#hour of the knife
vintagerpg · 2 years
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This is Hour of the Knife (1994). Weird cover! That’s a John and Laura Lakey jam. I gotta say, Ravenloft has, pretty much from House on Gryphon Hill, flirted with the faux-Victorian aesthetics of Universal and Hammer horror films. It is refreshing to have this cover just embrace it. More bowler hats in fantasy, pls. Arnie Swekel on the interiors. He’s not Stephen Fabian, but I’m not gonna complain. Just gonna point out he isn’t Fabian (I love Arnie’s work, I’m just funnin’).
So, I love this adventure. It’s an open-ended investigation (honestly don’t understand why there isn’t more of this in the Ravenloft line, but there isn’t really). As you can guess from the name and the cover art, there’s a murderer loose and the players need to find the clues to bring him and his evil knife to justice. There is a very large (though strangely bland) city map to aid in the detective work. There are annoying things (death fake outs are the worst) but overall, this is a bit of much needed freshness. It doesn’t last, but eh, whatever, nothing does.
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fuddieduddies-art · 10 months
JAAAAAMES 🎮 🎻 🔺️ 🐈 🥯 😊 😓 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
poster boy of the amount of time i spend rotating him in my mind to how long it's going to take us to get to this campaign ratio <3
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
he read a lot, he's very well read, both fiction and non-fiction. he also enjoys horseback riding, but he doesn't have the money or resources to keep up a stable, or even just One Horse at the moment. he does, however, lend a hand in the upkeep of his estates gardens and collects and pins insects he finds there. that's technically for but who cares.
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
i'll say he can play piano and the violin, and he's better at the former.
🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons?
he's a trained fencer and he knows how to use a gun from Rich People Hunting Trips, though he doesn't much care for either firearms or hunting.
🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?
a few close friends. he prefers to keep a close circle of people he knows and trusts deeply and intimately, rather than be vaguely liked by a lot of people.
🥯 BAGEL — what does your oc's typical breakfast look like? do they usually eat breakfast?
eggs, bacon or sausage, toast with jam, and tea. fantasy british mfer.
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
he desperately wants to preserve his family line, and to save his estate. it's all he has left of family, or even himself really. he really wants to marry for love and not just for money or the promise of a legacy carried on, but he doesn't want to fail either. or end up alone, for that matter. :(
😥 SAD BUT RELIEVED FACE — is your oc prone to getting stressed out, or is it easy for them to keep their cool?
oh he's so stressed out all the time it's unreal. he's pretty good at keeping that under the surface but he naturally feels things very deeply and sometimes his emotions get the better of him.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 FAMILY WITH MOTHER, FATHER, SON AND DAUGHTER — how many people are in your oc's immediate family? how many people are in your oc's extended family? do they have aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc? who in their family are they closest with? are they close with their birth family, or do they have a found family?
james markheim: notable orphan. he's an only child, he doesn't really have any extended family, and his parents are notably dead as hell. he was very close with both of his parents and hasn't really been the same since, even though at the time of the campaign it's been 13 since they passed. they left some pretty big shoes to fill, and bigger bills to pay.
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sleepyyghostt · 5 months
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My family members all think im a normal and well adjusted human being and are not worried at all. Also known as this post in real life ;D
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y-rhywbeth2 · 5 months
Bhaal talking to you in the journal updates is fun, but honestly nothing in BG3 has topped the one-sided conversations you get to have with this asshole in your dreams during the original games. It nicely illustrated how Bhaal thinks of his spawn and also gives you a good idea of how the Dark Urge's nightmares usually go. I feel like I'm missing things without having to listen to his ego every other night.
Look at this A+ parenting! (These moments have lived in my head rent free for at least a decade so I'm sharing them.)
"Such pride is undeserved, great predator, when your whole being is borrowed. Credit where it is due, and dues where payment is demanded."
"You will learn."
[stabs you with a knife]
[drowns you in blood]
[sets you on fire]
[disembowels you as the Slayer]
"...you will learn to trust me. Don't be afraid. You are safe here... if you behave."
"[My other child] clings to her old life as though it actually matters. She will learn."
"You will come to realize how little choice you have. You will do what you must, become what you must [...] You will accept the gifts offered to you."
"Fall to your knees! You can do no other!"
"What do I want? Your life, your soul, your body! I am the instinct that will fuel the father! I am the blood!"
"I lurk behind your soul, in the very fibre of your being. I am the only thing left when mind and reason are stripped away. I will show you what you can be, what you can do… if you simply let yourself become what you are. I can show you all of this, because I am within. I am what fills the void. I am you."
"You are to be given a gift. It is a valuable prize, one that you had better appreciate."
"You worry for your companions perhaps? Leave them, abandon them, and become what you must. There is great power in your heritage. Use it, and become closer to who you are… what you could be. Feel what is in the void. Use the tools that you are given. Become part of something greater. I am in you, and I know what is best. Each time you use it, each time you accept it, you move a little closer to the evil within. Perhaps you lose yourself in the end, but you will go to greater reward than you can know. After all, what does an eternity of nothingness matter, when you can [easily] destroy all that would oppose your development..."
This didn't work, so on his next attempt Bhaal did his best to ensure this kid would be tailored to obey and have no personality outside of being an extension of his will. Clearly his mistake was waiting until they were adults to start fucking them up, so - kill your family!
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jeeaark · 5 months
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Shirtless Disaster Pt2.
looklooklook Maybe every other Tav's Emperor was 100% prepared for that interaction, very knew-what-they-were-doing, very committed, SO VERY BOLD OF THEM
But Greygold's Emperor.....was not!
After witnessing with my own eyes that is shirtless squid buddy, I realized something. Squid buddy is a godsdamned silly goose trying to be too cool for school.
I just....I would reaaallly like to know the emperor's thought process for how they concluded that sitting next to your sleeping crush shirtless is a viable strategy for starting a conversation
NO REALLY- WHY IS THERE NO 'WHY ARE YOU SHIRTLESS' DIALOGUE CHOICE. WHY??????? The entire time the Emperor, with their squid tiddies out on full display, was casually talking, that question was the only thought running through my head. GIVE ME THE DIALOGUE OPTION, GAME, GIVE ME.
Such a silly moment. In conclusion. I had to make it more silly.
OKAY BUT ALSO, BEFORE ANYONE TAKES HUNGRY SQUID TOO SERIOUSLY. There's a book in the game. talks about tadpoles smelling like garlic after eating brains. and. Emps. smelled like garlic. so. and if you knock out the guards instead of kill, they disappear, SO. And Orpheus' brain is edible in here SO. so. why not a lil. why not a lil snackaroos. It was a funny thought to implement.
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vigilskeep · 3 months
new grey warden recruit: is it true that wardens usually can’t have children? is that hard to live with?
warden-commander, running on two hours of sleep per day ever since they agreed that zevran could resolve that particular problem by using vigil’s keep to store an increasingly absurd number of “ethically sourced” antivan half-trained assassin children: you know, we get by
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effen-draws · 8 months
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This BEAST of a poster is finally finished and I can finally rest
I'll reblog this later to talk about the process and some thoughts because I am not about to let an opportunity to talk about poster design pass me by (edit: reblog ramble made)
Meanwhile though:-] You can have some close ups and such under the cut:
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some-mari-thoughts · 3 months
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Listen Here, White Boy
Send help i got motivation to pick up Toonio again despite Toonator dying
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p1nkshield · 10 months
Hi 👋 This is chapter four of the Estranged Uncle Au!
Just a warning there is mentions of cults and a scene that has Damian being Damian (AKA knife child) Please take care of yourselves! I hope you enjoy!
Clark was sweating buckets.
“I promise you I’m not in danger! This is all a big misunderstanding! Bruce isn’t even that creepy!”
Jazz rattled off several reasons.
“He has a cloyingly sweet public persona, his personal computer has extensive information on all of the local rogues in the area and all the adopted sons we’ve met look practically identical to both each other and you and Danny! Not to mention they all seem trained for combat! How is that not creepy?”
Okay from an impartial standpoint Clark could see how it looked like he was tied up in a cult.
“I swear if another fruitloop billionaire obsessed with one of my family members tries to adopt me I’m gonna wail!”
How specific!
“Wail?” Clark began to ask but was cut off.
“Are you tied up in a cult Clark? Because we can get you out if you are! I … uh know a guy who specializes in taking down cults.”
“I promise you I’m not in a cult! The blue eyes and black hair is a coincidence and I am not in danger! Also what do you mean you know a guy who specializes in taking down cults!?!”
Danny squinted.
“Hold that thought. Everyone stop talking!”
Danny reached towards Clark’s shoulder and picked out a small device, no bigger than a grain of rice out of his cable knit sweater.
“No one who plants listening devices into sweaters isn’t creepy.”
He then promptly threw it to the ground and crushed it with his heel.
“That’s the end of the recording.” Tim said while cringing.
“Sleazy?!? Me? Sleazy? I did a back handspring on hardwood floors for them and they call me sleazy?!”
Dick thought that he could win them over. Was he too heavy handed?
“It’s probably because you fell asleep in the pico de gallo timber.” Jason joked as he inspected the weapons vault.
“What? Me?!? I was the only one who made any headway! I was just up late trying to track whoever was hacking us!” Tim defended.
“Well good news! You found ‘em! Let me know when they hack my library account seeing as the Big bad bat computer is being hacked by a couple teens.” Jason said dismissively as he took a flamethrower fuel canister.
Bruce was experiencing a new amalgamation of emotions. He was both incredibly embarrassed, incredibly amused and incredibly impressed.
How embarrassing that the bat computer was hacked! He put so much effort into the protection of his data!
But then again Clark must be beside himself trying to convince them he wasn’t in a cult and that was incredibly amusing. He even said all the things that people said when they were in denial about being in a cult!
This was absurd! The only way to describe this was absurd!
“Fools! All of you do not truly understand the gravitas of the situation! If they believe that we are indeed weapons dealers they may snoop further and compromise all of our secret identities!” Damian huffed his way into the view of his family.
“We’ll be alright Dami, Tim is reinforcing our defenses for the computer and we’re going to try and disengage for a while. If we keep on trying we might make it worse.” Dick ruffled through Damian’s hair despite many protests.
Damian tutted at this suggestion. They needed to approach the problem head on and quickly rectify the situation lest it spiral into a larger one. Perhaps if they suffered an accident.
“Damian! I know that face! That’s the face you make when you go off and try to rectify the situation by yourself!”
“That is not true Grayson! I was simply thinking about confiding in my companion about how tedious my science project is.”
“You promise you’re only going to engage in age appropriate activities like science homework and book reports?”
“I promise.”
"I'm choosing to believe you" Dick began to walk away before pulling another sour face. "...Sleazy?"
Damian checked his hidden blades one final time before encroaching upon this Daniel Fenton who had foolishly entered an alleyway. He deftly held a knife to the throat of his target.
"If you continue to snoop into my father's business I will not hesitate to cut you down!"
Damian was expecting to me met with fear and copious apologies. He was a fearsome and terrifying warrior after all.
"Are you trying to hold me at knifepoint on your tippy-toes?" The target said in the same tone that one would use with a kitten trying to jump a bit too high. They should be focused on the clear danger Damian was posing. Or at least the danger he was posing. Between the moment Damian looked at his feet and the moment he looked back up to find a very unperturbed Danny.
"Did your father put you up to this?" He asked.
"No! I acted of my own accord!"
"Well are there anymore ineffective threats you want to say?"
Damian was about to say something when his stomach audibly growled. Curses! He could not bring a meal in order to maintain secrecy from Alfred! Damian slowly looked up towards Danny's face. He has that look that Grayson gets before he does something annoying like ruffle his hair.
"Are you hungry?"
Damian did not dignify this question with an answer and began to storm off.
"I'm having some friends over, we can spare you a plate! My friend Sam chose the menu though so its vegan."
Damian stopped in his tracks.
"What is it that you are making?"
"Cauliflower gnocchi with cashew cream pesto."
"And this is taking place in Clark's home?"
"Fine. But I will not be lenient with you because you've offered me a meal!"
Danny laughed and texted Sam
"Hey get another bundle of basil Im bringing a guest"
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liquidgxldhoney · 3 months
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There are a whole lot of things to be done w a chair 🪑💭
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ceaselessbasher · 8 months
“average McElroy brother has 5 knives at hand" factoid actualy just statistical error. average McElroy has 1 knife at hand. Knives Travis, who lives in cave & has 13 knives at hand, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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saintbleeding · 10 months
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[ID: Digital painting based on Fulfilment by Gustav Klimt, depicting Jon and Martin in MAG 200. They are embracing tightly, both wearing highly ornate robes. Martin's has a combination of paisley, forget-me-nots, and a spiderweb motif with a disconcertingly real-looking spider suspended from one sleeve. Jon's is floor-length and features motifs depicting all fifteen Fears, except for the Web which is represented by the spiderweb design on his boots. His arms are wrapped around Martin's shoulders, and Martin is holding Jon gently with one hand, stabbing him with the other. From the site of the knife there spring viscous black tubes, which leave Jon's robe to wrap around Jon's neck and Martin's arms. We only see Martin's expression, but his face is screwed up, with tears pouring between his clenched eyelids. In the background there is a blood-covered hand on the floor nearby, and a swirling pattern of something that could be magnetic tape or spider silk surrounds the whole scene. It is all painted in vivid red and black tones. End ID.]
decided to have another crack at one of the first things i posted on tumblr!!! red coded jon agenda tbqh
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kriscommitscrimes · 1 month
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duality of kris
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lustrdustr · 4 months
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Say hello to my newest OC, River Braveheart!! 🦄
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12leafclover · 3 months
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OOOKAY hi @where-does-the-heart-lie this is @shoplifting, glad u like my url 'cause i like your art. posting this here cause my bestie and mutual just started OP so no way am i letting her see that.
Instead of the autism that makes you good at tech or the autism that gives you encyclopedic knowledge of a tv show, I got the one that makes me really interested in playing cards.
Originally in France, the 12 face cards that we have today each represented a person, typically a mythological or historical figure. The Queen of Hearts was Judith from the Bible- the young woman who slayed the invading General Holofernes in order to save her people, which is depicted in the most badass gruesome painting ever by Artemisia Gentileschi. The Jack of Clubs was Sir Lancelot- yes, that one; out of all of King Arthur's best and most trusted men, he was number 1, second only to the king in many respects.
Both roles of these figures matched Sabo incredibly, so I tried to create both cards in one image, taking the color balances from both and attempting the line style of standard face cards. This went through.. a lot of versions, and idk if I'm happy with it, especially with my difficulty drawing limbs, and it's hard to make one eye pop with these five colors, but damn if it doesn't look cool.
Edit 3/3: "If I don't finish, I'll just submit this" version below the cut, looks better but I like it less
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sassy-bitch-since-2007 · 10 months
Got hyper fixed on Island of the Slaughtered and-
Imagine the knife wasn't the killer's weapon. That was actually something Noah had on him, for protection. The moment that rope came around his neck he took out the knife planning to cut it, but didn't get the chance.
For a small moment, Noah actually has hope that he'll get away. He has the knife in his hand, all he has to do was cut that stupid rope. Simple, right? No. Because Noah was too slow and the killer saw the weapon and took it. He stabbed Noah with it, which wasn't actually planned. Then he drowned him in the lake too, just to make sure he stays dead for good.
And you know what? He might have had a chance of survival, if not for that stab. There are cases in which someone was brought back by performing CPR. If someone found his body soon enough…
But he lost so much blood too, due to the stab wound. There was no hope for him.
And he brought it all to himself.
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