#hongjoong’s plaid pants
lilacmingi · 12 days
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works. And please don’t spam-like!
Pairing: Cruella!San x boutique owner!fem reader (ft business partner!Hongjoong)
Word count: 6,745
Note: Okay this one might be my fave out of the whole series!! So many people loved it and I personally am really proud of this one even to this day!
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The new window display looked incredible. You had stayed after closing the previous night to put it up in hopes that it would attract some new customers. Not just that, but you wanted to show off the jacket you worked so hard to reform.
You went in to make a few minor adjustments before opening for the day. As you were straightening up the outfit on the mannequin, your coworker and business partner, Hongjoong, walked in adjusting his beret.
Today's ensemble consisted of a white t-shirt with safety pins all over it, thick, black suspenders clipped onto a pair of black pants with a partial red, plaid pleated skirt attached to it—he's always dressing in the most wonderfully unique outfits.
"Morning." You greeted, stepping out of the window display. "You're looking fashionable, as usual."
"Thank you." He grinned, doing a little spin so you could see a full 360 view of the outfit. "I'm experimenting with something different."
"You mean the skirt attached to the pants?"
"Yeah. I think it looks cool, don't you?"
"Yes! I love it. We might be able to sell something like that, hm?" You grinned, raising a brow.
"If the people want it, I'll be more than happy to make more." He said. "Oh, here's your coffee, by the way."
"Ah." You placed your hand on your chest. "You're a doll. Thank you."
"You're welcome." He nodded, heading to the back.
Seconds later, music started playing through the speakers in the store, your lips curling into a pleased smile.
You and Hongjoong shared a similar music taste and you'd both curated the perfect playlist for the store. It's a mix of alternative rock, indie, and a touch of classic rock and indie pop—which was fit for your motley boutique.
The two of you had been friends since college. You both majored in business and shared a love for reforming clothes. It wasn't long until you started making plans for a business. You made a deal to go in together, save the money, and start up your own boutique, and as of one year ago, you did. It was a brilliant idea that blossomed into what it is today.
Yours and Hongjoong's business is located
in one of the fashion capitals of the world—London. You both specialize in thrifting and reforming. The two of you check out local thrift shops and buy pieces to cut up and put back together to make something unique. You can't find clothes like yours and Hongjoong's anywhere else.
"So, I stopped at a couple secondhand shops on my way here. I hope you don't mind."
"Of course I don't. What did you find? Anything good?"
"Well, I found this scarf." He spoke, pulling the accessory from a shopping bag. "The print is unique. I thought maybe we could cut up uneven chunks of the fabric and sew them on a jacket or something."
"Ooh." You nodded, envisioning the piece. "I like that. What else?"
"These dainty little chains and these boots."
"Let me guess. Attach the chains to the boots to make them edgy?" You guessed.
"Yes! This is why we're business partners." He grinned. "I'm gonna go put this stuff in the back with the other pieces."
You hummed in acknowledgement and took a sip of coffee, the sweet taste coating your tastebuds, a slightly bitter aftertaste following.
"Please help get me through the day." You spoke to the beverage as you plopped down behind the register.
Hongjoong emerged from the back room, smoothing out his shirt.
"That window display looks nice."
"Thank you. I did stay late last night to get it set up." You grinned, proudly. "I hope it attracts some new customers."
"It will. It looks fantastic. No other storefronts look like ours." Hongjoong assured you, his eyes trailing off to the dog bed behind the counter, your pet Dalmatian curled up asleep inside.
"I didn't even know Valentino was here." He commented.
"Yeah. He's tired today. He's been sleeping ever since I got here."
"Hey. If that window display doesn't attract new customers, Valentino will."
"Yeah, he's a favorite among our usual customers."
"Speaking of customers." Hongjoong pointed towards the front entrance.
Someone was standing outside in front of the display window, you couldn't see them too well from where you were sitting, though.
"I'm gonna go work on those boots. Just call me if you need me."
"Sure." You nodded, watching Hongjoong disappear behind the beaded curtain separating the front of the store from the back.
You stayed sitting behind the register, assuming the person outside was just perusing and most likely wouldn't come inside.
Just then, the door to the boutique opened, catching your attention. You turned your head and watched as a man with unique half black and half white hair strode into the store. He wore pinstripe pants and a white dress shirt unbuttoned at the top, a tight corset cinched around his waist. On top of the entire ensemble was a cream-colored fur coat draped over his shoulders. His entire appearance practically screamed high fashion and you were left speechless as you stared at this incredibly well-dressed man.
"What's that in the display window?" He asked, pointing with his cane.
"A jacket."
"I know what it is. I'm not stupid. I want to know who made it."
"I did." You answered.
"It's wonderful."
"Thank you." You were surprised to hear this man's praise. "Would you like to see it up close?"
"What kind of question is that?"
You stepped onto the platform in the display window and removed the jacket, bringing it to your new and eccentric customer.
He held it up, examining it, running his gloved fingers over the embellishments on it.
When you first got a hold of it, it was a measly little leather jacket with a couple holes in it, but now it looked like something completely new. You put a couple patches printed to look like newspapers on the jacket to cover the holes and added hundreds of studs and chains to it. To top it off, the word rebel was hand-painted on the back in sharp, white letters.
"I'll take it." The customer finally spoke.
"That's wonderful. Let me ring you up."
He followed you to the register where he paid for the jacket.
At this point, Valentino had gotten out of his bed and wandered around the counter.
"What a cute dog." He commented.
"Thank you. His name is Valentino."
"Like the fashion designer."
"The very same."
"Hm." The man gave a hum of what seemed like approval.
"You know, I just put that jacket out last night. You're the first one to show interest in it."
"What can I say? I have an eye for fashion." He grinned.
"I'd say you do. Your outfit is incredible."
"Oh, this?" He questioned as if it were nothing. "I just threw this together."
Your brows raised at his nonchalance.
"Well, darling, thank you for the jacket." He gave you a wink, retrieving the clothing from the counter. "Perhaps I'll see you around."
You blinked a few times as you watched him stride away, your cheeks feeling slightly warm at the nickname darling.
"Wait." You called out.
The man turned to glance over his shoulder.
"What's your name?"
"San. Don't wear it out, dear."
Just then, Hongjoong emerged from the back seeing San leave the store. The door closed and Hongjoong turned to look at you in your flustered state.
"Who was that?"
"San who?"
"I don't know, but he was beautiful."
Hongjoong let out a snort. "You're drooling."
You brought your hand up to your mouth, not feeling a thing.
"Am not."
"You were about to."
You rolled your eyes, choosing not to argue back.
A few days passed and all you could think about was the fashionable San. He was only in your store for about five minutes, but he made quite an impression on you, capturing your attention as soon as he stepped into your establishment.
A customer had just purchased a pair of pants with a partial skirt attached to it. Hongjoong only made one tester pair just to see if anyone would buy it.
"Looks like you need to make more of those pants." You commented.
"Looks like I do." Hongjoong smiled.
Your eyes widened as you saw San walking past the storefront, his eyes landing on the new display you set up.
"Oh my gosh." You stood from your seat behind the register.
"There he is!" You whispered, pointing to the window.
"That San guy from a few days ago?" Hongjoong asked.
"He came back? That must mean he loved what he bought."
Your cheeks became warm thinking about San loving the jacket so much that he came back.
The door opened and in walked the highly fashionable man from the other day. Today he wore a black and white striped shirt with a long, black trench coat over the top. The pants he wore were the same color as his jacket and were cropped above his ankles, showing off his shiny dress shoes with pointed, metallic-capped tips.
"Hello." Hongjoong greeted as he approached San.
"Hello." San responded as he passed Hongjoong, walking straight to you. "Y/n, my dear."
He took your hand, giving a kiss to the back of it. "It's a pleasure to see you again."
"Yeah. It's a surprise to see you." You managed to say.
A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he let go of your hand. "You're surprised I came back?"
"Well, yes."
"I wanted to see what else you've got. Hopefully it's as good as that jacket."
"Ah, well, feel free to look around." You gestured to the endless racks of clothes. "We have plenty more items like that."
San turned towards all the clothes and began perusing the store.
You watched as he strode around, his fingers running over the fabric of the clothes hanging up. Every so often, he would pull a piece of clothing off the rack, examining the garment and rubbing the fabric between his fingers. If he found something he liked, he would take it off the rack and toss it over his arm.
"I must admit, I'm impressed." San spoke up.
"Thank you. I can't take all the credit, though. Hongjoong designs a lot of these pieces as well." You spoke up.
"You're both incredibly talented." San praised. "What about this?" He retrieved a pair of pants from the rack.
You remember the trousers well, Hongjoong designed them. He took two different pairs of pants and cut them in half, one black pair, the other red plaid. He sewed them together and clipped a wallet chain onto the belt loops.
"I made those." Hongjoong spoke up.
"Incredible." San murmured. "I'll take these. I have just the right top to pair with them."
Hongjoong offered to ring up the items San had collected while you made yourself busy rearranging a jewelry display.
Once San had paid for his items, he headed towards the door, briefly coming to a stop beside you.
"Keep doing what you're doing, love. There aren't many people who possess the talent you and your business partner have."
"Thank you." You told him.
"Don't mention it." He waved his hand dismissively as he headed towards the door. "Au revoir." (goodbye in French)
Again, you were left speechless and absolutely awestruck.
"He's amazing."
San continued to stop by the boutique over the next couple weeks, always looking for new finds and wanting to know the latest piece of clothing that had been reformed. He even showed interest in Hongjoong's pants with the half skirt attached to it and requested a custom pair of his own. He was practically a regular customer at this point.
Each time he popped into the store, he wore yet another incredible outfit that left you mind blown. He was the most fashionable person you had met—besides Hongjoong, of course.
"You know San?" You asked.
"The one you always ogle at?" Hongjoong asked.
"I do not—" He gave you a look, making you stop mid-sentence. "Yes. That one."
"What about him?"
"Do you think he lives around here?"
"I don't know. Why do you ask?"
"We should hire him."
"His style is incredible. We could use someone like him on our staff."
"Hm." Hongjoong hummed. "It's not a bad idea."
The mail slot in the front door opens as today's newspaper falls to the floor. Your dog, Valentino got up to retrieve it, carrying it over to you.
"Ah, the paper. Thank you, Valentino." You thanked your Dalmatian, taking the newspaper from him.
You unrolled the paper, pausing when you saw a photo of a familiar-looking man printed on the front page.
Plastered on the front page of the newspaper was a photo of San, and he was wearing your jacket. The cover read: RENOWNED SOUTH KOREAN FASHION DESIGNER CHOI SAN AT LONDON'S FASHION WEEK.
Your jaw dropped in disbelief.
"Hongjoong?" You called out.
Your partner came hurrying over.
"What's wrong? What is it?"
"Look." You showed him the front page.
Hongjoong's eyes widened, his mouth hanging open.
"He's a fashion designer?" He exclaimed in disbelief.
"Apparently so. A renowned fashion designer too."
"I can't believe this. Do you know what that means?" Hongjoong asked.
"We had a popular fashion designer stop by our shop!"
"Exactly! Do you think he told his famous fashion designer friends about us?" He inquired excitedly.
"I don't know. Let's read the article."
South Korean fashion designer Choi San has graced London with his presence, traveling to the bustling city for London Fashion Week. He's been seen around the city wearing some eye-catching outfits that have people talking.
Choi San is known for his uniquely original and out-of-the-box designs. Fans and designers alike are all anticipating what he has in store.
"Wow." You gaped. "I'm speechless."
"Do you think those eye-catching outfits consisted of anything he bought from this store?" Inquired Hongjoong.
"I sure hope so."
You were dying for San to return to the boutique. You wanted so badly to talk to him about the new information you found out.
It was a couple days before he returned.
Those were the longest two days of your life.
One overcast day, he came striding into the boutique, graceful and elegant as ever.
"Hello." He greeted before perusing the items, acting as if he wasn't hiding a huge secret.
"You're a renowned fashion designer?!" You shrieked.
"Of course, doll." He responded, casually as his fingertips trailed over a pair of handmade earrings on display.
"And you didn't say anything?"
"You didn't know?" He asked, raising a brow.
"No. I saw you in the paper the other day."
"Well, I don't fault you for that. I'm fairly new in the fashion scene. A virtuoso, they call me. Can you believe that?" He chuckled. "It's rather flattering."
"I can't believe a famous fashion designer has been visiting our little boutique. I had no idea."
"Don't let it get to you, dear." He chuckled. "My status shouldn't change the relationship between us."
"R-relationship?" You blushed.
"Yes?" He said it like a question. "We're friends, are we not?"
"Yes! Friends. Of course. Yeah." You chuckled nervously.
That was awkward.
Hongjoong emerged from the back room with a newly reformed piece of clothing, a measuring tape draped around his neck.
"Ah! Just the man I wanted to see." He smiled. "What do you think?"
Hongjoong held up a black coat that had been completely redone. It was embellished with silver swirls and had epaulettes added onto the shoulders.
"Wow." San gaped. "I love everything about it. How much?"
Hongjoong gave him the price he was considering for the garment and San immediately bought it.
"I'll probably stop by within the next few days." He told the both of you.
"That's fine. You're welcome any time. Even if we're closed." Hongjoong smiled.
"Good to know." San tossed his shopping bag over his shoulder. "Until next time." He waved, striding out of the shop.
San returned to your store just a few days later, a large bag tossed over his shoulder.
He strode into the boutique, dropping the sack onto the floor. You furrowed your brows at him.
"Well, don't just stand there. Have a look." He gestured.
You opened the bag and began digging through it, gasping as you pulled out multiple pieces of designer clothes.
"What are you doing? This is thousands of dollars worth of your clothing."
"Right. I want you to tear it up."
"I'm sorry?"
"What you do here. Thrifting clothes. Tearing them apart and putting them back together. I'm having a show, that's why I'm here in London. I'd like to do a small showcase during my show."
"So you're talking about a collaboration? Your clothes, our style?" You questioned.
"That's exactly what I'm talking about, love."
"We would love to."
"I'd like to watch you work if you don't mind. I can assist you, of course. I would just need a station with a sewing machine."
"Don't worry. We have an extra in the back." Hongjoong chimed in. "We can definitely work something out."
"Fabulous." San grinned. "Let's get to work, shall we?"
Later that evening when the store closed, the three of you gathered in the back room where all of the sorting and reassembling took place. You and Hongjoong would examine each piece San brought in, making plans and sketches, discussing how you would upcycle it. With each piece came a story from San about how he came up with the idea for the garment. You enjoyed hearing him talk about his thought process, hanging on to every word. You took it as an opportunity to learn a bit from the fashion genius.
After examining each piece of clothing, the three of you got to work. You and Hongjoong would cut up clothes while San laid them out on a table and pieced them together, following the sketches the two of you provided. Naturally, you and your business partner had music playing to help keep everyone motivated. Though, sometimes you'd get distracted, prancing around the room and dancing.
Unbeknownst to you, San was watching and admiring you as you goofed off. To see you so carefree while doing what you love made his heart swell.
A couple hours passed and the three of you had gotten a considerable amount of work done. You cut up about half of the clothes San brought to you and laid them out with pieces of other garments of San's that you'd planned to turn into one piece.
Once you had a few pieces laid out, you and San began to sew them together while Hongjoong continued to disassemble any remaining garments in the bag.
At some point, Hongjoong let out a huff, stretching his back.
"I could use something to eat. Is anyone else hungry?"
"Starving." You responded.
Hongjoong glanced at his watch.
"It's only 7:00 PM. I can go and pick something up."
"Sounds good. San and I can stay here and keep working."
"Perfect. What's everyone in the mood for?"
You and San shared a look before you spoke up.
You then looked to San for approval, worried that he would turn the idea down and suggest some lavish meal.
"It's a classic. You can't go wrong with pizza." He responded.
"Great." Hongjoong clasped his hands together. "I'll be back soon."
Your partner left the room, the sound of the front entrance closing behind him following shortly after. You paid no mind to it as you worked, sewing the lower half of a red plaid shirt onto the bottom of a cropped, leather jacket.
"So, Y/n, how long have you been into fashion?" San inquired.
"Since I was a kid. I'd get into my parents' closet and take their clothes." You chuckled. "I remember one time I took my dad's suit jacket and tied one of my mom's scarves around the waist. Then, I got a hold of her red heels and put them on. The outfit was horrendous and I was far too little for any of the clothes, but it was so much fun."
A soft smile made its way onto San's face as he pictured a tiny you prancing around in a large jacket and heels.
"I used to draw pictures of outfits too. Most of the drawings were of dresses. I'm talking pages upon pages."
"Did you ever create any of those drawings?"
"Goodness no." You chuckled. "When I got older and learned how to use a sewing machine, my taste had changed quite a bit."
San listened to you talk about how your love for fashion progressed as well as how you and Hongjoong met and started your business together.
"That's quite a story."
"Yeah, it is." You hummed. "Not everyone is lucky enough to have their plans work out like mine and Hongjoong's."
"I'd say you're both very lucky."
Valentino, who had been napping walked up to you, resting his head in your lap. You stopped what you were doing to give him a few soft pets accompanied by ear scratches. His tail wagged happily in response. When you stopped, he lifted his paw, placing it on the side of your thigh as a way to tell you to keep going.
"Alright." You chuckled. "But only for a little while. Mama's got work to do."
San watched you with adoration, his heart thumping heavily in his chest.
"How did you get Valentino?" He asked.
"I actually found him roaming the streets. I was headed here when I spotted him. I felt so bad. He was only a little guy at the time. I brought him into the store and gave him part of the sandwich I packed for lunch. Hongjoong was surprised to see me come in with a dog, but he didn't mind. I decided that day that I would keep him." You gave the Dalmatian a fond look as you stroked his ears. "While I was working, he wandered in the back room. I later found him sleeping on a Valentino shirt Hongjoong thrifted. That's how I decided to name him."
"He's lucky to have you." San smiled.
"I think I'm the lucky one."
It wasn't long before Hongjoong returned with a couple pizzas and some drinks. The three of you took a twenty minute break to eat and rest before getting back to work. When midnight rolled around, you decided to call it a night. The three of you agreeing to close up shop and head home, promising to pick up again the next day.
You continued to meet up for a week, working tirelessly on the clothes. San and Hongjoong stayed in the back room sewing while you worked the store. When you weren't running the boutique, you were in the back helping San, switching out with Hongjoong.
It took two weeks for every piece to be completed. Once finished, each item of clothing was placed on a hanger and put in a garment bag, provided by San, then put inside a van.
"Thank you so much, darling." San beamed, flashing a bright smile accompanied by the most charming dimples. "The two of you have done marvelous work."
"It was an honor." You told him.
"It really was. To work with someone like you has been such an awesome experience." Hongjoong agreed.
"It's been wonderful working with the both of you." San approached Hongjoong, giving him a brief cheek-to-cheek air kiss.
He then moved over, doing the same to you, except he actually kissed your cheeks.
"I'll see you around." He smirked, giving you a wink before hopping into the van and driving off.
You stood with your mouth open, your cheeks burning from San's sudden kisses.
"He just..." You trailed off, your hands cupping your burning cheeks.
Hongjoong stood off to the side, unable to hold back giggles as he watched you in your flustered state, having witnessed the exchange.
"Y/n! The paper's here!" Hongjoong called. "And San is on the cover again!"
You rushed out of the back room, excitedly.
"Let's see what it says."
Hongjoong laid the paper out on the counter so the both of you could read it. The front page was plastered with photos of San wearing clothes that he bought from the boutique. Your eyes traveled from the photos to the article as you began to read it.
Choi San is set to have a fashion show this weekend where he will showcase his most recent designs. The fashion genius has been spotted walking the streets of London wearing an incredible ensemble from his new fashion line. Critics have been raving over the pieces he's been seen wearing around the city. When asked for any clues about his upcoming line, this was his response.
"Well, I can't reveal much about my designs, but the theme for the show will be 'The Next Generation of Fashion'. So stay tuned, darlings." The designer said.
"What?" You frowned. "His designs?"
"That can't be right." Hongjoong murmured.
His eyes scanned over the article, a frown on his face.
"He didn't say that, did he?"
"It says it right there, plain as day." You pointed. "I can't reveal much about my designs. Not only that, but it says he's been wearing his designs around the city. The clothes he's wearing in the photos is our stuff from the shop."
Hongjoong shook his head in response, unable to believe that San would do that.
"I have to talk with him." You murmured.
"It looks like you'll get your chance."
The door swung open and in walked Choi San, happy as ever.
"Hello, loves." He greeted, striding towards the register.
Hongjoong, who knew what was going to happen, quickly made himself scarce.
Your jaw clenched as he approached you with an arrogant grin that you wanted so badly to slap off his face. You snatched up the newspaper and slammed it onto the counter.
"Care to explain?"
The designer's brows furrowed as he looked down at the front page. "I don't understand."
"The article, San. You totally took credit for mine and Hongjoong's work."
"No, I didn't."
"It says so right here." You pointed.
He leaned down to get a better look at the paper.
"I can't believe I thought you wanted to work with me." You scoffed, shaking your head. "Just go."
San merely turned around and left the boutique without another word.
A huff left you as you spun around, storming into the back room.
"What happened?" Hongjoong inquired.
"I told him to leave."
"He didn't say anything?"
Valentino trotted in a few moments later with an envelope in his mouth.
"What's that?" Asked Hongjoong.
"I don't know. He already got the mail."
You took the lavish, cream-colored envelope from him, opening it up.
Inside was a card with two tickets to the fashion show. The card had a short note written in neat handwriting:
You've worked hard. Enjoy the show.
- San
"It's tickets to San's fashion show." You scoffed.
"He sent us tickets?" Hongjoong rushed over, peering over your shoulder.
"I guess that's what he came here to do." You assumed.
"Y/n, you need to go." He told you.
"What? No. There's no way. Not after what he did to us."
"I know you're upset that he used us, but I want to go to the show, you should too. The least we can do is show up and see our designs on the runway."
To your disappointment, he had a point. It would be nice to be able to see the clothes you and Hongjoong worked so hard to create.
You walked into the event, loud music blaring throughout the large room. You felt like your whole body was trembling. You didn't want to be there.
"You look great." Hongjoong assured you.
"That's not what I'm worried about."
"It'll be fine, Y/n. Despite what he did, I think he wanted us to be here."
"I can't understand why."
The two of you made your way to a row of seats. Hongjoong stopped suddenly, nudging you.
"Look." He pointed to the first row of seats, each one with a card on them. There were two chairs beside each other, one had a card with Hongjoong's name on it, the other with yours. You were a bit surprised to see that you had reserved seats, especially after what happened just a few days prior.
"C'mon." Hongjoong beckoned you over to your chairs.
After sitting down, you held the name card in your hand, flipping it back and forth. On the cardstock was your name printed in beautiful gold letters, a decorative box framing the print.
The show began shortly after, rock music playing through the speakers in the building as the lights started to dim. A silence settled over the room as everyone focused on the bright catwalk. A voice came over the speakers, kicking off the show.
"Welcome to the next generation of fashion."
Models began striding down the runway, each one donning an outfit you had never seen. You knew immediately that these were San's designs. Though you want very happy with him at the moment you had to admit, his designs were impeccable—they were nothing like you'd ever seen before. It was hard not to be impressed by his incredible work. He truly was a virtuoso.
Halfway through the show, that same voice came over the speakers once again.
"And now, for a special showcase."
Your eyes widened in awe as you watched the models strut down the catwalk wearing designs that you and Hongjoong created. It was like a dream come true. You just wished the circumstances were better. Though your situation wasn't the greatest, you didn't let that put a damper on your excitement.
The both of you watched with awestruck expressions as the models sashayed down the runway, showing off the upcycled pieces of San's previous fashion lines. The models looked incredible, as did their hair and makeup. Every single one had a different look and managed to match the vibe of each ensemble.
"Wow." You gaped.
"Yeah." Hongjoong nodded, his wide eyes staring unblinking at the models.
The last few models made their way off stage, signaling the end of the showcase. You knew what would happen next.
Your chest tightened when San walked up on stage. The crowd clapped and cheered as he made his way to the front of the catwalk.
His black and white hair was pushed away from his face in a messy, yet tidy way that perfectly suited him. His ensemble consisted of a white dress shirt that was unbuttoned halfway, showing off a silver body chain. The shirt was tucked into a pair of black, high-waisted trousers with two rows of buttons on the front and a chain dangling from the waist. He had on a large, spotted fur coat that resembled a Dalmatian, and bold, red gloves with many silver rings on top. The coat was long and swayed behind him as he stepped forward.
"Good evening, everyone." He greeted, scanning the crowd.
You unconsciously pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, afraid of being noticed.
"I hope you all enjoyed the show. First of all, I want to thank every single one of you for coming tonight. I appreciate your support dearly."
The crowd clapped in response.
"The showcase you all just watched was extra special. You might have noticed some familiar elements in each outfit, those elements being my old designs. Each one has gotten a new life, being turned into something different." He explained.
There were a few oohs from the crowd.
"I can't take all the credit for the end result you all saw moments ago. Yes, these may be my clothes, but they were truly brought to life by the amazing people who run a small boutique in town and I have to give all the credit to them. I was only a small part of this." He admitted. "Contrary to what the papers have been saying, all the fashion I've been wearing during my time here has been created by them. The pieces I wore were purchased at their boutique, it was not me giving anyone a sneak peek at what would be showcased tonight. You should all know, I hate giving spoilers."
Your lips pressed together as you felt shame and embarrassment flood your entire body.
"Now, I would like to introduce you all to the two incredibly talented fashionistas who re-created the stunning looks you just saw. Hongjoong and Y/n, will you come up here?" San turned right towards the both of you, your cheeks being set aflame.
Hongjoong nudged you as he stood up, heading onto the catwalk with you nervously following behind.
"Everyone please give these two a rousing applause!"
The whole room erupted in claps and cheers for you and Hongjoong. You were overwhelmed. You got to see your designs displayed on the runway and you were receiving a literal standing ovation from a room full of fashion designers and other luminaries. To top it all off, San was being genuine the entire time. Of course, you totally made a fool out of yourself and snapped at him without bothering to hear him out, and for that you needed to apologize.
San thanked everyone and gave a shoutout to yours and Hongjoong's boutique before closing out the show.
"There's going to be an after party in the next room, so please feel free to stay and hang out."
And with that, the show was over and the after party began. Everyone started getting up from their seats, making their way to the next room as you, San, and Hongjoong exited the catwalk, going backstage.
"Thank you, San. The showcase was incredible." Hongjoong told him.
"I should be thanking you. Tonight was a success and that's because of you two."
You smiled a little, guilt weighing on your heart.
"Well, I believe you two need some time alone, so I'm going to the after party. I'll see you later." Hongjoong quickly excused himself, allowing you and San some privacy.
"San, I'm so terribly sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I was really hateful to you that day." You apologized immediately.
"It's alright." He shook his head with a soft smile. "Don't worry yourself."
"I didn't know the tabloids messed up"
"Well, they did. I read the paper when I got home that day and found that they misquoted me. I never said my designs. I said the designs. They also jumped to conclusions big time and assumed the pieces from your store were my designs. I'd say I can't believe they did that, but honestly, that's how they are." He rolled his eyes. "Magazines, newspapers, websites. They're practically known for mincing people's words. How embarrassing."
"My apology still stands. I should have let you explain."
"I told you not to worry." San brought a gloved finger up under your chin, lifting your face to look at him. "You don't have to apologize."
"Alright." You sighed.
He dropped his hand, giving you a warm smile.
"So, what did you think about the show? Honestly."
"It was incredible. I was blown away by your designs and the ones Hongjoong and I worked on looked great too. It was honestly a dream come true. And that was nice of you to give our shop a shoutout at the end."
"You both deserve it." He smiled softly.
"Your outfit tonight is incredible. I especially love the coat."
"Thank you, doll. It's a tribute."
"A tribute?"
"To you. It reminded me of your dear Valentino so I wanted to wear it tonight."
You didn't hold back the flattered grin that spread across your features.
He did that for you?
"Now, let's talk about this ensemble you have on. You look absolutely divine." He told you.
Your eyes widened. "You think so?"
"I know so. Let me have a look at this." He glanced at your outfit, stepping back and allowing you to show him the full look.
You chose a flattering, yet chic ensemble; a bit edgy like what you and Hongjoong reform, but classy enough for a fashion show.
"Oh my." San gasped. "My dear Y/n, you are absolutely stunning."
You tried to stay cool, but San's compliments were getting to you, making your whole body feel like it was going to collapse.
"Love, can I tell you something?" He suddenly asked, his hand reaching for yours.
You allowed him to take it as he pulled you closer.
"Yes. Of course."
"You've captivated me, my dear Y/n. I treasure that night we shared in the back room of your shop. I enjoyed learning more about you and your love for fashion."
That brought a smile to your face.
"I enjoyed that night too, and every night after that when we worked on clothes."
"I'm glad the feeling is mutual." He smiled, his thumb running over the top of your hand.
You could tell there was something he wasn't saying or something he wanted to say, rather.
"We made a great team. Perhaps we should make this duo permanent."
"What are you trying to say?" You inquired.
"I'm saying, I want you to be my girlfriend."
You tried to hold back your smile as you looked at him.
"What if I don't feel the same?" You asked.
"Darling, I know when people are staring at me."
"I saw you gawking at me all those times I came into your boutique."
"Oh." You became flustered. "So you noticed."
"Don't be embarrassed, darling. I quite liked it. Attention from the public is nice, but attention from you is even better."
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, your heart racing.
"So, what do you say? You want to make this official?"
"Yes, please."
San was unable to contain himself as a glowing grin spread across his face, his dimples making an appearance. His hand let go of yours, moving to rest against your waist, tugging your body closer. You knew what he was getting around to and you were more than okay with it. His gloved hand cupped your cheek as his sharp, half-lidded eyes darkened slightly, his face inching closer to yours.
"Just kiss me already." You urged, desperate to feel his lips.
"What's the magic word?" He whispered.
Unable to wait any longer, you grabbed the body chain that hung over his chest, using it to pull him to you, your lips crashing against his. The unexpected action caught San off guard, but he didn't mind. In fact, he thought that was very attractive.
His hand immediately moved from your cheek to the back of your neck, pulling you closer so he could deepen the kiss.
"A girl who knows what she wants. I like that." He smirked against your mouth before capturing your lips fully with his own. You clung to him desperately, your hands clenching the fabric of his shirt as your head tilted slightly, wanting to feel closer to San.
A hum of satisfaction from San vibrated against your lips, sending a rush of butterflies through your stomach. His hand that was resting on your waist made its way to the small of your back, holding you firmly against him.
As much as you hated to, you pulled away in need of air. San stared down at you with flushed cheeks and swollen lips, his eyes droopy. His hair had become slightly out of place, a few extra strands hanging over his forehead. You casually brought your hand up to his uniquely-colored hair, gently running your hand over it, careful not to mess it up.
"I've always been fascinated with your hair." You admitted.
You hummed with a nod.
"I used to color it when I was a kid. I felt that I stood out too much."
"You know, sometimes standing out is a good thing."
He smiled, cupping your cheek. "That's exactly right, my dear."
The designer placed one last kiss to your lips before escorting you back out to the main room.
"Now, what do you say we go to that after party?"
"Sounds good." You nodded.
Hongjoong: Hades ⟡ Seonghwa: Maleficent ⟡ Yunho: Captain Hook ⟡ Yeosang: Evil Queen ⟡ Mingi: Dr. Facilier ⟡ Wooyoung: ⟡ Jongho:
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
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mintyaegyo · 4 years
When he’s finished getting ready, he makes his way down to the parking lot where his old beat up car is parked- it’s red, like the color he wants to dye his hair. He unlocks it, gets in and plugs his phone into the aux cord. He spends the ten minute drive singing along to 80’s music. Since it was a nice day, the window had been rolled down a little and his hair fluttered a little in the wind. As he parks, he turns the car off and pulls the keys out. He makes his way to the door of the cafe, fiddling with the keychain in his hand to find the one that unlocks the cafe.
“Aha!” He makes a happy noise of discovery as it’s found, and opens the door, turning the light switch on as he comes inside. He still had about half an hour before opening (It was 6:30 and the hours were 7-9.) so he locks the door behind him and makes his way to the office to deposit his backpack and make himself a green tea as he goes over the numbers. San wasn’t in until 7 or 7:30, he couldn’t remember, but it was Friday today. It was Friday, right? Hongjoong thinks to himself as he turns the old computer on, setting up his phone to play music once more.
He curses to himself as he accidentally closes the email screen and has to log in again, standing up to stretch his arms, pulling his hair into the little ponytail it’s always in. The store was opening soon, and despite it being early in the day, Hongjoong was in a good mood, it was Friday after all, and they didn’t open until 9 on Saturdays.
Hongjoong putters around for a while, counting the till and making sure the float was even, setting up the POS and making sure the milk and the coffee machines were fully stocked. He hums to himself, turning on the sound system before he checks the time, and goes to unlock the door. The first customers won’t come in for another while, he knows. Most people in this town weren’t early risers but sometimes the odd person would come in before 8am and Hongjoong himself wasn’t one to sleep in late, despite his habit of being nocturnal sometimes. He wanders back to the counter and leans against it, checking his phone to make sure nobody’s texted him they weren’t coming for their shift, and waiting for San to show up. He ties his green apron around his small waist and reties his ponytail.
San saunters in a few minutes later, looking tired but showing Hongjoong a genuine dimpled smile. He’s
wearing the same black skinny jeans he always wears, and a black hoodie is falling off his shoulder. He walks behind the counter to clock in.
“Morning, San” Hongjoong smiles up at the younger barista. San smiles and waves.
“Morning, hyung” San yawns and stretches his arms with a baby dinosaur groan and ties his apron on. “TGIF~” He says cheerily and Hongjoong snorts.
“You’re in a good mood today, huh. Did Wooyoung do something disgusting to you this morning?” Hongjoong chuckles, wrinkling his nose.
“Hyung!” San whines shyly, shaking his head. “No, he didn’t stay over last night. We’re gonna hang out tonight with Jongho and a couple of his friends, so I’m excited for that. You’re invited if you want to come too” San explains to him, fixing himself a cup of water to start his day off. Hongjoong hums
and nods.
“We close at 9, that isn’t too late to come, right?”
“Jongho is also closing with you, you’ll be fine. It’s not like we’ve never done this before” San says with a soft laugh, waving at a customer who’s walking through the door. “There’s not much to prepare, other than like, making sure we have enough to eat and drink.” Hongjoong nods with a soft noise of affirmation.
“Alright, alright, y’all will probably need a babysitter anyways. Is your loverboy just as chaotic when he’s drunk as he is when he’s had two lattes?”
A few hours later Jongho comes in, just as there’s a customer complaining to San about how they weren’t a fan of the Spicy Peanutbutter Frappuccino . San is trying to keep himself from getting snippy with the customer, and Jongho chuckles to himself, shaking his head as he clocks himself in.
“I’m sorry ma’am, do you want me to make a different drink for you?”
“No, I want my money back, it was disgusting!” the customer huffs, and San visibly cringes, letting out a soft sigh. The lady gets all up in his space. “I don’t know where you get off on serving shit like this!”
Well, you ordered it… San thought as he nods, listening to the complaint. “Uh, let me get my manager.” He tells her, turning to Jongho, who’s looking at the cleaning list. He was going to tell the younger to get Hongjoong, but Hongjoong had come out of the office at just the right time, probably hearing the lady raise her voice.
“What seems to be the problem here?” Hongjoong asks sweetly, turning to the lady as he steps up behind San. And although Hongjoong was shorter, and arguably nicer, he could look quite threatening when he wanted to, even next to San.
“Your barista here made me something disgusting!” She huffs, lifting up the half drunk frappuccino. Hongjoong nods, making a noise.
“I’m sorry about that, ma’am.” Hongjoong says, using his nicest voice possible. It sounded almost genuine, if San didn’t know how much Hongjoong actually hated this shit.
“She wants her money back.” San offers dumbly, feeling a little bad that he had been the one the complaint was about. Sure, it happens but he still feels like the worst person ever who’s bad at his job when it does, even if it wasn’t his fault. Except it définitely was. He grips his wrist and digs his nails into the skin, biting his lip as he worried. Hongjoong catches the look in San’s eyes and nods at him. San looks down at his feet.
“I’ll comp it.” Hongjoong says simply, looking at the lady. “But you did drink half of it?” She makes a face and huffs, exasperated. San makes a small noise in the back of his throat, not moving. Hongjoong goes to the till, ringing in the ‘return’, pulling out the exact change for the customer. “Here you are, ma’am, apologies for the trouble.” She pulls it out of his hand and stomps off, tossing her cup in the trash. After she leaves, Hongjoong runs a hand through his ponytail and sighs. “What a miserable lady.”
San nods, silent as he holds onto his wrist, eyes cast down towards his scuffed Converse. He can hear the chatter of Jongho helping a customer behind him, grabbing a cup. He can hear the sound of the music around the cafe clearly, and feel his heartbeat through his shirt. I can’t even do my job properly, why am I here? She yelled at me and made me feel like shit.
“San?” Hongjoong asks, tilting his head as he questions the younger. San looks up from his shoes.
“Hm? I’m really sorry, hyung.” San murmurs.
“It’s alright, she was a bitch. You didn’t do anything wrong, San. We both know that drink is disgusting.” Hongjoong chuckles softly, patting San’s shoulder. San pouts, nodding as he takes a breath in.
“A-are you sure? I feel like I messed up, I didn’t make it right or something and she singled me out.” San whines softly, biting his lip again. He smooths out his apron.
“Because she’s a miserable lady.” Hongjoong says, wrinkling his nose. “Her husband probably hates her, and that haircut was awful.” He offers, as if that would help. San gives him a weak smile, nodding.
“H-hyung, you have a mullet..” San takes another breath to calm his heart, half snorting. “You can’t say anything about anyone’s haircut.”
“My style is avante garde, and it looks great on me, screw you.” Hongjoong quips back with a chuckle, rubbing San’s shoulder. The younger barista leaned into the touch. San lets out a soft giggle, scoffing. “There’s a smile, do you need to go sit down for a bit?” Hongjoong asks, knowing San was sensitive to any sort of criticism from customers. San shakes his head.
“‘m okay, hyung.. but i’m not going to work till for the next bit so I don’t have to deal with anyone.” Hongjoong nods.
“That’s okay, Iooks like Jongho’s got it handled.”
It was around 6 now, and pretty slow since it was Friday, so Hongjoong was sweeping up the floor, San was cleaning the tables. Jongho remained at the till, wiping down the machines. Wooyoung shows up, letting out an excited whoop as he walks in the door.
“Helloooo, everyone!” Wooyoung saunters over to San and hugs him from behind. San squeaks, but grins.
“Hey, Woo~” San murmurs, a big smile appearing of his face.
“I missed you Sannie~” Wooyoung says brightly, letting go of his boyfriend. “Are you all excited for tonight?” He asks, addressing the other two males in the cafe.
“Heck yeah! Just don’t knock over my entire kitchen table again, okay?” Jongho laughs from the counter, shaking his head at Wooyoung.
“It was one time!” Wooyoung huffs, pouting his soft lips. “And it wasn’t on purpose!”
“The entire bottle of vodka AND the Chinese food fell off and spilled! My kitchen still smells like it.. I can’t even eat there anymore…” Jongho laments and Hongjoong snorts. San just fondly smacks Wooyoung in the arm.
“Just as I suspected, chaotic.” Hongjoong chuckles, shaking his head as he leans against the broom, blonde bangs falling into his eyes.
“Hongjoong hyung, it was one time!” Wooyoung protests loudly. San giggles.
“And then you threw up in the hall-“ Jongho continues, obviously scarred for life from the night’s happenings.
“I’m starting to think that you don’t want me to come” Wooyoung pouts jokingly at Jongho, heading over to the counter with his arms folded like a child. “I promise I’ll stay away from the kitchen table this time.” He makes puppy eyes at the younger barista, and Jongho can’t help but just shake his head fondly.
“Fine, fine.. you’re always invited, even if you’re a dumbass.” Wooyoung grins triumphantly and San giggles, finishing up wiping the tables. “
“I’ll make sure he behaves, don’t worry Jongho~” San says with a grin. Jongho rolls his eyes and snorts.
“Is it because you’ll be making out in the bedroom the entire time?” Jongho asks, hands on his hips. San turns a bright shade of red and whines. Wooyoung smirks, but blushes as well. Hongjoong wrinkles his nose in disgust and cackles.
“Anyways kids, there’s three hours before close so.. make sure the cafe is clean and stocked, yeah?” Hongjoong asks with a fond smile and the two that actually work for him nod with a chorus of ‘Yes, hyung’
When the clock hits nine, Hongjoong goes over to the door to lock it up, letting out a loud sigh as he does. He was so ready to finish up the day here, and despite the boys calling him old, he was actually pretty excited to go to the get together with them all and let loose for once. San had gone home with Wooyoung at seven, and Jongho was checking to make sure the bathrooms were empty and everything was clean. When Hongjoong finishes locking up, he goes to the till to run the closing reports and put the cash tray in the safe in the office.
“Hyung, everything’s all clean” Jongho comes up behind him, untying his apron as he smiles. “Almost done?”
“Yep, just another couple minutes.” Hongjoong nods, rolling his shoulders to stretch them. “Then we can head on out” He grins.
“Sounds good, hyung!”
After a few more minutes and the cash is safe and locked up, Hongjoong’s plaid shirt is back on his shoulders and Jongho’s got his backpack on. They nod at each other in understanding and Hongjoong opens the door to let Jongho out, following and locking the door behind them. Jongho makes his way to his ride where a friend was waiting for him.
“I’ll see you in an hour, right hyung?” He asks before getting in.
“Yep, I’ll be there” Hongjoong confirms with a grin, giving Jongho two thumbs up. Jongho nods and waves at him before he closes the door of the car and Hongjoong gets into his own car, starting it and getting ready to drive home.
Wooyoung spins in front of San’s mirror, checking out the way his butt looks in the tight jeans he’d chosen, sipping on a Red Bull in his hand. San hadn’t approved of the energy drink, but he let it slide because they’d be drinking tonight which wasn’t healthy anyways. He gives wooyoung two approving thumbs up from the bed where he’s trying to decide between two different shirts.
“You look hot as heck, Woo” San hums approvingly, holding up a plain black t-shirt and making a face, tilting his head. “You look really good in blue” Wooyoung grins brightly at him, cheeks blushing as he sips his Red Bull.
“Thank you, Sannie~” Wooyoung hums with his blush. “You know.. you could just wear no shirt, right?” San lets out a squawk, cheeks turning dark red, but making no effort to hide his body from his boyfriend.
“I don’t know if the others will approve~” He hums with a chuckle as he pulls the black t-shirt over his shoulders, head peeking out with his dark hair artfully messy. Wooyoung giggles and winks.
“Don’t care~ Are you ready to go yet?” Wooyoung plops himself down on the carpet in front of the mirror, downing the rest of his drink and setting the can on the floor. San stands up and nods, checking his phone that was plugged in on his bedside table.
The music was louder than it should be, and Jongho was leaning against his counter sipping on a beer as he laughed at something San had said. Wooyoung was sitting on the counter next to them, swaying and attempting to body roll at the same time to the Bruno Mars song, but failing. Jongho cringed and yelled, pretending to go throw his beer at Wooyoung. who just cackled loudly, throwing his head back. San crouched down on the floor to giggle at both of them.
Hongjoong knocked on the door before smoothing out his shirt. He spent his entire life just working in the cafe so he often got excited to dress up a little when he did actually leave the apartment for another reason. That’s why when Jongho went to open the door to greet Hongjoong, he honest-to-god shrieked.
“Is there a ghost behind me, Jongho-yah?” Hongjoong asks, tilting his head with an amused expression, sandy blonde bangs falling into his eyes.
“No but there’s just…so much plaid…” Jongho trails off, blinking at his manager. Wooyoung had wandered over to the door to check out the commotion, leaning his smaller body against Jongho’s and waving a hand lazily at Hongjoong, while simultaneously giving him a ‘sup nod.
“Hyung, you look like 2005.” He says simply. Hongjoong lets out an offended squawk, gesturing to his outfit that he actually felt pleased with, classic plaid slacks and a white t-shirt, with black and white striped sleeves underneath. His hair was out of the ponytail and his mullet just grazed the back of his neck.
“I look fantastic, thank you very much!” Hongjoong huffs with a fond chuckle, walking past the youngest two inside Jongho’s apartment and bending over to untie his Converse. “Plaid is a classic pattern, it’s timeless.”
“Sure, Jan.” Jongho laughs, shaking his head as he goes back to assume his position by the counter. Wooyoung just snorts and giggles loudly, opening his arms as he nears San by the counter and wrapping them around his taller boyfriend’s neck, nuzzling into it. San grins and sips his drink, letting Wooyoung drape himself all over his body. “Ah, and hyung, there’s beer in the fridge and the vodka is by the microwave on the counter, feel free to do your thing”
“Thanks” Hongjoong hums, sauntering into the kitchen a moment later and hopping onto a stool. “I’ll grab a drink in a moment, how’re you all doing aside from not understanding fashion?” San lets out a giggle and shakes his head.
“We’re doing good, thanks, hyung” San says with a dimpled smile, blushing as Wooyoung- who’s only had one drink- tries to kiss on his neck. Jongho glares at them in offense and San just laughs and pats Wooyoung’s jean-clad thigh where he can reach. Hongjoong’s eyes flit to Wooyoung questioningly. “He’s fine, don’t worry~”
Wooyoung takes that opportunity to bite San’s ear, causing the elder to squeak shyly, going red from the neck up. Hongjoong pretends to gag and hops off the stool to pour himself a drink at the counter.
“Man, I really need a drink now…ah, my eyes…” Hongjoong mutters, shaking his head. Wooyoung cackles like a seal, throwing his head back as he laughs. San smacks him fondly in the arm.
“Believe me, hyung, i’ve been gagging over it all night” Jongho laments darkly as he leans against the counter. “Do you want Sprite or cola?”
“Sprite” Hongjoong nods up at Jongho, playing with the ends of his hair as he grabs a cup.
“Hyung?” Jongho asks as he drapes himself across the chair he’s on like a cat. He looks up at Hongjoong with big eyes.
“Hn?” Hongjoong hums, tipping back the last of his beer and making a face at the aftertaste. He flips his hair out of his eyes as he sits cross legged on the floor in front of Jongho.
“I really think your pants are weird” Jongho says bluntly, blinking his eyes.
“We should burn them.” Yeosang pipes up from the right side of Wooyoung, in the middle of nibbling on a Twizzler stick. Hongjoong makes a squawk of offence and Wooyoung cackles into San’s neck. San nods in agreement.
“I got them from a thrift shop, I’ll never find them again!” Hongjoong huffs, not getting up from the floor- he looked more like a petulant child who’d gotten scolded rather than the manager for half these kids.
“Good!” San calls out with a laugh, standing up. He places his third beer on the coffee table and saunters over to Hongjoong, kneeling down in front of him. Wooyoung whines loudly at the loss of contact, being an affectionate drunk until San speaks again. “Guys, help me get them off him- we’re gonna get rid of these babies once and for all.” He tugs on Hongjoong’s pant leg with a wild giggle. Wooyoung tumbles off the couch and stumbles towards San to help, giggling the entire time.
“Yah! Choi San, if you strip my pants off, you’re fired!” Hongjoong whines, kicking his legs as the couple try to pull the plaid fabric off. “And if I don’t fire you, you’re going to have to deal with all the customer service complaints!”
Jongho shares a look with Yeosang across the room and they both snort laugh, watching the chaos unfold. Eventually San and Wooyoung get bored of torturing poor Hongjoong when he sits up and pulls them both off him by their artfully messy hair.
“Who knew hyung’s baby hands were so strong?” Wooyoung quips and Hongjoong lunges at him again, hiking his pants up as he sits up and San curls into himself on the floor from laughing so hard. Hongjoong chases Wooyoung all the way into the bathroom before Wooyoung gives him a giggly drunken apology. Jongho gets up to check on them, shaking his head the entire time.
“Y’all are a bunch of children, honestly. How am I the youngest here?” He chuckles, sipping his mixed drink calmly as he pushes the two back into the living room.
“Do they need a time out?” Yeosang asks from the couch, grinning up at Jongho.
“No!” Wooyoung and Hongjoong both chorus with a huff, Wooyoung moving to flop on Yeosang’s lap. San is still laughing to himself on the floor, finding the entire ordeal extremely hilarious until he makes himself throw up from laughing so hard and Jongho throws several pillows at him and the chaos starts all over again.
It’s four in the morning, Jongho and Hongjoong are cleaning all the drinks up and making sure the kitchen is tidied up before going to sleep. There was only five hours until the cafe opened for the day, but again Hongjoong was half nocturnal. He wipes down the counter like it was second nature and stretches out his arms. Jongho sips on a glass of water and hums along to the music that was still playing in the background.
Yeosang had fallen asleep on the couch, curled up like a child as he snored softly, his arms around the pillow that had been thrown at San earlier. Wooyoung and San had gone to the bedroom and were tangled up in each other, also asleep. Wooyoung was on his back, black hair fanned out over the pillow and San was wrapped around him, his black t-shirt off and forgotten on the floor somewhere. Wooyoung’s button up was unbuttoned half way down his chest. They looked just as debauched as they had been a couple hours earlier- they had been banished to the bedroom because they were making out on the counter, after all.
Jongho finished his water and goes to splash water on his face and brush his teeth before he goes on to rest. Hongjoong turns the lights off and grabs the other couch pillow and takes up a spot on the floor next to the couch Yeosang was on and curling up under a blanket. He didn’t mind sleeping on the floor at all, he could pretty much fall asleep anywhere without trouble when he wanted to. (If he wanted to.)
Hongjoong had left Jongho’s apartment at around 8, running on three hours of sleep so he could go home and get changed. He’s set up the store to be opened for nine, when San starting at 10 and Jongho at 12.
Jongho is already awake, singing to himself as he cooks breakfast for everyone in the kitchen, and Wooyoung awakens to the smell of eggs and bacon. He smiles and stretches, rubbing his eyes sleepily as he sits up, San’s shirtless body still clinging to him. Wooyoung kisses San’s messy hair and tries to roll out of bed before his stomach rolls and he has to make a stop in the bathroom to throw up before he goes to the kitchen. San remains asleep.
Wooyoung stumbles to the bathroom, closing the door and kneeling down, gagging the night before’s mixed drinks and alcohol, he curses and whines, pushing back his sweaty bangs before he stands up and looks at himself in the mirror. He chuckles to himself, then going to the kitchen where Jongho was.
“Are you.. good?” Jongho asks, turning to Wooyoung with a concerned look in his big brown eyes. The bacon sizzles tantalizingly in the pan. Wooyoung nods and flops down over the counter ungracefully. “What about San?” Wooyoung shrugs, about to tell Jongho that San was still asleep, when the older barista wanders into the kitchen with a pout on his face and a whine, black jeans slung low against his hips.
“San is fine.” San whines and drapes himself over Wooyoung’s sweaty body and closes his eyes. Jongho shakes his head fondly. He knows San is prone to getting hungover. “Woo, will you go to work for me?”
“Fuck no, I feel like shit” Wooyoung laughs, cuddling San close.
“You smell like puke, gross.” San huffs, moving away from his boyfriend to grab himself a glass of water.
“Ibuprofen is in the cupboard.” Jongho hums absently as he serves the food onto plates for them. San makes an affirming noise and quickly grabs it.
“At least I didn’t puke on the floor..” Wooyoung quips at San lazily, looking up as Jongho serves him.
“This time.” San quips back, popping the pills in his mouth and chugging the water.
“Next time, we’re having the party at Wooyoung’s” Jongho whines with a laugh. “I’m never getting my damage deposit back…”
Hongjoong has to chuckle to himself when San walks in, looking a little worse for wear, five minutes after his shift starts. He’s wearing one of Wooyoung’s shirts and he definitely wash his hair- it still stuck up in some places, part of it falling in his eyes.
“How do you feel, Sannie?” Hongjoong asks, tilting his head, leaning against the counter for a moment. San just whines softly in response, glaring at the elder. Hongjoong chuckles, shaking his head at the poor kid. “If you need any more painkillers, there’s some in the office. If it’s your stomach that’s bothering you, i’ll make you a peppermint tea, yeah?” San huffs and nods, sliding his green apron on to start the day as his hungover head pulses painfully under his bed head. Jongho’s homemade breakfast had helped him feel a little more alive, but he had definitely gone overboard with the vodka the night before. He still didn’t know where his shirt was.
“Yes, hyung, thank you.” San mumbles softly.
Hongjoong felt fine, albeit a little tired, but that was normal for him anyways. He busies himself with helping a customer as San clocks in and gets prepared to work. He thinks he can handle it just fine, but Hongjoong keeps an eye on him anyways, not wanting it to end up like the fever situation from last time.
San helps him make the drink, hands shaky and tired, but ultimately he doesn’t spill or drop anything this time, feeling proud of himself. He feels disgusting and whiny.
When Jongho comes in, Hongjoong sends San on his break and San is more than happy to oblige, zombie-walking to the office to take more ibuprofen, and collapsing in the well-used desk chair to take a nap to sleep off the shakes and the headache. He drops the bottle of pills and curses to himself, but the lid was still on. Hongjoong appears a few seconds later with a tea for him and he’s thanked in a quiet mumble before San flops in the chair and closes his eyes.
And such, the day continues on as usual.
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mingis-lightbulb · 3 years
Warnings:, oral sex (male recieving, he bout to get to gluck gluck 3000), Daddy kink, pet names, praise, light degradation,Let me know if I missed anything~!
“I’m gonna be in the studio today baby, So please only come in if you need me”
Those are the exact words that Hongjoong told you before leaving for his studio. You, being the chaotic little brat you were, wanted to cause a little chaos. So you wore a nice pleated plaid skirt with a matching crop top that Hongjoong had bought you a week prior, and you choose to forgo underwear just to be a little tease.
You reached his studio and could hear music bumping from the inside. Using a key that he had given to you for when he wasn’t there, you slipped in and smiled softly. He was sitting in front of his computer, clicking away at something, headphones on blaring music. You stepped up behind him and placed your hands over his eyes, snickering as you see him reach his hands up to grip yours. 
He spun around in his chair to look at you, a small smile on his face. “Hey baby Do you need something?” He asks before his eyes drops down to your outfit, a small smirk coming onto his face. He pulls you closer by your waist, chuckling lightly, “Oh you wore it! It looks so good on you babygirl..” He says, running his hands down your hips to feel on your thighs. You could feel yourself getting jittery as you felt his hands get closer to your rear. 
Hongjoong lets out a little gasp as he then bites his lips, “Oh? Such a naughty little whore, You came to daddy with no panties on?~” He leans back in his chair, panting his lap, You sink down to your knees with a devilish smirk on your face. “Yea? And what are you gonna do about it?~”  You tease back, Joong rolls his eyes and starts to undo his pants, pulling them down.
You watch happily as his cock springs free from its restraints, it slightly twitching from being exposed to the cold air. You lean forward and gave it a test lick before taking him fully in your mouth, bobbing your head at a slow pace at first. Hongjoong lets his head fall back as one of his hands snakes into your hair, tugging a little bit. “Your mouth feels amazing baby, god i needed this..” He moans out. You look up at him with puppy eyes, swirling your tongue around his tip inciting another loud moan from him.
Hongjoong uses the hand in your hair to press your head down further, making you go down on him more. You happily oblige him and start to deepthroat him, making his tip hit the back of your throat. Joong groans softly as you start bobbing your head more aggressively, he struggled to get his words together from the pleasure he was feeling. “Damn, such a needy little slut, you came here just to get fucked by daddy huh?~” He said, smirking as looked down in your eyes. 
He forced your head off of him earning a soft whine from you. He leaned down and gripped your chin making you look up at him. “I’m not going to let you get away with disturbing me baby girl~ Get up on the desk.” He demands.
You quickly get up on his desk, watching as He walks over to his desk turning on a camera that was on the desk and turned it towards you. He smirks and walks up to you, aligning himself with your wet core, 
“You already know what to do baby girl, be a good slut and keep your eyes on the camera.”
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑻𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝒆𝒕 (𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒖𝒏𝒉𝒐) 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫! 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨× 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐒𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 𝟒.𝟗𝐊
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞��, 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐃𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐞𝐱𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐦, 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧), 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐦! 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨/ 𝐒𝐮𝐛! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫.
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @yunhoiseyecandy @multidreams-and-desires @galaxteez @hanatiny @deja-vux
"Miss L/N? May I please have a word with you?"
While others would have already been sweating nervously at having their journalism professor single them out after they had just turned in an essay 2 days ago, the called out girl had a smug grin on her face that she did not care to hide as she practically strutted over to her teacher's desk. Looking over to make sure all the other students were gone and door was closed, she immediately pushed away some of the books on the edge of the desk before perching herself on it, one leg crossed over the over. Taking out the cherry tootsie pop from her mouth with a loud pop, she asked him:
"How can I be of service?" With a wink she put thr candy back in her mouth, making sure he could hear the sucking sound she made as she wrapped her lips around it.
He shook his head as he recognized the all too familiar tone in her voice that meant she was up to no good again.
"Don't start with me Y/N, you're already pushing your luck. First off......."
He tapped her exposed thigh with the tip of his pencil.
"You know I don't want you, or anyone sitting on my space. Second..."
One of his hands reached out and took away the lollipop from her mouth and dumped it in the trash bin under his desk.
"I've already told you no more eating in my classroom." He reminded her.
With a pout on her lips, she whined softly.
"But I was hungry! And besides.......I saw you staring at me in class as I sucked on it."
Clearing his throat, the black haired male adjusted his tie nervously, not thinking he got caught.
"You're very distracting at times." He excused himself.
Letting out a giggle, she scooted close to where she was sitting right in front of him, legs spread out enough that if he bent his neck, he'd be able to see right up her short plaid skirt and gaze at her bold choice of the pink lace panties he loved seeing on her during the nights she went over to his house. But he resisted the urge, instead keeping his face up and away from her lower bottom.
"Maybe you're just having trouble focusing cause you're too stressed......but I can help with that Yunho."
Feeling bolder than other days, she slipped off his desk and straddled one of his thick and massive thighs, her lips attaching themselves to his neck as one of her hands rested in between his legs, groping at his now hardening member that was bulging out of his khaki dress pants. Yunho bit back a moan, one of his hands instinctively reaching over to caress her thigh, drawing out circles before going further up her skirt, eyes scrunching together in confusion when he did not feel the material of the safety shorts she was supposed to wear. Feeling something soak his thigh as she slowly grinded down on it, his large hands gripped her thighs and got her off him, placing her back on his desk with a loud thud. She gasped softly when he lifted up her skirt and saw the familiar flower pattern covering her now soaking core, a visible wet patch in the middle of it. Yunho looked back at her with a disgruntled gaze.
"Surprise?" She batted her eyelashes at him rather innocently.
Letting out a huff, he pulled her skirt down before rummaging through his bag.
"Not only do you belatedly disobey dress code and wear a uniform skirt that's much too short, but you don't even wear your safety shorts?" He was beyond annoyed at this point, and Y/N knew it. Wanting to poke fun at him, she snorted.
"What? Afraid I'll bend over and someone else will see?"
Although she meant it as a joke, she immediately stopped laughing when he slapped her thigh.
She gulped as he stared her down. She could see the jealousy burning in his eyes, could also see the lust hidden behind him. He wanted nothing more than to bend her over that dammed furniture right then and spank her for even thinking about pulling off such a daring thing. But then he remembered where they were, the prestigious university he worked at and she studied in and calmed himself down, refusing to give in to her fantasy of having him fuck her in the very classroom where they met a year ago.
Taking a deep breath, he handed her a spare pair of shorts he kept with him.
"Go to the bathroom and put these on right now." He ordered her.
Looking at them, she chuckled.
"And just how did you know to keep a pair with you?" She inquired.
Smiling softly, he leaned down and brushed his nose against hers.
"I'm dating possibly the brattiest and most mischievous vixen in this school. I have to be prepared for anything."
With an innocent peck to her lips, he ushered her off his desk again.
"Now run along and do as I say. You're already on enough problems as it is, especially after you did utterly horrible on your last essay." He picked up a tiny stack of papers and waved it in front of her face.
Grimacing, she looked up at him.
"Does this mean I'm failing the semester?"
"I don't know...what do you think?" He questioned her.
Knowing she was screwed, she put on the cutest and most innocent puppy eyes she was capable of making and began playing with the tie across her teacher's neck.
"Please professor, don't you think you could be a little nice and give me a chance to make up for it?"
Leaning in, she whispered in his ear.
"Perhaps with one of those sloppy and messy blowjobs you love getting?"
Gulping slightly, Yunho gently pried her hands off him.
"Nice try Miss L/N, but if I'm going to be a fair teacher, I have to treat you the same as the others in these situations."
Her mouth dropped as he nonchalantly began packing his things to go have lunch in a teacher's lounge and hang out there until his next class.
"Seriously? Not even if I promise to do better or even bake you a cake?" She scoffed.
"Nope. And I'll remind you the last time you tried to bake me a cake, you nearly burned your eyebrows off." He let out a soft, deep laughter as he brushed past her to leave the room.
"But I'm your girlfriend!" She complained.
"And precisely because you're my girlfriend is why I want you to do better, even if it means failing you to get you to straighten up your act. Seriously princess, just because you're practically an heiress, doesn't mean I'll allow you to do as you please let alone give in to your every whim."
With a kiss to her forehead and a pat on her head he reminded her to behave and to follow his previous instructions of going to the bathroom before leaving her alone in the room.
Feeling fury rise up in her body, Y/N stormed out of the classroom and headed straight to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Hating the fact her stubborn and hard headed boyfriend practically called her a spoiled brat, she locked herself in one of the stalls and proceeded to dip her hand inside her folds, rubbing furiously at the clit, desperately trying to get some relief from all the pent up sexual tension she'd been accumulating. Inserting a finger inside herself, she tried to imagine that it was one of her boyfriend's long fingers penetrating her, even though it was no where near the real thing. Sometimes she'd get wet during class from him just tapping his fingers on the whiteboard, picturing all the times he'd buried them deep inside her and had her squirting all over his arm.
She imagined him laughing in her ear, calling her a dirty little girl and teasing her for making such a mess of herself as his thumb continued to abuse her sensitive little nub. She released long and deep moans, not giving any fucks about if someone came in and found out what she was doing.
Frustrated at not being able to get herself off like she wanted to, she simply tore the lace panties off herself and threw them in the trash can. Stepping out of the stall, she reached for her bag to get the shorts she'd been ordered to put on, but suddenly stopped. Still upset and not getting her way, Y/N zipped her bag back up and adjusted her skirt. With a little shrug, she calmly walked out the bathroom and headed to her next class. On her way over, she accidentally dropped her phone which sent her panicking for a moment.
"Please don't be broken." She was screwed if she broke the third phone her parents bought her in less than a month.
Bending over, she flipped it over and let out a sigh of relief as the screen was intake and still working. Standing upright, she stuffed it back in her bag and continued along as if nothing was the matter, as if she wasn't already late to class....
As if she totally didn't just get caught in her little scandalous lack of clothes.
Yunho calmly picked up some of his lunch on his fork, ignoring the usual snickering and gossip of his seniors who were seated on the table next to his. He had to fight back the urge to roll his eyes or groan dramatically at their nonsense.
"It was so hot." Seonghwa, the social science teacher laughed.
Hongjoong, who was the visual and performing arts teacher, leaned in to whisper, not so discreetly since Yunho could still hear him perfectly.
"I know. I nearly dropped my books when I saw her ass on display. I wanted to go over there and smack it." He admitted unashamedly.
"Oh my God did you catch a glimpse of her pussy? I'm pretty sure it was soaking and fuck.....I just wanted to have a taste."
Yunho cringed when the older male swiped his obnoxiously long tongue across his lips.
"I bet she tastes so good and I bet her pussy is so fucking tight. I'd totally fuck her if I got the chance."
Seonghwa agreed with Hongjoong's words.
"She'd probably let you. I mean.....if she bold enough to come to this oh so holy school with those extremely short skirts and not wear underwear, I'm pretty sure she'd fuck around with a teacher or two." He added.
"Wasn't there a rumor circulating last year about her hitting on a teacher or something?" Hongjoong tried to remember.
Seonghwa shrugged.
"Wouldn't surprise me if it was true. And it wouldn't surprise me if any teacher accepted her advances. L/N Y/N is a seriously gorgeous girl, I don't think anyone could resist her."
Yunho dropped his fork when he heard her name, his blood boiling now as he replayed all their words now in a different light as he realized they were talking about his girlfriend. Grabbing his lunch, he quickly stood up and threw it in the trash, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore, but instead feeling angry and furious. Checking his time, he knew she was about to come out of her next class any minute now, so he waited for her outside his classroom, arms crossed and foot tapping impatiently.
When she finally turned the corner, his eyes narrowed in on her, more specifically on her skirt. Sauntering over to her, he caught her off guard when he gripped her wrist harshly and dragged her inside the classroom, leaving her confused and wondering what had gotten into him. Making sure to lock the door behind him, Yunho pinned Y/N to the wall and in a flash lifted her skirt up, his face reddening as he confirmed it indeed was her that Seonghwa and Hongjoong were gushing and lusting about.
"Did I not specifically instruct you to put on the safety shorts?"
She shivered at the harsh tone he was speaking to her with.
"I...well, yes but-"
She let out a squeal when his fist banged on the concrete next to her face.
"Then explain to me why not only did you disobeyed me, but you actually went off parading around the school with absolutely nothing to cover that drenched cunt of yours."
She was absolutely speechless at his demeanor, she had never seen him this angry before and she wasn't going to lie, it was quickly arousing her.
"Yunho...Yunho I'm-"
He cut her off by pressing his lips against hers, one hand gripping her jaw as his tongue poked out to invade her mouth, as his other hand hiked her skirt up, a finger sliding across her folds.
"Don't fucking tell me you're sorry. We both know whores like you aren't build to feel regret."
His mouth silenced the sounds that came out if her as a result of him slipping one of fingers inside her, the very thing she had been craving all day.
"Oh fuck..." She breathed out when he gave her no chance to adjust as he shoved a second finger inside, circling them around to stretch her walls out.
"Hmmm yeah. That's all you think about don't you? Your head is just filled with thoughts of getting fucked."
She couldn't resist it as she began rolling her hips, wanting him to fuck his fingers deeper inside her.
"Is that why you allowed Professor Seonghwa and Hongjoong to see you like that? Did you purposefully bend over to let them see your filthy hole? Hmm? I bet you did it on purpose."
She opened her eyes and gasped harshly when he then added a third finger, the wet noises her pussy was making now becoming louder.
"Wh-what?" She managed to get out a single word.
Yunho grunted as he shoved his fingers deeper in her, almost tempted to shove his entire fist inside.
"Don't play dumb. They saw you bending over and saw your lack of underwear. I had to hear their bullshit talk of wanting to eat your pussy and fucking it." He let out a low growl as he recalled their lewd words, sending him into an angry mode once again, prompting him to move his lips from her mouth to proceed with an attack to her neck, sucking on all her sensitive spots.
"Did you want that? Did you want fucking Park Seonghwa to eat out that pussy of yours? Or did you want Kim Hongjoong to hit it from the back as he slapped your ass red?"
Before Y/N knew it, she was releasing such erotic noises as she threw her head back, gasping out as an unexpected orgasm took over her. Yunho also couldn't believe how unbelievably fast she came, and he was beyond pissed as he realized that he helped her get off to the thought of someone who wasn't him. Pulling his fingers out of her, he squished her cheeks, the remnants of her cum now plastered on the sides of her face.
"Did you seriously just cum at the thought of those two assholes?!"
Without a warning, he lifted her up and roughly sat her on his desk.
"Do I need to remind you who you belong to? Who this pussy belongs to?!"
Spreading her legs as wide as they could go, Yunho dropped to his knees and buried his face in her heat, tongue poking out to suck off all the juices his hands had her spilling out from before. He had no shame as he spilled out almost animalistic sounds as began slurping hungrily at her heat, paying close attention to her clit.
"No one but me gets to eat your pussy out. No one can make you get you like this but me." Pulling away, he spit onto her clit before diving back in, moaning erratically to send vibrations into her mound.
Y/N's chest began rising up and as her breathing became more labored. Her hands tried reaching for his head to try and grind herself against his face, but he harshly slapped them away.
"Keep them up or I'll tie them up." He hissed at her.
Wanting to keep herself from being tempted to move them back to his head, she opted to place them on her chest, kneading at her breasts as Yunho continued to devour her, tongue flicking in and out of her core. She felt herself ready to burst at any moment, and Yunho knew it too. He waited til she was a mere slurp away from cumming before removing himself, earning a frustrated groan from her.
She sat up to complain, but his hand wrapped around her neck and pushed her back on the desk, causing a choked gasp to get caught in her throat.
"Shut up you slut. You'll get and take what I decide to give you and you're in no place to complain. I'm still upset at you failing and livid at you being a slutty exhibitionist."
Pulling her up by her hair, he got her off the desk and shoved her to her knees, placing himself in front of her. He had a sadistic look as he began undoing his belt.
"I believe you offered to suck me off a few hours before......well I'm taking you up on that offer. Suck me off and I'll let you cum. Show me what the mouth of yours can do."
She was nearly drooling when his red tip came out, brushing against her nose. It was painfully erect and leaking precum. Wrapping her hand around it, she made sure to spit on it and coat it generously so her hand could stroke him more easily. She looked up at him, sending him a mischievous smile as she began taking him in her mouth. Her eyes never left his face as she sunk his whole length into her mouth, gagging a little when she reached the base, Yunho inhaling deeply as she proved yet again that she was more than capable of stuffing him down her throat. She began bobbing her head, swallowing around the head while her hand worked on the rest of his dick.
Yunho let her do as she pleased, wanting to get her as relaxed as possible before he commenced his plan. Silently, he removed the belt completely off his pants, making move as if he was going to place it on the desk behind her. While she was distracted, he suddenly removed her from his length, a trail of saliva dripping down her chin.
"Ok.....since you obviously can't seem to do it, let me give you a few private lessons."
Y/N slightly panicked when he wrapped the belt around her neck, using it as makeshift leash and collar. He harshly pressed her back into him.
"Open that mouth of yours."
Following his orders, she opened up as wide as she could. Wasting no time, Yunho slammed his cock back inside her mouth, hips moving at a fast pace as he began to fuck her face, hand never letting go of the long strap. Y/N hollowed her cheeks out, gagging and releasing choking sounds every time he hit the back of her throat. Yunho snickered amusedly as he watched drool pour out of her mouth, prompting him to go even rougher on her.
"That's it, just like that-fuck!"
He shut his eyes tightly, eyebrows furrowed as he began chasing his own release. The girl underneath him moaned uncontrollably as he tightened the belt around her, feeling his spurts of cum flowing down her throat.
"Swallow it all you slut. I don't want you spitting any of it out."
Holding her head in place, he made sure he had emptied himself completely before pulling out of her, her lips red and swollen as she gasped for air. Inhaling deeply, she stuck her tongue out to show she had indeed swallowed all of his cum, prompting Yunho to caress her cheek affectionately.
"Good girl......."
Cocking his head to the side, he easily lifted her up into his arms.
"But you're not off the hook just yet."
Y/N stuck her hands out to keep her face from slamming too harshly into the desk, cheek pressed on the cold surface as she felt Yunho lift her skirt higher to expose her ass. She looked over and noticed him loosing up his tie, tearing it off him before grabbing both of her hands and placing them behind her back, wrapping the tie around them and rendering them unable to move. "Look at you, looking so small and pliant...... like you aren't some filthy little whore."
He began to slowly tease her, slapping his massive cock onto her cheeks and then sliding it across her slick folds. Y/N pushed her ass more out, wanting him to just shove it inside her.
"Oh, are you desperate to cum little one? You want my big fat cock inside you to fuck you dumb?" He cooed at her.
She immediately nodded.
"Yes! Please Yunho! Fuck me dumb!" She begged him, wiggling her ass for him to give in.
She began whining when he still made no move to give in.
"Yunho! Would you please-Ahh!"
With no warning, he tore right inside her, hips setting a rough and fast pace. Y/N tried to grip the desk but was reminded about the fact her hands were bound behind her back. Frantic and staggered moans came out of her mouth as Yunho kept hitting her g-spot, making her previous ruined orgasm suddenly spike up once again. He noticed it too, feeling how her walls began squeezing around him.
"Go ahead. Cum, I know you want to."
Needing no further instruction, she came all over his cock, a long drawn out mewl of his name all she could say as she panted heavily as she was coming down from her high. She had no time to relax though as Yunho simply sped up his thrusts, taking advantage of her sensitive state.
"Y-Yunho no! Please! T-too much!" She cried out, earning her a slap on her ass.
"Shut up! You wanted to come so badly? And I'm happy to deliver."
His grunts and her piercing screams could probably be heard all the way across the hallway, but neither of them cared, Y/N because she got him to finally break and him because he got to claim her as his own. Taking a hold of one of her thighs, he lifted her leg up to rest on the desk, hitting even deeper inside her. Letting out ragged and hoarse grunts, Yunho slightly pulled Y/N up using the belt around her neck.
"Tell me who's fucking you this hard? Who's making you feel this good? Hmm? Answer me!" He smacked her ass once again.
Y/N tried to answer, but all that came out was incoherent gibberish, unable to form any words. Yunho couldn't help but release an evil laugh at the state she was in.
"Awww. I really did fuck you dumb. You can't even remember any words. Let me help you refresh your memory."
She let out a shriek when his hand came down to slap her ass.
He smacked her once again.
A third slap resonated through the room.
She had tears falling at this point from her eyes due to the overstimulation and from the seering pain on her bum from how hard his hand was slamming down on it as he continued to say the alphabet out loud for her. She knew he was definitely going to leave more than a few hand prints on it. He was barely getting to the letter 'N' when she began spasming underneath him.
"Yunho! Stop! I'm-fuck!"
She couldn't control herself as she began squirting from how hard he was thrusting in her, a pool of her liquids forming on the floor. When Yunho saw, he let out a groan of accomplishment, feeling smug at getting her to burst out of control. He wasn't satisfied though, he was nowhere near done with her. Not changing his pace at all, he continued his relentless attack on her throbbing and swollen pussy, one hand holding her down in place while the other went to stuff his fingers inside her mouth.
"I know how much you love my fingers. Such a slut for them. You get horny just by watching them during class."
He felt her muffled moans on his fingertips, followed by a choked out grunt when he pushed the deeper in her mouth.
"Tell me? Do you even remotely think Seonghwa or Hongjoong can compete with me? Can they?!"
Whimpering pathetically, she shook her head as she felt another spurts of liquid drip down her thighs. She was beyond worn out at this point, but wanting to push her past her limit, Yunho began untying her hands.
"Look at you making such a mess on the floor. Tell me if anyone can make you drip as much as I do? Can anyone make you cum for yet a fifth time?"
He took out his fingers from her mouth to let her try and talk.
"Please! Yunho! I c-cant! Can't!" She wailed.
Her pleas fell on deaf ears as he flipped her onto her back, holding her legs up onto his wide shoulders and quickly slipping inside her once again.
"Yes you can and you will. I know a little cumslut like you can give me one more, just as messy as the last two."
At this point, her nails were raking along the wood underneath her, her vision blurry from all the overwhelming pleasure she was enduring, her thighs aching from how hard his fingers were gripping on them, prints no doubt were going to be left on them, evidence of all that happened in those 4 walls. She was no longer aware of anything around her, the only thing she could hear was the sound of their sweaty skin slapping against each other and the squealching sounds coming from where they were connected. She muttered something incoherent which she could not even understand herself, but Yunho knew what she was trying to say.
"Come on. Give it to me. Make a mess all over me and then I'll fill up your dirty little hole with my cum."
His thrusts were erratic and sloppy at this point, hand coming down to slap her throbbing and reddened clit, causing her to jolt and squirt all over him once again, her body thrashing and quivering as she tried to move away from him but he just held her in place. With a few more thrusts, he shakily came undone, his hot and thick cum coating inside her walls.
"Fuck! Shit!"
His body collapsed on top of hers, breath hitching as he wheezed slightly. After a few minutes, he got up, bangs sticking to his forehead, sweat trickling down his cheeks and nape of his neck. She was in no better state than him, hair all disheveled and too dazed out to even think. Pulling out of her, a light trickle of liquids came out, falling onto the puddle that was already there.
"Oh my god." Yunho was astonished by the mess they created, unable to stop the shy giggle from escaping his mouth.
Pulling his pants back up, not caring about the wet stains all over it, he turned his attention back to his girlfriend. Bending down, he cupped her cheeks and began peppering kisses all over her face, fingers moving the hair away from her forehead.
"You ok my little princess?" He checked on her.
"Tired......can't...move." Through labored breathing she managed to answer him.
"Don't worry my tiny doll. I'll take you back to my place and take proper care of you."
Grabbing her limp arms, he wrapped them around his neck before lifting her up as if she was nothing more than a piece of paper. Y/N mumbled something with a whiny tone as she buried her face in his neck. Yunho chuckled as he processed her words.
"Well......ok. Just because I kinda feel bad at the state you're in, I'll give you another chance to redo your essay. But I want it turned in before the week is over ok?"
She nodded softly, arms clinging tighter around his neck as they walked through the empty hallways.
"And you say you're not the type to have a teacher's pet." She poked his chest slightly.
"Ya, behave or I'll punish you little pet." He gave her a halfhearted warning, that he knew he'd never follow through on after her heard her fussy little whine.
As they were nearing the exit, they were caught by none of than Seonghwa and Hongjoong, who were talking amongst themselves and stared in shock when they saw them together. Yunho protectively moved one of his hands underneath her thighs to press her flowing skirt to her body, not willing to allow them another glimpse at what was rightfully his. With a completely calm demeanor, he smiled at them.
"Hey guys. Don't mind us, we're just going home so if you'll excuse us."
Walking past them, he tried so hard not to laugh at their shocked and bewildered expressions.
"Oh! By the way, if you see the custodian, tell them I'm sorry about the mess."
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yeocult · 4 years
ATEEZ as fashion styles
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i can feel his ego boost whenever someone asks him where he got it from
“oh it’s thrifted” or “i made it”
wants to stand out and showcase his creativity and individuality
just wants to paint the world with his own colours
diy tied dye shirts, vintage graphic tees (usually thitrfted/Depop), embroidered denim jacket, corduroy pants, mixed match socks, hair clips, red blush everywhere, colourful sunnies, high waisted mom jeans, windbreakers, overalls, drawn on freckles, anything that stands out really, it’s all about being unique. a vibrant palette with red, mustard, and blue.
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3 words; clean, fresh, and professional
simple outfits but make it look chic
ultimate boyfriend material
small selection of patterns and colours
turtlenecks, long trench coats, gold jewelries, thin black belt with a gold buckle, dress pants up to ankle, white socks, simple black/white shoes, plain t shirt, trousers, cardigan, blazers, nude tones such as beige/cream, white, and tan.
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oversized hoodies for the peak boyfriend look
his current peach hair fits really well too!!
probably smells like strawberries
all about comfort
oversized hoodies, friendship bracelets with cute beads and charms, berets, denim jacket, light colours slack/jeans, ribbed socks, corduroy, simple sneakers, collar shirts under sweater. pastels like lavender, baby blue, and light yellow
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do i even need to elaborate?
he’s been giving us skaterboi looks since predebut times all the way to his airport fashion
beanies, beat up sneakers (Vans/Converse), pant chains, hoodies and oversized sweater and shirts, hair down, black ripped jeans, stripped shirt underneath a tee, cropped chino pants, flat-bottomed shoes. simple colours like black, white, and hint of red.
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okok listen, san looks superior in round glasses
also dark academia is so badass but classy and that’s san??
their 2020 fankit photoshoot just proves it
wire-frame glasses, plaid, blazers, dark nude tones, dress pants up to the ankle, high socks, polo shirts, timeless watches, trench coats, slicked back hair, blouses, trousers, cardigans, shoes (Dr. Martens/Oxfords), broaches, belt matching shoes, turtlenecks. toned down shades such as navy, maroon, and brown/beige.
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i think mingi would look so good in techwear
his body portions and facial features are just so fit for this style imo
just imagine ‘win’ stage/‘pick it up’ outfits but bolder and edgier
chunky shoes, tactical/utility vest, heavy sliver jewelry and layering chains, cargo pants, rollercoaster belt that hangs off the side, shoulder bags/fanny packs, anything with straps (this sounds weird lol), be able to adjust anything to your waist/torso, baggy pants and jackets, make everything looks super spicy. colours like army green, red and white, or most of the time, full on black.
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after 200626 happened, i had to
he had everyone, non-atinys included, whipped for him with this look
his current long back hair >>> anything else
platform boots, checkered/grid patterns, fishnets, chokers, ripped jeans, cuff the jeans, chains and more chains, those cross and locket ones especially, stacked on rings, sliver jewelries, buckle and eyelet belts, distress denim, one painted nail, collar under shirt, like a modern take on preppy. mostly black and white, usually paired with red.
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there hasn’t been a day where jongho doesn’t flex his Louie bag or his Chanel earrings that cost $5k
slap me with your gucci slippers please
his socks are probably more expensive than my whole outfit
fanny packs, fitted jeans, hoodies but with a brand name (Gucci/Balenciaga), two toned clothing, cropped bubble jacket, bucket hats, matching socks to the top, baggy pants/sweatpants, tucked in top to flex that belt, brand on brand (unless it’s done in an ‘artistic’ way), sneakers (Nike/Jordan), bold colours like blue, red, and sometimes neons.
what’s your fashion style?
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yunhofingers-writes · 4 years
Why do You Look so Good- Hongjoong
Note♥︎- I got the gif from pinterest so credits to whoever made this..
genre♡︎- Smut
Warnings/Tags♥︎- Face fuck, pet names (kitten) oral sex (male receiving), hair gripping, and facials
Word count♡︎-930
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❥- Hongjoong looked so fucking good today. He had on a black graphic tee with a leather jacket over, red turtleneck peeking under, black skinnies and a red plaid half skirt chained around his waist
. He’s just standing there and you already want to suck his dick. Even just the thought makes you drool.
“babe” Hongjoong called out, snapping you back from your nasty thoughts.
You quickly shook your head and looked up at him “yes?”
He lightly chuckled at you. “Which towel should we get?” He raised his eyebrow and let his tongue peek out from his mouth slightly, a habit he’s picked up from Yeosang. That habit needs to go right now, because everything he’s doing right now is turning you on. You would do anything right now to have Hongjoong’s cock in your mouth.
“The last one on the right.” You responded like normal. He smiled and kissed your cheek.
Walking in multiple stores and going house shopping with Hongjoong was fun at first but his outfit was really getting to you. “Hongjoong can you come to the restroom with me, I have to use the restroom?” You bat your eyelashes at him and he smiled with a nod. “come on, little lady.”
Once at the bathroom, You made sure no one was in there and walked yourself to the door to lock it. Clearly, Hongjoong was confused and you had very little patience with him. “I want, no, I need your cock in my mouth.” You bit your lip and walked closer.
“Baby we are in public.” He looked at you with a slight frown. you shrugged. You’ve always wanted to do something like this anyways so why not.
“Are you sure you want to do such naughty things in a public bathroom, kitten?” He asked, not wanting to make you uncomfortable or even if you just wanted to change your mind.
Hongjoong loves this type of thing. Especially when you beg out in public. He’s never actually done anything with you in public, but just the thought itself makes him hard.
“Yes, I really want to do this, Hongjoong and if i get uncomfortable or if I decide to change my mind, I’ll tell you.” You reassured and he nodded.
“Better hurry, kitten. My dick’s not getting any harder” He bit his lip. You squeezed your legs together and got on the ground with a small ‘thud.’
You ran your fingers through his half skirt. “You should dress like this every fucking day.” You looked up with a toothy grin and began to rub your hand over the bulge , squeezing slightly, snickering when you heard him let out a breathy moan. “Kitten if you keep playing with me, I might just unlock the door and fuck you against this sink behind you.” Now it was his turn to let out an amused laugh. Your breath hitched hearing those words come out his mouth, it must just be the way he’s saying it. He looks so hot, you might not contain yourself in front of this man.
You put your tongue flat on his covered bulge, letting your hand go up to bring down the zipper. He growled and gripped your hair bringing your head back so he can pull his dick out.
“Be a good kitten. We don’t have much time” He ran his finger through his hair, his hand on his cock slowly pumping.
You immediately opened your mouth when his hand loosened in your hair and wrapped it around his cock. “Ahh fuck” He threw his head back. You began to slowly suck his cock slowly. “Come on, kitten.” His hand in his hair tightened once more in your hair, fucking is cock in your mouth “you know you could’ve done better than that. s-shit.” He fucked faster into you “but that’s okay, kitten. I got you when we get home.”
Your throat was beginning to feel sore a little but you kept going. Him using you like this only made you more needier. You tapped his thigh, telling him to let you go and that he did. “Are you okay?” He asks, dom act dropping fast. You nodded and took your shirt off and unhooked your bra.
He groaned, bending down slightly, touching your breast. “Want my cum on your breast, kitten?” He almost growled that sentence out. You nodded with a slight whimper.
You fiddled with your nipple before sandwiching his cock between your breast. He bucked his hips up groaning when you licked the tip of his cock. “Please cum on me. Please cum on kitten” Your other hand started to play with his balls.
“I’m going to fuck the shit out of you when we get home.” He thrust desperately. “You’ll want that, I bet. Want me to fuck kitten dumb?” He doesn’t even know how his voice stayed stable, but he doesn’t care right now. He just wants to cum and go home and cum again.
You felt him twitch. “Yes, kitten wants to be fucked dumb.” Once those words left your mouth, you felt his cum hit you in the face.
“Fuck” He breathed out. You were glad you didn’t have any makeup on because you’re sure that it would’ve been running now.
Once Hongjoong put his softened length back in his pants, he breathed out a “Are you okay, baby?” You nodded and he took a wet paper towel to clean your face. When he finished cleaning your face, he let you fix your clothes. “Let’s go home so you can finally fuck me dumb like you promised.”
Krusty crew: @sansbun @atiny-piratequeen @prodbyteez @twancingyunhoe @latte-fairytaekwoon @yutasyiddiepiercing2 @atiny-ahgase  @choisans-dimples @rinzyk @little-precious-baby (tell me if you got the tag pls)
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dailykoreanpop · 3 years
ATEEZ Hongjoong's styling moments that left us shook
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If there's one person to look up to when it comes to a personal sense of style and fashion in the entire K-Pop industry, the first person that comes to mind is undoubtedly the ATEEZ leader and creative genius himself, Kim Hongjoong. Right from their debut, ATEEZ has stood out as bright as a diamond in the crowd, and part of that is owing to the uniqueness of each member and their even more unbelievable coherence together. With that said, let's decode how Hongjoong has changed the fashion scene in K-Pop for now and forever.
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Who would have thought that a dungaree over a shirt over another shirt would ever look as cool as Hongjoong looks in this fit? This look has a boyish charm to it, especially with the one-sided overalls and color matching, and needless to say, we're living for it!
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Gender norms who? Hongjoong knows exactly how to bend the conventions as he rocks this plaid red semi skirt belted around his waist, paired with bright blue hair. As always, accessories are a must when it comes to Hongjoong.
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Hongjoong is sporting a very essentially Parisian chic look in this outfit ensemble, pairing a plain black turtleneck with a long striped overcoat, a headband to keep the hair away from the eyes but yet, having them fall effortlessly over it, some rings, and of course, the masterstroke, a Chanel scarf around the waist. Could this get any more classy?
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A middle parting, a soft brown cardigan, a crisp white shirt, and wire-rimmed clear aviator glasses, everything about this outfit screams college professor. Yet, it is offset by the black nail polish, the rings, and the piercings, creating a subtle contrast that works perfectly.
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Hongjoong owns layering like nobody's business. Pairing a bright green fur jacket with a blue sweater might not be anybody's go-to combination. However, Hongjoong proves with this fit once again, that he knows his color matching well enough to be bold with his choices. 
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Did someone say, vampire prince? Everything about this look is straight out of a fairy tale. The red smoked-out eyes complementing the jewel in the earrings and the red bejeweled jacket is stuff that dreams are made of. Needless to say, Hongjoong looks out of this world!
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Nothing about this whole look belongs anywhere other than a high fashion editorial cut. The patterned blazer, the subtle undercut, the accessories, the glasses, and the ever-so-subtle makeup, everything comes together beautifully to make Hongjoong look rightfully like a professional model.
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The iconic beret has been a Hongjoong staple for quite a while now. For this look, Hongjoong brings together what looks like tie-dye, half cargo pants, some socks, and sneakers to create a simple fuss-free look for just a day out and about. It's easy-going and somehow works way too well on Hongjoong, whereas anyone else would probably never be able to pull it off with just as much coolness. 
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It is evident what the highlight of this fit is, the glass-less glasses! Keeping it simple in every other department, Hongjoong draws attention right to his perfectly carved face. The little charms on the rims, the blue nail polish, and the suit of the exact same color, could not have been more perfect. To top it all off, the pears on his beret are just the cherry on the cake.
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This outfit is the very definition of perfection and, dare I say, one of the best fits on this list. The Stussy Holland button-down with a white fishnet undershirt, the perfect shade of blonde hair, all brought together by the Chuck Taylor All-Star Classic Converse, is nothing short of classic.
Credit: Allkpop 
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soft-hard-peaches · 4 years
Reaction: Ateez Going to a Fashion Show with You
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ͥ ͪ ͦ ᷮ ͤ ꙷ ͦ ͧ ᷝ ͥ ᷜ ͤ ͥ ͭ
Kim Hongjoong
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You're both excited for tonight. Even the opportunity to simply attend fashion week separately is amazing let alone being able to go together. You spent the morning getting ready together, doing your final touches together. You show him the clothes you're pondering on and put them on for him. Taking off your top and replacing it for another, swapping your plaid skirt for plain leather pants, asking him if you should wear stockings or not. You trust him wholeheartedly with these kinds of things and he never wants to disappoint or put you down but he knows you want his honest help so he gives it to you. But he doesn’t need to try hard helping you anyway.
 In reality, Hongjoong absolutely adores your personal style, how you are able to mix street fashion and chic one day, preppy and cute the next day, and then go back to dressing completely casual. He’s simply having fun with his own personal fashion show. He thinks you're gorgeous in whatever you wear and when you decide to wear nothing at all.  
“Joong, should I wear this chain belt with the pants or will that look like I’m trying too hard?”
Hongjoong walks to your selection and picks out a thin silver chain belt. “This one. It’s not too much but a nice addition.”
You smile at him as he walks up to you and slowly hooks the belt into your pants, pulling you closer, leaving nothing but tension between you both. Once he’s done, he lets you fasten the once cold chain ends. When you look up, he’s smirking playfully at you. 
“What was that?”, you asked, amused by his random seducing. Hongjoong walks to his closet and begins looking for his already set outfit.
“Nothing. But you can help me if you want.” 
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You sat on the couch of the boy’s dorm waiting for your boyfriend to finish getting ready for tonight’s upcoming event. This is practically routine for you to wait for Seonghwa while he got ready. Not like you mind all that much. You understood how much he cared about his appearance and his interest in fashion. So you waited patiently in the kitchen, scrolling through your phone and occasionally talking to the other members.
“Are you excited for tonight?”, Yunho asked you. You glanced up at him to respond but then went back to your phone, scrolling through twitter to see who was all attending, “I heard that Jennie and Lisa were supposed to show up and I can’t wait to see their glamorous outfits. I feel like they are gonna be the best dressed of the whole event.” As you finish that remark, you see your boyfriend descending from the stairway. 
Your phone slipped from your grasp slightly when you saw Seonghwa make his way towards you.
“Y/n? Do you think this outfit is alright?”, he asked as he fiddles with the cuff of his overcoat. 
“Woah hyung, you should be the one walking the runway!,” Yunho interjected but he practically took the words from your mouth. Placing your phone down, you walked over to your rather dapper boyfriend. Removing his clumsy hand from his cuff to properly fix it. “You look runway ready, Hwa.”
Jeong Yunho
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Walking into the event was a bit overwhelming for you. All of the photographers and fansites with their flashing lights that were almost blinding, the loud commands of where and how to pose, the group’s managers leading you all to get inside. All the boys looked well-dressed and well groom and you followed suit in your best black-tie attire. 
You sat between your boyfriend Yunho and a well known up-in-coming designer, popular for their nature/fantasy inspired designs, and behind you were other celebrities in the industry that were way more relevant than you because you were only known for being girlfriends with a famous idol. For that reason you felt like you had no merits being there. You felt like a fish out of water. Even after the show you stood there behind the group’s manager watching the boys pose for a photo op, the feeling sat inside you that no one would care if you were even there and that feeling engulfed you until you sat in the car on your way home.
Once in the car, Yunho grabbed your hand and softly placed it on his cheek. He let out a long yawn as he began to rub the back of your palm on his cheek, “Yaaahh, Y/n I’m so glad you came… these things can be so tiring. When you're around I feel at peace.” You watched your sleepy boyfriend silently. Trying your very best not to break down from happiness from the unintentional consolation.
Kang Yeosang
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You rested on his bed, half dressed, thinking about the day’s big event. Initially you were ecstatic that your boyfriend was going to such a big event like a fashion show but now that you are going, it has you a bit wary. Nonetheless, you are excited to share this experience with your beloved Yeosang. Yeosang on the other hand was more noticeably nervous. Pacing around his room, changing his outfit for the third time, mixing up the arrangement of his accessories, and muttering to himself. You sat up, deciding it was also time to atleast put a shirt on so you can help your tottering boyfriend,
“Yah, Jagi, what color should I wear?”, he asked, scouring through his closet.
“You look great in red and black”, you state simply, heading to his nightstand to borrow a pair of dangly earrings.
“Button up or turtleneck?” You look back to see him holding the options in his hands.
“Definitely turtleneck.”, you affirm while also picking out something from his closet. Yeosang looked at you in confusion, “Didn’t you bring an outfit with you?” You chuckled as you draped one his jackets over on your body, “Yeah I did, but your clothes are better.”, you respond coyly, giving him a cheeky smile. You practically traded half your outfits for his at this point but since he takes a bit of pride of you wearing his clothes, he doesn’t complain.
Almost finished with his ensemble, he checks for your opinion once more asking, “Contacts or no contacts?”
Also finished dressing, you walked over to him and caressed his face, pulling him down to plant a kiss on the lips, “No contacts, your visuals are striking enough.”
Choi San
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The energy of the show is exhilarating! The talent of these designers give you a surge of fascination. The assorted patterns and colors, all the different materials and textures, and the skill to make fabrics look good on a person’s body brings you to a complete awe. Holding your hand on your lap was your boyfriend San. He knew how much you loved fashion so he was more than eager to invite his sweetie love to go with him. 
Every now and again you’d turn to each other to comment on the models and what they are modeling. “Look San!”, you’d have to speak over the music, “Amazing!” Small phrases were easier to communicate. San agreed that the models and designs were nice but the way you looked at all the models with such amaze and adoration was how he looks at you everyday and seeing your eyes light up with wonder was the whole show for him.
Song Mingi
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You were a bit apprehensive but excited to be seen in such an important event with your boyfriend Mingi because this is your first time being seen together as a couple.
It was a pretty big deal for you both to come out as a couple; you both being idols from different companies. Together, you had to meet with your respective companies on this decision and on when and how to release the news. You both were worried about the very possible backlash from fans and antis. But this was very important to you both so with the support of your companies, you two became successful separately and together and today is the day that you’ll be seen hand-in-hand for the very first time.
“Mingi! Y/n!”, you hear your names shouted from all angles. You felt a bit awkward. Although you’ve had your picture taken many times before, this is the first time at an official event with your boyfriend.
“Mingi!”, a fansite shouts. You expected him to move away from you to give them a better shot of him but he places his hand around your waist, scooting you closer to him. You try to hide any changes in expression as much as possible but the moment he grabs your hand, signifying his love for you, cracks your generic idol grin to a genuine goofy smile that your fans and him know well, which slightly embarrasses you and causing everyone including Mingi to… lack of better words… bust a UwU.
Jung wooyoung
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“Doll...”, Wooyoung knocks on the bathroom door, “... the car will be here soon.” 
Though he said it in a playful manner, you know he was trying to put a bit of fire under your butt, but as long as the car hasn’t pulled up you saw no reason to leave the bathroom especially for this upcoming event. Outside the walls you hear the muffle chatter of the guys that for time to time you can make out and chuckle to yourself but your main focus is to vamp up your look. This a BIG event with big names and gorgeous people and you wanted to look the part. You tried on three different shades of lipstick to compliment your eyeshadow, reapplied your eyelashes to make them perfect, and gave yourself an efficient enough pep talk just in case you lose your cool at any point. Though you were only in attendance, you were ready to be the best at the show.
*knock**knock* “Baby?”
“Yeah. I’m ready Woo, you can come in.”, you said in a sweet sing-song tone while you sprints your finishing spray on your face. Making sure your makeup stays strong for what today will unfold.
Wooyoung walks in just in time to catch some of your mist in his mouth. Trying to speak between coughs, “Ya done *couch* yet?” You look up at him through the mirror, not yet turning back to him. You stop there staring at your coughing boyfriend in total awe. Yes, Wooyoung is always fashionable but today he is something different. From his perfectly styled wavy black hair down to his slick designer toes. And he notices your stare.
With his last attempt in clearing his throat, he questions your stare. You admire your confused boyfriend further. The quizzical expression fixed on his face breaks your trance with a laugh, “Woo! You take best dressed of all I see.” Your blunt compliment takes him off guard but that makes him even cuter. 
“Ya… you’re making me blush… Let’s go! The car is here!” 
Choi Jongho
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About an hour into the car ride home was gradually becoming quieter with the tired members slowly falling asleep and the manager turning down the volume of the radio to accommodate for the members. Jongho sat in the back between a sleeping Yeosang and you. This event took a lot out of all of you. For him and the rest, they are more or less used to strenuous scheduling but he was afraid that you were over exerting yourself on his behalf. When the company accepted his request to invite you, he was overjoyed to have you experience something as prestigious as fashion week with him. You’re his darling Y/n afterall. He wants to experience as much with you as possible but he worried that his idol life may tire you out one day.
The rumble of the moving car and low volume radio played in the background. Once Jongho stopped thinking so much he mistook Yeosang’s gentle snore for your’s and leaned over to check if you were asleep. Once he leaned far enough to see your face, you opened your eyes, spooking him. “Woah you’re awake Y/n?”, he tried to play off his surprise, “Did I wake you?”, he whispered. You shook your head no making him relax back into his seat. You were both silent for a few minutes when he noticed your hand resting close to his. As he noticed, you brushed your fingertips on the back of his hand affectionately, catching his attention further. 
You rested your head on his shoulder to whisper to him, so only he can hear your message, “You know Jongho? I’m really glad you invited me. You didn’t have to invite me to this but i am really grateful that we can do things together. Albeit, I would be just as happy if we stay in and watch a bad movie.” You end a very sentimental statement with a slight joke to keep from getting emotional but Jongho takes that much needed validation and places your hand in his for the rest of the ride home.
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insanatiny · 4 years
hThanks for the tag @binnie-loves-dark 💕🥰
aesthetics tag
𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 8/20
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night |
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story |
𝐄𝐃𝐆𝐘 7/20
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks |
𝟕𝟎’𝐒 7/20
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding |
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colourful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairylights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details |
I’m tagging @taeguk-munchkin @pretentioustrashcan @seonghw-a @honeyboyfelix @yunhowhoitiss @frogjoong @hyungwonurl @pirate-hongjoong @choisansexual
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emeraldbabygirl · 4 years
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I love this album review. The best bois Hongjoongs, Mingis and Jonghos, the devils Seonghwa and San and the puppies Yeosang, Wooyoung and Yunho! I should’ve preordered the album omg I WANT THE ALBUM OMG I WANT THE ALBUM BUT I DONT KNOW WHICH VERSION I WANT :( and the AR photo cards are so cool. BITCH! NO ONE IS DOING IT LIKE ATEEZ THANK YOU. Also look how cute Wooyoung and Yeosang are both wearing plaid lounge pants uwu!!
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Countertop -M-
Synopsis- Seonghwa and Y/N are friends with benefits, who are too stubborn to admit their feelings for each other. A romp during a pool party leads to a jealous Seonghwa, Y/N getting tipsy and a countertop that should be cleaned.
Warnings- Sexual content, Tipsy sex, Unprotected sex, Jealously sex
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Seonghwa was laying on the floor of his shared dorm room, the blanket on Yeosang's bed draped over him as he stared at Y/N who was pulling her shirt down, fixing her bra straps. The noises and shouts of a pool party hosted by the Ateez dance crew at the KQ clubhouse pounded through the door.
"Do you want a drink or anything?" Y/N reached for tbe doorknob, Seonghwa standing up his naked glory, "can you at least put on some pants?"
Seonghwa shrugged, wiggling his hips, his cock waving from side to side, "don't act as if you weren't just riding it."
Y/N rolled her eyes, annoyed by the clothes-less male who started looking for his boxers. He looked at Y/N, confused by the sudden coldness of the girl who was moaning out his name in pleasure.
"You know I'm joking, right?" Seonghwa pulled up his boxers, finally wearing a piece of fabric on his body, "Do you want to talk about what's bothering you?"
Y/N turned the knob and walked out of the room, running into Yeosang.
"Hey, Y/N!" Yeosang waved at the girl who blew right by in, walking into the room and seeing Seonghwa standing on his blanket, "Dude! My blanket again?!"
"Not now, Yeosang," Seonghwa ran his hand through his hand, "has Y/N said anything about me?"
"I remember her and Hongjoong talking about you. If I remember correctly, she said she has feelings for you, but knew that you just wanted to keep it just strictly physical, so he offered to take her on a date," Yeosang pulled the blanket from under the older male's feet, throwing it in the hamper as Seonghwa threw on a tank top and basketball shorts.
"I only wanted to keep it physical because I didn't know if I had feelings for her."
"And now you do? Oh now that Hongjoong fucked her, you want her?" Seonghwa's jaw hardened at the wide-eyed boy's vulgarity, "you want her just because Hongjoong does?"
"They fucked?" Seonghwa seemed shocked, one of his dormmates and girlfr- friend with benefits fucked, "when?"
"When you went out with Sua and Joy and proceeded to try and have a threesome with them, Joy left because she doesn't hook up like that, so you just ate Sua out. In the bathroom. With the door unlocked," Yeosang gave a pity pat to Seonghwa, who looked at the verge of punching a wall, "Better talk to her soon."
Y/N had walked into the kitchen, immediately grabbing 3 of Hongjoong's legendary Bomb-Pop flavored jello shots, throwing back as the aforementioned male walked towards her.
"Holy fuck, girl, calm down! There's plenty of more drinks to try," Hongjoong handed Y/N a light green drink, a minty smell lightly whiffing in the air, "it's a mint julep, preapred by yours truly."
"Thanks Hongie, but I think I'm going to stick with a classic Bomb-Pop," Y/N threw another back, Hongjoong throwing his arm around her, fiddling with her plaid mini-skirt as she chugged the mint julep for earlier.
"Let me guess, Seonghw issues?" Hongjoong put his head on Y/N's shoulder, another shot going in her mouth, an attempt at one more shot Hongjoong intercepted, "You should take it easy now."
Y/N leaned on the counter, watching San and Sana battle Umji and Mingyu in a chicken fight, stirring the ice of the mint julep.
"My opinion, just do what he's doing," Hongjoong leaned on the counter, mimicking Y/N, "he fucks around and expects you to be waiting for him on your knees, mouth opened, legs spread, vibrator on your clit? No. At least when I fuck around, I never promise anyone anything."
Y/N elbowed Hongjoong, "At least you're honest about being a fuckboi. You fuck and leave."
"Unless it's you, then I'll cuddle," stifling a laugh, Hongjoong rubbed Y/N's back, leaning on her shoulder and nestling his head on the crick of her neck, lightly blowing on her ear, "I could help with some of the tension."
Hongjoong pulled Y/N closer to him, eventually leaning over her and rolling his hips, Y/N hiding a moan, "maybe it's just the party or the alcohol, but I'll be glad if you help."
Seonghwa hurried down the stairs, his feet stomping on each step as he ran by Sua talking to a boy he knows as Lee Know.
"Hey babe!" Sua grabbed Seonghwa's arm, "I've been looking for you, where have you been? I figured we could have a private party upstairs."
"Not now, Sua," Seonghwa brushed Sua's hand off his bicep, "have you seen Y/N or Hongjoong, preferably separately?"
Sua rolled her eyes, "Last I saw, they were getting touchy-feely in the kitchen."
"Outside or inside?"
Sua responded with a shrug as Seonghwa rushed to the outdoor kitchen, seeing his stepsister, Yuna, and her friend, Jeongin, mixing drinks as they giggled to each other. Empty bottles of liquor around the pairing as Seonghwa stole the one that Yuna was holding.
"Aren't you two too young to drink?" Seonghwa scolded Yuna as she put down a red solo cup in shame, "why are you even here? Don't you have homework due?"
"Jongho told us there was a pool party," Yuna flashed her puppy dog eyes, "can we please stay?"
"No, you're only 16 and I'm not going to be responsible if you get busted for underaged drinking. You two can hang out in the basement for now."
Yuna and Jeongin grumbled, admitting defeat as they walked through the backdoor as Seonghwa walked into the main floor kitchen, witnessing Y/N sitting on a counter, shirt pulled over her chest, head thrown back as Hongjoong started kissing her breats through her bra, his fingers under her skirt.
"Hey, what the fuck?!" Seonghwa shouted as Hongjoong and Y/N pulled away, Y/N jumping from the counter and fixing her skirt, "what the hell?"
Y/N grabbed another jello shot, throwing it back, not wanting to deal with Seonghwa's bullshit at this moment.
"Seonghwa, list-"
"Hongjoong, get the hell out," Seonghwa stared at Y/N as she went back to stirring a different blue drink, Hongjoong scurrying out of the room, "Really? Hongjoong?"
"You don't get to say shit, Park," Y/N sipped the drink, mimicking the tall boy, "Really? Sua?"
"Ok, listen. This sounds cliche as fuck, but Sua wasn't anything, she was literally just a fuck, something to get my dick wet," Y/N scoffed at Seonghwa, "I'm serious. I had to fuck my feelings out, not even fuck her, it was just oral."
"Oh, just oral! That makes it hurt so much less," Y/N clapped her hands together.
"You fucked Hongjoong! Hi pot, I'm Kettle!"
"I did! Because you did the exact same thing. Fuck a girl with nice legs or nice tits and then come back to me, wanting me to bend over backwards for you."
"I thought you bending over backwards was one of your kinks! You always seem so flexible when I fuck you, but maybe that's just because you've been humping Hongjoong, not even a goddamn fucking hour after you were just riding my cock!"
Y/N was stunned, accidentally knocking a glass on the floor, "maybe I wouldn't have fucked Hongjoong if you had just told me your true feelings? Or maybe I would have because you just want to sleep around?"
"Damned if I do, damned if I don't," Seonghwa looked at the glass, both parties feel horrible about what was said, "can we talk about this please?"
"I don't know, can we?"
Seonghwa walked up to Y/N, placing his hand on her cheek, both of them coming to their senses, "what if I told you anytime I fucked someone else, I was picturing you? What if I had to make sure I didn't accidentally moan your name out? What if I told you I'm a fucking dumbass who had to see someone else dry humping you to discover that I am madly in love with you and I'm dying to mark you up, so Hongjoong or any other guy doesn't fuck with you?"
Y/N looked at Seonghwa's face, sweat going off his eyebrow, she grabbed a festival summer colored napkin and wiped his face, seeing the sincerity on his words.
"What if I told you I love you too? What if I told you I wanted you to bend me over the counter, pull my tits out of my shirt, flip up my skirt and fuck me doggy style right here where anyone can see us?"
Seonghwa was shocked at the intense, dirty confession from Y/N. He pulled Y/N closer, spinning her around and flipping her skirt up, "I'm going to kill Hongjoong later. If I ever see him sucking on your neck again, I'll make him watch as I fuck you senseless."
Y/N pulled her shirt up and her bra down, exposing her breasts as Seonghwa pulled down his shorts, rolling his erected cock into Y/N. He moved Y/N's underwear to the side, pushing in with little resistance, thanks to the previous encounters from earlier in the day.
"I'm yours, Y/N" Seonghwa thrusted Y/N into the counter as she moaned, the music loud enough to disguise them, "thank God this isn't an open concept house, or everyone would see us."
Y/N grabbed Seonghwa's hands that were holding him up and moved them to her breasts, not saying a wors as she held them in place. Seonghwa's fingers making quick work of Y/N's exposed nipples as Y/N threw her ass back on Seonghwa's cock.
"I can't wait to fill you up, have you all to myself, making Sua and Hongjoong know we belong to each other," Seonghwa kept his thrusts in the beat of the pounding EDM music, the pleasure from their earlier tryst helping their high.
Seonghwa freed one of his hands from Y/N's grip, reaching under her skirt and underwear to rub her clit, biting down on her neck, leaving hickeys and marks as much as he can.
"Just a little bit more, babe," Seonghwa's thrusts started to lose their rhythm, pounding into Y/N as she started to shudder in pleasure, her high crashing as Seonghwa could feel her clenching around him.
Seonghwa felt his own orgasm releasing as Y/N kept pushing back onto him.
"Take every drop, babe. It's all yours," he saw the white liquid spill out of Y/N as she fell forward on the countertop, exhaustion hitting her from her second orgasm in a short bit of time.
Seonghwa reached for another napkin, pulling out of Y/N and wiping the mess from behind her legs, wetting the napkin so he doesn't irritate the sensitive skin.
Y/N gathered enough strength to fix her shirt and turn around, a sweaty Seonghwa caging her as he caught his breath. The pair looked at each other, wanting to say the first word. Finally, the loud silence was broken when Seonghwa spoke.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Do you think we can talk about this?"
"Yeah. I think we need to."
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kpop----scenarios · 5 years
You never listen I Wooyoung
Genre: angst, action, fluff, badboy!au
Warnings: swear words, violence, mention of blood and death
Word count: 4k+
Summary: Resting at home after a tough day at work was the best before the doorbell rang
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Long hard day at work now ended and was exhausting for you but that was so great you’ve got a job right after graduation from college.
«It’s time to relax and enjoy this weekend» you thought to yourself as you got into the car and drove home
Whenever you arrived home, you decided to grab some snacks from kitchen and watch your favorite show so you turned on TV and comfortably settled on the couch. An hour later the sound of the rain made you to feel sleepy and you were ready to go to bed but suddenly the doorbell rang. «Who the hell is this? It’s almost 2 a.m.» you mumbled and headed for the door
As soon as you came to the door, you hesitated to open it but another doorbell interrupted your thoughts. Unfortunately or fortunately, your curiosity and interest won so you opened the door and were extremely shocked.
《Wooyoung?》 you asked in surprise as you saw your old best friend from college
《Y/N! You still live here, thank God!》 he breathed a sigh of relief
《What's happening? Why are you here?》 you looked at him standing in front of you all drenched from the rain
《I’m sorry… May I come in?》 he seemed very tired
《Oh, yes sure…sure》 you let Wooyoung into the apartment helping him to take off wet jacket
《Maybe you want something? Are you hungry?》 you asked
《Water will be just fine》 he replied and sat on your couch
《Okay》 you walked into the kitchen still not knowing what was going on and what exactly Wooyoung was doing in the same state as you when he left this state 7 months ago
《Your water, sir》 trying to be positive you handed him a glass of water and he replied with “thanks”
《Soooo, what are you doing here after all?》 you asked and sat on the couch next to him
《I've missed you, we haven't seen each other since college!》 he gave you a little smile
《Wooyoung, cut the bullshit! You were the one who left me and haven't contacted me in months! Now, tell me what's the matter》 you noticed that his smile disappeared
《I have some problems, Y/N, I wanted to ask you if I could stay for a while, maybe one night?》
《What problems? Would you like to fill me in on what's going on?》 you still were confused
《Look, I'm really tired, can I tell you about everything tomorrow, please?》 he looked you in the eyes and had a pleading look
《You better explain this tomorrow or else…》
《That’s mean you're going to let me stay?》
《I'm not a bitch to kick you out in the rain》 you replied and got off the couch 《You can sleep in my bed and I'll stay here》
《What? No! This is your apartment! I'll take the couch》 he was insisting
《I still remember about your back issue so shut up and go lie down》
《If you won't let me sleep on this couch, then I'll sleep on your bed…》 he took a sip of water and put the glass on the table
《But only with you》 Wooyoung said that and you freaked out
《You left me no choice, go ahead》
《God, why did I even open the door for you?》 you knew that Wooyoung has always had a difficult personality and in the end he will still get his way, because he never listens to anyone
《Fine, I'll get a blanket and pillows and you can take a shower if you want》 you agreed to that cause it's useless to argue with him
《As you may have noticed, I don't have any extra clothes with me》 he replied sarcastically
《I'll give it you》
《You have men's clothes in my size?》
《It was left after breakup so yeah, I have》
《Wait, you and Hongjoong broke up? How long?》
《Three months ago》
《Wow, that’s sad, you've been together for so long but you know he never…》 you didn't let him finish his sentence
《Aren't you tired? If you want to talk, tell me why you're here》 you said sharply
《All right, I'll go take a shower》 Wooyoung stood up quickly and headed for the shower
 While he was showering, you prepared clothes for him and made the bed. Along with that, you decided to change into pajamas: your favorite shirt and plaid pants.
《What have I done to deserve this?》 you sighed heavily and put your clothes in the drawer at the same time
《To deserve what?》 you flinched from the unexpected voice and turned around
《Damn, Wooyoung, do you want me to have a heart attack?》 you looked at him with a frown
《Sorry, I didn't want to scare you》 he apologized to you
《Forget it, the bed is ready so you can sleep now and I'll wash your clothes》 you were on your way to the washing machine but all of a sudden Wooyoung grabbed your arm
《You don’t have to, let it just dry, Y/N, you've done too much for me already》 he let go of your hand
《As you wish》 you said and jumped on the bed 《Are you waiting for a special invitation, Wooyoung?》 he stared at you for a while and then joined you
《By the way, that shirt looks great on you》 he complimented and you turned to him
《Thanks, yours suits you as well》 you complimented him back 《Oh, and don't you dare to hog the covers or I'll kick your ass》 you said while turning away
《I promise that I won’t》 he chuckled
《Goodnight, Wooyoung》
《Goodnight, Y/N》 he said and both of you fell asleep
  The next morning you woke up earlier than Wooyoung and saw interesting thing: Wooyoung was laying all over your bed with open mouth and the blanket was hanging from the edge.
«I believe at least he's sleeping well and comfortable» you thought and went to the bathroom quietly closing the room door
After the shower, you turned on the random channel on the TV so that you didn’t feel too lonely and began to make breakfast.
«Oh, the news! I hope the weather will be good today» expecting the warm weather you turned up the television volume
♫…yesterday morning and suspected of killing. Last seen wearing a dark blue denim jacket and ripped jeans, on the neck of the suspect there is a silver lock necklace…♫
«Killing? In my home state? That’s something new» you thought to yourself paying no attention and opening the fridge until you noticed similar necklace on your own table
♫ If you've seen this man or have any information that could help in the investigation, please contact your nearest office of the police or the Federal Bureau of Investigation ♫ you decided to look at the photo on TV
 «Fuck!» the plate slipped from your hand and crashed to the floor after you saw Wooyoung’s face on the news
 《Wow, Y/N! What's that sound?》 you heard Wooyoung’s footsteps near the kitchen
«Shit, he's awake! No! Why now? What I am supposed to do!» you weren't thinking clearly at the moment
《Did you drop the plate? Are you all right?》 he attempted to take you by the hand to see if you were hurt but you didn’t let him and moved your hands
《I’m fine》 you took a step back
《You sound strange, what’s wrong?》 he tried to get close to you again
《No! Please, get away from me!》 you raised your voice
《Y/N, what is happening?》 he didn't understand why you were acting like this
《I saw you on TV》 you replied coldly
《What? On TV?》
《On the news, Wooyoung, don't play dumb!》 you felt fear mixed with anger
《Fuck, this is already in the news?》
《What? Did you really kill that man?》 you couldn’t believe it
《No! Y/N! This is not what I meant, I’m not…》 you started walking away from him to the door
《Wait, Y/N!》 he grabbed your arm
《Let me go!》 you tried to break free, but he grabbed you too tight and pressed against the door 《I'll scream, if you don't let me go now!》 you were already yelling at him
《I'm just trying to explain to you what is going on! Can you, please, listen to me?》
《Explain what? That you're a murderer?》 you tried to free your hands one more time, but failed again
《Y/N, please! Just let me say!》 he squeezed your hands a little harder and you stopped moving and froze
《Now hear me out》 his voice softened 《I messed with really bad people because I needed the money, the money for my father and his surgery》
《Your father’s surgery? What are you talking about? I haven't heard anything about it》 you thought he was lying to you and didn't want to tell the truth
《Of course, you haven’t heard about it because I never told you about it! Your life was just starting to get better, your relationship with Hongjoong too, that's why I didn't want to drag you into my problems》 he loosened his grip
《What the hell? You should have told me, Wooyoung! I am your best friend and you kept that from me? What else did you hide from me?》
《I’m trying to tell you that! I made a deal with these assholes》
《A deal? What kind of deal? Kill people?》
《No! I would never do that! You know me, I'm afraid to even look at the blood!》
《Then what did you do?》
《I was just a driver and drove them to different meetings where they did bad things. I had no choice but to put up with it to get my money. Finally, I had to give them a ride for the last time and at that time, I've already been in this state, but everything went wrong, EVERYTHING!》 his voice started to tremble
《Hey, Wooyoung, calm down…》 you said and put your hand on his shoulder
《I wish I could, Y/N!》 he still seemed very nervous and you knew why 《So, one of them put a gun in my hand and just told me to shoot! I was so fucking scared and thought I was going to pass out! I didn't shoot, but instead this son of a bitch fired his gun right in front of me and shot that man! All I could do was run away and I don't even know how I survived this shitty night!》
《Oh my God…》 that's all you could say
《I haven't slept all day and I didn't really want to after what I saw. But then I remembered that you used to live here and I only hoped that you would let me in so here I am…standing here…》 he covered his face with his hand and was about to cry
《I’m sorry…》 his hands were shaking 《I am so sorry I dragged you into this…I don't want you to get hurt, Y/N》 he let you go and reached for his jacket to leave
《Stop, no!》 you blocked his way 《You need to go to the police cause you are not guilty》 he wasn't lying and you trusted him
《If they find out I went to the cops they will kill me! I need to meet the boss and sort things out but as long as I'm here, you are in danger too, I have to leave》
《What are you talking about, Wooyoung? You won't go to them!》
《With me you're not safe!》 he tried to walk away again
《DON’T YOU DARE TO LEAVE ME ALONE ONE MORE TIME!》 Wooyoung stopped and froze up as you shouted those words
《You might fucking die if you leave right now!》 you said
《YOU might die if I don’t leave!》
《I don’t care! If anything ever happened to you I'd never forgive myself!》 you said and he just stood there for a while in silence, looking at you
《Please just stay a little longer here with me…Please, Wooyoung》 you begged him
《Shit…that’s why I've always loved you, such a caring and kind person》 he said and you couldn’t believe that
《What? You loved me?》 he looked at you and realized what he just said
《Y/N, I’m not the…ah, fuck it, yes I loved you and you know what? Actually I still love you》 you were speechless 《I know you've always seen me as your best friend…God, why l even brought it up right now, nevermind, just forget about it and don’t…》 he was ready to turn around but you tenderly touched his face  
《And where do you think you're going, huh?》 you said that with a little smile although you were still scared
Wooyoung took you by the hand that was holding his neck and stared at you for a while then suddenly he crashed his lips against yours. He brought his hands to your face, cupping your cheeks.
《Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?》 you asked
《You were with Hongjoong, don’t you remember?》 he replied 《But now, I’m not going to give you up to anybody》 he said and placed another kiss on your lips
《I love you, Y/N》
《So does that mean you're staying here with me?》
《I guess…》
《I love you too, Wooyoung》 you kissed him
  The two of you didn't even notice how the day has come to an end because you were discussing everything that happened in the months that you didn't communicate. This whole situation still seemed like some kind of nightmare to you. It felt so unreal but you knew Wooyoung needed help anyway.
 《Do you want to get something to eat?》 you asked
《To be honest, I don't have much of an appetite》 he replied 《Besides, I already ate this morning》
《Wooyoung, eating once a day is not great, I'll order some pizza, just the one you like》 you got up to take your phone
《Y/N, do you know I really appreciate that you taking such good care of me? Once I get out of this shit, I return the favor》 he came up behind you and put his arms around you
《How can I not? And see, no one can resist pizza》 you smiled
《I remember we used this number to order food back then》 he put his head on your shoulder and looked at your phone screen
《Right time to bring back those good old days》 you said 《By the way, is your phone still working?》
《It’s dead and the screen is broken, but I hope so》 《We should check it later》 you said then call for delivery
Food was delivered fast enough and both of you could peacefully enjoy it. Later, as you promised, you decided to find out whether his phone was functioning or not and were truly surprised when the phone turned on.
《Geez, you have a lot of missed messages and calls》 you noticed
《Well, probably it wasn’t the best idea to do that》 Wooyoung said, turning off his phone 《Let’s go to sleep》 he dropped the phone on the couch and took your hand
《Alright…》 you agreed to go but were confused a little
 Only Wooyoung and you were lying in bed together. Even though you two were in danger, you felt safer with him. His voice seemed so soft and calm. The way he cuddled you and wrapped his arms around your waist made you fell asleep.
   On the following day, you woke up later than Wooyoung. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with phone in his hand.
《What took you from bed so early?》 you asked and hugged him from behind
《I had a good night's sleep》 he put the phone away 《But why did you wake up this early?》 he leaned over to kiss you
《I'm used to getting up so early for work》
《What, even on the weekends?》
《Yeah, even on the weekends》 you answered and saw Wooyoung’s sad look on his face
《Wooyoung, what is it?》 you wondered
《I ruined your weekend》
《That's okay, not that I would spend it fun and useful, so do not worry》 you gave him a kiss on the cheek  
  All day you were doing the usual things as if nothing had happened, but deep inside you knew that you have to do something about this, because it has already been 2 days since he came to you, but you didn't want to ruin the moment. With Wooyoung time flies too fast and another quiet night was waiting for you.
 《I'm so happy to have you in my life, Y/N》 he gave you a sweet smile and cuddled up to you
《You can't imagine how good I feel myself with you》 you were slowly falling asleep in his warm arms
《I love you so much》 he kissed you on the back of your neck and only soft breaths were heard
    Your sleep was interrupted by a loud, unknown sound, and your eyes were slightly opened.
It seemed like it was the sound of the door slamming.
《Wooyoung, did you hear that?》 you whispered to him but he didn’t respond Deciding to check if he was asleep, you sat up on the bed, but were stunned when you saw the empty side of the bed, his side.
《Wooyoung?》 you called out his name hoping that he would answer you, but that didn't happen
You were completely out of bed now and your glance fell at the nightstand, his phone was missing as well as your car keys.
«Aw, fuck, Wooyoung! This idiot never listens! He really decided to meet the boss! He will end up dead!» you thought about it and started to feel yourself bad
«No! I won't let that happen» you were thinking what to do now
《GPS tracker!》 you shouted and took your phone to track down the car, that was the only thing you could do
When you saw where your car was, you immediately began to dress yourself to go there. You had no choice and couldn't leave him.
Just after you called a taxi, you started to imagine the worst endings of this night, but arrived car distracted you from thinking. Without a minute to lose you got in the car and told taxi-driver where to go.
   Almost 40 minutes later, you were there, in a very strange place. Looked like it was an abandoned warehouse or something like that. Your heart was pounding like crazy but you kept going towards the building and noticed your own car.
«He's here! Please, be okay» you thought
Every new step you took made your heartbeat faster because your fear was consuming you but despite everything, you continued to go.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, you heard the voice, Wooyoung’s voice.
《…because of him! I didn't kill anyone!》 those were the words you could hear
Overcoming your fear, you came closer and saw Wooyoung but in front of him were standing another three men.
《You've let me down, Wooyoung. Did you really think after that I just pat you on the head and let you go?》
《It wasn't my fault, I was just sitting in the car!》
《Don’t try to play the victim. You knew what you were getting yourself into, you knew the risks, didn’t you?》
Your whole body went numb, while you were listening to the conversation but there is no turning back so you took a couple silent steps forward but all of a sudden you felt a hand on your shoulder and that hand was definitely not Wooyoung’s.
《The fuck are you doing here?》 he turned you around to face him and looked at you
《Hey, Boss, I got something for you!》 he shouted to the man standing with Wooyoung
《Who the fuck is this?》
《Y/N?》 Wooyoung looked at you in surprise and you couldn't say anything
《You know her?》 “Boss” wondered
《Don’t touch her! Leave her out of this, please!》 he pleaded
《She got herself into this》 said the man who stood next to you the whole time, aiming a gun at you
«What the hell is going on? This is the end? He'll kill us and I can't do anything about it» these thoughts were swirling through your head
«I’ll have to do something! I have to at least try!» you realized that your decision may be dumb, but there was no other way
Unexpectedly, you kicked on the knee of the man who was near you and his gun dropped from his hand and hit the ground. You tried to reach for it, but you didn't have time to even make a move as this asshole punched you in the face.
《Y/N!》 Wooyoung began to run towards you, but then you heard a gunshot
Everything got blurry before your eyes, you felt a little dizzy, all sounds got muffled, your nose started bleeding, and you had a feeling that you were going to faint.
《Why do you never obey my orders, Wooyoung?》 “Boss” asked and out of the corner of your eye you saw how Wooyoung fell
Although your head hurt, you found strength to look at Wooyoung again and noticed the blood, it was his blood.
《NO!》 you screamed
《How else can I explain to you that you MUST listen to me?》
《Please… Don't hurt her…she didn’t…》 Wooyoung tried to tell them but got hit in the face
《Then I'm going to beat the shit out of you》 Wooyoung took another punch in the face 
《PLEASE, STOP! I’M BEGGING YOU!》 you started to cry 《By protecting him, you're only making it worse for yourself》 someone pulled you up by the hair 
That was this fucker who hit you. He still held your hair and turned your head to his face.
《You have a pretty face though》he brushed his fingers against your cheek and you couldn't hold back any longer, so you bit his hand and ran straight to Wooyoung
Surprisingly, you were able to run up to him and looked at his shoulder that was bleeding. There was a lot of blood and you panicked by the sight of it.
《God, let it not be fatal》 you were leaning on top of him
《Y/N…Why? We are dead…You deserve a better end…》 he could barely talk
《Just hold on a little longer》 you said and heard laughter from the back 《What is that? A fucked up drama? Two fucking idiots》 “Boss” pulled a gun 《You want the bullet too, don’t you?》
《Kill me, not her…》 Wooyoung attempted to get up but couldn't
《You know, Wooyoung, I never wanted to kill you because you have potential but now you are no longer needed》 “Boss” pointed with a gun at both of you
《I’m sorry, Y/N…》 that was all you heard from Wooyoung before the loud shot
          A few seconds after you opened your eyes to see what happened and heard the sirens.
  《What the fuck? Is this the police?》 said the one of them
《HANDS UP! DROP THE GUNS RIGHT NOW!》 you looked at police officers and then saw the “Boss’s” unconscious body lying on the ground
《Did you call the police?》 Wooyoung asked 
《Am I really that stupid to come here alone?》 you replied and Wooyoung smiled at you but the blood wasn't stopping to bleed
《I fucking love you》
《Me too, but please stay awake, Wooyoung》 you were holding his head and your hands were shaking
 Police caught the rest of these assholes and the ambulance arrived, while you were just trying to stop the blood.
      Two months later
  《Wait! Let me help you!》 you said as you saw how Wooyoung struggled with grocery bags
《Nah! I'm fine on my own! Don't touch it!》 he replied pushing your hands away
《Wooyoung, your shoulder's still healing, you’re not allowed to carry heavy things》
《It's no big deal, I’m good》 he put the bags in the trunk of car and shut it
《The doctors forbid you》
《I don't care, baby》 Wooyoung kissed you and opened the car door 《Get it, princess》
《Ah, you never listen》 you got into the car and Wooyoung drove home
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ao3feed-ateez · 4 years
by Mintyaegyo
“Is there a ghost behind me, Jongho-yah?” Hongjoong asks, tilting his head with an amused expression, sandy blonde bangs falling into his eyes.
“No but there’s just…so much plaid…”
Words: 4574, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of He’s an Addict
Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Choi San, Jung Wooyoung, Kim Hongjoong, Choi Jongho, Kang Yeosang
Relationships: Choi San/Jung Wooyoung
Additional Tags: hongjoong’s plaid pants, Cafe AU, Barista AU, Barista!San, Barista!Hongjoong, barista!jongho, mentions of vomit, Headaches, Drinking, Parties, hongjoong gets clowned for his style, chaotic wooyoung, Drunk characters, hangovers, sickfick but only kinda, hongjoong’s daily routine, drunk banter, there’s a karen, Light Anxiety, wooyoung is a clingy drunk, Woosan, author likes to write drunk characters, hongjoong’s mullet
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seokmatthewz · 4 years
top ten favorite hongjoong outfits? also whats your absolute favorite hair style for him?
god I have to be real with you I definitely cannot bring 10 hongjoong outfits to mind off the top of my head fhfkfbfk but I can give u a top three!!!
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this one quickly became one of my faves hes SO cute w his plaid pants I love it
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this fit from the fanmeet where they were all dressed kinda like princes bc I am a Sucker for princely attire
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and this one!!!!! luv how they styled his hair here I'd say it's my fave joong hair look too, I generally hate berets but I just think they suit joong so well I cant help it 😔💘💖💘💞💘💕 hes so cute but if we're talking overall eras my fave was def his red/orange hair from wave/illusion era!!!!
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lunatens · 4 years
♧ 🤍
how i met you: goodness so long ago aka last summer...i think i reblogged like some ask game and u asked me my like favourite thing to order at starbucks or SOMETHING like that?? and then u recommended me a drink (iced flat white with caramel ?? which i still get when i go now hehe) and then we started talking and yeah 🤩 iconic truly
why i follow you: because u are best girl and we are friends and ALSO because u are so talented??? i always loved ur skz fics and now i’m excited for txt :3
your blog is: V CUTE i am a big fan of the yellow and the cute lil aesthetic things hehe and ofc sea slugs
your url is: amazing 10/10 i love the consistency of all ur urls like all fruit themed???? GENIUS WOW so cute
your icon is: v cute cat hehe i love it is it one of yours?? oh no 😖 i’m forgetting what they look like and their names i know one is jinx!!! AH i’m so sorry i’m fAKE FRIEND
a random fact i know about you: u hate plaid LMAO i remember when we watched that ateez dance practice and i think hongjoong was wearing those uglee half plaid pants and it was terrible
general opinion: wow so good amazing human 100/10 so so so sO happy we are friends hehe 😌 yay
a random thought i have: hm i should stop procrastinating working out and just get up and do it already....
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