#hot piece of garbage fr
atp i need cc to sit down and think before she even attempts to write twp because tlh was a hot piece of garbage. and thats saying something because do you know how biased i am when it comes to tsc? i ALWAYS rate these books 4/5 or 5/5 because of how much i love this world and the characters. This is the first time I have ever rated a book from this series 3/5.
cc has always been a writer that can write love and other emotions so well it feels like poetry. But on god the mess that this book was. The absolutely unnecessary love triangle as if we didn’t know that herondaisy was canon. Like for us to root for a love triangle both the parties must be on equal footing. THERE WAS NEVER A CHANCE FOR THAT. Wasted so much time on this bs like we knew james and cordelia were endgame please. Cassie please realise not every love story needs a love triangle. Herongraystairs was phenomenal. Kierarktina was ADORABLE. Please stop making love triangles that make no sense just to create unnecessary drama.
Also I will not forgive her for Kit’s death. The way she wrote Kit’s death felt as if she just wrote it for the sake of someone dying. To keep up with the whole ‘there are costs to battles of this range’. Because how can you write the death of a character who played such a key role in most of the characters’ lives but not have them grieve over it? The only grieving character that made me feel anything was Grace. AND IM A GRACE HATER?? THE FACT THAT GRACE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO MADE ME FEEL ANYTHING ABOUT HIS DEATH?? As an older sister I felt really mad that we didn’t get more from Anna on Kit’s death. Like if either of my little sibling died in my arms I’d lose my mind, and we didn’t get any of that. And yes okay we get it there are scarier things, but are you fr telling me that when you lose someone that dear to you your mind will work rationally?? They’re mostly teenagers here. You’re telling me these teenagers would not pause for a second and have the most irrational outburst?
so my request to cc after this whole thing is please stop and think what you will do in twp. it is the LAST book in the series. It is one with HUGE expectations.
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monkeydlitty · 1 year
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hippolotamus · 7 days
Hi my love
2, 8, 34, 35 and 44 😘
Well, hey there, sweetheart 😊
2: Shoe size
Dude, this varies so much (and all the medical garbage that changed my shoe size last year didn’t help) but generally anywhere between 8.5-9.5 in women's sizing
8: Want any tattoos?
Is Oliver Stark hot? aksjdf Yes! I have 4 already but want more. At some point I want to add a hippo (i'm so ashamed i don't have one already), the flower bouquet Buck brings Eddie in my Eddie fic. And I also want to put something commemorative over my mediport scar. Just don't know what yet. Also, I will probably add some heart wrenching quote from TSoA 💔
34: What I find attractive in women
Let it be known I'm feeling incredibly called out by this. I’m very much in the ‘like, have ya seen women?’ camp 😅 seriously, i could wax lyrical about how soft and pretty they are all day, babe. I do think it's hot when they're taller than me. jfc I'm so terrible at this... like never let me near a dating app fr
35: What I find attractive in men
answered here
44: A random fact about anything
Promptly forgets everything I've ever learned or thought... During the dissolution of their business (Doves Press), Thomas James Cobden-Sanderson was so pissed off about the fact that his former partner, Emery Walker, would potentially have rights to their press's sole font (Doves Type) he chose to get rid of it instead. From 1913-1917 he took the metal type pieces and chucked them in the Thames river. They were rediscovered about 10 years ago and been recreated as close to the original as possible.
ask me stuff
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anna-the-undertaker · 2 years
Can we all just appreciate a millennial/elder gen-z mc who just quotes vines nonstop and confuses the fuck out of the brothers? Lmao
Mc gets caught in the middle of two of the brothers drama and gets hit: Ah, fuck. I can't believe you've done this.
The scene after the other version of herself disappears. she just looks Belphie dead in the eyes as she reveals herself and says: I'm a bad bitch! You can't kill me!
Mc stressing over class work: Whaddup? Im Jared, Im 19, and I never fuckin learned how to read.
Mc see a road work sign: road work ahead? Uh yeah, I sure hope it does.
One of the boys disappoints her: I thought you were bae. Turns out your just fam.
Mc gets hurt somehow: Mother trucker, dude. That hurt like a buttcheek on a stick.
Mc randomly blurting out: oh thanks for checking in ~Im still a piece garbage~
One of the boys does something cool: oh my diavolo.. he on x-games mode
Mc looks at one of them with finger guns: Ya like jazz???
Mc to one of the boys: Country boy, i love you... blehhhhhhhh
Mc to all of them while holding a guitar: ~I love you bitch. I aint ever gonna stop lovin you bitch~
Anything happens: ~idk wtf just happened but I dont really care imma get tf up out of here fuck this shit im out~
More things she blurts out at random:
~Two bros chillin in a hot tub five feet apart cause their not gay~
I wont hesitate bitch
Fr e sh a voca do
Look at all those chickens
Stooop I coulda dropped my croissant
I smell like beeeeef
Hi welcome to chili's
Hey duck! Your no good duck! Your. Just. Like. Your father!
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eeclare · 1 year
Bob’s Burgers Character Bedrooms pt. 2
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Starting off with our hot gurl Tammy :)
Tammy fell for the 2019/2020 Tik tok trend of the LED lights
She def made her dad build her some sort of canopy for her bed
And ofc he agreed because she is his little princess
She also fell into the vine decor trend so that’s there
She wants to become an influencer BAD
Like currently, that is her number one goal in life
Hence the ring light and the very bare and “aesthetically pleasing” walls
Let’s pretend that those records are Harry Styles vinyls
She really really thinks pink is her colour so most things in her room coordinate with that general colour scheme
She has her own “walk in” closet (walk in is in quotations because it’s prettttyyy tiny, she just wants people to think it’s a full walk in closet)
That’s why she doesn’t have a dresser
Our girly Tammy is not a clean lady
Like, she doesn’t have garbage all over her room but she just throws her clothes and everything on the floor
But she thinks it’s okay because her parents hire a house cleaner once a week
She has one of those cool vanities with the Hollywood lights
Because she BEGGED for one for her 12th birthday
she wants to become the internet’s next favourite beauty guru so she hopped right on the “healthy water trend”
So there’s a lil tumbler on her nightstand
She films grwm vlogs and films days in her life
I fully believe that she is one of those girls that cover themselves in perfume instead of deodorant because she’s convinced it makes her smell amazing
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Jocelyn :D
Her room’s kinda small but she and her mum decorated it rlly nicely to make up for it
Jocelyn says she made most of the design choices, but it was mostly her mum’s doing when it comes to the vanity and wall colour lol
She Fr loves her room tho so it doesn’t even matter
She isn’t as much of a makeup girl as Tammy is, but she dabbles in natural eyeshadow shades and she takes her skin care seriously
At her mum’s suggestion, naturally
Honestly, her mum gives her pretty good advice
Tammy convinced her to do the healthy water trend too
We love our healthy queens
Tammy doesn’t have a full length mirror anymore so whenever they’re hanging out at Jocelyn’s house they HAVE to take a billion OOTD selfies in her mirror
Jocelyn too fell into the vine decor rabbit hole, except she switched it up a bit with the pop of floral by her bed
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Jimmy Jr. has two rooms
This one is the bedroom he has when he’s with Jimmy Sr.
The thing is though, he really hates this room
His dad has always wanted him to be into sports, so his room is basketball themed
Jimmy Pesto knew his son would be tall as he grew up, so he always pushed him HARD to be a basketball player
But J-Ju HATES it
He’s just not into it
But he really does like baseball!
So Jimmy Sr. is at least a little bit happy with the choices his kid makes
The room though, it just isn’t him
The colours just don’t suit him (that’s what Zeke says) and the vibe is off
J-Ju still sleeps with his childhood stuffed animal
It’s piglet from Winnie the Pooh
He’s also kinda a messy kid
Clothes and garbage and Gatorade bottles EVERYWHERE
Jimmy Sr. doesnt really give a fuck though
Just kinda lets J-Ju clean as he pleases
Don’t worry guys, Jimmy Jr. still has bits and pieces of himself around the room
His fav. Comic book characters are on his walls, and he even convinced his dad to get him a figurine of his number one character!
The sloth snake is only really there because Zeke got it for him
Don’t get him wrong, he likes sloth snake, it just isn’t his favourite thing really
But it’s just one more thing he can use to bond with Zeke, so he’ll put the poster up if he has to
(but there is a reason he put it up in the room he spends the least amount of time in)
Because of their custody agreement, J-Ju and Andy and Ollie are only at Jimmy Sr.’s every two weeks
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J-Ju pt. 2!
This is his room at his mum’s house!
His mum moved into a house in suburbia and it has a very clean white kind of aesthetic
And she isn’t a neat freak or anything, but his mum does like to keep the house clean
So she’ll go in during the week that he’s with his dad and just organize things again
She doesn’t want to be one of those snoopy type mothers
But she did put a plant in Jimmy Jr.’s room so that she would have an excuse to go in there and “notice that his rooms a mess” so she can clean it
He does bring piglet with him from home to home, just don’t tell anyone that
J-Ju has read exactly three books and he displays them very proudly on his bookshelf
They’re the first Harry Potter book (he likes the movies better), The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, and the book Wonder (he cried when he finished reading it, he was just so emotional)
His mum also bought him figurines of his fav. Comic book characters
Except he didn’t even have to ask her for them, she just knows what he likes and wants lol
Even though she completely supports Jimmy’s passion for the art of dance, she secretly wishes he was more into sports like basketball (she is a big b-ball fan lmfao)
So she did frame a jersey and put it above his bed
Just in hopes that maybe it will inspire him
It doesn’t though, obviously
Peep the lil heart-shaped pillow Jimmy Jr. Is failing really hard at hiding
It’s from Tina, for Valentine’s Day
He keeps it because he really likes her, he’s just not sure if it’s in THAT way, you know?
His mum makes sure he always has a glass of water on his nightstand
“He has to keep hydrated”, she says
The only things she doesn’t clean up is his baseball equipment
She just isn’t sure where to put it all
The lion is from some soccer camp he did once as a kid
Its the first award type thing he’s ever won and he’s still pretty proud of it
Also hope you caught a glance of the cologne that J-Ju stole from his dad on the dresser
And ofc peep the LED light strips lmao
The death grip they had on teenagers
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Andy and Ollie’s turn
Ollie is on the left, Andy’s on the right
Ollie has a weird lol shrimp stuffed toy that he just LOVES and Andy has a sheepdog looking toy, mostly because he doesn’t want to be left out
This is their room in Jimmy Sr.’s house btw
When Jimmy Pesto moved into his apartment after his divorce, he let the twins pick out their own wallpaper
He regrets it every day
They also picked out the bunny bookcase
As if Jimmy Sr. Didn’t have enough problems
They both got some of those glow in the dark stars
They love them
They also have cat and dog themed beds
It just makes sense for their characters, okay?
I don’t have a headcannon for why
The sleep in the same bed btw (Andy’s)
No matter how much their dad complains, they will keep sleeping together forever
This room is kinda Baren
They like their room at their dad’s house but all the toys and stuff Jimmy has for them are from when they were toddlers
He always complains that their mum babies them and is making them soft and while that may be true, he kinda babies them even more
He just doesn’t really know what they like anymore
But they still love him and their bedroom
The boys are avid colour-ers
You can see the evidence on their floor
But the pictures aren’t there because Jimmy Sr. Put their art on his fridge Awwh
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And and Ollie pt. 2
Their room at their mum’s house!
She mostly decorated it
She knew better than to let them choose their own wallpaper
Their mum gives them more interactive toys
The dollhouse is one of their favs
Even if their dad says it’s “girly” whatever that means
Their bunk bed is very them
Just colourful and happy
They got to pick out their bed decor since it’s kinda like their own individual little spaces
They’re still very similar though
And they still sleep together, just so you know
But this time it’s in Ollie’s bed (the bottom bunk) because the twins (mostly Ollie) are afraid of heights
Their mum didn’t want to clutter their walls or anything, so she figured the flower painting was enough
Just a lil pop of colour
The flowers are again, for her own gain lmao
The boys have pillows that they sit on while they’re colouring
And their mum would but their artwork up on her fridge, really, she WOULD
It’s just that her fridge is already decked out in not only their art but also pics of them and J-Ju
She just cannot fit anything more
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Zeke :3
Zeke’s bedroom is a lil different
He lives in a trailer with his dad and stepmom, so because of limited space he has to share his room with his new baby brother
Zeke loves his little brother with his whole heart (he would die for him) but dang he just wants his own space
Every time he looks at his lil bro though, he changes his mind
He is just so gash darn cute
When he was decorating the baby’s side of the room with Cheryl, he made SURE to tape a Bulko poster next to his brother’s crib
Gotta have something there to inspire him
Zeke is convinced his baby brother is going to become the world greatest wrestler (well, second after himself, of course)
His room gets hot as all he’ll at night so naturally he has a fan in there
The only issue now is that he has to share the cool air in the coming summertime
His favourite show ever is Sloth Snake
And he was lucky enough to snag TWO posters so that J-Ju could have a matching one!
I am personally convinced that Zeke is a Jess-style reader from Gilmore girls
Like, personality-wise he is NOT Jess
But hell does he sure read like him
Just the most pretentious books/novels
Not that he’ll ever admit it to anyone
I absolutely HAD to give him a sports water bottle
It kinda reminds me of those green Gatorade ones that every athlete and their mother has
And YES CHERYL he KNOWS he has to move the weight off the floor when the baby starts crawling -_-
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Regular-Sized Rudy
This is Rudy’s room when he’s staying with his dad
He doesn’t keep a TON of stuff here, mostly just because he spends most of his time at his mums house
And plus, there’s not much he can do to alter his room since his dad’s just leasing the condo
He has his flounder plushie. He’s obsessed with that thing
Tissues next to his bed because he has allergies all of the time
His favourite comic book series makes posters and he HAD to have the fish guy
His dad kinda uses his room to put random stuff in
Like the bonsai trees
Rudy won’t say it to his face, but he does not care about those plants in the slightest
He also has never played baseball and neither has his dad? So where did that ball come from??
The car is vintage, it’s his dads old toy
He loves to bring it in for show and tell
Rudy also likes aliens and outer space
But it’s not one of his main interests at all so he keeps it on the downlow
He and his dad play competitive ping pong together
It’s one of the few sports that he can play as long as he has a puff of his inhaler between each set(?)
Needless to say, he does NOT miss this room when he’s with his mum, that’s for sure
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Regular-sized Rudy pt. 2
This is his room at his mum’s now house
This used to be where he and his mum AND dad lived before the divorce
Which is why it’s a little more personalized
He loves to read and his mum loves it when he reads so she keeps his bookshelf stocked
The fish guy figurine was bought for him by his dad, he just prefers to keep it in this room
His dad understands (at least, Rudy thinks he does)
I’m going to pretend that green toy is a borobu plush lol
Louise is mega jealous because it’s an official licensed one
But now he knows what to get her for her birthday, so..
His mum keeps medicated ointment and sunscreen on his bookcase for easy access
She is a teeny bit of a helicopter mommy
His flounder plush comes with him back and forth
He really likes music (obviously, he spends his free time playing in his school’s orchestra)
So when he was little his dad bought him his own radio
He listens to it every night before bed and every morning when he’s getting ready for school
Again, he likes outer space, so he absolutely had to have those glow in the dark wall stars
His mum has a humidifier in his room because it helps him breathe at night
Or at least that’s what she says, and who is he to disagree with her?
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Millie’s room is essentially a replica of Louise’s room, just with a few personalized touches here and there
She demanded a Kitty for her birthday so she got one
It’s name is Princess Sparkle Rainbow Muffin
Or at least, that’s what she tells Louise (his real name is Keith)
She doesn’t have Louise’s most current bed
Her parents had to draw the line somewhere, I guess
Her mum also wouldn’t let her get any of those LED light strips even though “Louise has them mom! I NEED THEM”
She read some article about the adhesive attracting bugs and noped the fuck out of that
So they compromised and she got string lights that she literally never turns on
Millie isn’t a huge fan of Kuchi Kopi
So she doesn’t sleep with him
But she still has one
Just cuz
The only other mentionable thing is her cactus
Idk, I wanted to give her some sort of carnivorous plant but they didn’t have any so I had to make do with what I had
Millie would totally have a Venus fly trap and she would keep that thing alive and FED
Lowkey I think that she got into the same comic series as the other boys I’ve made rooms for, so she has a poster of the crystal ball thing
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wass9p · 3 years
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Hamilton Characters as vines
Alexander: [Clangs pots together] I didn't get no 'cause of y'all, y'all not gon get no sleep 'cause of me
Laurens: 2 bros chillin' in a hot tub, 5 ft apart 'cause they're not gay
Lafayette: FR E SH A VAC A DO
Hercules: Hi, welcome to Chili's
Burr: Oh hi, thanks for checking in I'm ♪STILL A PIECE OF GARBAGE♪
Washington: [stomps up to soldiers] (Daddy?) do I loOK LIKE--
Angelica: If he doesn't treat you right by now, you're gone (I'm gone). Mhm. Now go CHOP HIS DICK OFF
Eliza: What do you have? (A knife!) NO!!
Peggy: If there's too much drama, all you gotta do is ♪walk awaaaayyy♪
Maria: Y'all ugly [Disappears]
Jefferson: This is how I come home--'Sup, fuckers!
Madison: [mixes all drinks in a cup and drinks it] Fuck you
Seabury: [Slides down stairwell] You're all going to Hell. Have a nice day!
King George: You're not coming to my tea party? BETHANY, I mADE bISCUITS!!
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ronbegleyformayor · 6 years
listen it's late and I'm not one for words but like.... kfam really just went there with lily wright didnt they
okay so I would argue that bens character foil is gr*g. feel free to yell at me in the comments in disagreement but I'm right. ben and fr*ckard start out in somewhat similar situations at the start of the show, especially in their romantic interest of emily. both behave immaturely when it comes to said romantic interest (repeatedly). but also as character foils they are very different : gr*g has grown up as a respected member of the community while ben has spent a lot of his life being looked down on; ben has learned and grown from his mistakes while fr*ckard continues to dig in his heels and deny that he's ever done anything wrong; gr*g has been publicly praised for acts of heroism he didn't do (both in saving emily and pretending to be the dark) while ben, an actual hero, has half the town thinking everything bad that's ever happened is his and sammys fault.
this is a really clear cut example of character foils in my opinion (again, actual literature people feel free to yell at me in the comments). the two of them are photo negatives of each other. ben is good, gr*g is bad. they may be kind of similar at the beginning but ben grows and becomes a better man while gr*g continues to grow into the real piece of hot garbage he is.
but back to lily, and her character foil, sammy.
because I think that their dynamic is a lot more subtle and a lot more complex. neither of them are bad, nor (obviously) are they fighting for the romantic interests of the same person (though the person in common between the two of them is crucial). but if you look at it, the way they act as foils to each other is unmistakeable, especially when it comes to jack. lily externalizes her grief, trying to package it as mourning over a dead brother but letting it seep out in anger and frustration towards those around her : mike, who got paranoid when they were in king falls and then went missing just like jack did; ben, who I can only guess has so many of the Younger Brother qualities that lily still strongly associates with jack, and who has a somewhat similar position in sammys life that jack once did. but sammy internalizes his grief, blaming himself for jacks disappearance and letting it show in his acts of quiet kindness to those around him : mary, a struggling mom in which sammy sees himself reflected; ben, whose obsession with getting emily back rivals the levels seen in jack right before he goes missing.
where sammy brews and fumes and let's his anger boil over in uncharacteristic moments of fury, lily runs on a short fuse, always ready to fire off backhanded comments and snips at anyone who crosses her. where sammy keeps his real thoughts hidden under ten layers of sarcasm and repression, lily says exactly what's on her mind with very little or no sugarcoating.
but they're so similar, too. both are quick to call bullshit when they see it. both are using horrible coping mechanisms to deal with jack's disappearance. both love to tell stories. both know what it feels like to not be able to publicly live their lives the way they want to.
but here's the real thing that gets me about lily, specifically: she is, 100%, unapologetically herself. she speaks frankly and doesn't feel the need to impress anyone in her life, and doesn't exist for anyone's approval but her own. that's such a rarity with female characters, even in podcasts, which do it better than most. she's not some one dimensional, bitter, unlikeable character though. under her anger and stubbornness there's a lot of pain, a lot of empathy, and more complexity than you would think is possible.
in short, she's wonderful.
I get discouraged because there's a lot of hate directed towards her and I honestly think it's misplaced. I'm not trying to argue that she's a super nice or likeable character--in fact I'd argue that she's written to be unlikeable, at least at first. I certainly didn't like her right away, in fact she got really under my skin, and still does sometimes. but just because I can't see myself getting a beer with her anytime in the near future doesn't mean I don't absolutely love her, because I do. she's angry and defeated and empathetic and selfish and scared and just so complicated in the way that we all are. she's the most human character on the show, a show all about community and love and acceptance.
and that's what I think it boils down to: love is acceptance of our humanity, benefits and flaws alike.
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Looking for a last-second Christmas present? That’s relatively cheap? With found families? And kissing? And sports emotions? I wrote a book with all of those things that you can buy and gift to other people or just keep for yourself, honestly. I won’t tell. 
I’m not great at self-promotion, but Out of the Park is available on Amazon as both an e-book and actual paperback book that you can hold in your real, live hands. So what’s it about, exactly? Glad you asked: 
Olivia Lewis is a casualty of journalism budget cuts. Or so they told her. When they fired her. She got fired. And now she’s coming home after avoiding Rocky Cove, Maine like several different plagues. (It’s not because of Nicky. Nick. Of course not. Definitely not because of Nicky.) But then her twin brother informs her he’s got a job for her. At the ancient, vaguely historic amusement park they used to go to when they were kids. Her brother bought an amusement park. And Olivia can’t come up with a reason to say no. (Except maybe because she’ll have to see Nicky again. Nick, God.) So Olivia is back and really good at walking on the merry-go-round while it’s moving and maybe she missed Rocky Cove a hell of a lot more than she ever realized.
Nick Hopkins is a former baseball star who only ever imagined a future with two things: pitching and Olivia Marie Lewis. (No, not that. That’s a nickname with far too much meaning and it’s fine, really.) But then the plan goes up in smoke or medical miracles that are the opposite of that and he knew something was wrong as soon as he heard the pop in his elbow. And there’s no baseball and no Olivia and eight years later he’s trying to keep things on track. He’s doing a good job (he hopes, thinks, desperately needs to believe) and his bar is his and baseball is a forgotten memory. So is Olivia. Those are lies. Especially when Luke decides to buy an amusement park and Olivia is back in Rocky Cove and things left unsaid sound even louder than cracking a homer over left center.
Eight years is a long time, but Olivia and Nick are drawn together again – fighting for amusement park success and their sanity around rides with buzzers and, possibly, each other because finding yourself is hard, but it’s easier with a home field advantage.
This is only the first part of the story. I have no concept of word count in anything I write, so there will be a second part - Stealing Home, coming early next year. And I absolutely cannot thank you guys enough for all the kind things you’ve already said about Out of the Park. It’s the nicest, but I figured since it’s Christmas and there may still be people looking for gifts, I’d throw this out there again. If you have read the book and want to drop a review on Amazon or Goodreads or even just reblog this, it would mean several worlds. 
Some links if you’re looking for ‘em and a bit of a story tease under the cut: 
[US] [UK] [DE] [FR] [ES] [IT] [JP]
Ten and two.
Her hands were at ten and two on the steering wheel like she was in some kind of instructional driving video and Olivia couldn’t take a deep breath.
Or stop blinking.
She kept blinking.
That was making it difficult to drive.
She hadn't driven that long or that far in years, but she could have squeezed her eyes shut and moved her hands to a slightly less responsible position, and she was certain she still would have been able to find her way home.
Olivia Lewis was coming home.
And she wasn’t particularly happy about it.
“Jeez,” she mumbled, tugging one hand away to roll down the driver’s side window and this car, this ancient piece of absolute crap, didn't even have power windows. She was almost surprised she hadn't died on the drive up from New York, half convinced the engine or the whatever that made this glorified garbage run would just spontaneously combust in the middle of I-95.
It hadn’t.
It had worked, and it might feel like she was sitting in a tin can with roll-down windows and a hole in the passenger's side seat, but the car had gotten Olivia home and, well, that was good since she didn't really have anywhere else to go.
She wasn’t supposed to come home.
She was supposed to leave and write, and it was all going according to plan. Until the plan exploded in her face and there wasn't anything to write about anymore because the paper had, very kindly told her, thanks, but we’re good without you, and don’t forget to take your nameplate off your desk before you leave.
Or something like that.
Olivia hadn’t really been listening, far too determined to make sure steam didn’t actually pour out of her ears while she tried to keep her feet planted on the vaguely disgusting carpet in the editor’s office on the twenty-seventh floor.
She didn’t have a job.
She didn’t have a paycheck.
She didn’t have a byline.
She always thought she’d have a byline.
That was going to fix everything – the words on the page and her name in print and she was supposed to be the one who got out.
She’d been driving way too long. She’d clearly lost her mind.
Olivia sighed, and she nearly drove off the road when she blinked her eyes shut, a mix of exhaustion and disappointment and heat. It was hot in that car, all her emotions converging together at once to prove her wrong on yet another front.
That seemed like a trend.
She didn’t appreciate that either.
“Oh fuck,” Olivia mumbled, glancing up when she noticed she’d nearly run over someone in the middle of goddamn Main Street and she’d plowed through one of the four stop signs Rocky Cove had without her foot even coming close to the brake.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Olivia repeated, slamming her foot on the brake with the weight of her collective frustration and her back was damp from sitting so long. She looked like the mess she absolutely was.
Welcome home, Olivia Lewis.
There was no point in even trying to pull over – she could have parked directly in the middle of an intersection, and it wouldn't have mattered.
If there was a blueprint for small-town America and quintessential New England, then, Olivia was convinced it was filed somewhere in the Rocky Cove town hall, certain the entire place was based on someone's idea for what perfect was supposed to look like.
There were two traffic lights.
The two meant they were, by default, slightly better than all those other quintessential New England towns. More metropolitan. A hotbed of human activity.
Even the idea made her want to groan.
It all looked the same – tree-lined streets and shops with the same colored awnings out front, an attempt at a cohesive color scheme that everyone was always sure would impress the tourists. The population increased tenfold in the summer.
Rocky Cove was the kind of place that always seemed to smell like salt, the scent practically hitting Olivia in the face as soon as she’d gotten off the highway and she didn’t even need to roll down her window for it to sink into her pores and maybe that was why she’d squeezed her eyes closed in the first place, the force of those memories hitting her with all the weight of an eighteen-wheeler.
It had, by her vague estimation at some slightly manic moment while driving through New Hampshire, been seven years, eleven months and one week since she’d set foot in Rocky Cove or thought about how much she missed the smell of the ocean.
That second part was a lie.
It would be fine.
It would.
She just...would ignore that. It felt like trying to ignore the ocean or that smell or the sound of her own name shouted at her from the other side of the street.
There was no point in dwelling on the maybes anyway. Olivia could just ignore him. Absolutely. She’d done it for years.
An entire summer should be a piece of cake.
“Liar,” Olivia mumbled to herself, pushing out of the car and slamming the door shut harder than she’d intended. She winced, glancing over her shoulder at the stupid thing – the last paycheck she’d gotten from that great, big, fancy paper in New York going towards it so she could get home and live in her brother’s spare bedroom for three months while she tried to figure out her life.
Not that anybody knew that.
Ah, well, Rebecca might have known that. But that was because she was Olivia’s sister-in-law and best friend, still, even after nearly eight years away from home. And she was also some kind of absolute mind reader, who could pick out Olivia’s emotions as easily as if she was feeling them herself.
Rebecca had probably felt Olivia's crushing disappointment as soon as she'd walked out of the office on 57th Street.
“Liv, is that really you?”
Olivia glanced up and tried to bite back her groan, teeth sinking into her lower lip when she saw who she’d nearly run over.
“Oh,” she stuttered, recoiling when her back hit up against the car door. “Shit, that’s super hot.”
Amanda lifted her eyebrows slowly, adjusting the grocery bag in her hand as she tried to brush the hair out of her eyes. It was always windy on Main Street too – something about the ocean and the tides and weather that Olivia didn’t really care about.
She tried to smile and swallow down the ball of nerves that had taken up residence in the back of her throat, and she was fine. She was a grown-up adult with, as far as anyone in this stupid town was concerned, a grown-up job and a vaguely successful career and she was just coming home to help her brother.
That was her story, and she was sticking with it.
Except Amanda Hopkins and her grocery bag and perfect hair did not seem entirely convinced. She looked skeptical. And something else.
Cautious? Concerned?
Olivia couldn't pinpoint the word, and that gave her pause. She should be able to do that. Maybe that was why they fired her.
“When, uh,” Amanda started slowly, glancing at the scalding hot car behind Olivia. “When did you get here?”
Olivia could hear the question behind the question – does anyone else know you’re here? Does he know you’re here? Were you going to tell him you were coming home?
“Just now,” Olivia answered, crossing her arms lightly and digging her heels into the gravel under her feet. Amanda quirked one eyebrow. “Pretty easy drive.”
“You drove all night?”
Olivia nodded. “Wanted to avoid the traffic.”
And the people, she thought bitterly.
If she showed up on Main Street at nine in the morning, she was confident she wouldn't run into anyone – literally or otherwise. She could just keep driving and get to Luke and Rebecca's house and maybe get something to eat and find out why her brother had bought a rundown amusement park on the beach.
That was why she’d come home.
Luke, Olivia’s twin brother and older by three minutes, was a picture of adult responsibility. Usually. He had a great job in the family real estate business and a perfect relationship with Rebecca that started when they were seven, and it all always went according to plan for Luke.
Except, now, the plan included buying Sawyer’s.
He bought it – an ancient amusement park that they'd gone to when they were kids. It was all his, with his name on the deed, and some deep-rooted desire Olivia didn't know he possessed, to fix it or something equally absurd.
But there was no way around it now, Luke owned Sawyer's, and Rebecca was probably close to losing her mind, and Olivia had gotten fired, so, the only thing that made much sense was coming home as soon as her brother asked her to help run an amusement park.
Her life had, officially, spiraled out of control.
Amanda Hopkins was still staring at her.
Olivia tried to smile, brushing her hair behind her ears and avoiding the side of the car again. "You, uh, you're up early," she said, nodding towards the grocery bag. "Something...uh, something going on?"
Amanda shook her head. "Oh, no, no, just dinner. Josh is doing an instructional clinic today. You know, like, for the kids?" Olivia nodded, and she would cut her lip if she tugged on it any tighter. "So, I figured I'd make something good for him and Nick. If he shows up."
Olivia bit down, the taste of blood flooding her mouth and nearly making her forget the smell of salt and the ocean and those memories seemed to reach out and slap her again. The force of it left her cheek stinging and her vision just a bit blurry.
Amanda scowled, seemingly regretting her explanation immediately, and no one had shifted one grocery bag more in the history of the entire world.
Olivia couldn't blame her – for the face or the explanation. This was happening. She'd come home, and Nick Hopkins was home and, of course, Amanda talked to her brother-in-law.
Olivia just didn't quite expect to react that way.
Her lungs, suddenly, felt far too small and she could practically feel the sweat dripping down her back, pooling just above the top of her shorts and every muscle in her body felt stiff, frozen in the middle of Main Street and trying to remind herself of all the reasons she couldn't care about Nicky.
Nick. Fuck.
Rebecca would probably laugh at her.
"Is, um, will Sara be there too?" Olivia asked, not sure why she was suddenly so intent on making small talk in the middle of Main Street. But it felt like something had actually switched on, or maybe, off, and she was, suddenly, determined to find out everything she could about the entire Hopkins family.
Even Josh. And Josh always had kind of been a dick.
It was because he'd been so good at baseball. That, by default, meant he was kind of a dick, and the entire, stupid town was in love with him.
Olivia wouldn’t have been surprised if there was also a blueprint for the inevitable Josh Hopkins statue stashed away in the annals of town hall as well. Because if there was one thing Rocky Cove loved, it was baseball, and Josh Hopkins had played baseball.
He got drafted right out of high school; an infield prospect for the Twins and he’d been good, really good. Not as good as Nicky, Olivia’s mind supplied traitorously, but that was neither here nor there.
Josh had gotten drafted, and he'd made it to AAA – the scouts and the headlines and the entire sports section of The Rocky Cove Post were all absolutely positive he'd get the call-up sooner rather than later.
Except he didn’t.
The phone never rang, and the call-up never came and Josh Hopkins, shortstop extraordinaire, with an impossibly strong arm and a swing that could clear any fence in the entire state of Maine, never got his shot at the majors.
No one in town ever seemed to get that memo.
Josh Hopkins was a baseball legend as far as the general populace of Rocky Cove was concerned, and Olivia wasn't sure she agreed with any of them.
Nicky had been better.
Not that any of it had mattered in the long run.
Erin, Olivia’s other best friend, who would turn up her nose at the asterisk, provided almost weekly updates on all things Rocky Cove. Or at least the parts Olivia asked about.
She knew Josh had come back home and was still married to Amanda and had some Rockwell-esque life, but that was pretty much it. She didn't ask about Sara Hopkins, or anything else, especially how Nicky was doing after he...left.
Nicky left.
He walked away from everything, including Olivia, and for as much as she’d tried to forget all of that for the better part of the last eight years, the memory of that night left her feeling as if she were just floating in the Atlantic Ocean.
Olivia needed to stop thinking. She needed to get back in her car and drive several blocks farther into town and then maybe sit in the middle of the beach until she could only smell the salt and every inch of her skin went pruny.
“Sara’s living with us now, actually,” Amanda said, jerking Olivia back to the conversation and away from thoughts of baseball and how much she absolutely hated baseball.
Baseball, she was positive, had fucked everything up.
"What?" Olivia asked, and she'd leaned up against the car again. "When?"
"Couple years ago," Amanda shrugged. "It was right after Nick…." She cut herself off, eyes going wide and Olivia couldn't bring herself to ask for the rest of that sentence. This was going to be the longest summer in recorded history.
“That’s really nice,” she said instead, doing her best to sound personable and passably interested. “I’m sure...I’m sure Sara appreciates it. And, well, you look good. You know, here, with the plans and the….”
"Oh, yeah, yeah, it's great," Amanda interrupted, and Olivia bit her lip again. A goddamn fucking disaster. "She's great. We're all great."
Amanda blinked, her expression shifting slightly and it wasn’t quite as cautious as it had been before. It looked a little defensive. “Yeah,” she said sharply. “All of us.”
“Good,” Olivia muttered. “That’s...that’s really good.”
Olivia wavered, rocking her weight between her heels and Amanda didn't stop staring at her, every accusation she hadn't actually said hanging in the space between them. "Is…" she started, but Amanda interrupted her again, and Olivia tried not to be too frustrated by that.
“He’s with Tori. At the diner. Or they’re supposed to be. I’m sure they’ll end up at the Pier at some point.”
“Victoria. Seven and change, painfully adorable, bears a pretty striking resemblance to Nick, which Josh will forever be upset about,” Amanda explained. “Practically worships the ground Nick walks on. Which is why they’ll probably end up at the Pier.”
Olivia nodded numbly, trying to take in this rush of information at some undetermined point in the morning and she’d been driving for a very long time. Maybe she’d sleep before she demanded food out of Rebecca and Luke.
"You've got a kid," Olivia said, and Amanda laughed under her breath.
“Who’s already certain she’s going to jumpstart the popularity of softball across the country. She’s got a heck of an arm for a seven-year-old.”
Olivia exhaled loudly, something that might have been a chuckle working its way out of her chest. “She’s going to pitch?”
“Absolutely worships the ground Nick walks on.”
Olivia wasn’t sure what was happening to her body. It felt like a mix between melting and possibly every single one of her organs shutting down at the same time. It didn’t hurt nearly as much as she thought it would.
That’s what it was.
It was longing, and maybe Olivia wasn't completely horrible at finding the words.
That didn’t make it feel any better.
She could dimly hear the buzz of her phone in the car, the sound vibrating against the cup holders and she probably shouldn't have left the stupid thing running. She was just slightly nervous if she turned the car off it wouldn't start again, and the last thing Olivia needed was for the car to break down in the middle of Main Street.
"How….how long do you think you'll be staying?" Amanda asked, pressing her lips together tightly like she couldn't quite believe she'd asked the question. The phone buzzed again, and Rebecca probably wanted to know when Olivia was going to leave.
She hadn’t told anyone she was coming that early.
Or that she’d been fired.
“Just the summer,” Olivia answered. “To help Luke with the park and make sure Bec doesn’t actually murder him on the roller coaster or something.”
"That'd be impressive."
"She'd be able to do it too," Olivia laughed, and Amanda almost smiled convincingly at her. "I can't believe he bought Sawyer's," she added, a muttered afterthought that she'd been repeating on loop since he'd called and told her.
Amanda's eyebrows shot up, moving so quickly there probably should have been smoke or some kind of cartoon sound effect to go with them, and Olivia knew, unequivocally, she was missing something.
"Listen, I've got to go," Amanda said quickly, and Olivia nodded before she fully heard the words. "But, uh, it's so nice to see you again Liv. I'm really glad you're back. I'm sure….well, I hope, we'll see you soon?"
Olivia nodded again, alarm bells sounding in the back of her brain, the caution in Amanda's voice practically reverberating off her skull.
He wouldn’t want to see her.
They weren’t going to see each other. They weren’t. They were just...going to avoid each other all summer.
“See you later, Liv,” Amanda said, leaving her standing in front of her absolute piece of garbage car wondering just how much she’d missed in the last eight years.
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moonchildhcs · 6 years
yoonpark hcs
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ugh this gif ! the hecking flavor
anyways uwu hello again my friends today we return to our moonchild with some hecking fresh content,,, some yoonpark
but this time with some additional Spice. Some Flavor.
*youtuber voice* let just jump right into it
yall met at a club oopsies but it does not play out the way you think it does !
u and persi were at the club like a couple of losers and persi was tipsy but u were just. fucking drunk and u were RAMBLING about the composition of the song currently blasting through the club and you were like “tHis, my dudes, is fucking GARBAGE”
u proceeded to go on a ten minute tangent about why this song was trashy and awful even though a different song has been playing for a while now
and yoongi, slightly tipsy, looks at you and goes Oh? I Too Have Strong Feelings On The Music Selections
and u feel. someone staring at you and you turn around and its this?? hot guy?? and ur like Oh Fuck Dude Persi-
but persi has YEETED away its now just you, in your booth, with a drink, and ur boii is like “this is my chance” and he slides in and ur lik FUCK
but you guys hit it off and spend the rest of the night talking about music and stuff and eventually yall get each others numbers before you each head ur seperate ways back home
u wake up in the morning with a massive hangover going what the HECK while persi hands u some water, cackling as they tell you to check ur phone
and u DO and theres this guy,,,, in ur texts,, telling you good morning and he hopes your hangover isnt too bad since you drank a lot
he also mentions that you have good music taste
and u YODEL
and that is how yall meet !!! and tbh yall didnt see each other in person fora while but turns out hes the cutest yet snarkiest boy ever and yall text daily!!! turns out hes an aspiring producer and musician and ur just. in LOVE!!
but its also the same for bb boii because hearing you talk about languages and ur love for teaching (also the fact that ur not a native korean speaker but ur still so good at it?? his heart goes doki doki just for you) and hes just So Very In Love with you and your passion and drive !!!!
and yall grew closer and closer before,,, yall go out on a bit of a date but also just to hang out its Hard To Tell but ur both a bit nervous so its moreso like a date uwu
and yall hang around a history museum before going out to the City and visit markets and stores and eat dinner and stuff (dont worry he remember how picky you are and made sure he found a nice place with multiple options that would appeal to you !!) before yall hit a music store !! yall explore the albums available there but also the instruments and ur like wow these are all so cool !! and then,,
yoongi sits down by the piano and starts playing this super short piece but ur heart, goes doki doki and ur like heck im hecking in love
u stand there shellshocked as yoongi waves his hand in front of ur face like ?? hello??? maam???
anyways after more dates like that yall make it Official and u guys are legit so cute and dorky its unbelievable
although yall do love going out and exploring, especially at night,, yall treasure those indoors dates as well when youre both just too tired to go out and have fun !! it consists of wiggling to some choice music, binge watching a good series, dramatic readings of some nice books, napping together, trying (and failing) to make some food before ordering takeout, etc
also sometimes ur indoors dates do devolve into criticizing some of the more questionable music tastes of the other 
yoongi: dude halsey sounds like the baninis and avocados vine
you: she does and i love her for it, now shut the fuck up before i bring up kanye west
yoongi: bitch you better stop i get it i once had bad taste but i CHANGED
jokes jokes but fr yall are such big hecking nerds about stuff together of course you have music in common !! its a big interest of both of yours but you guys also have your own other interests !!!
you both love love photography so you both can be spotted just going out to explore and take photos, but also if one fo you wakes up early you take a cute pic of the other while theyre sleeping and then you wake up bc of the clicking sound and u both lie there giggling and being cutiepies
also he knows ur not necessarily the biggest fan of basketball and you dont necessarily go out of ur way to play it but this boy, this absolute nerd, loves to flex on you with his basketball skills dont even @ him on this okay
yoongi: heyo wanna do a competition on who can spin a basketball on there finger the longest
you: eh i think ill pass
yoongi: what if,,, i bought you some filipino food
you: Bring It On, Bitch Boy
yall playfully call each other insults btw but its all in good fun and only done occasionally !! usually yall call each other by ur names but !! sometimes yoongi drops a casual pet name and u go,,, Oh Worm??
and sometimes when u wanna embarass him u call him the sweetest, cringiest pet names in public, ESPECIALLY in front of his six bffs and they all go Oh? Yoongles? Baby? Sweetie Pie? Parker’s Pumpy Umpy Umpkin?? and he is out for the kill now sleep with one eye open parker
also pls do expect some hecking COOL trakc she made dedicated to you he made one for your 1 year anniversary and u cried because sometime its just instrumentals but this time it included a rlly heartfelt rap and u SOBBED nd hes like OOPS but also hehehe
also u both sometimes struggle with mental health and u guys just have,, the others fave comfort foods saved in the notes app and when one of yall texts the other going “sorry had a rough day” yall pick up the others fave foods then go and cuddle them
but if ur rough patches coincide yall do ur best to motivate the other to at least get smth small done that day so you can both be proud that in spite of it all you still made at least some progress :)
anyways you guys are the sweetest, cutest, dweebiest couple alive an god do we stan !!! just go ahead and flex on the rest of us with your functional healthy and cute relationship
but also here comes the s p i c e
hello??? yes i had to include at least some spice to this i mentioned spice a l o t
anyways ur the biggest brat to grace the earth and our boy loves to make you fucking weep and submit to him oopsies
hes a lot more dominant than his exterior lets him on to be ! and the marks on your skin (and by skin i mean All Over Your Body) only goes to show that he has no mercy and if you purposely tease him even a lil he will absolutely wreck you
he likes seeing u in lingerie !! like can either of you, one a musician the other a hopeful linguist and teacher, afford these expensive ass sets? no, but he loves seeing you in white lace and not even god could stop him ! unfortunate how sometimes he gets too rough and tears it off and u dont say anything in the moment but when you wake up the next morning, sore as fuck, you look at the remains of the cute lingerie and go,, yoongi that was 200 bucks
and hes like huh? thats awful spicy
anyways ur both initially a bit quiet during sex but when u accidentally let slip that ur just a bit of a degradee ur boy,, loses it
and from now on he dirty talks you to the high heavens and ur like FUCK because sometimes he calls you his whore but other times he sarcastically calls you princess and ur like,,, heck
also :^) his tongue technology is no joke :^) when he eats you out all of ur neighbors find out his name oopsies because he knows exactly what to do with his tongue and ur there, shaking, enjoying it all
honestly just expect to be sore
but he isnt always this intense !! sometimes he just wants to be close to you and yall spoon and stuff
or he might have had a long day producing so you just ride him
also some might say he sleeps immediately after sex but i think hed make sure that youre totally fine first
like he cleans you up with a towel, runs you a bath if you have the energy, and cuddles you and once ur both settled THEN will he fall asleep
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suckitsurveys · 2 years
Did you ever pretend you were someone else as a favor for a friend? Yeah, back in the day when it was easy to “catfish” people, lol. Do you think men prefer curvy women or skinny women? I think men prefer who they prefer. Do you own a water gun? No. What item most embarrasses you to purchase? Nothing? Do you know any actual dances or do you just move to the music? I know some tik tok dances lol.
Do you eat pork and beans? I mean, it’s not something I seek out to eat, but I don’t actively hate it. What is the last thing you referred to as legit? I don’t know. Or do you think that term is lame? lol I say it sometimes. Do you give cards to people for holidays or events? Sometimes. Do you have anything hanging from the ceiling of your room? LED lights and some bat figures lol.  The rear view mirror of your car? I have a little Pikachu figurine hanging. which do you prefer, dr or dentist? Neither. Do you know which side your appendix is on? For a split second I thought you meant like, my own appendix and had a moment where I thought peoples’ appendixes (appendi?) could be on either side, depending on the person. I’m done. Do you have the fixins in your fridge to make a sandwich? What kind? Yes, we have turkey and pastrami and cheese and mayo and mustard. Are any walls of your room blank? No. When was the last time you ate fruit? I’m eating Sour Patch Kids right now does that count? lol What color are your favorite shoes? Teal. If someone was willing to tell your crush you liked them would you let them? Yes, someone please go tell Pete Davidson I have a crush on him, thanks. Do you know the zodiac signs of your friends? Yes. Favorite dog ever, real life and cartoon. My favorite IRL dog is my friend Lori’s dog Googz. My favorite cartoon dog is Mr. Peanutbutter. Do you own anything with fur on it? What? Faux fur. Do you choose surveys based on their titles? I never see titles. I judge them based on the first few questions. what would be worse for you, unplanned pregnancy or cancer? Cancer. I live in a state where abortion is legal, so I am set there. What was the last thing you made from scratch? Pesto. Do you drink any hot beverages? What? Coffee, tea, cider, hot coco, mulled wine. Do you put Q-tips in your ear or just round the outside? I don’t use them at all on my ears. Have you ever popped another person’s zit? Yes, my husband’s. When was the last time you listened to a radio,NOT online? Yesterday. Do you have any odious chores hanging over your head? Ehhh nah. What is the last thing you confessed to someone? Something to my cousins. Have you ever told a friend to dump their SO? Did they? Hkfhdsflhdskjlfhdsklhfd I want to tell my sister to dump her fucking piece of garbage husband. Name two things you put whipped cream on? Pumpkin pie and frappachinos. Who is the last person who saw you with bare feet? My husband. What do you think is the coolest piercing on someone else? Lip piercings. Not for me myself, but I like how they look on others. Colored tattoos or plain? I like colorful ones. Do you ever eat peanut butter straight from the jar? I have. Do you know how to ride a bike? Do you own one? I do. What was the last pill you took for? A headache. How many devices do you own that hook up to internet? I don’t feel like counting. Any best friends you only know online? I mean, the ones I’ve met online I’ve now met IRL as well. Do you ever talk to your next door neighbor? We say hello when we see each other. Do most of your friends live in houses, apartments or mobiles? Apartments. Did anything shock you today? Not really. What is the thing you last stubbed your toe on? A chair. Favorite faux curse word I say “effing” a lot. Who do you tease most often and what about? My husband, playfully. slip on or lace up shoes? Slip on. Thing you stress over most about the holidays. Just, time. Food you take a second helping of on Thanksgiving? Mashed potatoes and my dad’s cornbread stuffing, for sure. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving with friends or family? Family, but sometimes my friend Randal comes. Most disgusting bug. EARWIGS omg. nastiest thing in your fridge. A REALLY old container full of chili. song you hate but keep singing anyway. Some tik tok crap. cookies or brownies. Brownies. Do you own any movie soundtracks? Which? Yeah. How many pillows do you sleep with? 4. Favorite outdoors smell. Rain and bonfires. are you wearing a hoodie right now? I am indeed. Do you ever sleep in your day clothes? I don’t really have legit PJs. I have some shirts that are too big for me that I sleep in, but will sometimes wear outside. Do you prefer your clothes loose or close fitting? I like my bottoms tight and my tops loose. Are your fave pants jeans? No. I prefer leggins. Do you own any under things bought to impress the opposite sex? No. Favorite thing you’ve ever painted? Ceramics things in school. Do you eat applesauce? Yes. Are there any songs that remind you of your mother? Tons. If you had a sister, would you prefer her older or younger? Why? I have a sister. She is 9 years older. What is something you wanted to say today, but didnt? SO much, to said sister, actually. Where are your keys right now? Right near me on my desk. Is there any product you always buy at the dollar store? No. Can you recite any prayers by heart? I know the Lord’s prayer from going to AA meetings with my mom lol. When it’s your birthday, do you have the correct number of candles? No. birthday cake alone, or cake and ice cream? Birthday cake alone. For some reason I don’t think of ice cream as a birthday treat.
0 notes
agilenano · 4 years
Agilenano - News: 17 Best Vegetable Pastas
  Royal Doulton GRMZWH24387 Maze Open Vegetable/Pasta Bowl (Set of 4), White Royal Doulton GRMZWH24387 Maze Open Vegetable/Pasta Bowl (Set of 4), White - World-renowned chef gordon ramsay exemplifies performance and presentation epitomized by his maze dinnerware collection. This stylish tableware is contemporary and stylish, yet durable enough for everyday use. Rendered in a subtle white glaze and decorated with embossed concentric circles that attract the eye towards the center of each piece.   3 pcs Over the Sink Kitchen Collapsible Colander Set-Silicone Vegetable and Pasta Strainer with Extendable Handle-Silicone Strainer Set for Draining-Heat Resistant-BPA Free-Foldable Strainer-Green 3 pcs Over the Sink Kitchen Collapsible Colander Set-Silicone Vegetable and Pasta Strainer with Extendable Handle-Silicone Strainer Set for Draining-Heat Resistant-BPA Free-Foldable Strainer-Green - Multi use this mesh food grade silicone bowl can be used over a sink or freestanding on a counter the expandable design can be extended from 2″”to 47″” high in just one push when not extended, the drainer is 104″x155″ and will stand on its own it can perfectly fit any sink this pasta strainers make cooking easier than ever due to its non-slip handles for perfect stability bright color and sleek simple design looks great in any kitchen. Space saving design this colander is the perfect solution for small kitchens and to stop clutter collapsible sink strainers are fold flat for simple storage and portability for camping small dorm or apartment while silicone collapsible colander strainer has a large 6qt capacity it has a space-saving design it is fun to prepare salad fruits and pasta at the same time after it can be hung on a hook or will fit in any cupboard drawer or dishwasher by storing it standing up on the side. Dishwasher safe food-grade silicone collanders can withstand heat without leaching or hazardous chemicals vs plastic this over the sink kitchen strainer set is stain-resistance made for hassle-free clean up silicone is super easy to clean perfect size to store these colanders in a drawer or hanging on the wall doesn’t retain smell or color no more worries about rusted chipped strainers no more messy kitchen or counter top our essential set of 3 is a great saver of time and money. Good for you-good for the planet silicone is highly durable and more ocean-friendly than plastic silicone is made from silica found in sand is much longer-lasting than plastic therefore less waste to environment silicon is safer for your family health premium quality food-grade silicone is bpa free heat resistant up to 572°f, there is no reaction to extremes of temp no more worries about toxins leak into food while draining hot food is safer for your family with no bpa to worry about. Premium quality the colander set is bpa free and fda approvedthis high-quality food-grade nontoxic non-hazard silicone collender strainer set will last longer than the other strainers and will not rust or leak chemicals new ergonomic design ensures no breaking due to sturdy construction our set is durable and backed by our manufacturer 90-day money-back guarantee 100% satisfaction guarantee our promise to you- we will make it right our goal is to bring joy to each family.   mDesign Plastic Food Storage Container Bin with Lid and Handle – for Kitchen, Pantry, Cabinet, Fridge/Freezer – Organizer for Snacks, Produce, Vegetables, Pasta – 8 Pack – Clear mDesign Plastic Food Storage Container Bin with Lid and Handle – for Kitchen, Pantry, Cabinet, Fridge/Freezer – Organizer for Snacks, Produce, Vegetables, Pasta – 8 Pack – Clear - Thoughtfully sized each measures 145″ x 6″ x 425″ high. Quality construction made of durable bpa and chlorine free shatter-resistant plastic food safe easy care, clean with mild soap and water do not place in dishwasher. Smart storage this storage organizer fits boxed foods, condiments, spices, baking supplies, dry goods, and many other kitchen essentials use in the fridge to keep fruits and vegetables organized and ready to go perfect for wellness items, store vitamin bottles, medicine, aspirin, adhesive bandages, first-aid essentials works in refrigerator and freezer organize all of your kitchen essentials. Functional & versatile these great organizing bins are the perfect solution for organizing a multitude of household items like video game accessories, toys, lotions, bath soaps, small linens, towels, laundry needs, craft, school or office supplies and more the options are endless use this multi-purpose basket anywhere you need to add storage and get organized ideal for home and professional organizers. Lid & integrated handle bins feature an easy-pull handle to make it simple to grasp and transport goods from pantry to shelf to table just grab and go the lid makes this storage basket stackable, and it’s the perfect storage and organizing solution for modern kitchens and pantries try these in the cabinet or cupboard under your sink for cleaning or dish washing supplies or for storing boxes of kitchen liners and garbage bags great in apartments, condos, dorm rooms, rvs and campers.   mDesign Plastic Food Storage Container Bin with Handles – for Kitchen, Pantry, Cabinet, Fridge, Freezer – Organizer for Snacks, Produce, Vegetables, Pasta – BPA Free – Medium, 4 Pack – Clear mDesign Plastic Food Storage Container Bin with Handles – for Kitchen, Pantry, Cabinet, Fridge, Freezer – Organizer for Snacks, Produce, Vegetables, Pasta – BPA Free – Medium, 4 Pack – Clear - Portable bins feature easy-carry handles to make it simple to transport goods from pantry to shelf to table just grab and go these storage baskets stack too, the perfect storage and organizing solution for modern kitchens and pantries open tops make it easy to see what is inside and quickly grab what you need try these in the cabinet or cupboard under your sink for cleaning or dishwashing supplies or for storing boxes of kitchen liners and garbage bags. Quality construction made of durable bpa and chlorine free shatter-resistant plastic food safe easy care, clean with mild soap and water do not place in dishwasher made in usa. Smart storage this storage organizer fits boxed foods, condiments, spices, baking supplies, dry goods, and many other kitchen essentials use in the fridge to keep fruits and vegetables organized and ready to go perfect for wellness items, store vitamin bottles, medicine, aspirin, band aids, first aid essentials works in refrigerator and freezer organize all of your kitchen essentials. Functional & versatile great for organizing a multitude of items, indoor or outdoor clothing and accessories, video games, toys, lotions, bath soaps, shampoos, conditioners, linens, towels, laundry needs, craft or school supplies and more the options are endless use in hall closets, bathrooms, laundry or utility rooms, craft rooms, mudrooms, home or work offices, playrooms and garages great for college dorm rooms, apartments, condos, rvs, cabins and campers ideal for home or commercial use. Thoughtfully sized each measures 10″ x 8″ x 775″ high.   Handheld Spiralizer Vegetable Slicer, Adoric 3 in 1 Heavy Duty Veggie Spiral Cutter – Zoodle Pasta Spaghetti Maker for Low Carb/Paleo/Gluten-Free Meals, Orange Handheld Spiralizer Vegetable Slicer, Adoric 3 in 1 Heavy Duty Veggie Spiral Cutter – Zoodle Pasta Spaghetti Maker for Low Carb/Paleo/Gluten-Free Meals, Orange - 3-blade spiralizer the 3-in-1 spiral slicer processes a variety of vegetables into 3 different sizes of uniform and curly noodles beautiful ribbon/ fettuccine/ spaghetti-like spirals for zoodles, healthy vegetable pastas and gorgeous garnishes. Gift & warranty a must-have labor-saving kitchen tool for your beloved any questions, please contact us immediately, we will do our best to help you. Durable construction features professional premium materials, food grade abs and 304 stainless steel blades, fda certified, bpa free and lfgb certified sturdy construction makes the vegetable spiralizer last for years. Safety food holder the pronged food holder protects hands, make it easy to twist the vegetable and acts as a cap to keep the spiralizer clean non-slip handle on the cap is easy to grip and helps you to slice the very end of vegetables. Easy to use & clean press the button with different colors and twists vegetable clockwise, turning into 3 kinds of strands and fulfilling all of your spiralizing needs with water outlet design, it’s easy to clean and dry, simply put it under the tape water for cleaning in order not to destroy the plastic protect cover.   U.S. Kitchen Supply 3 Quart Stainless Steel Mesh Net Strainer Basket with a Wide Rim, Resting Feet and Handles – Colander to Strain, Rinse, Fry, Steam or Cook Vegetables & Pasta U.S. Kitchen Supply 3 Quart Stainless Steel Mesh Net Strainer Basket with a Wide Rim, Resting Feet and Handles – Colander to Strain, Rinse, Fry, Steam or Cook Vegetables & Pasta - Professional grade mesh strainer basket a durable and sturdy high performance 3 quart (8-1/4″ diameter) stainless steel mesh net strainer basket with wide handles and 3 resting feet it features a sturdy outer mirror finished wide rimmed framework design, and has a rust-proof firm mesh strainer basket net with securely attached wide handles this basket is built to last for a lifetime of repeated daily use. Risk free purchase, 100% lifetime satisfaction guarantee we assure you that our stainless steel mesh strainer basket is built to last, and if you’re not satisfied with it at anytime, we’ll provide a full refund. Multiple uses our colander basket strainer is great for sifting, filtering and straining out impurities and for breaking up clumps in both wet or dry ingredients sift flour, sugar and rice use for food preparation like rinsing and washing fruits, vegetables, grains and pastas strain thick or thin wet ingredients like sauces, lumpy gravy and broths use in a pot to steam vegetables, fry foods like french fries or to cook pasta the uses are unlimited. Sift, strain, rinse and steam 3 quarts is the preferred basket size needed to handle most straining, seiving, sifting, filtering, rinsing, steaming and cooking tasks the baskets concave mesh net easily catches and sifts, strains or drains small ingredients the sealed steel rim prevents food from getting trapped between the mesh and the rim strainer baskets are an essential tool for busy kitchens, and one of the secrets to making consistent quality meals. Helping hand to prepare and cook food our strainer colander basket can rest in your pot, in the sink or on a countertop, so that your hands are free to you focus on other things our basket allows you to be more efficient in the kitchen, because you’ll be able to cook faster, easier and with better results it’s easy to clean and dishwasher safe.   Handheld Spiral Slicer(2019 Improved) – FDA Certified & All-round Protection Detachable Clear Heavy Duty Compact Veggie Spiral Cutter,Easy-Use Vegetable Zucchini Pasta Spaghetti Maker Handheld Spiral Slicer(2019 Improved) – FDA Certified & All-round Protection Detachable Clear Heavy Duty Compact Veggie Spiral Cutter,Easy-Use Vegetable Zucchini Pasta Spaghetti Maker - 【For 95% less food waste】–the cap is used to grasp the vegetable or fruit then twist in the spiral slicer for cutting the cap of internal-facing bulging shape and with long metal spikes digs into and grasps your food more steadily, and go deeper in to the spiral slicer so even a very short leftover can be sliced thoroughly. 【Fda certified matetial】 — made of bpa free abs plastic and food grade stainless steel, guaranteed not to rust or loose sharpness qualities in time it’s safe to be used for food no harmful chemicals contained, working great with zucchini, carrots, squash and cucumbers for zucchini noodles/ zoodle, veggie pasta and spiralized salads. 【Helps you enjoy your meals】–even if you are on a diet (raw, vegan, low carb, gluten-free, no-wheat, paleo, etc), replace high carb pasta or noodles with healthy and colorful veggie ones, get your picky children and family to eat plenty of healthy vegetables in disguise, save time from slicing, dicing and conventional julienning methods, crave for vegetables your veggies will look mouth-watering and still keep nutrients and minerals alive. 【Unique building shell for easy handheld】, the spiral slicer is wrapped by an unique bulging type shell, which is designed to be grasped by hand more firmly and comfortably, thus enabling you to slice effortlessly and your fingers will never be hurt by the sharp spikes. 【one button release blade frame for easy clean】–press the release button the blade frame will pop out easily for a quick rinse no clogging or jamming a cleaning brush included can get between the blades and scrub it to keep sanitary dishwasher safe.   Mastertop 3 In 1 Vegetable Spiralizer Bundle for Fruits and Vegetables Pasta Noodle Spaghetti Maker with Potato Peeler and Cleaning Brush … Mastertop 3 In 1 Vegetable Spiralizer Bundle for Fruits and Vegetables Pasta Noodle Spaghetti Maker with Potato Peeler and Cleaning Brush … - Easy to remove and install with potato peeler and cleaning brush,easy to clean and store. Materialabs+stainless steelthe material conforms to the food standard and is safer. Various functions, perfect for vegetables and fruitsmulti-purpose, 3 in 1, you can make all kinds of shapes of food to make it look more beautiful. Use a simple turning motion (just like sharpening a pencil) to instantly turn boring vegetables into irresistible veggie spirals no assembly required dishwasher safe & easy to clean. Please pay attention to safety when cleaning to avoid hurting your hands.   mDesign Slim Plastic Stackable Food Storage Container Bin, Handles for Kitchen, Pantry, Cabinet, Fridge, Freezer – Long Narrow Organizer Holds Snacks, Produce, Vegetables, Pasta – 4 Pack – Smoke Gray mDesign Slim Plastic Stackable Food Storage Container Bin, Handles for Kitchen, Pantry, Cabinet, Fridge, Freezer – Long Narrow Organizer Holds Snacks, Produce, Vegetables, Pasta – 4 Pack – Smoke Gray - Thoughtfully sized each measures 145″ x 4″ x 4″ high. Functional & versatile these great organizing bins are the perfect solution for organizing a multitude of household items, such as toys, lotions, bath soaps, shampoos, conditioners, laundry needs, craft supplies, school or office supplies and more the options are endless great for dorm rooms, apartments, condos, rvs, cabins and campers, too use this multi-purpose basket anywhere you need to add storage and get organized ideal for home and professional organizers. Portable bins feature built-in easy carry handles to make it simple to transport goods from pantry to shelf to table just grab and go these storage baskets stack too, the perfect storage and organizing solution for modern kitchens and pantries open tops and clear construction make it easy to see what is inside and quickly grab what you need try these in the cabinet or cupboard under your sink for cleaning or dish washing supplies or for storing boxes of kitchen liners and garbage bags. Smart storage this storage organizer fits boxed foods, condiments, spices, baking supplies, dry goods, and many other kitchen essentials use in the fridge to keep fruits and vegetables organized and ready to go perfect for wellness items, store vitamin bottles, medicine, aspirin, band aids, first aid essentials works in refrigerator and freezer organize all of your kitchen essentials. Quality construction made of durable bpa and chlorine free, shatter-resistant plastic food safe easy care, clean with mild soap and water do not place in dishwasher made in usa.   mDesign Plastic Food Storage Container Bin with Handles for Kitchen, Pantry, Cabinet, Fridge/Freezer – Cube Organizer for Snacks, Produce, Vegetables, Pasta – BPA Free, Food Safe – 4 Pack, Clear/Blue mDesign Plastic Food Storage Container Bin with Handles for Kitchen, Pantry, Cabinet, Fridge/Freezer – Cube Organizer for Snacks, Produce, Vegetables, Pasta – BPA Free, Food Safe – 4 Pack, Clear/Blue - Quality construction made of durable bpa and chlorine free shatter-resistant plastic food safe easy care, clean with mild soap and water do not place in dishwasher made in usa. Functional & versatile storage these great organizing bins are the perfect solution for organizing a multitude of household items, such as video games, toys, lotions, bath soaps, shampoos, conditioners, linens, towels, laundry needs, craft supplies, school supplies, files and more the options are endless great for dorm rooms, apartments, condos, rvs, and campers too use this multipurpose basket anywhere you need to add storage and get organized ideal for home and professional organizers. Smart storage this storage organizer fits boxed foods, condiments, spices, baking supplies, dry goods, and many other kitchen essentials use in the fridge to keep fruits and vegetables organized and ready to go perfect for wellness items, store vitamin bottles, medicine, aspirin, adhesive bandages, first aid essentials works in refrigerator and freezer organize all of your kitchen essentials. Portable bins feature easy-carry handles to make it simple to transport goods from pantry to shelf to table just grab and go these storage baskets stack too, the perfect storage and organizing solution for modern kitchens and pantries open tops and clear construction make it easy to see what is inside and quickly grab what you need try these in the cabinet or cupboard under your sink for cleaning or dishwashing supplies or for storing boxes of kitchen liners and garbage bags. Thoughtfully sized each measures 8″ x 8″ x 6″ high.   WQGRLLR 360 Degree Rotational Colander Stainless Steel Collapsible Self-draining Strainer and Washing Bowl Basket Set for Fruit Vegetable Pasta Spaghetti Grains Fruits Salads (green) WQGRLLR 360 Degree Rotational Colander Stainless Steel Collapsible Self-draining Strainer and Washing Bowl Basket Set for Fruit Vegetable Pasta Spaghetti Grains Fruits Salads (green) - Micro-perforated holes perfect to rinse, sieve, cooking, and even as vegetable steamer the holes in this colander are small enough to strain cooked grains, including rice, quinoas, pasta and most beans, pastas, as well as fruits and vegetables without any worries of clogging our robust sieve holds onto your spaghetti noodles and stops small foods from falling through. 360-degree rotational design creates a full range of deep cleaning turn the semi-circular drum upside down and it becomes a lid this strainer can help drain any drop of water without a fruit or vegetable falling through. Large size 108×49 inches outer bowl, 86×39 inches stainless steel inner colander can meet your various needs. High quality and safety material this colander is made of 304 stainless steel and high toughness pp plastic it can effectively resist rust and scaling caused by long-term use, ensuring the food safety of you and your family. Wide range of applications suitable for pasta, vegetables, beans and cereals, easy to hold several fruits and vegetables for rinsing.   Miswaki Collapsible Colanders with Handles (2 Pc. Set) Round Kitchen Sink Strainers | Heat-Resistant Silicone | Stackable, Space-Saving Design | Pasta, Vegetables, Hot Water (Green) Miswaki Collapsible Colanders with Handles (2 Pc. Set) Round Kitchen Sink Strainers | Heat-Resistant Silicone | Stackable, Space-Saving Design | Pasta, Vegetables, Hot Water (Green) - Completely dishwasher safe, offering quick and easy clean up, our silicone food strainers are stain and odor resistant, and don’t need to be hand-washed. Heat-resistant silicone, miswaki colanders with handles are made with durable, flexible silicone that’s bpa free, food-grade safe, and perfect for boiling hot liquids. Convenient kitchen sizes, each kitchen colander set includes two different sizes to better suit your cooking and meal prep needs, including a small 95″ and large 115″. Space-saving collapsible design, easier to store in a kitchen cabinet or deep drawer, these vegetable strainers push down flat and stack on top of one another. Multipurpose food strainer, ideal for pasta, fruits, veggies, and meats, this 2-piece sink colander set makes it easier to drain excess water, oils, or unhealthy fats away.   Spiralizer 5-Blade Vegetable Slicer, Strongest-and-Heaviest Spiral Slicer, Best Veggie Pasta Spaghetti Maker for Keto/Paleo/Gluten-Free Spiralizer 5-Blade Vegetable Slicer, Strongest-and-Heaviest Spiral Slicer, Best Veggie Pasta Spaghetti Maker for Keto/Paleo/Gluten-Free - Create delicious veggie meals like a pro chef, just choose your favorite fruits or vegetables, use the suction base to stabilize the vegetable slicer on your countertop and effortlessly create the healthiest and most delicious low-carb pasta. Guaranteed satisfaction, we’re extremely confident in our vegetable slicer and we know that you will love it as well after all, we use it ourselves all the time however, if for any reason you are not 110% satisfied with your spiralizer, get in touch with us and we will make it right. Cuts through anything, this veggie spiralizer features 420 high-carbon, cutlery-grade, stainless steel blades that have zero trouble cutting through even the hardest of root vegetables such as cucumbers or potatoes. Healthier meals in less time, you want to lead a healthier lifestyle but you can’t curve out the time to prepare the healthy meals sounds familiar with the bloomingoods spiralizer, you can now cut all your cucumbers, carrots, potatoes and other ingredients and prepare delicious plant-based recipes in no time and with zero effort. Perfect for your health, designed with bpa free plastic that contains no hazardous chemicals, our vegetable slicer is also dishwasher safe and very easy to clean and operate make delicious salads, veggie toppings and healthy snacks and impress yourself and your loved ones.   Vegetable Spiralizer Vegetable Slicer with 5 Blades, Zucchini Spaghetti Maker Zoodle Maker Veggie Pasta Maker, Strongest and Heaviest Duty Mandoline Slicer with Container, Lid, Brush Vegetable Spiralizer Vegetable Slicer with 5 Blades, Zucchini Spaghetti Maker Zoodle Maker Veggie Pasta Maker, Strongest and Heaviest Duty Mandoline Slicer with Container, Lid, Brush - Meet all your needs with 5 blades the 2mm blade to make the smallest strips, the 3mm blade to make spaghtti, the 5mm blade to make fettuccine, the 55mm blade to make curly fries and the flat blade to make ribbons the versatility of spiralizer enables you to make gorgeous dishes like the pro cooks do made of strong stainless steel, the blades are ultra-sharp and bent-resistant, making it possible to cut hard veggies like beets plastic parts are 100% bpa free durable and reinforced. Safe to use & easy to clean sboly has designed a strong suction cup for this zucchini spaghetti makerto attach to the counter, providing a stable and effort-saving spin with the included box the all inclusive blades can be stored safely and the unit is extremely easy to clean. Prepare your veggies in no time sboly vegetable spiralizer is a must-have gadget in your kitchen, it’s super easy and efficient to turn your favorite vegetables into impressive looking absorbable spiral zucchini noodles, potato chips, cucumber slices makes it fun to prep veggies with the family, and enjoy healthy, low-carb scrumptious meals. No more mess on the counter-top the zoodle maker comes with a food container to catch all spiral vegetable noodles and a lid for the container making it easy to store prep veggies even with a fast-paced life, create lots of ways to eat various veggetables and maintain a healthy diet easily.   mDesign Plastic Food Storage Container Bin with Handles – for Kitchen, Pantry, Cabinet, Fridge/Freezer – Narrow for Snacks, Produce, Vegetables, Pasta – BPA Free, Food Safe – 8 Pack, Clear mDesign Plastic Food Storage Container Bin with Handles – for Kitchen, Pantry, Cabinet, Fridge/Freezer – Narrow for Snacks, Produce, Vegetables, Pasta – BPA Free, Food Safe – 8 Pack, Clear - Thoughtfully sized each measure 10″ x 65″ x 8″. Portable bins feature easy-carry handles to make it simple to transport goods from pantry to shelf to table just grab and go these storage baskets stack too, the perfect storage and organizing solution for modern kitchens and pantries open tops and clear construction make it easy to see what is inside and quickly grab what you need try these in the cabinet or cupboard under your sink for cleaning or dishwashing supplies or for storing boxes of kitchen liners and garbage bags. Smart storage this storage organizer fits boxed foods, condiments, spices, baking supplies, dry goods, and many other kitchen essentials use in the fridge to keep fruits and vegetables organized and ready to go perfect for wellness items, store vitamin bottles, medicine, aspirin, band-aids, first aid essentials works in refrigerator and freezer organize all of your kitchen essentials set of 8. Quality construction made of durable bpa and chlorine free shatter-resistant plastic food safe easy care, clean with mild soap and water do not place in dishwasher made in usa. Functional & versatile these great organizing bins are the perfect solution for organizing a multitude of household items, such as video games, toys, lotions, bath soaps, shampoos, conditioners, linens, towels, laundry needs, craft supplies, school supplies, files and more the options are endless great for dorm rooms, apartments, condos, rvs, and campers too use this multipurpose basket anywhere you need to add storage and get organized ideal for home and professional organizers.   ExcelSteel 953 Durable Dishwasher Safe for Vegetables, Salad, Fruit, Pasta in Home Kitchen Perforated Colander, 3 QT, Copper ExcelSteel 953 Durable Dishwasher Safe for Vegetables, Salad, Fruit, Pasta in Home Kitchen Perforated Colander, 3 QT, Copper - Elegant design, crafted with a stylish copper plated finish to make it an excellent addition to your home and kitchen tool repertoire choose a colander that radiates style and elegance. Professionally built, constructed with rust-resistant stainless steel to extend the lifespan and use of your colander with proper care, it can be consistently used for all your meal prep needs. Prepare delicious food, effortlessly rinse, strain, and drain all of your favorite fruits, salads, veggies, rice and more enjoy the benefits of a cleaner meal with freshly washed ingredients. Color copper.   mDesign Plastic Food Storage Container Bin with Handles – for Kitchen, Pantry, Cabinet, Fridge, Freezer – Organizer for Snacks, Produce, Vegetables, Pasta – BPA Free – Medium – Clear mDesign Plastic Food Storage Container Bin with Handles – for Kitchen, Pantry, Cabinet, Fridge, Freezer – Organizer for Snacks, Produce, Vegetables, Pasta – BPA Free – Medium – Clear - Smart storage this storage organizer fits boxed foods, condiments, spices, baking supplies, dry goods, and many other kitchen essentials use in the fridge to keep fruits and vegetables organized and ready to go perfect for wellness items, store vitamin bottles, medicine, aspirin, band aids, first aid essentials works in refrigerator and freezer organize all of your kitchen essentials. Functional & versatile great for organizing a multitude of items, indoor or outdoor clothing and accessories, video games, toys, lotions, bath soaps, shampoos, conditioners, linens, towels, laundry needs, craft or school supplies and more the options are endless use in hall closets, bathrooms, laundry or utility rooms, craft rooms, mudrooms, home or work offices, playrooms and garages great for college dorm rooms, apartments, condos, rvs, cabins and campers ideal for home or commercial use. Thoughtfully sized measures 10″ x 8″ x 775″ high. Quality construction made of durable bpa and chlorine free shatter-resistant plastic food safe easy care, clean with mild soap and water do not place in dishwasher made in usa. Portable bins feature easy-carry handles to make it simple to transport goods from pantry to shelf to table just grab and go these storage baskets stack too, the perfect storage and organizing solution for modern kitchens and pantries open tops make it easy to see what is inside and quickly grab what you need try these in the cabinet or cupboard under your sink for cleaning or dishwashing supplies or for storing boxes of kitchen liners and garbage bags. #Kitchen
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/17-best-vegetable-pastas
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phangirlpenguin · 7 years
En Flambé
My crack-y offering for Ladies of Hannibal week. Featuring Georgia Madchen. @ladiesofhannibal @apoptoses
 Well, she was definitely dead now. Georgia had thought she was dead a majority of her life, but it had felt nothing like the real thing. She looked at her body in the oxygen chamber, burned nearly beyond recognition, with a quiet sense of disconnection. It wasn’t really her in there anymore, after all.  She supposed she should be upset, but it felt more freeing than anything else. And her mind! It was clear and unfogged for the first time in her life… or whatever…
 Apparently, death lifted the veil on her memories. She could remember killing Beth, following Will Graham, seeing someone kill Dr. Sutcliffe. She didn’t know who it was, but it wasn’t her.
Time seemed to flow differently for Georgia, now that she was... a ghost? She followed her body as it was moved from the hospital to the lab at the FBI. She watched dispassionately at the techs took stock of what they could, piecing together what had happened to her. Jack Crawford came in with Will Graham to hear their theories. Georgia nearly screamed as the tech described her death as a suicide.
 Will immediately leapt to her defense, saying she wasn’t suicidal. That the one who killed Dr. Sutcliffe must have killed her, too. To make sure she couldn’t identify them. Crawford and the techs seemed less than convinced by that. Seeing her death dismissed by everyone but Will, she decided to follow him for a while.
 Imagine her surprise when, two days later, Will walked in for therapy with the man who killed Dr. Sutcliffe.
 Georgia Madchen never claimed to be a perfect person. Or a good person. Hell, for most of her life, she hadn’t even claimed to be an alive person. So please don’t blame her for what she decided to do now that she knew who her likely murderer was.
 She followed the man, Hannibal Lecter according to his business cards, for a week as she came up with a plan. He seemed to be almost alien in his lack of response to most things. The only time he truly seemed… alive, was when he was cooking and eating his impossibly complicated meals.
 She started small. Raising the heat on the oven when Lecter was hosting a dinner party, slightly scorching his lovingly crafted Beef Wellingtons. He gave them a once over, found them, and tossed them in the garbage. Fixing a second batch was simple for such an accomplished cook. Georgia turned the heat up even higher for them, turning the pastry into nothing but charcoal. Lecter stared at them in disbelief when he took them out of the oven.  Georgia laughed harder than she’d ever done before when he had to explain to his guests what had happened.
 Her next trick was to unplug his overpriced fridge just after he restocked it. The look on his face was priceless. Standing in his kitchen, mouth agape at the fridge full of unusable food. He slammed the door closed much harder than was necessary, muttering under his breath about unreliable appliances.
 She spent all day, once, methodically dulling his knives. For the first time since she’d started following him, he cut himself as he chopped vegetables. A discarded fish carcass was strategically hidden in the kitchen, prompting the man to clean his kitchen twice over trying to get rid of the offensive odor. Only to find the rotten fish wedged between the dishwasher and cabinet.
 So far, though, her favorite was the ruined hollandaise sauce. She overheard him on the phone, reassuring his guest-to-be that it was a very simple dish, something he’d done many times since childhood. Nothing fancy, just steak, potatoes, and asparagus with hollandaise sauce. A casual dinner between friends.
 Three times he attempted to make the sauce. First, she fiddled with the burner he had his double-boiler just enough to make the sauce wrong. Too high and his eggs curdled. She made the pan with melted butter just a touch too hot so that the sauce broke when he added the butter. Finally, she rang the doorbell, luring him away from the kitchen long enough for the sauce to go thin and grainy.
 Georgia’s laughter rang throughout the house when he apologized to his guest for the lack of sauce. Maybe being dead wasn’t so bad.
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Idk if I can do this. I'm so panicky. I feel like just going and killing myself right this instant. I feel so much all at once. My mind is absolutely racing. I forgot how awful this shit felt. I fucking crave death right now and I wish that was a goddamn exaggeration but it never has been and this is hell. My stream of consciousness is going WAAAAYYY faster than my fingers can type. In the span of fifteen fucking seconds I imagined a scenario where I went to the ER for suicidal ideation and they tried to make me go to cross pointe and I bolted and escaped. Why? I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA AND I'M BREAKING
I feel like I'm a wind up toy that was wound up too tightly and just went for a while and then exploded. I just want to feel okay again. Fuck getting better. I just don't want this shit back.
Also Erin's mom is in the hospital and might have cancer because they found a tumor on her spine and she couldn't walk. SO THAT'S JUST FUCKING WONDERFUL. MY BEST FRIEND MIGHT LOSE THEIR FUCKING MOM WHILE I DRIVE OFF THE FUCKING DEEP END. HOW FUN! /S
Fr tho fuck this.
Don't think I told you this last time because I forgot but I had cut myself the night before our last appointment. I hate this. I fucking hate this so much. I just want to be normal or go away. I fucking hate myself so goddamn much. Why was I born a fuck up? Why am I such a drain on everyone? Why can't I just be like everyone else and not the freakish asshole piece of garbage that I am????
I never asked for any of this. I never asked to be born.
I hate myself. I hate me so much. Why can't I just be a normal person. Fuck everything.
I just called and cancelled that luzio appointment btw. I know I for sure won't be ready to deal with it next month so I'm not doing it. Maybe sometime in the future idk.
I'm a little calmer now. Idk. I feel like I'm just caged up rn. Maybe that's all of this or maybe that's because it's winter and I'm not going anywhere if I can help it idk. I just feel trapped. Trapped in a lot of different ways. Trapped in this apartment because I can't save up money to afford somewhere else. Trapped because if I didn't have Yoshi I legit would have gone to live in the woods already. And just rented motel rooms for the winter or stayed with friends. I 100% would have done that if not for him. I feel trapped in my own body and with my pain levels. And worst of all I feel trapped in my own mind. I'm having pretty much nonstop panic attacks for the past few days. It's fucking awful. I'm angry nonstop. I want to just be back to how things were again. Winter is always hard but comparative to how my summer was, this has been the worst winter since I moved out of my parents house.
This blog really is a chronicle of my descent into madness. My return, really. Fuck. Fuck this.
Maybe everyone would be better off if I just made them hate me and then I silently killed myself? Idk. That has always been my plan. Say some nasty baseless stuff and block them and tell them never to contact me again. Wait a few weeks and just do it. I'm pretty sure Sara would realize what was going on but she'd be unable to stop me. Sam would too but she has more freedom. She has a key to my house and no patient confidentiality to uphold.
I mostly just want to kill something/someone. Absolutely obliterate someone who makes me angry. Like physically beat the shit out of them. Not just call them horrible things and walk away. I want to personally remove Wally's face from his skull and pour bleach over it. I want to tie my father up and repeatedly push a scalding hot metal poker into his gut. And torment him psychologically with it. I want him to fucking suffer like he made me suffer. I want to fight Trevin one on one and pin him to the ground and bash his skull in.
I want to be an animal basically. I want to absolutely destroy my enemies. I feel like I'm a primal monster right now. I want to impale the severed heads of my enemies on a fence post as a warning to anyone who would try anything. A warning that lets them know I mean it. I want to kill and that's fucking terrifying.
I am not usually this blasé about taking the life of another. Normally I believe very much that I would feel remorse. Now... I'm not sure depending on who it was.
I'm frustrated because I'm pretty sure once you read this you'll probably want me to go inpatient but that's only gonna make things worse because they'll nonstop pressure me to start psych meds that won't do jackshit for me.
The "help" medical professionals always push on you is such a farce. I realize it's often like a liability thing but like fuck that. People with mental illness shouldn't be forced into a place where they're only gonna get treated either like a problem or like a baby who can't handle their own problems. Or both. I feel backed into a corner because you and Sara always want me to open up to y'all but like how do I do that without getting shoved into Brentwood or cross pointe??? Because the truth is a fucking liability and I feel like my freedom is being stripped from me every single time I do. At least with Sara, she knows me well enough to know when to back off. I get that you're trying but I can't open up if I tell you I want to die and that means you gotta get me sent back there.
People with mental illness aren't allowed free control of themselves. We aren't allowed to say no to being hospitalized. If I had cancer, I would be allowed to refuse treatment and die at home. But if I have suicidal ideation I'm forced into a place that makes it worse??? Fuck that and fuck anyone who supports that. This isn't just a me thing. I know people who won't go to therapy anymore because that happened to them and they're terrified of going back. They won't risk it. This shit kills more people than it could ever save. Also knowing you have to get naked in front of a nurse and a tech. How the fuck is that even legal??? The whole system is fucked up and therapists have to actively refuse to use parts of it in order to be able to actually help people without sending them into the pits of hell. They take all your shit and shove it in a locked box out of your reach so you can't use it. You're threatened with your insurance refusing to pay if you don't go to every single group and then what? Debt. Fuck that. So what do you do? Fake it. Fake your way out. Pretend your happy and they'll let you go. And for most people, that's easy as hell. We've been doing it our whole lives. I can't tell you how many times I faked my way outta cross pointe. Cross Pointe doesn't even try to care. They're like okay a happy label for you and have a nice life. Holy shit this post is long af.
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