#hotchreid au
sirmatthew1972 · 5 months
Forever: The Double Edged Sword
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Chapter 4 is up! More smut inside... Teaser It's been years, maybe decades even, since Aaron has slept so deep. Without pause. For hours on end. No haunted memories to creep into his every pore and to keep him awake, ready to fight as an immortal man must to keep his head. Sure, there's the continued buzz of having another of his kind near, but the presence of Spencer is fast becoming familiar to him. Wanted more so. By his foolish old heart. That part of him which won't ever let go of mortal longings such as to grow old together. To not waste a moment… since even one as defiant of time like him still has an expiring date… but then, such painful thoughts for once aren't enough to stir him. Not this morning. Read more on AO3
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quantico187 · 2 years
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Splash is a 1984 American fantasy romantic comedy film.
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domestikhighway58 · 1 year
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PizzaBoy Spencer! by the one and only @goobzoop
OMG I cannot describe the LOVE I am feeling right now. They inspired this silly fic I wrote and am continuing and UGH look at Spence! Wanna rub his fit lil belly, right?
Show You Tonight is on to Part 2 in Hold Me Closer for some fun, eventually sexy aftermath--cuz I always need to add some angst and drama in to my smut, no matter how silly it all is.
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jareaulover · 1 year
If I Can't Have You (Hotchreid fanfic, Chapter 1)
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Description: Spencer Reid left the BAU after Gideon. He just didn't want to be there without his mentor, and everyone was very understanding. Even the BAU's Unit Chief, who Spencer had been having sex with, was understanding of his situation. Years later, the BAU is called to help on a case in Las Vegas, one that... involves their former colleague. Stakes are high, but will Aaron and Spencer let their feelings get in the way, or will they ignore them all together. That's the million dollar question. ~~ This is heavily canon divergent. Spencer left the BAU in season 3, right after Gideon, so a lot of things that should've happened didn't. Also Hayley and Jack don't exist... Also, technically Alex Blake should be there, but I really wanted to include Emily and Tara, so as much as I love her, I swapped her.
Notes: Did I take my title from a Shawn Mendes Song? Yes Does it really have much to do with the story? No But I figured there's gonna be a lot of pining and trying to decide whether or not to be in a relationship and i just love the line "Everything Means Nothing If I can't Have You" so...
Warnings: A main aspect of this story is the case that they are working, so there will be talk of murder, kidnapping, sexual assault, and things of that nature, so please be warned. There might be smut in later chapters, but I haven't decided yet.
Full Chapter is below the cut
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Spencer folded the letter that he had received from his mentor and pushed it into his messenger bag. He was sitting at his desk, reading and re-reading the letter over and over. He decided to put it away, finally, after the 7th time through. He’d already memorized it and he had just made his decision. He pulled out a pad of paper from his desk and began to write his own letter of resignation. He tried not to think about the others… The group of profilers who would be devastated that he was leaving, especially since Gideon had just left.
He especially tried not to think about the BAU Unit Chief, Aaron Hotchner. He and Aaron had been having a physical relationship the past two years. It was completely unexpected, but oh so passionate. Spencer supposed another reason that he was leaving was because he had started to grow feelings for his boss and he knew that the older man would never feel the same way. He ripped the page out and headed to Aaron’s office.
Aaron was sitting at his desk, filling out some paperwork from their last case. Everything had gone pretty smoothly, they had saved the child who had been snatched and luckily they had done so before any harm could come to the child. He was happy that they’d had one with a good ending after so many losses. He had just signed the bottom of the last page when there was a knock on his office door.
“Sir, we have another one.” The BAU’s technical analyst said, peeking her head into the office, “And it's a bad one…” She sighed. Aaron nodded.
“Call everyone back. We’ll gather at the round table in 20.” He said. Garcia nodded and scurried away. Aaron leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath. He picked up his phone to check the case that Garcia had seen before him and looked over the files in the tiny screen of his phone. 
“So, we have three male victims. COD on all was exsanguination following a series of stab wounds in the abdomen.” Garcia explained, her disgust visible on her face.
“All of them were laid out with their hands folded over their abdomens, face up.” JJ pointed out.
“And they were cleaned and changed into the same white button up with khakis… They almost look ready for their funeral.” Emily said, flipping to look at all the crime scene photos.
“Yes. Each man was taken on a Monday afternoon and all were found the next Monday in the same place they were taken from” Aaron explained, “He then waits another week before taking another. We have only a few hours until he takes another victim. Wheels up in 30.” He said, standing and leaving the room. The others were quick to follow.
“Looks like we’re going to Las Vegas.” JJ teased Emily, bumping the other agent's shoulder. Emily raised her eyebrows at JJ.
“Maybe after the case we’ll get some time to play.” Emily teased right back. JJ smirked and grabbed her go bag. Emily picked up hers and they made their way to the elevators.
“So, will you be meeting up with the former agent that you told me about? Didn’t you say that he moved to Las Vegas?” Dave said, standing in the doorway of Aaron’s office. Aaron raised his eyebrows.
“Yes, he did move to Las Vegas but… I’m not going to see him, I mean… That was a long time ago.” Aaron said, looking at his tablet. He was looking at the photos of the victims and the medical examiner’s reports for the first two.
“Come on, you told me that you had a lot of unresolved feelings and this could be your chance to resolve them.” Dave stated, suggestively. Aaron kept his face hard.
“Maybe, maybe, I will call him.” Aaron spoke, putting a lot of emphasis on the second maybe, “I’m not making any promises.”
Aaron was preparing to go home, grabbing all of his personal items and shoving them into his briefcase. He was exhausted and ready to be home. As soon as he got his stuff together, there were three quiet knocks on the door of his office.
“Come in.” He said. The door opened and Spencer was there. He looked as if he was ready to get home as well. His jacket was on and he had his bag over his shoulder. His hair was in the familiar slicked back style, but a few strands had fallen in front of his face. Aaron felt his knees weaken just looking at the attractive man in front of him, “You’re still here? I thought you’d gone home.” 
“Yeah, uh, can we talk?” Spencer said, that’s when Aaron realized how nervous he looked. His fingers were drumming quickly on the strap of the bag and his eyes were darting, never looking directly at Aaron.
“Of course, is something wrong?” Aaron asked, his face turning more serious. He knew that the man was still hurt by Gideon’s departure, but he never expected to hear what Spencer said next.
“This is my letter of resignation. It’s effective immediately.” Spencer said, sitting the paper on his desk, “Here’s my gun and my badge.” He set them down next to the letter. Aaron looked at Spencer in disbelief.
Once on the jet, the team began talking about victimology. All the men had a similar appearance, so they figured that they were surrogates for the person the unsub truly wanted to kill. 
“Well, stabbing is typically a replacement for sexual penetration. Was there any sign of sexual assault on any of the victims?” Lewis asked. From the screen, Garcia responded.
“No signs of… that on the first two victims… The ME is still examining the latest victim.” Garcia explained.
“Well, that could mean that he’s impotent.” Rossi said.
“Okay, when we land I want Prentiss and Morgan at the latest crime scene. JJ and Rossi go to the medical examiner’s office and Lewis, you and I will set up at the local PD.” Aaron said, sitting back in his seat. The rest of the team nodded. JJ got up and moved to the back of the plane, clicking on the contact labeled ‘Spencer Reid’. The line rang twice and then a voice…
“Hello.” The man on the other end spoke softly. 
“Hey, Spence, I was just calling to let you know that we’re heading to Las Vegas for a case… Maybe after that we can get breakfast or something.” JJ said.She heard some shuffling.
“Yeah, I’d like that, JJ. Actually, I’m the one that suggested they call you guys. I’ve been consulting on the case.” Spencer told her.
“Oh, it’ll be great to work with you again.” JJ said while grabbing a water bottle out of the mini fridge.
“Yeah, I’m excited to see you guys.” Spencer said, “Listen, my class is starting so I have to get off the phone, but I’ll see you when you land.” the phone call cut off before JJ could respond. She made her way back to her seat.
“Well, I just talked to Spence and he said that he’s consulting on this case.” JJ said, “He said that he was the one to suggest that they call us.” 
“So we get to work with the boy wonder again?” Emily said, “I’m glad, I’ve missed him.”
“I think we all have.” Derek pointed out, “I was sad that he left, but I get it. Gideon was his mentor and it really hurt him when he left.”
“I can’t wait to meet Dr. Spencer Reid. I’ve heard so much about him and I think I’m the only one who hasn’t met him.” Tara said,
“He left before I joined as well.” Rossi said, “So I haven’t met the kid yet, either.” Rossi looked over at Aaron, but the man didn’t even glance.
“It will be nice to catch up, but remember we’re also working a case.” Hotch said. The others nodded and continued going over the case files. Rossi finally looked away form Hotch and back to his case files.
Aaron entered the local police station accompanied by Dr. Tara Lewis. The Captain met them at the door.
“You must be… Agent Hotchner.” He said, “I’m Captain Smith.” He said, offering his hand. Aaron shook the man’s hand.
“Yes, I’m Agent Aaron Hotchner and this is Dr. Tara Lewis.” He said. The Captain shook Tara’s hand.
“We’ve got you guys set up in the conference room back here. Dr. Reid set it up.” He said.
“Is he here?” Aaron asked.
“Yes, he’s setting up the evidence board you guys requested. Honestly, we’ve been stuck with this case and when he suggested calling up his old team I was definitely willing.” He said.
“It's a good thing you called us.” Tara said, “We believe that he will take another victim sometimes today if he hasn’t already. Has anyone been reported missing in the comfort zone?” The three approached the door to the conference room. The Captain opened the door and there was Spencer Reid, hanging another picture on the board.
“The lieutenant just informed me that there’s been another abduction. His name is Arthur Skinner.” Spencer started, “He was last seen in the lobby of the hotel he was staying at. Someone said they saw another man come up to him but they couldn’t give a description. We should try a cognitive.” Aaron watched the Doctor talk, he suddenly found himself distracted by the way Reid’s hair fell into his eyes, followed by Reid’s hands moving the hair away from his face.
“Ready to get going?” Tara said, looking at Aaron now.
“Oh, yes. Let's go… Reid, are you coming?” Aaron asked. He set his briefcase on the table and waited for the Doctor’s response.
“No, I’m going to stay and work on a geographical profile.” Reid said. He glanced up from the map he had just spread across the table and caught Aaron’s eye right before the man left the room. Reid gripped the pen in his hand and looked back down at his map.
“Are you sure?” Aaron asked, “I know that Gideon leaving has been hard on you, but you’re an asset to this team.” 
“I’ve been offered a position as a professor at a University close to Las Vegas… My mother has been getting worse and I just need to be close to her.” Reid told his boss matter of factly.
“I understand, Reid. I’m sorry to see you go.” Aaron glanced at the stack of files that had been piling up recently. Reid followed his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Hotch… I know it's going to be difficult for a bit, but I know you guys will find someone to take my place.” Spencer reached across the desk, resting his hand on Hotch’s own folded hands. Spencer wasn’t usually one for touching, but it was different with Aaron. Spencer tried not to think about the fact that he wanted nothing more than to kiss the older Agent, but he couldn’t allow himself to do that.
“You’re going to be a great Professor, Spencer.” Aaron told him. Spencer smiled, his beautiful, shining smile. Aaron wanted to pull him in and kiss him, but he knew he couldn’t.
“Thank you, Aaron.” He said, standing up and exiting Aaron’s office. Aaron sighed and leaned back in his chair. He hadn’t thought about it much, but he knew his feelings for the younger man had gotten to be… Almost too much. Maybe now he could get them to subside.
Next Chapter
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thesebright-lights · 1 year
Making a playlist for the most complicated Death Note crossover au ever. Tagging this like crazy because I feel like it would be fun to write, but I don’t know if there’s a ton of overlap with the people in these fandoms? It would mostly just be Death Note and Criminal Minds though, you don’t need to have watched/read the others necessarily.
Basically this au is built on the idea that those who use the Death Note can neither go to Heaven nor Hell- my idea is, what if they’re reincarnated instead?
I can’t remember if L ever used the Death Note directly or if he had another member of the task force test it, but for the sake of this story, he was the one to use it. Basically, Light and L keep getting reincarnated in different universes, and at some point, every time, remember their past lives. Misa is reincarnated as well, however they don’t meet her every cycle, if that makes sense, while L and Light almost always end up finding each other. The criminal minds idea I have doesn’t involve Misa at all, although that could change.
Keep in mind- L and Light don’t remember from the moment their born. Their memories return over time. This means their personalities change as they experience more and more different lives, but like they still retain their values (kind of?) so things might get a little ooc to stay truer to Death Note, but we’ll see.
I want to write Hotch as Light and Reid as L. This would be Lawlight/Heid (hotchreid wouldn’t come until after their memories return though). I feel like there’s a lot of potential for angst and also some funny interactions with the team.
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vroomvroommuppett · 2 years
When they're bored or stressed your boys like to send you photos. Yes, Reid got a phone just for you and Hotch
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yes. you’ll just get random pictures throughout the day in your gc while youre at home taking care of the kids and just laughing at some of them. but when reid sends the second pic of hotch you short circuit
he surprises you and hotch one day with an iphone
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ai-yumee · 2 years
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Quería hacer un especial porque amo Halloween y este año si tuve ideas para este AU, así que lo hice.
Aaron, Spencer y el pequeño Sean jugando a Dulce o truco. Como pueden ver, Aaron y Sean se vistieron a juego de futbolista y basquetbolista zombie, y a Spence le gustó más la idea de vestirse como el Doc Emmett Brown jsjsj
¿Que por qué los hermanos Hotchner tienen el disfraz de zombie deportista a medias? Sencillo, Aaron usó el uniforme oficial de su equipo, y Sean lo siguió usando el suyo xD
Es un sketch, me gustaría que estuviera a fullcolor pero por ahora no se puede, aún así, espero que les guste (*^▽^*)
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artcake · 2 years
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cowboy a/b/o hotchreid for @domestikhighway58 and their amazing cowboy a/b/o hotchreid fic
no I don't care that it's impractical hotch always gets his omega naked
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All About Katy
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Hello loves, checking in for the first time in a while. New pinned post here we go. I'm not saying I'm fully back but I'm popping in here and there, writing a bit on the side (which is hard because applause keeps me alive but I'm not planning on posting things until they are done anymore. I hate being the forever-WIP person).
Life is fine as it can be atm, I'm currently tumbling through a few new fandoms and touching base with some old ones. Projects are in the works across about four different fandoms, don't ask me how it's just how my brain works. But I miss talking with people who get my brand of crazy and love to day dream details and scenarios, so if anything strikes your fancy my ask box is once again open. Come talk to me, I've missed you. 💕 My brain is bursting with ideas, so feel free to talk to me about whatever, even if the fandom isn't listed. I've done a lot of media consuming lately so there's a high chance I've watched/read/done a lot of ao3 searches about it.
If anyone is still here keeping tabs on me, thank you for your devotion and patience. Much love to you dears <3
This is a Multi-Fandom blog. Below are current projects and side-blogs that are active for me as of Autumn 2024:
Jujutsu Kaisen: (Side Blog: @katytheinspiredjjkblog ) Current Projects: But Make It Slow Burn (ItaFushi Angsty Rewrite/Fix-it), Fine Dining AU, brainstorming others...
Stranger Things: (no side blog, most posts are here) Current Projects: Dreamwalker/Subconscious Steddie Fix-it AU
BTS: (Side Blog: @thebtsrabbithole) Current Projects: BTS Westworld AU
Criminal Minds: Masterlist. Current Projects: HotchReid Dark AU, Correspondence Sequel (on temp hiatus)
Original Work: (no side blog atm) Current Projects: Artistic Gays Do Artistic Crimes (og novel in the works)
You can find me also on: ao3, Instagram (art only), pinterest, spotify
My old pinned post that had all my info about me, if anyone needs it.
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Wedding Challenge Fic Masterlist
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Hey everyone! I want to start by saying thank you so much to everyone who participated - it was so much fun to write alongside you all, and I can’t wait to share everyone’s hard work.
So without further ado, here are the entries for the Wedding Challenge!
The Perfect Plan by @imagining-in-the-margins: [SFW, GN] Reader has a question for Spencer, but things don’t go according to plan.
Forever Has a Nice Ring to It by @foxy-eva: [SFW, Fem] Spencer Reid has a hard time talking about his feelings. When he finally finds the courage to express his love for his girlfriend, both of them realize that forever has a nice ring to it.
Speak Now by @mxacegrey: [SFW, GN] “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
To Have and To Hold by @imagining-in-the-margins: [NSFW, Fem] Reader is trying to save her marriage, but Spencer seems resigned to its failure.
Moral of the Story  (Part 1, Part 2,Part 3) by @imagining-in-the-margins: [Pts. 1&3 SFW, Fem] Spencer has a surprise for you on the night before you two get married.
You Know My Heart by @fortheloveofwonderland: [NSFW] Reader has been in love with playboy Spencer Reid for ten long years. But when you get engaged, he suddenly has to stop the wedding at any cost.
Ring Mayhem by @mxacegrey: [SFW, GN] Jack is the ringbearer and he informs the bride/groom that he’s lost the ring… a couple hours before the wedding.
Marry Me by @leahseclipse: [SFW, Fem] A car crash turns everything into a nightmare.
(Un)dressing Room by @foxy-eva: [NSFW, Fem] Emily and her fiancé go wedding dress shopping and make good use of the proximity in the dressing room. 
Honeymoon Suite by @foxy-eva: [NSFW, Fem] Alex and her wife find the best way to start their honeymoon.
At Sunset by @darcyfangirlsfrequently (AO3): [SFW] Luke pops the question.
At Last, I Do by @darcyfangirlsfrequently (AO3): [SFW] Luke and Penelope get married.
What Happens in Vegas... Certainly Does Not Stay There by @darcyfangirlsfrequently: [SFW] After a crazy night out in Vegas, the couple wakes up with rings on their fingers and a certificate that proves the impossible.
Au Revoir by @writingquillsandpainpills: [SFW] Who knew a careless "Bonjour" would lead to the most painful "Au revoir?"
The Road Ahead by @gaelic-symphony: [SFW] Emily and Tara hit the road for a weekend getaway at Rossi’s vacation house on the Eastern Shore.
Two Weddings by @gaelic-symphony (AO3): [SFW] Reflections on what could have been as JJ and Emily get married in Rossi’s backyard—eight years apart from each other.
Anniversary by @foxy-eva: [NSFW] Emily plans a special surprise for Tara on their first wedding anniversary.
Mystery of Love by @tobias-hankel: [NSFW] Spencer knew one thing for sure, they wanted to marry Derek Morgan. Everything else was a mystery.
White Lace Garter by goobzoop (AO3): [NSFW] Aaron and Spencer's wedding day is finally here and Spencer is so ready to lose his virginity.
Spencer/Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
Marry Me to the Blue Sky by Chaotic_Librarian (AO3): [NSFW] Spencer got married while in Las Vegas, and the team was sure he was there to visit his mother. But instead, Spencer returns with a ring on his finger.
Thank you everyone! Keep an eye out for the next challenge, which is hopefully coming soon!
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sirmatthew1972 · 4 months
Forever: The Double Edged Sword
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This is the final chapter! Or at least, it's the last chapter of the first story in this universe. Will there be more? Yes. A sequel from Spencer's point of view is in the works. But... I've signed up for the Criminal Minds Kink Bingo 2024, so I'll be filling my squares first. Teaser Aaron blinks at his changed surroundings, feeling groggy and uneasy. How come he's sitting up? Shivering, he frowns at the sky of fluffy white clouds blown in from across the Atlantic Ocean. That which has shut out the sun. They are a startling sign of him missing time since he'd received the quickening of the man he'd killed. So much energy! Yet all it manages to do is leave him feeling unsettled. Eager to get up and away from this concrete world… to go somewhere warm, soft and most of all safe. So he can curl up into it. Into Spencer, whose hands are holding onto his bruised sword hand as if touch alone can heal it. Well, maybe it does? His heart skips a beat now. Yeah. This is what he'd fought and killed for. To stay alive for Spencer. Read more on AO3
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foxy-eva · 2 years
Criminal Minds Headcanon & Moodboard Masterlist
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Emily Prentiss
Relationship Headcanons
Spencer Reid
Mutual Pining
First Date Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons
NSFW Relationship Headcanons
Dom!Spencer Headcanons
Sub!Spencer Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons - Pregnancy Edition
Anniversary Headcanons
Taking care of you on your period
Family Headcanons
Dad!Spencer Headcanons
Meeting your Family & Friends
Christmas Headcanons
Meet-Cute Headcanons
Wedding Headcanons
BAU Christmas Headcanons
Hotchreid Holiday Headcanons
Spencelle Domestic Headcanons
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Missing Spencer Reid while he's working on a case
Walking in a Winter Wonderland with Spencer Reid
Cozy Sunday with Spencer Reid
Playing Chess with Spencer Reid
Spencer Reid Vintage Purple Aesthetic
Spencer Reid & The Color Green
Spencer Reid with Cats and Books
Valentine's Day with Spencer Reid
Spencer Reid in Prison
Spencer Reid Cowboy AU
Professor Spencer Reid x Reader
Road Trip with Spencer Reid
Spencer Reid Wedding
Summer Nights with Spencer Reid
Summer Vacation with Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner & Wine Red
Club Night with Emily Prentiss
Tara x JJ Date Night
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Other Posts:
Prison!Reid Icons
Spencer Reid Rainbow Icons
MGG in the Moonlight music video
MGG as Wes in Dollface
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lavender-lotion · 1 year
hotchreid hospital au?
ugh I LOVE this idea I don't know why I haven't gone back to it yet!! here's a lil teaser from my doc!!
The doctor’s eyes were apologetic. “Agent Hotchner was shot in the hip. The bullet nicked his spleen and didn’t exit. He’ll have to go into surgery in order for his sleep to be repaired before the damage gets worse and for the bullet to be removed.” He took a breath, and Reid copied the exaggerated movement of his chest as he tried to sooth his own burning lungs. “It will be a routine surgery, and we don’t foresee any complications.” “Then why aren’t you in there?” Prentiss snapped, her back straight and shoulder’s tense. “We need someone to authorize the surgery as Agent Hotchner is unconscious.” “Then I authorize the damn surgery!” she cried, her voice strained. “Get in there and help him.” “Ma’am, you can’t. We’re currently attempting to reach out to Agent Hotchner’s healthcare proxy--”  “That’s me,” Reid breathed, stepping forward as he forced himself to swallow the painful lump in his throat.  The doctor looked at him with wide eyes, surprise evident in his expression. He pulled his clipboard up and flipped through it, asking, “Sorry, who are you?” Reid swallowed, again, and grabbed the lobe of his ear between his forefinger and thumb. “Spencer Walter Reid. P-Please just show me what I need to sign.” “Pretty boy, what?” Morgan asked, but the sound was distant as he stepped up to the Doctor and glared at his right eyebrow. “I’m his husband and his healthcare proxy. Please hurry up.”
send me a title from this WIP game and i’ll tell you what it’s about!
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 11 days
imagine a hotchreid au where hotch is cheating on haley with spence. i know he wouldn't because aaron is loyal to a fault but... imagine it. we've all heard of the older man has an affair with a younger workmate but it would be worse considering spencers a guy .. or something
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reasonablerodents · 10 months
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I don’t usually do single fic posts on here because if you’re here you almost certainly know my AO3 page already, but I doodled a sad wet cat Spencer and thought it would make a fun little banner (That this website is gonna absolutely kill the quality of. Just imagine it’s better.)
This is a really ridiculous fic that started from one (1) conversation with amekeii- and then I couldn’t stop writing for days. Anyone who knows me can testify that I had (and still have) a severe case of brainrot.
Only want g-rated sweet soft kitten rescuer Hotch? Just read the first chapter!
Want that and catboy hotchreid filth? That’s what chapter two’s for, baby!
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Phenomenal Cat
Chapter 1: G, Chapter 2: E || Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid || AU- Magic Exists || 9013 words
‘He’s just about to start running, but a loud noise cuts through the sound of the pouring rain, stopping him in his tracks.
It’s a panicked cry, one that immediately reminds Hotch of a baby- no, not a baby, a kitten.’
Aaron Hotchner rescues a kitten from a storm that reminds him of a certain coworker. It’s probably just a cute coincidence.
* * * * * * * * * *
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vroomvroommuppett · 2 years
More pics that Reid and Hotch would send if they stressed or to cheer you up? Or just cause they miss you
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you’d get the one of hotch and be like “wtf? who taught him the angle?” then you realize garcia is in the picture and it makes sense.
the reid one is from when he accidentally third wheeled jemily.
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