#honeycomb dont look
burnt-toast-life · 2 years
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Been playing Omori a lot recently
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deiteyarchived · 2 years
i have been denying it for too long i think i am sunny omori
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wigglepiggle · 1 year
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nursefwu · 2 years
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ta6ris · 2 years
I lucked out I think bc I mostly kept everyone’s health stable, and then a few turns after she became ECSTATIC I was able to do the ultimate move follow up thing w Omori, and since it does 900 damage it only took one more turn after that ha!
But no I, like an idiot, got rid of Omori’s “sad poem” skill so I instead made everyone happy w Aubrey (since sweetheart made me angry) just to st least balance things 😭 I had painful truth tho so Omori was MISERABLE the whole fight 💜
yeah thats a good plan!! i was not very adept w the emotion system at the time so i just tried to beat her up and have hero on healing so it uh. didnt go so well lol. after that though i taught myself abt how it all works and the rest went smoothly after some leveling up as well
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wanderinglullaby · 2 years
Having an awful time actually <- can’t go down any o.mori tag without constant reminders of M.ari’s death
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carcarrot · 2 months
you should all go watch ten days wonder
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dykementality · 2 years
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violentdevotion · 9 months
i love your actimel fridge posting keep it up
:D thank you !!!! Its more full than usual right now because the other day i went shop and got some and today my brother went to get groceries and my mum told him to get me some actimel while he was there so for at least the next 2 weeks i should be good on actimel !!!!
#laetitia tag#ameeras.got.mail#whats worrying me a little thought is i have work tomorrow (i only work on sundays. during the weekday i do this taci passanger assistant#thing but i hate it sooo bad it makes me sooooo car sick so while one day a week was okay while i was in uni and lived at home and only rly#needed money to buy myself treats. its not working now that im free the entire week and want to get out of this house and also dont get#student finance moneg every 3 months)#anyway yeah i am looking for a weekday job now too. BACK to the point. on sundays when i buy lunch i buy a sandwich OR wedges / a pastry f#from greggs#2 packets of crisps and nomadic oat chocolate and honeycomb yoghurt#i eat the main and one crisp packet during my lunch and then keep the other packet and the yoghurt in my bag#(which is probablg a bad idea since yoghurt shouldnt be out of a fridge for longer than 2 hrs but ive been doing this for weeks and have#survived so idk) and when i get home un sundays i usually eat the other crisp packet and yoghurt in my room and go to sleep#(< tradition that started from the time i did an all nighter before work to write an essay due that day and told myself at work i can go#home and sleep and i liked it so much i continued the napping thing minus the all nighter)#BUT my driving instructor cancelled on me yesterday and offered to do tomorrow at 5pm instead to make up for it since he usuallg doesnt do#weekends. and i get off work st 4:20 and get home before 5pm usually. and i agreed since i havent had a lesson in a few weeks now#BUT that means i need to refridgerate mg yoghurt or else itll be out of the drige for THREE/FOUR hours#and right now theres no soace in my mini fridge bc of the actimel#so im a little worried about that#having my problems is really fun actually i cant wait for god to throw some real curveballs at me like a broken loghtbulb ir smth#edit: posted this and looked at how long the tags are... girl......
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burnt-toast-life · 2 years
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One more doodle that I made earlier bc I have MASSIVE brainrot. I haven’t even beat one ending yet.
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deiteyarchived · 2 years
me 🤝 you 🤝 paigey
sobbing over source (and each other)
we r just all over eachother we r in a little pile crying over each other
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wigglepiggle · 1 year
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ta6ris · 2 years
Thank you!! I just got done w Sweetheart’s boss fight.. beat it first try wehehehe.. and my skills were complete garbage for it too (on accident I didn’t plan lmao)
ooo congrats on beating her ! i remember sweethearts boss fight oof i didnt plan at all either and i remember her fight being stressful as hell lol
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greywritesthings · 2 months
Magpie muffins
Spencer Reid x Autistic!Reader
TW; Mentions of EDs, gagging, struggling to eat / trying foods, mentions of ARFID. These are pretty much covered in the first four paragraphs, after that they aren't mentioned.
A/N; You dont have to have read part 1 & 2 to understand this part but go check them out if you like this one!
Part 1 Part 2
SR Masterlist
Read on AO3!
“Honey you really do need to eat more of a varied diet, you're going to end up deficient in vitamins and that can cause a variety of things or make things such as migraines worse.” Spencer reminds you from across the kitchen. You knew he was right, you were vegetarian and picky, leaving you to eat the same five meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. “I know spence, i'm trying i promise.” you respond as you flop back against the sofa. “In that case will you try this?” he asks you, making his way to the sofa with two hot bowls in hand. You knew it was pasta with some form of vegetable sauce, he blended them together with your safe foods and spices to try and cover them but nearly every time you could still taste them and no matter how hard you tried it would end in a shut down or a meltdown if you kept forcing yourself to eat it. He was gentle about getting you to try things, you were a lot less so. “You just have vegan chicken and cheese on your pasta but I have garlic mushroom and pesto, if you don't like it you can just eat yours okay?” He placed the bowls down on the coffee table, striding back across to the kitchen to grab cutlery and water for you both. 
Trying new foods wasn't as bad as it was when you were younger, you had managed to recover from ARFID by the time you hit sixteen by clinical standards but it never quite went away, you still struggled with new foods of nearly any kind but you ate enough now so you were able to function, but you still had to take supplements to keep your levels in check. 
“Want to try?” he asks, knowing that you despised pesto the least but you hadn't tried mushrooms before so it could go either way. You nod, looking apprehensively at the bowl on his lap. He grabbed some on his fork, making sure to only grab a few mushrooms so you weren't overwhelmed by something new. 
You try and swallow the food down but the combination of the new taste and texture of mushroom and the overwhelming garlic and pesto flavours your brain just refuses, causing you to gag. You tried to slow down but you just ended up gagging again before rushing over to the bin to spit it out. You proceed to down a glass of water Spencer had set by the sink, predicting this would be the likely scenario. “You want to come eat the rest of your food magpie?” Spencer calls over to you, double checking. Knowing sometimes you didn't want to eat straight after trying new things that you didn't like. You agree to come back to the sofa and eat your own food. 
It was the next day Spencer got you to try something new, you had gone in earlier than him to get started on a project with Garcia so Spencer was about an hour behind you. When you knew Spencer was going to be arriving you slipped out of Garcia's office to greet him.
“Morning Honey” you greet him with a hug. “I got you a new thing to try magpie, whenever you want.” he responds with a giddy smile on his face, giving away what it was almost immediately. “It's a magpie muffin isn't it?” you ask. Spencer had gotten a muffin from a specific bakery nearly every day when he lived in chicago called magpie and when he found out you had never had a muffin before he was determined to get you one from that specific bakery, but they had closed for renovations for the last eight months so he hadn't been able to get you one till now. “You want me to try it now really though don't you?” you ask as he gives you the puppy dog eyes. You head over to the coffee station to make your usual hot chocolate with honeycomb syrup making a mental note of the fact you were running low on the powder. 
Once you headed back to your desk where Spencer was waiting he had laid out the muffin on top of the paper bag so your desk didn't get covered in crumbs. You pick up the muffin and lean your hip against the desk as Spencer watches you take a bite from the muffin. You're not normally a fan of cakes in general, hence why you hadn't had a muffin before. Surprisingly to both you and Spencer you liked it straight away, it was dark chocolate and white chocolate, you personally didn't like milk chocolate so the lack of it was great for you. You broke off a piece to give to Spencer but he refused and pulled his own out of his bag. “There's a box at home, my mom sent them when they reopened, they sent a few boxes to the facility so she knew about it before us.” he smiled. “Well what do you think about planning another visit to visit her? And getting more muffins because I adore them. I need the recipe.” You suggested to him, you had met his mother twice now, once while on a case and the second time was a planned visit, making it much easier for you mentally. “I'd like that, I think she would too.” So with an idea in place to start planning when to take time off together, you headed back up to Garcia's office, half a muffin in hand, giving him a quick kiss goodbye as Hotch reminded Spencer about the thirty case files he had to go over with short deadlines.
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swiftgreatest · 1 year
Everything Has Changed | Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
request by anon: "hi!:) i dont know if you take request but i would love to see eddie’s blurb where he mets his old friend from his hometown on tour and falls in love with her"
a/n: hello, thanks for request. i love your idea!! i loved write this, i really hope u like this, give me your opinion about it!!!
words: 2.3k
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After hours and hours on the rond the band finally arrived in Seattle for one week with three shows in the city. All the audience was excited for this, as it was the first time Daisy Jones and The Six would be in the city and the three shows were sold out, this was one of the most talked about subjects at the moment.
Eddie was accustomed with this commotion in the cities where the band performed, hysteria everywhere, people following the bus of the band and camping at the front of the hotel, it wasn't something new for him, the band was on tour for several months.
The travels from one city to another were very tiring and boring sometimes, there wasn't much to do on the bus aside from look at the landscape, drink sth, smoke or take drugs. Sometimes Eddie used the travels to write letters and make melodies for his bass, he always wanted to write his own lyrics but he didn't have much confidence in himself, until his childhood best friend helped him with this. She encouraged him and said she was his number one fan.
The bassist catches himself remembering her sometimes, he misses her and all the things they did together, she was his favorite thing in Pittsburgh. He constantly wonders what she is doing now.
– – – –
Eddie sat in one of the empty booths of a snack bar, he and the band got off the bus and he was starving for some real food then ran out to find a snack bar and entered the first one he found.
As he looked at the menu, a waitress appeared to take your order.
"Welcome!! What would you like to order?"
"I would like some-" Eddie couldn't speak anymore after looking at the waitress who was looking at his order book. "Y/n? It 's you?" He recognized her, it was her! His childhood best friend, sweet Y/n!
"What?- Oh my God, Eddie jt's you!!!" The girl opened a smile that filled her face. She couldn't believe it, it was like a dream, her childhood best friend and secret love was there, in front of her. It's Eddie, her Eddie. O mean, he was taller now, long hair, expensive clothes, looked more confident but he still being the boy she ran away from home with to go to rock concerts in the early hours of the morning.
"I can't believe it!" Roundtree said while standing up and hugging the girl. She was taken aback by the hug but put her arms around him. Eddie couldn't even explain how much he missed it.
"Dude, how long! You're in Seattle all this time?? How I never found you??" You asked him, you've so many questions.
"No, I live in Los Angeles. I've come to work, in truth it's a long story and I-" They were interrupted by the rumbling of the bassist's stomach, oh he was so hypnotized by you that he had forgotten how hungry he was.
You laugh and he blushed with shame "Let's take it easy, sit and tell me what you want to eat and when I come back we can talk, right?"
"Right!" He sat down again and said his order to the girl.
"I'll be back in a few minutes!" You left and Eddie didn't take his eyes off you, you caught his attention, he couldn't believe he found you, you were so different, but what could he say, it's a long time, you two were different now but some feelings are still the same and still making his heart speed up.
– – – –
You was watching the boy in your front devour the food you brought, you worried about him because of all this hunger but he explained the reason to you. He also explained everything that had happened to him after you moved from Pittsburgh with your parents. The Dunne Brothers, new members, The Six, Billy, Daisy Jones, Honeycomb, Aurora and he tell about the others, Camilla, Graham and Warren, you are close in the past.
You're so happy for Eddie, he did it!! Realized his dream and looked so happy with the band, you remembered all the times you listened to him write or play something on the guitar and bass, it was so good, just you and him, listening to him sing to you and only for you.
"Eddie I'm so happy for you, that I don't even know how to express this. I'm so proud of you, you did it" You had a proud smile and looked at him with admiration.
This was so precious and valuable to Eddie, no one ever looked at him like that, no one ever admired him like you did, no one ever encouraged him as much to follow his dreams as you did, you always supported and helped him, he would never get over it or forget it. He entwined his hand in yours, it was so good to be with you.
"I'm so happy to give you prod, you always support me, and you make many things for me Y/n, you help me to be who I am and I will always be grateful for it" He cuddled your hand.
"You don't have to thank me for being who you are. You're talented and it comes from you naturally"
"And you? What have you been doing?"
You explained what happened after you moved from Pittsburgh. You spent some years in a small town with your parents until you got tired and moved alone to Seattle, you wanted new air, and the air of the big city was what you needed. You became a waitress, but you were also doing other things. You are a dancer in a dance academy and you were trying to win a scholarship to some college to become more professional in dance.
"That's amazing Y/n!! I always knew that you would be a star of dance one day"
"Oh let's not exaggerate, I'm still a little star who is getting to know this world of big stars and constellations"
"To me, you are and always have been a big star. My big star"
Oh God, didn't he realize how much he messed with you, how the way he looked at you and the things he said made you have an outburst. How could he never realize how in love you were?
"Thank you, I don't know what to say" You were going to say something but were interrupted by your boss telling you to get back to work. "I need to go Eddie, the work calls me".
"When is your turn ending?"
"At five" It was still three o'clock in the afternoon. "There are two hours left, you don't have to stay here waiting for me"
"I don't have any problem, I have been waiting for this for years, some hours won't kill me" He smiled and you smiled back. Your smile lights up his life since childhood and still.
– – – –
After two long hours of work, you finally end with your work, take your things to leave. At all this time Eddie was still sitting at the same table, sometimes he asked something to drink but only to talk with you. You smiled every time you passed by him or when you caught him staring at you, have been many times.
You both left the snack bar and walked the streets while talking, telling new stories, thoughts and problems too, it was as if everything was in the right place now, just you and Eddie keeping each other company and being honest.
Everything has changed. You and Him may have changed on the outside, but you still had a lot of your old version of the past inside of you. The same feelings still haunted you both and you still don't know how to deal with this like when you were young.
Every smile, word, memory, joke and thought connect you more and more, as in the past, or even stronger than that, you didn't want to leave this. After that reunion, Eddie promised he would never go away from you again.
– – – –
And he kept his promise, for the first he called you to go to a concert of his band, he didn't have to insist, you were crazy to see your friend on the stage and the band too.
While at the concert you admired him, you can't take your eyes off him, Eddie got a special place for you in the front of the stage. You loved the concert, they've so many good songs and the energy was from another world, unexplained.
After the end of the show, you met Eddie on the backstage, you hugged him even with him sweating and he hugged you too, holding you so strong as if he was afraid you would go away from him.
"I have some people here who need to see you" He led you into a hallway with dressing rooms and you were so involved that you didn't even realize that you entwined your hand with his. He led you into a room where Graham, Warren and the keyboard player, Karen, were.
The boys ran to you when they recognized you, you hugged both. They're so different but at the same time still were your friends from school. You introduced yourself to Karen and she was really nice with you, you like her.
"So you mean Eddie found you and didn't tell us? You were keeping her from us just for you weren't you brother?" Warren joked and Eddie gave him the middle finger.
"We have to make up for all this time" Warren said "And you know what's good for bringing people together?" He asked and after no one answered he shouted "A party!".
Everyone got excited and shouted together with him, and that's how you ended up at one of the famous band parties. You have fun all night, talking with several people, drinking, dancing and especially you did all this with Eddie who didn't leave you at any time and you didn't leave him either.
– – – –
It was like this all week, you went to the band's second concert and you see Eddie everyday since you reunited. You give him your address so he comes to see you everyday. He came early and his excuse was he didn't want to stay away from you. He took you to your work everyday.
When he didn't show he stayed with you in your house, you cooked together, Eddie was so good in the kitchen. You and him do other things like play games, watch movies, listen to discos or just talk and admire each other.
You didn't realize that, but anyone besides that can realize this, the way you look at each other, how you act towards each other, is like you have your own language and your own world.
You were so used to each other that you didn't even think about what would happen when the last show of the band was done and they left town.
One day before the last concert, Roundtree realized what was coming and that almost drove him crazy. He got nervous and so many thoughts appeared in his mind. What would you two do? Are you still friends? He didn't know what to expect, but one thing he knew. He couldn't lose you again, he couldn't live without you anymore and he was determined to do something to let you know about it, even if it changed everything.
– – – –
This is the last concert of the band in Seattle and you were there like the others, but this is different, is the last time Eddie would be in your city, you pretended it wasn't affecting you. When you realized that, you cried, you didn't want to let him leave, but what could you do? This was his dream and you couldn't ruin it just because you love him more than anything and didn't want to live without him.
The bassist noticed you were different, quiet and thoughtful, and he knew the reason, he tried not to show that it affected him too. The concert went so slowly for him. He didn't want it to end but he also needed to talk to you and couldn't hold back any longer.
After the show he took you away from others, nothing of parties or drinks for you two today, he has something different for today, something that will change your lives, for the better or worse. Roundtree took you to the roof of the concert hall, this is like a flashback from when you climbed the roof of his house to see the stars and smoke. All these memories come to you, just make you more sensible and you were holding yourself to not cry.
"I know I'm leaving tomorrow and this could change everything between us, but this doesn't need to change, I still with you, I'll be far away but I'll call you everyday, send letters and come to see you every chance I get, I won't let nothing keep us apart" He held your face with his hands " I was stupid enough to let you go once and I will never make that mistake again. Everything has changed. But I still love you. I love you all this time, keep this love with me and now that I've found you it has come back strong and clear, nothing will change my mind and if that's going to change all between us, even if it's for something worse, I'm sorry but I won't hide it, not anymore.
You didn't realize at what moment the tears started to fall down your face, you're so happy and emotional that you couldn't contain yourself. He looked at you worried, cleared your tears and when he goes try to say one more thing you kiss him. Nothing could change this, nothing could separate you now.
And this only proved that even though everything had changed, you two were still the same, and still loved each other in the same way.
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hello people, if u like reblog and like pls? my request still open and i loved write thisss
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tell me your indus and Howie headcanons please
Aaa! Of course!!! I genuienly love Indus, so theres plenty for him! Sadly for Howie, not so much :( hes great but vv hard to hc for
He loves baking! You can walk into the kitchen seeing him covered in batter and trying to muscle open something with a barrier. (Mera has to help him open things)
Loud snorer, i cant explain WHY but i look at him and feel like he does snore loudly
His not so guilty pleasure is Disney movies; he'll have Mera watch them all with him. Its kinda cute seeing him giggle at everything like hes a child
You cant take him on rides at Disney tho, he'll scream. Mera learned that the hard way
Dog person. Loves the big does, and lizards! He'll come in with a handful of lizards and be like:
"Look at what I found, Lady Mera!" Indus declared proudly, offering his two hands forward to reveal a family of lizards.
Mera looked down at them both, raising a brow in confusion. Looking back up she sees Indus' childlike grin, "May I keep them??? Please???"
Mera sighed heavily "Indus, put them back..." Indus lowers his head "Awww.. "
Hes probably eaten anything that wasnt food, either by dumb curiosity or trying to protect Mera, sometimes its the other way around and Mera has to slap something out of his hands. Or comfort him when hes coughing out a bite of deodorant
Hes like a giant pillow. You will sink if you hug him, absolutely worth it.
On that note, he loves hugs! But will absolutely crush your bones! Just like that one bear pokémon
Music taste wise, i picture him listening to the Tarzan sound track, or whatever Mera's listening to (probably grungey stuff)
Has punched a scare actor in the face many times out of fear. Hes banned from several haunted houses and thene parks
His hair is ridiculously fluffy. I can sense it
Prone to burnout, sometimes he will pass out from being overworked, only to get back up and continue working
Has fucked up teeth from all the honeyed snacks
Secretly collects a lot of bee related things, like plushies
Rarely gives sick days or time off, you better either be dying or dead to not come in
Unpopular opinion, I dont think Howie's aro, but i do agree that he's ace.
Doesnt listen to music; either the bee movie or buzzing asmr is playing in his ears
Probably had a speech impediment, it comes out when hes angry
An artist! He's not all that good but hes TRYING
Knows the art of pinecone milking (Percy taught him)
I feel like this man would bite into a honeycomb and like it
On that note, he eats honey nut cheerios for breakfast every day
Always has water on hand for the fellas, cant let em dehydrate! He himself? Dehydrated as fuck
Also brings snacks for the fellas! He himself? Hungry but wont say anything
Favorite pokemon are all the bee ones
Nonbinary, uses He/they pronouns
Looks at least 30 from stressed and over working himself
His diet consists of only ceral, honeyed snacks and monster energy
At least he has good iron intake?????
Hope you enjoyed, anon!
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