#hottest oc ask
tg-headcanons · 1 month
(Lost this in the ask pile and was just reminded) MY WRETCHED LITTLE BOY!! I’m putting it under the cut because it’s a big rant about my most wildly self indulgent oc
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(My drawing ability is extremely bad but Fuck It We Ball) he’s from an Au I made with my bf @fawntastic (he drew the cast here)
Ahiga Cain is 17 years old, 6’5, an up and coming musician and is the last known member of H. Sapiens Cleptavox. They were one of the native ghoul species of the Americas and once a prominent part of the environment and society, but after hundreds of years of sickness and war, their numbers have dwindled to the certainty of extinction. He was born as the result of a last ditch attempt to save the species, but it ultimately failed.
He only made it to three years old before the CCG found where his mother had been living with him in a cave on protected land in the Grand Canyon, and an extermination operation was carried out on the day his younger brother was born. He was the only one who managed to make it out, fleeing towards the closest shelter, a dumpster where he was found a few days later by Arlen Cain, one of the investigator’s responsible who was coming back to the scene to do reports. He, already having some weird relationships with ghouls (I lowkey based psyb houji on him), and having also just been given custody of the daughter of a coworker who died in the operation, took him home and hid him away until he could be sure the kid wasn’t dangerous and reported him as a human child he found captured by ghouls. It was obvious that Ahiga was not human, he wasn’t even a normal ghoul, but after seeing what his partner did to that kakuja’s other cub, Arlen didn’t want any more children to die. Plus, he kind of wanted to see how this played out
Ahiga grew up in an extremely weird situation. One of his fathers is a common Eurasian ghoul, the other is an investigator actively covering up his identity, and his sister is a human who lost her mother at the same time he lost his, but they grew up close as creepy rural kid twins who just go off into the desert unsupervised sometimes. They had to learn as they went how Ahiga worked, especially when he ate birds and rodents and seemed to be fine and mimicked their own voices back at them, but they were happy. They just put him in loose clothing so it’s hard to tell how weirdly shaped he is, claimed he was born with ROS, and occasionally got information and help raising him from the few members of his mother’s tribe who knew about him.
The main problem at this point, was Vivienne. She’s Arlen’s partner, and more importantly, she was the one who brought down his mother. She’s reached high acclaim after killing a kakuja of a ghoul species previously thought to be prehistoric, and has since wracked up a reputation as being the most ruthless and effective ghoul hunter the Las Vegas CCG has seen in a long time. She’s a friend of the family, because it would be suspicious to cut her off at this point, and is close to Ahiga. He knows who she is, what she did, but instinctively he wants to be near her because when she uses the quinque made from his mother, it left her scent on her, and ever since sensing it as a small child he’s been attached. No matter how much he tries to rationalize it as he gets older, he still wants to be around her. And Vivienne, not aware that there’s anything wrong with Ahiga besides his illness and many allergies, loves him. Arlen is the closest thing to family she has, and so are his kids
His life was, oddly enough, pretty normal as a kid, up to the time other ghouls found out about him. They were so focused on protecting him from humans, that they didn’t know to protect him from certain ghouls, and a restaurant society heard rumors that the last cleptavox in the world was alive and well and ripe for the taking. He was taken by them when he was 11, and carefully kept alive so he could be butchered and auctioned off piecemeal, fed enough to regenerate, and start over again. It was there in captivity when his kagune finally started to harden, and after a couple weeks there, he managed to kill a handler and escape. He made his way home, but wasn’t the same after that. He had hoped to never get involved in the violence of the ghoul world, he wanted to just live like a human as much as he could, but the violence had found him and all because he was the last of a doomed species. He never wanted to be an endling, it wasn’t his choice, but he was one and now both humans and ghouls want to cut him to pieces for it, without even the dignity of a clean death
After that, he accepted that he’d need to be prepared to fight, but that wasn’t enough. It wasn’t fair, his mother didn’t deserve to die, his little brother didn’t deserve to die, all ghouls didn’t deserve to be hunted and have their lives ruined for what they can’t control, and he’ll do whatever he can to change it. The way his body changed after having to regenerate from being butchered, his hair turning white and his instincts getting worse, as well as the feeling that it wasn’t his anymore, made him eager to decide to turn it into a weapon. He and his sister, Megan, learned to hunt. His fathers, though reluctant, brought home ghoul meat. Ahiga, being a subspecies designed for cannibalism, grew a kakuja quickly.
He burst onto the scene to slaughter doves patrolling any area close to where his mother was killed, and it was obvious that this new one was the same species as the SSS ranked Coyote King that was exterminated there years ago. The CCG was whipped into a frenzy trying to find and kill it, headed by Vivienne, who having grown up in CCG education, saw the extermination of another ancient monster the perfect legacy
Ahiga became known as Roadkill, and quickly rose to his mother’s rank of SSS along with his sister, who became known as Jaeger, who is rank S as the CCG hasn’t yet figured out she isn’t a ghoul. They’ve amassed a gang, making it their business to not only support the ghouls in the area with food and shelter, but to launch coordinated attacks on CCG buildings and operations. There was a particularly brutal one when Operation Headlights, the task force led by Vivienne and Arlen to exterminate Roadkill and it’s gang, was first formed. His gang cornered the members sent to exterminate them, but rather than killing them themselves, he had them split into groups, vote on which of them will die, and them to kill the losers. After the wave of resignations that came from that it became well known in the CCG that even the money and acclaim that comes with the position isn’t worth what those ghouls will do to them.
He and his sister are horrors. In possum and deer skull masks, they and their gang move quickly on bikes and in cars, strike fast, and pile up corpses before the law can respond. He’s the reason that their branch of the CCG had to make new rules that sound like they come straight out of a horror movie, such as “do not believe anything said over the phone or radio as it could be a mimicry” and “no gloves or sunglasses in the office to ensure a ghoul wearing human skin is not on the premises”
In order to justify staying in Las Vegas full time as opposed to the more rural area outside of it his family lived at, they claimed to be starting a band as it was very believable that two idiot teenagers thought they could make it big performing at casinos. Their cover story worked to explain why they were always in the city that Roadkill and Jaeger were terrorizing, but by pure coincidence, they did well. They just happened to be at the right place at the right time, performing some stupid little show at a casino a relative worked at, when they got some attention. They realized that some fame will be good, not because of the money (though being able to afford a private jet to smuggle ghouls around in didn’t hurt), but because making music with ghoul dogwhistles can help get the word out to recruit more people for their militia
By now they’re a well oiled machine of performance, Murder, and self destructive spirals for the sake of destroying the CCG. Though Ahiga remains distant from his comrades. It’s not that he’s particularly rude or doesn’t want to be close to them, but because as he gets older, his subspecies traits become more obvious and very unsettling to other ghouls. He makes too much eye contact, his talons are way too big, and his occasional quadrupedal walk make other ghouls not want to be around him as he’s just uncanny. Being a kakuja also doesn’t help. So he’ll go out of his way to find other ghouls that are weird subspecies or kakuja because he’s kind of desperate to hang out with someone as weird as him. He’s also just kind of cringe in the way he behaves
Becoming so powerful at such a young age, especially in response to a horrific event and knowing that he’s the last of his kind, did terrible things to Ahiga. He compulsively cannibalizes to grow his kakuja even as his RC fluctuations grow out of control and leave him dependent on all sorts of suppressants and medications, and leaning on a cane half the time he’s out of combat. He’s been utilizing drugs and machinery to try to make himself stronger, dosing himself with all types of chemicals and plants to make his kakuja bigger and more aggressive while his sister tries out ways of armoring it and attaching mounted turrets to his back. It’s quickly destroying him, chipping away at his body and mind as he’s left with injuries, chemical imbalances, mood swings and hallucinations for the sake of turning himself into the war machine
But he’s careful to make sure the public and Vivienne can never tell. He wears sunglasses to hide his eyes that can rarely conceal his kakugans, he dresses in elaborate alternative fashion so no one thinks to question why he’s always wearing high heeled platform boots, ones with false bottoms inside to conceal his naturally digitigrade stance. He tells people that it’s just illness that makes his hair white, that he only looks so tall because of the boots, that he never eats anything because of allergies. It works, he even set up a donation drive for ROS research in his name to keep the lie going, and even Vivienne doesn’t question it. She’s the most dangerous person to him, having a personal vendetta against Roadkill, yet he still can’t bring himself to kill her. He wants so badly to tell her what he really is and for her to join him, but he knows she’s too far gone into CCG brainwashing to be saved yet
In all, he’s a very weird creep who is torn between the desire to save ghouls so that no other ghoul will have to suffer like he did, and wanting to slaughter everyone for causing him to be the last of his kind doomed to die in a world that he doesn’t belong in. Increasingly sick and unwell, he puts on a persona of a sweet, good humored teenager to the public to protect his human image, and a persona of a brutal, sadistic leader to protect his people as he orders others to kill and die for him. Even he isn’t sure what his plan is, he mostly does what will immediately help the ghouls in his community, follows leads of ghoul restaurants to slaughter anyone involved, or does as Arlen commands to strike at the CCG. He is in a death spiral with his surrogate mother, he and his sister cyberbully public officials together, he loves divorced dad rock, and he is a horrible little gayboy who can not be saved
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clovermousee · 1 month
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henry in that one dress
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kimjunnoodle · 22 hours
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Fun day at the pool feat. @hisohisoart poor child Lious
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Poor thing lost his floatie 😖
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fantrollology · 9 months
correct answer
edit: i doodled her yesterday and i didnt post it cuz i keep doodling monochrome busts and i think ishould be dismantled. but here it is for u
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bakedbeanz · 3 months
Camilla is absolutely beautiful and I want to bring her gifts she’s so damn cool it’s not faaaaair
REALLLL The reality that BENNY got to kiss her is crazy. Shes so out of his league fr. If he ever saw her at Gammorah he would've dropped to the ground and started begging with all his life infront of god and everyone
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sasster · 9 months
Smash is the hottest :)
he's OKAY
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ruvviks · 2 years
🌙👪🗺️🥰 for cassidy pretty please!!!!
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🌙 - what’s their sleep schedule like?
cassidy used to have a very rigid sleep schedule but nowadays it's just. whenever he can get some sleep LMFAO a very specific job that took him. nearly a year. managed to fuck up his sleep schedule to the point he would sometimes just not sleep for several days in a row. so he can just go on with his business nowadays until he passes out. he still just sleeps every night but also if he needs to stay awake it's not a problem <3
👪 - what’s their relationship with their parents like?
cassidy doesn't remember much from his parents since they've been dead since he was eight but he Does remember that. it wasn't all too great :( they paid little attention to him and since he was very lonely they would worry about him, but at the same time cassidy had a very hard time verbalizing his needs which would lead to frustration all around and he ended up just. isolating himself. as essentially a little baby. because he felt like he was just inconveniencing people and he wanted to minimize that :( so he just stayed away from his family and his parents also just didn't make an effort to be there for him so. waughfdh yeah
🗺️ - what languages do they speak?
answered here and here!
🥰 - what pet names do their partner(s) use for them? how flustered do they get by them?
"babe" and "darling" mostly and they both make cassidy melt <3 the first one is something that started happening LONG before they got together. which is still insane to me. always in my brain. cassidy didn't think much of it before because in some cases he was mid mental breakdown so he wasn't even all that aware of it but. at some point it just became a Thing. but now it's THEIR thing. i'll stop talking here otherwise i'll never shut up but oogrhdgndrhgghghfd heck
OH he also loves being called "cassie" it makes him go !!!!!!!!!!!!! so much <3
oc asks!
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stackthedeck · 1 year
I shall bother you more because I'm bored too lmao
What are thoughts issue 6 of the Spider-Man comics where Silk becomes the new "Chosen One"? I thought it was slighty better the having Peter as the chosen one, considering how they managed to accomplish more things WITHOUT him nagging on about being the chosen one only to get stabbed on his first mission with Felicia and Anya.
Have a good one!
I mean on the one hand I hate chosen one stories especially when they’re put onto Spider-Man stories and like it’s still dumb and removes tension. But also it fucks severely that they’ve retconned “spider bride” from what’s basically fanfic sex pollen to the spider above all other spiders. But like fuck I refuse to believe that any spider person is more important than others. It’s so fuck cool for Cindy but kinda lame for all other spider stories and I’ll be interested in seeing how it pans out in her solo series.
Frankly I do love spider stories that don’t focus on Peter which this spider verse is that except for the whole issue that’s just about Peter’s life if he never got bit by the spider (don’t we have a million of those??)
I digress like if we’re going to do a chosen one story this was the best way to do it by subverting Peter and bringing up Cindy. And I’ll be real I was really excited to see Peter erased from the universe but they don’t actually follow through on the implications. Like it’s fun I’m having fun this is an interesting spin but fuck it still reeks of Slott
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highlifeboat · 1 year
Max is that guy that goes "pretty woman + violence = brain go brrrrr" and I agree
Max thriving in Castle Dimitrescu because he's just surrounded by pretty women that happen to be violent.
I feel like Max enjoys the thought of like... Daniela beating the shit out of people. Or threatening people. But he has conflicted feelings about the whole "Mauling people and eating them alive" thing. Like as long as he stays away from the mauling itself he's fine.
That said, Daniela + Covered in Blood = Max Brain Go BRRRRR.
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tri-punisher · 2 years
i think im about to get one of those anime nosebleeds holy SHIT sidneyyy
fhjiksdjik thank you,, i'm very very happy people like sidney :'D
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sparklingchim · 2 years
but jimin’s so cute n we love a jelly jk
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fagsarecool · 1 year
If you can't think of anyone who would get Cardi pregnant, an OC will do
There's a whole list of ghouls I can pull up but I've never been good about writing the ghouls. I do have a list of ocs...
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woso-dreamzzz · 29 days
Natalia II
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adeventures Universe
Summary: Talia and her obsession with your hands
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For as long as Talia can remember, she's noticed people's hands first.
Usually, it's as simple as a handshake.
You can tell a lot by people's hands, Talia thinks. If they're rough and calloused or soft or if they're big or small. The way people throw. The way they catch. The way that someone squeezes her hand slightly when they shakes.
There is a lot about hands that Talia finds interesting.
Yours especially.
She has different answers to questions depending on who asks. If someone asks her your prettiest feature, she'd say your eyes. If you asked her that same question then she'd say the way you smile when you see someone you love.
If someone asked her your hottest feature, she'd say your abs. She's not wrong. You have good abs, from all the sits ups and planks you do at training. If you were to ask her then she'd confess and say it was your hands.
You have large hands. A big palm topped off with long fingers. They're rough but not too rough, rough enough that on the occasions where you pin her down, she can feel each callous. They're strong too. Strong enough that you can dangle from the climbing wall with one hand and strong enough to squeeze her throat just how she likes when you fuck her.
They're a little bit veiny too, enough that she can see them clearly when you flex and Talia can always count on being distracted by them when you do weights.
Your hands are the most perfect hands in the entire world and she will die on that hill.
She'd noticed them when you first met all those years ago, pulling off your gloves to shake her hand. They'd been less rough then, less strong and less big but she'd still been impressed by them.
Still been impressed enough by you to go back to the hotel and watch your matches with Linköping again and again. Impressed enough to follow your career at Arsenal.
The birth of her secret fan account happened then. It started off as a burner Twitter account that had been sparked when against Aston Villa, you pulled off your gloves and ran a hand down your throat.
To this day, Talia can't thank that camera man enough for staying on you.
You'd dragged your entire hand down the expanse of your throat and Talia was treated to the slight flex of it as you curled your fingers around your own neck for reasons unknown.
Her burner Twitter account very quickly became a little shrine to you and your games that carried on even after you'd come to Barcelona. The TikTok account using the same handle had been born during the World Cup.
Talia hadn't really been expecting much when she randomly posted an edit about you but it had blown up a little bit and as Sweden's first choice keeper, she was given a lot of video footage to go off of.
There was even a shot of you at training with your team as they poured water all over you and you stripped off your shirt displaying your abs.
That had been a very popular edit.
"You're both quite popular on TikTok," Pernille mentions one evening over dinner.
You're all at home a day after a match, enjoying one last meal together before your parents fly home.
Prins sits at your feet happily, mouth open waiting for any food to drop while Reina lazes on the back of the sofa and Kung bounces around the room with a stick of celery.
"What? With the edits?" You ask," Yeah, I've seen a few of them. I think they're kind of cool."
"I don't." Magda, as always, sounds grumpy and Talia wonders briefly if she was this grumpy when you were growing up. "You're a baby. You shouldn't have people thirsting over you."
"I've not been a baby for a while," You reply but Magda just huffs.
"You're my baby," Magda insists," And I've had enough for edits showing up of your abs."
"She has good abs," Talia can't help but put in and she smiles as the tips of your ears turn red. Only for a flush to go through her body as you pick up her beer bottle and flick off the top with one hand.
It's unbelievably hot when you do that and you don't even know it.
"Of course you would say that," Magda replies before somewhat smugly saying," She got them from me."
Pernille rolls her eyes. "Yes, Magda," She says, slightly patronising," You have good abs too."
Talia would usually tease Magda for the way she turns red after the compliment but she's once again focussed on your hands as you easily lift Prins up onto your lap, your good boy wagging his tail happily at being included.
"It's the hand edits though," Magda continues," I just don't get the hand edits. They're just hands. I think I've saved one to show you."
Talia's heart drops as Magda shows the table what edit she's talking about.
It's one of hers.
Very clearly featuring a game a few weeks ago when you'd gotten uncharacteristically wound up and had fisted the shirt of an opposing play and dragged her away from you, pushing her further back to keep some distance.
Again, the camera man was a godsend because the image was still clear even as Talia zoomed in on your hands.
You watch the edit, unaware of the crisis that Talia's currently in next to you.
The caption is even more embarrassing.
'I'd let her manhandle me like that any day 🥵🥵🥵'
Just when Talia thinks it can't get worse, it does. Magda starts scrolling through the account and each caption is worse than the other.
'Just want her to pin me to the mattress 🥵🥵🥵'
'I'd love to have finger shaped bruises from her 🥵🥵🥵'
'I bet she spanks super hard 🥵🥵🥵'
You stare down at your hands in confusion, clenching and unclenching them as Talia tries very hard to stop the blush from her chest rising up to her face.
"Are they good hands?" You wonder aloud, brow furrowed. You turn them over to inspect before getting distracted with Prins trying to lunge forward to lick the sauce off your plate.
"They're reliable hands," Pernille replies before turning to her wife," God, Magda, it's just an edit. People are allowed to thirst over her hands if they want."
"No they're not! I won't allow it!"
"Unless you're going to cyber stalk the owner of the account, Magda, then there's not much else you can do."
A thoughtful look appears on Magda's face.
"No, Magda, you can't cyber stalk the account owner."
The conversation, thankfully for Talia, is dropped and by the time Magda and Pernille leave for the airport, she thinks you've forgotten about it.
Out of nowhere though, you slip onto her lip, pulling her into a heady kiss.
Talia gasps into it when you slip your tongue into her mouth as one hand tugs her back by her hair as you have more access.
By the time you pull away, that hand has migrated to exactly where she wants it.
Wrapped around her throat.
"So," You say, whispering in her ear," You'd let me manhandle you any day?"
She can feel your grin against her skin. "It's the same username as that Twitter account you've dedicated to me."
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toxicanonymity · 6 months
twin peaks.
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4k, Joel x afab!reader x Tommy, ONE SHOT A/N: This is my @pedrostories secret santa gift. @endlessthxxghts, you're on my nice list. Happy holidays! ♥️ Ty for the flexibility and for engaging with fics you like, which gave more ideas 🖤. Please excuse the extra men, don't need to remember names. Ty @jksprincess10 for your afab insights! WARNINGS: I8+, Motorcycle Club AU, but Joel is no longer riding. You're a chef. Language. Bar fight. Blood. Gunfire. My first attempt at mild grumpy/sunshine. Passing reference to a bar server's prior SA incident. An OC gets in your personal space and touches your side. Hurt/Comfort. Minor love triangle, I guess, but everyone’s cool. Unsafe P in V, creampies. MFM but only joel inside. The men can lift you. You’re shorter than them. Competency kink, mild size kink, sharing. Starts in Joel POV. Finished & "edited" on covid & meds, fck it we ball! BIKER JOEL RECS: both sides of the moon by @lunitawrites and (and ty for this list luna lol)  a minute from home by @agentmarcuspike, little mouse by @katiexpunk & @josephquinnswhore., the road to love by @jobean12-blog
dividers from @cafekitsune for POV change and time jump
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“Changed the recipe,” Joel grumbles. 
Tommy shakes his head with a smile. “Ya know, brother. . . you might be the only one who comes here for the wings.” 
“Cause they’re the best. Or they *were*. Taste this.” Joel pushes the basket over to Tommy and takes a swig of beer, then adds, “If I wanna see some skin, I’ll go to a proper titty bar.”
The uniforms are cute at Twin Peaks, but Joel is there for two reasons: the wings and the company. He sold his Harley and quit the club after a minor accident. It left him only a little scraped up but scared his daughters to death. Now these biker bars are the only place he sees his old crew.
“Shit, they did change it,” Tommy concedes. “Maybe ya should send’em back,” he teases.
“Not a bad idea,” Joel mutters. 
“Really?” Tommy asks. 
“‘S’cuse me. Miss?” The scantily clad server turns around. “They musta changed the recipe, I can’t eat these.” 
“Oh no,” the server frowns. “Sorry ‘bout that, lemme see what I can do.” The server takes the wings back to the kitchen. 
A minute later, you emerge from the kitchen in your chef’s whites and Joel does a double take. You smile at him as you approach. 
“Oh, shit,” Tommy elbows him, but Joel hardly notices. He’s captivated by you, but he keeps a straight face. 
“Heard the wings weren’t to your liking,” you cringe empathetically. 
“Why’d ya go and change the Hot Honey recipe.”
“I’m sorry, hun. Hot Honey’s off the menu, that’s the closest we’ve got.”
“It’s *what* now? Why’d ya take it off?”
You sigh with an apologetic smile. “Wasn’t my call.” Then you perk up. “But I think you might really like the new Thai Spice recipe,” you smile.
“Don’t think so,” Joel grumbles. 
“He don’t like change,” Tommy explains. 
“How ‘bout a basket on the house?” You offer with a tilt of your head and raise of your eyebrows. 
Joel is flustered by your charm. “Uh, sure,” he mutters, trying not to check you out. Not much to see anyway with that chef’s apron.
“If ya like’em, buy me a drink sometime,” you add with a wink that makes Joel lose all his thoughts for a moment. 
“Yes, chef,” Joel nods, which makes both you and Tommy giggle. Then you turn and head back to the kitchen. 
“I dunno what they see in ya, man,” Tommy teases Joel and watches as you walk away. “Mm. Hottest thing here and dressed like a paper towel roll.” Joel fails to suppress a chuckle. “You gonna share?”
“We’ll see.”
The front door to the restaurant opens, and a hush falls over the dining room. 
Joel looks over his shoulder for only a second, then turns back toward the bar and mutters, “Fuckin’ Benny.”
“And the Jets,” Tommy adds as Johnny and at least half the rival crew follow Benny into the restaurant. Great, there’s Cal, Carter’s rotten brother. Real bad guy. Their motorcycle club is dangerous.
Joel gets his wallet out of his pocket and pulls out a few twenties, then downs the rest of his beer. “Didn’t come to babysit.”
“Think it’ll get ugly?” Tommy asks. “What about your new friend?”
“My new friend?” 
“‘member what happened with Carter’s girl?” Of course Joel remembers. Cal got handsy with her, Carter put him in a chokehold, and a nasty fight broke out. Carter got stabbed.
“Well, I ain’t in charge and don’t got a sweetheart, so I reckon chef hottie’s okay. Where’s Carter?” 
“Home. Can’t ride, already busted his stitches open once.” 
“Good. His girl ain’t workin’ either.” Joel’s face tenses and his nostrils flare as his gaze falls on Cal. “Cal shouldn’t be here.” Joel has to look away before his rage gets the best of him. Joel glances at a table of his own guys (now Carter's), and he isn’t surprised to see one of his buddies putting on brass knuckles. Ya don’t stab the leader and get away with it, but Joel sure wishes this would go down somewhere else. Joel does a double take when he sees another man at the same table reach for his hip. “Damnit, Harold,” Joel whispers to himself. 
“Better hit the boys room ‘fore all hell breaks loose,” Tommy mutters and gets up from his chair. 
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Tonight’s the first time you’ve spoken with Joel, but you’ve noticed him before. His quiet, dark gaze is hypnotizing. The girls are all over him, and he doesn’t show any interest. He sits there scowling with his drink. 
When the chatter of the restaurant abruptly dies down, a pit forms in your stomach. Heavy boots click on the floor, and it sounds like they’re slowly circling the room like sharks.  “Hey sweetheart,” Benny croons out of view in that deep, smooth voice. He looks like a young, brunette Elvis. “You new?”
“Started this week,” the new bartender answers bashfully. 
“Bet they didn’t teach ya the whole job. Benny'll show ya the ropes,” says a deep voice that makes you bristle. It’s smooth. Southern. Sinister. It's Cal. You can visualize his infectious wink. 
One of your cooks puts Joel’s new wing basket on expo.  You compose yourself and grab it with a smile. “I’ll take this one.” You put on your blinders and don’t make eye contact with any of the men, but you notice Tommy walk by, headed toward the back. 
Before you make it behind the bar, Cal intercepts you. “Whoa, what’s cookin’, baby? You believe this, Benny? Keepin’ top talent locked up in the back.” 
Benny’s too wrapped up with the server to respond. 
“Thanks for the snack,” Cal tells you with his eyes roving your apron as he reaches for the basket. You pull it back. “Hey, what’s under this, anyway?” He skims your apron from the side and crowds you against the wall. He braces his arm against the wall, over you. “Got one of them sexy uniforms under this?”
“Excuse me,” you say and try to duck under and around him. 
“I wouldn’t move, darlin’,” Cal taunts.
“What the hell are you doin’ back here,” a man asks behind Cal. 
Cal laughs and looks over his shoulder, and you manage to free yourself. 
“Ain’t worth it, Harold,” Joel warns as he approaches, then Joel turns his attention to you. “You okay?”
-. . .-
Joel gets between you and the brawling men. You hear a blow land on someone, and they spit. Then there’s a click, and before you know it, you’re on the floor, tackled by Joel as a gunshot makes your ears ring. The wind is knocked out of you. 
Joel is on top of you, and time seems to slow down. Cal is slumped against the wall behind Joel, bleeding from the mouth and chest with a menacing smile. 
“Look at me,” Joel says and his massive hand turns your head to face him, bracing his other arm near your head on the tiled floor. “Look at me and only me.” His body is heavy on top of yours. 
You nod as chaos unfolds in the dining room. 
“You okay?” Joel searches your face. 
You nod again, and try to ground yourself with everything you’re physically feeling. The coldness of the tile under your hand. The weight of his body on top of you. The warmth of. . .the massive bulge pressing into your thigh. Joel doesn’t seem to be aware of it, but you sure are now. A wave of desire overwhelms you. Your thigh lifts against his hardening package and it twitches but he still doesn’t seem to notice with everything else going on. He glances behind himself.  
“Gonna get ya outta here,” he promises. “Ready?”
Behind you, someone opens the door to the men’s room, belt jingling. “Shit.” You recognize Tommy’s voice. 
“Bathroom,” Joel commands as he helps you up, then gently pushes you into Tommy’s arms. He nods toward the family restroom, which has a lock. “Gonna take this outside,” Joel pants as he heads into the fray.
“Joel, don’t–you’re outnumbered, don’t get yourself killed,” Tommy pleads.  There’s another gunshot. “Shit, I’ll be right there!” he shouts at Joel
“NO,” Joel barks. 
Tommy forces you into the family restroom and locks the door behind the two of you. “You okay?” he asks. You don’t answer.  You wouldn’t be able to without crying. He rubs your back, then searches your face. “Breathe for me, darlin’.”
You tug at the high collar of your chef’s apron, trying to unbutton it for relief.  Tommy quickly rips it open, exposing your tank top. His eyes linger for a moment, then he cradles your head and takes a deep breath, guiding you in your own breathing. He exhales, then murmurs, “You’re okay, honey.” 
You nod and take the apron off entirely, with him supporting you. “Yeah,” you laugh not to cry, but with tears in your eyes. “I’m good.” 
“Good, good. C’mere, darlin’.” His strong arms wrap you in a gentle, protective hug, cradling your head into his barrel chest. You take a deep breath, and the scent of his shampoo intoxicates you. “You’re okay,” he repeats. 
You pull your head back to look up at him, and the corner of his mouth twitches. Then something else twitches, against your middle.  That’s when you feel the denim slide under your hand and realize you’ve grabbed Tommy’s ass. What the fuck. You yank your hand out of his back pocket and stammer “Sorry–” feeling like your face is on fire. Why did you do that? You try to pull away but he gently holds you close. 
“‘S’okay,” he chuckles. “Adrenaline. It’s normal.” He dips his head and it’s close to yours. It gets a little closer, then there’s more gunfire and he releases his gentle hold on you. He bolts toward the door. “Lock it behind me” is the only thing he says as he leaves. 
You lock the door, then slump down against the wall. Is this real life? What’s gotten into you? Feeling up Tommy Miller in the bathroom less than an hour after you asked his brother out. Yeah, it must be adrenaline. The noise of the fight fades into the background while your thoughts drift back to Joel saving you. He’s so big and strong. So protective. You’ve heard how dangerous he is, but to see him in action? While he’s saving you, no less? 
Finally the noises have died down. You wonder if it’s safe to leave. You worry about whether Joel and Tommy and your line cooks are okay. You wait a little longer, then unlock the door and peek your head out. Cal staggers toward you, dripping blood. “It’s okay, I’m alright,” he drawls. Then you swiftly close and lock the door, heart pounding. A few seconds later, boots thud across the dining room and a punch is thrown. You hear Cal groan. “C’mon, man.” Another blow lands and Cal goes silent. There’s a knock at the bathroom door. 
“It’s me.” Joel’s voice. You’re still near the door. You unlock it for him. He comes inside and you must look terrified. He holds your cheeks, and his face and shirt are splattered with blood - surely not his own. He hugs you into him. “It’s me, baby. You’re okay.” His voice is deep and soft. He holds you for a minute. When he pulls back again to look at you, his eyes fall to your tank top and he wets his lips. He looks in your eyes again, then at your mouth. 
You close the distance with a soft kiss. Joel’s mouth spreads your lips open, and his tongue finds yours. As the kiss heats up, he pulls you tighter, moaning “Mm,” and you feel it again, you feel him. His hands slide down to grab your ass, pulling your hips into his, and he’s firmer. Lord, is he hung. He lets out a low growl from his chest, and he walks forward against you until the backs of his hands nudge the sink counter – thankfully clean. 
He bends down and his mouth latches onto your neck. He slips his fingertips into the front waistband of your pants, grabbing the button, then pulls away from your neck to pleadingly meet your eyes, and you nod urgently. He takes your pants and underwear down in a flash, then his hand engulfs your bare pussy and he groans at how wet you are. He kisses your neck again for a moment before hooking his massive hands, one of them wet, around the backs of your thighs. He lifts you onto the sink with a grunt as your legs wrap around him and you feel a rush of desire.
Joel sloppily kisses around your mouth with one hand between your legs and the other cradling your head. His scruff scratches you pleasantly. You grope him through his jeans, which are slick with your arousal, as you unbutton and unzip him. Then his own hand dives into his boxers and frees his thick cock, holding it at the right angle to slide right into you, pants and boxers resting below his balls.
“C’mere, baby.” He runs his stiff cock through your folds and you slowly grind against it with a moan. He spits on his shaft and his swollen, leaking tip prods at your entrance for only a moment before plunging into your wet hole and spreading your insides with his girth. There’s a brief burn, then your body catches up. On his second go, he bottoms out with a groan, and you gasp.
 “Yeah,” he sighs and begins to fuck you, slowly at first. “How’s that?” 
You can only nod, feeling so full of him you can hardly listen or form thoughts.  “Ohh,” you whimper as he stuffs you with his massive cock. Your skin feels hot. He speeds up to a moderate pace and you both moan and grunt as you fuck. He kisses and sucks your neck, moaning into your skin, then he breathes against it. He fucks you harder, deeper
“How’s it feel, baby–ohhh” He slams his pelvis into yours each time. 
“Ohhh, God, it’s, yeah, nngh–ohh”
Footsteps come down the hall, and stop outside the door. 
“Wait,” you whisper.”
“Want me to wait?” he whispers teasingly, slowing down to an excruciating pace, dragging slow and heavy inside you. 
You shake your head no. 
“Good,” he whispers. 
Tommy’s knowing voice outside the door: “Catch y’all later.” Then the footsteps recede. 
“Now please, please” you beg, wanting it harder again. You pull him close and grind your pelvis into his in just the right spot. “Ohh, Joel.” The pleasure overwhelms you and you whimper as you begin to clench and pulse. 
“Fuck,” he breathes, “Where do you want it?” 
“Right here,” you nod, pulling him closer, keeping him inside with your legs around him. 
Joel erupts with a groan, filling your hot, wet cunt with warm bursts, slowly thrusting into you as he empties his balls. 
“God damn, you’re somethin’ else.” 
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---a few weeks later—
"Ain't wearin' a stupid holiday sweater," Joel grumbles. You and Joel have been seeing each other, and now you're going to Tommy’s holiday party with him.
"C'mon, just for the party. It'll be fun," you smile hopefully.
"Gimme a break, baby. Nothin' fun about sweaters."
"Don't be a Grinch," you pout.
"Thought I was a Scrooge," he retorts. 
"What if I let you fuck me in Tommy's bed?"
He squints at you. "God damnit, my heart just grew three sizes."
You look down at his jeans and smile saucily. You don't have to make the joke out loud. "Can't wait," you purr and hand him the sweater.  
"Tommy'd lose his mind," Joel shakes his head, then raises his eyebrows. "And not in the bad way." 
"Oh yeah?"
Joel gives a low whistle. "You should see him droolin' when ya walk away." Joel chuckles, and your face heats up. 
"Well. Maybe we shouldn't, then. . ."
"Don't see why not," Joel shrugs. 
You look away shyly.
"What's got you all flustered?" 
"Nothing," you shake your head, but you can't push away the thought of Tommy walking in and losing his 'mind.' 
Joel smirks. "Don't look like nothin'."
"Just excited to see you in a sweater," you run your hand through his curls. 
"I ain't the jealous type if ya wanna give Tommy some sugar, too."
You gasp and can't hide your embarrassed smile. Your face is burning. "He told you.” 
Joel plays stupid. “Told me what?” 
Your hand drifts up to cover your mouth. 
“Just sayin’, if ya wanna grab him in a nicer setting. . .”
“Joel!" You gently smack his chest. 
“Musta been the highlight of his life,” Joel laughs. “Post-divorce, at least.” 
"Naughty list for you." You press his sweater into his chest and go to the closet to change into your own. 
When you’re standing at the door of Tommy’s ranch, your heart is racing. 
“Relax, baby.” He rubs your back. 
“You were serious?” you ask. 
“Yeah, but ya don’t gotta. Just sayin’ it’s fair game.” 
Your eyes meet and he cups your cheek. You whisper, “thanks for wearing the sweater.” 
Joel gives you a kiss right as the door opens, and Tommy teases, “You two need a room already?” Tommy’s wearing a festive cardigan open over a wifebeater and his huge belt buckle. He stands aside to let you in, and you don’t miss the way his gaze lingers on your mouth. 
Sarah brings her husband, and you spend much of the night talking to them, hearing old stories about Joel. It’s a small party, adults only, and most of the parents have to get home to their babysitters, but Ellie is staying at Bill and Frank’s for the week to help with their Christmas tree farm. It’s a real treat for her and also her first “job.” 
You don’t steal Joel away during the party, and he doesn’t try either. But when everyone else is gone, you and Joel stay for a drink with Tommy. He offers that you’re welcome to stay over since the kids are with Maria. 
“Where ya want us?” Joel asks. 
“Well, my bed’s the most comfy,” Tommy looks at you and adds a wink that gives you butterflies. 
Joel nods with an intrigued frown. “Whatcha think, honey?”
“Okay,” you nod. You’re afraid to act too eager, but can hardly believe your luck. 
In Tommy’s room, Tommy reclines on the bed, while Joel holds you in a hug. Joel turns your chin to meet his eyes and asks “Comfortable?”
You nod and smile. 
“Ready to be even more comfortable?” 
Joel kisses you gently, sensually. Then his lips become hungrier, and you lose yourself in his rising desperation. He moans into your mouth and pulls you closer against him. He walks against you until you’re at the bed, and when you glance back to make sure you don’t fall, you see Tommy reclining with his ankles crossed, palming himself over his jeans. He holds your gaze and begins to undo that big belt buckle, and you get a rush of arousal. 
With you seated on the bed and Joel looms over you. The curves of his hulking muscles stretch his sweater. Your eyes fall to his jeans, and you can see the outline of his massive erection. You reach for the button and he murmurs, “yeah, there ya go,” and affectionately cradles your head while you unbutton and unzip him. Then he takes his sweater off over his head and his under-tee rides up exposing his happy trail. “Let’s get that sweater off, Tommy.” 
You turn around and see Tommy is on all fours with his cardigan already off. He’s prowling across the bed, to the foot of it where you sit. Tommy sits up on his knees behind you, and wraps his arms around. He lifts at the bottom hem of your sweater and brings his mouth to your ear to murmur, “Yeah, let’s get comfortable.” You raise your arms and he takes off the sweater for you then cups your breasts. You pull off your bra from under your tank top while Joel takes off his jeans. 
“Shit, let’s take it all off,” Tommys says with his voice briefly muffled by his wifebeater as he pulls it over his head. “Nothin’ like three bare bodies all twisted up.” His giant belt clinks as he unbuckles it behind you. Joel steps out of his jeans, leaving the tent in his boxers on full display, making you gush. He bends down to help take your tank top off, then he kisses you as he unfastens your pants. Joel kisses down your body as he removes your pants and underwear. 
“Come on up here,” Tommy mutters and wraps an arm around you. He pulls you up toward the pillows, then stacks them behind himself and pulls you between his legs where you can feel he is fully nude and hard. His skin is hot and smooth. You're both facing Joel. 
You sit between Tommy’s moderately hairy legs, and his broad palms cup your naked breasts. “How ya doin’, darlin’?” he whispers into your ear. His cock twitches against your lower back. “Ready for my brother?”
You nod, “Yeah.” 
“He’s ready too.”
Joel is kneeling onto the bed with his commanding cock in hand. He pauses to squeeze himself, eyes roving over you like you’ve never looked hotter. “Look like an angel, baby. Can’t wait to be in ya.” Tommy lightly grinds himself against your lower back, then his hands come to your thighs, and you spread them open for Joel. 
“Always so good,” Joel mumbles, then kisses you deeply and you feel his cock run through your dripping seam.  You’re wet, so wet for him. He’s still kissing you, letting your lips separate every second or so.  His face pulls back and Tommy slightly adjusts you between his legs. Tommy’s cock is stiff against your back. Joel’s tip nudges your entrance, then he pushes himself into you. Tommy’s hands are still on your breasts. Joel leans over you, bracing his hands on the bed to either side of Tommy’s thighs. It still makes you swoon how his big cock stuffs you full. As Joel thrusts into you, Tommy ruts against you, moaning softly. The force of Joel’s thrusts makes you rub against Tommy’s stiff manhood and he groans.
“Feel so good, baby,” Joel breathes. 
“Take’ him so well,” Tommy  whispers. 
Your breath hitches and you moan into Joel’s mouth with his cock dragging thickly deep inside you. Tommy massages your breasts and grinds into you while Joel kisses you and fucks you good. It feels better and better every minute. Joel dips his hips and grinds against your front as he stuffs  you with his cock. You feel the tension building in your belly, and your clit twitches. 
You tear your mouth away from Joel’s and whine, “Joel.”
“Oh, baby, gonna cum already?”
You whimper and nod. 
“It’s okay, baby. Go ‘head,” Tommy whispers. 
“Yeah, let it happen, baby,” Joel agrees. 
Then Joel, with his cock still seated inside you, rolls his hips to put more pressure on your front, and  Tommy grinds against your lower back, and you clench down on Joel’s cock with a moan. 
“Oh, Fuck,” Joel whispers and he begins to pulse at the exact same time you feel Tommy erupt against you. The three of you come in a cacophony of grunts and moans and Tommy’s sliding wetly against your crack as his cum trickles down. 
Joel stays inside as he catches his breath, then slides out of you, and some of his cum drips down between Tommy’s legs. 
“Think ya might be the one I been lookin' for,” Joel mumbles. He gives you a slow kiss.
You get cleaned up, then you sleep like three spoons stacked together with Joel in front. 
Thank you for reading!
: @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @blackvelveteen1339 @manazo @taeslarityy @str84pedro @lokanda  @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname   @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl @feministfanboi @prettypartyfavor @am-3-thyst @babeincolor @switchbladedreamz @within-the-depths @may-machin @sloanexx @paleidiot @yourmistysecret @bean-is-reading
623 notes · View notes
fantrollology · 9 months
jc hands down
this is fucked up becasue you know what he looks like under there
7 notes · View notes
mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 6 months
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Request from @imagine-all-the-fandoms: You have a crush on each other but of course don't talk about it. Then one night you enter the living room all dressed up for a date and buck is totally flashed by you, until you ask for his opinion on it. When he realizes this is for another guy he gets all moody and leaves. Then instead of your date, you head to Bucky's room and decide to finally make a move and kiss him and admit your feelings, which leads to sleeping with him and afterwards lots of cuddles and cute Bucky?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: 18+ angsty feelings, some fluff at the end, reader's relationship with an OC, smut, p in v sex without barrier protection, jealous and possessive behavior from Bucky, very minor injury
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Bucky Barnes was your best friend. Maybe you might not be his. But how exactly does one compete with Steve Rogers? 
Anyway, that was how you felt. Bucky didn't open up to many people, and you felt honored to be included amongst his few trusted individuals. It had been a year ago that you became part of the Avengers initiative. It hadn't taken you long to be accepted as part of the team, become everyone's favorite confidante, in fact.
There was something about you that people trusted, they would open up to you in a way that they didn't to anyone else. Your charms had even managed to weave their magic over one grumpy super soldier. And he was by far your favorite follower.
It had taken a few weeks before he had given in to your spell, finally admitting his love of pancakes to you during one of your midnight snack quests. It was the first piece of personal information he had shared with you and you always remembered it. In fact you'd joined him for a midnight pancake treat on many occasions since that day.
The way you smiled at him lit up his world. Bucky was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. He wasn’t the only one. Objectively, people wouldn’t have described you as the most beautiful person or the hottest, but there was something about you that shone, the expressiveness of your eyes, the kindness in your heart and the unknown bounds of your acceptance of others that drew people to you. Your personality was all anyone saw once they spoke to you and it was stunning.
There were times though, when it all became too much for you, listening to people's problems got a little overwhelming. It was these times that you sought out the company of people you trusted, the people who really saw you for who you were, a slightly nerdy introvert. The list was small; it included Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers and your favorite, James Barnes.
There was something about the solitary supersoldier that intrigued you. He didn't spill his problems to you like others did, you'd had to work very hard at gaining his trust but once you had, you felt like you'd discovered a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Bucky had an unexpected depth and his interests were surprisingly in tune with yours. Steve always seemed to be lost in documentaries when you sat down for down time with him and Nat found joy from horror movies which were far from your taste in cinematography. But Bucky was happy to watch a fantasy or science fiction film with you any time, dawn or dusk.
Bucky enjoyed your interests, but it was your company he enjoyed more. You made him feel comfortable, you didn't ask him intrusive questions, you forgave his selective mutism if he was having a bad day, making no irritating attempts to make him feel happier or better as the other members of the team were so apt to do. No, you let him be himself, in fact, you almost seemed to like his sullen silences.
What he liked the most was that you seemed to be a different person when he was around. You seemed more relaxed, the radiant sunshine demeanor that you exuded became muted, as though you knew that he needed a dimmer switch to help him cope. His scowls were far less ferocious when you were around but woe befell anyone who interrupted or invaded his time with you, his face would become dark and his mood would often turn sour. The only person who he would gracefully accept as an outsider to your pair was Steve. In short, Bucky Barnes was in love with you. Not that he would ever let it show.
The only person who could see Bucky’s feelings for you was Steve. He would smile in a knowing way when he walked in on the two of you laughing together, sharing a plate of nachos. He knew from the way you curled up at Bucky’s side that you harbored similar feelings. The only difference for you is that you had convinced yourself that Bucky couldn’t possibly feel the same way. Friendship was one thing, but you couldn’t imagine that he would want anything more than that. One day, when you had seen a female agent flirting with Bucky and he had smiled back, turned on the 1940’s charm that he apparently was famous for, that was the day you’d decided to put your feelings aside and move on with your life.
It was that decision that led to your current situation. A new dress and fancy heels later, you trotted to the common living area to get your bestie’s opinion. Your makeup was perfect, highlighting your prominent features and Bucky thought you looked radiant as you paraded your dress in front of him, seeking his approval. Naturally, you had it, you always had his approval, it didn’t matter what you were wearing.
“Where are you going all dolled up like that?” Bucky looked you up and down, admiring the view.
“Sidney and I are going out.”
“Oh, that sounds fun. You’ve been hanging out with her a lot. It’s nice that you’re getting along with the other agents too,” he smiled. Bucky was always encouraging of you, even if he would have preferred to keep you all to himself.
You laughed. Bucky usually reveled in the sound, but today he would be wishing he hadn’t heard it at all.
“Bucky!” you swatted his arm playfully. “Sidney is a guy. The guy I’m dating. I’ve told you about this.”
“Yeah, Buck, I did.” You pouted, “were you just pretending to listen?”
“What? No you didn’t.”
“Of course not, you said you were going to minigolf. You were so happy because you won.” Bucky smiled slightly at the memory. How you’d come home with red cheeks from the cold and the joy of winning at minigolf.
“That was our fourth date.”
Bucky was quiet for a moment. “Are you dating a woman?” he asked quietly.
“No, Buck. I mean I have, but Sidney isn’t one.”
“Oh,” Bucky mumbled, processing the information you'd given him.
Your sexual history didn't bother him, it was your present that did. Suddenly Bucky didn't want to look at you. Knowing you'd be spending your time with another man looking the way you did. He hated the thought. He wanted you to dress up for him that way, he wanted to be the one who ripped that pretty little dress off your body, he wanted to be the one who got to kiss you, to touch you, to claim every single part of you. But instead he got to watch another man sweep you off your feet. 
“Well I better finish getting ready.”
You gasped as Bucky stood up suddenly.
“You're unbelievable,” he muttered, a darkness descending across his handsome features.
“What's that supposed to mean?” you asked, angrily.
“Nothing. Go have fun on your date.” Bucky stormed out without a backward glance.
He left you in the living room feeling lost and alone. Tears sprung into your eyes and your enthusiasm for your night out fizzled out completely. You couldn't understand his behavior, the sergeant had always treated you so well. Had you done something to upset him?
The sadness you felt was suddenly overcome with anger. Whatever it was that had upset him, you didn't deserve the attitude he was displaying towards you. In fact, you were going to tell him just that. But first, you picked your phone to make a call.
“Hey Sidney? … Yeah about that. I'm sorry Sidney. I know you went to a lot of trouble organizing tonight. I was really looking forward to it. But something’s come up here. I can't get out of it.”
You sighed, hanging up the phone. Sidney had been understanding, waving off your apology with such grace. On paper, he was the perfect partner for you, he was handsome, he shared so many of your interests and he accepted you for who you were. But you didn't feel butterflies when you thought of him, your face didn't light up when you spoke about him, he didn't fill you with warmth the way Bucky did.
Outrage still bubbled under the surface as you put your phone back on the dressing table in your room, so you decided to address the person who had caused the issue. You marched down the corridor, your stiletto heels clacking angrily as you made your way to Bucky’s room. As you pounded on the door, it flew open just in time for you to fling your hands up protectively as an object hit the wall beside your head.
Bucky’s eyes went wide as he saw the shock on your face. He had been pacing up and down his room and caught sight of a photo of the two of you smiling at each other. He couldn’t bear to see it anymore, to look at you when you didn’t look back at him that way. He had grabbed the photograph, letting it fly away from him in an attempt to extinguish the anguish he felt.
“Wow, do you hate me that much?” you asked. Your anger evaporated as quickly as it had arrived.
Bucky stood, speechless, as you bent down and picked up the smashed photo frame.
“Be careful,” Bucky warned you, as your shoe crushed a piece of broken glass.
“I know how to take care of myself.”
“And going out with some random man who knows nothing about you is what? … safe?”
“Why do you even care, Bucky?”
“You're my friend, you think I want you to get hurt?”
“What makes you think that I need that from you? I mean, if this is what you think of our friendship.” You held up the broken picture frame as a reference to your comment. A single tear slipped down your cheek.
Bucky had the decency to look ashamed of himself, at least that is how you interpreted the look on his face. What you didn't see was the guilt that bubbled under the surface, the devastation at the thought of losing you to someone else.
“He isn't good enough for you.”
You scoffed. “You don't even know him.”
“I don't need to.”
He approached you slowly and stopped right in front of you. If you hadn't spent months getting to know him, you'd be afraid of him, the way his vibranium fist clenched and unclenched repeatedly. But you knew it was a nervous tic of his, not a threatening one.
Bucky bent down and started picking up the shards of glass, then with a low voice, he mumbled something. 
“You deserve to be with someone who knows how special you are.”
Had you heard him correctly? 
You crouched down to help him with the cleaning.
“Leave that, I'll do it.”
“Bucky…” You picked up a small piece of glass between your fingers. “What do you mean?”
“You'll hurt yourself.” He took the glass from you.
You wrapped your hand around his wrist. “Bucky,” you whispered.
But Bucky couldn't look at you, that voice inside his brain that blamed himself for the actions of the Winter Soldier was the same one that often told him that he wasn't good enough for you. How could anyone as bright as you care for someone who held such darkness inside of him? He stood up, hiding his expression from you. 
You sighed, reaching down to pick up one last piece. But you were hurt and careless and the sharp edge sliced your finger, drawing blood, making you hiss with pain.
“I told you to leave it alone!” He grabbed your wrist this time, trying to examine your wound. “This is exactly why I told you not to touch it. It won't hurt me.”
“I don't understand why you're upset.”
“This isn't deep.” He let go of your arm, walking away from you. 
“What do you want from me, Bucky?”
“I don't want you to date him.”
You were surprised but you didn’t let it show on your face. “Okay.”
“Okay? Just like that?” Bucky frowned in confusion.
“No explanation needed?”
“I want you to be happy. And if this upsets you, I won't date Sidney.” You sighed, you hated that he had this power over you, that you were willing to give up a chance for your own happiness because Bucky said so. But you knew you would do anything for him, even if you ended up being single for the rest of your life. And it was all very overrated anyway, happy relationships, you didn’t know anyone who didn’t have problems with the people they had attached themselves to. Who needed a family, it was all nothing but trouble, you said to yourself.
“I don't want to lose you,” Bucky muttered.
“Bucky, you'll never lose me.” It felt like you were telling him you loved him without using the actual words. Rising up onto your toes, you pressed a soft kiss on his cheek. “I care about you, Bucky.”
Bucky brought his hand to your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb, wiping away the streak of fluid your tears had left. He leaned in towards you until you could feel his breath against your lips. You opened and closed your mouth, feeling like a goldfish because no sound would come out. The way Bucky was looking into your eyes had rendered you speechless. It almost felt like the love you felt for him was being reflected back at you. You wanted to kiss him but you couldn’t move. His nose brushed lightly against yours and then his lips were pressed against yours. It started out gentle, his mouth against yours, lips moving in tandem, until his tongue sought out yours. The taste of you seemed to ignite a deeper desire inside him because suddenly his arms were wrapped around you, pulling you closer, closer than you’d ever been to him, enveloped in his embrace as his hands roamed over your back, fingers pushing into you through the fabric of your little black dress.
You wrapped your arms tightly around Bucky's neck and as he straightened his back, you were lifted off the floor. The only way for you to support yourself was to wrap your legs around his waist, and Bucky's hands on your ass gave you the encouragement you needed to take this next step. Soon your core was rubbing against his crotch and Bucky stumbled across to the bed, laying you down with surprising tenderness. He knelt down between your splayed legs and smiled at you with an adoring gaze.
“I've wanted this for so long,” he whispered, as though a loud noise might wake him for this dream.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why didn't you?”
You laughed to yourself, both of you had been so afraid of losing the other that you'd missed out on the happiness you'd sought from each other.
“Do we have to talk about this right now? I want to go back to the kissing,” you pouted.
This earned you one of those rare joyous laughs from him, ones that he often saved for you. You treasured each and every one of these, they were so rare and precious. Bucky captured your protruding lower lip between his teeth, giving it a playful tug before going back to the heated lip lock you'd been engaged in earlier.
Only when he was grinding his hips into yours and moaning that a horrifying thought entered your mind.
“Bucky,” you called his name quietly.
“Mmm?” he hummed, not taking his lips off the spot on your neck that he was sucking enthusiastically.
“Buck… stop.”
There was a pop as the seal of his lips on your neck broke. “Are you okay?”
“I can't…”
“I'm sorry,” Bucky backed away, like he'd been burned. 
“Buck, wait,” you reached for his hand. “I mean, I need to talk to Sidney.”
“Oh, yeah, right. Of course, you have a date.” 
“Bucky, I need to break it off with him before we… I don't want to be that person. Do you understand?”
“Yeah,” Bucky sighed, sitting down beside you as you pulled the straps of your dress back over your shoulder. 
“Can you give me some time to go talk to him?”
Bucky nodded, not quite trusting himself to speak lest his voice betrayed his disappointment. But you knew him well enough to read his face.
“Hey, I'll be back. I promise.” You held out your pinky for him to take.
He smiled and linked his little finger with yours. One of the things he admired most about you was your integrity. You stood up, leaning back for one more quick kiss before you walked away, only letting go of his hand once you both couldn't extend your arms any further. You stole one last look at him before closing the door.
On your way back to your room, you called Sidney, asking him to meet you, before you changed out of your dress and into more comfortable clothes. A heavy guilt settled on your chest, you knew you'd be hurting him but you knew you couldn't offer him your whole heart, not when you knew Bucky was at home waiting for you. The next hour was a difficult one for you, you did your best to be gentle and considerate of Sidney’s feelings as you let him down.
“Look Sidney, I’m really sorry about this, I didn’t mean to string you along.”
“But you’re in love with someone else.” Sidney looked at you with a sad smile.
Your eyes widened in surprise. “How do- what makes you say that?”
“It’s the way you talk about Sergeant Barnes,” he said knowingly.
“I’m sorry.” You turned your head to hide the tears threatening to escape.
“He’s a lucky man.” Sidney leant down and gave you a peck on the cheek. “I’ll see you around.”
You sighed as you made your way back home, still feeling a little deflated about what you’d just done. But a promise was a promise and you didn’t want to keep Bucky waiting. It was the thought of Bucky that stopped you dragging your feet but you made a pitstop in your room to freshen up your makeup.
Before you knew it, you were back outside Bucky’s door and you were pretty certain your heart skipped a beat as you knocked nervously. What if he had changed his mind?
There clearly wasn’t cause for concern because Bucky opened the door so fast, you wondered if he had just been standing on the other side waiting for you. He wrapped his arm around your waist and scooped you into his chest, shutting the door with the edge of his foot. 
Bucky kissed you as though he hadn’t seen you in years and you melted into him with a sigh.
“You were gone too long,” he pouted. “I missed you.”
“You okay?” he asked, a tinge of concern in his voice as he ran his thumb along your jaw. “I know that wasn’t easy for you.”
He was right, it hadn’t been easy for you to break off your relationship with Sidney. You never enjoyed hurting other people. You made time for people’s problems, even when you were exhausted, always ready to lend that extra helping hand. Your generosity of spirit was another reason that Bucky admired you. It made you smile, the way he understood your feelings without you having to explain them to him.
“Yeah, I’m alright.” 
Being with Bucky seemed to make your problems disappear and your feelings for him surged to the surface. 
“Are you sure?” he asked, nuzzling your ear and peppering the side of your neck with tiny kisses.
“Yeah, glad to be here with you,” you hummed, enjoying the way his skin felt against yours.
“You sure you haven't got any more men stashed away that I need to know about?” he mumbled.
You pulled away slightly, just to look him directly in the eye so he knew the sincerity of your next words. “No secret stash. Only you.”
“Just me?” Bucky put his hands on cheeks, putting his fingers under your jaw to tilt your face up to look at him.
“I'm all yours, Bucky.”
You leaned up, puckering your lips for a kiss and he obliged. Locked at the mouth, he led you backwards until your heels hit the edge of the bed. 
“Tell me again,” he growled, pushing his chest against you til you were falling backwards onto the mattress.
Only your fall wasn't uncontrolled, Bucky's strong hands had settled on you back and he guided your descent. You grabbed the front of his Henley in your hands and pulled him down on top of you. 
“Yours,” you claimed his lips hungrily.
“That's right, mine,” his voice rasped, making you tingle with anticipation.
He pushed his hips against yours, grinning proudly as you moaned in approval.
“You like that, huh?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you heard his belt unbuckling, hearing a clang as it fell onto the floor. He pushed his hand under the seam of your leggings and slid it between your legs. A wanton moan left your mouth as you felt his fingers rubbing on your clothed core.
"Look at you, Doll. You're so fucking wet...and I haven't even touched you yet." Bucky’s voice was low and rumbled through you like thunder.
He wiggled his fingers under your panties and between your folds, smirking into your neck and a gasp escaped your lips. Before you knew it, your eyes were rolling back as his fingers stroked your pussy.
“Bucky,” you whined as his fingers delved deeper. 
It barely registered as his vibranium fingers pulled down your leggings and joined its flesh twin on your clit. Your breathing quickened to match the pace that he was pushing his fingers into you. Every push had you uttering a quiet sigh as he caressed your walls.
“So wet,” he hummed. “I’m the only one who can touch you like this. The only one who can make you feel like this, right?” 
“Only you, Bucky.”
Before you could enjoy Bucky’s fingers more, they left your body. You whimpered at the loss. His hands went to the fabric around your waist, tugging it down until it was off completely and he used his hands to open your legs further. You tried not to gawk at him as he removed his clothes, layer by layer. It wasn’t as though you hadn’t seen Bucky shirtless before, but watching him strip between your spread legs was making you melt. He knelt down at your core, hands ripping apart your bra before kneading your breasts and rolling your nipples in between his fingers. You moaned out when Bucky pinched your nipples harshly.
“Nothing but you,” you repeated, biting your lip with anticipation.
“Doll, I’m going to fuck you so hard that you’ll completely forget who Sidney ever was. I’ll give you my love until you’re satisfied. You’ll think of nothing but me.”
“Good. Now let’s make sure that you will never be able to look at that man again without thinking of this moment," Bucky groaned as he began to nibble on your neck.
His lips sucked and nibbled at your skin, marking his territory. He tugged his underwear down his thighs, using his other hand to line his cock up with your entrance. Slowly and sensually, he rubbed his tip against you, getting lost in his own pleasure for a moment, forgetting to remind you who you belonged to. Loud moans escaped your mouth as he slammed into you with hardly any warning. 
"Fuck, you're so tight, Doll,” Bucky groaned into your ear. “Feel so good.”
Bucky lifted your legs up onto his chest so your calves rested on his shoulders. He pulled your hips into his and started pushing into you repeatedly, almost mercilessly.
“Sidney only wishes that he could fuck you like this,” he leaned over so his face was up close to yours. “But no one will ever fill you up like I can. No one can make you feel good the way I can. You’re mine, Doll, only for me to have.”
“Buc-” you breathed, barely able to speak.
“What are you?”
“Yours Sergeant, I’m all yours. Promise. Yours. Only yours!” you repeated over and over.
Desperate for your release, you reached down to your clit.
“Don’t even think about it,” Bucky growled. “You come on my cock screaming my name or you don’t come at all.”
Bucky leaned forwards til his face was inches from yours, bending your legs right up to your chest.
"You feel that, Doll? You feel how I fill you up?" Bucky demanded.
You nodded, unable to speak at first. Eventually you gasped out the words, "I feel you, Bucky.”
"And could he ever make you feel as good as I make you feel?" Bucky asked before going back to fucking you hard and fast.
"No Bucky, never,” you moaned.
You could feel your orgasm approaching far more rapidly than normal and Bucky had gone back to marking his territory with his lips on your skin. It almost burned where he was sucking against your clavicle.
“Bu- Buck-”
“Yeah?” He slowed to respond to your attempts at his name. 
His lips were only inches away from yours. All you wanted was to meet them, but instead, Bucky bit your lip harshly, making you throw back your head in pleasure as he kept sucking on you.
"That's what I want to hear," Bucky cooed as he finally kissed you.
He buried his face into your breasts as his thrusts became more frantic. His hands snaked around your waist, a surprisingly soft action for all the roughness he’d displayed up until this point. The moans he released into your ear alone would make you come. The feeling of his balls slapping against your ass, cock diving deep inside of you, sent you spiraling.
“Bucky!” You muttered his name, unable to focus on anything but the way his cock and hands worked your body, filling you to the brim. Pleasure completely overwhelming your mind and body.
“That’s right, Doll. You were made for me.”
“Please, Bucky, I want to come!” There was nothing that could stop the cry that leaves your lips, you needed it so badly, you wanted him so badly. 
“Do it already,” Bucky goaded. “Come for me. Come because I want you to.”
“Yes Bucky, yes!” You as his words finally pushed you over the edge, his name leaving your lips as you finally reached your peak.
The only thing you could think of was his cock thrusting inside you. Your pussy clenched and tightened around his cock making him release with a grunt and a moan as he coated you in his seed. He stayed inside you, catching his breath, playing with your hair, looking into your eyes with such complete adoration that it almost took your breath away. At least until he pulled out of you slowly, making his cum spill out of you and drip across your abdomen.
“You did such a good job, Doll,” Bucky whispered to you as he softly kissed your forehead. “My pretty girl. You rest now, let me clean you up.”
You pushed yourself up the bed, trying to avoid spilling his seed all over the clean bed sheets. Bucky reappeared quickly with a washcloth and started wiping himself off your skin, parting your legs gently and cleaning over your folds.
“Bucky, I-” you reached out to stop him, suddenly feeling incredibly self conscious about this new level of intimacy. “You don't have to.”
Bucky sat down beside you, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “Let me take care of you,” he murmured, voice filled with tenderness.
He finished up and lay down beside you, giving you one of his looser fitting t-shirts which you slipped over your head gratefully. You tucked yourself into his side and rested your head on his shoulder, sighing as his fingers fluttered over your thighs and over the curve of your ass.
“Was that okay?” he whispered into your hair, his warm breath blowing against the bare skin on your neck.
“It was amazi-.” You started answering but your voice was interrupted by a loud growl from your stomach.
“Still hungry, huh?”
You blushed, hiding your face in his warm sturdy chest.
“Want to grab some dinner. Can't have my best girl starving.”
A warmth spread through you at his words. “Maybe in a bit? I don't want to move yet. Is that okay?” You looked up at him. 
He smiled down at you, placing a small kiss at the tip of your nose. “Perfect.”
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