helas-domain · 8 months
Wondering what Hela's astrological sign might be. Any thoughts? I know fuck-all about astrology (I used to, but I forgot lol).
@icyxmischief @izzyeffinhands @honourablebravery
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icyxmischief · 3 years
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      “BEEFcake, brother. You mean beefcake.” 
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lawfulpride · 4 years
Davos chuckles wanly, as he happens across Thor at Stark Tower’s ground floor. He’s holding a fragrant cup of tea, and sporting a dry smile.
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     “You have met K’un-Lun’s latest Iron Fist, I gather.” 
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sclfmastery · 4 years
"You know what is interesting?" Thor asks, approaching mid-bite into a red delicious apple, "For all things, Midgard has an endless variety of apples. Why does one planet need so many apple brands? Midgard's nature made some strange choices."
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The Master snatches that apple right from the Thunder God’s mouth and bites viciously into it.
     “Mmmm,” he moans, a little obscenely, as the juice drizzles down his chin. “Yes, but you’ve got to hand it to their mythologists, it’s easy to see why they’ve come to represent both learning and sin.” 
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gildedruinsarchive · 4 years
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in  all  the  centuries  he  has  wandered,   he  has  met  more  than  a  few  other  selves.   they  are  always  recognizable,   though  they  are  not  all  tall  or  blonde  or  even  asgardian.  (  some  of  them  are  not  even  humanoid  ----  those  thors  are  his  favorite.  )  he  has  long  ago  stopped  seeing  their  stories  as  possibilities  for  his  own  ;  they  are  all  products  of  their  own  universes,   set  into  motion  when  the  very  first  atoms  formed,   and  their  fates  will  not  be  his. 
but  there  is  something  about  this  thor  that  has  reopened  wounds  he  though  scarred  over.   thor  looks  at  him  and  sees  what  might  have  been  for  his  own  life.   for  the  first  time  since  he  had  well  and  truly  laid  loki  to  rest,   he  wonders  if  he  might  have  given  up  on  his  sibling too  soon.   if  this  joint  rule  &&  peace  between  siblings  might  have  come  to  be  in  his  own  world,   if  not  for  his  own  failings. 
❛  you  know,   ❜    thor  says,   standing  beside  his  other  self,   looking  out  over  asgard  with  as  much  pride  as  if  she  is  his  own  kingdom.   ❛   seeing  this  almost  makes  me  want  to  go  home.  ❜
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plotted  starter   »   @honourablebravery​
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orlothegreat · 4 years
"I want to take you to Asgard, sometime." He says, out of the blue, appearing from somewhere around Orlo's vicinity, "Our libraries are truly something to behold. Something spectacular, vibrant and rich. I think, an individual such as yourself would find himself much at home." (I will create a timeline where Asgard still exists as is with a more current version of my Thor, we'll consider it slightly divergent timeline, maybe)
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Orlo’s smile is frail and then it’s radiant.
     “You would take me to,” and he has to pause to pant, and clear his throat, and collect his wits, “to a utopian civilization in the clouds, to learn its remarkable secrets?  You, who control the caprices of the weather?  Really, Your Majesty, I am humbled, yet I readily accept!” 
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finalxproblem · 4 years
I'm ALWAYS a beast for historical verses, Victorian especially is one of those.
I’m about to watch Enola Holmes since I can’t seem to think worth a damn today, lol, so writing and drawing are out. Maybe I’ll scream about it here XD;  I’m glad Henry Cavill plays a NICE Sherlock but I also think he’s a touch too conventionally handsome. Holmes was super thin and had a really big nose and I’m unreasonably emotionally attached to that, lol <3 
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immortaljackal · 4 years
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@honourablebravery​ asked: 😰😙😨😶-Which OC do you have that would be best suited to their own TV Show/Movie/Web Show, etc?
💌 Emoji Mun Questions [ meme - always accepting ]
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😰 - What is one character you desperately want your muse to interact with?
Other gods/demigods/godlike beings. Layla’s not fast to trust them, even less so in some verses than others - American Gods is one verse where she actively tries to avoid anyone not related to her or a known ally. 
(The Ptolemaic Kingdom, which lasted from 305 BCE until 30 BCE, was the final Egyptian dynasty before Rome’s invasion of Egypt. During that time, there was a lot of merging between the Neteru (ancient Egyptian gods) and the Olympians (ancient Greek gods), so for this blog’s canon, those two family of gods are usually considered allies.)
😙 - What was the first character you ever roleplayed as?
Uh... If I’m remembering correctly, that would be the talking black cat named Mystic that I used to roleplay within Ayenee chatrooms. Given a lack of a proper dossier at the time, few people figured out that she had ties with Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, as she had been a stray that lived too close to the Unseen University, thus gaining her abilities of speech.
😨 - How many roleplay blogs have you had active at once?
Here on tumblr, just the four I have now. 
Elsewhere? Probably 10 or so, though they were dedicated to a single muse since multimuses didn’t precisely work on those platforms. I used to write several characters from the Discworld (Susan Sto Helit, the Death of Rats, Quoth the Raven, and Twoflower), as well as Dr. Peter Venkman from The Real Ghostbusters (ie the cartoon, mostly early seasons when Peter was still voiced by Lorenzo Music), and Death, Dream, and Delirium/Delight from The Sandman comics, plus a couple of original characters that I barely remember anything about other than one being for Knight Rider.
😶 - Which OC do you have that would be best suited to their own TV Show/Movie/Web Show, etc?
Is this your way of asking ‘if it was an option, would I agree to give Layla her own tv show/movie/web series’, Nate? I mean, yes, I would, but before that could happen, I’d probably need to finish writing the novels that are her actual source canon. xD
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conduitandconjurer · 4 years
💄, 👂
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Muse style headcanons (accepting!) 
💄- Do they wear makeup? 
Oh yes. Klaus wears mostly eye makeup.  Foundation is impractical because he runs warm and sweats a lot, particularly when under the influence of numerous substances, and just makes his face look oily, and he has clear skin anyway, so he just leaves his natural complexion showing. However, he habitually wears eyeshadow to bring out the green of his eyes (usually a plum or eggplant hue, occasionally a dark bronze hue), black eyeliner, and, occasionally mascara.  He’s learned the hard way that waterproof is probably the best way to go, since, frankly, he’s frequently in tears.  He also uses taupe eyebrow pencil to shape the far tips of his eyebrows.  
👂- Do they have any piercings? 
He had a bellybutton piercing but learned the hard way that if your bedfellow is a little too....uh....enthusiastic, then it might half pull out and get painfully infected. Shortly thereafter he decided to get a belly tattoo instead and removed the piercing.  He would have had multiple ear piercings too, but his father Reginald never allowed it, and by the time he hit his early twenties he just forgot to follow through with it.  
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@honourablebravery​ asked: ✎✉♟⚡➳
>> Monday Malarkey [meme]
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✎ : What is your favorite genre to write for in roleplay?
Science Fiction and/or Fantasy, and even then I actually enjoy blending genres and subgenres with it. But then, those are also my favourite to read, watch, listen to, etc, so...
Though not a part of the question, my favourite trope within any of it is slice of life, since that’s usually the side of things we don’t get to see much, if any, of in canon. It can’t be action and adventure all the time, y’know?
✉ : What’s your favorite genre to read in roleplay?
I read everything that catches my eye and attention. So, depending on which dash I’m on, it’s not uncommon at all for me to read historical, high fantasy, urban fantasy, space opera, superheroes, supernatural/paranormal, horror, crime, romance... 
I’ve actually discovered a few new fandoms that I’ve been slowly looking into when I feel up to doing so thanks to crossovers and multimuses with muses from unfamiliar fandoms.
♟ : Do you do any research when you roleplay?
.......I don’t even need roleplay for an excuse to research things. 
I mean, seriously, the other day I wound up researching time crystals, which are being studied for their potential use in quantum computing. Why? Because it was fascinating and I was curious.
Essentially, time crystals are arrangements of matter that repeat in time. Normal crystals, like salt or diamonds, repeat their atomic self-organization in space, but do not show any regularity in time. Time crystals self-organize and repeat their patterns in time, meaning their structure changes periodically as time progresses.
This also immediately sparked questions in regards to how they could be used in various fandoms, from Marvel to Detroit: Become Human to (unsurprisingly to anyone who even remotely knows me) Doctor Who.
But then, y’know, I did read books on quantum mechanics and theory, as well as several branches of physics for fun as a teenager. I still read them, actually, but it’s not quite as entertaining as the time one of the teachers tried to send me to the office for reading in class and the principal told me to just keep reading if I was reading that in class (it was Alice in Quantumland by Robert Gilmore).
⚡ : What typically leads to inspiration for you when it comes to writing?
Anything? Everything? A random overheard bit of conversation. An unusual shadow cast on the ground. Some random writing prompt. Music. Art. Those random stray thoughts of “what if this happened instead?” or “what happened between what we saw then and now?”
Really, I just... write. I’ve been writing since I was about 8 years old (when I had my first works published) and had been making up stories even longer than that.
Like... when I was maybe five or so, I looked up at the sky and saw the full moon hanging there during the day. Since it was close to Halloween, and my older cousin was being a pain and not leaving me alone, I made up this story about how witches come out on nights that follow when the full moon is out during the day in order to steal the older children away unless they were hiding under their covers well before the sun set.
My great-grandparents never did figure out why my cousin would always end up going to bed early whenever conditions were right after that story...
➳ : When creating OCs, what do you typically start with first? (i.e. appearance, name, a theme, etc.)
Umm... umm? Sometimes I think they just go *POOF!* and show up, honestly, and leave me scrambling to figure out who the hell they are afterwards. That’s certainly how Layla came about. I was writing from the focus of a totally different character, and then suddenly she saunters into the scene and I had absolutely no clue who the hell she was, and you can imagine how forthright she was with revealing any of that information in the moment either.
Others, like the fandom-inspired ones? I have a very loose concept, and just kinda... go from there. Usually while still dealing with the whole wanting to yell at them to just bloody well tell me who they are.
Like, right now, I have an OC in development for Detroit: Become Human. She’s one of the PM700 police androids. Beyond that, the only thing I actually know about her is that she goes deviant whenever she witnesses a case of domestic violence against another android by a human, because her programming otherwise dictates that they cannot carry weapons and may not use force.
I don’t know her name, or anything about her personality. Just that little tidbit.
It’s a bit maddening at times, really...
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xxelloss · 5 years
"Incoming! Fight or flight, pick one in the next twenty seconds!' The sudden whirlwind of Thunder God whipping past the purple haired individual, sort of skidding to a halt on his feet as he turned himself. "So sorry, but I appear to have brought a very teeny army to this location.." The thundering of hooves in the distance.
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The Lesser Beast tilts his perfectly manicured head, hair like slick satin slices of grape-flavored ribbon, equal parts lovely and absurd. 
Eyes forever closed, darkened with long black eyelashes, peek open at the suitable ridiculousness that Thor presents.
    “I have so many questions,” he ventures, in a voice like an alto flute, pleasant, simultaneously masculine and feminine, “but chiefly, good sir, why is it my matter to rectify?” 
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icyxmischief · 4 years
"Nice suit, the green's really quite stunning. Very fashionable, as they'd say."
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Loki bristles at the playfully sarcastic dig. 
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     “you know, you great bastard, I don’t see you venturing forth into a cohesive sense of couture, except in the realm of hoodies and sweatpants.” 
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lawfulpride · 4 years
Truth Serum. No matter how expressive you may be, or how intense, no one will every truly be privy to the raw, intense depth of your anger or the pain you carry. They think they have seen it, but they've only scratched the surface.
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Truth Serum!: your muses can now ask mine anything and they will be forced to answer honestly!
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      “It’s another of my imperfections.” 
Davos winces violently.  Admitting that he sees himself with such ruthless criticism is in and of itself forbidden, and yet here he is, spilling his guts like an undisciplined child. 
     “I have to dispel my rage. Let go of my attachments. Accept what will never change, and be centered, at peace, at last.  Because what you say . . . .” He ducks his head, the veins of his neck and forehead protruding, jaw grinding.
He all but gasps,
    “It’s true.”
He looks up at Thor, with frightened eyes, behind that ferocious scowl.
    “But the last time I let go of my anger, and thought I was free, my chi was filthy and I killed hundreds of people, some of whom . . . . some of whom did not deserve to die. I am afraid of who I’ll become if I let go.”   
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sclfmastery · 4 years
“Listen, we don’t have to fight, we can both be adorable.” (Simm Master)
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   The Master pensively scratches his stubble. 
   “But we STILL have to fight for the TITLE of MOST Adorable!” 
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orlothegreat · 4 years
"You KNOW, Count, you could probably drown in this mountain of books and papers, scrolls and scribbles. Truly, I would worry of you being lost, did my voice not project so massively that you would hear my coming the block away!" He huffs, but then drops the stack of bound tomes upon his desk. "Here are those Asgardian texts that you did not ask for but I figured you would appreciate. A gift, we have plenty, do feel free to induldge"
The mouse with the bear inside peers hesitantly over the edge of the trove that’s been slammed down on his workspace.  This isn’t the first time the Norse god has descended upon him for conversation, but it is the first time he’s been offered gifts.
He clears his throat, and seeks diplomacy:
     “You . . . . Your Grace, whatever have I done to merit this kindness?”
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The God had remained quiet for so long that the Valkyrie had nearly turned and walked away. But, she had remained, given the way that she had been pulled toward him. As though, he were suffering in someway and the healer within had deemed it necessary to confirm that Thor was, in fact, alright. 
She had also questioned whether or not he had known that she was there or if she should continue her approach and say something. 
Juliet had decided against saying anything, in case the Odinson had been within meditation. That was something that she would have regretted to interrupt. Especially given that she was there to check on him and meditation often left one feeling better. 
Instead it seemed as though he had been lost within a spiral of dark thoughts. A discovery which had her slowly moving closer to him. Not wanting to provoke him unnecessarily. Given, she wished to allow him to vent to her, if need be. 
“Do you speak of a specific war, my Lord. Or in generalities?” She asked of him quietly, as she stood not far from him on his left in case he truly wished to not be disturbed. As was often the case when one found their way out into seemingly the middle of nowhere, as he had done. 
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