#honeymoon plans
shaadiwish · 1 year
Give Your Partner A Taste Of Royalty As You Honeymoon Around The Globe In These Luxury Trains. For More Such Trends And Ideas, Stay Tuned With ShaadiWish.
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hheckkingart · 3 months
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I missed the wedding but I sure am here for the honeymoon <3
(part 1 of ?)
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bird-inacage · 10 months
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A Prapaisky Gifset | The Return of the Newly-Weds (Wedding Plan EP3)
God marriage looks good on you two. Our beautiful, glowing, iconic husbands. I will never get over the way Prapai looks at Sky, always with an immense degree of fondness.
Also, I love how Pai's expression just screamed 'honey, we've done way worse.' And follows that up with "Wanna kiss too?" The shameless dork.
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undeadcourier · 10 months
Top 10 F:NV Side Quests/Unmarked Quests You Don't Want To Miss
These are specifically quests that I think are particularly entertaining, offer unique role-playing opportunities, and/or provide interesting insights into the game's npcs—and which I think are pretty easy to miss. For that reason, I haven't included any companion quests or some of the more prominent side quests.
1. The White Wash - Discover why the NCR sharecroppers aren't getting their full allotment of water and what happened to Corporal White. My recommendation: bring Arcade.
2. Silus Treatment - Help Lieutenant Boyd at Camp McCarran in her interrogation of Silus, a Legion Centurion. My recommendation: do this with Speech 50 or Intelligence 8.
3. Someone to Watch Over Me - Help Crandon keep North Vegas Square safe from squatters/Greasers; discover what happened to Alice Hostetler and advise her with regard to her family problems.
4. Aba Daba Honeymoon - Help Diane and Jack of the Great Khans with their chem trade. You can learn the special unarmed move, Khan Trick, by completing this quest.
5. Why Can't We Be Friends? - Either facilitate an alliance between Samuel Cooke and the Powder Gangers of Vault 19 and the Great Khans, or destroy the caves for Philip Lem and convince him to either join the Khans or turn himself and the Powder Gangers in to the NCR.
6. I Fought the Law - Help Eddie deal with some problems the Powder Gangers have had since taking the NCRCF.
7. A Final Plan for Esteban - Retrieve Esteban's body from the Fiends for his widow, Private Morales, who is stuck at Camp McCarran. My recommendation: speak to the NCR troopers stationed nearby the Fiend base before and after retrieving the bodies.
8. Malleable Mini Boomer Minds - Make friends with the kids at Nellis. My recommendation: bring a rocket souvenir or dino toy (distinct from a dinky souvenir).
9. Rotface's Loose Lips - Get the hot goss from Rotface in Freeside. My recommendation: talk to him at least 30 times so you don't miss anything juicy.
10. Thought for the Day - Have your fortune told by the Forecaster beneath the 188 Trading Post.
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forget-me-yes-21 · 2 years
Neil: I hate you.
Andrew: I hate you too. In fact, I hate you 300% more than the day we met.
Matt: *from beside Neil as his best man* What the fuck you two? These are your literal wedding vows.
Renee: *who knows how they talk to each other in tears* That was so beautiful.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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aiyuu canon. you agree. reblog
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romanticizingmurder · 3 months
Marius/Armand well into reconciliation therapeutic cnc roleplay of coven master armand being reclaimed by marius
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strvingforwonyoung · 10 months
my body goals
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
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Here's the Fancy Camera photos from out redwoods mini-honeymoon!
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alatariel-galadriel · 28 days
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"Leave it to you to go right for the whip, girl."
"Hey, remember when we talked about 'you and me' boundaries? That's definitely a you and me only conversation."
"Well, it was just a joke 'till you made it real. Now people are really curious."
Mr. and Mrs. X Issue #1
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shaadiwish · 2 months
In the whirlwind of wedding planning, one aspect that often gets overlooked is the honeymoon. Traditionally, couples embark on their romantic getaway immediately after tying the knot
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seoafin · 10 months
gojo and geto seem like the last people to be overly domestic but they take to it so easily it surprises everyone
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sapientiia · 22 days
telling a man that you're not interested in a situationship because its a waste of time and they say you're going a bit "too crazy." me "going crazy about it" was me calmly explaining that it wouldn't work and i wasn't interested. also starting the conversation with wanting to provide for me "as my husband" and how you're planning our honeymoon already before your brain is fully developed, and before you even truly know me, smells like divorce papers and resentment simmering on the back of the stove.. "im just asking because i'd clear my roster for you if you wanted to have a situationship again" you're joking..... you're joking.
me calmly explaining btw
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p4nishers · 11 months
the only s2 azicrow dynamic i'll accept: crowley having The Worst Time™, in love and pining like there's no tomorrow, wondering just how slow he has to go for aziraphale to love him and crying into his car seat every night vs aziraphale happily going cake tasting and picking out the table cloth for their wedding.
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missgryffin · 3 months
WIP tag
Thanks for the tag, @mppmaraudergirl! 💗
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
My WIP situation is also a mess 😅 And my writing "plan" has also wildly changed because of two fests I simply cannot resist, so my current priorities are looking like this:
desiderium — A Valentine's Day friends-to-lovers PWP that I'm typing like mad to finish is now up!
The Honeymoon — A fun little follow-up to The Season (my Bridgerton AU) that I've had in my to-do pile for years and that's perfect for the married Jily fest.
As Old As Time — A Beauty and the Beast / Snow White / Fairytale AU that I'm dusting off for the March Jily Challenge. (Prologue here.)
Love for the Summer — A very smutty + fluffy + drama-free romp of James and Lily getting together the summer before seventh year. (I've been chipping away at this in the background as inspo strikes, and at this rate I'm thinking it should be ready by summer.)
Champion — A Triwizard Tournament AU set in sixth year that I've dabbled with for years and that's recently started calling to me again.
A slow dance 😏
Very excited to work in a bathtub scene, as inspired by Queen Charlotte.
I'm honestly stoked to write a more tortured and angsty version of James.
Couple!Jily!!!! 💓
I'm really looking forward both to digging in to GoF (haven't done a full reread in years!) and writing more Marauders scenes. I'm normally very Jily-centric with my fics, but I've realized this story is actually less about Jily (though obviously that's still part of it) and more about friendships 🥺
no-pressure tags to @blitheringmcgonagall @practicecourts @wearingaberetinparis @jamesunderwater @startanewdream @takearisk-ao3 @petalsinwoodvale @athenasparrow @maraudersftw @arianatwycross
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rosewoodroad · 1 year
Can’t help but feel like using the Commander as bait is going to backfire really, really badly.
They’ve spent their prime years on the battlefield protecting Tyria, losing precious loved ones, and now our pals are asking for the Commander to relive the casualties of those 10 years for jade batteries?
Our Commander is altruistic, selfless, and wholly dedicated to Tyria... but I think this season might be straw that breaks them.
That said-- Gorrik, Rama and Yao going with the plan I can understand since they’ve only ever seen the infallible side of the Commander and probably think they’re invincible, but Taimi? I expected a little more sympathy or hesitation, considering she knows what the Commander has gone through personally (still love her though).
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