housamodrabbles · 1 year
Ophion [1]
Scenario: The strength and youth of his scales was something held pride in. Of course, he can’t keep his soul from soaring when he finds that you too admire them.
(Sorry if my writing style has changed too much. Depression does that when you let it rob your hobbies. Hopefully I’m not too rusty in writing for this fandom.)
A glinting gold, rivaling even that of the very sun hanging high up above this enclosed world of Tokyo. How was Ophion supposed to ignore this visage of his in front of the mirror and not sing his own praises? While the quality of his clothing doesn’t compare to the handmade clothes of his homeland, they serve their purpose in further enhancing the muscles embracing his structure.
The warm tones do well in making his natural colors pop out.
You, the one Ophion considers most precious, smoothly stood in front of him, blocking his view of the mirror. You reach out and snapped his suspender against his chest. Ophion felt no pain, but it made his heart flutter beneath his sturdy scales.
“Those things are strapped tight,” You chuckled as you pulled at them again. Ophion stopped you with a gentle finger on your wrist. “Hm?”
“Oh, my dear spouse,” Ophion has all the wealth in the world. It’s why he would so easily grab both his suspenders and let them tear, “if my clothes are getting in the way, all you have to do is say so. I won’t let anything stand in your way, especially if your goal is to have my glorious self.”
You snorted, smoothing a hand over the large expanse of his chest. Ophion had no choice but to puff up with pride. There’s no greater reward than your attention, after all.
“You say that as though I don’t already have you,” you drummed your fingers over his heart, “as though I haven’t hunted you, time and time again. Are you so eager for another game like that?”
In this near eternal cycle that is his life, of course such a thing would have him at your beck and call.
“If I say yes,” Ophion couldn’t keep his tongue from slipping over his teeth, “would you hunt for this beating heart once more? Would you take my precious body of gold for yourself?”
You thumb smoothed over the little but tightly aligned scales on his forearms. “Isn’t that natural when you’re placing yourself on the sliver platter for me?”
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housamodrabbles · 1 year
Tadatomo [1]
Scenario: You summoned Tadatomo to give him a gentle head pat on your lap.
(I’ll be trying to post at least once or twice a week. I’ll be slow going and then I’ll try to speed things up. Can’t hit the ground running, as they say.)
He never walks in so much as he just appears, as though the act of opening the door will somehow bother you and ignite your fury. Honestly, you’re aware of Tadatomo’s habit of showing the upmost respect and loyalty towards you, but it does it make it difficult to hold him close. He’s so careful that it makes him skiddish, ready to run away at a moments notice.
“There you are,” you say anyway, keeping your thoughts to yourself, “I was wondering when you were going to appear.”
Tadatomo always faces the ground, as the act of meeting your eyes before you speak was, to him, disrespectful.
“Was there anything you need of me, to summon me?” Your name almost slipped out his lips, you can tell from the way his lips moved then tightened.
You beckoned him to your lap. “Come here a second. I want to give you a reward.”
A weird little noise squeaked past his throat. Tadatomo tried to cover it up with a cough, but you caught it anyway. “A-ah, mm, I don’t believe I have done anything to earn a reward. Just being in your presence is enough.”
“Nonsense, get over here.” You’ve tried going down the route of presenting him with choices, but Tadatomo isn’t in that state of comfort to take such a thing. He’d rather you guide him to do what you think he wants.
Really, his loyalty was endearing, but it also grated at you. Oh well, one step at a time. No need to rush.
Luckily, that more stern tone in your voice provided enough motivation to get Tadatomo to move, snout just a few inches from your knees. You cupped his head and gently pulled him to rest against your lap.
You buried your fingers into his fur, feeling the muscles of neck tense then release once your started scratching his ears.
“Good boy,” Tadatomo made another noise, almost a complaint, but his tail told you what’s going on inside of him. The power of which it pounded really said how happy he was. “Good boy.”
Tadatomo does too much for you, as though your very life was the source of his dignity. He is a good boy indeed
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housamodrabbles · 1 year
Fuxi [1]
Scenario: One must always be careful around Fuxi, lest you have him sink further into his delusions. And yet, there's no point to it at all.
(I. Hate. Depression. I’ve been thinking about this for so long, but now I have the energy to move my fingers! Also, I’m not exactly comfortable with pregnant scenarios anymore, so do keep those to a minimum.)
“You can keep the fan,” you said, nudging Fuxi’s hand, pushing his gift away, “I have no need for any gifts, or trinkets.”
Really, you don’t need anything, nor do you want for anything, especially not with the price that tends to come with Fuxi spoiling you. Though, it’s less having to do with him expecting an equal amount of affection back and more him taking acceptance as a sign that you’re open to him.
You weren’t angry, annoyed certainly, but Fuxi sighed as though you were having a temper tantrum.
“It seems this big brother has failed to find something that you like once again,” Fuxi leaned further into the table, propping his head on his hand. He looked at you, as though he’s trying to pry something out of your head with just his eyes, “is there anything you want me to give you? It wouldn’t do for a brother to leave his sibling bare of any spoils.”
“I’m good,” clear and concise, no room for misunderstandings. A clean cut of distance you’re trying to make without awakening his delusions further. But…
“Hmm, how difficult, but there is charm in that. You’ve always been like that, but I can’t find it in myself to be angry at you at all. After all, it’s an elder brother’s job to answer to all calls for attention.”
…it was another useless endeavor. One way or the other, he’ll spin whatever response, quiet or loud, into something that comforts his needs.
“How disgusting…” there’s no point in being private with your thoughts. If the result was always going to be the same, may as well allow yourself the freedom to say as you please.
The smile that rose and the color that bloomed on his face did not shock you in the least.
“Ah, that honesty! My dear sibling, your trust in me to hear your true thoughts really touches my heart. Now now, tell me what this big brother has done to warrant such an expression. I’ll do my best to fix it, though I can’t promise it will have the best results.”
You sighed and waved him off, “No need. It won’t change how I feel, not as long as you’re keeping me here.”
In this place, this home that Fuxi considers a full heaven now that you’re here, and a golden cage for you.
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housamodrabbles · 1 year
Sanat Kumara [1]
Scenario: His impatience will be the end of his pride one day, but he doesn’t have to worry about such things with your loving and accepting self. Sanat Kumara has always been direct with how he feels. When he craves to ride you, he makes no secret of it.
(Gotta love his big booba. Seriously, those things are huge. Also anything NSFW will be under the After-Hours tag.)
Many know Sanat Kumara to follow a strict code of self discipline, but even with these restrictions upon himself, he never fails to seem loud even when he’s not speaking a word. He could sneak into the shadows if he had to, but if the intention was not there, Sanat Kumara always found himself in this position of a hawk simply existing in a crowd of chicks.
They look, they stare, they fall in line.
He doesn’t want to be this intimidating presence, especially not to you. So Sanat Kumara was trying his hardest to be delicate as he lowered his hips upon yours, grinding and letting his insides seize your fake cock.
“So cute,” you hummed out, skimming your fingers over his kneeling, shaking legs. You plucked at his fundoshi, your eyes thinning as his clothed dick twitched at attention, begging for more than what he’s giving, “You were so impatient, you didn’t even take it off.”
When you caressed a finger over the straining crown, Sanat Kumara couldn’t keep his hips from rutting, giving the toy inside him a new angle. It slid over his prostate and Sanat Kumara jerked and nearly growled. His skin was too heated, the waves of bliss washed over his spine and hips. It was almost too much. Even the light touches of his fundoshi was borderline agony upon his sensitive flesh.
“Come on, Sanat Kumara,” your voice soothed away the fog in his head, “You don’t have to hold back with me. Go on. I know you want to.”
You pushed yourself up, giving his underwear a playful tug before you left it alone. Your hands settled on his hips, thumbs digging into the dips made deeper by his sheer muscle. His focus was so planted on your fingers and arms that he nearly shouted when you bit down on his chest. And without any mercy, you bucked up your hips.
Sanat Kumara bowed over and buried his head in your shoulder as he went slack-jawed and nearly drooled. You licked over the teeth marks.
“You can lose yourself to me. I’ll allow it. Show me this passion you’re so proud of.”
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housamodrabbles · 3 years
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Ok I would like a HC of Toji, Agyou, Shuten, and Hakumen reacting to to meeting A beautiful nine-tailed fox Transient MC-3 because white fox ears and tail means amazing pedigree, has an affinity to train work, and is extremely powerful since he mostly looks human if you don’t count the fox ears and nine flowing white tails behind him
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Oh boy was this buried deep in my asks. I do be loving this image. Look at that grace, and the veil!
Toji, being the old traditional man that he is, would treat you with a large amount of respect, but would also be more distant compared to if you were human. He won’t stop his scolding, but would take on a more refined approached rather than just yelling at you. Because, again, he’s very cautious of the power you hold.
Beautiful and built as you may be, Toji still holds to his beliefs that you shouldn’t be here, even more so when you’re a nine-tailed fox. He knows your species to very tricky to deal with, with motives so elusive he can’t help but fear the worst.
Given time, he will learn to trust you once you prove your motives to be kind. He’s surprised at the simplicity of your motives, to just protect your friends. The respect will still be there, but now that he understands you a little better, he can’t help but find the power you hold both frustrating as it is warm.
Agyou has relatively sharp senses, honed from his training of being the perfect guard dog. While, granted, he isn’t the best guardian he can be, and considering he’s still in search of the person partner for his duties, he knows a nine tailed fox when he can sense one. 
Due to his upbringing in the Land of Wa, nine tailed foxes are incredibly rare as it is, and the white fur is usually a sign of divinity for their kind. So for one to still be on Earth, it makes Agyou more than a little nervous to say the least. Of course, he could reason to himself that you’re simply here because you want to be a part of this game, but it doesn’t dispel the initial nerves he feels.
That being said, winning him over would be pretty easy, especially if your motives really are simple. He doesn’t like the power difference between them, but make no mistake in thinking that he thinks he can’t protect you period. He wants to protect you. He wants to reach his dream as well. Power or no power, Agyou will not falter in his need to keep you safe.
Another one to feel nervous at your presence, but you’ll have to really squint at him to see it. His nervousness is rather subtle compared to someone like Agyou, but it still comes from the same place: what is a white furred nine tailed fox doing here? What do you want? What are your motives.
That’s to say, unlike Agyou who would probably keep his distance initially, Shuten would push past his nerves to give you a normal conversation. He knows what it’s like to have others look at you in fear due to your appearance or other such things, so he’ll converse with you so you don’t feel that same experience.
If your goals are truly simple, that’s when Shuten finds himself in awe of you. Rulers in his world have used their influence to turn others against Shuten. You can easily level this Tokyo asunder if you were so much as irritated, but you don’t. One of the lessons learned by many is that the whims of the divinity change all the time, often for the strangest of reasons, but you’re not like that. And for that, Shuten can’t help but find himself at ease around you.
Hakumen Hakumen Hakumen... She prides herself in being quite beautiful, and often enough, beauty is in the uniqueness of one’s appearance. You’d be hard pressed to find another nine-tailed fox such as herself, but then you appeared and stole the show from her.
Jealousy is the initial feeling she had towards you, especially since you had pure white fur, which she doesn’t have. It sparks up her competitive streak and feels the need to surpass you in many and all things. Oh you have a few lovers? Well, she has a harem! You live in a nice home? She has a nice love nest just for her and her future lover! 
Imagine her frustration when she finds out you don’t care for such things. In fact, everything about you is so weirdly human based that her need to be better than you eventually wears off, simply because she is better than you, in some ways anyway. But then she finds out that you’re her one and only? Truly she has been blessed by the many gods! Oh, please excuse her for her childish behavior, she was simply presenting herself as the best catch there is. That being said, Hakumen could not be happier that someone of such beauty is hers to keep.
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housamodrabbles · 3 years
MC spends time at the park with red Oni
Because we need more of him 🥺
Hohohoho, when he showed up again in that beans event, I couldn't help but coo and just gush over him. Truly, he has a special place in my heart.
Soon as I saw this request, I fucking zoomed to it. And yes, we need more of him.
Anyways, here ya go!
Red Oni[1]
Red Oni isn't the smartest. He can't string together the best of words, and he can't write poems since his fingers are just too big. He tried, really he did, but the pencil kept breaking, and the pen is always so messy.
You said you didn't need any of that. That his presence is enough. You said that just being here is enough.
You're too kind. You have many other friends other than him. He's seen them when you'd call him out for battle. He's seen the way you'd talk to them, able to say and speak so fast he can't understand.
He can understand that you're happy. And that should be enough. You don't need to be around him. You are Master. You only need to use him. He'll protect you with everything that he has.
"Don't be silly." You put a hand on his arm, squeezing it gently. He can barely feel it. "I like being around you. You're important to me."
And you're important to him. He doesn't get it, but everything goes back to normal after he wins, but he knows you can still feel the pain. Let him take all of that pain. Don't get hurt. He needs to hurt for you.
"And I don't want you to get hurt. Do you really want to disobey your master?" No! No he would never.
"Then let me protect you, and then you can protect me. Alright?"
"Okay, Master."
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housamodrabbles · 3 years
(Hello! Glad that the asks are open, I hope you're doing well, and I love the work you've done!)
(It's okay if you don't do this 'cause it may be close to being nsfw.)
What if MC wanted to try something new; lifestyle changes, hobbies, games, etc. until Fenrir comes into mind. They remembered the rope that was binded on him and thought that it was cool. They tried it on without knowing what it meant for others. I wonder what reactions some characters (maybe ones that go crazy for MC (you can pick)) like Ophion and/or Hakumen would have seeing the rope exposed or bulging from their clothes.
Ah, since it's not explicit, I can do this. I guess I should be clear and say that I can't really do the actual act of sex. Anything mentioning the naughty bits, I can't really do. But something like this, where the MC is just wearing rope, isn't really sexual, it's suggestive, which I can entirely do. No need to worry, this ask isn't breaking the rules!
Expect this man to take this entirely the wrong way. Those ropes on you, he thinks this is probably just a new way to entice him, but why would you need to be so discrete about it when you could just ask him to?
With his arrogance being as it is, he doesn't think you're cheating on him. And even if you're having a fling, it doesn't break his confidence in himself in the least. He'd simply think you ran off to another because he was lacking in something, and will make it up by spoiling you 50 times as hard as he usually does.
That being said, once you explain to him that you put on those ropes yourself just cause they were cool, he'd understand. And would be in awe at the purity of your consciousness. Truly, there can be no better spouse for him.
Okay, this lady is entirely jealous, but not in the way you might think. Being the dominatrix that she is, she loves to indulge in all sorts of kink play, if it isn't obvious by now. What she's jealous of is the fact you didn't let her be the one to tie you up.
Of course, eventually the thought would hit her that maybe you have someone else tying you up? That maybe you have found someone that is teaching you all these things? Oh does that rile her up! But she will never go to you and demand you tell her. She'll go about it as a lady does, via putting on her best heels, zipping herself up in her best clothes and putting on her best makeup. Simply put, if there is someone out there, she will crush their confidence by outshining them with her beauty.
Huh? What do you mean you put this on on your own? What do you mean there isn't anyone else? You, you just thought it would look cool? Nothing else to that?
Safe to say, Hakumen feels very embarrassed.
Hmm, out of all the characters here, I'd have to say that Lucifuge would be the one to not think anything of it. Surprisingly enough, back in Gehenna, ropes are usually part of the latest fashion, so he'd be the one to think that you're simply trying on a new outfit, though he is kinda confused since the ropes would be incorporated with the clothes rather than be under them
If someone makes the joke that you could be seeing someone, he'd fly into a fit, though again, not for the reasons you'd think. Lucifuge sees you as a being so high above him that he doesn't see anything wrong with you taking in harem. Who is he to tell you what you can and can't have?
But once the situation is explained, Lucifuge can't help but be relived. After all, there are few that can match the beauty of your light. Oh, and also, here are a few new outfits for you to choose from. If you want to wear ropes, he'll spare his expenses to give you the best ones.
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housamodrabbles · 3 years
OMG it's finally opened!! Ok how about domestic fluff headcanons for Dagon? I'm so happy your back!!!
Alrighty, last headcanon ask before I knock out cause holy shit my sleeping schedule has gone to shit...
I'm glad to be back. I'm doing a new thing where I'll keep the ask open all day before closing it so I can get through what was just sent, cause I get quite a number of asks in only a single day. Already have 4 in here and I suspect more to come. Anyway, to Dagon!
(side note, this is Fluffy Dagon where he doesn't try and drown you into the depths of depravity. If you want to read about that yandere-ish version of Dagon, just shoot me an ask and I'll get to it eventually.)
It's not much of secret how affectionate he is. Early in the morning, say when the sun is barely starting to turn the sky a beautiful red-orange, Dagon's tentacles are circled around you, his hand lazily petting your back. Bonus points if it's cold, though that might be to your detriment since he'll have a harder time letting go if you need to be somewhere.
He's the kind of man to make your favorite drink if you both need to be somewhere early. The both of you may not exchange many words early in the morning, but you don't need to. Just being in each others presence is enough. You live with him, so you'll both share so many words, share many stories as time goes on.
Mutual baths. That's a no-brainer right there. However, don't go into this thinking it'll be something sexy. Well, it's usually not, really depends if you're into it or not. It's more of a precursor to the bedtime activities, but act of simply washing each other, laying in the tub together while talking about each others day, it fills him up with such warm feeling of intimacy.
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housamodrabbles · 3 years
Do you think any of the guilds would be scared or worry if they knew just how powerful the mc sword is? As it was said in chapter 6 that the mc sword was the most powerful artifact in Tokyo plus ahabs character quest shows the MC sword can show memories from the future, so how do you think the outlaws beasttamers berserkers missionaries and tycoons would react to knowing about that?
Ah, well...
For those that are ignorant of how this game runs, many would be terrified of your weapon as it does contain many a power.
However, if the other guilds were to somehow figure out how your weapon works, well, you'd get. I might be wrong about this since I don't have complete knowledge of everything soooo, take what I say with a grain of salt.
Beast tamers: Well, they'd likely try and keep your temper from flaring up. A power like that in reckless hands isn't a good thing at all, and since their whole thing is to make sure nobody goes crazy, this fits right in with their motive. Not only that, but your weapon would provide for some amazing research material, as a weapon with that many rules has to be something facilitated by the very makers of this app.
Berserkers: You can be sure Claude would try and secure your power for the sake of his guild. Not only that, but he will understand that as powerful as you may be, with the way your weapon is structured, you will not win this game. So rather than try to place his bets on you, he'd try and raise his own chances of winning.
Missionaries: hmm, I have to say the reaction would be typical. Pity, they would pity you. Having the power that you do is usually synonymous with responsibility. Overrall, of all the guilds, this is the one that's least likely to interfere with you. If you wish to win, they won't stop you.
Tycoons: Oh boy. This guild is a bit of a polarizing thing. There will be some members that'll want to buy your services, others that'll want to get rid of you, and others that will stop at nothing to own you one way or another. But then there are some that want nothing to do with you, or those that sympathize and want to provide some anonymous help. Of course, in the end, this guild is more than a little greedy.
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housamodrabbles · 3 years
Who are your top 10 daddies in housamo?
Ah, what a question... Now, the top 10 daddies I want to dom the hell out of would have to be.
I cut it cause I talk some sexual things. Nothing explicit, but it be there.
Horkeu Kamui
Tsukuyomi(though he seems more like a greasy uncle to me, still would peg him though)
They're not in any particular order, but those are the ones I gravitate to. You can call them daddies all you want, but soon they'll be the one to call me daddy/mommy.
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housamodrabbles · 3 years
Hi!! I'm the anon who sent the ask about Dagon, I really liked it!! I would like to read about yandere!Dagon, I like yandere stuff I just don't condone it though.
Ah, to warn all those that like to read about my writing, when I write about yanderes, the yanderes don't win, or at least, don't get their object of affection. I like for them to struggle to posses the MC, and I like watching them fail to do so.
(in other words, im a sadist.)
Corruption is his main game, already that isn't a secret to all that know him. However, those that he does corrupt, they have to be willing to. He takes pleasure in watching people get addicted to his love, get addicted to his kiss and touch. And anyone with any amount of sense would know that he doesn't love them, or at least love them in the way they love him. So, what happens when you come along? When someone as bright and shining as you comes into his life, saves him, and goes back to your normal life as though he's simply another friend?
Well, he hunts. It's in his very nature to hunt, to search for the one he wants to corrupt and drown in sin. A sleeping beast that once waited for his prey now has an appetite for one singular thing. It annoying how easygoing you are, how you can easily give him a hug and depart just as quickly, as though you don't notice how his skin heats up and tightens every time.
You are a blind fool. Or maybe, you do see all, but either way, you always manage to dance right out of his grip. He doesn't want to scare you away. He wants you to feel at ease around him, to truly love him rather than break your mind into submission. But nothing he does works. You keep him at bay, you entice him ever closer to you before you walk away. And as time goes on, Dagon will eventually accept that he can't have you. To risk it all would be the end of him. You would end him without any exception.
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housamodrabbles · 3 years
Taira: so watching Steven universe and thought how would a fusion au go in housamo. (Basically everything is the same,just that people can fuse together,) mostly wondering your thoughts on the fusion au of housamo and mostly on how oniwaka, shino and ryota would react to fusing with the mc and as a fusion? If that's ok please. Otherwise hope you have a good day and stay well!!😊😊😊😊😊😊
Ah, can't really say I watch much of Steven Universe, so forgive me if I get anything wrong since I'm basically going off of what I have stumbled upon in tumblr and other such places.
Very easy to convince to fuse with you since he has already learned to deal with the majority of his internal turmoil. Though, I have to say that it'll take a while before the fusing is stable enough to not fall apart a few minutes in. Loyal as he may be, he has a tendency of ignoring his emotional problems in order to project an image of this strong protector to you.
I'd have to say the best time to fuse with him is after he has done his usual training regime. Well, after a shower since he will usually be sweaty by that time.
As one, you'd be tall, and less stubborn as Oniwaka usually is. Socializing is easier than usual and saying what you honestly think is something you can expect. Though, expect to be extra competitive when Kengo comes around. Might try and beat his ass into the ground actually just cause it'll be fun. Kengo will spring up though. He's just like that.
Oh boy, trying to convince this man to fuse with you is going to be something hard alright? There are many thoughts he would like to keep private, but also the fact that he doesn't believe he has the right to fuse with you period. Of course, eventually he'll have to give in. He is loyal to a fault after all. Please be gentle with him, even though he says you don't have to be.
I'd say the best time to fuse with him would be when you're both waking up early in the morning. That's when he's at his most emotionally vulnerable, when shame and guilt hasn't had the time to wake up yet.
As a fused entity, there's a feral quality to you when you're in battle. Grinning like a mad man, but highly unlikely to insult the enemy much like Shino does on the daily. There will also be a difference in teaching methods. More breaks are expected, though you're still not tolerant of those that slack off. Meaning, your patience has grown, but your hits aren't any softer. If anything, they have more impact now that you have accuracy on your side.
Another person that's emotionally constipated! Again, incredibly easy to convince to fuse with you, though unlike Oniwaka, it's likely to be stable pretty quickly since Ryota does want someone to connect with on an emotional level, where as Oniwaka would rather keep that shit buried deep down.
Best time is obviously when you're snacking together. Or helping him cook since he's still not the best at it. It's best to fuse with him when he's at his happiest.
Snack happy is the way I'd describe the entity that you both make. Eager to try new things, though I have to say that you're likely to try and find ways to sneak away from your guild leader duties, to which Shiro would come in and drag you back in and away from your snacks as punishment. You can't help it though. It's fun tasting new things when your tastebuds are combined.
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housamodrabbles · 5 years
(Whoops sorry! I deleted an ask sent to me, but it’s about how Oniwaka, Ophion, Zabaniyya, and Typhon would react as being fathers!)
He'd approach the thought of being a father with a lot of caution. He's not exactly the best man and is extremely afraid that his kids will end up being like him. But he's also afraid that he'll be the worst possible father.
When the kids are finally born, expect this man to cry, all the while denying that he's crying at all. It's actually pretty hard to take the newborns away from him. He just wants to hold them for as long as he's allowed to.
Not as much of a firecracker as he used to be in terms of temperament, but I imagine the kids would be full of energy and rebellion. They had to inherit something. Though, this also means they have inherit your tendency of getting into risky situations, which is not good for both your hearts.
He made kids with you before, he is all for making more again! This dragon is the type to want a lot of kids, and he wouldn't hesitate to be proud of each and everyone of them. His heart screams for a large family.
He has the overwhelming confidence that he'll be the perfect father, which is not unwarranted considering who he is, but still there will be times where you'll have to remind him that his children will either not be as skilled as him, or will be greater than him. He will set his expectations pretty high, so give him a good kick to bring him down his high horse.
His kids will definitely be spoiled rotten, which is mostly Ophion's fault since he is very much wealthy. The happiness exuding off of his palpable and you'll see him lifting his children in the air, flying with them when he can to show them the world from above. Arrogant as he is, he knows how delicate children are.
Hmm...Considering how much time he spent devoting himself to the church, Zabaniyya has little to no clue as to how to be a proper father. His face will be full of uncertainty, but have no fear, he'll be studying to see what makes a perfect father for the sake of his children.
Sleepless nights abound. His paranoia about his own ability and the fragility of children will keep him up. Eventually, as time goes on, he will be able to sleep right again, but until then, enjoy Zabaniyya as he takes naps at the same time as the kids do.
I'd like to think that Zabaniyya would be singing some of the hymns he's so used to hearing while slowly getting the children to sleep. The kids would likely be pretty well behaved, and are always full of questions that can sometimes be insensitive only due to ignorance. They'll be good kids, no matter Zabaniyya's history as a torturer.
When you follow tropes, you kinda expect that someone flirtatious like Typhon would boot it as soon as kids are involved, however that's not that case with Typhon at all. Pretty sure that he had this as one of his dreams, to start a family with someone that he really loves. He'd be all for kids, biological or adopted.
Definitely the fun dad, to the point where you have to be the tough parent cause he'll let the kids get away with a lot of things cause he gets charmed way too easily. You'll need to gently remind him not to always let the kids get their way. He'll have a hard time doing that, but he'll do his best.
Once again, the kids would be spoiled, though for a different reason since he's not one to scold. Though, that doesn't mean he's lax when it comes to his kids problems. When something's wrong, he'll do his best to see what's up. He doesn't want any of them to suffer silently.
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housamodrabbles · 5 years
Can you do a HC of the MC making flower crowns and giving them to Krampus and Hephaestus?
This shit be fucking cute!
He actually tries to reject it at first. It has nothing to do with hurt pride or just a rejection to anything flowery or delicate, but has everything to do with his confidence. Krampus feel he doesn't deserve a gift from you, that your presence is all he needs and to ask or receive anything from you is just being selfish.
With a bit of insisting, he will accept the gift, and wear it even since it makes you so happy to give him something. He can feel his heart trembling with warmth and nerves. You're just too sweet. He has to return a favor.
His flower crowns are rather simple, since he's just too big to be able to make anything complicated, but there will be many since he feels none of them are right for you. Be a dear and wear a different flower crown he's made each day. He'll be embarrassed, but it'll make him happy.
Oooof, the poor man. He'd immediately be flustered when you start making a flower crown for him. He won't reject it since you made it, in fact he'd be glowing, both in happiness and because he's just so flustered at the thought of you spoiling him.
He will scowl at Talos if you make a flower crown for him as well. The man gets jealous pretty easily, but he knows he's in no position to monopolize all of your attention onto himself. Still doesn't stop him from pouting though.
His hands are actually pretty used to delicate work, with the best example being Talos, so making flower crowns for you would be pretty easy, the challenge would be what crown would be most worthy of you. So he'll have a lot of failed prototypes before getting the perfect one, if he ever reaches it at all. Either way, the moment you wear his flower crown proudly is the day his brain stops functioning. He'd be so happy.
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housamodrabbles · 5 years
I'd like to request HCs about Protagonist #5 getting dragged into sport clubs try-outs by their representative transients: Moritaka (kendo), Ashigara (sumo), Wakan Tanka (american football)
Wakan Tanka is a bit of a mystery for me so forgive me if I got something wrong about him.
Moritaka (Kendo):
It's around the time where people are trying to gain new recuits, and Moritaka is pretty gungho about dragging in new recuits, which included you since you are pretty close to him in his friend circle.
He's a gentle instrcutor that knows of your humanly limits, so while you try out simple exercises, Moritaka pushes himself quite a bit for the sake of impressing you.
Like all sports, it's exercises are expected to be repeatative, but there's something thrilling about sparring with Moritaka that keeps you from leaving.
Ashigara (Sumo):
Oooooh this man. Ashigara, while dragging you to the sumo club, would end up trying out too many things with you since he takes sumo more seriously than other things. Though there's a high likelyhood that he'll end up distacted by 7 different things.
Of course, he'll slow down once he remembers that you're a possible recuit, so he can't afford to scare you off with too many things at once. So he'll give off deminstartions instead. Using himself of course.
If you do decide to stay, his performance will get a bit better. Having someone close to him cheer him on and also be in the same sport as him, it leaves him with a very nice feeling.
Wakan Tanka (American Football):
The gentle man is not as excitable as the other two above, but is still all smiles as he introduces the sport to you. More than likely would have a small practice match to show you what's to be expected. Though...
As soon as this practice starts Wakan Tanka just sort of switches and turns his horns towards the game. It will be an intense game indeed. Luckily he didn't get you invovled since he's really not the type to hold back during a game, even if it isn't a serious one.
This has been known to scare away new recuits, so the fact you stayed had him. He will hug you to his sweaty self anytime you did something simple, like give a good throw. This man sweats a lot, so be prepared to jog out of there in case you hate the smell of BO.
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housamodrabbles · 5 years
So just curious but who your favorite dad for the MC? As in surtr, tangaroa or Mr mononbe ?( For it probably be snake dad) and if,s ok: may I ask for HC's on a father/son/daughter between the dad's and the MC? Maybe just the mc calling them dad and them reacting to it? If it's ok.
Hmmm, my favorite dad would definitely be Surtr in terms of cooking, baking, you know all the domestic things? Love it, but in term of eye candy I’d definitely say I prefer Tangaroa. Tattoos man, I love them, not only that but I’m not the biggest fan of chest hair. (With the events that have been coming out, I suppose Dagon would be considered a dad, wouldn’t he?)
Color him surprised, he certainty wasn’t expecting you to ever call him Dad, even though it was most likely by complete accident. Still, expect his flames to be burning brighter than ever. While you may not be able to see his face, it’s obvious to anyone that he’s smiling very brightly. Eyes are still pretty expressive after all.
If he wasn’t dotting before, prepare for it to be turned up to an eleven. Little treats, reminders to eat, full hugs, the whole package. He might get a bit overbearing, but it can’t be helped. He just doesn’t know when to stop expressing his love.
Precious old man. Would probably make too many meals and get too many clothes.
He was already calling you his child before, as does mainly out of habit, but the fact you called him Dad leaves him glowing all day. It sparks the hundreds of years of memories he has inside himself, so he can’t help but feel pretty fuzzy.
Afterwards, expect him to be telling you some stories based on those memories and what the other Tangaroa’s did. He feels the need to share, and would likely attempt to get you know a little more about his culture if you showed interest in it. A father has to share some pieces of himself after all.
Would likely show you the ways in snake care. Hell, you’d even get to touch the ones that make up his tattoos. 
To call him dad would shock him at first, but for the sake of not embarrassing you, he wouldn’t point it out until you keep doing it. By then he’d be more relaxed and would jokingly call you his, “Precious kid.” It eventually sticks and is not at all afraid to show off his happiness.
He’d attempt to spend a bit more time with you since he tends to busy himself with his work. So, every time he manages to get some vacation days—rightly deserved he works way too much for his own good—he’ll take you to as many places as legally allowed.
He’ll probably try and make something for you to eat, even though his diet consist of coffee and whatever food he can get fast enough. If pestered enough, he’ll start taking the time to make something for himself, though forgive him if he makes a few mistakes, it’s been a while.
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