#hot men wear bikinis in san diego
lunearobservatory · 1 year
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•put that pretty thing on a billboard!•
it's stormy and sad and i miss socal. here's your pin up women's swimwear beach cal to snack on. he'd look good in a coke ad.
real talk been goin through some shit. only now drawing again :) it'll all be okay. i'll go to the beach soon
here's a few final versions i didnt end up jiving with
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love the pink one the absolute most tbh. the three of these look like neapolitan ice cream awe cute
working on pr&bb again. have two ref sheets now i'll finish florida's then finally be back to normal art :) until then
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Nothing Comes Close to the Golden Coast
Description: You're on the beach because it's what your little sister wanted for her bachelorette party. One day, you can manage, right? You're not expecting to stumble right into the woman who could can change your outlook on beaches that day. But with Natasha Trace, maybe you're starting to see nothing comes close to the golden coast.
Warnings: Female! Reader, Flirting, Beaches, Mild Cursing, Natasha is too flirty for words and possibly a little dangerous
A/N: Hiya lovelies! This is a fic I wrote for @bellaireland1981 's 1K Pool Party celebration. Congratulations on 1K followers Bella! It's my first time writing a long form Phoenix x Reader fic and I hope I did Nix justice. All my love to @horseshoegirl for beta-ing this fic for me and making sure I wasn't 1) using too many commas (yes I have a problem) and 2) that this fic was flirty and fun and summery enough!
Word Count: 3617
Cross-posted to AO3 here!
Cross-posted to Wattpad here!
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You like going to the beach as much as any other girl. But unlike other girls, you tend to prefer quiet, calm, clear beaches to lie on. The kind of beach where you can hear the tide coming in and the seagulls wheeling in the clear summer sky. The kind of beach where the sand is clear, and you never have to fight to find a spot to lay down your towel and where you can read without a beach ball smashing into your face. Of course, finding the clear beaches you love is far from easy. It seems like the minute the calendar hits Memorial Day, everyone in the Greater San Diego area books it to the beach for the summer. You’ve even seen people taking meetings out on the beach. But to put it bluntly, you're not one of those people.
So why are you out on this congested, loud beach today? There's only one reason: your baby sister's Bachelorette party. It was an obligation you couldn’t get out of. You love your sister, but you’re less than happy to be spending time with her and her friends. When it’s just the two of you, it feels like you’re the closest pair of siblings on the planet. But when she’s with her friends, it feels like there is a colossal, ever-widening, yawning gulf between you. Everyone calls her the pretty one while you're the practical one. In the eyes of your entire extended family, it is one of the many reasons why she's getting married at 22 when you're still single at 28. To keep the peace, you’ve been pasting a smile on your face and literally grinning and bearing it for everything she’s asked of you. Because you love her and in only a week’s time you can get a bit of a break from her (or really, from her best friend).
To make matters worse, you’re the only girl in the group wearing a one-piece suit, something flattering yet mostly covered, without showing off your cleavage or too much of your ass.
“God, do you have to wear that old lady suit?” She'd scoffed when you walked out of your house that morning, a sunhat on your head and a sarong tied around your waist to complement the deep maroon one-piece you’d pulled out to wear. “Please tell me you have a bikini you can go wear instead. If you'd told me, I would have brought you one of mine!”
As if you'd have ever worn a bikini of hers. Your younger sister is thin, model thin, with a narrow waist and perfectly perky A-cups, which look fantastic in the hot pink bikini she's wearing today. She's got the physique that makes men look a little stupid. Already, there is a pack of unfairly pretty men who have gone a little cross-eyed when your sister and her friends walked by. In contrast, you're shorter and curvier, your hair dark where hers is blonde, and the ultimate introvert to her bubbly extrovert.
You aren't even her maid of honor at her wedding - that particular honor belongs to her best friend - yes, the aforementioned obnoxious Sally herself. It's not as if anyone has even noticed you're not having the time of your life in the water. After all, why would they? Who wants the babysitter hanging around you when you're trying to have fun? It's the role you've been playing since your sister was born, and you're sure you'll play it again once your sister has kids. For now, all you can do is stay secluded under your umbrella and try to read a little despite the noise. At least it is a little emptier on the beach now as the sun sinks slowly across the sky.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”
The voice is male, filled with all the surety of a man who knows what he wants and has never failed to get it. Your eyes are rolling before your head rises from your book. Your sister and Sally are under the umbrella next to you, and unsurprisingly, that comment was targeted at the two of them. You're pretty sure they are two of the group who were tossing around not one but two footballs on the beach.
“Two pretty things like you look like you could use a drink.”
It's the blonde, tall with green eyes, and a shit-eating grin, who makes the offer. And to your disbelief, it looks like your sister is going to take these guys up on their offer.
“We'd love to!”
Is she thinking at all? Before you can stop yourself, you're speaking.
“Can I talk to you, Vicky?”
“The fuck do you need to talk to her for?”
Sally's growling at you, her arms crossed under her chest in a way that accentuates the cleavage already threatening to break free of her string bikini. Your cheeks flush as the two men glance between you and her, discerning gazes flip-flopping between you and her at heated words.
“You're her sister, not the fucking morality police. We're having drinks with them. Either you can join us, or you can glare disapprovingly. But don't you dare tell us what we can and cannot do.”
“You're such a fucking stick in the mud. I don’t get why the hell you came with us. Why are you always coming out with us, anyway? I mean, I’d have had a life by the time I was your age, but well, I guess you're even too boring for that.”
You're left gaping at Sally and your sister as they walk away. The words don't hurt, not really. You've been hearing a version of them for years, ever since Sally and Vicky decided they didn't like having you shadow them. Of course, they don't believe you when you say you'd rather do anything other than join them while they get up to all the bullshit they do. Once upon a time, Vicky used to defend you. Obviously, those days are long gone.
It doesn't mean you won't still watch out for your sister, though. Call it some sort of sickening nostalgia for the days when you and her were close once, chasing each other around playing unicorns in your backyard. Call it affection for the little girl who used to follow along behind you, repeating everything you said with a lisp. Call it love for your sister who you would once do anything for - would still do anything for.
Of course, you immediately realize the situation is far different than you thought it would be. Because there aren't just two incredibly hot men, but ten. Before you can blink, they're all over Vicky, Sally and their other friends. Somebody has sparked up a bonfire, and you gravitate to the hot flames despite yourself. You're a little chilled after being out in the hot sun all day. As the sun sets over the sea, one of them nestles a Bluetooth speaker into the sand and turns the music up. 
California Gurls, we're unforgettable,
Daisy Dukes, bikinis on top
Whoever made this playlist needs better taste in music. Or at least they need to pick something which you haven't heard on the radio every day of the summer in 2010. As it is, it will be stuck in your head for days.
“This song sucks, huh?”
You jump at the voice near your ear, stumbling and nearly face-planting in the sand. You have the kind of face which shows your emotions plainly, you've always been told so. Now someone has noticed, and you hope this person won’t throw you under the bus like all of Vicky’s friends. You pretend it’s just the song as you turn around with a smile pasted across your face.
“It's the worst!”
You're sure you have other things to say, but they disappear from your head like smoke when you see the woman who is talking to you. She's gorgeous, whiskey eyes flickering gold with the bonfire's flames. She's absolutely beautiful, and it feels a little like you're in an alternate universe. There's a cool breeze coming off the water, and in addition to the salt from the sea, you can smell hibiscus in the air. It has to be from her perfume, you note vacantly.
There's humor in her eyes as she stands beside you, surveying the others around the bonfire just like you are. You can see your sister in the distance, dancing with the blonde who asked if she wanted a drink. She looks like she’s well on her way to becoming completely drunk, but you don’t care. Vicky’s an adult. She made her own decisions, and she can stand by them. All of your attention is on the brunette in front of you. She holds out a bottle to you, condensation dripping over her fingers.
“I thought you could use a drink.”
The drink in question is a bottle of soda, ice cold.
“I, uhh…” She looks a little sheepish, some of her confidence draining away as you look inquiringly at her. “I wasn’t sure how else to get you to talk to me.”
“W-why wouldn’t I talk to you?” 
She grins ruefully, “Because you've been glaring at Bagman and your friends since you walked over here?”
“And, you don't look like you're having much fun.”
“Fun…” You sigh, "is a word for it. And we're not friends.”
“Younger sister?”
You laugh, “Is it that obvious?”
“You're a good sister, coming out with her and her friends like this.” 
Her innocent words touch your heart a little bit.
“I've got two just like her. They're so sure they're grown up, but they could still need somebody to watch out for them.”
You turn excitedly, “Yes! Yes. That’s it! She's getting married next week, but there's still so much she doesn’t know yet! And she and her best friend hate that I'm here. Call it her need to be seen and treated like an adult. I'm in her bridal party and she doesn’t even want to celebrate with me. Guess everybody would pick Bagman over there over me.”
“I don't hate that you're here, you know?”
You startle a little at the frank openness of this beautiful stranger's voice.
“Why not? You don't know a single thing about me.”
“I know you’re a big sister. I know you hate Katy Perry’s California Gurls, not because the song itself is horrible, but because you’ve probably heard it a million times.”
She tugs at your hand, and you follow her as she leads you away from the bonfire, the song still blaring away. You shouldn’t follow her, you know you shouldn’t. But despite yourself,you’re curious. There’s something about her you need to know more of. Away from the bonfire, the air is cool, and crisp. The beach feels swept clean the further you walk.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you planned this.” 
You crack open the soda and take a sip, pretending not to feel dark eyes on the side of your face.
“I didn’t plan it.” She chuckles a little, playing with your fingers. “All I wanted was to keep talking. I think I owe you a few more things I know about you, anyways.”
Your heart warms as she shrugs out of the hoodie and lays it over the sand. She sprawls down with a grace you couldn't emulate if you tried, all long, lean muscles exuding strength and power. You feel awkward in contrast, self-conscious as you try to sit on as much of the hoodie as you can without sprawling in her lap in a way that would have you mortified and her uncomfortable. But you can still feel her, warm and solid, as she retakes your hand. It’s comforting, the light touch, the calluses at her fingertips making goosebumps rise over your arms. Her perfume smells different this close, the light scent of summer hibiscus melting into roses and morning dew. It’s addicting.
“Y-you mentioned there were a couple more things you knew about me?” 
The words leave you in a whisper, tripping over each other as they drop off your tongue.
Her laugh is husky and warm, and for one moment, all you want is for her to make that wondrous sound again. But you quell that particular impulse. After all, no matter how weak you are for this woman, you barely know her. You won't be making a fool of yourself tonight.
“I think you're smart, smarter than anyone gives you credit for being. You're strong and single-minded.” She leans in conspiratorially, a smirk on her lips. “Some people would call you stubborn, but I think they're just afraid you'll leave them behind in your quest for world domination.”
“How do you know I'm gunning for world domination?” You're smiling from ear-to-ear as you ask the question.
“All the prettiest girls are. Especially the girls who bring a book to the beach for family when they'd probably rather be curled up on a window seat with a cup of tea handy.”
Your cheeks have to be crimson by now. Of all the days for an unfairly pretty woman to come up to you and flirt, she has to pick today. She’s so confident, so pretty and vivacious and all the things you never could be. In comparison, you just feel dull, like a piece of fabric bleached by the sun, until there are only the faintest hints of color left. It’s also been a really long time since anyone’s even looked twice at you.
“I-I do like reading at a window seat while it rains.” Your smile is halfway genuine now, you think. You can’t keep volunteering bits of information about yourself without getting some info from her in turn.
“What do you like doing in your spare time?”
Maybe you picked the wrong question to ask because her easy smile drops faster than you can blink. The small wrinkles at the corners of her eyes flatten out, and the dimples are so deep you’ve been wanting to kiss them since you saw them disappear as her smile does. The silence between you isn’t comfortable anymore. It’s awkward, a discordantly awkward tone spoiling the harmony of the moments before.
“I don’t have much spare time. Or hobbies.”
“I’m sorry.”
You’re babbling before the apology has left your lips, mind speeding at a hundred miles per hour at the thought you’ve somehow managed to insult the one person who’s wanted to talk to you all night. You’re standing and turning to head back to the bonfire before she hops up next to you.
“Whoa, whoa.” Her hands are hot as they make contact with your upper arms. “I’m not angry at you. I dunno if you heard what those meatheads were saying when they were posturing to your sister and her friends earlier, but I’m a Naval Aviator.”
“It doesn’t leave a lot of time for hobbies.”
“So, what do you do with your free time?” 
She’s so close you can feel the heat of her skin.
“Most of my free time is spent at the gym. It takes hard work to look this good.” 
You giggle a little as she tugs your hands until they’re flat against her toned stomach. The muscles twitch under your fingers a little, and you feel light-headed. Is she really flirting with you? You? 
“Not everyone can read books and look as good as you do.”
“What else do you do?” Your voice is weak, barely audible over the rushing waves, but she hears you anyway.
“Sleep. Try to read. Though it’s harder to concentrate when you’re surrounded by hundreds of lonely, horny men than when you’re sitting in a window seat.”
She smirks a little, leaning closer then. 
“And I definitely spend a lot of time daydreaming about a pretty bookworm in my bed to keep me warm at night.”
Your face has to be crimson by now. It feels so hot. The dark ocean seems way too alluring, if only for a cold reality check. There’s no way this gorgeous, smart, sexy woman is hitting on you. There’s no way. Maybe if you keep saying it over and over, it will be a reality instead of what your delusional mind is coming up with.
“Sadly, there hasn’t been a pretty bookworm in my bed in a while.” 
The smile on her face falls, the motes of color swirling in her hypnotic eyes, fracturing into crystals at the words. 
“None of them can take the long days away, no dates, little contact. Maybe one day I’ll find the right bookworm for me. Unless…”
Her arm has found its way around your shoulders, the warm lines of her body searing into you.
“Well, this is a silly question, but would you maybe like to grab a coffee sometime? Get to know each other better?”
You want to say yes. More than anything you want to. But you can’t bring yourself to accept her invitation, not when you have more questions than answers.
“W-why me?”
Her lips are warm even through the material of your half-damp swimsuit as she presses a kiss to your shoulder.
“You’re different from the other girls I talk to.” 
You’re unsure how to respond, half afraid she will go on and on about how boring and dull you are. All of the others you’ve dated certainly have. They expect one of the standard sexy-librarian types when they meet you and find out you like to read. They’re always disappointed when the truth they come to see couldn’t be any further from what they imagine. 
“You’re so beautiful,” she sighs. “I swear I nearly got hit on the head with one of the footballs when I saw you walk out onto the beach and sit under your umbrella.”
“You missed it, I'm sure, but those goofballs in my squadron were laughing at me for hours.” 
There's a slight pink tinge to her cheeks as she leans back. You miss her the minute you lose her warmth.
“I um…” She runs a hand, long-fingered and pretty (why the hell are even her hands so pretty), through her hair. “I'm pretty sure that's why those two walked up to your sister and her friend.”
“They wanted me to come to the bonfire tonight?”
You're pretty sure your mouth is wide open at this point. 
“Yeah. Though I should say, I wanted an excuse to talk to the prettiest woman I've ever seen. And maybe flirt with her a little. And maybe get her to agree to go out with me.”
“How is this clever plan of yours working for you?” 
Your voice is a whisper again as you peer over your shoulder at her. 
“You don’t know my name. You don't even know if you're my type.” 
It takes every bit of courage to banter lightly with her.
“I think it's going pretty well. After all, I've got you sitting here with me instead of out there with those idiots. And I'd very much like your name.”
You smile despite yourself as you tell her your name, getting hers in turn: Natasha Trace, callsign Phoenix. Her callsign fits her fierce and confident personality.
“So what do you say about getting coffee with me sometime?”
Just before you're about to respond, you hear your name called from the bonfire. It's one of Vicky's friends calling for you and pointing at your sister. She's drunk, and you can tell she's minutes away from courting an indecent exposure charge. She's sitting on Bagman's lap and doing her best to eat his face right off. He seems like a more than willing participant. Your concerns have more to do with how her bikini is moving, how she’s only moments away from an indecent exposure charge.
You turn to Natasha and smile. “I'm really sorry, but I have to…”
You make a vague gesture in your sister's direction.
“I understand. She needs you right now.”
You nod and begin to walk away, pulling your coverup out of your bag. But your feet don't let you move very far. What kind of person would you be if you let the best thing that's ever happened to you slip through your fingers so easily? You can't let her slip away. So you rummage in your bag for one of the notebooks you always carry with you and scrawl your phone number down on it, ripping the page away.
She looks surprised to see you again when you catapult yourself into her arms and kiss her soft lips. She tastes like the beer she was drinking earlier, and as her arms wrap around your waist, you sink into the kiss a little bit more. You feel like you never want to leave. Yet you know the longer you stay here kissing Natasha, the more time your sister has to make situations worse. Her friends may be cheering her on, but her fiancé won't be quite so magnanimous.
When you pull away, her cheeks are the same pink as earlier. Her lips are kiss-swollen, and her eyes are bright. You're sure yours are the same.
“Let's get that coffee, Natasha.”
You press the paper into her hands and hurry back up to the beach to take care of your sister. In the hilarity of pulling her away from Bagman and wrestling her into your coverup, you can feel eyes on you. They track you until you drive away.
There's a text on your phone when you get home.
Let's get that coffee tomorrow morning. Do you know Madison's Cafe? I'd very much like to kiss you again.
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@desert-fern @horseshoegirl @dakotakazansky @sarahsmi13s @teacupsandtopgun
@roosterforme @cherrycola27 @thedroneranger @chaoticassidy
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AU | Part 1/3 | PG - NC17
This was originally supposed to be an @xfpornbattle prompt, but of course, I never finished it. I’ve never really written anything multi-chapter before, so we’ll see how it goes.
Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego, California
June 1981
The salt of the sea tangled in her wind mussed tresses. She scrunched her toes deeper into the sand as the surf lapped at her ankles, a siren call beckoning her back to its depths.
A pair of strong tanned arms swept around her suddenly from behind and pulled her firmly against the chest of their owner swaying them gently from side to side, her burst of surprised laughter breaking over the crash of the waves. Her eyes slid closed and lips upturned as his soft lips nuzzled their way from the freckled skin of her shoulder, across the fine bones of her clavicle and up the curve of her neck to her ear.
“God, you are so fucking beautiful, Dana”
He pressed a gentle kiss in that sensitive spot just beneath it before pulling it into to his mouth. His hands crept lower on her hips, long curious fingers edging beneath the suit line, dancing their way towards the thin strings holding the sides together. A gentle tug on her ear…a gentle tug on the strings…closer and closer…
The sound of a car crunching in the driveway gravel jolted her eyes open and her hand from her panties. She jumped up in a panic, quickly wiping her hand on the towel she had laid down.
She peered out the window, her pulse speeding up and another gush of arousal flooding her already sopping underwear.
Fuck. It’s him. He’s here.
Fox Mulder was 19, brilliant, and beautiful, the star of many a late night teenage fantasy beneath the sheets in her darkened bedroom. He was also the on-again, off-again boyfriend of her older sister, Melissa, the forbidden fruit of her lust at whom she was forever allowed to look but never touch.
His tall, lanky frame leaned unaffectedly on the hood of his beat up Jeep, the epitome of cool, hair swept back and aviators perched on his aquiline nose, entirely unaware of the flurry of teenage anxiousness he was causing two floors up.
Her heart rampaged in her chest as she moved from the window to root around in the top drawer of her dresser, flinging her oversized t-shirt over her head in the process.
Damnit, pull yourself together, Dana. You can do this. This is your chance.
Her hand finally landed on what she was looking for and she pulled out the tiniest black bikini she had ever seen, let alone owned. The push-up cups gave her just the right amount of cleavage without looking too risqué and Melissa had insisted she buy it after dragging her to the mall last weekend.
"You need to learn to live a little, Dana," she'd chided, as she shoved her into the fitting room with the scrap of material. "You look smokin' and there isn't going to be a boy in town that can keep his eyes off you!"
Ahab would freak if he knew she had bought something like that. She looked in to the mirror to settle her breasts just right in the top before tugging on the barely there high waisted gym shorts her mother had expressly told she was not to wear in public. “Hot pants” were entirely inappropriate for a captain’s daughter. Her heart picked up speed at the illicitness of it all. Maybe Missy was right, she did need to get out of her comfort zone. And she knew exactly whose eyes she wanted on her.
Melissa and Mulder had been a thing since they met their sophomore year of high school and had broken up and gotten back together more times than she could count. Dana had been just a lowly thirteen year old in junior high, forever in the shadow of her beautiful older sister, but Mulder never treated her that way.  
He was always kind, asking about school and her science classes, indulging her ramblings on Einstein and physics until Melissa pulled him away insisting she was boring him. He never seemed bored though. Bored people didn’t ask that many questions. Relevant questions at that. In a house where she was constantly talked over by Bill Jr. and Melissa, it was nice to have someone interested in what she had to say for once.
It was an innocent wish of a happy 14th birthday and kiss on the cheek that had changed everything. She'd stammered her thanks as her face flushed the color of her hair. Bill Jr. had teased her mercilessly for weeks afterwards. Her hand strayed to her cheek, certain she could still feel the gentle pressure of his soft lips on her skin, even three years later.
She smoothed her hair and leaned into the mirror, dabbing on just a hint of lip gloss and a few swipes of mascara, opting for the more natural look she knew Mulder preferred from one of the occasional eavesdropped conversations she had been privy to over the years.
Dana knew Melissa cared for Mulder, but she wasn’t the type of woman he needed. She was flighty and impulsive, and uninterested in settling down with one guy.
"Life is too short to tether one’s heartstrings to a single person so young, Dana," she'd once told her younger sister. "I want to follow my heart, be free to give and receive love."
What Mulder needed was someone stable and grounded. Someone to hold him when the nightmares about his sister woke him up crying and shivering in a cold sweat. He didn’t need someone to wave healing crystals over his head and babble about the deeper meanings of dreams and how they were the key to unlocking the subconscious.
Okay, so maybe she had eavesdropped more than just a few times. And Mulder’s bad dreams and beauty preferences weren’t the only thing she had “accidentally” overheard.
She’d heard him sneak in Melissa’s window one night, when they thought everyone else was asleep. Their shared bedroom wall was thin and hushed conversation quickly gave way to creaking springs. She could hear his muffled moans and felt an unexpected tingle down below.
She'd closed her eyes, imagining that she was the one making him make those noises. She hadn’t meant to, but she'd suddenly found her hand wandering lower of its own accord, pressing against the heat of her center. She'd quickly snatched her hand away, the nuns’ constant warnings about masturbation being the devil’s handiwork ringing in her head. But she couldn’t stop thinking about how good it felt.
In that moment, her innocent crush had turned into a full-blown obsession.
Dana Scully was a good girl. She was obedient and polite and god fearing. The heady rush of doing something so bad and wrong and downright naughty was intoxicating, even better than the time she sneaked one of her mother’s cigarettes in the dark. It was too tempting to resist. Night after night, she listened for his voice through the walls, a pile of soiled panties growing beneath her bed until she was alone in the house to do her laundry.
She took a final look in the mirror with a pop of her glazed lips and light spritz of Jovan Musk on her pulse points. “Discover the power,” the TV commercial had declared, claiming to bring more men and women together than any other fragrance in history. In a world filled with blatant propositions, brash overtures, bold invitations and brazen proposals, she was going to get her share. Satisfied, she slung her beach bag over her shoulder and headed down the stairs.
She wasn’t one of those immature girls littering the pages of her notebooks with hearts and his name in a loopy cursive scrawl. Mrs. Fox Mulder. Not anymore anyway. No, she was a woman. A woman who was going to show him that she was more than Missy’s kid sister.
As she made her way down the front steps to the driveway, he was still sprawled, god-like, against his car, chewing on that much fantasized about bottom lip and pensively shucking sunflower seeds with his tongue, an errant lock of hair flopping into his eyes.
Dana's fingers twitched with the urge to brush it back and just slide her fingers through his hair, certain it was as soft as it looked.
Keep it cool, Dana. You got this. Shoulders back, stomach in, chest out. Cool, casual, breezy, confident.
She strutted towards him with a subtle sashay of the hips, her chin tipped with an air of disinterest.
Mulder lifted his sunglasses slightly to peer over the mirrored lens, his eyes flitting briefly over the newfound curves of her body that had bloomed since she’d last seen him. Dana felt her face flush with a streak of pride and bit her lip to keep from grinning, willing herself to keep her cool. She had only recently become accustomed to having this power over men, and she’d be lying if she said it didn’t thrill her. For once, boys actually looked at her, instead of just Missy.
“Oh, hi Mulder,” she tossed out as casually and breezy as she could manage. He never let anyone call him Fox.
He pulled off the sunglasses, training the full force of his smile on her, the bright white glinting in the noonday sun. Her insides turned to mush and her knees went weak. He had no idea of his effect on her. It was entirely unfair.
“Hey, Dana!”
Just the sound of her name on his lips made her stomach flutter and crotch moisten again. She could listen to that throaty monotone for hours. She took a deep breath in a futile attempt to settle her nerves and prayed the thundering echo of her pulse wasn't audible outside her own ears.
"What are you doing here? Didn't Missy tell you she was going out of town for the weekend?"
“Oh…” Mulder murmured, his smile fading. He shook his head as if to clear it, suddenly looking like a lost puppy who couldn’t find his owner. “Yeah, I guess she did mention that. I must have forgotten. Sorry, I should go.”
He reached to put his sunglasses back on and turned towards the car.
Mulder jumped, startled at the force of her tone and her sudden hand on his arm.
Perfect, Dana...that was absolutely chill, cool, calm, and collected. Fantastic.
“You should come with me to the beach,” she offered brightly, doing her best not to frighten him anymore than she already had. “It’ll be fun! Plus, I hear it rains a lot in England, so you should enjoy the California sunshine while you can.”
He smiles softly at her, his mood seeming to lift. “Yeah, okay. I'd like that.”
"I was planning on going down to Coronado -" she began, frantically stopping midway at his scrunched nose of displeasure."But if you have a better idea, I'm down for anywhere!"
Mulder chuckled and rested his hand against the exposed small of her back to guide her towards the Jeep, sending a rash of goosebumps across her skin.
“Actually, I think I do. Hop in, kid. I know just the place.”
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utautattooedghoul · 6 years
San Diego Here I Come! | Chapter 4
Summary: Cosplaying was a dream come true for you and you had made your way to Instagram famous in a span of 3 months. You were so well known that even celebrities followed you and among one was your celebrity crush, Tom Holland. Preparing for San Diego Comic Con you get asked to be on the Avengers Cast Panel meaning you’ll get to meet Tom. Will sparks fly between a famous cosplayer and a famous actor? Will they realize that they are meant for each other?
Teaser Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Warning: Swearing
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The insane pounding in your head was the only thing you could feel as soon as you opened your eyes. It felt like a hammer was banging against your head constantly as the only sound you could muster out of your lips was a painful groan. You slowly sat up in your bed as you rubbed your temples with your fingers as you looked around the room. You were still wearing the same clothes from last night and you saw some men's clothes on the opposite of your bed. All you could see was the backside of the curly haired boy laying on the fold out couch bed. You slowly began to remember the events of last night and remembered that you asked Tom to stay the night so you wouldn't feel alone.
Red and pinks began to fill the color of your cheeks as you stared at his broad naked back, his curly hair was all tossled and messy and just the way he slept was so cute yet also so fucking sexy. You were dragged away from your thoughts when the pounding in your head increased as you slowly got out of your bed and went to your purse. You thankfully stashed a bottle of ibuprofen in there incase you got sore from standing or better yet a hangover. You took out two of the small red pills as you placed them on the TV stand as you grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge and chugged down the pills as you sighed slightly.
The time that read on the alarm clock was 8:45 AM. Your panel didn't start until 2:30 in the afternoon so you decided to quickly change into some pajamas before Tom woke up. You grabbed some Spider-Man Homecoming pj pants, and a Spider-Man tank top as you flopped back down onto your bed as you began to scroll through your phone.
You clicked on the camera roll app as you noticed the amount of selfies and videos you took with Tom and Harrison last night as you scrolled through each picture and carefully watched each video. A smile slowly appeared on your face as you began to let out soft giggles at the pictures and videos you had taken. A lot of the videos were of you chugging your drinks and acting like a drunk dumbass with Tom and Harrison or belting out lyrics to your favorite songs that came over the speakers. You suddenly heard Tom groan as you quickly turned off your phone and placed it on the nightstand next to your bed as you looked over at him.
"Morning, sleepyhead." You rolled over onto your side to face him as you rested your head on one of the pillows as you faced him and gave him a smile that looked like you were still half asleep.
"Morning, darling." His voice was deep and husky and he looked so fucking cute with his bed head. He sat up in the bed as he rubbed his eyes and looked at the time.
"Is it really only 8 in the morning? I swear I thought I slept longer." He looked at the clock then looked down at his deshevled clothes on the floor as he sat on the edge of his bed and looked at you.
"Yeah. To be honest I thought it was 12 but I guess I'm not used to the three hour time difference yet. Thankfully my panel doesn't start until 2 so if you want I can order some room service." You sat up in your bed as you hugged your knees to your chest as you looked at the boy on the other bed. You actually can't believe he stayed all night but you were happy that you got to wake up with him in your room instead of waking up by yourself.
"Yeah that'd be great. I'm fucking starving." Tom let out a small laugh as he rubbed his belly letting you know how hungry he was. You suddenly heard a low growl come from both of your stomachs as you both let out small laughs.
"I'll order some room service. What do you want?" You picked up on the menus they left in the room as you got up from your bed and sat next to the shirtless boy as your heart suddenly began to race. Sure you've seen Tom shirtless in pictures and shit from his Instagram and Twitter account but being next to him shirtless for real was making your knees fucking weak.
"Ummm... I think I'll have some pancakes with some orange juice and a side of fruit." He leaned over your shoulder as he scanned the menu. He was really close to your face and you swear to god he could probably hear your heart beating out of your chest.
"U-Umm ok! I'll get some French toast, some apple juice, and also a side of fruit. I'll call down to the desk real quick. Oh if you want I can lend you a hoodie and some pj pants. I usually buy a lot of guy shit anyways." You quickly got up from the bed as you rummaged through your suitcase and pulled out a grey hoodie and some flannel pajama pants for Tom to wear as you handed them to him as he put them on.
You walked over to the phone as you dialed downstairs and placed you and Tom's order for room service. The wait would be approximately 15 minutes so you decided to turn on the TV that was in your hotel room as you watched 'Friends'.
A knock on your door tore you away from the TV as you got up and let one of the employees in who placed all you and Tom's food on the glass kitchen table in the kitchen. You gave the man a smile as he left the room as you and Tom sat down together and ate your meals. You had shut off the TV in your bedroom and turned on the one in the living room as you both ate and watched some more 'Friends' on the TV.
Tom was completely devouring his pancakes and you were doing the same to your French toast. You both weren't kidding when you said you guys were fucking starving. Finishing both your meals Tom offered to take the dirty dishes out on the tray and place it outside your room. You walked over to the big couch in the living room as you relaxed and watched TV as Tom came back and sat next to you as he looked at his phone. He quickly typed back something as he turned his gaze back onto the TV.
Suddenly another knock came to the door as you looked at Tom in confusion. He smiled at you as he got up and opened the door as you saw Harrison walk through it.
"Harrison!" You jumped up and squealed as you made your way over to him and gave him a big hug.
"Hi, love. I hope it's ok that I hang out here for a bit. Tom invited me over." Harrison and you looked at Tom as you gently smacked his chest.
"It's perfectly fine! All we are doing is watching Friends so... yeah." You giggled a bit as you walked back over to the couch and sat back down as the brown haired boys followed. Harrison sat in one of the small chairs as Tom sat next to you again.
"What times your panel at again, Y/N?" Harrison glanced over at you then back at the TV.
"Not until 2:30 thankfully so we have a couple of hours to kill. Why what's up?" You glanced over at Harrison who's gaze was glued to the TV as you saw his brown eyes dart back at you.
"You guys wanna go swimming for a bit? Nobody is at the pool or anything so we would pretty much have it all to ourselves."
"Yeah that sounds like fun!" You smiled at the boys as you quickly got up from your seat. "Why don't you and Tom go change and I'll meet you in the lobby ok?"
They both gave you nods as they got up and left your room as you made your way towards your bedroom and rummaged through your suitcase again grabbing your bikini.
The bikini you had brought with you was a cute small black on with small drawings of stars and the planets on it. You quickly stripped out of your pajamas as you quickly put your bikini on as you put your black flip flops on as well. You decided to pull your hair back into a ponytail so that your hair wouldn't get super messy from the water.
Grabbing your purse and your phone and room key you made your way to the door as you quickly shut off the TV before leaving your room and heading for the lobby. As you made your way to the elevator and waited in it you exited into the lobby as you saw Harrison and Tom waiting for you.
You walked over to them as you saw Tom's eyes immediately land on you. He slowly eyed you up and down as his cheeks began to turn red. This was the first time Tom has ever seen you showing this much skin and it made his entire body grow hot. He tried his best to calm himself down so that he wouldn't get a boner through his swim shorts.
"Hey sorry I took so long. Ready to go?" You smiled at both the boys as they nodded as Tom quickly walked towards the pool area while you and Harrison followed behind him.
You were a little confused as to why Tom was walking ahead of you two until you realized that this was the first time Tom has seen you in a bikini let alone seeing so much skin.
"Is Tom going to be ok?" You slowly moved closer to Harrison as you whispered softly to him.
"Yeah he'll be fine. Just nervous about seeing you in a bikini for the first time so he's just trying to distract himself." Harrison leaned down and whispered back at you as you both could see the pool area come into view.
"Alright. If he gets a boner though I am going to be proud of myself." You smirked to yourself a bit as Harrison nudged you with his shoulder as you laughed. You honestly liked getting Tom sexually frustrated but in turn you were sexually frustrating yourself during this game of cat and mouse and it was honestly starting to become to much to the point where holding yourself back was starting to actually hurt.
As your arrived at the pool you quickly scanned it seeing that literally no one was here. I mean it was 9 in the morning and most of the people were at the con right now but you didn't have to be at your panel until 2:30 so you'd rather relax for as long as possible. You and the boys grabbed yourselves some towels that the hotel offered as you made your way towards some empty lounge chairs. You placed your stuff on the chair as you decided to go into the hot tub first.
You slowly stepped into the hot tub as your entire body began to relax under the warmth of the bubbly hot tub as you sat back against the wall and closed your eyes.
Harrison and Tom were placing their stuff in the chairs next to yours as Tom looked at you in the hot tub as he bit his bottom lip in frustration. He quickly got out of his thoughts as Harrison placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Go get in there with her mate. Might as well make a move instead of frustrating yourself even more." His best mate looked at him and then he looked back at you as he took a deep breath.
"I mean you guys are going to go on a date after her panel so might as well do something." Harrison was right. Tom did ask you out on a date after your panel was over. He really did want to kiss you but he held himself back as much as he could but he couldn't hold himself back any longer. All he wanted to do was grab you and kiss you and he was hoping you were thinking the same thing which you were.
"Alright mate. Wish me luck." Tom patted Harrison's shoulder as Harrison did the same.
As Harrison jumped into the pool and began to swam around for a few Tom made his way towards the hot tub where you were relaxing. You slowly opened your eyes as you heard his footsteps come closer and closer to you as he got into the hot tub and sat next to you.
"Not going to swim with Haz?" You looked over at the empty pool were Harrison was floating on his back as Tom shook his head.
"Nah. Hot tub seemed more relaxing. Plus.. I'd like to spend more time with you." As Tom said that he began to fiddle with his fingers under the water as he avoided eye contact with you.
“R-Really?” You scooted a bit closer to Tom as you tilted your head, your hair sticking to your face due to the steam from the hot tub. You leaned in a bit to peer at his face a bit as he suddenly turned to face you causing a lump to form in your throat. 
“W-Well I.. I-I mean-” Before Tom could finish his sentence your lips were immediately on his. 
His lips felt soft against yours as the heat from the hot tub began to cause forms of sweat droplets to form on your forehead. The kiss was soft and slow at first until Tom suddenly pulled you into his lap as you straddled him. The kiss was becoming heated replacing that sense of passion and love with lust and need. You needed Tom, no you wanted Tom - and he wanted you. Neither of you guys cared that Harrison was literally a few feet away from you in the pool but you both were so lost in each other, in each other's lips, and each other's embrace.
Your hands instinctively went right into Tom's messy curls. His hair felt so soft between your fingers as you began to press yourself into his chest deepening the kiss. You suddenly felt his hands make his way from your hips to the side of your ass which caused you to let out a small squeal in the kiss as Tom slowly pulled away making sure you were ok.
"I-I'm sorry! If you want me to stop I can!" Tom started to become a flustered mess thinking that your squeal meant he did something but he didn't. Oh he didn't do anything wrong at all, you just didn't expect him to touch your ass is all.
You bit your bottom lip as you let out a small laugh that made Tom's heart melt on the spot. You gently rested your forehead against his as you were both trying to catch your breath from the heated kiss you two just shared.
"N-No don't be sorry! I just didn't expect you to touch my ass is all..." These words made a smirk form on Tom's face as he suddenly squeezed your ass as you let out a small aroused giggled as you looked down at his toned chest as you bit your lips.
Instead of continuing the kiss you two just sat like this for a couple minutes as you gently rested your head on his chest just enjoying his presence. He still kept his hands on his ass but he suddenly turned you around so that you were sitting in between his legs with your back now against his chest, his hands finding a new spot on your body. They roamed up and down your sides until they found a permanent spot on your waist as you two just relaxed in each other's embrace as the bubbles from the hot tub made you both melt into each other.
You and Tom were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts when Harrison got out of the pool and yelled both of your names. "Hey! It's like 10:30 now! We should go before people start to show up."
Tom let out an annoyed groan as his slowly slipped you out of his lap causing you to whine at the loss of contact. As you and Tom both stepped out of the pool and walked over to your lounge chairs he gently hugged you from behind as you were drying off your arms.
"Is it... Ok if I come back to your room after I shower and change?" He whispered softly in your ear as you let out a small sigh as you leaned back and kissed his cheek.
"Of course. Just let me shower as well and I'll text you when I'm done ok?" You whispered back to him as a smirk appeared on his face.
"Can't wait, darling." He gently squeezed your waist as he let go of you and grabbed all of his stuff as all of you headed back upstairs.
Your shower took about a good 20 minutes but that was usually how long all your showers took. You changed back into your pajamas as you sent Tom a text telling him he can come over.
You were sitting in the living room as you were brushing out your hair with a towel wrapped around your neck as the second one was underneath you so that the couch wouldn't get wet from the water dripping off your hair.
A knock came to your door as you quickly darted towards the door opening it seeing Tom standing in the doorway. He was wearing a black and blue flannel with a black unedershirt, jeans, black shoes, and his hair was still slightly wet from his recent shower.
He walked right in and took off his shoes as he gave you a long, lingering, yet passionate kiss on your lips as you were holding your hair brush in one hand as your other hand was wrapped around his neck.
Tom slowly pulled away as he gazed into your eyes almost getting lost in them. "I'm never going to get tired of kissing you."
You let out a small laugh as you quickly pecked his lips as you walked back to the couch brushing your hair. "Glad I made the first move, huh?" You giggled a bit as you sat back down where your towel was as he rolled his eyes and sat next to you.
"Hey! I was going to make the first move... I just... Didn't know when to or how." Just the way he got nervous about talking about how he wanted to make the first move made your heart melt. This boy was so pure and so sweet that this world truly did not deserve him.
"You are to cute." You leaned over and kissed his cheek a couple times as you finished brushing out your hair, running your fingers through it making sure there were no knots left.
The time on the cable box was now flashing 12:20 PM. You and Tom had ended up cuddling each other on the couch for a few hours as you groaned looking at the time. You looked back at Tom who was laying down with you holding you from behind as you kissed under his chin.
"I got to get ready soon for the panel." You spoke softly to him as you pressed yourself into his chest a bit not wanting him to go.
"Do you want me to go? Or do you want me to wait here while you change and walk to the panel with you? I mean I am going to be on the panel with you anyways. Might as well just go with you." He placed a gentle kiss on the side of your head as you smiled and sighed contently.
"Yeah. I'd like that a lot." You slowly sat up from your cuddling position as you stretched your arms and legs out as you got up from the couch. You leaned down in front of Tom as you placed a quick kiss to his lips as you smiled at him. "I'll be right back."
He smiled back at you as he stayed in his position as he continued watching TV as you went to go get ready.
The cosplay you had planned for the second day of the con was going to be Spider-Gwen. You gently pulled out the outfit from your suitcase as you gently and neatly laid it out across your bed. You took out the blonde wig and black headband that went with the cosplay as you went to the bathroom and began to apply your cosplay makeup which took you about a good 15 minutes to do this. You braided your hair back up as you put the wig cap on making sure all your hair fit into it. You placed the blonde Gwen Stacey wig on your head as you adjusted it a few times making sure it was on nice and tight as you put the black headband ontop of the blonde wig. Now it was time to put on the entire cosplay. You planned on putting the mask on then taking it off for your panel so that you could ya know — talk and breathe properly and not sweat your ass off under the mask and wig. You stripped off your pajamas again and put on a matching white lace bra and panties to wear under the cosplay. You slipped on the cosplay as you started off by putting your legs in each hole, followed by your arms, then finally adjusting it so it fit properly. You flipped up the hoodie of the Spider-Gwen cosplay as you held the mask in your hands saying to yourself that you'll put it on when you leave.
Taking a deep breath you walked out of your room as you slowly walked over to where Tom was sitting who had to do a double take at how you looked.
"Holy shit..." Were the only words that came out of his mouth as your entire face turned red.
"H-How do I look...?" You did a slow turn for Tom so that he could see you from all angles.
"Y-You look... Holy shit..." His jaw dropped open when you slowly turned around for him. The suit accented your ass and chest extremely well, especially your ass like goddamn BatMan that outfit made your ass friken pop like a cherry.
"Thanks." You smiled at him as you looked at the time on the cable box which now read 1:30PM.
"We should head downstairs for the panel now. I want to get there early before it gets packed." You quickly ran into your room as you grabbed your purse, room key, and phone as you threw them in your purse as Tom shut off the TV for you.
You walked over to him and gave him a deep and loving kiss as his arms made their way to your waist and as yours wrapped around his neck, tangling your fingers in his brown curls.
"Ready to go? Spider-Man." You licked your lips as you let a small giggle escape your lips.
"You bet, Gwen Stacey. Or should I say, Spider-Gwen." You both laughed at how dorky you two were being as you both left your room walking hand in hand.
You and Tom had arrived at your panel at exactly 2. Well 2:15 but whatever. You guys got stopped on the way multiple times by fans asking for pictures as well as photographers taking just pictures of you in your full Spider-Gwen cosplay which you gladly did.
Tom had made sure to grab you both some water bottles as well as some fruit snacks for you to munch on before the panel started. As you two sat in your chairs behind your name tags the doors slowly began to open as a crowd of people made there way into the room. After about 5 minutes the entire room was packed to the brim with people. The room was big enough to fit probably over 200-300 people.
You looked around the room as you started to get a bit nervous since this was your first panel ever where people would be asking you a ton of questions but your nerves slowly went away as Tom placed his hand on your thigh as he gently squeezed it assuring you that he was going to be on this panel with you as well. You placed your hand ontop of his as you smiled as you quickly glanced at the time on your phone that was placed in front of you which now read 2:30. The panel was about to be underway and your panel would be lasting for over an hour which you were excited about.
As you took off your Spider-Gwen mask people began to cheer and scream as you and Tom waved at the crowd of people who came here to see you both.
"Hello San Diego Comic Con!" You shouted into the microphone as the crowd erupted again. "Are you guys having fun today?" As if on instinct the crowd answered you in a roar of "Yes!"
You laughed into the microphone as you looked over at Tom then back at the crowd. "As you guys can clearly see I am not alone today. We have the lovely, the handsome, the sexy, and amazing Tom Holland here with me today!" You could literally feel all the girls in the crowd scream as you could sense ovaries exploding and panties dropping.
"Looks like they'd rather see you then me, huh Tom?" You gave Tom a fake offended look as you and the audience laughed.
"They came here to see you, darling. I am just tagging along for the day." He gave you and everyone his adorable crinkled smile as you smiled at him as well.
"You are to friken precious I swear." You adjusted yourself in your chair as the audience swooned at how cute you and Tom were being.
"So. Let's get this panel started shall we?"
A/N: WELL I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THIS LONG OVERDUE CHAPTER! Chapter 5 is going to be soooooo fucking good! I do eventually plan on throwing some smut in here as well 😉😏 which I am nervous af about since I've never written smut before and I am terrified it's going to SUCK BUT ILL GIVE IT A SHOT! Anyways thank you guys for being so patient with me and I hope you enjoy this chapter ☺️
Taglist:  @h-osterfield @hollandroos @tomhollanduniverse @magic-marvel @kingcamson @urmoonchildisliving @lolthisisntcanon @simplechicwithacrazedheart @underoos-tom @underoosstark @softboy-holland @infamous-webhead @purespidey @bloodysleepy @ultrunning @stevieboyharrington @maryjanewannabee @embrace-themagic @thegirlwhoolived @romanoff-queen @spideysholland @lokiislowkeyhot @babykaykay2000 @madmadmilk @loxbbg @gab-spidey @hollandspeach @peachyhollands @spidey-parker-peter-man @supremetoaster @supernaturallover2002 @oh-dear-tommy @parkerrpeterr @parker-underoos @toms-order @hamiltrin @iaiabear @whereartthouwakanda @supremetoaster
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overlooked-tracks · 2 years
DreamDoll Serves Up Her Favorite Flavors In “Ice Cream Dream” Music Video Featuring French Montana
An Overlooked Tracks News Finding: Here’s an article you might have overlooked. Having a partnership with NewsAPI, we try to catch music entertainment news for you to view, read and possibly enjoy. We will continue to find what’s available in the world of music entertainment, concert information and music releases. But obviously you – the listener and reader are the biggest source for news in your area, so if you can share with us. For right now, look at what we found for you:
“From The Vibe Magazine Website – DreamDoll Serves Up Her Favorite Flavors In “Ice Cream Dream” Music Video Featuring French Montana”
DreamDoll has released a colorful music video bringing to life her latest song “Ice Cream Dream.” Featuring French Montana, the song reimagines the melody, beat, and production of Raekwon’s classic “Ice Cream” which featured Ghostface Killah, Method Man, and Cappadonna, from the 1995 album Only Built 4 Cuban Linx… 
Wearing a candy bikini, DreamDoll flirtatiously serves up soft-serve cones, banana splits, and other sweet treats to customers who run down the block for their sugar fix. She is joined by French Montana later in the video as night falls. The two Bronx-bred rappers deliver their respective verses as the ice cream truck sits on fire in the background.
“Don’t hit me if it ain’t about the C.R.E.A.M.,” she raps on the racy track where she explores the various type of men she’s attracted to and name-drops rappers like DaBaby and Dave East.
French Montana follows up with his own verse, referencing a handful of current and past pop culture moments such as Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the 2022 Oscars, Zendaya’s leading role as an addict in HBO’s Euphoria, and Paula Patton’s viral fried chicken recipe.
DreamDoll Serves Up Her Favorite Flavors In “Ice Cream Dream” Music Video Featuring French Montana
DreamDoll is currently supporting Brooklyn rapper Fivio Foreign on The Fivio Foreign Tour ahead of her performance at Hot 97’s Summer Jam Mainstage on June 12.
Watch the music video for DreamDoll’s “Ice Cream Dream” featuring French Montana above and check out the Fivio Foreign featuring DreamDoll’s upcoming tour dates below.
The Fivio Foreign Tour Dates
5/27 – Houston, TX – House of Blues
5/29 – Dallas, TX – House of Blues
6/1 – Los Angeles, CA – The Fonda Theatre
6/3 – San Francisco, CA – Regency Ballroom
6/4 – San Diego, CA – House of Blues
6/6 – Santa Ana, CA – The Observatory
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headoverhiddles · 8 years
Summertime [Daveed x Reader]
Description: Female!Reader x Daveed. You’re partying at the Wave House in San Diego, when you run into a very attractive stranger who buys you some very expensive tequila. Who are you to refuse? 
Genre: Smut 
Rating: M for bathroom fucking and dirty talk. 
Notes: This is set when Hamilton was in its Public days, so Daveed’s pretty much just begun work on it. Ft. my favourite clippng song and Rafa because Rafa is huggy bear. (I don’t know if he can surf- just go with it shh)
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The ocean air was a relief to your lungs- San Diego never disappointed for a vacation. Pacific Beach was one of your favourite places to go, be it for a morning tan, sunset bike ride, or a night at a party you were sure to regret in the morning. Of course, you never could bring yourself to regret it the next day, as the west coast vibe just kept you in a good place. 
The night breeze rolling off the nearby waves sends you shivering in your bikini top and shorts, but just as soon as it comes, it’s replaced by a wave of warmth from the fire pits. The nearby screams of Belmont Park ring out through the night with the music, the Big Dipper coaster roaring by every so often. Where you are, the bar is crowded, the flow barrell is still open, (flow rider is closed; the kids had all gone home hours ago), and the music is loud. Sauntering over to the steps where people are watching someone surf the barrel, you lift your beer to your mouth, drinking the last of it. The guy on the wave’s been up there for a while; he has dirty blonde hair and a couple of tattoos up his arms... not bad looking, you think. 
You consider the guys around you, wondering how many of them would try and come onto girls looking to get lucky tonight. You had really just come out here for a good time, and you certainly weren’t in the mood for any half-baked pick-up lines from a... well, half baked guy. 
Until you approach the bar, and find a drink plopped down in front of you. 
“Thanks for the gift,” you smirk, and the bartender, (who looks a little like Shaggy Rogers, and stoned enough for it too) just puts up his hands. 
“Hey man, normally it would be on the house for a pretty chick like you... but this one’s from Corbin Bleu over there-” he leans in close, smirking, “Dude’s been eye-fucking you all night.” 
Your eyes follow his gestures, and you see a guy with curly hair in a black Oaklandish tank staring over; he looks familiar to you, for some reason. He doesn’t smirk at you, doesn’t wink, doesn’t do anything usually cheesy... just gives a small wave, offering a genuine smile your way. Interest piqued, you lift the glass his way in thanks, and tip it back. 
Patron. Expensive tequila. Who is this dude? 
Bringing it down from your mouth, he’s gone.
“So... you accepted my drink,” his voice said behind you, speaking over the roar of the music and the cheers of the surfer’s growing audience, “Can I assume you’re a little interested?”
“A little,” you reply nonchalantly, swishing the ice around at the bottom. You swivel around to look him over up close, admiring the toned muscles he’s got all the way up his arms, flexing every time he makes a move. Suddenly, a new song begins- Summertime, by clippng. “God, I love this song,” you mutter, getting up to sway your hips a little to the californian style beat. The guy immediately laughs, ducking his head. “What?” you scowl, ready to defend your taste, “They’re a great band.” 
“Yeah, we are,” he laughs, and your eyes widen. 
“Oh fuck! Are you-”
“My name’s Daveed Diggs, I’m... the vocalist of this band, yeah.”
“It didn’t even hit me...” Your eyes widen. 
“Well, at least you didn’t say we were shit,” he grins, “Then you’d be in an even more awkward position than I am.” You can’t help but adopt his infectious beam and laugh with him. 
“No, but... I do really love this song,” you murmur, lifting your arms above your head to move a little more freely, “You guys are great.” When your eyes open again, you catch his own eyes dropping down to your chest... you realize the bikini top you were wearing had no support whatsoever, and the button of your shorts had snapped off months ago, so... 
It's summer, that pot stick  Block burning, G's banging on the beach White tees, no socks shit Palm tree on lean, bass rocks with the knock
“Where do you live?” you ask, because talking more would probably eventually lead to talking less. 
“Far away from here,” he grins endearingly, “New York, actually.”
“New York? Shit, what’re you doing all the way out here?” 
“A bay boy’s gotta come back to his roots when he’s got the time. ‘Course, San Diego’s no Oakland, but the nightlife here is lit.” 
“Can’t disagree,” you smile, “Is it a good scene in New York?”
“Busy as all hell right now,” Daveed huffs, “It really is the city that never sleeps, and I can see why. I’m in workshops right now for this rap musical about the founding fathers...”
“Rapping founding fathers?” 
“Yup,” Daveed frowns, “Terrible idea, fucking brilliant music. Guy who created it’s a genius.”
“Who’re you gonna play?” you murmur, biting your lip, “The guy on the ten? He’s hot.”
“Ha! No, he’s the title role. I’m the guy on the two.” 
“I could try and remember who’s on the two, but I’m a little tipsy and I kind of don’t care about the order of the presidents right now,” you smirk, and he laughs loudly, subconsciously leaning in closer. 
“That makes two of us.” 
“Mmm... wanna buy me another tequila?” you suddenly come out and ask, feeling bold as you dance closer to the attractive rapper. His eyelids droop a little as he shakes himself free of your spell. Opening his mouth, his filter seems to temporarily malfunction.   
“Actually, I...  low-key wanna make you come up against a bathroom stall.” 
“Only low-key wanna?” you tease, wiggling your hips back against his ratty jeans, predicting something to grind against and... yep, there it was, his boner. 
“Okay, very high-key,” he corrects himself with an inopportune voice crack, and you giggle flirtatiously, wrapping your arms backward around his neck. He leans forward a little, trailing his lips up your neck. You keen a little, leaning back into him and his erection that keeps on filling out, and he places kisses up your exposed throat- you can feel his hot breath on your skin, and a shudder runs through you. The night ahead of you will sure be a story worth telling your friends, the way this is heading. 
Low nose clown on they pogo bounce when they slow-mo round Make the hoes go down, homies smoke that loud 'til they choke fall out And they run they mouth, what they don't know might end 'em Cause the women so fine in the summertime Turn a six to a dime in the summertime
“Hun- are you sober enough for it?” he all but whispers, and you can feel him swallow apprehensively. 
“Hell yes,” you breathe, moving your hips, “But hey, I’m here partying in San Diego for a reason... I’m bound to make a couple good, memorable mistakes tonight.” You smirk, turning around to face him. “Wanna be one of them?” 
“I’d love to be all of them,” he growls, and grabs your wrist, leading you through the people dancing and over the cool sand to the shacks.
“That surfer’s really good,” you comment on the way, and Daveed looks back absently. 
“Oh, yeah. That’s actually my friend Rafa- we grew up in the bay area, so surfing’s been his thing, aside from poetry and spitting bars of his own, for a while.” 
“Wow... he’s amazing on the barrel!” you repeat animatedly, hoping to get a rise out of him, “Normally, folks barely last five minutes on the thing.” As you had expected, Daveed gets a bit of a jealous flash. 
“Yeah, well... he’s not good at much else, shit.”
You giggle, squeezing Daveed’s wrist lightly. Too easy. “Chill, Diggs, it’s not like I want his dick in me.” Daveed huffs, and opens the door to the women’s room, peeking inside. 
“Oh shit,” he mutters, pulling back out, and you frown.
“Someone’s puking in there, let’s try the men’s.”
A couple of burly guys exit the men’s, giving you a once over, but Daveed seems to scare them off with his stature alone. You and Daveed go in... empty, but your eyebrows immediately go up.
“I thought there’d be a little more room in here,” you murmur, “These stalls are small for a five year old, same as the women’s.”
“Oh yeah,” Daveed lets out a laugh, “We’re probably gonna break the stalls if we try to fuck in there.” 
"Wall?” You lick your lips invitingly, backing up to splay yourself against it. 
“I don’t feel like getting arrested tonight if someone walks in and reports us for public indecency, thanks.” 
"Arrested?” You tug at his shorts. 
“It’s not fun to say the least, wouldn’t recommend it,” he nods, and leads you into a stall, “I guess this is fine... we didn’t need breathing room anyway.” With that, he slams the stall door shut and smashes his lips into yours, teeth grazing upon impact. His pelvis is grinding against you, providing a frustrating friction you wish he would increase. Your hips chase his as he pulls back just a little, and he smirks at you. "Oooh now, impatient." 
"Desperately turned on," you correct with a frustrated huff. 
"I wonder what else I could make you do for my dick..." 
You huff, untying your flimsy bikini top and dropping it to the sandy floor. His eyes immediately fall to your naked breasts, widening comically. You smirk right back at the power shift, twisting a finger in one of his tendrils and tugging. "You were saying?" 
"Uhummm..." he mutters, rendered absolutely speechless, so you take over, bringing his face down into your cleavage and moaning a little. He whimpers, and his instincts kick in as his dick practically guides itself back toward you. 
“Fuck me,” you whisper through a grin into his hair, and Daveed doesn’t need to be told twice. Placing fervent kisses around your nipple and stimulating one with a bite between his teeth, he tugs your denim shorts down to your ankles as you squeal. 
“How the fuck can you even call these shorts?” he breathes, kicking them aside, “It’s practically a damn thong.” 
“Would you rather I’d worn my great aunt capris today?” you tease, and his long, slender fingers squeeze into the meat of your ass and roll it around, lifting you up against the stall wall.
“You could’ve been wearing a damn wetsuit, wouldn’t change the fact that I’d still be getting you naked.” 
“I’d be too hot in a wetsuit,” you complain with a pout.
“Good thing you opted for butt floss then,” he laughs, and goes back to attacking your neck with kisses. 
“Fuck, get in me,” you moan, squeezing your legs around his back, and he uses one arm to hold you up, one to untie his tented swim trunks. Digging around in his pocket, he pulls out a saltwater soaked condom packet, tossing it up to you, where you open it and roll the thankfully dry protection onto him. “Holy shit.” According to you, size mattered, and well...
“I didn’t know you would be so huge.” 
Daveed’s visibly aroused by the praise. “I’ll go slow,” he murmurs, though he gulps while saying it. 
“Ha! No thank you,” you whisper back, and thrust your hips forward, burying his tip just inside of you. Daveed lets out a strangled noise, and clutches at your shoulders as he finds his footing, sinking into you all the way. Already, the warm Californian breeze has made the air between you hot, sweat beginning to bead between your breasts and over Daveed’s face and chest. You can hear the music thumping outside, with the beat of the midnight tide nearby; you feel endless. 
“Good for you?” he asks, mouth slightly ajar in bliss. 
“Amazing,” you breathe back, digging your nails into his back and resting your forehead against his. Breathing each other’s air, you both lean in every few thrusts to facilitate a sloppy kiss, tongues down each others throats as Daveed continues to bring you and himself closer. For your part, you squeeze yourself around him and slide down to meet him every time he slams in, making him groan for you. 
“Touch me,” you manage out, and he uses one hand to massage a perky breast, the other to rub circles around your clit. He’s keeping your body up against the stall with his body weight only, which is pretty impressive. “Mmm, that’s good, that’s good, oh my god...” you whisper, and a shudder runs through him, making his curls bounce. 
“I can’t last- ugh... you’re so damn hot...”
“I’m so close,” you groan, tossing your head back. Daveed is just as far gone, chest heaving and thrusts uneven as his body quivers. “Come for me, hun,” he murmurs, and with that encouragement, you squeal, gushing around his thick cock. Watching your face contort with your orgasm, Daveed lets out a choking noise, offering two deep thrusts before blowing his load inside the condom. 
“Wow,” you breathe, running a hand through your hair. He pulls out, and sets you down gently, grabbing some toilet paper to clean off. 
“Holy shit.”
“Totally, right?” 
“I guess I... won’t be seeing you.”
“Right... I guess not.” 
You clear your throat- parting was always weird after a no strings attached type thing. “Good luck on your, uh... history show!”
“Yeah, you too,” he replies, then his face scrunches up at his painfully awkward response. 
You two put the clothes you had taken off back on, (all this sand would be a horror to try and get out of the crotch of your shorts later) and walk back out to the Wave House. The place’s vibe has since chilled out even more, and Rafael’s not up on the barrel anymore- it’s a girl now. 
“Yo,” Daveed says to someone, and you turn around to find Rafael draping himself over his friend. 
“Get this, right- I forgot my shirt in some chick’s place last night... I’m pretty sure she threw it in the ocean out of sheer spite,” he said, squinting. Daveed snorted. 
“No shirt, no cash looks like... guess you want a ride home.”
“Hell no! The party’s not over yet, I’ve got a tab going, and hey- you haven’t introduced me to your lady friend yet!” 
“Oh, I’m-” you jerk a thumb in the opposite direction, but Daveed suddenly pulls you close, so Rafa bows dramatically, wiggling his eyebrows. “Greetings, lady friend.”
You giggle, wondering where this was going. “My...my name’s (y/n). Your name’s Rafa?” 
“Diggs, you tell people about me?” Rafa mocks swooning, and falls into Daveed’s arms. Daveed shakes his head, and gives him a hug before standing him up properly. 
“Go have some drunk sex, Rafa, it’ll do you good.”
“What, like you? Nah, I’m spent, man. Let’s go smoke up, I’ve got the sweet sticky shit!” 
“I’ve got an off broadway show that’s about to open, shitcarriage, pot kills my chords.” 
You speak up. “Let’s buy some tickets to Belmont, then.” Rafa’s eyes widen, and he stumbles over to you. 
“You’re my hero. She’s my hero, Diggs. I like her. Keep her, or I will.” 
“Noted,” the taller rapper grins, steadying his friend again, and he picks you up off your feet and into his arms. You swing your legs over his shoulder as you make your way to the beachside carnival under the stars. 
“Let’s ride the Big Dipper first,” you suggest, and Daveed nuzzles into your neck with a smirk. 
“I thought you just did,” he grins, and Rafa’s wolf whistle is so loud you hear it over the current clippng song they’re blasting back by the bar. 
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