#honestly to think of it as The Doctor's Tardis is a little bit of an indulgent misnomer i'd say
ive never thought before about how the tardis had a whole life before the doctor but of course thats implied in it being already old and broken when the doctor steals it - "i was already a museum piece when you were young" okay 1) problematic age gap fhkjghjg kidding, 2) how long do tardises, like, serve? how much has she already seen at this point of the universe while the doctor is like just out of school itching to see any of it
and she was being repaired right? so not Out of use yet she might still do some more? wiki says the type 40 had been taken out of service at least by the time of the fourth doctor so maybe since she was like damaged or whatever maybe they were just seeing whether it was worth the effort to repair or if they were just gonna decommission her at this point. maybe she knew that this was basically it and now she'd either sit here for the rest of the time and disintegrate or be recycled or she can seduce this young timelord
im a little bit obsessed with this new angle on their relationship ngl. "and i stole you" yeah you fucking did!
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the-fiction-witch · 4 months
Media - Doctor Who (The Lodger Episode) Character - The Doctor (11th) Couple - The Doctor X Reader Reader - Y/n (Companion) Rating - Flirty Word Count - 2857
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The doctor bounced around his room, jumping on the bed, still getting accustomed to his room. He had been a lodger with the human Craig for about three days and was already losing his mind pretending to be a human. Of course, The Doctor wasn’t exactly the best at being a human, unsure of the human ways and habits. All the little things that wouldn’t make him look insane so was having to check in very regularly with his human companion back in the Tardis. 
"Honestly? As if being trapped here on Earth wasn't bad enough, I'm starting to think I've gone crazy having to listen to the neighbours screaming at each other for days on end over the most mundane of things!" he complained, "How about you? I'm going to assume that you're having a much better time back at the Tardis,"
"Welcome to humanity." she giggled, "Tardis is fine,"
He sat back up and stared at the walls around him for a good five seconds before letting out another groan, he felt like banging his head against the wall, "Y/n, do me a favour and start doing something useful, I desperately need something to keep me distracted or I'm going to start screaming,"
"Why not read a book?"
The Doctor let out a frustrated sigh before he rolled onto his back and groaned loudly. He glanced over at his small bookshelf before rolling over to the edge of his bed and grabbing the nearest book on it. "I've read all of these already, and nothing that came out since has held my interest!" He flipped through the pages of the book, 
"Write a book?" 
He slammed the book shut and threw it across the room in frustration, "I'm better at doing stuff, like exploring the universe!" The Doctor suddenly perked up as an idea popped into his head "Or, I could build something, or explore some of the buildings here in the city, anything with more action than sitting on my sofa staring at the walls all night because no one here is interesting!"
"Why don't you do the human thing, order a takeaway, drink a beer, and watch crap TV?"
"Absolutely not! I think I'd rather claw out my eyes then watch old reruns of the old Eastenders, and reality TV! Give me anything else that isn't that or Love Island for the love of all time!" He shuddered at the mere thought of having to watch shows like that... He absolutely hated the idea of it
She giggled, "Well... How about I put the Tardis into a safe orbit mode, and come down? Help to sell the illusion you’re really a human if you actually interact with someone, and I'll come to keep you company we can get some food in, and have a drink," she suggested "I get to show you the fun of a human evening,"
The Doctor raised an eyebrow as he thought about it for a moment. On one hand he really hated the idea of doing any of those things, but he supposed it was better than spending a night watching Love Island of all things so he begrudgingly gave in. "...Fine! I suppose I can suffer through an evening of acting like a regular human and all the pointless things they do at night like drinking alcohol and stuffing their faces with bad food."
"All right be there in five," she rang off,
The Doctor quickly got up from the edge of his bed and quickly started tidying up the small bedroom he had to make it look like an actual human lived there. He stuffed anything that would look odd and alien underneath the blankets. A book here and there along with just some general random stuff that would give away his secret. Just a couple of minutes later he had managed to get rid of most of the things before hearing a knock at the door,
The Doctor quickly rushed towards the door, reaching it just before Craig, He put on his best happy smile and quickly opened the door up. He was greeted by the sight of Y/n in front of him, looking every bit as ordinary as him.
Y/n smiles in her little blue dress and black tights one of her usual outfits giving the doctor a hug to help sell the illusion of two normal people who knew one another "Hey!" 
"Hey! Come on in then, I was starting to get bored to death in here without you,” He quickly returned the hug, though his focus wasn't on the hug... he couldn't stop staring at her outfit, especially at the tights she was wearing ...That definitely... made things harder considering how her outfit looked with every move she made. He quickly tried to shake the thoughts out of his head and just act casually.
"uhhh who is this?" Craig asked curiously, 
"Oh! Right, this is my... er..." The Doctor glanced over at Y/n for a moment before giving a smile, "Girlfriend! Yes, girlfriend. She's my girlfriend!"
"ohh..." Y/n blushed a little not expecting that to be his excuse, "Hi, Y/n" She introduced herself to Craig the two met and had a small chat about things as people do her normal human way giving the doctor's human persona a much better chance of being believable, 
"How on earth do you put with him?" Craig laughed,
"Ohh you know... I love him" she answered giving the doctor's cheek a kiss,
The Doctor couldn't help but blush a little bit as Y/n kissed his cheek, he was very surprised by how convincing she was at pretending they were actually a couple. The entire thought of her being that convincingly believable made him feel a slight fluttering in his stomach which for someone like him...was unusual. He continued to smile, though it was a little strained from how uncomfortable he was starting to feel being around two regular humans and having to pretend he was just like one of them.
Luckily Y/n knew he was feeling uncomfortable so managed to skirt them away towards his bedroom but Craig stopped the doctor before he could follow her
"Hey, uhh look no issues with you having your girlfriend over but you know maybe... Give me a heads up next time?"
The Doctor glanced over towards Y/n before looking back at Craig and nodding his head. "Oh yes, yes. Next time I'll make sure to mention that she'll be coming over, my apologies." He gave a small apologetic smile, but he secretly just wanted to get out of that conversation and spend time in the bedroom with Y/n.
"no problem, I'm heading off to the pub anyway so... You have fun" Craig winked,
The Doctor gave a small nod before immediately heading over towards the bedroom with Y/n. Once he was inside he let out a long sigh as he closed the door and leaned back against it. "Remind me never to do something like that again! Having to act normal for so long for people is hard."
She giggled "thanks?" She sounded fake offended sitting on the bed, 
"You know what I mean!" The Doctor rolled his eyes playfully at her as he walked further into the room. He went over to his bed and sat down by her, letting out another long sigh before glancing over at her "So, since this is supposed to be a 'normal human night'... What are we supposed to do first? Watch rubbish on TV or order food that will give us a heart attack?"
"rubbish TV, order food, drink beer, and make terrible decisions" she smiled 
He glanced over at her his eyes once again drawn to her outfit and those tights again. "I really don't understand human fashion..."
she chuckled, "What about it?"
"It just looks... uncomfortable. That's all. Just look at the tights you're wearing. You've got to squeeze into them like a sausage!" He looked her up and down for a moment with a small frown on his face while still having issues taking his eyes away from the tights.
"Thanks Doctor!" She said slightly more offended,
The Doctor immediately realized his mistake and shook his head immediately, reaching out gently to take her hands into his. "No, no, no! I didn't mean you! You look lovely, really! I just... I just don't understand how it's even comfortable to wear things like that. And it makes everything so much more difficult for me to focus..."
"you wear a suit and bowtie everyday doctor I'm not sure you can really comment on comfortable outfits besides I like my tights"
"... Fair point, though in my defence those outfits are very fashionable and comfortable! And your tights are... very distracting." He gave a small laugh but he couldn't take his eyes off the way hers were wrapped around her legs as she moved.
she chuckled "You rather I take them off?" She raised an eyebrow,
The Doctor's eyes widened slightly as his mind suddenly became far more empty as the words left her mouth. He stared at her for a moment or two before he mentally slapped himself and quickly shook his head. "... No! I... That's not at all what I meant! I just... they're... distracting! That's all!"
"you are spending too much time down here" she giggled leaning on his headboard "you're becoming a bit too human..."
The Doctor leaned back onto the headboard as he took a sip of the beer, still staring at her legs and those tights. At this point he was completely mesmerized by the way they looked against her skin. "What does that even mean?" The Doctor finally managed to tear his gaze away from her legs and looked over at her, forcing himself to focus on what she was saying for once.
"you’re become predictable. Like a human man."
A look of complete shock immediately took over the Doctor's face in response to her words. He suddenly looked genuinely offended as he looked over at her. "I am not predictable! Predictable? Me? I am the least predictable person you'll ever meet! There is nothing predictable about me at all!" He glared directly at her, not at all happy with how she had labelled him. He clearly did not like being thought of as predictable in the slightest.
"you are becoming predicable down here" she smiled "you’re slowing down... Acting more human"
The Doctor's expression softened after she said that, he went silent for a few seconds, the truth of what she was saying slowly sinking in. He leaned back against the headboard and took another sip of the beer before speaking again. "Maybe... Maybe you're right. Time Lords aren't exactly used to being human. I never wanted to be human... I never wanted to think like one, act like one..." He frowned for a moment before turning his gaze to look at her.
"well it won't be long just till you figure this thing out. Then you can come back to the Tardis and we can go off wherever you need to get back to, an unpredictable, madman with a box that I love so much" she cooed laying her head on his shoulder
A small, genuine smile appeared on his face as she laid against him. He gently put his arm around her and held her close, leaning against her with a happy sigh. "Once I'm myself again, the first thing I'm going to do is take us somewhere completely unexpected. I think it's a good time to finally show you Gallifrey." A look of deep contemplation appeared in his eyes as he looked down at her. He could practically feel his heart pounding.
"... Really?!" She sat up looking into his eyes "You... You would take me there? But you always said you've never taken any companions there?" 
"Yes... I... I will. I'm going to show you my home, I never said anything but now... I want you to see where I came from." He smiled gently, his gaze not leaving her.
Y/n trembled a little tears welling up in her eyes "But... You've had so long, so many other companions you could have taken and ... It's me? I get to go?"
The Doctor nodded his head without an ounce of hesitation in him. "You! Who else would I want to show Gallifrey other than you? You matter most to me." As he continued to look at her, he could see the tears starting and that immediately made him smile even more. "I'll show you everything I can... I'll show you how beautiful the orange skies of Gallifrey are. I'll show you the mountains and the rivers. Everything."
She hugged him tight squeezing him in her arms as she cried tears of joy "Thank you thank you thank you! I promise I'll be on my best behaviour, I'll listen to everything you say, I'll be good and follow all the rules and you can pick my outfit before we go just to make sure!" She began rambling,
The Doctor hugged her back just as tight, holding her securely and smiling happily as he did. He gently pulled her onto his lap and held her against him, rubbing her back as she let out all of her emotions on him. "I'll make sure you have the best experience you could ever imagine while we're there. I'll hold your hand the entire time, you won't even have a chance to misbehave."
she nodded excitedly "okay!"
He gently reached over and brushed a few of her tears away while resting his other hand on her thigh, gently and absentmindedly rubbing her leg a bit. He looked at her and had a small twinge of guilt come to him as he finally realized just how happy she was to share in such an intimate moment with him. 
she giggled looking down at his hand "I should wear tights more often" 
The Doctor immediately realized what he was doing and shook his head, instantly removing his hand with a flustered look on his face as he leaned back against the headboard. "No! No no, I... I need to get my brain under control. Focus on something else, anything..."
She giggled grabbing his hand and putting it back on her thigh"very common human thing, to watch TV and cuddle" she smiled nuzzling into his chest 
He groaned softly as she placed his hand back on her thigh. He wanted to argue against it, but he really didn't want to. He stared at her with a slightly pained frown as he once again started gently rubbing her leg. "Cuddling is a human thing, you're right." He paused for a moment pulling her thighs a little so she sat in his lap before continuing in a mumbled tone. "Though I think I'd rather watch you instead."
She giggled a little about to speak when the bedroom door suddenly opened and in a rush of sudden thought Y/n remembered they had to look like a human couple so immediately grabbed the doctor by the neck and pulled his lips to hers immediately starting a heavy make out as if they had been doing this for hours, He instinctively put his arms around her, wrapping them around her waist and kissing her back, his tongue gently sliding into her mouth. He didn't even react as Craig opened the door, too caught up in what he was doing.
Frankly, her already being in his bed and sitting on his lap was likely enough to sell the illusion already but the kiss was just the sugar on top, 
"Ohh uhh? Sorry for interrupting -" Craig began,
After a few moments of intense kissing, the Doctor pulled away from her for a moment to catch his breath. "Hello, Craig! What's up? Can't you see we're a little busy?" The Doctor quickly said before immediately pulling Y/n closer.
"Right yes sorry just uhh going out I'll be back later. I'll lock the door." Craig nodded a little awkward
"That's fine, no worries! Have fun, we'll probably still be here all night." He quickly went back to kissing her afterwards, gently biting down on her bottom lip.
Craig nodded and shut the bedroom door heading out to go to the pub, 
The Doctor was completely caught up in the kiss, completely focused on the taste of her lips, how good she felt sitting in his lap, how wonderful those tights were still looking... His mind was going a mile a minute while his hand gently and absentmindedly started going up her thigh before he even realized what he was doing.
She blushed hard and kissed back the kisses now turning into a hot and heavy make out her voice moaned into his mouth, his mind exploded from the sound alone. He suddenly couldn’t think about anything but her, completely focused on this new feeling that was overtaking him. He deepened the kiss in response, pulling her closer and running his hand slowly up her back before gently biting down onto her lower lip.
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AITA for performing a wellness check on a student?
I (~30M) am a science teacher at a high school. It's great getting to introduce these students to some fascinating concepts in science and expand their horizons, but there is one student, S, who has taken to it in a bit of an odd fashion. She (16F) can be a little obtuse in class, sometimes trying to contradict what I or her other teachers say. She has these moments that make me feel like she's leagues ahead of the rest of her class, and maybe even me, but she simply hasn't been turning in her homework, which has me concerned.
The other day, one of my colleagues, B (~30F) approached me and asked about S. Apparently I'm not the only one who's noticed that S can be a bit odd sometimes. B has been worried, and asked S if everything was alright at home and if she could potentially visit and make sure. But she said S told her that her grandfather doesn't like strangers so it wouldn't work. But her grandfather is apparently a doctor, who I'd think would have to interact with strangers regularly??? I'm not sure what to make of that. B tried to swing by S's home anyways, but there was no house at that address? There was enough there that B and I were seriously concerned.
Which brings me to the part where we may be assholes. See, B had an idea to… well, follow S home. By the time school got out, it was dark and we didn't want her walking home alone, so we offered to accompany her, but she refused. B and I drove ahead to her address to see if this was in fact where she lived. There may have been better approaches if we'd taken the time to think about it, but we were really concerned for her in the moment and thought there might be something bad or fishy going on and neither of us want S to come to harm.
Eventually we saw her enter this abandoned lot and we went in after her, but she was nowhere to be seen! There was a cranky old man who we thought might have kidnapped her. He tried to goad us into calling the police. I almost did, too, before we heard S cry out. B and I followed her voice and ended up inside her home. Apparently, that cranky old man was her grandfather and he was pretty pissed that we had just barged in on him. I understand where he was coming from, and I've honestly been second-guessing whether we did the right thing. As I'm posting this, he's taken us back in time to the Stone Age in his time machine (which I thought was just a blue police box at first), which feels like a bit of an overreaction, but I'm not sure.
Am I (or are we) The Asshole(s) for trying to look after one of our students who was behaving strangely?
What are these acronyms?
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gracesimp · 1 year
I don’t know if you’re still taking requests, but if you are: Maybe where the 10th doctor is in love with y/n but doesn’t realize it like the schtupid lil nerd he is, and Donna has to break it to him. With this new realization, his brain short-circuits and he has no idea how to act or what to say. Donna is his wingman and it’s just fluff all around. :D
I just wanted to
tenth doctor x fem!reader
summary: The Doctor is oblivious. Donna is not. Basically what the request said. Gosh, I love this request!!
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"Bye, Doc" Y/n says softly, giving his arm a soft squeeze as he turns his head to look at her with a fond smile.
"See you soon, Angel."
Y/n giggles and skips out to the door, waving goodbye to Donna, her eyes looking back to the timelord one last time before leaving.
As soon as the tardis door closes, Donna snorts and turns to face the Doctor with a teasing grin. "Bye, Doc, see you soon, angel" She mimics in an overly-sweet voice before pretending to gag. "Ugh, God -- and that arm squeeze! Honestly, it's like I'm in the middle of a bad romance book. An overwhelmingly long slowburn." She mumbles in distress.
The Doctor looks at her, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What are you rambling on about now?" He quizzes, seemingly genuinely unaware of the tension between himself and Y/n.
"Oh, give me a break, Spaceman." Donna groans under her breath, dragging her hands down her face in anguish. "You're like a trillion years old; there's no way you can be that dense."
"Dense - what - oi, I'm not dense!" He protests quickly, a little pout on his lips as he crosses his arms over his chest in offense.
With a roll of her eyes, Donna stalks around the console, randomly pressing buttons while the Doctor smacks her hands away before she can actually do something like blow up the tardis. "Had the birds and the bees talk, Doctor?" She asks playfully, the Doctor's cheeks flushing a light pink as he splutters.
"What? Donna, you're - stop messing with the console!" He screeches as she flickers some switches on and off. The redhead huffs and backs away, putting her hands in the air.
"All of this built up tension, Doctor. It's making you unbearably tense."
His honeyed eyes roll to the back of his head as he retorts. "Well, I just spent the day trapped on a train with some invisible evil entity, I think I have the right to be a little tense."
"No, no, no." His companion quickly shakes her head, tapping her painted nails on her arm, frustrated that she has to spell everything out for him. "Not that kind of tension. I'm talking about sexual tension. Desire."
The Doctor's face turns pale, his red lips frowning in disgust. "Donna, I think you're great, but-"
Quickly realising the misunderstanding, she cuts him off. "Not with me, you dumbo!" She spits, her face contorted in her own revulsion. "With Y/n!"
A sigh of relief leaves his mouth before he can stop it, but the relief doesn't last long before it's replaced with scepticism. "With Y/n?" He repeats curiously, almost allowing a little bit of hope to flow out alongside his words. "Nah, we're just friends." A dismissive wave of his hand attempts to deny the accusation, but his eyes darting anywhere but Donna just proves her point more.
"Well, she definitely doesn't want to be just friends." She speaks, her lips curled into a knowing smirk.
Despite himself, his head snaps up to look at her, cheeks darkening once again. "She doesn't? Why? Did she say something?" His asks are quick and eager, only making Donna chuckle.
"Maybe, maybe not."
"Donna, this isn't-" Before he can finish, the tarids doors open once more. Y/n walks in, snow in her gorgeous hair as she shivers from the cold.
"Sorry, I forgot my hat." She explains sweetly.
The Doctor rubs a hand on the back of his neck, repeatedly opening and closing his mouth in an attempt to respond, but no sound actually manages to leave. Donna sighs from behind him.
Picking up on the awkward atmosphere, Y/n stops to look at them both, squinting her eyes as she observes the Doctor, his freckled face flushed with his eyes darting around. Her gaze moves on and she looks at Donna, who looks a mixture of amused and impatient. "Did I interrupted something?" She asks quietly.
"No!" The Doctor answers a little too quickly. Donna nudges him and and whispers encouragement in his ear as he tries to brush her off. "No, you're not interuppting anything."
Y/n nods, not convinced in the slightest, and actually a little hurt that the two seem to be keeping secrets from her. Still, she understands that she shouldn't prod when he clearly isn't comfortable. "Okay, well, I've got my hat." As if to prove her the fact, she twirls the hat in her hand. "I'll be going."
"Oh, you idiot!" Donna groans in his ear as Y/n walks to the door. The Doctor grumbles and bites his lip, his mind practically fighting between what he wants to do and what he should do.
"Actually, Y/n," He calls, and she stops just before the door. She turns around, looking lovingly at the Doctor as he makes his way towards her. He stands tall in front of her, gazing down with a nervous cloud in his eyes. "I just wanted to.. " He shifts on his feet for a moment. "I just wanted to..." He repeats in a whisper, sounding hypnotised as he stares at her lips.
He gulps then shakes his head. "Doesn't matter," his body turns and he curses to himself. He had fought Gods and demons, but trying to confess something like this was the most difficult thing he had encountered. "Have a good day at home, angel."
Instead of making a quick getaway, his wrist is suddenly captured. He's spun around, but before he can process anything, Y/n's lips are on his.
It's soft and loving. It captures the years of longing, of need and desire the two had bottled up inside themselves. Her hands run through his hair, and after his brain rebooted, he places his hands on her waist, pulling her into him.
They pull away, a little short of breath as their foreheads sit together. The Doctor makes no effort to remove his grip from her waist, and Y/n now rubs the back of his neck in soothing motions. "I hope that was okay," She whispered a little shyly. "I just wanted to kiss you."
The Doctor bobs his head up and down eagerly. "God, yes, that's okay."
"Finally!' Donna cheers.
omg first time writing in forever. uhhh it isn't proofread sorry lolol. hope you enjoyed!! :) <3
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owen-writes · 8 months
Goody-Two Shoes
11th Doctor x Gender Neutral Reader
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The TARDIS hums softly as it materializes on an alien planet. You step out, the 11th Doctor at your side, his signature bowtie slightly askew.
"Alright, now listen carefully," the Doctor begins, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of excitement and concern. "We're here to retrieve the Chrono Crystal. It's in the catacombs beneath that ancient temple over there. Follow my lead, stay close, and, most importantly, don't touch anything."
You nod, eager to prove yourself as a valuable companion. Amy and Rory exchange glances, their expressions a mix of curiosity and skepticism. The Doctor takes the lead, and you follow his instructions to the letter.
As you traverse the dimly lit catacombs, Amy shoots you a sideways glance. "You're quite the goody two-shoes, aren't you? Always following the Doctor's orders."
You shrug off the comment, focusing on keeping pace with the Time Lord. The Doctor, however, seems pleased with your cooperation. "It's essential to follow instructions in these situations. Trust me, I've had my fair share of companions who thought they knew better."
As the mission progresses, Amy's jabs become more frequent. "Honestly, you're like the Doctor's little lapdog. Can't you think for yourself?"
The remarks sting, and you find yourself growing increasingly self-conscious. Determined to prove you're not as "lame" as Amy suggests, you decide to take matters into your own hands during a crucial moment. Ignoring the Doctor's warnings, you touch a peculiar-looking device, setting off a series of alarms.
The Doctor whirls around, his eyes widening. "What did I just say about touching things?!"
Your rebellious act results in chaos, drawing the attention of hostile creatures. The Doctor, Amy, and Rory engage in a frantic escape, and you realize your attempt to break free from the perceived mold has backfired spectacularly.
Later, in the safety of the TARDIS, the Doctor pulls you aside. "Alright, spill it. What's going on? That's not like you at all."
You sigh, feeling the weight of Amy's disapproval on your shoulders. "I just wanted to prove I could be more than the obedient one. Amy thinks I'm boring, and I don't want to drag the group down."
The Doctor looks at you with a mix of understanding and amusement. "Ah, Amy. She has a way with words, doesn't she? But you don't need to change who you are to impress anyone. I value you for being yourself."
Surprised by his sincerity, you open up about your insecurities. The Doctor listens intently, his expression softening. "You're not a lapdog or boring. You're reliable, and that's a rare quality. Trust me; I've traveled with all sorts. I chose you because I see something special in you."
Over the following adventures, the Doctor makes an effort to involve you more in decision-making, showcasing your unique strengths. Amy, while still a bit skeptical, begins to appreciate your contributions. As the TARDIS hurtles through time and space, you find solace in the fact that the Doctor values you not for your rebellious acts but for the person you are.
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Hi! I love your writing!! I was wondering if there was any way I could get a headcanons list with Four, Six and Eight and a romantic companion reader 'stealing' their iconic clothes, like Four's scarf or Six and Eight's coats? Thank you!!
A/N: I'm always down for comfy things like this! Who wouldn't want to do this? XD I may have had a little too much fun with this one.
Headcanons of Romantic Companion Reader 'stealing' the Doctor's (4, 6 & 8's) iconic clothing items:
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Fourth Doctor:
You can't help yourself. The Doctor has taken off his iconic long scarf and left it right there, all alone. Surely he won't mind if you use it for yourself, only for a little bit?
It's soft, as you wrap it around your neck, practically smelling the Jelly Babies from it. Yep, it smells exactly like him.
It really is comforting, especially just knowing it is his.
There's a certain feeling of power that comes with it too. You can't help but start imitating him, maybe strutting around a bit, not noticing he has been watching you with curiosity and amusement from the door the whole time.
There is a wide grin on his face, and you suddenly feel embarassed.
Four only comes up towards you, patting your head, and then wrapping you up nice and snug in his scarf himself.
"If you wanted to wear it, you could have just asked, Y/N."
I mean, just imagine when you want his attention, you just yank on his scarf and it stops him in his tracks. You can just quite literally pull him towards you and he can't escape.
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Sixth Doctor:
The Doctor takes off his coat so he can work on some TARDIS maintenance without getting it dirty or ruined. Your eyes keep glancing at the iconic multicolored piece of fashion.
Then you find yourself slowly taking the coat while he isn't looking, sneaking it on. Wow...it's still warm. It feels as though he's wrapped his arms around you and enveloped you in a hug.
It even smells like him, giving you a strange sense of calm.
However, the coat is definetly too big for you, but it makes it all the better.
You hear the Doctor clear his throat, looking to see him glancing up at you knowingly. You've been caught.
He stands up and you stay still, cheeks red. However, he surprises you by glancing you over.
"It clearly doesn't fit you size wise, but it looks just as fabulous on you, my dear Y/N. I may just have to get one made for you."
"But I like yours."
"Then you can borrow it whenever."
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Eighth Doctor:
Oh my. Ever the gentlemen, honestly. You really don't need to 'steal' his coat from him. He'll gladly give it to you whenever you need it, even if you think you don't.
Whether it's rain, or shine, or snow, he just automatically pops it off and covers you in it.
But you like to use it as a security blanket of sorts, especially for anxiety or just bad days.
Eight is always coming in, seeing you cuddled up with it, or sleeping with it, sending a heartfelt grin to his face.
However, there are times when you get bold and brave enough to just say: "I'm taking your coat, now!" as you proceed to pull it off him.
He doesn't mind. If anything, it touches his hearts knowing you want a little piece of him with you.
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I think I did it again
I made you believe we're more than just friends
Oh baby
It might seem like a crush
But it doesn’t mean that I’m serious
Sooooo here are my other thoughts about who Rogue is because I think about him a normal amount. Again, I haven’t read a lot of theories, it’s probably nothing new, just want to get it out of my head. I had this on my very popular three follower ig account before, but overworked it a bit. [Warning: even more meandering, I can’t keep up a straight thought to save my life, I’m sorry]
I know we all love our honest baby blue eyes not a lying bone in his body Rogue, but:
He is a bounty hunter after all, and kind of ruthless (using an incinerator when he has a big cool dangerous gun? Really?) and he could be much older than he looks to a human, and I don’t think you can have a long life of that kind if you don’t lie and cheat and use all kinds of tricks. I do think he’s generally honest (saves him the trouble of remembering lies anyway), and he’s emotionally open, but that’s not all he is. He kills people. If he was serious about pushing the button on his ship, maybe even with a smile. He’s not - that - innocent.
It’s been bugging me that the Doctor's saving throw of the psychic paper wasn't that convincing actually. So he had a proud little Timelord speech and scanned a few faces more, but Rogue was already dealing with cosplayers who went through several faces in one evening. Why does it still work?
The "new boss" Rogue mentions is for sure the same one the Meep was talking about. The Meep already said they were going to be interested in a two-hearted individual, so by now there's a bounty out for the Doctor, and it would be a big one. Which is of course what Rogue keeps an eye out for.
But Rogue doesn’t know that the man he trapped has two hearts, and the Doctor has got a brand new face (the same one the deep scan showed despite him being shapeshifter, but without the wig - shouldn’t it show a bird? Does Rogue already know that whatever he is, at least he’s not a Chuldur? Does he just enjoy making him scramble for something to save himself after the stunt with Kylie? Does he want to see if the Doctor has another cute little note for him? In any case, he has a certain glee… which is on the other hand pretty dark if he still thought he had a Chuldur and fully intended to incinerate him alive). So what makes him take the finger off the trigger?
David Tennant's face, of course.
Which is the face the Meep knew, and therefore the face every bounty hunter is looking for. And if there's one thing the Doctor can't do, then it's to stop talking, so he keeps confirming: Lord of Time. Gallifrey. Rogue remembers that name correctly later, maybe that’s a thing people with a working brain do, maybe he already knew it. In any case, instead of a lame old Chuldur, Rogue accidentally caught the biggest price of his professional life.
Of course he immediately goes along with the Doctor. He's not happy about letting the Chuldur live, but he's got something bigger in front of him, so he lets it slide.
The connection they have over their loss is real for sure, I don’t think he’s pretending here. The Doctor did his best to stir up the pain earlier. Rogue isn't opposed to a kiss, but it's also hard to believe he's completely smitten already just like that. Yes, I know it’s Ncuti I’m talking about. He would also realise that the TARDIS is the perfect vessel to have a quick escape with. So what does he give the Doctor at the next opportune moment? A tracking device.
[that part is maybe a bit weak, because him wearing the ring on his right ring finger seems like a sentimental thing, which could mean he either improvised drama in the ballroom with whatever he had, or he was honestly showing his feelings. But if you give someone a tracker hidden in plain sight, your target might feel more of an obligation to wear it if you romantically pulled it off your own finger, and it’s the obvious place to keep it until useful? Third possibility, it’s a tracker and sentimental, because he and his partner used those to be able to find each other in a crisis…]
It just doesn’t look much like an ornamental ring to me. Sure it has a caduceus sort of shape, but it looks so technical. More like the kind of thing a bounty hunter creates while tinkering in his messy spaceship to help him catch his targets.
I also think he gets caught up in the adventure and he’s genuinely excited to have someone again to do all the planning and running and hiding with. He’s grinning like a kid when they both storm out of the house, and he doesn’t seem to worry too much about the trap holding only one. That would be the kind of improvising he loves and he’s got someone clever to do it with him. He’s enjoying himself. That and the dance must be tugging on him in favour of the Doctor.
All in all though he hasn't fully decided what to do. He could run away with the Doctor, have a new person to travel with, a new life, go on adventures, and have fun. Or he could convince the Doctor to get back into his ship later. Because he likes what he does: delivering targets and collecting the money. He’s suspiciously good at using a passionate kiss to steal a trigger, why should we believe he didn’t use flirting as a strategy before?
He's got the tracker on the Doctor, they are about to catch the Chuldur too, but now the gut punch happens, and the Doctor loses another friend - or is about to, at least.
I think it’s only then, when he sees that the Doctor will rather put the whole world in danger than sacrifice his friend (as Rogue might do too, if he had the chance again) that he makes his decision - that the Doctor is worth it, that the brave friend he travels with is worth it (and he already confessed to the Doctor earlier that he does not see much sense in his own life, I need to hug him). That's the deciding factor he's looking for when he asks the Doctor, because it's ultimately the Doctor deciding for him (look at the intensity in his face when he waits for the answer). Maybe he used kissing as a trick before, but he’s tearing up here for a moment. He can relate completely to the Doctor’s pain. And he keeps looking at the Doctor’s lips for two seconds before he holds up the stolen trigger. That connection is real even though he was tricking the Doctor, and nothing will change my mind.
And maybe there's a chance this madman in his ‘dimensionally transcendental’ machine can still save him after all. I’m certain Rogue got that line very intentionally, to show he understands that the TARDIS is perfectly capable of picking him up in a different dimension, as long as she knows where to look. The ring will end up being the solution. So it’s not a complete sacrifice, but a high stakes gamble whether the Doctor is clever enough to figure it out, whether he can really move the TARDIS to his dimension, and whether he cares enough to try [getting emotional thinking that he might not have seen it as gambling on something of high value, somebody hug him please].
In short: Rogue was attaching himself to the Doctor because there’s a lot of money to be made, but gets freight trained by the full force of Ncuti’s charisma and reconsiders important life choices. Would happen to any of us.
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“But I thought the bounty hunter dropped into the void in the end”
“Well baby, I went down and got him for you”
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nipuni · 11 months
Doctor Who status report! Writing these I'm realizing I only ever feel compelled to share my opinions on media when they are positive lmao makes for rather boring commentary probably!! but I only care to share the things I love, I would be a lousy critic 😆
We are half way through S7 and I can say now that S6 was a big improvement from S5 for us! It was really fun! we have been rating every episode and keeping season average scores and S5 was the lowest we ranked so far out of all but it was still enjoyable honestly! Someone in the comments in one of my reports mentioned that each doctor's first season is usually their worst one and I'm also noticing this! I think Ten's first season was his lowest ranked out of his three for us too even though all his run was super high. Matt seems more comfortable in his doctor's portrayal by now and he is also more goofy which I personally always love 🥰
S6's arc had us terrified and puzzled the whole time it was very engaging!! and some of the episodes were devastating like "The girl who waited" and just everything about River Song always, The Silence creatures are so unnerving and cool and it had a ton of really classic episodes with great concepts. We were kind of disappointed with "the doctor's wife" episode though I'm a bit mad about it because I feel it had some great ideas but the way some elements were handled ruined it for us (mainly the Tardis's whole characterization and the Doctor's reactions to the situation felt so flat and out of character it was weird) so much wasted potential! but overall it was a great season!
Then S7 so far we watched up to "The bells of saint john" and our favourite has been "The angels take Manhattan" we love the concept of the Weeping angels and this one was terrifying and back to their original lore! and the ending was so unexpected! We also met Clara and I love her too honestly I'm terrible at rating companions because I love them all I think they all bring something new and special to the story I end up loving everyone 😭 We have seven episodes left with Eleven ahhhh time to suffer another regeneration soon!!
About the writing I think as we watched we grew more used to the differences and they became less jarring, though when I think back to the RTD era I feel I loved it because of the writing while now I sometimes I feel that I love it despite the writing, if that makes any sense? I still do love it but it feels like wrestling with Moffat a bit! lmao. He gets a bit repetitive and too on the nose and ..weird about women and overly grandiose at times still but now we know to expect it 🤣
Also another unrelated observation but we feel that Eleven seems younger than Ten in many ways. I know their personalities are supposed to change and they are not necessarily linear but it's something curious we both noticed! And Eleven is such a clingy soft little man!! baby!! very cute!! I love him I'm excited to see how the change to Twelve is going to feel!! I have no idea what to expect from Twelve I'm so curious!!
We are consuming this series so fast and we don't want it to end!! 😭 I have such a gigantic backlog of art I want to make about it by now, I keep thinking of ideas as I go and I don't have the time to draw them yet because of work!! AAAAA the moment I meet the last of my current deadlines it's over for you all!!
Anyway that was very long I'll go make dinner and watch some more 🥰 I hope you all have a good night and a great start of the week!
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picnokinesis · 9 months
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plottier / character focused thirteenth doctor fic recs
Ipseity by WalkerLister (43k, 10 chapters, gen) summary: Eight months since the Doctor sacrificed herself on Gallifrey, and Yasmin Khan is still struggling to move on. However, when she comes across a familiar face who is not acting like herself, Yaz may finally get the answers she has been looking for surrounding the Doctor. However, those answers will be revealed in a way a bit more dangerous than she had been anticipating. //Okay, so no one is surprised that I like the amnesiac!divisioned!13 fic, but in my defence, it's absolutely fabulous. This one was written waaaaay back in mid-2020, so we all knew that 13 was in prison and everyone was pretty sure that Jack was coming back due to some bts detective work, but that was about it - so, for obvious reasons, it doesn't align with ROTD, but it's such a fun one, guys, I love it a lot. Also, y'know, thirteen in a leather jacket and snarling at people? What more could you want?
don't have to make it to the moon by Ymae (28k, 7 chapters, gen/thoschei) summary: After New Year's, Ryan decides to stay traveling in the TARDIS for another little while. Only, the Doctor's rarely alright, and between experiencing the wonders of the universe, Ryan wants to figure out what's happening to his friend, too. //I love Ryan so much. He's such a wonderful character and I always love it when fics focus on him, or have him as the pov character. Unfortunately, fics like that are a bit few and far between, but this is one of them, and it's absolutely fantastic. It really delves into his character, but also his dynamic with the Doctor (especially after he talks to her in ROTD and she admits that she's scared and angry), and it's just auuuuuuugh so good!! And, it's also go some great whump and psychic content, with the Master showing up to cause trouble, alongside some gorgeous world-building, so I enjoy it very very much.
Ghost War by riptheh (25k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: All the Doctor wants to do is pass the time, and help a friendly face. So when a young man with a strange tattoo and a psychic wound shows up, she dives right into the mystery - and finds herself flung far into the future, mindwiped and alone, fighting a war that by all rights, shouldn't exist at all. A war she could help end, if only she could figure out who she is. //Oof, this one. It's absolutely stunning. This author really has a way of taking some absolutely fascinating and mind-bending concepts and just running with it, and just nails it each time. I feel like the less I say about the plot of this one, the better, because it sort of unfolds as you go, but please just trust me when I say that it's absolutely fantastic.
Lifelines by Sue_Denham (40k, 11 chapters, gen, wip) summary: Lifeline: a thing on which someone or something depends, or which provides a means of escape from a difficult situation. Set just after the events of Spyfall, the Doctor has a few things to work through. //Okay this fic is one of my favourites that's been posting over the last year or so - it's a brilliant exploration of Graham and Thirteen, and how different races deal with loss, guilt and death. I honestly think the best kind of sci fi takes concepts that we sort of take for granted, and then shows them in a completely new light. That's what this fic does. Also, Graham is just wonderful for the entire thing - though, as a note, Yaz and Ryan do end up somewhat side-lined, so bear that in mind if you're particularly looking for fics about those two, but I forgive it because it's such a great look at Graham and the Doctor. It feels like a character focused tie-in novel, y'know? Also it's pretty angsty in places, naturally, but that's what I'm here for haha.
Disordered by Echo (44k, 7 chapters, jack/13) summary: Messing with memories is always a risky business. Messing with your own memories, now that's just asking for trouble. The Doctor is very good at asking for trouble. And Jack is very good at finding it. //Ohhhhh okay so. This has been one of my absolute favourite Doctor Who fics for a long while. Definitely the shippiest of this list, but it's so lovely and such an excellent look at the Doctor facing the consequences of trying to get back her Division memories in the aftermath of s12, as well as the relationship between the Doctor and Jack across multiple regenerations. It's just so so good, flowing smoothly from very angsty to very soft, and the Doctor and Jack's voices are just spot on (especially considering that we see different versions of the Doctor, this is a particularly impressive note). Highly recommend!
The Trial of the Doctor by wreckageofstars (20k, 5 chapters, gen/thasmin, wip) summary: Haven is a planet at the edge of time, on the brink of destruction. Ravaged by the Time Lords and a war that time forgot, its people are desperate for justice before it’s too late, and the Doctor might be the only being left in the universe who can provide it — because she was the one who started it. So why can't she remember doing it? //Okay okay so, this one has only recently started posting but I've known about it since about 2020 and ohhhhhhhhhhh my goodness, GUYS. If you're not following this one, you need to be. It's a mix between Doctor Who at it's finest, Kafka at it's most unsettling, and Douglas Adams at it's most absurd, and it's delightful. There's so much in this one, and as always this author is just spot on with all the characterisation - especially Thirteen, who suddenly finds herself being prosecuted for a crime that she can't remember, and is forced into a situation where she's physically incapable of telling a lie. It. Is. Marvellous. Also there's a cockroach lawyer, whom I adore HAHA
lighthouse keeper by BlueLillyBlue (57k, 12 chapters, gen) summary: The Doctor is missing, and the fam is concerned. Featuring Yaz being a badass, Ryan being a cutie, Graham being a granddad, Jack being Jack, and the Doctor's complicated moral code. Also: space prisons, galactic war, the Doctor's time war trauma, the Doctor caring about people in her own weird and repressive way, and, most importantly, Thirteen wearing Jack's coat. //Oh, this one is such a favourite of mine. It's very angsty, so if that's not your schtick then - well, then you're kinda scuppered for all of my recs, to be honest, but this one is a bit on the dark side. Oh, but it's fantastic. Again, this one feels like a tie-in novel, and this author (as I think I've said before) is just incredible at crafting these very vivid worlds and really hard-hitting stories. The situation is pretty dire and desperate, and the Doctor is often faced with the fact that not every plan works out, and sometimes the only choices are bad ones. It's just really excellent guys (also! Thirteen in Jack's coat!!)
angel ellipsis by SleepyMaddy (36k, 8 chapters, gen/thoschei) summary: When the Doctor and Yaz find a planet in ruins, they’re only half surprised to discover the Master is responsible. But when his plan backfires, suddenly they have no choice but to work with him to stop his former allies from tearing the universe apart. It goes about as well as one might expect. //OKAY SO. This one is SO much fun and SO great - in particular, if you like the Master being a tricky bastard, but also getting screwed over by his own plans? You'll love this one. Everything about it is so vibrant and brilliant, and aaaaaahh man it all comes together in such a satisfying way. As with many of the authors on this list, this author just really gets these characters and how they tick, with some absolutely beautiful prose, and it's just such a joy to read.
nothing in the dark that isn't there in the light by river_of_words (6k, 1 chapter, thasmin) summary: Two weeks since Yaz got the most confusing rejection she ever hopes to get and the Doctor seems to have decided to blame Yaz for every single one of her furiously conflicting emotions. At this point she’s sort of asking to get hit. And at this point Yaz is sort of curious to find out what the Doctor is going to say that’s going to make her meet that request. //These next two fics are a lot shorter compared to the others, but I really wanted to include both of them because they're great and SO interesting to me. With this one, it digs into the Doctor and Yaz's relationship in the aftermath of LOTSD, and the ways that the Doctor does not actually talk about anything but does also tell Yaz more than anyone else. It's about the frustration that builds between them and the way that they're still finding more comfort in each other than anyone else. It's also a little feral, which as a thoschei shipper, definitely had a lot to do with why I liked this one haha. Anyway, it's really fantastic - really quick paced and emotional, and packing a LOT of punches with mostly dialogue in a very effective way. Go read it!
we'll do it right by daring_elm (3k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: She's never really noticed Yaz's perfume before. Shoulders relaxing, nausea subsiding, the Doctor inhales again, filling her lungs with jasmine and sandalwood, steel and glowing crystals and her box out of time. She can be back with Yaz within minutes of her leaving. She can save the child, change the foundation of Gallifrey and still return to have a picnic on Soria T4.  //Okay so I loooove love love this one because I just adore it any time someone explores the Doctor's reaction to the Timeless Child stuff after the fact, and this one is just so wonderful. The characterisation is just fantastic, and then just the progressive spiral of the plot as we follow the Doctor on a mission that is doomed to fail by the nature of her own timeline. It's about how by trying to change the past, all you do is mess up your present and your future, and I love that a lot. Augh, it's a gut punch and a half - highly recommended!
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marlenacantswim · 2 months
BAM headcanons for your little guy????
i can always count on you, whoop <333
i'm thinking ab the tenth doctor real hard bc of that novel i just read, so imma drop some headcanons ab him and his companions, and probably 14 too bc i'm feeling it.
ten's got a little bit of a chew stim / oral fixation. this is inspired both by the number of times he holds objects in his mouth in the show, and him chewing the end of his stethoscope in Prisoner of the Daleks.
fourteen, meanwhile, learns he has a LOT of a chew stim once he's settled into his new life with the nobles. the discovery unfortunately comes at the cost of sylvia's second favorite spatula, which 14 absentmindedly chewed a hole into while making himself eggs one morning.
tentoo and rose celebrate the day she and nine first met as their anniversary. when they get married (through a lowkey traditional timelord wedding to "celebrate his heritage"), they make sure to hold the ceremony on that same day.
one january day, a few years into their relationship, rose is telling tentoo how worried and stressed she is about her job prospects. tentoo reassures her by saying "i think you're gonna have a great year :)" which suddenly unlocks the memory she'd had of meeting ten on new year's, 2005. since tentoo doesn't remember this, they both conclude that it must have been the actual doctor visiting her sometime after the metacrisis, and through her description of the events, tentoo silently realizes that ten was there because he was dying.
14 has a sleep pattern of about one or two nights of restless insomnia, followed by one night of deep, babylike sleep that lasts for 10 hours if uninterrupted. it's not uncommon, on these nights, to find him asleep in front of a project he's been working on, as he is the only one in the house who has not yet recognized this pattern.
as a time lord, he doesn't need to sleep this much in theory, but my mans is so tired, and for the first time like, ever, he has the space to actually catch up on lifetimes of lost sleep.
time lord dreams tend to be five-dimensional, but the trends can change with regenerations. for instance, nine's dreams were only ever three-dimensional, and always in black and white. ten's dreams have a wild range of possibilities, from so photorealistic he confuses them with real memories, to so abstract that the experience is more akin to being the subject of a picasso painting. he dreams every time he falls asleep, even if he's just taking a nap. 14's dreams are always photorealistic.
donna snores. not super loud, but enough to be obvious to anyone but her. ten always found the rhythmic sound soothing; pulsing white noise like that of the tardis. he'd often fall asleep in the same room as her because of it. all of this applies to 14 as well, to the extent that, some mornings, donna and shaun find him curled up into a ball asleep at the foot of their bed like a dog.
martha and the nobles keep very well in touch, to the occasional horror of 14 who has no idea how to read her and feels pathetically awful about how he treated her during her time as a companion. martha honestly still believes he's the most amazing thing, but she's gotta admit that watching him sweat bullets every time she addresses him feels kinda cathartic, so she has no qualms putting off that talk.
martha has also since pivoted back to the medical field, where she is doing quite well, thank you for asking.
since we see ten in the pjs from "The Christmas Invasion" again in "Smith and Jones", i choose to believe that he liked them so much that he simply kept them. i imagine the conversation with jackie went "howard won't miss these, will he?" "miss what?" "thought not. okay thanks, bye!"
i also imagine ten makes an active effort to sleep in the pajamas as often as he's able. he sleeps about thrice as much as nine ever did, all because he's obsessed with the fun ritual of wearing them to bed.
ten actually has a mild but sensitive allergy to cats. he never realized this, not because he didn't ever have the opportunity to, but because he was always too preoccupied to piece together that the reason his psychic functions felt fuzzy and the psychic paper used a misplaced modifier and the skin near his collarbone itched was because he was in the same room as a cat five minutes ago.
this is why it took him a second to piece together what exactly was off with rose in "New Earth": his ambient telepathy was too fuzzed over from the cat nurses to notice rose's brainwaves were wrong.
having a human brain, tentoo's memory faculties are still giga-impressive for a human, but not nearly as robust as his timelord counterpart's. he still remembers events, emotions, and concepts clearly, his biggest regressions being in the categories of exact terminologies and complex mathematical processes. the loss he's most distraught about is the vast majority of languages he once knew. he can still speak and understand all earth languages and gallifreyan fluently, but his knowledge of xenolinguistics is relegated to the occasional profound vocab word he remembers fondly.
a lot of these ended up being sleep-related for whatever reason; maybe i just want the man to rest </3
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penny-anna · 10 months
ok some actual thoughts on The Giggle now i've had a few days to digest it:
'spice up your life' dance sequence absolutely mesmerising. could not look away from the screen. incredible.
melanie bush!! ahhh this was so sweet. the reunion scene was pitch perfect. after Power of the Doctor (which was also pitch perfect just in a different way) really nice to see an old companion w a more upbeat relationship w the Doctor. also liked that they explained how she got back to earth that was fun.
into all the creepy puppet stuff. esp into the guy who straight up got turned into a puppet that was fucked.
liked the new persona for the Toymaker!! was a little :S at the german accent in the trailers but in context it was like OH he's doing this on purpose. okay. should've given RTD more credit that was a smart move.
DELIGHTED to see so much Ncuti Gatwa. honestly that was where the episode really picked up for me. loved seeing him run around his his underwear. love that he's got a jukebox in his TARDIS.
in isolation loved the idea of the incoming & outgoing doctors getting to meet face to face and hug it out i thought that was a really nice new spin on a regen scene <3
also in isolation, have long been of the opionion that Tennant's exit was needlessly bleak so i was looking forward to seeing him get a more upbeat regen and it did deliver on that for sure ljdlkghfdlskg
i already talked about & reblogged various posts about the bigen so i will not belabour the point too much dfjkghdflk. mixed feelings suffice to say.
i THINK this regen was like. kind of Sensitive as there was always going to be a demographic of people who'd be consciously or unconsciously unwilling to accept Gatwa as the new Doctor and as a result i think in this specific instance that ending was a. bad way to go. it leaves wriggle room for people who don't want to accept Gatwa for racist reasons. I'm 100% down for Gatwa and as i was watching it i could feel myself struggling to connect w him bcos Tennant was still there. iunno reserving full judgement on this for now bcos hopefully the christmas special will smooth things over a bit.
much as i loved seeing her not sure why Mel was there? like this is barely a complaint bcos im down to just have classic companions show up but. why was Mel there
other people have already said this but honestly it did not fully deliver on the Toymaker. feel like he's a character w a HUGE amount of potential and he didn't uh. do all that much.
also this is VERY PETTY but given that the Toymaker has appeared a bunch in the EU it would have been nice to like leave it more ambiguous how many times they've met previously? if that makes sense? i wouldn't expect the show to canonise any EU content but they didn't have to go out of their way to say that the Doctor and the Toymaker have only met once previously.
as i have implied previously not a fan of how UNIT is being portrayed. would like to see them treated more ambivalently tbph.
in conclusion:
had a good time!!
all in all think this was the weakest of the 3 specials but it did have a hard job to do wrapping everything up. however did provide a lot of fun stuff to Chew on. ah well.
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where im taking the doctor for a date tbh
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the-fiction-witch · 3 months
Via Call
Media - Doctor Who (The Lodger Episode) Character - The Doctor (11th) Couple - The Doctor X Reader Reader - Y/n (Companion) Rating - Smut Word Count - 3300
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Due to the goings-on of alien business this week, the doctor had to lay low while investigating. He had taken up a flatshare below the suspicious goings-on and was acting human. While Y/n remained in the TARDIS orbiting above where it was safe. The doctor bounced on his bed, tinkering around his room, earpiece in his ear on a call with Y/n back in the TARDIS a special dampener on the earpiece so anyone listening will only hear nonsense allowing them to talk as needed. 
"So how are you enjoying it? Pretending to be a normal human I mean?" Y/n asks
"Oh, you know, it's not so bad. I mean, the 21st century? You guys know your way around a bedroom." He laughs as he rolls over and pulls at the sheets on his bed. "Although, I think I need something to pass the time. So far it's been a few days of absolutely nothing. How is the TARDIS by the way? I hope you haven't gotten into trouble without me."
"the tardis is fine. I'm fine too thanks for asking"
He rolls his eyes playfully, "You're no fun at all. At least try and get a little bit up to trouble why I'm working." He lets out a small and frustrated sigh, "This case will be the end of me. There's almost nothing I can find... It's almost like the alien is a ghost or something..."
"Who knows what it is that's what you're meant to be figuring out. You need me to bring anything down for you?"
"Well," He hums thoughtfully, "I suppose I could use some of that jelly baby stash."
"you can just buy jelly babies, doctor"
"Yes, but the TARDIS ones are the better ones!" The Doctor sits up and crosses his legs and leans into the bed, "plus I'd like for you to come here and hang out with me. It gets lonely when I'm pretending to be human all the time. It is boring."
"And what are you going to say if that flatmate of yours happens to them up while I'm visiting?"
“You’re my companion just tell him that,”
“People don’t say that doctor,”
“Oh… Partner then? Is that better than companion?”
“Say that you're my girlfriend..." He says casually as he swings his legs over the bed, "That's what humans do nowadays, right? I'm still figuring them out..."  He looks at the mirror and rubs at the sides of his face, "I look old. Humans hate that right?"
"you look fine very handsome I'm sure" her voice chuckled "I don't know if I could pull off being your girlfriend I'm not a good actress... Besides I'm keeping the TARDIS up here we're it's safe like you told me at least till you know what It is"
"Oh, honestly don't worry about your acting. The human mind is so simple, you could probably fool them with a simple hug and a kiss on the cheek." He smiles and stands up, pushing his hair back a little. "Besides, you're very pretty. You'll have them melting as soon as you walk in the door and they get a look at your eyes."
"aww you’re sweet, only two weeks on earth and you're already losing it bouncing around the walls"
"Oh, shush. Is it so much to ask to want to see you again? I just..." He sighs, "I miss your face, I miss your voice, I've almost gotten myself in trouble at least five times without you..." He chuckles slightly, fixing his bow tie and checking himself in to mirror, "I feel... Lost, I suppose."
"well I'm only in the tardis you can call me on this earpiece thing as much as you want and you can hear my voice,"
"It's different though, I can't touch you. Your voice isn't the same as when I can feel it vibrating through your chest. I can't hear all of those thoughts you always think but don't say. The sounds of your stomach when your hungry or the little laugh you do when I'm going on and on about something that doesn't make sense to anyone but me." He lets out a small sigh, 
"well it's only for a little while" she giggled "Just till you find what's going on then you can come back to the TARDIS and we can go spend a week at the Crystal Falls okay?"
"A week?" The Doctor grins at the prospect of the idea, "You mean a week just the two of us? Alone there? With a view of those crystal waters and the falling rocks?"
He turns away from the mirror to lean back against the wardrobe in the room, "that actually doesn't sound too bad. Are you actually suggesting a holiday? For the both of us?"
"I am, a little trip as soon as you sort all this out" she smiled
The Doctor laughs and nods, "Then it's settled. We can have a holiday and relax. No aliens, no saving the world, just some time for the two of us to relax and just get away. This time together will be nice... It's almost too romantic."
"Almost?" She smiled "Hey... If your really bored I have a game for you"
"What game is this hmm? Is it a fun game?" He tilts his head as he sits down on the end of his bed, kicking his legs playfully, "is it the kind of game that involves you and me? And by that I mean it's two people who play in person and not in calls?"
"nope just via call. It's a very fun game"
"Well if it involves you I'm sure it is! I guess I'm quite lucky like that." He laughs softly, "how do you play this game hmm? What do I need to do?"
"you have to guess where in the TARDIS I am."
"A game of hide and seek on the TARDIS? Well that sounds rather fun. Give me a hint of the general area that you're in... That gives me a little bit of a chance to guess"
"left side corridor"
"Ah, the left corridor? Hmm, that narrows it down..." The Doctor hummed thoughtfully before snapping his fingers as something clicked in his mind, "I think I know where you are now. You little minx, I bet your in the library, aren't you?"
"Damn." He smiles and snaps his fingers with a click of his tongue, "hmm, well not the Library. You're too mischievous to hide in an obvious place. Maybe... The swimming pool! Is that where you're hiding?"
"Nope try again,"
"Not the swimming pool either? Hmm, what other room do we have on the left side corridor..." He hums thoughtfully as he rubs at his jawline, the cogs in his mind whirring to think of another place...
"Oh!" He snaps his fingers again, "got it! The media room! You're definitely in the media room!"
"not the media room." She giggled "Have a clue" she smiled and the sound of bedsprings come through,
He laughs quietly as he hears the springs come through his ear piece, "wait... You're on a bed now? Hmm... A bed you say... And on the left side corridor no less..." He grins and clicks his fingers again as he realises exactly where she is, "ha! I know exactly where you are now, don't think you're clever enough to trick me... You're in your room aren't you? In the bed, bouncing on the springs and making noise so I know for sure you're there. I'm right aren't I?"
"not my room"
"Not... Your room?" He huffs with a smile and shakes his head, "you're making this very difficult on purpose aren't you."
A lightbulb moments goes off in his head as the truth comes to him, "wait! You're in MY room, aren't you? That's where you are! In my room, on my bed, giggling to yourself as you wait to see how long I'm going to take to figure this out."
"maybe" she giggled 
"Bingo." He laughs and stands up again, "I knew that you were there. I'm just too good at this game aren't I? Don't think you're as clever as me now."
He leans his against the wardrobe and rolls his sleeves up, "so, tell me. What are you doing in my bed? Aside from giggling of course, hmm?"
"nothing..." She answered with a sly smile
"Oh?" He raises an eyebrow and smiles, "you're not doing anything at all in my bed, hmm? It's just you, in my bed, by yourself. That doesn't sound suspicious at all now does it?" His tone suggests he knows she's up to something, "why are you in my room? On my bed no less. Surely you're not thinking about sleeping in my sheets are you? You cheeky minx..."
"already done" she teased "Been sleeping in your bed sheets since you left"
The Doctor's jaw drops in shock and he laughs loudly, "you've been sleeping in my bed? What have you been doing in there, hmm? Anything exciting in my bed, Miss Y/n? Tell me, what are my sheets like to sleep on?"
"very soft and Cosy, silky and smooth, and they smell like your hugs"
"You've been wrapping yourself up, thinking of me at night hmm?" He takes a few steps closer to the bed, "now why would you be doing a thing like that, hmm? Getting all cosy in my sheets every night just thinking of me when I'm not there. Missing me that much?" He shakes his head with a fond smile and laughs quietly under his breath, "you really are a handful..."
"I'm not use to being here all on my own" she pouts "so I came to snuggle in your room while your gone just to keep it warm and cosy for you"
His smile softens at the adorable sight she would make just laying there pouting and wrapped up in his bed. It's almost something out right of his dreams. "Well... I do always love coming back to an even warmer and cosier room. I suppose you are keeping it warm for me, aren't you? It's very sweet of you." His voice is softer now, almost affectionate, "and you've been enjoying yourself?"
"very much" she cooed
"Good... That's really good." He nods and takes a couple more steps towards the bed, looking at the ceiling as he imagines exactly what she looks like right now, in HIS bed. His sheets wrapped around her, burying her in his scent, just wanting to be with him. His voice is quiet and low as he continues, "just lay there... Close your eyes okay?" 
she hummed through the earpiece clearly doing as he asked her even if she’s so far away
He takes a deep, slow breath and lets it out just a little too slowly to be a regular exhale. He closes his eyes as well and imagines her on his bed, wrapped tightly in his sheets, thinking of him like she said, "just imagine that your in the room. Just think it. Imagine that I'm with you, that we're together right now. Just imagine it..."
"hum ..." She hummed the sounds of her shifting in his sheets and her sweet sighs of happiness before he can just hear the small sounds of kisses and he figures out quickly in her relaxed sleepy state she began kissing his pillow and he can imagine her laid on his bed hugging his pillow like it's his chest peppering it with kisses cause she missed him so badly
He smiles and bites back a low groan at realising that she's doing exactly what he's thought, kissing and cuddling HIS pillow. Imagining it being HIM! The Doctor can see her in his mind and he imagines himself there with her, wrapped in the sheets together kissing her neck as she kisses his pillow. He lets out a shaky breath, wanting desperately to be in this moment with her. The Doctor's breathing starts to speed up a little, his cheeks start to flush as his eyes are still closed, "that's it. Just keep kissing the pillow like it's me... I'm there, with you, in the sheets. Wrapped up tight. Just imagine me..." He can't help the low groan that escapes his throat now, not when he's thinking of this beautiful woman kissing away on the pillow, wishing that it was him. He's desperately trying to hold himself back though.
her kisses and gentle giggles continue but slowly her tone shifts the kisses become longer the giggles and gasps become small moans and it's obvious even just thought sound what she's up to
The Doctor's cheeks flushing even more as his breathing gets faster and faster, more heavy with anticipation. He can picture her so perfectly in his mind and he's wanting nothing more than to be there with her, taking in each one of her sounds. He bites his bottom lip as his imagination gets away from him, "Y/n... Don't... Don't stop..." He can picture every single detail, her hair splayed out on the pillow, her flushed cheeks and flushed body as she holds onto the pillow and kisses it like it's him, like it's his "I'm... There... I'm right there with you... Holding you... Don't stop... I wanna hear you..." He manages to gasp out between breaths, every word being a struggle. The Doctor can feel his hearts racing and his breaths are coming fast now. So close to the edge that the last little imagination could tip him over.
her moans become louder and the sound of kisses disappears replaced by another sound of movement "Doctor!" 
He gasps out again as the sounds of her moans get louder and he shudders as he imagines the movement she's making as she holds onto the pillow. "Oh God, Y/n-! Mmm. Ohhh... What's that? What are... Tell me! Tell me!"
she giggled innocently "Not till you tell me"
His breath catches in his through as he hears her soft, seductive giggling, "tell you...tell you what... Oh uggh, you cheeky little minx. You really want me to say it don't you? You want me to tell you... Tell you everything don't you?"
"mhm what are you up to doctor then I'll tell you" she teased between moans
"uggh! Just hearing you moan and giggle so sweetly for me makes me want to go crazy. I can't help it, you just get me so excited." His voice is practically panting into the receiver now, he's so close to the edge just imagining her like he is. He shudders against the receiver again before talking again, "mmm. Now just tell me what you're up to! Don't be quiet now!"
she giggled and said in the most innocent of tones loud enough he could catch every word "sitting on your bed, in your sheets, in one of your shirts, riding on your pillow imagining I had company"
The Doctor gasped out and groaned loudly, practically into the mic at the sounds of her words and imagined image in his mind. That...was enough to send him over the edge. "By the stars... Y/n...." He panted out between breaths, shuddering and moaning as his eyes rolled back for a moment. "I... Want you. So badly. So, so badly..."
"and what are you doing? Surely my cute little noises aren't being listened to while you just lay on that boring bed?"
"Listening and listening again and...imagining... It's making me go a little insane, but I can't stop listening to you. Just your voice is making me feel so good. Oh god I'm-" He's cut off by his own gasp and low moan and there's the sound of him shifting a little where he sits. His breath catches and he huffs out a shaky breath as he slowly comes down again, "you make it so hard to control myself, my dear."
"I'm sure controling yourself isn't all that's hard" she teased before she moaned his name again
The sound of her moaning out his name made the Doctor shiver and he swallowed harshly before he spoke again, his already gravely voice a little bit more low and rough now, "uggh woman you're killing me. You're gonna drive me completely insane if you keep moaning my name like that you naughty minx."
"I'll stop when you admit it"
He shudders again as he hears her soft, innocent voice in his ear. uggh that voice always gets him all hot and bothered. A groan comes from low in his throat before he finally manages to answer her, "Admit what, my dear hmmm?"
She giggled before she whispered into the earpiece "that your hard doctor?"
"By the stars you really do know just how to drive me mad." He groaned again and his voice shook with his next words. uggh his voice was so wrecked and hoarse now, he's sounding just so desperate. "Y-Yes... Yes, of course I'm hard. Just... Just” He huffed out a breath and shuddered a low groan against the ear piece before continuing, "imagining...imagining you right now...imagining what you're doing and the sounds you're making...how I just want to be there with you. How I just want to hold you close...I'm desperate for you, you sweet little minx."
"well as soon as you find out what's going on down there we can take our little trip a whole week at the Crystal Falls In a cute little cabin just you and me. And I'll sleep in your bed every night" 
His breath shudders again for a second as he imagines this. Just a week with her at the crystal falls in a cozy little cabin, her all curled up in HIS bed, in HIS shirt and wrapped up in HIS sheets. Just the two of them together… "Oh, yes..." He moans again, so low and almost right into his ear piece now as his eyes shut tight again, "uggh yes I want that."
The squeal that he hears from her is almost too much for the Doctor to handle. Just imagining her and knowing that he's getting her all riled up and needy, it's almost driving him insane. All he wants is to just be there with her, wrapped up together in his sheets. "Y/n...are you...are you close, darling?"
"mhm," she whines "I want to... With you... Please"
He shudders again at her needy whine, uggh she's so adorable. "Oh, I'd love that darling. I'd love that so, so much. I'm so, so close myself just thinking about you."
"doctor!" She screamed and squealed
The sound of her reaching her peak had sent him right over the edge again as he gasped out her name with a low, guttural groan that came from deep in his chest. "Sweet...Sweet stars... Y/n-oh uggh....!" He was panting and shaking against the receiver, his eyes shut tightly as he slowly comes down from his high again, his heart racing and his breaths coming out in low moans.
Y/n giggled "I think I'm just going to miss you more now..."
He laughed weakly in response, still coming back down from his high and calming himself down from that intense rush. uggh... She definitely knows how to get him up and send him spiralling, leaving him feeling all out in the open and vulnerable. "uggh, Y/n... That was some night. You're an absolute tease you know that? I'm gonna miss you terribly. I already know that this time apart is going to feel like an age."
"Maybe I could risk the TARDIS coming in for a... Little visit" she cooed "help you pass as human and all"
“Come down. Now.” He smirked before ending the call, 
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littlest-nightingale · 3 months
Nobody asked but here's my newwho agere timeline lmao (9-15)
Okay so we start with Rose. Rose is a certified silly little lady. Okay well lady makes it sound like she's all prim and proper but she isn't. Anyway Rose regresses. her mom doesn't know, and neither does Mickey. But because she's spending sooo much time with The Doctor and he's already... well, a time traveling alien (and therefore used to "weird" things) she entirely trusts him with her regression. (honestly slay. i don't think it gets much cooler than having a time traveler for a cg so go off) BUT ANYWAY The Doctor has briefly heard of agere but never seen it, it just never interested him as much as the myriad of other fun things about humanity. But now he's got Rose and he's definitely at least going to try taking care of her. And he's. okay at it. a bit too protective but he's still fun and very willing to learn. they make friendship bracelets. he knows more about my little pony than he ever intended to. and notably, the TARDIS has a playroom now. There are stars on the ceiling and bed with a blanket nest and shelves and shelves of silly little toys because he just can't say no to her and it's great.
Then he regenerates and. uh oh
Rose, on top of being stressed about, uh, EVERYTHING ELSE is also worried about loosing her caregiver. Spoiler alert: that doesn't happen. Ten is a wonderful caregiver, even more playful and silly yet still very protective (he actually time travels with her when she's regressed, which is more than can be said for Nine) and everything is fine and dandy until uh oh, he loses Rose! fuck!!!
During the time between Rose and Martha he doesn't touch that playroom at all because uh oh! guilt! grief!!!!!!! all around sad! The big big sad!
That doesn't stop the Doctor from trying to regress himself, after a while. it's helpful, he 100% understands why Rose regressed so often. Anyway.
by the time Martha comes around he's doing it pretty often. he's never going to tell her shit about it, but when she isn't there, he's regressing pretty often.
Around the time he finds Donna again, he's actually opened up the playroom again, slightly adjusting it for himself but still keeping most of Rose's stuff. Donna doesn't know, but she does buy him a rather pathetic and skinny little stuffed animal as a joke, because it reminded her of him. it's his best friend.
Then, he regenerated into 11. 11 doesn't regress the entire time he's traveling with Amy, because Amy is a little and he ends up as her cg, and he doesn't tell her because he doesn't want her to worry. Rory is, understandably, a little bit pissed that Amy trusted the Doctor with her regression while he, HER HUSBAND, didn't know, but do you think they're going to address it? no. no they are not.
After Amy and Rory die, all of Amy's things were shoved into a closet in the playroom during a fit of grief and not touched for decades, because it just felt wrong to move them afterward.
While 11 is hiding in the clouds above London, he regresses involuntarily a LOT. he's just. very very sad.
When Clara comes along, girliepop figures out pretty quickly that he's hiding something from her, and when she finds out she pretty much instantly takes up the role of caregiver. he is a sopping wet blanket of a man and goddamnit she's going to take care of him!!! 11 is incredibly hyper on days when he isn't regressed due to stress, he's bouncing off the walls crazy insane and Clara is insanely good with him. oh. and he's a leash kid. you cannot take him anywhere (not that that stops her from doing so) She gets him a little giraffe and some teethers and little sensory toys and y'know. he's her little guy 🥺🥺
And then we get to 12. 12, unlike 11, isn't very open about his regression at all. in fact, he actually tries to convince her he doesn't regress anymore, but Clara isn't dumb and sees right through it. Once he stops being a stubborn little bastard Clara realizes just how low energy he is. when 12 regresses, most of the time he just curls up and goes to sleep. She doesn't really need to do anything other than be there most of the time. they eventually get him a bean bag that goes next to Clara's desk in the TARDIS, so while she grades and does work he curls up and naps or plays with his sensory board or just sits there and watches. he's just very, very tired. they are the definition of the "excuse me he asked for no pickles" meme. she is so much shorter than him and this is unnecessarily funny to me. just imagine her being like "yeah I have a little!" and the little is an angry looking Scottish man who is several inches taller than her and looks like he hasn't slept in days. wonderful amazing incredible i have no notes.
He doesn't tell Nardole or Bill about it. Nardole is much too strict about most things to be a fun caregiver, and Bill is his student. Sure, she's also his friend, but he has no interest in telling her. So that's all fun and great but Missy. oh Missy knows. don't ask me how she knows I have no idea but she does and it turns out that they both regress and. bangs my head into a wall. them . ough
The Doctor is definitely not going to regress around her for a variety of completely understandable reasons but Missy is very, very pent up and stressed in that vault and goddamnit he is going to give her enrichment in her enclosure. So he starts buying her things behind Nardole's back, bringing her little science kits and books and dolls and whatever her little heart desires! She does his makeup and they watch movies and paint eachothers nails. Nardole is a bit suspicious but who gives a shit they're thriving.
Eventually Missy seems to be stable enough and one day he finds himself slipping with her, which leads to a several hour long playdate and a mess that they both have to clean up. After that they settle into a routine where they meet every other day and switch off who's the cg that day, if any. The watch more movies are make matching pacis and they cuddle it's great. once again 10/10 no notes can you tell that 12 is my favorite yet.
Then we get to 13 and brother 13 is the most miserable little guy on this list. 11 may have spent decades fluctuating between headspaces above Victorian London but 13 is so much worse.
If 13 settles down for too long she starts thinking too goddamn hard and it upsets her. on top of that, she doesn't want people to know about her regression because of the sexism she started experiencing after regenerating. She knows people already few her as more emotional and crazy than her past selves and if people knew about her regression, that would no doubt get worse. Plus, she has 3 whole people in the TARDIS, which she does consider to be her responsibility and therefore she doesn't want to put herself in a mindset where she couldn't help them if needed. She regresses around the fam once, completely involuntarily, and they never talk about it again. Every time 13 regressed it was involuntary, and most of those regressions were spent crying. This gets infinitely worse after the timeless child ordeal. she may not have those memories but she experiences them as nightmares or daydreams, kind of like how when "john smith" (10) wrote stories about being the doctor because he could very faintly remember it. These nightmares and daydreams are more common when she regresses because they are memories from her childhood. This is the first time that regression has been dangerous for her. She doesn't want to, but it just keeps happening, and there's nobody to take care of her through it all.
Despite being in an infinitely less stressful environment and having people to care for him, 14 avoids regressing. Maybe one day, but not now. not so soon. not when it might be unsafe. But that doesn't mean he's completely away from it. Rose is also a regressor! She regresses for stress relief and also to have a more .. fem childhood? y'know. you get it you understand
Rose tells 14 before Donna, because he's a goddamn time traveling alien and has absolutely no right to judge her. no matter what he will always be weirder.
anyway he's like. that's so cool of you tbh but you should tell ur mom too because she's an absolute sweetheart and I'll back you up on everything. So she does and Donna feels SO guilty about Rose not thinking she would be accepting even though Rose reassures her that anxiety is just like that. But she's also thrilled? like. ohh i get to take care of my baby again. oh this is great. i love my daughter
so the Doctor's like cool. that's fun- and then he remembers that he has a time machine that can go anywhere and. this toootally doesn't end in him taking his little niece to all sorts of zoos and parks and museums with a perception filter in so she looks like a normal child so nobody can judge her. definitely not. maybe don't tell Donna about that bit
15 is considering going back to regression, and he has no plans to inform Ruby (at least not for a while.) Ruby is a regressor, but she's too nervous to tell him.
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Let me take care of you - 11th doctor x fem! reader
Request: “Could you write a fic with reader x 11th doctor. The prompts being 9 and 30. The reader is like a mother hen, always putting their needs after everyone else’s. after an adventure shakes reader up they begin to struggle with anxiety attacks and nightmares. The doctor notices and tries to help. The reader tries to deny help, to not be a burden or appear weak” I absolutely loved this idea!!. I hope this is okay!! I got slightly carried away so i am sorry it's so long!!
Prompts: 9 “I’ve got you. Nothings going to happen to you. You’re safe now." 30 “you take care of me all the time, for once – let me return the favour.”
Warnings: Anxiety, Nightmares
*** = time skip
Word Count: 2658 (once again i'm sorry its so long!)
Requests Prompts
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Doctor when I said I wanted to see the stars, getting lost INSIDE OF ONE was not exactly what I had in mind.” You yelled, running your fingers through your hair as you weaved your way through the intricate tunnel system you’d found yourself in.
Amy and Rory chuckled from behind you. The doctor had told the three of you about a cluster of stars the formed only once every 25 years in some tiny corner of the universe, and of course, you couldn’t say no. I mean how many other people would get the chance to witness something so real and beautiful? However, what the doctor had failed to mention is that these stars were not like the normal balls of gas that you could see from earth. Instead, they were – drum roll please – alien stars!!! Honestly you shouldn’t have expected anything less when traveling with a mad man in a blue box, but you didn’t think the alien stars would quite literally swallow you whole.
So now here you were, in the centre of a star, trying to find your way back to the Tardis which had somehow been separated from the four of you.
“Look I know this isn’t ideal, but how amazing is this! We are literally standing in a star I mean this is just extraordinary.” The doctor beamed back at you, clapping his hands together.
You smiled slightly at his boyish antics, but something didn’t sit right with you. You tried so hard to be immersed in the shining colours and ornate patterns dancing on the icy walls around  you, but you couldn’t shake the feeling deep inside of you that something was wrong. Something bad was going to happen. The doctor had assured you many times that these stars were not known for having lifeforms living inside of them, but it did nothing to soothe your worry.
“Are you doing okay back there y/n, you seem rather quiet- AHH” The doctor yelled before disappearing out of sight.
Your heart pounded as you began to run forward, the ponds following.
“Wait stop don’t move” You heard him yell. Your eyes searched frantically but you couldn’t see him anywhere.
“I’m down here.” He groaned.
Confused, the three of you looked down. Just in front of where you had stopped, there was a hole in the ground. Well actually, it looked more like a slide. You couldn’t see the doctor, but you could hear him which calmed your still racing heart. You knelt onto the floor shouting down to him.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“I’m okay, little bit bruised though.” He huffed.
“You or your ego?” Amy joked.
You heard the doctor grumble something along the lines of “Shut up” before chuckling at Amy’s comment.
“Right come on you lot, get down here.” The doctor yelled. You swapped an unsure look with the others.
“Do we have to? I mean it doesn’t exactly sound like fun.” Rory replied.
“If you want to stay up there to try and find your way out of the star by yourself then, by all means Rory go ahead.” The doctor said.
“Oh come on, what’s the worst that can happen” Amy said, smiling at her husband before lowering herself down into the hole.
You and Rory listened as she landed with a thud. You looked at him cautiously.
“Did you wanna go next or?” He asked. You smiled at him.
“What and leave you up here by yourself? What if something happens to you? No, you go and I’ll follow you down.”
“Okay but then I’d be leaving you up here by yourself. What if something happens to you instead?” He countered.
“Oh come on Rory you know me, I’m indestructible.” You joked, trying to ease his worry. “I’ll be okay. Just go”
Rory lingered for a few more moments, before sighing and lowering himself down.
You listened for his thud, before calling out to them. “All good to come down? Not going to squash anyone am i?” But the only response you got was your voice echoing off the walls. “Guys?” You tried again.
Once again your heart rate picked up, racing in your chest. “They’re okay. You’re okay. Nothings happened to them” You muttered to yourself, trying to calm down.
But the longer the silence continued, the more worried you got. Were they hurt? Had they been attacked by something? But surely you would have heard them. Had they left you? As you sat there trying to figure of what to do, you heard what sounded like glass cracking from behind you.
Turning to see if you could locate the noise, you saw what looked like a long sharp tentacle attaching itself to the wall. The longer you looked, the more appeared, dragging the body of a creature you hadn’t seen before closer to you. You froze in spot, terrified. It wasn’t until the creature let out the most revolting, blood chilling noise you’d heard that you were snapped back into reality. You turned and threw yourself into the hole. You didn’t know where the others were or what was waiting for you at the bottom, but anything had to be better than letting that creature catch up to you.
************************************************************************A lot goes wrong when you travel with the doctor. Nearly every adventure you’d been on with him ends up with you running for your lives. But this had to have been the worst you’d been on in a while.
Turns out the creature that you had come across, there was an entire colony of them living right in the heart of the star. And that’s exactly where you had been chucked out. They were descending from every angle – the walls, the ceilings (if you could even call it that) – everywhere.
They were holding Amy and Rory suspended high in the air, while the doctor was being restrained where he stood. His eyes looked desperate at he tried to call out to you, but before he could, you felt the tentacles wrapping around you dragging you backwards.
You fought, you screamed. You needed to get back to your friends. You need to help them. You didn’t care what happened to yourself as long as they were safe. Somehow, and you don’t have a clue how, you were able to break their hold on you. They screeched as you ran forward, trying to get back to Amy and Rory. Something sharp whipped across your legs, momentarily causing you to stumble. Another, hitting you across the face. You don’t know what it was or where it was coming from, but you kept running. You could see the sonic on the floor, just out of reach of the doctor. You didn’t know if it could help or what it would do to the creatures, but at this point you didn’t care. Your lungs were on fire, the fear of the creatures closing in you pushing you forward. You grabbed the sonic, kicking it over to the doctor before being swarmed by the creatures.
They were all over you. There was no escape. You covered your head as best you could, falling to the ground. All you could hear was there screeching burning your ears, their tentacles hitting every part of you. And then suddenly, it stopped.
There was no more screeching, no bodies pressing against you. Nothing. Even though fear was seeping through your bones, you peeled your hands away from your face taking in your surroundings. Some way in front of you stood a very dishevelled looking doctor, his chest rising and falling at an alarming rate. In his hand, the sonic. You let out a small sigh of relief. Looking around your own body, you could see what looked like ash. No, no not ash. It was glass. Tiny fragments of glass. So fine it was like sand. A lot of it covered your own body. The more you looked around, the more you saw clumps of it scattered around the place. You glanced back over at the doctor. His eyes were dark, a look you hadn’t seem on a regular basis, but enough to know what it meant. Your heart hurt for him.
“It had to be done.” His voice was rough. “They weren’t going to stop.”
When you all got back into the Tardis, the atmosphere was tense. No one had said a word on the way back. Your thoughts were running wild, bouncing around inside of you. But you didn’t want to focus on that, you couldn’t. Not when the others were in such a state.
“Right.” You said after the doctor had flown the Tardis safely away from the cluster. “All of you sit down. I’ll be right back.” You said with a forced smile.
Quickly you disappeared off into another room leaving the others confused.
“Where do you think she’s going?” Rory asked, holding Amy close to him.
“You know what she’s like. Always patching us up.” She said with a stiff chuckle.
The doctor watched as you re-entered with a first aid kid, as well as 3 or four blankets.
“I figured we all needed a little pick me up. So, once I’ve made sure that no ones going to bleed out on me, grab a blanket and follow me.” You instructed, beaming at them.
“Where are we going exactly?” Amy said, already looking happier.
“We’re having a movie night. I figured none of us would want to be alone right now, and a movie will take our mind of things.” The ponds smiled at you nodding in agreement.
The doctor however, just watched you silently. You went about cleaning up any wounds the ponds may have endured before sending them on their way, each with a blanket in hand.
“Come on doctor, you may be a time lord, but you’re not indestructible” You joked, gesturing for him to sit down.
“Why are you doing this?” The doctor replied, eyes fixed on yours.
His tone threw you off a little. He didn’t sound angry as such, but he definitely didn’t sound happy.
“What do you mean?” You replied, turning your back to him and busying yourself with the items in front of you.
“This. All this. The movie night, the blankets, looking after everyone.” He spoke. “You know me, it’s what I do. I just wanted to make everyone feel a bit better.”
“But what about you?” The doctor said, taking your hand in his and turning you to face him.
You stared at his hand in yours, knowing if you met his gaze you would break.
“I’ll be okay doctor. Knowing everyone else is safe, that’s what makes me okay.” You replied.
He didn’t believe you; you knew he didn’t. But thankfully he didn’t question it any further.
“Come on, let’s go watch a film then.” He responded, pulling you towards the film room.
Shouting. Crying. Pain. Everything was moving so fast. “Run y/n run.” You could hear the doctor yelling out to you, but you couldn’t see him. He sounded scared. You needed to find him. You tried to look behind you, only to be greeted by one of the creatures from within the star. You screamed. It was close to you. So close. Something wrapped around your ankles. You were falling. The creature was falling with you. Your back hit the ground with a thud, all the breath leaving your lungs. You cried out, tears staining your face. You had to get up. You had to find the doctor. You had to move. But you couldn’t. The creature was above you, descending. Move. MOVE. Please for the love of god move. You willed for your body to do something. To the right of you, you saw Amy and Rory. They weren’t moving. Your heart shattered. You were too late. You couldn’t save them. To your left, the doctor watched as you lay there helpless. He was trying to reach you. You couldn’t let him watch you die. The creature was closing in, you could feel the tentacles wrapping around you. It was getting closer. And closer. You could feel the weight of its body. You cried out, calling the doctors name. It was getting closer still.
“Y/N” You bolted up right.
Your heart was pounding, your breathing was rapid. You couldn’t focus. Your mind felt like it was spinning.
“Y/n, y/n look at me. I’ve got you. Nothing's going to happen to you. You’re safe now.” The doctor’s voice came from beside you.
You turned to look at him, your eyes frantic, tears still falling. His heart broke for you.
“T-the creature. It got me. It killed Amy and Rory. You were going to watch me die. I- I couldn’t save them.” You sobbed desperately.
“Y/n, please I need you to listen to me. Can you do that?” The doctor placed his hands on your shoulder, trying to ground you.
You looked at him, nodding slightly.
“Take a deep breathe with me okay. Ready? Breathe in”
You followed his instructions, trying to focus on just him.
“Breathe out.”
It slowed your racing heart but did very little to calm your thoughts. Images of your friends’ lifeless bodies kept flashing through your mind. The doctor, as if he knew exactly what you were thinking, took your shaking hands in his.
“Amy and Rory are fine. They just got tired and went to their room to sleep. They are safe. I promise you; everyone is safe.” He spoke calmly, tracing small patterns across your hand.
You nodded, unable to speak just yet. You looked around you, only now realising you were still in the movie room. In the Tardis. The doctor was right. You were safe. You could feel the anxiety beginning to slip away as you let out a sigh, collapsing back against your chair.
“Feeling better?” The doctor asked still holding your hand.
“Yes. I’m sorry for causing such a scene. I was just being dramatic. I’m fine honestly I-“
“Stop.” The doctor cut you off.
You looked at him, confused.
“Stop pretending everything is okay. You’re not fine y/n. You went through a lot today, just like the rest of us. You are allowed too not be okay.” He said softly, his hand moving to caress your cheek.
“You take on so much for the rest of us. All the time. There have been countless times where you’ve held me when I’ve cried or calmed me when I’m hurting.  But do you ever actually stop to check on yourself?” He let his words hang in the air for a moment before continuing. “You take care of me all the time, for once – let me return the favour.”
You lifted your hand to hold his, still resting against your cheek.
“Okay.” You whispered, smiling at him.
He smiled back at you, before pulling you to lie against him. Your head rested on his chest as his arms wrapped around you protectively. One of his hands threaded its way into your hair, stroking it softly.
You sighed in happily, melting against the time lord’s frame.
“I’m not going to let anything hurt you darling. Go to sleep.” He whispered softly before placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head.
Before long you felt yourself drift off into a comfortable sleep, protected by the warmth of your timelord.
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upslapmeal · 3 months
So I had vaguely seen things about Moffat coming back, but I'd always interpreted the 'next' series as being... the NEXT series. after the upcoming one. anyway BIG ol' surprise in the opening titles lol
are these those anglican marines back from what?? s5? s6?
....is this a flashback? I think those guys had the same name
we're finding out he swapped a duty and now he's injured
oh wait it’s not a flashback lmao
this is where being bad at faces fails me
is this an american ambulance situation where they cost too much and ruin your life?
they ruin your life in another significant way
‘villengard’ assuming this is pre-bananas lol
*dramatically throws open tardis doors* 'someone needs me!!!'
Fifteen’s theme is so good
Moffat??????? well that explains the anglican marines
Fifteen is excellent at answering questions. shame they're not the questions Ruby is asking
‘one wrong move and boom’ eyy title drop
when can Twelve and Fifteen bond over capitalism and being scottish
‘i’m not even screaming. yet.’ yeah
‘it’s going to be tricky’ ‘it’s going to be a MOMENT YEAH’
gotta think of health and safety at war what can I say! only the finest ventilated air before our ambulances murder you
Ruby on her first planet <3 (though only now after 6 months?? Fifteen you've been slacking clearly!)
‘he was being sMELTED??’ ‘it’s a good word smelted’ 'NOT AT THE MOMENT???’ obviously Fifteen's not having the best time but poor Ruby lmao
‘ooooh I am. havin’ a day 🙃🙃’ never has a Doctor been so me. minus the landmine.
Ruby don’t make the Doctor laugh when he’s balancing on one leg!!
oh man the Doctor really IS having a day
ok those soldiers are definitely not the same guy lol but I could have sworn they had the same name!
‘everything is possible. everywhere is a beach eventually’ RIP Mundy left out of that lil callback to earlier
Ruby grabbing the gun, shooting it and yelling is v much banging the pipes in Space Babies lol
love that her instinct is make noise and yell, think later
meanwhile Splice is chilling with her lil photo album
…did I mishear shoot me little bitch??
oh lol ‘shoot me a little bit'
nooo Ruby!!
‘I can’t think unless I’m talking and I can only talk to you’ oh that is VERY Twelve Clara
and also a lot to put on someone you’ve known for so little time that they’re only just seeing their first planet RIP
Fifteen: do you get it do you get it!! Ruby: 😴
'there are no Kastarions’ big Doctor’s Daughter vibes
Thirteen: have faith!!! <3 Fifteen: >:(
love fifteen giving his big speech with snot running down his lip. giving Nine in Dalek
‘how much of the countdown left’ ‘3 minutes maybe’ I mean you said 5 minutes 4 minutes ago
speaking of which what is the point of assessing for life and having a countdown if it just blows anyway
(to give it flashy lights and features I know)
bud I appreciate the romance going on here but now is maybe not the time
oh yeah very much not the time
…..delighted that Ruby hasn’t been smelted. yet.
(.....also 3 minutes have now passed. where is the boom the title promised!!)
the deaths are stacking up and Splice is just having the best chill time lol
oh the ambulance is the twist lady!
just for the record it took that failsafe 8 minutes to trigger
lol poor confused Ruby. honestly rude to die and miss the action
there’s the closeup from the trailer!!
who knew that serene deep breath came shortly after prolonged near death by landmine
‘he’s not gone. he’s just dead’ <3
‘you keep the faith Splice’ there we go
‘snow isn’t snow until it falls’ maybe it’s just my love for Twelve’s era but I’ve been endeared to these nonsense Moffatisms lol
ok looking at the credits those characters have different names but they're still similar! you can’t have two characters with similar names played by incredibly similar-looking people and expect us to tell them apart??
varada sethu????? as in new companion???????
is Mundy coming back?????? or is this a Karen Gillan situation?
Really enjoyed this one!! Easily my fave of the first three, very tense and WHAT a showcase for Ncuti!!! Absolute powerhouse. However. On rewatch I really did notice how much Ruby was written like Clara lol. Ah Moff you've got your strengths and weaknesses like us all
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