#horror movie asks
cyanide-latte · 4 months
19&20 for the horror asks? :0
Tumblr's being a bitch and won't let me upload audio files directly so hopefully this works instead as an alternative! Here's the answers!
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graveyardrabbit · 2 months
20 21 23 👀
20. Mandatory October viewing?
you definitely can’t go wrong with any of the classic Universal monster movies for Halloween. also, it may or may not technically be a horror film, but I love watching Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983) during October
21. Favourite Slasher?
Absurd (1981) my beloved. I’ve already mentioned that this is one of those “I didn’t say it was good, I said it was liked it” instances, but this movies has great practical gore effects (do you want to see a man hold his own intestines? of course you do!) and the killer has a legitimately intimidating presence. All in all a fun time!
23. Favourite Body Horror?
I love the body horror genre so much, it’s really hard to pick just one. But I’m gonna go with The Quatermass Xperiment (1955) for this answer. I don’t want to say too much and give the plot away but I have watched that one approximately *checks notes* Many Times (and this is also another one where the practical effects are so incredibly cool)
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gophergal · 5 months
favorite horror film with number in the title 🎤
Technically a thriller buuuut
Se7en. That movie slaps so hard
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iris-jaxx665 · 8 months
Carrie: What is your most embarrassing sex/masturbation story? Have you ever been caught?
i dont get embarrassed about sex and i cant masturbate, but i did get caught having sex once, we were next to a river on a walkpath and a couple of old ladies walked by. not sure if they noticed but it freaked the dude out enough that He sagged
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random-jot · 1 year
Hello! I hope no one asked these yet, but invasion of the bodysnatchers, final destination and rosemary’s baby
invasion of the bodysnatchers: how do you think people see you/how do you see yourself?
ah, afraid someone did beat you to the punch on that one; already answered here
final destination: what's something everyone else hates, but you love?
when I start talking about the 1999 Pangea Software game 'Bugdom,' which was the only videogame me & my sister were ever allowed growing up 😂 
oh, Oh, OH! No, yeah, and Season 4 of Heroes, which most people seem to cite as the worst one, but I think it's the best it got since season one. Obviously season 2 and 3 got affected by the writers strike, so the storylines got kinda whack, but I think season 4 was where it was just on the cusp of recovering what it used to be, plus Samuel was a cool villain, and it was refreshing for them not to be fighting Sylar for once. Certainly not as good as Season 1, but I still really enjoyed it
And for the sake of the sake, I'll shout out The World's End too, final movie in the Cornetto Trilogy, it is in-cred-i-ble and not enough people gave it a second, or frankly even a first chance
rosemary's baby: what's something everyone else loves but you hate?
ok i got some stuff for this one. Our history teacher at school, everyone else seemed to love him, I couldn't stand him and I'm failry sure he didn't like me either. Also lamb as a meat, since childhood it's made me feel sick, and whenever I bring it up people act like it's crazy, everyone acts like it's the god of meats, whereas i know the truth that it is by far the worst of them.
oh and also, just sports, like, in general, playing/watching/anything it's just never appealed to me in any way, i don't get it. I am basically this gif of moss from the IT Crowd:
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avnj0gia · 2 years
🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 horror villain you’d let smash🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
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Oh thank god, 10’s the limit
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smalltownfae · 1 year
Horror movie asks! 🤘
Carrie, Jaws, Halloween, Paranormal Activity? 😸
carrie: if u could have any superpower, what would u pick?
Shapeshifting because it would be awesome to just change my appearance according to my mood. If I could change into a small animal I could also travel for free or... could I grow wings and just fly to wherever I want to go? What are the limitations of this specific shapeshifting really? Either way, it would be really cool. It would also be so easy to cause fun chaos. Life would be way more interesting for sure.
jaws: what’s something u wish u were good at?
Sewing. I want to be able to make my own clothes so bad. But it takes so much time to learn, I would have to spend so much money on cloth for trial and error and I lack coordination. Hopefully some day I will be able to do it though.
halloween: what’s ur favorite holiday?
Probably Halloween simply because it's not a family holiday and I like to stay home being all cozy and watch horror movies and rewatch over the garden wall.
paranormal activity: do u believe in ghosts/demons/aliens/magic/anything paranormal?
I do believe aliens exist somewhere because the universe is so big. They are just nothing like we imagine probably. I don't believe in ghosts, but some people close to me claim to have seen them in the past and they really believe it so what do I know?
Thank you for the ask :D
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delphi-dreamin · 1 year
I'm answering yours now 😉😉😉
Scream, trick 'r treat, the conjuring
I was just srolling down the list like, I know what you'd say to half of these anyway 😂😂
Lol, I know! We talk about this stuff enough that I had a hard time with the list too!
Scream: Choose one: Phone sex, video call, or sexting?
Video call, for sure. Sure there's something incredibly hot about phone sex, but I love being able to watch. (And being watched, obvi.)
The Conjuring: What’s the best position to be spanked/spank someone? Paddle, whip, or hand?
Y'know, contrary to what I may say, I haven't actually been spanked that much? Though I do love the idea of a riding crop. 🫠
Poltergeist: What was the last sex toy you bought? The first? If you don’t own one and want to, what would you buy?
So, since I already answered Trick R Treat, I'm going to give you this one instead! The last toy I bought was Luci, of course. (Bad Dragon, Nyx, for anyone who doesn't know! It glows in the dark and I love it.)
My first, though. That was a purple vibrating dildo that was slightly tentacle-shaped. I think it was somewhere around 7-7 1/2 inches insertable, three speeds. I got it in college, so the motor burned out a couple years ago. But I loved that thing. (I replaced it last year with a newer model. Pink, very pretty, but definitely missing the tentacle shape. Very disappointing.)
Thanks for playing, love!! 💖
Send me a horror movie!
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seaside-writings · 2 years
For the horror ask list...
What is your favorite B-rated horror movie?
What is the strangest horror movie you’ve ever watched?
Hiya! Thank you for the ask!
My favorite B-rated horror movie has to be "Killer Klowns From Outerspace." I had never heard about that movie until I watched the kill count for it a few years back; now it's one of my all-time favorite horror movies, and I like to put it on as background noise whenever I can.
The strangest horror movie I've ever seen has to be "Mother." It just made me very uncomfortable, and I do my best quickly change the channel if it comes on.
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moon-blush · 2 years
Scream 2: Where do you like being tickled most? 😏
>//> thebacksofmythighs
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cyanide-latte · 4 months
3, 5, and 16 for the horror movie asks? :>
Since tumblr is being a bitch and not letting me add the audio files directly, I figure Google Drive is the next best option. But there you go, have my voice~.
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graveyardrabbit · 2 months
Horror movie asks! 5, 6, 7, 9, 14?
5. Underrated film(s)?
so this definitely isn’t all of them I could name (remembering machine broken) but off the top of my head:
Dead and Buried (1981)
Ravenous (1999)
Absurd (1981) (I’ll fully admit this one is in the “I didn’t say it was good I said I liked it” vein of things)
Messiah of Evil (1973)
The Lair of the White Worm (1988)
Burnt Offerings (1976)
UFO Abduction (1989) (one of the first found footage horror films, and actually was released a year before The Blair Witch Project!)
(note that I’m not actually sure if any/all of these really are obscure or not, but at least from what I’ve seen I think they should be better known, if that makes sense)
6. A horror movie you wish had a sequel?
still gonna have to go with the boring answer of I really can’t think of one that I really think needs a sequel
7. A horror movie you wish didn't have a sequel?
I’m going to have to go with another boring answer in that I also can’t think of an answer for this exact. Like, there’s a bunch of movies that have sequels that they really don’t need, but also a lot of those sequels do fun stuff in them. Like, for example, is Jaws: The Revenge “necessary” or “good”? No, but I do kinda love that there’s a movie about a shark that knows how to seek revenge, I can appreciate that.
9. Under appreciated horror filmmaker(s)? (Indie or not)
3 for 3 on boring answers since I’m so bad at remembering names I’m really not sure how to answer rip me
14. Favourite 70s film?
Messiah of Evil (1973) for sure, a film made specifically for me
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gophergal · 5 months
6 and 7 for the horror movie asks? :>
favorite horror film from the earliest decade
Fritz Lang's 1931 film M. So. It is. Once again. Kinda a thriller and a murder mystery. But. But!!! THEY ARE SISTER GENRES TO HORROR. and the suspense is Very Good! You can find it on the Internet Archive. It's in German, but the English subtitles are fine. So I think you should give it a chance if you'd like
favorite horror film from this decade (2020s)
Easy question. Emesis Blue (2023). You don't have to be into tf2 to enjoy it, but you might get into tf2 by the end of it. It is. So fucking cool. Surreal horror my beloved. GAMEPLAY MECHANICS PLAYED SERIOUS MY BELOVED.
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random-jot · 1 year
scream, alien and the thing, please? ✌️
scream: what's your favourite movie?
Jurassic Park!!!!
alien: what character do you relate to a lot?
Marty McFly's constant bafflement is very relatable. Also Jessica Cruz, one of the Green Lanterns from DC Comics, who struggles a lot with severe anxiety; her run definitely impacted me
the thing: what's your job (or dream job)?
i currently work in an independent toys & board games store, which is honestly pretty fun to say it's retail
Dream job... either comic-book writer & illustrator, OR frontman for a pop-punk band. Can't deny I've dreamed about that. I would absolutely love to be, like, even the opener at something like Slam Dunk Festival. In fact, I might even prefer to be the opener. Yes, that is my dream job.
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avnj0gia · 2 years
What villain kill was the most satisfying?
The villains in Scream 5 both had some of the best death scenes in the franchise
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crackedchimera · 3 months
Oh, thanks!! I didn’t expect anyone to ask lol
7. a horror movie you want to recommend to people
Gosh there are so many, I guess I’ll choose Ginger Snaps. It’s become a comfort movie for me, I rewatch it constantly, the story is soo good.
16. the first horror movie you saw that truly ignited your love for the genre
When I first started watching horror, I started with the classics because so many later on make references that I wanted to understand. What become my favorite and really ignited my love for horror is Scream. I love the way you can truly suspect any character and the amount of twists, and Sidney rocks so much.
21. a horror movie you like that a lot of people dislike
My first thought is Saw V. Idk if it’s good, all I know is I love it? I love the theme of the traps, I love hate Hoffman, but idk if it counts bc a lot of other Saw people love it too.
If it doesn’t count then Resident Evil (2002) because it honestly kicks ass. I know it’s not as good as the game, the atmosphere is completely different, I could go on lol. But I love it, the mix of different horrors (killer ai/traps and zombies), the suspense of waiting to see the first zombie, it’s just something I can’t get enough of. I wish the sequels were as good, because I love this one. I’m also a 2000s kid who grew up watching the Charlie’s Angels movies so it really fucking reminded me of being a kid and looking up to badass action women.
Sorry for the ramble, I’m totally gonna ask you some numbers too!!
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