#hoshikawa yuu
morisource · 3 months
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icon count: 255 character: yuu hoshikawa manga: you, the one sitting next to me, are the cutest (completed) all my icons are free, editing is encouraged. 森 please like / reblog to show support. download here, via MEGA.
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crazys-art · 1 year
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these are mostly headcanons please do not do discourse in my notes all interpretations of these characters genders are valid these are just my personal opinions
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(A Few) Trans and Non-Binary Characters in Anime!
Hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading!
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paexgo-rosa · 2 months
Pretty Series Birthday List
Asahi Mitaka 1/1
Sion Todo 1/5
Ayami Ooruri 1/6
Kouji Mihama 1/14
Rinka Aoba 1/25
Dorothy and Reona West 2/5
Pepper Taiyo 2/9
Carron 2/10
Ito Suzuno 2/14
Ushimitsu, Solulu, Luluna and Ryume 2/22
Amari Katasumi 2/28
Shin Ichijo and Louis Kisaragi 2/29
Mitsuba Kanda 3/1
Mion Takamine, Naru Ayase and Rabbily 3/3
Yuu Suzuno and Nino Nijiiro 3/14
Falulu 3/21
Hibiki Shikyoin, Hina Yayoi 3/27
Ace Ikebukuro 4/1
Ann Fukuhara 4/2
Leo Saionji 4/4
Gaaruru 4/17
Daia Nijinosaki 4/22
Mel Shido 4/23
Auru Omega 4/28
Taiga Kougami 5/4
Kazuki Nishina and Patano 5/5
Maria Kanamori 5/9
Karin Shijimi 5/10
Amane Sumeragi 8/2
Wakana Morizono 6/5
Aroma Kurosu and Alexander Yamato 6/6
Sara Midorikawa 6/9
Falala・A・Larm and Garara・S・Leep 6/10
Serena Jounouchi and Anna Akagi 7/6
Kaname Amamiya, Yukinojo Tachibana and Chimumu 7/9
Jewlie and Janis 7/10
Mondo Uguisudani 7/11
Mirai Momoyama 7/12
Michiru Koda 7/13
Jennifer Sumire Sol 7/17
Sophy Hojo 7/30
Mia Ageha, Melpan, Matsuri Hibino and Myamu 8/8
Revontulet Nikkanen 8/9
Fuwari Midorikaze 8/11
Yui Yumekawa and Himari Aozora 8/18
Minato Takahashi 8/21
Aria Harune and Rizumu Amamiya 9/3
Non Manaka 9/6
Shinya Oedo and Emo Moegi 9/9
Miruki Amauri 9/10
Mitsuki Hoshikawa 9/12
Otoha Takanashi and Joji Takadanobaba 9/15
Mirei Minami 10/1
Mikan Shiratama 10/4
Hiro Hayami and KiracCHU 10/10
Kokoro Gotanda 10/15
Shuka Hanazono 10/17
Reina Miyama 10/30
Kanon Toudou and Ajimi Kiki 11/3
Alice and Eve Kagayaki 11/5
Bell Renjoji, Anju Shiratori and Tsurugi Okachimachi 11/11
Chili Tsukikawa 11/15
Laala Manaka 11/20
Shogo Yumekawa 11/23
Sakyo and Ukyo Amamoto 11/25
Lemon Kokoa 11/28
Suzu Kurokawa 12/6
Kakeru Juuouin 12/22
Koyoi Takase 12/24
Hanitan 12/29
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Enter Hoshikawa Yuu, a boy cute enough that people mistake him for a girl, and Kohinata Akari, a classmate of his who recently moved her seat next to him. This is a story about the two high school students sitting next to one another, and who each think that the other is the cutest one around.
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deadscanlations · 5 years
The Wooden-Mortared Kingdom - Garo 20th Anniversary Memorial Issue  - VARIOUS
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Here’s a proper post for it. For Garo’s 20th anniversary, a massive anthology was put out collecting all of the authors that had been featured in the magazine up until then (at least it looks that way), haven’t verified). 1200 pages.
DDL Torrent (600dpi scans) Mangaupdates
Abe Shinichi AKASEGAWA Genpei AKI Ryuuzan AKIYAMA Shigenobu ANZAI Mizumaru ARAKI Nobuyoshi ARASHIYAMA Kouzaburou EBISU Yoshikazu FUJISAWA Mitsuo FURUKAWA Masuzou HAGA Yuka HANAWA Kazuichi HAYASHI Seiichi HIGO Tomiko HINO Hideshi HIRAKUCHI Hiromi HIRATA Hiroshi HISAUCHI Michio Hoshikawa Teppu IIKO Junzou IKEGAMI Ryoichi ISHII Hisaichi ITOI Shigesato IWAMOTO Kyuusoku KAMOSAWA Yuuji KANNO Osamu KATSUMATA Susumu KAWASAKI Yukio KIMURA Tsunehisa KOBAYASHI Norikazu KOJIMA Goseki KONDOU Youko Kou Shintaro KUSONOKI Shouhei MASUMURA Hiroshi MATSUMOTO Michiyo MATSUO Hiroshi MINAMI Shinbo MINEGISHI Toru MITSUHASHI Otoya MIURA Jun MIZUKI Shigeru MOMOTAROU Kotarou MORISHITA Hiromi MURANO Moribi NAGASHIMA Shinji NAKA Keiko NEMOTO Takashi OKUDAIRA Ira OSAWA Masaaki SAKURAI Shoichi SASAKI Maki Shimizu Satoshi SHIRATO Sanpei SUGIURA Hinako SUZUKI Oji SUZUKI Seijun SUZUKI Shigeru TAKAGI Jun TAKAYAMA Kazuo TAKITA Yuu TAMURA Shigeru TANI Hiroji Tashiro Tamekan TATSUMI Yoshihiro TERUHIKO Yumura TSUGE Tadao TSUGE Yoshiharu TSURITA Kuniko UESUGI Seibun WATANABE Kazuhiro WATARI Futoshi YAGUCHI Takao YAKUWA Masako YAMADA Murasaki YODOGAWA Sanpo YOSHIDA Mitsuhiko YOSHIDA Shouichi 
 タイトル : 木造モルタルの王国 : ガロ二〇年史 出版社 : 青林堂 初版発行日 : (昭和59年)1984年12月1日 ISBN : 4792601320 サイズ(函) : 縦23㎝ 横18㎝ サイズ(本) : 縦22㎝ 横16㎝ ページ数 : 1200ページ 備考 : 各作品の欄外に作者の経歴・コメント記載 収録作品  『ざしきわらし』 - 白土三平  『ねこ忍』 - 水木しげる  『海原の剣(武蔵の巻)』 - 諏訪栄(小島剛夕)  『顔の曲がった男の物語』 - 星川てっぷ  『真昼』 - 渡二十四  『愛 : 新釈武士道物語』 - 加治一生  『チーコ』 - つげ義春  『若草漫歩』 - 藤沢光男  『宇宙の出来事』 - 田代為寛  『夏』 - 池上遼一  『かかしにきいたかえるの話 : シリーズ・黄色い涙』 - 永島慎二  『六の宮姫子の悲劇』 - つりた・くにこ  『巨大な魚』 - 林静一  『どろ人形』 - 日野日出志  『海ほおずき』 - 仲圭子  『花あらしの頃 : 寺島町奇譚』 - 滝田ゆう  『長持唄考』 - 矢口高雄  『雨季(2)』 - つげ忠男  『わかれみち』 - 辰巳ヨシヒロ  『たこになった少年』 - 淀川さんぽ  『かんたろ月』 - 勝又進  『うらぶれ夜風』 - 川崎ゆきお  『雨の色』 - 鈴木翁二  『マツコおじちゃんの嘆き』 - 秋竜山  『ぼくのデブインコちゃん』 - 佐々木マキ  『無頼の面影』 - 安部慎一  『幻の少女・和小路伯爵邸のトラブル』 - 谷弘兒  『肉屋敷』 - 花輪和一  『北への旅人』 - 吉田昌一  『彩雪に舞う・・・・・・』 - 楠勝平  『おざ式』 - 赤瀬川源平  『「ガロ」第一期 : ガロの時代をひらく』 - 上野昂志  『再会』 - 増村博  『紫の伝説(イメージSTATION)』 - 古川益三  『絶対休日』 - 秋山しげのぶ  『荒れた海辺』 - 安西水丸  『クシー君の発明』 - 鴨沢祐仁  『毆者(ボクサー)』 - 吉田光彦  『昇り凧』 - 村野守美  『ペンギンごはん』 - 湯村輝彦.糸井重里  『愛の嵐』 - 蛭子能収  『ぼくの弟』 - 糸井重里  『?』 - 南伸坊  『それからの岩本武蔵・怪談』 - 岩本久則  『ハリー氏のこと』 - 松尾ひろし  『愛妻記』 - ひさうち・みさお  『ギョーザ定食の昼』 - 平口広美  『お父さんのネジ』 - 渡辺和博  『長靴をはいた猫』 - 清水聰  『ものろおぐ』 - 近藤ようこ  『モダン・ラヴァーズ』 - 奥平衣良(奥平イラ)  『性悪猫』 - やまだ紫  『青春の汗は苦いぜ』 - 小林のりかず(小林のり一)  『夜行』 - 高山和雄  『ぷいさん村放送局』 - 八鍬真佐子  『五人だまし・道糞武士道 : 幻想の明治』 - 高信太郎  『怠屈な日』 - 泉昌之(和泉晴紀[作画].久住昌之[原作])  『K』 - 大澤正明  『海のお話』 - 滸太郎  『二つ枕(初音)』 - 杉浦日向子  『PHANTASMAGORIA』 - たむら・しげる  『野辺は無く』 - 三橋乙椰(シバ)  『少年』 - 森下裕美  『糸口』 - 松本充代  『ママと呼ばれて三ヶ月』 - 根本敬.高木順  『ローカル線の午後』 - 菅野修  『ホトホトなんぎなパパとママ』 - みうら・じゅん  『扁桃腺の夏』 - 峰岸達  『戻ってきた日』 - 肥後十三子  『スラップスキップ』 - いしい・ひさいち  『はぴー・ばーす・でい』 - 芳賀由香  『どうなってんの : イソップ式漫画講座』 - 水木しげる  『浪漫写真 : 私のアリス達』 - 荒木経惟  『図象の学習塾 : 肖像 イメージ選挙』 - 木村恒久  『目安箱 : 「書けないということについて』 - 上野昂志  『嵐山の人生相談』 - 嵐山光三郎  『重坊のスーパーマーケット : 悪評嘖々』 - 糸井重里  『劇画風雲録 : 嗚呼、貸本の灯は輝やいて』 - 桜井昌一  『連載随筆 : 夏と暴力』 - 鈴木清順  『白土三平論 : 英雄論』 - 石子順造  『清文入道のウンチク寄席』 - 上杉清文  『読者サロン』  『「ガロ」第二期 : 多様化・拡散の時代』 - 呉智英  『木造モルタルの王國の貴賓室』 「木造モルタルの王国」によせて(※寄稿文.小冊子)  『「ガロ」有罪説』 - あがた森魚  『ガロはきっと大丈夫』 - 秋野等.井上章子  『二十年のランナーへ』 - 有川優  『(タイトルなし)』 - 岩家緑郎  『ガロには貧乏がよく似合う』 - いしかわじゅん  『(タイトルなし)』 - 糸川燿史  『「ガロ」は忘れない』 - 小野耕世  『とにもかくにも、エライ!!』 - 川崎徹  『すてきな可能性を持ったマンガの世界』 - 金子勝昭   『長井さんと苦労のこと』 - 川本コオ  『(タイトルなし)』 - 桑原甲子雄  『(タイトルなし)』 - 小島剛夕  『「ガロ」われらの聖森』 - 佐々木守  『大プロデューサー・プランナー 長井勝一さんへの手紙』 - 佐々木昭一郎  『(タイトルなし)』 - 末井昭  『(タイトルなし)』 - 杉本博道  『(タイトルなし)』 - 谷川晃一  『高校時代、文学、エロチシズム、思想の香りを味わっていた』 - 高取英  『(タイトルなし)』 - 高橋章子  『祝・開店20周年』 - 長新太  『(タイトルなし)』 - 竹宮恵子  『 『ガロ』に 』 - 鶴見俊輔  『きみよ』 - 堤任  『(タイトルなし)』 - 栃谷隆  『(タイトルなし)』 - 内記稔夫  『(タイトルなし)』 - 野本三吉  『(タイトルなし)』 - 萩尾望都  『(タイトルなし)』 - 原田三郎  『安倍慎一』 - 松岡博治  『(タイトルなし)』 - 松田哲夫  『(タイトルなし)』 - 村上知彦  『「ガロ」創刊20周年、本当にバンザイ!』 - 森田芳光  『青林堂はえらい』 - やなせ・たかし  『(タイトルなし)』 - 吉弘幸介  『(タイトルなし)』 - 四方田犬彦  『(タイトルなし)』 - 渡辺一衛
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ao3feed-yurionice · 5 years
Book 0: Road to the Curse
by Artemis_LeFay
Road to the Curse marks the beginning of a new saga of the Free! AveraxMagna (now renamed as Artemis_LeFay to celebrate a new OC!)
This is also created in response of Free!’s Season 3 that premiered in July 2018 and all the new films for Free! Road to the World -Dream- in 2019 and the upcoming Free! 2020 movie!
There will be major changes for this new adventure along with new twists and legends and even some crossovers (of sports anime but to a lesser degree).
General Synopsis: The Final Battle has concluded as everyone has obtained their happy endings or new beginnings. As everyone moves on from this point in time, a new prophecy begins to unfold to test the heroes once more but it calls for different people to fight Chaos in a new platform.
This is told in a series of 4 stories (based on the platform of Free! Take Your Marks)
Words: 12333, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Free! [-Series Four-] Cosmos World Chronicle
Fandoms: Free!, Free! Eternal Summer - Fandom, High Speed! Free! Starting Days, Free! Timeless Medley, Free! Take Your Marks, Free! Dive to the Future - Fandom, Free! Road to the World -Dream-, haikyuu, Kuroko no Basuke | Kuroko's Basketball, ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond, Tak (Video Games), Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Nanase Haruka, Tachibana Makoto, Matsuoka Rin, Marotta Alexa, Hazuki Nagisa, Ryuugazaki Rei, Yamazaki Sousuke, Mikoshiba Momotarou, Nitori Aiichirou, LeFay Artemis, Kirishima Ikuya, Kirishima Natsuya, Serizawa Nao, Shiina Asahi, Kurimiya Akane, Hoshikawa Tsubasa, Terashima Kotarou, Sagae Shin, LeFay Pandora, Dodecadron, Marotta Alex (Delta), Meyrick Kyle (Delta), Marotta Anastasia (Delta), Verrado, Iago/Ben Yago, Abigail Clarice/Veronica Smith, Tsukishima Kei, Tsukishima Akiteru, Hinata Shouyou, Hinata Natsu, Kozume Kenma, Nishinoya Yuu, Iwaizumi Hajime, Kuwahara Sayako, Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Tak, Jeera (Tak), Jibolba (Tak), Haizaki Shougo, Ubukata Chikako
Additional Tags: Magical Violence, New story, New era, Third Generation, generation 3, Magic, Fantasy Violence, Mild Sexual Content, Dark Magic, Light Magic
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/20100274
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mateushonrado · 5 years
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Status Post #8045: Super Sentai 1-100
Row 1 - Goranger [Akaranger (Red): Tsuyoshi Kaijo (Naoya Makoto), Aoranger (Blue): Akira Shimnei (Hiroshi Miyauchi), Kiranger (Yellow): Daita Oiwa (Baku Hatakeyama), Momoranger (Pink): Peggy Matsuyama (Lisa Komaki) and Midoranger (Green): Kenji Asuka (Yukio Itou)] and JAKQ [Spade Ace (Red): Goro Sakurai (Yoshitaka Tanba), Dia Jack (Blue): Ryu Higashi (Tairayama Itou), Heart Queen (Pink): Karen Mizuki (Mitchi Love), Clover King (Green): Bunta Daichi (Yuusuke Kazato) and Big One (White): Sokichi Banba (Hiroshi Miyauchi)]
Row 2 - Battle Fever J [Battle Japan (Red): Masao Den (Hironori Tanioka), Battle France (Blue): Kyousuke Shida (Yuuhei Kurachi), Battle Cossack (Orange): Makoto Jin (Naoya Ban), Battle Kenya (Black): Shirou Akebono (Kenji Ohba) and Miss America (Pink): Maria Nagisa (Naomi Hagi)] and Denjiman [Denji Red: Ippei Akagi (Shinichi Yuuki), Denji Blue: Daigoro Oume (Kenji Ohba), Denji Yellow: Jun Kiyama (Eiichi Tsuyama), Denji Green: Tatsuya Midorikawa (Naoya Uchida) and Denji Pink: Akira Momoi (Akira Koizumi)]
Row 3 - Sun Vulcan [Vul Eagle (Red): Takayuki Hiba (Takayuki Godai), Vul Shark (Blue): Kin'ya Samejima (Kin'ya Sugi) and Vul Panther (Yellow): Asao Hyou (Asao Kobayashi)], Goggle-V [Goggle Red: Kenichi Akama (Ryouji Akagi), Goggle Black: Kanpei Kuroda (Jyunichi Haruta), Goggle Blue: Saburo Aoyama (Shigeki Ishii), Goggle Yellow: Futoshi Kijima (Sanpei Godai) and Goggle Pink: Miki Momozono (Megumi Ogawa)] and Dynaman (Red and Black) [Dyna Red: Hokuto Dan (Satoshi Okita) and Dyna Black: Ryuu Hoshikawa (Jyunchi Haruta)]
Row 4 - Dynaman (Blue, Yellow and Pink) [Dyna Blue: Yousuke Shima (Kouji Unogi), Dyna Yellow: Kousaku Nangou (Yuu Tokita) and Dyna Pink: Rei Tachibana (Sayoko Hagiwara)], Bioman [Red One: Shirou Gou (Ryosuke Sakamoto), Green Two: Shingo Takasugi (Naoto Ota), Blue Three: Ryuuta Nanbara (Akita Osuga), Yellow Four: Jun Yabuki (Sumiko Tanaka) and Pink Five: Hikaru Katsuragi (Michiko Makino)] and Changeman (Red and Black) [Change Dragon (Red): Hiryu Tsurugi (Haruki Hamada) and Change Griffin (Black): Shou Hayate (Kazuoki Takahashi)]
Row 5 - Changeman (Blue, White and Pink) [Change Pegasus (Blue): Yuma Ozora (Shiro Izumi), Change Mermaid (White): Sayaka Nagisa (Hiroko Nishimoto) and Change Phoenix (Pink): Mai Tsubasa (Mai Ooishi)], Flashman [Red Flash: Jin (Touta Tarumi), Green Flash: Dai (Kihachiro Uemura), Blue Flash: Bun (Yasuhiro Ishiwata), Yellow Flash: Sara Tokimura (Youko Nakamura) and Pink Flash: Lou (Mayumi Yoshida)] and Maskman (Red and Black) [Red Mask: Takeru (Ryousuke Kaizu) and Black Mask: Kenta (Koichi Kusakari)]
Row 6 - Maskman (Blue, Yellow and Pink) [Blue Mask: Akira (Issei Hirota), Yellow Mask: Haruka (Yuki Nagata) and Pink Mask: Momoko (Kanako Maeda)], Liveman [Red Falcon: Yuusuke Amamiya (Daisuke Shima), Yellow Lion: Joh Ohara (Kazuhiko Nishimura), Blue Dolphin: Megumi Misaki (Megumi Mori), Black Bison: Tetsuya Yano (Seirou Yamaguchi) and Green Sai: Jun'ichi Aikawa (Jin Kawamoto)] and Turboranger (Red and Black) [Red Turbo: Riki Honoo (Kenta Satou) and Black Turbo: Daichi Yamagata (Fumiaki Ganaha)]
Row 7 - Turboranger (Blue, Yellow and Pink) [Blue Turbo: Youhei Hama (Keiya Asakura), Yellow Turbo: Shunsuke Hino (Junichiro Katagiri) and Pink Turbo: Haruna Morikawa (Yoshiko Iwaya)], Fiveman [Five Red: Gaku Hoshikawa (Toshiya Fuji), Five Blue: Ken Hoshikawa (Kei Sindachiya), Five Black: Fumiya Hoshikawa (Ryohei Kobayashi), Five Pink: Kazumi Hoshikawa (Kazuko Miyata) and Five Yellow: Remi Hoshikawa (Ryo Narushima)] and Jetman (Red and Black) [Red Hawk: Ryu Tendo (Kotaro Tanaka) and Black Condor: Gai Yuki (Toshihide Wakamatsu)]
Row 8 - Jetman (Yellow, White and Blue) [Yellow Owl: Raita Ooishi (Tomihisa Naruse), White Swan: Kaori Rokumeikan (Rika Kishida) and Blue Swallow: Ako Hayasaka (Sayuri Uchida)], Zyuranger [Tyranno Ranger (Red): Geki (Yuta Mochizuki), Mammoth Ranger (Black): Goushi (Seiju Umon), Tricera Ranger (Blue): Dan (Hideki Fujiwara), Tiger Ranger (Yellow): Boi (Takumi Hashimoto), Ptera Ranger (Pink): Mei (Reiko Chiba) and Dragon Ranger (Green): Burai (Shiro Izumi)] and Dairanger (Red) [Ryuu Ranger (Red): Ryo (Keiichi Wada)]
Row 9 - Dairanger (Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink and White) [Shishi Ranger (Green): Daigo (Tatsuya Nomi), Tenma Ranger (Blue): Shoji (Ei Hamura), Kirin Ranger (Yellow): Kazu (Keisuke Tsuchiya), Houou Ranger (Pink): Lin (Natsuki Takahashi) and Kiba Ranger (White): Kou (Hisashi Sakai)] and Kakuranger [Ninja Red: Sasuke (Teruaki Ogawa), Ninja White: Tsuruhime (Satomi Hirose), Ninja Blue: Saizou (Hiroshi Tsuchida), Ninja Yellow: Seikai (Shu Kawai) and Ninja Black: Jiraiya (Kane Kosugi)]
Row 10 - Kakuranger (Navy) [Extra Hero (Navy): Ninjaman (Hideaki Kusaka, voiced by Kazuki Yao)], Ohranger [Oh Red: Goro Hoshino (Masaru Shishido), Oh Green: Shouhei Yokkaichi (Kunio Masaoka), Oh Blue: Yuji Mita (Masashi Goda), Oh Yellow: Juri Nijou (Ayumi Aso), Oh Pink: Momo Maruo (Tamao Sato) and King Ranger (Black): Riki (Shoji Yamaguchi)] and Carranger (Red, Blue and Green) [Red Racer: Kyosuke Jinnai (Yuji Kishi), Blue Racer: Naoki Domon (Yoshihiro Masujima) and Green Racer: Minoru Uesugi (Yoshihiro Fukuda)]
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elementalheroneos · 5 years
So Bloom Into You Is Nominated for the Crunchyroll Best Animation Award!!!!
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I’m sure a lot of yall have seen the video floating around about the girl telling another girl them dating in middle school was a mistake and was hoping she got to go back to being a normal girl afterwards, only to have the other girl shut her down but running off with the black haired girl implying they’re together. Well, that anime is right now up for Best Animation and it is even better than just that one scene. 
I know it’s kind of a long shot with the animes it’s nominated against, but Bloom Into You is a really powerful story about the complexity of love with one girl, Touko Nanami, falling head over heels for the protagonist, Yuu Koito, who feels like she is unable to feel love. The story follows their time in the high school student council where they learn more about themselves and their feelings. As someone who is a wlw, this story resonated with me a lot by depicting so many feelings I could never explain growing up like the loneliness and repression loving women brings, and I’m excited to see it be popular enough to be nominated for an award. It’s also worth noting the creator, Nio Nakatani, is a lesbian, and Yuu and Touko are not the only lesbians in the series.
Please Consider Voting For Bloom Into You So That We Can Go Into 2019 Seeing Well Written LGBT Women and Their Relationships Not Only Get Recognition But Also Awards
Also, I say LGBT women and not lesbians because not only is Bloom Into You up for an award but Lily Hoshikawa, a trans girl from the series Zombie Land Saga, is nominated for Best Girl Character. Please consider voting for her and reblogging this post to support trans women being represented in anime! I know it would mean a lot to trans women to see a young trans girl be awarded as the Best Girl Character In Anime for 2018 and would send a powerful message of support!!
Please Go Vote!!!
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ao3feed-yurionice · 5 years
Book 0: Road to the Curse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YrbOSY
by Artemis_LeFay
Road to the Curse marks the beginning of a new saga of the Free! AveraxMagna (now renamed as Artemis_LeFay to celebrate a new OC!)
This is also created in response of Free!’s Season 3 that premiered in July 2018 and all the new films for Free! Road to the World -Dream- in 2019 and the upcoming Free! 2020 movie!
There will be major changes for this new adventure along with new twists and legends and even some crossovers (of sports anime but to a lesser degree).
General Synopsis: The Final Battle has concluded as everyone has obtained their happy endings or new beginnings. As everyone moves on from this point in time, a new prophecy begins to unfold to test the heroes once more but it calls for different people to fight Chaos in a new platform.
This is told in a series of 4 stories (based on the platform of Free! Take Your Marks)
Words: 12333, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Free! [-Series Four-] Cosmos World Chronicle
Fandoms: Free!, Free! Eternal Summer - Fandom, High Speed! Free! Starting Days, Free! Timeless Medley, Free! Take Your Marks, Free! Dive to the Future - Fandom, Free! Road to the World -Dream-, haikyuu, Kuroko no Basuke | Kuroko's Basketball, ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond, Tak (Video Games), Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Nanase Haruka, Tachibana Makoto, Matsuoka Rin, Marotta Alexa, Hazuki Nagisa, Ryuugazaki Rei, Yamazaki Sousuke, Mikoshiba Momotarou, Nitori Aiichirou, LeFay Artemis, Kirishima Ikuya, Kirishima Natsuya, Serizawa Nao, Shiina Asahi, Kurimiya Akane, Hoshikawa Tsubasa, Terashima Kotarou, Sagae Shin, LeFay Pandora, Dodecadron, Marotta Alex (Delta), Meyrick Kyle (Delta), Marotta Anastasia (Delta), Verrado, Iago/Ben Yago, Abigail Clarice/Veronica Smith, Tsukishima Kei, Tsukishima Akiteru, Hinata Shouyou, Hinata Natsu, Kozume Kenma, Nishinoya Yuu, Iwaizumi Hajime, Kuwahara Sayako, Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin, Tak, Jeera (Tak), Jibolba (Tak), Haizaki Shougo, Ubukata Chikako
Additional Tags: Magical Violence, New story, New era, Third Generation, generation 3, Magic, Fantasy Violence, Mild Sexual Content, Dark Magic, Light Magic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YrbOSY
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