hey dude have you ever eated a rock and then couldnt get it out of your body so you opted on having a demon posess you and take it out but now you have a rock in you AND a demon boyfriend
That... has never happened to me personally, but that is a fascinating story id love to hear more about sometime. Did you end up getting the rock out?
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m shaking wheres the shelter I can't find it where are they.
Fukc fuck fuck
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klazje · 5 months
i want to watch house md sooooo bad bc those homos have bewitched my soul but alas….if anything medical wise is not right i will LOSE it
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dccanimalhospital · 2 months
Puppy Care 101: A New Dog Owner’s Guide
Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting and joyful experience. However, it also comes with its set of challenges and responsibilities. As a new puppy owner, it’s essential to equip yourself with the right knowledge and resources to ensure your furry friend grows up healthy and happy. This guide will cover everything you need to know about puppy care, including feeding, training, socialization, and health care.
Feeding Your Puppy
Proper nutrition is crucial for your puppy’s growth and development. Here are some tips to help you feed your puppy correctly:
Choose High-Quality Puppy Food: Look for puppy food that contains all the essential nutrients. Consult with a veterinary doctor in South Delhi to select the best brand.
Establish a Feeding Schedule: Puppies usually need to eat three to four times a day. Stick to a consistent schedule to help with digestion and routine.
Portion Control: Overfeeding can lead to obesity. Follow the feeding guidelines on the food packaging and adjust based on your vet’s advice.
Training Your Puppy
Training is vital for a well-behaved and well-adjusted dog. Here’s how to get started:
Begin with Basic Commands: Start with simple commands like sit, stay, come, and down. Use positive reinforcement techniques like treats and praise.
House Training: Establish a routine for bathroom breaks. Take your puppy out first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime.
Socialization: Expose your puppy to different environments, people, and other animals. This helps reduce fear and aggression.
Socialization is key to a well-rounded and confident dog. It’s best to start this process early:
Playdates: Arrange playdates with other vaccinated puppies. This helps your puppy learn to interact appropriately.
Exposure to Different Stimuli: Introduce your puppy to various sounds, sights, and smells. Gradually increase the complexity of these stimuli to build confidence.
Health Care
Regular health care ensures your puppy remains in peak condition. Here’s what you need to do:
Vaccinations: Ensure your puppy receives all necessary vaccinations. Schedule appointments at a dog hospital in Greater Kailash to keep up with the vaccination schedule.
Routine Vet Visits: Regular check-ups with a veterinary doctor in South Delhi are crucial for monitoring your puppy’s health.
Parasite Control: Protect your puppy from fleas, ticks, and worms. Your vet can recommend appropriate treatments and preventatives.
Caring for a puppy is a rewarding experience, filled with moments of joy and love. By following these tips and seeking guidance from professionals, you’ll provide a strong foundation for your puppy’s growth and well-being. For more information and professional advice, visit the best pet clinic in Greater Kailash DCC Animal Hospital. They offer comprehensive services to ensure your pet’s health and happiness.
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octohorsey · 5 months
The post circulating (still!) About how stab wounds aren't that bad and are rarely lethal makes me laugh every time because I see blogs I know consider themselves intelligent just blind re blogging that complete bs, when it goes into how gut stabs aren't what bad? I just, it's an old saying that 'common sense isn't common' but it rings true everyday
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zozotheme · 2 years
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wonderwomanfantasy · 2 years
Omega Angel
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yes, I've written this exact trope a million times. I like it!!!
Alpha!Bakugou x Omega! reader
warnings: mentions of hosipitals and injuries, that's about it.
word count: 1,200 (about)
summary: Bakugou teases you about being a bird brain, but when he gets hurt and you're there for him, all he sees is an angel.
“Will you come to see me tonight?” you asked, it was more of a formality at this point. You knew Bakugou would come to your apartment the second he got off of work, just like he did every night. The two of you were still in bed, he hadn’t even left you for the day yet and you were already missing him. 
“Is that an invitation?” he asked, teasingly. 
“Yes, I want to see you tonight Alpha,” you whined into his chest, knowing how much he liked it when you were needy with him. A soft laugh rumbled in his chest and he pulled you closer to him if that was even possible. 
“I don’t know, I have to work late tonight, I wouldn’t be home in time for dinner, maybe I shouldn’t come at all,” he teased, he trailed a finger over your back, in between your wings making you shudder. You were particularly sensitive right there. 
“Come anyways,” you whined. 
“And what if I don’t want to have to pluck feathers out of my hair tomorrow morning? Should I still come over If I don’t want to cuddle all night with a glorified throw pillow?” Bakugou asked. You gasped and batted at his chest which just made him laugh. 
“You act like I leave feathers everywhere, I clean up after myself!” you shouted, you pulled out of his arms, grabbed a pillow, and slammed it into his face. It was his own damn fault he got so many feathers in his hair with the way he would bury his head into your back any chance he got. 
“Brat,” he snapped and shoved the pillow back at you, you tried to catch it, but it was just a distraction, Bakugou lunged and pinned you to the bed. You chirped in surprise as your Alpha loomed large over you.
“I should punish you for disrespecting me like that,” he snarled and a shiver went down your spine. you loved when he got mean like this. 
“Come back to my place tonight and you can put me in my place all night long,” you promised.
Bakugou promised he would be back before he left. Of course, he did, He almost always spent the night at your place. He still had his own apartment but it didn’t feel like home. It was cold and minimalist, almost utilitarian. it certainly didn’t feel like a home. Your place was warm, familiar, and best of all had you. 
He’d mulled over the Idea once or twice of bringing up officially moving in together, but it seemed pointless to him, things were fine the way they were. Besides he didn’t want to think of the nightmare it would be to try and move all that shit around. 
You were his mate, and everyone knew it, so there wasn’t any issue. Still, It might be nice if you were able to change your daily question from “will you come to see me tonight?” to “what time will you be home tonight?”
Bakugou pulled a feather out of his work uniform pocket and twisted it. Despite the hell he gave you, he loved your wings, and keeping a part of you with him helped him make it through the day. 
He’d snagged this particular feather a few weeks ago, you’d made yourself comfortable in the bathroom and started grooming through your massive wings. You usually did Alright by yourself, but it was hard for you to reach the inner corners where the wings met your back.  You’d whined so cutely, begging for help from your Alpha. 
Katsuki was happy to help, he would have helped even if you hadn’t asked, but it was cute seeing you so needy. He combed his fingers through the downy fluff gently as he could, preening away the feathers that had fallen out and gotten caught. He washed your back and delighted in the way you’d lightly gasp when his fingers made contact with your skin. 
You were so sensitive there, Katsuki was amazed you trusted him enough to let him touch you here. He was careful, barely letting his fingers graze the swath of skin between your two wings. Katsuki was never a particularly delicate person, but he practiced for you. 
While you weren’t watching he picked a feather from the trash back and shoved it in his pocket. It carried with it the faintest hint of your scent. Soon enough his own domineering scent would overtake it, and he’d have to swipe another one.
An alarm sounded, snapping Bakugou out of his reminiscing he sighed and stuffed the feather away, and leaped into action. 
You didn’t worry when Bakugou missed dinner, he had already warned you that he would be late, then your phone started to ring, and you saw it was his agency, and your heart dropped. He just lost his phone, you told yourself. Your hands still shook when you answered. Of course, you weren’t that lucky. 
Bakugou was fine, now at least. After hours of healing heroes working on him. You made it over to the hospital where they were keeping him. He was still asleep but the nurses let you in anyways. 
You knew Katsuki loved his work and would rather die than be anything but a hero, but you hated it sometimes.  You hated worrying like this. 
You sat on the edge of the hospital bed and held his unresponsive hand. “You’re going to kill me one of these days,” you murmured and brought his hand up to your lips, lightly kissing his bruised knuckles. 
“One of these days you’re just going to go to far, and not wake up and you’ll take me down with you,” you scolded. You thought he was asleep but then his hand flexed, squeezing you back. 
“Katsuki!” you half shouted half sobbed. You had to hold yourself back from throwing yourself onto him, it would only hurt him. Already you were starting to forgive him, this time hadn’t been so bad, Katsuki was so strong, nothing could keep him down. 
“I really must have died this time, look at this Angel in front of me,” he groaned, his voice cracked with fatigue. Tears started to roll down your cheeks and you couldn’t tell if you were crying or laughing, Katsuki couldn’t tell either. 
“Come here Omega, Don’t cry,” he said and pulled you down so you were laying on his chest. He was still sensitive and your head on his chest hurt a little but he could manage. 
“Shh I’m okay baby, I’m right here, everything’s okay,” he whispered, running his hands over your wings. 
“Don’t ever scare me like that again!” you sobbed into his chest, you both knew that he would, in fact, scare you like that again. But none of that mattered for now, for now, it was enough that you were back in his arms.
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drorey · 9 months
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DAILY RIPTIDE #3- the laughing city.
man idk I felt like doing digital for this one. gilly doodle! its so intresting to see chip and gill interacting in these first episodes when you know what that would kead to and how their relationships develop.
btw, daily riptide is gonna be more like. every couple of days since I just started working at a hosipital and the war here is not easing up either, so I dont have as much time as I thought I will, sorry lol ^^'
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schizopositivity · 2 years
i love you crazy people, i love you people who talk to themselves in public, i love you people in psych wards, i love you people who have command hallucinations to hurt other people, i love you long term hosipitalized psychotics, i love you people with dementia, i love you people who seem like they are from another planet, i love you people who dont shower, i love you people who cant work a day in their life, i love you people who act erratically, i love you people who scare other people by just exsisting, i love you people so lost in a delusion you are completely cut off from the world
youre a human and you deserve love and respect
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legofanguy · 9 days
Sci-Fi September: Government secrets
A story featuring my oc Maggie Adams for @thepromptfoundry event day 15 government secrets.
Reporter Maggie Adams know that the Government is hiding something about the capital greatest superheroes team the Capital Crusaders. She managed to find a backdoor to a government building and Maggie enter inside.
Maggie see government agents are spying on members of the Capital Crusaders such as Streetstar working out at a gym, Medi Transfer is working at a hosipital, and Armorside is working on his power suit. Maggie ask herself, "What are they doing?" and she overhear someone talk, "I find it a bit hard that we are spying on our greatest heroes to make sure that they are not going rouge or something." which made Maggie think to herself, 'So the government is worry about the Capital Crusaders turning on them.'
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burned-lariat · 11 months
So last episode Trina was an adult who could make her own decisions and now she has to move back home because Cyrus is on the loose!?! If he can find you in the hosipital Portia, he can find her at Kelly’s, the gallery, the dorms, the street, etc. what are you gonna do… lock her up? BS - I do not want to see her back in that house… 🤮. (Ps. Love that Portia said all she could think about was Trina but have either her or Curtis called to at least give her a heads up?)
Portia is clearly in deluluville (to quote @anyathefandom).
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kimariarts · 2 years
What is fubuki relationship with fuyumi and natsou
Fubuki gets along well with Natsuo and Fuyumi, Natsuo and Fuyumi are comfortable confiding in their worries to her and go to her for advice. Fubuki is the only adult family member who they can rely on since their mother is in the hospital. Natsuo and Fuyumi are not close to her in the way Shoto and Dabi are. Fubuki checks both Fuyumi and Natuso for Dabi.
Fubuki and Natsuo
both Fubuki and Natsuo have a pleasant relationship, Natsuo confides in his worries about the household, Touya, and shoot, and the guilt he feels towards them. Natsuo tells his true feelings to her that he couldn’t tell his sister such as the hatred he feels for his father Fubuki silently agrees with Natsuo on the abuse and his father. Fubuki listens to Natsuo talk about Shoto and Touya with transfixed attention with solemnity.
Fubuki and Fuyumi
Fubuki and Fuyumi have a stable relationship, Fuyumi goes to for help and asks her for advice and listens to her in what she says. In a tough period Fubuki was the one who helped her with Rei in the hosipital Fuyumi is reassured of that. if you look a this in bystander's point of view Fubuki appears to have an amicable relationship with Fuyumi on the surface, in reality, Fubuki is not fond of Fuyumi as a person and her stance on the abuse Fubuki tolerates her presence but doesn’t trust Fuyumi. Fubuki doesn’t hesitate to call out Fuyumi on occasion. Fubuki uses Fuyumi to monitor the state of the Todoroki Household. Despite not actually being fond of her she looks out for her well-being in more subtle ways. 
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that's what a bystander would think if they don't know what's beneath.
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awsteb · 1 year
i really wish i could join the "learning to love vegetables as an adult" movement but i think i'm too much more autistic than the rest of you because i still tear up if i smell brussell sprouts. if you need me i'll be in the hosipital for scurvy
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bearballing · 2 years
a big union for hosipitality workers in ca/az bought a bunch of my buttons 😭
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morganaspendragonss · 2 years
There was a rehearsal video posted of what looks like the Nancy scene in the hosipital! At least they’re all seated the same way, which makes me think she is in fact talking to Mateo
oh right. ah well, guess we'll see
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georgeann010 · 16 days
Hospitality Sector Market Analysis Report: Performance and Growth Projections
The Hospitality Sector Market Analysis Report: Performance and Growth Projections offers a detailed examination of the hospitality industry's current performance and future growth potential. This report provides key insights into market trends, consumer behaviors, and industry challenges. It also highlights factors driving growth and outlines strategic opportunities for businesses in the hospitality sector. For a more comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, access the full Hospitality market analysis report here.
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