#hope every1's well!
cultfic · 5 months
hayooo we are officially back, expect activity to resume v soon bc i've missed this place and every1 in it 🖤
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filled-with-fat · 3 months
Things I love about being super morbidly obese 🤤🍔🍔🍟🍕🫃
1. Belly rubs. Everyday as my belly grows and widens, it gets softer and squishy, and it’s more enjoyable for my husband to play with it :) … he loves to trace all my stretch marks and push his fingers in my flab.
2. How my face has changed (for the better). I used to be really skinny and my cheek bones were very defined, whereas now my cheeks have obviously gotten fatter, they look like two swollen balloons, that sit above my triple chin. Personally, I think that skinny faces look mean and brutish (even though I’m sure most skinny people aren’t!), while fat faces look kinder and happier. I would dare to say I look more approachable and fun??
3. How huge and sensitive my moobs are! They’re erect almost all the time now, as they look bulbous perched upon my huge belly. I love squishing them and tickling them, they feel so massive and soft!
4. The stares I get in public. Naturally, being my size I get a lot of stares from people in public, disapproving and critical stares. People will occasionally come up to me and remind me how I’m 3x more likely to die young being obese etc etc, and I can never walk past a group of teenage boys without being fat shamed. But honestly this turns me on, and I know it’s a very different experience for a lot of other people my size (so I am definitely not condoning fat shaming!), but for me personally it’s a very sensual experience and reminds me of just how fat I am. I have always wanted to be perceived as some1 who is exceedingly overweight, so when people mock me or stare at me in public, this acts as validation in a way.
5. How good s*x is! I can confirm that it is true … the fatter you are, the more pleasurable s*x is. There’s simply more of me, more rolls and pockets of fat that cover me, thicker thighs and an enormously big butt, and this gives my husband more places to play with. My d*ck is also hidden under my huge hairy fat pad, so when we play down there, it takes longer for my husband to explore all the right areas and s*ck me off, and honestly this gives me so much more pleasure as it just takes longer and my levels of eroticism build. I also think it’s another way of self-validation; when I look at how much space I take up as I saddle my husband, and how my fat swamps his body, I can’t help but be overwhelmed by lust, and my husband loves my body as well, he worships my fat, I feel like my sole purpose is to gain weight for him, I am his sex doll.
I hope this list helps encourage anyone else who has thought about how much better their life would be if they gained weight, to start their journey! I want to say every1 super morbidly obese! :))
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 9 months
WeLL here we are...i want to write s/t quick to remember the year by. cus 2023 was probly one of my most significant years of life, even tho from the surface it may appear not much changed for me, 2023 laid the foundation,,,
firstly, january 2023 i began learning to make music, which is crazy like!!!! it has absolutely given me a new reason to be lieve in myself like i nvr had b4. its like unlocking a new area of my heart, and inutuion.. its so FUN, so so fun ohhh the fun i have, provides me w a brighter outlook for the future as i will always have this melodic part of me activated,going forward. ive learned so much in just a year. idk i just love it it makes me feel wise and complete i feel like an alchemist. i cld rly say a lot on the sense of security music has made me feel in my heart :'0 but i have some other things to get to;
summer 2023 i started doing yoga which has also changed things for me dramatically i think ive released a lot of built up stagnant energy from my body & aura. since i started i feel immensely more balanced n able to work thru my emotions as they come up. ngl when ppl used to recommend me to try yoga i thout it was hippie shit but its real lol.. im finding sm contentment in day to day life than i ever thought possible, easier time being present, yet another thing i will continue for the rest of my future that 2023 has given me.
these r good things but it must b said that this year has been Soooo rough for me in certain ways, mostly due to interpersonal relationships.. some ppl had to b let go from my life this year in ways i rly wasnt expecting & for a lot of the year things were just, foggy. however as things draw to a close im feeling immensely grateful like.. every1 im close to rn are all peaceful souls & we uplift each other, i see now why the ones causing drama naturally had to fall away. even if it was painful process im feeling so supported rn, & reciprocated TwwwT <3333
idk it just felt like as i was progressing w musical understanding, yoga stuff , as well as the past few months trying to use tea and herbs to get my organs in order, i feel that.. my energetic field is rly repairing itself & so a lot of old attachments just cant keep up anymore.
i have to say, well, erm, i am really in love w slimbo and its different than anything ive ever felt in my life. we've been in love for a long long time & i dont talk about it often as i am protective of this love. but god, its just, the purest bond ive ever known and our love for each other is deeper all the time. we r both life path 27/9 & the first time we met it literally felt like.. reuniting, it felt like a celebration..i had never noticed such warmth from someone. i cld never be in such a secure place rn if it wasnt for slimbo & every day im so grateful like dude i owe you my LIFE. idk how to explain it, we are just One. slimbo is my angel i cant wait to spend 2024 & forever with <3
if u read this far....ur a true PMDhead, thanks for being oomfies w me out here on the big wide web, i hope you bloom this year, & this can be a shift in the right direction for all of us <3 i believe palestine will be free. happy new year everyone, GANBATTE VIVA 2024 <333 -PMD9LL
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pomodoriyum · 4 months
gonna watch terror ep 10. hope it doesnt hollow out my soul!!
something wrong with me since i literally can only focus on des voeux right now…hes hauling…..
love how stiffly every1 is moving. scurvy <3
hickeys all. ‘oh how funny the past is’
crozier: ‘fuck off’
also. why. is francis all bloody. the hell happened?
‘he took a stumble’ welllll. maybe. im choosing to believe he said something abt hartnell and de voeux hit him bc his other option was throwinf up
also des voeux fiddling with his shirtsleeves. x2
ohhhh edward little you poor fucking bastard. good job dundy ig
oh my god crozier is going to think edward abandoned him. christ
goodsirrrrr <3 also he looks GAUNT good job costumers !!
hes bleeding from the scalp….
memory moment. god that hurts so bad. awesoem
hi manson. thank you francis for being nice to him
oh my god it was a PLANNED murder. i thought goodsir did that in a fit of desperation not in cold fucking blood. oooohhhh goodsir how you are fascinating and fun
bye jopson. so sorry about that
hockey ‘first of the officers i enlisted’ fhkdfnfkfl i wouldnt exactly call what you did ‘enlisting’ but yeah this fits under reinvention sure
how much of hickeys commentary to francis here is something he also is telling himself? versus how he’s trying to hurt crozier in the same ways crozier has hurt him (flogging, obvs, but from hickeys pov also probably leading them there in the first place, nevermind franklin)
‘surpassingly lonely man’ YEAH HE IS!!!!
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^^ face you make when you totally didnt realize how true your foils’ opinions on you are (on another note, the casting people did such a good job findinglike normal ass lookign people for this show???)
oh, diggle is *shaking* with terror. oh, my
preparinf hsi own body for discovery (if not burial) is soooooooooo
ok mroe to do list. 1. identify the various plants and animals he hallucinated. theyve GOT to be important for interpretation
everyone is so wobbly like a baby deer
des voeux deadpan sarcastic delivery. so meannnnn (but i imagine hes extremely unable to imagine killing oneself sinces. hes (like hickey) willing to do just about anything to survive)
HODGEPODGE CHAIR MOMENTS. LOVE the artfully placed tins
love how des voeux was the first to reach for it too yucky yucky.
TOZER DOWN that was probably the greatest literal flop ive seen. armitage reaching for him…de voeux’s little jerking head motion back. and whathisface in the back freaking out
“hes sick from what he eats” OUGHHEHE HEH and goodsirs trap closes in
des voeux has been fantasizing about eatinf that bear for literal years now lmao
aw manson. ouchies
awww their tummies hurt. and they are being brave about it
hickey is. absolutely reeling from the poison and the lead in his brain omg. hes delirious
also looove how much regret he packs into that speech. tryinf to start fresh by. what, murderinf someone? and then youre stuck in a place that will kill you?? yeah
oh thwy are all about to lose it. des voeux is actively having a panic attack or so.
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^^guy who looks like hes about to cry
tozer is probably handling this best tbh
interestinf that hickey conceptualizes tuunbaq as part of its own empire. because empire is the only way he can parse and understand the world
love how tozer just accepts hickeys sawinf his own tongue out. hes like ‘not my business rn’
great job hickey. really youve outdone yourself this time
really hard to tell apart tuunbaqs/croziers/hickeys noises. also francis why the hell did you approach that situation
symbolic that francis lands the final blow. of courses. and hickey’s corpse between his thighs….🤌 (well. almost. he’s using his foot on hickey’s shoulder, literally stepping on him, which is so yummy in terms of themes)
SILNAAAAA. love how shes awash in warm colors
bye des voeux. your little gasping sobs hurt. baaad way to go
whos strap is francis holding??
also i find it interestinf that he’s the one she chooses to keep alive/save? more to think about on this
HER FACE WHEN SHE SEES GOODSIR. OH MY GODDDDDDD it is incredibly impactful bc shes normally so stoic. auugh
francis having a normal one i see (i love it when characters experience delirium)
verrry interesting in who he named, there
love his new hat also. hes like a mate now. not a captain any more
??? is thatthe fucking passage???? or a dif camp?? hm.
“close” yeah thats what i thought. ‘close is the worst thing in the world’ HEEHEE YEAH SURE ISSSS
i dont have access to subtitles atm so i will not know till later eveything they discuss and say. but. i miss silna already :(
francis i know youre freaking out but like. dont harass them youve done enogh
great ending shot. really makes him look like a doll.
wow what. a great show. im. a little wrecked about it
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joy-crimes · 2 years
I don't really have anything to ask really, but I've watched basically all of your twitch vods for the past like bajillion years, cause im too shy and narcoleptic to participate in chats or discords or anything. but one day, I'm gonna donate you (and a few others) a fat thousand dollars as a thank you for keeping my spirits in tact throughout this whole "life" ordeal. Thanks for all the Joy!
- Wake
AW WELL HEY thank you Wake :) i honestly do this to keep my own spirits up, too so like. genuinely that means a ton. You don't gotta donate ever unless its viable for you to do so! the financial support always means a lot but i also want y'all to take care of yourselves first!
i'm very lucky to be able to do what i do for a living & i hope i can continue to put smiles on every1's faces
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nerafris · 4 months
You are so, so right. If there’s a thing that I hate, it's seeing people being mean towards others. It's completely unnecessary and can have a real negative impact on someone's day, or even their mental health. Taking a moment to consider the impact of our words can make all the difference. Venting is natural, but it should never come at the cost of someone's well-being. There are so many better ways to handle frustration (*naughty*)
WoW It's like LOL but with a storyline?
You forgot to mention that Unravel isn’t free ahahah
Where are you from?
I know this might not have much value bc we don’t know each other and I’m anonymous, but you seem to be the type of person that is great to have around. You are smart – you literally seem to be able to talk about anything; you have emotional intelligence – this is such a great quality to have; you are sweet, and you seem like a caring girl. I know it’s rough, but I hope you recognize you’re worth fighting for. The world needs more people like you.   
A lit bit of text, bbbbbbbut I do like to read what you have to say
Exactly, there's way healthier ways to deal with frustration, and more fun ones yeah. And way more productive things to do with one's time than to "offer feedback" to random strangers that neither want it, nor will be seen again. People that want to learn will seek that knowledge out in environments way more conducive to learning, and people that don't have a right to that stance - it's completely okay to not care about the same thing to the same degree, people often forget that.
God now i feel old, forgetting not every1's familiar with WoW ^^ It's uhh significantly different from League :P The gist of it is - you make a character that you then take on adventures in a world that you share with other players, who you team up with for group challenges. It does have a storyline tho honestly it's *far* from the selling point. I uh honestly didn't think to mention that, guess that shows a decent bit of privilege there ^^ Anyway if you're particularly keen on trying the games out i'm pretty sure they're included in the EA Play library, which can be accessed for $6/month, or the PC Game Pass thingy which includes more stuff at $10/month. So grabbing one of those for a month can get you a lot of mileage. Tho i understand avoiding that and sticking with f2p if gaming doesn't figure that much into your free time :) Unfortunately i don't really have good recommendations for games there, the only recent ones i've played are the honkai games (same company as genshin), and idk if i'd wanna recommend those :P Lovely little country - Serbia, where everything is at least mildly fucked. It's not a terrible place to be but it's also not particularly good either. Now again, thank you for the kind words, tho having the space and time to think through and formulate responses to the best of my ability does make me seem way better at communicating than i am when i gotta do it on the fly. And also it's easy to seem like i can talk about anything if the said anything are topics i'm interested in ^^ I'll put my best effort in regardless, it is only polite after all and you can always learn sth new, but if someone starts talking cars or most sports i'm falling asleep or leaving that room instantly. I recognize on like a philosophical level that everyone is worth fighting for, the issue is that i can't fathom why any1 would wanna do that for me - there's way better options available.
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weedlascl · 2 years
Rihanna rehab justin timberlake video
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Either way, even if she DIDN’T write her own material, who gives a s***?! She’s a pop artist, not a rapper, stupid Larry, once again, check your facts. Check you facts before you run your mouth and look stupid. Stop right there! She wrote on both her first and second album and will be writing on her fourth. OH! She’s not talented because she doesn’t write her own music. I’m sick of other ‘talentless’ people calling people who do have talent ‘talentless.’ You don’t have the f****** right. Why’d you deleted my comment Sammie? F**! Beyonce is a puppet in her own career, no matter how many albums she sells. Justin Timberlake’s a douchebag, no matter how many albums he sells. Rihanna sucks ass, no matter how many albums she sells. Stans, haters, stop being so a*** and overprotective about people who don’t even know you’re alive. Beyonce can sing well (when she controls her voice), but she can be just as annoyingly overexposed as Rihanna can.įacts are facts. Rihanna’s really pretty sometimes, but cannot, I repeat, CANNOT sing for S***. People are f****** lemmings, following each other off a cliff. If anything, Rihanna’s popularity speaks to the overall idiocy/gullibility of the world population, and I stand by that statement. If they see a cash cow, they will milk it dry however they can. The music industry is in charge of a lot more than you think. But Rihanna has the Midas touch with her singles usually, so who knows.īeyonce outsings and outperforms Rihanna all day everyday, but Rihanna outsold her, even by just a little, internationally. Rehab is stale, it’s been out a year now. She doesn’t dance or sing well, but she sure looks good in her clothes. All of them waver between terrible and average at singing, but any of them can outperform Rihanna anyday. GTFO here comparing Rihanna to Madonna Britney Janet or even Ciara. Kelly Rowland (Does well in Europe but not in US)Īm i missin any1 (JJ is Legend but no hits for YEARS) MJB:(Borderline as no massive hit since “no more drama” although Just Fine did well in London) Leona Lewis (Vocally yes, yes, yes! Performance not that kind of Artist) REALITY CHECK: Who else is up there worldwide status with these three?. I’m not tryin 2make this a black/white thing but in this day and time i’m soo glad that ladies like Rihanna can support Beyonce and Alicia Keys in the mix of competing with these other ladies… Performing wise Ri is still young and perfecting her sound and craft so i think she shouldn’t get such abuse from people not that much in2 her. Performance wise unfortunately she bottom of the pile BUT she better than when i first saw her so gettin bit closer…īritney and Madonna get huge props for just being them with those HORRID live vocals and Rihanna just gets a baggering, i don’t understand? Is Rihanna not allowed to be mixing it with these white chicks, when they sound worse? I’ma say this Vocally out of all these heavy weight chart artist Rihanna is NOT the worse TRUST ME(4th Best). I’m from uk and used to work in Wembley area and 02 area i’ve seen Madonna, Britney, Beyonce, Rihanna, X-tina, Pink and Janet Jackson(seen loads others but these are used for the point i’m about to make) Love this song Rehab and glad Rihanna/Label is releasing this. Wow some good points from bloggers in here(well a few lol) This is not a message to big up Beyonce and put down Rihanna i jus stating there is NO POINT comparing these two successful black women for OBVIOUS reasons. Like another blogger said i will defo give respect to Rihanna for her worldwide success and growth overall and i hope she continues 2b that way its just personally not my taste/flavour If you gonna watch a show live on tour or whatever almost every1 gonna wanna see Bee as she a monster on stage and really performs and sings well live.(Comparison?) Their style, music, direction and abilities(writing, production) are TOTALLY different (Worth comparing?) OBVIOUSLY!!!!!! Beyonce is the better singer and performer(doesn’t take much to know that), however there’s no denying Rihanna has found her niche and gettin great success as a few bloggers have stated. LISTEN they both successful and the Jay-Z connections thats where the similarities stop. Why are there still comparisons between Ri and Beeĭoes every single female have to be compared to Bee? Its chorus is sung in an emotionally melancholy style using lyrics that address the bad memories of an ex-boyfriend that is metaphorically seen as a disease.OMG is most people on the blog transparent and OLD? "Rehab" features background vocals from Timberlake in the song's middle 8. " Rehab" is a song by Barbadian recording artist Rihanna, released as the final single from her third studio album Good Girl Gone Bad.
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postedonline · 7 years
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                                      ⚡️ Happy Birthday, Margo!⚡️
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mocweepe · 3 years
making my own post bc i h8 talking 2 strangers n dis izn a discussion i want 2 have w/o total control over it in case some1 crosses a line but neway
firstly, were not talking abt an mlm flag here. da toothpaste flag iz a gaylm, n by calling it an mlm flag ur erasing mspec mlm. so neway
no1 iz
saying gaylm Shouldn have deir own flag.
stopping non gaylm from using ne variation of da rainbow flag.
gaylm have jus been using da rainbow flag 2 ID demself as gaylm bc deres history attatched, n dis whole obession w every ID having flags iz starting 2 become very... "put every1 into neat boxes" and choosing a flag dat represents da queer and lgbt+ community as a whole breaks free from dohs boxes
dere r other reasons 4 wanting a separate flag 4 gaylm, obviously, but da idea dat jus bc gaylm r using da rainbow flag 2 ID demselves, it means deyre making it "Just da gaylm flag" or pushing other queer and lgbt+ ppl away from it iz. exactky wtf im talking abt w dese boxes
if ur a gaylm who still likes da idea of having our own flag, das fine. idc. da push away from da toothpaste 1 iz bc iz fucking ugly doh LOL, as well as lazy in iz coloring (all blue 4 ppl who like boys wow so original /s) and copying of da lesbian flag (im not arguing abt dat 😐)
dere r a few others dat still jus kind of. follow da same format as da lesbian flag (2 and 3 gradient stripes on either side of a white stripe) which still feels. lazy and uncreative 2 me personally. if u want an exclusive flag das original and not ugly as shit, id recommend checking out da cinthean flag
hope i explained tings well; ill be sitting over here w dis rainbow flag bc im sexy and i like it best
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[ID: the 9 striped rainbow flag, which from top to bottom are: lavender, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple. end ID]
goodfaith responses only; mutuals only reblog. the first sign of discourse and you will be blocked.
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djservo · 3 years
p*ssy smelling like s basement WHAT omg whyyy. I've read the pisces a long time ago and just found it dull and uninteresting, so when people started lauding Milk Fed as some amazing work of art I was left feeling hopeful for her, but well... so sad to see her Not evolve at all since she started being A Writer, but that's been a trend with many contemporary writers, you've said so perfectly. also!! thank you sooo much for the in depth analysis/review, the best new year's gift I could've hoped for babes 💞
IKR it was so out of left field but i think that's what she was going for with the explicit scenes 🥱 i rmbr every1 comparing 'the pisces' to 'the shape of water' & having already seen it i was like 🤨 im good on that but thx 👋 i read she has an MFA in poetry so i was playing devils advocate to myself like 'well maybe i just don't Get It' but i think it's more like, no matter how Officially you've honed ur craft / how many credentials u have, nothing is impenetrable by outside influence (particularly the influence of being Incredibly Online™️) 🤖
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p5narancia-blog · 7 years
good morni
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rose-riot-johnson · 4 years
Hi my Tumblr Peeps🎃Wondering how every1's Halloween went🎃My Halloween ended up doing great🎃👍I was spending time with my fiance Redlink Johnson and he got to spend the night at my place which we both had a great time🎃👍I hope your Halloween (or yesterday for those who aren't keen on Halloween) went well my Tumblr Peeps😃👍
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thliahls · 4 years
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b-b-b-back once again , cldn’t wait can’t be tamed .. as with all my intros .. tis a doozy so feel free to mssg me for a tl;dr if we feelin lazy i will totally understand , or scroll to the wc’s i tried to think of as many as possible bc i wanna plot wit every1 )): !! anyhaps like this n i will come force my heathen of a gurl on u !
⌠ GRACIE ABRAMS, 20, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, THALIA HALL! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in AWARENESS TRAINING, BREATH CONTROL, HAND TO HAND COMBAT + THREAT ELIMINATION and they DID go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of dirt under a meticulously painted manicure, the shrill ring of her phone and poorly treated books creased at the spine. when it’s the (scorpio)’s birthday on 11/02/2000, they always request FISH FINGERS from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
biography / pinterest
was born in the states but dad and her moved back to england the year she was born, which was also the year he graduated blackthorne. his mother was ‘never in the picture’ which has left her imagination to go down several paths, discontent with all of them. unfortunately daddy dearest crafts a space where she’d never dare ask ! she has a bit of an obsession with the blackthorne graduation ritual because of it .
was immediately placed under the care of two retired spies, sort of a foster care system within the spy community. dad still visited whenever he wasn’t working and still technically had full custody over her. up until she went to prep school, led a very sheltered life. homeschooled by them, but they were fairly lax. her dad expected a certain amount of training to be done, but her and her foster siblings usually mucked about a fair bit. her training would always be done in the form of games which she discovered early on that she loved to win, it made her fiercely competitive.
was very spoiled by them, grew up in a huge country estate and excelled in her home school classes without trying, which made her extremely entitled. she’d often wrestle with her siblings in the garden , and bring them to tears . biting them, pulling their hair, slapping them around . it would earn her a slap on the wrist , but it was never anything a sorry couldn’t fix . spends her free time laying in the grass reading , and learning the romance languages and was raised speaking cantonese bc that’s her foster parents native language . more invested in the sociology of linguistics and how it can be used to assert and diminish power but only cares for this in a self-serving way .
spy prep rolls around and it’s very exciting ! as predicted ( by herself lmao ) she does well, without even having to try. socially , she drifts through groups , picking up on cues on how to interact , what works well and what doesn’t . doesn’t find anyone particularly interesting and would much rather be reading but by not having any sort of allegiance to one particular group , it ends with her being very well-liked . the top marks is unsurprising, further fuelled by some amusing competition , finding that her desire to earn good grades comes more from wanting to spite others than actually wanting to achieve good grades . finals roll around and she gets the highest grade in her year and in tandem with being well liked, earns her place as valedictorian . she’s very proud of herself, not for earning valedictorian, but for besting aylin . 
in the months prior , on a field trip she meets a boy and for the first time in ever , exudes big dumb energy gets his number , starts texting him , starts sneaking off campus to meet him ... he’s a total casanova , a big romantic and exactly like the protags in the romance novels she reads . it’s a big prep school no-no but as long as no one finds out it’s fine ! then walks in aylin, and destroys her whole career by reporting her ( she doesn’t know for sure it was her , but has her suspicions since their rivalry had run throughout the entirety of prep school ). she’s kicked out , denied graduation , valedictorian and is humiliated . she calls her civilian boyfriend the night of , but his line’s already been disconnected , presumably threatened / beat up by her lovely dad .
her father is livid , but is able to use his connections to get her a place at another , less prestigious prep school and negotiates with the school to take her to and fro every day , like he’s picking her up from daycare . he stops working for a full year to do this , and expects her to feel indebted to him . the monotony of repeating the year makes her irritable, made worse by the snickers she constantly hears in the hallways . but she has gallagher to look forward to , knowing she’ll still be going there because continuing tradition is important to her father , who also decided her majors for her and had a big argument with him when she asked if she could take linguistics ! he makes her call him every single night at 6p.m. if she misses a call , he contacts the school . she hates him . 
passive aggressive emphasis on the aggressive : is always withholding judgement, but inevitably always lets a comment slip. think, ‘   you’re so confident to wear whatever you want to,   ’ or, ‘   wow ! that colour’s so bright i almost need sunglasses !   ’ petty as hell  in all respects physically too , spots a bruise on your arm ? you bet she’s gonna press it and ask if that hurts, then say sorry when you yelp . 
hypocritical : detests people who don’t try but doesn’t try herself and justifies it by getting really good grades . believes there’s no point sleeping with someone unless you love them , then will drunkenly hook up with someone that very same night . 
hope less romantic : she has no hope for others but remains a romantic . thinks people have given up on courting people and wooing them . expects flowers at her door , good morning texts and candlelit dinners . leaves secret admirer notes under people's door to people she thinks are cute and thinks she might have a crush on in the future , quite creepy but at least she doesn't use magazine clippings anymore ! 
spiteful : life is a game and she wants to win it ! makes everything into a competition , even unconsciously . goes up to the adjacent treadmill and makes the speed and incline several points higher than the person next to her . painting your nails with her ? she’ll make sure hers looks better and point out that you didn’t coat the ends of your nails . board game night with her is fun for no one but her , i’m so sorry if she ever ropes you into one !
bookworm : her disgustingly high standards about love come from her singular past relationships and books . read one too many jane austen’s and now she’s crazy
loyal : her loyalty is hard to earn , but once you’ve got it , you’ve got it .
*think the arrogant exterior of jesse eisenberg as zucc in the social network with emaline addario ( everything sucks ) type dramatics every so often to keep it spicy !
wanted connections
toxic friendship ! a slow burn relationship of passive-aggressiveness and co-dependency, one day they stop taking her shit or say they’re going to but always end up in each other’s company at the end of the day . or maybe one day they don’t come back to her and thalia is forced to admit she may have been too harsh .
hook-ups she has when drunk ! which she will only have when drunk , to follow her unspecified , no rights , belief system . will pretend like she does not know you the next day . oh to be a romantic , but a scorpio . a tough life .
people she has crushes on ! and leaves handwritten poetry under their door or in their notebooks , absolutely humiliating that she acts this way ! bonus points for a note that’s left under the door and the wrong person reads it . 
sparring buddies but make it feral ! no rules sorta deal, out in the woods, scratches from twigs, bloodied rocks, anything to let some of her pent up aggression out . they can go swimming after : )
daddy issues gang ! someone hears her on the phone in the hallway , inquires , proceeds to talk about how much they hate their fathers . thalia tells them how she’s going to kill him one day <3 alternatively , her father may have been the cause or implicated in the death of your chara’s loved one .
roommates ! self-explanatory , but she probably dislikes them and is unfairly harsh on them . sets rules but lets herself be exempt from them stuff like that x also for berlin she requested a room by herself lmao n deluded herself into thinking she wld be accommodated , thus i’m going to leave whoever she rooms with up to fate and she will hate it regardless of whoever she gets roomed with !
someone who hates aylin as much as she does ! yes this is deserving of a whole connection , thalia would probably die for this person . alternatively , aylin’s friends who she hates as a byproduct of hating aylin or tries to get them to hate aylin .
rivals ! because it’s the only thing that motivates her to do well in school .  
encryption major ! who helps her find out about her dad’s past , and present . what he’s done and what he continues to do . also a way for her to maybe switch one of her majors to linguistics and hacking a report that says she’s still in her predetermined majors .
take a chill pill ! someone who gets her to relax , makes her watch reality television which she relentlessly criticizes , but this person won’t give up trying to make her less of an awful human bean .
anything else ! i am , as the kids say , down to clown .
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ogeeitsme · 5 years
Heya! If you don't mind me asking, I have a question for you (I hope it doesn't sound too rude o personal, or anything similar)! Exactly, how do you "interact" with each other? Like, as far as I understand, you pretty much share the same memory (not in terms of "past", in this case), and sometimes it almost sounds like you all...Talk to each other? Like, full conversation and interaction, pretty much like you would do with someone with their own body, and I'm really confused as to how it works!
EDIT: hello ther r typos here, sm typos b it’s 5 AM n I can’t read KSJSJ
Hello!! This is not rude @ all SKJDKJ I jst gtta get in the right Typing Mood 2 answ this coherently lmao bc I can’t think of analogies rite
Yea we talk!! It’s like,, we talk w the Mind
(when ur in front:)
Sometimes, it’s visual + auditory (not a hallucin8ion, it’s like listening 2 ur thoughts or talking 2 urself internally, u don’t hear it outside) so like let’s say Chara is talking 2 me while I know what facial exprssion they’re doing or hand gestures
Sometimes there’s a design8d area where we talk (fronting rooms!! Bc it’s like a visualiz8ion of being the closest 2 the front??), but when ur (we’re) fronting, u can see MORE in2 the headspace (depends on ur sys n ur ability, som sys can’t do this b it seems common)
Sometimes it’s just visual, som times it’s jst auditory,, like 4 example I’m reading a tumblr post n suddenly some1 reacts b is actlly far away b it’s like they got a direct signal 2 the front, so it’s like they’re “passing by 2 say smth” if u will (very common if the thing is a front trigger (like a positive one ex. Their fave artist or song or meme))
Sometimes we communic8 w only feelings! Sometimes not every1’s gnna have perfect connection 2 the front so u just VIBE
Sometimes it’s also like, u can telepthaically talk 2 each other,, we live in the same brain, so sometimes they dnt have 2 say the full sentence in real time, they sya it- boom u know exactly what they’re saying the moment they say it- ok that’s hard 2 explain b other systems r afraid that’s not valid but it rlly is!! It’s common 2 “”know what they’re saying b4 they said it”” ur in the same brain, what is NOT possible??
Also, even if ur in control of the body, u can. Isualize urself inspace @ the same time! It’s like medita8tion, n I think medit8ing n being in ur own headspace whethe fits active or not?? Is similar 4 singlets (but 4 y’all I can imagine it’s 2 a mild degree ((n by thta I mean u need 2 actively medit8 2 b in ur own headspace)))
Anyway my point is- we can also interact ”physically” while fronting!! Inspace, we can kind of like b,, “outside N inside” @ the same time in a way,, so like if Chara pushes me inspace n I’m fronting, well yea that jst happened DKJDKJ it’s all connected bros, I can hug som1 inspace while I’m fronting
YEA we might be zoning out while walking b I’m gnna hug som1
inspace, like, when we’re not fronting, we can talk 2 each other!! They do say the headspace is where u go when ur not fronting
N it’s tru 4 a lot of sys if not most!! I’d like 2 take this spot 2 valid8 sys’s who r worried abt “idle-ing”
Bc that’s common also
Anyway, we hang out ther! Mostly we kiiind of idle, b we do stuff!! Sometimes overnight, talking abt inspace life is WEIRD b we can summarize what we did if asked @ the end of the day etc,,, I’m not gnna get in2 it very META wise bc it’s wild 2 think abt, but we can talk 2 each other inspace! It’s a diff world, n sometimes it’s nice, bc it’s the only world we have our own bodies— THATS y it’s so imprtnt 2 us that our headspace is here, it’s not healthy 2 stay in it 4 ever, but it’s a RLLY good place 2 take a break in, esp if u dnt identify w the body,, it’s y we kno our height diffrnces 2 :^)
another thing is that on discord we use BOTS!!!!!!!!!! We used tupperbox b4, but then we moved on 2 pluralkit! These r bots that proxy ur messages! It lets u make custom discord profiles as if u made a new account, so ur sys members can type w their own avatar n username!! We uslly like joining servers w those bots!!! Unless we have 2 go in2 it’s Jusg Jamie Mode
We have a priv8 server where we like 2 keep stuff, b in general, typing 2 each other is just rlly good, it’s RLLY GOOD
YEA when ur in a sys, u can talk in ur head or inspace, yea if ur a sys who has blackouts typing 2 each other n leaving notes is good!! B here’s a shout out 2 us LSJSK n other systems. Bc sometimes?? Just typing 2 each other is just waaaaaay easier
Writing takes time, so typing is good! It’s faster bc sometimes EVERY1 wants 2 talk @ the same time, or mayb every1’s talking 2 each other! So bc of bots, the brain can kind of take a break In Processing all those MP3’s of their voices n every1 can cofront n type on a keyboard of phone! It’s rlly cool bc u ALSO get 2 c each other’s Avatars,, I think using discord bots (PK) is the most cathartic 4 a system rlly,,
Also I wld suggest using pluralkit instead of TB, as Pluralkit is more upd8 n has AAA!!! Autoproxy!! (pk;autoproxy front) (or pk;autoproxy latch <member name>)
Also that’s it KSJKDJSK I can’t believe I was able 2, answ this KDJDJK SRRY ITS RLLY LONG I GOT SO FCSED 👀
Yea like, yea :,^) we jst, talk i g SKJSK we do have our own bodies in our brain so I g that’s why helps DJDKJ
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dreamiehrs · 4 years
wait actually,, who's your favourite Danganronpa character(s), if you don't mind me asking?? I have my guesses, but-
ashjdjasdhaj what r ur guesses O.O I’m intrigued now TELL ME PLS HJDASJHAD
okay anyways-
dr1 (specifically the animation bc I never bought dr1 RIP): kirigiri & togami. naegi is alright but mans is TOO PASSIVE i like ppl aggressive like hajime my guy. I would’ve put chihiro on this as well but like... wait I'll put their alter ego they seem chill plus they helped every1 in the end :D ngl idk a lot abt togami but I just like how he can be an asshole sometimes... no don’t @ me for this LMAOO idk why I like the asshole characters my guy... tbh I kinda wanna buy dr1 just so I can spend my FTEs with some of my fave characters... esp togami i wanna get to know him better.
dr2: gundham, fuyuhiko, nagito, & sonia. would’ve put hajime in there but my friend would yell at me and say I’m a fake hajime stan so imma not even ATTEMPT to put him in there. I like his aggressiveness though & how he just YELLS at every1 okay. ngl I’m pretty attached to dr2 bc it’s the first dr game i’ve played and just... i love it a lot okay LMAO. would’ve put hiyoko in there but I never did any of her FTES so... also would’ve put mahiru in there bc my girl is a whole TSUNDERE but I only got to spend 2 FTES w/ her and I feel like I don’t know her enough for her to be one of my faves. (let’s ignore how I say gundham and fuyuhiko are my faves even tho I only spent 2 of my FTES with them... but besides that I just like fuyuhiko’s character development a LOT after ch 2 and gundham is just bc.... he’s gundham there’s no explanation he’s just my baby boy). and yes i’ll probs replay dr2 to just spend more time with my faves... i was 1 hope fragment away from finishing nagito’s report card but then in ch 5 he’s like “NO BITCH DON’T TALK TO ME I’M BUSY >:(”
haven’t played drv3 yet bc i’m still on ch 6 of dr2 and need to watch all of dr3 afterward. I'm excited to play it though bc it looks HELLA GOOD and I can’t wait to investigate all the murders that happen in it, too.
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leonvld · 5 years
it’s sof back again with my angel bb son ryu jiwon aka léon ( he’s my second muse !! i also play gyumin over @gyuminvld​​ ) !! please dm me ( here or on discord ), or give this a fat ♡ if you’d like to plot.
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atlas records company newsletter — we are pleased to announce that we have just welcomed ryu jiwon to our family. you may also hear them simply referred to as léon. they’re a ‘93 liner and main rapper, lead vocalist, and bassist of 4am. many have already commented on how much they look like lee seunghyub.
inspirations — skz’s bang chan ( this video lowkey started it all ), twice’s jihyo, exo’s d.o., bts’s rm & j-hope, bigbang’s g-dragon, 2ne1′s cl, will every1 n any1 who’s been done dirty by their entertainment company pls stand up
bio in a nutshell ---
jiwon’s parents fought a lot when he was growing up, so his lil child brain used to always think that they didn't love each other, and that he had to always be on his best behavior or else they'd leave each other. truth be told,, they were just a really broken family going through hard times ?? but jiwon was too young to understand and his family,,, didn't really talk about stuff like that with him.
but because of this constant fear of his parents separating because of him, he was always best boy --- he did all his chores, did all his hw, did everything right. it’s also how he started to write music ( it was the perfect mix between his father the literature professor and his mother the classical instrumentalist ) so when it realized that it made them both super happy, he kept it up.
long story short, he ended up auditioning to become a trainee because he thought that it was what his parents wanted. he flunked almost all his auditions ( they could sense that he himself didn’t really want it + at 12, he was pretty young ), except for one super new, super small company. it was rough, but this is also where his songwriting really became something he was passionate about. after 5 years, at the age of 17, he actually made his debut as part of the company’s first boy group as leader + main rapper, but it was really poorly promoted / managed --- and they disbanded after two years.
but !! instead of giving up, jiwon auditions for entertainment companies Again, and this time he ends up getting signed to atlas records ??? which is cray z !! he also somehow catches the eye of the ceo and becomes part of the sparkly trainee group --- 4am. the songwriting he was ridiculed for before is now being taken seriously, and even praised.
so he's Cautiously optimistic.
he has a younger sister, who probably thinks he hates her , which couldn't be farther from the truth ?? he's just rlly distant from his family ( also,, b/c no one in his family is the one to share their feelings ) even though everything he's done is because he loves them sm !!
headcanons ---
has been a trainee,,, for 10+ years ( on and off ). doesn’t know the exact date b/c he doesn’t like to think abt it. and also because i’m bad at math.
definitely an idol rapper. he also doesn’t pretend like he’s a legitimate rapper, and will be first to admit that his rapping background isn’t “authentic.” but,, to give credit where it’s due, he’s a really good idol rapper.
songwriting is where he really shines. boy rarely talks about his feelings --- all of his feelings are written down on the page. if he ever shares his self-written music with you,, it means you mean a lot to him and he trusts you because,, that shit’s like his heart, u know ? if he trusts you enough to ask u for critique,,, u might as well just get married.
rlly smart. his iq’s probably up there. taught himself english, and knows some japanese.
fake leader + dad friend energy. since he was actually leader of a group for a short amount of time, it’s led him to adopt,, the “quiet leader” role in variety which he still hasn’t really shaken off ? lowkey becomes a robot in interviews. help him. ( but also, ig he has time to work on it since he’s still a trainee RIP )
used to be better at dance, and worse at singing, but in the last four years at atlas, those two skillsets have flipped. especially since being added to 4am’s lineup.
has a really good reputation among longtime trainees + many debuted idols. he’s,, heartachingly selfless. even from his nugu company days, he’s always freely given advice to struggling trainees without expecting anything in return, bought people meals, listened to their struggles, and was just,, really kind and genuine ?? there are probably countless interviews where idols talk about a time where he helped them out ( without mentioning him by name ). literally let 4am debut already, choi kiwoong. it’s what they deserve !!
but,, for the first time ever, he’s starting to be seen as a threat from newer trainees because of how favored 4am is --- which he’s still getting used to. he’s not used to attitude from youngins. but,, also isn’t the type to get mad. just,, dad sighs, u feel.
gives off rlly strong straight energy, but love ppl of all genders. but also,, super reluctant to have flings or relationships unless he really cares about the other person. he doesn’t want to risk anything, not when he’s so close to achieving his dreams, you feel ?
he’s,, so fucking strong i’m so proud of him ;u;
if u read until here. ily. u have my entire heart. i’ll have connections up soon !!
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