#hope you enjoyed it <333
socheckitout-mikey · 2 years
Being dally"s sister and dating johnny 0w0
heya lovely! i hope you enjoyed what i came up with. my bad that it took forever! it was a bit tricky for me to write ngl. <3 - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Being Dallas Winston's Sister and Dating Johnny Cade Hc's:
° Picking up somebody like Johnny-cake was quite surprising indeed. Still to this day, nobody really understands how you managed to pull it off. This takes into consideration that he's so quiet. He certainly wasn't the one that made the first move, particularly regarding the fact that you're Dallas Winston's sibling. However, you both caught feelings for one another in an unfathomable way. It began with silent admiration that turned into… more.
° You yourself had never been particularly shy, though you also weren't as abhorrent as your older brother Dallas. A miraculous happy medium that - much like your brother - always got whatever you wanted. You went out and acquired it in your own Winston way. You hadn't felt much fear in shooting your shot with Johnny. Well partially, that is: One could never know how finicky your older brother would become if you tried to date his best friend. Yet you put that to the side. After all, the worst thing that could happen with Johnny is that he turned you down and never spoke to you. Similar to your brother, you weren't really afraid of much.
° Your method was understandably considerate: You'd asked Johnny gently, and when the gang or other people weren't around, so the possibility of reporting back to Dally wasn't an immediate option. It saved you both a huge amount of hassle. Though nonetheless, it caught the noir haired greaser off guard for quite some time. Poor guy looked as though he had totally short circuited.
° Johnny was like a gasping fish, facing you with a wide eyed expression. He wondered for a moment if Dal had set you up to perform some sick, sadistic joke on him. It was his style to mess with folks like this, but he wouldn't use his baby sibling as the brunt force of a joke. Not directly that is. It was your sincere features that made him realise you'd done this of your own accord, with the utmost seriousness.
° You'd been nonchalant, “If you’re not up to it then no sweat.”
° A mere technique to pretend as if you weren't even a lick of upset with the way he stared at you like that. Johnny could see the hurt dancing in your eyes, taking hold of your heart. Witnessed it well up on your waterline despite the fact you fought so hard to disguise it.
° “It- it ain’t l-like that, yn.” He tried to assure you. “It’s just- Dally’s my buddy and all. It- it wouldn't look good, ya d-dig?”
° “Besides, i-it ain’t like I d-don’t dig ya like that. It’s just-” You cut him short bitterly.
° “He’d kick the tar outta you.”
° The silence that came next sprouted some tension. Eventually Johnny decided that fretting wasn't going to get him anywhere. You'd convinced him to at least spend a bit more time with you. All under the context of friendship, of course. You weren’t itching to betray his trust with ulterior motives. He could handle that, despite it feeling shady. Things naturally blossomed over a long period of time, and Johnny was a true friend that pulled up his boot straps to tell Dallas.
° Guilt swirled in Johnny’s guts. He couldn’t deny that. He chewed his fingernails to shit, appearing like a hacked up mess. Dallas wasn’t exactly the best big brother to you, but he was protective nonetheless. You were the only solid family he really had that he could rely on even a little. You two weren’t joint at the hip persay, being as he was in and out of the cooler so often: Not to mention the fact that you didn’t live together either. You both led different lives (although you weren’t a goody goody at all), but you still had a bond.
° Johnny respected that bond and he respected his own friendship with Dally that stopped him from pursuing anything further. But now that things had changed, he needed to do the right thing and fess up. Guilt and Johnny Cade never mixed well together. A concoction as powerful as gasoline and match. It’d eat him alive with paranoia that he’d find out some other way. He wasn’t itching to get socked in the jaw by Dallas.
° When your brother did discover that you were dating somebody, boy was he nosey! In heated moments he proclaims passionately that he, “doesn’t give a hang about you,” but really he does. He looks out for himself, making a show of how looking out for you is a hassle. However he does actually keep an eye out for you secretly. Anyone who bothers you and you’re unable to handle it on your lonesome gets the famous Dallas Winston treatment.
° When Dally did find out, the words sounded almost unreal to him. “You’re shittin’ me right? Pullin’ my damn leg!” He just took it as some big joke, but then it hit him.
° He isn’t happy that you’ve been hanging around his friend’s; and now you’re dating one of them?!
° His alarms eventually subside when he gets used to the idea you’re dating Johnny. It’s weird, but he gets over it because things could be worse. You could be dating Tim Shepard!
° But Dal is still a bit on edge. He’s gotta have the talk with Johnny. But may have avoided the kid at first to prevent himself from socking him in the jaw. Johnny was the pet of the gang, he had to act cool about this since they’d been buddies for a long time. Hell, the gang hears Johnny’s dating you through the grapevine themselves and it’s surprising to say the least. However, they’re more likely to tease you guys right off the bat.
° “I guess fate gave us a bit’a piece. They were gonna find out sooner than later.” Johnny shrugged one evening when he walked you home.
° The only reason Dal didn’t go absolutely ballistic was because it was Johnny. Why hadn’t he told him sooner? Has this been an ongoing thing for awhile now? He always thought he had an eye for these sorts of things, but Johnny never let it slip once out of fear. It was understandable with the track record Dally had at the station. So really there was no sweat. Besides, he didn’t wanna know all of the details, that’d be gross and set him off into a stressed out rage.
° Yet as the ball kept rolling, Dally (sat there dumbfounded) couldn’t get too mad at Johnny for how he’d gone about everything. Anyone would be terrified to date his sibling and confront him about it.
° Johnny did not escape the lecture (more like threats) that Dally had in store for him. You know, the typical big brother stuff.
° “You hurt ‘em and so help me God kid, you’re dead meat.”
° “F-fair e-enough! N-n-not that I-I would a-anyway!”
° Dally does back off quickly after telling Johnny, “No hanky panky, okay? I’m not itchin’ to be an uncle or anything!” and laughs when Johnny just about faints from going so red in the face. Well he mostly backs off…
° Dally isn’t the best big brother, he’s annoying as hell, so expect him to crash your dates at the start, roping in Two, Soda and Steve to bug y’all.
° “No hanky panky kids.”
° “Hanky panky? What are you, fifty?”
° Being Dally's sibling entails that you’re sassy as hell. You have no problem telling those four asshats where to go. It’s colourfully adorned with curses that even puts Dally to shame.
° “Where’d you learn to talk like that?” Soda grinned all big at you.
° “I’d tell you, but I don’t think a high school dropout could keep up.” Man were you mouthy or what that evening!
° After their teasing they got the message eventually, but not being laughing their asses off. You’d fight God with your bare fists if they tried something like that again. Man were you steaming something awful.
° Johnny has to console you for the rest of your date because you're shaking.
° “You’re shakin’! C’mon, it’s just the gang- let it roll off your back.”
° “I’m gonna fight ‘em!”
° “Listen, if you keep gettin’ madder I’m scared your head’ll explode.”
° You and Johnny really compliment each other well. He evens out your wildness, gets you to settle. You help him come out of his shell more and feel more confident in himself: He’s happy to let you take the lead whilst he follows with patience and good naturedness.
° PDA is something you know Johnny is self-conscious about around strangers so you avoid it like the plague in front of the gang. It just feels weird, but either way you both will be teased by the gang no matter what you do until the news completely blows over.
° You both like to spend evenings in the vacant lot when it’s not too cold. You don’t really have much of a curfew so it’s not as if you’re missing anywhere really besides a friend's house because you avoid your old man’s place.
° Johnny doesn’t have very much, but that doesn’t bother you. If you’d wanted money or pretty things then you’d have dated someone like Bob Randle. It’s the person that he is that drives you wild in a lovey dovey way. Somehow though, Johnny does his best to treat you to nice things when he can. It makes him feel like he’s being a good boyfriend to you.
° Although he’s quiet, he talks more with you than he does with Pony. He’s more relaxed, which is a rare sight for him. You make him feel safe and in turn he makes you feel safe as well. He could trust you to back him up even in a rumble if he needed it - not that him or Dallas would ever let you do such a thing.
° He’s sensitive, which is a breath of fresh air for you. You’re quite sensitive underneath it all too. So sometimes you’re both inclined to have deeper conversations, but I also envision giggling fits in the darkness of the vacant lot of summer nights. Your fingers intertwined as you’re both on the verge of sleep. It’s sweet.
° He’s a gentleman to you. Johnny could never treat you with a bad drop in the sea. He cares too much for you.
° You bring out a goofy Johnny that the gang loves! He’s laughing and grinning so much that you put Two to shame. It’s a pleasant thing to witness.
° He likes to cuddle with you. It’s rather sweet in all honesty. He’s touch starved so doesn’t really know how to initiate these types of things, but you’re good at just leaning into him. Although he’s stiff as a board to begin with, he thaws out eventually and may even fall asleep. Especially if you play with his hair!
° His kisses are light and sweet. There’s always a blush and slight goofy grin plastered on his face once you pull away. Teasing only deepens it before he says, “Aw cut it out already!”
° You encounter sassy Johnny so much nowadays. It’s the Winston touch of getting under people's skin. You take it as a good thing, a comfort ability.
° Y’all are relatively even so arguments aren’t really likely. Johnny hates confrontation so avoids it as much as possible. You’re more blunt, but not as crazy aggro like Dallas. So you let a lot of things roll off your back. It fits with the gentle pace of your relationship. It’s just a vibe, man!
° Don’t think that Johnny isn’t protective of you just because he’s on the quieter side. Johnny would defend you with his last breath, but he understands you can handle things yourself. He’s not itching to step on your toes. However he shows he cares when he walks you home late at night, stands a little closer to you when there’s a wild pack of Soc’s around and he suddenly looks tougher than a bag of nails to an outsider.
° Lord knows that you’re protective of him too. You’re just more proactive with your approach. Defending him noisily can get embarrassing but it’s the spirit that counts right? He really appreciates you.
° Despite your differences, there are a lot of similarities too. You balance each other out and develop quite a deep bond. Johnny’s love language is definitely spending quality time with you. So although there might not be many words spoken as you read over notes from class with him in the library, it’s these little moments that cause Johnny to fall more deeply in love with you than he ever did before.
° I can definitely see Johnny daydreaming in class about you or even sneaking glances at you as the teacher gives their lecture. His black eyes are fondly sparkling. It sucks when the teacher calls on him to answer the equation though. He just about dies in his chair.
° He likes to walk you to different classes too. Just waiting for you as the bell goes off. That quiet, “Hey yn,” warms your heart when you press a kiss to his cheek.
° “Hey!” You say louder.
° Lends you his denim jacket sometimes, especially when you fall asleep on the couch. He just drapes it over you which is so wholesome! Can’t help but smile as he presses a kiss to your warm forehead. “Sleep tight, yn…” he coos gently.
° Please protect this guy at all costs. He’s genuinely been through enough :-:
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requests: closed!
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magicshop · 2 months
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seokjin + iconic solo performances for @cordiallyfuturedwight ♡ [cr. namuspromised]
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chilschuck · 1 month
Hii!!! I just discovered your blog and i have to say, dude i loooooove the way you write about Chilchuck!!! Absolutely lovely!
If your requests are open, id really like to know your thoughts on Chil intereacting/dating with a reader who's also a hafling? Maybe they're also the shortest of haflings even tho they are an adult? (T^T projecting hard coz I'm 21 and havent grown since 6th grade, literally 4'10 lmfao)
Feel free to ignore if you dont feel comfortable with this ask! Again, love all your works 😭💕
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ WAAAAAH ANON THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! (;;;w;;;) i was so happy to write this because my insert is also a half-foot, so this was fun to do!!! i made this super fluffy so i hope you enjoy it!! <333
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— CHILCHUCK: x half-foot reader hcs.
꒰ warnings: ꒱ none, sfw + gn!reader! suuuuper fluffy!!
꒰ wc: ꒱ 562
✦ hope this is okay anon!!! this was so fun and now i’m in such a fluffy mood. (;;;w;;;) just wanna pull him close and give him so much love, waaaaah.
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✦ Chilchuck would definitely use the height difference he has to his advantage. When you’ve been dating for a while, I like to think he’d pull you to his chest and rest his head on your shoulder, enjoying the proximity. Maybe he even rests his chin on top of your head when he’s feeling affectionate.
✦ Cuddling with this man as another half-foot is so nice. He’s going to be the big spoon most nights to feel protective, and in doing so he’s wrapping you up in that warm body of his. If you feel like spoiling him, snuggle your head into his chest as he holds you, wrapping your arms around him. He’d probably melt into the blankets.
✦ We know Chilchuck isn’t very affectionate in front of others, but I like to imagine him still pulling you close behind closed doors and burying his head into your neck after a long day. Maybe he comes home and wordlessly kisses your forehead, pulling you into him and sighing. (He’ll probably not talk about anything that happened at work, but at least he shows you he’s there!)
✦ As you’re another half-foot, dancing with him is a must! Especially after he’s had a few drinks in his system. We know from that one piece of official art that he can, in fact, dance a bit, so I can see him pulling you in as well. Any time you two can, dance with him and enjoy how big his smile is when you grab his hand that’s held out to you.
✦ I saw other people headcanon this, but imagine wearing his clothes and having them be a little baggy on you. You enjoy it a bit too much, going through his laundry and finding something of his to wear. Chilchuck will get a little red in the face at the sight of you in his shirts, but he’ll wave it off and mumble how nice you look.
✦ Leaning up to kiss his cheek and pulling him by his belt towards you will definitely get him a little flustered. We know how this man is with affection, but if it’s from you, it gets his heart beating a good bit. Decorate his face in kisses by pulling him down gently by his neckwarmer and watch as he lifts his hands up to shakily hold your waist. Sometimes he even pulls you to his lips to get what he really wants if you keep teasing him like this.
✦ Going back to cuddling, if you decide to share a bedroll with him, he’s the perfect sleeping partner. Seeing as he likes to sleep on his back, you can easily slot up against his side and rest your head against his chest. He’ll wrap an arm around you to subconsciously pull you closer in the middle of the night. (Be prepared to get super warm and toasty while sleeping now!)
✦ Chilchuck thinks your height difference is cute, but he’ll never admit it out loud. You can use it to your advantage too by walking past him and kissing his shoulder. Maybe even wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing the back of his neck. Chil will jump a bit at first, but lean into your touch, especially if you nuzzle into his shoulders. After all, you’re definitely a soft spot for him.
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— dividers by @/cafekitsune!! <33
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berryblosom · 2 months
TEXTS WITH EREN ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ pre-relationship eren crushing on you.
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iindigoeyed · 11 months
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i imagine felix explained to kagami that he was transmasc and she was like "you can do that? really?!" and then felix lent them his old binder and well, you get it.
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winwintea · 1 month
secure that card! 01. the plan
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profiles (2) | masterlist | next
SUMMARY ▸ zhong chenle is the owner of many cards. a black card? he owns that. he even has a stanford student id card. the one card he doesn’t own though? a green card. and if chenle plays his cards right, he just may be able to secure one by wooing you. or it could all fall through… who knows?
AUTHORS NOTE ▸ ��肏你妈” is a slang in chinese that means ‘fuck you’ but it’s literal definition is ‘fuck your mother’ 💀 + in chenle’s last message to yan an “爱你哥” is just him saying ‘i love you bro’ in chinese. also apologies for the shitty cropping 😭 i learned how to crop the texts better later so bare with me
TAG LIST ▸@marvelahsobx @lyvhie @odxrilove @jkslvsnella @aquaphoenixz
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iknowplaces-tv · 8 months
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@swiftiehalloween gift for @feelslikeacruelsummer!!<3
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yaekiss · 1 year
#Mailroom Open! ── hey my darling <3 letter delivery for kaeya and i’d love to have a yandere w/nsfw reply back! any petnames are good with me, i promise <3 letter below the pink!
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“To my dearest, Kaeya,
It’s almost shameful how you have me wrapped around my finger. There’s only so much a man can do when you fill my mind, and even in work, I can’t help but imagine what you’d be doing, how you’d let me shower you with all the affection such a jewel like yourself deserves. A day spent without you feels sacrilegious nowadays with how you’ve carved your place into it.
How are you faring back in Mondstadt? It must be a chore with so little to do without me there with you, but I know the wine will always be sweet and the flowers always in their lively beauty (though it can’t compare to yours, I’m sure.) I hope you’ve kept an eye on Diluc: you know how he works himself, so have him take it easy every now and then. He runs the tavern you love so much, after all.
I can’t see you soon enough. May the gods bless me so that I can be back home sooner than I know.
— Your love”
( in a box containing the letter, there’s a bottle of regional wine intricately wrapped with a gold bow, alongside a bouquet and a lace choker. you know i had to do it <3 )
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꩜ Letter Content: Dom! GN! Reader x Yan! Subby! Kaeya, no gendered terms for reader, Kaeya calls you "my heart", mentions of alcohol, mentions of blood, unhealthy and obsessive relationship from Kaeya, lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ Delivery Notes: Phew! He sure replied fast, it's almost as if he knew you were sending a letter to him! :3c Anyways, I wonder what he replied with? ꩜ Wanna write a love letter yourself? Check out it out here!
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In return, Kaeya sends back a box as well, no bigger than the envelope stuck to the top of it. The deep royal blue envelope’s material is glossy and pearlescent, holding it under the moonlight produces a faint shimmer, one that reminds you of his eye.
Upon opening the letter, your senses are greeted by the waft of Kaeya’s perfume, the same one you gifted to him months back when you returned to Mondstadt from yet another arduous work trip. Eyes scanning over the contents of his reply, the words are written in outstanding but legible cursive, impressive penmanship (tsk, always a showoff). His love letter reads:
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“Addressed to my one and only,
Much thanks for the presents, my heart. You truly know my tastes, the wine was magnificent and went down smooth, almost impeccable. The only thing that could improve it was if you were there as well. I do so dreadfully miss you too, I find myself sighing whenever I reach out for your hand only to remember you’re away in Fontaine for work. Are you sure I can’t convince you to leave your job? I could take care of you, you’d never find yourself needing anything, other than me, of course.
I digress. Back to the subject at hand, Mondstadt is, well, the same as always. Nothing much to report about. My days are immensely duller without you around, obviously. Diluc’s still not much fun to be around but I suppose he’s been well, so no need for you to… (There’s some words scribbled out here with a squiggly doodled arrow pointing to it, saying “Ignore this! :)”) fret over him at all.
It’s just that… I can’t bear to be away from you, my heart. You say I have you wrapped around my finger but it seems to be the opposite. Since you entered my life, it was as if you were Orpheus: coming to rescue me, but unlike the tragedy, I won’t lose you, and you won’t lose me. Not even the gods above could keep me from you. Not one moment does my mind stray from the thought of you and how I need you close by and the way I can’t bear to… (The words are scribbled out again, this time it’s messier, shaky lines uncharacteristic of his usual neat strokes. Another squiggly arrow points to the dark mass of ink, saying “Ignore this too! :)”)
All I want to say is, we are much closer than you might think, my heart. I’ll keep this short, I’d hate for you to bore of me.
Counting down the days till we truly meet again,
- Kaeya Alberich -
P.S. I have a picture in the box reserved for your eyes only, enjoy ♡”
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Removing the lid of the box, a vial on a gold chain catches your eye, it glistens, almost as if beckoning you to wear it immediately. Its contents are a deep red and swishing it around reveals how it clings to the sides of the bottle. Not wine then. There’s a tag hanging from a ribbon tied around the clasp, in Kaeya’s signature handwriting it reads, “So I’ll always be around my heart.” Flipping it around, there’s 2 reddish-brown thumbprints on the back, stamped so that it looks like a heart. 
After putting the accessory on, you move on to pull out a smooth card stock from the bottom of the box. How scandalous. The cavalry captain is shown, knees tucked under him on the bed as he’s clad in lacy white lingerie, hands on the sheets in front of him as his arms push his tits up to accentuate them. A white garter belt wraps around his thigh and fuck, the tip of his cock is peeking out of the sheer ivory fabric, precum already drooling from his slit. The bouquet you gifted him is in the shot as well but what really draws your attention are the dribbles of wine cascading from down his lips to his chest, staining some of the white lace a deep crimson. To top it all off, he’s wearing the lace choker you sent him, how obedient!
However, the more you look at the photograph, the more off putting the atmosphere becomes. The background looks suspiciously like the rooms of the hotel you’re currently staying at. The lighting is the same hue. The furniture matches up too. Everything is strikingly similar, right down to the carpeting. Squinting, you can just about make out the room number on the keys captured in the shot.
It’s the room next door.
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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gojosattoru · 7 months
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★ LEVI ACKERMAN HEADERS & ICONS ★ -> requested by anon and anon! <3333333 Hope you like it! For better resolution for the header, you can 1. download on this link! 2. download on this link! 3. download on this link! Thank you for your request honeys! <33333~~
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this appeared in my head as i was reading your essay and wouldnt leave me alone until i made it
THIS IS AMAZING??? and this is a canon fact btw!!! i would know i was there in the boardroom when alhaitham and kaveh were designed, i was the table <333
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socheckitout-mikey · 2 years
heey y’all! (‘: i don’t usually write smut, but this was a request from my old blog. it’s taken my ass like deadass three years to write it. ik it’s super long and i got carried away, but i’m proud bc i haven’t written smut in a very long time. originally it was meant to be semi nsfw but i went the whole nine yards instead!
also i’d like to give credit to @brideofcthulhu10 for helping me with this one. she helped co-write the beginning, whilst also giving me amazing pointers and keeping me on track when it came to marko’s character. so deffo give her blog a look through bc she’s such an amazing writer! <3333 - mae
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(GIF credit: @bonniebirddoesgifs)
Title: The Dilemma
Pairings: Marko x Fem!Reader
Summary: As any high-school senior, end of year exams encroach upon you, which results in your disappearance from the infamous Boardwalk. Marko, your vampiric boyfriend, feels awfully neglected and sees the strain that boring old studying is causing you. After being a gigantic nuisance in your time of need, Marko decides to aid you with your dilemma by getting you to to unwind. An innocent massage turns to much more. (READER IS 18/19 YEARS OLD IN THIS PIECE!!!)
Word count: 9,916
Warnings: SMUT AHEAD SO 18+ ONLY!!! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!! READER IS 18/19 IN THIS PIECE!!! Anxiety, angst, mentions of tension with parents, mentions of reader throwing things at Marko (mainly bc he scared her and also a plushie), established relationship, argument, make out session, massage, oral (female receiving), sexual content, unprotected sex, hair pulling, marking, depictions of blood, blood drinking/feeding and Marko being a sex God v.v Lemme know if I missed anything.
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  Finals had encroached upon you and the rest of your senior class like a throttling bitter conclusion. An immense pressure had settled upon your slumped shoulders in a complex manner. It all gave you an uproarious migraine. Perched upon those shoulders of yours was a Devil and an Angel, reciting an exhausting, unanimous monologue you had encountered fervently with frustration and exhaustion for the past few weeks. The Devil enumerated vividly about how the stress of hunching over your books would only cause your spine to permanently warp, whilst grey hairs would prematurely appear on your head. It whispered of the sincere notion that you would be able to seek vehement pleasure by kicking back and relaxing with your boyfriend Marko; who currently laid sprawled out against your cushiony pink covers in an absurdly bored fashion behind you. He was the poster child of, “Are you finished yet?”
  His only purpose was to grate on your nerves that much more viciously.
  The Angel held up its own assertive chant with the utmost conviction. A soothing lullaby that frankly lulled you into boring hibernation, as if you were a grizzly bear entering its cave for the tundric winter months to come. You were well aware that it spoke of knowledge, reason and logic. The qualities that were dwindling — yet with its vibrant torch, it led the way to the future you so desperately had dreamed of since you were in middle school: A good job meant a good home, and so the domino effect would hopefully follow you in a cascading positive effect. Yet passing wasn’t everything, right? Well, the Angels’ lustrous song seemed to disrupt the already choppy sea wrecking the ships in your mind, pointing the way to salvation. However, you felt as though the Devil latched on, shoving you under the bartering force that the School District whipped into your back. You were merely a slave to the formidable system.
  And thus the Angel and Devil fought their daunting battle amongst who could lead you quicker to each destination they desired for you to propel towards. The truth of the matter was that there was no balance within the chaos. You either went all in or did nothing at all. You were only battling with the Yin and Yang within you, but you didn't quite realise that. You needed someone else to obtain that truth and light it up in a firework festival. That someone was unfortunately your bouncing boyfriend Marko.
  The sudden weight upon your tired shoulders felt like an angsty teen drama — unbearable. They slumped down with a force as you looked at the Math equations before you with contempt. Your mind was playing tricks on you because now the algebra seemed to be written in some bizarre language you swore was only known by extraterrestrials. Never had you experienced such affliction quite so potent in all of your young years of living until this very moment in time. High school, fortunately, had come and gone like the spring’s floral breeze, allowing for the stuffy summer heat to bound through the atmosphere like a blundering bull in a China shop. Great, now you were sweating too.
  Despite your immortal boyfriend, Marko, having intermittently insisted that you hadn’t needed the extra education, you had graciously swung your bat in a conflicting vicious fashion. Your battered old baseball had leapt its last journey, landing into the lap of a comfortable Community College here in Santa Carla. Your original aim and hope had been to apply for greener pastures, such as the university in the nearest plush city. Yet you knew it was too far away from the Boardwalk. Your painfully vampiric boyfriend would kick up a putrid stink at the mere notion of you being so far away. Especially since daytime already kept you both apart, creating such a colourful apprehension to course through your very mortal veins.
  You’d miss Marko too much as well, and slumming it under your bed in the dorm room all day and night just wouldn’t cut it. It wasn’t going to be the ideal move for any party involved. Familiar sunny Santa Carla would just have to do before you surfed your last wave, ticketing you straight to The Immortality Club.
  “College?!” Marko sputtered out like a dying steam engine.
  His hazel eyes blinked several times in absolute bewilderment as his body froze. The brown fuzzy teddy bear he had been carelessly chucking up and down in the air in a mindless fashion missed his right hand entirely. Its furry, soft backside flopped with a tender bounce atop his chest.
  “Why would you go back to school baby?” He inquired desperately, “You’re already done.” His words hung in the air, thick like an uncomfortable smog riddled with consternation.
  His nimble fingers swatted the bear off of him and he sat up straighter than a plank. The tender plush bounced off of your floorboards, tumbling into your open closet.
  The same fingers suddenly danced restlessly to your dusty, cluttered nightstand where he aimed for that prized purple pen with the fluffy pom-pom dotted on the end of it: His digits fiddled with it fruitlessly, eyebrows creased together. Boy was he all sorts of twitchy tonight since boredom had taken hold of him by the balls. He felt as though he was going crazy. Especially with the apprehension at your announcement to further your needless education. Who needed books and crammed study sessions when you could be a youthful undead being for the rest of eternity? You’d never grow old, never die — this was a total blessing sitting right in your lap! Yet you shoved it off to the side without another thought. All of the previous discussions you’d had with him about turning meant nothing to you now, or so it seemed. Poofing into thin air, therefore to Marko, it meant you’d been replaced by some other worldly ghost that reeked of crippled anxiety; which, by the way, was akin to the rotting scent of death itself.
  He had lazily propped himself against the headboard of your bed now, eyes not meetings yours — almost as if he were too meek to look up at you. He already knew the answer to his question from interpreting the blurry, chaotic dance of your thoughts rattling in your brittle skull. One more thought and your head would come blowing off! After all, he’d also noticed that physically you were in a frenzied stupor of stress and inner turmoil. You reeked of palpable insecurity and rotting angst, just like a teenage drama on screen. Blegh! It caused the blond boy to crinkle his hooked nose wryly, warping his angelic gestures.
  Part of the reason why Marko alluded to the opportunity of peering up at you was due to the simple fact that his visit had come to be a frightening ordeal on your behalf. One that led to an abundant earful of curses and a book to have been launched at him — almost knocking his head clean off his shoulders. Right, you had the reflexes of a rabid raccoon startled by a rat when you were snuck up on. He knew better than to do such a thing. Luckily he had ducked just in time, smartly remarking that you should have gone for sports instead. He regretted the witty quip instantly by the displeased look on your face. So he was cast upon your frilly bed to pass the time like a woeful jester sentenced to imprisonment for not having entertained his Queen accordingly. The tragedy of it all!
  And although you were aggravated at his unexpected visit — more salty over the fact he’d frightened you —, you did not have the slightest of hearts to kick him out. It felt too heart wrenching for you to do so. In fact, it was like kicking a stray kitten out into the rain. His damn bulbous eyes whenever you’d get close to the notion would appear like round, quivering rain drops — the pupils heavily swallowing the earthy iris. So you sighed instead, turning back to your work whilst Marko made himself comfortable. Well, as comfortable as his bored self would permit.
  “I don’t want just a job, Marko.” You muttered irately under your breath from over your complex Math equations that were scrawled in their dreadful chicken scratch language upon gridded paper.
  “I want a career! I wanna hone a craft.” You explained further with a nonchalant wave of your wrist. Your tone was curt, attempting to balance out his boredom that apparently began to increase the longer he remained there.
  You paid no heed to his insistence, scribbling your notes with a vengeance for the paper you carved it into.
  “That’s what I mean though,” Marko huffed out a hefty sigh, sitting up straight suddenly with his legs criss-crossed in a half lotus position. “Why do you need to work, anyway? Just one bite and BAM! All your problems would be gone, baby doll. I keep tellin’ ya!” He exclaimed animatedly, hands thrown up in the air in his own heated and wondrous stupor.
  He’d even get David to teach you how to use compulsion so you could get whatever you wanted. It was so pathetically simple! He wondered now if you’d hit your head recently to have forgotten the simplicities of becoming a vampire. No stress would ensue, so long as you abided but the rules. Why couldn’t you just see that?
  “Hush! I’ve already made up my mind about this. You’re not going to change it!” You quipped back sharply, grabbing a rusty coloured stuffed cat from your messy desk and hurled it half heartedly in his direction for the second time that night.
  Damn, you really did mean business tonight.
  The plushie cat managed (miraculously may I add) to bounce tenderly off of the side of his perky blond curls. A low laugh escaped from his sharp mouth. He was well aware by now that you were only attempting to push him away due to the draining stress of academics. The prospect of taking things too personally had been going really swell up until this point. He wasn’t going to afford himself to buckle now like he would from anyone else. Afterall, any other person who launched two objects at him would be decapitated and dead at his musty booted feet. You were getting off easy by a mile in comparison. You didn’t even know how much Divine Intervention had spared you at this point.
  So instead he untangled his thin legs from their half lotus position, swinging them off the edge of the bed as he observed you nervously wind your fingers through your hair — tugging slightly at the roots in vexation. The sight made him feel sympathy for you, a feeling that was nearly completely foreign to someone like him. It caused his dead stomach to knot and twist uncomfortably because he just wanted to lend you a helping hand. He just wasn’t sure how he could. School work wasn’t exactly his forte and all, being as he never acquired much of an education when he was a kid at the end of the last century. Nevertheless, he was your boyfriend and boyfriends had to take care of their girlfriends, right?
  With a defeated sigh, Marko pressed his strong palms on his knees and found the sudden energy to get to his feet. His chunky boots clunked noisily on the ground, an incessant irritance to you. It made your body visibly cringe in your chair with each step he took. It was as though he was dropping bricks of led onto the ground. Your boyfriend, lost in his own deep thoughts, remained oblivious, wandering aimlessly to your bookshelf in search of something to cure his doldrum. The shelves were coated in a peculiar thin layer of dust, a dead giveaway that you had not kept this space to its usual tidiness. His inquisitive fingers collected the fluffy debris similar to dust bunnies on the tips before swiftly rubbing them together, which disintegrated his fuzzy pals into mere nothingness.
  ‘Damn, when was the last time you cleaned this place?’ He thought. It wasn’t like you to just allow things to collect dust. At this rate, you’d end up having your own personal Cave that Marko didn’t want a hand in helping you clean.
  His pesky touch ventured along, dancing across the spines of old tattered novels aged well with love. Reading wasn’t really his style, but he supposed he didn’t mind it when he’d lounge in your lap like a cat, bathing in the stark silver moonlight whilst you read ‘The Outsiders’ to him late into the night. The accents you pulled off were enjoyable, a husky hushed twang so your parents wouldn’t hear. You always did a spanking job at Matt Dillons’ Dallas Winston. He couldn’t help but snort at the times you’d tear up during said character’s devastating death. It had alarmed Marko the first time it had happened. Now he only ever teased you about it, equipped with the ability to wipe your tears away and give you a moment to settle before continuing. He enjoyed those memories a lot.
  Marko’s marvellously silver tongue clicked in his mouth liberally to an unordinary beat he’d plucked out of thin air from many moons ago. It did nothing but sourly distract you from your work. Your body tense once more, knee jerking in a wild bouncing fashion, knocking the underside of your desk in time with his clacking tune. You chewed your pencil menacingly, the brittle wood splintering slightly in your mouth. It made astounding practice for future inevitable victims. Perhaps the School Board would be your first ones.
  Still, the more you travelled down the mental highway, you felt nothing but guilt at the thought of kicking Marko out. Recalled his disheartened countenance that struck his handsome features at the mere inkling of casting him out into the bewitched humid night.
  Just when you thought you’d lost your mind enough, Marko flicked the power switch of your radio as if on purpose. The speakers screamed to life, blaring out the belting introduction of You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi. The precipitous noisy intrusion throttled into the air, shocking your eardrums. It scared the living daylights out of you for the second time that night! Marko’s mouth spread into a harmless grin, mouthing the lyrics with the utmost enthusiasm; his hands scrambling to his abdomen to begin shredding on the gnarliest air guitar he could muster. His head and body hopped comfortably along to the hypnotic drum beat and flourishing bass, floating up on a mouthwatering guitar riff and husky vocals to die for. Edgy.
  As if possessed by a formidable spirit, you whipped around in your seat, eyes wild with offence. All of the equations behind you were now abandoned. You were giving Marko the look that could surely kill even an immortal. He seemed to be on another planet, too deep in the rock n’ roll blaring boisterously from your speakers to take note of your inconvenience.
  Prompted by a supernatural sixth sense, the curly blond turned to look at you — an honest inquiry over whether his air guitar appeared better than Paul’s ready on the tongue. It’s life, a premature one, slid back down his throat and into his voice box. Realisation hit him when the usual mischief in his facial expression fled his countenance entirely. He mimicked that of a child being told off by its raging mother.
  “Oops!” His lips mouthed, turning off the radio instantly.
  The stark silence built thickly in the air, only allowing the remaining orchestra of cicada’s outside to be heard. Your heart was pounding in your chest, that vein in your forehead bulging with every beat of your galloping heart.
  “Sorry babe.” He stated sheepishly, hands held up in surrender by his head.
  “It’s fine. It’s fine.” You gritted out twice, more for your benefit the second time around.
  As if to solidify a semblance of being non-combative, you held your hands up on either side of your head. A silent plea for Marko to cooperate with your simple boundaries.
  Perhaps he wasn’t entirely sorry about it, but that didn’t matter if you didn’t know it. Though with the way you tried not to glower at him, he understood, without a doubt, that you were more than aware he was only half apologetic. After all, he was fuelled by a thick smog of boredom, which only forced unease to burst from him like the flames of Hell. Nevertheless, he watched you with his widened gaze before settling on your bed once more. A couple more hours wouldn’t kill him, right?
  “Just don’t touch anything, okay? As soon as I get through the rest of this chapter, maybe we can watch a movie together.” You suggested through gritted teeth.
  An inkling of hope dawned across Marko’s features like The Gates of Heaven had opened for him. It felt like the sun was warming his ice cold flesh, the fuzzy memory from his mortal life in 1901 came to fruition in his mind. Refreshing to say the least. His back inched higher, attempting to obtain a good look at your bulky textbook.
  “How much ya got left?”
  You hummed, pondering whilst your stiff aching fingers thumbed the pages. It was an entire wad. Marko’s heart rocketed into the old floorboards under his feet, and he hung his head in existential dread. You wouldn’t even be finished by sun up.
  “About half a chapter,” you commented with hope, but to him it was all a charlatan’s sham.
  “Yeah, yeah okay…” he mumbled, cast to the cushiony abode of your bed.
  The ambience of the room settled back to the mind numbing pace of planned study sessions. His only two forms of escape were to either cast himself into a premature sleep or leave without you noticing. Both were tempting. Nevertheless, he remained there, paralysed with indecision.
  Soon misery encased him, your plush bed and messy surroundings incapable of quenching his need for attention. A sour trance gathered deep within his undead soul. Blasé eyes analysed the way that you seemed to slightly settle in your seat. The scratching of pencil on paper overcame the atmosphere like a thick infestation of utter disinterest. Though he wasn’t alluded by the fact your muscles were still taut underneath your baggy black shirt and baby blue pyjama shorts. The sight made him pity you once more, because you were slaving away.
  Suddenly a nagging urge told him to just burn all of your textbooks so he could have his damn girlfriend back!
  From his stance on the bed, he noted that complex algebra was what you were studying: The sight made his stomach twist sickly and his head throb, because with Paul rotting his brain ninety percent of the time, Marko couldn’t even recall what 2+2 equaled.
  Eventually his patience wore thin.
  “Babe, how long have you been studying?” He finally broke the long silence. A casual air to his tone.
  Marko rested his elbows upon his knees with a hunched back once he sat up; unconsciously mirroring you. Fixated on your entire being. It was almost humorous the way you seemed to sink further into your stressful work with every equation you tortured yourself to complete. The inclination both distressed and astonished him. This wasn’t like you at all. In fact, he was willing to bet that you’d been switched out by a government clone provided by the CIA with the way you were acting. You despised math!
  When was the last time you had taken a damn break? When was this ever going to end? Were you ever not going to throw ginger stuffed cats at him? God forbid if he had to endure you worrying when your exams were all said and done. If you so much as breathed a damn fear towards the notion of not passing, he was going to lose his damn mind.
  It was almost nearing the mark of an entire month since you’d made your typical appearance at the Boardwalk. An unusual occurrence in itself. It had worried him to begin with, especially since it had occurred out of the blue. No notion communicated whatsoever of your educational predicament. Marko was usually rather patient with you, however, since he hadn’t ever exactly attended school himself (or graduated for that matter), he was honestly struggling to relate to the importance of it all. Good grades and whimsical desires to attend college didn’t hold the same meaning to him as it did to you. It frankly just sounded like a damn fairytale.
  In fact, the whole ordeal just was a major waste of time to him. Afterall, he held the potent magic of immortality in the palms of his hands; brandished like the forbidden fruit that Adam himself consumed. There were sneaky tricks and enchanting gifts that he — along with every vampire — possessed. All that temptation didn’t seem to tickle your fancy in the current moment. Marko couldn’t deny the truth that if it (college) made you happy in the long run, he didn’t have the heart to cut in and stop you. He wanted you to be content at the end of the day. So long as you also cared about his happiness too. It didn’t really feel like you did — not with you pushing him away like he was some diseased fleabag.
  “Uuuuhhmmmm shit,” you began with a flourishing fluster encapsulating your countenance. You used the end of your chewed up pencil to scratch the side of your head vigorously, “I dunno, three days?” You shrugged.
  It sounded as if you were asking him for clarification, but Marko sat there just as clueless and waiting for your answer.
  To be completely transparent, that was only a guesstimate thrown to the stuffy air with no refreshing breeze to carry it away from you. You were utterly fried; all for very different reasons. Meals consisted of take-out or quick instant snacks so the remnants could be discarded easily. You went from a daily shower to one every three days; dishes had been piled up so high in your sink, because you didn’t possess the luxury known as time: All until your mother lost her mind and dove in infuriatingly to maintain downstairs her spotless domain. Completing these simple tasks designed to keep your living quarters in order were overwhelming now.
  Marko wasn’t the only one feeling the absence of your chipper presence. As just mentioned, your dutiful mother took up your chores to accomplish with disgruntled agitation, because she had limited time too. Yet no matter how much she may have resented you currently, she found some compassion for you in your final weeks as a senior highschool student. She took it with a badge of silence, but you felt that heavy churning of guilt in your gut whenever she would impulsively huff and puff through the thin walls, as well as slam cupboards shut. Nothing went unnoticed by you, but it drove you further into the disorganised abode of unrelenting chaos. You were just glad your parents were out on a weekend trip. Sweet silence was yours.
  Escaping was all you wanted to do. Yet you were bound to your desk by a hefty chain around your ankle with the belief that if you failed, you’d have let everyone around you down. There was so much pressure riding on your back that it felt unbearably hot. Scalding tears burnt the corners of your eyes and you fought to wipe them away with two quick slaps to your cheeks.
  Oh how you missed the Boardwalk desperately! Longing for the nights out with Marko where the oceanic droplets dotted your skin when you paraded down it on his metallic steed. They seemed so far away now, so out of touch that you could barely recall what it felt like to be nestled in the musty, dusty caverns where the boy’s home sat within. Those nights were always fun, riddled with a peculiar perception of time that made them feel as though they went on forever. Frankly, you missed him and his brothers. However, even though you did, you couldn’t afford to burn out. If you could just squeeze out a little more, then maybe you could manage to get through with a hair length left of energy and patience.
  Like a precariously challenging puzzle, the pieces finally clicked into place in Marko’s nifty skull. A lightbulb dinged over his head, illuminating everything around him and he saw things with virgin eyes. Once that had occurred, the relief he experienced was knocked viciously out of the way and replaced by a worry that he never had felt before. You’d always been splendid at managing yourself in a healthy manner. Balancing and pacing yourself was a natural instinct you possessed, crafted into an art during the academic year. Marko had sat back comfortably up until this point, just taking it all for granted, because you’d always been so self-reliant.
  Yet as he stared at you from across your bedroom intently, he began to take note of the little differences surrounding you both. The space was riddled with disorganisation as its main theme, messiness spread out in all of its glory. A large pile of dirty clothes lay in the left corner of your room, making him silently plead with the universe that your socks wouldn’t start crawling out towards him with a mind of their own. Your pink bed covers he was perched upon weren’t made in their usual neat style; that stupid desk you had yourself rooted in front of was clumped together in a marinade of dirty food containers, pens, pencils and papers. A giant teetering tower of jagged books to the right looked ominous and shaky to him. The trash can beside it was overflowing with a cornucopia of crumpled bits of paper that looked as if Jason himself had hacked at them with his own chainsaw! What in the hell was going on with you?
  “You shouldn’t sweat the exams, babe.” Marko stated without much of a rational thought.
  The gratuitous comment seemed to startle you to austere stillness. Similar to a cat who’d grown enraged, frightened as its fur and tail zapped with pulsing electricity. Your aura resembled the frizzy taut hairs of said feline friend; and your head whipped to the side so viciously that it struck a literal nerve, causing your vision to blur. Paying little mind to the agony of the nauseating feeling, you pressed on.
  “What!?” You seethed through tightly gritted teeth. You were a festering beast. All the chipped pieces of fragile pottery you’d held together shattered. Patience was no longer your virtue.
  Acting on impulse, Marko’s fingerless gloved hands sprang to the sides of his head once more, eyebrows raised. You really needed to chill out.
  “Damn, hear me out!” He started, a little heat behind his words.
  He was frankly pretty tired of the onslaught you shoved onto him. You were beginning to yank him into the depths of your own anguish. He never swung that way initially, but you were spoiling his night that had started off perfectly fine, thank you very much.
  “All that I meant by that was you’re the smartest person I know, babe. You’ve passed everything so far. There’s no way you’re failin’ anything!” His words had intended to diffuse the bomb he’d set up from his previous comment.
  Reassurance was what you needed right? Wrong. It only seemed to spread the shrapnel and vibrant inferno swirling violently within you. A snort dispelled,, forcing you to drop your pencil on your notebook. Disbelief rattled your expression, the fuse to a TNT’s detonator had been slammed down staunchly and rage encompassed you over the smallest of things.
  “Yeah, like you know what it’s like to have all this pressure on your shoulders. You just bum around the Cave like you’re a damn king without a care in the world! The most you have to worry about is whether you get David the right kind of take-out when Michael’s lazing on the bed next to Star!”
  The words were haughty, sturdy ammunition pelting Marko to a mushy pulp. The worst part was that you’d turned your back on him when you’d said it. Honing in on your unreasonable point. The world didn’t just revolve around you, you know.
  There was a flicker of irritation that blossomed like a breathtakingly fiery rose in his chest. Hot electricity pulsed his eyes alight, though as soon as the burning rage had appeared, Marko settled it with a deep breath. Right, you were his girlfriend, he couldn’t kill you like some blundering drunk Surf Nazi. No matter how much of a raging bitch you were being right now.
  A few minutes sauntered by, a tense silence stretching with its thick tendrils that imbedded themselves in your throat. Realisation hit you square in the chest and you dug the heels of your hands into your sore, closed eyes harshly at the thought of how stupid you were being.
  “Shit! I’m so sorry.” There was a denseness to your tone, shame blanketing it like a sugar coated donut. If only it felt as sweet.
  “Nah, don’t sweat it, babes!” Marko released with a heavy sigh, a passive manner taking over him. It wasn’t hard to do.
  Afterall, the anger had been shaken out of every dead cell in his body. He lifted a cool hand, his fingers burying in his blond licks and pushing them out of his eyes, a simple motion that soothed him slightly.
  “No, it’s not not!” You sighed out, tipping your head back in your wooden chair till it teetered a bit. You stared dreadfully up at the ceiling with bitter contempt. “I hate this! I hate all of this studying. If I look at one more number I’m gonna commit arson on the school so I don’t have to take my exam on Monday morning!”
  “You know that can be arranged for you with the help of Paul and I? ” Marko grinned at you, the prospect of putting all this incessant studying to a grand halt really tickled his fancy; whether you were being serious or not.
  “Not funny!”
  “What? You wouldn’t be connected. Scouts honour, babes.”
  Though from the expression you were giving him, Marko was certain that attempting to pull jokes with you so soon wasn’t in anyone’s best interests just yet. Not when you were wound up so tight. However there was the beginning of a smile working on the edges of your beautiful lips. It settled the tension a little.
  “There’s my girl!” He replied proudly, patting his gloved hands on the thighs of his jeans habitually.
  Suddenly another lightbulb moment zinged its fluorescent rays above his head. Jackpot! He knew exactly what you needed to relax. He did, afterall, have magical hands that were perfect for massaging. A little TLC and you’d be well oiled enough to snuggle with him as you both watched a movie. Just a little loving was all he wanted — he missed you.
  Like a golden sleek mountain lion with prey locked in its predatory gaze, Marko crept stealthily towards you on surprisingly light feet with his paws out. Ready for the kill. Those icy digits were immediately welcomed by your clammy hot skin, and your affliction seemed to melt away in the heat of the humid air. This was precisely the reaction Marko had imagined in his wondrously gruesome noggin.
  To begin with, you seemed tense at the idea of his touch gone foreign from the lack of his familiar presence. Frustration mixed with guilt at your own pitiful past actions as a girlfriend. The stress was making you crack on so many levels. His touch was comforting despite the fact your shoulders made a subtle attempt at shaking him off. Yet he had a firm hold on you — certainly not enough to cause harm. What didn’t he understand about this entire ordeal? This was extremely important to you. His candid words rung in your ears, a gong gone off to begin the journey of relaxation and release of pent up frustrations.
  “You gotta take a break. Even just for five minutes.” He echoed your already persuaded thoughts. A wispy coo, hypnotic in nature.
  You were incapable of resistance to his powerful abilities he reserved specifically for times such as these. Sure he wasn’t David, but Marko knew how to pull someone as stubborn as you into his lane, wrestling them into a relaxed submission of chill time. Damn him and his undead powers!
  His fingers were possessed by black magic — working at the sore, aching muscles that had become strained by impeccably poor posture and a lack of necessary exercise. You lacked both the hefty bark and bite to fight him, it had disappeared with the energy and motivation to engage in anyone or anything other than what was currently going on in the present moment. Temptation wanted you to reap the rewards of Marko’s skilful ministrations. You swiftly ushered into the realm of utter selfishness, leaning into his touch wantonly the moment his pesky long appendages massaged down your shoulders in a taut yet tender fashion. A wince escaped your lips once he worked on a specific knot. You stirred and twitched in the seat like it had become unbearably hot.
  With your face bunched up, a moan entailing slight anguish fluttered past your lips, Marko eased up on said spot, focusing on another area.
  “Atta girl,” He grinned, “Relax…” an angelic whisper crept into your ear.
  He sounded hypnotic, binding you under his blissful spell of ease. Though it was that specific spot in your sore muscles that caused you irritation. Marko left it happily because he’d worked the majority of it out. Now his long, thin fingers padded at the balls of your shoulders, solace in nature before returning up the valley of your neck for the second time. He simpered subconsciously to himself in a victorious fashion the moment you went completely lax under his touch. A pleasurable surrender to his beck and call. Your arms went limp, resembling the feeling and look of overcooked spaghetti. The rear of the chair and Marko’s light, yet secure grip on you were the only two things that kept you upright. There was an immature smugness to his motions that you could practically feel engraved into you.
  “You like that?” There was audacity for him to whisper it against the soft shell of your ear. Such a seductive note.
  Your response came to him through another throaty groan of approval and a swift, gentle nod of your head. So subtle that for a moment, he wondered if he’d dreamt up the consensual physical action entirely.
  Mischief purchased him, a long lost friend. Sharp teeth nicked the delicate flesh of your earlobe, mouth finding a mind of their own to trail down the side of your neck. The feverish pulsepoint he’d grown to know well was peppered in an onslaught — each kiss and nip purposeful. Melting like the ice caps into his touch, the Devil suddenly pulled away after taking a step back. Your back was held up by the chair entirely. A pout formed your precious mouth, head tilted towards him. Your half hooded eyes unveiled a cheeky sight indeed: He was smirking with that Cheshire grin he was so renowned for. Not to mention that he’d propped himself like royalty on the edge of the bed, his head cocked to the side in amusement.
  “What? You want more?” An arrogance wafted from him, sent on the hot summer breeze.
  He knew you were hooked by the way you turned in your chair to finally acknowledge him fully. “Then c’mere.” He said simply, patting his lap.
  Rising from your chair was methodical. Lots of attention had to be put into moving your stiff limbs almost gone numb from being in the same position for god knows how long. Yet you padded over to your awaiting throne, straddling his waist boldly. Hands floated to your hips, squeezing them longingly, and as if bound under his hypnotic spell from earlier, you found his lips in a mixture of rushed passion and want. Marko was cool, hanging back and letting you explore the excitement you’d been starving for for weeks. He was just happy to go along for the ride, seeing where it took you both. This wasn’t so much about him as it was about you.
  Your tongue intruded his mouth, a sudden willingness to become as close to him as physically possible. He beckoned beneath you, chest tightening with the giddiness that felt oh so good to experience. Teeth nipped at your lower lip, a yearning to eventually get at the crimson liquid buried beneath your thin, delicate skin was intricate but controlled. Taunting and malicious hands wandered, pushing beneath fabric to clutch at the supple flesh of your breasts. You pulled apart for a breath, a gasp of alluring surprise fluttering from your mouth. Marko chuckled against the flesh of your delicate throat — not missing the sultry glow having engulfed you. It now permeated towards him. Frustration could be played out in more than one way, which he was happy to do.
  The black tee you’d been sporting came over your head in a single tug, cast to the floor with his mix-matched jacket and crop top. He admired the rise and fall of your bare breasts, highlighted in the moonlight — embarrassing you in the way he deemed was the cutest. Yet he made no move towards influencing your next moves. Instead the icy tips of his fingers tickled up your sides, ghosted along your spine to entice goosebumps. Your gaze settled on his beautiful flesh , fair and adorned with muscles beneath his strong skin. He made your mouth water, the washboard abs and the strength that came from him in more than just the physical aspect set you on fire. Your staring amused him. Were you still too shy to touch despite this having happened in times gone by? He was all yours. There was no need for meaningless delays. The inevitable was bound to occur. You might as well just meet him in the middle.
  Your warm fingertips settled upon his sturdy chest whilst you mounted him. A delicious expression of your needs being met flashed across your angelic features, but your lips twisted into such a devilish smirk. Some would title you as a promiscuous nymph, tantalisingly rocking your hips back and forth — creating much needed friction. Marko’s fingers smoothed up your sides, his own breath flustered out of his lungs. Yet he just watched you, hazel eyes deepening from the dilation of his pupils. A hunter was being fed under your seductive spell. Such a horny, pretty thing you were, rutting against him like a desperate bitch in heat. It caused amusement to tickle his senses, because he knew this wouldn’t suffice enough of your needs. Witnessed it dawn frustratingly upon your countenance. You needed more. You wanted more.
  “Atta girl.” He winked, grinning impishly up at you. A seductive golden halo flowed from his head as he laid there admiring you.
  Before long, his patience wore thin. His back arched upwards then, lips trailing along the swell of your sensitive breasts. They glistened deliciously with sweat in the moonlight, inviting his tongue to taste the salty liquid. You sighed, hips faltering, thwarting your efforts to get off. A pathetic whimper of dissatisfaction escaped you, rumbling in your chest. He felt it against his sinful tongue, sucking sweet little marks into your skin. And silently, his fingers hooked into the waistband of your shorts and panties, tugging down gently. You manuevred yourself over him, eager to get any remaining clothes off and have him take control. You never knew what to expect with him, which was all the more exciting. Yet all he did was clasp his lips around your right nipple, suckling on it firmly, though not enough to hurt. His teeth nipped at it, tugging ever so slightly in the way you always approved — all whilst  he stared up at you. Man was he a tease.
  As soon as it had started, the pleasure ceased. Gone in the blink of an eye. You stared down at your boyfriend, your hips twirling in rebellion. Already you were quivering, at his mercy whilst your fingers tangled in his beautifully curly locks.
  “What?” He inquired with an innocent tilt to his head.
  Distinct symptoms of embarrassment clouded your features — your skin felt hot. The only thing you could do was nip your swollen bottom lip and draw your eyebrows together in the centre. So cute. Why was he doing this? It was simple, he wanted to.
  “Hmmm? Use your big girl words, baby.” He added with a breathy laugh meant to mock you. His large palms smoothed against the softest parts of your body reassuringly.
  You gulped, throat dry and hoarse. Your hips rutted on his hardened cock concealed beneath the rough denim. It’s roughness dampened by your sopping cunt. You whimpered as he guided your hips, looking hungrier than ever. Silently pleading for him to touch you the way you loved it the most. However, he did not play into these silent games. You knew that, but it was always worth a try. Sometimes he was forgiving and lenient. Tonight he seemed to be holding back, admiring your handiwork until you begged him with delirium to give you what you wanted.
  “I can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me. Hmm?” He cooed up at you.
  “I want more,” you began pitifully, eyes unable to meet his heavy gaze.
  “More of what?” He was milking this, enjoying the way you twitched.
  “More of you.” As if that could answer his blatantly insistent inquiry. Yet before he could open his mouth to prod further, you’d beaten him to the punch, “I want your mouth.”
  A diabolical sexy grin spread across his face. Sharp pearly whites glinted in the argent glow menacingly, but only for show. To intimidate you into the correct position. The air in your lungs caught in your throat at the sight, forcing you to shiver. He was going to force you into helplessness with your limbs unable to hold you up afterwards, all accompanied with a mushy mind with him at the centre of it. Duties and resilient responsibilities were a thing of the past. Well, at least for tonight. What you were asking him for was something he was more than qualified to provide. A god-like tongue that made your head spin in a volatile tornado and your thighs squeeze deliciously around his head. The thought began thawing out the embarrassment coiled in your gut and latched into your flesh like barbed coils. Marko managed to pull them out effortlessly and painlessly. Thus, fueled by a fire in his own belly, he flipped you over at the flick of a finger. The cool sheets beneath you were welcomed because of the clammy air. The wind momentarily knocked out of you due to a lustre of giddiness. You laid there, breathless and bothered, watching him slither down your body like a ravenous serpent. Attentive nips and open mouthed kisses pressed along the way. You sighed with contentment, legs parting to fit him between them.
  Gazes locked, he pressed your legs up towards your chest, spreading you open for him. There was little you could do to hide from him. His strong palms prevented such a shameful sin, the tips of his blunt nails digging into the supple backs of your thighs. The sting welcomed by you. Vulnerability was nowhere to be found — not even in your fuzzy brain. He liked it better that way. You were entirely enthralled by impulses and senses. The events of earlier ancient history he didn’t want to revisit any time soon. Wanton desire encompassed you. He’d incinerated all feelings of abashment from your being. You were tainted with a bold desperation. A one track mind that only Marko could read and satisfy.
 “Just relax…” He breathed against the tender skin of your inner thigh. You could entrust him with this.
  When he dove in, he had the enthusiasm of a starved man. The tip of his wet flickering appendage swiped your folds. Once, twice and a third time. On and on it went. The taste of you was salty yet sweet, the perfect addictive combination. You were perfect underneath him, letting his pretty gratified tongue serve blessings upon your clit. Faster and faster he adored you, suckling and nipping upon your sensitive bundle of nerves at the right intervals. It was all so perfect. Driving you further and further up the edge. You squealed under his onslaught, chest rising and falling as if possessed. Your limbs shook, eyes rolling into the rear of your frazzled skull. Yeah, you’d finally escaped. All of your inconsequential concerns fled from your body whilst you pushed Marko further into your sex. It was pathetic as you wantonly moaned his name, a repetitive mantra. So pitiful in fact that your hips rocked against his tongue, the tip of his nose catching your clit. Marko was just happy to drown in you. Your sticky essence dripping down his chin. All he could do was lap up what you offered, and none of it went to waste.
  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuck!” You heaved into the clammy air, your eyes bleary by now.
  Just one more stripe and he was going to ruin you.
  You tumbled from heaven, rocketing down to Earth. Your descent imploring delirium. The ability to quit shaking was nowhere to be found. There was Marko, parting from your folds in a sticky and panting mess. His predator instincts lit aflame like a match in the dark, all because of your erratic heartbeat that had been palpitating under his skillful onslaught. You smelled so superbly delicious it made him delirious, rough hands settled on either side of your head to trap you in the cage he put you in. His glowing yellow eyes and slightly warbled features should have terrified you, yet they did not. You felt a love for the monster that mirrored your feelings in his own, demonic entirety. Your fingers were lazy, ghosting the tips upon his protruded brow bone. Despite his monstrosity, his features morphed back to that of a human’s with your enduring patience. A glow remaining in his perky eyes — an ardent aura surrounded the beast. Calloused fingers smoothed away the stray hairs to your face uncomfortably with sweat. Couldn’t stop the grin that came about from you looking so lost in your thoughts. You were fucked out already and he’d barely even begun. He decided then that he could’ve stared at you like this forever, because not a thought outside of him remained in your head. That’s what he appreciated the most. No competitions, just you and him. That’s all that was yearned for.
  Lips crashed together, though your fight for dominance was easily overthrown by Marko, his pesky fingers pinching and pulling on your nipples. He rolled them between his fingers. A surge of gratitude took over you, hummed right into his mouth. Teeth gnashed together, it was heated, fueled by an endless amount of passion. Oh you were driving him crazy. Your hands fiercely clutched onto his strong shoulders, nails digging into the soft cool flesh of them. You were lost fully in the reality of ecstasy. Disoriented from the notion that once you started, you didn’t want it to stop. He was the incubus that tainted you, and he too could not stop himself from damning you once again. He’d yank you straight into hell with him. You were all his.
  So his palms were strong, scrunching up the bedsheets beside your head, catching the strands of your hair within its hold. It stung, leading a pleasant hiss from you and into his mouth. Your own fingers pinging the button of his jeans before dipping into the waistband of his boxers. His lips broke apart, teeth nipping your bottom lip almost hard enough to draw blood. Yes, you were a promiscuous nymph, working him further and further until precum leaked languidly from the tip, trickling and spilling onto your knuckles. The impish smirk you gave him sealed the deal.
  “Not yet,” he whispered against your ear, a breathy chuckle expelled when you continued. “This is about you, baby. I can’t do that if I’ve busted all over you.” He grinned.
  He did have a fair point. Off the remainder of his clothes went. Now no barriers remain between the pair of you. Naked and vulnerable in an iridescent glow from the moon.
  In typical fashion of your boyfriend, he possessed an impatient roughness to him. A single hand manoeuvred your legs apart, one hiked upon his awaiting forearm and the other snug around his hip. In one swell tug down, you were spread open for him, the tip of his glistening cock pressed into your soaked folds. The minimal friction had invited your hips to buck up rebelliously. Yet the beast watched you with heavy eyes, watching the mouthwatering way he sunk barely into your cute little hole. It was enough for his senses to snap entirely. The second he pushed in fully, a grunt tumbled out and against the shell of your ear. The size of him filled you up in a way that you never thought was imaginable. The intrusion was sudden but smooth, forcing you to whimper and tuck your face into his shoulder. Your legs twitched, tensed whilst your palms instinctively reached out to press themselves against his lower abdomen. You protested, softly pushing back and he obliged, but only to sink back in slowly.
  Yet a sweetness prevailed, his mouth whispering encouragingly into your ear, “That’s it, babygirl. You take me so good.”
  The praise led to your hands smoothing up his rippled abdomen, appreciating the body that belonged to a Greek God. Closer he leaned into you, your body relaxing from the sudden intrusion he’d worked in and out of you with a gentle rocking of his hips. All of it pulled that wolfish simper from your breathless boyfriend. Your hips had a mind of their own, twitching to meet his abundantly stuttering hips in the middle. A dull ache blossomed and pulsed in your hot cunt. You wanted him so badly that it hurt. He pined for you just as violently, enough to pull back swiftly and snap his hips roughly into you. Any semblance of patience eradicated at the weathering fray in the string, crashing over into a dominant nature he was renowned for. You were all too obedient and joyous to follow. The intrusion into your cervix was unexpected, drawing out a wanton cry from your parched throat. His movements were deliberate, gaze darkening substantially in the shade of luscious ecstasy. Every cell in both of your bodies bursting to life whilst Marko did all of the work.
  “M-Marko!” You stammered and gasped. Nothing but a pathetic whimper against the edge of his mouth.
  Your foreheads were pressed together lovingly, hazel eyes finding your watery gaze easily. Tears pricked the corners. The pleasure curling you into his body.
  At this rate, if he kept up his onslaught of devotion, you’d be a mess all over again; shuddering and sighing underneath him in a pitiful fashion. It was his favourite. Watching you crumble under everything he offered you, and by god would he offer you absolutely everything. The mere thought tempting him into overdrive with his impeccable stamina and strength. You could hardly keep up.
  Yet with all of his rough ministrations and hungry motivations, there was a loving twitch to his lips — an extra devotion in the roll and smack each thrust brought. The tip of him hammering home on the delicate spot inside of you. Witnessing what each pull and push built up inside of you. It was perfect, feeling you cream all over him thickly. Your perfect moans and hazy eyes only made him love you more.
  The only response you’d acquired was a grunt gritted between clenched teeth and panting breaths. His calloused digits feathered into your hair, gathering it into his fist. Nothing about him relented. He could tell by your half lidded eyes that you were nearly there. Expression consumed by an ample amount of bliss. It seeped into the air, boasting an array of vibrant hormones and scents. You were bewitching him with your morality, your head toppling back when he tugged on your hair firmly. The notion only forced him to grow more sporadic. Your content mewls of mercy morphing into the sweaty, salty air. His cool skin warmed by yours alone. Yet deep inside, even you knew that you didn’t possess a desire for him to stop. You wanted this. Wanted it more than you had any other time, because you’d stupidly starved yourself of most of your needs.
  Toppling over the edge didn’t seem too far away. You could feel every inch of yourself under the mercy of your painfully vampiric boyfriend. He nurtured you into a quaking mess with his ragged edges, but it was all so utterly perfect. Your throbbing heart thrummed against your rib cage painfully, warping Marko’s features for a second time that night. Though it remained hidden within the cosy crook of your beautiful neck. Each pounding beat synching with his sinful thrusts until everything felt like a hot and heavy blur. Higher and higher you went, rising into cloud nine. He followed behind you, your scent driving him to weakness. He was dizzy, fingers grappling upon your flesh; grasping what he could to both pleasure you and steady himself. Your hands held onto his shoulders, fingers slithering up into his damp curly mullet. Over and over he went, but you held on.
  “Let go, babygirl…” he whispered in a strained husky fashion against your sweaty skin.
  His elongated teeth grazed the palpitating vein of your sweet spot. They glinted threateningly unbeknownst to you.
  A temptation too reckless overcame him. The ruby rushing rivers beneath the surface of fragile skin spoke to him. Sung seductively into his soulless chest. It’s sweet nectar coaxed him in until said sharp teeth grazed a little too harshly. One drop was enough for his tongue to burst to life. Inducing him to suck on the wound. A harsher one warranted more blood to ooze out, and thus you yelped in protest. Though now too delirious to feel much else than the driving force that brought you literally on the edge of your second orgasm of the night. He could barely stop himself, the edge pulling his hips more violently into that back and forth motion — just as harsh but clouded with sloppiness. All until you both spilled over the edge of the cup.
  It was a viral shock, numbing your body into intense bliss. A chorus of heightened groans poured from your mouth. Quaking limbs wrapped around his rocking body, pushing his spilled seed further into your womb. A long, husky groan buried itself into your neck — forcing his brief blood drinking to come to a halt. A heavy ’o’ shape formed your lips, throat hoarse from your incessant whimpers. The crash back down to hell was something in itself. Just as intense whilst you both hurtled, twitched and panted down in the fiery centre of the earth. Both of you left joined together from sensitivity. Gazes locked together with a dopey satisfaction. You watched his mischievous grin on his features, gone slightly pink from your blood. Your boyfriend was high on your blood — no doubt because it felt akin to taking a hit of crack. Yet you remained jelly legged, arms unable to move and your mind fuzzy. You were relaxed as he pulled out, admiring his seed trickling from you before he prized his clean crop top from your floor to clean you up.
  “You… bit me,” you pouted up at him.
  Your own pair of heavy fingertips inspected the small, messy series of puncture wounds engraved into your neck. A form of marking Marko was infamous for implementing. It stung so you winced.
  “My bad.” Was all he grinned out in a lopsided fashion.
  But it wasn’t an apology. He’d never apologised for such an act — not even in his controlled feeding on you. You were his and he was yours. Maybe he was a little too possessive. Nevermind, because the post orgasm glow only invited him in on shaky forearms. The tip of his nose skimmed your collarbone, inhaling your luxurious scent. His tongue poked out, lapping up the rich droplets you offered him of no fault of your own. It tasted sweet, yet decadent, almost like spiced mulled wine. The coolness of his appendage felt relieving against the hotness of your skin.
  “Thank you,” you mumbled sleepily, fingernails softly dragging against his scalp to hone in on the appreciation that swarmed you.
  Your gratitude was humorous. It made him chuckle as he pulled back, towering over your fully relaxed body. He tilted his head, “For fucking your brains out?”
  “Mhmmmm!” You nodded, adamant.
  More laughter propelled from his mouth, because Marko was not quite sure how else to respond. You’d never thanked him for such a thing before, and it was a warrant for teasing that’s for sure. Still, it made his still heart swell a thousand times in size, mimicking the distant feeling of a pulse of his heart. His silent lips pressed ardent kisses to the wound on your neck, running his tongue over the wound only to watch it magically heal somewhat. Then his mouth travelled to your ear, just to hear your soft giggle in time, sleepily stirring beneath him.
  “I love you, baby.” A smile evident against the shell of your ear.
  “Love you too…” you sighed with your own mirrored grin, all dopey from exhaustion.
  The tug of sleep won and you plummeted into the blackness your closed eyelids entailed. It was a warm welcome after weeks of choppy and restless sleep from rampant anxiety. Marko laid there beside you, his fingers hovering over your tired muscles to clean you up and smooth ardent circles into sore patches of skin from his rough handling. An arm of his draped underneath your head as you silently curled into him. Your relaxed breaths tickled the nape of his dewy neck. The dilemma was averted and now he had you back. A few hours was all he could spare before he’d be forced to bid you farewell. The need for the dank darkness of the cave would call to him before sunrise. Yet for now he admired your tranquility with a laboured inhale and exhale. He pulled the covers over you both, hoping that your relaxation would remain until the following night. He’d sweep you away from your work and into the exhilarating arms of a good time. Thundering down the Boardwalk and harbour, perched on the back of his metallic steed. The pair of you damned, left to unleash your sly delightful terror upon Santa Carla. Yes, your absence had been so missed by your boyfriend as he stared up at your ceiling with satisfaction.
  “Crisis averted.”
✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・゚✧
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tboybuck · 9 months
36 and 7 could be a fun Steddie combo!
hiiiii sav!!! i hope you're feeling a little better - this is for you!
36. "You were put on this earth to give me a headache" 7. "It could be worse" cw: injuries
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It happened so fast. Steve doesn’t even know how it happened, just that it happened so. Fucking. Fast. One minute Eddie was at the top of the stairs and the next he was at the bottom, flat on his back with his… oh, no, with his ankle bent at a weird angle.
Eddie was groaning in pain, propping himself up on one of the stairs by the elbow, looking at his ankle with a look of horror on his face. And Steve was in crisis aversion mode. He was at Eddie’s side in the blink of an eye, his focus narrowed to the rapidly swelling joint, the heat radiating off of Eddie, the tremor in Eddie’s voice as he asked if it was broken.
“Yeah,” Steve told him. “Yeah. Eds, it’s probably broken. What were you doing?”
“Nothing!” Eddie insisted. “I swear, I think I just missed the top step.”
“Okay, well maybe try paying attention to where you’re putting your feet next time, yeah?”
“That’s not the problem, Steve.”
“Sure it isn’t. Because you’re always so spacially aware, huh?”
“Jesus Christ, now you sound like Jeff. Why the fuck are we fighting right now? Can you please get me up and take me to the fucking hospital?”
“I swear to god it’s like you were put on this earth to give me a fucking headache.”
“It could be worse,” Eddie said with a shrug as Steve hauled him to his feet. Eddie winced but he kept his weight off of it. “At least this time it’s a normal injury instead of a supernatural one.”
“Small miracles,” Steve muttered.
And the thing is… yeah, it could have been a lot worse. Eddie was clumsy, and Steve was forever the one paying the price for it, but this was the first time he’d broken a bone since everything with the Upside Down. His first major injury, really.
And Eddie didn’t complain the whole drive to the hospital, even though Steve knew that Eddie hated the hospital - hated the way that it smelled, hated the way that it reminded him of the three weeks he spent there in the spring of ‘86. It had been years now, and they weren’t even living in Hawkins anymore and the hospital they were driving to wasn’t the same one that Eddie spent all that time in. 
Something like that never really leaves a person, though. It would never leave Eddie and it would never leave Steve. And whenever they had to make a trip downtown to the emergency room - much more common now that they were on their own, for whatever reason - they would both put on a brave face and suck it up.
Eddie really was put on this earth to give Steve a headache some days, but it was a headache Steve was willing to live with. 
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help me kick writer's block in the mf teeth
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jimmyspades · 7 days
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berryblosom · 4 months
DUMPLING ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ Osamu Miya X fem!reader
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S: rumours cause you to have doubts about your relationship with Osamu, he proves you wrong.
You were completely aware of what people thought of you. Growing up with the Miya twins definitely came with its fair share of attention, unwanted of course but when your best friends are as popular as they are it’s hard to stay hidden. Even till this day, 10 years later you’re still the subject of pointless gossip and rumours.
You spend a lot of time with Osamu at his shop, it was like your little haven to escape to after a gruelling day of work. Of all the rumours that went around about you the one that came up the most was that you and Osamu were dating. It’s true you were a lot closer to the younger Miya twin and compared to Atsumu who is often away, you saw Osamu almost every day but that didn’t mean you liked him.
Fine you were madly in love with the man. It was easier back in high school when you barely talked because you knew Atsumu first but without the loud mouth blonde as your buffer you were at risk of spilling your secret and ruining your friendship with him.
“You look deep in thought, what’s up dumpling?” You could just melt into a puddle right there and then. Osamu adopted the nickname name dumpling for you back in high school, it was used as a tease at first because your mom once only packed you dumplings for lunch for a whole week but now your heart lurches every time you hear it.
“It’s nothing, just work stuff.” You awkwardly lie and laugh hoping he’s doesn’t push it. Osamu notices though, you’re not asking him a million questions about how his day was and you barely touched the meal he placed infront of you five minutes ago.
“That moron from work still bother ya?” You shake your head no. The moron in question was your manager who seemed to have it out for you. When you invited your coworkers over to have lunch at Onigiri Miya, he didn’t quite make the best impression on Osamu.
“No he wasn’t in today thank goodness.”
“Then what’s got ya in such a huff?” He ruffles your hair and you swatt his hand away.
“I’m not in a huff, just….do you think I’m clingy?” You’ve gone and said it now, you peer up at Osamu hoping he didn’t find the question strange but he just looked confused.
“Of course not, at least not in a bad way.” What did that mean? You were glad the shop was closed otherwise people would hear how pathetic you sound. “Whos got ya thinking like that?”
You hesitate but decide there no use in hiding it from him.
“The other day, that girl from our high school came in remember?” Osamu tips his head back trying to remember, he gets a lot of customers so it was hard to remember them all but he does recall how excited you were to see some old classmates.
“Well I bumped into her again and she said that I was clinging to you a lot and that she wanted to talk to you but I wouldn’t let her.” You bury your face in your hands, you didn’t have the guts to look at him. You didn’t want to tell him but if you were stopping him from talking to girl no matter how much it hurt you wanted to know.
“Why would she say that? I didn’t want to talk to her.”
“It’s okay if you did! I know I’m here a lot and she seemed really into you.” Osamu frowns at how you were pushing away and not looking at him.
“What about you?” You finally look up from your palms to see him pouting down at you.
“What about me?” You face flushes slightly as Osamu bends over the counter to come closer.
“Are you into me?” Your eyes widen and it took all the core strength you had not to fall backwards from you chair. Osamu didn’t break eye contact, he was a cool as he always was while you were spluttering and trying not to burst into flames
“W-why would you ask that?”
“Because i want to know.” He states verily. Osamu had his own speculations about your feelings for him, he hoped it was the same as the ones he had for you but he wanted to hear it coming from your mouth.
“If I said yes, what would you do.” You fleeting confidence was the only think keeping you from fainting in his moment.
“Don’t play with me dumpling.” The silence in the room was deafening. Your palms were sweaty and Osamu being so composed made you sweat even more.
“You didn’t answer my question.” He narrowed his eyes at your cryptic attempt to challenge him. The space between your faces was almost nonexistent, you eyes flickered every few seconds between Osamu eyes and his lips hoping your want to kiss him wasnt too obvious.
“I would kiss you and ask you out on a date.”
“Real-“ before you could finish Osamus lips were on yours. His cold hands come up to cradle your face and his thumbs caress your cheeks softly. You grab the back of his neck and pull him closer to you. Never in your dreams did you imagine your first kiss with Osamu would be like this let alone in his Onigiri shop.
Osamu breaks for a second, breathing heavily. “I’m sorry, you just looked so pretty.” His pecks your lips and travels all around your face. “I wanted to do this for so long.”
How long?” You we’re on the verge of tears, happy ones of course but knowing that Osamu may have had the same feelings as you this whole time was upsetting. You could’ve been together since the beginning but you were too afraid.
“Since we met.” He looks down when your eyes widen in shock. “I was just scared you didn’t feel the same or that you’d never talk to me if I told ya.” You were both such idiots.
“Oh samu, I feel the same.”
“You do?” He grins
“Of course I do, I was just afraid of the same thing.” He picks you up onto the counter and swings your legs over to the other side so he could stand between them. You lean in for another kiss, this one much deeper and passionate than the last. His hands slip to your waist, sneakily snaking his fingers under your shirt.
You break once again but keep you forehead rested on his. “Soooo if I wanted to skip the date and ask to be your boyfriend ya wouldn’t run for the hills?” You laugh making Osamu smile.
“I wouldn’t, but I still want the date.” You tease and hug him close, resting your head on his chest.
“Anything for you pretty lady.”
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jeonsbwi · 1 year
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choose your fighter: 💌💭🤍☁️ / 🖤🎹📓🐈‍⬛ (for @yoonqiful)
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wearesociety · 3 months
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read here | the vampire diaries universe | bonnie/klaus | e | 12k words
His rich scent—spice rum and oak maybe? Surround her, as he places two fingers underneath her chin and raises her head to meet his gaze. Piercing ink-blue eyes stare into hers.
A warmth spreads on her skin.
He licks his lips. Senusal, it pulls at her gut. “It’s a maze until someone reaches out, then you're found.”
Bonnie finds herself entangled with a man, she knows she won’t survive.
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