jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
Furball Mania
Pairing: Bucky x Reader Prompts: “I may have accidentally sort of adopted five cats” & „Oh, are you ticklish?“ Warnings: fluff, kittens, kitten dad Bucky, pregnancy talk, IVF being oversimplified, Jiji from Kiki’s Delivery Service being misgendered cause I don’t care. A/N: This is for @hopingforbarnes​‘ writing challenge. Congrats again!
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He couldn‘t just leave them there. The poor little souls. Put into a small box and left to starve in the outskirts of New York City. He didn‘t have the heart to leave them there. Five little furballs, two white, two black and a grey one. „Poor little babies.“ He mumbled, before picking up the box and picking each one up to check for injuries. A little meow of protest was emitting from the tiny body he had just picked up. The baby viciously tried to bite his flesh hand and made him chuckle. „I see, you‘re healthy, little guy.“ He put the white kitten back with the others and picked up the box that had a little „For Free“ standing on it. You weren‘t at home right now. The perfect opportunity to get them checked and maybe adopted out. Well, maybe he already had grown fond of them, maybe he wanted to keep them all. But he knew you were well read on how to care for kittens and had your opinions on shelters in the area. Under the sound of his motorbike and tiny meows he made his way to your shared apartment.
After counting them again he carried the box up the stairs, opened the door and set the box down on the countertop of the kitchen isle. „Um.“ He looked around for more fitting things to put them in. His eyes fell onto the cabinet holding your swimming pool stuff. He got out the little kids pool and three of your throw blankets and created a little makeshift playpen. Under more protesting meows he put the five little furballs into their new space and opened the laptop while sitting down next to them. „Kittens need warmth.“ He muttered and got up to get the little space heater you had for when he wasn‘t at home. „They need to be taught grooming. The best way to to do that is with a toothbrush.“ He read quietly and got up again. He picked up the grey one and started brushing over its fur, getting tiny little purrs vibrating his metal hand. „What do I give you to eat and how do you know if you‘re a boy or a girl?“ He muttered and got a tiny meow back, as if the tiny thing said, „You got this.“ „Hey Friday?“ His phone lit up, „How do I know how old a kitten is?“ The AI explained the little details for guessing a kittens age and he determined that the babies must be around 5 to 6 weeks. „Oh, I know from your new mommy that you can eat wet food now.“ He said to a black kitten he held up to his face. He got up...again, filled a shallow plate with water, put it into the playpen and went to the neighbor. „Oh, hello young man.“ Miss Blume was a cute old lady in her 70s, „What can I do for you?“ „I just found some little kittens abandoned on the street and since you have a cat I wanted to ask if I could borrow a bit of wet food until I can go out and buy it for them.“ He scratched his back. He might be 100+ but he still felt like a little boy in front of the elderly. „Of course, one second.“ She vanished for a bit before coming back with a few little cans of wet food and handed them over. „Thank you, Miss Blume. You are a lifesaver.“ He smiled at her. „No problem, just knock if you need anything else.“ She smiled before closing the door. He‘d have to buy the lady some new cat food and flowers, but at least he could try and feed the kittens now. Coming back into the living room he saw two of them walking around the rug and picked them both up again. „No breaking out of the baby prison, okay?“ He looked at both of them and got one meow back. The following hour was spent feeding them carefully, laughing at their ridiculous faces full of food stains and then cleaning said food from their faces. „Friday? How can I determine what sex these kitten have?“ He yelled over to the phone and got an in-depth explanation. And she also gave an explanation on how to help them pee and poo if they still needed it, while she was at it. A sigh left him, but he was a dad now, wasn‘t he. He would have to train them to go potty. Another sigh before he started determining their gender. The grey kitten was a girl, he decided to name her Shadow. The black kittens were a boy and a girl, he named them Jiji and Void. The white kittens also were a girl and a boy, those two got the names Alpine & Cloud. „Shadow, Jiji, Void, Alpine and Cloud.“ He mumbled and looked at them proudly. Until he heard a key outside of the apartment door and panicked. „Please be nice kitties and don‘t be chaotic.“ He pleaded before picking up two of them.
Your footsteps got louder until you stood in the door with a raised eyebrow. “I may have accidentally sort of adopted five cats,“ he immediately commented and made you laugh. You put down your bag and threw the shoes away before sitting down in front of him, seeing his apologizing smile. „Already fed them?“ He nodded with a super proud smile. One of the white kittens tried to walk towards you in a wobbly manner and lots of meows. „Hello, who are you, baby?“ You cooed. „That‘s Alpine, well, could also be Cloud.“ He mumbled and you grinned at him. „I need all the names!“ You giggled excited. „That‘s Shadow, she‘s a shy girl. This is Jiji, a girl. Obviously named her after your favorite movie cat. And that one is Void, a good boy. Alpine is a girl and Cloud is a boy.“ He smiled a little nervous. „I love them.“ You smiled at them and grabbed the toothbrush laying around to groom little Cloud. „Cloud because Claude. I get it. Idiot.“ You rolled your eyes and saw him get a paw on the nose with a big grin. „Do you like your new mommy, Alpine?“ he cooed and your heart melted like ice cream in the sun. A little meow came back at him and you heard the tiny purr. He looked so happy and at ease. How could you not keep them? Hours of sitting with the kittens and a pee incident later you laid on the rug with him. He got a light pinch into his side from you and giggled, „Oh, you‘re ticklish? Since when is that a thing?“ You grinned and attacked him. „S-Stop.“ He grabbed you closer, still giggling. Your face was right there, right above him, a sight he‘ll never grow tired of. „If we had babies they would each have one cat.“ You contemplated and saw the sparkle in his eyes. „Do you...want babies?“ He angled his head all cute and innocent. „I don‘t know. It‘s definitely something I‘m thinking about.“ You smiled down at him and he mirrored it. „How many?“ „I always thought one, but now that I think of it...we could handle three.“ „As a bigger sibling. You don‘t handle three children, you minimize chaos.“ His nose crinkled with a big smile. „I‘m sure we could have three at once if we IVF it and I‘m healthy enough.“ You continued spitballing. „You sound pretty serious about it.“ He bit his lip to hold back all the happiness threatening to burst from him. „I mean, you took very good care of these fur babies. I‘m sure you‘d be equally as good with human babies.“ You leaned down for a kiss. „And we could move into a big house and live the suburban life.“ He was all warm inside. „And have cute nurseries.“ „Maybe some goats if the property is big enough.“ „You and your goats.“ „Hey, they are lovely animals!“ „We can have all the babies you want, darling.“ His hands wandered down your sides. „Well, let‘s research the hell out of it tomorrow.“ You leaned down for a kiss before attacking him with tickles again.
A/N: If you want to look at cute kittens and help them out, check out @kittenxlady on Instagram.
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Unexpected jealousy
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader.
Word count: 1111 words.
Summary: The mission was perfect until Steve didn’t follow the orders.
Warnings: some smut references, nothing explicit, jealous.
A/N: This is my entry to the @jbbuckybarnes ‘ Writing Challenge with prompt #12:
“All you had to do was NOT start a fight on an UNDERCOVER mission”
Also is my entry to the @hopingforbarnes ‘s Lucy’s 250 Writing Challenge with the dialogue prompt #2:
“You’re gonna do what?”
“I SAID if he opens his mouth one more time I’m gonna shove my gun up so far up his as-”
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English, if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog. 
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You had achieved the objective of the mission, however, the plan you had could not be carried out, thanks to the jealousy of your boyfriend Steve; which was completely unexpected for everyone, and he never acted like this.
The mission was simple, something routine, you had planned it so well that there was no way that something could go wrong or you could not achieve the objective, it was practically the perfect plan ... or at least that was what you believed.
An undercover mission to obtain information and a few resources that were useful to S.H.I.E.L.D. on other missions or to stop more enemies, however, it was something you had already done hundreds or thousands of times in the past.
Being the only girl on the team, usually, in those types of missions, you had to be the “partner” of your companions, sometimes you had to use your charms, the advantage was that you always took care of you and protected you.
This time, the plan you made included that you and Brock had to pretend you were a couple in order to get closer to the head of the organization and get what you needed.
At the time of planning, Steve showed no objection or resistance, so the way he had acted took everyone by surprise.
You enter easily sneak into the club and strike up a friendly conversation, everything seemed to go according to plan.
"I have a proposal for you," the chief said.
"What is?" You asked curiously.
The man smiled and put a hand on your shoulder.
"I will give you a little of my secret as long as the three of us go to one of the rooms to have fun," he suggested as he stroked your arm.
You and Brock looked like you were trying to decide whether or not it was time to talk to the rest of the team.
"I think you need a moment," he said before retiring for a few minutes.
"We'll have to use the alternative plan," Brock said.
"If we don't accept we won't get anything, we just have to follow the plan, you have everything, right?"
“Of course.”
"We have no other choice."
“I agree”
Brock went to talk to the boss, then you approached, you went to the room, you managed to get everything under control, in fact, Brock was about to gag the guy when the door opened and Steve entered.
“But what…?
Out of nowhere, Steve knocked the guy unconscious, causing you and Brock to look confused.
“What are you doing here? You had to wait for our signal, everything was under control, and we already got almost everything we needed “Brock demanded.
Steve ignored it, so you proceeded to take things and took the guy with you, the rest of the team kept the rest of the place under control when you saw that Steve had entered.
You were silent on the return trip until you decided to speak.
“How will we explain what happened?”
"It's all Rumlow’s fault," Steve attacked.
"No, it's all your fault Rogers, we had it under control" Brock replied.
The two men started arguing again, you were already getting tired, you needed them to shut up in order to think, you couldn't believe you were acting like little children fighting over candy.
“All you had to do was NOT start a fight on an UNDERCOVER mission!”
The two fell silent and turned to see you, not knowing exactly what to say to defend themselves.
“We are no longer in high school to make these scenes, mature! You continued.
"Rumlow just wants to sleep with you," Steve complained.
You let out a groan stifled by despair, you had started fighting again, and you were already frustrated.
"If he opens his mouth one more time I'm going to shove my gun up his ass to shut him up," Brock threatened.
"You're gonna do what?" You asked.
“I SAID if he opens his mouth one more time I'm gonna shove my gun up so far up his as-”
You slapped the two of them to shut up already, causing the rest of the team to startle and the two of them looking confused.
"I’m tired, you are supposed to be adults, I will make the report and all of you are going to read it and that is what officially happened during this mission and I don’t want any complaints or anything else, understood?".
Everyone around you nodded without daring to contradict you, you had never seen you angry.
"And if you don't like it next time you two were a couple or go on a mission just the two of you," you threatened.
With that, the fight ended, as soon as you and Steve arrived at the house you started working on the report.
"Honey, I'm sorry about what happened, it's that I can't tolerate him being around you," Steve apologized.
"You know I love you," you replied without taking your eyes off the computer.
“I know but...”
"But Steve nothing, the mission could end badly" you interrupted him.
In one movement you closed the computer, the report was already finished and you had sent it to everyone on the team. You turned to face Steve, who was looking at you with his typical puppy look, he never liked that you got mad at him.
"I'm sorry," he apologized.
You saw him without changing the expression on your face, in fact, it seemed to him that he was trying to look completely like a scolded puppy to try to soften you.
"Jealous," you murmured.
His attitude was beginning to take effect on you, you were beginning to make an effort not to kiss him.
"Truly love, I'm sorry, you're the only one that matters to me and I'm worried that something bad could happen to you," she said.
“What would have happened if the mission had gone wrong because of your interference?”
"I would have protected you, seriously," he replied.
You made a gesture of exasperation, you got up to leave when he stopped you.
"Forgive me, I don't like that you're angry," she said, starting to fill your face with little kisses.
You couldn't resist anymore and you kissed him.
"You are so beautiful," he said, pulling apart a little.
"You are the only one I love," you assured him.
“Me too, I would do anything to remedy it," he said, giving you small kisses on the lips.
"Anything?" You asked maliciously.
He understood, he carried you to the room you shared and closed the door, he had a lot of work to do to fix his mistake.
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stuckonjbbarnes · 4 years
Shot Me Down {One Shot}
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Warnings: Character death, Angst
Word Count: 874
Prompt: Bitter Heart- Memi
Pairing: Loki x OC {Artemis}
A/N: Let me start off by apologizing in advance. @official-and-unstable-satan​ challenged me to write something under 1K that would fuck her up...SO. Also this is for @hopingforbarnes​‘s 250 challenge! Love you babes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When Artemis agreed to come back to the Avengers, she had hoped Loki got the hint and would stay far, far away. But when she found him instead ranting like a madman, to a clone of herself, she knew that she had to do something. He was really torn up and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t still. So she did what she shouldn’t have and she hugged him. There had been a lot of tears and rushed kisses and holding, just holding each other.
“I love you.” Loki mumbles into her hair and she squeezes tighter.
“I love you too...but it’s going to take some time.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” He promises.
If you asked Steve, he’d say that he was the most happy that Artemis was back. But if you asked literally any other avenger, they would argue that they were the happiest...injuries had significantly dropped and almost every quinjet was returned in tip top condition. They all needed Artemis back and having Loki in good spirits didn’t hurt either.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Let me get this straight...you want me to go back to 2012 and get the tesseract back...from myself?” Loki asks Steve at the briefing table.
“Yes. Because you know you better than any of us. We’ll send Artemis with you, to keep things from escalating...keep the pressure down.” She squeezes Loki’s hand and the god smiles.
“Fine. If you insist. And just how are we doing that?”
“Pym particles. Take however long you need and then get back here.” They nod in agreement.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“What are you wearing, my love?” Artemis smirks at Loki’s outfit and gelled back hair, golden horns in his hand.
“It’s called fashion.”
“No wonder Stark called you reindeer games.” She laughs and dodges his tackle, racing into the bathroom.
“You have to come out eventually, darling. Don’t think I won’t get you for that.” Loki taunts and Artemis smiles at herself in the mirror, piling her hair into a bun before sheepishly exiting, to find Loki watching her carefully.
“Shut up.” She whines.
“Truly exquisite.” Loki offers his arm and the pair head to the lab for their mission.
“You’re looking a little green, love.” Artemis whispers as Banner hands them each a couple vials of Pym Particles.
“I...we have a history,” Loki attempts to laugh it off but Artemis senses the tension and eases the pressure a bit.
“You two ready?” Bruce asks.
“WAIT.” Artemis calls, “Shouldn’t we have weapons?”
“I’ll protect you.” Loki smiles and she pauses but shrugs off whatever she’d been feeling.
“We’ll see you in 5 seconds!” Steve smiles, leaning against a desk.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If it weren’t for the fact that Artemis was holding Loki's arm, she wouldn’t have been able to tell the two of them apart. He let go of her, going into mission mode and Artemis was meant to fade into the background and keep an eye out. Watch for anything amiss.
She had eyes on both men and everything seemed like it was going smoothly with her Loki glancing over to her every so often, until one of the Lokis vanished. The 2012 Loki, she realized. She felt a presence behind her and suddenly she was being held with her arms pinned to her side.
“Well, this is fascinating.” Loki purrs and she realizes this is not her Loki and she has nothing to defend herself with.
“And just why am I being watched, pet?” He simpers and Artemis stays quiet.The other Loki seems to realize what’s happening a second too late.
“Let her go.” He walks forward with purpose and the Loki behind her throws her towards him. “We’ve come for the tesseract, hand it over and we’ll leave you to your business.”
“A spy...and who are you? What manner of magic has you cloaked as myself?” 2012 Loki has his head cocked. When neither speak, he tuts and lifts a gun, “I do despise spies.”
“She’s not a spy...since when do we use midgardian weapons?” Her Loki asks cooly.
“Since they’ve been proven to be so effective.” He aims towards them. “The tesseract stays with me.”
Before Artemis can blink, this earlier version of the love of her life has emptied the magazine of the gun he was holding. Looking down, Artemis sees the blood staining her suit...feels the bullets rip through her cleanly...feels all the wrongness inside her body.
“Loki!” She cries and he looks down at her, nearly dropping her, as his legs falter.
“Artemis no...no, no, no. Let me take you back...we can fix this.” He growls cradling her body, preparing to use his magic.
“Loki...it’s okay. That’s not you...I don’t blame you.”
“That was me.”
“Hey….hey, it’s okay,” Artemis soothes Loki, trying her best to ease the pressure around him. “It’s okay.”
“None of this is okay, my darling love.” He mumbles, brushing the hair out of her face. “Stay with me.”
“I love you, don’t ever forget that.” Artemis squeezes his hand lightly and let’s go.
“No...no!” Loki screams but there’s no one around them to hear.
“Nonononononono. Come back!” He shakes her shoulders but her face remains serene, eyes closed. “COME BACK.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Permanent Taglist: @sebbbystaaan​ @valkyriesryde​ @buckysmischief​ @murdermornings​ @donnaintx​ @kitkatd7​ @merigoldcaroline​ @thosekidswhohuntmonsters​ @firefly-in-darkness​ @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam​ @buckys-other-punk​ @mrsbanreswillseeyou​ @official-and-unstable-satan​
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hopingforromanoff · 4 years
Hi!! I just came upon your writing challenge can i do prompt 20. “This is why I fell in love with you” ??? with Steve x reader thank you!!
Yes! Consider it yours love!☺️☺️
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nekoannie-chan · 4 years
Celos inesperados
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Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora
Palabras: 1027 palabras
Resumen: El plan para llevar a cabo la misión era perfecto, hasta que Steve no siguió lo acordado.
Advertencias: referencia de Smut, nada explicito, celos.
N/A: Es mi entrada para Jbbuckybarnes’ Writing Challenge con la frase #12:
“Todo lo que tenían que hacer era NO empezar una pelea en una misión ENCUBIERTA”.
Y también es mi entrada para Lucy’s 250 Writing Challenge con el diálogo #2:
“¿Vas a hacer qué?”
“DIJE que si él abre su boca una vez más voy a meterle mi pistola tan adentro de su cu...”
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien.
DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
Otros lugares donde publico: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
Si te gusto por favor vota, comenta y rebloguea. 
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Habían logrado el objetivo de la misión, sin embargo el plan que tenían no lo habían podido llevar a cabo, gracias a los celos de tu novio Steve; cosa que fue completamente inesperada para todos, él nunca actuaba así.
La misión era sencilla algo rutinario, lo habían planeado tan bien que no había manera alguna de que algo saliera mal o no pudiesen lograr el objetivo, prácticamente era el plan perfecto…o al menos eso era lo que creían.
Una misión encubierta para obtener información y unos cuantos recursos que eran útiles para S.H.I.E.L.D. en otras misiones o para detener a más enemigos, sin embargo era algo que ya habían hecho cientos o miles de veces en el pasado.
Al ser la única chica del equipo usualmente en ese tipo de misiones te tocaba ser la “pareja” de tus compañeros, a veces tenías que usar tus encantos, la ventaja era que siempre te cuidaban y protegían.
Esta vez, el plan que hicieron incluía que Brock y tú tenían que fingir que eran una pareja para poder acercarse al jefe de la organización y obtener lo que necesitaban.
En el momento de la planeación Steve no mostró ninguna objeción o resistencia, por eso la forma en la que había actuado tomó a todos por sorpresa.
Lograron colarse con facilidad al club y entablar una conversación amistosa, todo parecía ir de acuerdo al plan.
—Les tengo una propuesta—dijo el jefe.
— ¿Cuál?—preguntaste curiosa.
El hombre sonrió y puso una mano en tu hombro.
—Le daré un poco de mi secreto siempre y cuando los tres nos vayamos a una de las habitaciones a divertimos—propuso mientras acariciaba tu brazo.
Brock y tú se vieron como si estuvieran tratando decidir si ya era momento de hablarle o no al resto del equipo.
—Creo que necesitan un momento—dijo antes de retirarse unos minutos.
—Tendremos que usar el plan alternativo—afirmó Brock.
—Si no aceptamos no obtendremos nada, simplemente hay que seguir el plan, tienes todo, ¿no?—dijiste.
—No tenemos otra opción.
—De acuerdo
Brock fue a hablar con el jefe, luego te acercaste, fueron a la habitación, lograron tener todo bajo control, de hecho Brock estaba a punto de amordazar al sujeto cuando la puerta se abrió y Steve entró.
— ¿Pero qué…?
De la nada Steve dejó inconsciente al tipo, provocando que tú y Brock se vieran confundidos.
— ¿Qué estás haciendo aquí? tenías que esperar nuestra señal,  todo estaba bajo control, ya casi obteníamos todo lo que necesitábamos—reclamó Brock.
Steve lo ignoró, así que procedieron a tomar las cosas y se llevaron al tipo con ustedes, el resto del equipo mantuvo al resto del lugar bajo control al ver que Steve había entrado.
Iban en silencio en el viaje de regreso hasta que decidiste hablar.
— ¿Cómo explicaremos lo que sucedió?
—Todo es con culpa de Rumlow—atacó Steve.
—No, todo es tu culpa Rogers, lo teníamos bajo control—respondió Brock
Los dos hombres comenzaron a discutir de nuevo, ya te estabas cansando, necesitabas que se callaran para poder pensar, no podías creer que estuvieran actuando como niños pequeños peleando por dulces.
—Todo lo que tenían que hacer era NO empezar una pelea en una misión ENCUBIERTA
Los dos se callaron y voltearon a verte sin saber que decir exactamente para defenderse.
—Ya no estamos en la preparatoria como para que hagan estas escenitas, ¡maduren! continuaste.
—Rumlow sólo quiere acostarse contigo—se quejó Steve.
Soltaste un quejido sofocado por la desesperación, habían comenzado a pelear de nuevo, ya te habías frustrado.
— Si abre la boca una vez más voy a meterle mi arma por su trasero para que se calle—amenazó Brock.
— ¿Vas a hacer qué?—preguntaste.
—DIJE que si él abre su boca una vez más voy a meterle mi pistola tan adentro de su cu...
Le diste una bofetada a los dos para que ya se callaran, provocando que el resto del equipo se sobresaltara y los dos te vieran confundidos.
—Ya me cansé, se supone que son adultos, yo haré el reporte y todos ustedes lo leerán y eso es lo que oficialmente ocurrió durante esta misión y no quiero reclamos ni nada más, ¿entendido?—alzaste la voz.
Todos a tu alrededor asintieron sin atreverse a contradecirte, nunca te habían visto enojada.
—Y si no les gusta la próxima vez ustedes dos eran pareja o ir a una misión únicamente ustedes dos—amenazaste.
Con eso la pelea terminó, en cuanto Steve y tú llegaron a la casa comenzaste a trabajar en el reporte.  
—Cariño lamento lo que pasó, es que no tolero que él esté cerca de ti—se disculpó Steve.
—Sabes que te amo a ti—le respondiste sin quitar los ojos de la computadora.
—Lo sé pero...
—Pero nada Steve, la misión pudo acabar mal—lo interrumpiste.
De un movimiento cerraste la computadora, el reporte ya estaba terminado y se lo habías mandado a todos los del equipo. Volteaste para quedar frente a Steve, quien te veía con su típica mirada de cachorro, nunca le había gustado que te enojaras con él.
—Lo lamento—se disculpó.
Lo viste sin cambiar la expresión de tu rostro, de hecho te pareció que esforzaba en verse completamente como un cachorro regañado para tratar que te ablandaras.
Su actitud estaba comenzando a hacer efecto en ti, comenzabas a hacer un esfuerzo por no besarlo.
—En verdad amor, lo lamento, eres la única que me importa y me preocupa que algo malo te pudiera pasar—dijo.
— ¿Qué hubiera pasado si la misión hubiera salido mal por tu intromisión?
—Te hubiera protegido, en serio—respondió.
Hiciste un gesto de exasperación, te levantaste para irte cuando él te detuvo.
—Perdóname, no me gusta que estés enojada—dijo comenzando a llenar tu rostro con pequeños besos.
No pudiste resistir más y lo besaste.
—Es que eres tan hermosa—dijo separándose un poco.
—Eres el único que amo—le aseguraste.
—Yo también.
—Haría cualquier cosa para remediarlo—dijo dándote pequeños besos en los labios.
— ¿Cualquier cosa?—preguntaste con malicia.
Él entendió, te cargó hasta la habitación que compartían y cerró la puerta, tenía mucho trabajo por hacer para arreglar su error.
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