#hot second the original jurassic park
uncle-mojave · 14 days
What are your recommendations for a group movie night?
Depends on what you're in the mood for but some of them off the top of my head are...
Children of Men
Last of the Mohicans
Last of the Dogmen
The Last Samurai
Dune 84
Dune part 1 & 2
Red Dawn 84
Red Dawn 20..12? Watch it and compare how bad it is to the original
Starship Troopers
Hellraiser 1, 2 & Bloodlines. The rest you don't need to bother with.
Nightmare on Elm Street 1 & Wes Craven's New Nightmare
The Thing with Kurt Russel
Captain Ron
Young Frankenstein
Robin Hood Men in Tights
Dracula from Francis Ford Coppola
Dracula from Mel Brooks
The first John Wick, the rest are not great
Troll, It's in Norwegian and from 2022 but really good
The Ritual - Some of the best creature/old god horror I've seen
The original Jurassic Park
Kingsman the first one and the prequel one. The second is ok but not great
Godzilla from 2014, really knows how to show restraint with a Kaiju film
The Jumanji remakes from the 2010's are pretty fun
Sonic The Hedgehog 1 & 2 that came out a couple years back
All the Johnny English movies
Lego Batman movie
Mad Max Fury Road & Thunderdome
The Lord of the Rings trilogy extended editions
Pitch Black
Dredd from 2012
Both Robert Downey Jr Sherlock Holmes movies
Boondock Saints
District 9
Tropic Thunder is probably one of my highest reccomendations
Yeah yeah I know I said off the top of my head but I'm still going off the top of my head
Get Smart
Shaun of the Dead
Hot Fuzz
The Pirates movies
Serenity the Firefly series movie
There's a lot more but tumblr hates me adding stuff so quickly in succession 300, 300 rise of an empire, sucker punch, sky captain and the world of tomorrow, van hellsing, master and commander, school of rock, freddy vs jason, shanghai noon and shanghai knights, men in black one two and three, the fourth you can forget, reign of fire, the scorpion king, blade and blade 2, the third is hit or miss, and queen of the damned and interview with the vampire. That's it... for now that I can think of.
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emblazons · 1 year
what are your favorite byler headcanons?
—I never get asked this question, so thanks for being the first lmao. (I did write my “S5 hopes” before, but these are different I think?) Anyway. Hmmm.
While they both love Tolkien, Mike likes the Lord of the Rings trilogy books more, but Will enjoys the Hobbit best. Mike loves the depth of the lore and complexity of how Tolkien describes things in the original trilogy because they help him when he’s coming up with campaigns, but Will enjoys the straightforward (and a little sweeter) narrative of The Hobbit more—and also has a preference for it because the version he had as a kid was more image-heavy, and he’s an artist. :)
Speaking of Tolkien—Mike absolutely has a one-ring he keeps around his neck like Frodo. (It may even be what he chooses as an engagement ring way, way down the line, but Will is so outdone he decides to just buy it to wear it around his neck instead lol).
When it comes to getting work done, Mike is a think-out-loud type—as in, will talk to himself out loud and not even realize he’s doing it when alone, or with someone he’s comfortable getting into his head around. Will doesn’t say anything about it, because he thinks it’s hilarious—but Mike eventually learns about his own tendency when Will knows about a surprise he had planned before he can even do it…because he was thinking out loud. (He gets up in arms about how Will should have told him, but the more time passes, the funnier the tendency becomes to them).
Mike was hype as hell for the release of Jurassic Park in 1993. Will was also hype, but. Not nearly as excited about it as Mike was. When the Peter Jackson’s LOTR adaptation was announced, they were both over the moon (though Will was a bit scared. He is very picky about his movies, and adaptations even more so).
The two of them would settle in San Francisco, and would definitely be the ones who run a “teach DnD / campaign night” in conjunction with a comic book store in their neighborhood, in an attempt to keep the younger generations’ love for it alive—the same way as the bookstore owner who introduced them to the book. this is maybe based on an actual comicbook store with a dnd night in the SF Castro that I found a few years ago. The world may never know. They are thrilled in 2016 when a new Netflix show (😉) and Critical Role revives people’s love for it when they’re much, much older.
The first time the topic of “going to pride” comes up in the mid-90’s (long before it was the socially accepted event it is today), Will is mildly terrified—and so is Mike, but his “brave paladin” side absolutely talks himself up enough to get Will to join him solely out of a need to prove he can. They end up having a great time, and Mike, who has never really delved into queer history, ends up on a whole tangent of learning about it for an entire month afterward. Will finds it v endearing.
Mike sucks at poker because he cannot keep a single thing off his face. He is, however, really good at playing “the house” in card games, so that’s the role he takes on (comes from years of leading campaigns. He’s a bit of a showman that way).
Will cannot stand cold even after he’s disconnected from Vecna/the UD, and misses California—which is why they move back. When “global warming” talk starts becoming more common, his favorite dad joke to make is “if I think it’s getting hot, it must be,” but no one but the party & family know why it’s funny.
Earlier into their relationship, Will becomes a bit troubled by the fact that Mike is the only person he ever dated. It causes tension in their relationship for a little while, though Will eventually realizes he doesn't want to be with anyone else, so it doesn't matter. (Much later, Mike admits that he thought Will’s concerns were unfounded, considering the only person he ever dated outside of Will happened when he was 13 & probably shouldn’t have even been his girlfriend in the first place, given the fact that she was 3 seconds out of a lab…& he doesn’t even like women anyway).
Mike knows Will is healing more from “the events of the show” when Will starts making dark-humor jokes about being possessed and/or being lost in the upside down—though it takes him a lot to get used to it, given how scared he spent years being about losing Will. Eventually he gets on board and laughs—which Will appreciates, because it helps him to see Mike get less uncomfortable and feel safer about keeping Will safe after all that happened.
There are ten I could think of off top?? LMAO someone ask @magentamee what my other headcanons are I’m sure she’s heard them all by now 😂
Thanks so much for this ask!
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birdkeeperklink · 5 months
10 characters 10 fandoms
I was tagged by @salsedine ages ago (thank you! 👋🥰) and finally getting around to it!
So these are in no particular order even though they're numbered, but here we go:
1. Leonard McCoy from Star Trek: The Original Series
I love his gruff exterior coupled with how much he cares really deeply. He's passionate and full of fire, but he's also so compassionate and caring. He's a healer, but instead of embodying the "saint-like" version of that trope, he's all too human and flawed. I adore him.
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2. Joan Watson and Sherlock Holmes from Elementary
Yes, I am cheating, but they are sold as a set do not separate 🤷
I just love both of them. I love the way they interact, and their partnership in every sense of the word. They're funky and unapologetic about it, and they can be sharp and vindictive, but they can also be so, so soft and caring, both to each other and to others.
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3. Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones
He's slick and snarky and talented. He's in a nasty codependent romance with his sister. He's incredibly insecure yet incredibly cocky. He's so so brave and stupid. He's in love with Brienne and shows it by giving her a sword. He's a hot mess. Just a complete disaster of a human. I love it. I want to study him in a jar.
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4. Sam from Lord of the Rings
He's a cinnamon roll, does this need more explanation? 🤷
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5. Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec
She never, ever gives up, and she believes so hard in making the world a better place, and she loves her friends so much, and.... She's just inspiring. She's a character who gives me energy and makes me feel like things can get better and good people can make a difference.
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6. Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit
My boy 🥹 He is fierce and loyal and cunning, and he's got a temper and can somehow get away with scolding people twice his size. The bitch energy is at epic levels, and yet he's also somehow so caring. He is an icon, a legend. We can only aspire to such sass and love as is packed in this tiny man.
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7. Basil from The Great Mouse Detective
He's ridiculously cute and smart. I love how he pretty much adopted Dawson as His within like 5 seconds of meeting him. He's also a secret softie, getting all testy with Olivia only to pretty much immediately cave when she starts crying. Plus he's Sherlock Holmes as a mouse. Only wins here.
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8. Richard from Galavant
He's a pathetic noodle of a man who's committed horrible atrocities by his own admission, yet he still manages to make you want to give him a hug. What a disaster man. I adore him.
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9. Alan Grant from Jurassic Park/World
He's got a PhD but can't figure out a seat belt. He's clearly madly in love with Ellie but takes like 30 years to admit that he'd rather have her than his career. Yet again, a complete disaster. Are you sensing a pattern?
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10. Bek from Gods of Egypt
Yes, I know this movie has problems, first and foremost the whitewashing, but I can't help it 🙈 Bek in particular is just 👌 He's so determined and spunky. He says cheesy one-liners to himself while stealing from literal gods. He's blasphemous to the gods' faces. The love of his life is killed and his immediate response is to blackmail a god into bringing her back to life. He's lucky and brash. I love him.
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No pressure tagging:
@the-chickenshit-oddity @lassiesspanishaccent @lenievi @figsandfandoms @51kas81 @mourningroutine @underture @lovethistoomuch
You don't have to if you don't want to, but if you do - tag! You're it!
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kenobster · 9 months
@ahsoka-ina-hood replied to their post: "So what is your number 1 draw to watching the Ahsoka show?"
@kenobster I am asking I yearn to know
Oh god lmao. Okay.
First of all, I would like you to know that I answered an anon's ask for the sake of describing the Vader Mpreg AU just for you lmao (and anon, ofc). Otherwise, this post would've been WAY too long.
Second of all, part of what I liked about The Rise of Skywalker is that Palpatine only ever thinks of himself. His creation of Snoke and the other strands is very ego-driven and selfish — to his own detriment. Palpatine's strands are always derivative and flawed from their original template. In other words, the only successful strand (aka Rey) occurred when someone else's DNA mistakenly got involved. I found that very in-character for Palpatine, very fascinating, and... well, suffice to say... unsurprisingly important for later. :)
In the Vader Mpreg AU, lizard brain has regrettably tasked me with coming up with a justification for one of Palpatine's unique modifications to Vader's body. Maybe Vader starts miscarriaging (he is going through an awful lot). Or maybe Palpatine is testing some new method of strand creation. Whatever the case, lizard brain would like it if Palpatine found it annoying to have to insert the uterus via surgery every time. Since Vader's already pooping out of a bag, Palpatine finds it Convenient™ to detach Vader's bowels from his asshole entirely. That way, the butt canal can instead be hooked up to the uterus with a synthetic cervix.
Is the butt canal stretchy enough to poop out a baby? No.
However, Palpatine can create some pre-fertilized clone-baby eggs and slingshot 'em up Vader's butt canal like merch from a t-shirt canon. :)
Maybe one day, Palpatine decides that preparing fertilized eggs in a laboratory is not perverse enough. Maybe he decides that it'd be fun to implant a synthetic ovary next to Vader's uterus that is genetically engineered to produce unfertilized eggs with Palpatine's DNA. Once complete, Palpatine can then fuck Vader's butt and make his clone babies the good ol' fashioned way.
With a touch of Jurassic Park Science, maybe Vader's DNA can accidentally get involved. And, just like what happened with Rey, maybe Vader's DNA could potentially lead to an non-uggo, totally normal-looking baby. And maybe.... just maybe.... this happens to be the exact same pregnancy Vader is enduring when he flees to Obi-Wan and pleads for sanctuary.
Maybe, lizard brain proposes, this baby can even be a specific Star Wars character. A character of unknown origins who is extremely hot and full of Anakin-esque qualities. A character who first appeared in a trailer for the Ahsoka series....
Do you hate this idea? Don't worry. I do, too.
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munsonownsmyass · 1 year
Something I’d love to know…
Original Jurassic Park trilogy or Jurassic World trilogy?
Please and thank you!
Oh my God, are you ready for an essay of an answer?! 😆🩷
Jurassic Park is a classic. Nothing will ever top that movie. Sure, are some of the dinosaurs portrayed wrongly? Absolutely, but they didn't know then. But the way they mixed animatronic dinosaurs with CGI (and it was actually the first movie where that happened. Yes it was) is just perfection.
Proceeds to movie two, that really features my favorite dinosaur, the Tyrannosaurus Rex and gives it time to shine. They say sequels are never good, but I loved it. And the third one wasn't the best, but hey. Introduced spinosaurus, the largest carnivore to exist. Up to 18 meters long and 20 tons. T-Rex was 12 meters and could weigh up to 8 tons 😅
Jurassic World... Now, I know lovers of the OG movies had a hard time with this one, but as a Dino nerd I loved it. I love Chris Pratt (I do, so what?!) and come on... Owen in those tight pants, managing raptors (which technically is Deinonychus)? That's just hot. And he has a bike. And Omdominus Rex? What a frightening thing 👀
I would say the second movie isn't as great as others in the franchise. The third movie, however, I did like. Love even. I love the idea of dinosaurs walking among us and let's be real, the OG cast returning? Malcom still being a snack? And of course Grant and Ellie kissing?!
I love the entire franchise and I will never get tired of it. And I'm writing this as I'm wearing my Jurassic Park hoodie.
What was the question again? Ah yes, my favorite. Gotta say the OG trilogy, but only by a margin.
Thank you so much for this ask Ericca 🩷🩷 (can you tell I love dinosaurs? 😆)
Throw some stuff at me 🩷
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petnews2day · 2 years
This Jurassic Park-inspired apparel ticks off all the right nostalgia boxes
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/reptiles-news/this-jurassic-park-inspired-apparel-ticks-off-all-the-right-nostalgia-boxes/
This Jurassic Park-inspired apparel ticks off all the right nostalgia boxes
Like millions of folks around the world, we spent part of our weekend in a cool theater gripping the armrests and downing popcorn while witnessing the majesty of Jurassic World: Dominion.
The sixth film in the Jurassic series opened to $143 million in sales, devouring the competition and even surpassing its predecessor, Fallen Kingdom. The re-introduction of characters from earlier in the franchise as they clash head-on with the newer stars had longtime fans riding high on waves of nostalgia, and the adventure was – as always – gripping from the very first scene.
Now that you’ve been scared out of your seats by those big, toothy reptiles, it’s time to wear your love for the Jurassic universe on your sleeve, literally. The new film inspired countless apparel and merchandise items to add to your collection, including the fun tee shirts, accessories, and character-inspired wardrobe pieces seen here.
Keep scrolling to see what wearables we think will scratch your itch for more dinos with a long, pointy claw.
Her Universe Jurassic World Ellie Shorts
Hot Topic
Her Universe Jurassic World Ellie Shorts
If Dr. Ellie Sattler was one of your first fashion icons, your time is now. Hot Topic is offering these straight-from-1993 khaki shorts identical to the ones Laura Dern rocked in the original Jurassic Park. Pair them with the coordinating button-down shirt inspired by the character’s wardrobe for the ultimate tribute look.
Hot Topic
FIFTH SUN Jurassic Park Outdoor Park T-Shirt
Jurassic Park Outdoor Park T-Shirt
Enjoy the kitschy surf vibes of this retro-inspired tee that imagines the T-Rex as more of a laid-back beachgoer than dangerous reptile who tends to prevail at the end of each battle in the films. It’s great to pack for your vacation to Universal Studios!
U-Back Bralette
U-Back Bralette
Dinosaur underwear isn’t just for kids anymore! Enjoy the grown-up version of bralettes, undies, thongs, boxers, and more thanks to this fun print from MeUndies that pays homage to the original aesthetic of the franchise against a clean black background. The print is a limited release so snatch them up before they’re extinct!
Jurassic Park Logo Stripe Slides
Jurassic Park Logo Stripe Slides
Summer’s in full swing so let your toes breathe with these bold slides that have an early-90s color scheme and perfect retro vibe thanks to the Jurassic Park logo. Throw them on to hit the beach and pretend you’re stranded in The Lost World.
Jurassic Park Sage Green Wireless Flounce Bikini Top
Jurassic Park Sage Green Wireless Flounce Bikini Top
Go a bit more subtle and nuanced with this soft-toned bikini from Torrid featuring sage green dinosaurs roaming across a pretty watercolor background. It’s already on sale for less than half the original price!
Jurassic Park Gate Enamel Pin
Cotton Candy Crystals
Jurassic Park Gate Enamel Pin
Enamel pins are amazingly cool for their ability to jazz up any jacket and act as tiny works of art. This one captures the spirit of film with the classic imagery of the original park’s grandiose gates, all in a petite 1.5-inch package.
Cotton Candy Crystals
JW Dominion Ian Malcolm Leather Blazer
Leather City
JW Dominion Ian Malcolm Leather Blazer
If you want to look as cool as Dr. Ian Malcom in Jurassic World: Dominion, well…good luck pulling off Jeff Goldblum‘s ineffable and eternal charisma and charm. However, this jacket is a great first step in achieving the ultra-cool look he’s sported multiple times in the franchise and is sure to immediately transform any wearer from mundane to philosophy-chic the second they slip it on.
Leather City
Cod Father Handwoven Panama Safari Hat
Tommy Bahama
Cod Father Handwoven Panama Safari Hat
If you or someone in your life favors the dashingly intelligent Dr. Alan Grant, this safari hat is the perfect way to channel his adventurous charm, even if the only digs you’ll be on this summer include building sand castles on the beach.
Tommy Bahama
Jurassic Park Graphic T-Shirt for Kids
Old Navy
Graphic T-Shirt for Kids
They might not have been alive when the OG hit theaters, but that doesn’t mean kids can’t appreciate the fun of Jurassic Park. The original logo has been updated with a crisp floral design that stands out against the cheerful, sunny color.
Old Navy
Funko Jurassic World Dominion Pop! Movies Atrociraptor (Ghost) Vinyl Figure
Jurassic World Dominion Pop! Movies Atrociraptor (Ghost) Vinyl Figure
If you’ve seen the movie already, you already know about the heart-pounding scene in which the Atrociraptor gives Owen Grady a literal run for his money as the film’s alpha. It might not be wearable like the other items on this list, but this adorable rendition of the predator still belongs on any collector’s toy shelf.
Jurassic Park Isla Nublar Tour Crewneck – BoxLunch Exclusive
Jurassic Park Isla Nublar Tour Crewneck – BoxLunch Exclusive
The crewneck, the color scheme, the graphics – this is pure 1990s nostalgia packaged for the new generation who loves vintage-inspired looks. Pair it with jean shorts for a cool summer night vibe, or wait until fall to wear it with baggy corduroys for a full-on Gen X look.
Boys 8-20 Jurassic World Dominion Logo T-Rex Movie Tee
Licensed Character
Boys 8-20 Jurassic World Dominion Logo T-Rex Movie Tee
Show off your fandom of the newest installment of the series with this Jurassic World: Dominion shirt for boys sized 8 to 20. We love the updated take on the iconic logo, done in bright yellow and orange that pops on the dark gray backdrop.
Licensed Character
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evenmoregreener · 3 years
Questionnaire of Laruku from B-PASS magazine (March. 1995)
Another translation of a translation from Russian. This "interview" was translated for Russian l'arc fan-club in 2018. I haven't found any other English translations on the net, so I decided that it will be interesting for you to read something like this. All credits are down below, big thank you to the original translator, what a great woman! 
The original Russian text has some typos plus English isn't my first language, that's why text might seem a bit of strange. About special signs: (translator's note) - notes of an original translator; "*" - my own notes; (?) - neither me nor the original translator understood the context. Please, enjoy!
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1. Date of birth Hyde: 13th of Friday Tetsu: 3 of October Ken: 28th of November, Sagittarius Sakura: Secret 2. Blood type Н: Color of the blood - red Т: А or 0 К: АВ S: The hot blood of a man runs in my veins 3. Place of birth Н: Jelsarem's Rod Т: Kansai К: Alaska’s native S: Kingdom of Nerima (Nerima is a ward in Tokyo, where Sakura was born - translator's note) 4. Height, weight, shoe size, visual acuity Н: “?” Т: Small, light, 24,5 – 25 cm К: 178 cm, 56 kg, shoe – 25,5 cm S: 5 feet 8 inches, 120 feet, 10 inches, about 1,0 and 1,0 5. Body size Н: As in the previous Т: I don’t know К: I prefer В 85, W 58 H 88 S: “Nice body” 6. Which musical instruments and how many years do you play? Н: I've been playing guitar for 9 years Т: 11 years on bass К: From about high school S: Secret 7. Where did you work? Н: Mister Donats Т: At the record store К: Jewelry store, tutor S: Secret 8. Skills Н: Shaolin martial arts, second dan Т: Calligraphy К: Youth baseball S: Secret 9. Hobby and special abilities (besides music) Н: Bite Т: Radio controlled models К: Tetris S: To make people do something
10. Philosophy of life Н: Do not stick sticks into the rice Т: I sleep today for tomorrow, tomorrow I sleep for today. (a phrase from manga - translator's note) К: Hurry slowly S: Live today 11. Real name Н: Jiji Т: Teppi К: Jakenosuke S: Sakurajima Samuel Tarot
12. Favorite musicians Н: Depeche mode Т: Me К: The The (an English new wave band — translator's note) S: Ishihara Yūjirō (Japanese actor, singer, film producer - translator's note) 13. Favorite celebrity Н: Takeda Tetsuya (Japanese singer and actor - translator's note) Т: Me К: Isshiki Sae (Japanese actress — translator's note) S: Saburo Ishikura (Japanese actor - translator's note) 14. Respected people Н: Yoshitada Hirai * Т: Me К: Professor Ichinose S: Takakura Ken (Japanese actor - translator's note) 15. Favorite films and films that you’ve recently watched Н: The Omen. Recently watched Jurassic Park. Т: Favorite film – The Outsider, recently watched “Cría cuervos” (Spanish film of 1976 - translator's note) К: Perfect World, cried when watched, although usually I don't cry during films S: Jingi Naki Tatakai (Battles Without Honor and Humanity) 16. Favorite books (including manga) and books that you’ve recently read Н: Stephen King. Recently read compilation that’s called Night Souls (?). Pretty interesting. Т: «Harper’s Bazaar», Vogue Italia, recently read Matsumoto Hitoshi’s “Isho”. К: «Kirin», about motorcycles, novels for men. It’s a bit of awkward, but I buy Young Rose which I love to read for a long time. S: I can't list everything. 17. Alcohol and tobacco Н: Both, about 10 years already. Alcohol – a little, tobacco – one piece. ** Т: I don’t smoke. Alcohol – yes, except sake, I drink rarely though. К: I love Kassis, always have it at home, drink 2-3 times a week. I don’t smoke right now. S: Any alcohol, I can drink a lot. Per day I smoke more than two packs (Seven Star) 18. Do you love animals? Do you have any pets? Н: I do, but I have allergy. Т: I do. I had 5 dogs and one cat, now I don’t. К: I love obedient and loving. S: More than pets I love girls. 19. The concert that left the strongest impression Н: GASTUNK in EGG PLANT (legendary club in Osaka of 80’s - translator's note) Т: Shiki-Yakou (the name of tour Dead End of 1985) К: In Aichi Kinrou Kaikan (concert hall in Nagoya — translator's note) S: Radio concert Anikies (Dankon Anikies – fictional band that was made up by ken, sakura and kyo (Die in Cries), when ken and sakura were guests at kyo’s radio program «kyo MIDNIGHT ROCK CITY» on 9th of December, 1994 - translator's note) 20. Three most beloved albums Н: Some Great Reward of Depeche Mode, God’s Own Medicine of The Mission, La Vie En Rose of D'erlanger*** Т: Laruku’s new album, Tierra, Dune К: Black Sabath – Heaven & Hell; Cure - Disintegration; Kisugi Takao (Japanese singer and composer - translator's note) - Best collection S: Secret 21. Recently bought CDs and your impressions of them Н: No Т: Second Coming/The Stone Roses К: Suede (Britpop band - translator's note) S: Secret 22. Concert that you visited recently Н: Haven't been on the concerts for about a year, but sometimes before Shibuya live watched Modern Choki Chokies (a Japanese pop band from the early 1990s - translator's note) Т: Echobelly (a British rock band — translator's note) К: kyo-chan’s solo S: Secret 23. TV shows that you often watch and radio shows that you often listen to Н: Doramas and MIDNIGHT ROCK CITY Т: TV – BEAT UK, I don't listen to radio К: Yoru-ni dakarete (dorama of 1994 - translator's note), though it has already ended. I don’t listen to radio, since I don’t have one S: I’m interested neither in TV nor radio 24. Favorite dish, favorite color and flower Н: Japanese cuisine. Monochrome color. Flowers that grow well in an apartment, even if they are not watered Т: Sushi, tillandsia, cacti, I like all of the colors К: Favorite dish – ice cream, caviar, sushi. Favorite flower – orchid. Favorite color – silver S: Anton rib (dish that was mentioned in Kinnikuman - translator's note), sakura, black 25. Musical instruments that you can play and ones that you want to learn to play Н: Guitar, bass, acoustic guitar, would like to learn to play flute. Т: Several guitars and basses К: Guitar, bass, synthesizer. Would like to learn how to play saxophone S: Variety which you can find in stores 26. Thing that you want the most right now Н: Hot blood of some girl. Т: Sharp Zaurus P1-5000 К: Onsen, pool S: “?” 27. How do you spend your weekend? Н: Sleep Т: Vacantly К: Go back and forth S: Stay under the waterfall 28. What do you do when you are all alone at home? Н: Sleep and writing lyrics Т: Play the guitar, listen to music К: Watch TV… S: Drumming Japanese drums 29. A dream that you have seen lately. Н: Back at night souls of dead sheep were hurrying through the window, I was worried where they are going. I told Sakura: when the sheep will come back, let’s go after them, but they didn’t come back. Т: A dream where I somehow ended up eating sushi in America. К: Relocation S: In loincloth and a bandage on the head I wandered in a stormy sea. And that was awesome! 30. Most attractive feature Н: Compact, compact and compact Т: “?” К: Ankles. Strong side: strong legs. Weak side: often catch cold. S: 31. Role in the band. Н: Probably, bringing everybody together Т: President К: Am-group (?) S: Educator of the head of singing monkeys 32. Describe in one word what Laruku is Н: Cloudy sky after heavy rain Т: Rock band К: Rainbow S: Soul of a man 33. What do you expect from the other band members? Н: I’d like everybody to stay as healthy as they are now Т: Perfection К: Rainbow! S: Soul of a man 34. Where do you want to go abroad? Н: Paris Т: To America К: Any countries where I could live. To drive back and forth S: Country on the shore of the Japanese Sea 35. Where have you been? Where have you recently traveled? Н: During the vacation in September traveled to Nagano to visit Osamu's house four years later, I would like to live calmly in the district of Karuizawa station. Т: To Okinawa. It was beautiful. К: Morocco. It was hot. S: In Morocco I saw the waves of the Atlantic Ocean 36. What do you recommend to see in your hometown? Н: On the roof of Nisshou haitsu Т: A lot of yankees. К: The view on the fast stream S: Secret 37. Enjoyable things that you like during tours (except for concerts) Н: Food Т: Except for concerts, nothing (laughs) К: You can overeat S: Meet different locals with the soul of a man 38. What do you definitely do before the concert, what do you pay special attention to? Н: I am in a deep thought Т: I listen to Metallica at full volume К: Going to a toilet S: Warm up and stretch of the muscles 39. What do you pay special attention to before the interview? Н: I find out the topic Т: So as not to be late К: I try to be serious S: Worried about whether I can express and tell about my masculine soul 40. What do you carry with you all the time? Н: Watch and two bracelets because I like them Т: Nothing К: Bracelet, necklace - I feel uncomfortable without them S: Pants 41. Memorable thing Н: The bracelet that I bought when I first came abroad. I really wanted it, but pretended that I am not interested, and bargained. But since there is no set price, I don’t know if it’s cheap or not. Т: No К: Various guitars, they are associated with different memories. S: Secret 42. Three biggest news in the last six months Н: 1. Motoka’s wedding. 2. The house in front of my window was demolished. 3. Because of the house, which has now been built, the lighting has become worse. Т: Promotion trip; creation of an official fan club; award from the director! К: Couldn't go to the sea. Swam in a pool in Morocco. Was in onsen. S: Secret 43. Plans for the end of the previous year and the beginning of the new Н: Composing music and lyrics Т: Car driving and karaoke К: Continue visiting onsen. S: Polish my masculine soul 44. Your personal plans for 1995 Н: Enjoy work Т: Become an artist № 1 К: Necessarily swim in the sea. Master the butterfly S: Gain a soul of a man 45. Music that you listened to this morning or last night Н: Laruku’s new song T: Morning call from the manager K: Maribeth S: Pink Floyd 46. Dish that turns out well when you are cooking Н: Chinese cuisine Т: I can't cook К: Ikuradon S: Sashimi 47. The image of the ideal woman Н: An optimistic and domestic woman Т: No К: Fujiko-chan S: That looks like Shiraishi Hitomi (Japanese actress - translator's note) 48. Favorite sport Н: No Т: No К: No S: Judo 49. If I were born again... Н: I would like to become an astronaut and fly into space Т: I would like to be genius К: I would like to be a dolphin S: I would like to be a woman, in order to live and not talk nevermore about the "soul of a man" 50. Goals in life Н: Enjoy the rest of the years Т: It’s a secret К: Live a long life S: Soul of a man 51. One word for readers of our magazine Н: If you're not careful, I'll bite you! Т: Nice to meet you К: Hello, this is Ken. I'll continue in answer 52 S: Life in a loincloth and headband 52. Free theme Н: Woof Т: Nowadays Laruku are fully different! К: In 1996 I want to perform a lot at concerts. That is why we definitely will meet, so look forward! S: And this year there will be Anikies!
* Marked in credits to HYDE’s “Roentgen” album as an art director and designer. ** Probably he meant one pack. *** Was covered by HYDE in D’ERLANGER TRIBUTE ALBUM ~Stairway to Heaven~.
Translation from Japanese: Liubov Chachanidze aka Diana_ Translation into English by me (The Green Explosion inc.)  
Original: https://diary.ru/~l20arc-en-ciel/p216393417_anketa-iz-zhurnala-b-pass-za-mart-1995-goda.htm
73 notes · View notes
lizisshortforlizard · 2 years
Living Dangerously - Chapter 16
Jurassic Park’s animal handlers: none of them ever mentioned by name in Michael Crichton’s original novel. Who were they? What were their lives like on Isla Nublar? Did any of them survive the disaster?
A year in the life of those responsible for the care of the dinosaurs. Many people would kill to have their jobs.
But would they die for it?
Jurassic Park novel/Jurassic Park film (1993)
Viewpoint: 3rd person female oc
Warnings: mentions of blood and minor injury, some bad(ish) language
Word count: ~42.2k (16 Chapters) [incomplete]
Tagging: @heresthefanfiction @howlingmadlady @ocfairygodmother (if you want tagged let me know!)
Read on Ao3
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Chapter 15 | Chapter 17
Panama - Van Halen
Lizzy was standing in the shower, staring at the water whirl-pooling down the plughole between her feet.
It really is like Carrie…Jesus Christ.
She’d been under the jet for nearly all of her allotted clean-yourself-up time, and the water had only just started to run clear. Enough red had come out of her hair to make even a seasoned butcher feel squeamish. Lizzy found herself disproportionately upset that it wasn’t even wash day, and now she was out of sync.
She knew what she was doing, searching for yet more problems to be mad about. To give some reason to her rage. Stop it now.
The wave of despair at losing an animal on her watch had hit as soon as she was alone, her tears mixing with the warm water running down her face. Lizzy wasn’t a stranger to that kind of grief, but it felt like a bad case of déjà vu, whisking her straight back to when she saw her first elephant’s carcass, a poaching victim. Ironically, it was you that could never forget something so awful. A special brand of horror.
Unfortunately, her team weren’t the first to find the body and various scavenging creatures had already taken a damn good bash at it. She’d rushed off to vomit behind a termite hill and been inconsolable for the rest of the day. But for the inevitable repeat, the next elephant taken too soon, she was prepared, stronger.
She would give herself five minutes to wallow, but that was all. She didn’t have time for more. No matter how soothing and insular the shower cubicle was and how much effort it would take to leave and face the world again.
Lizzy turned her face upwards into the jet and held her breath for as long as she could, cheeks puffed out, before finally turning off the nozzle. When she opened the door she stopped dead, still dripping.
Beside the sink, a small plate with two empanadas sitting on a napkin. Lizzy approached and tapped one carefully: still hot. She’d learned the hard way not to just bite into them with reckless abandon anymore after searing the roof of her mouth far too many times.
Someone had been in here.
Her blood-stained uniform had been scooped up from the floor and no doubt whisked off to the laundry, leaving only her ID card and underwear behind.
She picked up and chewed on an empanada thoughtfully. They were pineapple and made her mouth tingle. Lizzy realised how hungry she was after a few bites and scarfed both of them down quickly, the sugar rush already making her feel better, steadying her shaking hands.
She only wished they had magically appeared before the shower, because now she was sticky again. So tasty but impossible to not make a mess when you ate them.
Lizzy carefully wiped the last traces of blood and pineapple goo from her engagement ring. A hug from Simon really wouldn’t go amiss right now, never mind that his advice was usually second-to-none. She’d sat in on one or two of his trials, watching him do his thing. He was good at making obviously upset people feel at ease.
Her heart sank as she realised she’d been putting off picking up the phone and calling him these past few weeks. Why, she wasn’t exactly sure.
Lizzy wrapped a towel around her body, simultaneously praising and cursing María for the Shuffle of Indecency she was going to have to perform back to her room.
A soft tap-tap came on her bedroom door and Kathy’s muffled voice called her as Lizzy was pulling her clothes back on.
“Our glorious leader asked me to come get you. You ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.” Lizzy finished buttoning a clean shirt and shook her hair out, still dripping wet. “Let’s do this.”
“I have to say, Dr Ruso, I was surprised to read your report.” Lori couldn’t entirely decipher Dr Wu’s tone, but it sounded like disappointment, and a hell of a lot of condescension. Small wonder.
She flexed her heavily bandaged hand around the telephone cable and tried not to bang the receiver against the desk with the other.
“Cut the crap, Henry. I called you. Answer my question.”
She could hear him fumbling with something as he prepared to answer, playing for time.
Wu knew he couldn’t keep her in the dark any longer about what he had failed to tell her several weeks ago. Ruso had gotten wise after her accident and kept insisting there was something wrong with the raptor infant.
“I mean…I suppose it’s entirely possible that the accelerated growth genes we were forced to insert to meet deadlines could also code for increased aggression, or it might be a side effect thereof.”
Lori pursed her lips. That explained it then. The raptor was always on the hunt for food to fuel it’s rapidly growing body. It was desperate. The laboratory staff couldn’t defrost the vacuum-packed bags of chicks, a special order from the mainland, fast enough.
Why in God’s name had nobody told her?
“It’s always hungry, Henry. Hungry and grumpy. It lunges at the bars whenever I go near, someone else has to feed it now. With tongs.” Lori thought back to her cute little hatchling of six weeks prior, the many sleepless nights watching every rise and fall of its tiny ribcage, desperately hoping it would survive. Now she wished it would die. The raptor clearly wanted another shot at Lori’s remaining fingers. She had half a mind to take the laboratory chemicals down there and, well…accidents happen, don’t they?
Oh, I’m so sorry, Mr Hammond, she didn’t make it after all. Too bad.
The problem was, Lori had figured out she was under observation. She’d heard the murmurs that stopped as soon as she walked into the room, caught the sideways glances from people she thought were her friends. InGen was making sure she didn’t blab, her every move was being watched.
Wu heaved a long, drawn-out sigh. Dr Ruso’s voice was flat and emotionless, she sounded close to breaking. “We’ll sort something out, Lori. Hang tight a little longer. And I am sorry about your hand.”
You’re just being polite. The flowers Hammond had sent Lori, care of Gennaro, obviously, were already wilting on her desk in the heat. As pathetic, sad and meaningless as Wu’s apology.
Lori hung up, disgusted, while Dr Wu was still talking, but it was a while before he noticed she was gone, already distracted by new ideas.
This was what Hammond wanted, wasn’t it? The lions, tigers and bears were what everyone came to see at the zoo. Zebras, antelope, all the various herbivores that ambled around and grazed all day just weren’t as interesting. Hammond wanted meat-eaters, big ones. Something to make the kids jump and squeal.
The raptor was perfect. If they could figure out a way to handle her, she’d be a global star overnight once the park opened. Maybe even more popular than the rex.
Wasn’t there an ethologist among the new recruits? Wu had overheard Richardson and Muldoon talking in the canteen. She might be of some use in managing the juvenile. He could approach her about it, maybe she could pick up where Lori left off once the infant was relocated to Nublar?
It was probably for the best VM2308 left Sorna as soon as possible. She’d have a bigger enclosure, for one thing. But perhaps her problems were due to being raised as an only child. She was a spoiled brat. She had no stimulation from members of her own species. She needed companionship.
Yes, yes, that could be it.
They needed more raptors.
“Was that you?” Kathy pointed in passing at the bloody handprints on the wall outside Muldoon’s office.
“Regretfully, yes.”
“Listen up, before you go in there-“ Kathy took Lizzy’s arm and looked back and forth down the corridor before she continued in a low voice. “-advice from old blue-eyes, Richardson will almost certainly try to make you lash out at him again so he can write you up, don’t take the bait.”
Lizzy shuffled foot to foot. That would be difficult. But she nodded and smiled at Kathy. “I’ll try. For you, of course.”
“Good, don’t you even think about leaving me here on this island. With all these boys.” Kathy pulled her in for a hug and rubbed her back. “You did your best, baby.”
“Wish you were coming with me. Muldoon said something about being allowed a witness.”
Kathy just smiled knowingly. “I got stuff to do.”
“What stuff?” Lizzy frowned.
“No offence girl, but that’s for me to know-“ Kathy knocked twice on the door and swung it open, bundling Lizzy inside. “-and you to find out. Remember what I said!”
Lizzy scrabbled at the door as it closed behind her, then froze, Muldoon and Richardson were sitting behind the desk, waiting for her. And in a chair with his back to her, was Tom.
What’s he doing here?
I thought it was just me?
“Oh, Hel- hello. Hi. Hello.” Lizzy dragged her feet over to the empty chair beside her nemesis and sat down, the pair of them uncomfortably close together.
“Good afternoon, Elizabeth. You look much more presentable now.” Richardson checked his watch and noted something down on the paper in front of him, muttering something that sounded an awful lot like tsk two minutes late.
Oh, shove that up your-
“Thank you.” She muttered passively, trying to keep her heart rate under control and not daring to crack wise.
Lizzy heard Kathy’s voice in her mind, her guardian angel. Don’t take the bait.
She snuck a glance up to Tom and recoiled when she saw he now had a black eye, an ugly purple welt under his bottom lid. “What-“
He shook his head imperceptibly, not returning her stare. Lizzy started to panic.
Did I do that? In the paddock? I don’t remember hitting him, but…did I-
Richardson cleared his throat and pressed the red record button on the dictaphone set up on his desk, the reels on the cassette tape inside starting to turn slowly.
“Shall we begin?”
By the end of the meeting, Muldoon had noticed with some amusement that Armstrong’s forehead vein was popping with the effort of keeping her emotions in check.
The tiny but furious Scotswoman had gotten off lightly, in his opinion. She’d grudgingly apologised to Richardson for her behaviour, her left eye twitching as she did so. Kennedy had taken his turn next and apologised to Armstrong for misleading her. Clearly neither of them meant a word of it. But for appearances sake, it worked.
“I think we have everything we need. Thank you, both. You’re free to go.” Richardson motioned at his office door.
“No, thank you.” Lizzy ground out dryly, spinning her ring around her finger. Even she couldn’t tell anymore whether her tone was overly polite or just plain sarcastic. Tom grunted and pushed his seat away from the desk barging ahead of her to the door, so much for chivalry. Or even basic manners. She was just dying to ask what happened to his eye. Who had done it?
Lizzy dared to look back as they were leaving, hoping for a clue, a sign that her repentance had been enough.
God she wanted to stay. She really, really wanted to stay on the island.
Richardson was busy rewinding the dictaphone and jotting down more notes, distracted. Muldoon on the other hand, was very much watching Lizzy make her way to the exit. His gaze shot upwards to meet her eyes when she was suddenly no longer facing away from him.
Their non-verbal didn’t kick in. Not this time. She wasn’t able to read anything. Apart from, unless she was imagining things, he looked slightly guilty. Lizzy ventured a half smile as she turned to close the door. Weird. But the meeting could have gone worse, much worse.
Speaking of which…
Lizzy hurried after Tom and tapped him on the shoulder. “What’s with the black eye?”
He rounded on her. “Hell, will you just shut up? For two dang seconds?!”
Unperturbed, Lizzy carried on with the next question on her never-ending list. “Too soon? I was meaning to ask, why did you help me?”
“Huh?” Tom looked lost. Helped her, when?
“In the paddock earlier, you just appeared out of the blue and helped me keep pressure on the Maiasaur’s wound. Feeling guilty, were we?” She cocked an eyebrow.
He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. “Like I said, your grubby paws weren’t doing shit. Figured we should at least try. Not that it mattered anyway.”
“I don’t get you.” They started to walk again, Lizzy watching him carefully, pretending to fiddle with her watch strap. “You’re hot and cold with me, and I don’t know what I’ve done to offend you so badly. What’s the deal?”
“We’re not doing this now.” Tom doubled his pace and left her behind, standing in the middle of the corridor.
“Doing what, Tom?” She called after him, confused. “What?!”
“Just a minute, Robert.” Richardson called Muldoon back as he stood up to make his escape.
What is it this time? His heart sank into his boots.
“While I’ve got you here, why don’t we decide who ends up on which Team?”
“They still have three days-“
“Oh, I’ve already made up my mind. I know you have too. Why wait?”
Muldoon wanted to catch up with Armstrong. Richardson had finally agreed at the last minute not to send a memo to the top brass provided he had a quiet word with her about her “attitude problem”. She was on Strike One and Two, apparently.
“If it were up to me we wouldn’t bloody even have Leaders-“ Muldoon was aware his own temper was dangerously frayed. “I told you, that’s exactly how to pit them against each other instead of working together. Now Armstrong and Kennedy are at each other’s throats and everyone else is taking sides!”
Richardson was shaking his head. “You need a second in command, as do I. You can’t be here all the time.” He paused and smirked. “Aren’t you going back to visit Kenya soon, anyway?”
That was a whole other problem. He had to see his daughter, but he was already uneasy about leaving the park for any length of time. Who knew how much chaos Armstrong alone would create without someone to keep an eye on her?
“That’s correct.”
Richardson waited for him to elaborate, when it became apparent there was nothing further to say he picked up a pen from the stationary pot on his desk and irritatingly clicked it rapid-fire.
“Right then, let’s get the big one out of the way. Leader for Carnivores?”
“Baker.” Muldoon said without hesitation.
Richardson almost dropped his pen in surprise. “Really? Katherine? The black girl?”
Muldoon gestured at the sheet of paper. “Write her down.”
“Not Kennedy?” Richardson hovered the pen hopefully, willing for a last minute about-turn. “I don’t particularly want her on my Team, so it makes no difference to me. But Leader, are you sure? She’s not much of an authority.”
“Because she’s never been given the chance. She can do it. With Kennedy it’s become very clear he’s only looking out for number one.”
“But, a girl-“ Richardson wheedled.
“I know you would have done your best to ignore her while she was training with you-“ Richardson began to look very uncomfortable. “But she’s more than capable. The rest will do what she asks. And if they don’t she can send them straight to me.”
“Alright, I see your point. Even if she is a female. Time will tell.”
“I’ll take Kennedy too. I want to keep an eye on him after his mishap today.”
Richardson seemed taken aback but nodded. “Fair enough. At least he’s on Carnivores. No doubt I’d be getting a phonecall from his old haunt in San Antonio if he wasn’t.”
“For the last time, that’s not the basis we should be making these decisions on-“
They worked through the rest of the names with minimal dissension until there were only two remaining. One person each.
Richardson paused, clicking his pen again. “What about the elephant girl in the room, Elizabeth?”
“Good day to you, animal handlers, it is a be-a-u-tiful evening on Isla Nublar-“ Ray Arnold’s dulcet, slightly bored tones rang out over their radios. “-ing can’t do this shit, getting to the point, the list of who feeds who is on the corkboard in the canteen, next to the wonderful crayon drawing by my baby girl which I’m sure you’ve all been admiring-“
Lizzy, Kathy and Isaac stopped chattering and listened intently.
“-if you want to get your asses over there and find out if you’re a salad bar attendant or king of the grill before the gossip train leaves the station, now’s the time. Over and out.”
“Wait, already?” Kathy sprang to attention. “I thought that wasn’t happening ‘til next week!”
Her sham-acting was admirable, at least she already knew which group she was in. For the other handlers, their bosses may as well have flipped a coin, it was anyone’s guess.
Lizzy didn’t know what she’d been expecting. That they would all be sat down and told at the same time, similar to the gravitas of their orientation day? Lined up on the stage and paraded out one by one, like a graduation? No, a piece of paper on the staff noticeboard was deemed enough fanfare. Honestly, she was relieved.
Kathy was already dragging her and Isaac to their feet and pulling them along to the canteen. “Hurry, c’mon, we gotta check!”
They were the first ones there. Kathy tipped her glasses down from her forehead and squinted at the list with her tongue out.
*Travis Palmer
Julian Yamada
Isaac Harris
Rico Esteves
*Katherine Baker
Tom Kennedy
Larry O’Reilly
Elizabeth Armstrong
“Lizzy, what does that mean? That star beside my name?” Kathy pointed. “Why am I at the top of the list?”
“I think it means you’re Team Leader.” Lizzy blindly grabbed for her friend’s hand and squeezed. “Along with Travis. Well bloody done woman!”
“Shit!” Kathy squeaked. “I didn’t- I don’t-“
“You did and you do and you will!” Lizzy said firmly. At least that was one good thing to come of losing the Maiasaur, Tom had been knocked out of the running for first prize.
“Aw man.” Isaac sounded disappointed. “I thought I was getting to keep Liz, at least. I’m by myself!”
“Sorry, big guy.” Lizzy patted the highest point of his arm that she could reach. “I guess the paddock incident earlier meant I didn’t get what I wanted.“
But I did get what I wanted. I’m staying.
“I did it…” Kathy whispered, she still couldn’t believe her eyes. “Holy crap, Mama’s gonna be so proud of me! I gotta call her!”
The trio moved to the side and watched as the rest of the handlers filed in one by one and read their names off the paper. High-fives and back slaps for Travis, and sympathetic one-arm hugs for Tom. Good game, good game.
Larry, her new teammate, waved at Lizzy across the canteen and gave her finger guns. The Australian wasn’t so bad, she could have a laugh with him easily enough. But Tom wouldn’t even acknowledge her now. Lizzy almost missed his constant heckling. She made up her mind to find out what was really going on with the Texan. Something was very wrong, and she had a feeling it wasn’t just the job.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Kathy put a comforting arm around her waist. “I mean, I’m obviously thrilled we’re staying together, but you didn’t get Leader, you didn’t even get Herbivores, I thought you really wanted that? C’mon, surely there’s been some sort of mistake? I’ll go with you to talk to Muldoon, if you want?”
Kathy assumed that even with the paddock incident, Lizzy would still get her way, she was the big herbivore expert after all! It was silly not to put her on that Team with all her knowledge. But this was a complete one-eighty. Previously her friend hadn’t seemed even a little bit interested in the meat-eaters.
“Oh, I’m fine.” Lizzy grinned, completely truthful.
Why would she be upset? She was still working on a tropical island, with dinosaurs, for God’s sake!
Not Herbivore Leader like she originally wanted, no, but at least she was getting to stay. She had the promise of some undercover ethology studies on the side. She was going to be working with Kathy. And after the way she’d been treated that afternoon she had decided to set her sights a fraction higher, take Muldoon’s advice, and aim for Richardson’s job instead.
It might take a while, but she’d get hers.
Lizzy had survived the first six weeks, and things were looking up.
Training done, and we’re onto the next “part” of the story! Thank you for sticking with it thus far!
I did not mean for updating this to take so long, just believe me when I say March and the start of April have been CRAP.
April 4th marked 23 years since Bob Peck (Muldoon) passed away. I left a little note at the top of this chapter on Ao3. You are remembered Bob, thank you ❤️
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shinydelirium · 3 years
MLQC Season 2 Chapter 21 (Kiro) Part 2 [Chaotic Space] & [Tacit Agreement] Translation [CN]
For previous translations of chapter 21: Part 1
[Chaotic Space]
We made our way to the hotel lobby.
Every waiter who passed by Helios only gave him a small glimpse. He continued to do his own thing as if he was already used to such behavior and just let it pass him by.
I tugged on his sleeve and motioned for him to come closer.
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MC: Do you know something about their expressions?
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Helios: No.
Helios: They only know that I’m a “special guest.”
A playful smile crept into his eyes but at this time the lobby manager stepped forward and stood in front of us, casting accusing eyes on Helios.
Manager: Sir, I hope you will not cause trouble to the other guests.
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Faced with such a firm and awe-inspiring question, Helios smiled lazily and turned his head to look at me.
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Helios: Are you troubled?
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I shook my head, feeling the manager’s face darken a little bit, and Helios’ smile became more triumphant and mocking.
Manager: If you are threatened, you can tell me right away. This guest has a history of taking other people’s belongings.
Helios: So much rubbish.          
Helios: Step aside.
Helios stepped forward impatiently, took me towards the door and I looked at him with a snicker.
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MC: You’re not stealing people’s cell phones to send text messages, are you?
Helios: I tried normal communication.
He said this nonchalantly, warning the waiters who were observing secretly.
Helios: They just want to keep me here as ordered and restrict my communication with the outside world.
Helios: On the other hand, as long as I don’t leave here, I can do as I please.
MC: But if that’s the case, you can walk straight out the exit, right? How can you not be able to leave?
Helios: That is what makes this hotel interesting.
As we talked, we arrived at a door and Helios pushed it away while I stared blankly.
A dazzling light shines through the crack of the door. As we moved forward, it instantly covers my entire vision—
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An embellished blue is embellished in front of my eyes. The sound of waves rushes to my ears, sweeping away the fatigue and burden of this period in time.
In the distance, a few people were on surfboards riding and jumping over the waves and women in bikinis lay on the beach sunbathing.
I stared at Helios next to me in a daze and he seemed to be unsurprised as though he had seen this scene many times.
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MC: Have we crossed?
Helios: ….
MC: Is this the work of an Evolver?
Helios didn’t seem to want to explain anything. He took a handful of sand from the ground and stuffed it into my hand.
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Helios: Hold onto it tightly.
In the next second, he took my shoulder and walked to the other side of the beach.
Under the bright, hot sun, my forehead unknowingly oozes thin sweat.
I don’t know how long it has been until a door similar to the one before appeared.
Helios pushed open the door skillfully and pulled me in.
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The sun behind him suddenly disappeared and was replaced by an endless field. Many stars covered the entire night sky.
Before I could marvel at the sight, Helios raised my hand to my eyes.
Helios: Open your hand.
I obeyed his words and opened my fingers gently and the dense, fine sand was scattered like smoke and dust under the starry sky, quietly falling down to the ground.
It’s so real that it sends chills down one’s spine.
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Helios: Although it is not clear what the principle is, it should be the use of “doors” to connect many real spaces together.
MC: Do you mean this is actually Loveland City or somewhere on Earth?
Helios: No, all you see here are people who come to the hotel.
Helios: It should be some kind of different space.
He took me to walk in the star-shrouded wilderness. The crescent moon bends and the night wind swept over the weeds making a rustling sound.
Maybe because Helios is here, my heart is incredibly calm.
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Helios: What’s wrong?
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MC: Although I think it might not be a good time to say this kind of thing, don’t you think it’s beautiful here?
Helios: I brought you here because of the beauty. ***UWUWUWUWUWUWU!!! 🥺💕That is classic Kiro!!!***
Helios: Otherwise, I wouldn’t have taken you away like this.
I was surprised. Helios’ expression was faint as if this the answer was obvious.
MC: Is there anything else that’s weird here?
Helios snorted and reached out his hand to count.
Helios: Volcano eruptions, Tyrannosaurus in Jurassic Park, valleys full of poisonous insects, tropical rain forests, deserts, polar regions….
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MC: ….
MC: ….It seems that you have suffered a lot.
Helios: At least it gave me some fun.
Before we knew it, we came to another door again. After he opened it skillfully, he led me to step on the clouds.
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I looked down and dizziness swept through me.
MC: …This is?
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Helios: A rare and special place.
He pulled me to sit on the clouds, soft as velvet, and the pale pink sky seemed to be within reach.
MC: Do you remember where all these doors lead to?
Helios: Each space has a door with at least three doors and at most six doors and the space leading to it is basically fixed.
Helios: Try a few more times and you will know.
I looked back against the light. How long has he been trapped here and how many attempts has he made by himself?
MC: What does it mean “basically fixed”?
Helios: When I first arrived, I went through the doors several times and the space changed.
Helios: I was short on time so I haven’t found a pattern yet. This place is bigger than I thought.
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MC: Wouldn’t it be dangerous if a guest ended up in the wrong place?
Helios: Not that dangerous.
He turned his head and half of his body was already out of the clouds.
I subconsciously wanted to catch him. The friction felt fleeting at my fingertips and I watched in horror as Helios gradually receded.
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MC: ….!
Helios smiled calmly. In the next second, he squeezed my palm—
Gravity pulled me down quickly like a boulder. At the same time, his arm tightened and he took me into his arms.
I stared at his eyes blankly. My heart beat violently because of the weightlessness as light and shadow past behind me.
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Helios: Don’t be afraid.
At the end of my field of vision, I saw a vast expanse of whiteness. We seem to have fallen into the end of the light.
Suddenly, we seem to have landed onto a very soft place and even bounced back a few times.
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I opened my eyes, propped up, and found myself lying on a bed with Helios beside me looking at me with a smile.
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Helios: Now you understand.
Helios: Someone in the hotel is secretly manipulating everything.
Helios: You can only appear where you “should” appear.
From a drawer, Helios pulled out a piece of paper with many weird graphics on it and pointed to one of them.
Helios: Like I said before, this here is a different special space just like this Rubik’s Cube…
MC: Wait a sec.
I looked at the distorted three-dimensional figure on the paper in confusion.
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MC: ….I can’t tell that this is a Rubik’s Cube.
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Helios: …..
***In case any of you don’t know, it’s a known fact that Kiro’s drawing skills suck😆. He ain’t no Piscasso but I still love him as Mr. Spicy Chips🥰🥰🥰 ***
Helios’ expression was a bit stiff. He took out a pen and drew a more distorted figure on a blank space.
I lay on the bed and couldn’t help laughing.
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Helios: That funny, huh?
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MC: No, it’s nothing.
I tried to suppress my laughter but seeing Helios’ expression, I couldn’t help but let it out.
I took the pen from his hand, turned over the paper, and drew a regular three-dimensional figure of a Rubik’s Cube.
MC: Rubik’s Cube…as you were saying.
Helios looked at the figure I drew in a daze. Finally, he turned his head and let out a faint chuckle.
He cleared his throat and pointed to the Rubik’s Cube. 
***I just absolutely love how these two interact with one another😂😂😂***
Helios: After my investigation, I suspected that every space in the hotel is like each square on a Rubik’s Cube.
Helios: Therefore, the number of doors will vary depending on the position of each block.
Helios: However, the space we have just experienced is the state of the Rubik’s Cube at rest.
Helios: But if the “Cube” is rotated, the space will change.
MC: Isn’t that troublesome?
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Helios snorted coldly, his eyes flashing with disdain.
Helios: Even if it gets disrupted again, it can’t erase the “Rubik’s Cube” itself.
Helios: There will be no way out.
[Tacit Agreement]
For the rest of the time, I tried to digest what Helios said, but I kept finding it strange.
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MC: Let us not mention for the time being whether the people who were taken away from the Wish Club were brought to the Wish Hotel.
MC: For this hotel alone, it serves Evolvers under the guise of storing Evol…
MC: Just to trap them here?
MC: If it’s that’s the case, what happened to that guest I saw leaving when I came here?
Helios: Nothing but a cover.
Helios casually grabbed a pillow, leaned on my side, and laid his arms on top.
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Helios: Whether it’s “stored” or not, the Evol of the guests in the hotel is indeed gone.
MC: ?!
Helios: This hotel has equipment for detecting Evol energy.
Helios: I saw that were no Evol energy fluctuations in anyone.
Helios: After realizing this, I confirmed that every guest who leaves the hotel is the same.
MC: How did you do that….
Helios: Haven’t found it yet.
Helios: Customers who accept the Evol “storage” service should have a special “door”.
There was a cold glint in Helios’ eyes.
MC: But it feels that there are not a few guests here and there is no description of Wish Hotel from the outside world.
MC: Does it mean that these storage behaviors are voluntary?
Helios: That’s not important.
He turned his head and looked at me lazily. It might have been my imagination but his eyes seemed somewhat tired.
Helios: The important thing is that the Evol energy that originally existed was indeed “taken away”.
Helios: They won’t be taken away for no reason.
Suddenly, I thought of something and looked at Helios in front of me. I sat up abruptly.
MC: This strange hotel is also related to the foundation that should serve ordinary people.
MC: The foundation is doing things for GR again.
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MC: Could there be GR members behind this hotel?
MC: Are they collecting Evol energy for research? Or looking for CORE?
Helios: You have quite the habit of asking a lot of questions.
Helios closed his eyes. His reaction didn’t seem surprising.
Helios: Find the person behind the hotel and then we will know everything.
Helios: Thinking more is a waste of brain power.
MC:…You’re right.
I mumbled and went back to the bed again, looking at the man with his eyes closed, my brain spinning constantly.
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MC: That being the case, I have a good idea. Maybe I can find the person responsible.
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Helios: No way.
Helios didn’t open his eyes as if he completely guessed what I was going to say.
MC: I haven’t said anything yet.
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Helios: No way.
Helios opened his eyes with dissatisfied and the light outside the window fell on his distinct eyelashes through the soft gauze of the curtains.
Looking at the more vivid person in front of me, I couldn’t help but raise the corners of my mouth.
MC: I am now a “guest” of this hotel and it’s only reasonable to enjoy their special services.
MC: Since I’m here, even if I don’t ask for it, they will definitely achieve their goal in another way.
Helios: I have other options.
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MC: Definitely not faster and more straightforward than mine.
MC: Besides, didn’t we also cooperate perfectly in that Hunter Game before?
I stared at him calmly and gently grabbed the corner of his sleeve.
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MC: I believe you will protect me.
Helios’s eyes became turbulent.
Helios: No third time.
After speaking, he took out the wooden board on the side of the bed and in his hand was a microcomputer.
MC: How can you still have a microcomputer?
Helios: I dismantled several computers at the front desk.
Helios: There wasn’t enough time. Only set up the intranet.
Helios said casually and quickly started typing on the keyboard.
Helios: You’re in room 2176? ***It’s not a Kiro chapter without some numeric slang sprinkled in. MC is staying in “Love You Kiro” room🥺💕***
MC: Yeah, you found this out too?
Helios didn’t speak, only a soft hum was left in the air.
Then, he took out two small devices from another cassette and stuffed them into my hand.
Helios: Communication equipment. Put it in your ears.
MC: Where did you remove this from? You didn’t take apart the phones in the hotel too, did you?
Helios only raised the corners mouth slightly, set aside the satellite computer, grabbed my wrist and pulled me down.
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Helios: So many questions.
He made no attempt to hide the fatigue in his voice. He sighed as if he could finally feel relieved.
Helios: I haven’t slept well these days. Let me rest for a while.
[End of Part 2]
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autolenaphilia · 3 years
The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle
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A photograph of Conan Doyle (as Challenger) and friends, dressed up as the expedition in the novel, and published with the novel in its original serialization in the Strand Magazine.
The Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle, first published in 1912, is one of the most influential adventure novels ever. It had its predecessors in Victorian fiction, such as Verne’s Journey to The Centre of the Earth and Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines, both are actually referenced to in the text as a homage. But The Lost World is still one of the models for stories about adventure in general and dinosaurs in particular. You can see traces of its influence in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Pellucidar stories, the Indiana Jones movies and the Jurassic Park books and movies (the second book and movie were both titled “The Lost World” in reference to Conan Doyle).
It is about the discovery of an almost inaccessible plateau in the South American Amazon, “The Lost World” of the title. The hot-blooded English zoologist Professor Challenger is the first to bring back news of it to the Western world. He argues that on the plateau, creatures long thought exist still live, including dinosaurs. Challenger organizes an expedition from London to explore the plateau further. It consists of the journalist Edward Malone, who is also the narrator of the book, Lord John Roxton, a hunter and adventurer and Professor Summerlee, a rival scientist to Challenger.
The book is undoubtedly a fun and exciting read. The story about venturing into the unknown, encountering dangers and finding supposedly extinct creatures like dinosaurs is well-told and exciting. The use of a first person narrator, Malone, writing down the adventure as it happens adds a sense of suspense and immediacy to the story.
The sense of fun is added to by the humour of the book. The adventure elements of the book exist in union with strong elements of comedy. The book, for all its influence on the subsequent genre, came late to the era of imperial victorian/edwardian adventure fiction. And there is an element of parody to it’s awareness of the genre’s conventions. Professor Challenger is a strange character, and the book pokes fun at his self-centredness, self importance, mood swings and general eccentricity in behaviour and appearance.  It also takes six entire chapters out of this 16 chapter novel before the adventurous journey begins. And this beginning part of the book, set in London, besides introducing the plot and characters, is primarily comedic.
There is of course an inherent difficulty in such switches of moods between suspenseful adventure and comedy, but the narrative manages it well.
Certainly, the portrayal of dinosaurs is outdated in many ways, although the strength of the storytelling is able to overcome any such problems. The differences to our modern understanding of dinosaurs, both pop cultural and scientific, are still interesting. For example the large carnivorous dinosaur that threatens the heroes is either an “allosaurus” or “megalosaurus” (neither Challenger or Summerlee are quite sure), when that role in a modern work would naturally be filled by a T-Rex.
But the dinosaur science is sadly not the only thing that is outdated. Being an adventure novel from 1912, the underlying ideology of the book is clearly colonialist and influenced by the racist thought dominant at the time. The time period merely explains, not excuses it. The very premise of the book rests on the far from innocent ideology of the white “explorer” and “discoverer”.  
It is telling that Challenger and his doomed American predecessor Maple White are viewed as the “discovers” of the plateau solely because they are the first white men to stumble upon it. They later discover a tribe of “indians” had not only discovered the plateau first but even settled it, but this is treated as of lesser importance than Challenger’s discovery of it.
The racism is on display in the depiction of the book’s human villains, who are described as “half-breeds”. It is not stated but implied their mixed-race origins led to their villainy. It is most evident in the “apemen” the explorers find on the plateau. They are a “missing link” between apes and modern humans. They are explicitly stated to be entirely non-human for unclear reasons, a purely evil and repugnant species, fit only for extermination and slavery. The ape-men might not be intended as analogues for a racial other, as their non-human nature stands in contrast to the people of colour in the book, but the effect is still present.
The treatment of people of colour is complicated, because it is not uniformly negative. The black assistant Zambo is treated sympathetically, as is the “indians” the explorers find on the plateau. But the portrayals rest on stereotypes, the loyal black servant and the primitive native tribe. And it is always dependent on those sympathetic people of colour being subservient in varying degrees to the white heroes. The Indian tribe is the closest the book gets to a complex portrayal, as their members have differences of opinion and the possibility of them turning on the white heroes is always a possibility, without that marking them as evil.
The duality between “civilized” and “barbaric” is also undercut in ironic ways sometimes.  In fighting the apemen, the white heroes gets involved in a “primitive” darwinian struggle for survival and even the narrator is taken back by his own bloodlust. When they leave, there is also the sense that their discovery will lead to the western exploitation of this untouched wilderness, destroying it.
The book’s comedic elements resurface when Professor Challenger is also shown to have a near-doppelganger in the form of the leader of the apemen, which enables him to get on a friendly footing with their leader. This revelation is foreshadowed by the contradictions in Challenger’s character, who seems to combine both the aspects of civilization and the “barbaric” or animalistic in one person. He is an intelligent scientist, but can also be a hairy, violent and emotional brute. Challenger is not a very sympathetic character, despite his heroic traits, but these contradictions make him interesting.
Another factor is that the novel also bears traces of Conan Doyle’s own stance against the worst crimes of imperialism. The character of Lord John Roxton is influenced by Roger Casement, who was Conan Doyle’s friend and ally against the abuses in the Belgian Congo under King Leopold’s rule. Casement later reported on human rights abuses against virtually enslaved native workers on rubber plantations in Peru. This influenced Roxton’s backstory in the novel, where he is said to have waged a veritable war against a similar (or perhaps even identical) situation in Peru.
The Lost World is highly worth reading for anyone who looking for a fun adventure novel. Of course the reader’s enjoyment is predicated on them being able to look past it being a deeply imperialist text. But if you are able to do so, you’ll find a highly entertaining story in its pages. Those who like me love the Sherlock Holmes stories will find the immense writing and storytelling skills of Arthur Conan Doyle fully evident in this book.
I read the Oxford World Classics edition of the book, which I highly recommend chiefly for its annotations, created by Ian Duncan. They explain a lot of obscure words and references to contemporary political and cultural events and other novels that I would otherwise have missed. The introduction by Duncan should really have been placed as an afterword (it is best read after the reader has read the novel), but is good at explaining the historical context and ideological underpinnings of the novel. The Oxford edition was really helpful in my writing this review.
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phlebasphoenician · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
Thank you so much for tagging me and inviting me to play, @silverutahraptor!
This is fairly long so I’m putting it under a cut.
1. How many fics on AO3?
99 as of today!
2. Total AO3 wordcount?
Of that, 481,556 was in 2021.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Okay, this is a lot!
Naruto (88)
Original Work (4)
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (4)
Mulan (1998) (1)
The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien (1)
The Lord of the Rings (Movies) (1)
Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) (1)
Sleeping Beauty (1959) (1)
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - James Thurber (1)
Jurassic Park - All Media Types (1)
Aladdin (1992) (1)
Brave (2012) (1)
Frozen (Disney Movies) (1)
The Authority (1)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) (1)
Beauty and the Beast (1991) (1)
Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands (1)
Philip Marlowe - Raymond Chandler (1)
Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness (1)
Fruits Basket (Anime 2001) (1)
Pet Shop of Horrors (1)
Tangled (2010) (1)
The Little Mermaid (1989) (1)
ヒカルの碁 | Hikaru no Go (Anime & Manga) (1)
Fruits Basket (1)
Cinderella (1950) (1)
Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types (1)
Moana (2016) (1)
4. Top Five by Kudos?
Escape and Evade (Madara/Tobirama)
Silence is Golden (Tobirama/Izuna)
Caught and Captured (Madara/Tobirama)
Life Come to Life (Tobirama/Izuna)
Wild Wolves (Kakashi/Iruka)
5. Do you respond to comments, why/why not?
Oh, I always respond to comments, and usually within 24 to 48 hours! I love chatting with people about my stories and it often sparks new ideas or helps to conceptualise free floating world building/characterisation which is wonderful.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
That would be a tie breaker.
Either A World Well Lost (Harry Potter, surprise pairing) or Love Wears a Mask (Naruto, Danzou/Kagami). Both of them are tagged 'Dead Dove: Do Not Eat' for a reason.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes, I do!
The craziest one that I've ever written is The Secret Lives of Marilyn and Susan Short, an homage to The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber as well as a commentary on the concept of the Mary Sue in fanfiction.
8. Have you received hate on a fic?
I don't mind constructive criticism as a rule, but I've received comments and commentary that definitely crossed the line into rudeness, or that seemed intended to hurt and be destructive.
Some of them, especially on Escape and Evade, actually made me afraid to write about Mito or from her perspective for fear that I would get yelled at again. In several cases, I felt compelled to write long comments defending my authorial choices.
It probably didn't help that Escape and Evade was the first time that I'd written fanfiction in 15 years.
Needless to say, it was not an enjoyable experience for me.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, I do!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully, no. At least not that I'm aware of! I don't think I'm a popular enough author for that kind of thing to happen.
11. Ever had a fic translated?
12. Ever co-written a fic before?
Hm, kind of?
People have thrown lines at me which I've spun into stories, and I've worked with the fantastic @kurakura0-0 on fiction and art collaborations!
On a less deliberate note, I also wrote Ariel for which the amazing @good-grievance wrote a sequel, and we published them as a single story because they made better sense that way. However we didn’t really set out to collaborate on it.
13. All time favourite ship?
I don't actually have one!
I'm a multi shipper and I don't really have an OTP in Naruto which is the fandom that I'm currently the most active in.
I couldn't choose amongst all of my fandom ships for a favourite either.
Instead, I offer my oldest ship, the ship that I've had since I was a wee little fan - Gambit/Rogue. My second oldest ship would be Charles/Erik. X-Men was my first fandom.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
I only have three WIPs that I'm partway through publishing on AO3, and one of them is only a WIP because it ran into the new 75 tag limit and bounced! 🤣
It's actually complete, and the other two are actively being published. I’m committed to publishing a chapter a day on my main series.
All of my other WIPs (of which there are many) are just waiting their turn to be worked on. None of them fall into the category of being unable to be finished.
I only have one work that I've tagged 'Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued' and that's A Third Wish for Miranda, an original fiction work that would be about novel length if I ever finished it. I still like it quite a bit and I'd love to finish it, but I abandoned it because it ran into a plot hole that I had no idea how to fix. When I wrote it, I didn't have the skills to take it any further. Perhaps someday!
15. What are your writing strengths?
Oooh, I'm not sure! The ability to deconstruct my writing and troubleshoot it when I'm having issues, perhaps. Alternatively, world building.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, too many to count!
My paragraphs are far often too short, my writing isn't as visceral or descriptive as it should be, my smut isn't hot enough or is too repetitive... there's lots of areas that I want to work on!
17. What are your thoughts of writing dialogue in other languages?
I wouldn't mind it, and I often include words in my writing that are from languages other than English. However, they need to be there for a reason and they must be penetrable to the reader.
I could see myself writing two characters speaking in a foreign language in front of a third character who isn't supposed to understand them for example.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter in 2005.
19. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh my, I don't think I could choose!
If I absolutely had to pick, I'd probably say To Tempt a Target simply because it was a story that was so hard to write, but also a story that I put so much of myself into.
Tagging, but only if you want to, no pressure ❤️: @longliveustherecklessandthebrave , @woofgang69 , @heyitswrenn , @hidendumbassvillage , @greyduckgreygoose , @emilx311 , @sqbr , and anyone else who wants to!
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majingojira · 3 years
Brief Review of Every Dinosaur/Prehistoric Documentary/Educational Short I’ve ever seen (1923-1996).
And thanks to a certain project, I’ve seen a LOT! 
Evolution (1923) - This is the oldest of the bunch, a silent film.  Mostly it uses modern animals to represent ancient forms, with a few statues and brief animated bits to fill things out. The only real highlight?  Seeing where some of the “film real” segment from Gigantis the Fire Monster comes from! 
Monsters from the Past (1923) - A short documentary with original stop motion (this was pre-The Lost World, so that’s to be expected).  Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus, and Brontosaurus are the key creatures. Included as an extra on the second DVD release of The Lost World. 
Prehistoric Animals (1938) - Reuses footage from The Lost World (1925) for its prehistoric segments. This will not be the last time it happens. 
Prehistoric Times: The World Before Man (1952) - This thing is so quintessentially 1950s, it’s highly riff-able.  It uses a mix of paintings, sculptures and some live animals to represent prehistoric life.  
A World Is Born (1955) - Ya know what Fantasia needed?  Overbearing Narration! That’s it.  That’s what this documentary is.  I saw this thing rebroadcast in the 90s on the Disney Channel, believe it or not. 
The Animal World (1956) - Ray Harryhausen.  Willis O’Brian. Their stop motion segment is the ONLY notable part of this documentary.  This is also the only part that has seen some release in modern times, as a bonus feature on the DVD of The Black Scorpion.  
Prehistoric Animals of the Tar Pits (1956) - Black and white, but also quintessentially 50s and riff-able.  Aside from the bones, it shows some wooden models to represent the animals. 
Journey into Time (1960) - Fantasia this is not, but it TRIES to be.  Lord it tries.  Or, rather, there’s a Fantasia-adjacent thing elsewhere which does the same thing.  Has some unique choices for animals to represent, including showing Permian forms like Scutusaurus and Inostrancevia. 
Dem Dry Bones: Archaeology, Paleontology, Identification, and Preservation (1966) - This was a lucky find, it was on Youtube for half a second.  And not worth digging out, really.  Stuffy, dry, and mildly condescending.  It was still interesting looking at the dinosaur hall of the Smithsonian back in the 1950s. 
Dinosaurs - The Terrible Lizard (1970) - The stop motion here is pretty neat, if slow and plodding, it’s refreshing after all this crap. The puppets for many of these would later be re-used for The Land of the Lost.  Including Grumpy, Alice, and Spot. 
NOVA: The Hot-Blooded Dinosaurs (1977) - Robert Bakker’s first appearance in a documentary.  HE HAS SUCH LONG HAIR!  Not bad, a little dry, with National Geographic titles.  It reminds me of 1990s documentaries, just so show how long it’s taken for various ideas to filter down.  Currently, it’s available on Archive.org. 
Dinosaurs: A First Film (1978) - The art style for this half-animated 70s abomination makes identifying various prehistoric animals almost impossible.  Almost painful to sit through. Stops with the Dinosaurs. 
Dinosaurs: The Age of the Terrible Lizards (1978) - Similar to the above, but available from Rifftrax, so much more watchable.  Also, it’s actually animated!
Dinosaur (1980) - Wil Vinton Claymation with Dinosaurs.  A few edits of this exist, the latter works a bit better, but the original is interesting to track down. Most of the edits are audio only, so you aren’t missing anything.  The dinosaur sin this are top notch for color and design.  They even have Corythosaurus and Tyrannosaurus not dragging their tails! 
Cosmos (1980) - the animated segment covering Evolution is still wonderful if only for the narration from Carl Sagan. 
The Age of Mammals (1981) - A follow up of sorts to Dinosaurs: The Age of Reptiles.  Decent stop motion if a little slow.  Decent variety for the time. 
64,000,000 Years Ago (1981) - A solid stop motion short film.  Still worth checking out for stop motion fans.  Available on Youtube legally! 
Dinosaurs: Fun, Facts, and Fantasy (1981) - Nostalgic for some, but aimed at a rather young audience.  Some interesting stop motion bits in here too... if awkward in that way British stop motion can be outside Aardman Studios. 
Reading Rainbow “Digging up Dinosaurs” (1983) - Definitely nostalgic for me.  Besides, it’s Reading Rainbow!  And opens with a clip from One Million Years B.C.!  What’s not to love?
Prehistoric Beast (1984) - One of the best stop motion shorts on this list.  Included because it INSPIRED a documentary from it.  Phil Tippett firing on all cylinders.  Well worth watching.  And he uploaded it on Youtube himself! 
Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs (1985), More Dinosaurs (1985), Son of Dinosaur (1988),  Prehistoric World (1993) - Gary Owens and Eric Boardman have a series of documentaries on dinosaurs and prehistoric life.  The presenters are what really make these work. Colorful, fun, and yes, silly, these still hold a nostalgic gleam for people like me.  The last one has Dougal Dixon talk about his After Man speculations.  Fun times. 
Dinosaur! (1985) - Hosted by Christopher Reeve, this is one of the best documentaries of its time.  Reeves loved dinosaurs and was happy to work on this project with Phil Tippet behind the animation.  Covers a lot in its hour long format, and well worth watching.  Do you know how good this special was?  When Reeve died in 2004, the Discovery Channel (or similar station) re-aired this thing as a tribute.  It holds up that well! 
Tell Me Why: Pre-Historic Animals, Reptiles and Amphibians (1986) - This is something I had when I was a little kid.  Dry, straight forward, a “Video Babysitter” at it’s best. It consists of a narrator while looking at pictures of the Invicta Dinosaur Toys that were also on the poster. 
Dinosaurs! A Fun-Filled Trip Back in Time (1987) - Wil Vinton’s Dinosaurs! tied with a short setup/framing device with the kid from the Wonder Years involving a low-animation music video (this was the MTV age) and a guide through art from various dinosaur books from the 1950s through the 1980s.  Rather meh, but Wil Vinton is why we are here.  This was the only way to get Wil Vinton’s short back in the day, and is the version of the short shown in Museums like The Academy of Natural Sciences.  
Digging Dinosaurs (PBS-WHYY) (1988) - Something I managed to record of TV back in the day, though not much of it, about the uncovering and preparation of Avaceratops. Bone Dry. 
Maia: A Dinosaur Grows Up (1988) - A VHS version of the picture book, with narration and the whole spiel.  Actually not to bad for what it is, but it is what it is.  The art for that book is rather wonderful. 
Lost Worlds, Vanished Lives (1988) - David.  Attenburrough. Need I say more?  Not one of his best, but still wonderful. Hard to track down.  
Dinosaurs (1989) - From the Smithsonian Institute, one of the video followups sold in various museums (I have one from the Royal Tyrell, but haven’t been able to track it down).  Not great, but I’ve seen worse. 
Infinite Voyage: The Great Dinosaur Hunt (1989) - A rather dry documentary, but one I find extremely relaxing and calming.  Very nostalgic for me.  But still dry. 
Vestie Video Sitter: Dinosaurs (1989) - This is for babies. It hurt to watch. 
In November, 1990, Jurassic Park (novel) was released, and thus began the great shift. 
In Search of the Dragon: The Great Dinosaur Hunt of the Century (1991) - a.k.a. The Dinosaur Project, The Great Dinosaur Hunt, The Hunt for China’s Dinosaurs.  Edited into a 1 hour NOVA special from a nearly two hour documentary, all about the joint Canadian/Chinese Gobi Desert Expedition in the 1980s that gave us Mamenchisaurus among many other species.  With another stop in the Arctic for good measure.  Some good stop motion and pencil animation for Troodon round this one out. 
A&E’s Dinosuar! (1991) - There’s so many things named “Dinosaur” that I have to specify.  Hosted by Walter Cronkite, this is rather dry, but still entertaining documentary series has some nightmare-fuel puppet-work.  The ‘sad’ music gets caught in my head sometimes when I think about it.  It is 4 episodes long.  “The Tale of a Tooth”, “The Tale of a Bone”, “The Tale of an Egg”, and “The Tale of a Feather”
T. Rex: Exposed (1991) - a Nova Documentary on T. Rex.  Not too bad overall, focusing on the Wrankle Rex unearthing. Parts of it are available on Youtube, but not all of it.  
The Case of the Flying Dinosaur (1991) - the third in the “NOVA” 91 trilogy, this covers the bird-dinosaur connection as it was still contentious at the time. 
PBS’ The Dinosaurs! (1992) - A gold standard for documentaries on dinosaurs. The hand drawn animation with colored pencil style still hold up today. The narrator has a bit of an accent and pronounces “Dinosaur” oddly, but that is the only complaint I can really give. It has 4 episodes: “The Monsters Emerge”, “Flesh on the Bones”, “The Nature of the Beast”, “Death of the Dinosaurs.”
Muttaburrasaurus: Life in Gondwana (1993) - A half-hour short about dinosuars and mesozoic life in Australia. Solid stop motion animation. Australian Accents makes it fun to listen too.
NOVA: The Real Jurassic Park (1993) - Jeff Goldblum narrates this bit of scientists going on about “But what if we really did it?” Quite fun, lotta fun details the movies and even the books didn’t get into. My favorite bit had Robert Bakker talking to a game keeper at the Rockefeller Refuge in a Louisiana Cypress Swamp about what could happen if they kept a few dinosaur there (Edmontosaurus, Triceratops, and T. Rex).  Namely, he talks about housing ‘about a thousand” Edmontosaurs on the 86K acre facility, with 2 or 3 mated pairs of Rexes.  It’s fun getting numbers like that. 
Bill Nye the Science Guy “Dinosaurs” (1993) - BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL!  Not a bad kids entry for documentaries. Available from Netflix. 
Paleoworld (1994-1997) - Running originally for 4 years, and being revamps once along the way, this rather dry, “Zoom in on paleoart” style of documentary was a good holdover for bigger things, and covered some pretty niche topics.  Much of the later version has been uploaded to youtube. 
Dinosaur Digs: A Fossil Finders Tour (1994), Dinosaurs: Next Exit (1994) - These films hurt me.  They hurt me so much.  I’ve seen some painful things, but these are hour long tour advertisements for road trips with annoyingly earworms.  Available on youtube, but I ain’t linking anything! 
Eyewitness: Dinosaur (1994) - Not a bad documentary, but I still hold a grudge on it for replacing Wil Vinton’s work at my local museum! Still, it is narrated by Martin Sheen. The clip selection is wide and varied, but we’re still getting The Lost World (1925) footage. 
Planet of Life (1995) - This documentary series is rather dry, but boasts some interesting coverage of topics.  Though some of it’s conclusions regarding dinosaurs are... not great.  Still, the episode “Ancient Oceans” is a favorite of mine. 
Once Upon Australia (1995) - The bests stop motion documentary on Australia’s prehistory. Has some humor to is, and Australian fauna that it does cover is solid.  Though finding out how one of the animals is spelled, ( Ngapakaldia) drove me nuts for literally decades. 
Dinosaurs: Myths and Reality (1995) - Like a little more polished episode of Paleoworld, with a lighter-voiced narration, this covers common myths about dinosaurs. Overall, a Meh.  But it has a LOT of movie clips. Which makes sense given it was funded by the Disney Channel! 
The Ultimate Guide: T. Rex (1995) - The Ultimate Guide series of docs were overall rather solid, as was the Tyrannosaurus one.  Stop Motion animation along with puppets and some minor CG help round out the normal talking heads and skeleton mounts.  Along with a solid narrator, it has a real mood to it.  
The Magic School Bus “The Busasaurus” (1995) - The original Magic School Bus was a solid series, and their episode on Dinosaurs bucks trends even the reboot didn’t cover.  The core thrust here wasn’t just dinosaur information, but the idea that Dinosaurs were not Monsters, but animals.  And they conveyed it in a unique way.  
I may do more of these mini-reviews, but there are a LOT of documentaries post The Lost World: Jurassic Park that don’t have as much easy access.  Like, I’ve seen them, but digging out links/citing places to watch them is a lot harder. 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
5 underrated Richard Donner movies you need to see
Richard Donner will forever be remembered as the filmmaker who created the blueprint for the modern superhero blockbuster with 1978’s Superman starring Christopher Reeve.
Yet that doesn’t tell even half the story of the Bronx-born filmmaker’s brilliant filmography.
Donner was in his late 40s by the time Superman came along, having made a name for himself in Hollywood two years earlier, with 1976’s suitably terrifying The Omen.
Prior to that, he was a budding director making the transition from the small screen to the world of cinema. Donner worked on everything from Gilligan’s Island to The Twilight Zone. Even then, it was clear he was destined for bigger things though, as anyone who saw  “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet”, the iconic episode of The Twilight Zone he directed, starring William Shatner, can attest.
While a disagreement with producers ultimately saw him walk away from Superman II, the 1980s saw Donner establish himself as an incredibly versatile big budget director capable of handling everything from the epic family adventure fun of The Goonies to the balancing act of action and comedy found within the buddy cop antics of Lethal Weapon.
It was a skillset that drew admiration from the very best in the movie industry, including Steven Spielberg who was among the first to pay tribute to Donner after learning he had passed away, aged 91.
“Dick had such a powerful command of his movies, and was so gifted across so many genres,” Spielberg, who worked with Donner on The Goonies, said.
“Being in his circle was akin to hanging out with your favourite coach, smartest professor, fiercest motivator, most endearing friend, staunchest ally, and – of course – the greatest Goonie of all.”
Donner may not have had the same impact in the 1990s and early 2000s but he still enjoyed major success with the Lethal Weapon franchise and as a producer with movies like Free Willy and X-Men.
More importantly, the other films he made during that period and in the years between some of his biggest hits remain well worth revisiting or seeking out for the first time – starting with these five.
Coming hot on the heels of The Goonies and two years prior to Lethal Weapon, Ladyhawke represented another major departure for Donner. A dark medieval fantasy, it centred on Rutger Hauer’s mysterious Captain Etienne Navarre and his female companion Lady Isabeau (Michelle Pfeiffer), a pair of star-crossed lovers on the run from a vengeful bishop who has placed a demonic curse on their heads. While Navarre transforms into a wolf by night, Isabeau exists as a Hawk by day. Teaming up with petty thief Philippe Gaston (Matthew Broderick) they embark on a quest to overthrow the evil bishop and break the spell.
Something of a passion project, Donner had attempted to get Ladyhawke off the ground several times before finally getting the green light from Warner Bros and 20th Century Fox in the mid ’80s. The film then suffered another setback when Kurt Russell, originally cast as Navarre, dropped out during rehearsals. 
That ultimately proved a blessing in disguise with Hauer going on to deliver arguably his best performance since Blade Runner. Not everything about Ladyhawke works – Broderick’s character feels a little too close to Ferris Bueller while the runtime could be trimmed down – but it remains a beautifully realised fantasy epic, full of memorable action set pieces, stunning cinematography and a spellbinding turn from Pfeiffer.
A box office bomb upon release, Ladyhawke has stood the test of time too, garnering a cult following as an authentic and fresh take on the sword and sorcery formula. 
Maverick is the film Will Smith must have hoped Wild Wild West would be; a funny, clever action comedy based on a classic TV show. Coming in an era when most westerns were deadly serious, Donner’s film also felt like a breath of fresh air and benefited hugely from a masterful William Goldman script that was both witty and unpredictable.
The latest in a series of films featuring Donner’s muse-of-sorts, Mel Gibson, this time out Mel plays Bret Maverick, a brilliant card player and equally impressive con artist trying to collect enough money to earn a seat at a high-stakes poker game. Along the way he is forced to contend with a fellow scammer in the form of Jodie Foster’s Annabelle Bransford as well as lawman Marshal Zane Cooper, played by James Garner, who starred in the original TV series.
While the glut of cameos from country music stars and the likes of Danny Glover can be a little distracting, there’s something wonderfully charming about Maverick with Gibson, Foster and Garner all on top form and boasting an undeniable chemistry that helps keep things entertaining. 
The climactic poker game which sees Maverick face off against Alfred Molina’s psychopathic Angel is also expertly handled by Donner, who cranks up the tension as Maverick reveals his final, decisive, hand with a slow-motion toss of the final card towards the camera. A critical and financial success, Maverick has been largely lost in the shuffle since its release but should be sought out.
Conspiracy Theory
There’s something strangely prescient about Conspiracy Theory given the current predilection for such thinking on the internet at large. One of Donner’s most inventive and intelligent outings alongside Gibson, this time out Mel plays Jerry Fletcher, a New York City cab driver with a penchant for paranoid conspiracy theories.
Jerry’s life takes a turn for the strange when he finds himself being targeted by a set of shady government goons led by Patrick Stewart’s Dr Jonas. He quickly realises one of the conspiracies he has been promoting in his weekly newsletter (this was the ‘90s) is based more in reality than he thought. The question is: which one?
An engrossing thriller featuring Donner’s trademark dashes of witty humour, Conspiracy Theory is bolstered significantly by the presence of the ever-reliable Julia Roberts as a government lawyer with a soft spot for Jerry. Despite a lengthy run time, Donner also keeps the action moving along at an engaging pace while Gibson’s performance is just the right side of manic to keep you rooting for him.
A first foray into the kind of deep state conspiracy thrillers that were commonplace in Hollywood at the time, the film also boasts some genuinely striking moments, not least the sequence where Jerry undergoes “psychotic testing” at the hands of Dr Jonas, which wouldn’t have looked out of place in A Clockwork Orange.
Though it was a hit with audiences, Conspiracy Theory earned mixed reviews but appears increasingly worthy of reappraisal.
Some movies are big, dumb but lots of fun. Timeline sits firmly in that category despite what many naysayers would have you believe. It’s a brash, simplistic sci-fi flick to rival the likes of The Core and Geostorm and thoroughly entertaining to boot.
The fact that it features Gerard Butler, as well as the late, great, Paul Walker only adds to that sentiment.
Walker plays Chris Johnston who, along with Butler’s Andre Marek and a team of fellow archaeologists travel back in time through a wormhole to 14th century France to rescue their professor, Dr Edward Johnston (Billy Connolly), who just happens to be Walker’s character’s dad too.
Based on a book by Michael Crichton, Donner had been in the running to direct Jurassic Park a decade earlier and jumped at the chance to adapt Timeline for the big screen. While filming went off without a hitch, Donner repeatedly clashed with Paramount Pictures in post-production and was forced to re-cut the film three times in a development that saw the release date pushed by nearly a year. The resulting edit did not sit well with Crichton either, who disliked it so intensely he stopped licensing his work for a few years after.
Whether Donner’s original cut would have earned better reviews or Crichton’s approval remains to be seen but what remains of Timeline is still a well shot, enjoyable sci-fi yarn with some neat medieval action flourishes. 
16 Blocks
Donner’s final film also ranks among his most unappreciated. On the surface, 16 Blocks sounds like the perfect fodder for a game of buddy cop movie bingo.
It stars Bruce Willis as Jack Mosley, a worn-out NYPD Detective with a drinking problem tasked with transporting Mos Def’s trial witness Eddie Bunker to court. Problems arise when some of Jack’s fellow officers arrive to kill Eddie and prevent him from testifying. Eager for redemption, Jack decides to take the would-be assassins on and get Eddie to court on time.
A formulaic enough premise, 16 Blocks is emboldened by the fact it plays out in real-time with Eddie required at the courthouse by no later than 10am. In this sense, Donner found himself in new territory with an action thriller that thrives on a unique sense of urgency. 
While the filmmaker is no stranger to the action formula, this setup sees him imbue events with a renewed sense of chaos, as Jack and Eddie fight their way through armed adversaries, busy crowds and bustling traffic, all against a cacophony of shouts, car horns and gun blasts.
Ostensibly a chase movie on foot rather than four wheels, the action traverses 16 blocks in 118 minutes and rarely lets up for a second with Donner proving a dab hand at balancing the action with the engaging back-and-forth between Willis and Def who are both understated yet effective throughout.
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Throw in the ever-watchable David Morse as the leader of the shady cops baying for Eddie’s blood and you have arguably one of the most underrated action thrillers of the early 2000s 
The post 5 underrated Richard Donner movies you need to see appeared first on Den of Geek.
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gucciwins · 5 years
Harry is a fool and Y/N has a strong punch
Word count: 6586
A/N: Happy Halloween! (early/belated who knows when you’re reading) I love this month and I am very happy to share this with you. It was a true struggle to find time to write but here she is. AU’s are fun to explore so here is Frat! Harry. Please let me know what you think!
Hope you enjoy !
> > > > >
October 31st
Looking in the mirror, the only thing you can do is smile. The black lipstick looks foreign on your usual plain lips but you are proud in saying it looks nice on you. The dark eye shadow makes your eyes look a bit darker adding to the aura of the outfit you have. It all seems to fit together well. You here all the ruckus down stairs and know you don’t have much time left.  You grab your flowery credit card holder and slip it into the front of your pants because if the worst were to ever happen at least you would have identification on you.
You hear Nick and Carmen arguing over who was the best dressed. Nick was saying how it was him because he looked good with a red bandanna tied around his neck. Carmen response to him was that at least she was able to rock a safari hat. You didn’t want to hear any more arguing so you finally let your room.
“The pumpkin queen finally decided to grace us with her presence.” Nick yells with a big grin.
“It’s King still, doesn’t change just because I’m a woman.” You responded to him.
You looked down at your costume and were damn proud of it. The items were not at all easy to find but damn were you grateful you did. The white and black striped pants made your legs appear much longer and not to brag made your ass look real nice. Guess, the squat workout Nick makes you do does work. You got a white button up shirt tucked into your pants and it is covered by the matching blazer with two white buttons. It fits you perfect, well at least now it does after Carmen was kind enough to get her younger sister to do it for you. At no cost, but that didn’t seem fair to you so you gave her a thirty dollar gift card to Starbucks because that is what Annie seemed to live by. Your favorite piece that you were happy you were able to make was the beautiful bow tie. The famous bat bow ties fits perfectly and the long wings make it look even more elegant. A true Pumpkin King, Jack Skellington would be proud. Carmen even let you borrow her black ankle heeled boots and honestly you’re not sure your friend will see them again.
You give them a nice twirl making sure to strike a dramatic pose as you stop. It makes them laugh which makes you laugh as well. You look over at your two friends and honestly can’t decide who looks better and they both can see that.
“You’re really going to tell us, we both look equally hot.” Carmen whines not even caring what you want to say.
Nick interrupts before you even have a chance to answer. “Obviously, it’s me. I have always been the favorite.”
Your best friends have decided to dress up as Dr. Alan Grant, the most famous paleontologist to ever exist or so they like to say but only in the world of Jurassic Park. The blue wrangler long sleeve shirt is folded to their elbows, both wear loose fitting khakis. They both wear light brown timberland boots that they both somehow already owned. Aviator sunglasses hanging from their shirt adding a sexy element to the look. An old watch is found on Carmen’s left wrist but none is to be seen on Nick. Nick has the leather dress belt and that is what Carmen is missing. Red bandannas on as well as their safari’s hat and if you really had to choose it would be Nick because you like to think the belt complete the look.
“Where’s the belt?” You question.
Both look down immediately and Carmen is the one who lets out a small curse word you couldn’t quite make out. Carmen storms off into her room but is back in seconds now with a secured belt.
“The good thing is that this isn’t as contest so there is no winner but if there was it would be me for originality.” 
You pick up your keys from the cat shaped bowl by the door and finally walk out of the apartment. 
“You’re a bitch” Nick yells full of fake anger.
“You don’t even look good.” Carmen yells but you all know that’s a lie.
“I swear I’ll leave you both.” You threaten as the elevator door closes behind you. As you begin to descend you hear the grumbling as they rush down the stairs to meet you.
> > > > >
Sigma Pi 
The big name of the fraternity stared down at you as you make your way to the front door. This was one of the nicer known ones but just as everyone it holds its own reputation. The president is a friend of yours, Mitch Rowland. You had him for a psychology class and got paired to work together. He’s a quiet guy but well respected. He’s big on giving back to the university as well as the community. These guys have to do a minimum of twenty hours of community service a month which says a lot seeing as you’ve never seen any of the others do that. Mitch runs a tight ship but the same cannot be said about their vice president. 
Harry Styles, known player who takes girls on dates only to never call them back. He is the one to organize these big parties but also an Orientation leader. The first time you met Harry he was a sweetheart not one to fit into to frats, you would have gone on a date with him if only the second time you met him didn’t ruin that. 
It was the start of the year party and Nick dragged you along because he was thinking of pledging. You let yourself get wrapped up in that mess. At the party you spotted Harry and wanted to make your way over to him but stopped when you saw him with his tongue down a girls throat. You turned away and thought to approach him later except every time you saw him after he was kissing a new girl. As the night came to a close it was announced by their then president that Harry has passed his initiation by successfully kissing twenty different girls. Everyone cheered, but what surprised you was that each girl that kissed Harry was just as proud. Just you were leaving when Harry found you and asked you if you wanted to be lucky 21. Your response to this day cracked up your two friends. You told him, “Eat shit Harold, I don’t do sloppy seconds or in your case sloppy twenty.”
Carter was a terrible president and it did not surprise you when the fraternity got better with Mitch in charge in fact it is a big reason you started going to their parties more but it also reintroduced you to Harry. 
As you entered the house your eyes spotted one to many angles and devils. It’s really funny because each person you saw the costume just seemed to be getting shorter and shorter. Although as your eyes scanned the room you eyes caught sight of Sarah and Mitch who were dressed as Mia Wallace and Vincent Vega paying tribute to Sarah’s favorite film Pulp Fiction. Mitch caught your eye and you gave them a big smile and two thumbs up. He raised his red cup as a thank you. 
Carmen left your side as soon as you entered when she heard the shitty music that was being played. She always made playlists for them and got mad because they never asked her to DJ when they all know she saves their party each time. Within seconds the dance floor was full and all the grinding started which opened up a pathway to the kitchen. Nick left to go chat with a friend he saw sitting alone. 
You had to admit the decoration they had around the house was real nice. The stairs had bat stickers big and small looking as if they were going up. Then on the handrail orange lights were wrapped around. The couch had a white drape with red hand prints that made it look like blood which you thought was a smart idea. As you stood in the entryway of the kitchen leaf garland was hanging down and it looked very pretty. You wanted to take a picture with it behind you. Maybe later when you were with one of your friends who was able to take the picture. 
As you are serving yourself a drink some behind you calls out your name. You turn to the backdoor and there looking as handsome as ever is Harry. Gosh, that man always manages to look good without effort but you can tell today he did. 
“Where’s Sparky?” Harry questions you.
You sigh hopping he is just messing with you. “His name is Zero, thought a film snob would know that.”
“Now, now just because I’m a double major doesn’t mean I should be seen as only one of them.” He lectures you.
“Sure Harry, we would love to hear you brag about English and Film but save it for another time.” Adam says as he puts a hand on Harry’s shoulder. Harry finally looks away and you take that as your cue to leave.
“Hey wait, so where is Zero?” He pauses not wanting to make this weird. “You’re a perfectionist you wouldn’t go out with an incomplete outfit.”
“Don’t worry your pretty head, Zero is safe and very much present.”
Harry nods and begins looking around hoping to find the person.
“Don’t waste your time searching you’ll find him only if I want you to.” With that you send him a wink and leaving Harry desperate for more conversation with you.
Little while later you’re leaning against the wall arms crossed defensively in hopes no one will approach you to bad some people don’t know how to read body language. Harry slides up right next to you. Right shoulder resting on the wall so he is able to have all eyes on you. 
“Hi Pumpkin!” He shouts due to the music being a bit loud.
You shoot him a grin hoping it will get him to stop talking because truth is as much as you may act like you don’t like Harry it is the complete opposite you know it and so does Harry. You just never know how he feels, which is a big reason on why you never take his advances seriously. Although, he does go the extra mile to seek you out at events or even when running into you around campus. Who knows, today may be the day.
You hope it will be with Harry dressed looking like that is making you feel too many emotions. One’s that make you want to explore everything with him. You turn to face him but that is when one of Harry’s frat brother comes up to him to discuss something which allows you to check him out shamelessly.  He’s wearing a blue sheer sparking top only buttoned half way exposing his beautiful butterfly tattoo you want to ask him about. But what captures your attention are the two swallows resting on his collarbone with a cross necklace sitting perfectly in the center. It’s no lie that Harry has always been attractive but is seems that this summer Harry worked on getting bigger because he looks broad and it’s making you sweat. The matching suspenders are a nice touch to his look but the matching wide leg trousers make his butt look bigger and juicier than before. You really needed to ask Harry for his squat routine because obviously it was working better than Nick’s.
Harry has felt you checking him out for the past few minutes but didn’t want to embarrass you in case you left running from him all over again which is why he dragged his conversation with the freshman. He’s finally able to turn all his attention back to you and he smiles when he sees you eyeing his untamed hair. 
“I see you like my costume.” He smirks.
You decide not to answer and look away from Harry.
“Oh come on pumpkin, I’m Jack Dawson.” He laughs “Well the more modern version.”
You nod, “Well if you were going for modern slutty Jack I definitely see it.”
Harry is shocked at your response. You always leave him surprised.
You smirk. “Bye Harry.”
> > > > > 
It’s eleven and the party's still going hard. You’re sitting on a piece of haystack that has a yellow blanket on top to stop the hay from getting on the clothing thankfully the fire pit is helping you keep warm. You drop your head to hide the smile growing on your face when you feel someone take a seat to the left of you.
“Pumpkin, you got to stop running away from me.” He’s pouting and you just want to lean over and kiss him to make him give you that charming dimpled smile. 
“Where’s the fun if I make everything easy for you.” You look over at him the fire making his green eyes brighter and you lean in closer wanting a better look.
“Are you trying to kiss me?” Harry gasps. “I always thought I would make the first move.” 
You pull away and give him a good shove making him tip to the side and fall. He lets out a small yelp but one look your way and you both start laughing. 
Some time later it quiets down and it’s just you and Harry until a drunken couple makes their way outside. Harry stands and offers his hand to you. Without a second thought you take it and he’s leading you through the house and up the stairs. There’s four doors and his is the second on the left. He opens the door and lets you walk in first. His room is surprisingly clean but as expected he has a bookshelf filled with movies and books.
Harry stands back and lets you admire his room. He wants you to feel comfortable. You run a single fingers across all the movies and stop when one catches your eye. The Shawshank Redemption. 
“Some movies come out before their time and this one was one of them. I remember finding out on opening weekend in didn’t come close to reaching one million and I was shocked. Thankfully, people redeemed themselves and now tops all lists as one of the best movies around even to this day.” You were just rambling on a movie you loved and you weren’t sure if Harry was even listening. You look over at him only to see him staring at you with a wide smile. 
“Embarrassed to say I haven’t seen it. I got it on sale and just never got around to watching it.” He rubs the back of his neck to calm himself.
“Well if you ever get the chance to watch it let me know what you think about it. Would love to discuss it with a professional but just so you know I took my fair share of film and production courses during my summers in high school. I know enough to sound smart in conversations as well as understand.” You told him proudly.
“You continue to surprise me.” He chuckles. “Guess I’m not the only film snob.”
You crinkle your nose at name he called you. “Promise to never call you that ever again, sounds awful.”
You quiet down and sit on his bed. You look over at him and patted the spot next to you. He walks over slowly and sits close enough that your thighs are touching. He lays back and you follow after him. Little noise is heard from outside and you’re thankful for that because laying here in the dark the moon your only source of light is comforting.
He hums in response. 
“I like you.” You let out a shaky breath after finally saying it out loud.
He turns on his side to face you and you do the same even though you’re nervous. 
“Pumpkin, you don’t know how happy that makes me.” He brings his hand to rest on your cheek and just holds you so gently as if you’d break if he touched any harder. “I like you too. So much.”
You’re nose to nose now, eyes flickering to each other’s lips each time.
“May I please kiss you?” He asks eyes meeting yours.
“Please.” You let out in a low voice.
He looks into your eyes one more time before closing the gap. It feels like magical. You have never felt someone kiss you with so much emotion. You tilt your head to deepen the kiss. Harry doesn’t even want to think about pulling away because now that he has a taste of you he never wants to stop.
You are the first to pull away to get air in your lungs. You lips brush each other softly as you try to think of something to say. But honestly you think your smile says it all.
“You are always worth the wait.” Harry says his breath tickling your lips having you let out a small laugh. 
“Can we do it again, H?” 
“‘Course we can. Don’t ever want to stop now.” He sighs into your mouth.
Each kiss keeps getting hotter and you do nothing to stop it. Harry pulls of your blazer as well as your pretty bow tie. He gives it a small kiss before throwing it to the side. He’s trailing kisses all over you neck but not leaving any bruises not knowing how you feel about it. He loves feeling your heart rate speed up, the breathy moans you let out encouraging him to keep going. You run your fingers through his tangled hair and tug on it because you miss the feel of his lips on yours.
“You sure about this?” He asks pulling away to look you in the eyes. 
“Yes. I give you my consent. Didn’t have a lick of alcohol.” You tell him proudly. “Can’t say the same about you. Will you remember this in the morning, Sparky?” Harry grins at the dumb nickname you used on him. 
“Only had one.” He grins at his next words. “Can’t be chasing you if I’m all boozed up.”
You melt at his words but don’t let him see it. You trail your hands up his open chest. Harry sees how hesitant you are to undress him so he begins to help you out. He takes off his suspenders rather quickly and unbutton the last few keeping the shirt together. You can’t help but lay back and admire Harry. He has so many tattoos but not one of them seems out of place it is as if each one has always lived on him. Harry isn’t one to shy away from what he wants. He brings his hands to rest on your waist. Squeezing hard enough to get your attention. Although you have a hard time focusing when his lips look so inviting. 
“Pumpkin, mind if I take off the button up it would only seem fair.” You smirk up at Harry as if thinking it over but give him a soft nod and that gets him going.
You wait with your arms to your side and face tilted up to catch Harry’s expression. Once the shirt and wide open Harry takes in a sharp breath. This is not what he was expecting. A beautiful swallow tattoo is what he sees. It lies over your heart. He wants to compliment its beauty on your skin but his body has a mind of it’s own and he gives is soft kiss. It was so gentle it sent shivers down your back. 
“Matching tattoos, doesn’t that scream soulmates to you” Harry jokes but looking in his eyes you see a bit of hope in there.
“Should have known you were a hopeless romantic.” You begin unbuttoning your pants when you stop realizing you have to take off your boots. “H, take my boots of please.” You give him a small smile feigning innocence.
Harry shakes his head at you but proceeds to do as you asked. Once he sets them at the edge of the bed he grabs a hold of your jeans and yanked them down. You’re shocked when you realized he took your panties with them. You’re laying there exposed to him bra removed and thrown across the room. Harry was about to crawl up to you but something caught his eye. Hi grabbed your right ankle and turned it a little he chuckled at what he saw. “Guess I finally found Zero.” Harry leans down and gives Zero a small kiss before claiming your lips once again.
Harry kisses you possessively, one hand sliding under your ass to pull your bodies close. You’re getting desperate you want his hands everywhere. You tangled your fingers in his hair and give it a sharp tug. Harry breaks the kiss letting out a deep moan. Harry’s lips drift down your neck leaving a trail until he reaches your breasts. He gives them quick kisses before making his way down to where you need him most. He pulled you legs over his shoulder his breath hitting the side of your thigh making you whine in need. Harry doesn’t need any encouragement because he dives right in. His tongue darting out to lick along your soft folds. You gasp and tighten the hold you have on his hair, your hips rising to meet his mouth. Harry moaned enjoying how sweet you taste. He sucks your clit into his mouth, slowly slipping a finger inside of you, pumping in and out enjoying the moans you keep letting out.
“Harry” You moan. “Please” You don’t want him to ever stop.
Harry had you begging for more as he kept tasting, sucking, and licking you, content with his place between your thighs until he brings you to your orgasm. His tongue sliding deep inside you alongside his fingers, his thumb pressed against your clit, moving it in slow circles. You felt yourself shattering to pieces, the orgasm leaving you seeing stars, your heart pounding but a smile present on your face. You’d never felt anything that good.
Harry places a gentle kiss on each of your thigh before locking eyes with you. “That was…” You stop to catch your breath. “Impressive.”
Harry chuckles cheeks going red. You’re not sure when he got rid of his pants but he sits there bare. He strokes himself several times before grabbing a condom by the side table, opening it, and sliding it on. He leans over you, his mouth on yours, his kisses getting needy for more. 
His cock was hard and you were eager to feel him. You pushed a hand between your bodies and took him in your hand, stroking him. He moaned as you raised your hips to meet his and he slowly eased into you, his hand sliding under your ass to keep a firm grip on you. 
You let out a sigh as Harry filled you, it felt right. You felt as if you weren’t meant to be anywhere else but in his arms. The two of you moved in perfect sync. Each knowing what touch the other needed. The moans and groans filled the room. It felt right. 
You wrapped an arm around Harry’s neck and brought him in for a kiss, you felt like it had been too long since you felt your lips on his. You wrapped your legs around the back of his thighs, pulling him into you, your hips rising to meet his as each of his thrusts became harder, deeper, longer. This orgasm was better than the first, you felt as if your heart might burst. Harry groaned as your walls clamped down on him. His thrusts becoming more erratic as he chased his own releases. He holds you tighter, his body tightening as he came with a low moan of your name. 
He keeps his arm wrapped around you, his face resting on your neck as he catches his breath. A smile on his face as he feels you shower him in kisses all around his face well as much as he lets you. You sigh and close your eyes as he kisses you neck leaving three consecutive pecks.
> > > > >
Harry came back with a wet cloth to help clean you clean up. He was gentle different to how this night started. You find yourself wanting to spend more time with him and you hoped he wanted the same. You’re getting settled in bed together you in your matching black lace bra and undies. Harry stays in the nude letting you know he sleeps like this most of the time. 
Harry decides the break the silence.
“It doesn’t take much to get you into bed.” He chuckles.
You are taken back. What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Harry hears the change in your tone. “Relax, I didn’t mean to be rude.”
You are quick to jump out of bed and throw on your pants, top and blazer in under a minute. All while Harry is staring at you dumbfounded. “No, but you did just want to get in my pants.” 
Harry doesn’t know what to do. He never meant to upset her. He isn’t even sure why he said that. He has never felt this way about a girl and he just ruined it. 
“I was dumb enough to think you actually liked me.” You finish putting on your boots and make your way towards his door not sparing him another glance. 
“I did.” He corrects himself. “I do. I do.” He’s getting desperate. 
“No need to feed me lies. I’ll make this easy for you and leave.” Your throat is closing up but you don’t want to cry over him. 
“Don’t leave!” He glances at the clock and pauses. “Give it a few minutes they’ll say something if you walk out now.” 
You start seeing red. “What!” You turn to him and he sees the anger and hurt in your eyes and he hates it because he caused this. “If I walk out that door will one of your stupid friends be there.” 
Harry doesn’t know what to respond they could be but no one saw them go up so you should be safe. At least he hopes. “No.” He knows half these guys suck but Mitch and him have told them they don’t take terrible behavior especially towards women. “They may be jerks but they aren’t disrespectful.” 
Your stare is cold as you take one final look at Harry. You’re out the door in the next second. Harry stands at the door when a yell snaps both your gazes to someone at the bottom of the stairs.
Jed, the jerk no one likes, including Harry shouts, “Looks like Harry got the girl.” Cheers erupt right after. You’re not exactly sure what Jed tells the friend next to him but by the way he’s eyeing you it’s not something you want repeated. 
You stand there shocked not knowing if you want to cry or punch someone. You turn to look at Harry to see if he’ll do anything but what he does next breaks your heart. He shuts the door in your face. You scoff wanting to go in and punch him but ultimately decide he isn’t the one who deserves it right now. 
You walk down the stairs head held high and at this point no one is staring at you anymore. Jed has his back turned to you so you tap his shoulder he turns and looks at you with a smug smile. Not for long you tell yourself. Right fist is shut tight but not enough to cut off the circulation. You bring it up quickly and swing. All that can be heard is high pitch scream, music and conversations fall dead. 
Jed falls to the ground and looks up at you in a daze not believing what just happened. You have nothing to add and walk out the front door. You slam the door closed just as Harry slams his door open. You’re in your car in seconds shaking from the adrenaline, you take a few deep breaths and check your phone to see your friends have already left. You’re thankful but not at all excited to explain this story tomorrow.
> > > > >
November 2nd
You had the morning shift at the bookstore and you are thankful to finally be leaving. It’s awful having a shift where no one walks in, especially when you’re working alone having no one to talk to. During the shift your friends came in for a quick chat just to make sure you were really fine. Nick brought you a muffin and a coffee while Carmen went on a rant letting you know she’d beat up anyone who spoke a word about you. None of you mentioned Harry. You could tell they wanted to but you were sure you’d cry if you said his name. As annoying as he could be he was sweetheart around you. Too bad it’s over.
Amy walked in at twelve for the shift change. You clocked out and grabbed your bag from the small lockers in the back room. Amy was quick to grab a book and was sitting in the red chair next to the register. 
“Jed totally had that coming. Glad you and Harry gave him a lesson.” Amy starts talking as you  almost made it to the door. You turn around hoping she’ll continue and she does. “ Harry came down in shoes and sweats ready to attack but stopped when he saw Jed holding his jaw his lip bleeding. You could tell he was upset someone beat him to the punch.”
You’re shocked no one had told you that Harry actually made it out of his room. “What happened next.” You’re shocked at how much you care.
Amy shot you a smile. “Jed was about to start bitching when Harry punched him then kneed him in the balls but didn’t do more as Mitch finally showed up. He kicked Jed out and the other boys threw his clothes out the window. It was epic.” You laughed as she finished the story. “Have you talked to Harry.?”
You sign and shake your head no. “I don’t know how to go about this. I’ve never felt this strongly about a guy and then have it all ruined.”
Amy shoots you a comforting smile. “If there’s anything my girl has taught me is that hearing them out is important and how you feel after that is how you should go about it. You alone with your head may ruin a beautiful connection that not many are lucky to have.”
You lean down and give her a tight hug. “I might not say this enough but I love you. I’ll reach out to him and let you know how it goes.”
As you’re walking out the door you can’t help the smile on your face. Maybe, just maybe Harry was different.
> > > > >
Walking into the apartment you know something is wrong. You can feel it and that worries you because you’re supposed to be alone for the day. Carmen is out with her family celebrating her sister’s birthday. You pick up the baseball bat that lays behind the front door that Nick gifted you as a housewarming present (honestly you know he got it from goodwill). As you approach the hallway you hold the baseball hat in one hand and call Carmen hoping she will answer you. She answers after two rings and you don’t let her get a word in.
“I think someone broke in.” You whisper steps light. “I am ready to swing, looks like they are in my room.” 
Your door is shut but you hear the sound of your desk chair creaking.You’re about to open the door forgetting you’re still on the phone. A scream is what stops you from opening the door. “DROP THE BASEBALL BAT PLEASE!!!!” Carmen sounds exhausted. “IT'S HARRY.”
You pause and open the door quickly startling Harry making him stand from the chair he was sitting in. A plush Zero resting in his large hands making the stuffed present look smaller than it actually is. Harry is standing shocked green eyes on the baseball bat which you drop just as quickly. It lands with a thud. You bring your phone to your ear and continue looking at Harry. 
“Can I punch him?” You ask Carmen in a sweet voice trying your best not to laugh because you want to get a reaction out of Harry.
“No.” She pauses. “I would have said yes if he hadn’t explained so do us a favor and hear him out. We wouldn’t have let him in if we knew he was going to cause more trouble. Love you.” Carmen doesn’t give you a chance to answer back and hangs up. 
You throw your phone to your bed and that is when you take a look around your room. It’s different, it’s decorated for Halloween even though you remember you didn’t do that this year which means Harry did it for you. 
Orange pumpkin lights hang above your head giving it a nice glow. Scattered around on your once empty wall are bats of all sizes. Your window has hanging leaves falling and it looks beautiful. Your old bean bag is covered in a pumpkin blanket with all kinds of candies spread over it. You spot Oreos in the mix and that is what brings the first smile to your face. Finally, you look over at Harry who looks nervous, it looks like he’s sweating. 
Guess he really is suffering a bit. You’re about to finally say something but your attention is on his chest specifically his pecs that have a ghost with bee’s bottoms on them. It says boo bees. This causes you to start laughing and you take a seat on your bed. Once you calm down you look over at Harry and give him a small smile which he happily returns. 
“You went to the Target sale for me?”
Harry is surprised that’s your first question but answers it nonetheless. “Figured I deserved a bit of chaos in my life.” 
You nod and look at your TV that is set up to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas realizing Harry wants to hang out with you and this is his way of apologizing or well half apologizing.
“This was very kind of you.” You grab the box of Oreos and grab one splitting it in half. “You can see yourself out. Seeing as you found your way in.”
Harry is not surprised your kicking him out but you didn’t even bother to hear his apology. Heck, you didn’t even ask about it. Harry doesn’t fight you on it and walks out quickly not wanting you to see his tears. 
Your room door shuts and you feel bad. Harry was sweet but he did hurt you. Letting him suffer is the right choice, right? As you’re finishing your first oreo, your phone rings.
“Did you kick him out?” 
“Yup” You reply. 
“It’s not nice letting him suffer.” She sighs, you know she’s fed up with you. 
“I suffered.” You remind her. 
“He’s going to cry. He is probably crying.” 
“I’m on my way. I’ll fix it, let him break my heart again.” You’re giggling as you say this.
“Dramatic bitch.” She yells and hangs up.
You hurry out your door just as you hear the front door closing and move even quicker. He’s waiting for the elevator that takes too long to come up. 
“Hey sparky,” His head snaps quickly to look at you. “You’re really going to leave me to eat all this candy on my own.” You shake your head at him but you’re smiling and now so is he. He takes small steps towards you. “Who will take care of me when I crash from all the sugar?”
“You want me to stay?” Harry questions wanting to make sure he is understanding what you’re saying.
“I do believe you owe my some cuddles.” 
He’s standing in front of you now. “Can I kiss you?”
You’re shocked at the question but shake your head no. “If we make it through a movie and I decide I like your cuddling then you can give me as many kisses and i-” he cuts you off.
“Get ready for the world’s best cuddles.” Harry leads the way back to your room. 
You’re getting settled in your bed with Harry to your right. You decide since you’re doing cuddles might as well go all in which is why your head is laying on his firm pecs. You’re thankful for the short sleeve shirt because you get to admire his tattoos a bit more. 
“Why aren’t you letting me apologize?” Harry questions his hand rubs up and down your back softly. 
“I already know what happened after I left and that’s enough for me.” You sit up to look at him. You bring your left hand to cup his cheek and he leans into you. “This is a fresh start. No, annoying Harry and no sassy reply from me.” You lean in and give his forehead a soft kiss.
You settle back down and let out a small giggle when Harry gives you a sweet forehead kiss.
“Now Sparky, press play.”
Surprisingly, you and Harry spend the whole time watching the movie. Sharing your snacks equally. More like you moving the oreos every time Harry’s hand made its way to the box. Harry singing along with Jack that made you laugh so loud that Harry couldn’t help but join you. He was making this whole waiting to kiss so much harder. You’ve watched this movie many times so you know the end is near and so does Harry as he seems to tighten his hold on your waist. It feels nice, like he was always meant to be holding you. 
The finale is starting and that is when you have enough and sit up but you move so quickly that the next thing you know you’re on Harry’s lap and connecting your lips to his. 
Harry hums in appreciation. His left hand on your cheek and right hand on your waist. This is perfect. 
You pull away and laugh when Harry chases your lips. He slowly opens his eyes looking up at you. Your lips wet and plump all by his doing. You’re beautiful and he’s lucky enough to be here with you in his arms.
“There’s not much left in the movie, let’s finish it.” You make to turn around but Harry tightens his hold on you. 
“No” Harry pouts. “Lets kiss some more”
“Harry,” You start but he interrupts you.
“Pumpkin, this more fun.”
“Eh” you fake looking at your nails. 
“That’s it.” 
Harry flips you over so your laying on your back and he’s straddling you. He begins kissing you everywhere. Your cheeks, nose, neck, nowhere is left untouched. 
The room is filled with love and laughter. Each kiss getting deeper and deeper. After each kiss falling deeper in love with one another.
For it is plain as anyone can see, we’re simply meant to be.
> > > > > 
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jenonctcity · 5 years
Home Too Soon - Part 2
Park Jisung – Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.2k
Request: Requested by anon. Part 2 of Jisung fluff Home Too Soon about the first kiss. This is set before Part 1 takes place. 
 You had known Park Jisung since the two of you gone to school together. You’d never spoken to him at school, but everyone knew about him. The cute boy training to become an idol. After he debuted, he eventually stopped attending school and you never knew the story behind why he dropped out. All your life you’d dreamed of becoming an idol, an actor, or an MC. So, one day you took the plunge and auditioned for SM entertainment, and to your surprise you’d soon become a trainee for the company. A year into your training you’d been introduced to Jisung by one of the managers. You were too shy to tell them that you already knew Jisung from school. You also doubted that Jisung would remember you, so you kept your mouth shut. But you were shocked to find out that Jisung did in fact remember you and he was happy to finally talk to you after all those years of not having the courage to speak to you in school. His childhood crush coming back in full swing when he saw your beautiful face once again. 
The two of you ended up hanging out multiple times, enjoying each other’s company and having a lot more in common than what you originally thought. He liked to tell you stories about his trainee days and you compared them with your life as a trainee. He took you by amazement one day when he asked you out on a date. He didn’t tell you where he was going to take you, but he did tell you to wear something warm. You’d wrapped yourself up in a bundle, your sweater and coat keeping your body hot like a furnace alongside your fluffy scarf, beanie, and glove set. The winter months had come at full force in Korea so when he took you to the fair for your first date, you were glad he’d thought ahead and warned you. The date was everything you wished for in a first date. Jisung was endearingly shy, but kept the conversation going without there being many awkward gaps in discussion. You were smitten by him and him by you, arranging to go on a second date after he’d walked you home.
On the second date he took you to the cinema to see Jurassic World 2 after you’d told him how much you loved the first movie and the Jurassic park trilogy. You were so immersed in the film you’d totally forgotten you were even on a date until his hand had very timidly and gently pulled yours to his lap, lacing his fingers with your own and keeping a loose grip on you. You’d glanced over at your joint hands in his lap from the corner of your eye. Heat rushing to your cheeks and a smile tugging at the corner of your lips. You’d left the theatre with your hands still linked and again he’d walked you home, hugging you goodbye at your door.
Today was your third date with Jisung. He had kept it simple by walking you around the night markets and buying you both street food to munch on as you strolled together. When you didn’t have food occupying your hands, you linked your hands together and kept close through the crowds. You’d both noticed some people taking photos of the two of you but neither of you cared, too wrapped up in each other to even think about the news of you two dating shaking up the kpop world. After wondering around in circles for a few hours you’d both decided to call it a night, but instead of walking home together Jisung decided to call for a taxi. You sat in the back together with your hands still as one, staring out the window at the brightly lit streets of Seoul. When the cab pulled out outside your house, you turned to say goodbye to Jisung, but he was already making his way out of the car, asking the taxi driver to stay there for a few minutes. He came around to your side of the car and didn’t hesitate in snatching your hand into his own once again, walking you up the path to your front door.
“Thank you for tonight Jisungie.” You smiled down at your feet, suddenly becoming shy under his gaze. He let go of your hand and smiled, nervously ruffling his hair as he stood opposite you, his cheeks starting to blush a pink as his thoughts ran wild in his mind. His hands reached out in unison, tenderly touching your elbows then trailing down to grip your hands gently.
“I really like you (Y/N), can we make it official? I really want to be able to call you my girlfriend.” His deep voice had a slight waver to it from his worry of you rejecting him. Butterflies fluttered around in your stomach when you heard his life changing words. The buzz of electricity running through your veins as visions of more dates pictured in your mind.
“I’d like that.” You giggled, a wide grin on your face as you nodded in enthusiasm. He mirrored your expression and squeezed your hands, his thumbs rubbing over the backs of your hands.
“I should get going, don’t want to keep the poor driver waiting.” He glanced at the cab then back at you, his eyes scouring up and down your face as he admired all your features. He could already tell they were the features of his first love, and hopefully only love if he plays his cards right and keeps you by his side for the foreseeable future.
“Message me when you get home, so I know you got in safely.” Your sweet words made him want to grab your cheeks in his hands and squish them whilst cooing at you, but he didn’t want you to think he was crazy so instead he licked his lips and leaned down quickly. The kiss he left on your lips was swift, but it left your heart thudding in your chest, the heartbeat sounding in your ears as the shock of having your first kiss shuddered through you. Your mouth popped open, ready for words to tumble out, but you were left speechless.
“Goodnight (Y/N).” He gave your hands on more squeeze then let his fingers slide from your own a he turned to walk down the path back to the cab. You waited until the taxi pulled away before jumping on the spot, giddy with excitement and making little squealing noises like a typical teenage girl whose just experienced her first kiss with her first boyfriend. You hurriedly let yourself inside your house, pulling out your phone to message Jisung sending him a simple.
“Thank you again for the perfect date tonight ^-^ x”
You rushed upstairs, flinging yourself on your bed and getting a zap of excitement in your stomach when your phone buzzes, a message popping up on your screen from Jisung.
“Anytime, thank you too, btw your lips are super soft. Can’t wait to feel them again ;)”
The little winky face at the end of his message and his cheeky words had you giggling, a complete contrast to his usual shy self. 
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oasisofgalaxies · 4 years
tagged by @crawaddy !!!!
🍓 what do you prefer to be called name wise?
Nebula or Neb! I don’t mind being called Oasis because of my username but I do prefer Nebula!
🍓 when is your birthday?
January 11th :D
🍓 where do you live?
USA :/
🍓 three things you are doing right now?
Wrapping myself in a blanket, wishing I wasn’t so cold, and writing this post :D
🍓 four fandoms/media that have piqued your interest right now?
I’ve gotten a lot into ATLA! I kinda wanna get into TAZ if I can make my brain focus for more than five seconds- Oh and whatever’s going on with The Magnus Archives sounds neat! Though horror isn’t my favorite genre I might give it a try. Again- if I can get my brain to focus. Also whatever’s going on with the hlvrai fandom looks wild what’s even going on over there-
🍓 how is the pandemic treating you?
Uhhhh- it kinda sucks and it’s scary but I’m used to not leaving the house. I’m just chilling and trying to keep my sanity. I’m lucky that I live in a rural area though so it’s been a bit easier.
🍓 song you can’t stop listening right now?
Kalmia Kid by chloe moriondo and The Mind Electric by Miracle Musical!! They’re both super good songs :D!
🍓 recommend a movie.
The original Jurassic Parks, especially the first! Dinosaurs, hell yeah!
🍓 how old are you?
I’m not comfortable sharing that- sorry!
🍓 school, university, occupation, other?
None cause I’m on sUMMER VACATION BABEY W O O O!!
🍓 do you prefer hot or cold?
Cold!! I get to wear sweatshirts and sweatpants and have no form whatsoever!! Also super cozy!!
🍓 name one fact others may not know about you.
Uhhhh- I’m not s u re?? I’m not the most interesting person so h m m- I like to play DND?? I dunno I’m got nothing cool about me to say-
🍓 are you shy?
I avoid the feeling whatsoever by never interacting with anyone outside my immediate family! So yes. Very.
🍓 do you have any preferred pronouns?
She/her and they/them mainly but I don’t really mind :D
🍓 any pet peeves?
When people say sharks are evil :(
🍓 what’s your favorite “dere” type?
Deer? Like is that a deer or something? I like white tailed deer!! There’s a lot where I live and they pass through my yard a bunch! They’re super neat!!
🍓 rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be.
I mean. I guess a 6? It’s chill.
🍓 what’s your main blog?
This one!! :D!! It’s my big ol’ dumpster fire
🍓 list your side blogs and what they are used for.
@ask-the-ikea-au is the ask blog I run with @gemstone6 for. Well. The IKEA au!! I’m biased but I think it’s pretty neat :D
🍓 is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
I’m. So annoying. I will apologize constantly and I am tERRIBLE at conversations. I am just a clusterfuck of a person. Fair warning I am a massive idiot hdHSHDHSHD
tagging: @gemstone6 @owllery @lilsprout-exe @anon-host
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