fisherrprince · 3 years
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(khux post from @incorrectkhux)
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fisherrprince · 2 years
I have more thoughts about ventus than one person should reasonably have about ventus and that means I have more little written notes and headcanons and aus with the boy than one person should reasonably have and since I’ve ALREADY made a myriad of posts about the headcanons part I am just going to fastball special a bunch of unfinished google docs into this post so that they stop Staring At Me alright okay WOO
i wanted to write something about ven and vani stuck in Sora’s heart for ten years and how they communicate by just. temporarily murdering each other and now it’s homestuck formatted
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proto-horrorwolves snippet, so basically just a wayfinders werewolf au
When they had first brought Ven home -- well, they didn’t know his name then, he was sick and asleep and he didn’t turn back from fully shifted for weeks. The whoever-before had given him a tag, on his ear -- just a stud earring with a number on it, not a name. He said it was to be able to tell them apart, later, when he could say. It didn’t really register that the number wasn’t for neglect reasons, or even lack-of-a-name reasons, but it was for please-someone-who-am-I reasons and this-isn’t-my-body reasons, and it worked only as well as it could. 
Anyways, when they had first carried him home from the middle of nowhere and dusted off the snow and laid him down on their threadbare college off-campus housing couch he stayed there and slept for so long they started to worry that they’d have to get someone else to look at him. Like a vet, if he didn’t turn back soon, however embarrassing that might be later. But they didn’t end up needing to, because one night on a Wednesday he adjusted himself on the couch to be more comfortable and the next day they found the soft thawed-out carrots and plain chicken they had put on a plate and left on the floor were nibbled at and the next day he picked his head up and actually looked at them. He seemed to be recovering from whatever-it-was at his own pace, slow and steady and wary.
Which was good, probably, because neither Terra nor Aqua really had any expertise with taking care of a very sick and injured dog (a sick werewolf, actually, which is way worse according to Aqua and it makes Terra whine at her), and they didn’t have a lot of money besides. All they had was patience and a small apartment with two bedrooms and a couch and a window they kept open just a little bit to smell the outdoors and a bit of love for a strange and broken kid-in-the-woods. And maybe that was all they needed, because it worked out just fine.
Terra didn’t have class on Fridays, but Aqua did, two of them in the morning, which sucked. No one should have class on Friday. As per routine, he ate breakfast with her, very gently scratched behind the kid wolf’s ears, and headed back to his desk in his room to get a headstart on homework before he had to go to work-work, which was only later than 6 am on Monday-Wednesday-Friday. Not his job to take care of any cows those days, he wasn’t full-time yet.
It was about three questions in to the statistics class he had to take because his ACT was a point short that Terra heard a soft shift from the living room, and a startlingly loud huff. Might’a been louder to him, on account of the inhuman hearing, but it was followed by a low growl, and another, much harsher huff of air. Terra abandoned the math questions with a start, nearly tripping over the wire between the doorway.
“You okay, bud?” Terra asked, and then startled again, because the couch was empty. And the couch was empty because there on the floor, sitting with his hands — hands! — splayed out and his chest heaving and his knees awkwardly up in a froggy sort of way sat a small, scruffy, dirty blonde boy, his back to Terra. As soon as Terra spoke, though, his head lifted and he looked at him with bright green and very very human eyes. 
Terra gaped. “Oh,” he said, and then a little louder rounding the couch, “Oh!”
He forgot what personal space was for a second, and sat right down in front of the boy. The boy reeled back a little from it, a very canine motion with one of his hands up, but Terra didn’t realize he might have crossed a line until later. As it was, he ran a gentle hand through the boy’s unkempt hair and grinned at him. “You did it! You turned back!”
The boy opened his mouth and then closed it at the faint whispering croak that came out, and nodded instead, his expression cautiously open, but obviously proud of himself. As he should be! 
It was pure tolerance and sleepiness that made the boy endure Terra’s gentle prodding around, something that definitely wouldn’t happen with Vanitas, but that’s a different story. He’d not got much on, the magic that facilitated the transformation letting you keep your clothes mostly, but it wasn’t really used to staying dormant for so long and ended up in scraps that kind of clung to him. He looked like he’d been roughed up beforehand too, still-healing scrapes along his bare shoulders and a concerning number of very neat and orderly scars on his chest, but Terra’s first thought was honestly just to take off the hoodie he was wearing and pop it over the boy’s head, because he looked a little cold and his shirt was nonexistent. The boy looked surprised, and wrinkled his nose at the new smell, but hugged it a little closer. He’d need better shorts, or something, too, maybe Terra would just steal a pair of Aqua’s. The hoodie was huge on his little stick limbs, Terra’s shorts would be immediately useless. 
As he was inspecting, the boy was doing some inspecting of his own — eyes wide and searching around the living room that he could think about clearly now that he shifted back. He let Terra move him a little, but avoided leaving himself in the same spots, awkwardly trying not to be touched anyways. The hoodie was nice, though. Comforting, and warm. 
The boy was young, Terra concluded, but didn’t have the scent of a youngling. He was immediately submissive to the adult in the room and as long as Terra had lived he’d always made sure everyone knew the hierarchy system was kind of bs but in this case it came in handy, for making sure the boy was alright and for making sure he wasn’t gonna start fighting the instant he got better. One of his slightly averted eyes was a little cloudy, and his blonde hair was almost a mullet at that point though it probably wasn’t meant to be. He had kind of knobby-knuckled hands that poked out of Terra’s sweater, long and small and a teenager. Not that much younger than him, but young.
Terra scruffed up his hair once more and refrained, barely, from giving a bear hug or something. “Oh, bud, we gotta tell Aqua. You did it!” he repeated, and pulled out his phone. 
The boy cocked his head. “Wh… what,” he started, and then stopped. It was a little hard to remember the correct words, and how to make them with a person-mouth. He sounded wispy at best. Luckily, Terra could kind of guess, or at least fill the silence. 
“I’m gonna text Aqua with this and tell her to come back home. She’s the other person who lives here,” Terra explained, and typed aqua come home rihgt now.
The reply was almost instant, and it made his phone bing because he kept it off silent, which startled the boy. He craned his neck to see better. I just got to sociology. Why?
As stealthily as he could with the boy watching his every move, Terra pointed the camera at him and took a picture, covering the speaker so the noise wasn’t so loud. It startled him again anyways, but only in a curiosity way. He looked a bit like a deer in the headlights on the screen, and Terra sent the image. 
Is that him???
I’m coming back right now.
The boy lifted a hand almost as if to paw at the phone, but put it down. Terra turned the screen around anyways, and the boy squinted at it, slowly mouthing out letters then words then stopping and restarting. 
“She says she’s coming back,” Terra supplied. “She’ll be 20 minutes, probably.”
“H-her…” he motioned above his head a bit, his hands stuttering. “...blue?”
“Yes! Aqua has blue hair.”
The boy brightened at the implied praise. He should, Terra thought, probably figure out what the boy’s name is, so he can stop calling him boy. He may not even want to be ”boy” at all, Terra knew nothing about him other than how he was rather small and didn’t seem to remember how to read that well or speak with much more than a few raspy words. Whatever could have done that was still very worrisome, but Terra decided to take things one at a time, as he usually did.
horrorwolves again but this time! published auverse
Ansem Report 13 10/02/2006 - compiled events - phase end. 
Subject I: terminated upon transformation. 
Subject II: terminated upon transformation.
Subject III: terminated upon transformation.
Subject IV: terminated upon transformation.
Subject V: 132.5cm/sh, grey, blue o. Successful fusion (2). Terminated upon fusion (X).
Subject VI: 165cm/sh, black, yellow o. Successful fusion (7), minimal degradation. Unknown location. 
Subject VII: 170.5cm/sh, white, green o. Successful fusion (5), severe degradation. Terminated upon fusion (VI). Unconfirmed.
Subject VIII: 138cm/sh, red, brown o. Terminated by VII.
Subject IX: 141cm/sh, brown, blue o. Terminated by VI. 
Subject X: 186.5cm/sh, black, red o. Successful fusion (3), minimal degradation. Unknown location. 
Subject X.i: terminated upon transformation. 
Subject XI: 131cm/sh, black, blue o. Terminated by VI.
Subject XII: 172cm/sh, grey, brown o. Terminated upon fusion (X).
Subject XII.i: 172cm/sh, grey, green o. Terminated by XII.
Subject XIII: 163cm/sh, yellow, blue o. Successful fusion (4). Unknown location. 
Subject XIII.i: 163cm/sh, black, blue o. Successful fusion (4). Unknown location.
Ansem Report 6 05/05/2006 
Another experiment ended in failure due to unavoidable degradation of one subject’s mind and body. It seems to occur due to the “fusion pool”’s inability to tag attributes as belonging to one or another… with that in mind, is it truly unavoidable? 
The failure of past subjects to retain their individual forms after separation can be remedied, theoretically, if both minds and bodies are exactly the same. Under better circumstances I would prefer to attempt this on human beings before attempting it on creatures already touched by Her light, as they’re far less predictable, and I would be remiss to lose everything as difficult as these. They are much more complicated than sheep, at the very least. But perhaps they will take to it better for the same reasons. 
We have been given a secondary facility to accommodate our new work. 
more small fun horrorwolves bits, and l o r e
“Are you new?”
“Yeah, um. Freshman.”
“That’s so cool!” Ven says, completely meaning it. He’s shuffling back and forth excitedly from foot to foot, a gesture that solidifies his wolf status to Riku — he knows that habit. He outgrew it years ago, when he was a puppy, and still had soft baby fur. Ven does not seem to care. “How come I didn’t see you out like, two weeks ago?”
Riku rubs the back of his neck, reluctant to give… honestly any information over, even though his internal danger meter is dropping rapidly the more he talks to Ventus. He doesn’t look like he’s prodding for weakness or anything. Though, that is what you’re supposed to avoid doing, when you prod for weakness. “I was inside,” Riku concedes.
“Inside?” Ven gapes. “No way! You could have come with us!”
“I didn’t know that,” Riku mutters.
“Oh yeah.” (Shoot better hearing he forgot about that) “Well, you know now! You should meet Terra! Here, I have to go to class, but hang on,” Ven says, and snatches Riku’s phone from where it was hanging limply in his hand, about a second away from going into sleep mode. Riku just blinks in stunned awkwardness until he finishes typing something, and pops the phone back into Riku’s palm./////
//// “We have chicken wings. Regular kind and barbecue.”
“Don’t bribe him, Ven.”
The Ven in question sidles up closer to Riku and whispers “And the good pizza. Not Little Caesars, we went to Pizza Hut.”
“Garlic saaaauce.”
Riku suppresses a snort. “I don’t want to be conspicuous. Or… intruding.”
/// “Yyyyes!” Ven yips, “Riku’s coming!!” ///
Oohhh I can just do three separate things abt werewolves
///// “Technically there’s no such thing as ‘light magic’,” Aqua starts. “Because it’s not magic at all. ‘Light magic’ relies on natural processes, mathematics, things that make sense when they happen. People found light magic centuries ago and called it medicine. There’s nothing magical about it. By contrast, dark magic is things happening that don’t make sense. Forcing things to exist, or not exist, breaking rules, turning iron into gold, things like that. It’s not a moral binary, either. The sun rules the light, and will burn crops that don’t get water because that’s what happens to plants without water. The moon rules the dark, and will keep plants alive for thousands of years simply because someone wants it to be. That’s… does that make sense?”
“I think so?” says Sora, and he flips the silver crown charm on his necklace to the other side of his mouth. “It’s just science and weird science.”
“More or less. I doubt you could call magic science, etymologically.”
“How does dark magic work, then? Can I just decide I want to live forever?”
“Dark magic relies on the abuse of the light. Tricking it into performing something else. It’s the moon that allows it to be blinded like that, in the first place, though no one actually knows how, since research is… thin, and not there yet. And hardly ever published, aside from individual scholars all discovering the same things,” Aqua says, pursing her lips. “It’s not unexplainable. It is undiscovered.”
:// “Lycanthropy is, as far as we know, a strain of magic that in itself has mutated to be more like a virus.” ///
“There are theories about why it is the moon that does this. Lots of people think it has something to do with being a reflection of light, some perversion of the ‘right’ way things work, but the important thing to know is if you aren’t careful, and you use dark magic too much, the sun will hurt you. As it is, you’re fine, it’s just more natural to be shifted at night.”
“Oh… wait! Is that why vampires melt in the sun??” Sora gasps.
“I’m amused but not surprised you went straight to vampires.”
“Am I right?”
Aqua taps her pencil to her mouth. “Technically yes — well. Yes and no. Vampires are just dark magicians who want more power than they can handle, so they kinda have to resort to things like purified blood and sleeping a lot. They can’t actually turn anyone else.”
Sora falls back in his seat. “Nuts.”
“Why is that a ‘nuts’? What were you planning?” Riku asks.
“Ventus! Vanitas! Sit down!” Terra yells. Both wolves recoil at the force with which the command comes, and Ventus’ tail drops, but neither of them stop snarling at each other. All it takes is for Vanitas to raise his hackles again and they’re on each other in an instant, snapping and throwing each other across the floor. Terra growls in frustration, pulls a slight transformation over himself, and steps directly in between them. He gets Vanitas by the scruff first, and shoves Ventus backwards with one foot. As soon as their attention is half-him half-each other, Terra pours as much force as he can into his voice and snaps “Change!” They do, if in uncomfortable bursts. Like they’re fighting to be the last one still changed. Ventus shakes himself off as he comes out of it, panting, his hands gripping the carpet like his claws are still snagged. Vanitas writhes in Terra’s grip, and can only contort himself so much to re-establish furious eye contact with Ven and snarl another wordless challenge. Ventus jumps forwards, but Terra presses his foot harder into his shoulder where it ended up and he withdraws. The pure electricity in the air is making Riku nauseous.
//////// “Ven,” Terra says, firmly, “I’m not budging on this.” Ventus glares, silently challenging him. Terra huffs and returns the challenge, and it almost immediately makes Ventus avert his stare and turn away, his pout deepening. “Fine,” he mutters. “Thank you.” Ventus practically stomps over to Riku, seething. On the way past, he snags Riku’s sleeve, and Vanitas gets snagged by Terra and pulled into the opposite room. Once they’re out of each others’ range, Ventus lets out a breath and scrubs at his eyes. Riku nudges the door half-closed so they don’t hear Terra and Vanitas’ conversation. “What was that? I’ve never seen you mad at anything.” Ventus snorts, his hand briefly recoiling at a bloody scratch near his temple. He scowls at it and wipes his hand viciously on his pants. “He’s annoying.” “Okay, but so is Demyx, and you haven’t attacked him. What’s it really?” Riku asks. Ventus growls, and cuts himself short with a stuttered sigh as he realizes it doesn’t quite work the same with a human throat. “…You know how you and Sora are?” He asks. Riku nods. “It’s kind of like that. You guys are equals and partners and you get along great. But we’re totally equal and it makes me mad. It feels itchy. And he knows it makes me mad! /////
giving ven a hard time by tossing him in the phantom pain zone
Terra cracks open the door and peeks in. It’s still almost totally dark, the blinds flipped all the way upward to banish light to the ceiling. The intrusion sends a long beam of hallway-light over a curled-up figure in bed, who makes a distressed noise and curls up further, blocking his eyes with his elbows.
Terra quickly steps in and shuts the door again, returning the room to its comfortable half-dark. Ven doesn’t talk to him further.
“You okay?” Terra prompts. Ven makes a “hmm.” noise, one that means he doesn’t want to say he isn’t, but he isn’t.
“D’you feel sick?”
He makes the noise again, smaller. Terra kneels, and gently pushes Ven’s hand away from his forehead to feel it. One of them in a fist, the other tangled in his hair. He’s hot, almost feverish, but not in the sticky-warm way he’s used to meaning sick. Ven lets the air in his lungs out through his teeth in an uneven shudder, and Terra notices — he’s shaking. And very, very tense.
Terra’s expression dips further into worry. “Something hurt?”
“Yes,” Ven hisses, digging his nails further into pressure-white palms. Terra is taken aback by how short he sounds. He’s never short-tempered, or angry with them. He’s always bubbly and lax, even when something goes wrong — and he’s almost glaring at him, through his forearms. His eyes are watery, and despite the glare, they don’t quite seem to focus.
Terra lowers his voice. “D’you have a migraine? I get those, sometimes. I can get you some medicine.”
Ven starts to shake his head, and then winces and brings his knees closer to his body. “‘S not… I don’t think so,” he rasps.
He doesn’t elaborate. Thinking in more than one sentence at a time, or more than one thought at a time, is fuzzy and wobbly and painful again, like how it was when he started training under Master Eraqus, but more frustrating. He can come across words fine. He can process what hurt feels like, and what it means. It’s just — nasty, and hot and tight and he doesn’t like it very much. Terra asks “Where does it hurt, then?” and Ventus has to keep from snapping at him for the stupid, inane, perfectly normal he’s concerned about you he wants to help question.
“Everywhere,” Ven says. Terra furrows his eyebrows, he needs to be more specific. Ven uncurls one hand from its fist and gestures vaguely at his chest. He means to say “here”, but it comes out as a whine.
“You wanna get the Master to look at it?”
“No.” Ven does snap, this time. Which is ridiculous, because yes he wants it to go away please fix it make it stop but just because that means more people in his room and the Master seeing him weak and useless seeing him like this and because Terra is asking and that’s— that’s too many thoughts again, that’s— The awkward conflict sends another wave of fuzzy-static-pain echoing like a gunshot from his heart, and he squeezes his eyes shut to ride it out.
Terra’s hand is smoothing his hair back from his forehead. He thinks. And then doesn’t think, because it really hurts, like someone is yanking half of his heart out, and it’s just scaring the rest of him into hurting too just to disperse the load. He thinks Terra says something like “I’m going to get help,” which, once it registers, sends a soft rush of relief through him. His breath still catches, but that’s good. That Terra doesn’t listen to him. Ventus pulls the blanket up over his head and waits.
//it turns out — he hears this through static and his heartbeat and three voices, not two — it’s just a kind of phantom pain. From whatever happened to him, like he had lost a limb or something. And it’ll go away, but it might come back. If he were more awake, he might be relieved at the fact that there’s nothing new wrong or that it’ll go away on its own, or maybe even angrier that it’ll come back and he didn’t do anything wrong to earn it. Maybe not. But at that moment, Ventus just wants Aqua to close the door. It’s barely open, but the hallway light is on. He just really wants her to close the door. ///
riku takes over some dreameater duties for sora's heartmates, too
Riku does not sleep easy, in the year that Sora is gone.
When he doesn’t, he stays up, tapping at a screen for hints hidden in his data (it’s a stretch, but he’s stretched thin). When he does, he searches for hints of him in the dream realms. There are many, many sleeping realms even outside the sleeping worlds, and he never has normal dreams anymore, anyways. So, it may be more accurate to say that Riku does not sleep, in the year Sora is gone.
He may not be the only one.
Ventus, Terra and Aqua come back from the Realm of Darkness every few weeks. Aqua was insistent they take breaks from it, and no one was going to argue her. When they do come back, sometimes they take time to catch up with the rest of the Realm of Light, and sometimes they take time to be together in the Land of Departure, on their own. They’ve invited Riku over more than once, and he’s grateful for it, because despite taking him away from the computer, it gives him a little room to breathe. He has his own guest room, and the kitchen, though more manual than Sora made the Tower’s, still has good morning food tailored to his favorites. Aqua’s been working on that.
(Sometimes he can sense their nightmares — just on the edges of his consciousness, while he wanders.)
Ven usually wakes up last, and skips into the kitchen to take whatever it’ll give him. This morning, and the last, and the one before that, to be honest, he wakes up late and stumbles into the kitchen rubbing at his eyes and yawning.
It’s worse this morning. Riku’s been slowly eating away at a bagel and a mug of coffee for the past hour, reading a book Aqua recommended to him about realms and reality. Ven is only given away down the stairs behind him because he squeaks when he yawns, the rest of him is silent as he pads into the kitchen and stands at the counter. The castle seems to take pity on him and rustles the basket of croissants for his attention, which he gives by taking one and stuffing it in his mouth and leaving it there.
“Didn’t sleep well..?” Riku asks.
Ven startles just a touch. “Hmph? Oh, not really.” He gives Riku a half-wince smile. “Couldn’t fall asleep at all! I’m okay though.”
/// u see like snippets of Roxy and Xion and they’re also tired :( but that’s later uhhhhh frnow…. “No,” Ven mutters, stopping and switching directions mid-step. He runs towards the houses — “No, no…” Runs his hand through his hair, switches directions, stops. Riku can feel his mounting distress. So, a dream where he’s lost, or maybe where he can’t find something important. Not a terrible nightmare, but a distressing one nonetheless — so why was it strong enough that Riku could feel it?
“Hey,” Riku tries. “Ventus.”
He doesn’t respond, stuttering to a halt and turning around again, letting out a shaky breath. “That’s not right,” he whispers.
It must be a larger nightmare. Or maybe since it’s leaving him idle, it’s at a lull in its dream, distracted somewhere…
Riku turns away to sniff out the source. Nightmares have a distinct, almost dark smell, but it’s never strong enough to be immediately obvious. He has to search, and to do that he has to follow the layered cobblestone paths Ven’s subconscious has littered all over the place like confetti. It’s not a maze, it’s just… a lot of pathways. Riku finds himself searching for a while before it reveals itself.
There it is. Under the bridge, a strange-looking Skelterwild is preening itself and pulling bits of the nightmare bubble it had crafted back and forth, like a toy. It’s a little… gooier than the nightmares tended to be with Sora, but it doesn’t look anything special.
Riku edges closer. It looks like it’s just the one, if he remembers anything about nightmare packs and how solitary the really big ones usually are. He can definitely take it.
It turns away, and Riku lunges.
For a big dinosaur spirit, it comes apart pretty easily — claws lodged between its armor plating wrench one of its legs free from its body, the resulting thrash nearly sending Riku into the underside of the bridge. It howls at him, a rattling garbage disposal sound more than anything, and Riku sneers right back. He dodges its jaws neatly, and rams his keyblade right into the thin part of its neck. The skelterwild makes one last screech loud enough that Riku hopes Ventus didn’t hear, and collapses into three separate pieces of dissolving nightmare.
Riku dismisses Braveheart and finds himself with a small smile playing across his face. He had missed this — doing his job, fulfilling some sort of innate purpose he wasn’t aware he was longing for. Sora has always just filled in pieces of him that he wasn’t aware were missing pieces until the puzzle got scattered. In losing Sora, his purpose had become the same way, scattered, in more ways than one, apparently. Riku’s smile falters a little. This puzzle piece wasn’t the right color, or even perfectly shaped, but… it fit well enough.
The skelterwild left a small assortment of pieces behind — most notably a few shuddering wild fantasies among the slowly-fading nightmare essence. Riku had decided a long while ago that he’d call it “essence”, because it’s not meat and it’s not melty corpse or spirit clouds or anything, it’s just the left behind base form of nightmares whatever shape they take and it also smells and tastes very very good and if he ever has to explain that whole dream eater phenomenon to anyone who isn’t either Bumpis the meow wow (constant thief of perfectly good food) or Sora himself, essence is the word he’s calculated to have the least amount of follow-up.
In any case he usually likes the bigger nightmares, they tend to leave more behind and have more of a form in the first place, like the fruit bits in a marmalade rather than just the jam runoff at the top. Riku runs his tongue along his fingernails, contemplating the value of taking those dream pieces, and paws through the remaining nightmare essence to swipe up a bit more of a reward. He’s not particularly hungry, and he’s maybe a little self conscious about eating someone else’s nightmares.
(He notices Ven’s nightmare tastes a little less sickly-sweet and a little more sharp, like if freezer burn was mildly pleasant. He would liken it to mint, if it had a physical flavor.)
Almost like a computer powering down, the odd building-stones that surround them start to grey in color — the nightmare is fading. If he’s right, they should just fade into something nicer like a day at the market, or a puppy convention, or another one of Sora’s dreams he had laughed and rolled his eyes at.
Or, y’know, they could suddenly start disappearing altogether and send things sailing into the void.
Iiiiincluding Ventus.
Riku, having very little time to think about this, scrambles out from under the bridge as it too falls apart at the seams (the wrong ones, not stone by stone, but scrap by scrap ripped off a magazine spread). He spreads his wings, hoping the transformation lasts a little longer, and zips past dissolving flowers and flyers and scoops up Ven in one swift movement.
Ven lets out a little squeak of horror at the sudden jolt to a stop and subsequent momentum upwards, and buries his head in his jacket. Riku keeps going up, because that’s the easiest way to move away from the collapsing nightmare, and eventually new ground will form below them.
Unless it doesn’t. Maybe he should interfere a little bit more, make sure the next dream is nice…
As suddenly and gently as the void disappears below him, a soft expanse of sand appears where it fades away, and Riku stops flying and lets himself drift slowly to the ground, familiar palm trees placing him exactly where he exists in memory. It looks like Ven’s been here too, sometime, seeing as the basic structure of the dream is his, Riku’s just the guiding force keeping the dock where it should be.
He didn’t come here on purpose, really, it’s just been on his mind. But it’s a safe place. And maybe kind of familiar enough to keep him sustained for the rest of the night.
Ven, for his part, falls out of Riku’s arms with a whoop!, right on top of what probably used to be a silly sand sculpture. He jumps off immediately, mortified, and then sullen when he apparently realizes what he did.
“Ugh,” Ven pouts, and kicks at the scattered lump of sand. “Now I have to build this thing all over again.”
“…A sandcastle?” Riku asks.
“No, if I’m gonna find experiment 626 again, I need a ship. I’m trying out different materials since my old one blew up.” He kneels, and starts scooping sand back into a neat pile.
Riku’s not a stranger to how dream logic works, though it’s not really that much easier to follow now than it was the first time Sora changed topics on a dime. “Good luck, then,” he says, and turns to leave. And then… turns back around, and after a moment of hesitation: “Can I help with anything?”
Ven leans back and flips his head up, thinking. He’s in a pair of shorts, now, though the rest of his outfit hasn’t caught up, and the contrast is funny-looking. “Ummm… could you see if there’s glue anywhere?”
“Glue… for sand?”
“Yeah! To make it stronger.”
“Thanks, Riku!”
There’s not going to be glue anywhere else on the island, but that was a dismissal good enough for Riku to be sure Ven wasn’t still caught on the edges of a true nightmare. The dream is already kind of fuzzing and blurring into thought-shift cotton.
But just to be doubly sure. Riku pulls and twirls the dream between his fingers, weaving it just a little brighter, a little sweeter. He’s not sure exactly what he’s doing to the dream itself, but Ventus deserves something nice after visiting the realm of darkness for as long as he had. The memories it leaves are not usually kind.
Riku leaves once he hears a familiar peal of laughter come from behind him somewhere — and had he turned around, the sight of Ven in full-on vacation clothes and sunglasses holding a little blue alien thing right up to Terra’s face might have made him stay just for the atmosphere of it.
crash lands vanitas and ven on lilo and stitch GET STITCH PARALLELLED (this is just a silly script i was going to make into a comic but started to prose it)
Ventus and Vanitas are hurtling through gummispace at very high speeds, and what exactly got them into this situation is a blur of scuffling and curses and chasing each other down not to make a giant sword this time but not not make a giant sword if it means getting the stuff you took back, but that doesn’t particularly matter, because hurtling through gummispace at very high speeds tends to overrule everything else.
And as such, neither of them notice that they’re hurtling through gummispace at very high speeds towards a world they’re going to collide with if they don’t cut it out. Which they do not, obviously.
The first indication that something is wrong is the sudden introduction of gravity. See, the keyblade gliders can go very high, but it’s not like the pilot can just ignore gravity. You have to be very skilled in order to fly one without crashing.
No one is piloting.
/////////the glider screeches thru space with ven and vani practically wrestling over it it careens off course Poff! Through the clouds, and at this point ven realizes he’s going to Crash and kicks at vani to get back on top, but vani grabs vens feet sending the whole thing spinning head over tail until it makes a gloriously comedic CRASH right into a patch of palm trees on the beach we see vanitas eat sand as he lands in an awkward somersault on his face hb HGBPRHHWHTH. PHEH. PTH. eugh. vanitas looks around and sees… pretty much hawaii, but he doesn’t know that. A street by the beach, houses behind fences and plants and palm trees, sand and rocks, a couple people walking where they can’t really see them, a hen strutting by. he also sees ven laying down next to a pretty large rock in the sand with his helmet knocked off. seeing that that’s his priority right now, he puts his helmet on and strides over to him ventus? hey. ventus. (Kick. Kick. Kick kick kick kick kick SAND THROWN IN FACE.) ACK. hgwhrtynbghmmhhh. what. no, never mind. wake up. you crashed us on another world, idiot, I don’t sense anything. Get us out of here. mheadh hurts. goway (Exasperated) Just use cure. Esuna , whatever, eat a gummy bear. Fix it. (vanitas cannot do either of these things and do you think he carries potions bc I don’t) mm. … (ven is just grasping at the air repeatedly) what are you doing itwont … mmm. (Hisses) You can’t summon your keyblade?!! Then how are— i know. ijudgnmth…. …be less loud. vanitas, a little concerned that he’s broken and therefore he’s stuck in hawaii forever until someone comes to find him and probably kill him, starts poking around at ventus. But before he can find anything, a voice offscreen goes HEY hm HEY!!!! hm stitch launches himself at vanitas’ face. ACKHBPTJ he drags him off and stands there holding him by the scruff but meanwhile stitch realizes venven is here and sproings away off of vanitas face again venven!!!! ……..626? whatreeyou doing here? (garbled stitch noises) whoa … (garbled stitch noises) (incomprehensible slurred ventus speech) (vanitas is losing his marbles)
You didn’t answer my question. (vanitas startles and whips around and summons his keyblade. Lilo is standing there precociously.) Are you aliens? Are we… what?! You fell from the sky on a spaceship. Plus you look weird and alien-y. Where’s your face? (Offended) I do not— How are you talking? yanks off his helmet. Who are you? It’s alright. I know a lot of aliens. Are you bad guys???? On the run from the government????????? The What? you kind of look like weird tourists, actually Vanitas picks her up so she stops circling him and poking at him. That’s enough. Hey! HRRRRRRRH (stitch noise) vanitasknnock it off. ven turns over to see what’s going on but there’s Sun this way, so he groans and covers his eyes is he okay? He’s fine. We’re fine. Leave us alone, we’re not aliens. he doesn’t LOOK okay. You should come back to my house before the government finds you. The govermen aren’t looking for us . I’m gonna go get my sister. Guard him. HRRRRRH. ……?!!!
… vani: what Are you supposed to be name stitch. oh. Uh… I’m not telling you my name. Ven… friend? No. (Alien muttering) ……… ……(uncomfortable)...... …….(a scrapper pops up)
/////Who are you? I am the darkn- look, it doesn’t matter. When is he supposed to wake up?
an au where riku is a youtuber and also owns eight cats? i dunno what this one is theyre cats though
Hey! So um, my last video got super popular for no reason, but a lot of you guys were asking who the kitties were in the background. So. Let me introduce you all to my cats! I have eight cats. All of them are rescues. I didn’t mean to get eight cats, this just happened to me. This is Sora. He’s the first cat I found and the cat from the last video, and he’s the love of my life. He likes to sleep on top of my head. He’s the king of the house, not because he’s the oldest or anything but because when he wants to do something stupid he’ll get everyone else to do it with him. I found him as a little teeny baby behind my house. He walked into my house, I did not invite him, he decided he wanted to live here first. This is Kairi, she’s my second. I found her as a kitten under a boardwalk and she nearly took my finger off for touching her, but her secret is if you scratch right behind her ears she purrs like a motor. She’s a very quiet kitty, but she only likes crunchy kicky toys, so I can tell when she’s playing. She and Sora will play this game where they sing in the hallway and whoever is louder gets to start chasing the other one. This is Ven! He’s the oldest I think, but not by very much. He likes to investigate the camera whenever I film—(muffled sniffing) AHEM. I dunno if you saw but one of his eyes is clouded? He’s half blind, but he’s the one who jumps at me from the top of the cupboards, so it doesn’t seem to bother him. He’s very sweet, he is always grooming the other cats. I think he knows he’s the big brother. He also gets the zoomies every night at 11 pm so. This one is Vanitas. (MRAAAOW) He’s always tagging along with Ven, and (MRAH) he likes to yell at the camera whenever I film. He is the rowdiest and the worst (MAH) influence. He’s got a cute little nub tail, but he doesn’t like people touching it. I found both of these guys on the freeway at like 2 am, Ven had been… hit, we think, and Vanitas was really sick. He was doing okay enough to bite me though. We took them to the vet and everything and Ven was mostly ok, just super scared of me and really weak, but Van had to have his tail amputated and surgery for his intestines along with all the mange and he haaated me for nearly a month. I was scared I’d have to release him for being too feral. He’s super food motivated, though, so that made him warming up to me like this easier. Ow. Van This is Roxas! The one sleeping next to him is Xion. I actually fostered both of them before just flat out adopting them, they came out of a house fire, they had been living in the garage. You see here, Roxas has burns all on his paw pads… they’re healing pretty slowly. When he first came home he couldn’t walk on them, we had these cute little casts that he toddled around on. He’s a pretty small cat compared to some of the other male cats, but he’s got a very big attitude, if I’m doing something he doesn’t like, he will tell me. Very calm most of the time, though. If I open a tuna can his eyes go so big. Xion is even more mellow until you bring out the feather toys, which she loves playing with. She’s also really curious, so if I’m making myself a snack, she’s on the counter with Vanitas trying to see what my snack is all about. Sometimes I catch her trying to do the human things I do to get her own snack? It’s very cute. If you look — oops. Roxy didn’t like me doing that. But if you look at Xion’s fur she’s mostly black except a stripe down her tummy. She didn’t get quite so badly burned, but her fur was very singed for a while. This is Namine! She’s very pretty, and she has a very pretty voice, do you want to say something for the camera? mrrrh? yeeahh. Anyways, she was actually a show cat, or she was going to be. But her previous owner had some legal trouble and had to surrender her. She’s very shy,////////
sprawl thing
You shuffle through the photos in the box. There’s a good amount of them, not award-worthy, more like a beginners scrapbook. Some of these are a little thicker — they’re videos. You grab one at random and press play.
sora: Vanitas!! How does it feel being wanted for a million billion credits on the black market Well it’s nice to be wanted. Vanitaaaas :( Vanitaaaaaaaaa Sora get- SORA I am cutting FISH
Ven how does it feel being the only outside source on Unity in the whole universe probably! Kind of terrifying why You should be used to it. You’ve always been a hot commodity :] ….,(shoves camera)
(Roxas is in the aftermath of his own explosion accident) Roxas how does it feel being smarter than everyone in this room If I wasn’t here you’d all die We sure would
Xion (in tideweather;s hangar) how did it feel stealing this from the government Ballin’ You heard it here folks the law doesn’t apply to me if I have an eighteen foot flying tank!!!!!
Sora how does it feel being the only one able to make mom’s pancakes without burning them (those pancakes are of the DEVIL) Pretty gooooood. :]
That must be from later. In the story, at least. Vanitas looks… less murderous than you expected.
vanitas spooks even lol
There’s a knock on the door, but no person at it. Even squints, slowly putting down his paper file folders, and then leans forward a little off his desk to peer around the corner. He’s about to write it off when he glances to the right, and finds a dark shape a little too close for comfort.
He jumps backwards, startled, and squints harder. Vanitas just stands there looking unimpressed.
“Goodness!” Even barks. “A little warning would have been prudent.”
“I knocked.”
“You ding-dong ditched my laboratory,” Even grouses, ignoring the way Vanitas’ head cocks to the side. “Nevermind that. Did you need something?”
Vanitas kicks his heel against the ground. “Yeah, apparently you’re not supposed to grab hot pans without a mitten or something. It didn’t even hurt, but I guess it should have. Xion thinks it’s a replica thing and made me come.”
Were they cooking? Even’s first thought is wondering if they were cooking, and how much of the kitchen had burned down already. Though, his second is a mix of confusion and concern.
“Well, that can’t be it. I’ve input the same amount of nervous system data into each of the replicas, and they are perfectly tactile.”
“Nervous what? I don’t want that.”
“Nervous system. The process in your body that lets you feel when you touch physical objects. The — you should not be picking up hot pans without mitts,” Even sighs.
i think thats it this post is too long already HFGEJHK
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fisherrprince · 3 years
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a buuuunch of misc doodles (mostly ventus ngl)
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fisherrprince · 4 years
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*rings bell* hot off the presses, more horrorwolves, now delving into how magic works and namine’s here now!! 
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fisherrprince · 3 years
Any au brain worms?
pick your poison anon I have brainworms aplenty SLAPS DOWN NOTES DOC
- after I write the rest of this chapter for sprawl I am going to BLAST through ch4 I’m so excited I get to write such violence. idk if you know I really love to write fight scenes especially if there’s some weird mind stuff going on in them like yes yes yes chomping and biting kill!!!!!!!! 
- I AM THINKING. ABOUT WEREWOLVES. I’m thinking about them. I am having trouble grounding it because a lot of the au is very real (lawyers) and a lot of it is. So not (dark magic). I don’t think they ever really needed to get ven or roxy or xion to an actual hospital bc of that plot hole cement and nice werewolf healing perks (and Ven just really needed time to heal himself, but in hindsight, they Should have taken him to at LEAST a vet however embarrassing that would be later) but they definitely had to for vani. kid was living alone in the woods in the middle of a heat wave for at least a week. and it took a while for that information to set in, that he actually needs to go get help, now, and that’s about the point at which he stops being actively antagonistic bc aqua has a picture of the two boys snuggled up to each other in a hospital bed. Also I think that Xigbar being a good guy in this is very funny and he has a weird amount of money for a very specialized lawyer. He’s a really good lawyer and he manages to get through the whole trial without badly triggering anyone or slipping up but like why’s he gotta act like a surfer dude like that
Also I figured out what’s wrong with Sora’s lycanthropy, yknow how there are “witches” in this world too? Magic users, yea? Naminé is one, aqua’s one, young xehanort is one, idk what to call terranort (not that) but he’s actually not one. So is Sora! A really powerful one actually, though he doesn’t know it. And the two don’t mix all that well. Turns out he’s been causing problems for himself, because his body just kicks into ultimate overdrive when he tries to change, and then just sucks in all the energy it can, resulting in a big monster Sora and not a regular dog. He has to train himself to Not do that, and it’s hard just because it’s a reflex, not on purpose. The first time he turned he had no idea what was happening to him. It stuck :/
Also also I haven’t given enough love to roxas and Xion in that au lately and I think they deserve some messy body horror too it’s only fair. It’s only fair! I know they’re, in all technicality, the “same person” - bc, you know, unethical science, but Roxas was like wait I’m a person xion was like wait a minute I’m a DIFFERENT person. Wait hang on, tangential note. put a pin in that body horror note for a sec. there’s no way xion has a birth certificate. she was made. I bet xigbar can make a real good fake tho tbh
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fisherrprince · 4 years
i love ur wolf au!! it's so fun nd I'm obsessed w the found family-ness of it all. ik she's dead in the au but now I just keep thinking about werewolf strelitzia and going :).... good au great au
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there she is!!!!!
here is a fun fact for you: she is REALLY SMALL. Like ventus is not that big, she’s little. She and vanitas had the opposite problems (taller than him irl, small wolf, shortish irl, a big dog). she looks a little bit more like a coyote
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fisherrprince · 4 years
Your tedtalk made me think about skuld in your werewolves au and I care her so much, do you have any tidbits to share?
thank u for coming to my ted talk welcome to ted talk 2, where, where it’s just werewolves now
I HAVE A COUPLE! first of all, here take this it’s old but it’s a preface to the tidbit
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she was very adamant that they keep learning regular human stuff. so as a result ven and vanitas know just, a lot of random facts about world history and how to do long division and stuff?? Skuld really liked her history classes, but some of the dates might be wrong. 
She has a huge big sister streak for them. it persists, they look up to her a LOT
here’s an extra fun tidbit. for you. as testing continued she started forgetting dates and places and timelines because your memories are fair game in the fusion pool. sometimes they’d have conversations about it, to remind her, if they were the ones doing it, but a lot of this stuff she used to know is new to her now. she would have cared had it not been way too long ago
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fisherrprince · 4 years
I never saw a werewolf au this original and well constructed :0) I love all the freaky science experiments. Well anyways, I didn't really understood what is Naminé in this werewolf au. Is she some kind of magician? How did she meet the crew? What is her relationships with all the kids and adults? (Sorry I just love this girl and this au sm,,,)
ahah, thank you!!! :]
so to explain namine i need to back up a second and talk about magic. in this ask i kind of explained my thoughts on light/dark magic in general! tl;dr dark magic (like lycanthropy and minor time manipulation and stuff that namine can do, like party tricks and memory readings) is a result of more-or-less glitches in what’s Supposed to happen. the world is a bethesda game in that a series of highly specific funny moves or button presses cause weird stuff to happen! Like if I spit on a plastic feather and write a word in the dust, while it’s raining outside, and I’m wearing white, the feather will catch on fire.
Naminé, through a series of events, has figured out how to work some of this magic stuff, and she’s super interested in it! So far, she’s figured out which things to do in quick succession to make a small puddle of water, figured out how to see things she shouldn’t be able to (memories left on pieces of clothing or trinkets), and how to make something very small disappear. She doesn’t know where it goes, but it goes! Aqua doesn’t know where it goes either, even though Aqua is much more well versed in dark magic stuff. Neither does Riku.
She goes to their same college, and in order to find stuff she needs for continued magic experiments (and also to investigate the weird energy she can feel coming from the place) she wants to go into the “campus security has advised that you DO NOT ENTER” forest (where all the dogs run around). That’s how she meets Roxas and Xion first, at like 3 am, because there’s suddenly a person here in our spot :0 and they become ✨friends ✨
everyone likes namine :) terra and aqua specifically because at this point they’re collecting traumatized and/or supernatural-adjacent freshmen buddies. roxas and xion are her best friends, obvi, but she’s good friends with kairi too. she’s working with Sora on what’s going on magic-wise with his whole somethings-wrong-with-this-lycanthropy issue.
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fisherrprince · 4 years
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tfw ur friends who hate each other accidentally make the world’s most horrifying werewolf amalgamation because uhhhhhhhHHH? maybe lea knows
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fisherrprince · 4 years
worldbuilt au masterpost + content tags
SPRAWL: #sprawl au
- cyberpunk space pirates with extra sprinkles of machine deity
Sora, Roxas, and Xion are an independent mercenary team aboard the ship Highwind, have made multiple "a pilot, a doctor, and an engineer walk into a bar" jokes, and they're very good at their jobs thank you very much. They do have a nasty habit of being Robin Hood types, though, and that might extend to two (... are they mercs?) new friends they found nearly dead in a nightclub. Now they can add "a paladin and an assassin" for lack of better descriptors to their jokes! Also, try to prevent them from killing each other again, become space pirate family over the course of the next few months, do cool missions involving Xion's mech that Ven really wants to try piloting please, avoid getting killed by divine-ordained monopolies, make sure no one is being mind controlled, and pray one of those machine-gods doesn't wake up.
- Contains: Namine and the FF7 crew as neighbors with a giant walking church mech, Riku Replica as a cat, Elrena and Lauriam as team rocket rival space pirates, Xion as a mech pilot, Roxas as basically Bones from Star Trek, misused Friends at the Table references, Xigbar trying to sort of do the right thing but doing a lot of wrong things on the way, really REALLY big mechs turned gods, being a mouthpiece for gods, squid ink pasta, organized crime under the guise of divine monopolies, laser swords, taking you down with me, giving Roxas three headaches in a row because some people can't stop being violent on bedrest, painting cyborg claws with nail polish, excuses to write medical drama but the hurt comfort kind not the greys anatomy kind, and Axel’s hot topic outlet. content tags: graphic depictions of violence (heavy gore, eye trauma, really messed up human experimentation, religious trauma, character death), suicidal ideation, possession (sort of), descriptions of medical trauma, past minor character death, past vanven, past sorikai, past veneph. This gets very violent and very involved and also gently gives ven and vanitas a kiss (from me right smack on the forehead)
HORRORWOLVES: #kh werewolf au, #horrorwolves - unethical science makes artificial werewolves, and a bunch of kids in college accidentally become one big family. It’s less scary than the name implies Modern, set in rural Montana.Terra and Aqua have an apartment off-campus mostly for them because it’s way easier to room with apparently the only other wolf in the area? Which is chill, pack time. Lea’s (in the apartment down the road) roommate was around for a while, but got a job somewhere and hasn’t been back. But then they find a wolf (a kid, they’re sure of it) in the woods, and then Lea finds two of them rooting around in his stuff, and then after that settles a little Aqua goes back for her master’s and Riku enrolls and he’s a lycanthrope too which is neat but he accidentally infects his classmate he’s too shy to talk to and Ven’s pack brother apparently shows up in the same stretch of woods and Isa sends some really concerning texts and we find out about where the kids are coming from and it’s not good and now we have to go to court for all this like real actual court and that’s so much happening at once - Contains: unethical science, cloning yourself in order to fuse with your clone and become a big scary monster, big scary reality-breaking monsters, the fluffiest dog shenanigans on earth, Xigbar as a criminal lawyer, the gang going to court, Sora unwittingly becoming a werewolf but he’s pretty cool about it thank goodness because Riku’s really nervous about telling him, Law student Sora (what, like it’s hard?), Master Aqua jokes, dark magic, a copious amount of hurt/comfort, being chill with swapping eye colors which is something you probably shouldn’t be chill with, spooky scary Skuld, terrifying distortions of reality, lying in court to avoid three murder charges, Vanitas getting a bubble bath for the first time in eight years, pack bonds, and the illustrious sport of Hamburger Ball.
content tags: body horror, minor character death, physical and emotional abuse, animal abuse, recovery and getting worse, slight medical issues, a veritable dossier on what happens if you don’t have any record of your existence and you want to be recognized by the government, soriku.
WESTERN AU (cowboys): #kh western au
- Bonnie and Clyde vanven with demons and possession and the literal actual devil sometimes. yeehaw
Fantasy Western. Ventus should technically be dead, and Vanitas should definitely be dead, but lo and behold, the Devil offers them a way to keep living, kinda like cuphead. Simply return escaped souls to him, sign your own away until the contract is complete. Easy! Except, Ventus is kind of a rich kid and doesn't know how to live with only a horse and an ornery companion, and Vanitas is used to solitary outlaw living and is definitely wanted in a number of nearby towns, and the souls manifest on Earth as weird shadow demons, and Master Eraqus has definitely sent Aqua and Terra on a hunt for the outlaw what kidnapped Ven, and we are on too tight of a time limit to deal with all that. 
- Contains: so, so many nicknames, Seasalt trio as card sharks who live in a bar, a demon horse, a regular horse, selling your silverware for cash, arson and property damage, stupid badly-drawn wanted posters, partners in crime, Ventus is surprisingly good at crime, Destiny trio as traveling musicians, train heists done very badly, demonic possession but gooey, cheating death, pretending you definitely weren't just shot, breaking handcuffs with a rock, the entirety of Devil Went Down to Georgia including Vanitas with a fiddle, and chicken roasted in the literal fires of Hell.
content tags: gun violence, possession, vanven, sorikai.
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fisherrprince · 4 years
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more werewolf texts B) 
continued from here
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fisherrprince · 4 years
So in this werewolf au who is and is not a werewolf?
CLAPS originally i was like “ha ha , darkness is werewolfism” and then the au spiraled out of my control so a lot of people are dogs
Terra, Isa, and Riku are completely natural werewolves. They grew up around them. Isa doesn’t show up v often in the au. Aqua is super interested in Magic Science and Stuff, she was turned in high school. So she’s also here.
Ventus, Vanitas, Ephemer, Skuld, Strelitzia, Roxas, Xion, and a handful of unnamed kids are artificial werewolves, which means not infected “correctly”, more like “here’s some magic lycanthropy juice from its source code, don’t die when you turn the first time ok”. And Xion is technically Roxas’ copy! (at first. lea’s like hey what do u want me to call you? and she’s like im going to trans my gender now). Ephemer & Strel don’t survive, Skuld is......... somewhere
Lea is not. (yet). Xigbar is not, none of the antagonist scientists are. Sora’s.... technically??????? turned??? by riku?? there’s a totally unfinished/un-thought-through bit with sora ill figure it out
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fisherrprince · 4 years
kip i want u 2 know that unethical science makes me go Insane (tm) and it being science werewolves that fuse into an Eldritch Monstrosity makes me Feral (also tm) and i am going Nuts please tell me more
what is a writer but a mass of half-baked ideas... and what am I but a complete sucker for ventus-vanitas the very CONCEPT of them
I have more LORE would you like to see the LOR E regardless here we go, so it helps if you start thinking of science as “light magic” and magic as “dark magic” -- light magic makes sense, it has rules, etc etc. Dark magic is the little ways those rules break, patterns and coincidences that make no sense and cause weird stuff to happen. Reflections, incorrect mirrors of light magic (like how the moon reflects the sun). Lycanthropy is basically a strain of dark magic that has in itself mutated to become like a virus. Relatively harmless, aside from your sudden ability to become dog. (Aqua studies this but honestly research is few and far between because dark magic is technically hidden slash forbidden slash a secret Whatever.)
or it would be relatively harmless if some guy wasn’t like, hey, this is all acceptable rule-breaking, how far can we push this dark magic stuff and can we reach a level of UNacceptable rule-breaking? Can we meld the two, light and dark? What happens then? Can we discover the source or root cause of the darkness’ existence? Lycanthropes are like, the perfect way to study this, because of their inherent light<->dark existence! Unfortunately, no one is going to agree to submit themselves to terrifying dark magic experiments. You’re going to have to make your own werewolves.
It turns out, fusion is what happens when you accidentally get two of them in a room while you’re messing around at once because the transformation doesn’t know when to stop -- and actually, you get REALLY FAR into unacceptable rule-breaking when this happens. Things start to break down, when you push them like this, their forms, the time, your ability to perceive them. Some of them die, some of them are dying, you abandon them, it’s fine, you can get others. You do it more. The individual pieces start to break down, swap memories, eye colors -- you realize that having two of the exact same person might stabilize the experiment without hindering your quest to break rules. You break rules more, and create a copy, and it works, and you are very, very close.
and then you get caught, and it turns out, a little later down the line, that the ones you abandoned or kept and lost when you were caught are friends now, and they’ve been living in a little podunk college town and getting better and learning how to love and getting you in very, very deep trouble with the whole regular human justice system and unlearning what you did, in your quest for knowledge. And going to each others’ apartments, for game night.
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fisherrprince · 4 years
The song running with wolves by aurora is perfect for your au mate
ooUUH (vibrates) I love AURORA good song good song 
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fisherrprince · 4 years
ohhhhhh ohohohohohh!!! claps hands oh my god i literally found ur werewolf au not even. counts on fingers. 10 minutes ago but i am!! so invested already!! so invested!!! pogging so hard honestly. looks up at ventus-vanitas. you don't look very pettable but that is not gonna stop me from trying >:] (gets my hand bitten off) ok but for real this is such a fresh take on a werewolf au im vibing so hard. looks at the unethical scientfic experimentation. zoinks (and whoops i have ran out of words :])
THEY REALLY ARENT THAT PETTABLE i mean sure they have fur mostly, in, yknow, in most places there should be fur, but also, I mean, sometimes their body is . not solid, where your hand goes, and you might clip through it or you also might get not-fur on your hand so be........ Careful. Or at the very least, warned. Im so sorry about your hand it’s their hand now
:D im glad yall like it science and werewolves are things that are really fun to smoosh together :DD
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fisherrprince · 4 years
Hi, Hello. Love this werewolf au. My brain is currently telling me to draw something for it despite not knowing what to draw. So what do you imagine the ven/vanitus werewolf fusion looking like? Also can they become werewolves separate of each other or only when they're together?
AH!!!! TH- i love you. they can become regular werewolf dogs separate of each other! The fusion horrorterror only happens when Very Specific Parameters are set.
they... are basically Anything weird and messed up and slightly body-horror-y. Their form changes based on who more strongly wants to go somewhere, how much focus they have, what they’re doing at the time?? they can have more than four limbs, almost always have weird extra or squashed eyes, their body doesnt have to make sense it can be long or proportional or tangled, sometimes when they really don’t want to do this they’re like constantly trying to tear off each other... basically. U have free reign so long as the thing looks Wrong
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