done.
18 hours after you did that, He showed up on your doorstep, with lemon pepper wings.
“You looked like you lost some weight in that last IG post. You need to sit down, stop posting thirst traps and eat some food.”
You tried to pretend that you could block him from coming into your apartment.
“First of all, why are you stalking me on your Finsta?.....”
You were about to give him the business, until he bent down and threw you over his shoulder. He unceremoniously deposited you on your bed and started unbuckling his belt. You got wet and were staring at his zipper for the big reveal, having missed your friend in his pants.
“Turn the fuck around.”
You rolled your eyes, but you did as you were told, and you couldn’t help but moan as he shoved into you without any prep, causing you to stretch almost painfully around his girth. It hurt so good. Because you were wet when you saw him at your door, the strokes were deep and smooth and oh so satisfying.
Winston fucked you into submission, making you cum three times, then tenderly soothed your aching body in a hot bath. As you drifted off to sleep, full and satisfied, Winston whispered that he loved you. You woke up fully, heart racing, and turned around in his arms.
“I love you too, Winston. Now what are you going to do about it?”
From there on out, there was no doubt that you two were serious. And public.
Who is more protective?
This time, you gladly pointed to Winston, who just grinned.
He defended you from the online haters, always put himself in between you and the paps, and the night that he laid out a drunk asshole at Bar Pitti, your knees hit the floor as soon as you got back to the hotel. He was so damn sexy when when he took care of you. Definitely Daddy.
Who cleans more?
You glared at Winston’s lie when he pointed at himself. Since you’d lived together, you felt you did most of the cleaning. But then you remembered. There was one time that you threw out two garbage bags full of his underwear and socks rather than pick them up from the bedroom floor one more time. So, maybe he was right, because he never did that shit again.
Who eats more?
Your mouth hinged open when he pointed at you. You were done.
“Look at you; look at me. It’s physically impossible for me to eat more than you, the way you have to train.”
Winston’s eyes traced your body. He was appreciating you. When he licked his lips, you tried not to squirm because you were mad.
“And yet it happens all the time.”
You were getting heated. He reached in his pocket.
“You want to see my bank statements for all the times we order Doordash or I send it to you? I’ve broken down what you order and what I order.”
You crossed your legs and turned away from him.
“Don’t bring that damn phone in my face, Winston.”
You stared at the wall for a good while, trying to compose yourself.
You whipped your head back around.
“Why, Winston? So you can…?”
Your words, as well as your breath were caught in your throat. Winston was down on one knee, black box open with the most beautiful ring you’d ever seen inside.
You looked up at Winston who now looked nervous. You straightened your spine and put your hands over your mouth. Winston cleared his throat.
“So, two things. This isn’t a reel. It’s a Live.”
You peered at his phone and saw it blowing up. Then you looked back into his eyes and started tearing up.
Winston cleared his throat again.
“On a perfect day, I know that I can count on you. When that's not possible
I know that you can weather the storm.
You’ve stood by me, through the good times and bad times. I want you to always be right here.”
You laughed while tears rolled down your face.
“So I have a question: Y/N YLN, will you marry me?”
You nodded, tears still streaming.
“Yes, Winston. I will marry you.”
Winston grabbed you up and you heard cheering from downstairs. Your whole family was screaming. You laughed as Winston slipped the ring on your finger, and dried your tears as he ended the Live.
“I can’t believe you really did all that. How did you know you would turn away so you could get the box out?”
Winston kissed your forehead at the top of the stairs.
“I know my baby. And I know what she likes. And doesn’t like. And I promise to do more of the former and less of the latter. Forever.”
You smiled up at him.
“And even if you do get on my nerves sometimes, I’m down with forever that way too.”
“Good thing. Because you’re in it now.”
Winston hauled you up and carried you down the stairs bridal style.
“Here comes the bride y’all!”
“Oh my god Winston!”
You complained and rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help but smile as you showed off the ring.
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Deck the halls with lots of reblogs, fa lalala….
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quietbluejay · 15 hours
The Crimson Fist 1
Things are a bit less on fire so I can read more
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you know if i had a nickel for every BL work of fiction that started like this i'd have like 2 nickels possibly more
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OH ITS ALEXIS the dude from Unremembered Empire that I wanted to know more about one of the big reasons I'm reading this
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ok but why yeah yeah i know about all the stupid space marine joining rituals but they're stupid and his brother died to save him
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oh we're going first person. groovy oh he woke up floating in the vacuum of space his armour is slowly failing he's surrounded by the corpses of the human crew
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isn't dread a type of fear?
so Alexis is not good at reading people and he's now stuck in command because his mentor listed him as next and his mentor is dead so they lost 2/5ths of their force to the warp, rip
okay so Dorn lost his temper and since he couldn't go himself sent thirty thousand imperial fists as a retribution fleet things i know about Dorn as a commander: -did this -ordered them all to return and they did regardless of the situation on the ground i am not filled with confidence about these guys
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he forgot to cherish them okay im memeing but it's true augh i. don't like when writers switch between third person and first person between chapters im reconsidering how i chose to write harem protagonist now like it seems to flow naturally to me when i read it, but i wrote it but also i don't alternate chapters third vs first okay so Alexis is chilling waiting, trying to make contact vs Tyr is unhappy and thinks they should go to Isstvan except lmao he's lost 10 ships trying to get through the warp storms …i wonder how the imperial fists would have dealt with The Buried Dagger i honestly keep getting similar vibes between them and the Death Guard in a lot of ways
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This explains a lot
they get hit by a psychic attack, not anything Alexis was expecting okay they found Something on Phall and now back to terra
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pleasant fellow
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oh they just got news about isstvan v and thus he orders the Retribution Fleet back oh hey over to Iron Warriors Perturabo is making a major if understandable blunder in assuming that Sigismund is in command
Dorn needs like something he can do as stress relief some kind of hobby he should take up embroidery ah Sigismund is going to confess the real reason he stayed behind on Terra to Dorn it was Keeler
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French really loves this kind of stuff huh
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okay! there is a LOT to unpack here me @ black library: PLEASE stop giving me potential primarch blorbos i have too many already im being attacked at all my weak points but also like i mean dorn you could have ordered him if you thought the choice was unwise ah, he feels betrayed because he trusted sigismund's judgement
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this guy is such a great villain
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and then Dorn is like "okay you stay you keep your command"
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wow so sigismund manages to finally screw up his nerve to be honest and it goes absolute worst case scenario in a way i'm pretty sure he was completely unprepared for and unaware could happen
it kind of makes sense that this guy ended up founding the Black Templars, huh i still need a moment to go AAAAAA okay im back from chewing furniture so the final bit Keeler said to him was
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mwah ghhh i need to rip apart dorn with my teeth like a dog he needs to go on a magical journey of discovery
sdkjflsdf the Iron Warriors start blasting the moment they enter realspace and manage to take out an Imperial Fist ship immediately
so, Alexis did not know the Iron Warriors were traitors so he's freaking out about that
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So does it have a sister ship named Euryale
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huh how'd Falk look at the warp then but honestly he's not wrong here people should stop looking out windows at the warp so the iron warriors are overall winning but the imperial fists aren't doomed yet
oh OKAY we get to see why Perturabo nearly killed Berossus and it's because he said "the fleet's being lead by some guy named Alexis Polux, not Sigismund" that was brutal anyways also Alexis ordered Tyr to kill Perturabo like talk about a tall order
ohh boy so they've been killing astropaths trying to get a message out and dorn is killing astropaths trying to reach them being an astropath sucks
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and then Lezzek combusts lovely
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oh okay so it's Alexis who decides this means RETREAT IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE okay okay he's worried Terra is falling and they're being called back as a last defence BUT ALEXIS DUDE Imperial Fists are not intellectuals but also given what we've seen of Dorn, I can see him meaning it re: LEAVING AN ACTIVE BATTLE and then regretting it later i want to impale him with a thousand pikes
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but then would even Dorn be like "LEAVE YOUR ACTIVE BATTLEFIELD"???
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okay his choice is. understandable i guess. he's inexperienced with command he's got Dorn as his commander given the thing about the warp storms it makes a little more sense BUT STILL
and I'm going to have to finish next post because I hit image limit (again, as usual)
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up-sideand-down · 8 months
Tag Someone You Want To Get To Know Better (or check in with) 💚
Thank you for the tag @zimithrus1!
Favorite Color: 🎨 Blue! I love all shades of blue. Right now I have I big love for the blue-ish green-ish, turquoise-ish shade of blue. I'm finding it very calming.
Last Song: 🎧 Starlight Brigade by TWRP feat. Dan Avidan. I've been on a big TWRP kick because their songs are just making me happy and groovy. That one is my favorite though. It's got an Avalanche vibe song for my FF7 peeps (and the video is awesome!)
Last Movie: 🎥 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. I have every line of it damn near memorized because I've watched it since I was born (it feels like it). But I love it. It's comforting and warm and I have always had a soft spot for my Pooh Bear.
Currently Watching: ▶ Right now I'm not watching a show, but I am working through Evelien "Gab" Smolders playthroughs of the Silent Hill games on Youtube. I never got to play any of them, but I like her playthrough because she keeps the spoilers out, but doesn't mess around too much so I get maximum spoopage watching her. And I ike her voice and think she's just chill to watch.
Other Stuff I Watched This Year: The Bear (stressful, but Season 2 was honestly pretty good), Nebraska Volleyball (I'm from the state that broke the record for the biggest attendance at a women's sporting even, you betcha I watch 'em). The Barbie Movie, The Glass Onion...I can't think of anything else.
Shows I Dropped This Year: ⏸ I pause a lot of things and I just don't remember to be honest. I have a long list of things I should watch, but just haven't yet. Sorry.
Currently Reading: 📖 I do keep up my reading. Right now I am re-reading Squire by Tamora Pierce: book 3 in the Protector of the Small Quartet. I re-read the entire series at least 1 a year. I adore Keladry and she is a big part of my own inspiration. At the same time I am reading Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt. It's about a town cursed by a witch...who is still wandering around wrapped in the chains she was buried in and her mouth sewn shut to keep away her curses...but a series of pranks makes the thread come loose. It's spooky as heck.
Thank you so much for the tag. Let's tag @evil-robot-cat, @asylos and @doctorbeans. No presh, but have fun.
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wavernot4love · 4 months
hello wanted 2 talk about a bunch of fun things from Thursday first show of War All The Time tour 2nite at the Town Ballroom in Buffalo (this will include setlist spoilers)
(starting with a random little video of title track, the rest of it is in the keep reading thingy)
- TURNPIKE DIVIDES FOR THE LAST SONG??? they let her see the light of day!!! i am probably the only person who has heard her at 2/3 of the thursday sets they have seen /lh
- geoff took the piss out of victory records for not paying bands while talking about how i'll be you & jbny are mirrors of each other then played them back to back (also described jbny as their heaviest song.... correct!!!)
- crowd was GREAT. great pits, surfing vibes, actually hell, vibes were just great all around.
- make sure you get there early so you can catch both many eyes & rival schools (steve (thursday) actually played for rival schools today which was cool). i thoroughly enjoyed both sets, and tonight honestly made me a fan of many eyes as a project. i wasn't sure what to expect receptionwise from a buffalo crowd [insert every time i die lore] but everyone showed up for keith (buckley, former singer of etid)/them. i also thought he/they did great, and he seemed genuinely humbled. also saw him around after the show, bro was loading out merch so i didn't wanna bother him, but yeah, dude seemed chill. really enjoyed the songs as well, i'll be spinning them and staying tuned for future releases for sure.
- between that set, everyone just feeling like a true community all night, & a cameo from a local scene legend (if you know hardcore, the singer of terror/buried alive was watching sidestage all show, keith shouted him out hahaha), let's just say i felt like how i'd imagine patriotic americans feel when they hear the national anthem, but the western new yorker edition.
- between rupture and rapture & division st. were probably my favorite non big singles. so great to hear watt in full dude and the crowd was very engaged the whole time
- one thing that really sucks is geoff explained as they came out that pretty much all their instruments randomly got stolen right before they left for tour, so they were a little panicky and stuff but basically, nothing was gonna stop them from having a good time in buffalo (paraphrased). apparently when they were sorting out the tour routing a while back someone told them they should start in toronto but they were like, nah dude, we want to start in buffalo. back to my western ny patriotism analogy, i see. anyways, now that's what i call resilience. they put on a great performamce with such great energy, you can tell this is a band that truly loves doing this whole thing. support the guys extra hard this run.
- as the opening bit of understanding started i looked back at the carnage going on in the giant pit that was open at the moment and had to just. smile at That being a moment people were crowdkilling each other to /lh
- i brought my (digital) point & shoot and shot from the crowd! very stoked on those as i was quite close all show, will update with those once i edit em! will probably also be posting a review kinda thing on my site/ziney thing once i get that back up and published
- one final thing that haunts me is the wonder of what geoff was talking about here in this instagram story post from earlier. i even stuck around after the show (which ended around 10:30) in case... i don't know, thursday were to fly out of some sort of confetti cannon at 11 pm sharp, i have no idea, dude. someday i will ask geoff about Minds Blown - 11.00pm
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anyway, every time i've seen thursday this past year of having the joy of really knowing their music (i'd heard of them of course just through being in the scene for years, but had just never listened then) thursdayband has come 2 mean more and more to me and i truly hope they never stop playing together as long as it makes them happy <3
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anxietywriter · 11 months
Beach Day Prompts!
because it's summer and everyone deserves a lil beach scene with their characters.
they bring a beach ball one time. never again. it flew away. (Volleyballs or like those small water balls are better because then the wind won't rip them from your arms 😭)
love when a character has super fluffy hair and when it's all wet, they just,,, rat vibes. like it's reminiscent of seeing a dog without fur, all of a sudden they seem like an inch shorter with noodles on their head
Achilles moment where one of them forgets to sunscreen a single part of their body and now they are sunburnt. (inspired by the fact that my left shoulder is now mildly sunburnt ;-;)
love building sandcastles and moats and stuff like that. sometimes just digging up sand bc monkey brain tbh. (just gotta fill the holes back up or small fish might get stuck in them)
water fight!!! splashing water with their hands or using water guns! I demand full on warfare. honestly a great way to cool off and a silly way for characters to really relax around each other
characters that drive for AGES to get to a beach and just fish at the pier. the commitment, the willpower. also i just like the idea of a character that really likes fishing
characters burying each other in the sand! just something silly that requires a bit of trust that their friends will help dig them back up.
or you know, they could always chill on the sand and listen to the waves. it's better in the evenings or dawn, when it's pretty quiet. sometimes that's all they need. just a bit of peace by the water
no but the idea of someone going to a beach for the first time is so precious. (Or going to a certain kind of beach for the first time! like white sand, black sand, or kinda shelly beaches!) they are so excited and- hey is the water supposed to be that murky? Eep! something touched my foot! precious.
the community that forms when it suddenly starts to rain at the beach and everyone is trying to huddle under anything. something about sharing an umbrella with a stranger as you run to the parking lot. and sharing the experiences of being in the rain and talking as they wait out the storm.
shell collecting! and then using said shell to create a kind of momento. it can be very sweet- especially if one of them accidentally picks up a hermit crab. (it really is fun! not all beaches have shells but the ones that do are so cool. sometimes I think you can find sand dollars too!)
drifting away on a floatie. this is a real thing that happens. someone go swim and get them. they were just vibing how did they get so far out from shore
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