#horse theft
sjsmith56 · 9 months
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Across the Waters - Chapter 26, Lord Buchanan
Summary: A delegation from the southern lands brings word of the existence of a supercomputer requiring Bruce’s expertise. An incident at their destination involving Magnus threatens everything.
Length: 5.3 K
Characters: Princess Maria, King Steven, King Thorn, Lord Buchanan, Bruce Banner, King David, Prince Arthur.
Warnings: Theft of Magnus, injury to Magnus, parent fury resulting in physical discipline to child.
Author notes: Brooklyn and the lands to the north and east are higher in elevation than in our world. New York City and New Jersey are under water. Most of the east coast of the U.S. was destroyed by the calamity. This chapter begins the third part of the book, introducing new characters that will share much of the story of Lord Buchanan. It’s where the muse led me.
<<Chapter 25
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The delegation from the Kingdom of Blue Waters that met with King Steven the following day set the stage for the biggest transformation to be felt in the kingdom. Originally enemies who had been duped by Prince Loke into attacking his brother and by extension King Steven's kingdom they became the missing piece of what was needed to mount a joint effort to destroy the asteroids that threatened their world.
The leader of the delegation, Princess Maria, was a no-nonsense woman who had obviously trained as a warrior from a young age. As the only child of the king she had also been educated to a degree unseen in most women of her social rank. Her intellect was keen and she had publicly disagreed with her father over his decision to follow Prince Loke into battle against the northerners. For that she had been imprisoned until the remains of his army barely made it home. The public outcry against the old king had been so strong that he had abdicated in all but name and turned over the running of his kingdom to his daughter. It was her, who upon hearing of the desire for coffee by the northerners had encouraged the pedlars to learn what they could about their distant neighbours as part of a simple trade relationship. From their tales of the scientific discoveries and inventions that were flowing from the creative minds in the north she began searching out the modern women and ancient structures alike in her own realm. Like the northern kingdoms she learned they had also received an influx of modern women into their kingdoms, all with technological skills and knowledge that had long been lost to them. When word of the discoveries of ancient structures in the northern kingdoms reached their ears via the coffee pedlars who had undergone the long journeys back and forth between their kingdom she ordered the nobility to begin searching their lands for ancient structures as well. Two missile silos had been found, as well as the remains of libraries, hospitals, and observatories. They had also witnessed the close encounter of the large meteor that exploded in the atmosphere and from their own observations had concluded that the space threat was greater than any other.
Barely three days into her delegation's visit she made the decision to enter into an alliance with King Stephen and King Thorn to pool their scientific resources together. It happened after two specific events. First was the demonstration of the Queen's Guard put on just for her on the first day, with Queen Peg leading them. The Queen shared her experiences of being a soldier and leader of men in her own world before landing in this one, then impressing the warrior princess with her views of women having equality with the men of this world. Next, with King Steven and King Thorn she met with Bruce Banner at Lord Buchanan's castle after travelling there. Despite his size and skin colour she handled the meeting with candour, asking him questions about his intellect. He was impressed with her scientific knowledge, asking if she had learned from modern scientists. She acknowledged it then asked to see the computers; her eyes widening when she saw them, resulting in her peppering him with questions.
"How do you power them? Where did you get the software to reformat them? What calculations are you running on them?"
He answered all of them then asked why all the questions.
"They discovered a super computer in a kingdom we are allied with," she said. "Our combined scientists have tried to get it to work but have been unsuccessful. We believe it belonged to the ancient's space agency and is in a city once called Abilene, the next kingdom over. There are indications it was moved from its original location in a place called Houston before the asteroid impact that sent a massive tidal wave over the southeastern part of the country that existed at that time. The King and Queen would have come on this trip but she is late in her confinement, and he has his own share of civil unrest. They charged me with representing them. Is it possible you could travel there and try to get it working again?"
"That's a long way and I'm too big to ride a horse," said Bruce. "What are the land conditions between there and here?"
"Not good," she admitted. "We use ships, transport our horses on them, arriving at one of their coastal settlements. My father's kingdom is based in what was Atlanta according to the modern worlders at my palace. It had a higher elevation and was further inland than Houston so it became a refuge from the waves. Much of what was the southern part of the country is under water now although it is quite shallow in places."
"Have you found any television or video cam equipment in your searches?" asked Bruce. "Any transmission towers still standing?"
"Yes, quite a bit of equipment," she replied. "The towers I would have to check. What are you proposing?"
"Site to site broadcast," said Bruce. "Your computer experts could show me what they are doing, the commands, the responses, etc. and I could give them real time suggestions."
"Would my scientists know how to set that up?" she asked.
"I'm sure they would," replied Bruce. "But it is contingent on connecting the transmission towers and that might take time we don't have."
"We don't have the resources," she admitted. "That's why we've asked for metals in trade so that we can fabricate solar panels, wind turbines and the like."
"Salvage," said Bruce, thinking out loud, then explaining his thought. "Let me run some simulations. We know that people survived the tidal wave in this area but to the west which is significantly lower elevation the area was decimated. Our highest elevation here is about 2200 feet and slowly goes higher the further north and east we go so the wave wasn't that big when it reached here. If the original impact was closer to the Gulf of Mexico that's where the highest tidal waves would be. It would sweep everything in a path inland then the surge back would drag debris with it. I can make an educated guess where you could find the remains of wires from the original transmission towers."
A slow smile spread across Princess Maria's face. She looked at King Steven, King Thorn, and Lord Buchanan. "We must have an alliance," she said. "There is just no other answer. This man, Dr. Banner, is brilliant and if we're going to save our world from any more impacts I need him to help get that super computer working. Our scientists, based on records they've found in Abilene believe that the space agency knew about this killer asteroid, their words, not mine, and were desperately trying to come up with a plan to send the missiles there. They faced pushback from the military over it and that was what ultimately killed them. They had all these missiles and no way to reprogram them without the military's help. There is no organized military now, except what each lord has but you have three full missile silos and we have found two. The empty silo, that commander tried but he didn't have the right ... what is the word?"
"Trajectory," said Bruce. "Because he didn't hit it in the right spot he was only able to break a small piece off it and it wasn't enough. If they were tracking that one then they were likely tracking more of them if they were using a super computer. She's right; I need to be there onsite. That machine can out perform all the computers I have set up here in a fraction of the time. We need to get it running. How long will it take to get to Abilene by boat and then walking?"
"Two weeks, minimum," she said. "We can build a cart for you. There are teams of oxen that can probably pull your weight so you wouldn't have to walk."
Bruce looked agonizingly at King Steven, King Thorn, and Lord Buchanan. The King made it easy for him.
"Go," he said. "If that computer can do so much more and give us that much information then that is a priority. You have trained Stark, and the others well and they can probably do much while you're gone. We can start looking for those transmission towers, perhaps even build some of our own on higher ground. Princess, you are welcome to take one of the ham radios with you. Bruce can set it up. Their range is much greater than the regular radios. That way we can keep in better contact. An alliance it is for us. Thorn?"
King Thorn stuck his hand out and she took it firmly, shaking it in return. Then she shook King Steven's hand.
"Would you object if I came?" asked Lord Buchanan. "I have travelled by ship before. I've been to the Holy Land. I can search out other trade opportunities, goods, food stuffs, natural medicines."
"That would be acceptable," she said. "Your wife will not object?"
"I wouldn't say that but she is a modern woman and a Queen's Guard," he said. "She understands the need to serve the kingdom and she is well equipped to manage my estate's affairs."
Three days later Bruce Banner and Lord Buchanan, along with his horse Magnus were all on a ship heading south. It would take a week to get to Atlanta, where the Kingdom of Blue Waters was centred. They would take on provisions then go on to the west to what had been Texas in the ancient world. Long-distance messenger falcons had already been sent requesting a cart be built to accommodate Bruce Banner. The falconer had whispered the directions to the creatures, sending three in case any were injured along the way. Princess Maria affixed her seal to the message they carried so her people would know the order came from her.
When they arrived in Atlanta after a week Magnus became unruly and it was necessary for Buchanan to ride him off the ship first then gallop him for some time to release his pent up energy. Princess Maria watched the horse with interest during the journey, impressed with his stature, recognizing his superior bloodline.
"Do you think Lord Buchanan would be interested in his horse being offered to stud while we pick up provisions?" she asked Bruce. "He is a magnificent beast, one of the finest stallions I have ever seen. I have several mares that should be in heat right about now. Their foals would be fine horses that would invigorate our herds."
"He might agree just to get rid of some of Magnus' nervousness," he said. "He is quite particular with the horse. Only he, his wife and best friend have ridden it."
"I will ask," she said, "I have something to offer in exchange he might be interested in."
Later, in her palace, she introduced the two men to her father, the King. He was impressed by Bruce's size and colour but after a time seemed to retreat into himself and eventually the Princess called for his attendants to take him to bed.
"Our modern doctors say he has dementia," she said, sadly. "It was why he was so easily led by Prince Loke's delegation to join him against your kingdom. At least once that fiasco was over he had enough of his senses to make me his regent."
"My father had it also," said Buchanan. "He lived long enough to see his first grandchild, my daughter, then he died shortly after. I was thankful for that much. Dr. Banner tells me you are interested in Magnus as a stud. He has had his share of trysts with other mares on my estate but all have taken place in an open paddock, with no restraints. Are you comfortable with that?"
"My mares have been bred that way before," she replied. "I have a gift to reciprocate if you agree. Taste this."
She poured each of them a half glass of a dark amber liquid. Bruce smelled his and smiled, downing his in one gulp.
"That is very nice bourbon," he said. "How old is it?"
"This particular bottle is from one of many casks found after the calamity," she said with a smug smile. "It was dated 2023. The King's spirit maker has replicated the process to make an acceptable Tennessee style whiskey. For as many mares as your Magnus can mount while we reload the ship I will give you a full cask of the aged product for yourself, one for your king and one for King Thorn, plus an agreement to ship a significant amount of the replicated product to your kingdom on the return trip. Here is the replicated product."
She poured from a different bottle and toasted their health. Banner downed his in a single gulp, indicating it wasn't bad as a replica of the original. Buchanan tasted both, indicating he could see the superiority of the first drink but that the second would be liked by many. The Princess added that the liquor could be used in cooking, giving a distinctive taste to many recipes which she could also provide. If the product proved popular then she could enter into negotiations with the King for a formal agreement. Buchanan agreed and they went out to introduce Magnus to his harem. He didn't disappoint, mounting more than a dozen mares in the afternoon that had been teased first by a young stallion to make sure they were ready. Princess Maria was both pleased and impressed with his efforts, celebrating the great horse’s efforts with a meal of ribs using a bourbon sauce that both Buchanan and Banner found tasty. A courtier arrived to say the ship had been provisioned, the tide was high and about to turn so they loaded Magnus back on. The princess loaded her mare then they themselves boarded before the ship's captain set a westerly course towards the setting sun.
With a strong easterly wind they made the journey in three days, having to pick a specific course to avoid shallower portions of the sea. A delegation from the King of the Western Plains was there to greet them. As promised a large cart pulled by a team of eight oxen waited at the dock to carry Bruce. He felt like he was on display but was treated with deference by the officials and ignored the stares as they rode the dry and dusty road to Abilene. The King, a tall well built man with hands like a mason waited outside the lab where the super computer was housed. He was dressed in workmanlike clothes and admitted he was a hands on type of man, except for the computers as he still didn't quite understand them. He also was quite taken by Magnus, having already learned of the stallion’s prowess with the Atlanta mares. He offered to buy him from Buchanan, an offer that was refused with a smile. When they entered the building Bruce turned to the King in surprise.
"You have air conditioning?" he asked. "How?"
"The same pipes that bring up heat from deep inside the earth in the winter bring up cooler air in the summer," he replied. "With the fans powered by the sun we are able to distribute the air throughout the building. We use ice in the super computer lab as well to further reduce the temperature. When we first failed to make it run it was thought that was the problem but it is something else. Please, come and wash up. We have clean suits for you to wear inside the lab."
They entered a washroom and all of them cleaned up, put head coverings on over their hair then donned white coveralls before entering the lab. It was significantly cooler in there but Bruce was sure it was cold enough. He was introduced to the team and before they could ask he told them where his PhD was from pre-calamity. Accepting his CV they began telling him everything they had tried in programming, trouble shooting and environment. As they began to get more into the workings of the computer Buchanan, the Princess and the King began to feel left out and the King motioned for them to leave the scientists to work on their own. Outside of the lab they removed the coveralls and the King invited them both to ride to a nearby residence to eat and drink. They stepped out into the heat of the sunny day where the monarch ordered the grooms to bring their horses. They looked at each other uneasily before sharing what the problem was.
"Your Majesty, your horse and Princess Maria's horse are still here but the Prince took the black stallion," said the head groom. "He said you were buying it for him and he wished to try it out. He has been gone this half hour."
Before Buchanan could say anything the King exploded in fury. "Blasted child!" he fumed, then turned apologetically to Buchanan. "My Lord, I am sorry. My eldest is a most obstinate and headstrong boy. He coveted your horse from the moment he heard of it. Now he has shamed me once again by taking it without permission. I will send my King's Guard for him. We will find him and your steed. I promise."
He gave the order to the King's Guard and retreated back inside the air conditioned building to wait. As Buchanan paced angrily back and forth the King tried his best to make amends but the proud Lord said nothing, just showing his fury on his face. At last, the commander of the Guards entered the building with news.
"We have found the Prince and the stallion," he said hurriedly, eyeing Buchanan as he reported to the King. "The Prince is fine but the stallion is injured. I am sure the Royal Veterinary College can treat him for his injury."
Buchanan whirled on the King. "In our lands a horse thief is no better than a murderer," he said angrily. "If I found him on my land I would be within my rights to run him through with my rapier. Pray that the injury suffered by Magnus is not a serious one."
The King took the outburst with grace. "It is our law as well, Lord Buchanan," he replied. "This isn't the first time my son has shamed his station. It will be the last. Commander, order your men to take Prince Arthur into custody. He will never be fit to rule if he insists on behaving this way. Provide Lord Buchanan a horse to ride. Come, sir, let us see what damage my fool son has done to your magnificent beast."
A horse was provided and the three rode out with the Guard commander. The Prince, sitting in the shade and drinking a beer rose insolently as his father and the others approached. Buchanan almost struck the boy when he dismounted the borrowed horse but instead he went straight to Magnus who favoured his left front leg. A veterinarian was already there. The King did strike his son and ordered him arrested for horse thievery.
"Why Father?" he asked as he was bound. "If the horse was mine why should I not ride him as I please?"
"Because he was not yours!" roared the King. "There was no purchase. My offer was refused and you in your arrogance stole that which did not belong to you. You are a horse thief and my hands are now tied as you must be punished as one."
"But I am a Prince," said the boy. "Do not I have station or rank above ordinary people? Am I not permitted to take what I want for that is how I have been raised, that all this will be mine someday."
"You foolish child," said the King. "That horse comes from another kingdom, here on a diplomatic mission. It isn't mine to give and it wasn't yours to take. No man's horse is yours to take even as a prince or a king. The kingdom would have been yours but you have shown you cannot be trusted to conduct yourself accordingly. I disown you and strip you of your rank and privilege. You are no son of mine.  I have no son."
The King turned from the boy and strode to where Buchanan and the veterinarian were still assessing the injury. He ignored the pleas of his son as the guards took him away. The veterinarian began wrapping the left front forelimb of the horse and Buchanan stood, his hand stroking Magnus' neck.
"It is a tendon injury," he said to the King, "but she is unsure if it is a strain or a tear and will wrap it to reduce the swelling. We must get a wagon to transport him to your stables so she can ice the leg. This horse has been my closest companion for ten years. I found him in the Holy Land and we bonded like brothers. Only I and two others have ever been allowed to ride him by his consent. I see the marks of a whip on his withers and excessive pull on the bit. I'm sorry but your son ...."
"I am sick with shame," said the King. "He is my only son and I admit I let him get away with much. But this, this is too much even for me to overlook any more. Please, let me gift you one of my finest horses to ride while you are still with us and take home with you when you return. It is the least I can do."
"Do you plan to execute him?" asked Buchanan, his anger cooling. "Is there no other punishment for a headstrong foolish boy?"
"Banishment perhaps," said the King. "But he has no idea of how to look after himself, no idea how to conduct himself as an honourable man. I have failed him."
"Perhaps he can return to the Broken Lands as a foster," suggested Princess Maria. "No one would know who he is and he could learn to be a good man. I think he would have a good teacher."
She looked directly at Lord Buchanan as she spoke, who coloured and shook his head. "I am still too angry with the boy to even consider fostering him," he replied.
"Yet I heard several stories of your sense of justice and moral code," she said. "For a man born as a peasant you seem to have the respect of many noble born Lords in your kingdom. Perhaps what the boy needs is to be taught how to be a prince by someone who knows what it is to be low born."
The King said nothing, his shame still too great to even ask if Buchanan would entertain the idea. An oxen drawn cart arrived to carry Magnus back to the king's stables and the three mounted their horses after Buchanan helped Magnus step onto the cart. He rode closely on the borrowed horse, beside the cart for the entire trip while the veterinarian stood with his horse, keeping him calm. When they arrived at the stables Buchanan went with her to make sure that Magnus was properly set up. The veterinarian, a modern woman, looked hopefully at Buchanan.
"Magnus took the trip well," she said. "I hope it is just a strain. He is a beautiful horse and I will do my best to heal him."
He nodded his head gratefully then took the saddle which had already been removed from the horse's back and placed it on the saddle rack beside his stall. Taking his saddle bags in his arms he was led by the King into the palace. Word had already reached the Queen about her son's crime and it was said she had taken to her bed, being in the last month of her pregnancy with what was now hoped to be another son, after four daughters. Wordlessly the King showed Buchanan to his rooms and bowed before he left to console his wife. A dresser came out of the bathing room, informing Buchanan that a warm bath had been drawn for him.  The man offered to take the saddle bags to remove his clothes and press them before wearing. Buchanan informed him there was a trunk as well and the servant assured him it had already been unpacked. When he had undressed and slipped into the warm soothing waters he looked at the dresser, Jose, who stood at the ready.
"That is a different name, and you speak with an accent," said Buchanan. "This is not the kingdom of your birth?"
"No, M'Lord," he replied. I come from further south, a mountainous country, under no king's rule. I was fortunate to come here, even more fortunate to get a position in the palace. Someday when I have enough saved I will open a coffee plantation."
"It is this kingdom that grows coffee?" asked Buchanan.
"No, it is in the lawless country where it grows although I have found places in this kingdom that with careful preparation of the soil and the addition of good shade plants it may be possible to grow the coffee plants," he answered. "Since the influx of modern women the demand for good coffee has grown so it is worth it to invest in such a venture."
"What can you tell me about the Prince, truthfully?" asked Buchanan. "You may speak frankly in my presence. I give you my word it will remain between us."
"He is a troubled boy," said Jose in a low voice. "As the only son and heir to the kingdom he has been subjected to great pressures since he was a child. They even started looking for a wife for him before he was ten years of age. His mother coddles him, his father is overly strict and the result is a boy that doesn't understand the limitations of a prince or a person. Is it true he stole your horse and injured it?"
"It is true," replied Buchanan. "Yet it has been suggested I may be able to help the boy by fostering him in my estate far to the north and teach him to be a good man and a good ruler. I admit my first instinct was to run him through with my rapier but I am a guest in these lands and that would be unacceptable. The thought of having him live with me is ... unnerving."
"It would unnerve me also, M'Lord," said Jose. "I will leave you to your thoughts and have these travelling clothes cleaned."
"Thank you, Jose," said Buchanan. "I appreciate your candour."
Buchanan bathed, then was assisted into clothes for dinner after. They spoke no more of the young prince but it weighed on his mind heavily. He found out where Bruce was being housed and knocked on his door but was told he still worked in the computer lab. Of all the people whose counsel he wanted Bruce's voice was sorely missed. In the hallway on the way to the dining hall he met with Princess Maria and offered her his arm as a gentleman.
"I apologize for putting you on the spot," she said. "It was not meant to force you into taking an unruly boy into your care but part of me believes there is still something in him that can be redeemed. King Steven told me that he was fostered with you and your father and that he was not the best of children either."
"No, he wasn't," replied Buchanan, "but his nature was one of a prankster, not a criminal. Princess, I have an unrelated question for you. You export coffee to us but I have learned that the coffee comes from a lawless country. How do you acquire it?"
"It is true that much coffee comes from the mountainous region immediately to the south," she admitted. "There are also lands further south, a month's journey by ship whose rulers are more in line with ourselves. We deal with them more than the lawless ones. But for the right price anyone can make an arrangement with those bandits who control that region. I just chose not to as they are not to be trusted. King David is attempting to set up his own plantations but the plants require just the right conditions and it is difficult to replicate it in this land."
They arrived at the dining hall where Buchanan was introduced to the Queen and her four daughters. She was large with child and Buchanan noticed her eyes were puffy from the news of her son, the Prince. Nothing was said of the boy through the meal. After it was concluded the King asked Buchanan to come to the stables for an update on Magnus' condition. Unfortunately there was no change and Buchanan returned to his rooms disheartened by the news. He opened the door to his rooms, surprised to see the Queen and one of her ladies in waiting seated beside his window.
"Your Majesty," he bowed respectfully, "this is most unseemly and I must ask you to leave my rooms."
"Lord Buchanan, my lady in waiting will stay with us to assure you that all is proper," she replied. "I would speak to you about my son, the Prince. First, I am sorry he stole your stallion and injured him. You must understand that I had trouble conceiving and carrying a child to term, losing three children before he was born. It made me an anxious mother and I excused a lot of poor behaviour from him as he grew. His father tried to correct him but we worked at cross purposes and the result is what you witnessed today."
"Your Majesty," he began but she held her hand up as tears formed in her eyes.
"I understand Princess Maria suggested he go back with you to be fostered and taught how to be a good man," she said, her voice beginning to break. "I beg of you to consider this. He is my only son as I carry another daughter according to our soothsayer who has never been wrong. Our laws do not allow a woman to succeed the throne and if he is disowned or executed the kingdom will be passed on to my husband's cousin who has already threatened to do away with any trade agreements we have with other kingdoms. He is also anti-technology and has indicated he will destroy the super computer. Please sir, Lord Buchanan, I beseech you to help my son."
He took a deep breath, feeling sympathetic for a mother's plight. "Madam, I can only promise to consider it," he said, unwilling to commit. "You have given me much to think upon. I seek another's counsel before I make my decision and will not make it lightly. That is the only assurance I can give you at this time."
She nodded sadly and her lady in waiting extended her arm to her Queen to assist her to stand. With great dignity the pregnant woman walked past him without words and left his rooms. When she left he summoned Jose.
"The Giant, is he still at the super computer?" he asked, to which Jose nodded. "I wish to be awakened the moment he returns. Can you make sure that happens?"
The servant assured him he would stay up himself. Buchanan dismissed him and began undressing himself. Then he made a decision and put his jacket back on, deciding to see one other person before he saw Bruce.
Chapter 27>>
Series Masterlist
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"THIEF HAD LONG DRIVE," Ottawa Journal. June 27, 1913. Page 1. --- Stole Horse in City and Drove to Graham's Bay. Horse Found. ---- One of the most daring daylight thefts that has been successfully perpetrated in the business district of Ottawa in several years, was made at the Langevin Block yesterday afternoon when a horse and express, the property of Mr. Peter Pauze, was stolen.
The animal and vehicle were located this morning at Graham Bay, and Ottawa detectives left to bring the stolen property to the city, and attempt to capture the daring thief.
A few days ago the department received a complaint from Riverside Park, stating that a valuable horse owned by Mr. Fred Thatcher had been stolen from a pasture in the vicinity.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
I broke into someone's garage to steal their car and they had a horse in there. You can't trust horse people.
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Alright so to the best of my knowledge, this is the chain of events so far (I've only had time to watch Grian's episode so far so correct me if I'm wrong):
Scar starts up his usual salesman bit
Jimmy offers bamboo as a barter
Scar and Bdubs laugh at him
Jimmy tramples a few of their crops in retaliation of the bullying
Cleo burns down the mansion in retaliation of the trampled crops in retaliation of the bullying
Joel gets boogeyman next episode and decides he wants to kill one of the Clockers in retaliation of the arson in retaliation of the trampled crops in retaliation of the bullying
Bad Boys build a bread bridge to blow up the Clockers for the Boogeyman kill
Clockers burn down the mansion again in retaliation of the murder in retaliation of the arson in retaliation of the trampled crops in retaliation of the bullying
Nosey Neighbors help the Clockers grief the bread bridge in addition to arson 2.0 in retaliation of the murder in retaliation of the original arson in retaliation of the trampled crops in retaliation of the bullying
Bad Boys vow to take over the server with Bread Bridge in retaliation of the griefing in addition to arson 2.0 in retaliation of the murder in retaliation of the original arson in retaliation of the trampled crops in retaliation of the bullying
Or, in short:
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Please tell me this feud keeps going I want this meme to be completely incomprehensible by the end of the series
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racetrackmybeloved · 3 months
ok but consider: livesies jack stealing a horse in the middle of belting out santa fe
anyway we were ROBBED
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skopostheorie · 1 year
I don't even know what to say at this point
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lovetgr76 · 20 days
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What do you enjoy most about Standish and Jackson’s dynamic? It is so rich.
He can be so rude, and that means that you can be rude back, but in your own way. That’s always good fun. To hold those two things of actual very deep respect and real disdain is an interesting contradiction, and it’s lovely to have contradictions to play as an actor. To have something to push against is really enjoyable (Saskia Reeves)
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sag-dab-sar · 1 year
If you use ChatGPT to write posts on here, know you are stealing from writers of all types. The writers did not give the AI technology permission to use their work. It is literally no different than theft in AI art, but people don't seem to care.
"In the first stage of training, the transformer is in full throttle. Basically, it is trained on a bunch of text data from all over the internet — websites, books, articles, you name it. It is a variety of genres and topics so it can really get the hang of generating text in different styles and contexts." Source 1 "Where does ChatGPT get its data? ChatGPT’s data comes from a massive dataset that includes a diverse range of sources such as websites, books, news articles, and journals" Source 2
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feline-evil · 6 months
Images of edgy wolves and skeletons with fire and lightning are intended to be made by AMATEURS IN PHOTOSHOP and PEOPLE WHO MAKE AIRBRUSH ART ON VANS AND NICHE CALENDARS, not AI!!!!
Whenever i see them made by ai slop it's like seeing one of those really terribly bred 'designer' pitbulls. Who did this to you, this is cruel. This is painful. You weren't made for this.
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portraitoftheoddity · 5 months
Trying to find a single blorbo of mine who hasn't done crimes (or state-sanctioned but deeply unethical things) and so far all I've got is one child with three episodes of screen time.
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meirimerens · 1 year
you know i must have been bone-tired when this part of the herb brides lore didn't come to my mind when i discussed how the Kin fundamentally differs from the cultures it is inspired by um There Is The Human Sacrifice part. like it's an important part of pathologic 2 that you are doing human, or anthropomorphic (if you want to see the Herb Brides as closer to spirits, which comes with its own set of problematics regarding how to approach their oppression) sacrifice. it's an important part of pathologic 2 that you kill a woman, as part of the journey and in direct resonance with you ritualistically killing cattle earlier, and she offers herself to you with cultural and religious significance.
human sacrifices have been done across the globe for millennia, but i cannot, for the life of me, find any source at all that mentions the Buryats (since that was the discussion point) partaking in human sacrifices by the turn of the 19th-early 20th century (or even anything past the 16th). every single source mentioning offerings and sacrifices i've read mentions animals, things such as milk and vodka, and often both at once. would love to read anything about these rituals if papers exist, but i'm personally drawing a blank.
the Kin has Obvious and very Visible influences but it also differs from specific (in this discussion's case, the Buryats) or wider (here, turkic/mongolic as a whole) cultures from the area by so many pieces, big and small, that i wouldn't have enough appendages on my whole body to count them all. and sister. i have plenty of appendages.
#i AM reading a paper that mentions the human sacrifices at Mongol burials where people (typically servants or family) would be sacrificed#to accompany the dead; as well as the Shor practice of sacrificing women/girls (replaced apparently quickly by sacrificing ducks)#but those seem pretty old [the Mongol part mentions the 13th century] & like. nothing about the buryats in that time period#i'm like 85% sure i saw in the beginning of being into patho someone saying how equating the Kin; who practice human sacrifices [& others]#to correlate/be meant to represent Real Life ethnicities is insulting because They Don't Do That.#and like. everythingggg that touches upon representation/appreciation/appropriation/theft is subjective and#informed my how much leeway you're willing to give the creators so that's like#bro i'm just reading PDFs#also just found out the discussion of ''The Kin Is Obviously Inspired But Not Meant To Represent [x]'' is over 2yrs old. we're still at it.#as anon said. ''unless you're tolkien; coming up with a whole fictional language is hard''.#anyways appendage time. stuff that differs just out of the top of my head:#everything relating to the religion which is almost a complete inverse of buryat tengrist/shamanic faith + don't get me started on buddhism#the clothes. the homes. the creation myths; beyond the apparition of Clay; which is present in so many cultures on earth#no swan ancestor. no lake worship. no sky/heavens. no tens of named hierarchical deities. NO BURBOT! no hats. no hats (burts into tears)#NO HORSES? ON THE EURASIAN STEPPE?#the belief that earth mustn't be cut is so buryat. i'm sure i've read it. no idea if it is also in other mongolic peoples but buryat it is.#also a bull-ancestor/bull totem. that exists in buryat tribes; but they also have a bunchhhhh of other sacred animals (including. swans.#also horses. there's this [charm?] made out of horse hair there is)#neigh (blabbers)#i'm realizin how crazy i sound repeating shit that has been said 2yrs ago but like someone already mentioned the human sacrifice.#someone already mentioned the clothes. someone already mentioned the yurts/gers. someone already mentioned the religion#like i'm just. repeating stuff. and yet. give it up for year 2
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chloe12801 · 1 year
This video has content this community will go feral over, so I figured I’d share
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"BOY, 16, STEALS HORSE AND CYCLES 80 MILES," Toronto Star. September 30, 1943. Page 2. --- Michael Stiles and Juvenile Rode All Day Round Don Valley ---- JAILED FOUR MONTHS ---- County Police Court, County Buildings, Magistrate Keith. Charged with theft of a horse, on which he rode the Don valley trails for a whole day, and with theft of a bicycle which he rode 80 miles to Lindsay, Michael Stiles, 16, pleaded guilty today before Magistrate Keith. The boy was sentenced to three months at Guelph for the horse theft, the term to be concurrent with a similar penalty imposed at Lindsay for housebreaking. He was also given a one-month consecutive term for bicycle theft.
Det. Harold Speight of East York police said that Stiles and a juvenile had taken two horses and saddles from the stables of the Bar-Branch riding school on Broadview Ave. on Sept. 17. The horses were ridden around the Don valley all day and were later found abandoned one and a half miles from the stables.
Stiles told the court he had been working as a machine shop operator in Toronto, but recently had lost a finger and was waiting for compensation. Det. Speight said the boy had been living alone in Toronto, his mother having gone to Sudbury.
"You'll have a hard life ahead of you if you don't straighten up, son," declared his worship in passing sentence.
Pleading guilty of theft of $3.25 from the Milk for Britain fund. theft of an auto rug and theft of two rings, a boy of 16 was remanded for sentence until Oct. 7 by Magistrate Keith today.
His worship was advised by Detective McLellan that accused's father was in the army.
"You're not much help to your mother," observed Magistrate Keith to accused. "Why don't you get out and work and earn some money. You should keep your name good. otherwise you haven't got any- thing."
HAD BANK REVOLVER ---- "B" Police Court, City Hall, Magistrate Browne Appearing for judgment on a charge of receiving a revolver, stolen from a King St. bank, Frank Holmes, who admitted a record. was convicted and sentenced to four months imprisonment. Holmes claimed to have bought the revolver from a child for 75 cents.
Appearing for sentence on a charge of theft of a ring from a young woman, with whom he had been keeping company. Pte. Donald Penfield was sentenced to 60 days.
"The drunk driving charge will be dismissed and on the careless driving charge to which you have pleaded guilty there will be a penalty of $50 or 30 days." his worship told Joseph Aiken when he appeared for judgment on the more serious charge. Two witnesses denied that accused was intoxicated.
A conviction was registered against Ormie Drew and a fine of $100 or one month imposed, when he appeared for judgment on a charge of obstructing Plainclothesmen Sutton, Edgeworth and Patton, when they sought to enter his Wellesley St. house. Accused and three members of his family had denied the charge.
At the request of the crown Antoni Lizert, charged with a breach of the oil controller's regulations by having loose coupons. was remanded to Oct. 4. with bail $1,000.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
Someone was planning to steal my horse and my friend told me to call the cops and I was like ‘okay’ but then halfway through doing so I remembered cops are bad and I don’t like them so I called the devil instead.
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idkllr · 1 year
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sometimesanequine · 10 months
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