#hooo boy finally finished super late
crystal-lillies · 5 months
Some positive things, widespread and personal, from 2023
Hello all here's my annual good things roundup, and as always I'll be missing a good lot of stuff that happened bc I'm pulling from the top of my head and also I'm running late.
In no particular order:
Some great indie animation stuff this year, with Hazbin Hotel news and episodes of Helluva Boss continuing and then the Lackadaisy pilot and fundraising campaign success!
Got the end of The Owl House early in 2023, and while it was not the ending we all would have hoped for, it was an incredible ending all the same and absolutely so well made.
Avatar: The Last Airbender has a new official TTRPG game, several of the OG cast did a playthrough of it, AND the trailer for the live action TV series doesn't look half bad! Also, Toph's VA has been reacting to the series. Overall it's been a great year for ATLA fans.
CLAMP announced that the continuation of the CCS Clear Card anime is on its way, and the Clear Card manga finished this year! The kids are okay!
Game movie wins! Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, along with The Super Mario Bros. Movie, were both great adaptations and fun movies where previously adapted movies of the same properties were so awful they make Artemis Fowl look barely passable!
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse was super freaking incredible cinema and stupendous animation and score. And the animators got a break from having to cram the Beyond the Spiderverse movie in a year jfc.
The WGA and SAGAFTRA strikes I wouldn't consider positives on their own; however, the overwhelming solidarity across the lines and from us the fans and everyone in the same working boat helped the WGA and SAGAFTRA strikers stick it to the studio execs being literal cartoonish villains and get the things they were asking for after a brutally long strike period where the studio execs absolutely wanted them all to lose their homes and suffer. Power to the workers! WGA and SAGAFTRA strong!
BARBIE. No notes. 100000/10. You go girl.
But also the meme of Barbenheimer, absolutely genius.
GOOD OMENS SEASON 2!!!! HOOO BOY Neil Gaiman really shook us to the core with these ineffable celestial lads
The Marvels was a lot of fun! Kamala Khan and adult Monica Rambeau finally got to the big screen and they were so good altogether with Carol Danvers! Sadly didn't get great box office, but the movie itself being good makes up for that in my eyes!
Wonka was also a lot better than expected! Very fun and wholesome and heartwarming! Not bad Timothee Chalamet, not bad.
Critical Role's The Legend of Vox Machina season 2 was incredible, and a Mighty Nein animated series was also announced to be in the works! Plus, we got a Mighty Nein live show in London! And Candela Obscura premiered this year as well! And the Exquisite Exandria cookbook dropped in August and it's been so amazing.
Dimension 20 has been popping off this year as well, and several of its cast started Worlds Beyond Number, which is on a whole other level of inspirational and awesome.
On some personal notes, I got to spend time with good friends this past year (and getting one into TLOVM and Critical Role too, which has been fun)
And in that vein, I got into a bonafide Dungeons and Dragons campaign this summer, based from a oneshot I played in April by putting myself out there and trying something new. And man, this campaign has been one of the best things in 2023 let alone maybe my whole life. I'm so grateful to be a part of it and to keep going.
And this past summer, I got to go to a convention and meet several of my favorite actors including the cast of Smallville, Charlie Cox, Dante Basco, and Jason Liebrecht! It was so much fun.
I spent my birthday with my whole immediate family and went to Disney Hollywood Studios and had such a blast!
And I started more actively sending my writing out to litmags! While nothing has been accepted yet, I am ever more determined to be published!
There is much more good that happened in 2023 but for now, this is a good sample to end the year and beckon the new one forth with the same and even more positive vibes.
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imthepointe · 4 years
When the Hourglass Runs Dry
well ok this was supposed to be for @ninjago-angst-week but considering i’m, like, a week late, i’ll just post it as a regular fic :)
angst week day 7- prompt: future
tw: death, suicide and suicidal themes / word count: 2057
Many years into the future, Pixal and Zane reflect on the past.
Death was always a fanatical topic at dinner tables, partly because each ninja tended to die rather frequently. It was always brought up in a joking manner (“I dunno, Cole’s died, like, four times at this point,” or “Zane, after Prime Empire, I don’t think you’ve died the most times now!”), and truthfully, it wasn’t really something the ninja had given much heavy consideration to in the past. They were always taught to avoid death- to cheat it- they were ninja; it was kind of their job to protect, which is something you can’t do if you’re dead. Plus, the point of existing is to stay alive for as long as you can, anyway.
It is really so unfortunate that death is not a fleeting matter, unlike youth. It is so, so sad that the inevitability of mortality affects everything. 
Occasionally, in a fit of existential panic, Lloyd would remember that he was going to outlive Nya, Jay, Kai, and Cole by at least a few hundred years. But for now, while they were still teenagers, that wasn’t something for him to worry about. Zane and Pixal had told him it wasn’t something for him to worry about yet.
Then teenage years turned into the twenties, then twenties into thirties, and so forth- such is life. 
Lloyd, Pixal, and Zane had to watch their friends grow old, to watch them age; to Lloyd, there was nothing more painful than the thought that they were all going to die and he still had a good portion of his life that he would have to live without them. But, hey- they had all made it into their seventies, which if you asked Lloyd when he was a teenager how long they would live to be, he would have set the bar a little lower.
But then Cole was diagnosed with the same illness that killed his mother when she was barely in her thirties, and the beloved team ninja was forced back into the reality that they were all going to die sooner or later, and it was probably going to be sooner.
“We made bets on who was going to die first, do you remember?” Kai had said after the former black ninja informed them of his diagnosis. Even though his tone was humorous, his wrinkles furrowed and his eyes drooped.
“Yeah, I think I said it would be you, dumbass,” Cole laughed, which promptly turned into a rattling cough.
“Ka-arma,” Jay smirked. Nya smacked him across the face.
And then Cole was dead within two weeks. 
Then Kai, then Jay, then Nya, all only a few years later.
“They lived long lives, Lloyd,” Zane had mentioned one day. “I am so glad we were a part of them. We will see them again in due time.”
Lloyd prayed he was right.
Lloyd had made a comfortable living with Pixal and Zane. The three had moved out of Ninjago City, to a quiet and comfortable cottage near Ignacia, where they mostly kept to themselves. 
They each tried at least once a month to all visit their friend’s graves, which was normally easier said than done. When they did go, they were alone- Lloyd liked to spend personal time with each of his friends, and he supposed Zane and Pixal had the same logic. 
Years passed, and life droned on quietly. There were no new threats to the safety of the city, no new evils or big bads to defeat. 
Lloyd began to age. Slowly, surely, but he was aging, and grew to look more and more like his father with each new wrinkle or sign of age, which was often the butt of Zane’s jokes.
Three hundred years later, and the three of them had shifted into a routine with a strong sense of normalcy. It was nice. 
It was very nice, actually, Lloyd had decided. He no longer had to worry about people in his life leaving him.
But at four hundred years, he began to worry about his leaving of Zane and Pixal. Wu has lived to be nearly five hundred and thirty years old, but as Lloyd only had a fraction of the godlike blood that Wu had, he feared he would not last much longer.
Not only that, but Lloyd found himself getting much more tired and fatigued considerably more frequently.
The three always started out their mornings on the veranda of their cottage, talking and chatting about whatever subject was most relevant to their quaint lives. 
“I’m very old now,” Lloyd had said one day. 
“We all are, Lloyd,” Zane pointed out. Pixal lightly squeezed Zane’s hand as if to say really?
“When I die, what will happen to you all?”
Pixal whipped her head around to face the former green ninja and stared him in the eyes. “Do not talk like that, Lloyd,” she scolded. “Don’t worry about us. Don’t say that.”
That was the end of the matter, until Lloyd’s health only continued to decline. 
By four hundred and twenty-three years old, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon was practically bedridden, his extended longevity catching up to him.
He knew he didn’t have much longer on this earth.
Zane and Pixal has been taking care of him to the best of their ability, but death is unavoidable, even for the green ninja. 
“I’m sorry,” Lloyd had managed one night, his voice raspy and weak.
“For what, Lloyd?” Zane gently raised the his torso and propped him up with a pillow.
“For leaving you and Pixal.”
“Do not be sorry, Lloyd,” Zane replied with a solemn tone. “Just say hello to our old friends, would you?” 
A small tear rolled down Zane’s cheek and he held Lloyd’s hands. The nindroid was mostly sure the other boy had nodded.
Lloyd died peacefully in his sleep two nights later.
Zane and Pixal sat on the porch, just as they did every morning, admiring the birch trees and various wildlife, occasionally pointing at a deer or falcon or fox that happened to cross their vision.
It had been a mere three months since the green ninja’s death, with only the two nindroids left to keep each other company. But this morning, this morning was different- Zane was ‘in a funk,’ as Lloyd would have said, and the recollection of Lloyd’s funny vocabulary made Pixal laugh.
“What is funny, Pixal?”
“You seem weird today, that is all,” Pixal met his eyes, “as Lloyd would have said, ‘you are in a funk.’ Are you alright?”
“I’m splendid. In fact, I was thinking of fixing a cake in a minute. How does chocolate sound?”
“That sounds nice, Zane.”
Now Pixal knew something was definitely wrong- Zane only made cakes when something was bothering him.
But even as she watched Zane move inside to the kitchen and put on an apron, she began to think about the question that was heavy-set in her mind, as well.
How much longer of this?
They were nindroids. They could not die from natural causes- how many more years would she live to see?
Pixal, she mentally scolded herself, stop thinking like that. You’re being silly.
You’re being silly.
She stood from the rocking chair, collected herself, and went inside to help Zane- Pixal too found baking rather enjoyable. 
Zane asked her to prepare some icing, so she fiddled with the sugar, cocoa, and milk, until she had a consistency presentable enough to self-proclaimed Master Chef Zane. 
...which, naturally, there was an issue with.
“See, Pixal, you must add more powdered sugar than milk, that way it stays fluffy,” he dipped his finger into the mixture, “but it still tastes good.” With a swift motion, he scooped some more icing with his finger and smeared it on the girl’s nose. 
Through her frustration, she could not help but laugh, and thus a food fight broke out between them.
By the time they were through, an even layer of flour coated the kitchen counters and floor, cocoa stained on their garments, and icing was in every place imaginable. 
Zane stood and helped Pixal to her feet and almost stood in awe of the impressive mess they had made. 
Pixal hugged Zane, mostly in an effort to get his clothes significantly more adulterated than they already were. “I would have maybe expected this from Lloyd, not from you.”
The master of ice closed his eyes. “We should probably clean up.” 
“Right,” Pixal shoved him playfully as she made her way to the cleaning supplies underneath the sink. She handed Zane a broom and kept a cloth for herself. 
She picked up a photo frame that had been completely caked in flour and began to wipe it off. Underneath was a framed picture of her friends, some four hundred years ago, after some valiant battle.
She exhaled loud enough for Zane to notice. 
“When will we see them again, Zane?”
“I- I am unsure,” he sighed, “I have been wondering the same.” He swept the flour into a neat little pile in the middle of the floor.
“You have?”
The nindroid looked lost in thought for a moment. “Yes,” he said decisively. “That is why I have been acting weird lately, I suppose.”
“Even though it’s been hundreds of years since their passing, I still miss them so, so much. Is that a bad thing?”
“Oh, Pixal, I hope not.”
The rest of the kitchen was cleaned in a thoughtful silence. 
The cake was finished and set on the small dining table, with two rocking chairs on one half of the table and a third chair cast off to the side. 
Zane sat down in a chair, and pulled the other out for Pixal to sit beside him. He cut the cake, his hands moving more clumsily than before- Pixal thought he seemed lost in his mind, and she would know- she’s been stuck there before. He carefully set a piece of cake on each plate.
 “Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, it seems to me most strange that men should fear; seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.”
 Pixal couldn’t help but laugh at Zane’s sudden use of Julius Caesar. “That is Shakespeare. Why quote it now?”
“Because it does not apply to us. We will not meet a necessary end.”
She tuned back down to her cake. “That is true.”
She poked at the chocolate for a moment before setting her fork back down. “What are you suggesting? I assume this has something to do with the conversation earlier.”
“I’m just saying I do not think we will ever see Cole, Kai, Nya, Lloyd, or Jay ever again by any natural means.”
 Pixal considered his words for a moment before grabbing Zane’s hand. “I have an idea,” she said cautiously- it was risky, unsettling, and terrifying- “but only if you are totally sure about it.”
2 weeks since the cake baking incident and Zane and Pixal had finished eating all of the cake. Zane has immediately agreed to Pixal’s idea- he had been toying with the same idea for some time, too, he admitted.
Zane’s fingers wrapped around Pixal’s. The rocking chairs swept back and forth, a gentle sway, just as they had every morning, like this was some part of their routine.
Pixal looked to Zane, her voice barely above a whisper: “Are you sure you want to do this, Zane?”
The nindroid smiled softly. “They are waiting for us, Pixal,” he continued holding her hand, “I can’t wait to see them again.”
Pixal followed Zane’s gaze to the same framed photo sitting across from their chairs.
“I cannot wait either, Zane.” 
There was a silence, but not the dreadful kind- the kind of silence that is warm, welcoming, and comfortable. 
“I love you, Pixal.”
He gripped her hand tighter.
“I love you, Zane. So much.”
Soft light cascaded through trees with golden leaves, and a small breeze gently rustled the leaves. The place seemed familiar, in a very distant way, but the two nindroids could not recall anytime they would have visited such a place with this ethereal beauty.
“You two are late,” a familiar voice sounded behind them.
The two turned around, hands still linked, to face their friends. Cole stood in the middle, a tender smile spreading across his face.
“We are here now, friends.”
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First Kisses (Haikyuu - pt. 4)
Title: First Kisses (Haikyuu - pt. 4)
Genre: do I have to say it? FLOOF, MY FRIENDS.
Pairing: Kuroo/Kenma/Taketora/Lev x Reader (separate) 
Notes: Okay, I have to say this. This one may be my overall favorite next to the Karasuno first years collection. I have no valid reason to say why, but I love Nekoma and Fukurodani. The Tokyo schools are the ones that are HUGE standouts and are so interesting to me, though there isn’t much other information than what’s provided in the wiki. 
Like, I love information and absorbing it and I’ve read through both so many times, it’s getting annoying. Can anyone help with gathering more information? 
Otherwise, I realize that my writing has taken a severe nosedive. At least to me. So, I apologize in advance if these kinda suck. (I’m also super sorry for this being so late! Tons of crap had been holding me from typing this up.) 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Masterlist
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Kuroo Tetsurou
this teASE-
he’d definitely want someone very cute and small
possibly shy, but not necessarily
also someone willing to try new things
(though this isn’t what will essentially draw him to his s/o)
otherwise, i feel that the kiss would happen during a date
something like dinner and walk 
or a movie and dinner 
maybe even a trip to the amusement park
which is where  we begin
though the night was fun, it was coming to an end
kuroo would have been teasing, chatting with you and his friends, and enjoying the time that the group has spent
some people are starting to split off
you two aren’t in that group just yet
it isn’t until you pause for some ice cream that you two momentarily separate
you were in a group with bokuto, akaashi, hinata and tsukishima
and while tsukishima was trying not to snap hinata’s neck 
and bokuto was staying close to (hanging off of) akaashi
you and kuroo were eating your ice cream peacefully
(though kuroo was fighting the urge to jump in and join bokuto in his extravagance)
it wasn’t until someone accidentally hit you that you two had to split
your ice cream would have hit your face
(yes, you are that short. don’t @ me.) 
and gotten everywhere
it’s up your nose and almost in your eyes
and it’s a total mess.
you don’t cry, but you are embarrassed
and while the passerby apologized, you also couldn’t help but silently curse them.
kuroo noticed your expressions
and how you got dejected when you got hit
so he took you by the shoulder and told the guys that you’d be back after a few minutes.
since it was an amusement park, there are no complete bathrooms
but there are waterbottles, napkins, and car mirrors.
so he had to improvise. 
he gave you what you needed and helped you as much as he could,
but your embarrassment was preventing you from leaving just yet.
you knew that you two were far from done for the night, seeing as it was only hitting 7:30 pm
but you also knew that you didn’t want to risk something like that happening again.
so when your face was cleaned, you laid back while kuroo held your hand.
he tried to leave, but he noticed your grip tighten.
no sound needed to be heard from you to confirm what both of you were thinking
‘i/they don’t want to go back just yet.’
the area was quiet as kuroo walked back and hugged you, one which you returned
short sighs was all that could be heard for a few minutes.
eventually, you were ready, and you let kuroo know by tugging on his tee.
he had made a vow for tonight, though - 
he knew you hadn’t had your first kiss, and he wanted to make it special to you
and he knew that you didn’t like huge displays of affection. 
so he just knew that this was the chance when you glanced up at him when you left the hug.
your eyes were big and, while your face was a little dull from the stickiness of the ice cream, 
(i hate the fact that i thought of something nasTY when i wrote that-)
he found that the way the setting sun lit your figure up was magical.
he knew that now was the perfect moment.
you noticed his hesitation 
and you began to question him
but he kissed you before you could get a word out.
kuroo is a driven and passionate man, so this was obviously reflected in his kiss
it subdued sense of force that he used and the shyness of yours was beautiful to him.
it wasn’t until he softened his end and you put more force into yours that you two got even closer.
though the height was hard to deal with, and resulted in some teeth clashing by default. 
you two were drawn into your own little world, and the kiss opened up a new door for the both of you. 
once you two were done after a few minutes, you pulled apart.
he had a teasing smirk on his face, you were blushing and pouting.
“did you have to just kiss me like that? people could’ve been watching!”
“hahaha, did you think i’d miss that chance, that oh-so perfect opportunity, chibi-chan?”
though you did continue to drop little periods of whining, you did calm down and relax for the remainder of the night.
the stars led to even more kisses that night
(of course, in private, kuroo may be the master of provocation, but he does know what his s/o is comfortable with.)
essentially, the overall kiss was very reassuring. 
not really anything for extreme comfort, but most definitely a kiss that would calm you down for the night. (seeing as you initiated the return.)
it was also fairly long and passionate 
something long enough to leave you decently breathless
(sidenote: it’s kuroo, what did you expect?) 
either way, it was the perfect setting, too 
(but kuroo wouldn’t admit that he knew the next step in the relationship would be perfect in the sunset)
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Kenma Kozume
shy gamer boy needs someone outgoing yet calm and collected.
i’m throwing the beck reference in here again. 
yep, beck from victorious. that kind of vibe.
it has been proven that he’s only quiet when you first meet him, and is chatty when you know him
so he’d want to be able to have a conversation with his s/o that revolves around their similar interests
a gamer, preferably
and since shy bean is shy bean, the kiss would be at one of your houses
most likely over a game
probably a racing game and the finishing game scores are neck and neck
and the kiss itself? 
well, let’s begin. 
you two had been playing mario cart for a while now.
the two of you had evened scores.
(2-2; best out of five)
and, despite his somewhat calm demeanor,
kenma was internally screaming.
‘s/o’s ahead of me, and the shell didn’t work.’ 
he didn’t want to play dirty, but you were winning.
he wanted to win the game to get the upperhand over you 
but you had only continued to play at your best.
he found your drive adorable and intriguing, 
but (i’m gonna say it again) he wanted to win.
so, he had to start planning how to defeat you in game.
though he did know that this would be up to chance. 
in the midst of his thinking, he barely noticed how it shifted to the way you looked. 
your face was lit up by the artificial light,
and as cliche as it sounds, he found that glorious.
the look in your eyes as your chosen character flew by on the track made him blush.
and that was when it hit him,
if he can’t win, he’d take you down with him.
and he’d do that with a kiss.
(let’s be honest, kenma would do something desperate if he wanted to. even if it was extremely out of character.)
(though that might just be me trying to fit the storyline, but like- he wouldn’t date someone unless he knew that he could trust them.) 
(am i wrong?)
he’d said your name under his breath. 
while you two would normally be very much willing to talk, this was not one of the times.
so you were a little worried. 
you knew that he was very ‘eh’ about his emotions, but he had his own little ways of communicating them, and this was new. 
what happened when you turned your head to look at him though-
that wasn’t worrying in the slightest.
kenma, in a somewhat uncharacteristic action had kissed you.
it was short, and mischevious, a little messy as well
but it was enough to distract you
i mean, like- 
this boy had never really taken the first step to do these things, at all, so this? 
hooo boy, you were shocked. 
so shocked that you failed to see that you had fallen to last place while kenma had won in first. 
your jaw dropped to the floor when you saw it and you pouted.
you did notice that kenma was red-faced and looking away from you, though
so you did the same thing. 
short, sweet, mischevious.
you just returned the favor~.
so, in conclusion?
the kiss is shy and quiet, but has some supercharged air to it
i mean, i imagined it happening in the midst of a final game.
what was to be expected.
(i also hc kenma to be the type of person to tease his s/o relentlessly in private, so-) 
the whole scenario was just the perfect combination of innocent desires, a confidence boost, and a drive to win. 
the setting too.
super relaxing to the both of you
especially considering that the two of you are not the most open with your relationship.
oddly adorable, but just the slightest bit annoying. 
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Yamamoto Taketora
this man, not gonna lie, is gonna give me a bit of a problem
i also had to do a small observation of his character, so.
once i found out that yamamoto is timid around girls, his s/o?
the girl i imagine he would go for clocked me square in the face. 
someone with a not-so-talkative nature, but is CONFIDENT.
seems to have the default personality of an angel, but isn’t afraid to tear someone a few new ones if provoked enough. 
otherwise, i think that the kiss would happen on a weekend or over holiday.
this is hard to explain, so i’ll just get into general scenario.
his parents are away for the weekend, he isn’t trusted to babysit, and his sister can’t be left alone or with her brother or else chaos will run free for the few days. 
the solution?
his parents ask you to stay with the two of them to keep them in check and taken care of. 
so you, in love with taketora and his sister’s personality, agree to their plea. 
(taketora would be the first of the two to make their opinion on your stay obvious - what else would he be besides ecstatic?)
otherwise, everything is prepared and the weekend picks up.
his parents are now gone, you are now at their humble abode, and akane has just pulled out a just dance game. 
she had been pestering you two to play it with her.
while taketora denied, you agreed and akane had taken to picking a song while you started to move the table in the middle of the living room.
he was watching as you started the time with a bang.
as you three did more stuff and the weekend progressed, he only fell more in love with you.
you fell more in love with him as well. 
though neither of you would admit it. 
now, seeing as the final day has come to pass, things were starting to wind down. 
you, akane, and taketora were seated next to each other on the couch.
a movie was playing and the two yamamotos were digging into the popcorn that had been set out on the coffee table. 
they had their eyes dead set on the current events in the movie, but you?
you were watching taketora and akane.
he looked so happy, she looked so happy. 
one little makeshift family for the three of you. 
you had smiled and looked away.
what you didn’t know was that taketora could feel you looking at him, he could even see your content expression from his peripheral vision.
he was happy to be able to experience something like this with you.
you were so charming, so kind, so smart, and so good with kids 
(something i will never be lol)
what more could he ask for? you were perfect for him. 
sadly, things had to come to an end at some point. 
that point was when akane was passed out, the credits were rolling, and a car had pulled into the driveway.
you two, awake and ready to start cleaning, had allowed the disappointment to set in.
“i had fun with you guys.” 
he smiled, though it was a little shy. 
he was watching as you grabbed the remote and shut the television off. 
he was blushing. you noticed. it was cute.
the room became silent, and it wasn’t broken until the sound of jingling keys could be heard. 
you two had slapped on smiles as his parents entered. 
after a short conversation, his dad lifted akane up and took her to her room while his mom thanked and paid you. 
you went to leave, she offered to drive you home, but you persisted on walking. 
taketora took it upon himself to make sure you got home safely. 
the moon was high and bright, seemingly smiling.
you loved the calm silence, he loved looking at your gentle expression.
the light had made you glow, and the way your eyes sparkled pushed him over the edge. 
he had to kiss you now. he just had to. 
you failed to notice how he was blubbering silently, something akin to a fish.
he had to pull himself together if he ever dreamed of kissing you, so he had to do it now. 
“hey, s/o...”
you turned to face the two-tone haired boy, and he grabbed your wrist gently. 
you blushed at the action. but gestured for him to continue.
“can i...kiss you?”
your blush got even brighter, but you nodded your head. 
he slowly closed the ever so slight gap between the two of you. 
and he kissed you.
slowly, gently, kindly - it was truly loving. 
it was very long, though. 
in fact, it was getting so long that the smile he wore when the kiss continued dropped into a pout when you had to press his chest as a cue for him to stop.
you giggled at his expression, and it didn’t last due to that reaction.
the calm silence returned, and as you two continued to your home, he held your hand. 
(that was almost so sweet that it became disgusting, wtf-) 
but, overall-
super sweet, super long, super loving.
there’s is almost no other way to explain the feeling
if you want to count breathless, go ahead.
either way, it was perfect and just the right amount of intense for the both of you
(or a balance, rather, but i think you get what i mean in relation to him and hsi s/o’s character).
and again, the setting?
too perfect. 
the stars aligned in his favor that night, that’s for sure. 
(i almost gagged while writing this, why did i have to make it so sickeningly sweet, my god-)
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Lev Haiba
tol oblivious bean needs smol aware bean
i don’t make the rules, it needs to happen.
who the hell else is gonna make sure that this guy doesn’t bring more problems onto himself?
his s/o would have to be responsible and somewhat motherly.
tough love is best love for tol boy. 
i think that they would also be very into volleyball, even pushing as a manager for the team.
(you and kuroo would have to be the primary sources of improvement for lev, let’s be honest)
otherwise, the kiss would happen after a practice. 
and it would be a milestone for the team.
(by default, of course.)
so, what exactly do i imagine would happen?
practice had just ended
everyone was sweaty
a select group of people had to clean up the gym while the other half had to make sure that the locker rooms were in pristine condition.
you had stayed back to help the guys in the gym.
chaos had begun to ensue when you were cleaning around the outer edge of the gymnasium, so you had to do something.
granted, this group consisted of yamamoto and lev - not surprising.
despite your smaller stature, the guys there knew not to mess with you
things worked out! 
the cleaning was slowly getting done, people had begun to leave. 
(some volleyballs were thrown in the process between you and lev, though kuroo doesn’t and will never know.)
the smiles that come up during the time are beautiful
almost like that night in general, but you didn’t care.
you, in fact, found lev adorable.
despite his height, was a giant baby - and you loved it.
either way, when the cleaning was done, only a few of you were left.
kuroo and kenma left for the train, kai was packing his things, and you and lev were already on your way to your respective homes.
you two were holding hands tightly, you giggling as he swung your limbs back and forth.
he was almost throwing you, but he wasn’t
the whole thing was a big, fun mess 
once he had calmed down, he had started to ask you about your day
you responded accordingly, and he had to do what he would normally do
tease you.
things were silent once you had asked him and he responded, so this would have to be done if things had to flow somewhat
the tiredness had set in, and it wasn’t until you had heard the dreaded words escape his mouth that you almost jumped and smacked him
“so, s/o, how’s your height doing for you down there? Are the land bugs hitting you?” 
you deadpanned and started to claw at him, just the slightest.
his laugh was what drew you from your mini meltdown. 
you calmed down as you watched his eyes light up with amusement.
he seemed so relaxed and happy, you just had to smile at him as well. 
the air around you two lost the tired feeling and settled into something bordering on romantic and teasing.
you were throwing tall jokes at him, he was throwing short jokes at you.
fair deal for a couple so far apart in height, i’d say.
that being said, the tired eventually set in amongst the conversation and rebuttals. 
with the drowsiness hitting you in the middle of a comeback, you got loopy 
and said something without thinking
(aka something unlike you, the somewhat composed manager of the Nekoma boys volleyball club and unofficial guardian of the chaotic lev haiba)
“i wanna kiss you.”
lev, though tired as well, wasn’t as drained as you and heard what you had said loud and clear.
he blushed firetruck red and stuttered through the repetition of the statement.
it took you a few seconds to realize that, to summarize:
yes, you said that
yes, lev heard that
and yes, you meant it
you had gathered the remnants of your awake conscious to say what you had to say, now that you had already spoken your desires in a goofed state.
“*clearing throat* u-um, i...i want to kiss you, l-...lev. i want to kiss you, so can-can i?”
his eyes got wider, he blushed darker, and his heart was beating at a million mph
but he didn’t deny it. 
in fact, he straight up leaned down for you.
“you wanted to kiss me, right? then go for it!”
you, in your tired stupor, went along with it.
you had to jump a little bit because he didn’t lean down so far, but you still managed to peck him on the lips.
(he enjoyed the image of you jumping to try and kiss him, and he could get used to it)
he chuckled again before meeting you down below once you were away from him. 
the two of you just stared in each others eyes and turned into tomatoes.
overall, just-
it doesn’t seem like much, but i think that the kiss would kind of comical and somewhat immature
while still remaining very romantic and sweet.
the setting itself?
not really proper to you two
the two of you, most likely, would have ended up like this if you had stayed back longer or had gone to a diner for a date.
(as a sidenote, you lived near yaku. this is something he didn’t know and you were too tired to remember, so when yaku noticed the little scene from his bedroom window, he had to bring it up at practice the next day. the two of you were promptly teased relentlessly.)
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
Got 19 asks, thanks ya’ll! :}
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The ask itself aside for a moment, If you told him that, it would make him really upset. He would 100% believe that you’re just messing with him and making fun of him.
He truly believes that he is unlovable because of his appearance, and that he cannot form any new relationships because of it. He feels that the only friends he will ever have are the Wreckers that knew him before he became disfigured and somehow aren’t disgusted by him now. Brown Suburban, being the only one he thinks..
He feels that partly why Brown Suburban is even still friends with him is that his vision isn’t great and he cant quite see just how ugly Bash has become. Which isn’t true, but he cant help thinking this way.
Despite actually becoming friends with the rest of team prime.. he can just.. he can just feel all the optics staring at him. He knows he’s a disaster and is ashamed. He feels like the rest of the team is only pretending to be friends with him as a form of pity.
Now, to the ask itself. I don’t think that’s all that odd. I built Bash Buggy to feel like a real being. So someone having a crush on him, jokingly or not means I did a good job. :}
Also, just an fyi.. every single character of mine besides Suburban, Red Van and Miata are single. ;}  
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Ah its alright, things just suck sometimes.
My new job has been helping a lot actually. I finally feel like I’m useful, so that’s a nice feeling. My job is confusing and it embarrasses me when I cant figure out what to do, but that feeling of being worth something drowns them out thankfully.
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No I don’t believe you have, why don’t you tell me about it? :}
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Oh don’t worry, Suburban will cover that. ;}
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I think it would be best to just.. leave Honda alone for now, and let her calm down on her own. <:/
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I’m so glad you liked the memes. I always just assumed no one wanted to see them, so it makes me happy to know that at least some people like them.
And I’m glad I made you feel better! You did the same for me. Getting asks always makes me feel better. <:}
And thank you for all the compliments!! I’m so flattered! (*ノ∀`*)
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Go for it. I wish you luck. 👍
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Its been great honestly. If feels really great to feel like I have a purpose now. Something I do finally matters enough to be paid for it. The job is confusing and will take a lot of time to learn and memorize. But honestly that’s drown out by the feeling that I’m finally worth something.
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A while back, Suburban got a strange patch of a few little cracks on his front windshield caused by driving though some branches. It looked somewhat like this. 👇
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Suburban is now in the hands of a relative that isn’t.. the most pleasant to be around to put it lightly. She has a history of being a real crank pot and just being a jerk to the others a lot of the time. Lets call her SD. (Suburban’s Driver)
I was out on the farm with SD, VD, (Vega’s Driver) and some others. Suburban was parked in front of the shop just hanging out by himself, so I climbed up on his hood to sit there with him and chill because I was bored.
Eventually I climbed up in his roof and sat criss cross on him. The Vega was parked some feet away which was where WD was. WD (White Trucks driver) was over by Vega and was leaning/sitting on the Vega’s hood and we were just chatting.
Then, from across the farm, SD starts crabbing at me to get off of Suburban. She didn’t say anything else. No reason why to get off, she just said to get off.
She’s always been a real crab to me. She knows Suburban is my favorite car so I just assumed that she was being a crank again and hogging the family Suburban. She only said to get off, not why, just to get off.
I thought that was unfair. So I turned around to VD, (Vega’s Driver) and asked if I could stay up there. I told him that SD was crabbing at me to get off and he thought the same thing. He’s like, “Yeah you can stay up there, don’t worry about SD. Just stay towards the edge of the roof to your keep weight off the middle.” So I was like “cool.” and stayed up there on top of Suburban and hung out and talked to WD some more. 
A little while later we were going to leave. I hop off of Suburban, and then me, WD and VD hop in Vega and drive home. SD finishes up what she was doing and climbs in Suburban to follow us home.
When we get home, SD’s real angry and says, “Come here!” and points at Suburban’s windshield. Suburban's cracks had expanded and now look something like this. 
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Me sitting on Suburban's roof had put enough pressure on his windshield to make his cracks worse. She got real mad at me for not listening to her but VD backed me up and said that he allowed me to stay up there.
If she hadn’t been a jerk to me so much through out my life, or at least had told me that sitting up there would hurt Suburban, I would have respected her and immediately hoped off. But she’s always been that way and she didn't tell me it would hurt him. How was I supposed to know that was going to happen? I had completely forgotten about the cracks and had no idea that Suburban couldn’t handle my weight.
And VD, the car guru of this family, said it was okay. He hadn’t thought about it too and just assumed, like I did, that she was being a crank pot again.
So, all of these things put together and summed up.. I ignored her demand to get off of Suburban and me sitting up there extended his cracks. Basically, I hurt him. Now that I have a job I plan to try to save up the money to replace his front cracked window, and his shattered back window as an apology..
Deep down. I feel like this plan is going to be more of an apology to Suburban than to her really. At least Suburban only hurt me once.
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Only one. She’s way more of a softie than she lets on.
You could give her a high five and she’d smile. You could smile at her and she’d smile back, like, it really doesn’t take much.
She’s so gentle at her core, and it honestly isn’t hard to make it show. :}
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As for the real life cars, Green Truck is repaired and is back on the road actually. His steering column has been successfully replaced and now my Volvo is sitting in his parking spot.
Green Truck actually picked me up from work two days as a matter of fact. It was pretty funny! I walked out thinking “Okay, look for Green Truck.” I look straight ahead and at the end of the row of cars sat a gigantic rusty green truck that poked out above the rest of the cars XD. He’s a big boy that’s for sure. 
Honda actually is broken down and in a shop last I heard.. hopefully she gets out soon. <:/
As for the characters, Green Trucks weak leg has been repaired and he can now be sent out on missions as a reliable soldier. This means that Red Van no longer has a confined-to-the-base-buddy unfortunately.. but at least Green Truck is feeling better. Mentally and physically.
Honda has been painting a lot more. Which is a.. good thing..? I mean, its her way of coping, but she’s been getting lost in the ink lately..
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Daww you’re welcome. Just returning the favor! I’m sure you’ve sent me a virtual hug or two at some point. :}
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Transformers: I... think it started a long time ago? Over the span of many years, every few months I would watch one of the Bayverse movies at random just because. I really liked the movies and sometime ago I was like “Okay. I love these movies and really want to know the story.”
So I rented all the movies and over the span of about maybe 2 weeks I watched every single Bayverse movie in order, also the Bumblebee movie. After that I wanted to watch one of the Transformers shows.
I picked Transformers: Prime because it was the only show that had an art style that I liked.. And now I’m here. I’m not done with the show yet. Drawing all of our cars as Transformers has always been an idea I’ve had. Officially getting onto the fandom was the little push I needed to make them a reality.
Gravity Falls: Sometime a long time ago after the show was completed, I stumbled into the fandom. I ended up really liking Stanford to the point I wanted to watch the show to learn more about him. So I did.
Pirates: Probably this disaster child, 👇
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Hooo man is this an unreasonably controversial subject. My thoughts on the virus COMPLETELY ASIDE, lets take a look at how the not real members of team prime would react.
I think they would all react the same way honestly. They’d be pretty freaked out and worried. To them, they hear that there’s some virus going around the entire planet, that’s some pretty scary stuff. But its not like they can do anything about it to be honest.. So they would just worry, ask the humans every now and again if its gotten any better and just.. kind’a wait it out with them.
They would feel a little bad to think this way, but they have much more pressing matters to worry about. They would be upset to hear that humans all around the world are sick and stressed.. but so are they. What can they really do? <:/
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Assuming that its FNAF 1 and everyone can actually play..
Suburban would be super nervous but determined to finish the game. After getting jump scared once he’d go,
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Miata and Jeepy would probably be the only ones who actually enjoy the game, would beat it, and would want to play it again later.
Escort probably wouldn’t play at all. What's he trying to do? Give himself a second heart attack?? But if he had to.. he’d play for a bit, but would dip after the first jump scare.
Brown Suburban would play the game stone faced and only raise his eyebrows when he got jump scared. He would most likely beat the game. Also, his favorite character is Freddy Fazbear because for some reason the bear reminds him of himself. 
U.M.Dragster would jump into it without fear, but would freak out as he kept getting jump scared. He’s too stubborn to quit, so he would probably keep trying and eventually win.
A.T.Dragster wouldn’t like playing it probably, but she is just as stubborn as her brother and would keep going until she won.
Green Truck wouldn’t be able to beat the game and would get jump scared a lot. But at least he’s a great sport and would have fun doing it.
Red Van would want to yeet the computer but is too gentle so she’d just freak out a lot.
White Truck would be scared the whole time but he’d give it his best shot. If he was determined enough he might just beat it, but probably not.
I feel like Beluga and Honda would be terrified and not be able to get past night 2. But hey, at least they both gave it their best shot right?
Ranger would probably shoot the computer after being jump scared.
Volvo would glitch slap the computer off the table. Scaring a medic is a big no no.
Bash Buggy couldn’t play because he cant see the screen. Buuuuuut, if he could see the screen.. he’d love the game and probably be the best at it. He would play it many times over again and would master the game pretty quickly.
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Uhm.. I believe not, sorry. <:{
In Escort’s story, I have discussed three ships.
The first ship was the one he was traveling on with Red Van and Suburban.
The second ship was the one he was tortured on after being kidnapped from the first ship. This ship was supposed to be full of my Decepticon OCs. I.e, Reaper, Blue Truck, Zippy, etc. No real Decepticons were supposed to be on it so.. no Bonecrusher. <:/
Then the third ship is the one that rescued him. It was an Autobot cargo ship that had more of my OCs on it. I.e Brown Suburban, Bash Buggy, Honda, the Dragsters etc.
So... no he wasn’t on any of Escorts ships.. <:/
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Oh, so he’s friendly? Well then yeah they’d like a hug!
I just saw the clip of him trying to kill Optimus and assumed he wouldn’t be too friendly. .
And sorry for not remembering him! <:{ Its been a long time since I watched the Bayverse movies and I never heard his name before... Not gonna lie though, his alt mode is pretty friggin cool.
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Like, just  L O O K  at it! Noice. 👌
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I don’t know if this is what you need to hear, but do it. I don’t care if the drawing is “bad” or “ugly”. Its fanart of my characters, which shows me that you love and appreciate them.
If you want to draw fanart but are afraid of being made fun of, then you don’t have to draw anything. But if you do, know that I will love and gush over what ever you make me. No matter how “bad” it is. :} ♡
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Escorts Ducky is named “Escorts Ducky”. :}
And in case you were wondering, Suburban's Ducky is named “Suburban’s Ducky.” :}
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magical-regical · 4 years
Spoilers for lesson 28!
I finally finished lesson 28 and hooo boy. Here are some super late thoughts:
1. Mammon being possessive is just—👌😳
2. I didn't know the play could have multiple endings and you can actually stab the princess (or yourself judging by the choices you make when you're planning the script)
3. I've been mario jumping over spoilers from the new lessons so here's my own theory:
Dia went to meet Michael and he brought Solomon instead of Lucifer bcs they want a representative from all three realms. Their topic of discussion? Maybe something inv
olving MC's lineage which make sense because in some way they're affiliated with all three realms? Like, they're human but have some angelic blood in them but also has fucked gets along well with demons.
Lastly, in the words of everyone's favorite otaku sea demon:
"No matter what world people are from, everyone hates spoilers!"
So yeah, pls no spoilers or any form of foreshadowing in the comments.
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unu-nunu-art · 5 years
Important Update - No new Comic Pages this Month
Hey guys, sorry for the big silence after the past comic update. I can assure you that I read every single comment and I was overjoyed to see such a huge positive response so... thank you so much!! <3 However, there's a reason for my inactivity and although I've mentioned it a few times by now, I simply wanted to make a post about everything that will happen this month. This also regards the next update of Somewhere Else.
So yeah, like some of you might know I will move together with my girlfriend @lyoth737. We found an apartment a few months ago, but since I am still working here at my home place, I couldn't leave and live with her yet. So I slowly moved things from one place to another throughout the past months, all while we were looking for new furniture (since she lived with her parents until now and my stuff is partially falling apart we got a lot of things to get, especially buying a new kitchen is... hooo boy), working in my job and also taking care of updates for the comic, commissions and all that stuff.
August will be my "final" month here in my old apartment before we finally take all the remaining stuff, carry it over and live there together. It's exciting, but as you can imagine really exhausting and it will be the most stressful month for many reasons. Especially since the apartment we found is close to her work place, which is roughly 300km away from where I lived before.
In this month, I will have to:
Move or get rid all of my remaining furniture
Do all the paperwork for moving
Have to work extra shifts at my job so I will be able to leave. Since my contract will run out at the end of September, I basically have to work enough extra shifts to leave a whole month early
Work on Commissions and also Patreon Requests.  Also I was foolish enough to enter a fanzine project because I completely underestimated this, which means I will have to work on that one, too.
Also it seems I caught a summer flu so... yay?
And finally, as a result from all of this: I ran out of pages of Somewhere Else
I tried again and again to build up some buffer pages, but because these past months were so busy already I simply couldn't. This is why the udpates always arrived late at the end up the month even though I always wanted to get them out earlier. I got them out as soon as they were ready. Considering that each page easily takes about 10 hours to finish, so each update takes about 20 working hours, I really can't imagine how I could do this during all this mess that's going to happen this month. I really can't express how heartbroken I am about this. I regret to say that I there won't be any new pages this month... I really wanted to deliver, especially after this update. I really, really enjoyed everybody screaming in the comments, it was so uplifting to me. I read them all, so thank you to everyone.
Long story short, I will be super busy this month, failed to make buffer pages because I was busy already and this results in me missing out this update, and in general I won't be around much this month either. Agas will most likely not see a lot of activity either. I really hope all of you understand and I promise to be back in September. Thank you for the support and for enjoying my content. I appreciate every single one of you ♥
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justkending · 5 years
Used to Be Overlooked. Chapter 24.
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Series Summary: Steve Rogers was walking down the streets of Brooklyn after finishing a mission. The goal was just to take some time to clear his mind along the city streets, but when he runs into a gorgeous young lady that looks extremely familiar… How can he go about moving on? Who is she? What does he know her from? Was that memory even from this decade?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader (Rosalyn Ember/ Y/N ?)
Word Count: 4300+
Series Masterlist
A/N: A little longer cause I’ll be at camp for a week. Then I’m moving out! Whooo hooo!
Chapter 24:
After Banner came in with another doctor to run a few test just to see how you were functioning awake now, everyone else started trickling in to pay a visit. Steve staying close to your side with every new visitor. Of course, everyone apologizing for letting this happen to you, and every time you telling them that it was none of their faults. 
First Wanda and Vis who brought you flowers and candy. 
Then Nat who just talked with you for a while about other things which was comforting. 
Then Sam who said something along the lines of knowing you were a badass who would pull through no matter what. 
Then Thor came for only a little to tell you he was sorry he wasn’t here, and by the time he got the call he was too late in coming. He brought you a beautiful gem from some other galaxy as an apology, and said that he would send ‘this Garrison Bates man’, as he put it, in a jail multiple galaxies away if you wanted him to. You laughed him off and told him not to worry about it. You would handle it yourself. Which made a large grin form on his face. 
Then Tony and Pepper stopped by bringing you new clothes to replace the hospital gown. Mainly leggings, sweatpants, and sweatshirts since the room was always cold. They also bought an extremely, over the top, bouquet of flowers that you knew cost a fortune. Tony went on about how the compound should have been safe, it was on him, and yada yada yada. Of course you had to basically tell him to shut up and stop blaming himself like everyone else. He laughed you off and finally gave into you being right, but deep down you could see guilt still there. You would talk about that later.
Lastly, Bucky came in while Banner was drawing blood for another test.
“Hey champ. Good to see you’re back to your sassy self,” he smiled walking in with his hands in his hoodie pocket. 
“Good to see you too James. How are you?” you said adjusting in the bed as your arm hung over the side and Banner inserted the needle. 
“You’re getting your blood drawn after you were just kidnapped from a crazy scientist who just injected you with God knows what, and you’re asking me how I’m doing?” Bucky said quirking an eyebrow and standing at the end of the bed.
Steve laughing from the chair he was relaxed in and shook his head at his friend.
“Gee thanks for reminding me of that Barnes,” you sassed rolling your eyes.
“Sorry I didn’t mean-”
“I’m joking Bucky,” you laughed. “I’m a lot tougher than you think.”
“Well, I think your pretty tough so that’s saying a lot,” he winked.
You smiled before feeling another prick of a needle and winced looking down at the pain.
“Sorry, needles a little bigger on this one,” Banner explained.
“It’s ok. I’ve had worse,” you smiled at him before taking a deep breath. “So, Bucky, back to my original question.” You turned back to the long haired man. “How are you?”
“I still don’t know why your asking me that question,” he said acting dumb.
You gave him a bitch face and his dumb act disappeared immediately. Turning to a ‘oh no I’ve been caught’ look.
“Buck, she can read everyone like a book. No use in lying,” Steve said crossing his arms and laying back in the chair as if he were going to take another uncomfortable nap.
“Same goes for you Steve,” you said turning your head to him. “When’s the last time you got actual decent sleep?” you raised an eyebrow. 
He peeked over at you and shrugged.
“I get 3-4 hours every night,” he said as if that was normal.
“People are supposed to get 7-8 hours every night. In a bed. At their house. Not in a hospital room in chair that is 10 times smaller than them.” 
“I-” he started, but the bitch face that you had now turned on him, shut him up. “I’m fine Y/N. I just want to make sure you’re ok,” he said going back to his slumped position.
You rolled your eyes knowing there was no fighting him on it. 
“You know how to make him listen?” you said turning to Bucky.
He let out a loud laugh, and shook his head. 
“If I did we wouldn’t be where we are in life, now would we?” Bucky said tilting his head toward you.
“Ok Y/N. I have everything I need. I’m going to go run these through the machines and I’ll get back to you on the results,” Bruce said standing and grabbing the vials with your blood as well as a clipboard. 
“I’m assuming a couple of days?” you asked.
“Maybe less with Stark’s technology,” he winked. “You should be discharged in about an hour or so though. If that’s the case, I’ll bring the results to the compound when they’re done. You are staying there with us until everything gets settled right?”
“If that’s ok with everyone else-”
“Yes!” All three men answered at once. Steve sitting up from his chair and moving closer to you. 
“Wow. Ok, yes I’m staying with you then,” you chuckled at the reaction. 
“Sorry, it’s just we want you to be safe, and,” Bucky started.
“I know. I know. I’m ok with that,” you reassured. “Who else get’s to say that the Avengers are their body guards,” you winked.
“Very true,” Banner laughed, reaching the door. “I’ll keep you updated. Keep getting better Y/N.” 
“Will do Doc,” you saluted. 
He chuckled and left the room leaving you with the two super soldier best friends. 
“So what exactly is the diagnostic. Are you getting better or...” Bucky asked timidly.
“I’m healing, but extremely slow. Almost like a normal human would,” you sighed leaning back sitting criss cross in your bed. “I got to say, it’s been a while since I’ve felt so normal. It’s nice actually.”
“You were beaten up pretty bad Y/N/N. Are you sure you aren’t in pain?” Bucky asked stepping closer.
“I’m in some pain yes, but I’ve got medication for that. I’ll be fine,” you shrugged off. “Are you ok?”
“You’re not going to stop asking are you?” Bucky huffed.
“Nope cause every single one of you hero’s is beating yourself up more than I am bruised,” you said crossing your arms. “Talk.”
“Nothing to talk about.”
“Skip the whole, ‘I’m ok. I wasn’t the one tortured, poked, and prodded’ talk. You were hurt in all this too,” you said.
“Fine if you won’t admit it, I will for you.” you sighed sitting up and straightening your posture. “You, just like everyone else, feels like me being hurt, is on you.”
“We could’ve-”
“Is your name Garrison Bates?”
“Did you kidnap me and knock me unconscious in the woods at the compound?”
“No, I didn’t, but-”
“Did you inject me, torture me, and experiment on me for your own amusement and knowledge?”
“Of course not, but it wasn’t that that-”
“Then you have no reason to blame yourself. Case and point.”
There was a pause as Bucky stared at you trying to wrap his head around it all, and then he turned to Steve who was looking down at his hands. Clearly he had heard you reassure everyone else already, but you could tell even Steve wasn’t accepting it himself. No matter how clear of an argument you were making. 
“I don’t want anyone else taking on the burden that is me anymore. You all don’t need to wallow in something that is out of your control. This is the last I’ll speak of it, ok? You all saved me. You didn’t hurt me. Get that through your thick, world saving, avenging skulls, ok?” you sassed looking between both boys. They looked up and slowly shook their heads. “Good. Now, anyway we can get a doctor in here to discharge me? If I have to sit in this bed for another second I think I might keel over.”
The boys let out a soft chuckle at your annoyance, and Bucky went to go find someone. 
Luckily, the doctor said that you could do the rest of your healing and resting at home. He said you would need supervision and to remember to take some pain meds and antibiotics on a schedule to. Lots of sleeping to heal your body would be ideal as well, and with how the medication was affecting you, you weren’t angry about that order. 
“Ok, you’ll stay in the room that you stayed in the other night after the gala,” Steve started as he directed you into the compound’s living room. His arm was wrapped around your waist, and the other holding you hand since you were still kinda weak. Not that you really needed the extra support, but the touch was nice.
Wanda, Nat, Sam, and Bucky were all there too making sure you were comfortable and right at home.
“Actually, can I stay in the living room for a while? The couch seems better than being holed up in a room.” you asked looking up at his big blue crystal like eyes. 
He smiled looking down at you, and nodded.
“Of course. Wherever you feel more comfortable.” 
“Thanks,” you hummed.
He helped you get situated on the couch bringing you big fluffy blanket and some pillows for cushion. Sam brought over the TV remotes showing you all the buttons and things to push to get to Netflix, Hulu, and all those fun things. Of course at the end Nat just said you could ask FRIDAY and she would set it up. 
You laughed and got comfortable as the crew, besides Steve, went into the kitchen to start on dinner for everyone. 
“So, are we going to talk about it?” You asked Steve once everyone was out of the room, and it was just you two. 
He was sitting beside you on the giant sectional and had an arm thrown behind where you were laying as he searched through the movies on Netflix.
“Talk about what?” he said never breaking concentration from the TV.
“Don’t play coy,” you sighed. 
“I mean there’s a lot that’s happened in the past few days. There are a number of things that we could talk about,” he said scrolling.
“The most recent thing.”
“Garrison, Steve. I want to talk about Garrison.”
Steve stopped his search and froze dropping his hand from where he was clicking the remote.
“Which part?” he said looking straight ahead.
“The part where he said he would only talk to me. Where I’m the only one who can get the answers out of him,” you answered softly.
“Right. That part,” Steve breathed out finally turning to you. “How do you want to do it?”
“Exactly how it needs to be done,” you answered looking up at him. You looked down and grabbed his hand and interlaced your fingers through his. He looked down at the motion and you both got lost in it as you started running circles over his knuckles with your other hand. “I go in, and interrogate him until we get the results we want.”
“He’s not going to make it easy. He’s going to want more than just me talking to him.”
“How so?”
“I don’t know yet, but I do know that he is anything but an easy man,” you sighed. 
“I can tell,” Steve mumbled. 
You looked up and leaned your head into his shoulder. 
“I’m going to wait ‘till I can at least walk without cringing at the feeling in my ribs. Those straps he had on me were tight, and those bruises that they made are going to take a little to heal.”
“I know,” he sighed in defeat.
“Hey,” you said moving his chin to you. “I’ll be ok. I just need some time to get back up.”
He smiled sadly down at you, and wrapped his free hand around yours. 
“I know, but that doesn’t make it any better,” Steve muttered.
“No, but remember? Things could be worse. Be happy about the little things.” You smiled making his lips slowly turn up.
“Always so positive.”
“It’s all you can do,” you shrugged snuggling into him more. “Those pills are kicking in. I’m probably going to be out in a few minutes. Wake me up for dinner when it’s done.”
“Sure thing doll. Get some rest,” he said leaning down and kissing the top of your head.
Within just a few minutes, you were out like a light. The pain medication knocking you out hard.
You woke up to the TV playing some show. It sounded like Friends.
You stirred a little and realized that two strong arms had enveloped you fully. You were burrowed into Steve’s chest, and couldn’t be more comfortable given the pain that your body was in. 
You heard some shifting next to you and moved just enough to see who was there. Sam.
Glancing at the clock on the wall you saw it was 3 am. You must have fell asleep there, and Steve never woke you up for dinner. You weren’t really hungry so it wasn’t a big deal, but you had been knocked out for a solid 6-7 hours. 
Sam was laid out on the other side of the couch, and laughing softly here and there at the jokes Chandler was making on the screen.
You moved in your position slightly to readjust, and Steve grunted holding you closer. You chuckled under your breath at the giant of a man cuddling with you. He was so cute asleep. Lord knows he needed the rest so you didn’t move too much, but just enough to get Sam’s attention.
“Can’t sleep?” you whispered.
Sam turned over to you and smiled.
“No. Happens sometimes. Bed’s too soft,” he whispered back.
“Hmm,” you hummed. “Want some of my pills? They’ll knock you out,” you joked.
“I may take you up on it if you’re not careful,” he joked back. You chuckled making Steve shift again, and hold you closer. You sighed in content, and readjusted with him. “I think this is the first time in years that I’ve seen him sleep this well.” 
“Yeah. Man is up early morning all the time training, and in bed late at night trying to map out the next mission. I don’t know how he functions with the little amount of sleep he gets.”
“Why do you think that is?” you asked.
“Stress? Feel’s like he isn’t where he needs to be? I think he feels like he doesn’t fit in where he should. Time wise and all,” Sam guessed.
“I can relate to that,” you mumbled to yourself.
“Only time he feels normal is when he trains or is fighting bad guys,” Sam continued. You looked up seeing Steve completely calm and content with you in his arms. “I think you make him feel more at home. More at ease.”
“Why?” you said confused looking at him. 
“You can relate to things we can’t. Sure he has Barnes, but that’s a whole other relationship.” he shrugged. “He lost a lot of things he never thought he would have the chance at again. Then you came along. I’ve never seen the man light up as much as he does when he’s around you.”
You smiled up at the man who was holding you so close to him. Almost like you were a lifesaver and he would drown if he let go.
“Well, I got to say, he saved me when I needed someone like him the most too,” you said never breaking your gaze from him.
“A match made in heaven,” Sam mumbled to himself.
“Nothing. Just thinking out loud.” he turned over to you with a wide grin. “Go back to sleep. Doctor said you need the rest.”
You yawned proving him right.
“Can do. You get some rest too Sam. Watching Friends at 3am shouldn’t be a habit.”
“I don’t see what’s wrong with it. A little mid-morning comic relief never hurt anyone.” he shrugged chuckling.
“Sure,” you smirked as you snuggled more into Steve’s chest. “Night Sammy.”
“Night Y/N.”
With that, you knocked out thinking how lucky you were, even with everything happening. I mean you had Captain America to keep you warm at night. It was win no matter what else was going on in your life.
The next 3 days you spent building up your energy. Your healing began speeding up little by little, and the soreness from your bumps and bruises was finally starting to lessen.
Steve, as well as the rest of the crew, were helping you rest and lending a hand where they could. It could become a lot at points with how much they wanted to help, but you knew they needed it. For their own mental health.
So when Nat offered to make a coffee run, you ordered something small. When Sam asked if you wanted him to rent you a movie and have a night in, you picked a movie. When Tony and Pepper asked if you needed anything at all, you actually denied, but they insisted. Basically buying you a whole new wardrobe for your stay at the compound. When Wanda offered to check on your house and bring anything back, you gave her a short list of things you needed.
Of course, you didn’t want to take advantage of their kindness so every time they asked you told them you were fine every time. But that just caused them to ask over and over again until you relented.
Now it had been 3 days of being cooped up at the compound, and you were starting to get a little irritated. One, because you had little to no alone time, and another because every passing minute you were here, you weren’t questioning Garrison for more answers. 
“Hey Y/N, it’s about time for your pain meds,” Steve said coming into the kitchen where you were making breakfast for yourself. “Whoa, what are you doing up cooking? You should be resting!” he said running to your side as if you were going to fall over right then and there. 
“I’m fine Steve. I know how to walk,” you grumbled pulling away and going to the toaster to pull out your now burnt toast that you forgot. “Damn it,” you groaned throwing the pieces away angrily. 
Steve stood back giving you space that you clearly were needing in the moment. He knew you had started to become frustrated with all the attention everyone was giving you, but this was the first time you were showing it so clearly. 
After you placed two new pieces of toast in the toaster. You grabbed your hurt ribs and let out a deep breath before walking to the eggs you had going. Giving you a second to breath Steve finally spoke up.
“Want to talk about it?” he asked leaning on the counter and crossing his arms. 
“Nothing to talk about,” you mumbled stirring the eggs not looking at him. 
“Yeah, I definitely believe that,” he smirked. You looked up staring daggers at him before turning back to the food. “See that look alone is enough for me to believe you. You’re really selling it,” he said sarcastically.
“Hmmm,” you groaned. 
There was a pause as you finished the eggs put them on a plate, and then moved around getting the rest of your breakfast. 
“You’re tired of being in one spot. I can tell,” Steve spoke up. “Plus, there’s someone who you’re dying to rip a new one on and you can’t because you aren’t better yet.”
You froze looking down at your plate. All of a sudden your appetite gone. The thought of Garrison made your anger boil more, and you knew you needed to step out before you exploded on Steve or the next person to walk in. 
“I’m going to go for a walk,” you said untying the sweatshirt from your waist and throwing it on. 
“You can’t go by yourself Y/N. Here, let me-”
“Nope. I need to be alone,” you mumbled adjusting it and starting to walk out.
“You know what happened last time!” he shouted toward you making you stop in your place. “I-I, just let me grab a jacket and I’ll come-”
“Watch me from a distance Steve I don’t care. But I just need some space.” 
You quickly started to make your way out hoping to out run him calling after you. In the quick escape, you ran into Bucky who was coming in just as you were leaving.
“Whoa there doll, what’s got you running off in such a hurry?”
“Excuse me,” you mumbled pushing past him. 
Steve was rushing to you, but Bucky held up his hands stopping him. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything! She- I-” Steve let out a loud groan before throwing a hand down his face. “Just let me by, she can’t go off by herself anymore.”
“Maybe that’s the problem,” Bucky said still blocking his way. 
“I hate to tell you this Steve, but you can be kinda smothering at times,” Bucky crossed his arms making Steve raise his eyebrows. 
“What are you talking about?”
“Nothing, just,” Bucky let out a sigh seeing where you ran off to. “Let me talk to her. I’ll keep an eye on her.”
“Buck, I can-”
“I know you can, but you don’t need to. Take a minute for yourself just like she is. You both need some time without the other.”
Steve hesitated, but gave in after a few seconds. “Fine, but hurry. She can’t be on her own out there too long. She still isn’t healed fully and I don’t want what happened to happen again.”
Bucky nodded and turned jogging where you left to catch up with you. 
You hadn’t gotten far, and were standing just a few yards outside of the door. Your arms were crossed in front of you and you were looking up into the clouded sky. It looked like it was going to rain soon, and you were kinda happy about it. Rain calmed and grounded you. You wouldn’t mind some of that right now. 
“Hey,” a deep voice said behind you.
“I just want to be alone. I promise I won’t go far,” you sighed staring up.
“Yeah, sorry sweetheart. Can’t do that,” Bucky said coming up next to you and looking down at you as he put his hands in his sweatshirt.
“Sure you can. You just turn around and walk until you aren’t by me anymore,” you said, giving him a fake smile before frowning and looking back up at the sky.
“You feel smothered. I get that.”
“Do you?”
“You’re forgetting I was messed up too for a while after Steve found me. Hell, I still am,” he explained. You turned and looked at him seeing he was looking out into the yard. “I however didn’t last three days like you have. It took me less than 24 hours before I wanted to run away from the constant attention.”
“He just wants to help, but-”
“But it can be overbearing sometimes,” he finished for you. “Yeah, I know.” He looked down and sent you a small smile. You took a deep breath before a tear made its way down your face. You were tired of being helpless. It was taking a toll on your mental health. “Hey, hey. Come here.” 
Without hesitation Bucky wrapped you in his arms and you gave in just wanting to not be seen while you cried. Burying your face in his chest you let the tears you hadn’t known you were holding back go.
“Shhhhh,” he hushed. “It’s ok. Let it out.” He rubbed up and down your back as you caught your breath. 
After a few minutes of crying you pulled back wiping the tears off your face.
“Sorry, I don’t usually,” you let out a forced laughed. “I- Thank you. I needed that.”
“I know,” he smiled. “Let’s take a quick walk before the rain starts up. Venting helps,” he said throwing an arm over your shoulder and guiding you around the compound where you were still in view of others, but at a distance.
You vented for a while to Bucky. He was a great listener and let you get it all out. You told him how you felt helpless and you hadn’t felt that way in a LONG time. You had been hurt in the past, but you always had to push through it by yourself. Now having the whole Avengers crew cater to your every need was a whole different world. It was nice, and you knew it was helping them more than it was helping you, but it was becoming way too much now. You didn’t want to be rude and tell them to back off, but you also didn’t want to let them keep helping you every second of the day. You were too independent for that. Always had been. 
Bucky explained to you how when Steve found him after Hydra, and he had to help build him back to his old self it became suffocating. Steve just wanted to help by being by his side 24/7, but sometimes being alone was for the better. Steve eventually caught on, but it took time and a deep talk to bring him to understand. The man just had so much love and want to help, that it became too much for both you and Bucky at times. 
Pausing in your step you turned to Bucky.
“Thank you. I really needed this,” you smiled softly. 
“I know. It’s kinda why I’ve kept my distance all week. I had a feeling you were going through the same things I was back then. At least a little,” he said turning to you. 
“I guess so. I appreciate it though.” you shrugged. A raindrop fell hitting your cheek and you looked up seeing that the rain was about to come down hard. “We should probably head back in before we get drenched.”
“Probably. One last thing though.” You tilted your head at him. “The thing with Garrison.” You nodded taking a deep breath. “Don’t push yourself. You are healing, so hopefully that means whatever he did to you isn’t harming you. Wait until you’re better before you see him.” You shook your head reluctantly knowing Bucky was right. “When the time comes and you do talk to him though, give him hell,” he smirked.
“It’s what I’ve been dreaming of,” you chuckled. 
Instantly, the rain began to downpour. You were pretty far away from the entrance so you turned to Bucky and both yelled in sync. 
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If I tagged you and you aren’t normally on my tag list, I thought you would enjoy the story. Fair warning, it is a slow burn so we will get to the bottom of the issue later, but the burn is what makes it soooooo sweet. I’m really excited for this series, and would love your feedback:) Thank you!
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