#honestly the temptation to post what i've got now is so strong
thistaleisabloodyone · 7 months
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And this is why I bought myself a 16TB hard drive 😂
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the-pigeon-queen · 18 days
Collection of things from my Antichrist Copia AU
Hey, so I've never posted anything like this before, but here we go! I'm actually currently typing a proper fanfic for this AU , so if spoilers for an eventual fic don’t bother you, feel free to keep reading!
Under the read more since this'll probably be long:
Copia is still Sister Imperator’s and Nihil’s biological son – but she conceived him under some fun satanic circumstances (I imagine a scenario like the one in the Dance Macabre music video lol human sacrifice, but throw in some music and an orgy for fun).
So, while Copia isn’t the biological son of the Devil From the Bible, he was still involved in the conception, maybe through Nihil.
Copia grew up in the Clergy – it’s all he’s known, but honestly, he can’t complain! Though he was raised, technically as an orphan, he still got everything he wanted!
Except friends, because those were sort of hard to make…
But still! He’s risen through the ranks with minimal difficulty, and has never really struggled! He genuinely works hard – and he’s proud of himself for it. He’s just unaware of how fixed his path actually is. Since he’s only known success, he does have a bit of an ego.
He’s a nepobaby but he does have genuine talent, and he does work for it.
Ghost is still a band, owned and operated by the Clergy, for the purpose of spreading it’s influence and finances.
Copia, as Cardinal, still takes over as frontman, and becomes Papa when Nihil passes
And he finds out that Sister Imperator is his mom! She’s always been a good boss, how neat is it that she’s his mother, too? It makes all those times he’s accidentally called her mom funny, now, instead of embarrassing.
She had to give him up, you see – but she never let him out of her sight. Even if she never changed any diapers, she was always right there! Always proud of him! That makes it alright, right?
Life goes on at the Ministry after that tour, he grows closer to his Ghouls, he enjoys his success –
But what’s that? There’s one more special ritual that he has to complete in order to officially become Papa? Of course he’ll do it, Sister! Anything you say!
After all, the Clergy gave him a home, and a job, and a life – what’s one more little ritual?
That one little ritual turned out to be rather unpleasant
We’re talking blood sacrifices, immense pain, a forced transformation that wreaks havoc on the body, and the awakening of something, from somewhere deep within him.
He doesn’t adapt well.
As the antichrist/devil warped thing he is, now, he’s a lot more… testy. He’s quicker to anger. He’s moody. He’s horny. All the time. It’s like a second puberty – except he’s in his forties and becoming a demon.
The mental aspect, dealing with new, strong temptations and urges, is hard enough, but there’s also an emotional struggle, too.
The Clergy that raised him did this to him. His mother lied to him. And why? No one will give him straight answers.
There’s the physical side, too – he feels like a freak. He feels wrong in his own skin. His wings hurt his back, he can’t hide his horns, he keeps stepping on his own tail.
He was supposed to have been born with all his demonic features, and grow into them, but he was apparently a late bloomer. And it took a blood sacrifice to crack him open and let out his infernal side.
His Ghouls comfort him and he finds comfort with them.
Eventually he cheers up. He starts making demands of the Clergy, demanding more, demanding better – he’s the antichrist, after all. The Clergy made him, and now it should serve him!
He tries flying! He breaks his legs, but he heals super fast now. So he tries flying again! And this time the only thing he breaks is a window!
He’s starting to feel more comfortable. More right. His urges are easier to handle. He’s singing again. He starts to feel happy again.
The Clergy doesn't like that he's gaining a backbone, so they attempt a binding ritual to force him further under their control.
Said ritual involves crucifying his three brothers.
The Clergy is thwarted, and Copia takes off with his Ghouls and brothers to go do their own thing
And that's the outline I have so far :'] if you have any questions feel free to ask! I'd love to talk about it more lol
Right now the fic is Copia x poly ghouls just cause
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
What in the Actual Hell?
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I don't know what to do with myself. This one got me by surprise! I passed 400 followers around my birthday and was like, "Aw, that's nice, you guys are too kind, I am a little gremlin who thrives on positive reinforcement," and then you come back and do this?! What's a girl supposed to do to deal with all these emotions?
Well, write, I guess.
I made the decision that IF I hit a crazy milestone (like 500 of you beauties being kind enough to follow me) I was going to open requests. So here I am, making good on my word!
LJ's 500 Follower Celebration!
Welcome to my little request celebration! To thank you all for being amazing and supporting me on this wild platform, I'll be opening my asks to requests starting now, July 25th, until July 31st, for requests!
Here are the request guidelines:
Send me the pairing you would like. It can be any character I've written before (including any versions from previous stories), or someone completely new! I work mostly within the Pedro Pascal cinematic universe, but other Star Wars franchises are welcome too.
Pick a theme from the list under the "Read More."
If there is anything specific you'd like to add to the prompt (a little flavoring for the story) or would not like in the prompt (Teen vs Explicit, fluff vs angst, etc) please feel free to include it! Otherwise I'll run with the prompt as the inspiration strikes.
I'll be keeping the requests under 2k words for my own sanity and ability to get them out with any sort of timeliness.
Requests will be posted...roughly over the next few weeks. It will honestly depend on how many come in. I'll give a posting update after the 31st!
The list of topics I do not write for is included at the bottom of the theme list. I will also reserve the right to not complete an ask if it is outside of my comfort zone content-wise.
Thank you all for brightening up my days with fun interactions, wonderful comments and so many new friendships. You make writing a joy for me, and I love sharing new stories with you.
Beauty of simplicity
Change of power – necessity
Change versus tradition
Chaos and order
Circle of life
Coming of age
Communication – verbal and nonverbal
Companionship as salvation
Convention and rebellion
Dangers of ignorance
Darkness and light
Death – inevitable or tragedy
Desire to escape
Destruction of beauty
Disillusionment and dreams
Emptiness of attaining false dream
Everlasting love
Facing darkness
Facing reality
Fading beauty
Faith versus doubt
Family – blessing or curse
Fate and free will
Fear of failure
Greed as downfall
Growing up – pain or pleasure
Hazards of passing judgment
Heartbreak of betrayal
Heroism – real and perceived
Hierarchy in nature
Identity crisis
Illusion of power
Individual versus society
Inner versus outer strength
Knowledge versus ignorance
Loneliness as destructive force
Losing hope
Loss of innocence
Lost honor
Lost love
Love and sacrifice
Man against nature
Materialism as downfall
Names – power and significance
Nature as beauty
Necessity of work
Optimism – power or folly
Overcoming – fear, weakness, vice
Power and corruption
Power of silence
Power of tradition
Power of wealth
Power of words
Pride and downfall
Progress – real or illusion
Quest for discovery
Quest for power
Role of men
Role of Religion – virtue or hypocrisy
Temporary nature of physical beauty
Temptation and destruction
Vanity as downfall
Vulnerability of the meek
Vulnerability of the strong
Will to survive
Wisdom of experience
Youth and beauty
Topics I do not write for: explicit pregnancy content; motherhood; non/con, dub/con, or cnc without consent being explicitly given beforehand; incest; mommy kink; dd/lg dynamic; ageplay; sexual violence towards any character.
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marksollinger · 3 years
(holds out my hands) 18, please ?
18. what is a line/scene you’re really proud of? give us the dvd commentary for that scene.
it's hard to choose one, especially since most the scenes i'm currently proud of have yet to be published 😅 i've also deleted a lot of my past fics (literally all of them from pre-2020) which i feel a little bad about. but i also didn't want to share them anymore due to Lots of insecurities about the quality of my writing and my tastes in general 😔 and some of them were permanently deleted 🥴 i constantly have to stop indulging the temptation to burn everything down and start over lol...
as promised, though, i will provide a scene... i will actually provide two, just because the stuff i currently have posted is quite old and needs updating because i take so fucking long to finish new chapters 🙃 i can also use this as an opportunity to leak some things, heehe...
(excerpts and commentary below the cut because it's long and i want to save as many of my followers’ dashboards as possible lmao)
questions for fic writers
Before she came to rationalize the things he’d done as violently untenable acts of misplaced protection, the best hope she once had to separate herself from her father’s blood-stained legacy was to outshine her schoolmates as much and as often as possible. Julia Montag would give her foster mother something else to talk about with the neighbors and the bridge-players and the parents of her peers; she’d get fantastic grades, run cross-country, read the most books, and do all of her chores without even needing to be asked. Yes, that Julia Montag. She’d go see the therapists and counselors and she’d show every adult in her life how marvelously well-adjusted she’d become. — For Future Reference (The Magnus Archives)
so, just as a little disclaimer, i changed julia and robert's family name from "montauk" to "montag" because it's german & plenty of british people share this name, it has strong ties to a pre-existing famous work of genre-fiction (fahrenheit 451), sounds virtually fucking identical to their original surname, and is not the literal name of an indigenous tribe. it may not be the name of an author, in line with the conventions jonny followed for melanie, tim, martin, sasha, etc... and it may be from speculative fiction rather than horror but. close enough.
i have been working on this oneshot for almost a year, now, only because i am extremely unmotivated and was honestly waiting for the end of tma to come for... whatever reason... i'm nervous about diverging from canon when i write for things with large fandoms, especially ones with fans as opinionated as tma's 💀 but i loved julia. i loved her so much. i wanted to give her something. anything. and i wanted to write a conversation that was kinda-sorta hinted at in-canon, in mag 111, inspired by lines that got tangled in my mind each time i relistened to it:
julia: it’s not a… trevor doesn’t like using the book. i don’t either. makes me feel off. dead should stay dead. archivist: s-so… i mean, why keep it around? trevor: ‘cause sometimes talking to the dead can stop you joining ‘em. come on, julia...
and i simply could not stop thinking about the history of them using the book? gerry's possible conversations with julia? there's a lot that was implied that i can't help but dive into. and so i decided i'd do that with this fic. i share a lot with julia and i'm still trying to find a proper balance between canon and self-projection that i can live with but i'm getting there. slowly, but. still getting there. that said, i promise i will actually be publishing this at some point soon...
alright. next one:
“Don’t think I’m not wise to your tricks,” one of them, a woman whose profile Caroline could narrowly see over the ridge of her broad shoulders, said with a playful tone in her voice that made the grin on her lips nearly impossible not to hear. “I won that wager. You’re paying the tab.” — The Seven States of Matter, Ch. 2, "Confluent Forces" (Archive 81)
so these are vic's first words in tssom 🥰 i have more or less created an oc and slapped the name 'vic' onto her, because that's how much i love the idea of her, and how i could make her a really fun character. i am... unfortunately Not going to be writing a whole ass character meta here because i seriously have 4 chapters that outline the backstory i have assigned to her? and i don't want to spoil anything too prematurely. but i love her so much and she is a joy to write so far.
in conclusion, i am noticing that i tend to enjoy & be the most proud of writing characterization moments? which makes sense, i think. these two in particular are canon characters i'd always wanted to know more about. because i love them. writing vic has given me the chance to project a bunch and manufacture an entire character from just a name and a handful of facts (both explicit and implied). i fucking love doing that kind of thing.
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slashthedice · 5 years
Hi, i just saw one of your posts and i really like your writting so I'd like to send a request as well. I've been really sad lately cus my papa's got cancer and is in the hospital right now and i'd really appreciate a pick me up so if you could write something for the slashers and a s/o that would really make me happy. You can pick whatever you want to write about. Thanks a lot!
I’m so sorry to hear that, hun! I’m wishing you and your family the best. I’ve got some softness for you with Jason, Michael, poly Ghostface and Bubba. I hope this helps to cheer you up! (●´□`)♡
Nights at Camp Crystal Lake were always cold, even when the days were blistering hot and the sun beat against your skin. Without fail, when the moon rose and its pale light spilled across the landscape, a chill settled into your bones and caused gooseflesh to rise across your skin. The air was damp, sweeping across the lake in brisk gusts that howled through the gaps in the cabin walls. On nights like these, there was only one thing to be done to stave off the cold, and you found yourself doing just that.
You had swaddled yourself next to the fire in the thickest blanket you had. It also didn’t hurt to be snuggled up in Jason’s lap, tucked under his chin with his strong arms holding you to his chest. Jason didn’t give off very much heat himself, but you always felt safe and loved when you were all wrapped up in him like this. His heartbeat was slow but strong against the hand you had pressed to his chest. You knew that this was Jason’s favorite part your routine too, to hold and be held after a long day of getting rid of the interlopers that invaded area.
He rubbed slow circles against your back in a thinly veiled attempt to pull you even closer. You knew that he worried for you, that he feared the day some fool stumbled across your shared cabin. There was no telling how one of the intruders would react to finding you, so he did his best to make sure that they never would. He held you tight, his own reassurance that you were here and real and all for him. You always did your best to make sure he understood how much you loved him, through words and deeds alike.
You pressed your lips to the underside of his chin, whispering into the hollow of his throat, “I love you, Jason.”
Michael Myers was not an easy man to love. He lived with you and was more than eager to fuck you when he was in the mood, but instances of gentler physical affection were few and far between. That was why you had to take advantage of them when you could. There were always little indicators throughout the day to let you know that maybe, just maybe Michael would let you be affectionate with him later that night. He would never truly reciprocate your actions, but he would allow them which was honestly more than you could hope for the rest of the time. 
You would feel your heart skip a beat when he would stalk up behind you and lean his body into yours. His favorite time to ambush you like this was when you were in the kitchen, unsuspecting while you were cooking or cleaning. He would trap you between him and the counter, chest against your back and using his arms to cage you in. Just as soon as your racing heart would begin to settle and you would lean back against him, he would be gone, leaving you confused and craving more of his touch.
On days like that, when night had fallen and he had satisfied himself of his carnal needs through your body, he would sometimes let you curl into his side and twine your legs with his. If he was being especially generous, he would allow you to rest your head on his arm and sleep against him. When he was sure you were asleep, he might run his fingers through your hair, admiring the softness as it flowed through his hands like water. Those were the nights when he could allow himself to drift off in your embrace.
Billy & Stu
Sometimes a quiet night was necessary. The three of you were young and full of life and a seemingly never ending desire for each other, and while whirlwind nights of experimentation and pleasure were fun and exciting, sometimes it wasn’t what was needed. Sometimes the quiet was just as nice. This was one such night.
You found yourself happily sandwiched between your boyfriends. It was a decently tight fit in Stu’s full sized bed, but the three of you made do as you always did. Stu was tucked in behind you, arms around your middle and forehead pressed into the nape of your neck. Billy had his legs tangled with yours and an arm thrown over both you and Stu as best he could. He exchanged gentle kisses with you every so often, leaning in to press his lips to yours sweetly.
You reached back to run your fingers through Stu’s short hair, and he hummed against the back of your neck contentedly. It was a nice change of pace. They were here with you, not out plotting or killing, just enjoying the moment. You leaned forward to touch your forehead to Billy’s, closing your eyes and soaking in just how wonderful it was to be with your boys.
It was time to get out of bed, but it was just too damn early. You were still getting used to all the heavy lifting that was involved in choring around the farm house, and your body screamed against the idea of getting up to do more. You were sore and aching. Your fingers felt like they had been rubbed raw from all the dishes you had done, and attempting to salvage the few plants that stubbornly clung to life in the garden was killer on your knees and back. You knew your ability to help out was the only reason you hadn’t been served up for dinner and Drayton allowed you to stay, but that didn’t make getting back to it any easier.
The other reason you didn’t want to get up whined stubbornly when you tried to roll out of his arms to stand. Bubba clung to you like a child with a favorite teddy bear, and you had to admit that you didn’t want to leave the warmth of his embrace either. He had to get up too, he had even more work than you to complete, but it would be much nicer to simply lay in bed together all day, kissing and cuddling and fooling around.
You turned over so that you were facing Bubba, wrapping your arms around him as best you could and snuggling into his chest. The pale light of the early morning streamed in through the damaged plantation shutters and spilled across the bright patchwork quilt that was tangled around you. You knew that you shouldn’t indulge in the desire to simply give in and go back to sleep, but the temptation was too irresistible. Besides, Drayton would surely come pound on the door and demand you both get up before it got too late. A few more minutes of bliss couldn’t hurt.
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juupajaa · 5 years
Hello! Do you know something about quasi recovery vs all in? Also is it normal to binge on very unhealthy in recovery? Will it go away? I'm just very worried, the last two days I've been eating soooo much and it was mostly biscuits and chocolate but I just couldn't stop and I feel so bad now... the temptation to relapse is strong but I don't want to, I don't know what to do... Thanks in advance for any answer 🖤
Hello there! There's a lot of good questions here and here's some neat answers:
After a long period of malnutrition, you will most likely experience extreme hunger, which we usually call binging even if they're two slightly different things. Binging is used as just the general word for overeating for whatever reason (binge eating disorder, bulimia, food addiction, extreme hunger). Extreme hunger is a reaction to starving or malnutrition. So yes, it's normal to binge in (and out of) recovery and in general after periods of malnutrition. Extreme hunger is seen also in people without eds, so it's not really even a part of your disorder, it's your body reacting to being malnourished and trying to correct that.
My extreme hunger was originally what made me seek out help because I was so afraid of eating, and having these sudden uncontrollable binges was terrifying for me. So originally I went inpatient bc I didn't want to have them anymore, and only later I came around to the thought of actually recovering.
Being hungry or malnourished will make you crave fast carbs, such as cookies, chocolate, chips and all that good stuff, and that goes for everybody. Everybody craves something when their blood sugars go down. In extreme hunger however the cravings are insatiable and they don't have a lot to do with how hungry you are at the moment. A good way to get those insane cravings under control is to eat balanced meals. Not that there is anything wrong with wanting sweets, I'm having a cookie right now while I'm writing this ✌, but extreme hunger can be pretty brutal, since it isn't anything like normal cravings, it's more like "I will have every last cookie in the world or god help me" and even then you usually don't even want to eat that much but can't stop. Often you're in horrible mental distress during extreme hunger because now your disorder is going crazy, yet you cant stop eating those cookies and sometimes it can get so bad you'll eat until you physically can't move anymore. Even worse, your ed might make you want to purge and that will only make your extreme hunger worse.
This is why getting on a meal plan and starting to eat regularly again despite your ed's screaming at you is so important, since it ensures that you get everything you need to heal physically as well as mentally from the damage your ed has dealt to you, as well as satisfying extreme hunger as fast as possible.
It can take a long time to make extreme hunger go away. For me it took 3 whole months, but it will go away with consistency in your meals and proper nutrition. And never forget that you still have an ed even if you start eating normally again. Your ed isn't going anywhere until you actually feel it leaving. It can feel like such a contradiction to be eating normal meals and not engaging in disordered behaviour, and still claim to have an ed, but trust me, you have an ed for as long as you experience those disordered thoughts about food and your body.
You don't have to be out there calculating your macros, a good rule of thumb is to have your plate divided to three parts, a protein, a carb and something colourful. And you should eat a proper meal at least three times a day.
I know I felt hungry all the time in recovery, despite being on a meal plan, but it will go away once your body trusts you to be feeding it consistently again. The best way to make sure you don't cause horrible additional mental distress for yourself is to get a routine to your meals and if you sometimes want to have something, don't deny it. Admitting to yourself that you want some cookies is poison to your ed. Honesty and acceptance has a lot more power than you'd think, since eds are pretty much just your mind lying to your body all the time.
My favourite thing was when I was let go outpatient and I could make my own meal plan instead of having to eat whatever the hospital had on the menu. I put all my favourite meals on my meal plan and I had a great time with it. By now I'm not even on a meal plan anymore, I just eat when I'm hungry and what I feel like eating. Sometimes I have to remind myself that hey u brat, you didn't eat lunch today and then I'll have a bigger dinner, but all in all I don't need to follow any guide anymore and it's honestly so liberating wow 😂
So yeah, my suggestion for anyone who wants to give recovery a go: start practicing consistency. If you can't do a whole big meal right away, do a small one first, as long as you have them every day, three times a day. At the very least I'd say start with an egg and a toast, or a handful of nuts and some rice. If there's any food that you like, admit it to yourself and try having it. Recovery is a whole lot of baby steps after baby steps and there's not any specific way to do it except to try, cry, and try again. There's bad days and good days and sometimes it feels like you're not any better and sometimes you think you want to relapse, but we all know that in the end none of us wants to be miserable. Recovery might be hard but it's a whole lot better to be uncomfortable for a while than to be miserable for the rest of your life. Gotta approach this like trying to finish an assignment. It sucks but it will suck even more if you dont do it.
There I go again with my long posts but I hope you got some answers. Hang in there baby, love and take care of yourself ❤❤❤
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