deepspacedukat · 11 months
For the new FMK, I present the following:
Damar, Shran, and Jorik. Do what you will with that 🤣
Ngl Jeffery looks so good in his B5 appearance I’m obsessed. I’m having so many thots about it.
Slow Burn: Shran - He would be the most romantic mans. If he's trying to woo a person he was interested in, he would make it the most affectionate, respectful, unique experience. It would be an exploration of both cultures, both individuals, and of what it means to be in love.
Fake Date: Jorik - He would claim it was only logical for whatever mission required it, but by the time he'd be severely in love. He is a good boi, a smitten little kitten, a silly man. He'd be a mess. He'd still be claiming that it was logical, btw. By the end of the assignment, he'd be declaring koon-ut-so'lik.
Enemies to Lovers: Damar - He's Just Some Guy, y'know? He's a good, loyal Cardassian, so I could totally imagine some tension arising between him and a person from the Federation. It starts as posturing, becomes a rivalry, then something close to enemies. And then...one day, all that tension snaps. An argument happens, but instead of them beating the shit out of each other, they end up in Damar's bed. They're both stunned, but not upset with how things turned out. They each still make jokes about the other being an asshole, but now those insults are followed by smooches.
I'm gonna be real honest with you, friend, I still need to see B5. I just looked up Jeff's character from that show and–
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zineobiology · 2 months
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Welcome to the Zine O’Biology
A multi-fandom Star Trek Zine.
Do you have strong opinions on Vulcan fra’als, Cardassian tails, or how the heck Trill symbionts reproduce? We want to hear from you!
The Zine O’Biology is a fictional comparative xenobiology academic journal set in the Star Trek universe. If you’ve always wanted to wax eloquent for up to 3000 words about your theories on alien biology, welcome to your new home!
We want all your theories about all your favorite aliens! This is a friendly but competitive academic journal where the content of every paper is a little bit suspicious (is this paper based on rumor or fact? What is the methodology?) and some competing authors leave snarky comments on one another’s work. So just like a real academic journal, except ours features the Great Green Anthurium.
We welcome xenobiology articles on all Star Trek aliens from all series!
The final format will be a PDF that you can scroll at your leisure or print at home in order to have a physical copy of the Zine. (This way there is no money involved.)
Alien biology articles
Alien biology artwork
In-Universe advertisements
Letters to the editor
How do Andorian genders work? Are Cardassians actually lizards? Why do Klingons have so many redundant organs? What’s the biological purpose of Bajoran nose ridges? What’s the best cement mix for emergency surgery on a Horta?
You’ve been pondering alien biology for years. This is your chance to infodump all your favorite theories to an eager audience of your fellow nerds!
Articles will be separated into two categories: reproductive biology or general biology. Yes, we also want all your theories on what every species is packing downstairs…and how they use it.
Journal articles should be fun and engaging, but also written in your interpretation of a pseudo-academic style, since this is a highly respected Federation xenobiology journal. If you want to keep things more lighthearted and less academic, check out the section on Letters to the Editor.
If you have independent illustrations about alien biology we would love to see them! If you would like to provide illustrations for one of our journal articles, tell us what species you want to illustrate and we’ll do our best to match you up!
Art should be in a square, scaleable format, printable at high resolution at 4x4 inches.
Even in a post-need future, academic journals will need a little extra funding. Submit your ads for Ferengi Oomox Creme, Self Sealing Stem Bolts, Gently Used Federation Technology, and, of course, “reproductive aids.” The weirder the better! Have fun with it!
All art needs to be printable at high resolution
Ad Sizes:
1 column (vertical) 3.5 x 7
half page (horizontal) 8 x 5
banner (narrow horizontal) 8 x 2
in-text (square) 3.5 x 3.5 scaleable
in-text (half-square) 3.5 x 1.75
Do you have a great idea, but it’s not enough to fill out a 3000 word article? Submit it as a “reaction” to a previous journal article. Feel free to lay into a mythical researcher who does NOT understand why their biological theory is wrong and yours is right!
Max length 800 words. Enjoy making these plenty frothy!
The creators of this Zine are all notorious Vulcan Fuckers. Since we want the Zine O’Biology to be open to all alien species, it is only logical that we seek your expertise.
We’re seeking fans from all over the Star Trek universe to spread the word that yes, it’s time for us to all come together in the spirit of explaining how our favorite aliens come together.
Sub-Editors will be in charge of helping us solicit articles and art for their specific race of aliens and editing those articles in order to fit into the Zine. If we don’t have a sub editor for a species, we’ll do our best, but the chapter on that species won’t be as good as it would be if folks with real fanon knowledge were involved.
Graphic designers to help with Zine layout
Social media promoters
Alien art and article wranglers (ie: get your fannish friends involved!)
Fill out the Art or Writing Google Form letting us know your interests or reach out to the Editor in Chief at [email protected]
August 1, 2024: Last date for everyone seeking an art or writing partner to submit their request. We don’t guarantee you’ll be partnered up. It depends on how many people are interested and what aliens they want to draw/write.
August 18, 2024: Art/Writing partners notified. NOTE: it’s both fine and encouraged if you want to submit as a team from the start! This is for people who do not have a partner and would like us to find them one.
August 30, 2024: Final call for all journal authors, artists, and advertisers to let us know what species they’re working with, how many submissions they plan to send, and whether their submission will be general or reproductive biology.
October 20, 2024: All art, advertising, and journal submissions are due
We hope to have the Zine O’Biology ready for your enjoyment by New Year’s Eve 2024. We all have full time jobs and lives, so that date may change depending on the volume of submissions.
What if my biological theories are totally different from another author’s?
Yes. Perfect. We love it.
We want to see everyone’s theories! Canon gave us scraps, but together we will make a meal! Expect to see many mutually contradictory articles. That’s part of the fun!
What about Smut?
Yes, we are accepting E rated submissions! The journal will be separated into two sections:
General Biology
Reproductive Biology
General Biology is everything but the genitals
Reproductive Biology should include actual descriptions of the mechanics and biology. Think of it as creating reference material for smut writers and artists.
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indignantlemur · 4 months
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I needed to take a break from writing Emigre and planning mirror 'verse shenanigans, so here's Shran! Did some experimenting with this one - new way of doing eyelashes that doesn't make me want to throw my tablet in the bin, and a slightly different way of rendering hair, mostly. Thoughts, folks?
@the-lady-general  @starrynightgardens  @emilie786  @horta-in-charge  @emochook  @velvet-luvie  @creature-of-the-stars @unknownfacelessfanfictions @auroramagpie (Not sure if you folks wanted to be tagged for non-Emigre work or not - let me know if you don't!)
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creature-of-the-stars · 5 months
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Chapter 1 -> read here 👻
Vreenak/ F OC
Synopsis: A Starfleet officer experiences problems with her runabout and makes an emergency stop at Empok Nor. The dusty station has been abandoned for years, there's not a single living thing in sight (no, not even a vole). However, the Lieutenant soon finds out she isn't alone.
So, this is the Vreenak fic I was supposed to do by Halloween, but - obviously - didn't 🤦🏽‍♀️. Also, I had eye surgery awhile back and just recently got to a point where I could read/write on a digital device without pain. It felt like someone was pushing my eyes out from the inside of my head if I spent more than five min looking at a backlit screen - thankfully, that's passing!
Tag list (let me know if I left you off because it's been so long, I have completely forgotten who is on my list): @deepspacedukat@darkmattervibes @starrynightgardens @bigblissandlove1 @emilie786 @sleepycat82 @indignantlemur @emochook (I saw your review already, lovely 💜, but I wanted to include you for completeness), @romulanhorsegirl @horta-in-charge
Also...Happy New Years!!! 🥂
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crowfootwrites · 6 months
I got the idea for the first part of this fic, the interaction between reader and Senator Cretak, and it rooted itself so deeply in my brain that I could literally hear it in her voice (specifically Megan Cole's Cretak, who I am deeply in love with 😅). Anyway, here's another entry for the December Prompt List by @creativepromptsforwriting. Tagging the folks I knew usually love that good Romulan shit! @deepspacedukat @bigblissandlove1 @sleepycat82 @starrynightgardens @horta-in-charge
Eaha'le translates to "sweetness" in Rihan.
December 8: Sweets (Senator Kimara Cretak x GN!Reader)
Warnings: none; pure fucking fluff; not beta'd we die like men. | Words: ~620
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“And, what did you say this was called again?” Kimara asked as she sat, slightly wide-eyed, at your mother’s kitchen table, the few brown crumbs dusting her lips begging you to kiss them off.
You laughed and wiped your floured hands on the towel slung over your shoulder before taking a seat across from her, the Christmas platter of shaped cookies resting between you.
“Gingerbread,” you reminded her.
“It is… spicy,” she murmured, reaching for another Human man-shaped cookie. “But also sweet.” She studied it intently before gingerly taking a bite.
She nodded thoughtfully. “This is excellent,” she mumbled around the cookie in her mouth.
More of your laughter bubbled over – while you never imagined you’d refer to a Romulan partner as “adorable”, Kimara’s curiosity was endearing and it made her all the more lovely to you.
You knew, of course, about the Senator’s penchant for sweets. In the time you’d known her, she’d never passed up an opportunity to try a new confection. She’d actually introduced you to jumja sticks after you’d arrived on Deep Space 9.
But being back in your family home on Earth for Christmas meant introducing Kimara to scads of novel, handmade Terran desserts – so far, there’d been some hits and some misses. She wasn’t a fan of sweet potato pie, which you’d lamented dramatically, or peanut butter fudge. But she’d eaten enough lemon bars to make herself sick and was “delighted” by the lightness of your profiteroles. Gingerbread, it would seem, was another hit.
“I’m glad you like it,” you offered. “It’s a pretty traditional Christmas dessert, around here anyway.”
A loud clinking carried across the kitchen as your mother entered, carrying a tilting stack of ceramic casserole dishes. She swore loudly as she caught her hip on the corner of the counter and dumped the pile of pans on the countertop in annoyance.
“I’m fixin’ to make my famous banana puddin’, Kimmy,” she divulged, leaning against the counter with one hand on her hip. You snorted lightly at your mother’s diminutive nickname for your dignified, Senate office-holding partner. Kimara glanced between you and your mother, her eyes still wide.
“Bananas are a sweet, custardy kind of fruit – and in banana pudding, you slice up bananas and layer them with cream and crispy vanilla cookies,” you filled in.
“And mine’s the best,” your mother added, fluffing her hair a bit. “Won the blue ribbon at the holiday bake-off for the last three years.”
“That sounds like an exceptional accomplishment,” Kimara replied earnestly, and you reached for her hand over the table to give it a squeeze. Her kindness never ceased to amaze you – it was unexpected from someone who’d previously described the Romulans’ “well-earned” arrogance to you.
“I look forward to trying it,” she added with a respectful incline of her head.
“Oh, you’re too sweet, Kimmy.” Your mother flushed and began making a racket as she shuffled her dishes around and started setting out ingredients.
A timer sounded from beside the oven and you ruefully pulled yourself from your Senator’s grasp to pull your thumbprint cookies out of the oven. Navigating around your mother’s chaos in the kitchen, you set your cookies to cool and poured a cup of tea each for you and Kimara. As you turned toward the table, you spotted her finishing her third gingerbread cookie and chided her softly.
“You’ll make yourself sick again,” you warned around a grin, setting the cups on the table and seating yourself beside your partner. 
This time you couldn’t help it, leaning in to kiss away the specks of gingerbread clinging to her soft lips, your eyes fluttering closed as she kissed you back, spice and sparks crackling to life between you. 
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toebeans-mcgee · 7 months
Not sure why it took me so long to figure this out, but my childhood may have conditioned me to love Andorians.
I mean, look at him. He’s cute, blue, has antenna, is rude and angry, he loves his little phaser gun, he’s loyal as hell, and has a big soft side for his Human buddy.
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Tagging people who I know have written for Andorians, sorry if I left anyone out:
@indignantlemur @emilie786 @deepspacedukat @horta-in-charge @love-at-first-contact (yeah we already talked about this on discord, but as an Andorian writer, I couldn’t leave you off)
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uss-exile-ncc-440548 · 8 months
Tagging who I know to tag, but anyone can vote!
@deepspacedukat @kicks-tiktaalik-back-into-water @creature-of-the-stars @bigblissandlove1 @horta-in-charge
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
Happy Salamander Sex Day to you!!!!
I have a very important, extremely scientific question… what kind of reaction would the Vulcans/Romulans have if they couldn’t read someone’s thoughts using the touch telepathy we’re so fond of? It’s not that the person is blocking them out, it’s that the telepathy doesn’t register.
By no means am I asking for all of them because we have too many blorbos with pointy ears. Just in general… with maybe your personal favorites and your lovely Jorik 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Happy Salamander Sex Day to you too, friend!!! ILYSM! 💙💜
Ooooooh, that is a VERY important question!! *cracks knuckles* For the sake of these, I imagined that they were reacting to their s/o or prospective s/o in this situation.
Jorik: Assumes that it’s a failing on his part, because they’re perfect so it must be him. “I am sorry, ashayam. I will make amends.” Proceeds to double his efforts in every other department to prove that he is still a worthy prospective mate.
Spock: Raises a single eyebrow. “Fascinating.” Proceeds to study the phenomenon. As an afterthought: “However, this will not change our relationship status.”
Vorik: Tilts his head like a puppy. “Hm... No matter. I shall simply convey my thoughts verbally. You do enjoy my voice after all.” Tilts their chin up teasingly. “Do you not?”
Solok: “Another Human failing... It is fortunate for you that your other credentials blind me to this new flaw.” Smirks in a definitely-not-smug way and proceeds to posture as normal in an attempt to impress them. Deflates when they walk away, and hurries to follow them with an apology on the tip of his tongue.
Letant: Is disappointed, but cuddles them closer. Not even bothered, just deeply in love. Possibly even more intrigued with them because of the added mystery of being unable to read them. “Don’t think that just because we can’t communicate telepathically that I’m going to give you up. You’re mine, e’lev.”
Vreenak: Is disappointed in an angsty way. Pouts and acts slightly grumpy/prickly. He knows it’s nobody’s fault, but he had really hoped to share that particular intimacy with them. Eventually when his Human kisses his forehead and tries to console him, he relents and holds them close. “You’re enough just the way you are. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to act so childish.”
Bochra: Shrugs and goes back to nibbling their neck as if nothing happened.
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indignantlemur · 4 months
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Larger size HERE
Why yes, I have been very productive today - why do you ask?
@the-lady-general  @starrynightgardens  @emilie786  @horta-in-charge  @emochook  @velvet-luvie  @creature-of-the-stars @unknownfacelessfanfictions
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creature-of-the-stars · 7 months
The Stowaway: Chapter 10
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Chapter 10: A'lazabs = read here
No content warnings this time.
Pairing: Captain Solok/Female Human OC
Synopsis: Solok and Layla trade blows over a chessboard and discuss the future.
Thanks, @deepspacedukat for inadverently reminding me that I forgot to post anything for this update here on Tumblr, lol. I guess I was so relieved to finally post something for this fic 😭 that I forgot.
Taglist (let me know if you want on or off): @indignantlemur, @emilie786, @darkmattervibes , @sleepycat82 , @horta-in-charge , @romulanhorsegirl , @deepspacedukat @bigblissandlove1, @starrynightgardens
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crowfootwrites · 6 months
Devotion & Diplomacy - Part VI
REEEEE, I have been so ✨ s t o k e d ✨ to share this chapter, because I just love Emrys and Daro together so much. There's lots of Cardassian language in this chapter, so the translation guide can be found at the end! And of course, all credit goes to @cardassianlanguage and @tinsnip for their amazing work on Cardassian linguistics - for this chapter in particular, I heavily relied on their Kardasi/English dictionary to create Daro's names for Emrys, as well as @tinsnip's Speculative Cardassian Reproductive Xenobiology because, well, smut.
Tagging my usuals: @horta-in-charge, @starrynightgardens, @sleepycat82, @vreenak, and @deepspacedukat 😘
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Read on AO3
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ on this chapter, bois, 'cause it's almost all smut 😅: inter-species sex (sex involving Cardassian genitals), oral sex, vaginal fingering, PIV smut, unprotected sex; generally fluffy, sweet, sweet loving | Words: ~3,775
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For a moment, Emrys fell through space, her mind whirling in the unknown as she waited for Daro to respond – but it was only the briefest moment before Daro was kissing her back, his hand slipping from her cheek into her hair as his other arm wrapped firmly around her. Emrys’ fingers trailed along the ridges and edges of his armor, deftly finding the soft fabric of his shirt beneath his chest plate and grasping on for dear life.
She couldn't help the little sigh that escaped her as Daro pulled back to brush his lips lightly over hers, the prominent ridge along his nose caressing her cheekbone as he placed a delicate kiss just below her ear. Emrys' head tipped back against the palm of his hand still wound in her hair, gazing at him with hooded eyes.
She couldn't recall the last time she felt this flustered, and the need to explore this with Daro tugged at her resolutely. Nervousness prickled like needles along her limbs.
"Is-," Emrys cleared her throat as her voice cracked, beginning again. "Is this something that you want?" 
Daro laughed quietly, the warmth of his breath fanning across the miniscule distance between them.
"I have wanted this since you attempted to intervene on my behalf with Chief O'Brien in that turbolift," he murmured. The ridges around his eyes furrowed slightly. "You have been so kind, so welcoming, from the very beginning. It is… not what we were taught to expect from the Federation." He paused, pressing his forehead gently to hers. "Spending time with you has been a most… enlightening experience."
Emrys felt the press of heat in her cheeks that usually heralded tears – it was the nicest thing anyone had said to her in a very long time. She slid a hand from Daro's side along his back beneath his chest plate, watching him shudder slightly as she did.
"I find myself very eager to continue this," he muttered, the hand tangled in her hair tightening just a bit. "But-," he added, and Emrys groaned.
He chuckled, pressing his lips against the crown of her head.
"You just told me you haven't eaten since breakfast, and I did invite you here for dinner, so I would be remiss if I did not feed you sooner rather than later."
He stepped back from her slowly, looking as though he'd never wanted to do anything less. Grasping one of her hands, he led her to the small kitchen table, and gestured for her to sit. 
"What can I get you to drink?" he asked as he stepped over to the replicator. The kitchen was truly tiny, with limited counter space that was already cluttered with fruit Emrys recognized as native to Cardassia, and a series of mismatched glass bottles full of colorful liquids.
"Kanar?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity. 
Daro looked at her in surprise. "You've had it before?"
Emrys shook her head. "When in Rome, though," she said with a shrug.
Daro looked confused and Emrys laughed, waving her hand dismissively. "If I'm going to try it for the first time, I'm happy to do so with you."
The glinn smiled to himself and replicated two glasses of kanar, handing her one before taking a sip of his own. He eyed her carefully as she took a sip, almost immediately sputtering as the alcohol burned in her throat.
Emrys was caught somewhere between coughing and laughter as her nostrils stung. She looked up to see Daro trying to hide his amusement.
"That is… potent," Emrys croaked.
"It takes some getting used to," he replied rather cheerfully.
He set his glass on the counter and began unbuckling his chest plate, revealing a soft brown undershirt as he pulled the armor over his head and moved to set it on the desk chair in the main room. 
Emrys allowed her eyes to follow him, biting her lip at the way his shirt fit comfortably across his shoulders, snug enough to show the ridges that ran the length of his neck and shoulders. 
"I just realized I've never seen you without your armor on," Emrys commented and Daro glanced at her in surprise.
"Do you find it strange?"
Emrys shook her head. "I find it… very appealing,” she said meaningfully, and bit her lip as a flush of cobalt blue colored his chufa and a pair of scales on his neck. 
He regarded her from his place beside his desk, eagerness and hunger rampaging in his stare. Heat pooled in Emrys’ belly as she held his gaze. She watched as Daro took a deep breath to center himself, loosening his shoulders and lifting his chin, breaking the intensity of the moment. 
A small smile played over his lips as he returned to the kitchen and stood before the replicator again. “As it so happens, Emrys, I am very much looking forward to seeing you out of uniform as well.” With his back to her, he couldn’t see her grin.
Eager to share some of his favorite foods with Emrys, Daro replicated them plates of sem'hal stew with yamok sauce and meat rolls. An undercurrent of flirtation ebbed between them, every word and glance shared colored with want.
Daro was enchanted by her delighted exclamations as she tried her food and the way her peals of laughter danced around him as he told her stories of his childhood. With a great clenching in his chest, he realized how much he wanted to always hear that sound in a home of his own, how fitting it felt to have a mate who enjoyed his company and found him charming. Not that she was his mate, he reminded himself sternly. He wasn't even certain how that would work, given the differences in their background and careers, and she might not even want that with him. But he found himself hoping anyway. 
Emrys found herself more comfortable than she had been in a very long time. She had no home of her own, so to speak, with a job that sent her across the Alpha Quadrant almost constantly. She could see friends, of course, as she had during her brief stay on the Enterprise, or by taking brief trips to space stations or Golana or Risa. Sometimes Earth if she was lucky. But she was never really home. Daro’s home, on the other hand, was cozy and pleasant, completely reflecting Daro himself.  
Emrys giggled behind her kanar glass as Daro explained why Gul Macet and his cousin, Gul Dukat, were on such poor terms with one another, something Emrys had been wondering since Macet had brushed off her question aboard the Enterprise.
When Daro rose to clear the table, Emrys put a hand on his forearm and stood. “Please, let me. You’ve been an excellent host, the least I can do is clear the dishes.”
Daro moved to protest, but Emrys was quicker, sweeping the plates up and moving them to the replicator to be recycled. As she turned back around, she found Daro leaning casually against the counter, studying her.
She raised an eyebrow playfully. “See something you like, Glinn?”
“Without question,” he replied seriously, offering his hand. She stepped toward him and placed her hand in his as he pulled her close. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest as his hands slid down her sides, coming to rest on her hips. As her fingers slipped under the fabric of his shirt, caressing the smooth scales along his torso, Daro captured her mouth with his, a groan bubbling up in his throat. 
His tongue traced along the seam of her lips and Emrys welcomed him in, a pleased hum caught in her chest. She crowded him, pressing her body against his desperately, as though he could consume her entirely. Goosebumps prickled along the length of her arms at the thought. One of Daro’s hands surged upward to cradle her head, tilting it back languidly as his lips skated downward, quickly finding the places that sent shivers crawling up her spine. 
She gasped as Daro’s mouth worked at the sensitive spot just below her ear, her fingers pressing more urgently into his skin. Heat built between them, a fervor that Emrys knew could swallow her whole. Daro shifted slightly, one of his knees spreading Emrys' thighs. At the sound of her pleased sigh, his hands began an eager ascent, capturing the zipper of her uniform jacket and tugging it down until she could slip out of it. She let it fall to the floor, then slid her hands up Daro’s side, pushing his undershirt up to expose the stunning pattern of scales along his sides and across his chest. He tugged it quickly over his head, revealing the ridges that spanned his shoulders and trailed up the sides of his neck. He tossed the shirt away hurriedly, as though he couldn’t bear to be parted from her for long. 
Emrys dragged her fingers teasingly up his chest, circling the blue-tinged spoon formation there and pulling a heated moan from Daro as he pressed his forehead against hers. 
“I need to see you,” he begged, thumbing the hem of her undershirt. “Please, irc’lin, I want to see all of you.” 
Locked so closely against him, she felt the hard ridge of his length nudging insistently against her. Emrys couldn’t help the whimper that slipped between her lips as his thigh clenched, desire sparking to life fully between her legs. Practically ripping her shirt in her haste to get it off, she watched Daro’s eyes as they raked over her form. 
He swallowed hard, a cautious hand rising to cup her breast, his fingers tracing slowly over the delicate lace of her bra. As the pad of his thumb brushed over her nipple, she exhaled hard, her fingers grasping at the waistband of his pants. Her eyes met his, the hunger there new and intoxicating. Emrys was so used to the gentle, thoughtful Daro; and while those characteristics were the reason she was even in his home with her top off, and while those traits certainly remained in that moment, it was captivating to see him so overtaken by his desire – a twin to her own.
He tilted his head to the side, motioning toward the room with the open door beyond them, before cupping her face in his palms and pulling her in for another slow, deliberate kiss. He moved her easily, guiding them away from the kitchen counter and toward what Emrys assumed to be his bedroom, their lips breaking apart only to steal quick pants of air before diving into one another again.
Emrys gasped when the backs of her legs hit his bed, and he used their momentum to lower her slowly onto her back, watching her intently. He fumbled slightly with the fastening on her pants, refusing to take his eyes off her, in love with the way her flushed chest heaved on the bed before him. Admiring the way her dark hair spread around her head like the corona of the Cardassian sun. As he finally managed to unfasten her pants and began to slip them down the length of her pale legs, she propped herself up on her elbows, her hooded eyes home to a heady stare that made his Cho’Ch jump. He slipped his palms along her soft skin, leading the way with greedy kisses and nips, worrying her skin between his teeth as she groaned above him, squirming impatiently. 
He hesitated as his lips reached the apex of her thighs, breathing in her scent, and brushing his thumb lightly over the lace that covered her sex. She shuddered above him, her eyes closing in pleasure. Emboldened, he slipped the fabric to the side, allowing his fingers to skim delicately around her soaked folds. The vision of Emrys panting and whimpering atop his bed, at the execution of fingers he’d only just begun to use, sent a wave of possessiveness and adoration clamoring through him. In that moment, despite his desire to go slow and be tender with his fragile little Human, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back. He would give anything to please her. He glanced up at her, a hint of worry in his gaze. 
“I’ve never done this with a Human woman before,” he murmured, massaging the flesh of her thighs even in his insecurity. With a soft smile, she leaned onto one elbow, her other hand stretched to caress his chufa. 
“I wouldn’t have guessed based on how you’re doing so far,” she breathed. “We can teach each other.”
She pushed herself into a seated position, with Daro still kneeling between her legs. She reached behind her back and with a quick flick of her wrist, pulled her bra off and tossed it to the floor. Daro groaned at the sight of her pale breasts, his Cho’Ch painfully hard in his pants. Hands still kneading at her thighs, he watched for her reaction as he took a pink nipple into his slick mouth. He teased and tested, letting it pebble against his tongue as Emrys’ head fell back and short pants slipped between her parted lips. While she was distracted, his fingers dipped below the waistband of her panties and worked them down her legs.
When he glanced back up at her, she was already looking at him, her eyes slightly unfocused, her cheeks flushed, her lips rosy and kiss-swollen. His gentle, stunning mate. His. 
It took her a moment to find her voice and when she spoke it was in a whisper - “H-human men usually use their fingers and their mouths to prepare women to take them…”
Raw hunger gleamed in his eyes as he gently pushed her back to recline against his sheets again, pressing a soft kiss to her sex before flicking his tongue between her folds, collecting the dampness gathered there. The taste of her had his Cho’Ch twitching again. Without stopping his exploration of her cunt, he used a hand to unfasten his pants, freeing his everted length and grasping at his irllun with a tight fist.
Daro noticed the way Emrys’ hips jerked whenever his tongue swept over a small bump near the top of her slit and focused his attention there, eager to hear more of the wanton sounds pouring from her mouth. He felt her tensing as he fixated on that spot, and responded by pressing a gentle finger below his tongue, pushing into the damp heat at her center slowly, testing and giving her time to voice any displeasure. None came, her hips lurching until he had to use his forearm to hold them in place. A chorus of yeses and groans of his name rushed around his head as he slid a second digit into her. As she climbed, she threaded her fingers into his hair, grinding her hips against him restlessly. Her taste and scent surrounded him and he buried his fingers deeper, curling them against a spongy spot inside her as he nipped lightly at that delicate bundle above her entrance. 
With a shameless cry of Daro’s name, Emrys crested over the edge, shuddering helplessly as aftershocks raked through her, even as she pushed Daro away gently. 
“Fuck,” she panted, draped limply across Daro’s bed. Turning her head just slightly to meet Daro’s eyes at the end of the bed, she caught the little smirk he wore and gave him a silent thumbs up before dropping her arm heavily on the bed and laughing breathlessly.
He lingered there, between her legs, even as he rose to his feet. Emrys bit her lip hungrily as his stiff length bobbed, emerging from a scaled slit, the tip of him curving upward to rest against another spoon formation surrounded by slate-colored scales. Emrys’ cunt clenched around nothing as Daro took himself in his hand, studying her greedily.
“Come here,” she urged, lifting an open palm toward him. “Please, I need to feel you.”
Daro exhaled hard before crawling over her on the bed, slipping his fingers between hers and gripping them tightly. His lips found hers again and she mewled at the taste of herself on his tongue. She slipped her free hand down to glide her fingers along his slippery length.
His mouth broke away from hers with a gasp as her warm, small hand caressed him. 
“What do you call this in Cardassian?” she whispered against his lips before shifting her attention to the ridges on his neck, specifically the ones she'd seen turn tinged blue earlier, kissing and licking and biting as he groaned fervently above her.
“Ch-Cho’ch,” he choked out, settling his knees before grabbing Emrys by her hips and tugging her closer, draping her thighs over the top of his own, keeping her spread for him. His Cho'Ch was perilously close to her glistening entrance.
Her fingers slid down his length before delicately circling the ring of small scales around the base. Daro shuddered above her, gasping as he dropped forward over her, planting his hands beside her shoulders. He let his head drop and his mouth took up residence beside her ear. As he alternated between grazing his lips along the curve of her ear and giving in to the moans that thrummed in his throat, Emrys’ fingers trailed past the top of his slit to caress the scaled spoon that rested just above it. Daro’s elbows buckled at her touch, growling hungrily.
Although there was delight to be found in Emrys’ leisurely exploration of him, Daro already missed the feeling of her grasping his length, of the steady massage of her fingertips on his irllun. It had been a… not insignificant amount of time since he’d last been sexually involved with anyone, and he was sure that these light, teasing touches would finish him well before he intended. Pulling himself upright, he grasped both of her soft, eager hands and pressed them into the bed above her head, capturing her lips with his as he did so. She whimpered beneath him, her hips rocking, her back arching to press her chest against his, determined to feel him on every part of her. 
She pulled back desperately for air, gasping the word “please” against his lips, and the sound of her begging so prettily dissolved whatever restraint he’d managed to hang on to. Fingers digging into the supple flesh of her hips, he buried himself into his mate’s soft heat in one long stroke, her plush walls enveloping his Cho’Ch like nothing he’d ever felt before. He waited for a moment, giving her a chance to adjust, watching as her lips parted in pleasure.
When she tangled her fingers in his hair, tipping her head back and baring her neck to him, he took it as a sign to move, drawing his hips back before hilting himself inside her again. The brush of her folds against his swollen irllun as he nudged himself deeper had him groaning against the delicate skin of her neck. His teeth grazed a spot below her jaw and as he did, a beautiful cry of his name tumbled from her lips. She clenched around him, rolling her hips to meet his as he sank into her again and again. 
Chasing the gasps that escaped her whenever he was fully seated, he stopped thrusting, instead grinding his hips against hers, building the friction between his irllun and that sensitive bundle of nerves he’d discovered earlier. She moaned shamelessly, her eyes glazing over as he pushed her toward her peak.
He was following right behind her, pleasure surging in every tensed muscle, every shift of his hips, every call of his name that left her lips. She tightened her grasp around his shoulders, pulling herself up to press her brow against his, rocking against him. He was surrounded by her – her scent, her arms, her soaked core – and the combination sent him barreling towards his peak.
“I-I’m close,” Emrys gasped against his lips, her hips grinding against his with more force now, desperation driving her every move.
“Yes,” Daro growled, wrapping an arm snugly around Emrys, pulling her closer against his chest. “Yes, e’zIra, come for me. You take me so well, my mate.”
Emrys flushed at the term, crying out as she came, galaxies bursting behind her eyelids. Her walls squeezed Daro so tightly he faltered for a moment, a grunt caught in his throat as he barrelled towards his own climax. His gaze met the heat in Emrys’ as his Cho’Ch throbbed. Her lips brushed against his ear, an overstimulated whine heralding her murmured, “make me yours, Daro.”
With a ragged moan, he hastily pressed Emrys onto her back in the sheets again, lurching forward to chase her lips and shield her beneath his broad chest. His hands stilled her hips with bruising force as he came, his length twitching as he spilled inside her. Mine, his mind told him dazedly. 
Emrys’ hands splayed across his lower back as he hovered over her and she placed a sweet kiss against his lips, one that made his heart stutter in his chest. She looked so open and content beneath him, a combination of emotions that could be difficult to find in others, given his career and lifestyle. 
Shifting his weight onto one of his forearms, he cupped her cheek with his other palm, studying her like she was the most precious mineral in the galaxy. “Irc’lin,” he uttered, pressing his chufa softly against her forehead. He took one last deep breath of her scent before he withdrew from her, resting back on his heels, watching his seed spill from her with a lingering greed. Emrys reached out for him as his own length began to retreat back into his ajan. 
“What does that mean?” she asked with a sleepy smile. “Irc’lin?” He moved into her embrace, stretching himself along her side and wrapping her in his arms. 
“It’s a bit of a… I believe Humans call them ‘pet names’? It would roughly translate to… ‘my dearest light’.” He seemed almost bashful as he said it, but Emrys’ eyes widened, the warmth in them brimming over.  
After a moment, she hummed, burrowing further into his grasp as he ran his fingers lightly up and down her side. “Perhaps I need to find a pet name for you,” she murmured. 
“I would like that,” he admitted, though he knew he’d be happy for her to just call him hers. “Though perhaps it can wait until you’re not falling asleep,” he whispered with a smile, peering down to find her eyes already closed.
chufa (chuh-fah) - the spoon-shaped formation located on the forehead
irc'lin (eerrsh-leen) - loosely translating to “my dear light”
Cho’Ch (choh-ch) - literally, “spear”; a slang term for penis
irllun (eerl-luhn) - the ring of slightly raised micro-scaling near the base of the penis
e’zIra (ay-zī-rrah) - “love”
ajan (ah-zhan) - the genital slit
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android-and-ale · 2 months
So I binge read 1 Daily Shoulder Pat and left you a comment (because *feelings*), but I just wanted you to know that whenever I read Captain Spicee’s name it sounds like about 2 minutes into this SNL Stefon sketch but about 2 octaves lower.
How could you do this to me???????????
Me on AO3: Hopefully somewhat restrained.
Me on Tumblr: SPiCy
This. Is. INCREDIBLE! Our Captain is in fact SPiCy!! 😂🧂🖖
PS - never restrain yourself. I live for unhinged comments!
Thank you for this! I LOVE IT!
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ezrisdax-archive · 9 months
send me a tv show/book/fandom and i’ll say the top 5 things i’d change about it
Klingons, their design is rooted in a lot of orientalism and blackface and I'd change that in a heartbeat.
I don't want Rand to leave! I'd have kept her on for the whole show honestly. I always liked she wasn't afraid to give some attitude back and how her and Uhura seemed close, it'd have been nice to see that play out the whole time.
Keep Uhura in gold. I like her in red mind you, I think the colour even suits her more but Uhura in gold makes more sense, I know comms can fall into ops but she's part of the command crew and in Galileo Seven she plays the part of Spock to Kirk when Spock and McCoy are gone so it's clear she's got her own command chops.
Have Sulu fully in charge one episode, I'd have liked to have seen that, like a lot of the material later always says he was and he gets his own command and everything but I wanna actually see it.
Horta in Starfleet and - no I'm kidding, there's just a few episodes I'd have rewritten. Less women swooning over the main trio. Like I get it it's the time period and hey, I'm attracted to the main trio as well but I felt like especially in season three there were ridiculous moments of that. Now they had some really good episodes where they didn't obviously but then some just awful ones. Also like, Turnabout Intruder. I don't care for that episode. I'll be honest I haven't watched the original series in a while so I can't think of any others off the top of my head but I know whenever I watch TOS there's parts I just sigh at.
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southeastasianists · 10 months
Myanmar's junta on Sunday (Aug 27) ordered the expulsion of Timor-Leste's top diplomat in the country over a meeting his government held with a banned shadow administration.
The Southeast Asian nation has been locked in crisis since the military seized power in February 2021, ending a brief experiment with democracy and sparking violent clashes.
The military has designated the shadow administration known as the National Unity Government (NUG) - dominated by exiled lawmakers working overseas to overturn the coup - as a terror organisation.
Last month, Timor-Leste's President Jose Ramos-Horta met with NUG foreign minister Zin Mar Aung in the capital Dili.
On Sunday, Myanmar's Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the "irresponsible actions" of Timor-Leste, ordering the country's Charge d'Affaires in Yangon "to leave no later than Sep 1, 2023".
The ministry said in a Facebook post that Timor-Leste was "encouraging the terrorist group to further committing their violations in Myanmar".
Timor-Leste condemned the expulsion order, reiterating in a statement "the importance of supporting all efforts for the return of democratic order in Myanmar".
Dili also urged the junta to "respect human rights and seek a peaceful and constructive solution to the crisis".
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from-beyond · 1 year
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@horta-in-charge I shall make you some Vorta Crawfords as soon as I can 🙏
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